When the civil war began. The causes of the bloody events of the Civil War. Civil War Strategy and Tactics

Civil War in Russia

Causes and main stages of the Civil War. After the elimination of the Menshevik monarchy and the esters were most afraid of the Civil War, so they went to the agreement with Cadets. As for the Bolsheviks, they considered it as a "natural" continuation of the revolution. Therefore, the beginning of the Civil War in Russia, many contemporaries of those events considered the armed seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. Its chronological framework covers the period from October 1917 to October 1922, that is, with an uprising in Petrograd to the completion of the armed struggle in the Far East. Until spring 1918, military actions were mainly local. The main anti-Bolshevik forces led either political struggle (moderate socialists), or were in the organizational design (white movement).

From the spring-summer of 1918, the fierce political struggle began to grow into the form of an open military confrontation between the Bolsheviks and their opponents: moderate socialists, some foreign compounds, the White Army, the Cossacks. The second - "front stage" stage of the civil war, which, in turn, can be divided into several periods.

Summer-autumn 1918 - a period of escalation of war. It was caused by the introduction of food dictatorship. This led to the dissatisfaction of middle peasants and wealthy peasants and creating a mass base for the anti-Bolshevik movement, which, in turn, contributed to the strengthening of the ESEROVO-Menshevik "Democratic Counvelopment and White Armies.

December 1918 - June 1919 - the period of confrontation of regular red and white armies. In armed struggle with the Soviet government, the White Movement was achieving the greatest success. One part of the revolutionary democracy went to cooperate with the Soviet authorities, the other was struggled by two fronts: with a white and Bolshevik dictatorship regime.

The second half of 1919 is the autumn of the 1920s - the period of military damage to whites. The Bolsheviks somewhat softened the position in relation to the middle peasantry, stating "the need for a more careful attitude towards his needs." The peasantry bowed towards Soviet power.

The end of 1920 - 1922 - the period of the "Small Civil War". Deploying mass peasant uprisings against the policies of "military communism". The growth of discontent workers and the performance of Kronstadt sailors. The effect of Serc and Mensheviks reinforced again. All this forced the Bolsheviks to retreat, introduce new economic policies, which contributed to the gradual attenuation of the civil war.

The first outbreaks of the civil war. Formation of white motion.

Atama A. M. Kalden stood up at the head of the Anti-Bolshevik movement. He declared the essential of the troops of the Don Soviet power. On the bottom began to flock all dissatisfied with the new mode. At the end of November 1917, General M. V. Alekseev began to form a voluntary army. Her commander was fled from captivity L. G. Kornilov. The volunteer army laid the beginning of a white movement, named so in contrast with red - revolutionary. White color symbolized the legality and order. Participants of the White Motion considered themselves expressive to the idea of \u200b\u200brestoring the former power and power of the Russian Power, the "Russian State Open" and the merciless struggle with those forces that, in their opinion, plunged Russia into chaos and anarchy - with the Bolsheviks, as well as with representatives of other socialist Parties.

The Soviet government managed to form a 10,000th army, which in mid-January 1918 entered the territory of Don. Most of the Cossacks took the policy of benevolent neutrality in relation to the new government. Decree on Earth gave little Cossacks, they had the earth, but they had impressed decree on the world. Part of the population provided armed support red. Considering his work to the lost, Ataman Kalins shot himself. A volunteer army, burdened with kids with children, women, politicians, went into the steppe, hoping to continue his business in Kuban. On April 17, 1918, her commander of Kornilov was killed, this post was taken by General A. I. Denikin.

Simultaneously with anti-Soviet performances, the Cossacks in the Southern Urals began on Don. He headed by Ataman of the Orenburg Cossack troops A. I. Dutov. In Transbaikal, the fight against the new government led Ataman G. S. Semenov.

The first performances against the Bolsheviks were natural and fragmented, did not use the mass support of the population and passed against the background of the rapid and peaceful establishment of the authorities of the Soviets almost everywhere (the "triumph procession of Soviet power", as Lenin said). However, at the very beginning of the confrontation, two main resistance center for the resistance of the Bolsheviks were developed: east of the Volga, in Siberia, where wealthy owners peasants prevailed, often combined into cooperatives and under the influence of Socialists, as well as in the south - in the territories populated by the Cossacks famous to its freedom and commitment to a special way of economic and public life. The main fronts of civil war are Eastern and South.

Creating a red army. Lenin was a supporter of the Marxist provision that after the victory of the socialist revolution, the regular army, as one of the main attributes bourgeois societymust be replaced by a folk militia, which will be convened only in the case of military hazard. However, the scope of anti-Bolshevik speeches demanded a different approach. On January 15, 1918, the Decree of the Council of Sovnarkom proclaimed the creation of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army (RKKA). On January 29, a red fleet was formed.

At first, at first, the volunteer principle of the acquisition led to organizational disunity, decentralization in the management of troops, which was a detrimental effect on the combat capability and discipline of the Red Army. She suffered a number of serious lesions. The BOT why for the sake of achieving the highest strategic goal is to preserve the power of the Bolsheviks - Lenin found it possible to abandon his views in the field of military construction and return to the traditional, "bourgeois", i.e. To universal military service and uniquely. In July 1918, decree was published on the universal military service of the male population aged 18 to 40 years. During the summer - autumn 1918, 300 thousand people were mobilized in the ranks of the Red Army. In 1920, the number of Krasnoarmeys approached 5 million.

Much attention was paid to the formation of command personnel. In 1917-1919. In addition to short-term courses and schools, the highest military educational institutions were opened to prepare the average team of the most distinguished redarmers. In March 1918, a notice of military officers of the royal army was published in the press. By January 1, 1919, about 165 thousand former royal officers replenished the ranks of the Red Army. The involvement of Mistars was accompanied by strict "class" control over their activities. To this end, in April 1918, the Ships and in the troops, the party sent military commissars who have supervised the teams and the political upbringing of sailors and redarmeys.

In September 1918, a single structure of the management of fronts and armies was created. The revolutionary military council (Reviable, or RVS) was appointed at the head of each front (army), which consisted of the commander of the front (army) and two commissioners. He headed all military institutions of the Revoensive Council of the Republic, led by L. D. Trotsky, who also took the post of addict on the military and marine Affairs. Measures were taken to tighten discipline. Representatives of the Revivation, endowed with emergency powers (up to the shooting of traitors and cowards without trial), went out to the most stressful sections of the front. In November 1918, the Council of Working and Peasant Defense led by Lenin was formed. He focused in his hands all the completeness of state power.

Intervention. Civil War In Russia, from the very beginning, foreign states were complicated by interference. In December 1917, Romania, using the weakness of young Soviet power, occupied Bessarabia. The government of the Central Rada proclaimed the independence of Ukraine and, concluding a separate agreement with the Austro-German bloc in Brest-Litovsk, and returned to Kiev together with the Austro-German troops, which occupied almost all of Ukraine. Taking advantage of the fact that there were no clearly fixed borders between Ukraine and Russia, the German troops invaded the limits of the Oryol, Kursk, Voronezh provinces, captured Simferopol, Rostov and crossed them through Don. In April 1918, Turkish troops crossed the state border and moved into the depths of the Transcaucasus. In May, a German case landed in Georgia.

From the end of 1917, English, American and Japanese military ships allegedly began to arrive in the North and Far East to protect them from possible German aggression. Initially, the Soviet government reacted calmly and even agreed to take assistance from countries in the form of food and weapons. But after the conclusion of the Brest world, the presence of the Entente began to be considered as a threat to Soviet power. However, it was too late. On March 6, 1918, English landing was landed in the port of Murmansk. At the meeting of Heads of Government of the countries of the Entente, it was decided to non-recognition of the Brest world and interference in the internal affairs of Russia. In April 1918, Japanese paratroopers landed in Vladivostok. Then they joined the English, American, French troops. And although the governments of these countries did not declare the war of Soviet Russia, moreover, they covered the idea of \u200b\u200bfulfilling "allied debt", foreign soldiers behaved like conquerors. Lenin regarded these actions as intervention and urged to respond with aggressors.

Since the fall of 1918, after the defeat of Germany, the Military presence of the countries of the Entente acquired a broader scale. In January 1919, landings were planted in Odessa, Crimea, Baku and increased the number of troops in the ports of the North and the Far East. However, this caused a negative response of the personnel of the expeditionary troops, for which the end of the war was delayed indefinitely. Therefore, the Black Sea and Caspian landings were evacuated in the spring of 1919; The British left Arkhangelsk and Murmansk in the fall of 1919. In 1920, British and American parts were forced from the Far East. Only the Japanese remained there until October 1922. The large-scale intervention was not taken place primarily because the governments of the leading countries of Europe and the United States were frightened by the growing movement of their peoples in support of the Russian revolution. In Germany and Austria-Hungary, revolutions broke out, under the pressure of which these largest monarchies collapsed.

"Democratic counter-revolution". Eastern front. The beginning of the "frontal" stage of the Civil War was characterized by an armed confrontation between the Bolsheviks and the moderate socialists, primarily the party of Socialists, which, after the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, felt the authorily eliminated from legally belonging to it. The decision to start an armed struggle with the Bolsheviks was strengthened after overclocking the last in April - May 1918. Many newly elected local councils, in which representatives of the Mensheviks and Socialist University were dominated.

The turning point of the new stage of the Civil War was the performance of the Corps, consisting of prisoners of war and Slovaks of the former Austro-Hungarian army, who expressed the desire to participate in hostilities on the side of the Entente. The leadership of the corps proclaimed itself with a part of the Czechoslovak army, which was carried out by the Commander-in-Chief of the French troops. Agreement on the transfer of Czechoslovaks on the Western Front was concluded between Russia and France. They should have followed the Trans-Siberian Highway to Vladivostok, to plunge into court and sail to Europe. By the end of May 1918, the echelons with the parts of the building (more than 45 thousand people) stretched from the railway station from Rtishchevo (in the Penza region) to Vladivostok for 7 thousand km. The rumor was about the fact that local councils were given an order to disarm the corps and the issuance of Czechoslovaks as prisoners of war of Austria-Hungary and Germany. At the meeting of the regiment teams, a decision was made - weapons not to pass and break into Vladivostok with the fight. On May 25, the commander of the Czechoslovak part of R. Hyd ordered his subordinates to capture those stations on which they were at the moment. In a relatively short time with the help of the Czechoslovak Corps, the Soviet power was overthrown in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Siberia and in the Far East.

The main bridgehead of the ECEROVA struggle for the national authorities became the territory liberated by Czechoslovaki from the Bolsheviks. In the summer of 1918, regional governments were created mainly from the members of the PSR: in Samara, the Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (Commuche), in Yekaterinburg - the Ural Regional Government, in Tomsk - temporary Siberian government. The ECERO MENPENISTUISTICSIONS operated under the flag of two main slogans: "Power is not advice, but the constituent assembly!" and "Liquidation of the Brest World!" Part of the population supported these slogans. New governments managed to form their armed detachments. Using the support of Czechoslovakov, the People's Army of Commus B August took Kazan, counting on the then move to Moscow.

The Soviet government created the Eastern Front, which included five army formed in the shortest possible time. Armor train L. D. Trotsky went to the front with a selected combat team and a military revolutionary tribunal who had unlimited authority. In Murom, Arzamas, Sviyazhsk were created the first concentration camps. Between the front and the rear, special barrier detachments were formed to combat deserters. On September 2, 1918, the Central Executive Committee declared the Soviet Republic by the Military Camp. In early September, the Red Army managed to stop the enemy, and then go to the offensive. In September - early October, she freed Kazan, Simbirsk, Syzran and Samara. Czechoslovak troops retreated to the Urals.

In September 1918, a meeting of representatives of the Anti-Bolshevik forces was held in Ufa, which formed the Unified All-Russian Government - the Ufa directory, in which the main role was played by the ace. The onset of the Red Army made the directory in October move to Omsk. Admiral A. V. Kolchak was invited to the post of military minister. The ECEROVA leaders of the directory were calculated that the popularity of which he used in the Russian Army will allow to unite the scattered military formations, which act against Soviet power on the expanses of the Urals and Siberia. However, on the night of November 17-16, 1918, a group of conspirators from the composition of the officers of the Cossack parts quartered in Omsk, arrested socialists - members of the directory, and all the fullness of the authorities passed to Admiral Kolchak, who took the title of "Supreme Ruler of Russia" and the fight against the Bolsheviks On the Eastern Front.

"Red terror". Liquidation of the house of Romanovs. Along with the economic and military measures, the Bolsheviks began to conduct on a state scale by the policy of unconditioning the population, called the "Red Terror". In the cities, he accepted broad sizes from September 1918 - after the murder of the chairman of the Petrograd CC M. S. Uritsky and the attempt in Moscow for Lenin's life.

Terror was massive. Only in response to the attempt on Lenin, Petrogradsky security officers were shot by official reports, 500 hostages.

One of the sinister pages of the "Red Terror" was the destruction of the royal family. October found the former Russian emperor and his loved ones in Tobolsk, where in August 1917 they were sent to the link. In April 1918, the royal family was secretly transported to Yekaterinburg and posted in the house that previously belonged to Engineer Ipatiev. July 16, 1918, obviously, in coordination with the Council, the Ural Regional Council decided to execute the king and his family. On the night of July 17, Nikolai were shot, his wife, five children and servants - only 11 people. Even earlier, on July 13, the brother of Tsar Mikhail was killed in Perm. On July 18, another 18 members of the imperial family name were executed in Alapaevsk.

Southern Front. In the spring of 1918, Don flooded rumors about the upcoming equalization of the Earth. Cossacks snapped. Then came the order for the delivery of weapons and the props of bread. Cossacks raised the uprising. It coincided with the arrival of the Germans. Cossack tops, forgetting about the past patriotism, entered with a recent opponent in negotiations. On April 21, a temporary Don Government was created, which began to form the Don Army. On May 16, the Cossack "Circle of Rescue Done" elected General P. N. Krasnov Ataman Troops Donskoy, giving it almost dictatorial powers. Based on the support of German generals, Krasnov announced the state independence of the district of the Verevilkoy Troops of the Donsky. Parts of Krasnova, together with German troops, launched hostilities against the Red Army.

From the troops located in the area of \u200b\u200bVoronezh, Tsaritsyn and the North Caucasus, the Soviet government created in September 1918. The Southern Front is part of the five armies. In November 1918, the Army Krasnova inflicted the Red Army a serious defeat and began to move north. At the cost of incredible efforts in December 1918, the Reds managed to stop the promotion of the Cossack troops.

At the same time, the volunteer army A. I. Denikin began his second campaign to Kuban. "Volunteers" adhered to the annthantic orientation and tried not to engage in cooperation with the proximal detachments of Krasnov. Meanwhile, the foreign policy situation has changed dramatically. In early November 1918 world War Ended by the defeat of Germany and its allies. Under pressure and with the active assistance of the countries of the Entente at the end of 1918, all the anti-Bolshevik armed forces of the South of Russia were combined under the command of Denikin.

Military actions on the Eastern Front in 1919. On November 28, 1918, Admiral Kolchak at a meeting with representatives of the press stated that its closest goal is to create a strong and combat-effective army for merciless struggle with the Bolsheviks, which the sole form of power should contribute. After the liquidation of the Bolsheviks, the National Assembly should be convened "to counter the law and order". All economic and social reforms should also be postponed before the end of the fight against the Bolsheviks. Kolchak announced mobilization and put 400 thousand people under guns.

In the spring of 1919, having achieved numerical superiority in a living force, Kolchak moved to the offensive. In March-April, his army captured Sarapul, Izhevsk, Ufa, Sterlitamak. Advanced parts were a few tent of kilometers from Kazan, Samara and Simbirsk. This success allowed White to outline a new perspective - the possibility of a chalk of Kolchak to Moscow while simultaneously exiting the left flank of his army to connect with Denikin.

The counteroffensiveness of the Red Army began on April 28, 1919. Troops under the command of M. V. Frunze in battles near Samara defeated the selected quachakov parts and took Ufa in June. July 14, Yekaterinburg was liberated. In November, the capital of Kolchak - Omsk fell. The remnants of his army rolled further to the east. Under the blows of the Red Kolchakov government was forced to move to Irkutsk. On December 24, 1919, an anticolarsk uprising was raised in Irkutsk. Allied troops and the remaining Czechoslovak detachments announced their neutrality. In early January 1920, the Czechs gave Kolchak to the leaders of the uprising, in February 1920 he was shot.

The Red Army suspended its offensive in Transbaikalia. On April 6, 1920, in the city of Upneudinsk (now Ulan-Ude), the creation of the Far Eastern Republic was proclaimed - the "buffer" bourgeois-democratic state, formally independent of the RSFSR, but in fact leading the Far Eastern Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b).

Hike to Petrograd. At the time when the Red Army tried victory over Kolchak troops, a serious threat was hung over Petrograd. After the victory of the Bolsheviks, many senior officials, industrialists and financiers emigrated to Finland, they found the shelter and about 2.5 thousand officers of the tsarist army. Emigrants created the Russian political committee in Finland, which was headed by General N. N. Yudenich. With the consent of the Finnish authorities, he began to form the White Guard Army on the territory of Finland.

In the first half of May 1919, Yudenich began an offensive to Petrograd. Bringing the front of the Red Army between Narva and the Church of the Lake, his troops created a real threat to the city. On May 22, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) issued an appeal to the residents of the country, which said: "Soviet Russia cannot give Petrograd even to a short time... The meaning of this city is too great, which first raised the banner of the uprising against the bourgeoisie. "

On June 13, the situation in Petrograd even more complicated: the anti-Bolshevik speeches of the Red Army teams broke out in the Forts of a Red Gorka, a gray horse, hoop. Anti-rebels were applied not only regular parts of the Red Army, but also the ship artillery of Baltflot. After the suppression of these speeches, the troops of the Petrograd front switched to the offensive and discarded parts of the yudenich to the Estonian territory. In October 1919, the second offensive of Yudenich on Petrograd was also ended in failure. In February 1920, the Red Army liberated Arkhangelsk, in March - Murmansk.

Events on the South Front. Having received considerable help from the countries of the Entente, Denikin's army in May-June 1919 passed on the offensive throughout the front. By June 1919, she seized the Donbass, a significant part of Ukraine, Belgorod, Tsaritsyn. The attack on Moscow began, during which the White was entered into Kursk and Eagle, took Voronezh.

On the Soviet territory began another wave of mobilization of forces and means under the motto: "Everything is on the fight against Denikin!" In October 1919, the Red Army passed into a counteroffensive. The first equestrian army S. M. Budenny played a major role in changing the position at the front. The rapid attack of the red in the fall of 1919 led to the division of the volunteer army into two parts - Crimea (General P. N. Wrangel was headed) and North Caucasian. In February-March 1920, her main forces were broken, the volunteer army ceased to exist.

To attract all the Russian population to fight the Bolsheviks, Wrangel decided to turn the Crimea - the last bridgehead of the White Movement - to a peculiar "experienced field", recreated there with a democratic order interrupted there. On May 25, 1920, the "Earth Act" was published, the author of which was the closest associate of Stolypin A. V. Krivoshei, headed in 1920 "Government of the South of Russia" in 1920.

For the previous owners, some of their possessions are preserved, but the size of this part is not installed in advance, but is the subject of the judgment of the volost and countable institutions that local economic conditions are more familiar ... The fee for the alienated land should be made by new owners of bread, which is referred to in the state Stock ... State revenue from the bread contributions of new owners should serve as the main source for remuneration for the alienated land of its former owners, the calculation with which the government recognizes the obligatory ".

The "Law on Survey and Rural Communities" was also published, which could be organs of peasant self-government in return for rural councils. In an effort to attract Cossacks to his side, Wrangel approved a new provision on the procedure for regional autonomy for Cossack lands. Workers were promised by factory legislation, actually protecting their rights. However, the time was missed. In addition, Lenin understood perfectly well, what a threat to the Bolshevik authorities is a planned planned plan. Decisive measures were taken to eliminate the last "focus of counter-revolution" in Russia.

War with Poland. The defeat of the Wrangel. Nevertheless, the main event of 1920 was the war of Soviet Russia with Poland. In April 1920, the head of the independent Poland Y. Pilsudsky gave an order about the offensive to Kiev. It was officially announced that it is only about providing assistance to the Ukrainian people in the liquidation of Soviet power and the restoration of Ukraine's independence. On the night of May 7, Kiev was taken. However, the intervention of the Poles was perceived by the population of Ukraine as an occupation. These sentiments took advantage of the Bolsheviks, who managed to rally in the face of the external danger, various layers of society.

Virtually all the forces of the Red Army were thrown against Poland, united in the composition of the Western and South-Western fronts. The former officers of the Tsarist Army M. N. Tukhachevsky and A. I. Egorov became their commander. June 12 Kiev was released. Soon the RKKKA went on the border with Poland, which caused the hopes of the Bolshevik leaders in the ambulance implementation of the ideas of the world revolution in Western Europe. In the order in the Western Front, Tukhachevsky wrote: "We will bring happiness and peace to working on our bayonies. To the West!" However, the Red Army entered into Polish territory received rebuff. They did not support the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world revolution and the Polish workers who defended the state sovereignty of their country with arms in their hands. On October 12, 1920, a peace treaty with Poland was signed in Riga, according to which the territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus were translated.

By concluding peace with Poland, the Soviet command focused all the power of the Red Army to combat the Army of Wrangel. The troops of the newly created South Front under the command of Frunze in November 1920 were assigned to the positions at the silence and Chongar, forced Sivash. The last fight of red and white was especially violent and cruel. The remains of the once terrible volunteer army rushed to the ships focused in the Crimean ports of the Black Sea squadron. Almost 100 thousand people were forced to leave their homeland.

Peasant uprisings in Central Russia. The collisions between the regular parts of the Red Army and the White Guards were the facade of the Civil War, demonstrating two of its extreme poles, not the most numerous but the most organized. Meanwhile, the victory of this or that side depended on the sympathy and support of the people, and above all the peasantry.

Decree on the ground gave residents of the village what they achieved so long, the landowner. On this, his revolutionary mission was considered the peasants finished. They were grateful to the Soviet power for the land, but they did not hurry for this power with a weapon in their hands, hoping to wait anxious time in her village, near his own put on her own. Emergency food policy was encountered by peasants hostile. In the village began clashes with the prospects. Only in July-August 1918 in central Russia such collisions were recorded more than 150.

When the Reviable Council announced mobilization into the Red Army, the peasants responded with mass evasion from her. Cause points were not up to 75% of conscripts (in some counties of Kursk provincial, the number of barking reached 100%). On the eve of the first anniversary October revolution In the 80 counties of Central Russia, peasant uprisings almost simultaneously broke out. Mobilized peasants, capturing weapons from calling points, raised their fellow villagers at the defeat of the Combedov, the Soviets, party cells. The main political demand of the peasantry was the slogan "Tips without Communists!". The Bolsheviks declared the peasant uprisings "Kulatsky", although they took part in them, and even the poor. True, the very concept of "fist" was very uncertain and was rather political than economic meaning (once dissatisfied with the Soviet government, which means "fist").

For the suppression of the uprisings, parts of the Red Army were thrown, chk detachments. The leaders, instigators of speeches, hostage were shot at the sceve. The punitive organs conducted mass arrests of former officers, teachers, officials.

"Fastening". The wide layers of the Cossacks were fluked for a long time in choosing between red and white. However, some Bolshevik leaders unconditionally considered all the Cossacks of the counter-revolutionary force, an extremely hostile rest people. With regard to the Cossacks, repressive measures were conducted, called "Slasking".

In response, the uprising broke out in the Veshenskaya and other villages of the top-union. Cossacks declared mobilization of men from 19 to 45 years. Created shelves and divisions numbered about 30 thousand people. In the forge and workshops, handicraft production of peak, saber, ammunition was launched. The approach to the villages was obscured by the trenches and trenches.

The Revoensive South Front ordered the troops to defeat the uprising "by applying the most severe measures" until the burning of the rebels, merciless execution of the "all without exception" of the participants of the speech, shooting every fifth adult man, mass taking hostages. By order of Trotsky, an expeditionary building was created to fight the reserves Cossacks.

Veshenskoye uprising, chanting the significant forces of the Red Army, suspended the onset of the southern front parts successfully in January 1919. Denikin immediately took advantage of this. His troops switched to counteroffensive on a wide front in the direction of Donbass, Ukraine, Crimea, Upper Don and Tsaritsyn. On June 5, Veshensky rebels and parts of the White Guard breakthrough were connected.

These events forced the Bolsheviks to revise the Cossack Policy. On the basis of the expeditionary building, a housing was formed from the Cossacks who were in the service in the Red Army. His commander was assigned to the most popular in the Cossacks of F. K. Mironov. In August 1919, Sovvrkkom said that "it is not going to edit anyone forcibly, does not go against the Cossack life, leaving the labor Cossacks of their village and the farm, their land, the right to wear what the form (for example, lamps) wants." The Bolsheviks assured that they would not revenge the Cossacks for the past. In October, by decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), Mironov appealed to the Don Cossacks. The appeal of the most popular among the Cossacks of the figure played a huge role, the Cossacks in the main mass passed to the side of Soviet power.

Peasants against whites. The mass discontent of the peasants was observed in the rear of the white armies. However, it had a somewhat different orientation than in the rear in the red. If the peasants of the central regions of Russia opposed the introduction of emergency measures, but not against Soviet power as such, then the peasant movement in the rear of the white armies arose as a reaction to attempts to restore the old land and, it means that there was inevitably taking the belligent focus. After all, it was the Bolsheviks given to the forest peasants. At the same time, the allies of peasants in these areas became workers, which made it possible to create a wide anti-Belvardeysky front, which was strengthened by the entry into him, Mensheviks and Social common language with the White Guard rulers.

One of the most important reasons for the temporary victory of the anti-Bolshevik forces in Siberia in the summer of 1918 was the oscillations of the Siberian peasantry. The fact is that Siberia did not have land in land tenure, therefore, the decree on Earth changed little in the position of local farmers, nevertheless, they managed to deal with the Cabinet, government and monastic lands.

But with the establishment of the Kolchak authority, which abolished all the decrees of Soviet power, the position of the peasantry deteriorated. In response to mass mobilization in the army of the "Supreme Ruler of Russia", peasant uprisings broke out in a number of counties of Altai, Tobolskaya, Tomsk, the Yenisei province. In an effort to reverse the situation, Kolchak joined the path of exclusive laws by entering the death penalty, martial law, organizing punitive expeditions. All these measures caused mass discontent of the population. Peasant uprisings embraced all Siberia. Guerrilla movement.

Similarly, events developed in the south of Russia. In March 1919, the Denikin government published a draft land reform. However, the final decision of the land issue was made up to the complete victory over the Bolshevism and was rented for the future Legislative Assembly. In the meantime, the government of the South of Russia demanded to provide the owners of the captured lands a third of the entire harvest. Some representatives of the Denikin administration went even further, starting to watery expelled landlords on old ashes. It caused mass discontent of the peasants.

"Green". Makhnovsky movement. A somewhat differently developed the peasant movement in the areas border between the red and white fronts, where the authorities changed constantly, but each of them required submission to their orders and laws, sought to replenish their ranks due to the mobilization of the local population. Desertion and white, and from the Red Army, peasants, fleeing from new mobilization, hid in the forests and created partisan detachments. With his symbol they chose green color - The color of the will and freedom, at the same time opposing itself and red, and white movements. "Eh, apple, ripe color, on the left of red beat, right - white," hooked in the peasant detachments. Speeches of Green covered the entire south of Russia: the Black Sea region, the North Caucasus, Crimea.

The greatest scope of the peasant movement reached in the south of Ukraine. In many ways, it was connected with the personality of the head of the rebel army N. I. Makhno. Even during the first revolution, he joined the anarchists, participated in terrorist acts, was serving indefinite cautious. In March 1917, Makhno returned to his homeland - in the village of Guliai-Field of Yekaterinoslav province, where he was elected chairman of the local council. On September 25, he signed a decree on the elimination of landowners in a gulya-field, ahead of Lenin's question exactly for a month. When Ukraine was occupied by the Austro-German troops, Makhno gathered a detachment that made raids on German posts, the landlord estate faith. From all sides to the "Bat" soldiers began to flow. Fighting and with the Germans, and with the Ukrainian nationalists - Petlyurovtsy, Makhno did not let the territory and red with their prospecting, liberated by his detachments. In December 1918, the Army Makhno seized the largest city of Yuga - Catherine-Slav. By February 1919, the Makhnovsky army increased to 30 thousand regular fighters and 20 thousand unarmed reserves. Under his control was the chickered treasures of Ukraine, a number of the most important railway units.

Makhno agreed to join his detachments to the Red Army for the joint fight against Denikin. For victories, survived over Denikins, he, according to some information, was among the first to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner. And General Denikin promised for the head of Makhno half a million rubles. However, having military support for the Red Army, Makhno occupied an independent political position, establishing his own orders, ignoring the instructions of the central authorities. In addition, in the army, the "Batiki" reigned by partisan orders, the election of commanders. The Makhnovtsy did not disperse the robbery and the pains of white officers. Therefore, Makhno entered the conflict with the leadership of the Red Army. Nevertheless, the rebel army took part in the defeat of Wrangel, was thrown into the most difficult areas, suffered huge losses, after which it was disarmed. Makhno with a small detachment continued to fight against Soviet power. After a few collisions with the parts of the Red Army, he is with a handful devotees Gone abroad.

"Small Civil War." Despite the end of the war with red and white, the Bolshevik policies in relation to the peasantry has not changed. Moreover, in many birro-producing provinces of Russia, the privacy has tightened even more. In the spring and summer of 1921, a terrible hunger broke out in the Volga region. He was provoked not so much a strong drought as the fact that after the confiscation of excess products in the fall of the peasants left neither grain for crops, nor the desire to sink and treat the land. More than 5 million people died of hunger.

Especially the intense situation was formed in the Tambov province, where the summer of 1920 was arid. And when the Tambov peasants received a plan for the exverser, not taking into account this circumstance, they rebelled. At the head of the uprising, the former chief of the police of the Kirsanovsky county of the Tambov province, Ersa A. S. Antonov stood up.

Simultaneously with Tambov, uprisings in the Volga region, on Don, Kuban, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, in Belarus, Karelia, Central Asia, broke out. The period of peasant performances 1920-1921 It was named contemporaries of "Little Civil War." The peasants created their army, who stormed and captured cities, put forward political demands, formed the authorities. The Union of Labor Peasantry of the Tambov province determined its main task as follows: "The overthrow of the power of the Communists-Bolsheviks, who brought the country to poverty, death and shame". The peasant troops of the Volga region put forward the slogan replacement of the Soviet power by the Constituent Assembly. In Western Siberia, the peasants demanded the establishment of the peasant dictatorship, the convening of the constituent assembly, denationalization of industry, equalization land use.

All the power of the regular red army was thrown on the suppression of peasant uprisings. Communications teams - Tukhachevsky, Frunze, Frunze, and others were commanded by combat operations - Tukhachevsky, Frunze, the methods of massoids of the population - the taking of hostages, the shootings of the relatives of "bandits", expulsion to the north of entire villages, "sympathizing bandits".

Kronstadt uprising. The consequences of the civil war affected the city. Due to the lack of raw materials and fuel, many enterprises closed. Workers found out on the street. Many of them went to the village in search of food. In 1921, Moscow lost half of their workers, Petrograd is two thirds. The productivity of labor in the industry has sharply fell. In some industries, it reached only 20% of the pre-war level. In 1922, 538 stackers took place, the number of strikers exceeded 200 thousand people.

On February 11, 1921, in Petrograd, he was announced soon, due to the lack of raw materials and fuel, 93 industrial enterprises, including such major factories as Pu-Tilovsky, Sestroretsky, Triangle. Perturbed workers went to the streets, strikes began. By order of the demonstration authorities, the parts of the Petrograd cadets were accelerated.

The unrest reached Kronstadt. On February 28, 1921, a meeting was convened on the Petropavlovsk battleship. His chairman - Senior Chericar S. Petrichenko - announced a resolution: immediate re-election of advice with secret ballot, since "these advice do not express the will of workers and peasants"; freedom of speech and press; liberation of "political prisoners - members of socialist parties"; elimination of the exverser and prosperity; freedom of trade, freedom for peasants to handle land and have livestock; Power to the Soviets, and not to the parties. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe rebels was the elimination of the monopoly of the Bolsheviks on power. On March 1, this resolution was adopted on a joint rally of the garrison and residents of the city. The delegation of Kronstadts sent to Petrograd, where mass workers' mass strikes were arrested. In response, a temporary revolutionary committee was created in Kronstadt. On March 2, the Soviet government declared the Kronstadt rebellion of the insurgency and introduced a siege position in Petrograd.

Any negotiations with the "rebels" were rejected by the Bolsheviks, and the Trotsky who arrived in Petrograd on March 5 spoke with the sailors of an ultimatum. At the ultimatum, Kronstadt did not answer. Then the troops began to pull on the shore of the Finnish bay. For the leadership of the fortress storming of the fortress, the head of the Red Army S. S. Kamenev and M. N. Tukhachevsky. Military specialists could not not understand how great the victims will be. But still the order to go to the assault was given. The Red Army women fell on loose Martam ice, in the open space, under uninterrupted fire. The first assault was unsuccessful. The delegates of the X Congress of the RCP (b) took part in the second storm. March 18, Kronstadt stopped resistance. Part of the sailors, 6-8 thousand, went to Finland, more than 2.5 thousand were captured. They were expected by the harsh disgrace.

Causes of white motion damage. The armed confrontation between white and red ended the victory of red. White motion leaders failed to offer the people of an attractive program. Laws were restored on the territories controlled Russian EmpireProperty returned to previous owners. And although none of the White Governments launched an idea of \u200b\u200bthe restoration of monarchical orders, the people perceived them as fighters for the old power, for the return of the king and landowners. The national policy of white generals, their fanatic commitment to the slogan "United and indivisible Russia" has not been popular.

White movement could not become a core that consolidates all anti-Bolshevik forces. Moreover, refusing to cooperate with the socialist parties, the generals themselves split the anti-Bolshevik front, turning the Mensheviks, Socialist Republics, anarchists and their supporters in their opponents. Yes, and in the very white mill there was no unity and interaction in any political, nor in the military field. The movement did not have such a leader, whose authority would be recognized by everyone, who would understand that civil war is not the battle of armies, but the battle of political programs.

And finally, on the bitter recognition of the white generals themselves, one of the reasons for the defeat was the moral decomposition of the army, the use of measures to the population, which did not fit into the Code of honor: robbery, pogroms, punitive expeditions, violence. White movement began "almost saints", and finished "almost bandits" - such a sentence made one of the ideologues of the movement, the leader of Russian nationalists V. V. Shulgin.

The emergence of national states on the outskirts of Russia. National outskirts of Russia were drawn to the civil war. On October 29, the power of the Provisional Government was overthrown in Kiev. However, the Central Rada refused to recognize the Bolshevik Council of Ukraine's legal government of Russia. At the Soviets convened in Kiev, the majority turned out to be the supporters of Rada. The Bolsheviks left the congress. On November 7, 1917, the Central Rada proclaimed the creation of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Abandoned the Kiev Congress of the Bolsheviks in December 1917 in Kharkov, inhabited by Russians, convened the 1st All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets, who proclaimed Ukraine to the Soviet Republic. The congress decided to establish federative relations with Soviet Russia, elected the CEC of the Council and formed the Ukrainian Soviet government. At the request of this government to combat Central Rada to Ukraine, troops arrived from Soviet Russia. In January 1918, in a number of cities of Ukraine, armed performances of workers broke out, during which the Soviet government was established. On January 26 (February 8), 1918, Kiev was taken by the troops of the Red Army. January 27, the Central Rada applied for help from Germany. Soviet power in Ukraine was eliminated by the price of Austro-German occupation. In April 1918, the Central Rada was dispersed. The hetman became General P. P. Scoropadsky, proclaiming the creation of the Ukrainian Power.

Comparatively rapidly, Soviet power won in Belarus, Estonia and the unexposed part of Latvia. However, the starting revolutionary transformations were interrupted by German offensive. In February 1918, Minsk was captured by German troops. With the permission of the German command, the bourgeois-nationalistic government was created here, which announced the creation of the Belarusian People's Republic and on the Department of Belarus from Russia.

In the front-line territory of Latvia, controlled by Russian troops, the positions of the Bolsheviks were stronger. They managed to fulfill the task assigned to the party - to prevent the transfer to Petrograd faithful to the temporary government of the troops from the front. The revolutionary parts have become an active force in establishing Soviet power on the unexposed territory of Latvia. By decision of the party to Petrograd, the company of Latvian arrows was sent to protect the Smolny and Bolshevik leadership. In February 1918, the entire territory of Latvia was captured by the German troops; Old orders began to recover. Even after the defeat of Germany, with the consent of the Entente, her troops remained in Latvia. On November 18, 1918, a temporary bourgeois government was created here, who announced by Latvia by an independent republic.

On February 18, 1918, German troops invaded Estonia. In November 1918, the temporary bourgeois government began to operate here, who signed on November 19, a contract with Germany on the transfer of all the completeness of power. In December 1917, the Lithuanian Council - Bourgeois Lithuanian Government - made a declaration "On the Eternal Union Relations of the Lithuanian State with Germany". In February 1918, the "Lithuanian Council" with the consent of the German occupation authorities adopted an act of independence of Lithuania.

Several otherwise develops events in the Transcaucasia. In November 1917, the Menshevik Transcaucasian Commissariat, National Military Units was created here. The activities of the Soviets and the Bolshevik Party were banned. In February 1918, a new authority arose - the Sejm, who announced the Transcaucasus "Independent Federal Democratic Republic". However, in May 1918, this union broke up, after which there were three bourgeois republics - Georgian, Azerbaijani and Armenian, headed by governments of moderate socialists.

Construction of the Soviet Federation. Part of the national outflows that declared their sovereignty became part of the Russian Federation. In Turkestan, on November 1, 1917, the authorities went into the hands of the regional council and the executive committee of the Tashkent Council, which consisted of Russians. At the end of November, a question of autonomy of Turkestan and the creation of the National Government was raised at the Extraordinary Communication Congress in Kokanda, but in February 1918, the Kokandan autonomy was eliminated by the detachments of local Krasnogvardeys. At the end of April, the regional congress of the Soviets took the "Regulation on the Turkestan Soviet Federative Republic" as part of the RSFSR. Part of the Muslim population perceived these events as an offensive on Islamic traditions. The organization of partisan detachments began, challenged power in Turkestan's councils. The members of these detachments were called Basmac.

In March 1918, decree was published on the announcement of the territory of the Southern Urals and the Middle Volga, the Tatar-Bashkir Soviet Republic in the RSFSR. In May 1918, the congress of the Soviets of Kuban and Chernomoria proclaimed the Kubano-Black Sea republic an integral part of the RSFSR. At the same time, the Don Autonomous Republic was formed, the Soviet republic of Taurida in the Crimea.

Proclamation of Russia by the Soviet federal republic, the Bolsheviks initially did not determine the clear principles of its device. Often she thought as a federation of the Soviets, i.e. The territories on which the Soviet power existed. For example, the Moscow region, which is part of the RSFSR, was a federation of the provincial councils, each of which had its own government.

As the Bolsheviks are strengthened by the Bolsheviks, their views on the construction of a federal state have become more definite. State autonomy began to be recognized only for the peoples who organized their national advice, and not for each regional council, as it was in 1918, Bashkir, Tatarskaya, Kyrgyz (Kazakh), Gorskaya, Dagestan National Autonomous Republic were created as part of the Russian Federation, and Also Chuvash, Kalmytskaya, Mari, Udmurt Autonomous Region, Karelian Labor Commune and Commune of Germans Volga region.

The establishment of Soviet power in Ukraine, in Belarus and the Baltic States. On November 13, 1918, the Soviet government annulled the Brest Treaty. The issue of expansion arose on the agenda soviet system Due to the liberation of territories occupied by German-Austrian troops. This task was made pretty quickly, which was facilitated by three circumstances: 1) the presence of a significant number of Russian population, which undertook to restore a single state; 2) the armed intervention of the Red Army; 3) existence in these territories of communist organizations entering into a single batch. "Sovietization", as a rule, was held according to a single scenario: the preparation of the Communists of the armed uprising and the call allegedly on behalf of the people to the Red Army to assist to establish Soviet power.

In November 1918, the Ukrainian Soviet Republic was recreated, the temporary workers' and peasant government of Ukraine was formed. However, on December 14, 1918, the power in Kiev seized the bourgeois-nationalist directory led by V. K. Vinnichenko and S. V. Petly Roy. In February 1919, the Soviet troops occupied Kiev, and in the future the territory of Ukraine became the isna of confrontation between the Red Army and the army of Denikin. In 1920, Polish troops invaded Ukraine. However, neither the Germans nor Poles nor the White Army of Denikin did not enjoy the support of the population.

But national governments have no mass support and the Central Rada and Directory. This happened because national questions were paramount to them, while the peasantry was waiting for agrarian reform. That is why the Ukrainian peasants hotly supported the Anarchists-Makhnovtsev. The nationalists could not count on the support of the urban population, as in major cities a large percentage, primarily the proletariat, was Russians. Over time, the red could finally gain a foothold in Kiev. In 1920, the Soviet government was established in the Left-Bank Moldova, which became part of the Ukrainian SSR. But the main part of Moldova - Bessarabia remained under the rule of the conquered it in December 1917. Romania.

The Red Army tried victory in the Baltic States. In November 1918, the Austro-German troops were expelled from there. Soviet republics arose in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In November, the Red Army joined the territory of Belarus. On December 31, the Communists formed the Interim Workers' Peasant Government, and on January 1, 1919 this government proclaimed the creation of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. The DVIK recognized the independence of the new Soviet republics and expressed their readiness to provide them with all the assistance. Nevertheless, the Soviet power in the Baltic countries lasted for a long time, and in 1919-1920. With the help of European states, the power of national governments was restored there.

Establishment of Soviet power in the Transcaucasus. By mid-April 1920, the Soviet government was restored throughout the North Caucasus. In the republics of the Transcaucasus - Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia - the authorities remained in the hands of national governments. In April 1920, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) has formed a special Caucasian Bureau (Kavbüro) at the headquarters of the 11th Army, operating in the North Caucasus. On April 27, the Azerbaijan Communists presented the government to the Ultimatum on the transfer of power to the Soviets. On April 28, parts of the Red Army were introduced in Baku, together with which the prominent figures of the Bolsheviks party of G. K. Ordzhonikidze, S. M. Kirov, A. I. Mikoyan arrived. The Interim Revolutionary Committee proclaimed Azerbaijan by the Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Chairman of Kavburo Ordzhonikidze on November 27 presented to the Armenian government an ultimatum: to convey power to the Revolutionary Committee of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic formed in Azerbaijan. Without waiting for the expiration of the term of the ultimatum, the 11th Army entered the territory of Armenia. Armenia was proclaimed by a sovereign socialist state.

The Georgian Menshevist Government used the authority among the population, had a rather strong army. In May 1920, in the conditions of war with Poland, Sovvrkkom signed an agreement with Georgia, in which the independence and Su-S. M. Kirov relieves the venitate of the Georgian state. In return, the Georgian government was obliged to resolve the activities of the Communist Party and to bring foreign military units from Georgia. S. M. Kirov was appointed Plenipotentiary Representative of the RSFSR. In February 1921, a Military Revolutionary Committee was established in a small Georgian village, who asked in the fight against the Government of the Red Army. On February 25, the 11th Army shelves entered Tiflis, Georgia was proclaimed by the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Fighting bass quality. During the Civil War, the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic turned out to be cut from Central Russia. The Red Army of Turkestan was created here. In September 1919, the troops of the Turkestan Front under the command of M. V. Frunze broke through the environment and restored the connection of the Turkestan Republic with the center of Russia.

Under the leadership of the Communists on February 1, 1920, an uprising against the Khiva Khan was raised. The rebels supported the Red Army. The congress of the Councils of People's Representatives (Kurultay) was held soon in Kurultai, the creation of the Khorezm People's Republic. In August 1920, the prommunist forces raised an uprising in Charges and turned for help to the Red Army. Red troops under the command of M. V. Frunze in stubborn battles took Bukhara, Emir fled. At the beginning of October 1920, the Allbharic People's Kurultay was proclaimed the formation of the Bukhara People's Republic.

In 1921, the Basmar Movement entered a new phase. He was headed by the former Military Minister of the Turkish Government Enver Pasha, who has tried plans to create in Turkestan to the Union Turkey of the state. He managed to combine the scattered bass detachments and create a single army, to establish close ties with the Afghans who supplied bass arms and gave them asylum. In the spring of 1922, the Enver Pasha army seized a significant part of the territory of the Bukhara People's Republic. The Soviet government sent a regular army in Central Russia to Central Russia, reinforced by aviation. In August 1922, Enver Pasha was killed in battle. The Central Committee of the Central Committee went on a compromise with Izlam's adherents. Mosques were returned to their land ownership, the courts of Sharia and religious schools were restored. Such a policy gave its results. Basmology has lost mass support for the population.

What you need to know on this topic:

The socio-economic and political development of Russia at the beginning of the XX century. Nicholas II.

Domestic politics tsarism. Nicholas II. Strengthening repression. "Police Socialism."

Russian-Japanese war. Causes, turn, results.

Revolution 1905 - 1907. Character, driving forces and features of the Russian revolution 1905-1907. Stages of revolution. Causes of defeat and value of the revolution.

Elections to the State Duma. I State Duma. Agrarian question in the Duma. Duma overclocking. II State Duma. Message June 3, 1907

Treysian political system. Electoral Law on June 3, 1907 III State Duma. Alignment of political forces in the Duma. The activities of the Duma. Government terror. The working movement in 1907-1910.

Stolypin agrarian reform.

IV State Duma. Party Composition and Duma factions. The activities of the Duma.

Political crisis in Russia on the eve of the war. Summer movement in the summer of 1914. The crisis of the tops.

The international situation of Russia at the beginning of the XX century.

The beginning of the First World War. Origin and character of war. Russia's accession to war. Attitude towards the war of parties and classes.

Military course. Strategic forces and plans of the parties. Results of war. The role of the Eastern Front in the First World War.

Russia's economy during the First World War.

Working and peasant movement in 1915-1916. Revolutionary movement in the army and fleet. The growth of anti-war moods. Formation of bourgeois opposition.

Pussa culture XIX - early XX century.

The exacerbation of socio-political contradictions in the country in January-February 1917 the beginning, prerequisites and nature of the revolution. Uprising in Petrograd. The formation of the Petrograd Council. Temporary Committee. State Duma. Order N I. Education of the Provisional Government. Subject of Nicholas II. The causes of the occurrence of dwellers and its essence. February coup in Moscow, at the front, in the province.

From February by October. Provisional government policy regarding war and peace, in agrarian, national, work issues. Relationship between temporary government and advice. Arrival V.I. Lenin to Petrograd.

Political parties (Cadets, Esers, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks): Political programs, influence in the masses.

Crisis of temporary government. Attempting military coup in the country. The growth of revolutionary moods in the masses. Bolshevization of metropolitan councils.

Preparation and holding of an armed uprising in Petrograd.

II. All-Russian Congress Soviets. Decisions on power, peace, land. Formation of government and management bodies. The composition of the first Soviet government.

The victory of armed uprising in Moscow. Government agreement with the left ester. Elections to the Constituent Assembly, convening it and overclocking.

The first socio-economic transformations in the field of industry, agriculture, finance, worker and female issues. Church and state.

Brest peace treaty, its conditions and meaning.

The economic tasks of the Soviet power in the spring of 1918. The aggravation of the food issue. Introduction of food dictatorship. Working jobs. Combs.

Mount of left speakers and collapse of the bipartisan system in Russia.

The first Soviet Constitution.

Causes of intervention and civil war. Military course. Human and material losses of the period of civil war and military intervention.

The internal policy of the Soviet leadership during the war years. "Military Communism". Plan Goello.

The policy of the new government in relation to culture.

Foreign policy. Contracts with border countries. Russia's participation in the Genoese, Hague, Moscow and Lausanne conferences. The diplomatic recognition of the USSR is the main capitalist countries.

Domestic policy. The socio-economic and political crisis of the beginning of the 20s. Hunger 1921-1922. Transition to new economic Policy. The essence of Nap. NEP in the field of agriculture, trade, industry. Financial reform. Restoration of the economy. Crisis during the NEP period and its turning.

Projects for creating the SSR Union. I Congress of the Councils of the USSR. The first government and the USSR Constitution.

Disease and death V.I. Lenin. Internartian struggle. Start the formation of Stalin's power regime.

Industrialization and collectivization. Development and implementation of the first five-year plans. Socialist competition - purpose, shape, leaders.

Formation and strengthening of the state economy management system.

Course on solid collectivization. Spicking.

The results of industrialization and collectivization.

Political, national-state development in the 30s. Internartian struggle. Political repression. Forming a nomenclature as a layer of managers. Stalinist regime and the Constitution of the USSR 1936

Soviet culture in the 20-30s.

Foreign policy of the second half of the 20s - mid-30s.

Domestic policy. Growth of military production. Emergency measures in the field of labor legislation. Measures to solve the grain problem. Armed forces. The increase in the number of the Red Army. Military reform. Repressions against the RKKKA and RKKF team frames.

Foreign policy. Pact for nonsense and the contract on friendship and borders between the USSR and Germany. Entrance of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus in the USSR. Soviet-Finnish war. The inclusion of the republics of the Baltic States and other territories to the USSR.

Periodization of the Great Patriotic War. The initial stage of war. Transformation of the country into a military camp. Military defeats 1941-1942. And their causes. Basic military events. Surrender fascist Germany. The participation of the USSR in the war with Japan.

Soviet rear during the war years.

Deportation of peoples.

Partisan struggle.

Human and material losses during the war.

Creating an antihytler coalition. Declaration of United Nations. The problem of the second front. Conference "Big Troika". Problems of post-war peaceful settlement and comprehensive cooperation. USSR and the UN.

The beginning of the "Cold War". The contribution of the USSR into the creation of a "socialist camp". The formation of CEV.

Internal policy of the USSR in the mid-40s - early 50s. Restoration of the national economy.

Public and political life. Policies in the field of science and culture. Continuation of repression. "Leningrad business." Campaign against cosmopolitanism. "Case doctors."

The socio-economic development of the Soviet society in the mid-50s - the first half of the 60s.

Public and political development: XX Congress of the CPSU and the condemnation of the cult of the personality of Stalin. Rehabilitation of victims of repression and deportations. Internartian struggle in the second half of the 50s.

Foreign Policy: Creation of ATS. Enter Soviet troops in Hungary. The aggravation of Soviet-Chinese relations. Split "Socialist Camp". Soviet-American relations and the Caribbean crisis. USSR and the third world countries. Reducing the number of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Moscow Treaty on the limitation of nuclear tests.

The USSR in the mid-60s - the first half of the 80s.

Socio-economic development: Economic reform of 1965

The increase in the difficulties of economic development. The fall in the pace of socio-economic growth.

Constitution of the USSR 1977

The socio-political life of the USSR in the 1970s - early 1980s.

Foreign Policy: non-proliferation agreement nuclear weapons. Fastening post-war borders in Europe. Moscow Treaty with FRG. Security and Cooperation Meeting in Europe (CSCE). Soviet-American agreements of the 70s. Soviet-Chinese relations. Enter Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan. The exacerbation of international tensions and the USSR. Strengthening the Soviet-American confrontation in the early 80s.

USSR in 1985-1991

Domestic policy: an attempt to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country. An attempt to reform the political system of the Soviet society. Couples people's Deputies. Election of the President of the USSR. Multi-Parliament. The aggravation of the political crisis.

Aggravation of the national question. Attempts to reform the National-State Device of the USSR. Declaration on the state sovereignty of the RSFSR. "Novoyogarevsky process." Disintegration of the USSR.

Foreign policy: Soviet-American relations and disarmament problem. Contracts with leading capitalist countries. The conclusion of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Changes in relations with the countries of the Socialist Commonwealth. Disintegration of the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance and the Organization of the Warsaw Treaty.

the Russian Federation In 1992-2000

Domestic policy: "Shock therapy" in the economy: price liberalization, stages of privatization of trade and industrial enterprises. Fall of production. Strengthening social tensions. Growing and slowing the pace of financial inflation. The aggravation of the struggle between executive and legislative power. The dissolution of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies. October events of 1993. The abolition of local bodies of Soviet power. Elections to the Federal Assembly. Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993 formation of the Presidential Republic. The exacerbation and overcoming of national conflicts in the North Caucasus.

Parliamentary elections 1995 Presidential elections 1996 Power and opposition. Attempting to return to the course of liberal reforms (spring 1997) and its failure. August 1998 financial crisis: causes, economic and political consequences. "The Second Chechen War." Parliamentary elections in 1999 and early presidential elections 2000. Foreign policy: Russia in the CIS. Participation of Russian troops in the "hot spots" of neighboring countries: Moldova, Georgia, Tajikistan. Relations of Russia with foreign countries. The withdrawal of Russian troops from Europe and neighboring countries. Russian-American agreements. Russia and NATO. Russia and the Council of Europe. Yugoslav crises (1999-2000) and the position of Russia.

  • Danilov A.A., Kososulina L.G. The history of the states and peoples of Russia. XX century.

Civil War and Military Intervention of 1917-1922 in Russia - an armed struggle for power between representatives of various classes, social layers and groups of the former Russian Empire with the participation of the fourth union troops and anntha.

The main causes of civil war and military intervention were: the intransigence of positions, groups and classes in matters of the authorities, the economic and political course of the country; the bid of opponents of the Soviet rule on overthrowing it armed with the support of foreign countries; The desire of the latter to protect their interests in Russia and prevent the spread of the revolutionary movement in the world; the development of national-separatist movements on the outskirts of the former Russian Empire; The radicalism of the Bolshevik leadership, which considered the revolutionary violence of the achievement of its political goals, and his desire to realize the ideas of the "World Revolution".

As a result of the year in Russia, the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Bolsheviks) came to power and supporting it (until July 1918), the party of Left Socialists, expressed mainly the interests of the Russian proletariat and the poorest peasantry. They were opposed to the mothers in their social composition and often disparate forces of another (unpoletarian) part of the Russian society, represented by numerous parties, currents, associations, etc., often hostile among themselves, but who followed, as a rule, anti-Bolshevik orientation. An open clash in the struggle for power between these two major political forces in the country led to the civil war. The main tools to achieve the goals in it were: On the one hand, the Red Guard (then the worker-peasant Red Army), on the other - the White Army.

In November-December 1917, the Soviet power was established for most of the territory of Russia, but in a number of regions of the country, mainly in the Cossack regions, local authorities refused to recognize the Soviet government. Manyheads broke out in them.

Foreign powers intervened in the domestic political struggle that unfolded in Russia. After the release of Russia from World War II, the German and Austro-Hungarian troops in February 1918 occupied part of Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic and South of Russia. To preserve Soviet power, Soviet Russia went on the conclusion of the Brest world (March 1918).

In March 1918, the Anglo-Franco-American troops landed in Murmansk; In April - Japanese troops in Vladivostok. In May, the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps began, which consisted mainly of the former prisoners of war in Russia and returned through Siberia.

The rebellion revived internal counter-revolution. With its help in May-July 1918, Czechoslovaki seized the average Volga region, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. To combat them the Eastern Front was formed.

The direct participation of the forces of the Antanka in the war was limited. They mainly carried the guard service, participated in the battles against the rebels, provided material and moral assistance to white movement, carried out punitive functions. Anntan also established the economic blockade of Soviet Russia, seizing the most important economic areas, providing political pressure on neutral states interested in trade with Russia, and introducing a marine blockade. Large-scale military actions against the Red Army were only part of a separate Czechoslovak Corps.

In the south of Russia, with the help of the interventory, the foci of counter-revolution appeared: the white Cossacks on the Don led by Ataman Krasnov, the Volunteer Army of Lieutenant General Anton Denikin in Kuban, bourgeois-nationalist regimes in Transcaucasia, Ukraine, etc.

By the summer of 1918, numerous groups and governments opposed to Soviet power were formed on 3/4 of the country. By the end of the summer, the Soviet power was preserved mainly in the central regions of Russia and part of the territory of Turkestan.

To combat external and internal counter-revolution, the Soviet government was forced to increase the number of the Red Army, to improve its organizational and staff, operational and strategic management. Instead, the curtain began to create front and army associations with the relevant management bodies (South, North, Western and Ukrainian fronts). Under these conditions, the Soviet government nationalized the large and middle industry, took control of the small, introduced a labor service for the population, the privacy (the policy of "military communism") and on September 2, 1918 declared a country with a single military camp. All these events made it possible to reverse the course of the armed struggle. In the second half of 1918, the Red Army won the first victories on the Eastern Front, freed the territory of the Volga region, part of the Urals.

After the revolution in Germany, which occurred in November 1918, the Soviet government annulled the Brest world, Ukraine and Belarus were liberated. However, the policy of "Military Communism", as well as "scattering" caused the peasant and Cossack uprisings in various regions and allowed the leaders of the anti-Bolshevik camp to form numerous armies and deploy a wide offensive against the Soviet Republic.

At the same time, the end of the First World War untied the hands of Antante. The released troops were thrown against Soviet Russia. In Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok and other cities, new parts of the intervention were landed. The help of the White Guard troops has sharply increased. As a result of the military coup in Omsk, the military dictatorship of Admiral Alexander Kolchak, the Miller of the Entente was established. In November-December 1918, his government based on the various White Guard Formations was created in the Urals and in Siberia.

Anntan's main blow decided to apply to Moscow from the south. For this purpose, large compounds of the interventionians landed in the Black Sea ports. In December, the army of Kolchak, who captured the Perm, intensified its actions, however, the parts of the Red Army, Miscean Ufa suspended its offensive.

At the end of 1918, the onset of the Red Army began on all fronts. Left Bank Ukraine, Don Region, South Urals, a number of districts in the north and north-west of the country were released. The Soviet Republic organized an active work on the decomposition of the arches forces. They started the revolutionary speeches of the soldiers, and the Military Guide to the Entente hastily brought the troops from Russia.

In the territories employed by the White Guards and the Interventory, the partisan movement was operating. Partisan formations were created by the spontaneous population or on the initiative of local party bodies. The partisan movement was the greatest scope in Siberia, in the Far East, Ukraine and the North Caucasus. It was one of the most important strategic factors providing the Soviet republic to the victory over numerous enemies.

In early 1919, Anntan has developed a new plan of attack on Moscow, in which a bet on the forces of internal counter-revolution and small, neighboring states with Russia were made.

The main role was assigned the army of Kolchak. Auxiliary strikes were applied: from the south - the Army of Denikin, from the West - Poles and the troops of the Baltic states, from the North-West - the White Guard Northern Corps and Finnish troops, from the north - the White Guard Troops of the Northern Region.

In March 1919, the Kolchak's army passed into the offensive, inflicting the main blows on the Ufa-Samara and Izhevsk-Kazan directions. She took possession of Ufa and began rapid advance to the Volga. The troops of the Eastern Front of the Red Army, withsting the opponent's blow, went to the counteroffensive, during which the Urals were occupied in May-July and in the next six months, with the active participation of partisans, - Siberia.

In the summer of 1919, the Red Army, without stopping the victorious offensive in the Urals and in Siberia, reflected the offensive on the basis of the White Guard Northern Corps of the North-West Army (General Nikolay Yudenich).

In the autumn of 1919, the main efforts of the Red Army were focused on the fight against the troops of Denikin, who launched an offensive in Moscow. The troops of the Southern Front defeated the army of Denikin under the eagle and Voronezh and by March 1920, they pushed their remnants to the Crimea and the North Caucasus. At the same time, the new onset of Yudenich was failed to Petrograd, and his army was crushed. Denicin's troops destruction in the North Caucasus, the Red Army completed in the spring of 1920. In early 1920, the northern regions of the country were liberated. The Entente states completely recalled their troops and removed the blockade.

In the spring of 1920, Antena organized a new campaign against Soviet Russia, in which Polish militarists were played by the main shock force, who planned the recovery of the Commonwealth in the borders of 1772, and the Russian army under the command of Lieutenant General Peter Wrangel. Polish troops The main blow was applied in Ukraine. By mid-May 1920, they advanced to the Dnieper, where they were stopped. During the offensive, the Red Army defeated Poles and in August came to Warsaw and Lviv. In October, Poland came out of the war.

Wrangegel's troops, who tried to break into the Donbass and the Right-Bank Ukraine were defeated in October-November during the counter-offentenance of the Red Army. The remains of them went abroad. The main foci of the civil war in Russia were eliminated. But on the outskirts she was still continued.

In 1921-1922, anti-Bolshevik uprisings were suppressed in Kronstadt, on Tambovschina, in a number of areas of Ukraine, etc., eliminated the remaining foci of the interventory and whitebardeans in Central Asia and the Far East (October 1922).

The civil war in Russia ended with the victory of the Red Army. The territorial integrity of the state, unpaved after the crash of the Russian Empire, was restored. Outside the Union of Soviet republics, the basis of which was Russia, only Poland remained, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as Bessarabia, attached to Romania, Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, who were departed to Poland.

The civil war fell indulged in the position of the country. The damage caused to the national economy was about 50 billion gold rubles, industrial production fell to 4-20% of 1913, agricultural production declined almost twice.

The irrevocable losses of the Red Army amounted to 940 thousand (mainly from epidemics of the Tifa) and sanitary losses - about 6.8 million people. White Guard troops, according to incomplete data, lost only 125 thousand people in battles. The total losses of Russia in the civil war amounted to about 13 million people.

During the Civil War, the most distinguished warlods in the Red Army were Joyakim Watietis, Alexander Egorov, Sergey Kamenev, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Vasily Blucher, Semenion, Vasily Chapaev, Grigory Kotovsky, Mikhail Frunze, Ion Yakir, etc.

Of the military leaders of the White Movement, Mikhail Alekseev, Peter Wrangel, Anton Denikin, Alexander Dutin, Laurel Kornilov, Yevgeny Miller, Gregory Semenov, Nikolay Yudenich, Alexander Kolchak, and others were played by the most prominent role in the civil war.

One of the contradictory figures of the Civil War was anarchist Nestor Makhno. He was the organizer of the "revolutionary rebel army of Ukraine", which in different periods fought against the Ukrainian nationalists, the Austro-German troops, the White Guards and the units of the Red Army. Makhno three times concluded agreements with the Soviet government on the joint struggle with the "domestic and world counter-revolution" and every time violated them. The core of his army (several thousand people) continued to fight until July 1921, when it was completely destroyed by the troops of the Red Army.



  • 1918 I Stage of the Civil War - "Democratic"
  • 1918, June Decree on nationalization
  • 1919, January Introduction
  • 1919. Fight against A.V. Kolchak, A.I. Denikina, Yudenich
  • 1920 Soviet-Polish War
  • 1920 Fight against P.N. Wrangel
  • 1920, November End of the Civil War in European Territory
  • 1922, October End of Civil War in the Far East

Civil War and Military Intervention

Civil War - "The armed struggle between the various groups of the population, which was based on deep social, national and political contradictions, was held with the active intervention of foreign forces various stages and stages ..." (Academician Yu.A. Polesov).

In modern historical science there is no single definition of the concept of "Civil War". IN encyclopedic dictionary We read: "Civil War is an organized armed struggle for power between classes, social groups, the most acute form Class struggle. " This definition actually repeats the famous Leninsky saying that civil war is the most acute form of class struggle.

Currently, various definitions are given, but their essence is mainly reduced to the definition of civil war as a large-scale armed confrontation, which undoubtedly resolved the issue of power. The seizure of state power in Russia and the constituent assembly that followed soon can be considered the beginning of an armed confrontation in Russia. The first shots are distributed in the south of Russia, in the Cossack regions, in the fall of 1917 in the fall

General Alekseev, the last chief of the headquarters of the royal army, begins to form a voluntary army on Don, but by the beginning of 1918 it is not more than 3,000 officers and cadets.

As I wrote A.I. Denikin in the "Essays of the Russian Discharge", "White movement grown spontaneously and inevitably."

The first months of the victory of the Soviet government armed clashes were local in nature, all opponents of the new government gradually determined their strategy and tactics.

Really front-line, large-scale character This confrontation took in the spring of 1918. We highlight the three main stages of the development of armed confrontation in Russia, based primarily from the accounting of the alignment of political forces and features of the formation of fronts.

The first stage begins in the spring of 1918when the military-political confrontation becomes global, large-scale military operations begin. The defining feature of this stage is its so-called "democratic" character, when representatives of socialist parties with slogans of the return of the political power of the constituent meeting and restoration of the conquests of the February Revolution were made by an independent antibolevistic camp. It is this camp that is chronologically ahead of its organizational design of the Belog Guard camp.

At the end of 1918, the second stage begins - The confrontation of white and red. Up to the beginning of 1920, one of the main political opponents of the Bolsheviks was the white movement with the slogans of the "unintention of the state system" and the liquidation of Soviet power. This direction was at risk not only the October, but also February conquest. Their main political force was the party of cadets, and the base of the formation of the army is the generals and officers of the former royal army. White united hatred for Soviet power and Bolsheviks, the desire to preserve a single and indivisible Russia.

The final stage of the Civil War begins in 1920. Events of the Soviet-Polish war and the struggle with P. N. Wrangelem. The defeat of Wrangel at the end of 1920 marked the end of the civil war, but the anti-Soviet armed speeches continued in many regions of Soviet Russia and during the years of new economic policy

Nationwide Armed struggle acquired since spring 1918 And turned into the greatest disaster, tragedy of all Russian people. In this war there were no right and guilty, winners and defeated. 1918 - 1920 - In these years, the military question was determined for the fate of the Soviet power and the anti-Bolshevik forces opposing it. This period ended with the liquidation in November 1920 of the last white front in the European part of Russia (in Crimea). In general, from the state of the Civil War, the country came out in the fall of 1922 after expulsion from the territory of the Russian Far East the remains of white formations and foreign (Japanese) military units.

The peculiarity of the Civil War in Russia was her close interlacing with anti-Soviet military intervention Powered by the Entente. She made the main factor in tightening and aggravating the bloody "Russian University".

So, in the periodization of the civil war and the intervention, three stages are quite clearly distinguished. The first of them covers time from spring to autumn 1918; The second - from the fall of 1918 to the end of 1919; And the third - from the spring of 1920 until the end of 1920

The first stage of the Civil War (Spring - Autumn 1918)

In the first months, the establishment of the Soviet power in Russia, armed clashes were locked, all opponents of the new government gradually determined their strategy and tactics. A nationwide armed struggle acquired from spring 1918. In January 1918, Romania, using the weakness of the Soviet government, captured Bessarabia. In March - April 1918, the first contingents of England, France, USA and Japan (in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, in Vladivostok, in Central Asia appeared in Russia. They were small and could not noticeably influence the military and political situation in the country. "Military Communism"

At the same time, the opponent of the Antanka - Germany - occupied the Baltic States, part of Belarus, Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus. The Germans actually dominated Ukraine: they overthrew the bourgeois-democratic Verkhovna Rada, which was used by the occupation of Ukrainian lands, and in April 1918 they set the hetman P.P. Scorpadian.

Under these conditions, the Supreme Council of the Entente decided to use 45-thousand Czechoslovak corpswho was (in coordination with Moscow) in his subordination. He consisted of the prisoners of the Slavs-Slavs of the Austro-Hungarian Army and followed the railway to Vladivostok for subsequent transit to France.

According to the Treaty concluded on March 26, 1918 with the Soviet government, Czechoslovak legionnaires were to move "not as a combat unit, but as a group of citizens who have arms to reflect armed attacks of counter-revolutionaries." However, their conflicts with local authorities became frequent during movement. Since the combat weapons in Chekhov and Slovaks were larger than envisaged by the agreement, the authorities decided to confiscate it. May 26 in Chelyabinsk conflicts have grown into real battles, and legionnaires occupied the city. Their armed performance was immediately supported by the Military Missions of the Entente in Russia and the Anti-Bolshevik forces. As a result, in the Volga region, in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East - wherever there were echelons with Czechoslovak Legioneers, "Soviet power was overthrown. At the same time, in many provinces of Russia, the peasants, displeased by the Bolshevik food policies, raised a riot (according to official data, only large anti-Soviet peasant uprisings were at least 130).

Socialist parties (mainly right-wing esters), relying on the landings of the Interventory, Czechoslovak Corps and peasant rebel detachments, formed a number of community governments (Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly) in Samara, Supreme Department of the Northern Region in Arkhangelsk, West Siberian Commissariat in Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk), Temporary Siberian Government in Tomsk, the Custinian Provisional Government in Ashgabat, and others. In their activities, they tried to draw up " democratic alternative"As a Bolshevik dictatorship and bourgeois monarchical counter-revolution. Their programs included the requirements of the convening of the Constituent Assembly, restoring the political rights of all citizens, freedom, freedom of trade and refusal from the rigid state regulation of the economic activity of peasants with the preservation of a number of important provisions of the Soviet Decree on Earth, the establishment of "social partnership" of workers and capitalists in the denationalization of industrial enterprises and etc.

Thus, the speech of the Czechoslavitsky corps gave the impetus to the formation of the front, which was called the so-called "democratic color" and was mainly ESEROVSKY. It is this front, and not a white movement was determining at the initial stage of the Civil War.

In the summer of 1918, all opposition forces became a real threat to the Bolshevik authorist, which controlled only the territory of the center of Russia. The territory controlled by commuchem included the Volga region and part of the Urals. The Bolshevik authorist was overthrown in Siberia, where the regional government of the Siberian Duma was formed. The trained part of the empire - Transcaucasia, Central Asia, the Baltic States had their national governments. Ukraine captured the Germans, Don and Kuban - Krasnov and Denikin.

On August 30, 1918, the terrorist group killed the chairman of the Petrograd CC Uritsky, and the right esciliatory Kaplan wounded Lenin. The threat of the loss of political power in the ruling party of the Bolsheviks has become catastrophically real.

In September 1918, a meeting of representatives of a number of anti-Bolshevik governments of democratic and social orientation was held in Ufa. Under the pressure of Czechoslovakov, threatened to open the front of the Bolsheviks, they established the Unified All-Russian Government - the Ufa directory led by the leaders of Shersov, N.D. Avksentiev and V.M. Zenzinov. Soon the directory settled in Omsk, where the famous polar explorer and a scientist, the former commander of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral A.V. was invited to the position of military minister. Kolchak.

The right, bourgeois monarchical wing of the opposing camp Bolsheviks as a whole has not yet recovered at that time from defeating their first post-beggar armed launcher on them (the "democratic color" of the initial stage of the civil war on the part of the anti-Soviet forces) was largely explained. White volunteer army, which after the death of General L.G. Cornilov in April 1918 was headed by General A.I. Denikin operated on a limited territory of Don and Kuban. Only the Cossack Army Ataman P.N. Krasnova managed to move to Tsaritsyn and cut off the bread areas of the North Caucasus from the central regions of Russia, and Ataman A.I. Dutov - capture Orenburg.

The position of Soviet power to the outcome of the summer of 1918 was critical. Almost three-quarters of the territory of the former Russian empire were under the control of various anti-Bolshevik forces, as well as occupying Austrian-German troops.

Soon, however, on the main front (Eastern) is a fracture. Soviet troops under the command of I.I. Valentis and S.S. Kamenev in September 1918 switched out there in the offensive. Kamen's first fell, then Simbirsk, in October - Samara. By winter, the reds approached the Urals. Attempts of General PN were reflected. Krasnov to master the Tsaritsyn undertaken in July and September 1918

From October 1918, the main front was the southern front. In the south of Russia, the Volunteer Army General A.I. Denikina captured Kuban, and the Don Cossack Army Ataman P.N. Krasnova tried to take Tsaritsyn and cut the Volga.

The Soviet government launched active actions to protect their power. In 1918, the transition to universal military dutyDeployed wide mobilization. The constitution adopted in July 1918, a discipline was established in the army, the Institute of Military Commissars was introduced.

Poster "You wrote down by volunteer"

The Central Committee of the Central Committee was allocated to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) for the operational solution of the problems of military and political nature. It included: V.I. Lenin - the chairman of the Sovnarkom; LB Krestinsky - Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party; I.V. Stalin - People's Commissar for Nationalities; LD Trotsky - Chairman of the Reviable Council of the Republic, the People's Commissar on Military and Maritime Affairs. Candidates for members were N.I. Bukharin - editor of the newspaper "Pravda", G.E. Zinoviev - Chairman of the Petrograd Council, M.I. Kalinin - Chairman of the DVI.

Under the direct control of the Central Committee of the Party, the Revivation of the Republic, headed by L.D. Trotsky. The Institute of Military Commissar was introduced in the spring of 1918, one of its important tasks was to control the activities of military specialists - former officers. Already at the end of 1918, about 7 thousand commissars operated in the Soviet Armed Forces. About 30 % former generals And the officers of the old army during the civil war spoke on the side of the Red Army.

This was determined by two main factors:

  • speech on the side of the Bolshevik authority in ideological reasons;
  • policy of attracting "military specialists" to the Red Army - former royal officers - LD held. Trotsky using repressive methods.

Military communism

In 1918, the Bolsheviks introduced a system of emergency measures, economic and political, known as " politics of military communism”. The main acts of these policies Resolution of May 13, 1918 G., giving broad powers to the Narcarria (People's Commissariat for Food), and Decree on June 28, 1918 on nationalization.

The main provisions of this policy:

  • nationalization of the entire industry;
  • centralization of economic management;
  • prohibition of private trading;
  • coagulation of commodity-money relations;
  • food scroll;
  • equalization system of remuneration of workers and employees;
  • natural wages of workers and employees;
  • free utility services;
  • universal labor service.

June 11, 1918 were created Combs (the committees of the poor) who had to withdraw excess agricultural products from wealthy peasants. Their actions were maintained by parts of the production (food army), consisting of Bolsheviks and workers. From January 1919, the searches of the surplus were replaced by a centralized and planned system of exversman (T8 No. 5 Reader).

Each region, county should have been handed over the established amount of grain and other products (potatoes, honey, oil, eggs, milk). When the rate of delivery was performed, the villagers received a receipt for the right to acquire industrial goods (fabric, sugar, salt, matches, kerosene).

June 28, 1918 The state has begun to nationalization of enterpriseswith capital over 500 rubles. Back in December 1917, when the High Council of the National Economy was created, he was defeated. But the nationalization of labor was not massive (by March 1918, no more than 80 enterprises were nationalized). This was primarily a repressive measure against entrepreneurs who resisted working control. Now it was a state policy. By November 1, 1919, 2,500 enterprises were nationalized. In November 1920, decree was released, spreading nationalization to all enterprises with the number of workers more than 10 or 5, but using a mechanical engine.

Decree dated November 21, 1918g. installed monopoly on internal trade. Trade Soviet power replaced with state distribution. The townspeople received products through the NarcarProd's system on cards, which, for example, in Petrograd in 1919, there were 33 species: bread, dairy, shoe, etc. The population was divided into three categories:
workers and equivalent scientists and artists;
former exploiters.

Due to the lack of products, even the most secured received only the ¼ of the diet.

In such conditions, the Black Market was blooming. The government struggled with "bags", forbidding them to move on trains.

In the social sphere, "Military Communism" relied on the principle "who does not work, he does not eat." In 1918, a labor service was introduced for representatives of former exploitative classes, in 1920 - universal labor service.

In the political sphere "Military Communism" meant the undisputed dictatorship of the RCP (b). The activities of other parties (cadets, Mensheviks, Right and Left Socialists) was banned.

The consequences of the policy of "military communism" was the deepening of economic destruction, a reduction in production in industry and agriculture. However, it was precisely such a policy that largely allowed the Bolsheviks to mobilize all the resources and win a civil war.

A special role in the victory over the class enemy the Bolsheviks was given by mass terror. On September 2, 1918, the WTCIK adopted a resolution in which the beginning of the "mass terror against the bourgeoisie and its agents" was proclaimed. Head of F.E. Jerhinsky said: "We are terrorizing the enemies of Soviet power." The policy of mass terror took the state. The shooting in place was becoming the usual phenomenon.

The second stage of the Civil War (autumn 1918 - the end of 1919)

From November 1918, the front-line war joined the confrontation stage between red and white. The year 1919 became decisive for the Bolsheviks, a reliable and ever-growing red army was created. But their opponents actively supported by former allies, united among themselves. The international situation has changed seriously. Germany and its allies in the World War in November folded their weapons before the Entente. Revolutions occurred in Germany and Austria-Hungary. Management of the RSFSR November 13, 1918 annulledAnd the new governments of these countries were forced to evacuate their troops from Russia. In Poland, Baltic States, Belarus, the bourgeois-national governments arose in Ukraine, who immediately took the side of the Entente.

The defeat of Germany released the significant combat contingents of the Entente and at the same time discovered the convenient and short road to Moscow from the southern regions. Under these conditions, the intention of Soviet Russia was prevailed in the Antan Guide to defeat the Soviet Russia forces.

In the spring of 1919, the Supreme Council of the Entente developed a plan for the next military campaign. (T8 No. 8 Reads) As noted in one of its secret documents, the intervention was to "be expressed in the combined military actions of Russian anti-Bolshevik forces and army of neighboring union states". At the end of November 1918, the United Anglo-French squadron of 32 pennants (12 linkers, 10 cruisers and 10 destroyers) appeared in the Black Sea coast of Russia. In Batum and Novorossiysk, English landings were landed, in Odessa and Sevastopol - French. The total number of combat forces concentrated in the south of Russia was brought to February 1919 to 130 thousand people. Entente's contingents in the Far East and Siberia (up to 150 thousand people), as well as in the north (up to 20 thousand) increased significantly.

The beginning of a foreign military intervention and civil war (February 1918 - March 1919)

In Siberia, on November 18, 1918, Admiral A.V. came to power. Kolchak. . He put an end to the disorderly actions of the anti-Bolshevik coalition.

He disrupted the directory, he proclaimed himself with the Supreme Ruler of Russia (the remaining leaders of the White Movement soon stated on submission). Admiral Kolchak in March 1919 began to step from the Urals to the Volga to the Wide Front. The main bases of his army were Siberia, Urals, Orenburg province and the Ural region. In the North since January 1919, General EK began to play the dominant role. Miller, in North-West - General N.N. Yudenich. In the south, the dictatorship of the commander of the volunteer army A.I. Denikina, who in January 1919 subjugated the Don Army of General P.N. Krasnova and created the combined armed forces of the south of Russia.

The second stage of the Civil War (autumn 1918 - the end of 1919)

In March 1919, a well-armed 300-thousandth army A.V. Kolchak launched an offensive from the East, intending to connect with Denikins for a joint strike to Moscow. Capturing Ufa, the Kolchaktsi pierced with the battles to Simbirsk, Samara, Votkinsk, but were soon stopped by the Red Army. At the end of April, Soviet troops under the command of S.S. Kamenev and M.V. Frunze switched to the offensive and in the summer there were deep into Siberia. By the beginning of 1920, Kolchakovs were finally broken, and Admiral himself was arrested and shot by the verdict of the Irkutsk Revkoma.

In the summer of 1919, the center of the armed struggle moved to the South Front. (Reader T8 No. 7) July 3 General A.I. Denikin issued his famous "Moscow Directive", and his army in 150 thousand people began an offensive all over the 700 km front from Kiev to Tsaritsin. The White Front included such important centers as Voronezh, Eagle, Kiev. In this space in 1 million square meters. km with a population of up to 50 million people were located 18 provinces and regions. By the middle of autumn, Denikin's army captured Kursk and Eagle. But by the end of October, the troops of the Southern Front (the commander of A.I. Egorov) defeated the white shelves, and then began to close them throughout the front line. The remains of the Denikin army, at the head of which in April 1920, stood up the general P.N. Wrangel, strengthened in the Crimea.

The final stage of the Civil War (Spring - Autumn 1920)

In early 1920, as a result of hostilities, the outcome of the front civil war was already actually resolved in favor of the Bolshevik government. At the final stage, the main combat runs were associated with the Soviet-Polish war and the struggle against the Army of Wrangel.

Significantly aggravated the nature of the civil war soviet-Polish War. The head of the Polish state Marshal Yu. Pilsudsky shelled the creation plan " Great Poland in borders of 1772"From the Baltic Sea to black, which includes a significant part of Lithuanian, Belarusian and Ukrainian lands, including those who never managed Warsaw. The Polish National Government supported the countries of the Entente, who sought to create a "sanitary block" from the Eastern European countries between the Bolshevik Russia and the West countries. May 7 Kiev was taken. The victory went unusually easily, because Soviet troops moved away without serious resistance.

But already on May 14, the successful counteroffensive troops of the Western Front (commander M.N. Tukhachevsky), May 26 - South-Western Front (Commander A.I. Egorov). In mid-July, they came out to the turns of Poland. June 12, Soviet troops occupied Kiev. The speed of an obsessed victory can be compared only with the speed of previously incurred damage.

War with bourgeois-landing Poland and the defeat of Wrangel's troops (IV-XI 1920)

On July 12, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom Lord D. Kerzon sent a note to the Soviet government - in fact ultimatum antena demanding to stop the offensive of the Red Army to Poland. As a truce was offered the so-called " line Kerzona", Which was mainly in the ethnic border of the settlement of Poles.

Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), explicitly overestimate his own strength and underestimating the enemy's forces, has put a new strategic task before the chief command of the Red Army: to continue the revolutionary war. IN AND. Lenin believed that the victorious introduction of the Red Army to Poland would cause the uprising of the Polish working class and revolutionary performances in Germany. For this purpose, the Soviet Government of Poland was promptly formed - a temporary revolutionary committee as part of F.E. Dzerzhinsky, F.M. Kona, Yu.Yu. Morchlevsky and others.

This attempt ended with a catastrophe. The troops of the Western Front in August 1920 were divided under Warsaw.

In October, the warring parties concluded a truce, and in March 1921, a peace treaty. According to his conditions, Poland has departed a significant part of the lands in the West of Ukraine and Belarus.

In the midst of the Soviet-Polish war to active actions in the south, General P.N. Wrangel. With the help of harsh measures, up to public executions of demoralized officers, and based on the support of France, the general has turned the disparate Denikin divisions into a disciplined and combat-effective Russian army. In June 1920, a landing land and Kuban were planted from Crimea, and the main forces of Wrangelians were thrown into the Donbass. October 3 began the onset of the Russian army in the north-west direction to Kakhovka.

The offensive of the Vrangelev troops was chosen, and during the operation of the South Front army under the command of M.V. Frunze completely mastered the Crimea. On November 16 - 16, 1920, Armada ships under the Andreev flag left the shores of the peninsula, thoroughly broken white shelves and tens of thousands of civil refugees. Thus, P.N. Wrangel saved them from a merciless red terror, which wrapped on the Crimea immediately after the evacuation of white.

In the European part of Russia after the capture of Crimea was liquidated last White Front. Military question ceased to be the main thing for Moscow, but martialctions There are many months on the outskirts of the country.

The Red Army, defeating Kolchak, came out in the spring of 1920 to Transbaikalia. The Far East was at this time in the hands of Japan. To avoid a clash with her, the Government of Soviet Russia contributed to the formation of a formally independent "buffer" state-of the Far Eastern Republic (DVR) with the capital in Chita in April 1920. Soon the army of the Russian Federation began military operations against the White Guards, supported by the Japanese, and in October 1922 he took Vladivostok, completely clearing the Far East from the White and Interventory. After that, it was decided to eliminate the DVR and the inclusion of it in the RSFSR.

The defeat of the interventory and whitvents in Eastern Siberia and the Far East (1918-1922)

The civil war has become the largest drama of the twentieth century and the greatest tragedy of Russia. The armed struggle launched on the expanses of the country was carried out with the extreme voltage of the forces of opponents, was accompanied by a mass terror (both white and red), was distinguished by exceptional mutual fierce. We give an excerpt from the memories of the participant of the Civil War, talking about the soldiers of the Caucasian Front: "Well, how, a son, Russian Russian beat is not scary?" - Ask recruit comrades. "At first, it really, it seems embarrassing," he answers, "and then, if the heart is broken, then no, nothing." In these words, the merciless truth about the fratricide war in which almost the entire population of the country was drawn.

The fighting parties clearly understood that the struggle could have only a deadly outcome for one of the parties. That is why the civil war in Russia has become a great tragedy for all its political camps, movements and parties.

Red"(Bolsheviks and their supporters) believed that they defend not only Soviet power in Russia, but also the" world revolution and the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism. "

In political struggle against Soviet power, two political movements were consolidated:

  • democratic counter-revolution With the slogans of the return of the political power to the constituent meeting and restoring the conquests of the February (1917) revolution (many esters and Mensheviks acted for the approval of Soviet power in Russia, but without the Bolsheviks ("For advice without the Bolsheviks"));
  • white traffic With the slogans of "non-subordinate state system" and the elimination of Soviet power. This direction was at risk not only the October, but also February conquest. The counter-revolutionary white movement was not uniform. It included monarchists and Republican Liberals, supporters of the Constituent Assembly and Military Dictatorship Adherers. In the "White" medium there were discrepancies in foreign policy benchmarks: some hoped for the support of Germany (Ataman Krasnov), others - to the aid of the holding of the Annta (Denikin, Kolchak, Yudenich). "White" united hatred of Soviet power and Bolsheviks, the desire to preserve a single and indivisible Russia. They did not have a single political program, the military in the leadership of the "White Movement" was pushed into the background of politicians. There was no clear consistency of the actions between the main groupings of "white". The leaders of the Russian counter-revolution compete and bent each other.

In the anti-Soviet anti-Bolshevik camp, part of the political opponents of the Councils acted under the Unified ECERO-Belong Flag, part - only under the Belong Guard.

Bolsheviks They had a stronger social support than their opponents. They received a strong support for workers' cities and village poor. The position of the same major peasant mass was not stable and unequivocal, only the poorest part of the peasants was consistently walked behind the Bolsheviks. The oscillations of the peasants had their reasons: "Red" gave the earth, but then introduced the exverser, which caused the strongest discontent in the village. However, the return of the previous orders was also unacceptable for the peasantry: the victory of "White" threatened the return of land to landowners and harsh punishments for the defeat of the landlord.

The oscillations of the peasants were in a hurry to use the esters and anarchists. They managed to involve a significant part of the peasantry in an armed struggle, both against white and against the red.

For both warring sides, there was also important what position in the context of the Civil War will take Russian officers. Approximately 40% of the officers of the Tsarskoy Army joined the "white movement", 30% fell on the side of the Soviet power, 30% was evaconed from participation in the Civil War.

Civil War in Russia was aggravated armed intervention foreign powers. The interventories conducted active military operations on the territory of the former Russian Empire, the some of its regions occupied, contributed to the regionalization of the civil war in the country and contributed to its tightening. The intervention turned out to be an important factor in the "revolutionary All-Russian University", the number of victims was multiplied.

Civil War and Military Intervention of 1917-1922 in Russia - an armed struggle for power between representatives of various classes, social layers and groups of the former Russian Empire with the participation of the fourth union troops and anntha.

The main reasons for the civil war and military intervention were: the intransigence of the positions of various political parties, groupings and classes in matters of authorities, the economic and political course of the country; The rate of opponents of Bolshevism to the overthrow of the Soviet rule armed with the support of foreign states; The desire of the latter to protect their interests in Russia and prevent the spread of the revolutionary movement in the world; development of national separatist movements in the territory of the former Russian Empire; The radicalism of Bolsheviks, who considered revolutionary violence to achieve their political goals, the desire of the leadership of the Bolsheviks party in practice to realize the ideas of the world revolution.

(Military Encyclopedia. Milipovdat. Moscow. In 8 volumes - 2004)

After the release of Russia from the First World War, German and Austria, Hungarian troops in February 1918 occupied part of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States and the South of Russia. To preserve Soviet power, Soviet Russia went on the conclusion of the Brest world (March 1918). In March 1918, Anglo Franco, American troops landed in Murmansk; In April, Japanese troops in Vladivostok; In May, the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps began, which followed the Trans-Siberian highway to the East. Samara, Kazan, Simbirsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and other cities throughout the highway were captured. All this created serious problems for the new power. By the summer of 1918, numerous groups and governments opposed to Soviet power were formed on 3/4 of the country. The Soviet government began to create the Red Army and switched to the politics of military communism. In June, the Government was formed the Eastern Front, in September - South and North Fronts.

The Soviet power by the end of the summer of 1918 was preserved mainly in the central regions of Russia and part of the territory of Turkestan. In the 2nd half of 1918, the Red Army won the first victories on the Eastern Front, freed the territory of the Volga region, part of the Urals.

After the revolution in Germany, which occurred in November 1918, the Soviet government annulled the Brest world, Ukraine and Belarus were liberated. However, the Policy of Military Communism, as well as the cracking caused the peasant and Cossack revolutions in various regions and allowed the leaders of the anti-Bolshevik camp to form numerous armies and deploy a wide offensive against the Soviet Republic.

In October 1918, the Volunteer Army of General Anton Denikin and Don Cossack Army of General Peter Krasnova; Kuban and the Don Region were occupied, attempts were made to cut the Volga in the area of \u200b\u200bTsaritsyn. In November 1918, Admiral Alexander Kolchak announced in Omsk to establish a dictatorship and proclaimed himself as the Supreme Ruler of Russia.

In November-December 1918, British and French landings in Odessa were planted, Sevastopol, Nikolaev, Kherson, Novorossiysk, Batumi. In December, the army of Kolchak intensified its actions, who captured Perm, but the troops of the Red Army, Miscean Ufa suspended its offensive.

In January 1919, the Soviet troops of the South Front managed to push from the Volga and smash the Krasnov's troops, the remains of which were joined by the Armed Forces of the South of Russia created by Denikin. In February 1919, the West Front was created.

In early 1919, the onset of French troops ended in the Black Sea region, a revolutionary fermentation began in the French squadron, after which the French command was forced to evacuate his troops. In April, the British parts were abandoned. In March 1919, Kolchak's army passed on the onset of the Eastern Front; By early April, she took possession of the Ural and advanced to the Middle Volga.

In March-May 1919, the Red Army reflected the offensive of the White Guard forces from the East (Admiral Alexander Kolchak), South (General Anton Denikin), West (General Nikolay Yudenich). As a result of the general countertime of parts of the Eastern Front of the Red Army in May July, the Urals were occupied and in the next six months, with the active participation of partisans, Siberia.

In April-August 1919, the interventions were forced to evacuate their troops from the south of Ukraine, from Crimea, Baku, Central Asia. The troops of the South Front defeated the army of Denikin under the eagle and Voronezh and by March 1920, they pushed their remnants to the Crimea. In the fall of 1919, the army of Yudenich was finally crushed under Petrograd.

In early 1920, the north and coast of the Caspian Sea were occupied. The Entente states completely recalled their troops and removed the blockade. After the end of the Soviet Polish war, the Red Army inflicted a number of blows on the troops of General Peter Wrangel and expelled them from the Crimea.

In the territories employed by the White Guards and the Interventory, the partisan movement was operating. In the Chernihiv province, Nikolai Shchors was one of the organizers of the partisan movement, in Primorye, Sergey Lazo was the Commimor of Parisan Forces. The Ural partisan army under the command of Vasily Bluchber in 1918 made a raid from the Orenburg region and Verkhneuralsk through the Ural Range in Prikamye. She defeated 7 shelves of white, Czechoslovakov and Poles, disorganized the white rear. After passing 1.5 thousand km, the partisans were connected to the main forces of the Eastern Front of the Red Army.

In 1921-1922, anti-Bolshevik uprisings in Kronstadt were suppressed, on Tambovshchina, in a number of areas of Ukraine, etc., eliminated the remaining foci of the interventory and whitebardeans in Central Asia and the Far East (October 1922).

The civil war in Russia ended with the victory of the Red Army, but brought huge disasters. The damage caused to the national economy was about 50 billion. Golden rubles, industrial production fell to 4-20% of the 1913 level, agricultural production declined almost twice.

The irrevocable losses of the Red Army (killed, died of wounds, was missing, did not return from captivity, etc.) amounted to 940 thousand and sanitary losses 6 million 792 thousand people. The enemy, according to incomplete data, lost only in battles of 225 thousand people. Common losses of Russia in the civil war amounted to about 13 million people.

During the Civil War, the warlords in the Red Army were Joyakov Watietis, Vladimir Gittis, Alexander Egorov, Sergey Kamenev, Augustus Cork, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Ieronim Kolavich, Vasily Blucher, Semenion, Pavel Dybenko, Grigory Kotovsky, Mikhail Frunze, Ion Yakir, etc.

From the military leaders of the White Movement, General Mikhail Alekseev, Anton Denikin, Alexander Dutov, Alexey Kalled, Laurel Kornilov, Peter Krasnov, Evgeny Miller, Grigory Semenov, Nikolay Yudenich, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, played out the most prominent role in the Civil War.

One of the contradictory figures of the Civil War was anarchist Nestor Makhno. He was the organizer of the revolutionary rebel army of Ukraine, which fought against white, then against the red, then against everyone at once.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The first civil war in Russia and today raises a lot of disputes. First of all, historians have no consensus on its periodization and causes. Part of the scientists believes that the chronological framework of the civil war is October 1917 - October 1922. Others believe that it is more correctly called the date of commencement of the civil war of 1917, and endings - 1923.

There is no consensus about the causes of the civil war in Russia, as well as. But, among the most important reasons, scientists call:

  • acceleration by the Bolsheviks of the Constituent Assembly;
  • the desire of the bolshevik authorities to keep it with any ways;
  • the willingness of all participants use violence as a way to resolve the conflict;
  • signing in March 1918 of the Brest world with Germany;
  • the solution of the Bolsheviks of an acute agricultural issue, contrary to the interests of large landowners;
  • nationalization of real estate, banks, means of production;
  • the activities of the products in the villages, which led to the exacerbation of the relations of the new power with the peasantry.

Scientists allocate 3 phases of the Civil War. The first stage has been launched from October 1917 to November 1918. This is the time to come to power of the Bolsheviks. From October 1917, individual armed clashes gradually pass into full-scale military actions. It is characteristic that the beginning of the civil war 1917 - 1922, unfolded against the background of a more large-scale military conflict - the First World War. This is exactly the main reason for the subsequent intervention of the Entente. It should be noted that each of the countries of the Entente had their reasons for participation in the intervention. So, Turkey wanted to establish himself in the Transcaucasia, France - to extend its influence on the North of Black Sea, Germany - on the Kola Peninsula, Japan was interested in Siberian territories. The aim of England and the United States was at the same time expanding their own spheres of influence and preventing German enhancement.

The second stage dates back to November 1918 - March 1920. It was at that time that the decisive events of the Civil War occurred. In connection with the cessation of hostilities at the fronts of the First World and Deviation of Germany, gradually combat operations in Russia lost intensity. But at the same time, it came to the fracture in favor of the Bolsheviks, who controlled most of the country.

The final stage in the Chronology of the Civil War lasted from March 1920 to October 1922. The hostilities of this period were carried out mainly on the outskirts of Russia (Soviet-Polish War, combat clashes in the Far East). It is worth noting that there are other, more detailed, options for the periodization of the civil war.

The end of the civil war was marked by the victory of the Bolsheviks. The most important cause of historians call wide support for the masses. It was seriously affected by the development of the situation and the fact that the countries weakened by the First World War, the countries of the Entente could not coordinate their actions and strike through the territory of the former Russian empire by all their might.

The results of the Civil War in Russia were terrifying. The country actually lay in ruins. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Western Ukraine, Bessarabia and part of Armenia came out of Russia. On the main territory of the country loss of the population, including as a result of hunger, epidemics, etc. amounted to at least 25 million people. They are comparable to the general losses of countries who participated in hostilities of the First World War. The level of production in the country fell sharply. About 2 million people left Russia by emigrating to other states (France, USA). These were representatives of the Russian nobility, officers, clergy, intelligentsia.