Cosmetic jojoba oil properties and uses. Useful properties and uses of jojoba oil. Jojoba essential oil for body skin

Jojoba oil is actually not an oil, but a special liquid wax (according to other sources, ether). This substance is obtained from the seeds of a South American shrub with the exotic name "Chinese Simmondsia" (yes, the mismatch between the homeland of the plant and its name is another strange discrepancy, which, however, does not detract from its beneficial properties).

Jojoba oil is practically odorless, and the consistency changes depending on the temperature: in heat it is a thick viscous liquid; when cooled, a wax-like substance.

In aromatherapy, jojoba oil is classified as a base oil. This means that it can be used both in pure form and as a base for mixing more active oils - for example, essential oils or wheat germ. As an ingredient, it is actively used in the manufacture of moisturizing creams for the skin and hair products.

Jojoba oil is obtained from the seeds of the Simmondsia sinensis shrub © iStock

Beneficial features

The American Indians knew about the benefits of jojoba oil for the skin. They used it to treat wounds and burns. There is nothing surprising in the healing abilities of this product, given the proximity of its composition to the substances that synthesize the sebaceous glands of our skin.

The healing properties of jojoba oil are associated with a high concentration of amino acids - 33%, which in composition resemble collagen and promote skin healing and increase its elasticity.

    Rich in fatty acids, jojoba oil is often found in nourishing creams. Thanks to this oil, the consistency of the products is light and non-greasy. Creams are quickly absorbed, saturating the skin with lipids. Another area of ​​application is nourishing lip balms.


    One of the most popular makeup removers hydrophilic oil. It is applied with the palms of the hands to dry skin of the face and distributed with light massaging movements to dissolve impurities and decorative cosmetics. Then they wash, and upon contact with water, the oil turns into an emulsion. A couple of minutes - and even the most persistent makeup does not leave a trace. These products often include jojoba oil.


    No, jojoba oil is not a source of life-giving moisture. But it is able to form a moisture-retaining barrier on the surface of the skin and prevent the evaporation of water molecules. This property of jojoba oil is used in formulas moisturizing cosmetics.

Jojoba oil has long been stored in dark-walled jars © iStock

Effects on the skin

Thanks to its unique composition, jojoba oil has a beneficial effect on different skin types.

Dry skin

Since jojoba oil perfectly retains moisture on the surface of the skin, it is actively used in moisturizing and nourishing formulas.

Oily skin

For cosmetics oily skin Jojoba oil has been added relatively recently, as it was previously believed that it could clog pores. But the truth is, it's non-comedogenic. Moreover, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Age skin

The oil has good antioxidant activity, therefore it is widely used in anti-aging products and in cosmetics to prevent premature signs of aging due to its amino acids.

Application of jojoba oil

The use of jojoba oil in the beauty industry is not limited to its inclusion in facial skin care formulas. It has an incredibly wide range of applications.

Decorative cosmetics

Due to its nutritional properties, this oil is included in lipsticks, balms, lip glosses, cream blushes.

In aromatherapy, jojoba oil is used as a base oil © iStock

Body skin products

In various Internet sources, you can find information that jojoba oil contains collagen. In fact, this is not so, more precisely, not quite so: it is not collagen, but a complex of amino acids similar in structure to it. That is why jojoba oil is often included in the formulas of body products, such as:

    funds for the decollete zone;

    means against cellulitis;

    modeling creams.

Jojoba oil can be used not only in cosmetics, but also in its pure form - to eliminate skin flaking, for example, on the elbows and heels.

Hair products

Jojoba oil is often found among the components of hair care products, mainly dry and brittle. As part of conditioners, masks, leave-in sprays and hair creams, it helps to make strands smooth and shiny, prevent "fluffiness" in wet weather.

Cuticle products

Cuticle care is essential every day. Ideally, cuticle oil or cream should be applied after every hand wash to keep fingers looking well-groomed and free of burrs. By the way, jojoba oil in the list of ingredients for nail care is in third or fourth place.


Massage with fragrant oils helps to calm the nerves and tone the body. In the preparation of aromatherapy compositions and massage products, jojoba oil is used as a base oil.

Overview of funds

    Face oil "Luxury nutrition", L "Oréal Paris

    Jojoba oil works here in the company of eight essential oils, including lavender, rose and chamomile oils. A few drops of the product are enough to apply both on the skin of the face and on the skin of the neck. The light texture allows the product to be instantly absorbed to deliver a powerful anti-oxidant hit. The result is radiance and smoothness of the skin.
    where to find?

    Face cream "Magic Cream-Sleep" against signs of fatigue, Garnier

    While you sleep, the cream, which resembles a mask in consistency, is engaged in the restoration of damaged skin cells. In the morning you will notice that the skin is more dense and radiant.
    where to find?

    Cream care to protect very dry skin Nutrilogie 2, Vichy

    The two main tasks of the formula are to properly moisturize the skin and help it synthesize its own lipids. Immediately after applying the cream, the owners of dry and flaky skin will feel that the feeling of tightness has disappeared. And over time, a cumulative effect will also appear - the skin will become more elastic.
    where to find?

Jojoba oil is known or at least heard of by most consumers of cosmetics and, of course, all professionals: cosmetologists, manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products. An excellent complex of emollient and moisturizing properties, amazing oxidation resistance and temperature stability make it one of the best lipid materials in modern cosmetics. But not everyone knows that from the point of view of chemistry, this is not oil, but liquid wax! (In the future, we still retain the established term jojoba oil, taking into account the noted difference). Almost 100% it consists of a mixture of long-chain wax esters. And the unique place of jojoba oil among cosmetic products plant origin due to precisely this feature of its chemical structure and is associated with the difference in the functions that fats (oils) and waxes perform in nature.

True fats and oils are esters of trihydric alcohol glycerol and fatty acids - triglycerides. If such esters are formed mainly by saturated carboxylic acids, then at a temperature (20-25 C) they remain solid or semi-solid and are called fats. With an increase in the content of unsaturated acids, the melting point decreases. Liquid triglycerides formed mainly by unsaturated acids are called oils.

The chemical structure of triglycerides provides them with a sufficiently high chemical activity, they are easily hydrolyzed and oxidized in metabolic processes and serve plants and animals mainly as an energy source.

Waxes, on the other hand, are esters of monohydric alcohols and higher carboxylic acids, they serve mainly to control moisture, to soften and protect the outer integument and are present mainly in the surface layers of the skin of humans and animals or in the aerial parts of plants, where they form a wax plaque, sometimes visible to the naked eye. Unlike fats and oils, waxes have a high resistance to hydrolysis and oxidation, high temperature stability, while at the same time retaining many of the same physical and chemical properties as fats, allowing them to be classified as lipids. Note that all lipids are soluble in non-polar organic solvents and insoluble in water, and their behavior differs from other important groups of biological molecules such as hydrocarbons, proteins and nucleic acids. Jojoba oil contains a very small amount of triglycerides and contains virtually no hydrocarbons in the form of mineral oils.

The wax of the jojoba tree (Simmondsia chinensis) has two features that distinguish it from other vegetable waxes and bring it closer to triglyceride oils: first, it remains liquid at room temperature, which facilitates its practical use for cosmetic purposes, and second, it is present in a significant amount (up to 50%) is contained in the kernels of the fruits of the jojoba tree, and not only in the outer integument, as in other plants. The latter circumstance opens up wide opportunities for the commercial production of jojoba oil on an industrial scale, using a well-developed technology for obtaining liquid triglyceride oils by cold pressing seeds.

However, natural jojoba oil is not a triglyceride fat or oil - neither molecularly nor functionally.

Actually, the differences in molecular structure between long-chain liquid esters and triglycerides determine the functional differences between jojoba oil and triglyceride fats and oils.

Stereochemically occurring in nature fatty acid containing double bonds have the vast majority of the CIS configuration. Unlike Trans isomers, CIS isomers have relatively low intermolecular interaction forces. And although they tend to increase with increasing molecular chain length, they are not enough to form a dense connection characteristic of the solid state of a substance. But on the other hand, they do not prevent the oxidation of double bonds between carbon atoms and the hydrolysis of the ester compound of triglycerides, which is consistent with the functional purpose of fats as effective energy sources in the body.

Jojoba oil is a blend of long chain straight chain liquid wax esters, 98% of which are CIS monounsaturated omega-9 linear fatty acids and omega-9 monounsaturated linear fatty alcohols. The main fatty alcohols and fatty acids of jojoba oil are C-20 and C-22 long and have a very simple and symmetrical molecular configuration (Fig. 1).

This symmetry explains, apparently, the high thermodynamic stability of molecules and the exceptional stability of jojoba oil. On the other hand, the CIS-configuration of the double bond in the molecules of essential waxes causes very strong emollient properties of jojoba oil.

Jojba essential waxes are amazing in their cosmetic versatility and are very similar to the waxes that make up 25-30% of sebum sebum.

The quality of jojoba oil is characterized by the same set of physical and chemical parameters as the quality of triglyceride oils and other cosmetic preparations. These same indicators determine the marketing properties of jojoba oil, and in this respect it does not differ from other cosmetic ingredients.

It should be noted that the quality of the oil is largely determined by the quality of the processed seeds, and in last years advanced methods have been developed for harvesting, processing and storing seeds to ensure they are in optimal condition, guaranteeing the highest quality of the final product and its stability from batch to batch, year to year. The experience gained by jojoba oil producers over the past 15-20 years confirms this.

The following are some of the average characteristics of jojoba oil that determine its quality.

One of the most significant functional characteristics of any non-polar behavior cosmetic material is its resistance to oxidation. This characteristic is especially important when it comes to natural products.

For thousands of years, ointments, balms and many other cosmetic products have been single-phase lipid systems - triglyceride fats and oils, which were extracted from plants and animals. The most commonly used oils were olive, sunflower, soybean and sesame. These vegetable oils like and animal fats, had one undesirable characteristic, namely that they rancid very quickly as a result of oxidation. They were replaced in the 19th and 20th centuries by highly stable synthetic and mineral products.

However, today's cosmetics market insists on expanding the use of natural plant ingredients and ensuring their resistance to oxidation, and, on the other hand, insists on the functionality that corresponds to the high technologies of the 21st century cosmetics. To meet the requirements of today's market, manufacturers began to look for an updated vegetable lipid replacement for mineral oils, gasoline and paraffin waxes.

Jojoba oil is one such modern product. It has excellent oxidation stability, several times better than triglyceride oils.

Figure 2 shows the results of comparative measurements of the resistance to oxidation of jojoba oil and some triglyceride oils, carried out by the active oxygen method 1).

The main factors that determine the resistance to oxidation of natural lipid materials are the molecular configuration and the presence of antioxidants.

Jojoba oil, like triglyceride vegetable fats and oils, contains tocopherols, which are known to bind and neutralize free radicals, slowing down the autocatalytic processes of peroxidation. However, the level of oxidation stability characteristic of jojoba oil is higher than could be would be expected from its tocopherol content, which is 50 ppm. The discrepancy is apparently due to the extreme thermodynamic stability of the simple and highly symmetrical molecular configuration of jojoba wax esters.

Another feature of jojoba oil is its extreme stability at elevated temperatures. If heated to 370 C for 96 hours, there will be no irreversible change in overall composition and carbon chain length.,

High resistance to temperatures and oxidation opens up great opportunities for chemists, technologists and cosmetics manufacturers in the choice of technological modes and in the creation of qualitatively new and stable cosmetic products.
Of particular interest is the ability of jojoba oil to stabilize oxidatively unstable, biologically active ingredients when used together in cosmetic compositions, in particular, oils with a high content of linoleic and linolenic acids 2).
At the same time, jojoba oil slows down not only the processes of autocatalytic oxidation of the components of cosmetic compositions. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, jojoba oil also slows down the processes of peroxidation of skin lipids, preventing premature aging and reducing the risk of skin cancer.

This opens up completely new possibilities in the development of new formulations, allowing you to increase the shelf life of cosmetic products and / or reduce their antioxidant content. It is known that the effectiveness of antioxidants is proportional to their percentage in products only up to a certain limit, and then sharply decreases. In addition, some antioxidants can provoke allergic reactions.

Jojoba oil is an all-natural safe product, which is very important for chemists and cosmetics manufacturers who need proven and safe ingredients that do not create problems.

The results of serious comprehensive scientific studies and numerous tests of jojoba oil for toxicity and mutagenicity, for irritating and allergic effects on the skin, for comedogenicity, for increasing skin photosensitivity 1,3) - confirm the safety of jojoba oil as a cosmetic ingredient in a concentration of 0.1% to 25% .Found 4) that jojoba oil does not support the growth of microorganisms, including pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Candida albicans fungus.

Strong evidence of the safety of jojoba oil is its extensive use over the past 15-20 years in a wide variety of cosmetic products by millions of consumers around the world, as well as the widespread use of 100% pure jojoba oil for skin and hair care without any adverse effects.

Due to the high resistance of jojoba oil to oxidation and thermal effects, its ability to stabilize biologically active ingredients, inhibit the growth of microbes, the introduction of jojoba oil into formulations can reduce the content of antioxidants, preservatives and stabilizers in cosmetic products, thereby increasing their safety while maintaining stability and effectiveness.

The important role of waxes in cosmetic applications, and in particular jojoba wax, is due to the fact that waxes in nature and cosmetics in human life perform largely similar functions - protection of external integuments from adverse factors external environment.

It was noted above that approximately 25% of sebum is wax esters, similar in composition to jojoba oil. Due to this, it is quickly absorbed, easily penetrating the skin barrier along with the biologically active ingredients dissolved in it.

Mixing with sebum ingredients on the surface of the skin, jojoba oil forms a gas-permeable protective layer.

Unlike greasy bridging materials such as mineral oils and some lanolin products, jojoba oil provides a completely non-sticky and non-greasy dry softening. At the same time, jojoba oil significantly reduces transepidermal water loss without delaying the evaporation of gases and water vapor.

Jojoba oil. serves as an excellent moisturizing agent with exceptional spreadability and leaves a pleasant velvety and non-oily feel on the skin while delaying water loss and increasing skin flexibility and firmness.
Special studies 8) have convincingly confirmed that jojoba oil penetrates the skin very quickly and stimulates softening from the inside. Pharmacodynamic studies of lipid permeability have shown that there are 6 general factors affecting the degree of penetration into the stratum corneum:

    Viscosity: Low viscosity oils have a greater degree of penetration than high viscosity oils. Jojoba oil has a low viscosity.

    Degree of Unsaturation: Unsaturated oils show more high level penetration.

    Soap number: The lower it is, the higher the penetration rate. Jojoba oil has a low soap number.

    Carbon chain length: The shorter the chain, the higher the penetration rate.

    Molecular Configuration: Straight chains and branched esters penetrate better than triglyceride oils.

Jojoba oil is composed of monounsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty alcohols. It has a relatively low soap number and contains little or no lecithin.

Penetration into the skin occurs mainly through the pores and hair follicles. Due to the high penetration rate, jojoba oil does not clog pores and follicles, they remain open and maintain their inherent functions. Moisture control experiments have shown that jojoba oil effectively reduces fine lines by 26%, 28%, and 11% after 1, 4, and 8 hours (Figure 3) respectively 5).

Thus, jojoba oil very effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, forming a protective semi-permeable lipid layer on its surface and, on the other hand, by penetrating into the intracellular space of the stratum corneum and softening this tissue from the inside.

The introduction of jojoba oil into the oil phase of skin care formulations is constantly expanding. It has a hydrophilic-lipophilic balance number of about 6 and is compatible with almost all anionic, ationic, amphoteric and non-ionic cosmetic ingredients. By the combination of its characteristics, jojoba oil is not only able to replace mineral oils, triglycerides, lanolin, squalene and synthetic esters in the formulations of most cosmetics, but also provide a higher level of their functionality.

The above set wonderful properties and the unique characteristics of jojoba oil determines its wide and constantly expanding use in a wide variety of cosmetic products for face and body skin care - moisturizing and protective creams and gels; moisturizing and cleansing balms and lotions; creams for skin care around the eyes; hand creams; shaving lotions; oils and creams after shaving; massage oils and foot care products.

The use of jojoba oil in baby care cosmetics is popular - it is quickly absorbed, does not clog delicate baby skin, perfectly protects and moisturizes it.

Especially promising is the use of jojoba oil in formulas for tanning and after-sun products, sunscreens and lotions, and lip balms. The specificity of these cosmetics is such that they are in temperature conditions that are far from ideal for a considerable time, and are used on skin exposed to intense solar radiation. And in these products, jojoba oil is simply irreplaceable with its high resistance to oxidation and temperature effects, its ability to increase the resistance to oxidation of other ingredients and reduce the negative effects of free radicals on skin lipids.

Jojoba oil is an extremely functional ingredient in hair and scalp care recipes. Many scalp problems are caused by hardened sebum buildup that clogs hair follicles and can lead to some types of flaking. If these hardened formations are not removed, this can subsequently lead to difficulty in the normal functioning of the hair follicles, to their death and hair loss. Jojoba oil quickly penetrates the skin and hair and effectively loosens and dissolves these hard layers. The scalp is cleansed, hair follicles are released, normalizing their functions.

Jojoba oil is also an excellent dissolving agent that effectively removes tacky buildup from modern hair care products, leaving hair clean and soft. Jojoba oil allows you to achieve an incomparable keratoplastic effect, which makes the hair shiny and restores its natural shades and splendor. Jojoba oil can be used safely in most hair products within a concentration range of 0.5 to 3%.

One of the main functions of lipids in hair is hydration, which improves the texture and manageability of the hair. A guarantee of obedience, softness and shine of hair is the constant maintenance of their level of moisture. This is exactly what is achieved with jojoba oil: brittle and dull hair, jojoba oil conditions, improves their condition and protects from adverse effects.

Since jojoba oil is still a liquid wax, the use of the oil itself and its derivatives, both liquid and solid, in decorative cosmetics as an alternative and addition to waxes of mineral and animal origin has wide prospects.

Currently, there is an obvious growing use of jojoba oil in cosmetics, which meets modern requirements for natural and effective ingredients. The safety of jojoba oil has been verified by many specific tests and has been confirmed by extensive use in a wide variety of cosmetic products. Multi-functional jojoba oil offers a global solution to many of the cosmetic chemistry challenges that the demands of today's cosmetics market pose to technologists, formulators, and cosmetics manufacturers.


    Purcell H., Natural Jojoba Versus Dryness and Free Radicals, Cosmetics and Toiletries Manufacture Worldwide, Aston Publishing Group, Herdfordshire, U.K., 1993

    U.S. Patent No. 4,393,043, Koulbanis et al, Lancome Laboratories, 1983

    Tagushi,M., andT.Kumimoto, Toxicity Studies on Jojoba Oil for Cosmetic Uses, Cosmr\etics and Toiletries, Vol.92 (1977)

    Pack, E., Project6822, Institute for Applied Pharmaceutical Research, Ltd., Merion, PA 19066man

    McClatchey.K.D.,W.J. Ferrell, and C.L. Pierson, Percutaneous Absorption of Jojoba Oil,Priceedings from the Fourth Internatinal Conference on Jojoba and its Uses, Sonora,Mexico,1980

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Facial skin is regularly tested by external factors. The weather conditions, the daily use of decorative cosmetics, the wrong choice of cosmetics, and the frequent change of emotions contribute to the deterioration of her condition. All this and much more leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness or, conversely, excessive oiliness, inflammation on the skin of the face. Testing various means of the cosmetology industry to solve such problems costs a lot of money, time and not always successful experiments. While the true secret of the beauty and health of facial skin lies in nature itself.

Jojoba oil will help to cope with various cosmetic problems. Description, composition, useful properties of natural "beauty elixir" you will find in this article.

jojoba plant

The plant from which jojoba oil is made by cold pressing is called Chinese simmondsia, although it has nothing to do with this Asian country. The bush grows in America in a wild form. Cultivated in Mexico, Egypt.

Back in the 18th century, local residents added jojoba oil to food, treated wounds, stomach pains, insect bites, poisoning, and anesthetized childbirth. The Indians made from it a means to strengthen the hair.

Travelers brought recipes for medicines and cosmetics to Europe. After that, well-known manufacturers of cosmetic products began to add jojoba oil to their products. V traditional medicine such a tool has also become popular, thanks to the healing composition. V Lately jojoba oil is often used for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews speak of the high efficiency of such a tool.

Unique composition

In composition and structure, jojoba oil is similar to whale spermaceti, a waxy substance found in the head of some. It was widely used as a base for cream and other cosmetics. But after the whaling ban came into effect, cosmetics manufacturers began to actively look for an alternative to spermaceti and found it in the form of jojoba oil.

Today, many cosmetics use this natural substance, as the oil has a unique healing composition. So, it contains fatty acids, esters, amino acids, protein (reminiscent of collagen), vitamins, including vitamin E that promotes regenerative processes. All of the above substances have a beneficial effect on processes. In addition, the oil is easily absorbed, penetrates into the lower layers of the skin, does not form oily film on the surface. That is why it is considered that best oil from wrinkles around the eyes - precisely obtained from the seeds of the simmondsia bush.

Beneficial features

Due to its unique composition, the oil can work wonders and cope with a variety of skin problems of the face. So, the regular use of products with the addition of a natural component contributes to:

  • softening and moisturizing the skin;
  • elimination of peeling and inflamed areas;
  • reduction of acne and acne;
  • removal of symptoms of various dermatological diseases - psoriasis, dermatosis, eczema;
  • tightening the oval of the face;
  • protection from ultraviolet rays, as well as other external factors unfavorable for the skin - frost, wind, low-quality cosmetics.

Regular use of jojoba oil for the face improves skin tone and removes pigmentation.

Indications for use

Given the properties of jojoba oil, it is used in the following cases:

  • with dry skin;
  • excessive oiliness, acne;
  • decrease in turgor;
  • apply jojoba oil from wrinkles around the eyes;
  • during treatment;
  • after removing excess facial hair to prevent the occurrence of irritation and inflammation;
  • to protect against external irritating factors;
  • for skin rejuvenation and hydration, reduction of mimic wrinkles.

Advantages of the tool

In addition to the fact that jojoba oil contains many useful substances, it also has other advantages:

  1. The oil made from the fruit of the Simmondsia bush is hypoallergenic. The likelihood of any allergic reactions after using a cosmetic product containing jojoba oil is minimized. Such a tool is often the basis of cosmetics for newborns. Although cosmetologists still do not recommend using it in its pure form on a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  2. Easily absorbed, penetrating into the lower layers of the skin. Thus, useful substances nourish the various layers, enhancing the positive effect of using such a tool.
  3. The oil is resistant to oxidation, as it is more of a wax or fat at its core. Therefore, it does not deteriorate for a long time. When oil is added to cosmetics, the shelf life of the latter is significantly increased.
  4. Has no contraindications. As mentioned above, it is often used in baby creams and shampoos. In addition, cosmetic jojoba oil is also used in cosmetics for pregnant and lactating mothers. Consumer reviews confirm the high level of safety of such a natural remedy.

How to use it for face?

In cosmetology, jojoba oil is widely used as an additive to creams and other face care products. Just add a few drops of oil to your favorite cosmetics and get the maximum effect. So, for 10 g of cream you will need 15 ml of oil.

In case of inflammation or peeling on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the face, undiluted jojoba oil can be applied directly to the damaged area with a sponge or cotton swab.

Is jojoba oil effective for facial wrinkles? Most of the reviews speak of the high performance of such daily care: in jojoba oil, previously melted in a water bath, in a ratio of 1: 1 with almond, olive or peach, mix 2 drops of chamomile, sandalwood. This bouquet of esters can be used as a daily lotion or facial application.

But most often, jojoba oil is used in the manufacture of homemade masks, compresses and face lotions. The recipes for such cosmetics can be found below.

In order to solve a particular skin problem with jojoba oil, you need to enrich this main ingredient with other essential oils or nutritious vitamin products. We offer several recipes, reviews of which are in most cases positive. The only contraindication to such care products is the individual intolerance of the ingredients included in the composition.

Toning mask with cucumber, avocado and jojoba oil

To prepare a refreshing mask, you need to thoroughly mix a teaspoon of oil, chopped cucumber and avocado pulp in a bowl. Apply like any other cosmetic mask. This procedure perfectly moisturizes the skin, enriches it with vitamins, narrows pores and removes excess fat, refreshes the face.

Wrinkle mask

To reduce deep wrinkles on the forehead, a sour cream mask is suitable, cosmetic clay and jojoba oils. To make it, you need to mix a third of a glass of sour cream, a tablespoon of clay and a teaspoon of oil. Keep on face until dry.

Milk mask for oily skin

In two large spoons of warm milk, add 15 ml of jojoba oil. You need to enrich the mixture by adding 2 drops of clove, tea tree or geranium oil. Pre-cut a face mask from gauze with holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Moisten the prepared tissue base and apply on the face. This tool will help relieve inflammation, cleanse and narrow pores, reduce oily skin.

In the same way, jojoba oil is used for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews of the milk compress are simply enthusiastic: the number of fine wrinkles decreases, circles and bags under the eyes disappear. It is necessary to dip the sponges into the milk mixture and put on the eyelids. No need to rinse. Just blot the rest of the product with a tissue.

Lifting mask

A honey mask with jojoba oil will noticeably increase skin elasticity, tighten the oval of the face, reduce wrinkles, pigmentation, and improve complexion. To make it, you need to melt a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of oil. Then mix 1 beaten chicken yolk and a large spoonful of lemon juice into the cooled mass.

Jojoba oil for daily care

There are a variety of recipes for jojoba oil masks for the skin around the eyes. Some are used for daily care, others have a pronounced intense effect, so they should be used no more than once a week. Such products help to cope with mimic wrinkles, improve the condition of sensitive thin skin in this area of ​​the face, eliminate puffiness, swelling and eye fatigue.

For daily skin care around the eyes, jojoba oil is used, diluted 1: 2 with any stone fruit, almond, grape, apricot. Moisten the tip of the ring finger with the mixture and apply it around the eyes with driving movements.

Such a tool is an effective prevention of the appearance of facial wrinkles and crow's feet, as well as dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Intensive care for the skin around the eyes

Jojoba oil is successfully used for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews of industrial cosmetics, as well as homemade masks and applications containing a natural component, indicate that the oil effectively copes with fine wrinkles, crow's feet.

The following recipe will help reduce the already existing small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes: add one drop of such sandalwood, mint, lavender to a teaspoon of oil. Apply the product to the desired area with massage movements once a week.

Hygienic natural lipstick

In sultry dry weather, in frost and strong wind, not only the skin of the face, but also the lips suffer. They crack, peel off. This condition is not only unaesthetic, but also extremely painful. With the help of natural hygienic lipstick based on jojoba oil, you can easily cope with this problem, as well as prevent its occurrence.

To make such a tool, you need to melt 2 teaspoons of beeswax and the same amount of jojoba oil. In the resulting composition, you need to add 5 drops of various essential oils, for example, chamomile or lavender. Pour the mixture into a mold. At home, you can use, for example, a wide cocktail tube or a lipstick lid, previously lubricated with any oil. Leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Natural lip care is ready!

Jojoba oil is absolutely natural, and due to its properties, a unique product. It is known that it has been used since ancient times as a cosmetic and therapeutic agent. Samples of jojoba oil have been found in the pyramids of Egypt. The beneficial substances present in the composition of the oil have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishing, softening and moisturizing them. In addition, the oil is a strong antioxidant, which causes its anti-aging effect, as well as a tool that stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.

The beneficial effect of jojoba oil on the skin of the face.
The oil itself is obtained by cold pressing from the fruits of the Simmondsie chinensis plant, which grows in countries with a hot and arid climate (northern Mexico, Arizona, California and some other countries). The finished product has a yellow color with a golden hue, at low temperatures it tends to solidify, as a result of which it becomes like wax, and at room temperature it again becomes liquid. Jojoba oil is odorless, which increases its popularity and indispensability in facial care. Due to its protective, softening, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, it is the most popular component in modern cosmetology, which is added to the compositions of various cosmetic products (creams, masks, lotions, etc.).

Jojoba oil contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which contributes to the preservation of youth and beauty of the face. With its regular use, the process of cell regeneration is accelerated, as a result of which the aging process is significantly slowed down, and the skin of the face is saturated with essential nutrients and beneficial trace elements. Jojoba oil is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, restore the skin from the inside. When it is applied, a light protective film is formed on the skin, which, due to the retention of moisture, prevents its drying and peeling.

The properties of jojoba oil make it similar to spermaceti, which is widely used today in the manufacture of cosmetics for facial care. In addition to vitamins, it contains amino acids, a protein similar in properties to collagen, which, as you know, is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of our skin.

Application of jojoba oil for facial skin.
Jojoba oil is recommended for the care of any type of skin, including problematic and sensitive skin prone to the development of redness and irritation. The greatest effect from the use of this product is observed in the care of dry skin of the lips and face with signs of peeling, wilting, flabbiness, as well as loss of firmness and elasticity. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective in the presence of cosmetic deficiencies and skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, pimples, acne, etc.). The oil has a nourishing, softening and moisturizing effect, with its regular use, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes fresh and healthy look. It is excellent and the most effective means for the care of the delicate and delicate area around the eyes, perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, helps to get rid of shallow “crow's feet” and smooth wrinkles under the eyes. In addition, it perfectly evens out the complexion, giving it a healthy glow.

In addition to facial care, the oil is useful in body care, especially during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as in the postpartum period to improve skin condition. It can also be used as a soothing agent after sunburn or shaving. Jojoba oil effectively softens hardened skin areas (elbows, knees, palms, heels). It is recommended in the care of weakened, dyed and damaged hair.

It should be noted that the oil has practically no contraindications, the only exception is hypersensitivity to the components of the oil.

Ways to use jojoba oil for the face.
Since the consistency of this oil is quite thick, it is advisable to use it in its pure form only on small areas of the skin (on flaky areas, as well as areas affected by acne or pimples). In the care of the skin around the eyes, this product can be used undiluted with other oils, but it is recommended to do this infrequently (once a week), applying it to wrinkles with patting and driving movements. Therefore, for daily use, the oil should be applied to the area around the eyes or used as a caring cream in combination with other vegetable oils in a ratio of 1: 2 (apricot, peach, almond, grape, rosehip, etc.). In its pure form, the oil can be used as a mask (once a week) for the face, which is washed off after twenty minutes.

In addition, jojoba oil can be added (no more than a teaspoon) to ready-made cosmetics (lotions, creams, masks) for any skin type. If you prefer only natural cosmetics prepared with your own hands, then jojoba oil will be an excellent oily base for making homemade creams. I note that the oil significantly increases the shelf life of such products.

Recipes for face masks with jojoba oil.
Masks with jojoba oil improve blood circulation, normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, have a nourishing and softening effect, and accelerate the production of collagen fibers. Let me remind you that masks should be applied to a previously cleansed face.

This deep wrinkle mask is recommended for all skin types. It is necessary to combine base oil and avocado oil in equal proportions. Apply this mixture on the face and leave for twenty minutes, remove the remnants with a cotton swab. As a preventive measure, such a mask is recommended to be done twice a week, at night. To obtain a rejuvenating effect, the procedure is carried out daily.

To care for dry areas and thickened skin (elbows, knees, feet), you can use pure jojoba oil, or you can add essential oils: add five drops of geranium, orange and lavender oils to 50 ml of the base.

To increase the firmness and elasticity of sluggish and sagging skin, it is recommended to make a mask: add chamomile, sandalwood and patchouli oils to two tablespoons of the base.

To prevent stretch marks, you can also rub pure jojoba oil into problem areas of the skin, or enrich it with orange, lemon or tangerine essential oil.

If the skin loses firmness and elasticity, this mask is recommended: to two tablespoons of jojoba oil, preheated in a water bath, add two drops of rosemary oil and a drop of mint oil. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin, except for the area around the eyes. Leave the composition on the face for twenty minutes, after which the residues should be removed with a cotton pad. This mask is recommended to be done three times a week.

Heated in a water bath, mix two tablespoons of jojoba oil with the same amount of liquid honey, then remove the mixture from heat and add a beaten egg yolk. Apply the mixture in a warm form in an even layer on the face and let it dry, then, after about five to seven minutes, apply another layer, as soon as the previous one dries a little, another layer should be applied. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad, previously moistened with a decoction of chamomile. This mask is recommended to be done twice a week.

To relieve inflammation on the skin and in the presence of acne, it is recommended to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of jojoba oil, three drops of tea tree oil and two drops of lavender oil to the affected area. Repeat the procedure twice a day until the skin condition improves.

To nourish and moisturize any skin, a mask made from two tablespoons of high-fat cottage cheese, the same amount of heated jojoba oil and a tablespoon of carrot juice is excellent. Mix everything thoroughly and apply evenly on the face, after ten minutes, rinse with warm water. This procedure must be done twice a week.

For dry skin (including hands) with flaking, inflammation and irritation, a mixture of jojoba oil (one or two tablespoons) and essential oils of sandalwood, chamomile, orange (drop by drop) is suitable.

For an instant transformation of the skin, it is recommended to make such an express mask: mix two tablespoons of avocado pulp with the same amount of cucumber mass (rub a small cucumber through a grater), add a teaspoon of jojoba oil to this mass. Distribute the composition on the face and neck and décolleté, rinse the skin with warm water after twenty minutes. The mask perfectly cleanses, tightens pores, refreshes and tones the skin, after its application it becomes soft, tender, well moisturized.

To improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin, this mask is perfect: grind a tablespoon of jojoba oil with egg yolk, add a teaspoon of honey in liquid form and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mixing should result in a creamy consistency. Apply to the skin and hold for fifteen minutes, then rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

For nutrition problematic skin effectively apply this recipe: combine a tablespoon of jojoba oil with two teaspoons of black cumin oil and heat in a water bath until the jojoba is completely dissolved. Then remove the mixture from heat and add five drops of bergamot oil, two drops of juniper and rosemary oils and a drop of basil oil. Apply the composition on the face and hold for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, wash off the mask with warm water.

To care for the skin of the lips, you can prepare a healing balm: melt 5 g of cocoa butter in a water bath, then add 40 ml of jojoba oil, 10 ml of calendula oil, the same amount of beeswax and vanilla oil. Mix everything well, cool and store in the refrigerator. It helps to restore dry, chapped and chapped lips. Can be used as a preventive measure.

For daily lip skin care, a mixture of jojoba oil and essential oils of lemon balm, myta, limette or rose is also suitable.

To smooth wrinkles around the eyes, it is effective to use this remedy: combine two teaspoons of jojoba oil with the same amount of avocado oil. Add two drops of peppermint and fennel essential oils to the mixture. This composition can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Apply to the area around the eyes with light patting movements with fingertips twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

For oily and problem skin, such a soothing and anti-inflammatory compress is effective: mix 50 ml of warm milk with 20 ml of jojoba oil, add two drops of bergamot, myrtle and sandalwood oils, a drop of geranium oil and three drops of lavender oil. Prepare a piece of gauze (cut holes for the eyes, nose and mouth), fold it into several layers, moisten it in the prepared mixture and apply on the face. Leave the mask until it cools completely, then rinse the napkin, moisten again in the same mixture and apply on the face. And so several times. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water, then wipe the skin with an ice cube. After such a compress, it is recommended to do a massage and a nourishing mask.

For problem skin, such applications with jojoba oil are also useful (for twenty minutes): add two drops of tea tree and lavender oil, or cloves and lavender, to a tablespoon of the base.

For daily skin hydration and smoothing of small wrinkles, use the following mixture: mix 50 ml of base and almond oil, enrich with ten drops of geranium oil, the same amount of rose oil, two drops of sandalwood oil and five drops of lavender oil.

For the care of mature skin, this wrinkle-smoothing mask is recommended: enrich 50 ml of base oil with geranium and lavender oils, taken two drops each, add a drop of rosewood oil and four drops of sandalwood oil. Apply the mixture to the cleansed area of ​​the skin of the face and neck.

For lifting, this mask is effective: combine a teaspoon of jojoba with a tablespoon of liquid honey, add beaten egg white, a tablespoon of yogurt and the same amount of cosmetic clay (blue or white). After mixing, you should get a creamy mass. After that, grind the pulp of one banana and add to the mass. Apply the mixture on the face (you can neck, chest, shoulders) and soak for twenty minutes. After that, remove the mask with a towel soaked in water, and then rinse with warm water.

Many centuries ago, it was appreciated by the native inhabitants of America - the Indians.

Ointments for healing wounds, salvation from sunburn, balms for skin and hair, and much more - jojoba oil served not only as a component for cosmetic and medicinal products, but was also used as an exchange item.

Do you remember those thick, long hairs woven into thick braids in old photographs of Indian chiefs and their faithful squaws? He was even called "liquid gold".


Jojoba oil - what is it? Essentially, jojoba oil is liquid wax, obtained from the ripe fruits of the evergreen shrub Simmondsia chinesis, which grows in the hot Sonoran Desert, which is located in North America.

These fruits are somewhat reminiscent of the cocoa beans so beloved by everyone, and it is from them that cold pressing method receive magical jojoba oil, the valuable qualities of which were highly appreciated by both doctors and cosmetologists.

Its chemical composition is rich in many amino acids, and there is also a substance very similar in composition to collagen.

No wonder jojoba oil is called the vegetable analogue of the famous spermaceti.

Jojoba oil even surpasses spermaceti for some qualities! Their interchangeability is also important for those who are not indifferent to the ecology of our planet - after all, whale hunting is strictly prohibited.

Product properties

What are the benefits of jojoba oil for the face? How does it work?

Its main advantage is oil in its structure. perfectly compatible with sebum(or sebum).

Mixing on the skin, they form a thin, but absolutely non-greasy "film", which prevents moisture loss, and at the same time does not clog pores tightly.

Air penetrates the epidermis unhindered, and moisture is securely retained. At the same time, the oil itself, gently absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin, wonderfully nourishes the skin, and gives it silkiness and amazing softness.

Another reason for its popularity is the ability of jojoba oil repair damaged cells skin and activate the processes of their renewal. Even sensitive skin is completely neutral to jojoba components - you will not have problems with allergies and irritation.

As an option, his mixed with essential oils, such as roses or sandalwood, tea tree or coniferous oils (pine, cedar and others).

Also, this oil is valued by manufacturers of industrial and home cosmetics for the fact that it does not go rancid and does not deteriorate even during long-term storage.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

For whom is it suitable? Jojoba cosmetic oil is valuable because it suits for absolutely any type of skin. Jojoba nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, actively and very effectively fighting age-related dryness and wrinkles (with regular use, it can even smooth out shallow scars).

Even in the treatment of such unpleasant diseases as psoriasis, neurodermatitis or eczema, ointments based on this oil have proven their effectiveness.

Jojoba in general great for acne and other unpleasant manifestations of inflammation - it is enough to apply this base oil, enriched with tea tree essential oil, to problem areas.

It kind of "deceives" the skin, stopping the excessive production of sebum. In addition, under the influence of jojoba, the sebum accumulated in the pores dissolves - and at the same time no feeling of tightness or dryness skin!

You can use this oil without hesitation. in its purest form- for masks, massage and applications (that is, spot application on dry or inflamed areas), and mixing it with other oils - both base and essential. You can even enrich industrial creams with this oil - jojoba can easily "make friends" with any composition!

There are no contraindications to the use of jojoba oil - since it absolutely neutral and hypoallergenic, it can be used even in the care of young children.

Masks to help beauty

How to use jojoba oil for face? Great for dull, aging skin mask with jojoba and yellow clay.

It is done simply: two or three spoons clay dilute with warm water (you can take fresh chamomile decoction) to a thick creamy mass, and, adding a teaspoon of oil, mix thoroughly.

You can enrich the mask with two or three drops rose essential oil or ylang ylang, they have a rejuvenating effect, and a wonderful smell will cheer you up.

The mask is applied to the face, avoiding the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips, and kept for ten minutes - until the first signs of drying. Then wash it off with plenty of water and be sure to moisturize the skin with cream.

This mask is both will cleanse the face(after all, clay, being a natural absorbent, sort of draws dirt and fat out of the pores), and soften the skin without leaving a greasy residue.

Do it twice a week and you will forget about the notorious "black spots", and the complexion will become even and fresh.

Another wonderful recipe with this magical oil - cottage cheese mask. Take 30 grams of very fatty cottage cheese (this is about a couple of tablespoons), the same amount of jojoba oil heated in a water bath and a spoonful of freshly squeezed carrot juice , mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply on the face.

Lie down for 15 minutes, relax, think about something pleasant. Such a mask feeds delicate skin, moisturizes it, due to the large amount of vitamins A and E, has a powerful antioxidant action, and very effectively fights wrinkles. Use it regularly, twice a week - and in a month the result will impress you!

Sometimes you need to look your best immediately - this will help you express mask. pulp avocado, about 30 grams, must be mixed with the same amount of grated cucumber mass. Then add a dessert spoon of warm jojoba oil to the mixture, and apply to the décolleté and face. Mask in 15 minutes significantly will improve the color your face, narrows pores and make it soft and gentle.

In the fight against wrinkles massage with such an oil mixture will help: take two drops of essential oil for 50 grams of jojoba rosewood, four drops of ether sandalwood, and two drops of ether geraniums.

After applying the mixture to the cleansed face, massage it, following the massage lines.

surplus oil then it is better to remove with a napkin, in order to avoid feeling an oily film on the face.

Finished products

Who uses in their products? Jojoba oil is used by many cosmetics manufacturers. His positive effect used by all famous branded cosmetics manufacturers. Among the most famous:

  1. Aromadzhik (Russia).
  2. Oil Golden Virgin Unrefined (USA).
  3. Savonry (France).
  4. Avon.
  5. Oriflame.

This list is far from complete.

A large number of producers of refined and unrefined oils, as well as extracts, are located in Mexico and countries latin and South America.

This is due to the area where jojoba grows and the desire to place production facilities directly in the places where fruits are harvested for processing fresh berries without the need to transport them and lose their healing properties. It is from these regions that all oils are exported major cosmetics manufacturers.

Jojoba oil is used by many cosmetics manufacturers. His positive effect especially effective in products intended for:

Summing up, we can safely say that jojoba oil is truly "liquid gold" - it finds its place in any home. Be beautiful!

For information on the benefits of jojoba essential oil for facial skin, and its use, see the video: