To the Shelele. Karl Wilhelm Sherle's biography. Great contribution to science

Karl Wilhelm Shelele was born in Stralsunde in Pomerania, which was then part of Sweden, in the family of a brewer and a grain merchant.

He studied at a private school in Stralsund, but in 1757 he moved to Gothenburg. Since parents did not have funds in order to give him higher education (Karl is the Seventh Son in the family), he became a student of the pharmacist and actively engaged in self-education. Working in a pharmacy, the Shelele reached great art in a chemical experiment. Having worked on eight years in Gothenburg, Shelele moved to Malmo, where he was able to engage in scientific research in the pharmacist laboratory in the evenings. Then the Shelele worked in Pharmacies of Stockholm (1768-1769), Uppsala (1770-1774) and, finally, in 1775 acquired a pharmacy in Cheping, where he was engaged in research until the end of life. Thus, made a great contribution to the development of chemistry.

Slava Shelele as an outstanding experimenter spread far beyond Sweden; Prussian King Friedrich II invited him to take the Department of Chemistry at the University of Berlin, however, the Shelele rejected the invitation. In 1775, for outstanding achievements in the field of chemistry, he was elected a valid member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, becoming the only scientist who was awarded this honor without having a higher education.

Shelena belongs to the opening of many inorganic and organic substances. In 1774, he showed that pyrolyzit, previously considered a variety of magnetic ironcase, is a compound of an unknown metal. At the same time, in the interaction of hydrochloric acid and pyrolyzit, when heated was first obtained chlorine. Later, it was obtained by Molybdenum trioxide (1778) and tungsten trioxide (1781) from natural minerals Molybdenite and Tungsen (Sheelita). In 1779, the action of a lead head on herbal and animal fats for the first time received glycerin.

In honor of the Shelele, a small crater is named on the surface of the moon and a small planet (12356) Carlcel, as well as the dye "Green Shelele".

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • Schele Karl Wilhelm - article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia.

Excerpt characterizing Shelele, Karl Wilhelm

Stay in Vogucharov became dangerous. It was heard from all sides about the approaching French, and in the same village, in fifteen versts from Bogucharova, the estate was looted by French marauders.
The doctor insisted that you need to drive the prince further; The leader sent an official to the princess Marya, persuading her to leave as soon as possible. Corps, having arrived in Bogucharsovo, insisted on the same, saying that in forty versers the French, that French proclamations walk around the villages and that if Princess would not leave the father to the fifteenth, he was not responsible for anything.
Princess fifteenth decided to go. Care for cooking, returning orders, followed by all of them, held it all day. The night with the fourteenth on the fifteenth she spent, as usual, not undressing, in the neighboring from the room in which the prince lay. Several times, waking up, she heard his grocery, muttering, creak of beds and the steps of Tikhon and Dr., who buried it. Several times she listened to the door, and it seemed to her that he now mumbled a louder than an ordinary and more often turned. She could not sleep and approached the door several times, listening, wanting to enter and not deciding to do it. Although he did not say, but Princess Mary saw, knew how unpleasantly he was all the expression of fear for him. She noticed how displeasantly he rejected from her glance, sometimes involuntarily and stubbornly at him. She knew that her arrival at night, in an unusual time, annoyed him.
But never sorry for her, so scary there was no loss of him. She recalled his whole life with him, and in every word, his act she found his love for her. Occasionally between these memories broke into her imagination of the temptation of the devil, the thoughts that will be after his death and how her new, free life arranged. But with disgust, she distilled these thoughts. By the morning he sat down, and she fell asleep.
She woke up late. That sincerity that happens when waking, showed it clearly that most in her father's disease occupied her. She woke up, listened to what was behind the door, and, having heard his groove, with a sigh, she told himself that everything was the same.
- What is the same to be? What did I want? I want his death! She cried with disgusting to himself.
She got dressed, washed, read the prayers and went out on the porch. They were filled to the porch without horses crews in which they laid things.
Morning was warm and gray. Princess Marya stopped on the porch, without stopping terrible before his spiritual abomination and trying to put his thoughts in order before entering him.
The doctor came down from the stairs and approached her.
"He is better for him," said the doctor. - I was looking for you. You can understand something from what he says is a fresher head. Come. He calls you ...
The heart of the Principles of Maryi scored so much with the news that she, pale, leaned against the door, so as not to fall. To see it, talking to him, to fall under his opinion now, when the whole soul of the princes Maryi was overflowing these terrible criminal temptations, it was painfully joyful and terrible.
"Let's go," said Dr..
Princess Marya entered his father and went to bed. He lay high on his back, with his little, bony, covered with purple noded veins with handles on a blanket, with a strained left eye and with a rude eye, with fixed eyebrows and lips. He was all so thin, small and miserable. His face seemed to be shred or melted, crushed the devil. Princess Marya approached and kissed his hand. Left hand I squeezed her hand so that it was seen that he had long been waiting for her. He drew her hand, and his eyebrows and his lips became angry.
She looked frightened on him, trying to guess what he wanted from her. When she, a change, the position was moved, so the left eye saw her face, he calmed down, for a few seconds, not descending from her eyes. Then his lips and his tongue moved, the sounds were heard, and he began to talk, timidly and imploringly looking at her, apparently, fearing that she would not understand him.
Princess Marya, straining all the strength of attention, looked at him. The comic work, with whom he switched the tongue, forced the princess to Marre's eyes and hardly suppress sobs rising in her throat. He said something, repeating his words several times. Princess Mary could not understand them; But she tried to guess what he said, and repeated the elephant's questioningly to them.
- Gaga - battles ... battles ... - He repeated several times. It was impossible to understand these words. The doctor thought he guessed, and, repeating his words, asked: Princess is afraid? He shook his head negatively and repeated the same thing again ...
"Soul, soul hurts," the princess of Marya solved and said. He approvedly climbed, took her hand and began to press her to various places of his breast, as if looking for a real place for her.
- All thoughts! About you ... Thoughts - then he spoke much better and clearer than before, now, when he was sure that he was understood. Princess Marya pressed his head to his hand, trying to hide his sobs and tears.
He moved his hand on her hair.
"I called you all night ..." he said.
"If I knew ..." she said through tears. - I was afraid to enter.
He shook her hand.
- You did not sleep?
"No, I didn't sleep," said the princess Marya, hacking his head. I unwittingly obeying the Father, now she also said, tried to speak more signs and as if he was also working with difficulty tongue.
- Domestic ... - Or - Friend ... - Princess Mary could not disassemble; But, probably, according to his gaze, it was said was a tender, caressing the word he never said. - Why did not come?

Karl Wilhelm Shelele
(Scheele C. W.)

(9.XII.1742 - 21.V.1786)

Karl-Wilhelm Shelele was born in the town of Stralsund in the family of a successful merchant, when Pomerania was part of the Swedish kingdom. He turned fifteen years old, and his children's dream came true: their father gave him a student to a familiar pharmacist Bukhu from Gothenburg. Human learning, according to the customs of that time, had to last about ten years. Already in six years, Carl Shelele has successfully passed the exams and received the title of Pharmacist. Perfected by the profession and by moving in Stockholm, the Shelele starts independent scientific research.
The most first of its scientific achievements were associated with the release and characteristic of the C 2 H 2 (OH) 2 (COOH) 2 (COOH) 2, which it received from its salt - wine stone (potassium hydrothatrate), and fluid (fluoride hydrodic) HF from a platitive spam - Calcium fluoride CAF 2.
After moving, first in Uppsalu, where the Shelele was also waiting for a large pharmacy, and then in a small and quiet town, the scientific studies of the inquisite pharmacist continued and gave astounding results. Swedish chemist turned out to be the author of so many discoveries that they would have enough for a good ten scientists, and many of them these discoveries treated and purify acids.
Judge for yourself. In 1775, Shelele prepared H 3 ASO 4 arsenic acid, in 1782-1783 - Sinyl (cyanoan hydrogen) acid HCN, in the period from 1776 to 1785 - a whole set of organic acids: urinary C 5 (NH) 4 O 3, SHAVELE H 2 C 2 O 4, Milk C 2 H 4 (OH) COOH, lemon C 3 H 4 (OH) (COOH) 3, Apple C 2 H 3 (OH) (CoH) 2, Galovic C 6 H 2 (OH) 3 COOH, as well as glycerin C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 ...
Shelele was the first to receive and explored potassium permanganate KMNO 4 - to all well-known "manganese", which is now widely used in chemical experiments and in medicine, developed a method for producing phosphorus P from bones, opened hydrogen sulfide H 2 S.
Finally, it was Karl Wilhelm Shelele who belongs to the opening priority chemical elements Oxygen O, Chlorine Cl, Fluorine F, Barium BA, Molybdenum Mo, Tungsten W ...
Years of persistent selflessness, unfortunately, undermined the health of this strikingly purposeful person, and he lived for only 44 years.
So, the path to chemistry as a science of some two or three hundred years ago ran out most often through the pharmacy - the place of receipt, storage and research is not only drugs, but also of all other chemicals, the focus of new ideas and methods, the abode of the inquisitive minds. ..

(December 9, 1742, Stralsund, - May 21, 1786, Cheping) - Swedish chemist, from 1775 - Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. By education and profession - pharmacist. He worked in pharmacies of various cities in Sweden, where he conducted chemical studies since 1757.

Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Shelele was born in Stralsund in Pomerania, which was then part of Sweden, in the family of a brewer and a grain merchant. Shelele studied in a private school in Stralsund, but in 1757 he moved to Gothenburg. As parents did not have the funds to give him a higher education (Karl's wife's seventh son in the family), he became a student of the pharmacist and actively engaged in self-education. Working in a pharmacy, the Shelele reached great art in a chemical experiment. Having worked on eight years in Gothenburg, Shelele moved to Malmo, where he was able to engage in scientific research in the pharmacist laboratory in the evenings. Then the Shelele worked in Pharmacies of Stockholm (1768-1769), UPSALS (1770-1774) and, finally, in 1775 acquired a pharmacy in Cheping, where he studied to the end of life.

Slava Shelele as an outstanding experimenter spread far beyond Sweden; Prussian King Friedrich II invited him to take the Department of Chemistry at the University of Berlin, however, the Shelele rejected the invitation. In 1775, for outstanding achievements in the field of chemistry, he was elected a valid member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, becoming the only scientist who was awarded this part without having a higher education.

Sweets opened many inorganic and organic matter. In 1774, she showed that pyrolyzit (natural manganese dioxide), which was considered a type of magnetic zone, - a compound of an unknown metal. I received chlorine action of hydrochloric acid on pyrolyzit when heated, 1774); Glycerin (the action of lead choles on vegetable and animal fats); Of the natural minerals of Molybdenite and Tungsen (Sheelita) - respectively, molybdenum oxides (1778) and tungsten (1781). Silicon tetrafluoride opened (1771), barium oxide (1774), arsenic hydrogen (1775), row of acids: wine (1769), siliconfluoride hydrofluoric and fluoride (1771), arsenic (1775), oxal (1776), dairy (1780), sinyl (1782) and others. In 1769, developed a method for producing phosphorus of ash, formed during bone firing.

Recovered the ability of freshly rocked wood coal to absorb gases (1777, simultaneously with Felice Fountain). In the work "Chemical Treatise on Air and Fire", the Shelele described the preparation and properties of the "fire air" and indicated that the atmospheric air consists of two "air species": "fire" - oxygen and "flogistated" - nitrogen. Despite the fact that, for the first time in history, he received oxygen's oxygen priority in the laboratory, Joseph was attached (1774), as the work of the Shelele was published only in 1777.

The curious passion of the Shelele to taste everything with what he dealt with (according to other information, in those years, in the description of the substance, it was necessary to indicate its taste), cost him life. In 1786, he was found dead in its workplace surrounded by the mass of poisonous reagents; Some sources attribute its death with sytic acid.

During the visit to Paris, the delegation of French scientists was a delegation of French scientists and expressed respect for the work in Sweden of the outstanding chemist Karl Wilhelm Sherle, who opened many organic and inorganic substances. Since the king never heard about Shelele, he was separated by common phrases, and then immediately issued an order to build a chemist in Knight's dignity. However, the Prime Minister also did not know the scientist, and as a result, the title of Count got another Shelele to lieutenant artillery, and the chemist remained unknown for the king and courtiers.



  • Schele Karl Wilhelm in the big Soviet encyclopedia


  • Personalia alphabetic
  • Born December 9th
  • Born in 1742
  • Born in Stralsunde
  • Dead 21 May
  • Dead in 1786
  • Scientists alphabetically
  • Chemists Sweden
  • Chemists alphabetically
  • Members of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Shelele, Karl Wilhelm" in other dictionaries:

    - (Scheele) (1742 1786), Swedish chemist, by profession pharmacist. The first received many inorganic and organic compounds, including chlorine (1774), glycerin, sinyl acid (1782), a number of organic acids, proved the complex composition of the air. * ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Schele (Schele) Karl Wilhelm (9.12.1742, Stralsund, - 21.5.1786, Cheping), Swedish chemist, member of the Royal Swedish An (1775). By education and profession, pharmacist. He worked in pharmacies of various cities in Sweden, where he conducted a chemical ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Shelele, Karl Wilhelm - Shelele (Schele) Karl Wilhelm (1742 86), Swedish chemist, according to the profession of pharmacist. The first received many inorganic and organic substances, including chlorine (1774), glycerin, sinyl acid (1782), a number of organic acids, proved complex ... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Swede Carl Wilhelm Scheele; December 9, 1742, Stralsund, May 21, 1786, Chepij) Swedish chemist, from 1775 member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. By education and profession, pharmacist. He worked in pharmacies of various cities in Sweden, where he spent ... ... Wikipedia

    Karl Wilhelm Scheel Karl Wilhelm Scheel (Swede Carl Wilhelm Scheele; December 9, 1742, Stralsund, May 21, 1786, Cheping) Swedish chemist, from 1775 member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. By education and profession, pharmacist. He worked in pharmacies ... ... Wikipedia

    - (1742 86) Swedish chemist, by profession, pharmacist. The first received many inorganic and organic compounds, including chlorine (1774), glycerin, sinyl acid (1782), a number of organic acids, proved the complex air composition ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Karl Wilhelm Scheel Karl Wilhelm Scheel (Swede Carl Wilhelm Scheele; December 9, 1742, Stralsund, May 21, 1786, Cheping) Swedish chemist, from 1775 member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. By education and profession, pharmacist. He worked in pharmacies ... ... Wikipedia

    Karl Wilhelm Scheel Karl Wilhelm Scheel (Swede Carl Wilhelm Scheele; December 9, 1742, Stralsund, May 21, 1786, Cheping) Swedish chemist, from 1775 member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. By education and profession, pharmacist. He worked in pharmacies ... ... Wikipedia

    Karl Wilhelm Scheel Karl Wilhelm Scheel (Swede Carl Wilhelm Scheele; December 9, 1742, Stralsund, May 21, 1786, Cheping) Swedish chemist, from 1775 member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. By education and profession, pharmacist. He worked in pharmacies ... ... Wikipedia

The Shelele was one of those scientists who were accompanied by luck in their work. Its experimental studies have significantly contributed to the transformation of chemistry into science. It opened oxygen, chlorine, manganese, barium, molybdenum, tungsten, organic acids (wine, lemon, oxal, dairy), sulfuric anhydride, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulfide - packing and siliconfluorogenic, many other compounds 36. He first got gaseous ammonia and hydrogen chloride. Shelele also showed that iron, copper and mercury have different degrees of oxidation. He allocated a substance from fats, subsequently called glycerin (propantrilor). Shelena belongs to the merit of obtaining cyanist hydrochloric (blue) acid from Berlin Lazuri 37.

Karl Wilhelm Shelele was born on December 19, 1742 in the family of brewer and the grain merchant in the city of Stralsund. This old Hanseatic city, which was in the then Pomerania, after the Westphalian world (1648) departed to Sweden. Shelele studied in Stralsund in a private school, but in 1757 he moved to Gothenburg.

At that time, in Sweden, one of the first capitalist economy in Europe arose: shipbuilding and shipping, mining of iron and copper ores developed a rapid pace, the production of iron and copper ores. Despite the domination of the absolutist monarchy, the progressive forces managed to implement economic and political reforms, ensuring the capitalist development of the country.

The Swedish Academy of Sciences 38 was an influential organization of the country's advanced forces and enjoyed respect in Europe. The bourgeoisie was relied in the struggle for the economic and spiritual development of society on the works of Galilee, Descartes, Leibnitsa, Newton, Staff and other founders of natural science and philosophy. Many Swedish scientists were representatives of the bourgeoisie, originated from the families of wealthy merchants, owners of mines, metallurgical factories, paper factories. They sought to use the successes of science for the development and improvement of production and tried to resolve many urgent needs of the industry, for example, developed learning methods. mountain breeds and ores, methods for smelting metals.

Parents of Shelele did not have the means to give Higher Education to Carlo, who was already the seventh son in this big family. Therefore, he was forced to become first the student of the pharmacist, then lay a path to the science of many years of self-education. Working in a pharmacy, he reached great art in a chemical experiment.

In one of the pharmacies Gothenburg Shelele mastered the foundations of pharmacy and laboratory practice. In addition, he diligently studied (mainly at night) works of chemists I. Kunkel, N. Lemeri, Staff, K. Neyman.

Having worked out for eight years in Gothenburg, Shelele moved to Malmo, where wonderful experimental abilities showed very soon. There he was able to engage in the evenings to engage in its own studies in the pharmacist laboratory, where he prepared medicines in the afternoon. Sovremnik Shelele, later Professor Anders Yuhan Retzius, reported on the life of a modest pharmacist in Malma as follows: "During his stay in Malma, Shelele purchased so many books in Copenhagen, how much the earnings allowed. Re-reading them several times, what he often recalled, Siele In them, what could not know anyone else ... For eight years, Scheel's experiments made so many observations that in this regard few people could compare with it. "

Retzius advised Schele to systematize their observations and record them in a laboratory diary.

At the end of April 1768, Shelele moved to Stockholm, hoping in the capital to establish close relationships with scientists and get a new stimulus for work. However, in the Stockholm pharmacy "Corpen" Shelele did not have to carry out chemical experiments; He was engaged only by cooking medicines. And only sometimes, setting around somewhere on a close windowsill, he managed to spend own experiences. But even in such conditions, the Shelele made a number of discoveries. So, for example, studying the effect of sunlight on silver chloride, Shelele found that the darkening of the latter begins in the purple part of the spectrum and is expressed there the most strongly.

Two years later, Shelele moved to Uppsal, where such famous scientists worked at the university, such as Botanist Karl Linney and Chemist Torbern Bergman. Sweets and Bergman soon became friends that a lot was promoted to successes in the scientific activities of both chemists. Joint work with Bergman opened the opportunity to print reports on the results of new studies in the "Warms of the Swedish Academy of Sciences". So he published an article on the study of the Plavik Pluma and Platical Acid (1771), on obtaining phosphorus (1774), benzoic acid, as well as arsenic, arsenic acid and arsenic hydrogen (1775). On the advice of Bergman, Shelele explored pyrolyzit. In the interaction of the latter with hydrochloric acid, it was obtained (1775) gas, subsequently called chlorine 39. The inclusions of the heavy spar of Baso 4, the remaining after this reaction, the Shelele splaved with alkali and coal and received the barium sulphide for the first time, from which the salts of this metal prepared.

The most significant work of the Sherle "Chemical Treatise On Air and Fire" contains its experimental work performed in 1768-1773. It presents the results of numerous gases and burning processes. These problems then were the focus of the attention of the most prominent chemists who tried to experimentally confirm the provisions of the dominant phlogiston theory and get a phlogiston in a free state. Working in this direction, Scheel opened oxygen, calling it a "fiery air" 40, approximately two years before the message was added. Although Shelele understood that the burning is possible only in the presence of oxygen, he could not refuse phlogiston theory. The Shelele explained his observations on the basis of difficult ideas about the burning, in which he considered Flogiston as a certain antipode of oxygen. Scheel's book with a message about the opening of them oxygen saw the light only in 1777, three years after the publication was attracted, which is considered since the oxygen discoverer 41.

In 1775, Shelele was elected a valid member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences for its outstanding achievements in the field of chemistry. Neither before, nor after the Shelele, not a single scientist who has no higher education has been honored.

In 1777, Shelele acquired in the city of Cheping Pharge, where he could conduct experimental research. His glory as an outstanding experimenter and scientist spread far beyond Sweden. The King of Prussia Friedrich II invited the Shelele to lead the Department of Chemistry at Berlin University, and the same invitations were received from England. With its inherent modesty, Shelele rejected both very tempting proposals.

The health of the Shelele was very undermined already in early age. He died on May 21, 1786 at the 44th year of life 42.