Li fireworks May 9th. Fireworks launch site "VDNKh"

On May 8 and 9, about 600 festive events will take place in Moscow in honor of the 71st anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. The large-scale program will cover 68 sites located on the territory of all metropolitan districts.

The keynote of the program dedicated to the Day Victories in 2016, was the preservation of the traditions and history of military music that inspired the victories. Two more key themes are cinema and literature about the heroic deeds of the Soviet people. Spectators are waiting for numerous concerts, theatrical performances, literary readings, costume balls, film screenings. Exhibitions of historical photography, special photo zones and photo booths will open in the center of Moscow. There will be recreation areas for veterans and field kitchens in the tradition of the war years.

For those who still have not decided what to do in holidays in Moscow, we publish full program events.

May 9 celebration program will start from Victory Parade on Red Square, from 10:00 it will be broadcast on large screens on Poklonnaya Gora, Patriarch's Ponds, Teatralnaya, Triumfalnaya and Pushkinskaya Squares, and the parade can also be seen on TV on the country's main channels.

From 13:00- the beginning of the city-wide celebratory program.

At 18:55 Muscovites and guests of the city, together with the whole country, will honor the memory of those who died in battles against fascism with a minute of silence. The citywide program of evening concerts will begin at 19:00.

IN22:00 festive fireworks will be held from 16 fireworks sites and 20 points in Moscow parks of culture and recreation.
On May 9, a procession of the "Immortal Regiment" will take place in Moscow and other cities of the country

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

IN 16.20 On May 8, a joint team of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment and the Kremlin Riding School will hold a Cavalry Parade along the Alley of Peace and show demonstration performances of horsemen at the entrance square.

FROM 18:00 before 21:00 a musical festive program will take place on the large stage area on the Main Alley.

The May 9 holiday on Poklonnaya Hill will begin at 10:00 from the live broadcast of the Victory Parade on Red Square.

From 13:00 to 15:00, the audience is waiting for a concert of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra, which will take place as part of the "Easter Festival". Conductor and artistic director of the orchestra -.

19:00 - 22:00 - a large festive concert-shooting of the TVC channel, in which the ensemble "Cossacks of Russia", the Russian Folk Choir named after A. Pyatnitsky, folklore theater "Russian Song" under the direction of Nadezhda Babkina, People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina, popular performers Igor Sarukhanov, Renat Ibragimov, Iosif Kobzon, Stas Piekha, Diana Gurtskaya, Olga Kormukhina, Gleb Matveychuk, Marina Devyatova, Elena Maksimova, Tatyana Ovsienko and others. The hosts of the concert are theater and film actors Dmitry Dyuzhev, Anastasia Makeeva, Yegor Beroev, Ksenia Alferova, Anatoly Bely, Ekaterina Guseva. 70 veterans of the Great Patriotic War received special invitations to this event.

The culmination of the gala concert will be action "Light of memory": Viewers will receive 12,000 interactive bracelets that will change color synchronously along with a 14-meter construction symbolizing a flower and an eternal flame. The light show will be accompanied by reading poems and letters from the front. Promotion starts at 20:55 .

theatre square

Theater Square will traditionally become the main meeting place for veterans of the Great Patriotic War; comfortable recreation areas will be equipped for them. IN 09:00 music will begin to sound over the square, and from 10:00 to 11:00 on the big screen you can see the live broadcast of the Victory Parade.

11:20 - 14:00 - performances by propaganda teams, an interactive dance program with the involvement of the audience, a musical performance "By the Roads of War" with the participation of the show ballet "Likk" and the Classy Jazz group, performances by the dance ensembles "Katyusha" and "Brothers".

15:00 - 16:30 - a concert in which the Honored Artist of Russia Irina Savitskaya, singer and composer Yuri Bogorodsky, soloists of the Moscow Musical Theater Vitaly Chirva and Evgeny Waltz, participant of the Voice program Marie Carne, pop singer Artur Best, group "Five" from the soloists of the choir will take part Sretensky Monastery.

16:30 - 18:30 - festive concert program "Crystal stars - to the Great Victory!". Iosif Kobzon, an orchestra of cadets of the military institute of the Military University, as well as participants in the All-Russian festival-competition "Crystal Stars" for gifted children from families of law enforcement officers will perform before the audience. Young artists will come from Tver, Lipetsk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Sverdlovsk and Tula regions, as well as from Buryatia, North Ossetia and even Chukotka. The hosts of the concert are Elza Yusupova (Republic of Tatarstan) and Ivan Dyatlov (Ivanovo region).

18:30 - 19:00 - continuation of the festive concert with the participation of the show group "VIVA!", soloist of the group "Mirage" Margarita Sukhankina and singer Maxim Lidov.

19:05 - 20:20 - performance of the Moscow theater "School of the modern play", then a film concert.

20.20 - 21.45 - concert program.

Triumfalnaya Square

As part of Victory Day, a large two-day musical and poetic festive marathon of the "City Theater of Poets" by Vlad Malenko - "Victory Lighthouses" will be held on Triumfalnaya Square. Among the special guests are people's artists Igor Bochkin, Sergei Nikonenko, actress Anna Snatkina and others.

At 15:30 the State Academic Theater named after Mossovet will perform, at 16:00 the baton will be taken over by the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. At 17:00, the voice of Elena Frolova, an artist of the Theater of Music and Poetry under the direction of Elena Kamburova, will sound on Triumfalnaya Square.

May 9 from 13:00 Literary and musical performances will be presented on Triumphalnaya Square Moscow Drama Theatre. A.S. Pushkin, the children's center "Katyusha" under the direction of Zemfira Tsakhilova, the poet, singer-songwriter, winner of the art festival of modern poetry "NIGHT OF THE FEATHER", known as the White Horseman, will perform. The day will end with a military performance based on the works of Konstantin Simonov from the artists of the Moskontsert.

On the eve of the holiday, a large screen will be installed on Triumfalnaya Square to broadcast the Victory Parade and other key events May 9 celebrations, as well as for a themed film concert.

Pushkin Square

The festive program on Pushkinskaya Square with musical and poetic numbers, a film concert and showings of famous films about the war will go on for two days.

May 8 holiday on Pushkin Square will begin at 9:30, and will open his film concert of songs loved by everyone, such as "In the forest near the front", "Smuglyanka", "Moments", as well as famous musical masterpieces from domestic films about the war. Host: theater and film actor Mikhail Dorozhkin. The concert will be broadcast in a cinema specially created for this purpose, where a stalls for 300 seats are organized for the audience under a canopy that protects from the sun.

At 10:00 the film concert will be interrupted to show footage of the 1945 Victory Parade. It was filmed in black and white and freshly colored by graphic designers to convey the solemnity and grandeur of the event.

May 9 the screening of these historical film frames will precede the live broadcast from Red Square from the 2016 Victory Parade, which will begin at 10:00.

At the end of the film concert, films will be shown in the cinema, and a dance floor near the monument to Pushkin will also work. The brass band will perform famous works past years, and veterans and younger participants of the holiday will dance a victory dance. Animation and dance group dressed as soldiers and civilians of the 1940s will help them with this. There will also be a harmonist soldier with whom you can sing songs from the war.

At a music concert May 8 Artists of the Gradsky Hall Theater Alexander Vorobyova and Valentina Biryukova will appear on the stage of Pushkinskaya Square together with the head of the group Alexander Gradsky. The program dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory will be presented by the Moscow Musical Theater named after K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Throughout the day, interactive installations related to the Victory Day will take place on Pushkinskaya Square. Both children and adults will be interested in seeing the military equipment located around the central fountain of Pushkin Square, or touching an armored vehicle that went from the beginning to the end of the war. It will be possible to take a memorable picture next to the gun that defended the cities of our country and participated in the offensives of the Soviet troops.

May 9 on the main stage of the square, several films of the war years will be shown. At 12:40 guests will be able to see the painting "Belarusian Station", at 14:30 the screening of the film "Heavenly slug" will begin, and at 16:30 there will be a screening of the film "Officers" with the participation of People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanovoy.

May 9 at 18:55-19:01 All-Russian campaign Minute of Silence will be held, which will be broadcast live on all federal channels of Russia, as well as on large screens in the center of Moscow, including Pushkinskaya Square.

At 19:01 a musical concert will begin in the cinema, and after its completion, the audience will be able to return to the film screening, which will last until 22:00. Young vocalists, dancers and actors of the Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music will take part in the evening gala concert: Ekaterina Maneshina, Mikhail Smirnov, Anna Chernotalova, Maria Mirova, Polina Chirikova, Vilena Khikmatullina, Shlabovich Marta, Alexander Savinov, Sofia Lapshakova, Sofia Fisenko, Yulia Assesorova .

Square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

May 8 from 14:30 to 22.00
May 9 from 18:55 to 22.00
May 8 from 15.00 to 17.00
there will be a gala concert

In the evening May 8 from 20:30 to 22:00 against the backdrop of the majestic walls of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a concert will be held with the participation of Russian pop artists Alexei Goman, Marina Devyatova, Evgeny Kungurov, Yulia Mikhalchik, the Bondarenko brothers, Rodion Gazmanov, Margarita Pozoyan, Mark Tishman, Soso Pavliashvili and others. A variety of musical material - from folk songs and opera to modern pop hits - will interest a wide audience. The concert will be accompanied by the "Orchestra of the 21st century" conducted by the People's Artist of Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

May 9 Vocal group "Quatro" will present the project "Grandchildren to Veterans" at the main temple of Russia. Dozens of songs from the war and post-war years will be heard from the stage. The artists will be accompanied by a symphony orchestra conducted by Honored Artist of Russia Felix Aranovsky.

Strastnoy boulevard

The festive platform on Strastnoy Boulevard is dedicated to the cinematography of the war years. The attention of adults and children will be attracted by cube pavilions with an interactive exposition dedicated to the legendary domestic films about the war, such as "The Cranes Are Flying", "... And the Dawns Here are Quiet", "They Fought for the Motherland", "17 Moments of Spring", " Only old people go into battle." The program also includes a large two-day film concert, the numbers of which will be interspersed with creative meetings with actors and directors, and evening film screenings.

May 8 at 14:00 - 15:00- a creative meeting with theater and film actor, poet, musician, People's Artist of the RSFSR Mikhail Nozhkin. 16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 21:00 - screening of feature films "They Fought for the Motherland" and "The Ballad of a Soldier".

May 9 at 14:00 - 15:00- creative meeting with theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Sergei Shakurov.

16:00 - 17:00 - a creative meeting with the theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Zaitseva.

18:00 - 19:00 - a creative meeting with an actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR and Ukraine, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Dupak. 19:00 - 22:00 - screening of the feature film "The Cranes Are Flying".

During the day on May 9, the correspondents of "Road Radio" on Strastnoy Boulevard will give the townspeople and guests of the capital the opportunity to record a radio greeting, which will be broadcast live.

boulevard ring

The Boulevard Ring will envelop the romantic spirit of Moscow courtyards of the post-war era. This theme will be reflected in the scenery and repertoire of Gogolevsky, Nikitsky and Chistoprudny boulevards, there will be literary readings of works about the war, there will be historical photo exhibitions, art objects, dance floors will open.

The holiday will begin on Gogolevsky Boulevard At 12:00 from the musical hour, within the framework of which songs and compositions of the period of the Great Patriotic War will be performed. AT 13:00 a large-scale concert program "Roads of Victory" will begin, within the framework of which the Taganka Theater, the Moscow Academy of the Children's Musical, the Musical Heart Theater, the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater will perform, Christina Krieger, People's Artist of Russia Irina Miroshnichenko and others will perform. At 22:00, fireworks will be launched.

The Argumenty i Fakty weekly will hold the "Subscribe for a Veteran" action on Gogolevsky Boulevard: a subscription point will be opened where anyone can subscribe as a gift to a war veteran (lists of recipients who want to receive the newspaper are provided by the Council of Veterans).

On Nikitsky Boulevard, the festive program "One Victory for All" will unfold.

AT 13:00 The Moscow Theater "At the Nikitsky Gates" will present its musical program about the Great Patriotic war.

At 14:30 The Moscow theater "Moon" will present a musical and literary composition "Songs about the war".

15:00 artists Theater group"FIGARO" will perform a literary and musical composition "From the heroes of bygone times".

At 17:30 a literary and musical performance based on the works of poets and writers of front-line soldiers "Roads of Victory" will take place on the stage.

Chistoprudny boulevard.

AT 14:00 actors of the Moscow Historical and Ethnographic Theater will play the musical program "Oh, roads!".

At 14:30 the Children's Musical Theater of the Young Actor will perform here, the songs of the war years will be performed by the children of the theater artists. Participating Liza Andreeva, Katya Bogdanova, Ernest Boreko, Veronika Dvoretskaya, Peter Ivanochkin, Polina Kareva, Sasha Novikov, Egor Fedorov.

Moscow Jewish theater "Shalom" 19:00 to 20:00 will delight the audience with a concert called "Stuffed Fish with Garnish".

The art project "Frontline Life of Heroes" on Chistoprudny Boulevard will not leave the audience indifferent. Muscovites and guests of the capital will see scenes from front-line life, conveying the atmosphere of those years, on the topics: "Hospital", "Young soldier's course", "Before the battle", "Photo studio", "Dance floor of the 40s", "Station, meeting of heroes ".

A stage will be installed on the square in front of the Chistye Prudy metro station, where May 9 at 13:00 artists of the Moscow State Theater "Sovremennik" Sergey Girin and Dmitry Smolev will perform songs of the war years.

The festive platform on the Patriarch's Ponds invites guests by 10:00- at this time, a live broadcast of the Victory Parade on Red Square will begin on a four-sided video structure in the center of the pond. At the end of the parade, frames from favorite war films will appear on the screens. In addition, on May 9, an interactive project "Museum of the History of the Victory" will be presented at the Patriarch's Ponds, where you can see weapons and equipment of the war years.

AT 13:00 in front of the monument to Ivan Krylov, a concert program "To the Glory of the Great Victory!" will be held, where you can not only hear the most famous songs of the war years, but also learn their history. The host of the concert is theater and film actor Artur Martirosov.

At the festive marathon of Victory songs will perform:

13:20 - 14:00 - Variety artist, host of the TV project "Play Bayan", Honored Artist of Russia Valery Semin.
14:00 - 14:30 - young performer Yevgeny Illarionov, finalist of the musical television project "Main Stage" on the channel "Russia".
14:30 - 15:00 - Honored Artist of Russia Olesya Evstigneeva.
15:00 - 15:30 - jazz singer Alla Omelyuta, soloist of the Song Theater of the People's Artist of Russia Alexander Serov.
15:30 - 16:00 - Laureate international competitions, singer and composer Yevgeny Gor.
16:00 - 16:30 - Folk-rock musician, virtuoso balalaika player, laureate of international competitions Dmitry Kalinin.
16:30 - 17:00 - singer Evgenia, participant of the television project "Highest standard".
17:00 - 17:30 - Laureate of international competitions, author of romances and ballads, singer and composer Dmitry Shved.
17:30 - 18:00 - trio "Relikt", honored artists of Russia, vocalists Alexander Nikerov and Vyacheslav Moyunov, laureate of international competitions, guitarist Alexei Leonov.
18:00 - 18:30 - singer Sergey Volny
18:30 - 18:55 - performer Alexander Elovskikh, winner of the festival "Slavianski Bazaar" in the city of Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).
19:00 - 19:30 - female vocal duet "Manzherok".
19:30 - 20:00 - singer Niko Neman, participant of the Voice project on Channel One.
20.00 - 20.30 - vocal group "Kalina Folk", finalist of the musical TV project "New Star".
20.30 - 21.00 - Honored Artist of Russia, saxophonist Alex Novikov.
21.00 - 22.00 - the concert will be completed by Peter Nalich, who will perform the songs of the legendary Leonid Utyosov.

May 8 14 parks will host free film screenings of films about the war, beginning at 21:00. The festive program on May 9 will cover 21 parks, more than 200 events will be held there, they will start at 13:00. Military and brass bands will perform before the audience, songs of the war years will sound, thematic photo exhibitions will work, various workshops for children will open, and dance lessons will be held. Venues for meetings of veterans will open in 14 parks, and at 22:00 fireworks will be launched into the sky in 20 parks.

Sites in Moscow districts

The large-scale musical and theatrical program "Front Brigades" will cover all districts of the capital on May 9. Venues where celebrations will take place in the districts:

VAO, Preobrazhenskaya Square 12,
.YuAO, Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"
.YuVAO, st. Belorechenskaya, 2
.YuZAO, Vorontsovsky park
.CJSC, st. Yartsevskaya, 21
.SZAO, Landscape park "Mitino"
.SAO, Northern River Station
.SVAO, Cosmonauts Alley
.ZelAO, Central square
.TiNAO, City of Moscow, st. Raduzhnaya, 8
.TiNAO, Lilac Boulevard, 1.

LED screens will be installed on the venues for live broadcasting of the parade from Red Square and a thematic film concert. Concerts will be held in each of the districts, in which both invited artists and the best groups and performers of various genres, subordinated to the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, will take part.

Thus, several theaters will perform in the Eastern Administrative District at once: the Moscow Theater "On Basmannaya", the Drama Theater "Modern" and the Moscow Theater of Illusion. At the festive site in ZAO with 13:00 to 22:00 there will be a non-stop concert, one of the brightest numbers at 16:00 will become a variety and circus divertissement "Center of Glory Polunin", built by analogy with the performances of circus brigades for the soldiers of the Soviet army during the war years.

In the SAO, the Moscow "Center for Drama and Directing" will present a musical and poetic composition "Poets of Military Roads".

In ZelAO, the "Vedogon-theater" will perform with poems and songs of the war years, and in the evening May 9 the group "NA-NA" will perform on the Central Square.

Moscow theater center "Cherry Orchard" - in TiNAO.

In total, more than 300 artists will take part in cultural and entertainment programs in the districts of Moscow.

SEC "European"

A festive concert will take place in the shopping center "Evropeisky", which is organized by the RUSSIANMUSICBOX TV channel! Participation will be: Avraam Russo, Mitya Fomin, Stas Kostyushkin, group "Nepara", Vlad Topalov, Brothers Safronov, group Reflex, Brothers Grim, Petr Dranga, Oscar Kuchera, Sogdiana, Alexander Panayotov, Dima Bikbaev, Alexander Shoua, Albina, Victoria Cherentsova , group "Dune", Arseniy Borodin, Alisa Mon, Victor Dorin, Sharif, Grigory Yurchenko, participants of the Project "Voice", Anton Elovskikh and others. Artists will perform not only with their hits, but also perform their favorite songs on a military theme.

Published on 05/09/18 13:04

The most anticipated event on May 9, in addition to the 2018 Victory Parade, which has already taken place on Red Square, will be fireworks.

Residents and guests of the capital are looking forward to the Victory Day and are actively interested in the events scheduled for May 9. The most anticipated event of this day, in addition to the Victory Parade, which has already taken place on Red Square, will be festive fireworks.

So, at 10 p.m. in Moscow, more than 80,000 volleys will be launched into the sky. It will be possible to admire the fire show for about five minutes. Golden peonies, colorful chrysanthemums, and intcbatch also red, blue, green and yellow balls.

According to the city administration, there are 33 sites in Moscow where salutes and fireworks will be launched into the sky. In each, even the most remote, metropolitan district there will be at least one site from which fireworks or salutes will be launched. High-altitude fireworks will be launched at 16 of the 33 sites, and fireworks at 17.

In Moscow, high-altitude fireworks will be given from 16 sites in different parts of the city: in Gorky Park, in Sokolniki, in the Hermitage Garden, in Krasnaya Presnya Park, in the Bauman Garden, Tagansky, Izmailovsky, Vorontsovsky, Goncharovsky, Perovsky , as well as in the areas of Lianozovo, Levoberezhny, Mitino, Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, Kuzminki and others.

Everyone who is going to watch the fireworks should take into account that due to a large number viewers, some metro stations will operate with restrictions. According to the portal, during the whole day at the Park Pobedy station, lobby No. 1 will work only for exits, and lobby No. 2 for entrance only. And from 12:00 until the end of the festive events, entrance to the Park Pobedy, Kutuzovskaya, Kievskaya stations of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya, Koltsevaya and Filevskaya lines, Belorusskaya of the Zamoskvoretskaya and Koltsevaya lines will be limited.

After the end of the salute, the entrance of passengers will be limited at the stations Ploshchad Revolyutsii, Okhotny Ryad, Aleksandrovsky Sad, Arbatskaya on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line, Borovitskaya, Lubyanka, Kuznetsky Most, Kitay-gorod, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya, Park Kultury of the Koltsevaya and Sokolnicheskaya lines, Oktyabrskaya of the Koltsevaya and Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya lines, Sparrow Hills, Universitet, Sportivnaya.

Fireworks launch points in Moscow parks:

Central District:

— parking in the area of ​​Bolshoy Moskvoretsky bridge;

— Krasnaya Presnya park;

— Tagansky park;

— Hermitage garden;

— garden named after Bauman;

On May 9, 2018, the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War will be celebrated throughout Russia. This year, May 9 falls in the middle of the week, so May 8 and 10 will be working days. Leaving the countryside for just one day is not very convenient. Therefore, many Muscovites will want to stay in the city and spend a holiday on the streets and squares of the capital. Moreover, a lot of interesting things are planned in Moscow on this day.

The most important event of the holiday starts in the morning - at 10:00 am, the traditional Victory Parade will take place on Red Square. The parade of 2018 promises to be the largest in history - samples of modern weapons will take part in it Russian army and historical technology. In total, more than 14 thousand military personnel, almost 200 units of military equipment, 150 helicopters and aircraft will participate in the event. You definitely shouldn't miss this show!

Every year on May 9, Victory Day is celebrated with grandeur and solemnity throughout Russia. The most large-scale events dedicated to the memory of the years of the Great Patriotic War and the soldiers who died on the battlefields are traditionally held in Moscow on the main squares of the capital. In order to have a good holiday weekend and pay tribute to the remaining veterans, residents and guests of the cities get acquainted with the official schedules of parades and festivities.

May 9 Victory Day 2018 event plan: annual schedule of festive events

On the morning of May 9, festive venues will open their work from 9.00. At 10 o'clock, the traditional Victory Parade on Red Square will begin, which will be shown on the central Russian channels and on the big screen on Poklonskaya Hill. The military procession will last three hours, and residents and guests of the capital will be able to continue the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory at one of the equipped sites in Moscow.

From 15:00 on Tverskaya Street, the march of the participants of the action "Immortal Regiment - Moscow 2018" starts. The procession participants will carry in their hands portraits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, their deceased relatives and friends who participated in hostilities and brought their homeland closer to Victory Day.

At 18.55 there will be a minute of silence in memory of the millions of dead soldiers and officers, when everyone will be able to feel with all their hearts the role of this day in the life of the whole country. From 19.00 Muscovites will be able to enjoy festive concerts performed by famous and beloved contemporary performers.

Traditionally, on May 9, Victory Day will end with a large festive fireworks of 80 thousand volleys, which is planned to be held in the sky of Moscow at 22.00. This year, fireworks will be visible to guests of 15 Moscow parks, including Sokolniki, Vorontsovsky Park and Gorky Park.

May 9 Victory Day 2018 event plan: venues for concerts and entertainment programs

The main venues for the celebration of Victory Day will be located in the following places: Poklonskaya Gora, Pushkinskaya and Teatralnaya Square, Triumphalnaya Square, on the squares at the main entrance of VDNKh and in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, on Arbat and Tverskaya streets, on Gogolevsky and Chistoprudny boulevards.

By tradition, veterans will gather on Theater Square, before whom opera singers and contemporary performers will perform. Before entering the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a concert of songs of the war years and a performance by a symphony orchestra will take place. On Triumfalnaya Square, lovers of theatrical art will be able to enjoy a literary and musical program, performances by actors and a concert of an author's song.

On Poklonskaya Gora, in addition to broadcasting from Red Square on the big screen, there will be an equestrian show "Traditions of Russia" with the participation of cavalrymen and a parade with the flags of hero cities.

Festive programs are provided in 27 parks of the capitals: the playing of wind instruments, the demonstration of military films and productions, dance numbers will not let anyone who is in Moscow that day be bored.

May 9 Victory Day 2018 event plan: Victory Parade and Immortal Regiment march

As usual, the Victory Parade on May 9 is considered the most spectacular military procession every year. This year this event will be grandiose and numerous as never before. Over 12 thousand people will march along the main square of the country in a solemn march. The parade will traditionally begin with the removal of the flag of Russia and the Banner of Victory, after which those present will observe a minute of silence for the dead soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

The procession will be opened by foot columns of military cadets educational institutions and modern military personnel. The main point of the parade will be a demonstration of the available military equipment. This year, more than 120 military vehicles will appear on Red Square, and parade observers will be able to see 73 aircraft and helicopters in the sky, the number of which is determined by the number of years since the Great Victory.

Since 2014, a new tradition has appeared in the celebration of Victory Day - these are the processions of the Immortal Regiment. The action is dedicated to the memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War and has become truly popular. It looks incredible and exciting. Anyone can join the event. The “Immortal Regiment” is a mass procession, last year, for example, about 800 thousand people took part in it, who carried portraits of their close and distant relatives who gave their lives for the victory over the enemy. The general gathering will begin at one o'clock in the afternoon, and a memorable collective passage from 15:00.

The Victory Day is dear to every inhabitant of our country who honors his history and the memory of the feat of Soviet soldiers. In any city in Russia there is a place for the Victory Day holiday. Once in Moscow, not a single person can remain indifferent to the veneration of the memory of the great heroes, because the victorious joy of our people will “thunder” throughout the capital.

Fireworks on May 9, 2018 in Moscow - what time and where to watch

The traditional end of the celebration of Victory Day in Russian cities is evening fireworks. In all large, medium and even small cities of the country, the administration arranges salutes and fireworks, which marks May 9 of each year. Of course, the main salute is Moscow. It was in Moscow that the parade of winners was held back in 1945, it is here that the main Victory Parade is held annually, and it is in the capital that the most large-scale and spectacular festive program is held. Fireworks on May 9, 2018 in Moscow - where will the fireworks be given, what time will it start, where is the best place to watch the fireworks.

According to the city administration, there are 33 sites in Moscow where salutes and fireworks will be launched into the sky. In each, even the most remote, metropolitan district there will be at least one site from which fireworks or salutes will be launched. High-altitude fireworks will be launched at 16 of the 33 sites, and fireworks at 17.

Recall that fireworks differ from salutes in that they open at a lower height. At the same time, their entertainment is just as high.

At all points from which the launch of fireworks is planned, the launch time is the same - 22:00 on May 9. The duration of the volleys is about five minutes. Muscovites will see gold, orange, green, red and purple sparks of fireworks in the evening sky of the capital. Fireworks will be in the form of golden peonies, colorful chrysanthemums, as well as red, blue, green and yellow balloons.

Each of the Moscow parks has its own scenario of fireworks. So, in Babushkinsky Park, where one of the most spectacular shows is expected, you can even see fireworks in the form of palm trees in the sky. In the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora, two points will be installed at once: fireworks will be launched from one, and fireworks from the other.

Where is the best place to watch fireworks on May 9 in Moscow

The main ones will be 16 points from which spectacular high-altitude fireworks will start.

Perhaps the most colorful show can be seen in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. Here, salute installations will be placed at two sites at once. In the center of the capital there are several more places where fireworks are clearly visible - Sparrow Hills, Moskvoretskaya and Luzhnetskaya embankments, Zaryadye Park, a site near the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bagration Bridge, Krymsky Bridge, a transport ring near Moscow City, high-rise restaurants with a panoramic view.

You can also watch the fireworks from the ship's boat, but it's not free.

Fireworks points in Moscow on May 9, 2018

If we talk specifically about high-altitude artillery salutes on May 9 in Moscow, then they can be seen in the following places in the capital:

In the Western Administrative District:

in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora (there will also be a point with fireworks),

in Novo-Peredelkino on Fedosino street, 18.

In the Central Administrative District:

on the Luzhnetskaya embankment.

In the North-Eastern Administrative District:

along Novgorodskaya street, 38.

In the Eastern Administrative District:

in the town of Bauman.

In the South-Eastern Administrative District:

in the Kuzminki park (there will also be a point with fireworks).

In the Southern Administrative District:

on the Nagatinskiy backwater.

In the Southwestern Administrative District:

in Obruchevsky on the street. Miklukho-Maklaya, house 6, building 1,

in South Butovo on the street. Ak. Pontryagina, house 11, building 3.

In the Northwestern Administrative District:

on st. Roslovka, 5.

at the Tushino airfield.

In the Northern Administrative District:

in Friendship Park.

In the Zelenograd administrative district:

in Victory Park.

In the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts:

in Troitsk.

On May 9, 2019, Victory Day in Moscow will traditionally end with fireworks at 33 venues in the capital. The celebration will begin with a military parade and end with colorful fireworks.

High-altitude fireworks this year will be organized at 16 sites. The most colorful show can be seen in Pobedy Park on Poklonnaya Gora, where fireworks will be placed on two sites at once.

Also festive fireworks can be seen in seventeen parks of the capital. Each of the parks will have its own fireworks launch scenario.

Addresses of sites where you can watch the fireworks on May 9, 2019 on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War:

What time will the fireworks start on May 9, 2019 in Moscow

On the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, fireworks and salutes will be launched from city sites. In general, more than 80 thousand volleys will be fired. Starting everywhere at the same time - 22:00.

It will be possible to admire the fire show for about five minutes. Golden peonies, colorful chrysanthemums, as well as red, blue, green and yellow balloons will fly into the sky.

Where is the best place to watch fireworks on May 9 in Moscow

The main ones will be 16 points from which spectacular high-altitude fireworks will start.

Perhaps the most colorful show can be seen in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. Here, salute installations will be placed at two sites at once. There are several more places in the center of the capital where fireworks are clearly visible - Sparrow Hills, Moskvoretskaya and Luzhnetskaya embankments, Zaryadye Park, a site near the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bagration Bridge, Krymsky Bridge, the transport ring next to Moscow City, "high-altitude" restaurants with a panoramic view.

You can also watch the fireworks from the ship's boat, but it's not free.

Festive fireworks from the ship

May 9 , Wednesday
May 9 on the premium-class motor ship Argo-2
19:50 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3 500 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Alexia with dinner and fireworks 19:55 Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Tickets from 4 700 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Moscow 150 19:55 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3,000 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Alina Bravo 20:15 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3 500 rubles.
May 9 on the ship "River Lounge" with viewing the fireworks 20:30 Berth "TsPKiO im. Gorky"
Berth "TsPKiO im. Gorky"
Tickets from 3 900 rubles.
Walk on May 9 on the m. "Prince Menshikov", "Franz Lefort" and "Denis Davydov" 20:30 Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Tickets from 3 700 rubles.
Viewing fireworks on May 9 from the ship "Alina Prima" 20:45 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3,000 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Santa Maria 20:00 Pier "Variety Theatre"
Pier "Variety Theatre"
Tickets from 3,000 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Blagodat 20:00 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 5 000 rubles.
May 9 on the comfortable motor ship Sobol with dinner 20:00
Berth "International Exhibition"
Tickets from 4 700 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Lotsman 20:00 Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Tickets from 3 500 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Alina Tango 21:00 Berth "Patriarch's Bridge"
Berth "Patriarch's Bridge"
Tickets from 3 500 rubles.

Fireworks on May 9 will rumble in Moscow at 33 venues. This was announced on Tuesday by the head of the Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky at a meeting of the presidium of the capital's government.

According to the head of the department, an extensive entertainment program for 10 million people has been prepared in the capital for the Victory Day. At 10:00 am, the traditional Victory Parade will take place on Red Square, in which 12.5 thousand servicemen and 120 pieces of military equipment will take part. This will be followed by the procession of the Immortal Regiment, which is expected to be joined by more than 700,000, the RosRegistr website writes. human.

On the festive day, all cultural centers, libraries, military museums will be open, and four open-air exhibitions will be organized.

High-altitude fireworks this year will be organized at 16 sites. The most colorful show can be seen in Pobedy Park on Poklonnaya Gora, where fireworks will be placed on two sites at once.

Also festive fireworks can be seen in seventeen parks of the capital. Each of the parks will have its own fireworks launch scenario.

Addresses of sites where you can watch the fireworks on May 9, 2018 on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War:

On the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, fireworks and salutes will be launched from city sites. In general, more than 80 thousand volleys will be fired. Start everywhere at the same time - 22:00.

It will be possible to admire the fire show for about five minutes. Golden peonies, colorful chrysanthemums, as well as red, blue, green and yellow balloons will fly into the sky.

The main ones will be 16 points from which spectacular high-altitude fireworks will start.

Perhaps the most colorful show can be seen in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. Here, salute installations will be placed at two sites at once. There are several more places in the center of the capital where fireworks are clearly visible - Sparrow Hills, Moskvoretskaya and Luzhnetskaya embankments, Zaryadye Park, a site near the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bagration Bridge, Krymsky Bridge, a transport ring near Moscow City, "high-altitude" restaurants with a panoramic view.

You can also watch the fireworks from the ship's boat, but it's not free.

May 9, Wednesday
May 9 on the premium-class motor ship Argo-2
19:50 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3 500 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Alexia with dinner and fireworks 19:55 Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Tickets from 4 700 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Moscow 150 19:55 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3,000 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Alina Bravo 20:15 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3 500 rubles.
May 9 on the ship "River Lounge" with viewing the fireworks 20:30 Berth "TsPKiO im. Gorky"
Berth "TsPKiO im. Gorky"
Tickets from 3 900 rubles.
Walk on May 9 on the m. "Prince Menshikov", "Franz Lefort" and "Denis Davydov" 20:30 Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Tickets from 3 700 rubles.
Viewing fireworks on May 9 from the ship "Alina Prima" 20:45 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3,000 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Santa Maria 20:00 Pier "Variety Theatre"
Pier "Variety Theatre"
Tickets from 3,000 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Blagodat 20:00 Pier "Ustyinsky Bridge" Tickets from 5 000 rubles.
May 9 on the comfortable motor ship Sobol with dinner 20:00 Berth "International Exhibition"
Berth "International Exhibition"
Tickets from 4 700 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Lotsman 20:00 Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Berth "Novospassky bridge"
Tickets from 3 500 rubles.
May 9 on the ship Alina Tango 21:00 Berth "Patriarch's Bridge"
Berth "Patriarch's Bridge"
Tickets from 3 500 rubles.