Great irritation. Increased nervousness and irritability of the cause. What not to do

Irritability is a hypertrophied reaction to any factor that caused negative emotions. It is explained by the increased excitability of a person, which can have physiological and psychological reasons. The condition when, in moments of overwork, trouble or poor health, an attack of irritability occurs, is familiar to everyone.

However, it is known that bouts of irritability and aggression are associated with many mental pathologies. Therefore, if they occur frequently and for no apparent reason, then it is worth seeking medical help. Increased nervousness and irritability in women, in addition to the effects of stressful situations, can be caused by hormonal imbalances or metabolic disorders.

There are quite a few factors that can cause bouts of irritability and aggression in women. Among them, excessive workload is in the lead, which most often concerns working women, who are forced, among other things, to do housework and children, which leads to overwork and causes irritability. Often, this condition is also present in menopause and in older women during the postmenopausal period.

Aggression, increased nervousness and irritability in women can be explained by the presence of low self-esteem. In this case, she constantly compares her achievements with the successes of other people. To overcome the psychological factors of nervousness, it is useful to attend auto-training sessions. Relaxation techniques (meditation, head massage and yoga) must be mastered.

Physiological causes

From a physiological point of view, the cause of increased nervousness and irritability is the excessive reactivity of the central nervous system. Such reactivity occurs under the influence of many factors: internal (mental pathologies, hormonal disruption, metabolic disorders), genetic and external (stressful condition, infectious diseases).

Hormonal fluctuations are the main cause of nervousness, which lies in the physiological characteristics of the female body. The female psyche reacts to cyclical changes hormonal background with PMS, pregnancy, as well as during pre- and postmenopause. Hyperthyroidism is a contributing factor to the onset of irritability. Under its influence, the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones increases.

Lack of important nutrients (glucose, amino acids) and vitamin deficiency can cause physiological nervousness. Genetic irritability is inherited by subsequent generations, as it is due to over-excitability nervous system... Aggressive behavior becomes part of the character, and the woman begins to constantly break down on loved ones.

Symptoms such as constant nervousness and, on the contrary, an aggressive state, may indicate the development of pathological processes in the body, for example, infectious diseases, diabetes, post-traumatic stress. In addition, they can indicate a metabolic disorder or latent course of mental illness and somatic disorders.

Preparations for irritability and nervousness in women

Pharmacological therapy of excessive irritability should be prescribed by a psychotherapist after a preliminary examination of the patient. If there is strong aggression and signs of mental disorder, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. In a state of depression, antidepressants (drugs Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline, Prozac, etc.) are used to improve mood and eliminate nervousness. With irritability caused by the pathology of the endocrine organs, hormones are prescribed after the examination.

More rest

With nervousness and irritability, you need adequate sleep and rest, since it is often the main reason these states. In order to provide the patient with a long night's rest, hypnotics or tranquilizers (Clozepid, Phenazepam) are prescribed. In case of anxiety, daytime anxiolytic tranquilizers are used - drugs that do not cause drowsiness (Grandaxin, Rudotel).

If no mental pathology is found, but a nervous disorder is present that complicates the woman's life, soft drugs are prescribed. They help to improve the adaptation of the body. These are drugs such as Novopassit, Adaptol, Notta.

In addition to drugs, it is advisable to use a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques for teaching relaxation (breathing exercises, auto-training).

You can use techniques that correct human behavior in different conditions (cognitive therapy). The sessions will help to understand what is the reason for this state of the woman and help develop self-control.

Traditional and Alternative Medicine

Nervousness is not always associated with mental illness. It can be caused by the influence of menopause, premenstrual syndrome, overwork, or some kind of disorder. You can remove it with the help of folk herbal recipes. Alternative medicine offers a wide range of sedatives to overcome nervousness. Among them are tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants and spices:

  • oregano herbs;
  • coriander seeds;
  • valerian rhizomes;
  • cumin and fennel seeds;
  • motherwort herbs and others.

For the purpose of general strengthening of the body, products rich in vitamins and microelements are used, such as walnuts and almonds, dried apricots, prunes, honey, citrus fruits. Phytotherapists recommend taking short warm baths with oregano, motherwort, wormwood to improve sleep.

In the case of mental pathology, treatment at home can be carried out only after examination and with the permission of a psychiatrist.

Otherwise, you can provoke a worsening of symptoms. Good result with increased nervousness and irritability, they are able to give yoga classes. It is known that such sessions teach to keep emotions under control in non-standard situations and not to get nervous for no reason.

Nervousness should not be ignored as a permanent state of irritation negatively affects the woman's nervous system and often provokes a nervous breakdown and, which leads to worsening problems and social isolation. In this case, a woman may become addicted to in order to relax and relieve irritation or "seize" stress by consuming excessive amounts of food.

In the case when increased nervousness and irritability occurs for no apparent reason and lasts for a long time, and especially if insomnia, anxiety, depression or inappropriate behavior join, urgent specialist help is needed. Only a psychotherapist knows what to do in a particular case and how to treat a mental illness. This will help avoid the progression of pathology and problems in the future.

Irritability: the main symptoms, causes and how to deal with it


Snezhana Ivanova

Irritability can be compared to "rust" or "ulcer", which destroys and destroys a person's energy.

A life modern man filled with various stressful situations and conflicts. In addition, the awareness of his helplessness and the impossibility of satisfying many of his needs and desires has a significant negative impact on him. The accumulation of various emotional reactions and being in the zone of chronic stress sooner or later leads to the emergence of irritability, which completely captures a person, knocking him out of a measured life and habitual state. This irritability leaves an imprint on all human activities and begins to control his actions and behavior, disrupting the calm way of life.

A high level of irritability, and even more so a prolonged stay in such a state, inevitably leads to the depletion of a person's physical and mental resources. Irritability can be compared to "rust" or "ulcer", which not only destroys and destroys a person's energy, but also makes him fully controllable to those events that contribute to an even greater manifestation of negative emotions and, as a result, the emergence of aggressive reactions.

In principle, irritation can be characterized as a kind of ill-being of a person and a low level of quality of his life (in physical and psychological terms), and also consider in it an indicator of the line between a mature healthy person and a person with a painful state and internal disharmony.

The essence and distinctive features of irritability

In the scientific literature, it is difficult to find a clear definition of irritability, since it is not so much a specific reaction or action of a living organism, but a kind of state of the human psyche. But it should be noted that irritability is derived from the word “irritability”, which in turn has a more precise definition, namely, it is a certain ability of any living organism to respond to various external stimuli (reaction to physical, chemical and other influences). Thus, irritability can be characterized as a property or characteristic trait of a person, indicating the strength of reactions to various stimuli or the ability to quickly respond to the most insignificant negative impact.

In psychology, irritability is understood as the tendency of a person to show inadequate and excessive reactions (emotional and behavioral) to stimuli that do not differ in strength from other similar influences. Annoying information can come both through exteroceptive sensations (from the external environment) and through interoceptive (from the internal environment), that is, a person is influenced not only by other people and surrounding objects, but also internal state(both physical and emotional).

Quite often in everyday life, nervousness and irritability are perceived as identical definitions, although in fact they have significant differences. For example, nervousness (and, like irritability in the scientific literature, there is no clear definition of it) means an increased level of excitability of the human nervous system, which manifests itself when exposed to even weak external stimuli. Irritability is considered as a kind of state of the psyche, under the influence of which a response (behavior and action) of a person inadequate in terms of the strength of the stimulus occurs, that is, such a response is much brighter and stronger than this situation requires. At the everyday level, they say about such people "breaks down on trifles" or "flashes like a match."

Many modern psychologists and psychotherapists see the following in irritability:

  • fatigue and exhaustion of the human body and psyche;
  • negative habit or pattern of behavior;
  • low self-esteem and increased anxiety;
  • dissatisfaction with living conditions (living “within one's means”);
  • lack of internal culture and lack of education;
  • intolerance, increased sensitivity, an accelerated process of emotional response;
  • fussiness, uncertainty and internal imbalance;
  • an indicator of a weak personality with insufficient desire for self-development;
  • inconsistency of desires and needs with the possibilities of their satisfaction (more precisely, the impossibility of this);
  • a special form (emotional) of expressing dissatisfaction and claims;
  • erroneous perception of the surrounding reality (information, actions and actions of other people, events and various life situations).

Increased irritability of a person most often finds expression in various forms of aggression, negativism, anger and anger, requiring external expression in screaming, crying, abrupt movements and rash actions. If a person cannot control his increased irritability, the reasons for which most often lie in the discrepancy between his desires and available capabilities (or the discrepancy between the existing reality and the internal requirements of the individual), then such an emotional reaction will only intensify. As a result, it will develop into a stable one and eventually become a habitual way of responding life situations(a kind of dynamic stereotype will be formed). Therefore, if a person is prone to frequent manifestations of irritability, you should definitely think about how to develop self-control and restraint in yourself.

When does irritability occur? Causes and symptoms

All emotional outbursts that a person experiences do not pass without a trace for his body and psyche, because being in this state, the human body is poisoned by stress toxins and the psychological health of the individual is under threat. Moreover, if a person tries to control the external manifestation of irritability with an internal riot of negative emotions, this has even greater harm to his mental state, contributing to the development of various psychosomatic diseases. And no matter how hard people try to control themselves, there will certainly come a moment when self-control weakens and negative emotional reactions are manifested in passive-protective (tears, complaints, indignation) or open aggressive forms (shouting, knocking and clapping, swearing, fighting etc.).

Before analyzing the features of the manifestation of a person's irritability, one should first understand what is the reason for the appearance of such reactions, if this is not an innate personality trait (by the way, these are quite rare cases). So, what can cause irritability in a person? The reasons are as follows:

  • possible diseases of some organs, which are latent or latent in nature and lead to serious hormonal changes (diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as problems associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland);
  • strong stress and, as a result, the subsequent depletion of the human nervous system;
  • chronic fatigue (long-term overwork), depression and some neurological diseases (for example, epilepsy);
  • post-traumatic reactions as a consequence of protracted experiences after traumatic situations;
  • (both in work and personal life);
  • side effects of certain medications.

Along with physiological reasons, increased irritability can form under the influence of psychological factors, such as the presence of fears and phobias, high level anxiety, inadequate, sleep disturbances and mental exhaustion, psychological addiction(alcoholic depression, nicotine, drug, etc.), the presence of chronic stress and dissatisfaction with oneself or one's position. The reasons for the manifestation of irritability are presented in the table.

Causes Characteristic
As a consequence of the disease Thyroid disorders diabetes, brain tumor, stomach or duodenal ulcer, neurosis and various neuropsychiatric diseases (schizophrenia, psychopathy, dementia, epilepsy).
Physiological Increased reactivity of the central nervous system, lack of vitamins in the body, hormonal disorders, taking certain medications, drinking alcohol and other substances
Psychological Stress, affective states, frustration, increased anxiety, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, neuropsychic exhaustion and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Like any behavioral and emotional response, irritability can be identified by the presence of certain symptoms. It not only finds its manifestation in aggressive forms of human behavior and the expression of anger by him, but is always accompanied by physiological manifestations, such as a rapid heartbeat, respiratory failure, a change in intonation in the voice. The symptoms of this emotional reaction are:

  • the pressure rises, the heartbeat accelerates and the pulse quickens;
  • there is stiffness in the cervical spine and shoulder girdle;
  • breathing disorders are observed (it becomes more frequent or intercepts it);
  • human movements become sharper and more abrupt;
  • the movement of the pupils is accelerated (the eyes "run");
  • the timbre and intonation of the voice, as well as the speed and volume of speech, change;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa, attacks of nausea and dizziness appear;
  • sweating is also possible;

How to get rid of?

Increased irritability, as a negative reaction of a person, is harmful not only to the people around, but also to the one who manifests it. The fact is that any negative emotional manifestations necessarily affect both the physical and psychological health of a person. In addition, a high level of emotional response prevents a person from easily adapting to rapidly changing living conditions and successfully realizing themselves both in work and personal life. That is why, if a person very often experiences increased irritability, he must certainly take measures to form volitional control and develop a higher level of self-regulation of the emotional sphere.

Most adequate people who are prone to such emotional manifestations and understand that it harms both themselves and their loved ones, be sure to ask themselves the question "how to get rid of irritability and can this be done without the help of a specialist?" The answer is quite simple, if you realize your negative reactions, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem on your own, you just need to master some techniques of self-regulation and control. Sometimes a person is required not so much to develop self-control skills as to try to change their habits and adjust the daily routine. So, for example, those prone to irritability are:

  • shift more often different types activities (especially those who have a predominantly choleric type of temperament and they tend to get irritated doing the same job, especially monotonous, for quite a long time);
  • psychologists advise changing the mental work of physical (for example, if a person has been compiling a complex economic report for a long time, he should be distracted by 30-40 minutes and go for a run in the nearest park or square);
  • it is imperative to monitor your diet and the amount of fluid you consume, since a lack of nutrients and vitamins, and even more so a feeling of thirst, often provokes the appearance of negative emotions and, as a result, irritation occurs;
  • if a person gets into a stressful situation, you need to get out of it as soon as possible and switch to activities that bring positive emotions (you just need to remember a place or event when you felt as comfortable, protected and happy as possible);
  • you need to monitor your regime, especially do not forget about the time for rest and sleep.

What not to do:

  • you should not change the activity that causes such a reaction by watching TV or playing on the PC (the fact is that when irritability appears, treatment is usually aimed at relieving clamps and emotional stress, and watching TV or playing gadgets activates the work of the cognitive and emotional sphere, therefore, relaxation never comes);
  • you should not resort to alcohol as a means to calm the nervous system, because it is known that an excess of this substance causes the opposite reaction, namely, that a person becomes even more irascible, sensitive and irritable;
  • also will not help a person to restrain emotions and nicotine, because the fact that many consider the smoking process to be soothing is a delusion, since nicotine contributes to vasoconstriction and as a result, a sufficient amount of blood with nutrient elements for nerve cells does not enter the brain, which leads to frequent headaches, bad mood and nervousness.

If a person is not helped by simple changes in activity and diet, it is necessary to resort to developing self-control and self-regulation in oneself. In that the following methods and techniques will help:

  • relaxation of the mimic muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle (we relax the muscles of the forehead, around the eyes, mouth, for example, smiling or pronouncing various vowel sounds, and the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle can be well relaxed with the help of ordinary physical exercises);
  • breathing control (you can use breathing exercises borrowed from yoga, or you can perform ordinary breathing exercises with alternating calming and mobilizing breathing);
  • techniques of imagination and visualization (emotional memory is activated, positive emotions and pleasant sensations are recreated, emotional balance is restored);
  • autogenous training and autosuggestion.

If you cannot cope with your emotional state on your own and irritability constantly returns to it, medication is prescribed in this case, with the use of a complex of special drugs and various procedures (physiotherapy, massage, etc.). In very acute cases, a person can be referred to narrow specialists - medical professionals(neuropathologist, psychiatrist), and if this happened, then in no case should you ignore it and self-medicate, as this can lead to quite serious problems.

At work or in the immediate environment, there is a person who causes irritation. He didn’t touch you with a finger, but terribly enrages you. The manner of speaking or something special about the behavior. Sound familiar? Let's look for reasons and figure it out.

To begin with, irritation is an unpleasant and, even worse, harmful condition. Therefore, do not look for an excuse the next time you experience a painful reaction to someone else. It's not a bad mood or Mercury retrograde.

"Anything that annoys others can lead to self-understanding," Jung said. And he was certainly right. Other people are mirrors to us. If you are offended by a person, this is a great reason to consider new information About Me. Well, for example, in childhood you were assured that "sticking out" is once again bad. You grew up timid and suppressed own feeling activity and initiative. Think about who annoys you now? Upstarts, activists, initiators and people with ambition, right? Irritation does not arise from scratch. This is always our reaction to what we unknowingly forbid ourselves. We or our parents. Our repressed feelings are most often manifested through irritation. And they can be anything, be it anger or shame.

Why do we always notice all sorts of little things in others, but do not know how to look at ourselves from the outside? This is due to the imaginary image of oneself beloved and, of course, ideal in all respects. This is characteristic even of insecure and quiet individuals (a paradox, but they are in the first place). They sincerely believe that anyone is to blame, but not themselves. People by nature do not want to delve into their shortcomings, let alone realize them. But the psyche is arranged in such a way that the more we do not like something in ourselves, the more we do not accept it and project it onto others.

It’s more convenient for Vasya to get angry with his neighbor than with himself. And why is he always smiling? What a scoundrel!

Another reason why an incomprehensible irritation appears is envy. You don't want to admit it at all, do you agree? And then, instead of admitting that we are corny envy of a lucky friend, we begin to get angry with her. We accept her sociability for courting others, and her mobility and ease of lifting - for recklessness and frivolity. Or, for example, we can easily deceive ourselves in our desires: to engage in creativity, considering it something sublime, but in fact we want money and more mundane activities. We are afraid to admit to ourselves our own motives, thinking in stereotypical thinking or justifying other people's expectations.

Another reason we lose our temper is our inability to work with our boundaries. They agreed to do something at work, for a relative or friend through force, they were terribly tired. And that's all. The process of irritation in relation to the "culprit" has been launched. Still, you were forced to do what you absolutely did not want. This will help the skill of saying "no" so as not to suffer in the future and not suppress yourself. Borders are our "home" and our security. They need to be protected and defended, and if it does not work out, they need to try and introduce new behavioral techniques into the habit.

Unfortunately, irritation may not be a situational response, but a personal trait. It is characteristic of negative, self-centered and ill-mannered people. This is not a matter of mirroring, but of banal disrespect for the interlocutor, inability to listen and react with restraint.

And let's move on to our favorite question: what to do?

First you need to admit to yourself that the next source of irritation in the face of anyone is not to blame for anything and does not wish you harm. It really works and frees us from negativity. The ideal option is to keep a diary, where you will describe in detail what exactly made you angry about the other person and how he should have acted, in your opinion. In this way, you will pull out the feelings and emotions that may have tormented you for a long time. In addition, you can figure out if there is any noticed boasting or hypocrisy in you yourself. Just be honest with yourself. Once you discover the cause of the dislike, you will feel the irritation go away and you will forget about it. If you accept your own shortcomings, then instantly "allow" others to have them. Anyway, calm down. It's better to be calm, albeit imperfect, right?

Psychologist Marina Morozova

We all get annoyed from time to time. And even if we try like educated people, hide your irritation, it is almost impossible to hide it from others.Therefore, it is very important to understand why irritation occurs.

Irritation occurs when our boundaries are violated:

Spatial (for example, when someone is pushing in a crowded vehicle, or when someone is skipping a line in a store);

Temporary (someone is late);

Emotional (someone steps on your "pet peeve", gives unsolicited advice or constantly "clings" to something, promises something, but does not do it).


Especially strong irritation occurs when our "pain points" are touched.

Let's say you earn little, and they point out to you: “Why do you earn so little! You have two children! " As if you yourself do not know about it and do not worry about it.

Or you are not married, but they ask you: “When are you going to get married? Why won't you marry in any way? " Or they give advice: “It's time for you to get married. After all, you are already so many years old! "

And note that others (at least most) do not try to deliberately irritate you. It is not their fault that you still have not cured your pet peeve.

Noise, harsh light, cold or heat can irritate, and, accordingly, the culprit that creates them.

A neighbor who drills all day.

Colleagues who constantly make drafts, and you get cold.

Loud music that the son listens to.

Almost always, irritation arises when there is a conflict of interest:

You are on the phone or cooking, and your son pesters with questions or requests. You want to do your thing, and your son wants your attention.

You are busy with a report that you urgently need to submit, but one employee comes to you, then another, each with his own question, and even the phone is constantly ringing.

And here your interests collide, your boundaries are violated, since you have not designated them.

Therefore, it is very important to learn to designate and set your own boundaries, taking into account both your own interests and the interests of another person.

"Sonny, now I will finish the conversation over the phone, and in 5 minutes I will come to you."

And, naturally, to do this, because if you break your promise, you will already violate his boundaries, and then he will not believe your words, he will not even hear them.

Annoyance is an outburst of suppressed latent aggression.

Maybe for a long time you "swallowed" offenses or endured someone's behavior in the hope that the person himself will guess that it is unpleasant for you. And, of course, you were quietly angry, indignant and angry. But the cup of patience overflowed, and your anger in the form of irritation began to come out of the shadows. And you already have a hard time hiding it, because literally everything in this person annoys you. You get annoyed over little things, maybe without knowing why. And it is important to understand yourself, to understand how this person really offended or angered you, talk to him and indicate what is unpleasant for you. And forgive old grudges, for example, with the help of my meditations "Forgiveness of men" or "Forgiveness of women".

Or maybe the irritant person reminds you of someone from your past. And in fact, you are offended and angry not with him, but with a person from the past. Then that person must be forgiven.

If the conflict is not receivedit is possible to resolve on your own, and the person plays an important role in your life, come on.

There is also a very important point.

Irritation can be a signal that we are being manipulated. We have not yet understood how and why, but irritation has already appeared.

This is where our irritation helps us, tells us: “Be careful, you are being manipulated, you are being used. Don't let yourself be used. "

The mind has not yet understood anything, but the soul has already reacted.

Therefore, you should not drive away from yourself or crush irritation in yourself. It is necessary to understand its reasons, to which you reacted in this way.

It is also important tofeel where it originated in the body. Most often, irritation is localized in the temples.

And don't confuse irritation with anger and anger. Anger lives in the chest, and anger lives in the stomach. Most often, but not necessarily there.

Irritation occurs with stress, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, increased stress, at the second stage of emotional burnout, with depression, neurasthenia, anxiety disorder of personality, alcoholism and drug addiction, mental illness.

NSOf course, a lot of things annoy us when something hurts. And by the way, irritation can be a symptom of a cold or thyroid problems. Therefore, if you are often irritated, check your thyroid gland.

Irritation is your individual reaction to a situation.

The other person in your place may react differently.

Why is it annoying you

what doesn't annoy the other person?

We are not just annoyed by certain qualities in people. Chances are there is something about you that annoys you elsewhere.- the same quality of character. But this quality, you not only hide in yourself, but generally abandoned it (most likely in childhood) - you amputated it (displaced it). Of course, it creeps out when you are not aware of it.

For example, you might be annoyed by someone's insolence. It seems to you that you are never arrogant. But you may not remember this, or you may not realize that you will become impudent when you become impudent.You may think of yourself as an assertive, purposeful person, and others may think that you are arrogant.

You may be annoyed by someone's stubbornness, but you do not notice that you are also stubborn. True, you think to yourself that you are stubborn, not stubborn, and those around you may think the other way around.

You may be annoyed by someone's deceit or activity. This means that you have suppressed deceit or activity in yourself.

For example, you could be an active, sociable child, an electric broom, but your mother did not like your activity and restlessness, for example, because your mother loves peace and quiet. You were constantly running, making noise, and many times she was annoyed and scolded you for your activity, and you felt shame and guilt because of this and tried to be quieter, squeezed, began to hesitate to violently and actively express yourself. That is, my mother made you understand that it is bad to be active.

This ban on activity has led to the fact that you have grown up as a passive, squeezed person. You have ceased to be yourself. And now you are very annoyed active people- electric brooms. You are annoyed in them by what you suppressed in yourself as a child.

Or vice versa, you may be annoyed by passive people: passive husband, passive child. You may be annoyed that they do not want anything, do not strive for anything, they have no ambitions, goals, even desires, except for a computer and TV. It is quite possible that their passivity is relaxation, the ability to rest, and you suppressed this in yourself in your childhood.

Parents demanded too much of you, you were constantly busy: you went to sections, circles, studios, did social work, helped your mother with the housework. You didn't have a minute to spare, and you didn't have time to watch TV and read your favorite books. You couldn't just relax and play the fool, lie around, fool around, just relax. But I wanted to. And now I want to.

But the ban on rest and relaxation and enjoyment of rest has borne fruit.

You grew up to be an active, active person, you are constantly tense, you do not know how to relax, you have no free time, you cannot sit around for a minute, and you are very annoyed by quitters and generally passive people who constantly rest in front of computer screens without having time to get tired ... Moreover, they do it in front of your nose, in your house. It annoys you that they allow themselves to rest.

But you cannot even afford to just relax. And you don’t understand that life through your husband and child gives you lessons: they teach you, by their own example, how to rest and relax, but they will not teach you in any way. And they, perhaps, are also irritated by your excessive activity and activity. And especially your irritability and demands to be active. And maybe they need to be thanked for the lessons and example they give you.

An exercise

Divide the sheet into 2 columns.

In the first column, write what and in whom annoys you, in the second, in what situations do you show or once showed this quality.

Let's say you are annoyed by your daughter's laziness. When are you lazy yourself? Maybe you are lazy to do something, but you overcome this laziness with an effort of will? For example, when writing a report.

Were you lazy at her age? Maybe your laziness once annoyed your parents?

Are you annoyed by crowds of people in transport? Think about what annoys you at the same time: the crush, someone's impudence or irritability, noise, or the fact that transport rarely runs (the fact that transport services do not work well).

If pushing is annoying, remember if there are times when you yourself push or push as a teenager, a child.

If it is annoying that the transport runs poorly, that is, the transport services do not work well, it happens that your deadlines are missed, or you do not work well (not on schedule, unnecessarily slow, with delays).


Behind our irritation, as well as behind all feelings, there is a positive intention: we want the people around us, and the world in general, to become better, smarter, more beautiful, more active (or more passive).

We want people not to violate our boundaries, but they themselves have not learned to mark them. Let's face it, annoyance is our way of defining our boundaries. The method is destructive, strange, but ours.

We do not know how to do it in another way, UNTIL we have learned.

And if it does not seem fair to you that you do more things at home than others, it is important to admit to yourself that you yourself have taken on everything and have not delegated some of the responsibilities to other family members. And maybe finally delegate them.

If you are annoyed that transport is not running well, think about what you did to improve the situation (for example, wrote a complaint or a statement or called the appropriate services)? Or do you sincerely think that your irritation will somehow change the situation with transport?

Or have you solved the problem in a different way and are now driving your car?

Are you annoyed by traffic jams? Think, is it possible that you yourself create temporary or emotional "traffic jams", "stagnation" in your life?


Naturally, your frequent irritation spoils your relationships with others. You offend them with your irritability and provoke conflicts and, as a result, trouble.

Irritation worsens not only our life, but also our health.

If we are very irritable, then irritation affects many organs in our body: skin, stomach, intestines, liver, joints.

For example, irritability can cause skin irritation, but serious skin diseases... Irritability can cause irritable bowel syndrome, irritable stomach, and duodenal ulcers.

Therefore, you should not wait for the appearance of diseases.

How to get rid of irritation

1) Take your frustration as a signal that you are allowing others to break their boundaries, manipulate yourself, and start building your boundaries.

2) Recognize and eliminate the causes of irritation.

3) Understand what the positive intention of annoyance is for you, and think about how to achieve the same in other ways.

4) Do daily relaxation sessions, say while listening to meditation "Relaxation"

5) Learn to calm down and keep peace and quiet in your soul.

6) Be merciful and condescending to those around you. Let them have their weaknesses.

7) Do not suppress feelings in yourself, resolve unpleasant situations as they come.

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Irritability, nervousness, bad mood, discontent - all these sensations and unpleasant states can haunt a person, intertwining together. What leads to this condition?

Reasons for irritability

It can be anything, from the wrong organization of working time and free time, to minor everyday troubles. Very often you can observe people who are trying to throw out their negativity for any reason, even the most insignificant. And they explain all this simply - exhaustion and fatigue. But few people think that constant irritability very quickly becomes the cause of a whole bunch of mental abnormalities, which are very difficult to deal with and treat.

It is clear that a tired person quickly becomes irritated. To ensure that the work is not stressful, does not seem monotonous, you should do everything possible to workplace it was not only convenient, but also beautiful, because important matters are being decided here. If you do not worry about this, then excessive irritability will not keep you waiting long, and the constant presence in such conditions is fraught with even greater problems associated with the appearance of various diseases.

There are people with an unbalanced psyche who, with banal overwork, can get out of balance. At the same time, serious problems become threatening to their health. Patience, self-control is out of the question.

Professionals in the field of psychology, psychiatry define such a state as follows. Irritability is a person's tendency to react to normal environment It's too spicy. Every sane person should remember that they are surrounded by different people, different events take place. Sometimes they are positive, but sometimes they are also negative. Natural irritability is extremely rare, but acquired irritability becomes a sign that we are tired, bringing ourselves to such a state.

How to get rid of irritability

They all react in their own way. Irritability after childbirth brings its own troubles, people with professions that require constant stress also endure in a special way. This is not to say that it is easier for someone and harder for someone. Some take up a cigarette, others eat seeds or sweets. Thus, an understanding appears in the mind that these, even harmful actions with a clear conscience, can be considered a reward for the stressful state endured. But tobacco smoke and extra calories are not beneficial. And everyone knows about it.

Stronger individuals who know how to cope with themselves and their emotions are looking for a different approach: they go in for sports, take deep breaths, try to distract themselves in different ways. And it is right.

Of course, it is difficult to calm down in a stressful state and breakdowns of the nervous system are quite difficult to recover. That is why, knowing all the pitfalls, it is best to try to make every effort and prevent this from happening. It is not difficult to do this, you just have to try to prevent these states, which means that you need to respect yourself, love, take time for yourself, and then the situation around will also change.

Irritability through the eyes of physiology

If the increased irritability is considered from the side of the symptomatology, then it represents excessive excitability with the patient's tendency to show negative emotions. But most importantly, these very emotions exceed the strength of the very factor that caused them. In other words, we can say that even a small nuisance, on which you can not cycle and simply forget it, causes an unjustified flurry of negative experiences.

Everyone is familiar with this state and no one will deny that fatigue, poor health, and troubles in life become the cause. Hence the nervousness and even tears. Very often you can observe how irritability and tearfulness go side by side, especially for the weaker sex.

We must not forget about such conditions of mentally unhealthy people. In this case, the main reasons are the increased reactivity of the central nervous system, which develops under the influence of factors such as heredity of character, hormonal disruptions, mental illness, metabolic disorders, as well as infections and stressful situations. And during pregnancy and after childbirth, during the menstrual cycle and during menopause, it is hormonal changes in the body that "give" women nervousness, irritability and other troubles.

How irritability is detected in patients

Self-diagnosis, and especially self-medication, is completely impossible with such disorders. In a wide variety of diseases, where symptoms are bad mood, drowsiness, irritability or nervousness, only a specialist can figure it out. After all, on hastily it is difficult to determine the cause. Very often, a complete examination of the body with a complex of tests is required, which includes ECG, ultrasound, urine and blood tests. This is the only way to identify pathology and make the correct diagnosis.

It happens that these examinations do not reveal any fears, then the patient is referred to a neurologist, where he undergoes more in-depth MRI and electroencephalogram, which will help determine the state of the brain.

Another specialist in the field of nervousness is a psychiatrist. Those who have not been found to have serious deviations in the outpatient examination are sent there, while an unbalanced state interferes with everyone in their daily life - both the patient and those around him. The psychiatrist evaluates all previous examinations, prescribes additional tests of a person's memory, thinking and temperament.

Under what diseases does irritability syndrome occur?

Most often, this condition occurs in neuroses, depression, stress disorders after trauma, psychopathy, drug addiction and alcoholism. It is quite common to observe irritability before childbirth. The list goes on, and there will be schizophrenia, drug addiction and dementia.


Irritability in people with this syndrome should be a cause for serious fear of future psychotic conditions. Sometimes observed during the prodromal period of the disease and during remissions. Very often, schizophrenic patients show suspicion of everything, increased isolation, frequent mood swings and withdrawal.


In this case, anxiety, increased fatigue, and symptoms of depression will be observed along with irritability. Irritability in this case will be the result of insomnia, and with neuroses this is often the case.


With depression, irritability in women and men will be accompanied by a bad mood, inhibition in actions and thinking, insomnia. There is also an opposite state - this is mania. People suffering from this ailment are irritable, angry, and their thinking is accelerated and erratic. And in fact, and in another case, there will be a deterioration in sleep. And constant fatigue causes even greater imbalance.

Post-traumatic anxiety syndrome

When the shock is extreme, most people experience a stress disorder. It is called post-traumatic. At the same time, irritability is intertwined with anxiety, nightmares, insomnia and obsessive thoughts, as a rule, unpleasant.

Nervousness and withdrawal symptoms

The reasons for such irritability in men and women are the use of alcoholic and narcotic substances. Such conditions become the cause of offenses, which complicates further life not only for the sick person himself, but also for his relatives.


The most serious condition. Dementia or acquired dementia results from age changes, in the elderly, after strokes. If the patients are still young, then the cause may be a severe traumatic brain injury, infections, as well as drug and alcohol abuse. In any of these cases, irritability, tearfulness, fatigue will appear.


Many doctors point out that such irritability in children and adults is not considered a disease at all. These are innate character traits, therefore, imbalance is inherent in them, especially if a period of exacerbation begins.

It must be remembered that almost any disease that affects the internal organs will be accompanied by an increase in nervousness. This also applies to diseases of the thyroid gland, and neurological problems, and climacteric changes in female body... Therefore, in the period of any illness, a person should be treated more tolerantly.

Ways to deal with irritability

Most The best way to remove increased irritability is to figure out where it comes from and remove its cause. It can be very difficult to do this yourself, so it's better to turn to. Other methods will only give a temporary effect, but sometimes this is not bad.

Exercise stress

Exercise will help release excess steam and burn off hormones that influence aggressive behavior. Any sport or physical activity is well suited for this. If you find a useful physical activity, you will kill several birds with one stone: and useful work make and release steam and pump up the body. If there is no such job, then you can just go in for affordable sports. The simplest is running or brisk walking.


Make herbal decoctions 2-3 times a week and take baths with them for half an hour, while adding hot water from time to time. During the entire period of admission, the temperature should remain comfortable. Valerian, yarrow, motherwort will have a beneficial effect. These baths are good for people of different ages- for children, adults and the elderly with various diagnoses. Representatives of the stronger sex with male irritability syndrome and pregnant women who experience irritability after childbirth will also be satisfied.

Decoctions for drinking

Infusions of coriander, fennel, motherwort, caraway seeds and the same valerian, which are prepared in a water bath, help well. Also, infusion of motherwort with the addition of lemon juice will help restore balance and tranquility. Most gardeners can observe cucumber grass in their summer cottages. She is very unpretentious and will help well with insomnia, irritability, neuroses and bad mood.

There are also more delicious natural remedies that will please every sweet tooth. These are prunes, honey, walnuts and almonds, lemon. Each of these products can be used in mixtures or separately.