Russian collaboration during the Second World War. The Truth About Traitors. Collaboration in World War II and World War II

Myths about pro-Hitler collaborationism in 1939-1945 have long turned into not only a pretext for speculation, but also an effective weapon of information-psychological warfare. This is especially true of Russian and Ukrainian collaboration. How are they used? And where is the truth?

Collaboration - in international law, deliberate, voluntary and deliberate cooperation with the enemy in his interests and to the detriment of his state. But due to the fact that collaborationism is most often discussed during the Second World War, in a narrow sense this term is often used in relation to the phenomena of work for the Hitler regime by the population of the countries it occupied.

Even in relation to World War II alone, the term is very broad. Many millions of people lived in the territories occupied by Hitler, and most of them, except for the obvious underground resistance fighters, can be "caught" in one form or another of cooperation with the occupiers - participation in forced labor, obtaining documents, passing registrations ... Therefore, many scientists speaking about collaboration during the Second World War, they propose to limit ourselves to the facts of service of representatives of the peoples against whom Hitler waged the war, in paramilitary formations (Wehrmacht, SS, etc.), as well as participation in the work of political and administrative structures that supported the Third Reich and Hitlerism. And, probably, one can agree with this.

Although even in this context, it is not easy to draw the line between "collaboration" and "alliance". Some states during the war managed to visit both Hitler's allies and his opponents - for example, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland. Probably, this does not particularly detract from the guilt of the people who fought as part of their national units under the Nazi banners, but they still should not be called collaborators. But, say, with the Belgians, Dutch, Danes, Norwegians, or with the peoples who inhabited the Soviet Union who fought for Hitler - everything is much more unambiguous. Here we can safely talk about collaboration in any sense.

Hitler himself initially treated the ideas of arming collaborators very coldly.

"It should never be allowed that weapons be carried by anyone other than the Germans! This is especially important. Even if in the near future it would seem easier for us to attract any foreign, subjugated peoples to armed assistance, it would be wrong. That would be wrong. one fine day it would inevitably and inevitably turn against us. Only a German has the right to bear arms, and not a Slav, not a Czech, not a Cossack or a Ukrainian. "

Hitler Adolf

However, it was still an "ideal" model for him, since collaborators in the power structures of the Third Reich appeared relatively early - take, for example, the Ukrainian Roland and Nachtigall. And the further course of the war forced the Nazis to rely on collaborators more and more ...

Let's digress a little from the history of the middle of the 20th century and return to times that are closer to us.

Starting from the 1980s - 1990s, in the wake of denigrating everything "Soviet", Russophobic publicists, and after them the yellow press authors, promoted to the masses the trend that the "Great Patriotic War" allegedly did not exist, but was "civil" - as on the side of Hitler allegedly fought from a million to two million "Russians". Over time, during the restoration of historical justice in the 2000s, this trend "faded into the shadows", but in 2014 it was actualized "under a new sauce." The forces of "Maidan" in Ukraine, heroizing Shukhevych, Bandera and other Nazis, had to urgently prove that the main collaborator was "someone else", best of all - "Muscovites" (they say, the poor Ukrainians have only one SS division "Galicia ", and for the Russians - oh-oh-oh). And this issue needs to be dealt with in more detail.

Absolutely accurate data on the number of collaborationists-representatives of the peoples of the USSR have not reached us. With statistics, apparently, there was initially confusion. Plus, a lot burned down in 1945. Much about this "left" to the British and Americans, who immediately "recruited" the most accommodating of yesterday's Hitler's henchmen to fight the USSR already under their flags ...

The figures, which are called by various historians, range from 800 thousand to 1.5 million. The most confirmed today is an estimate of 1.2 million.

As for who it really was, there is a beautiful one. Referring, in turn, to the calculations of Sergei Drobyazko, he gives the following number of collaborationists-representatives of various peoples of the USSR:

250,000 Ukrainians
70,000 Belarusians
70,000 Cossacks
150,000 Latvians
90,000 Estonians
50,000 Lithuanians
70,000 Central Asians
12,000 Volga Tatars
10,000 Crimean Tatars
7,000 Kalmyks
40,000 Azerbaijanis
25,000 Georgians
20,000 Armenians
30,000 North Caucasian peoples.

In this case, the share of Russians is just over 300 thousand ...

Here is a list of the main collaborationist groups that are commonly referred to as "Russians":

Russian Liberation Army;

Russian People's Liberation Army;

Cossack Stan (after reorganization - Separate Cossack Corps);

15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps;

29th SS Grenadier Division (Russian number 1);

30th Grenadier Division (Russian number 2);

Division "Russland";

Russian corps;

The Combat Union of Russian Nationalists (and on its basis - the 1st Russian National SS Detachment "Druzhina".

On the forums of Russian and Ukrainian nationalists, sometimes this list looks many times more impressive. The secret to this is very simple. As part of the forces of the Third Reich, various units have repeatedly changed their names, served as the basis for the formation of each other.

For example, the Russland division managed to visit both the Green Special Forces and the 1st Russian National Army. And so - many other collaborationist groups. Even in the above list, we allowed some dubbing too! The 29th SS Grenadier Division "RONA" was created on the basis of the Kaminsky brigade, and that, in turn, on the basis of the Russian People's Liberation Army. So the list is actually not nearly as impressive as some are trying to portray.

Another way to manipulate. The "Russian" subdivisions include subdivisions that, in fact, cannot be called Russians. Let's say the 30th division, "2nd Russian" - only in name. In practice, it was formed from Belarusian and Ukrainian police collaborators! The Desna regiment, which is often recorded in the "Russian" units, was generally Ukrainian ... Even in the ROA, according to some sources, there were less than half of ethnic Russians! Therefore, with such and such calculations, it is not a fact that there were even 300 thousand Russian collaborators ...

What drove the collaborators in principle?

Contrary to the opinion of information speculators, there were very few pure ideological "fighters against Bolshevism" in their ranks. We will not talk about those who created underground organizations in concentration camps, went to policemen or ROA, and then raised an uprising with weapons or went into partisans - everything is clear with such. Heroes. Dot.

The bulk of the collaborators were driven, to a greater or lesser extent, by mercantile considerations. They can be roughly divided into three groups:

National fascists - separatists who wanted to create their own fascist political projects under Hitler's protectorate;

People who relied on Hitlerism for the purpose of earning money and career growth;

People who simply tried to survive (such were mainly in units of the type "hivi" - "volunteer assistants of the Wehrmacht").

It is impossible to whitewash or justify these people in any way. In the article "" we have already talked about the monstrous atrocities of the Nazis, and about their original plans for the Slavic population. Collaborators calmly, without remorse served those who destroyed their compatriots by the millions, and often personally took part in this destruction.

Speaking about collaboration in general, I note that for many peoples the main form of collaboration has become participation in the "national" formations of the SS.

Thirdly, the Wehrmacht included such an interesting unit as the "Ukrainian Liberation Army", which served about 80 thousand people! And also the "Ukrainian National Army", which joined, among other things, the SS division "Galicia".

Fourth ... The most disgusting of all Ukrainian collaborations, if I may say so, was the mass service of Ukrainians in the units of the so-called "Ukrainian people's militia" functions against their compatriots. In 1942, the total number of their personnel in Eastern Europe reached 300 thousand people. It was the Ukrainians who made up a huge percentage of them.

The filling of these units was carried out by the very Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine heroized today.

"Following the instructions of Keitel and Jodl mentioned above, I contacted the Ukrainian nationalists who were in the service of the German intelligence service and other members of the nationalist fascist groups, whom I recruited to carry out the tasks set above. In particular, I personally gave instructions to the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists, German agents Melnik ( the nickname "Consul-1") and Bandera, immediately after the German attack on the Soviet Union, to organize provocative demonstrations in Ukraine in order to undermine the nearest rear of the Soviet troops, as well as to convince international public opinion of the alleged decomposition of the Soviet rear "...

"Canaris received an order from the then chief of the OKW, who presented it as a directive clearly received from Ribbentrop, since these directives were read in close connection with the political intentions of the Reich Foreign Ministry. would be the extermination of Jews and Poles "...

This is how the UPA came into being!

The UPA militants "coped" with their tasks. During the Volyn massacre alone, they killed up to 80 thousand Poles ...

The documents declassified today clearly indicate that the leadership of the OUN-UPA was carried out by the SD organs. The Germans specially armed the Ukrainian national organizations. The detachments carried out propaganda for the creation of a "Ukrainian state" under the protectorate of Germany. By order of the Nazi curators, the German agents-leaders of the OUN-UPA recruited ordinary fighters, including under the pretext of "self-defense" from the Nazis, and then carried out the necessary ideological processing with them, directing them to the destruction of the peaceful Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian population, the struggle with Soviet partisans, and later with all supporters of the Soviet system.

Over time, when the situation changed, the OUN members in their propaganda newspapers wrote about the allegedly large-scale battles with the Nazis. There is no documentary evidence of this in nature. There was no further actions of banal robbery and looting (in the UPA a significant part of the contingent were criminals) or initiative actions of revenge for the dead relatives of individual fighters. The description of this kind of actions should include Koch's complaints about the destruction of a certain “service point” by “Ukrainian bandits”, during which 12 foresters, workers and policemen were killed. At the same time, it should be noted that, apparently, not even the entire German administration was notified of the nature of the cooperation of the German special services with the OUN-UPA. Perhaps for reasons of secrecy.

Field Marshal Erich von Manstein:

"In general, there were three types of partisan detachments: Soviet partisans who fought with us and terrorized the local population; Ukrainian, who fought with Soviet partisans, but, as a rule, released the Germans who fell into their hands, taking away their weapons; finally, Polish partisan bands who fought with the Germans and Ukrainians "...

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Fedorov:

"Being for a long time (June 1943 - January 1944) on the territory of the Volyn and Rivne regions, we do not have any facts about where the Ukrainian nationalists, in addition to the widespread empty chatter in their press, fought against the German invaders and enslavers."

In 2007, Crimean veterans' organizations asked Angela Merkel about the damage done to the German army by the UPA. The Chancellor gave orders to prepare a response to a number of research institutions. The answer was expected. German historians said that the Ukrainian nationalists did not inflict any significant damage on the Nazis. In 1943, the fact of an attack on the rear units was noted, as a result of which only a few people died and were taken prisoner (apparently, Koch reported on this case). Nothing else was recorded ...

Therefore, the UPA, which at its peak consisted of several tens of thousands of fighters, can also be safely attributed to collaborationist formations, simply with a more complex and secret control system.

Taking this into account, as well as the fact that, as we found out, a significant part of the collaborationist units that are considered to be "Russians" were in fact fully or partially staffed by ethnic Ukrainians, we can safely conclude that the real number of Ukrainian collaborators in fact, it was either equal to or even exceeded the number of Russian collaborators. And this despite the fact that there were about three times more ethnic Russians at that time!

When analyzing Ukrainian collaborationism, two more important facts should be taken into account.

First. It was minimal in the southeastern regions of the Ukrainian SSR and concentrated on the territory of several regions of modern Western Ukraine.

Second. Ukrainians are a nation that suffered some of the worst losses in World War II. From 1941 to 1945, about every fifth inhabitant of Ukraine died ...

It turns out that the collaborators concentrated in Western Ukraine contributed to the mass extermination of their own compatriots! However, like the brotherly Belarusian people ... It turns out that the inhabitants of the northwestern Ukraine perceived the inhabitants of the southeastern Ukraine as something "foreign", "not their own" even then. This suggests that there was no "Ukrainian unity" then, just as there is none now.

In Soviet times, the topic of collaboration was not very fond of discussing. First, so as not to show the scale of the betrayal. Secondly, to try to establish peace between peoples. Alas, to a certain extent, in the long run this backfired, making it easier for the heirs of the fascist murderers to rehabilitate themselves and establish a new near-fascist regime ...

Traitors and patriots

It cannot be said that the phenomenon of Soviet collaborationism was unique in the Second World War. But if not by the share of the population, then by the absolute number of collaborators who served in the German army. The Soviet Union is in the sad first place.

With the beginning of the war, millions of Red Army soldiers were taken prisoner. By December 1, 1941, there were already 3806 thousand of them.In 1942, another 1653 thousand were added, in 1943 - 565 thousand, in 1944 - 147 thousand.Even in four months of victorious 1945, 34 thousand Soviet servicemen managed to get captured ... Out of approximately 6.2 million Soviet prisoners, about 100, and maybe 200 thousand, were able to escape, about 4.2 million died in captivity, and about 1.8 million were freed by Soviet troops (of which only half were at the time of the liberation, it retained the status of the given, while the rest were even earlier liberated by the Germans themselves and served in collaborationist formations). The numbers are scary.

The cause of the tragedy lies in Hitler's misanthropic policy, for whom the territories in the East were primarily "living space" for German colonization. The German leadership counted on the blitzkrieg and did not care about the prisoners - more than 2.5 million of them did not survive the winter of 1941/1942.The Soviet government provided involuntary support to it, although at the beginning of the war it declared its readiness to comply with the basic conditions of the Geneva Convention on Conversion with prisoners of war, but in fact rejected two of its most important points: on providing the International Red Cross with lists of captured enemy soldiers and on allowing parcels from their homeland for servicemen. As a result, the German command left the prisoners without food and in unequipped camps to their fate.

There were many e defectors. For the first year of the war, however, when their number was especially large, there is no data, but it is known that later, in the second half of 1942, 61 thousand Red Army soldiers defected to the side of the Germans. In 1943, the number of defectors decreased to 24 thousand, and in the first three months of 1944 there were only 2.2 thousand of them.In the last year of the war, there were even fewer of them (there are no exact data), but even in March 1945 on the Oder When no one doubted Hitler's defeat, 18 Soviet servicemen nevertheless ran across the German lines.

Cooperation with Germany was not initially rejected by many of the captured representatives of the Soviet generals. So, according to German data, in December 1941, readiness, under certain conditions, together with the German army to fight against Stalin and the Bolsheviks, was expressed by such generals as M.I.Potapov and P.G. Ponedelin ... MF Lukin, under whose leadership the surrounded Soviet troops detained the infantry units of the Center group for almost two weeks and thus, perhaps, saved Moscow, conveyed on behalf of a group of generals imprisoned with him a proposal to the German side to create a Russian counter-government, which proved if the people and the army could fight "against the hated Bolshevik system" without opposing the interests of their homeland. At the same time, Lukin told the German officers who interrogated him: “The people will face an unusual situation: the Russians have taken the side of the so-called enemy, which means that it is not treason to the Motherland, but only a departure from the system ... perhaps even those who can still do something. After all, not all leaders are sworn adherents of communism. "

Mikhail Fedorovich Lukin died in 1970 as a recognized war hero. Only 14 years later, extracts from the minutes of his interrogations were published in Joachim Hoffman's book "The History of the Vlasov Army". Get these protocols into the hands of Stalin's investigators, the general will not escape execution. After all, General Ponedelin was shot after the war, and only on the basis of very confused denunciations about his alleged readiness to cooperate with the enemy. And later, during the times of Khrushchev or Brezhnev, the announcement of the protocols would certainly have deprived Lukin of his general rank, and his name would have been deleted from the history of the Great Patriotic War ...

The first stage of German-encouraged collaboration in Russia began in the first weeks of the war. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war, in order to escape from the camp, and civilians, in order not to starve to death, entered the German army as "Hee-Wee" - "volunteer assistants (Hilfswillige). They were used in rear services and formally did not have the right to wear weapons, although they were considered soldiers of the German army. Soon many "Hee-wee" began to be used for guard and security functions and armed with small arms. , Belarusians, Latvians, Tatars ... The exact number of "Chi-Vi" in different periods is almost impossible to determine. According to some estimates, in the spring of 1943 there were more than 1 million. According to a number of German generals and officers, without the assistance of "volunteer assistants “It would have been impossible for the German troops in Russia to solve the complex problems of transport and supply.

From the moment the war in the East took on a protracted nature, the German command began to demand the possibility of forming combat units from collaborators, initially more with Propaganda than with actual military purposes. In the formation of the Russian units, the captured commander of the 2nd Shock Army and deputy commander of the Volkhov Front, Lieutenant General Andrei Andreevich Vlasov, played an important role. Born in 1901 into a peasant family, Vlasov made a brilliant career. At the beginning of the war, he commanded the 4th Mechanized Corps on the Southwestern Front, then the 37th Army in the Kiev battle. In the Moscow battle, Vlasov successfully led the 20th Army. Later he headed the 2nd shock, which was surrounded by no fault of his. He tried to get to the front line with a group of fighters, but on July 11, 1942, he was captured by a German patrol. In his appeals to the Red Army men later, Vlasov repeatedly claimed that he had deliberately embarked on a struggle with the Bolsheviks for a "new Russia." However, by his own admission, he decided the question of the unacceptability of the Soviet system for himself only when he was surrounded in the Volkhov swamps.

By the fall of 1942, Vlasov was the largest and most popular Soviet commander in the army, who agreed to unconditionally cooperate with Germany. Lukin, having failed to obtain the consent of the German leaders to create an independent Russian army and government and convinced of the death of millions of prisoners in the camps because of the inhumanity of the Germans, lost interest in such cooperation. In addition, he asked the Germans for the time being not to announce his proposals for Russian-German cooperation, because he feared for the family left in unoccupied territory. Therefore, the choice fell on Vlasov, whose name promised the greatest propaganda effect.

In Smolensk, on December 27, 1942, an appeal was made public by the Russian Committee to the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army, signed by its chairman, Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov and the secretary, Major General V.F. In this appeal, Bolshevism was declared "the enemy of the Russian people" and the main culprit of the war. It also stated: "The history of our homeland does not know such defeats as were the lot of the Red Army in this war. Despite the dedication of the soldiers and commanders, despite the bravery and sacrifice of the Russian people, battle after battle was lost. This is due to the rottenness of the entire Bolshevik system, mediocrity of Stalin and his headquarters. " The "allies of Stalin" - the British and American "capitalists" who allegedly betrayed the Russian people "also got it," while "Germany is waging war not against the Russian people and their Motherland, but only against Bolshevism." The Russian committee called on the Russian people to fight for " new Russia "-" without the Bolsheviks and capitalists. "In this" new Russia "forced labor was to be eliminated and the workers ensured a" real "right to work, as well as real freedoms of conscience, speech, assembly ... Vlasov and Malyshkin called for the destruction of the "regime of terror and violence." A special point of appeal provided for the provision of social justice and the protection of workers from any kind of exploitation. " The collective farms were supposed to be liquidated and the land transferred to the private ownership of the peasants. In addition, they promised to release all political prisoners. The program is attractive at first glance.

But in the same appeal, the Russian Committee declared enemies of the people not only "Stalin and his clique", but also "everyone who volunteers to serve in the punitive organs of Bolshevism - special departments, the NKVD, detachments", and even "those who destroy values belonging to the Russian people ". The enemies of the people were to be mercilessly destroyed. It is easy to see that millions and millions of people are enrolled in this category, including even ordinary Red Army soldiers, who, when retreating, by order of the command, destroyed bridges, roads and buildings. If Vlasov and his supporters came to power as a result of the German victory, they would have staged a terror that could overshadow the Red Terror in Russia in 1917-1920, when, according to some sources, about 2 million people died. And upon closer examination, the program for building a "new Russia" turns out to be copied from the program documents of the German Nazis with their slogans of the struggle against Russian Bolshevism and Western plutocracy. By the way, the Russian Committee spoke about the national question very sparingly, promising only a "guarantee of national freedom" and emphasizing the special role of the Russian people. Well, members of the Russian Committee, high-ranking Soviet military in the past, who grew up in a totalitarian system, easily adopted another totalitarian ideology - the Nazi one, which often almost literally coincided with the Bolshevik one. Interestingly, Major MF Zykov worked at Vlasov's headquarters, who was a supporter of NI Bukharin, worked with him at Izvestia, was in the camp, was freed before the war, and when captured, tried to implement the "Bukharin alternative "within the framework of the Vlasov movement. He disappeared without a trace in the summer of 1944. Vlasov's headquarters and the Wehrmacht leadership had no doubts that he had been kidnapped and killed by Gestapo agents who saw in Zuev a "Jew" (perhaps unfoundedly) and a "communist" (which is undoubtedly). The Gestapo, in turn, claimed that Zuev was killed by Soviet agents.

In 1942-1943. separate security or combat infantry battalions, formed by the Wehrmacht from prisoners of Russian nationality, were formally included in the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) led by Vlasov. Sometimes in the course of hostilities they were combined into regiments. One of these regiments, for example, during the Allied landings in Normandy, was commanded by the former Colonel of the Red Army S.K.Bunyachenko, later - the commander of the 1st division of the ROA (for the battles in Normandy he was awarded by the Germans). At the end of 1942, by order of Hitler, many military formations of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, representatives of Muslim peoples and other immigrants from the USSR were transferred from the East to the West, and later to Italy (Russian "Chi-Wee" were even in Rommel's army in North Africa). This, along with the refusal to form any Russian political bodies and the Russian army, as well as other national bodies, caused a decline in fighting spirit and an increase in desertion to the partisans.

In practice, Vlasov did not in any way control the use of units of the ROA formally headed by him. In those cases when individual Russian battalions found themselves at the front, they fought stubbornly. Here, however, we are faced with the courage of the doomed rather than the heroism of the conscientious fighters against Stalin's tyranny. In the event of a retreat, the Vlasovites were threatened with severe German repression, while Soviet captivity threatened them with an early and often painful death. I remember the story of my distant Belarusian relative, who liberated Brest as a sergeant in July 1944. Soon after the retreat of the Germans, the Brest Fortress was visited by two Soviet colonels who examined its fortifications. In the dungeons of the fortress, a platoon of the Vlasovites was hiding, which destroyed both. They began to look for the disappeared colonels, the soldiers found the Vlasovites and, with the help of smoke bombs, forced them to surrender. The commander of the unit told the prisoners: "I can transfer your case to the tribunal, and everyone will be shot. But I appeal to my soldiers. As they decide, so it will be with you." And the soldiers immediately raised the Vlasovites on bayonets, not heeding the call of one of them to listen to why they began to serve the Germans.

The highest officers of the German army already from 1942 realized that the creation of the ROA and some kind of alternative to Stalin Russian government, as well as a number of other national armies and governments, could become the only means of achieving victory in the East. However, until the beginning of 1944, their proposals on this score were rejected by Hitler and Himmler, who considered the "eastern territories" only as German colonies. But with new defeats in the East and West, even the Nazi leaders made concessions here. Back in 1943, the command of the eastern troops was created, which united all the collaborationist formations. On April 16 of the same year, the chief of staff of Army Group North, General Kinzel, criticizing the regulations intended for these formations, wrote to the commander of the eastern troops, General Helmich, that they bypassed the main question: "what will happen to their, soldiers of the eastern troops, their homeland after the war "because it is completely wrong to think that they are" fighting on the side of Germany out of gratitude for liberation from Bolshevism. " "For the fighters of the Eastern troops, in fact, the question is: will we go over from Bolshevik slavery to German slavery, or are we fighting for the freedom and independence of our Motherland?" In order for this kind of assumption to receive at least formal approval, it took the defeat of the German troops in France and Belarus in the summer of 1944. On September 14, Vlasov was received by Himmler. The ROA commander was promised to keep Russia within the borders on September 1, 1939, subject to broad autonomy for non-Russian peoples and Cossack regions. Hitler and Himmler agreed to form the 1st ROA Division (600th Infantry). In January 1945, the 2nd ROA Division (650th Infantry) began to form. Then, in the fall of 1944, Germany was preparing for a counteroffensive in the Ardennes, hoping to inflict a decisive defeat on the Western allies and force them to a separate peace. After that, they hoped to throw all their forces to the East and defeat the Red Army. It was here that the ROA divisions had to play their role.

On November 14, 1944, the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR), headed by Vlasov, was formed in Prague. He united the Russian Committee and other national committees and military formations created under the auspices of Germany (except for the Baltic ones). KONR adopted a manifesto, basically repeating the appeal of the Russian Committee of December 27, 1942. It is significant that the manifesto did not say anything about the struggle against "British and American capitalists", and Germany's assistance was already welcomed "on conditions that did not affect the honor and independence of our homeland." At the same time, it was emphasized that at the moment aid to Germany is the only opportunity to wage an armed struggle against the "Stalinist clique." The manifesto also indicated the desire of KONR to maintain friendly relations with all countries after the war. KONR also stated that now, with the outbreak of the Red Army in Eastern and Central Europe and the Balkans, the war has acquired a distinctly aggressive character on the part of the USSR. One gets the impression that the KONR manifesto was addressed not so much to the Red Army and the population of the USSR as to the Western allies, whose patronage the committee members were trying to achieve, in view of the imminent defeat of Germany, which became undoubtedly.

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Today's slaves are tomorrow's traitors.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Not only in Ukraine or the Baltics, but also in Leningrad,
Pskov, Novgorod regions population
greeted the occupiers.
I. Kaunator

... In the first months of the war, when German troops marched along
recently "liberated" territories, there were episodes
when the population welcomed the occupiers.
From Wikipedia

During and after the Second World War, Stalin initiated the total deportation of ten peoples of the Soviet Union, indiscriminately accused of cooperation with Nazi Germany (Germans, Koreans, Ingermanland Finns, Karachais, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks), and in total, during the war years, peoples and groups of the population of 61 nationalities were subjected to forced resettlement. Then Stalin's ethnic "cleansing", or more precisely, ethnic genocide, were subjected to about 3 million people.

Mass deportations were carried out at the cost of inhuman suffering and hundreds of thousands human lives... Stalin's hatred for some peoples of the USSR is imbued with the directive on the demobilization of their representatives and resettlement to the "bear corners" of the country. Among those who were indiscriminately accused without trial or investigation were not only servicemen who were awarded orders and medals, but even several Heroes of the Soviet Union. At the same time, it was completely silent that real, and not fictional, collaborators consisted mainly of Russians and that 75% of foreign Wehrmacht legionnaires recruited from the conquered countries were "Soviet". Their total number was close to one and a half million (!) People who passed through 800 (!) Army battalions and other fascist military and civilian structures. Naturally, these were not only Russians: the collaborators reflected the multinational composition of the USSR, but the Russians dominated among the traitors. According to Vadim Petrovich Makhno, captain of the first rank, who served for several decades in the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR, only in SS units, about 10 divisions were staffed with "eastern volunteers", in which up to 150 thousand former Soviet citizens served. In fact, there were even more Russian SS units.

Constantly reproaching their neighbors for fascism and for the formation of SS divisions during World War II, the Russians bashfully forget that the lion's share of SS units in the occupied territories were manned by Russian soldiers. In contrast to the Latvians, Estonians and Ukrainians, who were only one division at a time, there were more than a dozen Russian units and SS formations:

Volunteer SS Regiment "Varyag".
- 1st Russian National SS Brigade "Druzhina".
- 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps.
- 29th SS Grenadier Division "RONA" (1st Russian).
- 30th SS Grenadier Division (2nd Russian).
- 36th SS Grenadier Division "Dirlewanger".

- 15th Cossack Russian Corps of the SS FHA-SS - 3 divisions, 16 regiments.
- 29th Russian FHA-SS - 6 regiments.
- 30th Russian FHA-SS, 1st formation 1944, - 5 regiments.

- 1st Russian National SS Brigade "Druzhina" - 3 regiments, 12 battalions.
- 1st Guards Brigade ROA "Sonderkommando 113" SD - 1 battalion, 2 companies.
- SS Brigade "Center for Anti-Bolshevik Struggle" (TsPBB) - 3 battalions.
- Reconnaissance and sabotage formation of the Main Command "Russia - Center" of the Sonder Headquarters "Zeppelin" RSHA-SS - 4 special forces.

The figure of 1.5 million accomplices of fascism is comparable only to the total number of mobilized citizens of Hitler's allies (Italy, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Croatia, Slovakia) - about 2 million people. For comparison, I will indicate the number of mobilized in other countries conquered by Hitler: Denmark - less than 5 thousand, France - less than 10 thousand, Poland - 20 thousand, Belgium - 38 thousand soldiers ...

In addition to the total (total) number of traitorous accomplices from the USSR, the German archives contain accurate data on the number of those mobilized by the Germans into the army from the territory of the USSR: the RSFSR - 800 thousand, Ukraine - 250 thousand, Belarus - 47 thousand, Latvia - 88 thousand ., Estonia - 69 thousand, Lithuania - 20 thousand military personnel. Among the collaborators there were also Cossacks - 70 thousand, representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia - 180 thousand, representatives of the peoples of the North Caucasus - 30 thousand, Georgians - 20 thousand, Armenians - 18 thousand, Azerbaijanis - 35 thousand, Volga Tatars - 40 thousand, Crimean Tatars - 17 thousand and Kalmyks - 5 thousand.

Of the surviving 2.4 million Soviet prisoners (and the mortality rate among Soviet prisoners exceeded 60%), approximately 950 thousand joined various anti-Soviet armed formations of the Wehrmacht. The following categories of Russians served in the local auxiliary forces of the German army:

1) volunteers (hivi);
2) service of order (odi);
3) front-line auxiliary parts (noise);
4) police and defense teams (gem).

At the beginning of 1943, the Wehrmacht numbered: up to 400 thousand hivis, from 60 to 70 thousand odes, and 80 thousand in the eastern battalions. About 183 thousand people worked for railroad in Kiev and Minsk, ensuring the movement of Nazi units and military cargo. To this should be added from 250 to 500 thousand prisoners of war who escaped repatriation to the USSR after the war (in total, more than 1.7 million people did not return to their homeland), as well as big number traitors who turned over the captured commissars and Jews to the Nazi authorities. In June 1944, the total number of Khivi reached 800 thousand people.

Remarkable is this fact: when in 1943 Hitler demanded to remove Russian units from the Eastern Front and transfer them to the Western, the generals grabbed their heads: this was impossible, because every fifth on the Eastern Front was then Russian.

The enormous scale of the betrayal during the Second World War (as well as the massive, multimillion-dollar, permanent emigration from Russia) for me are vivid evidence of the “bloat” and “bloat” of Russian patriotism. In order to hide the grandiose scale of collaboration, our historians bashfully write that “the maximum number of those who collaborated with the occupation authorities during the Second World War were in countries with the maximum population” ...

That's not all: about 400 thousand former "Soviet" officers served as policemen for the Nazis and about 10% of the population of the occupied part of the USSR actively cooperated with the occupiers - I mean the Wakhmans, members of the "isatzgruppen", headmen, burgomasters, Russian officials of the German administration, house managers, informers, journalists and priests who worked for German propaganda ...

Taking into account the fact that there were 60-70 million people in the occupied territories, that is, about 40% of the population of the Soviet Union, even with 10% of actively cooperating, a multimillion figure again turns out ... I believe that this is a world record of mass betrayal in the history of all wars that humanity has ever fought. For example, through the security battalions of the German concentration camps passed about 5,000 thousand Wakhmans, who took a personal part in the torture and massacres of concentration camp prisoners, as well as residents of the countries of Europe occupied by the Nazis. The "Isatzgruppen" created by Heydrich, who hunted for Jews and took a direct part in their executions (in fact, firing squads that killed about 2 million people), usually included about 10% of the local residents. In particular, all residents of the Belarusian Khatyn were shot or burned alive by the Aizatskommando, which included 20% of the locals ... I cannot name the exact number of Russian prostitutes serving Wehrmacht soldiers, but the brothel was "relied on" by each German division.

To this it should be added that in 1941 alone, the Red Army suffered the following losses:
- 3.8 million people prisoners of war (against 9147 German soldiers and officers, that is, 415 times less than Soviet prisoners of war!);
- more than 500 thousand killed and died from wounds in hospitals;
- 1.3 million wounded and sick.

In 1942, another 1,653 thousand were added, in 1943 - 565 thousand, in 1944 - 147 thousand Soviet prisoners. Even in the four months of the victorious 1945, 34 thousand servicemen managed to get captured. About 4.2 million died in captivity, and many exchanged captivity for service in collaborationist formations. The numbers are scary.

Abandoned by the officers, the demoralized Soviet soldiers surrendered to the Nazis or hid from the enemy. In October 1941, the 1st Deputy Head of the Directorate of Special Departments of the NKVD S. Milstein reported to the Minister of the NKVD Lavrenty Beria: "... From the beginning of the war to October 10, 1941, special departments of the NKVD and Zagradotryadov detained 657,364 servicemen who had lagged behind and fled from the front." By the end of 1941, only 8% of the personnel at the beginning of the war remained in the army (June 22, 1941)

Ours also have a routine justification for all these shameful facts: they say, their reason was the dissatisfaction of a part of the population with the Soviet regime (including collectivization). This is true, but far from all. Many Russians went into the service of the Nazis because they were brought up in the spirit of chauvinistic, nationalist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic ideas and regular Jewish pogroms. In addition, as I found out in the book "Russian Fascism", the massive Russian pogroms anticipated the German ones by several decades, and Nazi ideas swept wide layers of the "white movement".

There is one more factor, carefully hidden by Soviet historians: the standard of living in the occupied territories was higher than in the country unoccupied by the enemy ... In any case, it didn’t come to food rationing. Even more striking was the difference in the allowances of soldiers and officers of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht, which differed by at least an order of magnitude, and more often more (for more details, see.

In general, high patriotism is possible when you feel your country, free, prosperous, in the end - just comfortable for life. When all this is not there, patriotism, whether we like it or not, invariably degenerates into "Russian marches", the Nashist "seliger", xenophobia, gloating from other people's failures, pathetic imitations of loyalty, culminating in betrayal ...

Professor, Doctor of Law Lev Simkin wrote that many Russians believed that “there is hardly a power worse than the Soviet one in the world - they did not evacuate for ideological reasons. 22 million citizens of the USSR cooperated with the invaders. " And more: “Nazism lay on the prepared ground - the Soviet government managed to instill in people a firm belief in the existence of the enemy. They were not used to living without an enemy, and changing his image was a common thing. Propaganda changed its sign, if the communist branded the kulaks and "enemies of the people", then the Nazi - the communists and Jews. "

However, there were deeper historical prerequisites for military collaboration. Friedrich Engels, characterizing the Russian bureaucracy and officers in his serious analytical work "Army of Europe", prophetically wrote: “What is the lower class of officials in the Russian civil service, recruited from the children of the same officials, the same are the officers in the army: cunning, meanness views, narrowly egoistic behavior are combined with superficial elementary education, which makes them even more disgusting; vain and greedy for profit, sold in body and soul to the state, they themselves daily and hourly sell it for trifles, if it can be at least in any way profitable for them ... This category of people, in civil and military areas, mainly and supports the enormous corruption that permeates all branches of the civil service in Russia. "

I could reinforce the thought of Napoleon and Engels: it is difficult to demand patriotism from the slaves, in whom the Russian authorities have eternally tried to convert their own people. And the fear of the "masters" imposed on the people did little to help love. L. Puzin is ironic: "The Russians have always fought badly, therefore they were forced to fight heroically." The Russians lost military campaigns so often (as Engels also writes about) because in the depths of their hearts they feared their own people more than their enemies. However, they won “heroically”, too, not to a small extent out of fear of the firing squads.

How many people generally think about the fact that a flawed power gives rise not only to a flawed life, but also a massive hatred for such a life and for the country that forever generates it? Quite naturally, this is most evident in difficult periods of history. Although Russia has always boasted of its patriotism, the revolution and wars have shown its value - and not only in the form of grandiose collaborationism that has no historical analogies. Why is that? Because, my friend L. Puzin answers, that patriotic education is understood in Russia as the education of slaves who are ready to defend the interests of their masters without sparing their lives.

K. Bondarenko saw the roots of betrayal in the very depths of Russian history: collaboration here is elevated to the rank of dignity, he wrote: of Batu's associates last years the life of the bloody khan, and, according to the widespread version, was poisoned in the Horde, becoming a victim of the struggle for power between the Batu heirs. Alexander's grandson, Ivan Daniilovich Kalita, Prince of Moscow, went down in history thanks to the fact that he himself decided to collect tribute for the Tatars, offering his services instead of those of the Baskaks. “Thus, part of the tribute remained in Moscow, hiding from the khan, and this factor contributed to the strengthening of the Moscow principality,” historians are touched. At the same time, without pointing out one significant point: somehow Kalita was robbing his own people ...

As an example of the insight of the "classic", it is enough to recall the massive violation of the oath of the Russian officers, who betrayed the tsar and Kerensky in turn. Moreover, it was the tsarist officers who formed the backbone of the leadership of the Red Army (Bonch-Bruevich, Budyonny, Tukhachevsky, Blucher, Krylenko, Dybenko, Antonov-Ovsienko, Muravyov, Govorov, Baghramyan, Kamenev, Shaposhnikov, Egorov, Kork, Karbyshev, Chernavin, Eideman, Uborevich , Altfater, Lebedev, Samoilo, Behrens, von Taube ...) - only 48.5 thousand tsarist officers, only 746 former lieutenant colonels, 980 colonels, 775 generals. In the decisive year 1919, they made up 53% of the entire command staff of the Red Army.

The Supreme Military Council of the army, created by the Bolsheviks on March 4, 1918, included 86 tsarist officers in the ranks from major and lieutenant colonel to general (10 people). Of the 46 members of the high command staff of the Red Army in May 1922, 78.3% were career officers of the old tsarist army, of which 7 former generals, 22 lieutenant colonels and colonels, 8.8% come from the imperial life guards. According to A.G. Kavtardze, a total of about 30% of the pre-revolutionary officer corps tsarist Russia betrayed the previous authorities and went to serve in the ranks of the Red Army, which in no small measure contributed to the victory of the "Reds" in Civil War That is, 185 generals of the General Staff of the Imperial Army later served in the corps of the General Staff of the Red Army, and this number does not include generals who held other positions in the Red Army. Most of the 185 were in the service of the Red Army voluntarily, and only six were mobilized. It was not by chance that a saying arose then: the Red Army is like a radish - red on the outside and white on the inside.

(The Bolsheviks "thanked" the founders of the Red Army by almost complete destruction of the pre-revolutionary officer corps. Of the total number of 276 thousand tsarist officers as of the autumn of 1917 and 48.5 thousand defectors by June 1941, hardly more than several hundred were in the army, and then, mainly - commanders of former warrant officers and second lieutenants.In Leningrad alone, more than a thousand former military experts were shot. Among them: Divisional Commander A. Svechin, P. Sytin - the former commander of the Southern Front, Y. Gravitsky, A. Verkhovsky, A. Snesarev and others. In 1937, Marshal Tukhachevsky, Uborevich - the commander of the Belarusian Military District, Kork - the commissar of the Military Academy, the commander of the Leningrad Military District Iona Yakir, the chairman of the sovaviakhim Eideman and others were shot in the notorious case of the "military"). In an interview, the writer Boris Vasiliev said: “On the eve of the war, Stalin shot all talented people to hell. And often the captains were in command of the divisions. "

It must be borne in mind that not only many Soviet ideologues of Marxism-Leninism were with a criminal past, like Koba or Kamo, but also that the Red Army absorbed not only white officers or the lower classes of society, but also its criminal scum. Oleg Panfilov in an article published in Novoye Vremya on March 17, 2016 vividly illustrates what has been said with numerous examples. Kotovsky, Vinnitsky, Makhno, many others came to the Red Army from the "high road", so the Red Army robberies of the population, numerous Jewish pogroms, wild drunkenness of soldiers and officers are not surprising. O. Panfilov writes: “Red commanders robbed the population, killed each other. The Soviet government carefully guarded this part of history, betraying the propaganda of strange values ​​about "heroes", "defenders of the homeland", "builders of a bright future." Like O. Panfilov, I have read many prohibited documents of the 1920s. It is difficult to convey the state when, with every sheet of documents, you realize the crime of the Soviet regime, the monstrous bloodthirstiness of those who sent them to the "bright future" ... So it is not at all surprising what plant grew by the beginning of the war from the seeds sown by the revolution.

The mass betrayal in the process of creating the Red Army itself is widely known. The researcher of this issue M. Bernshtam wrote that “it was a denationalized and declassed human stratum, organized from prisoners of war and from the lumpen proletariat different countries who was in Russia to earn money. " T.N. "Internationalists" (Hungarians, Austrians, Poles, Czechs, Finns, Latvians, Chinese, etc.) numbered about 300,000 fighters. As for its Russian part, Trotsky used forced mobilization with demonstrative executions of "deserters" and "hostages" (members of the families of military experts). So under the threat of execution of loved ones it was possible to "force those who are its opponents to build communism," Lenin explained Trotsky's "effective" method (L. Trotsky "Stalin").

Commander-in-Chief II Vatsetis (who is also the commander of the Latvian division) wrote to Lenin: “The discipline in the Red Army is based on harsh punishments, especially executions ... commissars ... The death penalty at the fronts is practiced so often and for all sorts of reasons and occasions that our discipline in the Red Army can be called, in the full sense of the word, bloody discipline ”(“ Memory ”, Paris, 1979, issue 2) ...

All this together led to an unprecedented desertion of the Red Army: in 1919, 1 million 761 thousand deserters and 917 thousand evaded were detained (S. Olikov, Desertion in the Red Army and the fight against it. M., 1926) - at that time it was was half the strength of the entire Red Army!

By the way, lies and deceit were originally laid in the Red Army - on the very day of its creation, February 23, 1918. According to the official version, on this day, the Red Guards won victories near Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of Kaiser's Germany. In fact, on February 23, 1918, there was no victory over the Germans either. On the contrary, on February 24, the Germans occupied Pskov with a bicycle platoon. The only "victory" of Trotsky's Red Guards was that they stormed a tank of alcohol during a retreat at one of the stations and got drunk like pigs.

On February 23, Lenin wrote an article "A difficult but necessary lesson" with the following words: "Near Narva, whole regiments and battalions fled, leaving their positions."

February 23 is a terrible and shameful day in the military history of Russia, because on that day the Small Council of People's Commissars decided to accept the terms of the Brest Peace. In fact, this is the day of the surrender of Russia, because the Germans approached Pskov practically without a fight and could easily move to Petrograd. And it was this defeat that became the last argument in Lenin's acceptance of the conditions of the Brest-Litovsk Peace, that is, the surrender of Russia in the First World War. Justifying the need for a shameful peace, Lenin wrote in Pravda on February 25:

“The week of February 18-24, 1918, the week of the German military offensive, was a bitter, offensive, difficult, but necessary lesson ... Painfully shameful reports about the refusal of the regiments to maintain their positions, about the refusal to defend even the Narva line about the failure to comply with the order to destroy everything and everyone when retreating; not to mention flight, chaos, handlessness, helplessness, slovenliness ... There is no army in the Soviet Republic. " (Lenin, PSS, T. 35).

Mass betrayal was repeated after 1991, when many officers and generals of the state security, called upon to protect the "socialist fatherland" and "the great principles of communism," with extraordinary ease went into the service of the emerging capitalist class or joined the criminals. After that, is it any wonder that Russian officers sold weapons to Chechen terrorists en masse? Anna Politkovskaya was dealt with precisely for exposing these betrayals, and in the Putin era, extrajudicial showdowns became a method of state policy.

The former KGB agent has a Machiavellian cunning, writes Gianni Riotta in La Stampa. But it seems to me that resourcefulness is still inferior to the main driving force - self-interest. In general, communism has developed this quality to the size of a universal genetic hunger: in all post-Soviet plowmen this quality of national gangs dominates over all others. I would not be surprised by the information that the current leaders were bought up or recruited in their youth, as A. Illarionov transparently hints at in an article on "Echo of Moscow", dedicated to the secret springs of M. Khodorkovsky's pardon.

The military writer V. Beshanov, who served as a naval officer, testifies that in 1989, when his warship sailed the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, a vigilance watch consisting of political workers and officers was set up on the deck, and the sailors were driven under the deck. For what? They were afraid that they would flee to the capra, in other words, they would defect ... Perhaps they were subconsciously afraid, knowing the enormous scale of desertion during the war of 1941-1945.

Engels has other prophecies on the "Russian" theme: "The Russian revolution is already ripe and will break out soon, but once it has begun, it will carry the peasants along with it, and then you will see scenes before which the scenes of 1993 will fade." Reading this, I always think that time has always bypassed Russia.

There is a great deal of evidence for this. Here is just one of them. After visiting Russia, the French Marquis Astolphe de Custine wrote a highly critical book
"Nikolaev Russia. 1839 ". I will not quote it, but I will note that a hundred years later, the US Ambassador to the USSR W.B. Smith (March 1946 - December 1948), after returning from the USSR, said about de Custine's book: “... We have political observations so insightful, so timeless, that the book can be called the best work ever written about the Soviet Union. "

Until Stalin's death, the existence of the Russian units of the Wehrmacht was hidden, and for the disclosure of this information, many people ended up in the camps. Nowadays in the literature, the activities of the Russian Liberation People's Army (ROA) under the command of General Vlasov are relatively fully covered, but it is very reluctant to say that the ROA was only a small fraction of collaborators who went into the service of the Nazis. The fact that moving to the east, the Germans everywhere, met anti-Soviet partisan detachments operating in the Soviet rear, headed by former officers of the Red Army. The armed units of the collaborators partly arose spontaneously, and partly were recruited by the invaders. By the way, about Vlasov. Molotov, in a fit of frankness, once said: "That Vlasov, Vlasov is nothing compared to what could have been ..."

In order not to be unfounded, I will try, as fully as possible, but far from exhaustive, to list the main collaborationist formations of Russians and Russian fascist parties:
- The Russian People's Liberation Army of the Wehrmacht (ROA), by the way, acting under the Russian tricolor, which became the banner modern Russia... The ROA consisted of 12 security corps, 13 divisions, 30 brigades;
- Fighting Union of Russian Nationalists (BSRN);
- RONA (Russian People's Liberation Army) - 5 regiments, 18 battalions;
- 1st Russian National Army (RNNA) - 3 regiments, 12 battalions.
- Russian National Army - 2 regiments, 12 battalions;
- Division "Russland";
- Cossack Stan;
- Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR);
- Armed Forces of the Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR) (1 army, 4 corps, 8 divisions, 8 brigades).
- Air Force KONR (KONR Aviation Corps) - 87 aircraft, 1 air group, 1 regiment;
- Lokot Republic;
- Zuev's detachment;
- Eastern battalions and companies;
- 15th Cossack Russian Corps of the SS troops - 3 divisions, 16 regiments;
- 1st Sinegorsk Ataman Cossack regiment;
- 1st Cossack Division (Germany);
- 7th Volunteer Cossack Division;
- Military Cossack unit "Free Kuban";
- 448 Cossack detachment;
- 30th SS Grenadier Division (Second Russian);
- Brigade of General A.V. Turkul;
- Brigade "Graukopf" - "RNNA" of General Ivanov - 1 regiment, 5 battalions;
- "Special division" Russia "" General Smyslovsky - 1 regiment, 12 battalions;
- 1st Russian National SS Brigade "Druzhina" (1st Russian National SS Detachment);
- Russian Legion "White Cross" of the Wehrmacht - 4 battalions.
- "Varyag" regiment of Colonel MA Semenov;
- Higher German School for Russian officers;
- Dabendorf school ROA;
- Russian detachment of the 9th Army of the Wehrmacht;
- SS Volunteer Regiment "Varyag";
- SS Volunteer Regiment "Desna";
- 1st Eastern Volunteer Regiment, consisting of two battalions - "Berezina" and "Dnepr" (from September -601 and 602nd Eastern battalions);
- Eastern battalion "Pripyat" (604th);
- 645th battalion;
- Separate regiment of Colonel Krzhizhanovsky;
- Volunteer Belgian Walloon Legion of the Wehrmacht;
- 5th SS Assault Brigade "Wallonia" at the SS Panzer Division "Viking";
- Brotherhood of "Russian Truth";
- Muravyov's battalion;
- The squad of Nikolai Kozin;
- Russian volunteers in the Luftwaffe;
- Guard of the Russian fascist party;
- Corps of the Russian monarchist party;
- Russian fascist party;
- Russian National Labor Party;
- People's Socialist Party;
- Fighting Union of Russian Nationalists;
- Russian People's Labor Party;
- The political center of the fight against the Bolsheviks;
- Union of Russian Activists;
- Russian People's Party of Realists;
- Organization Zeppelin;
- Hivi ("hilfswillige" - "volunteers").
- Russian personnel of the SS Charlemagne division;
- Russian personnel of the SS Dirlewanger division.

In addition, the 12th Reserve Corps of the Wehrmacht at various periods included large formations of the eastern troops, such as:

Cossack (Russian) security corps of 15 regiments;
- 162nd Training Division of the Ostlegions from 6 regiments;
- 740th Cossack (Russian) reserve brigade of 6 battalions;
- Cossack (Russian) Group of the Marching Ataman of 4 regiments;
- Colonel von Panwitz's Cossack group of 6 regiments;
- Consolidated Cossack (Russian) division of the field police "Von Schulenburg".

- 582nd security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 11 battalions.
- 583rd security (Estonian-Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 10 battalions.
- 584th security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 6 battalions.
- 590th Cossack (Russian) security corps of the Wehrmacht - 1 regiment, 4 battalions.
- 580th Cossack (Russian) security corps of the Wehrmacht - 1 regiment, 9 battalions.
- 532th security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 13 battalions.
- 559th security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 7 battalions

- Russian security corps of the Wehrmacht in Serbia - 1 brigade, 5 regiments.
- Russian "People's Guard" of the General Commissariat "Moscow" (Rear area of ​​Army Group "Center") - 13 battalions, 1 cavalry division.
- 15th Mountain Rifle Corps of Special Purpose of the 2nd Panzer Army: Russians - 1 guard corps, 5 regiments, Croatian - 2 divisions, 6 regiments.
- 69th Special Forces Corps of the 2nd Panzer Army: Russians - 1 division, 8 regiments, Croatian - 1 division, 3 regiments.

Mention should also be made of the Asano Brigade - Russian units of the Kwantung Army, and Russian units of the Japanese and Manchu special services of Manchukuo.

By the way, the collaborators fought with the Red Army not only under the current flag of Russia, the tricolor, but were awarded with St. George's crosses with the St. George ribbon, which became a sign of belonging to collaborationism.

The St. George ribbon itself arose as a symbol of the Cossacks, which in the Russian Empire were police, gendarme special forces. During the Second World War, St. George's crosses and a ribbon became symbols of services to the Reich and Adolf Hitler.

As the human losses of the Wehrmacht grew, and especially after the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943, the mobilization of the local population became even more widespread. In the frontline zone, the Germans began to mobilize the entire male population, including adolescents and old people, who for one reason or another were not taken to work in Germany.

It should also be borne in mind that the turning point in the course of the war led to significant changes in Nazi ideology. Hitler's doctrine of the "superior race" began to be crowded out by the concept of a New European Order, which was ripening in the depths of Nazi ideology. According to this concept, after the victory of Germany, the United European Reich will be formed, and the confederation will become the form of government European nations with a single currency, administration, police and army, which should include European units, including Russian ones. In this new community there was also a place for Russia, but only free from Bolshevism.

The Belgian collaborator, founder of the Rexist party and the commander of the 28th SS Volunteer Division Wallonia, Leon Degrell, insisted on changing the status of the SS troops and transforming them from a purely German organization into a European one. He wrote: “Volunteers from all parts of Europe rushed to the aid of their German brothers. It was then that the third great Waffen SS was born. The first was German, the second was German, and now it has become the European Waffen SS. "

It is curious that the head of the Rosenberg Operational Headquarters Herbert Utikal adhered to a similar point of view, and one of the Nazis R. Proksh at the end of 1944 at a meeting of this headquarters said: “The hour of Europe has come. Therefore, we must admit: peoples differ from each other spiritually and physically ... A mosaic of many possibilities ... If the word "Europe" is pronounced, they all are meant ... The current war for Europe must be accompanied by a new idea. In wars waged over ideological issues, stronger ideas always win. This is the spiritual mandate for the Reich. The goal is unity in diversity ... freedom of peoples in the unity of the continent. "

It is not my task to dwell in detail on the gradual change in Nazi ideology, and on all the listed Russian pro-fascist military structures and Nazi parties of collaborators, so I will confine myself to the most significant of them.

Russian Liberation Army (ROA). The number of ROA, formed mainly from Soviet prisoners of war, was several hundred thousand people (and not 125 thousand, as follows from Soviet sources). About 800,000 people at different times wore the ROA insignia, but only a third of this number was recognized by the Vlasov leadership as belonging to their movement.

The ROA was headed by Lieutenant General Andrei Vlasov. The leadership of the ROA and later the KONR (see below) also included former Russians ("red" and "white") generals F.F. Abramov, V.I.Angeleev, A.P. Arkhangelsky, V. Assberg, E.I. Balabin, V. F. Belogortsev, I. Blagoveshchensky, M. V. Bogdanov, S. K. Borodin, V. I. Boyarsky, S. K. Bunyachenko, N. N. Golovin, T. I. Domanov, A. M. Dragomirov, G. N. Zhilenkov, D. E. Zakutny, G. A. Zverev, I. N. Kononov, P. N. Krasnov, V. V. Kreiter, A. A. von Lampe, V. I. Maltsev, V. F. Malyshkin, M. A. Meandrov, V. G. Naumenko, G. von Pannwitz, B. S. Permikin, I. A. Polyakov, A. N. Sevastyanov, G.V. Tatarkin, F.I. Trukhin, A.V. Turkul, M.M.Shapovalov, A.G. Shkuro, B.A. Shteyfon and others.

According to V. Makhno, about 200 red and white Russian generals served the fascists in total:
- 20 Soviet citizens became Russian fascist generals;
- 3 Lieutenant General Vlasov A.A., Trukhin F.N., Malyshkin V.F .;
- 1 divisional commissar G.N. Zhilenkov;
- 6 Major Generals Zakutny D.E., Blagoveshchansky I.A., Bogdanov P.V., Budykhto A.E., Naumov A.Z., Salikhov B.B .;
- 3 brigade commanders: Bessonov I.G., Bogdanov M.V .; Sevostyanov A.I;
Major General Bunyachenko - commander of the 600th division of the Wehrmacht (aka the 1st division of the ROA SV KONR), former colonel, commander of the Red Army division.
Major General Maltsev is the commander of the air force of the KONR, the former director of the Aviator sanatorium, previously the commander of the air force of the Siberian Military District, the reserve colonel of the red army.
Major General Kononov - Commander of the 3rd Consolidated Cossack Plastun Brigade of the 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps of the SS Main Operational Directorate (FHA-SS), former major, commander of the Red Army regiment.
Major General Zverev - commander of the 650th division of the Wehrmacht (aka the 2nd division of the ROA AF KONR), former colonel, commander of the Red Army division.
Major General Domanov - Commander of the Cossack Guard Corps of the Cossack Camp of the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops of the Main Directorate of the SS (FA-SS), a former sexton of the NKVD.
Major General Pavlov - marching chieftain, commander of the group of the marching chieftain of the GUKV.
Waffenbrigadenfuehrer - Major General of the SS Kaminsky B.S. - Commander of the 29th SS Grenadier Division "RONA" of the Main Operational Directorate of the SS, a former engineer.

On December 12, 1941, Lieutenant General M.F. Lukin, under whose leadership the encircled Soviet troops detained the infantry units of the Center group for almost two weeks and thus, perhaps, saved Moscow, conveyed on behalf of the group of generals captured with him a proposal the German side to create a Russian counter-government, which would prove to the people and the army that it is possible to fight "against the hated Bolshevik system" without opposing the interests of their homeland. At the same time, Lukin told the German officers who interrogated him: “The people will face an unusual situation: the Russians have taken the side of the so-called enemy, which means that it is not treason to the Motherland, but only a departure from the system ... by this, perhaps even those who can still do something. After all, not all leaders are sworn adherents of communism. "

The figure of Vlasov is also far from being as unambiguous as it is presented in post-war sources. During the civil war, Vlasov, after completing a four-month commanding course from 1919 in command positions, participated in battles with whites on the Southern Front, then transferred to headquarters. At the end of 1920, the grouping in which Vlasov commanded horse and foot reconnaissance was deployed to liquidate the insurrectionary movement led by Nestor Makhno.

He graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. Stalin sent him to China on secret assignments to Chiang Kai-shek. Only a small part of the top Soviet officers survived after the purges of the Red Army in 1936-38, but Vlasov was among those chosen ones. In 1941, Stalin appointed him commander of the Second Shock Army. By personal order of Stalin, he was entrusted with the defense of Moscow, and he played a significant role in the operations that stopped the Nazi offensive against the capital. Together with six other generals, he was ranked among the "saviors" of the city, and in January 1942 Vlasov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, but soon after that he was captured, and his army was almost completely destroyed in an attempt to repel the Nazi offensive in the Leningrad direction.

Vlasov was considered Stalin's favorite, and at the end of June 1942, he was very worried about Vlasov's fate and demanded to take him out of the encirclement on Volkhov, to save him at any cost, the corresponding radiograms were preserved.

After being captured, Vlasov during interrogations (August 1942) said that Germany would not be able to defeat the Soviet Union - and this was at the moment when the Wehrmacht was reaching the Volga. Vlasov never linked his plans to Hitler's victory in the East. At first, he sincerely hoped that in the rear of the Germans he would be able to create a sufficiently strong and independent Russian army. Then he counted on the activity of the conspirators and hatched plans for a radical change in the occupation policy. Since the summer of 1943, Vlasov pinned his hopes on the Western allies. Whatever the outcome, it seemed to Vlasov, there were options - the main thing was to get your own significant armed force. But, as history has shown, there were no options.

Openly developing his views in a narrow circle of German listeners, Vlasov emphasized that among the opponents of Stalin there are many people "with a strong character, ready to give their lives for the liberation of Russia from Bolshevism, but rejecting German bondage." At the same time, "they are ready to work closely with the German people, without prejudice to their freedom and honor." “The Russian people have lived, live and will live, they will never become a colonial people,” the former captive general declared firmly. Vlasov also expressed hope "for a healthy renewal of Russia and an explosion of national pride of the Russian people."

Both Russian and German sources agree that the ROA could have attracted at least 2,000,000 fighters out of a total of 5.5 million Red Army prisoners (!), If the Nazis did not put a spoke in the wheels and did not interfere with the work of their own hands.

At first, the first detachments of the ROA were sent mainly to fight against the special forces of the NKVD, operating in the German rear. The idea of ​​uniting disparate Russian formations into an anti-Soviet Russian army was established in the summer of 1942. Her guide and inspirer was Vlasov, who had previously enjoyed such a high favor from the Kremlin that officials of the allied intelligence services at first refused to believe information about his cooperation with the enemy and considered it a propaganda trick of the enemy.

At the end of June 1942, Vlasov made an appeal to all "Russian patriots", announcing the beginning of the liberation struggle. At the same time, at first it was silent that this struggle was to take place under the auspices of the Nazis. On the outskirts of Berlin, Dabendorf, the ROA General Headquarters was established. In August and September 1942, Vlasov visited the Leningrad, Pskov regions and Belarus. The response to his first appeals was enormous. Tens of thousands of letters from civilians and from prisoners of the Red Army were poured into the Dabendorf headquarters. The first ROA shock guards brigade was formed in May 1943 in Breslau. On November 14, the first and only Vlasov congress was held in Prague, where the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia was created and the stillborn Manifesto was adopted demanding the "destruction of Stalin's tyranny" and the liberation of the Russian people from the Bolshevik dictatorship. Surprisingly enough, even at the end of the war, facts were recorded of the voluntary transfer of small units of the Red Army to the side of the ROA.

I will not dwell on the contradictions between Vlasov and the German functionaries and the transition of the ROA units at the end of the war to the side of the Italian and Czech resistance. According to some reports, the First Division of the ROA came to the rescue of the desperate Czech rebels and saved Prague from destruction by the Germans. The rescued city was transferred to the Red Army, which immediately arrested and shot all Vlasovites who did not manage to escape. The remnants of the ROA in Czechoslovakia and Austria surrendered to US troops.

After the war, the soldiers and officers of this army hid throughout Western Europe, and the agents of the Soviet counterintelligence were engaged in a merciless hunt for these people. General Vlasov was taken prisoner for the second time on May 12, 1945. The trial over Vlasov was classified in order, firstly, to hide from the people the scale of Russian collaboration and, secondly, the fact of the voluntary entry of Soviet officers and generals into his army.

The execution of A. Vlasov only opened a long list of major military leaders who were shot by Stalin right up to the murder of the tyrant himself in March 1953. I will give an abbreviated list of the destroyed "traitors to the motherland, spies, demolition saboteurs":
- Air Marshal Sergei Khudyakov (April 18, 1950);
- Major General Pavel Artemenko (June 10, 1950);
- Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union Grigory Kulik (August 24, 1950);
- Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Vasily Gordov (August 24, 1950);
- Major General Philip Rybalchenko (August 25, 1950);
- Major General Nikolai Kirillov (August 25, 1950);
- Major General Pavel Ponedelin (August 25, 1950);
- Major General of Aviation Mikhail Beleshev (August 26, 1950);
- Major General Mikhail Belyanchik (August 26, 1950);
- brigade commander Nikolai Lazutin (August 26, 1950);
- Major General Ivan Krupennikov (August 28, 1950);
- Major General Maxim Sivaev (August 28, 1950);
- Major General Vladimir Kirpichnikov (August 28, 1950);
- Another high-ranking military officer, brigologist (corresponded to the rank of "brigade commander") Ivan Naumov, just fell short of the Chekist bullet "put" to him - he died on August 23, 1950 from torture in Butyrka.
- Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet for political affairs, Rear Admiral Pyotr Bondarenko (October 28, 1950);
- On the same day, lieutenant-general of tank forces Vladimir Tamruchi, beaten by the Chekists, died.
In total, according to Vyacheslav Zvyagintsev, who worked with the materials of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, only from 18 to 30 August 1950, 20 generals and one marshal were sentenced to death.
For cooperation with the Germans in captivity, at least six more commanders went under execution: brigade commanders Ivan Bessonov and Mikhail Bogdanov and four major generals Pavel Artemenko Alexander Budykho, Andrei Naumov, Pavel Bogdanov and Yevgeny Yegorov.
The captured generals who refused to cooperate with the Germans were also shot, namely Generals Artemenko, Kirillov, Ponedelin, Beleshev, Krupennikov, Sivaev, Kirpichnikov and brigade commander Lazutin. Some of them even successfully passed the post-war KGB special check and were reinstated in the personnel of the USSR Armed Forces (for example, Pavel Artemenko), but they did not spare them either. For Stalin, Major General of Aviation Mikhail Beleshev was to blame, apparently, for the fact that he was the commander of the Air Force of the 2nd Shock Army - the very one that Vlasov had commanded before the capture. All the rest were guilty of military miscalculations of the "great leader" himself.
By the way, the stigma of the Vlasovites fell not only on the collaborators of the captured Second Shock Army, but also on the few military men who miraculously managed to get out of the Volkhov cauldron, in which Vlasov himself was captured.
The executions of the generals in 1950 became the final phase of the pogrom of the marshal-general's grouping begun by Stalin immediately after the Victory - as part of a whole series of cases unfolded at that time. Stalin needed to besiege the military leaders who imagined themselves to be victors (and, of course, only Comrade Stalin could be such!) And allowed themselves to talk too much. Stalin was always afraid of the military and struck at their corporate cohesion. In 1950, he believed that in the war with the United States, the second edition of Vlasov and Vlasovism could not be mastered.

Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR). On November 14, 1944, the founding congress of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR) was held in Prague, which proclaimed the unification of all anti-Soviet forces located in Germany, including émigré organizations, national committees, the Vlasov army and other eastern formations, to fight “for a new free Russia against the Bolsheviks. and exploiters ". At the same time, the Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (AF KONR), represented mainly by the Vlasov army, began to operate. They consisted of three Russian divisions, a reserve brigade, an anti-tank brigade, an air force, an officer's school, auxiliary units and small formations. By March 1945, the total number of the KONR Armed Forces exceeded 150 thousand people. The first division was armed with 12 heavy and 42 light field howitzers, 6 heavy and 29 light infantry guns, 536 heavy and light machine guns, 20 flamethrowers, 10 Hetzer self-propelled guns, 9 T-34 tanks.

At the time of registration, the Committee consisted of 50 members and 12 candidates (including representatives of 15 peoples of Russia) and practically performed the functions of a general meeting. The KONR included the Russian National Council (chaired by General V.F. Malyshkin); Ukrainian National Rada; National Council of the Peoples of the Caucasus; The National Council of the Peoples of Turkestan, the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops, the Kalmyk National Committee and the Belarusian National Rada.

Lokot Republic (Lokotsky self-government, Lokotsky district) is an administrative-territorial national entity in the working village of Lokot on Soviet territory occupied by Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War. It existed from November 1941 to August 1943. The "republic" included several districts of the pre-war Oryol and Kursk regions. The size of the Lokot Republic exceeded the territory of Belgium, and its population was 581 thousand people. All power here belonged not to the German commandant's offices, but to local government bodies.

On the territory of the district, an attempt was made to create and legalize the Nazi party and to form an independent Russian government. At the end of November 1941, the head of the Lokot self-government K.P. Voskoboynik promulgated the Manifesto of the People's Socialist Party "Viking" commissioners ". The Jewish population of the Lokot "republic" was completely destroyed.

After Konstantin Voskoboinik was killed by partisans in January 1942, Bronislav Kaminsky took his place, who developed the charter, program and structure of the party organs of the "republic". Since November 1943, after several renaming, the party began to be called the "National Socialist Labor Party of Russia" (NSTPR). The short name of the National Socialist Party is Viking (Vityaz). All leading employees of the local government have joined the party without fail.

The head of the "republic" Voskoboinik repeatedly spoke to the German administration with an initiative to extend such self-government to all occupied territories. "Respublika" had the status of a national entity and its own armed forces - the Russian Liberation People's Army (RONA). On its territory, the district had its own Criminal Procedure Code. Cases of mass desertion of partisans and their transition to the side of the armed formations of Lokot self-government are described.

During the existence of the municipality, many industrial enterprises engaged in the processing of agricultural products were restored and put into operation, churches were restored, 9 hospitals and 37 outpatient medical points operated, 345 secondary schools and 3 orphanages operated, the city art and drama theater named after K. P. Voskoboynika in the town of Lokot. The local newspaper "The Voice of the People" was also published here. SI Drobyazko, characterizing local self-government in the occupied territories of the RSFSR, wrote: "With minimal control from the German administration, Lokotsky self-government has achieved major successes in the socio-economic life of the district."

Russian People's Liberation Army (RONA). This was the name of the collaborationist military formations created by B.V. Kaminsky on the territory of the Lokot Republic. The RONA consisted of 5 infantry regiments or 14 battalions with 20 thousand soldiers.

The army was equipped with guns, grenade launchers and machine guns. The creator and leader of the RONA, a former volunteer of the Red Army and a member of the CPSU (b), had the rank of SS brigadeführer. The RONA formations first acted against the partisans of the Bryansk region, and then took part in Operation Citadel on the Kursk Bulge, after which they were forced to leave the Lokot Republic along with about 50 thousand military and civilians. In 1944, RONA was renamed the 29th SS Grenadier Division, which, together with the Dirlewanger Brigade, took part in operations to suppress the partisan movement in Belarus, for which Kaminsky was awarded the Iron Cross, and then the first class badge "For the fight against partisans », The Eastern Medal of the 1st and 2nd classes. In March 1944, the unit was renamed the Kaminsky People's Brigade, and in July joined the ranks of the SS under the name of the SS-RONA Assault Brigade. It was then that the brigade commander received the rank of brigadefuehrer.

On August 1, 1944, when the Home Army raised the uprising in Warsaw, the Kaminsky Brigade took an active part in suppressing it. The soldiers got involved in massive robberies and drunkenness, robbed warehouses and shops, raped women, and shot local residents. According to Polish researchers, 235 thousand Poles became victims of the Russians, of which 200 thousand were civilians. The shootings in the courtyards of Warsaw streets continued for several weeks. Members of the RONA brigade also raped two German girls from the KDF organization.

The actions of the Kaminsky Brigade provoked the outrage of the Wehrmacht and the veterans of the First World War. In response to the accusations, Kaminsky said that his subordinates had the right to looting, since they had lost all their property in Russia.

A pathological sadist, Bronislav Kaminsky was so distinguished in cruelty and looting that the Germans were forced to shoot him themselves, after which the remnants of his brigade joined the ROA and other Wehrmacht units.

Cossack Stan. In October 1942, a Cossack gathering took place in Novocherkassk, occupied by German troops, at which the headquarters of the Don Army was elected - the organization of Cossack formations within the Wehrmacht. According to the historian Oleg Budnitsky, "in the Cossack regions, the Nazis received very substantial support." The researcher of this problem, Professor Viktor Popov, wrote: "Now it is already known for certain that a certain, and quite large, part of the Don population, which was based on the Cossacks, was very sympathetic and even sympathetic to the German troops." The creation of the Cossack units was headed by the former colonel of the tsarist army S.V. Pavlov, who worked as an engineer at one of the factories of Novocherkassk. Cossack regiments and battalions were also formed in the Crimea, Kherson, Kirovograd and other cities. Pavlov's initiative was supported by the "white" general P.N. Krasnov. Only through the Cossack units on the side of Germany in the period from October 1941 to April 1945. passed about 80,000 people. By January 1943, 30 Cossack detachments were formed with a total number of about 20,000 people. When the Germans retreated, the Cossacks covered the retreat and participated in the destruction of about a thousand villages and settlements. In May 1945, when surrendering to English captivity, the number of Cossack units of the Wehrmacht totaled 24 thousand military and civilians.

The formations of the "Cossack Stan", created in Kirovograd in November 1943 under the leadership of the "marching chieftain" S.V. Pavlov, were replenished with Cossacks from almost all of the South of Russia. Among the commanders of the Cossack military units, the most colorful figure was a participant in the Soviet-Finnish war, a major in the Red Army, awarded the Order of the Red Star, he was also a Colonel of the Wehrmacht, awarded with iron crosses of I and II class Ivan Kononov. Going over to the side of the Wehrmacht in August 1941, Kononov announced his desire to form a volunteer Cossack regiment and take part in battles with it. Kononov's military unit was distinguished by its high combat capability. At the beginning of 1942, as part of the 88th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, she participated in hostilities against the partisans and paratroopers of the encircled corps of Major General P.A. Belov near Vyazma, Polotsk, Velikie Luki, in the Smolensk region. In December 1944, Kononov's regiment distinguished itself in a battle near Pitomach with units of the 57th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, which were severely defeated.

On April 1, 1945, Kononov was promoted to major general of the "Vlasov" Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia and was appointed a marching chieftain of all Cossack troops and the commander of the 15th corps, but did not manage to take up his duties. After the death of S.V. Pavlov in June 1944, T.N. Domanov was appointed the camp chieftain of the Stan. The Cossacks took an active part in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising in August 1944, when the Nazi command awarded many officers the Order of the Iron Cross for their zeal. In July 1944, the Cossacks were transferred to northern Italy (Carnia) to fight against Italian anti-fascists. Here the newspaper "Cossack Land" was published, many Italian towns were renamed into stanitsa, and local residents were partially deported. On May 18, 1945 Stan surrendered to British troops, and later his commanders and soldiers were handed over to the Soviet command.

Eastern battalions and companies. With the growth of the partisan movement in the German rear, the Wehrmacht took steps to increase the number of guard units from the local population and prisoners of war. Already in June 1942, anti-partisan companies from among the Russian volunteers appeared at the headquarters of the divisions. After appropriate military training under the leadership of German officers, Russian units were transformed into full-fledged combat units capable of performing a wide variety of tasks - from protecting objects to conducting punitive expeditions in partisan areas. At the headquarters of German units and formations, yagdkamands (fighter or hunting teams) were also created - small, well-equipped groups with automatic weapons, which were used to search for and destroy partisan detachments. The most reliable and well-trained fighters were selected to these groups. By the end of 1942, most of the German divisions operating on the Eastern Front had one, and sometimes two, eastern companies, and the corps had a company or battalion. In addition, at the disposal of the command of the army rear areas there were several eastern battalions and yagdkommands, and as part of the security divisions - eastern cavalry divisions and squadrons. According to the German command, by the summer of 1943, 78 eastern battalions, 1 regiment and 122 separate companies (security, fighter, economic, etc.) were created with a total number of 80 thousand people.

Division "Russland" (1st Russian National Army, later - the Green Army of Special Purpose) - a military formation that operated as part of the Wehrmacht during the Great Patriotic War under the leadership of General BA Smyslovsky (sondefuehrer of the Abwehr, acting under the pseudonym Arthur Holmston). The division was formed from units and groups of Sondershtab "R". The division numbered up to 10 thousand former White Guards. In February 1945, the 1st Russian National Division was renamed the "Green Special Purpose Army". On April 4, 1945, it increased by 6,000 people due to the inclusion in the Russian corps, in addition, about 2,500 members of the Association of Russian Military Unions were at their disposal. She was also joined by the heir to the Russian throne, Vladimir Kirillovich. At the end of the war, the remnants of the division ended up in Liechtenstein, from where most of the Russians emigrated to Argentina.

The Russian Corps (Russian Guard Corps, Russian Corps in Serbia, staffed mainly by White émigrés) was organized by Major General M.F. Skorodumov in 1941 after the Nazi occupation of Yugoslavia. The corps was used to protect Yugoslavian territory from Tito's communist partisans. In 1944 the Germans used the corps to cover their withdrawal from Greece. At this time, the corps participated in battles not only with Tito's partisans, but also with regular units of the Red Army. In the winter of 1944-1945. was included in the ROA.

The Combat Union of Russian Nationalists (BSRN) was organized on the initiative of the SD in April 1942 in a prisoner of war camp in Suwalki. The BSRN was headed by the former chief of staff of the 229th rifle division, Lieutenant Colonel V.V. Gil. The 1st Russian National SS Detachment, also known as the "Druzhina", was also formed from the members of the BSRN. The tasks of these units included a security service in the occupied territory and the fight against partisans. The 1st company of the BSRN consisted exclusively of former commanders of the Red Army. She was a reserve and trained personnel for new detachments.

Russian volunteers in the Luftwaffe. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the betrayal by the military began even before the start of the war, moreover by the most elite military and KGB officers who had a real opportunity to escape from the USSR. Soviet spies did not return from assignments, and military pilots flew abroad on their planes. So, the commander of the 17th squadron Klim and the senior mechanic Timashchuk flew to Poland. The pilot G.N. Kravets flew to the territory of Latvia.

Pilots flee during the war military aviation assisted by a powerful propaganda campaign carried out by the Germans. According to the secret military documents of Germany, in only 3 months of 1944, 20 crews flew to the enemy. It was not possible to fight the flights of military pilots, even despite the measures taken against hidden desertion - section of the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 229 of 1941. The most surprising thing is that desertion from the Red Army continued until 1945.

In the Abwehr, already in 1942, led by Major Filatov, a training air group began to operate as part of the RNNA. It included 22 defectors. In 1943, Major General V. I. Maltsev, who previously held a number of command posts in the Red Army, took up the creation of the Russian Eastern Aviation Group. In November 1941, he voluntarily went over to the side of the Germans in order, in his words, "to fight against the Bolsheviks." The selected military aviators were sent to the Suwalki airbase, where they underwent a rigorous professional and medical selection. Those who were recognized as fit studied at a two-month preparatory course, after which they received a military rank, took the oath and transferred to the Holters group stationed in Moritzfeld (East Prussia). At the end of 1943, Russian pilots were sent to the Eastern Front, where they fought against their compatriots. Was created "Auxiliary night assault group Ostland", which was equipped with U-2, I-15, I-153, and other aircraft. The pilots - "Ostfligers" included 2 Heroes of the Soviet Union: fighter captain S.T.Bychkov and senior lieutenant B.R. crosses ".

Since March 1944, through the combined efforts of the Hitler Youth, the SS and the Luftwaffe, youth aged 15 to 20 have been recruited into the auxiliary air defense service of Germany in the occupied territories. The number of Russian volunteers, called "assistants of the Luftwaffe" (Luftwaffenhelfer), and since December 4, 1944 - "pupils of the SS" (SS-Zögling), was determined at 1383 people. By the end of the war, the Luftwaffe consisted of 22.5 thousand Russian volunteers and 120 thousand prisoners of war, who constituted a significant percentage of service personnel in anti-aircraft batteries and construction units.

It should be emphasized here that the personnel of these units was formed not only from prisoners. Talking among themselves, veterans often recall frequent cases of group betrayal, when soldiers, whispering, in whole platoons, or even companies, crawled out of the trenches in order to surrender to the enemy in the dark of the night. God be their judge: what is the "command", than the attitude to the soldiers as to "cannon fodder", is not captivity more salvific ... But, once captured, the traitors became the most attractive contingent for the formation of Russian units.

Walter Schellenberg wrote in his memoirs: “Thousands of Russians were selected in prisoner-of-war camps, who, after training, were thrown by parachute deep into Russian territory. Their main task, along with the transmission of current information, was the political corruption of the population and sabotage. Other groups were intended to fight the partisans, for which they were thrown as our agents to the Russian partisans. In order to achieve success as soon as possible, we began to recruit volunteers from among the Russian prisoners of war right in the front line. "

A little about the "new Russian police" and the institute of secret informants recruited by the Nazis from Soviet collaborators. According to various estimates, the number of these structures was about a third of all traitors, not counting the category of "volunteers" ("hivi", abbreviated from German. Hilfswillige), that is, auxiliary personnel used on the front line. Khivi were recruited mainly from prisoners of war who simply wanted to survive, but were recruited partly on a voluntary basis. "Volunteer assistants" were used in rear services and in combat units (as carriers of cartridges, messengers and sappers). By the end of 1942, the Khivi made up a significant part of the German divisions operating on the Eastern Front. Over time, some of the "Khivi", originally enrolled in auxiliary work, were transferred to combat units, security teams and anti-partisan detachments. As losses grow during hostilities, the staff strength of the Khivi is up to 15% of the total number of units. During the war, Russian soldiers dressed in Wehrmacht uniforms ended up in all theaters of the military - from Norway to North Africa. By February 1945, the hivi numbered 600,000 in the ground forces, 50,000 in the Luftwaffe and 15,000 in the Kriegsmarine.

It is generally accepted that the Germans recruited policemen and informants from “ideological” opponents of the Soviet regime, that is, “avengers”, but this is a significant simplification of the real picture. Russian anti-Semites, criminals and all kinds of rabble, that is, lovers of robbery, willingly went to the policemen, also former NKVD informers, prisoners of war who wanted to escape from concentration camps and were mobilized into the police forcibly under pain of going to a concentration camp or being sent to work in Germany. There was a small stratum of the intelligentsia. In other words, it was a very motley audience. For many "policemen", service in the occupation authorities was a means of survival and personal enrichment. In addition to special rations, policemen were exempt from taxes and received additional rewards for special "merits", such as the identification and execution of Jews, partisans and underground fighters. For this they were entitled to special awards "for the Eastern peoples". However, the payment to the police for the "service" was very moderate - from 40 to 130 Reichsmarks.

The police, created from collaborators, were divided into civilian and military, respectively, in the area of ​​responsibility of the civilian authorities and the military command. The latter had different names - "fighting units of local residents" (Einwohnerkampfabteilungen, ESA), "order service" (Ordnungsdienst, Odi), "auxiliary security teams" (Hilfswachemannschaften, Hiwa), battalions "Schuma" ("Schutzmannschaft-Bataillone"). Their duties included combing forests in order to find encircled people and partisans, as well as protecting important objects. Numerous security and anti-partisan formations created by the efforts of the local command levels of the Wehrmacht, as a rule, did not have a clear organizational structure or a strict system of subordination and control on the part of the German administration. Their functions were to guard railway stations, bridges, highways, POW camps and other facilities, where they were called upon to replace the German troops needed at the front. As of February 1943, the number of these formations was determined at 60-70 thousand people.

According to eyewitnesses, often the Slavic policemen even surpassed the Germans in cruelty. Lev Simkin testified that the genocide of Jews in the territories occupied by the Nazis was often started not by the Germans, but by local collaborators, driven by anti-Semitism of the Black Hundred type. After the war, the same anti-Semitism quickly transformed into the state policy of the USSR, which in a milder form inherited Hitler's attitude towards the Jews - one of the brightest examples of "Soviet internationalism" and "brotherhood of peoples" ...

The most controversial was the service of the Russians in the "secret field police" ("Geheim Feldpolizai" (GFP). These units were motorized and had many machine guns to carry out executions. Employees of the GFP service arrested persons on the lists of counterintelligence, caught Red Army men, saboteurs and "saboteurs". In addition, the "secret police" chased fugitives who did not want to be hijacked to work in the Reich. Punishers also burned villages along with residents who helped partisans. To this we can add that in one of the occupied regions of Russia, out of every 10 burned villages, three were burned by partisans and seven - the Germans with the help of local collaborators.The list of victims of this group of domestic executioners is estimated at at least 7 thousand people.

It is not customary to talk about this, but I argue that in parallel with the Second World War there was also the Second Civil War, in which the Russian fascists fought with the Russian communists - the horseradish radish is not sweeter ... The number of victims of this terrible war will never be established, but it the consequences are dragging on today. What I mean? I mean that the imperial, xenophobic, anti-Semitic sentiments of the Russians, dating back to the era of Ivan the Terrible, gave rise not only to the “big brother” complex, but to the deeply hidden forces of the country's disintegration, which led during the war to mass betrayal, in 1991 to the collapse of the USSR, today - to the war in the Caucasus, in Ukraine and the wave of terrorism sweeping Russia, and in the future - fraught with the danger of the collapse of the country.

I will not give here the entire list of our emigrants who collaborated with the Germans or with the Duce, but alas, this list includes the Grand Duchess Romanova, the writer Shmelev, who came to the prayer service for the liberation of Crimea by the Germans, F. Stepun, S. Diaghilev, P. Struve , B. Savinkov, Prince N. Zhevakhov, General P. Bermond-Avalov, A. Kazem-Bek, A. Amfitheatrov, many other white emigrants ... Dmitry Merezhkovsky, speaking on the radio, compared Mussolini to Dante, and Hitler to Zhanna Dark. And is it only emigrants? Lydia Osipova, author of the "Diary of a Collaborator", wrote in her diary on June 22: "Thank God, the war has begun, and the Soviet regime will soon end." And when the Germans entered the city of Pushkin, she wrote in capital letters: “IT IS DONE! GERMANS COME! FREEDOM, NO RED. " Are there rare cases when the invaders were greeted with placards: “NO RED, FREEDOM!”? By the way, even before the start of the war, in the late 1930s, in Omsk, for example, there was talk among the opponents of collective farms about the imminent start of the war, and that the Japanese would come to Siberia. “They were expected as liberators,” the blogger writes.

Everything in the world is connected with everything: Russian collaborationism during the Second World War is due to the policy of Bolshevism and deeply rooted Russian xenophobia and anti-Semitism. The current dangerous state of Russia - I am deeply convinced of this - is connected with the entire tragic history of the creation of an empire built on the seas of human blood and the innumerable sufferings of the peoples inhabiting it. The situation is aggravated by other factors - long-term “unnatural selection”, by the fact that there are always more descendants of executioners than descendants of victims, and also by the eternal ideological zombification and fooling of the population.

It must be admitted that Nazism turned out to be more effective than Bolshevism in propaganda terms: the Wehrmacht soldiers sincerely believed that Hitler's policy was in the interests of the German people and the aspirations of the overwhelming majority of Germans. Therefore, soldiers and officers, at least at the beginning of the war, were ready to fight and die for the Fuhrer and for the Nazi regime. Russian soldiers were also taught to die “for their homeland, for Stalin,” but judging by the scale of collaboration and the horrific losses at the beginning of the war, faith in the homeland and Stalin was not much different from the religious beliefs of Orthodox Christians who destroyed their own churches after the Bolshevik putsch ... Jurgen Holtman testifies:

“For Stalin and the Bolsheviks, the citizens of the USSR were wordless slaves; cattle, whose lot is slave forced labor for pitiful handouts in the name of the hegemonic aspirations of the ruling elite and the most megalomaniac megalomaniac of all times and peoples - the "red emperor" Joseph Stalin. For such a regime and such a leader, there were few who wanted to fight and die. So they surrendered in captivity by tens and hundreds of thousands; and fled from the battlefield in divisions, and deserted en masse. And they went over to the side of the Wehrmacht (this is with such and such a racial ideology of the Germans). "

BN Kovalev in his monograph "Collaborationism in Russia in 1941-1945: Types and Forms", 2009, along with military collaborationism, studied in detail its other forms: economic, administrative, ideological, intellectual collaboration, spiritual, national, children's , a sexual variety of collaboration.

Naturally, all industrial structures (factories, factories, repair shops, railway technical services, machine and tractor stations, research institutes) in the occupied ones passed into the hands of the German authorities. Labor exchanges were created in the cities, the functions of which included the recruitment of labor at the request of the German authorities and private entrepreneurs, as well as the production of selection of labor for sending to Germany. There also took place the recruitment of Russian girls into German brothel houses.

Administrative collaboration consisted of recruiting citizens loyal to the fascists for the posts of burgomasters, headmen, members of district administrations, city councils, judges, and other representatives of the “new Russian administration”.

The Nazis pinned special hope on spiritual collaboration. If the Soviet government considered the Church and the clergy to be their enemies, the Nazis viewed them as their potential allies. They counted on all-round assistance from the clergy in the implementation of their occupation policy on the territory of the USSR. The commander of the rear army of the northern regions reported on the place of religion in his occupation plans in his open report “On the attitude towards the Russian civilian population” dated November 26, 1941: “The Church is beginning to acquire a growing importance in the life of the people. The population is working with success and diligence to restore churches. Church utensils, hidden from the GPU, are beginning to find their place again. The old generation, through church life, enters into intercourse with old habits and customs, with reality, which, of course, is inherent in Russians in religious matters. "

The history of "Orthodoxy in the service of Hitler" goes back not even to the beginning of the Patriotic War, but to the dawn of Soviet power, when the Athonite elder, Fr. Aristokles, before his death in Moscow, prophesied: "The salvation of Russia will come when the Germans take up arms." And in June 1938, Metropolitan Anastassy, ​​a representative of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, wrote Hitler a shameful, kneeling letter of thanks in connection with the opening of the Berlin Cathedral Church, which contains the following lines: The throne of the Most High: the best people of all nations, who want peace and justice, see you as a leader in the world struggle for peace and truth. We know from reliable sources that the believing Russian people, groaning under the yoke of slavery and waiting for their liberator, constantly raise prayers to God that He will keep you, guide you and grant you his all-powerful help. Your feat for the German people and the greatness of the German Empire made you an example worthy of imitation and an example of how to love your people and your homeland, how to stand up for your national treasures and eternal values. For these latter also find their sanctification and perpetuation in our Church. You have erected a house for the Heavenly Master. May He send His blessing to the cause of your state building, to the creation of your people's empire. May God strengthen you and the German people in the struggle against hostile forces that want the destruction of our people as well. May He give you, your country, your government and the army health, prosperity and good haste for many years in everything ”(“ Church Life ”, 1938, No. 5-6).

Everything would be - nothing if it all ended with this, but it only started with that. In June 1941, after Germany's attack on the USSR, another Orthodox father, Archbishop Seraphim, addressed the flock with an Appeal, part of which I have to quote: “In Christ, beloved brothers and sisters! The punishing sword of divine justice fell upon the Soviet regime, on its henchmen and associates. The Christ-loving Leader of the German people called on his victorious army to new struggle, for the struggle that we have long been thirsting for - for the consecrated struggle against the atheists, executioners and rapists who have settled in the Moscow Kremlin ... Indeed, a new crusade has begun in the name of saving peoples from the power of the Antichrist ... Finally, our faith is justified !. Therefore, as the First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in Germany, I appeal to you with an appeal. Be participants in a new struggle, for this struggle and your struggle ... "The Salvation of All", about which Adolf Hitler spoke in his address to the German people, is also your salvation - the fulfillment of your long-term aspirations and hopes. The last decisive battle has come. May God bless the new feat of arms of all anti-Bolshevik fighters and give them victory and victory over their enemies. Amen!".

I hear our voices that here we are talking about the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - once, and about the revenge of the churchmen for the Bolshevik defeat of the ROC - two. If only so! Because all this is nothing more than a prelude to the massive betrayal of the Orthodox clergy! Here you can cite dozens of church documents dated 1941-1943, in which the fathers of Russian Orthodoxy (Archimandrite John (Prince Shakhovskoy - "New Word", No. 27 of 06/29/1941), Metropolitan Seraphim (Lukyanov) ("Church life" , 1942, No. 1), All-Belarusian Church Council, Archbishop Philotheus (Narko), Bishop Athanasius (Martos), Bishop Stephen (Sevbo) (Science and Religion, 1988, No. 5), Metropolitan Sergius of Vilnius and Lithuania (Resurrection), Metropolitan Seraphim, Protopresbyter Kirill, Priest Apraksin, ROA chaplains (A. Kiselev, K. Zayts, I. Legky and many, many others) “practiced” praising Hitler for the attack on the USSR: “The disappearance of the demonic cries of the Internationale began from the ground Russian "," It will be "Easter in the middle of summer" "Blessed be the hour and day when the great glorious war with the III International began. God bless the great Leader", "The first ever All-Belarusian Orthodox Church Council in Minsk sends To you mister r Sheikhskanzler, heartfelt gratitude for the liberation of Belarus from the Moscow-Bolshevik godless yoke "," And there are no words, no feelings in which one could pour out the well-deserved gratitude to the liberators and their Leader Adolf Hitler, who restored freedom of religion there, returned to the faithful the churches of God taken from them and restoring their human appearance, ”and so on, and so on, and so on.

It would seem that in the last toast to Hitler, the reason for the betrayal of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church was revealed - the long-awaited liberation of the church from the Bolshevik yoke. But then how to be with the homeland, with the Orthodox Russian people being destroyed by the Nazis, with the total genocide of compatriots of Jesus Christ? .. But - no way!

From the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Anastassy, ​​1942: “... The day awaited by them (the Russian people) has come, and now it truly seems to rise from the dead where the courageous Germanic sword managed to cut its shackles ... And ancient Kiev, both the long-suffering Smolensk and Pskov lightly triumph over their deliverance, as it were, from the very hell of the underworld. The liberated part of the Russian people everywhere has already begun to sing ... "Christ is Risen" ("Church Life", 1942, no. 4).

The most important thing here is not even the betrayal of the Orthodox hierarchs, but the massive transition of the Russian priesthood to the side of the enemy. In thousands of Orthodox churches restored and opened by the Germans (according to various sources, the Germans opened in the occupied territories from 7,500 to 10,000 churches, even in the report of the Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate there is a figure of 7,547 churches opened by the Germans) Russian priests offered prayers to the victories of the occupiers in cathedrals overcrowded with flock. These are not my inventions - this is how the prescription of the church circular of June 1942, signed by Protopresbyter Kirill, was fulfilled - "To perform prayers for the Lord's gift of strength and strength to the German army and its leader for the final victory ..."

The Germans perfectly understood the role of the clergy, they well financed the reviving church and clergy, published the newspaper "Orthodox Christian" with a circulation of 30,000 and quickly converted the ministers of the Orthodox cult "into their faith".

The German command used Russian priests in the occupied regions to collect intelligence information, as well as information about the mood of the population. In the North-West of Russia, the so-called "Orthodox mission in the liberated regions of Russia" was formed. In her first address to believers, she urged everyone to "rejoice at their liberation." In addition to conducting active propaganda and collecting information about the political and economic state of the regions, the "Orthodox Mission", according to preliminary data, delivered 144 partisans and Soviet patriots who were actively fighting against the Germans into the hands of German counterintelligence agencies.

I am convinced that the sharp change in Stalin's attitude towards the ROC is largely due not to his “insight”, but to blind copying of the carefully thought-out actions of the fascist command to “recruit” Orthodox “spiritual fathers”. By the way, the change in Stalin's attitude to the church was largely facilitated by the allies, and the first churches were allowed to open only almost six months after the election of a new patriarchy - by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of February 5, 1944. Until that time, priests were persecuted and destroyed. In 1941 alone, 4,000 priests were arrested and about half of them were shot ... Therefore, there were not enough priests for the churches to be opened, not to mention the fact that the Bolsheviks were holding back this process of church revival by all available means ...

By the way, the betrayal of the Russian Orthodox Church during World War II was no exception to the rule. During the Horde period (XIV-XV centuries), the church actively collaborated with the enslavers, urging parishioners to come to terms with the Tatar yoke and treat it as a well-deserved punishment of God. Still would! After all, the Horde not only freed the ROC from any taxes, duties and burdens that were imposed on the rest of the population of the conquered country, but transferred huge land holdings (more than a third of all arable land in the country) to the management of the church. The Rostov bishop Tarasiy brought hordes of Khan Duden to Russia, who plundered and destroyed Vladimir, Suzdal, Moscow and a number of other Russian cities. The head of the church, Metropolitan Joseph, as well as the bishops of Ryazan and Rostov, Galitsky and Przemysl fled, but most of the priests of the ROC quickly adapted to the power of the Horde and called on the people to obey. For faithful service to the conquerors, the Orthodox clergy were given special labels (letters of gratitude) from the khans.

Horde khans paid generously with Orthodox Church for her betrayal - for the fact that the church laid the spiritual sword of Orthodoxy at their feet, for the preaching of obedience to the Mongol "king" and his "glorious army" from the pulpits, for the fact that the fierce Mongol army drowned in blood. The historian N.M. Karamzin, characterizing the position of the ROC under the Horde, wrote that for the sake of the reward the church was ready not only to faithfully cooperate with the foreign conqueror, but also to inspire the second "Mongol invasion."

But as soon as the Horde staggered, completely different sermons sounded from the pulpits: now the priests cursed the "nasty" who enslaved the country. In other words, without batting an eye, the ROC betrayed its yesterday's patroness to the Horde, as before - Russia. Both betrayals were dictated exclusively by bribes - from now on, the priests expected from the victorious Moscow that she would confirm to the “brethren” all her Horde “labels” and defend the property of the church as zealously as the Horde defended them. And, oddly enough, she succeeded ...

I will not talk here about all other types of collaboration - work for the occupiers of journalists, teachers, artists, scientists, engineers, workers, peasants, work that can be attributed to a survival strategy. This category also includes many Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian girls cohabiting with the invaders. It should only be noted here that the energy of such “service” was largely determined by the pre-war reaction of Soviet citizens to Stalinism - the well-known phenomena of non-participation and internal emigration as negative reactions to Soviet power. I will only note that the Nazis instituted several orders and medals to reward especially zealous traitors, and some of the "natives" collaborators managed to "earn" up to a dozen of these "insignia".

Yuri Krylov in "Hydepark" cites numerous facts of another type of collaboration - Stalinist. I mean the active cooperation between Stalin and Hitler, which Stalin welcomed shortly after Hitler came to power. Although they say that Stalin owns the phrase “to trade in raw materials is to trade in the homeland,” the USSR sold raw materials to Hitlerite Germany in enormous quantities, moreover, strategic, military raw materials ... It is quite possible to talk about the massive support of the Nazis by the Soviet Union in all possible ways - from the deployment of German military factories and schools to the supply of oil, grain and metal. Soviet-German military training and rearmament programs were developed. For Germany, devastated by the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles, Soviet aid was then irreplaceable. In fact, we are talking about close cooperation between the USSR and Nazi Germany during the Second World War, already unleashed by Hitler (1939-1941).

In 1934, harboring deep contempt for the "weak" democratic governments of Europe, Stalin exclaimed in a fit of sympathy: "This is the leader!" On August 23, 1939, during a meeting with I. Ribbentrop in the Kremlin, Stalin made a toast: “I know how the German people love their Fuhrer. Therefore, I would like to drink to his health. " The second toast was made by Stalin to Himmler, "the man who ensures the security of the German state." Introducing L. Beria to the guest, Stalin jokingly said: "This is our Himmler." Ribbentrop later shared his "Moscow impressions" with his Italian colleague, Count Ciano: "I felt in the Kremlin as among old party comrades." And in December 1939, Stalin wrote to German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop: “Thank you, Mr. Minister, for your congratulations. The friendship of the peoples of Germany and the Soviet Union, sealed with blood, has every reason to be long and lasting ”(True, December 25, 1939). At the same time, Stalin personally congratulated Adolf Hitler on a successful operation to occupy Poland ...

In the special report of the Soviet special services, the words of Troitskaya from Kharkov were recorded: “The fact of the conclusion of an agreement with Germany shows that Stalin and Hitler have a lot in common, now we have no difference in regimes. In Germany it is called fascism, and in our country it is called socialism. "

Here is the text of the secret additional protocol:

“When signing a non-aggression pact between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the undersigned plenipotentiaries of both sides discussed in a strictly confidential manner the issue of delimiting the spheres of mutual interests in Eastern Europe. This discussion led to the following result:
1. In the event of a territorial and political reorganization of the regions that are part of the Baltic states (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern border of Lithuania is at the same time the border of the spheres of interests of Germany and the USSR. At the same time, the interests of Lithuania in relation to the Vilna region are recognized by both parties.
2. In the event of a territorial and political reorganization of the regions that make up the Polish state, the border of the spheres of interests of Germany and the USSR will approximately pass along the line of the rivers Narew, Vistula and Sanaa.
The question of whether it is in mutual interests to preserve an independent Polish state and what the borders of this state will be, can be finally clarified only in the course of further political development.
In any case, both governments will resolve this issue by way of friendly mutual consent.
3. Regarding the southeast of Europe, the Soviet side emphasizes the interest of the USSR in Bessarabia. The German side declares its complete political disinterest in these areas.
4. This protocol will be kept in strict confidence by both parties.
By authorization
USSR governments
V. Molotov
For the Government
I. Ribbentrop "

On a visit to Moscow, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop issued a communique, which Soviet newspapers published on September 20, 1939. It, in particular, said: “Soviet-German friendship is founded forever ... Both countries wish the continuation of peace and an end to the fruitless struggle of England and France with Germany. If, however, war-mongers prevail in these countries, Germany and the USSR will know how to react. ” In Nazi jargon, the "warmongers" were Jews.

It's hard to believe, but after Hitler's capture of half of Europe, Stalin sent a congratulatory telegram to the Fuehrer, which spoke of the "dizzying victories of the Wehrmacht."

Hitler did not remain in debt: “To Mr. Joseph Stalin. Moscow. On your sixtieth birthday, I ask you to accept my most sincere congratulations. With this I associate my best wishes, I wish you good health personally, as well as a happy future for the peoples of the friendly Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler "(True, December 23, 1939). And in another place and at another time, Hitler stated: “Stalin is only pretending to be the herald of the Bolshevik revolution. In fact, he identifies himself with Russia and the kings and simply revived the tradition of Pan-Slavism. For him, Bolshevism is only a means, only a disguise, the purpose of which is to deceive the German and Latin peoples. "

By the way, the initiator of the shameful pact-collusion was not Hitler, but Stalin. In a speech at the 18th Party Congress in the spring of 1939, he subtly hinted to his “partner” that he was not going to “drag chestnuts out of the fire” for such imperialist predators as England and France. The Germans instantly caught the Stalinist hint. German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop wrote in his memoirs: “Since March 1939, I believed that in Stalin's speech I had heard his desire to improve Soviet-German relations ... I acquainted the Fuhrer with this speech of Stalin and urgently asked him to give me authority for the steps required to establish whether there really is a serious desire behind it. " Neither add nor subtract ...

Stalin not only initiated the shameful act, but even earlier in many ways contributed to Hitler's coming to power. It's hard to believe in it today, but let's look at the facts. Hitler's rise to power was largely the result of a wretched Stalinist policy, in particular, the forceful Stalinist decision imposed on the Comintern, forbidding Western communists to block with the Social Democrats. Hitler was able to come to power because the German communists split the social movement. It was on Stalin's order that the Comintern, which included the KKE, called on the German Communist Party "to reject any agreement with the Social Democrats against fascism and to focus its fire on the Social Democrats." The German Communist Party fulfilled the directive.

Obsessed with a paranoid conspiracy, Stalin, however, trusted Hitler the most, fearing the unification of democratic Europe and the United States to fight communism. When Churchill wrote a letter to Stalin warning about the impending German attack on Russia, Stalin did not answer, but informed Hitler himself about the letter. By the way, the latter's dream was to convince Russia to enter into an alliance with Germany for the war with England. He even suggested to Stalin the subsequent division of the British Empire among the victors. What did Stalin answer? He asked the German ambassador to convey to Hitler the following: "We will remain friends with Germany, no matter what happens" ...

Daniil Granin said on this occasion that pre-war propaganda made us think that Germany is closer to us than England and France, and even more so America. “Ribbentrop came to Moscow, hugged, kissed Molotov. The Germans are our friends, allies, and after a while we had to shoot at them. They were ready for war morally, because they came to wild Russia, where subhumans, an inferior race, lived. And we began to say to the first prisoner who was taken: “After all, we are brothers in our class. Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Ernst Thälmann! " These are the people we went through at school "

A striking symbol of Soviet-German "military cooperation" in 1939-1941. were "joint parades" of units of the German armed forces and the Red Army. Ours deny the fact of these parades, but the German military chronicle has preserved direct and convincing evidence of the "brotherhood in arms" of the USSR and Nazi Germany, in particular photographs taken in Brest on September 22, 1939, which depict the brigade commander Krivoshey, General Guderian and a group of officers, past which military equipment moves. By the way, this parade is mentioned by Guderian in his memoirs, published in Russian in 1998: "Our stay in Brest ended with a farewell parade and a ceremony with the exchange of flags in the presence of the brigade commander Krivoshein." The joint parade of 22.09.1939 22 motorized corps of the Wehmahat and 29 separate tank brigade of the Red Army you can watch with your own eyes on youtube: Similar joint parades were held in Bialystok, Grodno, Lvov and other cities of the "annexed territories".
The USSR contributed much to the restoration of the German army: to train German servicemen in the USSR, training and research centers Lipetsk (aviators), Kama (tankers), and Tomka (chemical weapons) were organized. Future military commanders of the Third Reich and the SS troops underwent an internship in the USSR. The NKVD and the Gestapo coordinated repressive actions during the partition of Poland, created a joint training center, and also held a number of joint conferences in Krakow and Zakopane. Shortly before the attack on the USSR, the German communists and anti-fascists, who fled to the Soviet Union after Hitler came to power, were handed over to the Gestapo. Most of them were killed by the Nazis.
In 1939, Stalin categorically rejected attempts to organize an anti-Hitler coalition with the participation of the USSR, demanding for his participation in an alliance with France and Great Britain that he be given the opportunity to occupy the eastern regions of Poland. Such a condition was unacceptable for these countries.
In his diary, the American ambassador to Berlin, William E. Dodd, writes on the scale with which the Russian embassy received Hitler and his emissaries in Germany, and showed them honor and hospitality. While in the USSR there was a famine that took away millions from life, in the Russian embassy and in the Kremlin, tables were laden with overseas food, all kinds of food and expensive drinks - in hospitality that far surpassed the embassies of other countries.
For a while, the friendship of the two necrophilic tyrants seemed unshakable. On September 20, 1939, in London's Evening Standard, David Lowe published a famous cartoon dedicated to the collaboration between Hitler and Stalin, Rendezvous. He captured the meeting of two dictators, demonstrating the height of good manners and impeccable knowledge of etiquette against the background of the flaring fire of the world war:
"Bastard of humanity, if I'm not mistaken?" - Hitler greets Stalin with a bow.
"Bloody worker killer, I suppose?" - Iosif Vissarionovich inquires politely in response.

By concluding a pact with Hitler, Stalin contributed to the rapid defeat of Poland and the mafia division of its territory between the "allies". A little-known fact that I recently learned from the historian and publicist Igor Stadnik. It turns out that during Ribbentrop's second visit to Moscow at the end of September 1939, Molotov, along with material assistance, offered Hitler military assistance in Germany's European campaigns. Even Ribbentrop was shocked, took a time-out and eventually abandoned the presence of the Red Army as part of the Wehrmacht ... Nevertheless, according to the testimony of academician Yuri Pivovarov, Soviet officers nevertheless took part in the naval operations of the German fleet: “We actually were allies of Germany. " I'm not even talking about the additional secret protocols rejected by the Germans on the further division of Europe ...

The war unleashed by Hitler in Europe was already in full swing, it was clear to everyone that sooner or later we would have to fight Germany. And it was at this time that echelon after echelon went from Russia to Germany, increasingly strengthening the power of a potential enemy. These echalons carried strategic cargo to Germany, and this happened already during Hitler's blitzkrieg against Norway, Holland, Belgium and France. Only at the end of 1940, that is, 6 months before the start of the war between Germany and the USSR, was it agreed to increase the strategic supplies of Russia to Hitler's Germany by 10%.

According to the German-Soviet trade agreement, signed on August 19, 1939 as a result of negotiations between the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, the USSR began regular supplies of raw materials and materials necessary for the functioning of German military production. These shipments included, among others: phosphates, platinum, rare earth metals, petroleum products, cotton, coarse grains including:
1,000,000 tons of coarse grains and legumes, worth 120 million Reichsmarks;
900,000 tons of oil, worth about 115 million Reichsmarks;
100,000 tons of cotton worth about 90 million Reichsmarks;
500,000 tons of phosphates;
100,000 tons of chromite ores;
500,000 tons of iron ore;
300,000 tons of pig iron and pig iron;
2400 kg of platinum.

The Soviet Union also pledged to be an intermediary in ensuring the procurement of military materials needed by Germany, which were not made directly in the USSR. In accordance with the economic agreement of February 11, 1940, Germany was also granted the right to transit through Soviet territory for trade with Iran, Afghanistan and the countries of the Far East. The transit of goods from eastern markets through the territory of the USSR radically neutralized the consequences of the British naval blockade of Germany, which was established after the Wehrmacht's invasion of Poland, at the same time contributing to the growth of the economic and military power of the Germans.

Subsequently, between the USSR and Germany, additional economic agreements of February 11, 1940 and January 10, 1941 were concluded, as well as a number of agreements that significantly expanded the volume of strategic supplies. To this we can add that the USSR complied with the agreements on these supplies until June 22, 1941, despite the fact that the Germans, for their part, often retreated from them.

Stalin sent to Hitler only about 800 thousand tons of oil and products of its processing. In essence, this meant that German bombers flew to bomb London, fueled by Soviet kerosene. The flywheel of war was spinning more and more with each revolution. The Cannibal Union was indeed sealed in blood.

Ours are trying to disavow military supplies to the USSR by mutually beneficial trade agreements, and they have agreed to the "German fathers" of the Soviet "Oboronka". What was the reality?

A number of historians assess these military supplies as a "crime", "conscious support of the Nazi regime" and even as "Stalin's tribute to Hitler." The fact is that after Hitler came to power, Soviet-German trade decreased significantly, but expanded to its full extent just before Hitler's attack on the USSR ...

Here is an extract from the Second Memorandum on real German-Soviet economic relations (Berlin, May 15, 1941):
3. The situation with the supply of Soviet raw materials still presents a satisfactory picture. In April, the following most important raw materials were delivered:
Grain 208,000 tons;
Oil 90,000 tons;
Cotton 8.300 tons;
Non-ferrous metals 6,340 tons (copper, tin and nickel).
In the case of manganese ore and phosphates, supplies have suffered due to lack of tonnage and transport difficulties in the southeastern zone.
The transit road through Siberia is still in operation. The supply of raw materials from East Asia, in particular rubber transported to Germany along this road, continues to be significant (during April - 2,000 tons of rubber by special trains and 2,000 tons by ordinary Siberian trains).
Total deliveries in the current year are calculated:
Grain 632.000 tons;
Oil 232,000 tons;
Cotton 23.500 tons;
Manganese ore 50,000 tons;
Phosphates 67,000 tons;
Platinum 600 kg.

Until June 22, 1941, 72% of all German imports passed through the territory of the USSR. This means that at the first stage of the war in Europe, the Reich successfully overcame the economic blockade with the help of the Soviet Union, which undoubtedly contributed to the Nazi aggression in Europe. In 1940 alone, Germany accounted for 52% of all Soviet exports, including 50% of phosphate exports, 77% of asbestos, 62% of chromium, 40% of manganese, 75% of oil, 77% of grain. After the defeat of France, Great Britain is practically alone whole year courageously resisted the Nazis, supported in every possible way by the Bolsheviks.

All this - on the eve of June 22, 1941 ... All this was transformed into a weapon with which the Nazis would destroy the Russians ... An outrageous fact: millions of Russians were killed using weapons created thanks to the criminal conspiracy of Stalin and Hitler to supply strategic materials to Germany. I'm not even talking about the fact that in fact in 1939-1941. The USSR was a "non-belligerent ally" of militaristic Germany.

And now a typical example about the reciprocal deliveries from Germany. The USSR bought from the Germans the cruiser Lyuttsov (Petropavlovsk), which cost a lot of money. The German tug delivered the ship's hull to Leningrad without mechanisms and weapons, before the start of the war its construction at the Baltic shipyard was slowed down by the Germans, so that by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the ship's readiness was only 70%. In addition, on September 17, the fire of the German artillery "Petropavlovsk" was badly damaged and lay on the ground, plunging into the water to the armored deck. It was possible to raise it and somehow repair it only by 1944 ...

I'm not even talking about a deliberate marriage: for example, the Germans supplied us with a powerful expensive press, with the help of which it was possible to make special pipes, the huge cylinder of which, weighing almost 90 tons, burst already during the adjustment process. We did not make such cylinders at home then, and the newly ordered one was never delivered ... On November 30, 1940, Krupp undertook to deliver to the USSR six naval gun turrets with 380-mm guns. Naturally, instead of towers, we managed to get only ... a few folders with documentation.

What else was bought from the Germans? - Equipment for galleys, bakeries, ship laundries, diesel engines, typewriters, in single copies - military equipment ...

The testimony of the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry of the USSR A.I.Shakhurin: "... Just before the start of the war, supply disruptions began." Naturally, we are talking about German supplies, while the last Soviet trains with cargo regularly passed to Germany on the eve of June 22, 1941 ... However, trade was originally planned so that German supplies could lag 20% ​​behind Soviet ones, but in reality The Germans, of course, slowed down their supplies even more, causing constant conflicts between the parties, constantly increasing the trade imbalance in their favor. So Hitler drew around our “wise and brilliant leader of the peoples”, who ineptly gave away the strategic raw materials we ourselves needed so much.

By agreement with the Kremlin, German ships could hide from the British fleet in Murmansk, and there in September - October 1940 about 40 German ships were assembled, including one of the largest and fastest transatlantic liners, Bremen, capable of quickly transferring to long distances whole divisions. In October, the Teriberka naval base (German name "Basis Nord"), granted to the Reich to the east of Murmansk, was expanded, which until then could only accept submarines attacking ships of the anti-Hitler coalition. Now ours are trying in every possible way to downplay the role of this criminal action by Stalin - the creation of a fascist military base on the territory of the USSR, moreover, in a strategically important area and in wartime: it seems that it was not a base at all, but just an anchorage, moreover, not warships. And now - the documented truth.

Germany received the Nerpichya Bay 45 km from Murmansk under complete and unauthorized disposal. Any Nazi warships, from submarines and torpedo boats to battleships, were allowed to enter this bay.

The Nazis, with their usual thoroughness, proceeded to build berths, repair shops, supply depots and aviation fuel storage facilities in the coastal granite rocks in the Nerpichya Bay. According to some reports, even before the arrival of the German builders, preparatory work for the construction of Basis Nord was carried out by workers of the 95th section of the Murmansk branch of EPRON. It is possible that the most difficult work was carried out by prisoners from the nearest NKVD special camp.

In early October 1939, the base began to be used for its intended purpose. It brought together the strategic interests of almost all formations and services of the Kriegsmarine (Kriegsmarine is the official name of the Naval Forces of Nazi Germany). Gross-Admiral Raeder ordered the base to be used to supply the German surface fleet during the planned invasion of Norway and as a starting point for escorting ships in the North sea ​​route... German industry was in dire need of jute, rubber, molybdenum, tungsten, copper, zinc and mica, which could be obtained from Japan. The Kriegsmarine was ready to send 12 to 26 transports there along the Northern Sea Route.

The headquarters of the commander of the German submarine fleet Karl Dönitz believed that the Basis Nord was an extremely important and convenient base for the fight against British shipping in the North. From here it was also possible to conduct hydrographic and meteorological information, important for the Nazis, and the laying of forvays for military ships.

The submarine division, the huge Jan Wellem tanker with a tonnage of 11776 tons, the supply vessels Fenicia and the Cordillera, which supported the operations of German raiders in the North Atlantic, and dozens of other warships, including the WBS6 Ködingen meteorological observation vessels were based in Nerpichya Bay. "And WBS7" Sachsenwald ". So, in fact, the USSR became a strategic ally of Hitler's Germany at the beginning of World War II.

What can be added to this? We can add that up to June 1941 the Stalinist regime believed that the destruction of the fascist regime was a crime ... Do not believe me? Then we will listen to excerpts from the report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Molotov after the conclusion of the shameful pact with Nazism:

“Since the conclusion of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact on 23 August, an end has been put to the abnormal relations that had existed for a number of years between the Soviet Union and Germany,” Molotov said at the very beginning of the report. - The enmity, which was in every possible way fueled by some European powers, was replaced by rapprochement and the establishment of friendly relations between the USSR and Germany. The further improvement of these new, good relations found its expression in the German-Soviet treaty of friendship and the border between the USSR and Germany, signed on September 28 in Moscow.
.. The governments of England and France, however, do not want to end the war and restore peace, but are looking for a new justification for continuing the war against Germany. Recently, the ruling circles of England and France have been trying to portray themselves as fighters for the democratic rights of peoples against Hitlerism, and the British government announced that the goal of the war against Germany was, no more and no less, "the destruction of Hitlerism." It turns out that the British, and along with them the French supporters of the war, declared against Germany something like an "ideological war", reminiscent of the old religious wars. Indeed, at one time, religious wars against heretics and infidels were in vogue. As you know, they led to the gravest consequences for the masses, to economic ruin and to the cultural savagery of peoples ... But these wars were in the Middle Ages. Is it not to these times of the Middle Ages, to the times of religious wars, superstitions and cultural savagery, that the ruling classes of England and France are pulling us again? In any case, under the "ideological" flag, a war of an even greater scale and even greater dangers for the peoples of Europe and the whole world is now being started. But this kind of war has no justification for itself.
The ideology of Hitlerism, like any other ideological system, can be recognized or denied, this is a matter of political views. But any person will understand that ideology cannot be destroyed by force, you cannot end it with a war. Therefore, it is not only senseless, but also criminal to wage such a war as the war for the "destruction of Hitlerism", covered with a false flag of the struggle for "democracy". "

After the signing of the criminal pact on September 7, 1939, some representatives of the European Communist Parties were summoned to the Kremlin, where Stalin bluntly dotted the i's. He said that the situation has changed and that the Western Communist Parties, in particular the French, must fight against their own governments. Stalin's plan was this: to support the Germans, thereby adding fuel to the war between France, Great Britain and Germany. And then, when "the imperialists bleed each other", as in 1917-1918, "we will carry the socialist revolution to Paris."

Naturally, the French government banned the PCF. The hundreds of leading communists who remained in France from October 1939 to May 1940, during the German occupation, campaigned underground against the French government in exile, which was at war with Nazi Germany. This propaganda during the war was nothing more than a betrayal of France.

To this must be added the destruction of the "top" of the military leaders of the Red Army before the war, the Stalinist pogroms of scientific research organizations in the USSR, the arrests of major physicists, including nuclear scientists, the transfer of German anti-fascists (including scientists) to Germany, close cooperation of the Gestapo and the NKVD ... As one of the historians said, "the National Socialist sword was honed together with the NKVD of the USSR." It is curious that during the war, the Gestapo often occupied the buildings of the NKVD.

On November 11, 1938, 1st Rank State Security Commissioner L. Beria and SS Brigadefuehrer G. Müller signed a General Agreement "On cooperation, mutual assistance, joint activities between the Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR and the Main Security Directorate of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (GESTAPO)." I will quote several sections of this infamous Pact:

"NS. 1. The parties see the need to develop close cooperation between the state security agencies of the USSR and Germany for the sake of the security and prosperity of both countries, strengthening good-neighborly relations, friendship between the Russian and German peoples, joint activities aimed at waging a merciless struggle against common enemies leading a systematic policy of inciting wars, international conflicts and the enslavement of humanity.
p. 2. The parties that signed this agreement see the historical necessity of such a decision and will try to do everything to strengthen the influence and power positions of their countries around the world without causing mutual harm.
p. 3. ... The parties will lead a joint fight against common main enemies:
- international Jewry, its international financial system, Judaism and Jewish worldview;
- the degeneration of humanity, in the name of the improvement of the white race and the creation of eugenic mechanisms of racial hygiene.
The parties will do their utmost to strengthen the principles of socialism in the USSR, national socialism in Germany, and are convinced that one of the fundamental elements of security is the process of militarizing the economy, developing the military industry and strengthening the power and efficiency of the armed forces of their states.
The parties will contribute to the development of cooperation in the military field between our countries, and, if war is necessary, facilitate the conduct of joint intelligence and counterintelligence activities on the territory of enemy states.
In the event of situations that, in the opinion of one of the parties, created a threat to our countries, they will inform each other and immediately come into contact to agree on the necessary initiatives and take active measures to ease tensions and to resolve such situations.
The heads of the NKVD and GESTAPO, employees of the services of both departments will have regular meetings to hold consultations, discuss other events that contribute to the development and deepening of relations between our countries. " As they say, do not subtract, do not add ...

Cooperation between Stalin and Hitler on the eve of the war had another unexpected consequence - it facilitated the betrayal of the Communists themselves. It is generally accepted that during the war, the Germans methodically destroyed communists and commissars. This is true, but not all. Once again, I give the floor to Professor Lev Simkin: “My ideas about the persecution of the Communists in the German rear - and those turned out to be somewhat exaggerated. In many cities, party members were only required to register with the commandant's office, and they could well be left alone. According to the estimates of the historian Boris Kovalev, in each regional center of the Kalinin, Kursk, Oryol, Smolensk regions, an average of 80 to 150 communists voluntarily came to register with the German commandant's offices. Most of them worked in senior positions before the war, and continued to work for the Germans during the occupation. True, there were also those who acted on instructions from the underground. "

Let's summarize briefly. In August 1939, a criminal pact was concluded in Moscow, according to which Stalin and Hitler became military allies, and the USSR became an accomplice in the crimes of Nazism:

“The Red Army, together with the Wehrmacht, took part in the defeat and partition of Poland, in the capture [and execution] of hundreds of thousands of Polish officers and soldiers, in the suppression of the partisan movement in the occupied territories. Red Army troops took part in the joint Soviet-Nazi parade in Brest. On September 28, 1939, another agreement was signed in the Kremlin: "On friendship and the border between the USSR and Germany." The contract does not specify its validity period. He signed up forever, forever.
..If Hitler had not attacked the Soviet Union, then Comrade Stalin would have always remained Hitler's friend, and the peoples of the Soviet Union, in accordance with the treaties signed in the Kremlin, would have always been friends of Nazism. And let the crematorium pipes smoke peacefully over the concentration camps in Europe, this did not concern us. Our people would never have let such a friend down, our leaders would have provided Hitler with everything necessary to continue the war, to defeat all the enemies of the Reich, to keep the conquered peoples under the heel of Nazism, to spread the brown plague throughout Europe and the world.
If Hitler had not attacked, then today on Lake Seliger, presumably, our good Nashi-Rashists would have cooed with the envoys of a nice organization named Hitler Youth.
The Soviet Union and Germany, having divided spheres of influence in 1939, began to develop living space, each in its own field. The Soviet Union is in Finland, Germany in Norway and Denmark. The Soviet Union is in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Germany - in Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg. The Soviet Union is in Romania. Germany - in France, Yugoslavia, Greece.
The Soviet Union fought, relying mainly on its own resources. And the victories of Germany became possible only thanks to the supply of strategic raw materials from the Soviet Union, thanks to the fact that Hitler was calm for his rear, thanks to the fact that he was not afraid of the blockade of Germany. On November 13, 1940, the head of the Soviet government and People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Comrade Molotov, did not forget to remind comrade Hitler in a personal conversation that the defeat of France and other European states became possible only thanks to the help and support of the Soviet Union.
Hitler crushed Europe with Soviet oil, he fed his army with our bread and bacon. It is impossible to fight without vanadium, tungsten, manganese, copper, tin, chromium. All this Hitler received from the hands of his loyal Soviet comrades. And also - iron ore, cotton, platinum and much more. "

According to Yu. Plavsky, “Stalin, to the detriment of his people, supplied food and armed Hitler's army. Stalin staunchly defended his ally against attacks from the United States and Britain. The result of the conspiracy of the two dictators: ruins from Europe, 50,000,000 dead, of which more than half are Russians. "

In today's Russia, Stalin, who made all imaginable and inconceivable failures, is increasingly turning into national hero No. 1. On his conscience not only tens of millions of exterminated fellow citizens, but also enormous losses during the Finnish and Second World Wars. But for the apologists of Stalin and part-time trade union patriots, I have saved an amusing quotation from Stalin's book "Questions of Leninism":
“The history of old Russia was that it was continuously beaten. Everyone beat me. Mongol khans. Turkish beks. Polish-Lithuanian lords, Anglo-French capitalists. They were beaten by the Japanese barons. They beat me for everything and constantly. Everyone was beaten for cultural backwardness, for state backwardness, for industrial backwardness. They beat me because it was profitable and went with impunity. " (Joseph Stalin, "Questions of Leninism", 1934, p. 445). Why am I bringing this? Exclusively to illustrate the assessment of "Russian victories", the main necrophile of Russian history ...

To what has been said, one could add Stalin's collaborationism of another kind - the ruthless attitude of the "great leader" to the Russian man and the Russian soldier after Hitler's attack on the USSR: the execution of several dozen generals, including Heroes of the Soviet Union, at the beginning of the war, the Asian tactics burned out lands, an ominous order 0428 ("We will not hand over to the enemy not a single house, not a single factory, not a single institution - we will burn everything ourselves"), overwhelming the enemy with the corpses of our soldiers (enormous losses of the army and civilian population), imprisoning a mass of soldiers in the Gulag into captivity, general arrests of "suspicious persons", echelons of 1942, taking away "potential traitors" into the unknown, and much, much more. The Soviet and Russian military historian G.F. Krivosheev indicates the following figures based on the data of the NKVD: out of 1,836,562 soldiers who returned home from captivity, 233,400 people were convicted in connection with charges of cooperation with the enemy and were serving sentences in the GULAG system. All this is described in detail, in particular, in the memoirs of Lydia Osipova, Larisa Dovga and the works of the historian Sergei Kudryashov, but this is another story that requires separate consideration ...

That's not all: Stalin did not spare the Russian soldier, believing that the war would write off everything. According to Latynina, when Stalin threw hundreds of thousands of soldiers to storm the German fortifications with the words “But all the same, the Germans will be to blame for everything,” he followed the strategy “the worse, the better”: “If 20 million people die in Russia during the war, all the same they will blame everyone on the Germans. There, the more Russians kill Zhukov, the more terrible the anger of the Russian soldier will then be when he kills everything that moves in East Prussia. " The problem of revenge is a topic for a separate conversation, so terrible that it is better not to touch upon it on the Russian website ... (see, for example, P. Khedruk "Genocide in East Prussia").

Note that during the First World War, a million Russian soldiers were also captured by the enemy. The tsarist government not only did not abandon the Russian subjects, but provided them with moral and other support. As for the Bolshevik, Stalinist power, the prisoners were equated with traitors and after the Nazi camps they ended up in the GULAG, from which many never returned ... By the way, the number of Russians captured by the Germans during the Second World War was estimated, in 5.2-5.7 million people and about 30% of this number agreed to cooperate with the enemy ...

According to the data collected by Fyodor Sverdlov in the book "Soviet Generals in Captivity", about 100 Soviet generals, brigade commissars and brigade commissars were captured, 12 of whom actively collaborated with the enemy (A.A. Vlasov, F.N. Trukhin, V. Malyshkin, D.E. Zakutny, I.A. Blagoveshchensky, G.N. Zhilenkov, P.V. Bogdanov, A.E. Budykho, A.Z. Naumov, I.G. Bessonov, M.V. Bogdanov and A.N. Sevastyanov) and 29 died in captivity. Of the senior officers who returned from captivity, 31 were arrested and repressed.

By a secret decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943, courts-martial received the right to punish "traitors" in an "expedited manner" with immediate execution of the sentence - up to public hanging. In the winter of 1944, I personally saw 4 Shibenitsy at the Blagoveshchensky market in Kharkov with the executed policemen. Courts-martial and "special meetings", as a rule, were conducted "in a Soviet way" - in haste, without a proper evidence base, with an investigation directly during the trial and immediate execution of the sentence. You can imagine how many innocents were executed ... Recently (June 16, 2012) this was confirmed by Doctor of Law Lev Simkin on the program "The Price of Victory" ("Echo of Moscow"), who studied in detail the work of Soviet justice in the war and post-war years and discovered numerous cases of miscarriages of justice.

Suffice it to say that only in the first six months after the start of the war, that is, until December 31, 1941, the number of criminal cases examined by the Stalinist Military Tribunals exceeded 85 thousand, while 90,322 servicemen were convicted, of which 31,327 people were sentenced to death ... According to Y. Nesterenko, only according to the officially registered verdicts of the tribunals during the war, at least 150 thousand soldiers and officers were shot, mostly innocent, and no one considered the victims of the detachments at all ... In the documentary book "The hidden truth of the 1941 war" ("Russian book, 1992), the total number of those executed by Soviet punitive bodies during the war is estimated at a million people.

During the Battle of Stalingrad alone, 13,500 Soviet servicemen were sentenced to death by a military tribunal. They were shot for desertion, going over to the side of the enemy, "spontaneous" wounds, looting, anti-Soviet agitation, retreat without orders. Soldiers were considered guilty if they did not open fire on a deserter or a soldier intending to surrender. The huge number of defectors in the first phase of the battle inspired unjustified optimism in the Germans.

Even according to official data by military tribunals under Article 58 "treason" in 1941-54. 484 thousand traitors and deserters were convicted, of which more than 150 thousand servicemen were shot (for comparison, the number of such sentences in the Wehrmacht was about 8 thousand, and in France, the Peten part of which went directly to the service of Hitler, about 10 thousand). Statistics of convicted traitors in other European countries: Denmark - 15 thousand, Norway - 18 thousand, Hungary - 18 thousand, Czechoslovakia - 25 thousand, England - 2 traitors ... Soviet generals (not counting dozens of generals who received prison terms). After the signing of decrees on the creation of penal units, according to official data, 427,910 servicemen passed through them.

To this we can add that after the end of World War II, out of 2.5 million Soviet citizens returned from Europe (repatriated, prisoners and defectors), about 7% were repressed and sent to the GULAG, many were forcibly sent to "great construction projects", and most of the remaining until the end of her life she bore the stigma of "traitors" with all the ensuing consequences.

After the war, the population of the Gulag jumped by a million people, a significant part of whom were traitors and prisoners. It is also interesting that in the countries of Western Europe the number of convicted traitors differed by orders of magnitude from Russian statistics. Moreover, the criminal proceedings against the traitors in the USSR dragged on until the 80s.

All this is trying to thoroughly retouch, gloss over, hide, distort the current authorities of Russia, organizing "Commissions to counteract attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia's interests" works "such as" 65 years of the Great Victory ", which was recognized by domestic hangers-on as" the best publication about the Great Patriotic War "... By the way, in the early 80s, Viktor Astafiev wrote an angry letter about a similar 12-volume book on the history of the Great Patriotic War - that's all lies and lies.

These historians "by request" believe that "The Great Patriotic War" will be taught in their servile presentation. But history is not a corrupt girl, but a science that eventually puts everything in its place. And the terrible inhuman truth about the Second World War, about the seas of mediocrely shed blood of the people, the endless oceans of suffering, the enormous scale of betrayals, the enslavement of countries and peoples, the historical defeat of the "enslavers" - do not hide and do not conceal the truth, how it was distorted and concealed by soviet historians for fifty years ... Every day new and new layers of historical truth will be revealed, and, hopefully, the time is not far away when, through the efforts of new generations of unbiased historians, all the KGB-Bolshevik myths will be finally destroyed and the historical truth, as has always been the case in the past, will triumph.

The final touch: During the First World War, neither the Germans nor the Austrians created a single unit of Russian traitors who were at war with their own country! Isn't it the best evidence of the power of the Bolshevik disintegration of the country's population? ..

Until recently, the topic of Russian collaborationism was so taboo that, after reading this article, our professional patriots can fall into a vicious frenzy and, with their inherent correctness, resort to their characteristic arguments in the form of Russian swearing. Realizing the futility of the enterprise, I will nevertheless try to cool their “patriotic” fervor by referring to the numerous works of professional historians of collaboration Aleksandrov, Chuev, Drobyazko, Semenov, Romanko, Budnitsky, and many, many others that have appeared recently. Here are just a few of the sources from which I drew information for this work:

K.M. Aleksandrov, Russian soldiers of the Wehrmacht. Heroes or traitors, M .: Yauza, Eksmo, 2005, 752 p. - (Dossier of the III Reich).
K.M. Aleksandrov, Against Stalin. Vlasovites and Eastern Volunteers in World War II. Collection of articles and materials, St. Petersburg: Juventa, 2003, p. 352.
B.N.Kovalev, Collaboration in Russia in 1941-1945. Types and forms, Novgorod: Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise, 2009, p. 370.
V.A. Perezhogin, War and Society, 1941-1945: in 2 books. M., 2004. Book 2. Ch. Collaboration issues, p. 293-305.
G. Sapozhnikov. Traitors by choice and without. Interview with Doctor of Historical Sciences B.N. Kovalev. TVNZ, 14.09.2010.
V. Makhno, Directory "Complete list of associations and formations of the 3rd Reich of the citizens of the USSR."
OV Romanko, Hitler's Soviet Legion. Citizens of the USSR in the ranks of the Wehrmacht and the SS. M., Eksmo, Yauza, 2006. p. 640.
OV Romanko, Legion under the sign of the Pursuit. Belarusian collaborationist formations in the power structures of Nazi Germany (1941-1945), Simferopol: Antikva, 2008, p. 304.
V. Polyakov, The terrible truth about the Great Patriotic War: Partisans without a stamp “secret”.
O.Budnitsky, Russian emigration during the war, Echo of Moscow, The price of victory, 23.06.2012.
O. Budnitsky, Collaboration: causes and consequences, Echo of Moscow, The price of victory, 03.03.2012, 10.03.2012.
L. Simkin, Hitler's accomplices, Echo of Moscow, The price of victory, 09.06.2012, 16.06.2012 1.
S.I.Drobyazko, O.V. Romanko, K.K. Semenov, Foreign formations of the Third Reich / Ed. K.K. Semenova, M., AST; Astrel, 2009. 848.
S.I.Drobyazko, O.V.Romanko, K.K.Semenov, Foreign formations of the Third Reich. Foreigners in the Service of Nazism: A History of European Collaboration, M., AST, Astrel, Harvest, 2011, p. 832.
S.I.Drobyazko, A.Karashchuk, Russian Liberation Army, 1999.
S.I.Drobyazko, Eastern legions and Cossack units in the Wehrmacht, AST, 2000
S.I.Drobyazko, Eastern volunteers in the Wehrmacht, police and SS, AST, 2000.
SI Drobyazko, Soviet citizens in the ranks of the Wehrmacht. On the question of the number // The Great Patriotic War in the assessment of young people: Sat. articles of students, graduate students, young students, M., 1997, pp. 127-134.
S.I.Drobyazko, Eastern troops in the Wehrmacht, 1941-1945 // Our news, 1994, №№ 436-437.
S.I.Drobyazko, The Policy of Collaboration and the Cossack Question during the Second World War. // Our news, 1996, № 445, pp. 15-18.
SI Drobyazko Eastern Troops and the Russian Liberation Army. // Materials on the history of the Russian liberation movement 1941-1945: Collection of articles, documents and memoirs. Issue 1. M .: Archive ROA, 1997, pp.16-106.
SI Drobyazko Cossack units in the Wehrmacht. // Materials on the history of the Russian liberation movement 1941-1945: Collection of articles, documents and memoirs. Issue 1. M .: Archive ROA, 1997.S. 182-232.
S. I. Drobyazko, Lokotsky autonomous region and the Russian People's Liberation Army. // Materials on the history of the Russian liberation movement 1941-1945, Collection of articles, documents and memoirs. Issue 2. M .: Archive ROA, 1998, pp. 168-216.
Semiryaga M.I. Collaboration. Nature, typology and manifestations during the Second World War. M .: "Russian political encyclopedia" (ROSSPEN), 2000. 863 p.
A.V. Okorokov, Anti-Soviet military formations during the Second World War. Moscow: Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2000.184 p.
A.V. Okorokov, Cossacks and the Russian liberation movement/ In search of truth. Ways and destinies of the second emigration. M., 1997. p. 224-226.
A.V. Okorokov, Fascism and Russian emigration (1920-1945). M .: "RUSAKI", 2001.594 p.
E. Samoilov, From the White Guard to Fascism / Inevitable Retribution: Based on the Materials of Trials of Traitors to the Motherland, Fascist Executioners and Agents of Imperialist Intelligence Services. M .: "Voenizdat", 1984. p. 92-110.
B.V. Sokolov, Occupation. Truth and myths. M .: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2003.352 p.
V. Ulyanov, I. Shishkin, Traitors. Appearance. M., 2008.544 p.
A. Kazantsev, Third Force, Sowing, 1952, 1974 and 1994

The most extensive list of historical literature on Russian collaborationism during World War II is contained in the book by D. Zhukov and I. Kovtun "Russian SS men", M., "Veche", 2010, 480 p. Here are just a few extracts from this list:
Kazantsev A.S. “The third force. Russia between Nazism and Communism ”. M .: "Posev", 1994. 344 p.
Frehlikh S. General Vlasov. Russians and Germans between Hitler and Stalin / Preface by A. Hillgruber. Cologne, 1990.400 p.
Zhukov D.A., Kovtun I.I. Russian police. M .: "Veche", 2010. 304 p.
Zhukov D.A., Kovtun I.I. Russian SS men in battle. Soldiers or punishers? M .: Yauza-press, 2009.320 p.
Kovalev B.N. Nazi occupation and collaboration in Russia, 1941-1944. M .: "ACT Publishing House": "Transitkniga", 2004. 483 p.
Pyatov K. Slavic pupils of the SS / "Echo of War" (Moscow). 2008 No. 2.P. 15.
Semenov K.K. Russian SS Fuhrer / "Echo of War" (Moscow). 2008. No. 2. S. 8-11.
Chuev S.G. Cursed soldiers. Traitors on the side of the Third Reich. M .: "Eksmo"; Publishing house "Yauza", 2004.576 p.
Bishop K. Foreign divisions of the III Reich. Foreign volunteers in the SS forces 1940-1945. M .: "Eksmo", 2006. 192 p.
Greben E. Russian national idea as an element of the terror regime of the collaborationist authorities / Nazi war of annihilation in the north-west of the USSR: regional aspect. Materials of the international scientific conference (Pskov, December 10-11, 2009). Moscow: Historical Memory Foundation; Pskov State Pedagogical University, 2010.S. 92-100.
Dean M. Holocaust accomplices. Crimes of the local police of Belarus and Ukraine, 1941-1944. SPb .: "Academic project"; Publishing house "DNA", 2008.268 p.
Schneer A. Plen. Soviet prisoners of war in Germany, 1941-1945. M .: "Bridges of culture"; Jerusalem: "Gesharim", 2005.624 p.

In addition to this, there is a small list of truly truthful books and works about the Second World War:
The Hidden Truth of the 1941 War (Russian Book, 1992);
V. Astafyev "The Merry Soldier", "Cursed and Killed" and "I have no answer ... Epistolary diary. 1952-2001 ";
V. Grossman "Life and Fate";
N. Nikulin "Memories of the War";
A. Adamovich, D. Granin "The Blockade Book";
S. Aleksievich "The war does not woman's face"," Bewitched by death ";
D. Granin "My Lieutenant";

G.Vladimov "The General and His Army";
M. Dudin "Where ours did not disappear";
S. Verevkin "The Second World War: Torn Pages";
V. Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad";
A. Nekrich "1941, June 22";
A. Nikonov “Hit first! The main mystery of the Second World War ”;
G. Popov "War and Truth" (1941-1945. Notes on the war);
S. Zakharevich "Big Blood";
A. Smirnov "Falcons washed in blood";
B. Sokolov "The Truth About the Great Patriotic War", "The Exterminated Marshals", "The Third Reich: Myths and Reality"; On the ratio of losses in people and military equipment on the Soviet-German front during the Great Patriotic War // Questions of history. 1988. No. 9.
V. Beshanov “We ​​Fought on Coffins”, “The Blood-Red Army. Whose fault? "," They filled up with corpses! "," Tank pogrom of 1941 "; "Ten Stalinist Strikes", "Leningrad Defense";
I. Drogovoz "Big Fleet of the Land of the Soviets";
M. Solonin “June 22. Anatomy of a Catastrophe "," June 25. Stupidity or aggression? "," At peacefully sleeping airfields ... "," There is no good in war "," New chronology of the catastrophe "," Another chronology of the catastrophe "and other works;
V. Suvorov "The Last Republic", "Shadow of Victory";
V. Suvorov, A. Burovsky and others. "Union of a star with a swastika: Counter aggression";
I. Hoffmann "Stalin's War of Destruction (1941-1945)";
Y. Holtman “Some Myths of the Second World War. Part I-VI ". Sites, Lithuanian Council;
V. Kondratyev "Vacation for injury", "Selizharovsky tract", "Sashka", "In war as in war" and other works;
V. Bogomolov "In August forty-fourth", "My life, or have you dreamed of me?";
G. Baklanov "The dead do not have shame", "A inch of the earth", "July 41";
B.Vasiliev “Doesn't appear on the lists”, “And the dawns here are quiet”;
V. Bykov "Sotnikov", "Until Dawn", "To Go and Not to Return"; "Long way home. Book of Memories ";
J. Degen "The war never ends";
A. Bek "Volokolamskoe highway";
K. Vorobyov "Killed near Moscow", "It's us, Lord!";
M. Hastings "Armageddon: The Battle For Germany, 1944-1945" ("Armageddon: The Battle For Germany 1944-1945");
P.Khedruk "Genocide in East Prussia";
P.Polyan “Victims of two dictatorships. Soviet prisoners of war and ostarbeiters in the Third Reich and their repatriation. "
A. Kokoshin "Army and Politics";
"Another War: 1939-1945" edited by Yu.N. Afanasyev;
M. Meltyukhov "Stalin's Lost Chance";
L. Kopylev "To keep forever";
S. Yarov "Blockade Ethics";
"The classification has been removed: Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in wars, hostilities and military conflicts";
P. Apothecary Are the sacrifices justified? Voenno-istoricheskiy zhurnal. 1992. No. 3. S. 44-45.
I. Pykhalov "The Great Blunder War";
Y. Nesterenko. Perpetual anti-victory action (

In completing this work, I cannot but touch upon my personal motive to tackle this difficult and thankless topic. This motive is associated with the understanding that sooner or later Russia will face the need to revise the causes and outcomes of World War II, that is, one of the most perverted themes of its history. Although the distortions of history are inherent in all countries and peoples, sooner or later the opportunity arises to correct them in order to draw lessons from mistakes and miscalculations. Although the history of Russia is still far from such revisions, they are inevitable and then there will be a need for different points of view and other truths, to which every people and every country sooner or later grows ...

Today's slaves are tomorrow's traitors.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Not only in Ukraine or the Baltics, but also in Leningrad,

Pskov, Novgorod regions population

greeted the occupiers.

I. Kaunator

... In the first months of the war, when German troops marched along

recently "liberated" territories, there were episodes

when the population welcomed the occupiers.

During and after the Second World War, Stalin initiated the total deportation of ten peoples of the Soviet Union, indiscriminately accused of cooperation with Nazi Germany (Germans, Koreans, Ingermanland Finns, Karachais, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks), and in total, during the war years, peoples and groups of the population of 61 nationalities were subjected to forced resettlement. In total, about 3 million people were subjected to Stalin's ethnic "cleansing" operations.

Mass deportations were carried out at the cost of inhuman suffering and hundreds of thousands of human lives. Stalin's hatred for some peoples of the USSR is imbued with the directive on the demobilization of their representatives and resettlement to the "bear corners" of the country. Among those who were indiscriminately accused without trial or investigation were not only servicemen who were awarded orders and medals, but even several Heroes of the Soviet Union. At the same time, it was completely silent that real, and not fictional, collaborators consisted mainly of Russians and that 75% of foreign Wehrmacht legionnaires recruited from the conquered countries were "Soviet". Their total number was close to one and a half million (!) People who passed through 800 (!) Army battalions and other fascist military and civilian structures. Naturally, these were not only Russians: the collaborators reflected the multinational composition of the USSR, but the Russians dominated among the traitors. According to Vadim Petrovich Makhno, captain of the first rank, who served for several decades in the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR, only in SS units, about 10 divisions were staffed with "eastern volunteers", in which up to 150 thousand former Soviet citizens served.

This figure (1.5 million accomplices) is comparable only with the total number of mobilized citizens of Hitler's allies (Italy, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Croatia, Slovakia) - about 2 million people. For comparison, I will indicate the number of mobilized in other countries conquered by Hitler: Denmark - less than 5 thousand, France - less than 10 thousand, Poland - 20 thousand, Belgium - 38 thousand soldiers ...

In addition to the total (total) number of traitorous accomplices from the USSR, the German archives contain accurate data on the number of those mobilized by the Germans into the army from the territory of the USSR: the RSFSR - 800 thousand, Ukraine - 250 thousand, Belarus - 47 thousand, Latvia - 88 thousand ., Estonia - 69 thousand, Lithuania - 20 thousand military personnel. Among the collaborators there were also Cossacks - 70 thousand, representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia - 180 thousand, representatives of the peoples of the North Caucasus - 30 thousand, Georgians - 20 thousand, Armenians - 18 thousand, Azerbaijanis - 35 thousand, Volga Tatars - 40 thousand, Crimean Tatars - 17 thousand and Kalmyks - 5 thousand.

Of the surviving 2.4 million Soviet prisoners (and the mortality rate among Soviet prisoners exceeded 60%), approximately 950 thousand joined various anti-Soviet armed formations of the Wehrmacht. The following categories of Russians served in the local auxiliary forces of the German army:

1) volunteers (hivi);

2) service of order (odi);

3) front-line auxiliary parts (noise);

4) police and defense teams (gem).

At the beginning of 1943, the Wehrmacht numbered: up to 400 thousand hivis, from 60 to 70 thousand odes, and 80 thousand in the eastern battalions. About 183 thousand people worked on the railway in Kiev and Minsk, ensuring the movement of Nazi units and military cargo. To this should be added from 250 to 500 thousand prisoners of war who escaped repatriation to the USSR after the war (in total, more than 1.7 million people did not return to their homeland), as well as a large number of traitors who surrendered the captured commissars and Jews to the Nazi authorities. In June 1944, the total number of Khivi reached 800 thousand people.

The enormous scale of the betrayal during the Second World War (as well as the massive, multimillion-dollar, permanent emigration from Russia) for me are vivid evidence of the “bloat” and “bloat” of Russian patriotism. In order to hide the grandiose scale of collaboration, our historians bashfully write that "the maximum number of those who collaborated with the occupation authorities during the Second World War were in the countries with the maximum population" ...

That's not all: about 400 thousand former "Soviet" officers served as policemen for the Nazis and about 10% of the population of the occupied part of the USSR actively collaborated with the occupiers - I mean the Wakhmans, members of the "isatzgruppen", headmen, burgomasters, Russian officials of the German administration, house managers, informers, journalists and priests working for German propaganda ...

Taking into account the fact that there were more than 60 million people in the occupied territories, that is, about 40% of the population of the Soviet Union, even with 10% of actively cooperating, the figure again turns out to be multimillion ... I believe that this is a world record of mass betrayal in the history of all wars that ever led by humanity. For example, about 5,000 thousand Wachmans, who took a personal part in the torture and massacres of concentration camp prisoners, as well as residents of the countries of Europe occupied by the Nazis, passed through the guard battalions of German concentration camps. The "Isatzgruppen" created by Heydrich usually included about 10% of the local residents. In particular, all residents of the Belarusian Khatyn were shot or burned alive by the Aizatskommando, which included 20% of the locals ... I cannot name the exact number of Russian prostitutes serving Wehrmacht soldiers, but the brothel was "relied on" by each German division.

To this it should be added that in 1941 alone, the Red Army suffered the following losses:

3.8 million people prisoners of war (against 9147 German soldiers and officers, that is, 415 times less than Soviet prisoners of war!);

More than 500 thousand killed and died from wounds in hospitals;

1.3 million wounded and sick.

Abandoned by the officers, the demoralized Soviet soldiers surrendered to the Nazis or hid from the enemy. In October 1941, the 1st Deputy Head of the Directorate of Special Departments of the NKVD S. Milstein reported to the Minister of the NKVD Lavrenty Beria: "... From the beginning of the war to October 10, 1941, special departments of the NKVD and Zagradotryadov detained 657,364 servicemen who had lagged behind and fled from the front." By the end of 1941, only 8% of the personnel at the beginning of the war remained in the army (June 22, 1941)

Ours also have a routine justification for all these shameful facts: they say, their reason was the dissatisfaction of a part of the population with the Soviet regime (including collectivization). This is true, but far from all. Many Russians went into the service of the Nazis because they were brought up in the spirit of chauvinistic, nationalist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic ideas and regular Jewish pogroms. In addition, as I found out in the book "Russian Fascism", the Russian pogroms preempted the German ones, and the Nazi ideas swept wide layers of the "white movement". In general, high patriotism is possible when you feel your country, free, prosperous, in the end - just comfortable for life. When all this is not there, patriotism, whether we like it or not, invariably degenerates into "Russian marches", Nashist "seliger", xenophobia, gloating from other people's failures, pathetic imitations of loyalty, ending in betrayal ...

Professor, Doctor of Law Lev Simkin wrote that many Russians believed that “there is hardly a power worse than the Soviet one in the world - they did not evacuate for ideological reasons. 22 million citizens of the USSR cooperated with the invaders. " And more: “Nazism lay on the prepared ground - the Soviet government managed to instill in people a firm belief in the existence of the enemy. They were not used to living without an enemy, and changing his image was a common thing. Propaganda changed its sign, if the communist branded the kulaks and "enemies of the people", then the Nazi - the communists and Jews. "

However, there were deeper historical prerequisites for military collaboration. Friedrich Engels, characterizing the Russian bureaucracy and officers in his serious analytical work "Army of Europe", wrote presciently:

“What is in the Russian civil service the lower class of officials recruited from the children of the same officials, the same are the officers in the army: cunning, meanness of views, narrowly selfish behavior are combined with a superficial elementary education, which makes them even more disgusting; vain and greedy for profit, who have sold their soul and body to the state, they themselves daily and hourly sell it on trifles, if it can be in any way profitable for them ... This category of people, in the civil and military fields, mainly and supports the enormous corruption that pervades all branches of the civil service in Russia. "

I could reinforce the thought of Napoleon and Engels: it is difficult to demand patriotism from the slaves, in whom the Russian authorities have eternally tried to convert their own people. And the fear of the "masters" imposed on the people did little to help love. L. Puzin sneers: "The Russians have always fought badly, therefore they were forced to fight heroically." The Russians lost military campaigns so often (as Engels also writes about) because in the depths of their hearts they feared their own people more than their enemies. However, and "heroically" won, too, not to a small extent out of fear of the firing squads.

The Russian people greet the German troops with the national white-blue-red flag (tricolor). Russia, 1941

How many people generally think about the fact that a flawed power gives rise not only to a flawed life, but also a massive hatred for such a life and for the country that forever generates it? Quite naturally, this is most evident in difficult periods of history. Although Russia has always boasted of its patriotism, the revolution and wars have shown its value - and not only in the form of grandiose collaborationism that has no historical analogies. Why is that? Because, my friend L. Puzin answers, that patriotic education is understood in Russia as the education of slaves who are ready to defend the interests of their masters without sparing their lives.

K. Bondarenko saw the roots of betrayal in the very depths of Russian history: collaboration here is elevated to the rank of dignity, he wrote: Batu's comrades-in-arms in the last years of the bloody khan's life, and, according to the widespread version, was poisoned in the Horde, becoming a victim of the struggle for power between Batu's heirs. Alexander's grandson, Ivan Daniilovich Kalita, Prince of Moscow, went down in history thanks to the fact that he himself decided to collect tribute for the Tatars, offering his services instead of those of the Baskaks. "Thus, part of the tribute remained in Moscow, hiding from the khan, and this factor contributed to the strengthening of the Moscow principality," historians are touched. At the same time, without pointing out one significant point: Kalita was robbing his own people ... "

As an example of the insight of the "classic", it is enough to recall the massive violation of the oath of the Russian officers, who betrayed the tsar and Kerensky in turn. Moreover, it was the tsarist officers who formed the backbone of the leadership of the Red Army (Bonch-Bruevich, Budyonny, Tukhachevsky, Blucher, Krylenko, Dybenko, Antonov-Ovsienko, Muravyov, Govorov, Baghramyan, Kamenev, Shaposhnikov, Egorov, Kork, Karbyshev, Chernavin, Eideman, Uborevich , Altfater, Lebedev, Samoilo, Behrens, von Taube ...) - only 48.5 thousand tsarist officers, only 746 former lieutenant colonels, 980 colonels, 775 generals. In the decisive year 1919, they made up 53% of the entire command staff of the Red Army.

The Supreme Military Council of the army, created by the Bolsheviks on March 4, 1918, included 86 tsarist officers in the ranks from major and lieutenant colonel to general (10 people). Of the 46 members of the top commanding staff of the Red Army in May 1922, 78.3% were career officers of the old tsarist army, of which 7 were former generals, 22 lieutenant colonels and colonels, 8.8% came from the imperial life guards. According to A.G. Kavtardze, in total, about 30% of the pre-revolutionary officer corps of tsarist Russia betrayed the previous authorities and went to serve in the ranks of the Red Army, which in no small measure contributed to the victory of the "Reds" in the Civil War. 185 generals of the General Staff of the Imperial Army later served in the corps of the General Staff of the Red Army, and this number does not include generals who held other positions in the Red Army. Most of the 185 were in the service of the Red Army voluntarily, and only six were mobilized. It was not by chance that a saying arose then: the Red Army is like a radish - red on the outside and white on the inside.

(The Bolsheviks "thanked" the founders of the Red Army by almost complete destruction of the pre-revolutionary officer corps. Of the total number of 276 thousand tsarist officers as of the autumn of 1917 and 48.5 thousand defectors by June 1941, hardly more than a few hundred were in the army, and then, mainly - commanders of former warrant officers and second lieutenants.In Leningrad alone, more than a thousand former military experts were shot. Among them: Divisional Commander A. Svechin, P. Sytin - the former commander of the Southern Front, Y. Gravitsky, A. Verkhovsky, A. Snesarev and others. In 1937, Marshal Tukhachevsky, Uborevich - the commander of the Belarusian Military District, Kork - the commissar of the Military Academy, the commander of the Leningrad Military District Iona Yakir, the chairman of the sovaviakhim Eideman and others were shot in the notorious case of the "military"). In an interview, the writer Boris Vasiliev said: “On the eve of the war, Stalin shot all talented people to hell. And often the captains were in command of the divisions. "

Mass betrayal was repeated after 1991, when many officers and generals of the state security, called upon to protect the "socialist fatherland" and "the great principles of communism," with extraordinary ease went into the service of the emerging capitalist class or joined the criminals. After that, is it any wonder that Russian officers sold weapons to Chechen terrorists en masse? Anna Politkovskaya was dealt with precisely for exposing these betrayals, and in the Putin era, extrajudicial showdowns became a method of state policy.

The former KGB agent has a Machiavellian cunning, writes Gianni Riotta in La Stampa. But it seems to me that resourcefulness is still inferior to the main driving force - self-interest. In general, communism has developed this quality to the size of a universal genetic hunger: in all post-Soviet plowmen this quality of national gangs dominates over all others. I would not be surprised by the information that the current leaders were bought up or recruited in their youth, as A. Illarionov transparently hints at in an article on "Echo of Moscow", dedicated to the secret springs of M. Khodorkovsky's pardon.

The military writer V. Beshanov, who served as a naval officer, testifies that in 1989, when his warship sailed the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, a vigilance watch consisting of political workers and officers was set up on the deck, and the sailors were driven under the deck. For what? They were afraid that they would flee to the caprai, in other words, they would defect ... Perhaps they were subconsciously afraid, knowing the enormous scale of desertion during the war of 1941-1945.

Engels has other prophecies on the "Russian" theme: "The Russian revolution is already ripe and will break out soon, but once it has begun, it will carry the peasants along with it, and then you will see scenes before which the scenes of 1993 will fade." Reading this, I always think that time has always bypassed Russia.

There is a great deal of evidence for this. Here is just one of them. After visiting Russia, the French Marquis Astolphe de Custine wrote a highly critical book

"Nikolaev Russia. 1839 ". I will not quote it, but I will note that a hundred years later, the US Ambassador to the USSR W.B. Smith (March 1946 - December 1948), after returning from the USSR, said about de Custine's book: “... We have political observations so insightful, so timeless, that the book can be called the best work ever written about the Soviet Union. "

Until Stalin's death, the existence of the Russian units of the Wehrmacht was hidden, and for the disclosure of this information, many people ended up in the camps. Nowadays in the literature, the activities of the Russian Liberation People's Army (ROA) under the command of General Vlasov are relatively fully covered, but it is very reluctant to say that the ROA was only a small fraction of collaborators who went into the service of the Nazis. The fact that moving to the east, the Germans everywhere, met anti-Soviet partisan detachments operating in the Soviet rear, headed by former officers of the Red Army. The armed units of the collaborators partly arose spontaneously, and partly were recruited by the invaders. By the way, about Vlasov. Molotov, in a fit of frankness, once said: "That Vlasov, Vlasov is nothing compared to what could have been ..."

The Russian People's Liberation Army of the Wehrmacht (ROA), by the way, acted under the Russian tricolor, which became the banner of modern Russia. The ROA consisted of 12 security corps, 13 divisions, 30 brigades;

Fighting Union of Russian Nationalists (BSRN);

RONA (Russian People's Liberation Army) - 5 regiments, 18 battalions;

1st Russian National Army (RNNA) - 3 regiments, 12 battalions.

Russian National Army - 2 regiments, 12 battalions;

Division "Russland";

Cossack Stan;

Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR);

Russian Liberation Army of the Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (3 divisions, 2 brigades).

Air Force KONR (Air Corps KONR) - 87 aircraft, 1 air group, 1 regiment;

Lokot Republic;

Zuev's detachment;

Eastern battalions and companies;

15th Cossack Russian Corps of the SS troops - 3 divisions, 16 regiments;

1st Sinegorsk Ataman Cossack regiment;

1st Cossack Division (Germany);

7th Volunteer Cossack Division;

Military Cossack unit "Free Kuban";

448 Cossack detachment;

30th SS Grenadier Division (Second Russian);

Brigade of General A.V. Turkul;

1st Russian National SS Brigade "Druzhina" (1st Russian National SS Detachment);

"Varyag" regiment of Colonel MA Semenov;

Higher German School for Russian Officers;

Dabendorf School of the ROA;

Russian detachment of the 9th Army of the Wehrmacht;

Volunteer SS Varyag regiment;

Desna SS Volunteer Regiment;

1st Eastern Volunteer Regiment, consisting of two battalions - "Berezina" and "Dnepr" (from September -601 and 602nd Eastern battalions);

Eastern battalion "Pripyat" (604th);

645th battalion;

Separate regiment of Colonel Krzhizhanovsky;

Volunteer Belgian Walloon Legion of the Wehrmacht;

5th SS Assault Brigade "Wallonia" at the SS Panzer Division "Viking";

Brotherhood of "Russian Truth";

Muravyov's battalion;

Nikolai Kozin's detachment;

Russian volunteers in the Luftwaffe;

Guard of the Russian fascist party;

Corps of the Russian monarchist party;

Russian fascist party;

Russian National Labor Party;

People's Socialist Party;

Fighting Union of Russian Nationalists;

Russian People's Labor Party;

The political center of the struggle against the Bolsheviks;

Union of Russian Activists;

Russian People's Party of Realists;

Zeppelin Organization;

Hivi ("hilfswillige" - "volunteers").

Russian personnel of the SS Charlemagne division;

Russian personnel of the SS Dirlewanger division.

In addition, the 12th Reserve Corps of the Wehrmacht at various periods included large formations of the eastern troops, such as:

Cossack (Russian) security corps of 15 regiments;

162nd Training Division of the Ostlegions of 6 regiments;

740th Cossack (Russian) reserve brigade of 6 battalions;

Cossack (Russian) Group of the Marching Ataman of 4 regiments;

Colonel von Panwitz's Cossack group of 6 regiments;

Consolidated Cossack (Russian) division of the field police "Von Schulenburg".

Mention should also be made of the Asano Brigade - Russian units of the Kwantung Army, and Russian units of the Japanese and Manchu special services of Manchukuo.

As the human losses of the Wehrmacht grew, and especially after the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943, the mobilization of the local population became even more widespread. In the frontline zone, the Germans began to mobilize the entire male population, including adolescents and old people, who for one reason or another were not taken to work in Germany.

It should also be borne in mind that the turning point in the course of the war led to significant changes in Nazi ideology. Hitler's doctrine of the "superior race" began to be crowded out by the concept of a New European Order, which was ripening in the depths of Nazi ideology. According to this concept, after the victory of Germany, a single European Reich will be formed, and a confederation of European peoples with a single currency, administration, police and army, which should include European units, including Russian ones, will become the form of government. In this new community there was also a place for Russia, but only free from Bolshevism.

The Belgian collaborator, founder of the Rexist party and the commander of the 28th SS Volunteer Division Wallonia, Leon Degrell, insisted on changing the status of the SS troops and transforming them from a purely German organization into a European one. He wrote: “Volunteers from all parts of Europe rushed to the aid of their German brothers. It was then that the third great Waffen SS was born. The first was German, the second was German, and now it has become the European Waffen SS. "

It is curious that the head of the Rosenberg Operational Headquarters Herbert Utikal adhered to a similar point of view, and one of the Nazis R. Proksch at the end of 1944 at a meeting of this headquarters said: “The hour of Europe has come. Therefore, we must admit: peoples differ from each other spiritually and physically ... A mosaic of many possibilities ... If the word "Europe" is pronounced, they all are meant ... The current war for Europe must be accompanied by a new idea. In wars waged over ideological issues, stronger ideas always win. This is the spiritual mandate for the Reich. The goal is unity in diversity ... freedom of peoples in the unity of the continent. "

It is not my task to dwell in detail on the gradual change in Nazi ideology, and on all the listed Russian pro-fascist military structures and Nazi parties of collaborators, so I will confine myself to the most significant of them.

Russian Liberation Army (ROA). The number of ROA, formed mainly from Soviet prisoners of war, was several hundred thousand people (and not 125 thousand, as follows from Soviet sources). About 800,000 people at different times wore the ROA insignia, but only a third of this number was recognized by the Vlasov leadership as belonging to their movement.

The ROA was headed by Lieutenant General Andrei Vlasov. The leadership of the ROA and later the KONR (see below) also included former Russians ("red" and "white") generals F.F. Abramov, V.I.Angeleev, A.P. Arkhangelsky, V. Assberg, E.I. Balabin, V. F. Belogortsev, I. Blagoveshchensky, M. V. Bogdanov, S. K. Borodin, V. I. Boyarsky, S. K. Bunyachenko, N. N. Golovin, T. I. Domanov, A. M. Dragomirov, G. N. Zhilenkov, D. E. Zakutny, G. A. Zverev, I. N. Kononov, P. N. Krasnov, V. V. Kreiter, A. A. von Lampe, V. I. Maltsev, V. F. Malyshkin, M. A. Meandrov, V. G. Naumenko, G. von Pannwitz, B. S. Permikin, I. A. Polyakov, A. N. Sevastyanov, G.V. Tatarkin, F.I. Trukhin, A.V. Turkul, M.M.Shapovalov, A.G. Shkuro, B.A. Shteyfon and others.

According to V. Makhno, about 200 red and white Russian generals served the fascists in total:

20 Soviet citizens became Russian fascist generals;

3 Lieutenant General Vlasov A.A., Trukhin F.N., Malyshkin V.F .;

1 divisional commissar G.N. Zhilenkov;

6 Major Generals Zakutny D.E., Blagoveshchansky I.A., Bogdanov P.V., Budykhto A.E., Naumov A.Z., Salikhov B.B .;

3 brigade commanders: Bessonov I.G., Bogdanov M.V .; Sevostyanov A.I;

Major General Bunyachenko - commander of the 600th division of the Wehrmacht (aka the 1st division of the ROA SV KONR), former colonel, commander of the Red Army division.

Major General Maltsev is the commander of the air force of the KONR, the former director of the Aviator sanatorium, previously the commander of the air force of the Siberian Military District, the reserve colonel of the red army.

Major General Kononov - Commander of the 3rd Consolidated Cossack Plastun Brigade of the 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps of the SS Main Operational Directorate (FHA-SS), former major, commander of the Red Army regiment.

Major General Zverev - commander of the 650th division of the Wehrmacht (aka the 2nd division of the ROA AF KONR), former colonel, commander of the Red Army division.

Major General Domanov - Commander of the Cossack Guard Corps of the Cossack Camp of the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops of the Main Directorate of the SS (FA-SS), a former sexton of the NKVD.

Major General Pavlov - marching chieftain, commander of the group of the marching chieftain of the GUKV.

Waffenbrigadenfuehrer - Major General of the SS Kaminsky B.S. - Commander of the 29th SS Grenadier Division "RONA" of the Main Operational Directorate of the SS, a former engineer.

The figure of Vlasov is far from being as unambiguous as it is presented in post-war sources. During the civil war, Vlasov, after completing a four-month commanding course from 1919 in command positions, participated in battles with whites on the Southern Front, then transferred to headquarters. At the end of 1920, the grouping in which Vlasov commanded horse and foot reconnaissance was deployed to liquidate the insurrectionary movement led by Nestor Makhno.

He graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. Stalin sent him to China on secret assignments to Chiang Kai-shek. Only a small part of the top Soviet officers survived after the purges of the Red Army in 1936-38, but Vlasov was among those chosen ones. In 1941, Stalin appointed him commander of the Second Shock Army. By personal order of Stalin, he was entrusted with the defense of Moscow, and he played a significant role in the operations that stopped the Nazi offensive against the capital. Together with six other generals, he was ranked among the "saviors" of the city, and in January 1942 Vlasov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, but soon after that he was captured, and his army was almost completely destroyed in an attempt to repel the Nazi offensive in the Leningrad direction.

Vlasov was considered Stalin's favorite, and at the end of June 1942, he was very worried about Vlasov's fate and demanded to take him out of the encirclement on Volkhov, to save him at any cost, the corresponding radiograms were preserved.

After being captured, Vlasov during interrogations (August 1942) said that Germany would not be able to defeat the Soviet Union - and this was at the moment when the Wehrmacht was reaching the Volga. Vlasov never linked his plans to Hitler's victory in the East. At first, he sincerely hoped that in the rear of the Germans he would be able to create a sufficiently strong and independent Russian army. Then he counted on the activity of the conspirators and hatched plans for a radical change in the occupation policy. Since the summer of 1943, Vlasov pinned his hopes on the Western allies. Whatever the outcome, it seemed to Vlasov, there were options - the main thing was to get your own significant armed force. But, as history has shown, there were no options.

Openly developing his views in a narrow circle of German listeners, Vlasov emphasized that among the opponents of Stalin there are many people "with a strong character, ready to give their lives for the liberation of Russia from Bolshevism, but rejecting German bondage." At the same time, "they are ready to work closely with the German people, without prejudice to their freedom and honor." “The Russian people have lived, live and will live, they will never become a colonial people,” the former captive general declared firmly. Vlasov also expressed hope "for a healthy renewal of Russia and an explosion of national pride of the Russian people."

Russian policeman on joint patrol with the Germans

Both Russian and German sources agree that the ROA could have attracted at least 2,000,000 fighters out of a total of 5.5 million Red Army prisoners (!), If the Nazis did not put a spoke in the wheels and did not interfere with the work of their own hands.

At first, the first detachments of the ROA were sent mainly to fight against the special forces of the NKVD, operating in the German rear. The idea of ​​uniting disparate Russian formations into an anti-Soviet Russian army was established in the summer of 1942. Her guide and inspirer was Vlasov, who had previously enjoyed such a high favor from the Kremlin that officials of the allied intelligence services at first refused to believe information about his cooperation with the enemy and considered it a propaganda trick of the enemy.

At the end of June 1942, Vlasov made an appeal to all "Russian patriots", announcing the beginning of the liberation struggle. At the same time, at first it was silent that this struggle was to take place under the auspices of the Nazis. On the outskirts of Berlin, Dabendorf, the ROA General Headquarters was established. In August and September 1942, Vlasov visited the Leningrad, Pskov regions and Belarus. The response to his first appeals was enormous. Tens of thousands of letters from civilians and from prisoners of the Red Army were poured into the Dabendorf headquarters. The first ROA shock guards brigade was formed in May 1943 in Breslau. On November 14, the first and only Vlasov congress was held in Prague, where the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia was created and the stillborn Manifesto was adopted demanding the "destruction of Stalin's tyranny" and the liberation of the Russian people from the Bolshevik dictatorship. Surprisingly enough, even at the end of the war, facts were recorded of the voluntary transfer of small units of the Red Army to the side of the ROA.

I will not dwell on the contradictions between Vlasov and the German functionaries and the transition of the ROA units at the end of the war to the side of the Italian and Czech resistance. According to some reports, the First Division of the ROA came to the rescue of the desperate Czech rebels and saved Prague from destruction by the Germans. The rescued city was transferred to the Red Army, which immediately arrested and shot all Vlasovites who did not manage to escape. The remnants of the ROA in Czechoslovakia and Austria surrendered to US troops.

After the war, the soldiers and officers of this army hid throughout Western Europe, and the agents of the Soviet counterintelligence were engaged in a merciless hunt for these people. General Vlasov was taken prisoner for the second time on May 12, 1945. The trial over Vlasov was classified in order, firstly, to hide from the people the scale of Russian collaboration and, secondly, the fact of the voluntary entry of Soviet officers and generals into his army.

The execution of A. Vlasov only opened a long list of major military leaders who were shot by Stalin right up to the murder of the tyrant himself in March 1953. I will give an abbreviated list of the destroyed "traitors to the motherland, spies, demolition saboteurs":

Another high-ranking military man, brigologist (corresponded to the rank of "brigade commander") Ivan Naumov, just fell short of the Chekist bullet "put" to him - he died on August 23, 1950 from torture in Butyrka.

Rear Admiral Pyotr Bondarenko, deputy commander of the Black Sea floo for political affairs (October 28, 1950);

On the same day, lieutenant-general of tank forces Vladimir Tamruchi, beaten by the Chekists, died.

In total, according to Vyacheslav Zvyagintsev, who worked with the materials of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR,

Now we will walk a little bit on the fertile field of Russophobia, densely fertilized with myths about the Second World War. We are talking about Russian collaborators - those whom it was customary to ignore in the USSR. And I had to overlook a lot of things.

For obvious reasons, it so happened that in the USSR all peoples were equal, but some peoples are more equal than others. This primarily concerned the Russians. Suffice it to recall Stalin's famous toast "To the Russian people!", Delivered by him shortly after the end of the war in Europe, in May 1945. “I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people, not only because they are the leading people ... I drink to the health of the Russian people because they are the most outstanding nation of all the nations that make up the Soviet Union,” this is from there.

Perhaps that is why they tried to speak less and quieter about Russian collaborationism. If in a book, film or newspaper article there was talk about collaborators, one could bet that they would talk either about the "Bandera" or about the Baltic "forest brothers". Although both quantitatively and qualitatively, the Russian collaborators clearly outplayed the Ukrainian, Estonian, and Lithuanian with the Latvian ones.

According to the most primitive estimates, the military units or paramilitary organizations, one way or another cooperating with the Germans, in the Ukrainian lands included about 200-250 thousand people, and the number of Russians was at least twice as many (and this despite the fact that the territory of Ukraine was completely occupied, and from the territory of Russia under the occupation by the Germans (and, accordingly, propaganda with mobilization), only a small piece fell, otherwise, probably, the number of Russian collaborators would be measured in millions).

Only one list of Russian military units on the side of the Germans has a dozen names: here you and ROA ("Vlasovtsy"), and RONA, she is the 29th SS division ("First Russian"), and the 30th SS division ("Second Russian "), and the SS brigade" Druzhina ", and SS regiments" Varyag "and" Desna ", and Russian personnel in the SS divisions" Charlemagne "and" Dirlewanger ", and the 15th SS Cossack cavalry corps, and ... and I already tired of listing it all. If you wish, there is more or less here full list, and thank me, it's too long to list all of them.

Russians, both under the Soviet Union and now, from this list have heard of few people. Even the abbreviation "ROA", that is, "Russian Liberation Army", will say little to the inhabitants of Russia - but another abbreviation, UPA, is probably familiar to almost every Russian (despite the fact that the numbers of UPA and ROA are quite comparable). Like the SS Galicia division, which the Russians seem to know everything, right down to the names of the soldiers and the features of each rifle - however, when they mention, for example, the 15th SS Cossack (Russian) Corps, they will be sincerely surprised. The only thing that the Russians for the most part remember is the name of Vlasov and the derogatory “Vlasovites” (at the same time, they do not associate it with the Vlasov ROA, in contrast to, for example, Bandera and the UPA - banned in the Russian Federation - ed.).

Strictly speaking, such a peculiar historical memory (“I know about Ukrainians, I hear about my own people for the first time”) was formed not just by itself. For example, under the Union, Bandera and the UPA in general were regularly spoken about in one way or another (not least because the Ukrainian diaspora abroad actively covered events in Ukraine and provoked natural opposition from the Soviet regime). There were also cartoons in newspapers, where Ukrainian nationalists were portrayed in the recognizable field uniform of the UPA with a trident on the shoulder. There were references in books. There were articles in magazines. There were films: "White Bird with a Black Mark" (1971), "Annie" (1968), "Anxious Spring Month" (1976) "High Pass" (1981), mini-series "Special Detachment appointments ”(1987) and many others.

About the "Vlasovites" in the cinema en masse (I emphasize, en masse) started talking already in 1985, when the films "Battalions are asking for fire" and "Check on the roads" were released on the screens almost simultaneously (it was filmed already in 1971, but the censorship did not allow it) , and to them there is also a mini-series "Confrontation" written by Yulian Semenov, the author of books about Stirlitz. Before that, in Soviet cinema, the topic was touched upon only a couple of times, of which I can only recall the epic "Liberation", and even then it is more interesting not to watch this five-part quintessence of pathos, but to read about how the director knocked out permission for the first time (after more than twenty years after the end of the war, yeah) to show the defector-general Vlasov on the screen.

In short, after long ordeals, Vlasov's show was allowed on the condition that his name would not be mentioned anywhere, not only in the film, but also on the set. Therefore, even on the set, the hero played by Yuri Pomerantsev was simply called “general”. And in order to understand how General Vlasov looked in general, I had to beg for a short while with great difficulty and humiliation a single photo from the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ...

... Therefore, is it any wonder that the Russians know who Stepan Bandera is, but do not know who Andrei Vlasov is, Lieutenant General of the Red Army, one of the leading participants in the defense of Moscow against the Germans, a talented Soviet commander who was captured in 1942 and agreed to fight for the German army? Is it worth clutching your head when a Russian who has just been ranting about the Roland and Galicia divisions knows nothing about the 29th and 30th Russian SS Grenadier Divisions? About Major General of the Russian Imperial Army, Ataman of the Great Don Army Peter Krasnov, and about the hero of the First World War and the Civil War, Lieutenant General of the White Guard Andrei Shkuro, who created a military formation "Cossack Stan" for the Wehrmacht? About the All-Russian fascist party, about the Asano brigade, about the organization of the KONR, about Khivi, about the Russian detachment of the 9th Army of the Wehrmacht, about the 101st Schutzmanschaft battalion of Muravyov, oh ... stop, I'm tired of listing again.

No. The Russian can chat about Shukhevich and Bandera, who, after a short cooperation with the Germans, became their enemies, about the UPA fighters who fought with the Germans, but at the same time he will not know about the "Lokot Republic" - a de facto independent region in the Bryansk , Oryol and Kursk regions with a total size of Jamaica and with a population of about 600 thousand people (comparable to one modern Montenegro or two Icelands).

From the fall of 1941 to the end of the summer of 1943, the Lokot Republic (with its capital in the town of Lokot) was almost completely independent of the Germans (who watched the experiment with interest). The "republic" had its own leadership, its own fully functioning economy (the collective farms were instantly liquidated), its own laws and its own criminal code, and finally, its own army - the Russian People's Liberation Army (RONA): 14 battalions, from 12 to 20 thousand people, brought together in five infantry regiments, armed with 36 field guns, 15 mortars and about ten tanks. They had their own, native, Nazi party and their own courts, their own police and their own prosecutor's office. She also had her own "star": Antonina Makarova, she is Tonka the machine-gunner, who shot more than one and a half thousand (!) Prisoners sentenced by the Germans to death from the Maxim machine gun, and for each execution she received from the Germans 30 w ... ugh, Reichsmarks ... A record, however.

Even after the return of the Red Army, the Lokotites (or the Lokotuns? Lokteviks? Loktuhi? ..) continued to freak out: RONA, who left after the Germans, was marked by inhuman cruelty in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising, and those who remained fired at the NKVD-ists until the early fifties years.

All this, of course, the average Russian will not tell you even close (but he will recount the biography of Bandera, yeah). Moreover, they do not want to know this even now, when there is the Internet and information in the public domain. Of course, it is much easier to turn a blind eye to the obvious facts and talk about "Ukrainians-traitors", although even those few Ukrainians who collaborated with the Germans, not out of despair, but for ideological reasons, cannot be placed on a par with complete scumbags from among the Russians collaborators who did, it seems, everything so that they could be safely deleted from the lists of the human race.

So the myth about “loyal Russians” is just a myth. Which seems the more stupid the more you know. A nation with logs in its eye looks ... defective, or something. Although - this is their and only their decision.

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