Bankruptcy auction loan. Lot search services at the bankruptcy auction. Where to find money to participate in bankruptcy auctions

Over 12,000 organizations go bankrupt every yearand twice as many individuals. They own tens of thousands of assets ranging from real estate to paper clips. All bankrupts go through the procedures specified in the law, and then their property is sold at auction. Since the purpose of such a sale is not to bail out as much as possible, but to ensure that creditors return at least part of the investment, most of the property is offered at a significant discount to the market price. So, you can earn money on it, sometimes very well. How to do it? Read on.

Bankruptcy auctions- these are auctions that are held on electronic trading platforms (specialized Internet portals). They sell property and. Anyone can take part in such auctions, you only need to fulfill certain requirements, which will be discussed below, and prepare money for the purchase.

For the buyer, the main point of participation is that the property can be purchased at a price below the market price, sometimes significantly. All lots put up for auction are property that needs to be sold as quickly as possible, the bankruptcy trustee directs the proceeds to pay off the bankrupt's debts. So, there is no question of the maximum benefit for the seller. And even more so, no one asks the opinion of a financially insolvent owner.

How bankrupt property ends up at auction

Until 2011, the property of bankrupt legal entities was traded semi-legally and without uniform rules. After acceptance federal law No. 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" the procedure for the sale is clearly regulated.

1 Bankrupt legal entities

  • After the launch of the bankruptcy procedure of the enterprise, the bankruptcy trustee appointed by the arbitration court evaluates the existing property and determines in what order and using what tools it should be sold.
  • Then the objects, by decision of the manager or the committee of creditors, are included in the bankruptcy management plan. By law, only assets (property having value) can be sold at auction, debts are not included in the property complex or individual lots. Each object must be accompanied by title documents - their preparation is also the responsibility of the manager.
  • After that, the list of property is published in official sources (read about them below).
  • Then the call for applications opens, which lasts at least 25 days from the date of publication.

2 Bankrupt Individuals

The financial manager draws up an inventory of the debtor's property. It includes everything except:

  • the only housing;
  • a land plot, if there is a single dwelling house on it;
  • personal belongings of the bankrupt;
  • food;
  • money in the amount of a living wage;
  • awards;
  • personal transport, if the bankrupt is disabled.

Simultaneously with the inventory, an appraisal of the property intended for sale takes place. The document is submitted to the court within a month. If the debtor is not satisfied with the price, he can hire an independent appraiser and submit his version of the property value to the court.

Within six months after the approval of the price, the financial manager must put up the described property of the bankrupt for auction. Any bidder who has offered the highest price can buy it.

What Can You Buy at a Bankruptcy Auction?

Any property of bankrupts can be put up for auction. If we are talking about items whose circulation is limited (for example, weapons), closed auctions are announced, in which organizations with the necessary licenses can participate.

The following properties are most commonly sold at bankruptcy auctions:

  • enterprises of industry and trade (property complexes, as well as equipment separately);
  • securities (both bankrupt companies themselves and third-party shares and bonds owned by these companies);
  • real estate objects (both residential and commercial, as well as for industrial needs);
  • land plots (including for individual housing construction, industrial, agricultural purposes, etc.);
  • rights of claim (meaning the right to receive money from persons who owe a bankrupt company. The meaning of the purchase is that debts are sold at significant discounts from real amounts. These rights are bought both for profit and for entering the capital of other companies);
  • transport and special equipment (most often, a bankrupt company manages to sell vehicles before the start of competitive procedures, but there are exceptions);
  • Appliances, including large
  • trademarks, brands, logo rights.

Where to get information about bankrupt property put up for auction

There are three main sources from which you can get information about the sale of property of individuals and.

1 Website of the Kommersant newspaper( and Unified Federal Register of Information on Bankruptcy(Fedresurs, Information on these two portals is duplicated. It is mandatory for publication, and therefore contains data on all bankruptcy auctions in the Russian Federation.

2 Electronic trading platforms(hereinafter ETP), where bankruptcy auctions are held. There are more than 65 such Internet resources in the Russian Federation, most of the trading falls on the 6 largest ETPs.

3 Aggregators, which collects information on trading from official sources and trading floors. Data on the property sold by bankrupts is systematized, more or less convenient search systems are available. This category includes sites,, and others.

The problem of fraudulent lots in bankruptcy auctions

Announcements about the sale of property on electronic platforms are placed not only by bona fide bankruptcy trustees. ETPs are arranged in such a way that any holder of an electronic digital signature can place a lot. It is easy to get it, you will learn more about this later.

As confirmation, the platform requires from the organizer of the auction a link to the publication on the bankruptcy proceedings on the Federal resource or in the Kommersant newspaper. Giving a link to a real-life procedure, information about which is published in the public domain, costs nothing to scammers. The meaning of this trick is to collect the makings. Then the fake salesman disappears.

How to identify a fraudulent lot? First of all, we go to Fedresurs and find a bankrupt company. Read the trading history. Typically, scammers announce public auctions - this is the last stage of the sale of property, it must be preceded by primary and repeated auctions. If there is no information about them in the history of the debtor, the lot is 100% fake. Just in case, we check the OGRN or the history of announcements: if there are no notifications about the auction, then this should strengthen our confidence in the fraudulent intentions of the organizer of the auction.

We compare the name of this organizer with the name of the bankruptcy trustee for this bankrupt, indicated on the Federal resource. In a fair trade, they must match. If not, another alarm bell rings.

Bidding for the same debtor cannot take place on two different sites, and if we see such a bifurcation in the "bidding" tab on the debtor's page on the Federal resource, you can immediately write to the technical support of the ETP and demand to suspend the acceptance of applications.

Also an important feature is the proposal to transfer the deposit not to the manager's account opened on the ETP, but to the customer's special account (often such accounts are opened to bearer in dubious banks, there will be no end).

An alarming factor for the public auction stage should also be the too short deadline for accepting applications - a week, 10 days. This is done so that the buyer acts in stress, does not have time to think about his actions and doubt.

A sign of a fake lot is, oddly enough, its too good design - a lot of photographs, "scans" of documents, etc. - real bankruptcy managers usually do not spend time on this.

To completely calm the soul, you can find contact numbers and the website of a bankrupt organization, as well as call the bankruptcy trustee, whose name is listed on the Federal resource. By doing this, you, perhaps, will save not only yourself from troubles.

The 5 Largest Electronic Marketplaces for Bankruptcy Auctions

1 Russian Auction House (bankruptcy auctions are located at the following link:

A universal platform with a large number of lots and a simple interface. New and most popular lots are highlighted on the main page. There are mobile applications for accessing trading from smartphones. Here you can also order an electronic digital signature and pass express accreditation in just 3 hours (not free, of course).

2 "Implementation Center" (bankruptcy auctions are located at the link:

A lot of property of bankrupt enterprises is sold on this site, and the search is implemented primarily for debtors. There are interesting lots, but finding them among the mass of others is not so easy.

3 "Manufacturer"

One of the largest electronic trading platforms in the Russian Federation, established in 2005. It accumulated a large number of bankruptcy lots. The search is not the most convenient, but there is: by region, auction date, starting price and property classifier.

4 Interregional electronic trading system

A specialized platform for the sale of property of debtors. The search is organized both by the subject of the auction and by the debtor (there is no sample by region). The number of lots is quite large, there are many vehicles and real estate for sale.

5 Sberbank AST (bankruptcy auctions can be found at:

This site has a spartan interface and a minimum of information for buyers. It is intended mainly for public procurement, so the number of lots specifically for bankruptcy on it is small. But among them is the property of large and well-known bankrupt companies.

To compete for profitable lots, you need to fulfill several conditions required by law.

Step #1: Issue an electronic digital signature (EDS).

EDS is a set of files to be installed on a computer. After installing an electronic signature, you will be able to certify it with electronic applications and documents sent to the organizer of the auction. EDS is also required to send quotations during the auction process and sign the contract if you win the auction.

An electronic signature is issued in special certification centers where documents are required to be submitted. For individuals, this is a passport and TIN, for legal entities - constituent documents. The average price of an EDS in the market for these services is 5,000 - 6,000 rubles. The lower the price, the less functional the signature. For the minimum money, you will receive an EDS, which can be used on two or three trading platforms, and who can guarantee that the most interesting lot for you will be sold there? As an option, you can first select the desired lot, and then hastily issue an EDS for a specific site.

Step #2: Register (accredit) on the trading platform.

Experienced bidders are registered on all major trading platforms - so as not to waste time during the busiest bidding period. To register on the ETP, you need to fill out a special form on the site and certify it with your electronic signature. After checking the data, the participant is accredited. The whole procedure takes 3 to 5 days. The procedure is free. For money (5-10 thousand rubles, depending on the site), you can register in 3 hours.

Step #3: Select an object and analyze its properties

Information about objects put up for auction is given, as a rule, in the most general form. “1-room apartment with an area of ​​32.7 sq.m. at the address of such and such” – a typical announcement on the Federal resource. The condition of the apartment, the location of the house and other subtleties that determine the real price of the object, most often turn out to be outside the scope of information about the lot. Therefore, when choosing, the following actions are recommended:

  • request from the organizer of the auction and carefully study the photographs, documents and specifications object;
  • check on specialized services the absence of arrests and encumbrances of property (for example, information about real estate can be clarified by obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Registration on the Rosreestr website; to find out if the car has been arrested, by the VIN number on the traffic police website ( /auto/); if the name of the owner is known, the hard fate of his property can be traced on the website Federal Service bailiffs. Whether the lot is the subject of disputes, you can find out in the file of arbitration cases: and so on);
  • if possible, inspect the object (in the last 2 years, the institute of agents has developed greatly, who, for a certain amount, will inspect the object for you, take pictures and talk about its pros and cons. Such specialists can be found through Avito by typing in the search, for example, “bidding on bankruptcy”, but it is better to use the services of specialized firms involved in bidding support - there is less chance of running into a scammer).

Experienced bidders are sure to look at the history of the sale of the object on the Federal resource: were there any cases of the winners of the auction refusing it. This is especially true for real estate and vehicles. If there were failures, and even more than once, then the lot either does not exist, or is seriously different from its description.

A competent assessment of lots for acquiring the right to claim debts is extremely important. It's one thing if you get the debt of a long-running company, another thing is the "dead" debts of some Peter Ivanovich Sidorov, whom neither bailiffs nor have been able to find for many years.

Once I came across a lot - a solid wooden residential building in a small town in the Sverdlovsk Region, put up for a million for the first stage. No one shows up, and it’s not surprising - I knew about this town from my father that they drink a lot there and there is nowhere to work, which means that people have no money. But just in case, I decided to update the information. And I found out that now there is an important transshipment point for Gazprom, and the demand for real estate is good due to low prices (there is an opportunity to use mother capital and). And the house is located in the area where most often buy such objects. In the end, I bought this house from a public offer for 243 thousand. I had to suffer a little, because in the original documents it turned out that the building was designed as non-residential (the organizer of the auction hid this fact), it took a transfer to the housing stock. But in the end he sold the house for 850 thousand rubles.

Step #4: Prepare an application for participation in the auction

The application is submitted in electronic form, certified by EDS. It must contain the following data:

On large sites (Russian Auction House, Sberbank-AST and others) there are application templates in which it is enough to enter data and certify with an EDS.

When the application is ready, the participant certifies it with his EDS and sends it to the electronic trading platform.

The initial price of each lot is set based on the estimated value of the property. Most of the time it is below average.

Step #5: Conclude an agreement with the organizer of the auction on making a deposit.

This document (it is also concluded in electronic form) must be attached to the application. It is needed for mutual guarantees: the participant undertakes to redeem the lot in case of winning the auction, and the organizer guarantees the depositor participation in the auction.

The amount of the deposit is determined depending on the initial cost of the lot, usually it is 5-10% of the specified amount (according to the law - no more than 20%). The fact that you have paid the deposit is evidenced by the original payment order marked by the bank, which is also sent to the auctioneer along with the application and the contract.

The main stages of bidding for bankruptcy

After you have made a deposit, you need to go to the appropriate lot and check the status of the application - within 30 minutes it should change to "Registered".

Then, within 5 days, a notification will be sent to your personal account about your recognition as a bidder under the number such and such or a refusal. They refuse to participate, as a rule, due to an incorrectly completed application or the absence of any required documents.

In total, the law provides for three stages of the sale of bankrupt property.

Stage #1: Primary bidding

At this stage, the price of the object increases, according to the auction step proposed by the organizer (usually it ranges from 0.5% to 5% of the initial amount). The increase occurs every 30 minutes.

The order of the auction is as follows: on the day and hour of the beginning of the auction, the participant enters his personal account on the electronic trading platform and follows the link to the desired lot. Make sure his number is on the list of participants. The organizer of the auction on the page of the auction places information about the lot, the initial price, the step of the auction and the maximum time within which you can submit your price offers.

When the auction starts, a window becomes available to the participant, in which it is possible to enter any amount equal to or greater than the initial price and a multiple of the auction step. Pay attention to the process of updating information: it can occur both manually and automatically.

If you choose "automatic", do not forget to set the minimum update time, otherwise there is a risk of missing the actions of competitors. It is also worth making sure against force majeure: power or internet outages during the auction process. The consequences of such problems fall entirely on the participant, no one will "get into position."

Each step takes 30 minutes. Bidding ends when no new offers are received at the next step (often this step is the initial price - if no one wants to buy the property within an hour from the beginning of the auction).

The winner is the participant who first confirmed the price at the last step of the auction. At this stage, the most popular lots are usually sold, the value of which is not at a low cost.

Stage #2: Re-bidding

If no one or only one applicant showed up for the primary auction, they are recognized as failed. Within two days after the publication of the protocol on this, the organizer of the auction decides on holding repeated auctions and on the initial price of the lot.

This price is reduced by 10% from the original. Repeated auctions are held according to the rules of the first stage.

A 10% discount is rarely able to change the attitude of buyers to the lot, so property is sold less frequently at repeated auctions than at primary ones. According to the Interfax agency, in the 1st quarter of 2017, only 5% of the property was sold at the first two stages of the auction.

Stage #3: Public Offer

In the absence of buyers, and at the second stage, the one starts, at which the value of the property can theoretically fall by 99% of the original value. Here, objects are sold through a gradual decrease in price (for example, the initial price is valid for a week, then, if no one has declared a purchase, it is reduced by 10% and is valid again for a week - and so on).

The step of reduction and its limit are established by the bankruptcy trustee, the procedure is indicated in the documentation for the lots. The winner is the one who first confirmed the price at the last step of the auction. This method of bidding led to abuse: some participants began to use special software - "auction robots" (for example, AuSe, etc.).

As a result, the public offer in some cases turned into a competition of technical possibilities for the speed of submission of applications. Therefore, since June 2015, the bankruptcy law has been amended. According to them, another scheme is now acceptable: participants make price proposals, and whose price is higher, he won. The organizer chooses the method of conducting specific auctions (by the speed of submitting applications or by price offers).

During the bidding process, participants do not see the names of competitors submitting their proposals - only the number of the applicant and the amount are visible (if the auction is conducted through price proposals).

The name or title of the winner is revealed only when the results are announced. This should make the procedure more competitive. In fact, it often happens that the organizer of the auction "drains" the last declared amount to "his" participant, and he declares a ruble more. Therefore, experienced participants usually delay submitting their proposal until the last moment.

Winners and Losers: How Bidding Results Are Arranged

At the end of any of the listed stages of the auction, the organizer draws up a protocol within 30 minutes. It reflects all significant events of the auction. The ETP operator is obliged to publish this protocol immediately after receiving it from the organizer - both on the electronic site itself and in the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information. In addition, the protocol is sent to all bidders. The winner must, no later than the period specified in the auction documentation, conclude a contract of sale.

The form of this agreement is sent to the winner in electronic or printed form by the organizer of the auction. Refusal to sign this document entails the cancellation of the results of the auction. In this case, the deposit will not be returned to the winner. If everything is in order, the winning participant must pay the remaining part of the purchase amount.

Note: often the details of the deposit and the subsequent payment are different, and you can accidentally send the payment to the wrong place.

After fulfilling all the conditions, the winner receives the original contract and becomes the owner of the property purchased at the auction.

Losing bidders get their deposit back within five days. If this does not happen, you need to send a request to the organizer of the auction.

How to make money on bankruptcy auctions

Perhaps you should not believe in the mythical purchases of apartments for 10,000 rubles, but you can make money at auctions for the sale of bankrupt property, and there are several real ways.

Method #1. Purchase of property at auction for subsequent resale at a higher price.

This is the most profitable, but also the most risky way to make money on the auctions. On the one hand, everything from the resale goes to you. You also control the process: you can buy an office building on the cheap, invest a little in repairs and get 200-300-400 percent of the profit.

However, if there is no guaranteed buyer for the premises, and it will not be possible to sell it quickly, you will have to pay for security, utilities, and taxes. It is especially risky to take loans for bidding, although some auction masters even use credit cards with a long interest-free period (for example, Alfa-Bank, where the grace period is 100 days), managing to buy, sell and close a loan during this time.

I buy at auction, focusing on demand and prices, I don’t delve into the properties of goods. For example, I don’t know much about rolled metal, I see that sheets of a certain brand are sold at a public offer for 11,000 rubles per ton. I looked at Avito - there the average price is 27 thousand. So you have to take. I called on the first advertisement I came across “I will buy rolled metal products”, asked how much they could take. They answered that they were ready to take everything, but at 20 thousand per ton. I bought 120 tons at an auction, my buyers were already picking up. Or somehow I bought 250 silver coins for 800 rubles apiece - after I saw an advertisement on the Sberbank website for the purchase of the same ones for 1300 rubles. I bought 6 trucks of fabric and accessories for 440 thousand rubles in some wilderness where no one wanted to go. He rented warehouses and spent a week phoning garment factories. Offered for 50-60% of the market. As a result, in a couple of months he sold everything for 5 million. The main thing here is not to yawn, but you also need to represent the demand before investing money.

Method #2. Mediation without investments.

In fact, we are talking about brokerage services for end buyers. Such operations can earn well-known specialists who have a loyal customer base. This scheme works well, for example, in the real estate market. It works like this: an apartment appears on any site at a cost significantly cheaper than the market. The bidder offers this apartment to ordinary buyers on the condition that they make a deposit at the auction.

If it fails to win, the deposit is returned to the buyers. If the bidder wins, he re-registers the property to the final buyer of the apartment and takes a commission from him for the transaction.

Another option - the intermediary immediately draws up an EDS for the final buyer, but participates in the auction on behalf of the client himself. In this case, re-registration of the apartment is not required.

Method #3. Participation in the auction as an agent.

There are many people in Russia with money who have no desire to delve into the jungle of bankruptcy laws, but there is a desire to profitably invest their funds.

When buying property for investors, specialists earn an average of 10-20% of the amount of lots. You have to work hard for this money: you need to choose really profitable auctions, check the information, get an EDS, competently participate in the auction and win.

Whichever way you choose to make money on bankruptcy auctions, you must always follow a few important rules:

  • Scrupulously and carefully analyze information about ongoing bankruptcy procedures in the area of ​​interest to you. Really interesting lots usually go to experienced buyers who have done a lot of preparatory work. Randomly you can win once, but there are much more chances to get into trouble and lose money.
  • Know the bankruptcy law, follow the changes in it, understand all the subtleties of the procedure for preparing and conducting bankruptcy auctions.
  • Don't skimp on technology software to search and analyze auctions, as well as to effectively participate in the auction.
  • Make the most of your organizational skills in preparation for the auction. It is better to call 10 times and clarify information about the lot than to save time but lose money.

Real cases at the bankruptcy auction

Bankruptcy auctions Case No. 1 purchase of a lot from bankruptcy auctions in Achinsk

Bankruptcy auctions Case No. 3 purchase of a lot from bankruptcy auctions in Nizhnyaya Salda

Top 5 Pitfalls in Bankruptcy Auctions

1 Incredibly attractive lots.

The main law of bankruptcy trading: there are no fools, and if a lot at a price several times lower than the market appears on sale, it means that it has some kind of negative background.

When checking, it turns out that minors are registered in the apartment, and the apartment itself is located in the outback. The agricultural land has been used as a toxic waste dump for many years. An office building is a dilapidated house, the repair of which will cost more than building a new one. The car has long been waiting for its last trip on a tow truck to the pile driver.

2 Some of the lots from the bankruptcy estate do not exist in reality or have significant limitations.

The car was stolen, there are no title documents for the land plot, the trademark is being challenged in court.

3 Changing the configuration of the lot during the bidding process.

The almost new BMW X6, which you aimed to buy as part of a public offer for 500,000 rubles, suddenly, after repeated auctions, is included in the total array of property for sale at a price of 200 million.

Objects with which novice bidders are better off not messing with

Right to claim bad debts

With very great caution, experts recommend buying receivables that arose more than three years ago (ended). The same applies to debts for which documents are lost or debts of firms in liquidation. Typically, such acquisitions are made by bidders who are personally involved in the bankruptcy process of debtors - for example, in order to prevent the restoration of a competitor enterprise by establishing control over it.

Hopelessly collateralized property

We are talking about real estate and cars. They cannot be used without registration. If you buy such property, which is under pledge, then you will not be able to resell it just like that - you will have to look for a buyer who agrees to pay the debt to the bank, otherwise the encumbrance will not be removed. And if the debt is several million rubles?

Commercial real estate with existing tenants

If contracts with tenants, for example, office space, have been in effect for a long time, they may contain conditions that the previous owner put up with, but for you they will turn out to be unacceptable (say, a clause that the owner cannot carry out repairs without the consent of the tenant). Just like that, it is also not possible to terminate the contract in every case, and the tenants will have to be “evicted” through the courts, wasting time and money.

Lands through which the roads of settlements pass

When a construction company goes bankrupt, not only its facilities are sold at auction, but also land plots. The land is leaving at a bargain price, and some are misled by it. The reason is this: buying a territory with a public road entails obtaining not only rights to it, but also responsibilities. According to the law, a barrier cannot be installed, but the road will have to be maintained in proper condition.

The right to claim debt under leasing agreements

When a leasing company goes bankrupt, the winning bidder buys, among other things, the right to seize equipment that was once transferred under leasing agreements to third-party firms. In most cases, the lessee turns out to be bankrupt, it is very problematic to take away the equipment from him (either physically it is not there, or you need to wait for the end of the competitive procedures).

In other situations, the debtor simply disappears. But even if you manage to find a client of a bankrupt company, most often it turns out that the leased equipment is worn out to an extreme degree, and yet having received it, you will find yourself the owner of a heap of scrap metal.

The right to claim debts from companies registered offshore

The debt of a company registered in Cyprus, or its promissory notes, is very often a bad liability: having learned about the bankruptcy of a creditor, the owners of such a company quickly transfer funds to the accounts of other companies, and it becomes almost impossible to find ends. It makes sense to consider such lots only if you are familiar with the offshore owner, and he does not mind repaying the debt.

Residential premises with minors registered in them

To evict small children on the street is painful both from the point of view of human morality and from the standpoint of legislation. Arbitrage practice in such cases is varied and ambiguous. It is unlikely that the possible profit will cover the financial and moral costs. Therefore, experts recommend that you always carefully check real estate lots for encumbrances before buying.

Socially significant infrastructure

Such objects appear on sale in case of bankruptcy of construction companies engaged in complex development. It's pointless to buy them. Having bought a power supply substation, a gas distribution unit or a heating unit, you will not become the “main in the area”. You will be forced to recruit staff to maintain facilities, train them, obtain the appropriate licenses and certificates, and for the slightest violations they will be mercilessly fined.

Shares in the authorized capital of firms

To purchase such lots, you need to have a very good idea of ​​​​the state of affairs in the company where the share is being bought. If a non-controlling stake is put up for auction, the buyer will be able to influence the appointment of the general director to the maximum (and even then not always) and participate in the control of activities. Well, if the company is profitable, but if not?

Fraudulent schemes at bankruptcy auctions

The number of technologies designed to change the result of the auction includes both methods of direct deception of the buyer, and methods of preventing the “necessary” auction.

Invalid description of lot properties.

Two ways are used to ward off "extra" buyers and one - outright deception.

First way. The quality of the subject of the auction is deteriorating: “the car needs repair”, “the object is located in a remote area”, “the equipment is incomplete”.

Most bidders do not want to get involved in unnecessary problems, especially if it is difficult to verify the accuracy of the information. V Lately such a scheme is used less and less, because the market for agents who evaluate objects on the spot at the request of bidders is developing rapidly.

The second way. Exaggeration of consumer qualities of the lot.

The opposite goal is being pursued: to maximize the price for buyers who will read a beautiful description and will not check its accuracy.

So Khrushchev on the top floor with a leaking roof, where the pipes of the nearest factory are visible from the window, turns into "an apartment in the historical center with a view of the city's main attractions."

The third way. He is the most cynical: false information about the composition of the property complex. While the property was put up for auction, its properties changed significantly: the building, which was not heated in cold weather, fell apart, unguarded cars were dismantled for spare parts, materials stored in the yard were taken away. And according to the documents, everything is available.

Delay of bids submitted by bidders.

Technique used by unscrupulous bankruptcy trustees. Applications for participation in the auction may not be accepted - on the basis of, for example, "insufficient documents" (even if the scans are all available).

Quotations already in the course of the auction may be ignored. This is a punishable practice, however, the calculation is made on the fact that for the sake of one lot, the participants will not complain to the antimonopolists.

Such complaints, in fact, are a burdensome occupation, at best, the results of the auction will be canceled, and you will wait to see what tricks the bankruptcy trustee will come up with at the new auction. Therefore, if when checking the lot, you see that the same buyer wins most of the competitions for a given seller, think about it: is there any point in wasting time fighting windmills?

Ads with extraneous or unreadable text instead of a description of the lot.

Such tricks are used less and less often and mainly on small sites. Despite the sanctions of the FAS, Latin letters are still used in some cases in Russian words to make it impossible to search for the subject of the auction.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is the minimum amount you need to have to participate in the bankruptcy auction?

Stories about winning auctions with 100 rubles in your pocket are more like stories. First of all, you must have an amount sufficient to pay the deposit. In most cases, this is 5% of the value of the lot.

Let's say that in order to compete for a car put up for auction at an initial price of 200,000 rubles, you need to make 10,000 rubles as a deposit. If you fight in the first two stages of trading (to increase), competitors will have to be outplayed with something, which means that serious investments are needed.

However, even at the stage of a public offer, really worthwhile property (suitable, for example, for profitable resale) cannot be bought for a penny. Experts advise beginners to enter inexpensive lots with an amount of 10,000 rubles (the profit in case of victory will also be small, but you will try and gain confidence).

I started participating in bankruptcy auctions with about 700 thousand rubles (I sold the car). Fortunately, no one needs to pay for participation, you buy an EDS for 5000 rubles - and go ahead. For the first 2 months, I participated in four auctions, won three times on a public offer, resold agricultural machinery. At the fifth auction, on the profit received, I bought myself a three-year-old Solaris in good condition for 200-something thousand. Now, after 2 years, about 5 million are spinning at the auction.

Is there an age limit for bidders?

The only restriction established by law is the minimum age for independent participation in the auction: 18 years. For persons under 14 years of age, parents or guardians / trustees can participate in the auction (by notarized power of attorney).

What is the average return on bankruptcy bidding?

Bankruptcy bidding experts consider a 20-30% discount to the market price to be a good result of bidding (you buy real estate with an average market price of 10 million rubles at an auction for 8 million).

The real benefit from the auction can be calculated only after receiving the final result of the transaction: the resale of the object, obtaining control over the legal entity, and so on. If the initial public offering price is set below 50% of the market price, the likelihood of fraud increases exponentially.

How effective are bankruptcy training courses?

One hundred percent effective methods that allow you to buy everything for a penny do not exist. Bankruptcy bidding is, first of all, hard work in finding and carefully analyzing information.

Most best allowance for bidding - bankruptcy law and rules for participation in bidding on various sites. Nevertheless, high-quality bidding training courses help to correctly search for lots and correctly read the information written in the tender documentation. Oleg Selifanov's Sherlock Holmes Methodology, Tatyana Koryanova's courses and many lesser-known bankruptcy bidding gurus are all the rage right now. Such training costs from 40,000 rubles.

Is it true that bankruptcy trustees buy the best properties themselves?

Since 2011, the bankruptcy bidding procedure has become much more transparent and competitive. However, to repeat after the authors of some thematic sites on the Internet that, they say, now the bankruptcy trustees have become goodies and act strictly within the law, is naive. Google, how many of them were responsible for the constant victory in "their" auctions of the same firms, the ownership structure of which is dominated by friends and acquaintances? Units.

When it comes to millions in profit literally from scratch, it is very difficult to resist. However, the talk that arbitrageurs are buying up all the best lots in the bud is nothing more than a myth. They just don't have enough money to do that. There is always a chance for a law-abiding buyer.

What happens if you win, but do not redeem the lot?

You can refuse to pay for the won lot, it is not punished. You only lose the deposit. For example, if the lot cost a million rubles, with a deposit of 5% you will lose 50,000 rubles. The auction will either be declared invalid, or the winner will be announced by the participant who offered the same conditions, but later refused the winner.

I won the auction, but in reality there was no lot, the property was stolen from the construction site. If I refuse to pay, is there any way to not lose the deposit?

At auctions for bankruptcy, as well as at any other auctions, the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply. If it turned out that the property being sold does not exist, you can try to negotiate with the organizer of the auction. He will recognize the auction for your lot as invalid and return the deposit.

If the bankruptcy trustee refuses to do this, file a lawsuit in court to invalidate the results of the auction on the basis of the absence of the subject of sale. Whether you entered into an agreement with the seller or not - it does not matter. When the court cancels the results of the auction, the bankruptcy trustee will be obliged to return the deposit to you, the contract will also be declared invalid.

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Finding lots at auction is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. We have a lot of well-known and not so well-known services to help us. Some of them are free, some cost money.

Let's find out...

For the experiment, I made one search query "apartment Reutov". What happened in the end you will see in the new video. It's at the bottom of the page.

Briefly about each service:

State resource, where there is generally all the information on any aspects of bankruptcy bidding, I previously did his review. Not the easiest to use, however, you will have to learn how to work with it.

There are filters to search for lots. But you don't have to use them!

The official publication and, accordingly, the official base on its own website. The search is simple, without any filters at all. Recently, the search has undergone minor changes.

To quickly filter an ad, you need skill. Previously recorded lot screening video at Kommersant.

There are not many lots where individuals are bankrupt. Their sale by law can not be announced in the newspaper. This does not allow for a full screening for the parameters of interest.

A very simple resource. Search results repeat "Kommersant". There are some nice little things like "Add to bookmarks" and viewing lots in a particular issue of the newspaper.

Simple, reliable, but inherits the same problem of Kommersant - there are not many lots in physics.

The most advanced aggregator in terms of functionality. There are literally all the functions necessary for working both alone and in a team, and even an application for smartphones.

Looking for lots not only on bankrupt ETPs, but also among lots sold by bailiffs on the website

There are a lot of pluses. One of these days I will write a separate large review of this resource. Of the minuses - the cost. But here everyone chooses his own. I value my time and am willing to pay.

A conditionally free, easy-to-use service that is not loaded with filters. Information is taken using the correct algorithm, so even “secret” lots are visible individuals.

Displays bankruptcy property sold by bailiffs, as well as collateral.

You will not find details on the lots - this is a paid feature, but ... read about the Federal resource, you know where to find it.

Another shareware aggregator with a simple and intuitive search interface. You will not find details on the lots (this is paid). However, the service takes purely symbolic money for full functionality.

The search algorithm misses many lots of individuals.

Also a shareware aggregator with an overloaded interface. Many metrics on the main screen only get in the way.

Here you can find bankrupt property, confiscation and auctions for the privatization of state property.

Pricing policy is the average of competitors' offers. There are regular rates and VIP with advanced features.

The service offers services for participation in auctions, analysis of receivables, services of a trading robot for working at auctions under 44 and 223 Federal Laws.

The search algorithm for bankrupt lots misses many lots of individuals.

  • How are auctions conducted?

It's no secret that the Russian economy is going through a crisis in one way or another. This affects not only the ruble exchange rate, but also directly on daily life and trends in different markets. The decrease in indicators is felt in the construction market and in other areas, while the bankruptcy of companies is no longer such a rarity, and the property of bankrupts is becoming a tasty morsel for knowledgeable entrepreneurs.

How are auctions arranged? However, if bankruptcy means the end of work for the company itself, then for individuals it may be an occasion to make a profitable deal. Property auctions sometimes offer really incredible discounts, thanks to which apartments, cars and entire buildings go under the hammer literally for a penny - the main thing is to learn how to win such auctions.

Many individuals and private firms have long focused on an unusual activity - the purchase of property at auction. The scheme for acquiring property at a price that sometimes turns out to be several times lower than the market price is quite simple - after a company or individual is declared bankrupt, electronic auctions are organized in which you can participate online. The property is sold and due to this, the existing debts are covered, but the fact is that it is often not possible to sell the property at cost, so in the end it goes under the hammer for mere pennies.

Of course, you should not believe in stories about how many ordinary individuals chose trading platforms and bought apartments in Moscow for 100,000 rubles or cars for 10,000 rubles without any problems, this area in which many professionals of individuals and legal entities work and not a single specialist will allow you to miss a profitable deal. However, this type of income is still quite real, because after the auctions where the property was purchased at a bargain price, you can choose sites for selling it already at market value, earning good money.

Auctions for the sale of private property

Not so long ago, the sale of property was carried out only in relation to private firms, however, on October 1, 2015, a law came into force that regulates the procedure for the sale of property of individuals. That is, the owners of apartments, cars, land plots can lose their property due to debts. This means that through auctions it is possible to purchase objects on the cheap at a significant discount - often the objects being sold represent the center of Moscow and housing at a cost several times lower than the market value.

Today, bankrupts among individuals are more common - these are citizens who have taken a loan for an apartment, car, house or have other debts. Under the new law, all property of bankrupts be sold through auction.

Trades and auctions for bankruptcy. harsh truth

Visit the nearest master class by Oleg Selifanov:

How to find and buy gold objects according to the Sherlock Holmes method

How are auctions conducted?

The sale of the debtors' property takes place almost immediately after the declaration of their bankruptcy. Bidding is carried out in three stages: during the first auction site, it is allowed to place bets only on price increases, that is, the initial cost of lots is announced and it can only be increased during the auction. The second stage is organized according to a similar scheme, only the initial price of the lots is reduced. Bets from individuals and legal entities are accepted only for an increase.

The most interesting stage, which allows you to acquire bankrupt property literally for a penny, is the third stage. It is called a public offer and lots can be sold for any offered price, that is, the price can be significantly reduced. At this stage, the apartment can be sold at a price 2-3 times lower than the market value.

The problem is that usually auctions do not reach the third stage, so buying a property at an extremely low price is a very rare case. As a rule, the property is sold during the first stage of the auction, less often - during the second stage, when you can save up to 30% of its value on the purchase.

And do not think that they will forget to pay attention to some auction and the apartment, which represents the very center of Moscow, after two stages will quietly move to the third and you can easily buy it for a ridiculous amount. Bankruptcy auctions are monitored by professional companies and many individuals, whose task is precisely to make money on such auctions.

How to participate in the bankruptcy auction?

Previously, all that had to be done to win the auction was to enter the site on time and apply first. This allowed the use of bots, as the robot can monitor the auction site and leave bids automatically. Now everything has become a little more complicated, but the scheme for buying property of individuals or legal entities has become more transparent.

Primarily, you need to get your own electronic signature, which will be required for processing electronic documents when participating in auctions - an EDS for bankruptcy auctions will cost you 5-6 thousand rubles.

After that, you should find the lot you are interested in and start studying it - look at the list of documents for the object, if we are talking about expensive real estate, then it is advised to go to the object and conduct a personal inspection.

Then it remains only to wait for the launch of a new stage of trading and submit an application. Please note that a deposit of 10-20% of the value of the lot is required to participate in the auction. If you have won the electronic auction, then the purchase of the property is possible by paying the remaining amount minus the deposit.

Bankruptcy bidding - Pitfalls and scammers

Where to find money to participate in bankruptcy auctions

In fact, there are many options for how to find money and acquire bankrupt property for 10% of the real value and even lower. Let's consider several options:

Where to find bankruptcy auctions?

There are three types of venues where bankruptcy auctions are held or announced with the sale of property at a reduced cost:

  1. Official portals, who publish all information about the auction in accordance with existing laws - Fedresurs and the Saturday issue of the Kommersant newspaper
  2. Marketplaces- sites specializing in the organization of online trading
  3. Bankruptcy bidding aggregators- resources that collect information about all current auctions from many sites

Among the official portals, one of the largest is the "Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information" - the center of the main auction, among the unofficial ones it is worth highlighting the "Russian Auction House", reviews of which are most often only positive. There are actually many portals on the Internet today through which you can buy property at bankruptcy auctions and where the sale takes place at tempting discounts.

Well, as you can see, it is quite realistic to buy the debtor's property at a discount through bankruptcy auctions, and sometimes the price of the lots is several times lower than the market value. However, keep in mind that professionals always participate in the auction, for whom this type of income is the main one.

The best bankruptcy auction aggregators and websites will make it easier for you to find a highly liquid lot and guarantee a successful transaction. This article lists the top 15 sites and 10 auction aggregators.

Finding a high-quality and highly liquid lot is a key task for private investors. There are two ways to find such a lot:

  • routine search directly on the site. You can just scroll through the list, but it is better to use special filters;
  • search using special services. In this case, you can apply a lot of different criteria for selection. The bankruptcy auction aggregator will help you filter out the most liquid and attractive lots for free, with the help of which you can purchase debtors' property on the most favorable terms.

The first method is very simple and does not require detailed explanations. The second one deserves more detailed description.

Bankruptcy Bidding Aggregators Top 10 List

At auctions and bankruptcy auctions, you can buy a car for 30-80% of its market value. Below is a list of special services. All of them have one major advantage - the ability to go to the lot page on the site using the selection service. Aggregators are necessary in order to make the work of auction participants easier, to save their time and effort; to collect the necessary information from various electronic platforms, to find the information necessary to make the right decisions. The following is a list of services that make it easier to find bankruptcy auctions:

  • Contains absolutely all the necessary information. For the convenience of users, a mobile application has been developed with which you can search for lots from anywhere in the world. Some of the app's most convenient features include a calendar that reminds you of upcoming auctions and a "buy now" option that accurately analyzes the status of a lot.
  • One of its main advantages is advanced functionality. Among other things, you can find on this site reliable photographs of property, analytical data, links to a federal resource, lot monitoring functions.
  • Provides a database of bankrupts. To effectively search for an interesting lot, analytical functions and monitoring are at your disposal.
  • Contains all the necessary information and functionality.
  • The so-called bankrupt spy. It is named so due to the fact that with its help you can find the property of bankrupts, confiscated things. This service allows you to search for tenders in different categories: equipment, residential real estate, land, cars, commercial premises, receivables data, and so on.
  • Contains photographs of objects of interest to you and relevant links to the federal resource.
  • Interesting for its interactive map. You can quickly and accurately locate an object.
  • Despite the fact that there are no direct references to the object, it is possible to correctly assess its condition thanks to photographs.

Bankruptcy auction official state website federal resource, the official site of bankruptcy auctions. This site is a single register of bankruptcy auctions. Open auctions for bankruptcy on the official state website in Moscow and other cities of Russia are legal and as transparent as possible. Information about debtors comes here from various sources (the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Register of Self-Regulating Organizations of Arbitrators, the System for Disclosing Information on Judicial Acts).

The data is excellently filtered by region and debtor. Lot images are in the valuation report. Bankruptcy auctions on the official website are the safest. Bankruptcy auctions on the official state website are carried out using EDS.

Naab: bidding and bankruptcy auctions

NAAB is a community of auction brokers who make money by reselling debtors' property. By joining the association, you get legal, consulting, financial support, the opportunity to find trusted partners and become a leader in your region. Both private investors and investment clubs are eligible to join the NAAB. This is a kind of trade union for bidders who defend their interests and, uniting, seek to influence the amendment of the current bankruptcy legislation.

Which Bankruptcy Bidding Site to Choose: Top 5

Below is a register of bankruptcy auctions containing the most popular sites that auction the property of bankrupts. On these resources, you can pick up a lot online on the electronic platform for bankruptcy and auction of debtors' property.

Bankruptcy auctions on sites with cars are excellent prospects for profitable purchases of vehicles and making money on resales.

  1. Sberbank AST( From Sberbank, the bankruptcy trading platform conducts more than 100 thousand trading procedures. To facilitate work with the site, the resource provides an electronic university, and seminars are also held. Sberbank conducts property bankruptcy auctions on the official website in strict compliance with Order No. 495 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Public auctions for bankruptcy on the site of Sberbank take place in three steps: Obtaining an EDS; Passing the registration procedure on the site; Transfer of the deposit; Submission of an application for participation in the auction.
  2. « RTS-tender"(;
  3. National electronic platform(;
  4. Electronic platform of the sales center(
  5. Bankruptcy auctions on the sites for individuals include open and closed auctions.

10 popular auction sites

Bankruptcy auctions also often take place on the following ten popular sites:

  1. Contains the largest number of exhibited lots.
  2. Universal ETP "Electro torgi". The resource is developing very quickly. New lots are published very often. The main advantage lies in the complete and correct description of the lots.
  3. STORK. They mainly exhibit commercial real estate, plots and transport.
  4. Arbitrator. It is a member of the Union of EP Operators. The goods are very different - industrial equipment, transport, land plots, accounts receivable and so on.
  5. Auctions of Siberia. They differ from others in that they put up for auction the property of individuals.
  6. Bankruptcy of RT. It is a member of the union of ES operators. It specializes in the property of bankrupt organizations.
  7. All-Russian electronic trading platform. He is engaged in putting up for auction the property of ruined enterprises.
  8. (Russian auction house) This is a universal trading platform containing sections on bankruptcy, purchases, privatization, pledges, private objects, state corporations.
  9. Center for Economic Development It has existed for more than 16 years and is a single electronic trading system.
  10. METS sells the property of bankrupt legal entities.

A complete list of existing sites is provided by the website of the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information:

Siberian auctions, bankruptcy auctions

Auctions of Siberia is an electronic auction platform for bankruptcy, which has more than 13 thousand participants. Property up for auction individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in respect of which bankruptcy proceedings are underway. To start working with the system, you will need to fill out a registration form and receive an electronic signature. Participation in the auction is free of charge on the website

Topical tips for identifying highly liquid lots

If you intend to purchase liquid property, the first thing you need to do is to carry out a competent analysis of the lots. First, you need to monitor the sites available to you and mark the lots that interest you. The information is immediately recorded in a convenient format - electronically, or by hand, be sure to indicate the link to the site and the estimated price. After you find about ten lots, you need to start analyzing them according to the following main points.

Last update:  02/23/2020

Reading time: 13 min. | Views: 18045

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine "site"! Today we will talk about bankruptcy auctions, the sale of property owned by bankrupts and debtors, as well as what bankruptcy auctions are and how to participate in them.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a bankruptcy auction - features;
  • How to bid and what bankruptcy auctions (trading platforms) exist;
  • What can be sold at auction and how to participate in electronic auctions;
  • How to buy property at the bankruptcy auction;
  • How to make money on the acquisition of property through auctions;

At the end of the article are answers to frequently asked questions on the topic.

The article will be useful to those who want to take part in the bankruptcy auction, as well as to those who are simply interested in this topic. Read more about bankruptcy auctions right now!

About bankruptcy auctions: what is it and what stages / stages you need to go through in order to take part in the auction, what property of bankrupts and debtors is sold at a bankruptcy auction - read about this and much more below

1. Peculiarities of bankruptcy auctions - schemes for selling the property of bankrupts and debtors ⚖

Since 2011 auctions are conducted using the Internet, so they have become much more accessible. As a result, today anyone can participate in auctions without leaving home.

Thanks to this participation in auctions receives a number of advantages:

  • saves time for organizing participation in the auction;
  • not tied to a specific geographic region;
  • soft requirements for bidders.

Another advantage of participating in auctions today is low competition.

Question 2. Where to look for bankruptcy auctions, what search methods are there?

There are several ways to search for auctions available to everyone. First of all, this newspaper Kommersant which comes out weekly on Saturdays. Each such publication has an appendix with information about upcoming auctions. If desired, Kommersant can be read electronically.

There are other sites publishing information about auctions:

  • Unified federal register of bankruptcy information;
  • Interregional electronic platform;
  • Sberbank-AST;
  • Alphalot;
  • Tender B2B and others.

Where to Look for Bankruptcy Bidding - Finding Attractive Auctions

Question 3. What is required to bid?

To participate in electronic trading, you need to go through a certain procedure, which can be divided into several stages.

  1. First of all, you need to get an electronic signature. It has legal force and is an analogue of a seal and a handwritten signature. It is the electronic signature that allows you to access the site for participation in the auction. You can issue a flash drive with a password at any certification center. Upon receipt of the signature, all the necessary instructions for setting up access are issued. When designing a key, it is important to pay attention to which sites it provides access to. It is advisable to issue a key that allows you to connect to several sites. This makes it possible to acquire a much larger number of objects. It is important to understand that an electronic signature should be ordered in advance, as it is produced within a few days.
  2. The first stage of preparation for the auction- registration on the electronic site. To do this, fill out the form and send it to the site. When the verification of the data is completed, access to the various properties for sale will be granted.
  3. Simultaneously with registration on the site, theoretical data should be supported. To do this, you need to brush up on the law governing the conduct of tenders. In addition, it is important to study the rules of the site used. All necessary data and documentation are available on the trade portal.
  4. The next step should be to search for objects for acquisition. After that, you must carefully read all the information about the upcoming auction. You will need to study all the available documentation, if possible, inspect the object in advance.
  5. When all the previous steps are completed, you can start applying. It must be prepared very carefully in accordance with the requirements of the auction organizer. The application must be accompanied by a document on the transfer of the deposit. Information about its size and terms of payment is indicated in the documentation for the auction.

If everything is done correctly, the participant will be admitted to the auction.

Question 4. How and where to issue an ES (electronic key) for participation in the auction, what is the price and procedure for obtaining it?

Many firms in Russia for a long time and actively buy various property in the bankruptcy bidding process. Recently, such an opportunity has appeared for individuals. Without a doubt, over time the popularity of auctions will only grow . At the same time, the majority of those who wish to take part in the auction are still wondering how the electronic signature required for this is drawn up.

EDS is a must, without it, participation in the auction is simply will not work. For registration, you need to contact the certification center. It is a specialized company that is licensed to generate such password "keys".

EDS is a specially generated keys that the CA issues to the applicant on electronic media. A certificate is also issued along with the keys. It must be certified by the seal of the CA.

Choosing a CA, attention should be paid to ensure that it is accredited by government agencies. To date, there are quite a few such companies, so finding the nearest one is not difficult.

Many also ask the question how much will the EDS cost. It is important to understand that there is no fixed cost.

The final price will depend on a large number of criteria:

  • formation of an electronic signature by certified employees;
  • entering data on the EDS in the relevant register;
  • creating a special carrier for the key;
  • availability of a license for specialized cryptographic programs;
  • issuance of a copy of the certificate in paper form.

Also, some certification centers provide a range of additional services- computer setup by a specialist, information support and others. All these parameters can also affect the cost of an electronic signature.

In this way, EDS price is variable, it may be different depending on the region of registration.

As a guideline, specialists call the average cost of EP at the level 4-5 thousand rubles .

Question 5. How does the auction end? Can the winner not buy the lot?

For each bankruptcy bidder, there may be several possible outcomes of this process:

  1. The auction was not won - in this case, the organizer returns the deposit, no contracts will be required;
  2. Bid win.

With the auction winner within 5 (five) days a contract for the sale of property, which was a lot at the auction, is signed. After that, during 30 (thirty) days required to pay the full price of the object of the auction.

If for some reason the winner changed his mind about becoming the owner of the property, he may refuse to conclude the contract. Naturally, in this case it is not required to list the cost of the object of the auction.

However, do not forget that in case of refusal to buy out the property, the deposit made will remain with the organizer of the auction.

13. Conclusion + related video 🎥

Thus, everyone can take part in the bankruptcy auction. In this case, you will need to have certain knowledge and skills, as well as issue an electronic signature.

We hope that this article has helped to understand some of the intricacies of this difficult process.

And a video on how to apply on the Sberbank AST electronic platform:

Do not be afraid to participate in auctions, because often this can help save a lot on the purchase. Moreover, many have been successfully earning money on such auctions for a long time.

! If you have any comments or questions about the topic, then ask them in the comments below.