Year of the 70th anniversary of the victory of wwii. "70 Years of Victory" (medal). Anniversary medals for veterans of the Great Patriotic War

Ministry of Defence Russian Federation presents a unique information resource"The feat of the people"

"The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." - electronic bank of documents relating to the period of the Great Patriotic War.

An open access document bank filled with all the documents available in the military archives on the progress and results of the main combat operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The main goals of the project are to perpetuate the memory of all the heroes of Victory, regardless of rank, scale of feat, status of the award, military-patriotic education of youth on the example of the military exploits of their fathers, as well as to create a factual basis to counter attempts to falsify the history of the War. The creation of the most complete electronic bank of documents for a key period in the modern history of civilization has no analogues in terms of volume, historical and social significance, and is an eternal monument to the great feat of the people.

Work continues on the identification of unknown heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the publication of their names, and the search for timely non-presented awards to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, relatives of WWII veterans should contact the website of the Ministry of Defense "People's feat"

On March 30, she received a commemorative medal "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and at the same time congratulations on the 90th anniversary of a resident of the region, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Kurdasova Zoya Nikolaevna.

Medals "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War Sushkov Ivan Grigorievich and Bushueva Francesca Ivanovna were presented by the deputy of the Council of Deputies Eliseev V.N., head of the council sector Kholodilin V.I. and the chairman of the primary council of veterans ZP Pyatnitskaya

The head of the council presented anniversary medals to veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War at home. The solemn rewarding of jubilee medals "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" continues in the region. veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday, March 21, the head of the council P.P. Litovchenko together with the chairman of the Council of Veterans Shcherbakov R.R. and the chairman of the primary 4 Council of Veterans Larionova V.I. Within the framework of the upcoming 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, they visited the veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War Vasilyeva Maria Vasilyevna, Pashkova Roza Alexandrovna and Savchenko Valentina Alekseevna. The head of the council presented the celebrated residents of our region with commemorative medals "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

A solemn awarding ceremony with jubilee medals "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" was held in the district. veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War S.K. Nazarenko, I.T. Gerasimova, N.M. Lupyrevoy The awarding ceremony was attended by the deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Moscow region Losinoostrovsky L.M. Belova and Father John (Temple of the Cathedral of the New Martyrs Confessors of Russia in Babushkin).

At the right of the Losinoostrovsky district, she presented the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Selivannik Levontina Stanislavovna with the jubilee medal "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45." Congratulations and rewarding took place at home.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Russian Ministry of Defense is launching a special section "Victory May" on its official website.

This section will publish historical documents previously available only to a narrow circle of specialists from the funds of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, - said representatives of the military department.

The appearance on the portal of the Ministry of Defense of the information resource "Victory May" puts a barrier to the falsification of history that is gaining momentum, documenting the decisive role of the USSR in the defeat of Nazi Germany, it becomes important element in the system of military-patriotic education of young people, - emphasized in the Ministry of Defense.

The project contains several sections:

- Documents of the command of the Red Army
- Trophy documents
- Memories of the participants in the battles
- Allied Forces

OKH directive on the preparation of the German attack of 01/31/1941 (Translated from German, typewritten text)

Photo: Official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense

On the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, the official website for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory was launched. Now everyone can find detailed information on how the country will celebrate this great day. We advise you to add this address to bookmarks for everyone who is interested in the history of the country, honors the memory of heroes and monitors the preparations for the celebrations. The resource will be of interest to both sophisticated professionals and schoolchildren who begin to study the great history of the country. In the "News" section you can find out about the events in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, which are taking place in different regions. Chapter " All-Russian action"Hurray for Victory!" offers to download the melody of a war song to your phone as a dial tone by calling a special toll-free number 1945.

“This number is supported by the largest Russian operators,” said Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, yesterday. - This will allow you to join the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory anywhere in the world.

On the portal located at, collected 70 best films about the war, archive photos, newsreels.

As the "VM" was informed in the organizing committee for the preparation of the celebration, a section "Eternal Flame" is being prepared with information about the awarded front-line soldiers. This joint project with the Ministry of Defense is based on previously classified documents.

The site offers another interesting opportunity: when the Victory Parades begin, their broadcasts from different cities can be watched online.

“When preparations began, it was difficult to imagine that the battle for historical truth would come to the fore on the foreign policy agenda. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to build a systematic work to protect the truth about the war, "- said the head of the organizing committee for the preparation of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory, Sergei Ivanov.

Evgeniya Maksimovna Rudneva

Navigator of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 325th Night Bomber Aviation Division, Guard Senior Lieutenant. Hero of the Soviet Union.

She was born on December 24, 1920 in the city of Berdyansk, now the Zaporozhye region of Ukraine. She lived in the village of Saltykovka, Moscow Region, in the town of Babushkin. In 1938, Zhenya graduated from high school with an honors certificate and became a student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. Thanks to her extraordinary hard work and inquisitiveness, Zhenya quickly became one of the best students of the course at the university. In the same year, she began working in the All-Union Astronomical and Geodetic Society (VAGO) in the Department of the Sun, and the next year she was elected as the head of this department. At the same time, she worked in the Department of Variable Stars, with enthusiasm, often conducting observations all night long at the Observatory on Presnya. In 1939, the first scientific article by E. Rudneva was published in "Bulletin VAGO" No. 3: "Biological observations during the solar eclipse on June 19, 1936". When the Great Patriotic War began, Zhenya was taking the spring exam session, finishing her third year. Passionately in love with her specialty, with distant, inextinguishable stars, a student who was predicted a great future, she firmly decided that she would not study until the war ended, that her path lay to the front. In the Red Army - from October 1941, she graduated from the navigator's school. On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War - from May 1942, she was the navigator of the crew. Navigator of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment (325th Night Bomber Aviation Division, 4th Air Army, 2nd Belorussian Front), Guard Senior Lieutenant E.M. Rudneva made 645 combat night sorties to destroy crossings, railway echelons, manpower and equipment of the enemy. She fought on the Transcaucasian, North Caucasian, 4th Ukrainian fronts. She took part in battles in the North Caucasus, Taman and Kerch peninsulas. The brave pilot died a heroic death on the night of April 9, 1944 while performing, together with P.M. Prokopyeva, a combat mission north of the city of Kerch in the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. She was buried in the hero-city of Kerch at the Military Memorial Cemetery. Even before her death, she was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 26, 1944, Senior Lieutenant Evgenia Maksimovna Rudneva was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the exemplary performance of the command's combat missions and for the courage and heroism shown in battles against the Nazi invaders of the Guard. She was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the 1st degree of the Patriotic War, the Red Star, as well as medals. In honor of Evgenia Rudneva, a street in the Babushkinsky district of the North-Eastern district of the capital was named, a monument was erected.

The Great Patriotic War through the eyes of artists

New Year cards from the times of the Great Patriotic War

Pupils of the "Moscow Sheremetyevsky Cadet Corps" KSh 1778 walked along Red Square for the seventh time

Today is November 7, 2014, I congratulate all the participants of the solemn march, as well as all those gathered on Red Square on the 73rd anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow. Today, in the stands of Red Square, there were 28 participants in the historic parade of November 7, 1941 among the spectators.
In honor of the generation of winners who defended their homeland from fascism, more than 6 thousand participants marched along Red Square. Among them are the servicemen of the Moscow garrison in the uniform of 1941, the cavalry group of the Presidential regiment, the company of the Guard of Honor of the separate commandant's Preobrazhensky regiment, students of the Moscow Suvorov military school, representatives of military-patriotic clubs, search detachments, students of cadet schools in the capital.
A total of 59 ceremonial crews were formed. The event was attended by a cavalry group of 35 horsemen from the Presidential Regiment of the FSO of Russia and a combined military orchestra of the Moscow garrison of 200 musicians.
The most striking events of the Great Patriotic War - from the defense of Moscow to the capture of the Reichstag - are reconstructed for the first time on Red Square. As part of the march, 63 units of military equipment of the 1939-1945 model were demonstrated. For the first time, the legendary I-153 and MiG-3 aircraft are presented as exhibits.
Before the start of the solemn march, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in honor of the legendary Parade on November 7, 1941. The wreath-laying ceremony was attended by the chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov, members of the Moscow government, deputies of the Moscow City Duma, heads of veteran organizations. Flowers were also laid by representatives of various religious confessions and representatives of youth patriotic movements.
An orchestra of the Guard of Honor played at the ceremony, a battalion of the Guard of Honor was marching in three companies representing three branches of the army - ground forces, air Force and Navy... The ceremonial march on Red Square in honor of the historic military parade of 1941 took place for the 12th time, and the cadets of the Moscow Sheremetyevsky Cadet Corps KSH 1778 took place for the 7th time. The record holders for the number of parades among our students are Vladislav Brutsky and Maria Yegorova. All seven times the guys took part in the parades. Each participant in this march was awarded a commemorative medal and certificate.
> Ilya Konzenberg (cadet 6a): I was very scared of all the rehearsals, because there were 101 of us, and only 84 people can take. I tried not to miss more than one rehearsal, as a result, today I honorably participated in the parade, and I am very proud of that !!!
> I want to express my gratitude to the creators of the common idea, teachers and officers of our school, the director, and SPECIAL THANKS TO VITALY VLADIMIROVICH GRECOV for his kindness and excellent training
> V.V. Grekov : during training, I was nervous and shouted, and I myself was probably most afraid of losing each of my cadets, the result was achieved by the guys, thanks to all I was pleased to work with you!

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

residents of Losinoostrovsky district

May 9 is considered one of the main and favorite holidays in our country. Several awards have been established to encourage veterans, but new ones appear for each anniversary date. Among them is the jubilee medal "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War." This state award of our state was founded on the eve of the anniversary, 12/21/2013 in accordance with the presidential decree. Manufactured by TPP "Chelznak".

Before that, on October 25, 2013, in accordance with the decision of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS member states, a single for all countries of the Commonwealth, a jubilee medal with the same name was founded: "70 years of Victory in the Second World War"

Delivery conditions

According to the Regulations for the award, it can be awarded to the military and civilians who fought during the Second World War on the fronts in the ranks of the Armed Forces. In addition, the owners of the medal can be members of partisan detachments and underground workers who worked during the Second World War in the occupied territories of our country.

Persons who have previously been awarded medals “For Victory over Germany in the Second World War” and “For Victory over Japan” are eligible to apply for the award. People who have certificates for the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Second World War" or a document confirming the fact that a person participated in the Second World War are also awarded.

People who worked in the rear during the Second World War can also receive a medal if they became owners of the orders of the Soviet Union, medals "For Labor Valor", "For the Defense of Leningrad", and some others state awards... Persons who have previously been awarded the sign "Resident of besieged Leningrad" or who have a certificate in the award sign "For Valiant Labor in the Second World War" can also count on a medal.

Among the people eligible for the award are those who worked during the Second World War for at least six months. The length of service excludes the time that a person spent in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union. Former prisoners also belong to this category. concentration camps who did not reach the age of majority during the Second World War.

The medal is awarded to foreigners, nationals of non-CIS countries, who fought in various national units in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, were partisans or underground fighters. To do this, they must be the owners of the state awards of the USSR or the Russian Federation.

There are also alternative reward options, externally slightly modified, as in the picture.

Wearing the badge is prescribed on the left. Its location is after the sign “65 years of Victory in the Second World War”.

What is a medal

The award badge is minted from brass. This material has a silvery hue and is made in the form of a circle with a diameter of 3.2 centimeters. In the middle part of the obverse there is the Order of the Patriotic War 1 st. Under it, between the lower ends of the asterisk, the years are engraved: "1945", "2015".

In the middle part of the turnover - the name of the award sign: "70 YEARS OF VICTORY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR 1941-1945". These words are surrounded by a wreath of laurel branches. At the bottom, the branches are intertwined with a ribbon. There is a low welt on the edges of both sides of the sign.

The medallion is suspended in a 5-sided block, the surface of which is covered with a dark red moire ribbon. In the center of the tape is a 3 mm scarlet strip. Along the edges there are three narrow 1 mm black and two orange stripes of the same width. The black stripes, located at the very edge, are bordered by 0.5 mm orange.

Award in the CIS

On October 25, 2013, the Council of Heads of State of the CIS approved a jubilee medal common to all countries that are members of the Commonwealth. At the same time, the Statute was adopted to her. Most states have signed this decision. However, some heads of state put their signatures with their own conditions.

For example, Moldova decided that it will begin to mint an award badge with its own design. It will not have a hammer and sickle. Ukraine was not going to use several colors for the Order of the Patriotic War, having decided to make it one-color. But, since the President of Ukraine was dismissed in the spring of 2015, all his decisions regarding this award were canceled. As a result, this country established its own medal called "70 years of Victory over Nazism."

RF founded the medal on December 21, 2013 in accordance with the decision of the Council.

The role of the commemorative medals established by May 9 cannot be overestimated. Despite the fact that these are not combat awards, their value is very high. This is a tribute to love and respect for our ancestors who won the Victory for us. Such signs are awarded to people not only in our country, at and abroad. In particular, more than 16,000 people received a medal for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Israel alone.

Victory Day

May 9 was not always a day off. The first 3 years after the war, it was inoperative, various celebrations were held. But since 1949, for almost 20 years, this date has ceased to be widely celebrated. In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces, instead of Victory Day, the New Year became a day off.

The reasons for this decision are not exactly known. The people believed that this was done on the orders of Stalin, who was worried because of the people's love for G.K. Zhukov. It was this marshal who was the personification of the Victory in our country. This day became a day off again in 1965, when Brezhnev became the General Secretary.

Until 1965, only one Victory Parade took place. This happened on June 24, 1945. For the next 20 years, the celebration was limited to fireworks. But, although May 9 ceased to be an official holiday, almost all residents of the country continued to celebrate it as the most memorable date. When Khrushchev came to power, everything remained almost unchanged. Modest ceremonial events, in big cities, 30 salutes were given. Although Khrushchev exposed Stalin, he did not like Zhukov either.

The revival of Victory Day took place in 1965. By the 20th anniversary of this significant date, the 1st anniversary medal was established in honor of the victory. It was awarded to persons who fought with the Nazis not only as part of the SA, but also in partisan detachments. It was also received by the Far Eastern border guards, who protected the country from the penetration of the Japanese army into its territory. After that, commemorative medals began to be established by the state every 10 years. In addition, in 2009, an award was issued for the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

After Soviet Union ceased to exist, military parades on Red Square were temporarily suspended. The next time it was held in the year of the 50th anniversary, in 1995, all subsequent years, parades were held regularly every year. Since 2008, they again began to demonstrate military equipment, in particular, aviation.

Parades and processions of people are held in many cities and not only in our country. Meetings of veterans take place, flowers are laid at the monuments, etc. Since 2012, the Immortal Regiment campaign has been held. First, it took place in Tomsk, then spread throughout the country and even beyond.

How is the celebration going in other countries

In many CIS countries, May 9 is a day off. Love does not work on this day also in the DPR, LPR, Transnistria. In Ukraine, in the spring of 2015, a law was adopted to rename the holiday to the Day of Victory over Nazism. The day preceding it is called the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation.

Since 2000, they have celebrated May 9 in Israel. It was brought with them by people who came from the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. They made sure that this holiday became a state holiday. Parades are held in which veterans of the Great Patriotic War take part.

Since 2007, celebrations have been held in the capital of England. A solemn ceremony is taking place on the cruiser Belfast. It is attended by both British and Russian participants of the Second World War, members of the royal family, diplomats from England and Russia. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra has recently performed there.

From the day of the end of the Second World War and until 1989, May 9 was solemnly celebrated in Bulgaria. After that, it ceased to be a public holiday. Despite this, many residents of the country still celebrate it.

Related awards

Several state awards have been established for this solemn holiday in different years. Here are some of them:

  • "For the victory over Germany in the Second World War." The order on its establishment was signed by the Presidium of the Armed Forces on 05/09/1945. The badge was brass, its design was developed by Romanov and Andrianov. In total, almost 15 million copies were issued.
  • "20 years of victory in the Second World War". Appeared just before the 20th anniversary. The order of the Presidium of the Armed Forces was issued on May 7, 1965. Almost 16.5 million people were handed over.
  • "30 years of victory in the Second World War". It appeared in accordance with the order of the Presidium of the Armed Forces on April 24, 1975. More than 14 million people became its owners.
  • "40 years of victory in the Second World War." It appeared in accordance with the order of the Presidium of the Armed Forces on April 12, 1985. More than 11 million people became its owners.

A GREAT VICTORY. VIRTUAL GUIDE Official site dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. You can find information on the preparations for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory in all regions of the country, listen to news reports from the Soviet Information Bureau in 1945, and familiarize yourself with archival photographs and newsreels from the Great Patriotic War. In addition, the resource offers to watch wartime films and live broadcasts of victory parades from 14 cities of Russia. "This is how the war began" - Section on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, containing unique archival documents - indisputable evidence of Soviet military leaders, eyewitnesses of the events of June 22, 1941 and the first days of the Great Patriotic War from the declassified funds of the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense. "June 22, exactly at 4 am" - an electronic information resource of the Russian Ministry of Defense, dedicated to the events of the first days of the most violent and bloody war XX century - the Great Patriotic War. "The Great Victory of the Soviet People": Virtual Exhibition showing different kinds editions stored in the national libraries of the CIS countries. The exhibition has been prepared by the Russian State Library and the Eurasian Library Assembly. a search system for lists of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, which helps people find each other. The project contains a "Multimedia War Map" with memoirs of participants and archival chronicles. This is interactive map, which clearly shows the entire history of military operations of the Great Patriotic War. Key moments are accompanied by additional information with photographs and videos, as well as audio recordings of the veterans' memories. Historical and documentary Internet project “USSR and the Allies. Documents from the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia about foreign policy and diplomacy of the leading powers of the anti-Hitler coalition ”. The project was prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. This documentary array (about 3900 archive files were digitized) recreates an objective picture of the formation and development of the anti-Hitler coalition - a unique phenomenon in the history of international relations of the XX century, clearly shows the key role that the Soviet Union played in uniting the peoples of the world in the struggle against fascism. Official site of the Regional Patriotic Public Organization "Immortal Regiment - Moscow".

http: //place memory.rf/ Military-historical Internet resource "Place of Memory", which shows the burial places of soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The system allows you to obtain information about each soldier, as well as to carry out a virtual tour of the burial sites. The project was initiated by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The world's largest Internet portal "Memory of the People" about the fate of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. The unified electronic database "Memory of the People" has become a development of the projects previously implemented by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the Second World War "Memorial" and "Heroic deeds of the people". Anyone can learn about the exploits or find the fate of their ancestors who died on the fronts of the war in the 20th century, find documents and compile a personal family archive. The database also contains archival documents and documents on the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War. The Generalized Data Bank (OBD) contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland, who died and went missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. To date, 13.7 million digital copies of documents on irrecoverable losses during the Great Patriotic War have been entered into the WBS from 38 thousand archival files of the Central Asia Ministry of the Russian Federation, TsVMA, RGVA, State Archives of the Russian Federation, regional archives of Rosarkhiv and 42.2 thousand passports of military burials existing places of military burials in the Russian Federation and abroad. Additionally, more than 1000 volumes of the Memory Book have been loaded into the OBD. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource "The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", filled with documents available in the military archives on the progress and results of the main military operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The steel character of Soviet falcons is a multimedia collection of documents from the funds of the Central Archives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, dedicated to military pilots during the Great Patriotic War and their winged aircraft. "Muscovites are heroes of the Great Patriotic War": Electronic edition presented by the Central State Archives of the city of Moscow. The electronic information resource "Victory May" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: documents (orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Directives of the General Staff, etc.), reports of the Soviet Information Bureau, a photo album, music, letters from front-line soldiers, etc. 12-volume electronic encyclopedia "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Chronologically, the encyclopedia covers events from the "fateful forties" to the victorious end of the bloodiest and fiercest war in the history of mankind. The twelfth volume is devoted to the results and lessons of the war. It also addresses the most controversial issues in her history. Victory Parade: a special site dedicated to the Victory Parades, which will be held on May 9, 2015 in 26 cities of Russia. An interactive map of Russia is presented, on which the cities hosting the Victory Parades are marked, and detailed information on the number of equipment and personnel involved. "900 days of Leningrad": the Internet resource is a constantly replenished electronic library multimedia data - texts, documentary video, audio and photographic materials - about the siege of Leningrad Electronic exhibition "The First Day of War" on the Internet portal of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The exposition contains a collection of historical documents from the funds of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, dedicated to the events of the first days of the beginning of the great confrontation. "Children's Book of War" - the "AiF" project. Collected 35 diaries, whose authors at the time of their writing were from 7 to 12 years old. These are diaries from ghettos, concentration camps, besieged Leningrad, as well as front and rear diaries. The authors of the project draw attention to the fact that the diaries of Anne Frank and Tanya Savicheva have long been known all over the world and “it seems that there are no more witnesses”. The book "AiF" is the first and only collection of children's testimonies about the events of the Second World War at the moment. Half of the diaries are published for the first time. Exhibition of works by artists "Frontline drawing". This is a creative online project of the Press Service and Information Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, which reveals previously little-known aspects of the military culture of 1941-1945. "Victory Day. 70 years "- the Internet project" MIA "Russia Today": photographs, infographics, summaries of the Soviet Information Bureau, news of anniversary celebrations, recordings of songs of the war years."The special TASS project" Victory Parade "is a unique photo chronicle of the tragic years, created by the agency's photographers "Berlin Operation" - the "AIF" project, dedicated to the last days of the war, the storming of Berlin. Many large and high-quality military photographs, an interactive map of military operations, active infographics - and all the details about how they took Berlin, hoisted the flag over the Reichstag, and how the Nazi leaders fled from the city. Special interactive project "The Lesson of Victory" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Any user of social networks will be able to tell exactly how the holiday is celebrated in his family, school, city, district. By May 9, an array of unique user-generated content will be collected here about how Victory Month was held throughout Russia. "Leningrad blockade. Evacuation "- an electronic database on citizens evacuated from the city in 1941-1943. The portal was created for the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory on the initiative of the Archives Committee of St. Petersburg on the basis of documents stored in the Central State Archives of St. Petersburg (CSA St. Petersburg) and part of the departmental archives of St. Petersburg. "Victory Calendar" - The project was implemented by employees of the ELAR corporation, who, together with museums, archives and libraries, searched for little-known and unknown to the general public information about the hostilities on the Soviet-German front. Within the framework of the project, a huge amount of work has been done to find and process colossal amounts of information. The actual material of the messenger consists of descriptions of battles, interesting articles from front-line newspapers, stories about the exploits and fates of individuals, military folklore (songs, poems, anecdotes), photographs and illustrated materials (posters, drawings from newspapers). Site "Victory. 1941-1945 "posted on the all-Russian portal" Archives of Russia ". The work on the site is coordinated by the Federal Archival Agency (Rosarkhiv). The site includes an exposition of the most striking archival photographic and film documents revealing the greatness and historical significance of the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, as well as information on the composition and volume of photographic documents of the war period stored in the state archives of the Russian Federation. The multimedia project of the State Television and Radio Fund is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Watch exclusive video and audio of the war years online. Battlefront. History of the Great Patriotic War. Sections of the site: newsreels, music, photo gallery, battles and operations, equipment, weapons, awards, personality articles. The site is interesting in that it presents various aspects of the war from two sides: Soviet and German. On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Google, together with the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO), launched the Live Memory website. It will help create the largest online archive of military letters in Russia. You can upload your wartime letter to the site. The full version of the site has been available since April 29, 2015. "Victory" is a special project of "" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. The Great Patriotic War left a mark on the history of every family. Share your memories of your veterans. Military Album: Photographs of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War (1939-1945). TASS photo project "Cities of Russia - 70 Years Later", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The project implements the "was-now" idea: each section will present views of one of the Russian cities during the war years or immediately after its completion, and photographs of the same place 70 years later. Military literature. Books, collections of documents, memoirs on the history of wars in Russia and the world. A large section of publications about the Great Patriotic War. Military archeology group "Seeker". Since 1988 he has been searching for and reburial of soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The group's website displays information about the search for relatives of the found soldiers and news about upcoming search expeditions. All-Russian project "Our Common Victory". The goal of the project is to form a video archive of memories of World War II veterans by volunteers, which will subsequently be transferred to the State Archives of the Russian Federation. The Front-line Portal is an information portal and a social network at the same time. At the forefront of the concept of the portal is a specific Front-line soldier as a person (both the one who survived and the one who died or went missing) with the ability to search for information both about him personally and about the unit in which he fought. Memories of World War II veterans: tankers, pilots, scouts, snipers, sappers, partisans, doctors - those who survived those terrible years. Here you can read the memoirs of the participants in the war, listen to fragments of audio recordings of conversations with veterans, view scanned copies of letters from the front and a photo album with photographs of the war years. "Family photo chronicles of the Great Patriotic War" - A digital archive of photographs from family archives with brief comments about the people and events presented on them. Organizers of the project - Interregional charitable public organization " Social network volunteer initiatives "SOCEDI" and the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia". "Remember us" - the base of monuments, memorials, military graves of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War was created by enthusiasts in 2006. Contains information on more than 11 thousand monuments with 36 thousand photographs. The creators of the project urge website visitors to send pictures of monuments, memorials or graves of unknown soldiers, taken in various parts of Russia and abroad.

http: //spasiboza-pobedu.rf Dedicated to the memory of the Winners of the Great Patriotic War - the History of the Winners, the organization of events in tribute to the memory of the defenders of our Motherland. The site "Fire of War" is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, its events and people who participated in them: participants of the Krasnodon underground "Young Guard", the underground organization of the city of Brest and other underground organizations and groups operating in the territory of the Soviet Union occupied by the Nazi invaders; defenders of the Brest Fortress and Adzhimushkay quarries; and also on the site you will find poems about the Great Patriotic War. Internet portal "Invented stories about the war" - an electronic periodical in Russian, German and English... It is an archive of audio, video and text files, as well as rare photographs (including from family albums) of wartime Site "Red Army. Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army" - on our site you will find materials on the history of the army from 1918 to the end of the Second World War: books; the documents; orders for the personnel of the army; composition, organization, location; weapons; a uniform; cards. "Price of Victory" - a cycle of broadcasts of the radio station "Echo of Moscow". The listeners will receive answers to the eternal questions of history from leading experts. A forum is open for off-air discussion. The host of the program invites listeners and viewers to join the discussion: suggest topics, share information, sources and little-known facts. Moderators: Chief Editor of the Diletant magazine Vitaly Dymarsky and politician Vladimir Ryzhkov. Aerial photographs of the Great Patriotic War - German aerial photographs of cities the former USSR on Google Maps. The site "Old Newspapers" is a selection of newspapers published in the Soviet Union in different years and containing materials on the history of the USSR during the war and pre-war years. The logos of the editions in stock are located at the edges of the page. These are links. An opportunity for free reading and downloading is provided, referring to the source. A selection is highlighted that testifies to how Victory Day was celebrated in different years. Site of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War. The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War is an integral and at the same time the main part of the Victory Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow. On an area of ​​over 3000 sq. meters, the main military-historical exposition of the museum "The Feat and Victory of the Great People", opened in 2008, is located. The chief artist of the exposition is V.M. Glazkov, chief architect - I.Yu. Minakov. The exposition contains over 6,000 exhibits.

Exactly 70 years ago, on June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, without declaring war, attacked the Soviet Union and began Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

In the hope of a quick victory, German aviation inflicted massive strikes on cities, airfields, railway junctions, and naval bases. The whole country rose to defend the homeland. The German offensive was stopped only near Moscow.

The war lasted 1,418 days and nights, human Soviet losses amounted to 26.6 million people.

All photographs were taken in the first hours and days of the outbreak of the war.

Based on materials from nnm

The name "Great Patriotic War" began to be used after Stalin's radio address to the people on July 3, 1941.

German soldiers cross the state border of the USSR... (Photo 22.06.1941):

Soviet border guards on patrol... The photograph is interesting in that it was taken for a newspaper at one of the outposts on the western border of the USSR on June 20, 1941, that is, two days before the war. (Photo 20.06.1941):

The first day of the war in Przemysl (today - the Polish city of Przemysl) and the first invaders who perished on Soviet soil (soldiers of the 101st light infantry division). The city was occupied by German troops on June 22, but the next morning it was liberated by the Red Army and border guards and was held until June 27. (Photo 22.06.1941):

June 22, 1941 near the bridge over the San River near the city of Yaroslav. At that time, the San River was the border between German-occupied Poland and the USSR. (Photo 22.06.1941):

The first Soviet prisoners of war under the supervision of German soldiers heading west over the bridge over the San River near the city of Yaroslav. (Photo 22.06.1941):

After the failure of the sudden seizure of the Brest Fortress, the Germans had to dig in. The photo was taken on the North or South Island. (Photo 22.06.1941):

Fight of German shock units in the Brest region. (Photo June 1941):

Column of Soviet prisoners crossed the San River on the sapper bridge. Among the prisoners, there are not only military men, but also people in civilian clothes: the Germans detained and captured all men of draft age so that they could not be drawn into the enemy's army. Area of ​​the city of Yaroslav. (Photo June 1941):

German soldiers are photographed on a Soviet abandoned in Lviv tank T-34-76 sample 1940, Ukraine, USSR. (Photo 30.06.1941):

German soldiers inspect the stuck in the field and abandoned tank T-34-76 model 1940... (Photo June 1941):

Captured Soviet female military personnel in Nevel (now the Nevelsky district of the Pskov region). (Photo 26.07.1941):

German infantry passing by broken Soviet vehicles... (Photo June 1941):

Germans inspect Soviet tanks T-34-76 stuck in a flooded meadow. Floodplain of the Drut 'river, near Tolochin, Vitebsk region. (Photo July 1941):

Start of German diving bombers "Junkers" Ju-87 from a field airfield in the USSR. (Photo summer 1941):

Red Army men surrender to the soldiers of the SS troops. (Photo June 1941):

Destroyed by Soviet artillery German light tank Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. C... (Photo June-August 1941):

German soldiers next to burning Soviet village... (Photo June 1941):

The meeting at the Leningrad Kirov plant about the beginning of the war, Leningrad. (Photo by V. Tarasevich, June 1941):

Residents of Leningrad at the LenTASS window "Poslednie Izvestia" (Socialist Street, house 14 - Pravda printing house). (Photo: Boris Utkin, July 1941):

Red Army men view the wounded German tank Pz 35 (t) (LT vz. 35) Czech production from the 6th Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht. Environs of the town of Raseiniai (Lithuanian SSR). (Photo: June 1941):

Soviet refugees walk past the abandoned BT-7A tank. (Photo: Baumann, June 1941):

German soldiers consider burning Soviet tank T-34-76 sample 1940. (Photo: June — August 1941):

Soviet field airfield captured by the Germans. One can see an I-16 fighter shot or dismantled on the ground, a Po-2 biplane and another I-16 in the background. Photo from a passing German car. Smolensk region. (Photo: July 1941):

Artillerymen of the 29th motorized division of the Wehrmacht from an ambush, Soviet tanks shot at the side from a 50-mm PaK 38 cannon. The closest, on the left, is a T-34 tank. Belarus. (Photo: Summer 1941):

German soldiers ride along the street along the destroyed houses on outskirts of Smolensk.(Photo: July 1941):

At the captured airfield in Minsk German soldiers are examining the SB bomber (or its training version of the SB, since a slightly nose part of the aircraft is visible, which differs from the glazed SB nose). Fighters I-15 and I-153 "Chaika" are visible behind. (Photo: July 1941):

Soviet 203 mm howitzer B-4(sample 1931), captured by the Germans. There is no gun barrel, which was transported separately. 1941, presumably Belarus. German snapshot:

Destroyed Soviet tank T-26. A burned-out tanker is visible on the turret, under the hatch cover. (Photo: Summer 1941):

Surrendering Soviet soldiers go to the rear of the Germans. The picture was apparently taken from the back of a truck in a German convoy along the road. (Photo: Summer 1941):

Many broken Soviet fighters "Chaika" I-153... Minsk airfield. (Photo: July 1941):

German assembly point Soviet captured equipment and weapons... On the left are Soviet 45-mm anti-tank guns, then a large number of Maxim machine guns and DP-27 light machine guns, on the right are 82-mm mortars. (Photo: 1941):

Dead Soviet soldiers at the captured trenches. Probably, this is the very beginning of the war, the summer of 1941: in the foreground is the SSh-36 helmet of the pre-war model, later such helmets in the Red Army were extremely rare and mainly in the Far East. It can also be seen that the belt has been removed from him - apparently, the work of the German soldiers who captured these positions. (Photo summer 1941):

Germans inspect padded Soviet light tanks... In the foreground is a BT-7, the far left is a BT-5 (a typical cabin of a tank driver), in the center of the road is a T-26. Smolensk region. (Photo: Summer 1941):

Soviet artillery cart with a gun... A shell or aerial bomb exploded right in front of the horses. Outskirts of the town of Yartsevo, Smolensk region. (Photo: August 1941):

The grave of a Soviet soldier... The inscription on the tablet reads in German: "Here lies an unknown Russian soldier." Perhaps the fallen soldier was buried by his own, so at the bottom of the plate you can make out in Russian the word "Here ...". For some reason the Germans made an inscription in their own language. German photo, location - presumably Smolensk region, August 1941. (Photo summer 1941):

The advancing units of the Wehrmacht in Belarus. The picture was taken from a car window. (Photo June: 1941):

German soldiers are just approaching wrecked Soviet tanks BT-2... (Photo: June-July 1941):

Soviet girls volunteers are sent to the front.(Photo: Summer 1941):

Soviet private girl among the prisoners of war. (Photo: Summer 1941):

Machine gun crew of German rangers firing from a MG-34 machine gun. Army Group North. In the background, the crew is covered by the StuG III ACS. (Photo: Summer 1941):

German column passing by a village in the Smolensk region... (Photo: July 1941):

Wehrmacht soldiers are watching burning village... Territory of the USSR. (Photo: Summer 1941):

Red Army soldier at captured German light tank of Czech production LT vz. 38(in the Wehrmacht it was designated Pz.Kpfw.38 (t)). About 600 of these tanks took part in hostilities against the USSR, which were used in battles until mid-1942. (Photo: Summer 1941):

German columns pass by carts with a Red Army soldier who had previously come under fire:

The dead Soviet tankers and soldiers tank landing at the gates of the border outpost. Tank - T-26. (Photo: June 1941):

Refugees near Pskov. (Photo: July 1941):

German soldiers finish off a wounded Soviet sniper... (Photo: Summer 1941):

The dead Soviet soldiers, as well as civilians- women and children. The bodies are dumped in a roadside ditch like household rubbish; dense columns of German troops are quietly moving by along the road. (Photo: Summer 1941):

Cart with bodies dead Red Army soldiers:

Soviet symbols in the captured city of Kobrin (Brest region, Belarus) - a T-26 tank and a monument to V.I. Lenin. (Photo: Summer 1941):

Column of German troops... Ukraine, July 1941. (Photo: July 1941):

Soldiers of the Red Army inspecting one shot down by anti-aircraft fire and making an emergency landing German fighter Bf.109F2(from Squadron 3 / JG3). West of Kiev. (Photo: July 1941):

Banner captured by the Germans 132nd battalion of the NKVD escort troops. Photo from the personal album of one of the Wehrmacht soldiers:

Brest Fortress. The border guards and the 132nd separate battalion of the convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR held the defense for two months. The city of Brest was hastily abandoned by the Red Army at 8:00 am on 06/22/1941 after a battle with enemy infantry, who crossed the Bug River in boats.

In Soviet times, everyone remembered the inscription of one of the defenders of the Brest Fortress: “I am dying, but I am not giving up! Goodbye Homeland! 20.VII.41 ", but few people knew that it was made on the wall of the barracks of the 132nd separate battalion of the convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR.

The project of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory - the video book "Sashka" based on the story of the same name by Vyacheslav Kondratyev - will allow you to remember the history of the great war. Students, teachers, veterans took part in the recording of the video book.

Information resource "I carried the lines that smelled like gunpowder from under the shelling ..."

The City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow presents a new information educational resource for students and teachers "I carried the smell of gunpowder out of the shelling ...". The creation of the resource is timed to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
The resource is a collection of stylized archival cards containing brief biographical information about the writers and poets-front-line soldiers. The information concerns only pages of the military past, talks about military awards, and also contains links to works of art dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Following the interactive links, you can familiarize yourself with the texts of the works.
At school, only a small list of works about the war is studied, and only selected names of poets and writers are heard in the classroom. The resource "I carried the smell of gunpowder out of the shelling ..." is designed to offer an expanded list of names, to show modern schoolchildren "lieutenant prose" and front-line poetry as a unique phenomenon in Russian culture, which laid the foundation for a special literary tradition - in artistic rethinking to express "trench the truth. " The electronic format, simplicity and ease of use of the resource make it accessible to a wide audience.

70 years of the Great Victory ... in the name of life on Earth

May 9, 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. This date is one of the most significant in the history of our country: it put an end to a difficult period of war, which claimed the lives of millions of people and crippled the fate of several generations ... The contribution of Soviet citizens to the conquest of the Great Victory was truly decisive and invaluable!

The methodologists of the City Methodological Center have prepared an anniversary lesson dedicated to this significant date. It is a meaningful educational and informational resource, which reveals the famous pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Moscow in the years of fire

The battle for Moscow is one of the largest in World War II. The whole country came out to defend the capital: the troops of the Red Army, detachments of the people's militia, partisans and local residents. Those who did not directly take part in the battles labored selflessly in factories and plants.

On the fields of the Moscow Region, the German army suffered its first major defeat in World War II, dispelling the myth of its invincibility. By decree of the Presidium The Supreme Council USSR dated May 8, 1965: “For outstanding services to the Motherland, mass heroism, courage and resilience shown by the working people of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the city of Moscow in the fight against the Nazi invaders and in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 biennium to confer the honorary title "Hero City" to the city of Moscow with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

70 years since the feat of D.M. Karbysheva

Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev was born on October 26, 1880 in Omsk, in the family of a hereditary military man, and his career was a foregone conclusion. He graduates from the cadet corps, the military engineering school and in the rank of second lieutenant goes to the eastern borders, to Manchuria, where he was caught in the Russian-Japanese war, for his participation in which he was awarded five military orders and three medals, which is a confirmation of his personal courage.

On August 8, 1941, Lieutenant General Karbyshev was severely shell-shocked in a battle near the Dnieper River and was taken prisoner unconscious. From that moment until 1945, a short phrase will appear in his personal file: “Missing”. On February 18, General Karbyshev died tragically, and his last words were addressed to those who shared a terrible fate with him: “Cheer up, comrades! Think about the Motherland, and courage will not leave you! "

The contribution of athletes to the Victory

During the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War, sports traditions in the Soviet Union did not die out. During the war years, sports events and competitions continued to be held not only in Moscow and Leningrad, but also in other cities of the USSR. During the war, 180 all-Union records were set. This was very important for people - after all, sporting victories raised the spirit of the people, strengthened people's faith in victory over fascism. Our athletes took part in international competitions, gaining such important and significant victories. A separate motorized rifle brigade of special purpose - OMSBON was formed from volunteer athletes. Well-trained and physically prepared athletes became members of reconnaissance detachments, joined the ranks of the Red Army and Navy. And the most famous masters of sports - Dynamo - became the initiators of the patriotic movement of the thousanders, pledging to train a thousand fighters each. You can find out all the details about the history of sports and the heroes of the difficult wartime by getting acquainted with our new anniversary lesson.

  • Collection and primary processing of materials for the video project "70 years of the Great Victory"
  • Features of the economic development of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War
  • Windows file and file system. Technique of the Great Patriotic War

510 schoolchildren out of 136 took part in the City Competition of Research Multimedia Projects "The Story of My Family in the History of Russia", which was held for the sixth time in 2015. educational organizations... The trainees presented many interesting projects who received diplomas of prize-winners and winners.
Another event, City competition of youth projects in arts and crafts and technical creativity Salute of Victory also attracted a lot of attention. "Salute of Victory" is timed to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The competition is aimed at the formation of an active civil-patriotic position of youth, the development of constructive thinking skills, the study and implementation of new educational technologies; studying the history and reconstruction of military operations on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. About 90 models made up a diorama of World War II military operations against the fascist invaders. The competition was attended by 216 schoolchildren, 157 of whom received the Winner's Diplomas, the rest of the participants became prize-winners of the Competition.