Museum of the History of State Papers. Excursions to the Moscow Mint. What do we have to do

The official date of foundation of the capital branch of Goznak is April 25, 1942. The foreign policy specifics of that time dictated its own conditions. Initially, the production was focused on the production of award insignia: military medals, orders, honorary regalia for labor activity. Sputnik offers to visit fascinating author's excursions to the Moscow Mint.

From everyday life to eternal values

Here, change coins are made not only under the order of the Bank of Russia, but also for such states as India, Abkhazia, the countries of the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

After the collapse of the USSR, when new banknotes of Russia were put into production, almost all technical operations were carried out manually. In one minute, an experienced worker packed up to 350 coins.

Thanks to almost complete automation, the productivity of the enterprise has increased significantly by now. Released in 1 minute:

  • 850 coins - denomination of 10 kopecks;
  • 600 coins - denomination of 5 rubles.

Every day, coins in denominations from 1 to 10 rubles weighing several tons roll off the factory conveyor. After packaging, banknotes are sent for storage to the Bank of Russia, and only then do they get into our wallets.

The development and production of investment coins made of silver and gold is one of the production areas of the Moscow Mint. Products made from palladium, platinum, copper-based alloys, steel, nickel and other metals are also in steady demand.

Here the production of gold watches is established. Some models are made to order in a single copy. The cost of such products is equal to museum exhibits.

Exclusive gifts

During the excursion to the Mint, you will visit the trading salon, which presents an impressive range of souvenirs:

  • Commemorative coins made of precious and non-ferrous metals;
  • Sets of change coins;
  • souvenir badges;
  • Anniversary medals;
  • State insignia;
  • Exclusive business souvenirs;
  • Bracelets and watches;
  • Cases, cigarette cases.

Book an excursion online, we accept individual, collective applications, provide comfortable transport and experienced guides. The excursion program to the Moscow Mint is an exciting journey in which you will learn many historical facts and incredible stories.

Before the revolution, there were two museums in the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers: one at the paper-making, the other at the testing department.

The first museum was founded in 1897 by N.A. Reztsov, who at that time worked as the head of the paper-making department of the Expedition. It was the first museum of stationery in Russia. He introduced the development of paper production in the country and, in particular, in the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers. Collections of samples of raw materials and paper from both Russian and foreign factories were presented here. The pride of the museum was the exposition of samples of paper with watermarks.

In the museum at the test department of the Expedition, one could get acquainted with samples of state papers (banknotes, bonds, bills, etc.), illustrated publications printed by the Expedition, and samples of galvanoplastic art products.

Museums worked at the enterprise until 1919. During this period, the printing and engraving and art departments were evacuated to Moscow, museum exhibits were also transported with them. Today they are stored in the Special Fund of Goznak JSC.

In 1977, a museum was opened at the factory, reflecting the history of the organization and development of the Leningrad paper factory of Goznak.

Visitors can get acquainted with the exposition, which is a single exhibition space in 4 halls with an area of ​​about 200 square meters. The material presented in the halls is connected chronologically and covers the historical period from the time of Peter the Great to the present day. Rare examples of lithophany, scoop molds, watermarked paper samples, as well as the use of computer technology as presentation equipment, made it possible to create a modern exposition.

The first hall presents the history of the Expedition for the preparation of state papers for the first hundred years of its work. A special place in this hall is occupied by the desk and chair of the Expedition manager, Prince B.B. Golitsyn.

The second hall is dedicated to the work of the enterprise at the beginning of the 20th century. Photographic materials give an idea of ​​how the paper was cast by hand; all departments of the Expedition: paper-making, printing, engraving and art, and repair and mechanical. The showcase of the exposition presents printed editions of this unique enterprise. Here you can also see in the photographs the theater of the Expedition, its Technical School, the church, the store and other divisions of the EZGB.

You can get acquainted with the Soviet period of the St. Petersburg Paper Mill and its present day in the third hall. In one of the showcases of the hall, promotional products of Goznak JSC are presented.

Visitors themselves can put down the time of their arrival and departure from the museum on an old time clock on a special card.

The fourth hall of the exhibition presents paper with watermarks. Here you can see stamped paper made in the 18th – 19th centuries, paper for documents and banknotes, postal paper, scoop forms and watermarks with portraits of political leaders, writers and poets, depicting sights. The showcase of the hall displays banknotes, which were made first at the Expedition for Procurement of State Papers, and then already in Soviet times at the Goznak Association. The decoration of this hall is lithophany (wax copies) from paintings by Aivazovsky, Giorgione, made by the artists of Goznak.

Competition "Valuable works of the master" from the Museum

Banknotes are one of the oldest and most important inventions of mankind. The history of the domestic money business is woven together with the history of the country, its culture, achievements, heroic events. In 1818, the first special enterprise for the manufacture of security products was founded in Russia - the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers. 2018 marks the 200th anniversary of this momentous event.

What does the Museum have to do with this Underground printing house 1905-1906. ? Did they print counterfeit money in the underground on Lesnaya? Was one of the employees of the Expedition "sympathetic" and secretly made leaflets? Or maybe our revolutionaries stole the equipment from the Expedition? NO.
The creator of the underground printing house - Trifon Teimurazovich Yenukidze (1877-1937) - went down in history not only as a revolutionary and an unsurpassed conspirator. In 1919, he developed the "Regulations on the establishment of the Directorate of factories for the preparation of state signs" (GOZNAK).

What do we have to do?

  • Invent, draw and describe a souvenir banknote for the Museum Underground Printing House 1905-1906. . The requirements for the banknote are written below.
  • The competition has a personal and team type of offset, but do not forget that even a whole staff of specialists is working on even the most modest-looking banknote.
  • One participant can submit only one banknote design to the competition (you can only submit a response once, check that all information and the file are included in your response when submitting).
  • Answers are accepted through the form on the competition page (at the bottom of the page) in the form of files in doc, docx, pptx, pdf format, up to 3 MB in size.
  • The file that the participant uploads in response must contain:
    • photo or scan of banknote images on both sides;
    • banknote description: denomination, size, tones, main plots, in which side and part they are located, what they symbolize, etc. The text should not exceed 2 thousand characters (with spaces).

Banknote requirements:

  • Denomination: 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 500 rubles;
  • The banknote must be drawn on both sides;
  • The size of the banknote is not less than 9x15 cm and not more than 15x25 cm. The size must be indicated on your drawing and in the project.
  • Since the competition is, first of all, artistic and creative, it is not necessary to invent and implement degrees of protection for a banknote.
  • The banknote must display ALL of the following items:
    • the most striking, from your point of view, museum items. These can be exhibits, a group of objects, legend exhibits, etc.
    • a plot that is directly related to the printed matter. This may be a technique, the history of its development, a collective image of a master printer, publications published in a printing house on Lesnaya, etc.
    • stories related to Georgia, its nature, culture, way of life. You can refer to the history of the Moscow Georgian settlement. Why exactly Georgia, you can find out by reading about the Museum Underground Printing House 1905-1906. .
    • The emblem of the museum is, according to tradition, a drawing of the front of the building (facade). The size of the emblem - no more than 5% of the total area of ​​the banknote. It is not allowed to copy the official logo of the museum or the drawing from the Olympic magnet.
    • vignettes, rosettes, patterns, background (guilloche) microgrids are also obligatory elements of any banknote. The participant chooses which of these elements to use.
  • literal copying of a museum object or other work related to the museum is not allowed.

Work verification criteria:

  • compliance of the work with the subject and conditions of the competition;
  • without fail accuracy and quality of workmanship;
  • originality and variety of plots and banknote elements;
  • clear description. It should be such that, without seeing the banknote, you can mentally imagine it (try to look, for example, at descriptions of coats of arms).
  • It is important to understand the difference: an object (aka an exhibit) is a separate element, a Plot is a group of elements taken not just in a “heap”, but carrying a certain completeness, for example: a samovar on a table on a tray with sugar - for tea drinking.
  • The “legend” of an exhibit is a story directly connected with it. It could belong to a famous person, be used according to the most original “for other purposes”, etc.
  • Try to digress from revolutionary themes, as the Underground Printing House Museum 1905-1906. talks not only about the revolution. The organizers of the skirts, first of all, were courageous, friendly and very resourceful people.
  • Be sure to check out the "Virtual Museum" page, where a lot of interesting materials are presented.

The museum assures that this competition is not of any commercial or mercenary nature. The project was conceived within the framework of scientific and educational activities.

Bonus task

To better understand the money business, try to complete an out-of-competition task. What is used as a background grid on the banknote, which is an illustration for the contest.

One of the options for the arrangement of the necessary elements on one side of the banknote.

Type of credit: personal and team (for teams)

Tags: Underground printing house 1905-1906, Artistic, Historical

Participants' responses

2 EkaterinkaGr
Good afternoon, My banknote of 100 rubles is made on paper using a simple pencil, colored pencils and gel pens. Banknote size 9cm.x15cm. The front side shows the facade of the building where the underground printing house was located, a fragment of the room where the underground workers could work, working tools for the printing house and household items, newspapers, and the denomination of a 100-ruble banknote in large print. The decor elements used the pattern of the wallpaper of that time. The reverse side of the bill represents my idea of ​​a room where an underground worker, an ordinary worker or employee could live and where newspapers could be brought for their further distribution. The room has a stove where you can cook food, a table with a bench. On the table is a samovar and one of the issues of the newspaper. The decoration of the room is simple.
4 rocket
Denomination: 500, size: 9.5x22cm. Used in the work: watercolor, simple pencil. Museum exhibits are depicted on the front side of the banknote. The museum has a table with these items. At the top of the museum sign from the front of the building. At the corners of the bill is the denomination (500r). The work is done in bright colors, shades of green, brown, yellow, purple, pink are used. The monograms are made in the style of Georgia. On the back of the banknote in the middle, it is highlighted with monograms, as an accent of a museum exhibit (printed case). On the right is an image of the facade of the museum, on the left is the sign of the museum. From the main accent, in the middle, monograms diverge sevenfold to the sides of the bill, from the top and bottom. Also made in the same color scheme. In this work, we wanted to display the main exhibits of the museum. Added bright colors, monograms. Our bill is very rare, issued once a year. Gives the right to dine in all Georgian restaurants for free. Bonus task. The facade of the building of the museum of the Podolsk printing house was used as a background grid on the banknote.