Marcus Aurelius war prescription. Biography. Domestic policy of Marcus Aurelius

Roman Empire under Marcus Aurelius and Commodus

In the autumn of 165 AD. e. a plague broke out in Seleucia, and most of the troops fell ill. There was nothing to think about the continuation of hostilities; the war ended, but Armenia and Mesopotamia remained in the hands of the Romans. The returning army spread the plague throughout Asia Minor, Greece and Italy, and this epidemic turned into the greatest catastrophe of antiquity. Separate foci of the epidemic remained until 189 AD. e. In the eyes of public opinion, the epidemic was a punishment for the plundering of Parthian shrines and the desecration of the Arsacid tomb.

Despite this catastrophe, both rulers in 166 AD. e. celebrated the victories of their troops with great triumph and added “Armenian, Median and Parthian” to their titles. Along with the wave of Roman expansion, the activities of the Roman embassies revived, as Chinese sources report that in 166 AD. e. A group of Roman merchants appeared at the court of Emperor Huang-Ti. True, this journey was episodic, nevertheless, it shows what prospects opened up before Rome.

In a phase of extreme exhaustion and paralysis of the Roman forces, which is compared with the situation after the suppression of the Pannonian uprising before the defeat of Varus, in 166 AD. e. the Roman Danube front was crushed. Great disturbances of the II and III centuries. n. e. in this region have been outlined since the time of Domitian, so the defensive forces there received significant reinforcements. However, unlike earlier battles, the invading neighboring tribes were now driven back, and events were determined by powerful initiatives from the depths of northeastern European space. Caused by the so-called Marcomannic Wars, the first waves of the great migration of peoples came up against the Roman dykes.

As far as it is possible to determine the movement in depth, it was about two main blows. First, the east of the Danubian lands was dominated by the westward pressure of the Alans, the Sarmatian population group, who from their original settlement on the Caspian Sea advanced to the Lower Danube. Another wave came, on the contrary, from the north. It was caused by the advance of the Goths from southern Sweden to the Oder and further in a southeasterly direction. Because of this, a whole series of East Germanic tribes began to move. The Burgundians from Bornholm entered Silesia, the Semnons migrated from Mark Brandenburg, and the Lombards also migrated. The Marcomanni, whose name the war bore, remained under foreign pressure.

To this it must be added that the Marcomanni were led by a very strong personality - King Ballamore. Meanwhile, it is not clear to what extent the attacks on Roman possessions were actually coordinated, which continued in the coming years and covered the area between Regensburg and the mouth of the Danube. It is also unclear whether this was a coalition of different tribes and groups of different ethnic origins. Quads, Marcomanni, Yaziges, Roxolans, Costoboci and Alans were various peoples who had one common interest, namely the simultaneous attack on the Roman borders on the Danube and in Dacia.

Already in 166 AD. e. battles broke out. After a deep breakthrough on the Middle Danube, the Marcomanni advanced to upper Italy in the Verona region. The open area was completely devastated. The attacks became more acute because the attackers were not content with ordinary robberies, but also wanted to settle there. Marcus Aurelius immediately felt the extent of this danger, he mobilized the last forces for defense. Two legions and auxiliaries were posted and, as in a few cases of extreme necessity, even the slaves were armed. To protect Italy, fortified lines were built, a special detachment was placed at the protective cordon to strengthen the defense under the command of the consular.

Despite all these measures, in 171 AD. e. The initiative was clearly not owned by the Romans. In the Pannonian provinces, in Dacia, Norica and Rezia, attacks by neighboring tribes began in the same year, the results of which can still be judged today by the destroyed strongholds, villages and villas. In 167 AD e. in Dacia had to repulse the attack of the enemy, in 170 AD. e. suffered a crushing defeat and the commander Mark Cornelius Fronton was killed, in the same year the Sarmatian costoboci from the lower Danube advanced deeply into Greece. In 171 AD the Marcomanni burned Venice, but the experienced Roman commanders Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus and Publius Helvius Pertinac were able to push back the simultaneously attacking Quads and Narists, clear Noricum and Rezia and take away most of their booty from the Germans who fled to the Danube.

Lucius Ver died in 169 AD. e. in Altina shortly after the start of this struggle. Marcus Aurelius remained in Rome for some time after that, where he held a sensational auction of valuables and works of art in order to obtain additional funds to equip the army. In order to bind Pompeian more strongly to himself, he married him to Lucilla, the widow of Verus. Then he went to the Danube front and chose Karnunte as his headquarters.

Between 172 and 175 n. e. continuous and large-scale offensives were carried out against the Quadi, Marcomanni and Narists in the region of the Middle Danube, as well as against the Sarmatians on the Tisza. These are the same battles that are depicted on the thirty-meter Mark's Column in Piazpa Column in Rome, although its relief cannot be unambiguously interpreted, like that of Trajan's Column. These battles also include the miracles depicted there, which saved the Roman troops then in a difficult situation - the miracle of rain and the miracle of lightning.

Peace agreements with the Quadi and, finally, with the Yazigi stopped, at least for a while, these battles, moreover, the agreement with the Yazigi in 175 AD. e. was urgently needed by Marcus Aurelius, because at that time Gaius Avidius Cassius, the commander of a group of troops in the east of the empire, rebelled against him, and attracted most of Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt to his side. Therefore, the princeps was forced to leave the theater of operations on the Danube as soon as possible and concentrate on confrontation with the usurper.

The conditions of the world make it possible to see the outlines of a whole concept. Since the attacks of recent years were the result of untimely discovery of regroupings in the foreground of the empire, the Roman generals learned from this experience. Now strict order and observation of the foredfield north and east of the Danube were raised to the norm. In the future, on the left bank of the Danube, a free strip was kept, first 14, and then 7 km wide. Ways and places for trade were strictly established, as well as direct control over the foreground was expanded and strengthened by moving forward individual fortresses. However, much more sensitive for the enemy was the demand to return all the prisoners and to provide auxiliary groups, most of which were immediately sent to Britain.

According to extremely controversial information from the "History of the Augusts", the princeps allegedly wanted to make Bohemia and Moravia the province of Marcomannia, and the space between Pannonia and Dacia - the province of Sarmatia. But there is no evidence for such far-reaching plans.

As long as the new order seemed, it was only a short respite. Already in 178 AD. e. the battles of the so-called Second Marcomannic War began again; Marcus Aurelius, together with his son Commodus, again went to the Danube and died there in 180 AD. e. This phase includes the founding of a new legionary camp on German soil. In 179 AD e. Castra Regina (Regensburg) was founded. Almost simultaneously, Roman military formations again advanced into the region of Slovakia. An inscription on the rock of Trenzina (about 100 km north of Pressburg) testifies to the presence of the II Legion.

The tension that both decades between 161 and 180 brought to the empire n. e., was not limited only to the Parthian and Marcomannic wars, since, in addition to these two places of hostilities, uprisings and unrest broke out in almost all parts of the world. Immediately after the beginning of the reign, along with the Parthian war in 162 AD. had to suppress the uprising of the Hutts in Upper Germany and in the same year the uprising of the Caledonians in Britain. To everything was added the uprising of the shepherds in the Nile Delta. Religious motives made this rebellion very dangerous, even Alexandria was under threat for some time. This rebellion was eventually put down by Gaius Avidius Cassius. And the extreme south-west of the empire experienced times full of danger; in 172 and 177 n. e. from the sea, southern Spain was attacked several times by Moorish tribes and subjected to robberies. The situation was settled only with the help of a large special military unit.

The empire managed to establish itself once again, but at what cost. Even Roman sources do not hush up the great losses during these two decades, not only among the military leadership, but also among the broad masses of the population of large cities due to robberies and plague. If the author Cassius Dio, who is close to the events, says that in 175 AD. e. at the conclusion of peace with the Yazigi, about 100,000 Roman prisoners of war were returned, then this number is evidence only of the number of Roman prisoners captured in this theater of operations.

It is known that Marcus Aurelius early youth was fascinated by philosophy. If we consider him a Stoic, then we must take into account that the teaching of the Stoics, in the course of a long spiritual and historical process, has long since become a kind of popular philosophy. Its postulates emphasize the irrelevance of external things and forms and put the internal development and self-education of a person in the first place. Marcus Aurelius completely immersed himself in this world, even outwardly. He wore a beard, sometimes a philosopher's robe, often slept on the floor, and practiced strict austerities. The reflective nature of Marcus Aurelius developed under the influence of good teachers. Adrian once jokingly called him the fairest, and the rigor of his efforts on himself is reflected in his "Self-Contemplation".

These notes were not originally intended for publication and philosophical use, and from this point of view they can be put on a par with Augustine's confessions. They best of all reveal a man deep in himself and that Roman ruler who was able to establish the relative nature of everything that exists and had the strongest awareness of the scale of human activity and the variability of what is happening: “What tiny lumps of earth are you crawling over?... Asia, Europe - nooks and crannies world, the whole sea for the world is a drop, Athos is a lump in it, everything present is a point in eternity. Everything is insignificant, changeable and transitory. He expressed a similar awareness of frailty in the phrase: "The time is near when you will forget everyone, and everyone will forget you."

This knowledge is connected with the concept of equality of all people. But it is natural that in the ancient understanding of the ego there was the equality of the free, the equality of the members of civilized humanity. From the concept of this equality, the personal idea of ​​statehood was born: “I imagine a state in which power is evenly distributed, which is governed by the principles of equality and freedom of speech and a monarchy that above all respects the freedom of its subjects.”

"Self-contemplation" is a call to oneself, a call to self-mastery, which Marcus Aurelius achieved. The final word of this spiritual diary is: “Man, you were a citizen of this great city. Do you care if it's 5 years old or 3 years old? After all, obedience to the laws is equal for all. What is so terrible if it is not a tyrant or an unjust judge that sends you out of the city, but the very nature that has settled you in it? So the praetor releases from the stage the actor he has accepted. - "But I did not carry out five actions, but only three." - “Quite right. But in life, three acts are the whole play. For the end is proclaimed by those who were once the originator of life, and now are the originator of its termination. You have nothing to do with either one or the other. Get out of life, keep benevolence, just as the one who lets you go is benevolent ”(Avreliy M. Rostov n / D., 1991. Per. Rogozin S. N.)

The historical image of Marcus Aurelius was formed under the influence of two completely opposite impressions. "Self-Contemplation" shows the internal trials of the Stoic philosopher and became the favorite reading of Frederick the Great, and the four-meter equestrian statue on the Capitoline Hill, one of the most famous Roman equestrian statues in general, embodies the power of the ruler and commander. One can appreciate a philosopher, admire a man, but there is no reason to idealize a princeps.

Undoubtedly, extraordinary strength of character and firmness were required in order, despite the chain of catastrophes, to achieve a successful defense of the empire, especially since Marcus Aurelius was not trained in military craft and was not prepared for leadership functions of this kind. If he enjoyed the successes of such commanders as Pompeian, Pertinak and Avidius Cassius, all the same, the responsibility for the defense of the empire lay with him alone. Here, as in other areas of domestic politics, the outcome of his reign is undoubtedly positive.

But he is opposed by a completely unsatisfactory solution to personal problems of management. If the Roman Empire could sustain an unsuitable princeps, it was under Marcus Aurelius that the historic test of adoptive empire took place. He is to blame for the fact that this institution did not work at the very moment when it was a question of putting a truly worthy head of state. He is to blame for the fact that an internal crisis was added to the external crisis of the empire.

Although Commodus had been close to his father for a long time before coming to power, he did not continue the operations led by Marcus Aurelius and did not adopt his style of government. But it would be wrong to see in the actions of the new princeps a new concept of principate. Behind his decision to break off the battles on the Danube is hardly a realistic assessment of the potential of the empire. The economy of her strength never interested Commodus even later.

On the other hand, there is no reason to dramatize the fact that the unreliable young princeps joined those who now advocated a halt to the advances. For the status quo on the Danubian frontier was largely preserved, although the Roman outposts were removed and subsidies were paid to border neighbors. The fact that military and foreign policy initiatives should not have been expected from Commodus manifested itself already here. Where, under his reign, there were small attacks on the Roman border zone, as in Britain (about 184 AD), on the upper Rhine, where in 187 AD. e. the Strasbourg Legion was stationed in Denmark and Spain, local commanders took successful defensive measures. Commodus himself was content with the fact that back in 180 AD. e. celebrated a new triumph for the victory over the Danubian peoples, and five years later adopted the victorious name Britannicus. After his return to Rome, the frontier troops never saw him again.

Commodus was also not interested in domestic politics. Inside the empire, a regime of favorites reigned in its purest form, accompanied by extravagance and corruption. The rivalry of the courtiers and their struggle for power quickly led to a state close to anarchy. Moreover, Commodus, of course, did not cover his creatures. So, he abandoned Perenne, the power-hungry representative of the equestrian class, who from 182 to 185 AD. e., being the praetorian prefect, was the most influential person. This happened when a large delegation from the British legions arrived in Rome and brought charges against Perenne. The prefect was deposed and killed.

But his successor Cleander did not suffer the best fate. As a Phrygian slave, he was once sold in Rome and, thanks to the position of valet, became the most influential person in the state. When in 189 AD. e. famine began, Cleander was also sacrificed to the Roman plebs. The last team that determined the course from about 191 AD. e., there were again the valet Eclectic, the praetorian prefect Let and the mistress of the princeps, the Christian Marcia.

It is quite obvious that such a government did not enjoy any authority, and the guard was kept in check only thanks to constant signs of favor and compliance. Already in 182 AD. e. the princeps' sister Lucilla and Ummidius Quadratus conceived a rebellion against Commodus. However, the conspiracy failed, and since a number of senators participated in it, Commodus' persecution fell on those senators whom the chronically distrustful princeps considered his enemies. Like Caligula and Nero, Commodus combined fear with an overestimation of his own personality and pathological behavior.

The extravagance of the court and state difficulties, not eliminated by new confiscations and taxes, quickly led to mismanagement. Already in 180 AD. e., for example, the price of grain in Egypt has tripled. Neither the reorganization of the grain-carrying fleet nor other measures changed anything during the crisis. The stabilization of the economy and the currency failed, the slaves, freedmen and courtiers of Commodus were not capable of this.

An inscription from North Africa testifies to the unsatisfactory state of daily life of the population. This appeal to the princeps speaks of the plight of ordinary columns. In an imploring tone, small tenants turn to the sovereign: “Come to our aid and, since we, poor peasants who earn their bread with our own hands, cannot resist the tenant before your procurator, who, thanks to generous gifts, enjoys their confidence, take pity on us and honor us with your sacred answer, so that we do not do more than what is due to us according to the decree of Adrian and according to the letters to your procurators ... so that we, the peasants and cultivators of our domains, by the grace of your majesty, will no longer be disturbed by the tenants. In his response, Commodus expressed his concern "that something that violates the fundamental statute should not be required."

If there they limited themselves to requests, then in other places such circumstances gave rise to uprisings. In southern Gaul, public discontent was led by the deserter Maternus. He proclaimed himself emperor, however, after that he was expelled from Gaul, but in 186 AD. e. continued the gang war in Italy until he was caught and executed.

In the midst of these crises and hardships, Commodus led a luxurious lifestyle. If his father was imbued with the deepest sense of duty and tormented by remorse, then Commodus had no idea of ​​such motives. But he was obsessed with his nobility. As the first porphyry ruler, he believed that there were no limits for him, that he had the right to demand the highest respect. After the conspiracy of Lucilla, when the courtiers inspired him that he would better protect himself from further assassination attempts if he showed himself less in public, he lived without escape in his palace.

In the first years of his reign, the traditional state gods were depicted on the coins of the state mint, primarily Jupiter, Minerva, Mars and Apollo, and also because of the ruler’s love for the eastern gods Sarapis, Isis and Cybele. Jupiter acquired a new nickname, the Victorious, which was followed by the fact that Commodus was hailed as the Victorious. At the same time, as in the time of Trajan, the eternity of Rome was glorified, the happiness of the new age - the happiness of the times and the happiness of the age. Commodus was so sure of his own happiness that he included a new element of happiness in his title.

Unlike what followed later, the beginning of the reign can be called moderate. But everything changed dramatically when, after the death of Cleander, Commodus decided to direct politics himself. In any case, he gave up his seclusion in the palace and stopped hiding his monocratic pretensions. In this regard, it would be a mistake to use the term "absolutism".

The renaming and distribution of new names now took on a painful character, which Commodus was very fond of, and this once again indicates that he considered the empire to be his property. So, in 190 AD. e. the name Rome disappeared, the city became known as Colonia Commodian, the Roman Senate - the Commodian Senate, in addition, all legions were to bear the name of Commodus. A particularly successful decision came to the ruler's mind about the names of the months. He changed his name and titles quite often and it turned out that they now consisted of 12 elements, so it was easier and more expedient to change the old names of the months to twelve new ones: Lucius, Aelius, Aurelius, Commodus, Augustus, Heracles, Roman, Victorious, Amazonian, Invincible, Happy, Pius.

Hand in hand with the strengthening of external forms went the neglect of old traditions. Thus, the princeps often began to appear in silk and purple robes, as a priest of Isis, he participated in the processions of this cult with a clean-shaven head and exposed himself to the gods as a slave. While the gladiator in the eyes of the Romans was considered contemptible and declassed, Commodus saw in him the ideal of life. He turned the hunt into a massacre, reduced the Herculean ideas to the point of absurdity.

With all his respect for the various eastern gods, Hercules stood in the first place in the final phase of his reign. He wanted to be the Roman Hercules, the opposite of the Greek god. So, on coins and medallions, Commodus was wearing a helmet with the image of a lion's muzzle, a lion's skin and a club were always carried in front of him, these details lay on his chair when he himself did not take part in official ceremonies. If the mythological Hercules defeated the monster, then Commodus was equal to him in his own way. He ordered that Roman cripples be caught, dressed up as giants, and then killed with a club, as he did with wild animals in the circus.

Everything that was hidden behind the true skill of the princeps was obscured by these excesses. They, in the end, began to terrify even his inner circle. When Commodus announced his intention to enter the consulship on January 1, 193 AD. e. as a gladiator, his attendants Marcia and Eclectic, after an unsuccessful attempt at poisoning, ordered the athlete to strangle him on December 31, 192 AD. e. in the bath. The hatred that had been held back for a long time turned into a curse on the memory of the slain. The images of Commodus were thrown off and the name chiseled into place. However, in 197 AD. e. Septimius Severus associated himself with Commodus, naturally to demonstrate after the turning point of 193 AD. e. succession of the principal. He even ordered to deify his predecessor.

However, there is also a modern apotheosis of this perversion. Commodus is allegedly to be understood in terms of his "original Spanish character", his striving for primitiveness, for a new form of religiosity, henotheistic syncretism or "religious absolutism". However, these interpretations are as unconvincing as in the case of Caligula or Nero, since they do not reflect the essence of the historical Commodus, the princeps who ended the Antonine dynasty. If at the beginning of the II century. n. e. careful ideological justification founded new phase principate, and he was again approved by the constructive achievements of the new princeps, then the last Antoninus, with his fantastic excesses, brought him to the point of absurdity. A whole world separates the Roman Hercules Commodus from the Herculean ideology of Trajan. The chaos of the era of Commodus was caused by himself, it is from him that, in the eyes of the contemporary historian Cassius Dio, the era of “iron and rust” begins, and, according to Gibbon, the beginning of the “Decay and fall of the Roman Empire”.

Marcus Aurelius was the last of the glorious galaxy of great Caesars ancient rome- the emperors of Nerva, Trajan, Adrian and Antoninus Pius, whose reign became the "golden age" in the history of this state. But that was already the sunset of the greatness and glory of the Roman Empire, and the harsh reality left an imprint of tragedy on all his deeds.

Evening came quickly, and soon the darkness of the night enveloped the Roman camp on the banks of the Danube (Gran). The voices of officers issuing orders, the clang of weapons, the sounds of trumpets have long since faded into the frosty air... The soldiers were asleep. Off duty bonfires and orderly rows of tents went off into the distance in an endless succession ...

He was waiting for this hour. So that after a full military fuss of the day to be alone with yourself. With my thoughts and memories...

Maybe that night there was a clear sky over the head of Marcus Aurelius, and he looked at the stars for a long time, and then wrote in his diary: “The Pythagoreans advised casting a glance at the sky in the morning in order to remember that he always does his job, remaining true to his way and course of action, and about order, cleanliness and exposure. For the luminaries know no veils” 1 .


Time has almost erased the deeds of the emperor-philosopher from the pages of history, but has preserved the book of his reflections. It could serve as an answer to the passionate appeal of Epictetus, his teacher and friend: “Let one of you show me the soul of a person who longs to be one with God, free from anger, envy and jealousy, who (why hide my thought ?) longs to change his humanity into divinity, and who in this miserable body of his has set himself the goal of reuniting with God. Leafing through the diary of Marcus Aurelius today, it is hard to believe that the pearls of moral philosophy were created in camping tents, in hours stolen from a short night's rest.

How many generations different countries grew up with this book! How many people, close to each other in spirit, she connected through the centuries! “If you take this book in your hands with a sincere thirst for faith, with an anxious conscience and a soul agitated by great incessant questions about duty, about the meaning of life and death,” writes Dmitry Merezhkovsky, “the diary of Marcus Aurelius will captivate you, seem closer and modern than many creations of yesterday's geniuses... This book is alive. She may not make any impression, but once she touched the heart, it is already impossible not to love her. I don’t know a sweeter and deeper feeling than the one you experience when you meet your own, unspoken thoughts in the work of a person of a distant culture, separated from us by centuries.”

When Mark was only six years old, Emperor Hadrian saw in him the future great ruler of Rome.

Thoughts of the emperor... Not teachings and instructions to others, but advice to oneself. Simple, natural, modest and not at all obsolete with time. He never thought of correcting anyone. Therefore, the lines of his diary are deeply sincere. This sincerity fills with special meaning everything that we know about the life of Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher on the throne.

Stoic apprentice

“I must also thank the gods for the fact that my leader was the sovereign and father, who wanted to eradicate all vanity in me and introduce the idea that even living at court you can do without bodyguards, without magnificent clothes, without torches, statues and similar pomp , but lead a life very close to the life of a private person, therefore not treating with disdain and frivolity the duties of a ruler relating to public affairs ”- Marcus Aurelius dedicated these words to his adoptive father and teacher, Emperor Antoninus Pius. Their destinies were closely intertwined by the will of Providence itself...

Marcus Aurelius was born in 121 into a noble Roman family and received the name Annius Ver.

Very soon, Emperor Adrian himself notices him, calm and serious beyond his years. Intuition and insight allowed Adrian to recognize in the boy the future great ruler of Rome. When Annius Verus turns six years old, Adrian grants him the honorary title of horseman and gives him a new name - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Ver.

Seeing how exceptionally truthful the boy is, he is called not just Ver, but Verissimus - “The Most Just”.

According to ancient tradition, the Caesar of Rome had the right to transfer power not to a physical heir, but to someone whom he considered his spiritual follower. At the request of Adrian, his successor - Antoninus Pius - adopts Mark Verus, so that later, in turn, transfer power to him.

The youth of Marcus Aurelius takes place in the imperial palace on the Palatine Hill. He is taught by well-known philosophers - Fronto, Apollonius, Junius Rusticus ... One day one of them will give Mark the "Conversations" of Epictetus. This book and the teachers' lessons will make him stoic.

It doesn’t matter what business a person chooses, the Stoic philosophers believed. It is important that in everything he does, he learns to show nobility, to be responsible, to follow duty and honor. The Stoics considered these qualities to be the core of human morality. Teach not by words, but by example, they said. Marcus Aurelius remembered this principle all his life.

When Antoninus Pius became the ruler of Rome, Mark was 17 years old. The new emperor worthily continues the work of his predecessors - Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian. Their era had nothing to do with the rule of the former depraved and cruel Caesars of Rome. Philosopher emperors did not covet power for its own sake. They saw it as their duty to, without rhetoric and without pomp, the best way serve the interests of the state.

From Antoninus Pius, the young man learns political art and morality, the ability to wisely resolve any conflicts and contradictions. In turn, Antonin completely trusts his adopted son, makes him a co-ruler and makes it possible to share all the responsibility of power. Their relationship is permeated with deep mutual understanding, which is further strengthened by the marriage of Marcus Aurelius with Faustina, the daughter of the emperor.

The reign of Antoninus Pius was a unique period in the history of Rome. No one violated the outer borders of the vast empire. Peace and harmony reigned within its borders.

Realm of Philosophers

“Honor the gods and take care of the welfare of people. Life is short; the only fruit of earthly life is a pious mood and activity in harmony with the common good.

Marcus Aurelius becomes Roman emperor in 161, at age 40. “He showed exceptional tact in all cases when it was necessary either to keep people from evil, or to induce them to good,” we read from one of the Roman historians. “He made bad people good, and good people excellent, calmly enduring even the ridicule of some.”

Perhaps in the Roman Empire at that time there was no other such person who could, by the example of his own purity and virtue, resist the chaos and rust that destroyed human morals.

Marcus Aurelius seeks to create the kingdom of philosophers, the ideal state that Plato dreamed of. Former teachers and mentors of the emperor - Atticus, Fronton, Junius Rusticus, Claudius Severus, Proclus - become Roman consuls, occupy important posts in the state.

Even under Adrian, the lofty principles of Stoic philosophy, the ideas of equality between people, begin to penetrate into the harsh Roman legislation, turning it face to person. The purpose of the laws and decrees of Marcus Aurelius is the good ordinary people empire. Civil law, the principles of the responsibility of the sovereign before the law and the care of the state for citizens, the vice police, the registration of newborns - originate from Marcus Aurelius.

The emperor expects from the Romans not just obedience to the law, but the improvement of souls and softening of morals. All the weak and defenseless are under his protection. The state takes care of the sick and crippled.

Under Marcus Aurelius, the state took care of all the sick and crippled.

Marcus Aurelius orders to collect large taxes from the rich and with these funds he opens shelters for orphans and the poor, establishes colleges where young Romans get the opportunity to study philosophy.

The dream of Plato and Seneca of a kingdom of philosophers on earth may never have been as close to realization as in ancient Rome during the reign of Marcus Aurelius.

But few people knew what each inch of space, won from indifference, misunderstanding, enmity and hypocrisy, cost the emperor.


“The art of living is more like the art of wrestling than dancing. It requires readiness and steadfastness both in regard to the sudden and the unforeseen.”

The clouds begin to gather over the Roman Empire immediately after the coming of Marcus Aurelius to power.

In the first year of his reign, the emperor sends six Roman legions, led by his co-ruler Lucius Verus, and the best army generals to quell the uprising in Armenia.

Five years later, the Roman soldiers will return victorious to their homeland. But on their heels, a plague will come from the East. The epidemic will quickly spread throughout the empire, will rage in Rome. The disease will take hundreds, thousands of human lives. What will the emperor do? The legends that have come down to us tell about the great gift of Marcus Aurelius to heal diseases with the touch of his hands. When everyone in Rome is afraid of a pernicious infection, the emperor incognito takes to the streets of the city and heals people...

166 - new war. Marcomanni and Quadi flood the Roman provinces in the north. They lead the whole barbarian world - dozens of tribes. This empire has never known. She has to arm slaves and gladiators...

In Rome, they are outraged by this decision of the emperor. As if forgetting that we are talking about their own safety, about the safety of the state, the Romans only worry about whether they can still go to the Colosseum. “The Emperor wants to deprive us of bread and circuses and force us to philosophize,” the crowd is indignant.

Marcus Aurelius always considered fighting in the arena cruelty. If he appeared in the Colosseum, it was only in order to last word save the lives of the losers. By his decree, the gladiators fought in the circus with blunt swords, and for tightrope walkers who performed high above the ground, mattresses began to be laid in the arena to prevent death from an accidental fall.

Marcus Aurelius knew that philosophy remains the law of life. But he also well understood another thing: you cannot forcefully renew the world. No ruler has power over the thoughts and feelings of people. He could by his decrees achieve blunt swords in the circus. But he could not ban gladiatorial games. Could not defeat the cruel passion of the Romans for bloody spectacles.

In his diary, the emperor writes: “How pitiful are all these politicians who imagine themselves acting in a philosophical way! Boastful fools. Do, man, as nature requires at the moment. Strive for the goal if you have the opportunity, and do not look around to see if anyone knows about it. Do not hope for the realization of the Platonic state, but be satisfied if things move forward at least one step, and do not look at this success as something of no importance. Who will change the way people think? And what can come out without such a change, except slavery, groaning and hypocritical obedience?

Marcus Aurelius could have gone down in history as a great military leader. He had a deep aversion to war and was always far from striving for military honors and glory, but he treated the cause of protecting the state with all attention and conscientiousness. One of the most peaceful emperors in the history of Rome, out of 18 years of his reign, 14 spent 14 in military campaigns, protecting the borders of the empire and the peace of its citizens.

One of the most peaceful emperors of Rome out of 18 years of his reign spent 14 in military campaigns.

He campaigned against the Quadi and Marcomanni - patiently, endlessly and successfully. It was a tactic calculated on the endurance and perseverance of the Roman soldier, on the economy of strength. Marcus Aurelius did not pursue brilliant victories and avoided all useless cruelty and treachery towards enemies. The army loved and revered their Caesar. And fate prepared new tests for him.


"Make every effort to remain the way philosophy wants you to be."

Commander Avidius Cassius, smart, educated person, who once loved Marcus Aurelius, raises an uprising in Syria. He accuses the ruler of Rome of "doing research about the elements, about souls, about what is fair and just, and does not think about the state."

Part of the Romans sympathize with the general. Philosophy eventually bored many. High goals were not understood. The mob laughed at the famous teachers of philosophy: “For his long beard he is paid a salary of ten thousand sesterces; What? Goats should also be paid!” Lazy artisans and bad actors hurried to enroll in the “philosophers” workshop, finding this craft the most profitable and easy. People managed to turn the kingdom of the sages into a stupid farce.

Taking advantage of this, Avidius Cassius revolts society not against Marcus Aurelius, the emperor, but against Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher.

Having learned about the betrayal of Cassius, Marcus Aurelius remains calm, never for a moment succumbs to feelings of anger and revenge - just like a few years ago, when he, knowing about the excessive ambitions of the general, in a letter to his half-brother and co-ruler Lucius Verus remarked: “I read your a letter in which there is more anxiety than imperial dignity... If Cassius is destined to become emperor, then we will not be able to kill him... if it is not destined, then without cruelty on our part, he himself will fall into the nets laid out for him by fate.. .

Not so badly did we honor the gods, and not so badly did we live so that he could win.

The intercepted letters of Cassius to the conspirators, Marcus Aurelius, without reading, will order to be burned, so as not to "learn the names of his enemies and not to hate them involuntarily."

The rebellion lasted three months and six days. Avidius Cassius was killed by one of his accomplices. Marcus Aurelius gave a full amnesty to his supporters.

It was a softness that many thought bordered on weakness.

But Marcus Aurelius had nothing to do with that kind of spineless good-natured monarch, numerous images of which have been preserved by history. He pursued a policy of generosity quite consciously, and on the throne, remaining the way philosophy wanted to make him. The reaction of Marcus Aurelius to the most diverse situations of life never diverged from his philosophical convictions, and the actions of the emperor did not in any way refute his highest ideas.


“Do not forget, henceforth, with every event that plunges you into sorrow, to use the fundamental principle: “This event is not a misfortune, but the ability to adequately endure it is happiness.” Does what happened prevent you from being just, generous, prudent, prudent, careful in judgment, truthful, modest, frank, and possessing all other qualities that are a feature of human nature?

In his personal life, the emperor-philosopher with no less courage endures the fatal blows of fate.

The wife of Marcus Aurelius Faustina, perhaps, once loved her husband. But this time has passed, and philosophy got bored beautiful woman. And now, dirty gossip about Faustina's love affairs is circulating all over Rome. Actors in theaters and sailors in port taverns talk about them publicly.

In Marcus Aurelius, wisdom was combined with that truthfulness that can atone for the sins of others.
The emperor's son Commodus is the exact opposite of his father. Subsequently, with his reign, Commodus will write one of the darkest pages in the history of Rome. With bitterness, Marcus Aurelius realizes that after his death, the government of the state will pass to a person more like the son of a gladiator than the emperor of Rome...

Placing a naive hope on education, Marcus Aurelius surrounds Commodus with teachers of philosophy and morality. To no avail. The heir seeks only the society of mimes, circus riders and gladiators, whom he surpasses in rudeness and strength. Amidst betrayals and betrayals, the Stoic emperor retains his nobility. He deeply believes that sincere kindness is irresistible. He does not pay attention to ridicule and does not seem to see evil. He does not listen to the advice of his close associates, who convince him to break with Faustina. Marcus Aurelius considers such an act too ignoble in relation to his adoptive father and teacher Antoninus Pius, who once blessed this marriage.

Faustina was always dear to him. She accompanied him on many campaigns, and he called her the mother of the camps, was grateful to her for listening to his poems. French historian and researcher Renan called the attitude of Marcus Aurelius towards his wife "relentless meekness".

Shortly before his death, the emperor writes in his diary: “I part with that life in which even the people closest to me, for whom I put so much work, for which I prayed and cared so fervently, even they desire my elimination, hoping that this maybe bring them some relief.

Feeling the approach of death, Marcus Aurelius remains calm. He always lived in harmony with his heart. And he appeared before eternity with a clear conscience: “Let the deity in you be the leader of a being of a courageous, mature, devoted to the interests of the state, a Roman, invested with power, feeling at a post, like a man who, without needing either an oath or guarantors, with with a light heart awaits the call to leave life. And you will have light in your soul, and you will not need help from outside, nor in that peace that depends on others.

Death came to the emperor-philosopher on March 17, 180, when he was on a military campaign, in the vicinity of modern Vienna. He was almost 59 years old. They say it was a plague from which he healed many.

Just before the death of the emperor Galen, his doctor, despite the mortal danger until the last minute, was nearby, he heard Marcus Aurelius say: “It seems that today I will be left alone with myself,” after which his lips touched the semblance of a smile.

According to Herodian, “there was no person in the empire who would have received the news of the death of the emperor without tears. In one voice, everyone called him - who is the best of the fathers, who is the most valiant of the generals, who is the most worthy of the monarchs, who is the magnanimous, exemplary and full of wisdom emperor - and everyone spoke the truth. People saw in him a combination of wisdom with that truthfulness that can atone for other people's sins.

With the departure of Marcus Aurelius, the felice tempore, the “golden age” of Ancient Rome, ended. After the father-philosopher, the son-gladiator ascended the throne. That was the beginning of the death of the old civilization, which, it seemed, still had so much vitality. The dominance of philosophy gave way to the dominance of unbridled violence. Contempt for spiritual values ​​and a decline in morals led to the collapse great empire. Hordes of barbarians and time have swallowed up everything that she once lived, leaving us only the mournful ruins of her former greatness and glory. But there is something over which time has no power. This is not fame, not wealth, but the qualities of the soul.

In whatever role we remember today, Marcus Aurelius - a commander, a Roman, a father, a spouse, an emperor - he always remained a philosopher. And history has preserved the memory of this happy era, when human affairs were performed by the best and wisest man time...

And the severity of his fate? It was a great, eternity-given chance that he used. In the cruel crucible of trials, the great soul was able to show all its stamina and strength. Your honor. The very honor that for many centuries remains the true heritage of Ancient Rome.

In the "Meditations" of Marcus Aurelius, all the historical tragedy that filled his life was overcome. Yes, the cause of Marcus Aurelius - the ruler was destroyed, and nothing could prevent the collapse of the empire. But the thoughts of Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher, remained, addressed to the soul, the world and God. They, like golden threads, connected the noble Roman emperor with all subsequent centuries. These thoughts are not in danger of destruction, for humanity will never forget how to understand them. They bear the seal of eternity.


The original article is on the website of the magazine "New Acropolis":

to the magazine "Man Without Borders"

Artist: Joseph Siffred Duplessis "Marcus Aurelius".

Roman emperor (161-180) from the Antonin dynasty, philosopher, one of the most significant representatives of Roman stoicism, a follower of Epictetus

Wrote 12 volumes under the general title "Discourses about myself"

Mark Annius Catilius Severus, who went down in history under the name of Marcus Aurelius, was born in Rome on April 26, 121 and was the son of Annius Verus and Domitia Lucilla. Marcus Aurelius treated his mother with deep respect and believed that he owed her "piety, generosity and abstinence not only from bad deeds, but also from bad thoughts, as well as a simple way of life, far from any luxury "

In 139, after the death of his father, he was adopted by the emperor Antonina Pius and became known as Marc Elius Aurelius Ver Caesar, later as emperor he bore the official name Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (or Mark Antoninus Augustus)

Marcus Aurelius received an excellent education. According to the will of his maternal grandfather, he was educated at home.

Mark mentions Diognetus, who introduced him to philosophy and at the same time taught painting. This teacher, according to Mark himself, freed the student from superstitions and forced him to write dialogues On the advice of the same teacher, the future emperor, under the influence of the philosophical views he had learned, began to sleep on bare boards covered with animal skin.

Emperor Adrian, who loved the young man very much, called him - alluding to his name Ver ("truthful") and his truthfulness - Verissim ("truthful") At the age of fifteen, Mark received a male toga Even during the life of Adrian, Mark, despite his young age, was scheduled to be a quaestor, and six months after the death of Adrian, he assumed the position of quaestor (December 5, 138), that is, he began to practically engage in administrative activities.

In the same year he was engaged to Faustina, daughter of the emperor Antoninus Pius, successor to Hadrian on the throne. declared Caesar In 140, Mark became consul for the first time. By the will of Pius, and against his will, he moved to the Palatine Hill in 139 to live in close proximity to the emperor.

Despite his high position and participation in the affairs of government, Mark did not interrupt his scientific studies. He received a higher education in the form in which it was then received in high Roman society. The main subject was rhetoric.

In 145, Mark became consul for the second time, together with Pius. Immediately after this secondary consulship, Mark's marriage to Faustina was formalized. The reputation of this woman was not as beautiful as her appearance, rumor stubbornly claimed that she chose her lovers from sailors and gladiators "When Marcus Aurelius was told about her behavior, advising her to divorce her if he did not want to execute her, he is said to have said "If I divorce my wife, then I will need to return her dowry to her" And what else could be considered a dowry, if not imperial power "

At the age of 25, Mark switched to philosophy. Mark's predecessors (Adrian, Pius) also had respect for philosophy and philosophers, but none of them had such a craving for philosophical teachings as Mark had for Stoic teaching. Quintus was the main mentor of Mark in philosophy. Junius Rusticus, who put into his hands the writings of Epictetus

There is information about other philosophers called for Mark to Rome by Mark's leader in the study civil law was the famous legal adviser Volusius Metian Little is known about Mark's life in 141-161 Antoninus Pius introduced Marcus Aurelius to government in 146, giving him the power of a people's tribune

In addition to Marcus Aurelius, Antoninus Pius adopted Lucius Verus

On January 1, 16] of the year, Mark entered his third consulship with his adopted brother. In March of the same year, the emperor Antoninus Pius died and the joint reign of Marcus Aurelius with Lucius Verus began, which lasted until January 169. During the period of their joint reign, Marcus Aurelius always had the decisive word . Lucius Ver was distinguished by his licentiousness and excessive propensity for a wild life.

There is no point in listing chronological order received by Marcus Aurelius, already the bearer of supreme power, those honorary titles that usually fell to the lot of Roman emperors. It is enough to note that Mark no longer assumed the consulship, but several times received tribunician powers and several times after victories received the honorary title of emperor

After the end of the Parthian War, he celebrated a triumph together with Lucius Verus, another triumph took place in 177 on the occasion of victories over the northern tribes, Marcus Aurelius learned a lot from his adoptive father Antoninus Pius

Agreement with the senate and respect for the senatorial class was one of the rules that Antoninus Pius consistently observed. Among the laudable qualities of his adoptive father, Mark called the lack of enthusiasm for novelty. and something more - Antoninus Pius did not show a desire to be original in state events, he acted within the traditional framework of the Roman imperial administration

Like Antoninus Pius, Mark in every way emphasized his respect for the senate as an institution and for the senators as members of this institution (asserted in the biography of Marcus Aurelius attributed to Julius Capitolinus). never left before the presiding consul closed the meeting with the sacramental phrase "We do not detain you any longer, fathers senators"

Before taking money from the treasury, he applied to the senate for permission, he repeatedly said that he would not allow a senator to be executed during his reign. The judicial functions of the senate were expanded. , he declared invalid the marriages of women of this class with freedmen

The impoverishment of Roman citizenship was caused by the establishment of an alimentary fund for the education of orphans of Roman citizens Funds came from landowners who pledged their land holdings to the state with the obligation to pay a certain percentage to the state Marcus Aurelius continued the long-established tradition of entertaining the Roman people with spectacles and making free distributions

There are, however, reports that he himself showed indifference to spectacles

Mark paid great attention to litigation Constantly having experienced lawyers in his environment, he used their advice

Mark was distrustful of scammers, for a false denunciation a "spot of dishonor" was imposed. Taking care of the replenishment of the state treasury necessary to cover military expenses, Mark, avoiding extraordinary taxes on the provinces, arranged an auction on the forum of Trajan, where gold, crystal and gold belonging to the emperor were sold. murrine cups and vessels, women's clothing, gems, found in the secret treasury of Hadrian, as well as statues and paintings of famous masters, the proceeds from the auction were enough money to cover all military expenses

In spending public funds, the emperor showed frugality. During his stay in Athens, he established four departments of philosophy there - for each of the philosophical trends that dominated his time - academic, peripatetic, stoic epicurean. The state content was assigned to professors

In the reign of Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Empire was besieged, not counting the wars, great troubles. At the very beginning of his reign, a great flood occurred. The Tiber overflowed its banks and caused much destruction in Rome, a significant number of cattle died, famine began among the population Emperors (Mark and Ver) helped injured B last years the reign of Mark (177), an earthquake destroyed the city of Smyrna, and he generously released money for its restoration

On this occasion, an ancient source says that Mark gave money to many cities - being generally thrifty, he did not skimp when it came to necessary expenses. Marcus Aurelius was by no means a warlike sovereign. Moreover, he had a very low estimate of military glory. At the very beginning of the reign of Mark, hostilities took place in Britain and in Germany, from where the Hatti invaded Greece.

Later, the Moors devastated the Spanish provinces. There were unrest in the Lusitania. Apparently, in all the places listed, the actions of the Roman generals were successful and led to the defeat, or, in any case, to the reflection of the enemies. The most serious events that required the special attention of the Roman government took place on the eastern and northern borders of the empire. In the East, Rome's longtime rival, the Parthian state, immediately after the death of Antoninus Pius began to show activity.

The Parthians invaded the Roman possessions and defeated the Romans in two battles. The Roman Empire made peace with Parthia in 166 on rather favorable terms for itself, in particular, the cities of northwestern Mesopotamia remained behind Rome - Edessa, Karr, Nisibis. The victory of the Romans was largely brought to naught by the fact that in 165 a plague broke out in the Roman troops stationed in the East. The epidemic spread to Asia Minor, to Egypt, and then to Italy and the Rhine. In 167, a plague struck Rome.

In the same year, powerful Germanic tribes of the Marcomanni and Quadi, as well as the Sarmatians, invaded the Roman possessions on the Danube. The co-emperors set out on a campaign against the barbarians. In 169, Lucius Ver died. The war with the Germans and Sarmatians had not yet ended, as unrest began in Northern Egypt (the so-called shepherd uprising in 172). After the suppression of the uprising in Egypt and after the end of the war with the Germans and Sarmatians in 175, the governor of Syria, Avidius Cassius, an outstanding commander, proclaimed himself emperor, and Marcus Aurelius was in danger of losing power.

Ancient historians write about this event like this" "Avidius Cassius, who in the East proclaimed himself emperor, was killed by soldiers against the will of Marcus Aurelius and without his knowledge. Upon learning of the uprising, Marcus Aurelius was not very angry and did not apply any harsh measures to the children and relatives of Avidya Cassius. The Senate declared him an enemy and "confiscated his property. Marcus Aurelius did not want it to go to the imperial treasury, and therefore, at the direction of the Senate, it went to the state treasury. Marcus Aurelius did not order, but only allowed Avidius Cassius to be killed, so that for everyone it was it is clear that he would spare him if it depended on him"

"When Avidius Cassius encroached on the imperial dignity in Syria. Marcus Aurelius was delivered a bunch of letters addressed by Cassius to the conspirators, as the one who was supposed to deliver them was captured. Marcus Aurelius, without opening, ordered these letters to be burned immediately so as not to to know the names of your enemies and not to hate them involuntarily."

“When one Roman began to reproach Marcus Aurelius for condescension towards Cassius, who had revolted Avidius, and asked:“ What if he won? so he could win." Then listing all the emperors who had been killed, he said that there were reasons why they deserved to be killed, and that no good emperor was so easily defeated by a tyrant and killed."

In 177, Rome fought the Mauritanians and won. In 178, the Marcomanni and other tribes again moved into the Roman possessions. Marcus Aurelius, together with his son Commodus, led a campaign against the Germans, and he managed to achieve great success, but the plague began again in the Roman troops. On March 17, 180, Marcus Aurelius died of the plague in Vindobona on the Danube (modern Vienna). Two days before his death, he told his friends that he was upset not at all by the fact that he was dying, but by the fact that he leaves behind such a son: Commodus has already shown himself dissolute and cruel.

About Marcus Aurelius, ancient historians speak as follows: "Marcus Aurelius constantly repeated the saying of Plato: "States would flourish if philosophers were rulers or if rulers were philosophers."

“From all other inclinations, Marcus Aurelius was distracted by philosophical studies, which made him serious and concentrated. However, his friendliness did not disappear from this, which he showed first of all in relation to his relatives, then to friends, and also to less familiar He was honest without intransigence, humble without weakness, serious without sullenness."

“He addressed the people in the way that was customary in a free state. He showed exceptional tact in all cases when it was necessary either to keep people from evil, or to induce them to do good, to richly reward some, to justify, showing indulgence, others. He He made bad people good and good people excellent, even enduring the ridicule of some. ".

"Before doing anything, he always - not only in military affairs, but also in civilian affairs - consulted with persons in high positions. His favorite saying was. "It is fairer for me to follow the advice of so many experienced friends than so many experienced friends obey my will, the will of one person." "He possessed all the virtues and a divine mind and was, as it were, the protector of people from all social disasters. If he had not been born at that time, then the entire Roman world would have collapsed in a single fall. After all, there was no rest at all from wars, they burned throughout the East, in Illyria, Italy, Gaul, earthquakes occurred, sometimes swallowing entire cities, there were floods of rivers, frequent epidemics, locusts devouring fields; in general, it is impossible to imagine a single national disaster that would not rage during his reign.

In Rome, a kind of monument to Marcus Aurelius is the triumphal column, built in 176-193 on the model of Trajan's column. at the top stood a bronze statue of Marcus Aurelius (subsequently replaced by a statue of Paul). Inside the column, a staircase of 203 steps is illuminated by 56 light holes. The area, in the center of which stands the column of Marcus Aurelius, is succinctly called Piazza Column.

On Capitoline Square there is a monument to Marcus Aurelius - the only surviving antique bronze equestrian statue (in the Middle Ages it was located on the square in front of the Lateran Palace, which was the residence of the pope; the statue survived only because it was considered the image of Emperor Constantine the Great, who patronized Christians and has always been deeply respect them).

Between the beginning of 172 and 174, the so-called miracle with rain occurred. Without asking whether there was one or two miracles, let us note the essence of the matter, the thirsty Roman army suddenly "miraculously" received a lot of rain moisture; Christian tradition ascribed merit to Christian soldiers - at their prayer, rain was sent down; according to another legend, the merit belongs to the Egyptian magician Arnufis, who was in the army; the third version, presumably the official one, connected the appearance of rain with the prayers of the emperor.

Between the wars, Marcus Aurelius visited the East. The reason for the trip was the rebellion of Avidius Cassius in Syria. A prominent commander declared himself emperor, dissolving a rumor or taking advantage of the rumor about the death of Marcus Aurelius. Only the governor of Egypt supported Cassius, the governor of Cappadocia remained faithful to Mark. The rebellion did not last long (3 months and 6 days). Avidius Cassius was killed by one of his accomplices. Mark treated the family of Avidius and the participants in the rebellion generously (only a few centurions were executed).

It was decided not to appoint natives of the provinces as governors (Avidius Cassius was a native of Syria, which he ruled). Mark arrived in the eastern provinces after the suppression of the rebellion. He visited Alexandria, Syria, Cappadocia (here in 175 at the foot of Taurus he buried his wife Faustina), Smyrna, Greece (in particular, Athens, where he was initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries) Marcus Aurelius asked the Senate to bestow divine honors on Faustina and build a temple ; he delivered a commendable speech, although the rumor stubbornly accused his late wife of immorality.

Marcus Aurelius either did not know anything about this, or pretended not to know. He thanked the Senate for declaring Faustina divine: she accompanied him on all summer campaigns, and he called her "the mother of the camps." After a short rest in Lavinia, the emperor visited Rome, and then went to the north, where - in 177 - the war with the Quads and Marcomanni began again. 179 was marked by a major victory for Roman weapons. March 17, 180 in Vindobona (Vienna) - or in Syrmia The cause of his death is usually considered to be plague

More recently, in a joint work of two authors - a historian and a physician - arguments are made in favor of another diagnosis of the disease of Marcus Aurelius, the symptoms speak of a stomach ulcer. After his death, Mark was officially deified, a temple was built in his honor and priests were appointed. The reign of Marcus Aurelius is considered the golden age in ancient historical tradition; Mark himself is presented in this tradition as an ideal ruler, chiefly for his humanity.

Some of the subsequent emperors, in order to raise their prestige, either themselves or their sons gave the name Antoninus Those who call Mark a philosopher on the throne are certainly right. from the philosophical and moral side and advice on how to treat it. His philosophical essay entitled "Alone with Myself" (or "To Myself") is a note not intended for publication, it is a kind of reflection on life in which he refers to himself, trying to understand the surrounding reality.

Mark is aware of the frailty of life: "Time is a river, a swift stream. Only something will appear, as it is already rushing past, but another rushes by, and again the first is in sight." Time is infinite, and before this infinity the duration of each human life- this is a moment, and life in relation to this infinity is extremely insignificant "Everyone's life is insignificant, that corner of the earth where he lives is insignificant." "Remember also that everyone lives only in the present minute moment."

Marcus Aurelius also reflects on the memory that remains after the death of a person. “Everything is short-lived and soon begins to resemble a myth, and then indulges in complete oblivion. And I’m also talking about people who at one time were surrounded by an extraordinary halo. ". What is eternal glory? "Sheer vanity." Assessing his life, the life of past times, Marcus Aurelius concludes that it is rather monotonous and does not give anything new, everything is the same, everything repeats. the times of Vespasian, and you will see everything the same as now" people marry, raise children, get sick, die, wage wars, celebrate festivities, travel, cultivate the land, flatter, indulge in arrogance, suspect, slander, wish the death of others , grumble at the present, love, collect treasures, achieve honorary positions and the throne What has become of their life, it has perished. entire nations and pay attention to how many people died shortly after reaching the cherished goal and decomposed into elements "

These words reflected the pessimistic mood of the whole era in which Marcus Aurelius lived. It was an era of disillusionment and fatigue that engulfed entire nations. True, in this vain life there are moral values ​​that one should strive for, these are justice, truth, prudence, courage. He also refers socially useful activities, citizenship to true values, which oppose such imaginary, in his opinion, values ​​as " approval of the crowd, power, wealth, a life full of pleasures.

Marcus Aurelius looks at a person as a complex social being who, on the one hand, lives in the present, vain, and on the other hand, his activity pursues long-term goals. Therefore, he condemns the one who does not coordinate his deeds with higher goals, by which he understands the good State Marcus Aurelius believes that, despite the futility of human life, he faces high moral tasks, which he, in obedience to duty, must fulfill

And in this he is helped by the philosophy "To philosophize means to protect the inner genius from reproach and flaw, to ensure that he becomes higher than pleasures and sufferings, so that there is no recklessness, no deceit, no hypocrisy in his actions, so that it does not concern him, whether or not his neighbor does or does not do anything, so that he would look at everything that happens and was given to him as a result from where he himself came from, and most importantly, that he meekly waits for death, as simple decomposition the elements that make up every living being.

In his work, Mark only once recalls Christians. The soul of a person must be ready to renounce the body, and this readiness must stem from one’s own judgment, without a shade of militancy characteristic of Christians, deliberately, strictly, convincingly, without theatricality. It is these last conditions that Marcus Aurelius did not found among Christians

The intolerance of Christians towards other people's beliefs completes the list of those traits of their behavior that explain Mark's antipathy to Christianity From the notes of Marcus Aurelius it follows that he deeply believed in the existence of gods who are baked for the good of people He emphasized his respect for traditional religion, performing in Rome before departure Roman (and foreign) rituals to war, and in Attica, having taken initiation into the Eleusinian mysteries

In his essay “To Yourself” there are the following words: “Always zealously take care that the work in which you are currently engaged is performed in a manner worthy of a Roman and a husband, with full and sincere cordiality, with love for people, with freedom and justice, and also about putting aside all other ideas from yourself. You will succeed if you perform each deed as the last in your life, free frompassions of disregard for the dictates of reason, from hypocrisy and dissatisfaction with one's fate "

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was born on April 26, 121 AD. in a noble Roman family Annius Vera and Domitius Lucilla. It is believed that his family is ancient and originates from Numa Pompilius. In the early years, the boy bore the name of his great-grandfather - Mark Annius Catillius Sever. Soon his father died, Mark was adopted by his grandfather Annius Ver, and he took the name Mark Annius Ver.

By the will of his grandfather, Mark received his primary education at home from various teachers.

Emperor Adrian early noticed the subtle, fair nature of the boy and patronized him, he also gave Mark the nickname Verissimon (“the truest and most truthful”). FROM early years Mark performed various assignments given to him by Emperor Hadrian. At the age of six, he received the title of equestrian from Emperor Hadrian, which was an exceptional event. At the age of 8, he was a member of the collegium of the salii (priests of the god Mars), and from the age of 15-16 he was the organizer of Latin festivities throughout Rome and the manager at the feasts hosted by Hadrian, and everywhere he showed himself from the best side.

The emperor even wanted to appoint Mark as his direct heir, but this was impossible due to the youth of the chosen one. Then he appointed Antoninus Pius as his heir with the condition that he, in turn, transfer power to Mark. The laws of the ancient Roman tradition allowed the transfer of power not to physical heirs, but to those whom they considered their spiritual successors. Adopted by Antony Pius, Marcus Aurelius studied with many prominent philosophers, including the Stoic Apollonius. From the age of 18 he lived in the imperial palace. According to legend, many things pointed to the great future prepared for him. Subsequently, he remembered his teachers with deep love and gratitude and dedicated the first lines of his Meditations to them.

From the age of 19, Mark becomes a consul. Initiated into many mysteries, the future emperor was distinguished by simplicity and strictness of character. Already in his youth, he often surprised his loved ones. He was very fond of the ancient Roman ritual traditions, and in his views and worldview he was close to the students of the Stoic school. He was also a brilliant orator and dialectician, an expert in civil law and jurisprudence.

In 145, his marriage to the daughter of Emperor Antoninus Pius Faustina was formalized. Mark abandoned further studies in rhetoric, devoting himself to philosophy.

In 161, Marcus Aurelius took over the care of the Empire and responsibility for its future fate, sharing it with Caesar Lucius Veer, also adopted son Antonina Pia. In fact, very soon, Mark alone began to bear the burden of caring for the empire. Lucius Ver showed weakness and retired from public affairs. At that time, Mark was about 40 years old. His wisdom and penchant for philosophy helped him to successfully rule the empire.

Of the large-scale events that befell the emperor, one can name the elimination of the consequences of the flood due to the flood of the Tiber River, which killed many livestock and caused starvation of the population; participation and victory in the Parthian War, the Marcomannic War, hostilities in Armenia, German war and the fight against pestilence - an epidemic that claimed the lives of thousands of people. Despite the constant lack of funds, the emperor-philosopher, carried out the funeral of the poor who died from the epidemic at public expense. In order to avoid tax increases in the provinces to cover military expenses, he replenished the state treasury by holding a large auction for the sale of art treasures belonging to him. And having no funds to carry out the necessary military campaign, he sold and pawned everything that belonged to him personally and his family, including jewelry and clothes. Bidding lasted about two months - so great were the riches with which he did not regret parting. When the funds were collected, the emperor went on a campaign with an army and won a brilliant victory. The joy of the subjects and their love for the emperor was great that they were able to return to him a significant part of the wealth. Contemporaries characterized Marcus Aurelius as follows: "He was honest without inflexibility, modest without weakness, serious without sullenness."

Marcus Aurelius always showed exceptional tact in all cases when it was necessary to keep people from evil or to encourage good. Realizing the importance of philosophy in the educational and educational process, he established four departments in Athens - academic, peripatetic, stoic and epicurean directions. The professors of these departments were assigned the state content. Not afraid to lose popularity, he changed the rules of gladiator fights, making them less cruel. Despite the fact that he had to suppress the uprisings that now and then flare up on the outskirts of the empire, and repel numerous barbarian invasions that were already undermining its power, Marcus Aurelius never lost his cool. According to his adviser Timocrates, a cruel illness caused the emperor terrible suffering, but he courageously endured them and, in spite of everything, had an incredible ability to work. During military campaigns, in campfires, sacrificing hours of nightly rest, he created genuine masterpieces of moral philosophy and metaphysics. 12 books of his memoirs have been preserved, which were called “To Myself”. They are also known as "Reflections".

During a visit to the eastern provinces, in which a rebellion broke out, in the year 176, his wife Faustina, who accompanied him, died. Despite all the bitter shortcomings of his wife, Marcus Aurelius was grateful to her for her patience and favor and called her "the mother of the camps."

Death came to the emperor-philosopher on March 17, 180, during a military campaign in the vicinity of modern Vienna. Already sick, he was very sad that he was leaving behind a dissolute and cruel son of Commodus. Just before his death, Galen (the emperor’s doctor, who, despite the mortal danger, was next to him until the last minute) heard from Marcus Aurelius: “It seems that today I will be left alone with myself,” after which his emaciated lips touched the semblance of a smile. Marcus Aurelius died with dignity and courage, as a warrior, philosopher and great sovereign.

MARC AURELIUS(Marcus Aurelius) Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (04/26/121 - 03/17/180), Roman emperor from 03/07/161

Born into a senatorial family of Spanish origin, at the request of Hadrian in 138 he was adopted by his uncle Antoninus Pius, in 145 he married his daughter Faustina and in 146 he was proclaimed co-ruler. In 161, he ascended the throne and until 169 he ruled together with his named brother Lucius Verus.

The reign of Marcus Aurelius was marked by fierce defensive battles that marked the end of the relatively calm development of the principate era. In 162, an uprising in Britain was suppressed and battles were fought with the Hutts in the area of ​​the German limes. After the war with the Parthians (162-166), Armenia and Osroene became dependent on the Roman state. Returning from a campaign, the troops brought a plague into the Empire, which raged until 189. Invasions of the Marcomanni and Quadi in 166-167. resulted in a protracted defensive war on the Danube border. In 168-172 years. Roman troops under the command of Marcus Aurelius ousted the Germanic and Sarmatian tribes from Upper Italy, Rezia, Noricum, Pannonia and the Balkan provinces. Since 172, the Romans have stepped up offensive operations, but they managed only for a short time to establish control over part of the territory of modern Czechoslovakia and Eastern Hungary. Episodes of the Marcomannic War 171-175 depicted on the bas-reliefs of the 30-meter column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome.

An attempt to usurp the supreme power by Gaius Avidius Cassius, the governor of Syria in 175, and an uprising in Egypt again aggravated the internal political situation. In 176, Marcus Aurelius proclaimed his son Commodus co-emperor and, shortly before the end of the war, died in Vindobona from the plague.

The internal policy of the emperor is characterized by the agreement of Marcus Aurelius with the Senate, while at the same time strengthening the state apparatus of the Empire and expanding its functions. Captured barbarians were not turned into slaves, but were left as columns in special border settlements.

Marcus Aurelius studied rhetoric with Fronton and Herodes Atticus and from 146 began to show interest in philosophy. He became one of the most prominent representatives of the late, eclectic Stoa. Under the influence of the teachings of Epictetus, ethics took the leading place in his philosophical reasoning. He urged selflessly to love neighbors and engage in moral perfection. Happiness is obtained through the knowledge of the natural law ruling the world and faith in its reasonableness. The human mind is of divine origin, and therefore all men are equal. Since Marcus Aurelius demanded that everyone play their part in the place allotted to him by fate, he acted as an apologist for the existing system. In contrast to the philosophy of the ancient Stoa, he separated God from nature, approaching the views of Plato. During the war, the treatise "Alone with myself" was written on the Danube border ( Greek. “Ta eis heauton”). This essay has been very popular for a long time. A biography of Marcus Aurelius has been published in Histona Augusta, and there is a statue in the Antique Collection State museums in Berlin, a bust in Dresden at the Albertinum. The equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius (the only one preserved) stands in Rome on a pedestal built by Michelangelo in 1537 on the Capitoline Hill.

Marcus Aurelius received tribunic power and proconsular empire, which meant granting him the status of junior co-ruler, December 1, 147 - Note. ed. site.

Dictionary of antiquity. Per. with him. - M.: Progress, 1989

tribune power received 34 times (the first time - December 1, 147, then - annually on December 10).
Emperor: I (upon receiving power, in 161), II (163), III (165), IV (166), V (167), VI (171), VII (174 BC), VIII (175), IX (177), X (179).
Consul: I (140), II (145), III (161).


Annia Galeria Faustina (Younger) (Annia Galeria Faustina).


8 sons:

(1) Titus Aurelius Antoninus;

(2) Titus Aelius Aurelius;

(3) Titus Aelius Antoninus;

(4) name unknown;

(5) Titus Aurelius Fulvus Antoninus;

(6) Lucius Aurelius Commodus;

(7) Marcus Annius Verus;

(8) Adrian (Hadrianus);

6 daughters:

(1) Domitia Faustina;

(2) Annia Aurelius Galeria Lucilla (Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla);

(3) Annia Aurelius Galeria Faustina (Annia Aurelia Galeria Faustina);

(4) Fadilla;

(5) Cornificia;

(6) Vibia Aurelia Sabina;

Names, titles, relatives are given according to:
1995 Chris Scarre. Chronicle of the Roman Emperors. Thames & Hudson Ltd, London, 2002.