Hitler respected the Russians. The last words that were heard from the lips of Hitler. Hitler on Russia and Russians

Adolf Hitler's last interview

From the editorial board... At the end of April 1945, party manager Martin Bormann received the assignment to establish contact with a journalist from one of the neutral countries and deliver him to the bunker of the Reich Chancellery. The day before suicide Hitler Swiss journalist Kurt Speidel took his last interview. But Speidel himself was killed during the storming of the Reich Chancellery, and a notebook with a transcript of the conversation, along with many other documents, was delivered to Moscow, where until recently it lay in the archives of the Armed Forces Museum.

A few months ago, one of the archive employees took the trouble to decipher the stenographic record and was amazed at the uniqueness of this historical document. He turned to the editorial office of our newspaper, and today we offer just a few questions from this interview that may be of interest to the modern Russian reader.

Question: 27 years ago, entering the political struggle, did you anticipate that such an ending awaits you?

A.G. Yes, even then we perfectly understood what we were doing. We entered a decisive struggle (Endkampf), in which the life and existence of the white race was at stake. Everything was at stake, and there could be only two outcomes: either we win or we die completely.

A.G. I don’t think we have lost. Germany - yes, she lost the war, the Wehrmacht was defeated. But we gave impetus to a powerful idea. National Socialism has clearly demonstrated its absolute superiority. Remember 1918, remember the 1920s - where was Germany then? For several years that we were in power, we managed to create the greatest state in the history of mankind. We have built an economy, brought up healthy young people - spiritually and physically healthy. In the end, only the great remains in history. Who now remembers the thousands of slaves who died while building the pyramids in Egypt? Only the bulk of the pyramids remained in history.

Yes, we fell in the fight, but this is a fall upward (der Fall nach oben). The future belongs to National Socialism, I am not afraid to say that it will be the 21st century. I won't be surprised if National Socialism triumphs in Russia in the 21st century... During the years of this war, I was forced to reconsider my racial outlook. I'll tell you what, no one here in Europe knows Russia and has never known it... I do not idealize Russians at all, by no means, Russians still have too much Asian. But the fact remains that the Russian nation turned out to be stronger and more enduring in this insane war, and I would not be surprised if salvation for the white race comes from the East. It will be logical.

Question: You said that you won the idea, but lost the war. A logical question: was this war necessary?

A.G. You speak as if it depended on me alone in the whole world to start this war or not to start it. I know that after our death all the dogs will be launched on us. We will be called aggressors and warmongers. But it is not true that I or someone else in Germany wanted this war. The new generation of Germans was building a great state, and it was not their fault that they were often put spokes in their wheels. The British, Americans and Jews around the world did everything to start this war to stifle the germs of the young National Socialist movement. Only an idiot can think that this war was the intention of our strategists. Look, in 39, we immediately found ourselves in a ring of enemies superior to us both numerically and technically. But even in such conditions, the German spirit showed the world the wonders of heroism.

Question: Looking back, are you not afraid of some of your actions? Let's say the so-called. final solution to the Jewish question.

A.G. At this tragic hour for Germany, I cannot think of the Jews.

Question: What decision in your life do you regret the most?

A.G. Dispersal of the SA top in 1934 and execution Rema... Then I went on about my own emotions, and dirty intrigues within the party played a role. Ernst, with all his shortcomings, was a devoted National Socialist and from the very beginning of the struggle he walked with me shoulder to shoulder. Without his assault detachments, the NSDAP would not have existed. I know that many then accused me of betraying the national revolution, but, contrary to all rumors, I was motivated only by considerations of morality and ethics, I fought for the purity of the party ranks. Ernst was my friend and died with my name on his lips. If he had been there today, everything would have been different. And the Wehrmacht just betrayed me, I am dying at the hands of my own generals. Stalin did a brilliant act by organizing a purge in the Red Army and getting rid of the rotten aristocracy.

"National newspaper", N2, 1995

Adolf Hitler on Russia and Russians

The reason for this examination was the widespread opinion about the anti-Russian orientation of the main work of A. Hitler, "My Struggle". To check this thesis, I carried out a contextual analysis of the electronic version of "My Struggle" using the search command for the words "Russian", "Russia". All the places where these words are found and where it is about these concepts are discussed below.

From chapter V The Russo-Japanese War found me a more mature person. I followed these events even more closely. In this war, I took a certain side, and, moreover, for national reasons. In disputes related to the Russo-Japanese War, I immediately sided with the Japanese. In the defeat of Russia, I began to see also the defeat of the Austrian Slavs.

From chapter VI We all know that the French Revolution was not at all the result of philosophical theories. This revolution would not have happened if the demagogues of the grand style had not created a whole army of people who persecuted the monarchy, constantly fanning the passions of the suffering people, until, finally, a monstrous explosion broke out that made the whole of Europe tremble. The same has to be said about the greatest revolutionary upheaval of modern times. Lenin's writings did not make the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The main role was played by the oratory activities of large and small apostles of hatred, who kindled the passions of the people on an incredible scale.

The people, consisting of illiterate people, were involved in the communist revolution not by reading the theoretical works of Karl Marx, but by the pictures of those heavenly goods that thousands upon thousands of agitators painted for them, who, of course, followed only one definite idea. It has been and will always be so.

From chapter IX The population of Russia was completely illiterate, which, of course, could not be said either about Germany or about other Western European countries. In Russia, the intelligentsia itself for the most part does not belong to the Russian people, and, in any case, not to the Slavic races. It was easy to deal with a thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because between them and the majority of the people there were almost no intermediaries at all, and the mental and moral level of the population in Russia was terribly low.

Little was enough in Russia. It was only necessary to incite the uneducated crowd, unable to read or write, against the upper layer of the intelligentsia, already almost unconnected with the people. This was enough to decide the entire fate of the country, so that the revolution could be considered a success. The entire illiterate mass of the Russian people fell into complete slavery to the Jewish dictators, who, of course, were smart enough to dress their dictatorship in the "dictatorship of the people" toga.

From chapter XI Having seized political power, the Jews believe that now they can finally throw off the mask. A bloody Jew hatches from a "popular" Jew - a Jew who has become a tyrant of peoples. For a short time, he tries to completely destroy the intelligentsia, the bearer of the national idea. Having deprived the people of ideological leaders, the Jew wants to finally turn the people into slaves and enslave them forever.

From chapter XIII The Jews already hold the modern European states in their hands. They turn these states into their weak-willed weapons with the help of the so-called Western democracy, or through direct oppression in the form of Russian Bolshevism.

From chapter XIV When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can mean primarily only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it.

Providence itself tells us. Having surrendered Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of the intelligentsia on which its state existence had been held up until now and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and fortitude to the Russian state. All of this Russia owed to the Germanic elements - the most excellent example of the great state role that the Germanic elements can play, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on Earth were created. More than once in history, we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, headed by the Germans as leaders, turned into powerful states and then stood firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia has lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews by their own forces, so the Jews alone cannot keep this large state under their control for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This large eastern state is inevitably doomed to ruin. All the prerequisites are ripe for this. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has predetermined us to witness such a disaster, which, better than anything, will certainly confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

... Russian Bolshevism is only a new attempt by the Jews to achieve world domination, characteristic of the 20th century. In other historical periods of time, the same aspiration of the Jews was clothed only in a different shell ...

Let's not talk about the true intentions of the new rulers of Russia. It is enough for us that Russia, having lost its supreme German stratum, has thereby ceased to be important as a possible ally of the German nation in the liberation struggle. From a purely military point of view, a war between Germany and Russia against Western Europe (or rather, in this case, against the rest of the world) would be a real disaster for us. After all, the whole struggle would be played out not on Russian, but on German soil, and Germany could not even count on any significant support from Russia ...

... I do not forget all the impudent threats that Pan-Slavist Russia dared to systematically shower at Germany. I do not forget the repeated trial mobilizations that Russia resorted to with the sole purpose of infringing on Germany. I cannot forget the sentiments that prevailed in Russia already before the war, and those fierce attacks on our people, in which the Russian big press, which enthusiastically treated France, was refined.

... However, just before the start of the war, we still had a different path: to rely on Russia against England.

The modern rulers of Russia do not at all think about concluding an honest alliance with Germany, and even more so about fulfilling such an agreement if they had concluded it.

German soldiers are photographed against the background of the inscription: "Russians must die so that we can live."

In connection with the incessant attempts to "rehabilitate" any scum and trash - traitors, who fought with weapons in their hands against their own people on the side of one of the most terrible (if not the most terrible) enemy in its entire history (a la Vlasov, Krasnov, Bandera and others like them), as well as attempts to present the matter in such a way that Hitler was almost a brother to the Russians and only wanted to free them from the "yoke of Jews and commissars" about Russia and its people. So that everyone clearly understands how We were treated by Hitler and Co. and what brought us fascism. So that now you can always not explain the common truths every time, but simply refer to this post.

It was not planned to assign any other role, except for the role of slaves, to Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians and other peoples of the Soviet Union in Hitler's Reich. More precisely - to the remnants of these peoples ... And the position of some modern "Russian nationalists" who write Hitler almost as their allies looks absolutely absurd. A "nationalist" who honors a person who hated his people and dreamed of enslaving and exterminating them is something. Hitler treated the "Russian nationalists" in a directly opposite way than some of them now treat him. If used, then for purely tactical purposes. He had one strategic goal - the extermination, suppression and enslavement of the Russian people, and Russian nationalism was his worst enemy.

Attempts to present the traitors as "the third force that fought against Stalin and Hitler" is completely nonsense. They were all under complete German control and "became famous" mainly for their participation in massacres of civilians (and, often on the territory of not the Soviet Union, but other countries occupied by Germany). And one must understand that war is not a polygon. There are only two sides, not three or ten.

Here are some revealing statements by Hitler and his associates about Russia and its people:

From the appendix to the OST plan dated April 27, 1942: " This is not only about the defeat of the state ... Achievement of this historical goal would never mean a complete solution to the problem ... The point is to crush the Russians as a people... "(" Top secret! Only for the command "Strategy of Nazi Germany in the war against the USSR. M., 1967. S. 117).

On June 20, 1941 A. Rosenberg declared that the coming war had no purpose in any way " free "poor Russians" for all time from Bolshevism"In fact, war is meant" to carry out German world politics. We want to solve not only the temporary Bolshevik problem, but also those problems that go beyond this temporary phenomenon as the original essence of European historical forces. "The purpose of the war is" to protect and at the same time advance the essence of Europe far to the east ... "(Criminal aims are criminal Means Documents on the occupation policy of Nazi Germany on the territory of the USSR (1941-1944). M., 1968, p. 45).

Hitler on July 16, 1941: "Naturally, a gigantic space must be pacified as soon as possible. This can best be achieved by shooting everyone who casts even a sidelong glance." Nazi Germany on the territory of the USSR (1941-1945). M, 1968. P. 56).

Hitler in the network of September 1941: "The border between Europe and Asia does not pass through the Urals, but at the place where the settlements of real Germans end ... Our task is to move this border as far as possible to the East, if necessary - beyond the Urals ... The poisonous nest Petersburg, from which the Asiatic poison has been exuding into the Baltic Sea for so long, must disappear from the face of the earth ... Asians and Bolsheviks will be expelled from Europe, the episode of the 250-year-old Asiatic is over ... The East will be for Western Europe a sales market and a source of raw materials "(Proektor D.-M. Fascism; the path of aggression and death. M., 1985. S. 303).

From Keitel's order of September 16, 1941: "It should be borne in mind that in these territories [in the USSR] human life is worthless, and a frightening effect can only be achieved by extraordinary cruelty." "As an atonement for the life of one German soldier," 50-100 people were ordered to be executed ("Top secret! ...", p. 369).

There are thousands of similar statements by fascist leaders and documents that eloquently testify to what these non-humans wanted to do with us.

And the one who is looking for "justification" for the executioners of his people and their accomplices, for those who wanted to destroy and enslave him, in my eyes ceases to be Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian. And when those who call themselves "Russian nationalists" defend all kinds of scum and trash like Krasnov-Vlasov (or even Hitler himself), then I can only twist a finger at my temple, the disease is incurable.

The reason for this examination was the widespread opinion about the anti-Russian orientation of the main work of A. Hitler, "My Struggle". To check this thesis, I carried out a context analysis of the electronic version of "My Struggle" using the search command for the words "Russian", "Russia". All the places where these words are found and where these concepts are discussed are given below.
V. Popov

From Chapter V. The Russo-Japanese War found me a more mature person. I followed these events even more closely. In this war I took a certain side and, moreover, for reasons of nationality. In discussions related to the Russo-Japanese war, I immediately sided with the Japanese. In the defeat of Russia, I began to see also the defeat of the Austrian Slavs. (Since Hitler had Austrian citizenship, his negative attitude towards the Austrian Slavs is quite understandable - Russia used Pan-Slavic propaganda to decompose the Austro-Hungarian army, which had its indirect confirmation in the successes of the Russian army against it - ed.)

From chapter VI. ... We all know that the French Revolution was by no means the result of philosophical theories. This revolution would not have happened if the demagogues of the grand style had not created a whole army of people who persecuted the monarchy, systematically inflated the passions of the suffering people - until finally a monstrous explosion broke out that made the whole of Europe tremble. The same has to be said about the greatest revolutionary upheaval of modern times. Lenin's writings did not make the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The main role was played by the oratory activities of large and small apostles of hatred, who kindled the passions of the people on an incredible scale.

The people, consisting of illiterate people, were involved in the communist revolution not by reading the theoretical works of Karl Marx, but by pictures of those heavenly goods that thousands upon thousands of agitators drew for them, guided, of course, by only one definite idea. It has been, it will always be. (This means, of course, the Russian-speaking Jewish press, as well as the army of socialist propagandists - ed.)

From chapter IX. The population of Russia was completely illiterate, which of course could not be said of either Germany or other Western European peoples. In Russia, the intelligentsia itself for the most part belongs to non-Russian nationalities and in any case to non-Slavic races. It was easy to deal with a thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because there were almost no intermediary links between them and the broad masses of the people, and the mental and moral level of the broad mass of the people in Russia was terribly low.

(A good third of all Russian noble families - of Turkic, Tatar origin. For example, Aksakov - in Turkic "lame", Gogol - "drake", Bulgakov - from the Tatar "proud", Karamzin - "black prince", Kutuzov - from the Turkic " mad ", Turgenev - from the Tatar" turgen ", ie" fast "," fast ", Chaadaev - on behalf of the second son of Genghis Khan - Chagatai, Ogarev - from the nickname of the Tatar prince Kutlamamet" ogar "," high ", Timiryazev - on behalf of his own "iron warrior", Berdyaev - "berdi", "he gave", Saltykov - "sold", etc. However, this is not a complete list of Tatar surnames that gave the "Russian" writers and scientists. ed.)

Little was enough in Russia. It was only necessary to incite the uneducated masses, who could neither read nor write, against the upper layer of the intelligentsia, already almost unconnected with the people. This was enough to decide the entire fate of the country and so that the revolution could be considered a success. The entire illiterate mass of the Russian people fell into complete slavery to the Jewish dictators, who, of course, were smart enough to drape their dictatorship in the toga of the "dictatorship of the people."

From chapter XI. Having seized political power, the Jews believe that now they can finally throw off the mask. A bloody Jew is hatched from the "People's Jew" - a Jew who has become a tyrant of nations. For a short time, he tries to completely eradicate the intelligentsia, the bearer of the national idea. Having deprived the people of ideological leaders, he wants to finally turn them into slaves and enslave them forever.

From chapter XIII. The Jews already hold the modern European states in their hands. They turn these states into their weak-willed instruments, using for this either the method of the so-called Western democracy, or the method of direct oppression in the form of Russian Bolshevism. (The method of Western democracy turned out to be effective only in non-Aryan state formations with authoritarian rule - kingdoms, kingdoms and empires. That is, where there was no traditional culture of local self-government - veche republics - ed.)

From chapter XIV. When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can mean primarily only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it.

Fate itself shows us with a finger. Having surrendered Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of the intelligentsia on which its state existence had been held up until now and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and fortitude to the Russian state. All of this Russia owed to the Germanic elements - the most excellent example of the tremendous state role that the Germanic elements can play, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history, we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, headed by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then stood firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia has lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone cannot keep this huge state under their control for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to ruin. All the prerequisites are ripe for this. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate intended us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will unconditionally confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

(Hitler proceeds in his constructions about the role of German elements in the creation of Russian statehood primarily from the official doctrine of tsarist Russia about the Norman origin of Rurik and other Russian princes. Today the "Norman theory" is criticized as unpatriotic and anti-Russian. most Norman Varangians were "Rus" and they spoke, respectively, in Russian.Already during the Second World War, German scientists who were engaged in excavations in the Crimea on the territory of the former East-Gothic Kingdom, came to the conclusion that the Russian Cossacks are the descendants of those the most Goths, from which all the European nobility and the Gothic style in architecture originate. The famous Norwegian traveler and explorer Thor Heyerdahl, shortly before his death, carried out an archaeological expedition to the Northern Black Sea region and came to the conclusion that the Norwegians are a kindred people with the Goths, the ancestors of the Cossacks. - ed.)

... Russian Bolshevism is only a new attempt by the Jews to achieve world domination, characteristic of the 20th century. In other historical periods, the same aspiration of the Jews was clothed only in a different form ...

Let's not talk about the true intentions of the new rulers of Russia. We are satisfied with the fact that Russia, having lost its supreme German stratum, has thereby ceased to have any significance as a possible ally of the German nation in the liberation struggle. From a purely military point of view, a war between Germany and Russia against Western Europe (or rather, in this case, against the rest of the world) would be a real disaster for us. After all, the whole struggle would be played out not on Russian, but on German territory, and Germany could not even count on any serious support from Russia ...

... I do not forget all the impudent threats that Pan-Slavist Russia dared to systematically shower at Germany. I do not forget the repeated trial mobilizations that Russia resorted to with the sole purpose of infringing on Germany. I cannot forget the sentiments that prevailed in Russia even before the war, and those fierce attacks on our people, in which the Russian big press, which was enthusiastic about France, was refined. (Most of the press at that time was already "Russian-speaking, that is, Jewish. Let us recall that during the American bombings in Yugoslavia, NTV and other Jewish media were most loudly fanned by anti-American sentiments - ed.)

However, just before the start of the war, we still had a second path: we could rely on Russia against England ...

1. The modern rulers (Jewish - ed.) Of Russia do not at all think about the conclusion of an honest alliance with Germany, and even more so about its implementation, if they had concluded it.

The reason for this examination was the widespread opinion about the anti-Russian orientation of the main work of A. Hitler, "My Struggle". To check this thesis, I carried out a contextual analysis of the electronic version of "My Struggle" using the search command for the words "Russian", "Russia". All the places where these words are found and where it is about these concepts are discussed below.

From Chapter V, the Russo-Japanese War found me a more mature person. I followed these events even more closely. In this war, I took a certain side, and, moreover, for national reasons. In disputes related to the Russo-Japanese War, I immediately sided with the Japanese. In the defeat of Russia, I began to see also the defeat of the Austrian Slavs.

From Chapter VI we all know that the French Revolution was not at all the result of philosophical theories. This revolution would not have happened if the demagogues of the grand style had not created a whole army of people who persecuted the monarchy, constantly fanning the passions of the suffering people, until, finally, a monstrous explosion broke out that made the whole of Europe tremble. The same has to be said about the greatest revolutionary upheaval of modern times. Lenin's writings did not make the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The main role was played by the oratory activities of large and small apostles of hatred, who kindled the passions of the people on an incredible scale.

The people, consisting of illiterate people, were involved in the communist revolution not by reading the theoretical works of Karl Marx, but by the pictures of those heavenly goods that thousands upon thousands of agitators painted for them, who, of course, followed only one definite idea. It has been and will always be so.

From Chapter IX The population of Russia was completely illiterate, which, of course, could not be said either about Germany or about other Western European countries. In Russia, the intelligentsia itself for the most part does not belong to the Russian people, and, in any case, not to the Slavic races. It was easy to deal with a thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because between them and the majority of the people there were almost no intermediaries at all, and the mental and moral level of the population in Russia was terribly low.

Little was enough in Russia. It was only necessary to incite the uneducated crowd, unable to read or write, against the upper layer of the intelligentsia, already almost unconnected with the people. This was enough to decide the entire fate of the country, so that the revolution could be considered a success. The entire illiterate mass of the Russian people fell into complete slavery to the Jewish dictators, who, of course, were smart enough to dress their dictatorship in the "dictatorship of the people" toga.

From Chapter XI Having seized political power, the Jews believe that now they can finally throw off the mask. A bloody Jew hatches from a "popular" Jew - a Jew who has become a tyrant of peoples. For a short time, he tries to completely destroy the intelligentsia, the bearer of the national idea. Having deprived the people of ideological leaders, the Jew wants to finally turn the people into slaves and enslave them forever.

From Chapter XIII, the Jews already hold the modern European states in their hands. They turn these states into their weak-willed weapons with the help of the so-called Western democracy, or through direct oppression in the form of Russian Bolshevism.

From Chapter XIV When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can mean primarily only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it.

Providence itself tells us. Having surrendered Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of the intelligentsia on which its state existence had been held up until now and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and fortitude to the Russian state. All of this Russia owed to the Germanic elements - the most excellent example of the great state role that the Germanic elements can play, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on Earth were created. More than once in history, we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, headed by the Germans as leaders, turned into powerful states and then stood firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia has lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews by their own forces, so the Jews alone cannot keep this large state under their control for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This large eastern state is inevitably doomed to ruin. All the prerequisites are ripe for this. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has predetermined us to witness such a disaster, which, better than anything, will certainly confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

... Russian Bolshevism is only a new attempt by the Jews to achieve world domination, characteristic of the 20th century. In other historical periods of time, the same aspiration of the Jews was clothed only in a different shell ...

Let's not talk about the true intentions of the new rulers of Russia. It is enough for us that Russia, having lost its supreme German stratum, has thereby ceased to be important as a possible ally of the German nation in the liberation struggle. From a purely military point of view, a war between Germany and Russia against Western Europe (or rather, in this case, against the rest of the world) would be a real disaster for us. After all, the whole struggle would be played out not on Russian, but on German soil, and Germany could not even count on any significant support from Russia ...

... I do not forget all the impudent threats that Pan-Slavist Russia dared to systematically shower at Germany. I do not forget the repeated trial mobilizations that Russia resorted to with the sole purpose of infringing on Germany. I cannot forget the sentiments that prevailed in Russia already before the war, and those fierce attacks on our people, in which the Russian big press, which enthusiastically treated France, was refined.

... However, just before the start of the war, we still had a different path: to rely on Russia against England.

The modern rulers of Russia do not at all think about concluding an honest alliance with Germany, and even more so about fulfilling such an agreement if they had concluded it.

That's all that Hitler wrote about the Russians and about Russia in his bestseller, My Struggle. In terms of its cumulative circulation, it ranked second after the Bible in the 20th century.

THE RESULTS OF THE EXAMINATION OF THE BOOK MY STRUGGLE The reason for this examination was the widespread opinion about the anti-Russian orientation of the main work of A. Hitler "My Struggle". To check this thesis, I carried out a context analysis of the electronic version of "My Struggle" using the search command for the words "Russian", "Russia". All the places where these words are found and where these concepts are discussed are given below.
V. Popov

From Chapter V. The Russo-Japanese War found me a more mature person. I followed these events even more closely. In this war I took a certain side and, moreover, for reasons of nationality. In discussions related to the Russo-Japanese war, I immediately sided with the Japanese. In the defeat of Russia, I began to see also the defeat of the Austrian Slavs. (Since Hitler had Austrian citizenship, his negative attitude towards the Austrian Slavs is quite understandable - Russia used Pan-Slavic propaganda to decompose the Austro-Hungarian army, which had its indirect confirmation in the successes of the Russian army against it - ed.)

From chapter VI. ... We all know that the French Revolution was by no means the result of philosophical theories. This revolution would not have happened if the demagogues of the grand style had not created a whole army of people who persecuted the monarchy, systematically inflated the passions of the suffering people - until finally a monstrous explosion broke out that made the whole of Europe tremble. The same has to be said about the greatest revolutionary upheaval of modern times. Lenin's writings did not make the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The main role was played by the oratory activities of large and small apostles of hatred, who kindled the passions of the people on an incredible scale.

The people, consisting of illiterate people, were involved in the communist revolution not by reading the theoretical works of Karl Marx, but by pictures of those heavenly goods that thousands upon thousands of agitators drew for them, guided, of course, by only one definite idea. It has been, it will always be. (This means, of course, the Russian-speaking Jewish press, as well as the army of socialist propagandists - ed.)

From chapter IX. The population of Russia was completely illiterate, which of course could not be said of either Germany or other Western European peoples. In Russia, the intelligentsia itself for the most part belongs to non-Russian nationalities and in any case to non-Slavic races. It was easy to deal with a thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because there were almost no intermediary links between them and the broad masses of the people, and the mental and moral level of the broad mass of the people in Russia was terribly low.

(A good third of all Russian noble families - of Turkic, Tatar origin. For example, Aksakov - in Turkic "lame", Gogol - "drake", Bulgakov - from the Tatar "proud", Karamzin - "black prince", Kutuzov - from the Turkic " mad ", Turgenev - from the Tatar" turgen ", ie" fast "," fast ", Chaadaev - on behalf of the second son of Genghis Khan - Chagatai, Ogarev - from the nickname of the Tatar prince Kutlamamet" ogar "," high ", Timiryazev - on behalf of his own "iron warrior", Berdyaev - "berdi", "he gave", Saltykov - "sold", etc. However, this is not a complete list of Tatar surnames that gave the "Russian" writers and scientists. ed.)

Little was enough in Russia. It was only necessary to incite the uneducated masses, who could neither read nor write, against the upper layer of the intelligentsia, already almost unconnected with the people. This was enough to decide the entire fate of the country and so that the revolution could be considered a success. The entire illiterate mass of the Russian people fell into complete slavery to the Jewish dictators, who, of course, were smart enough to drape their dictatorship in the toga of the "dictatorship of the people."

From chapter XI. Having seized political power, the Jews believe that now they can finally throw off the mask. A bloody Jew is hatched from the "People's Jew" - a Jew who has become a tyrant of nations. For a short time, he tries to completely eradicate the intelligentsia, the bearer of the national idea. Having deprived the people of ideological leaders, he wants to finally turn them into slaves and enslave them forever.

From chapter XIII. The Jews already hold the modern European states in their hands. They turn these states into their weak-willed instruments, using for this either the method of the so-called Western democracy, or the method of direct oppression in the form of Russian Bolshevism. (The method of Western democracy turned out to be effective only in non-Aryan state formations with authoritarian rule - kingdoms, kingdoms and empires. That is, where there was no traditional culture of local self-government - veche republics - ed.)

From chapter XIV. When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can mean primarily only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it.

Fate itself shows us with a finger. Having surrendered Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of the intelligentsia on which its state existence had been held up until now and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and fortitude to the Russian state. All of this Russia owed to the Germanic elements - the most excellent example of the tremendous state role that the Germanic elements can play, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history, we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, headed by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then stood firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia has lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone cannot keep this huge state under their control for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to ruin. All the prerequisites are ripe for this. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will unconditionally confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

(Hitler proceeds in his constructions about the role of German elements in the creation of Russian statehood primarily from the official doctrine of tsarist Russia about the Norman origin of Rurik and other Russian princes. Today the "Norman theory" is criticized as unpatriotic and anti-Russian. most Norman Varangians were "Rus" and they spoke, respectively, in Russian.Already during the Second World War, German scientists who were engaged in excavations in the Crimea on the territory of the former East-Gothic Kingdom, came to the conclusion that the Russian Cossacks are the descendants of those the most Goths, from which all the European nobility and the Gothic style in architecture originate. The famous Norwegian traveler and explorer Thor Heyerdahl, shortly before his death, carried out an archaeological expedition to the Northern Black Sea region and came to the conclusion that the Norwegians are a kindred people with the Goths, the ancestors of the Cossacks. - ed.)

Russian Bolshevism is only a new attempt by the Jews to achieve world domination, characteristic of the 20th century. In other historical periods, the same aspiration of the Jews was clothed only in a different form ...

Let's not talk about the true intentions of the new rulers of Russia. We are satisfied with the fact that Russia, having lost its supreme German stratum, has thereby ceased to have any significance as a possible ally of the German nation in the liberation struggle. From a purely military point of view, a war between Germany and Russia against Western Europe (or rather, in this case, against the rest of the world) would be a real disaster for us. After all, the whole struggle would be played out not on Russian, but on German territory, and Germany could not even count on any serious support from Russia ...

I do not forget all the insolent threats that Pan-Slavist Russia dared to systematically bombard Germany with. I do not forget the repeated trial mobilizations that Russia resorted to with the sole purpose of infringing on Germany. I cannot forget the sentiments that prevailed in Russia already before the war, and those fierce attacks on our people, in which the Russian big press, which was enthusiastic about France, was refined. (Most of the press at that time was already "Russian-speaking, that is, Jewish. Let us recall that during the American bombings in Yugoslavia, NTV and other Jewish media were most loudly fanning anti-American sentiments - ed.)

However, just before the start of the war, we still had a second path: we could rely on Russia against England ...

1. The modern rulers (Jewish - ed.) Of Russia do not at all think about the conclusion of an honest alliance with Germany, and even more so about its implementation, if they had concluded it.

(It was because of this that Hitler decided to start a preventive war with the Jewish Soviet Union, which carried a mortal threat to Aryan Germany - ed.)

That is all that Hitler wrote about the Russians and about Russia in his bestseller, My Struggle. In terms of its total circulation, it ranked second after the Bible in the twentieth century.