“Have you seen her pictures? Forget it. They do not convey even half of the charm. The adopted son of Dr. Lisa from Saratov never showed off his famous mother

Elizaveta Glinka adopted Ilya Shvets after his mother died of cancer in 2008. A resident of Saratov suffered from cancer and was a patient of the Doctor Lisa Foundation.


Ilya's relatives were not even willing to pay for his mother's funeral. Then everything fell on the fragile shoulders of Glinka. When the boy flatly refused to go to the shelter, she decided to take him to her family. “In general, we went to custody, wrote a statement, so I got it. Irony of fate: Ilyusha is a half-breed, his father was black. I thought what to say to the children: I left for Russia, and also brought the child. “Normal, but what?” And the younger one is more emotional: “What are you doing! Do I really have a black brother now? How is it in Harlem? What a cool thing, great!" - Dr. Lisa said in an interview.

After it turned out that Ilya was adopted twice. In 1994, he was found right on the street, in a box, not far from the hostel in Ulyanovsk. In the baby house, he was noticed by 35-year-old Galina, who herself once grew up in a shelter, and decided to adopt. Nevertheless, happiness did not last long: soon the family was forced to move to Saratov and was left without a roof over their heads.

After long wanderings around the rooming houses and knocking on the thresholds of local officials, Galina and her adopted son received an apartment, Komsomolskaya Pravda in Saratov reports. True, it turned out that the one-room housing was in a terrible state, so local residents began collecting money for repairs for the family.

But after Ilya, a new misfortune lay in wait - his adoptive mother was diagnosed with cancer in an advanced stage. As a result, the woman died within two years: neither surgery nor chemotherapy courses helped.

At first, Ilya lived with his foster family in Moscow, but then moved back to Saratov and went to college to be a cook. At first, the young man wanted to quit his studies and return to the capital, but Dr. Lisa dissuaded him. "And then he settled down. Like," aunt "in the capital told him:" Do not even think: you will move, how will you get a diploma. "We could not even think that this aunt is Elizaveta Glinka ..." - they said at the college where she studies young man.

Farewell to Elizaveta Glinka, who died in a plane crash near Sochi on December 25, took place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent.

They said goodbye to Doctor Liza to the sound of gunshots. In the almost complete silence of the Assumption Church, as soon as a new person appeared at the door, a deafening chirp of cameras was suddenly heard. Someone definitely had the “sports shooting” mode. Of course, this sound was far from real shots, but it was perceived precisely as an automatic burst in this frozen space. I wanted to cover my ears, because it was the cameras, destroying the last illusions, ruthlessly saying that reality was around, Doctor Lisa was no more and this coffin, covered with Russian flag, is directly related to it.

In front of the closed coffin is her photograph, next to it are numerous awards, mourning wreaths from family, friends, the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense. One of the ribbons is wrapped around a wreath with the inscription "There was no such and will not be." And people go and go, pouring in an endless stream through the frames of metal detectors, freezing in front of the stairs upstairs, not daring to take a step for some time already completely inside, to where last hopes and there comes the stage of acceptance of the common grief.

Someone worked with Elizaveta Glinka, someone was friends with her, and someone was her ward. Not everyone was ready to tell why they came to the farewell ceremony, some only whispered: “Sorry, I can’t, it hurts a lot…”

Journalist Dmitry had a trouble in his family, it was completely incomprehensible what to do. Dr. Liza herself wrote to him on LiveJournal, and within one day the family received the necessary assistance. When Dmitry arrived at the Fair Aid office, he was surprised at how confidentially and openly Elizaveta Petrovna communicated with everyone who came there.

– I was uncomfortable and even ashamed that I myself could not find a solution and had to turn to her for help. I even burst into tears, but Dr. Lisa consoled me, said that there are no problems that cannot be solved. And now I remember how this small, thin woman stroked me, big and well-fed, on the shoulder and persuaded me not to be upset, because there are situations worse. Outwardly so simple, she turned out to be a giant of the spirit.

A representative man with a huge bouquet of roses. He knew Elizaveta Petrovna for many years - his company helped the Fair Aid Foundation. This was not the only foundation he helped, but it was with Lisa that very trusting, friendly relations were established.

- It hurts, it just hurts a lot now,- only this he can tell reporters and hurries to leave.

Alexander was introduced to Glinka by mutual friends. It was at Pravmir that Alexander read about Liza that she loves tea, and one day he brought a pack of good tea especially for her. So they began to cooperate.

– It was amazing that a person who does such hard work is very cheerful and happy. Despite such a tragic outcome, her life was truly happy, and it is precisely such happiness - the opportunity to do good to people - that is available to few. Elizabeth was a real Orthodox person precisely in her spiritual structure. There are very few such people who are ready to help people wholeheartedly. Life will be much more difficult for many now...

Journalist Anna filmed Glinka more than once in her reports.

- We became friends with her, although Liza was a person who did not let everyone near her. The fact that she was so open and accepted me, and then took me to her team, is very important to me.

Anna came to Elizaveta Petrovna in a difficult life span, and she really needed human kindness, warmth.

“She didn’t do anything special to make me feel better, but the very presence of such a person next to me brought relief. Lisa was surprisingly able to abstract herself from those difficult situations that surrounded her. At the same time, she participated in the fate of everyone who came to her, and it was amazing how she could communicate!

This was my rear. We haven’t seen each other for four years - I got married, gave birth to a child, but I always remembered her, and it seemed that soon the child would grow up, I would bring him to the basement to Lisa on Pyatnitskaya, and she would meet my son. It was a very happy thought, and now it is very bitter...

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations worked with Glinka for the evacuation of children for two years, this was a joint affair of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Health and the Fair Help Foundation.

“We came here to honor the blessed memory of a man who did a good deed for so many people, especially for children who found themselves in terrible circumstances.

- Elizaveta Petrovna was a unique person, but in any case, her work will be continued, because she had assistants, and in general such a valiant deed cannot end, it is impossible. When we took part in humanitarian operations together, she gave every saved child a piece of her soul, which was unlimitedly huge for her. It is very hard to realize that physically she is not with us, but she will always be in our memory and our soul. Elizaveta Petrovna just left on some distant business trip, where she continues to help people just as selflessly. She didn't die.

Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow EvgenyBunimovich also came to say goodbye to Dr. Lisa.

– Everything that concerns mercy and help, despite the fact that both structures and organizations are being created, nevertheless, they are based on completely unique people who give their whole life to this without a trace. These people are definitely irreplaceable, there are very few of them. These piece people with their existence help us all to live, to do good deeds.

The death of Elizabeth Glinka is a loss not only for loved ones and those whom she helped, but for all of us, her whole life was devoted to saving people, children, this was the meaning of her every minute. No one will ever replace this person, but her memory will become life guide for people, because, in my opinion, now is the time when many people began to understand how much targeted assistance is needed for specific people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. It is very difficult to find such a person who inspires such obvious trust and respect.

Evgenia Belousova, the owner of the Abazhur home cafe, did not communicate much with Glinka, but Dr. Lisa was like a very close relative to her.

- Now it is a great regret that we will not be able to talk more. There are people with whom you can communicate, there are people to whom you can tell something of your innermost, and she was the person you could listen to. Well, now let's listen like this ....

I was struck by her unique ability to help absolutely everyone, indiscriminately. There are very few such people, and we happened to know such a person. Lisa worked hard, and something had to happen, she felt it herself and other people. It's very embarrassing, of course, and I feel sorry for myself. There is a certainty about Lisa that she is well in Heaven, but she certainly continues to worry about us. And for us, this is an opportunity to reflect in order to remain human beings ourselves. And to help and be responsible for other people - here everyone has their own measure of strength. Lisa's measure of strength was incredible. She very accurately understood about others, who could do what, while remaining a very generous person.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social DevelopmentLeonid Pechatnikov said that he hopes for the continuation of the case of Elizabeth Glinka.

- We were very well acquainted with Elizaveta Petrovna, she helped us a lot, we did many things together. There has been an irreparable loss. Everything will go on, but such energy as Dr. Liza's, such a huge heart, will probably no longer exist. So it's very hard...

The ward of Dr. Lisa arrived at the Novodevichy Convent in a wheelchair. There were many such people here today.

- Dr. Lisa helped me for many years, until recently. What will happen now, I have no idea ...

The funeral service and funeral of Elizabeth Glinka were held in a narrow circle of relatives and friends in the afternoon. Buried Doctor Lisa Novodevichy cemetery.

// Photo: Ilya Pitalev / RIA Novosti

On Monday, January 16, the whole country says goodbye to the victims of the terrible Tu-154 plane crash that crashed over the Black Sea on December 25, 2016.

Many who are not indifferent to the activities of the head of the Fair Aid Foundation, Dr. Lisa, gathered in the Dormition Church of the Novodevichy Convent. Among them were State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights Mikhail Fedotov, member of the Public Chamber Vadim Kovalev and President of the Vera Charitable Foundation Nyuta Federmesser. They began to say goodbye to Elizabeth Glinka from eight in the morning. Those who could not come to the ceremony in person asked their friends to lay flowers for them. Among them were residents of other cities, shocked by her tragic death.

“It is very important that her work continues. This is perhaps the most important thing. And I have no doubt that someday she will be canonized as a saint. Not now, this is also important, but someday it will be necessary, ”said Mikhail Fedotov.

The speech of the head of the HRC was supported by Nyuta Federmesser. “People really lack the right examples, they lack guidelines. But now you can’t say about Lisa that she is a saint, if you do that, then she is an ideal, then none of us seems to be able to live the way she lived, ”said the president of the charitable organization.

Federmesser also shared her memories of the deceased: “She could and loved to look beautiful, she could swear well, she loved life and the good in it. But, yes, she also could not get past the injustice, past the ulcer on the leg of the homeless.

There were many red roses at the ceremony. White flowers were sent by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. At the mourning headboard, carnations were placed in a tricolor ribbon - a wreath from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Doctor Liza and I cooperated for two years, helping in her noble cause. This is a great grief for our entire team, for all the sick, homeless and beggars whom she fed in Moscow. We remember her as a holy woman, a kind-hearted person who was ready to help absolutely anyone who is in trouble, ”the commander of the search and rescue squad, Yevgeny Serykh, made such a speech.

Valentina Matvienko also came to say goodbye to Doctor Lisa. She laid flowers at the coffin, stood near it for a minute, and then went up to Glinka's relatives and expressed her condolences to them, shaking hands.

The funeral of Elizabeth Glinka will take place later at the Novodevichy cemetery. They will be held in a narrow circle of relatives and friends of the victims of the plane crash.

Meanwhile, in Ostankino, a farewell was held for the journalists of Channel One, NTV and Zvezda, who were flying to the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. The ceremony was attended by relatives and colleagues of the victims, including Konstantin Ernst, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexei Volin, general director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Oleg Dobrodeev and journalist Alexei Pimanov. The General Director of Channel One apologized to the families of the victims of the disaster.

“On December 25, a terrible grief happened - our comrades died. Dima Runkov, Vadim Denisov, Sasha Soidov died on Channel One. The guys from NTV, the guys from Zvezda died. The world-famous Alexandrov choir, Dr. Liza, pilots died. Terrible grief. What to say to relatives and friends ... Forgive me for not saving. We promise that we will help you,” said Konstantin Ernst.

// Photo: Alexey Kudenko / RIA Novosti

The head of the Krasnaya Zvezda media holding, Alexei Pimanov, and the CEO of NTV, Alexei Zemsky, joined the words of their colleague. According to Pimanov, today they say goodbye to the best representatives of the profession. “There is journalism one, another, they could find another job, they probably could not fly to where they always flew,” he commented.

Director General of the VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev called the day of farewell to the dead the worst in the history of Russian television. “We have never had such losses. What happened is terrible, especially if you look at these faces,” he said, emphasizing the youth of his deceased colleagues. Dobrodeev also said that he would do everything for the memory of the guys and their loved ones.

Farewell to those who died in the crash of the Tu-154 also took place at the Federal Military Cemetery in the Moscow region. Their relatives, relatives and colleagues, including Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and the leadership of the department, came to say the last as if to the dead. In addition, the ceremony was attended by the head of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov and deputies of the State Duma.

“They left on takeoff, left in their prime. They flew on a combat mission. We apologize that we did not save the lives of our colleagues… Eternal memory to the dead,” said State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov.

// Photo: Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti


In the Dormition Church of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow on the morning of Monday, January 16, there was a farewell to the doctor and philanthropist Elizaveta Glinka, who died on December 25 in a plane crash over the Black Sea. The funeral of Doctor Liza will take place at the Novodevichy Cemetery in the capital.

Everyone was able to say goodbye to Elizaveta Glinka during a civil memorial service in the Assumption Church from 8 to 2 pm Monday, the website of the Council for Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation reports. The funeral service and funeral of Dr. Liza will be held in the circle of relatives and friends.

Friends and colleagues remember Elizabeth Glinka with warmth. "In a difficult situation, Lisa always knew how to find words, knew how to find time to call, write and support. It's a shame that she did not fully know how dear she was to us," Katerina Gordeeva, a trustee of the Podari Zhizn Foundation, told TASS. Member of the HRC, head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alekseeva, calls the death of Doctor Lisa a huge loss. "It is very difficult to say, this is a huge loss. People like Dr. Lisa are born once in a thousand years," the human rights activist believes.

Elizaveta Glinka, flying aboard the crashed Tu-154, was carrying medicines to Syria. On December 8, she became the first laureate of the new State Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of charitable and human rights activities. Glinka was a member of the HRC, as well as the head of the Fair Help charity foundation.

On Monday, Moscow and the regions are saying goodbye to other victims of the disaster. A civil memorial service was held at the Ostankino television center for the journalists of Channel One and NTV who died in the crash of the Tu-154 plane, RIA Novosti reports. Colleagues came to say goodbye to them, people brought flowers. In the corridor on the walls of the television center, all the photographs and mirrors were curtained in black.

The funeral of the four dead journalists took place on Monday afternoon at the Federal War Memorial Cemetery in Mytishchi near Moscow, TASS reports. Channel One correspondent Dmitry Runkov will be buried on January 17 with military honors in his homeland in Arkhangelsk, at the Vologda cemetery, a representative of the city administration told the agency earlier. The funeral of journalists of the Zvezda TV channel took place on Saturday, January 14.

The Tu-154 plane crash killed the film crews of Channel One, NTV and the Zvezda TV channel. Nine journalists became victims of the crash: correspondent Dmitry Runkov (Channel One), cameraman Vadim Denisov (Channel One), sound engineer Alexander Soydov (Channel One), correspondent Pavel Obukhov (Zvezda), cameraman Alexander Suranov (Zvezda), operator assistant Valery Rzhevsky ("Star"), correspondent-producer Mikhail Luzhetsky (NTV), cameraman Oleg Pestov (NTV), sound engineer Evgeny Tolstov (NTV).

48 victims of the disaster were buried at the military cemetery in Mytishchi

In total, 48 victims of the Tu-154 crash were buried at the military cemetery in Mytishchi. In addition to four journalists, members of the crew of the crashed aircraft, military personnel, artists of the Alexandrov Ensemble, as well as Anton Gubankov, head of the Department of Culture of the Russian Defense Ministry, were buried there. At the end of last year, Oksana Badrutdinova, assistant to the director of the department, also died in a plane crash, was buried here.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, members of the government and the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, relatives, friends and colleagues came to say goodbye to the dead. State Secretary - Deputy Head of the RF Ministry of Defense Nikolai Pankov assured the relatives of the victims of the air crash of full support from the military department.

The artistic director of the Alexandrov ensemble will be buried in the Vladimir region

Artistic Director of the Ensemble Alexandrov Valery Khalilov, who was also on board the Tu-154 that fell into the sea, will be buried on January 16 at the Arkhangelsk churchyard in the Kirzhachsky district of the Vladimir region, where the great-grandmother of the conductor rests. This was told to TASS by one of the organizers of the ceremony, local historian Yevgeny Fedorov. "The funeral of Valery Khalilov due to weather conditions was postponed from Sunday to Monday, January 16. The ceremony will be attended by musicians of the Alexandrov Ensemble, who will perform mourning music", - said the source of the agency.

According to him, the general bequeathed to bury himself in the Arkhangelsk churchyard near the village of Novinki, where his great-grandmother was buried. At the entrance to the village where he lived as a child, Khalilov built a chapel-column at his own expense.

It was expected that more than 300 military men, representatives of the Ministry of Defense, cultural figures, the leadership of the Vladimir region and local residents would take part in the funeral of the artistic director of the Alexandrov Ensemble. The funeral cortege was supposed to arrive at the Arkhangelsk churchyard at 13:00 Moscow time.

The coffin with the body of the conductor on Saturday evening was brought to the Sorrowful convent in the village of Khmelevo, located a few kilometers from the burial site. From early Sunday morning, people began to come to the monastery. Throughout the day, the wife, daughter, brother and sister of Valery Khalilov were near the coffin.

Khalilov's funeral was held on Saturday in Moscow, at the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo. The service was led by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, with whom the People's Artist of Russia had friendly relations and joint creative work. Then friends, colleagues, colleagues and fans said goodbye to the conductor in the concert hall of the ensemble in the capital.

Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov (1952-2016) - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Composers of Russia, lieutenant general. Born into the family of a military conductor, he graduated from the Moscow Military Music School (today the Moscow Military Music School) and the military conducting faculty at the Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

From 2002 to 2016, Khalilov was the head of the military orchestra service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the chief military conductor. In April 2016, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the position of artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble Russian army named after A. V. Alexandrov.

Valery Khalilov directed the international military music festivals Spasskaya Tower (Moscow), Amur Waves (Khabarovsk), March of the Century (Tambov) and the International Military Music Festival in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

18 dead in plane crash still unidentified

Currently, 18 Tu-154 crash victims, including two crew members, have not yet been identified, sources in the forensic medical examination bureau told TASS. A total of 92 people died as a result of the plane crash.

Of the more than 70 identified victims of the crash, 12 will be buried in the regions, 50 - at the Federal Memorial Military Cemetery in Mytishchi near Moscow, more than 10 - in Moscow and the Moscow region, the agency's interlocutors said. Last week it became known that the relatives of the victims of the disaster had a conflict with the Ministry of Defense due to the fact that the military department opposed the holding of a full memorial service.

The Tu-154 aircraft of the Russian Defense Ministry crashed in the Black Sea on December 25, two minutes after taking off from Adler airport. On board were 92 people - eight crew members and 84 passengers, including eight military personnel, 64 employees of the Alexandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army, Elizaveta Glinka, the head of the Fair Aid charity fund, known as Doctor Liza, two federal civil servants and nine employees of Russian TV channels. They were heading to the Khmeimim air base in Syria to wish Happy New Year to the air group of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The wreckage of the plane was found a few hours later, 1.5 km from the coast in the Sochi region at a depth of 50-70 m. Traces of an explosion or fire were not found on them, but at the same time, the version of the crash as a result of a terrorist attack by mechanical impact was not ruled out.

A source close to the investigation told Kommersant on January 12 that experts had not found evidence of an explosion on board the Tu-154 or shelling of the aircraft from the ground. Thus, the investigation excluded the version of the terrorist attack from the list. possible causes disasters.

Elizaveta Glinka was identified among the events that occurred on December 25, 2016. According to preliminary data, the funeral will take place on January 16 at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow - the farewell ceremony will begin at 10.00 Moscow time. Experts also identified 70 more bodies of those who died in the Tu-154 crash over the Black Sea, including Anton Gubankov, artistic director of the Alexandrov Ensemble Valery Khalilov, 10 crew members and nine media representatives - Dmitry Runkov, Vadim Denisov and Alexander Soydov, Pavel Obukhov, Alexander Suranov, Valery Rzhevsky, Mikhail Luzhetsky, Oleg Pestov and Evgeny Tolstov. reports TASS.

Dr. Lisa was one of the victims. She, along with members of the ensemble. Aleksandrova and Russian journalists flew to Syria for charity. Glinka's mission included the delivery of medicines for a university hospital in Latakia. First of all, these were medicines for cancer patients and newborns. Also, Elizaveta Glinka was carrying consumables for medical equipment that are not delivered to Syria due to the war and the sanctions regime.


Prior to her “last” trip to Syria, Dr. Lisa had repeatedly visited “hot” spots, where she fearlessly rescued people right under bullets. In early December 2016, thanks to her efforts, 17 children from Donbass arrived in Russia for treatment and rehabilitation in the best Moscow hospitals. It should be noted that during the 2 years of the conflict in Ukraine, these children were not the only ones rescued by Dr. Liza - thanks to her, hundreds of small patients from Donbass were able to receive the necessary treatment and chances of salvation in the capital's clinics, despite the fact that she took out sick children under flying shells.


With the same mission, Elizaveta Glinka has repeatedly visited Syria since 2015. Dr. Liza was engaged in the delivery and distribution of medicines, the organization of medical care for the civilian population affected by the armed conflict. Thanks to her courage and courage, hundreds of Syrians were saved from imminent death, since the professionalism of the head of the "Fair Aid" allowed her to "pull people out of the other world" even in the field.


The Fair Help Charitable Foundation was founded by Elizaveta Glinka in 2007. The organization helps people in difficult situations, including cancer patients. In addition, volunteers distribute food and medicine to the homeless at Paveletsky Railway Station every week, as well as provide them with free legal and medical assistance.