Bach flowers. Bach drops - how to take a safe sedative? Bach essences

About Bach flowers I had heard very little before and did not attach any importance to them. As my English improved, I began to notice information sites offering homeopathy literature at English language that, in addition to books on classical homeopathy, there are books about Bach's Flower Essences. I was surprised that there are homeopaths who deal exclusively with Bach Flowers, there are homeopaths who use both methods in their work, but these books have not interested me enough to rush to write them out.

Interest woke up when I heard about Bach Flowers from my Muscovite friend, which, besides homeopathic medicines, she takes Bach Flowers and feels the effect of these medicines on herself, that they are wonderful medicines. At first I took this statement skeptically, how is it possible, this is not classical homeopathy, but some flowers, it cannot be. Then curiosity arose, I wanted to understand what it was.

In the end, interest in the new and unknown overpowered, and in September 2012 I went to a Sunday workshop on Bach's Flowers in Moscow. I must say that Bach Flower Essences have existed in Moscow for about 9 years, doctor Larisa Raikova is engaged in them, she does not use any other homeopathy, but only Bach Flowers, and she achieved that these medicines became officially registered homeopathic remedies in Russia and quite popular in Moscow and other regions.

Despite my skeptical and somewhat condescending attitude towards this topic, I still ended up at the seminar. There gathered listeners from different cities of Russia, most of them were Muscovites, all of them told that they had a positive experience of using the Bach Flowers in their lives and at the seminar they wanted to deepen their knowledge of this issue. I was surprised by the story of a young girl that before she met Bach Flowers she was depressed and had a "borderline state" close to schizophrenia, she was recommended to take Bach Flowers, and gradually she came out of depression, without using traditional antidepressants. It's great to get out of a state of depression without taking psychotropic substances and tranquilizers.

Many women said that Bach flowers help with emotional negative states in children, help to cope with children's tantrums. After the seminar, I began to study these medicines on my own, prescribed Flower Essences from Great Britain, began to try on myself, my friends, relatives and patients. Some time has passed, and I feel that my sympathy for these drugs is growing. I read the book “ Heal yourself”Edward Bach, imbued with respect for his personality, I liked his philosophy and worldview, I will also place this book on the site. It was a man high level consciousness, a spiritual person.

I understand that Bach Flower Essences is another tool for helping patients. They can be used in conjunction with a constitutional homeopathic remedy or taken separately. Some patients respond better to the classical prescription of the only similar homeopathic medicine, and this is enough for them, some patients benefit more from the use of Bach Flowers, and to some patients I prescribe in rare doses a high potency of a deep constitutional medicine and at the same time I drip a bottle with an individual set of Bach Flowers, like supportive background correction of emotions. And they work great.

Now a little about how Bach Flowers work, at what level they affect. If we apply the knowledge about the Levels of Reality of Rajan Shankaran, I remind you that there are 7 levels of reality.

  1. Name Level.
  2. Fact Level.
  3. Emotion Level.
  4. Delusion and imagery level.
  5. Sensation Level.
  6. Energy Level.
  7. Level Seven (or Divine).

When a patient comes to an appointment, a homeopathic doctor (who has this knowledge) tries to understand the patient's condition, his illness at all seven levels.

  1. Diagnosis level.
  2. The level of facts regarding the disease (when did you get sick, where it hurts, how it hurts, how long, what is better, what is worse, what are the test results, etc.)
  3. The level of emotions associated with the illness (resentment, irritation, anger, fear, panic, frustration, guilt, etc.)
  4. The level of images associated with the disease (it looks like slavery, it looks like a prison, like I was shoved into a cage, like I'm standing on a cliff, etc.)
  5. The level of Sensations (contraction, expansion, tearing, stretching, emptiness, splitting, dissolution, etc., the sensation connects the state of a person with a certain substance that exists in nature - a plant, mineral, animal)
  6. Energy Level (when it comes to the deep sensations of the patient, there are usually not enough words to describe this sensation, and patients begin to show energy with gestures, begin to move their hands)
  7. The seventh level is Divine, it is difficult to describe in words, this is the level of spiritual strength, ideally the doctor himself should be at this level in order to understand the essence of the patient's problem from the position of impartiality and non-involvement at the deepest level.

Why am I telling all this here? To explain the level at which the various treatments are, including Bach's Flower Essences.

Traditional medicine is at the level of Name and Fact. Doctors are interested in making the correct diagnosis, symptoms at the physical level, confirmation of laboratory and instrumental research methods. All this is very important, these things cannot be neglected, but solving problems only at these levels helps temporarily and shallowly.

Psychotherapy, psychiatry, psychology treat at the level of Emotions and Images. And sometimes it gets stuck for a long time looking for problems from childhood, plunges a person into self-digging, patients can spend hours discussing their emotional problems, but healing and transformation do not always take place at a deep level.

Homeopathy is also different. At the level of the Name - diagnosis, complex drugs are treated. And I must say that they also have an effect and a grateful attitude of patients. There are homeopaths who treat brilliantly at the symptom-Fact level. They have such an encyclopedic knowledge, they are clearly oriented in the key symptoms of drugs. There are homeopaths who prefer to explore and understand emotions and delusions. Very rare homeopaths treat at the level of Sensations, thanks to the discoveries of Rajan Shankaran, this direction is now actively developing all over the world and leads to tremendous success in Homeopathy, this is the most holistic approach.

At what level do Bach Flower Essences work?? My first impression was that they affect the Level of Emotions. That is, without delving into the level of physical symptoms, the doctor determines the main negative emotions that create psychosomatic problems in the body, and prescribes the necessary Flower Essences to harmonize the patient's mental-emotional level, thanks to this effect, physical diseases pass. But Edward Bach himself considered them to be spiritual medicines, harmonizing the subtle vibrations of a person, raising consciousness to a higher spiritual plane.

The first and most interesting drug developed by Edward Bach is Five Flowers, emergency or 5 Flowers, emergency... It contains five components, each component has a specific effect, together they become a wonderful anti-stress medicine that does not have side effects, is non-toxic, quickly acting, harmonizing, and soothing. If 2-3 drops of medicine are dripped into a spray bottle and sprayed in a room with emotionally agitated people, they will instantly calm down. Two drops of medicine can be dripped into a drink, you can drop it directly into your mouth, you can rub it into the skin on the inside of your wrist, all of these options will work.

The second medicine is called Rest, relaxation - Rest, relaxation... In this medicine there are five other components that have a relaxing effect, one of the components is made from the flowers of the white Horse Chestnut - White Chestnut, helps to distract from unwanted thoughts and images, helps to get rid of constant obsessive thoughts that interfere with falling asleep.

The third remedy is called Exam, concentration - Exam, concentration, contains Essences to help you concentrate, focus, believe in yourself, and become more confident.

In total, Edward Bach developed 38 Flower Essences, each patient can create his own combination of components, depending on which character traits prevail and need correction.

Flower Essences by Edward Bach- A surprisingly natural way to manage your emotions helps you to be yourself, relaxed, confident and natural. The method is widely used all over the world. You can find films about this treatment method on the Internet.

Now Bach Flowers have come to Kazakhstan. In our center, we can create for you an individual bottle containing up to 5 Flower Essences, suitable for you personally.

The cost of an individual bottle consisting of five Flower Essences is 5000 tenge. 500 tenge is added for each additional component. Those who find it difficult to choose their own components on their own can contact me for an individual consultation. In addition, you can bring your own cream and we can put Flower Essences in it, they have a rejuvenating effect, absorbed through the skin, they can have an emotional effect and a cleansing effect. Having tasted the cream with Flower Essences, I now prefer them. Now a brief classification of drugs that I received at that seminar in Moscow:

Medicines for the treatment of fear and anxiety.

Mimosa - Mimulus- for timid, sensitive people, heals specific fears and anxieties. Gives courage and confidence.

Red Chestnut- suitable for highly anxious people who are worried about others. Gives independence, self-confidence.

Aspen - Aspen- suits people sensitive, suspicious, superstitious, having irrational fears. Gives a sense of security.

Cherry plum- suitable for hot-tempered, angry people who are losing control over themselves. Gives spiritual control over oneself, openness and inner peace.

Rock Rose - Rock Rose- for those who tend to panic and despair. Gives courage, moral strength, composure, mobilization.

Medicines for the treatment of intolerance, aggression, pressure on others.

Water violet - Water violet- for closed people who have communication problems, restrained, detached and isolating themselves from society. Gives sociability, a sense of community, independence and balance.

Heather - Heater- for self-centered, personally immature people, focused on themselves, for hysterics who attract attention to themselves. Transforms egocentrism into altruism.

Mountain water - Rock water- the only non-floral medicine prepared from a mountain spring is suitable for perfectionists, ascetics with strict frameworks, who strive for spiritual improvement through limiting themselves in everything. Gives flexibility, openness to new things.

Wild Apple - Crab Apple- with pedantry, excessive striving for order, disgust, feeling of uncleanness, cleanses the physical body of toxins, toxins, helps to accept oneself, one's physicality, gives a feeling of inner and outer purity and order.

Beech - Beech- suitable for dissatisfied, irritable people who are difficult to please, critical, prone to condemnation, intolerance. When taking this medicine, there is tolerance, discernment and flexibility in relation to people.

Verbena - Vervain- for enthusiasts inclined to exaltation to the detriment of common sense and a sense of self-preservation. Frees consciousness from the dominance of one idea.

Impatiens- with an impulsive, impatient, restless, angry character, taking the medicine gives patience, delicacy, diplomacy.

Grapevine - Vine- for powerful, unbending, despotic personalities who dominate others. Gives respect, leadership qualities, help to others.

Strong (energy-consuming) experiences.

Burdock - Agrimony- suits people who are experiencing deep emotional experiences, but outwardly look optimistic, trying to "save face" in a difficult situation at any cost, hide concern and anxiety, look fake carefree. The medicine transforms these emotions into sincerity and honesty with oneself.

Oak - Oak- for strong, hardy people, with a heightened sense of responsibility, exhausted and depressed as a result of a stubborn struggle. The medicine gives endurance, perseverance, a reasonable attitude to their capabilities.

Pine - Pine- self-critical people with remorse, guilt. Allows you to accept yourself, to admit the right to make mistakes.

Willow - Willow- for those who are in the position of "victim" who often experience grievances. Transforms the tendency to blame others or circumstances for their failures and misfortunes into optimism and responsibility for their destiny.

Holly - Holly- for envious or jealous people. Jealousy, suspicion, envy and hatred are transformed into love, kind-heartedness, generosity and gratitude.

Depression, despondency, loss of energy.

Olive - Olive- suitable for overworked, exhausted, weakened in spirit and physically people, restores mental and physical energy, increases vitality.

Elm - Elm- for strong, principled people, prone to perfectionism, reaching the level of selflessness, in case of overload, when a person sets very big goals for himself and is afraid of not being able to cope.

Mustard - Mustard- for people prone to rapid changes in mood, it gives cheerfulness, a state of inner stability.

Wild Rose - Wild Rose- for people living with a sense of fatality and doom, in a state of faded hope, awakens the desire for life, initiative.

Gorse- for those who have lost courage, living in complete despair, with a sense of hopelessness, when taking this Essence, there is hope, acceptance of the situation and the ability to find a solution.

Birdhouse - Star of Betlehem- for people who have suffered mental trauma. The medicine gives mental strength, calmness and harmony, the ability to adapt.

Noble, sweet chestnut - Sweet Chestnut- for those who are in a state of acute crisis, on the brink. Helps to overcome the crisis, gives readiness for spiritual renewal.

Uncertainty, indecision, emotional instability.

Wild oat - Wild oat- for those who have problems with self-determination, feel uncertainty in their goals, uncertainty in their choice life path... It helps to realize and realize your vocation.

Walnut - Walnut- helps to adapt to a new situation in connection with life changes (change of profession, relocation, transition to a new class, etc.)

Pig - Cerato- in case of dependence on someone else's opinion, fear of responsibility. Gives inner confidence, wisdom, develops intuition

Divala - Sclerantus- with internal uncertainty and instability, fear of making a mistake, the wrong choice. Gives poise, stability, focus on the main thing.

Gentian - Gentian- with pessimism, lack of trust in the world, for skeptics. Gives faith, optimism, mood for a positive outcome.

Larch - Larch- self-doubt, self-dislike, inferiority complex. Increases self-esteem, healthy realism, persistence in achieving results.

Centaury - Centaury- with weakness, self-sacrifice, excessive complaisance, weak-willedness, inability to value oneself. It transforms these qualities into independence, the ability to stand up for oneself, self-love.

Escape from reality.

Hornbeam - Hornbean- for those who find it difficult to bear the daily burden, who are tired of the routine and constantly postpones things, with a loss of enthusiasm, gives involvement, involvement, and the rise of mental energy.

Chestnut buds - Chestnut bud- with inattention, inability to learn from experience, a tendency to repeat the same mistakes. Promotes awareness, gives the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

White Horse Chestnut - White Chestnut- for those who find it difficult to concentrate, distract from unwanted thoughts and images. Gives inner calmness, clarity of thought, concentration, helps in the practice of meditation.

Honeysuckle - Honey suckle- for those who live by past memories, unfulfilled ambitions. It helps to realize and accept the events of the past, helps to focus on the present.

Clematis - Clematis- for those who find it difficult to focus on the problems of the present, prone to daydreaming, absent-mindedness, fantasizing. Gives realism, building a life perspective, activity, realization.

The main merit of Dr. Bach's flower elixirs, which some professional doctors advise to use today, is that they harmonize our emotions. Attacks of melancholy, sleep disturbances, lack of self-confidence ... Bach elixirs help with many problems. They were created in the thirties by the English physician Edward Bach and have served our emotional well-being ever since.
About eighty years ago, the English homeopathic doctor and therapist Edward Bach (1887–1936), using improved methods of distillation and solarization, created 38 monocomponent floral elixirs, which he first of all tested on himself.
Dr. Bach's flower elixirs do not cure diseases, so there can be no question of using them instead of medicines.
The scope of their application lies in a different plane: they affect the negative emotions associated with the disease: fear, rage, sadness ... and at the same time do not have side effects and do not give addiction - which improves the patient's condition. It improves so much that in England these funds are prescribed in cancer centers. In Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, they are even paid by insurance companies.
Realizing that a person's lifestyle and emotional state are the main reasons diseases, Dr. Bach dreamed of finding a method of treatment accessible to everyone and coming from a light, life-giving principle, and not from a disease-causing product, which is characteristic of homeopathy. “Problems with our vital energy can cause disease. But if we go against the tide, that is, we act when our negative emotions are manifested, then this can have a direct impact on our health and well-being. "

Dr. Bach divided elixirs into seven types of emotions:
Fear, increased anxiety
Insecurity, loss of courage
Lack of interest in the present, lack of initiative
Longing for loneliness
Strong susceptibility to influences and ideas, susceptibility to outside influences (hypersensitivity)
Despair, discouragement, hopelessness
Excessive concern for other people's well-being (excessive attention to others).

Flower elixirs do not cure bodily diseases, but by correcting mental and emotional disorders, they also alleviate the physical condition. This is a suitable remedy for people with increased meteosensitivity, as well as for those suffering from depression, nervousness, headaches and other similar disorders.

The healing properties of plants according to Bach

SOS ambulance formula

Bach drops "Rescue remedy" - a "rescue remedy" that will help you cope with any emergency, conquer any stressful event. Annoying news? Affective shock? Take Rescue remedy (4 drops by mouth, take as many times as needed).
Bach Drops are one of the world's most renowned stress relievers and are free from artificial additives. Bach drops are a blend of five different original Dr. Bach flower essences.

1. Star of Bethlehem or, scientifically, the Umbrella Bird ( Ornitholagum umbellatum): brings comfort to the soul and soothes pain.
2. Clematis (Clematis) or Grape-leaved Clematis ( Clematis vitalba): from a feeling of stupor (numbness), absence, split, which usually precedes fainting, loss of consciousness.
3. Cherry Plum or Split Plum ( Prunus cerasifera): from despair and confusion, when you are on the verge of a breakdown, from the fear of losing control of the situation.
4. Balsam (Impatiens) or Common touch-me-not ( Impatiens noli-tangere) from irritability and mental tension
5. Rock Rose or Monofilament Sunflower ( Helianthemum nummularium): from horror and panic.

How to choose the right elixir?

First, determine your emotional state. This can be fear, discontent, irritation, etc. Now try to identify the sources of this condition. Suppose you are constantly annoyed. Why? Maybe you are the type of people who are always in a hurry, do everything in a hurry, they are endlessly annoyed by the slowness of others.
This state of mind can be described with the words "impatience" or "intolerance." If you refer to the list of medicinal properties of plants above, you will find that you need a touch-up elixir.

If you are overwhelmed with emotions ... Is it difficult for you to determine what your problem is? Ask your loved ones to share how they perceive you emotionally.

If necessary, you can use 6-7 elixirs at the same time, but try to keep their amount to a minimum. Then each of the elixirs will be able to fully manifest their healing powers. Take the selected elixirs for three weeks, and then analyze what changes have happened to you. Sometimes you have to slightly change the combination of elixirs to adapt to a new state of mind.

Dr. Bach was convinced that there were many other plants worthy of the attention of researchers and believed that this activity should be continued. And so it happened. Since the beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century in medicinal purposes began to use a huge number of flower elixirs that are not included in the list already familiar to you. These are mainly plant extracts from Australia, Alaska, California and the Himalayas, but some of them are well known to us, for example, apricot, basil, blackberry, cucumber herb, calendula, dandelion, dill, lavender.

Typical Uses of Bach Elixirs

Lost your job:
Gentian - from a feeling of discouragement, despair:
The poultry man - from a state of shock.

Working hard:
Olive - from loss of energy:
Verbena - for enthusiasts who cannot switch off;
Centaury is for trouble-free people who constantly follow someone's orders and instructions.

Upcoming exams:
Larch - from loss of confidence
Rescue remedy - to calm the nervous system.

Split / relationship difficulties:
Honeysuckle is for that. to stop tormenting thoughts of the past:
Willow - from feelings of resentment and indignation, self-pity:
Walnut - for that. to help you easily perceive the situation and your new position,

Sleep problems:
Sunflower - from tormenting, nightmares;
Horse chestnut - from constantly disturbing thoughts:
Agrimony for those who are worried at night because of attempts to suppress their worries.

How do Bach elixirs work?

As for the mechanism of action of Bach's elixirs, nothing can explain it. The most realistic exoteric hypothesis is the effect of electromagnetic fields. "Perhaps each flower emits waves that resonate with a particular emotion."
There have been several clinical studies of the properties of Bach flowers, in particular their effects on anxiety and smoking cessation problems. The results are promising, however, there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness (exceeding the placebo effect).

How to use them Bach elixirs?

Dissolve two drops of each elixir (max. 7) in a little water, or drop them directly onto the tongue. You can also put two drops of each elixir into a 30 ml dark colored glass bottle and dilute with spring water. Take 4 times daily for 3 weeks.

Massage: Add two drops of flower elixir to cream or massage oil. You can also massage your baby or drip the elixir into the water in his bath.

On order

We will assist in the purchase and delivery of any Bach flower elixirs, either individually or as a complete set. Country of origin - England.

Complete set of Bach elixirs (38 vials of 10 ml + 2 vials Rescue remedy)
Bach flower elixir in assortment, bottle 10 ml
Bach drops Rescue remedy
Applications are accepted through.

Bach elixirs are officially registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:
homeopathic monocomponent preparations vegetable origin original Bach flower remedies 10 ml and 20 ml - № LSR-002089/08 from 25.03.2008.
Rescue Remedy (Bach), homeopathic sublingual drops 10 ml and 20 ml - No. LSR-004948/07 dated 19.12.2007.
Rescue Remedy (Bach), homeopathic sublingual spray 20 ml - No. LSR-004947/07 dated 19.12.2007.

Dogs and cats they enjoy life most of all when they are calm and predictable. Unexpected changes in everyday life: moving to new house or an impending thunderstorm - can upset them and cause a feeling of anxiety. Any emotional disorder sometimes subsequently causes health and behavioral problems. Dr. Fulp believes that one of the better ways bringing a nervous animal to a calm state is the application of flower essences. Made from essential (and highly diluted) oils from wild plants, trees and shrubs, flower essences help animals find emotional balance, she explains.

Veterinarians those using non-traditional therapies usually use a single flower essence to treat certain types of stress. The essence of lipstick is good for combating phobias - various fears. “Verbena soothes the nervous system, the vine helps to stop aggression, the cistus saves you from terror,” says Dr. Fulp. Sometimes several flower essences are combined in one medicine. The drug, called Bach Rescue Remedy, against hyperexcitability, irritability, contains essences of touch-me-not, hustonia, mirabelle, cistus and clematis. “Rescue Remedy is good for any kind of stress as it helps make animals calmer,” she says.

Flower essences are harmless and if you take the wrong essence by mistake, it shouldn't be a problem, adds Dr. Fulp. They usually work quickly, and your pet should be better in a few days. You can use flower essences alone or in combination with other treatments. In most cases, however, it is best not to complicate the treatment, she says. Using three or fewer products at the same time usually gives optimal results.

Using flower essences is very simple. When treating your cat, put a couple of drops in a bowl of water and let them drink throughout the day. “When treating dogs, drip the essence directly into the mouth or on the nose to lick it off. Veterinarians usually recommend one to three drops daily until the animal recovers. When you drip the essence into your mouth or nose, do not touch the eyedropper to their skin or mouth. Otherwise the bottle will become dirty, ”explains Dr. Fulp.

You can purchase flower essences from pharmacies using pet product catalogs. They are usually sold next to a table or list explaining which essences are recommended for various diseases... Like most natural remedies, flower essences should be stored in glass bottles out of direct sunlight, away from microwave ovens or heat sources.

Alternative therapy veterinarians often recommend flower essences to improve emotional well-being. Essences can be quite expensive, so you shouldn't buy more than you need. Here are 12 flower essences that veterinarians recommend:

  • Essence
  • Aspen Beech
  • cornflower
  • Larch
  • Lipstick
  • Rescue Remedy (a mixture of cistus, clematis, hustonia, wild plum, touch-me-not small-flowered)
  • Cistus
  • Hustonia blue
  • Verbena
  • Grapes
  • Turcha marsh

They are used in the following cases:

  • Neophobia
  • Irritability
  • Increased excitability
  • Cowardice
  • Fear, depression
  • Various phobias
  • Stress
  • Pronounced phobic reaction
  • Increased excitability
  • Domination of aggression
  • Lack of human contact
  • Depressed state

Alternative medicine veterinarians recommend flower essences for a variety of emotional and physical problems. Essences are very easy to use. You can either drip required amount essences in a bowl of water, or you can place a few drops on the back of the animal's nose or on the paw pads, where they are quickly absorbed into the body when licked.

The system of 38 flower elixirs allows a personality temporarily in a negative state of mind - such as doubt, jealousy, cowardice - that reveals weakness of character, the ability to master oneself. Purpose: cleansing the soul, knowing oneself, harmonious development of personality and, as a result, the acquired balance. Indirectly, this results in greater resistance to psychological or psychosomatic disorders. Meanwhile, it would be a mistake to put the 38 essences of Bach in direct connection with the symptoms of physical diseases. Conversely, they can prevent the onset of disease; they can also provide assistance, support for already prescribed therapy; however, they cannot completely replace it. Speaking in this book about "diagnosis", "patient", "therapy", "healing" - they should not be understood in the same way as in scholastic medicine.

"Expand your mind instead of

to use psychotropic drugs -

this could be the leitmotif of this method

care that is characteristic of the era of Aquarius. "

Chapter I 38 essences of Dr. E. Bach: the holistic method of self-healing (the method of the "full" body, ie all planes, not just the physical body)

“Illness is neither cruelty nor punishment; in everything and for everything, it is a correction that our soul uses to show us our defects, to avoid mistakes of even more important, significant ones, to prevent us from provoking even greater damage, and to lead us onto the road of truth and light that we will never shouldn't have left "

Edward Bach
The timeless relevance of these words, written by Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician, finds in our era of medicine "more human", manifestations of "psychosomatic" and "holistic" therapies, more and more listening hearts and ears. In fact, interest in Bach's flower elixirs, as Bach himself predicted, has made a significant leap in recent years in a large number countries.

A holistic understanding of health, disease and healing is based on the principle of complete unity of all life and complete community of all existing forms of life. Each of us is on a unique journey that can never be repeated in the same aspect, and our state of health tells us where we are at this moment.

Every symptom of an illness, whether it is on the physical, mental or spiritual plane, conveys to us a specific message that needs to be deciphered, accepted and used, to benefit from it for our journey in this world. Any true healing process is the acceptance of the principle of our integrity, oneness, strengthening our nature, healthy or "holy".

Considered from this angle, the system of quintessences of Dr. E. Bach is presented as a method of "healing through the reharmonization of consciousness." He again puts us in harmonious contact with our wholeness, our true source of energy, with the key points of our personality, in which Vital energy is misdirected or blocked.

“Heal yourself” is the basic principle of E. Bach's philosophy. For, ultimately, it is ourselves, the "universal principle of healing" or "divine power of healing", who are in us who recognize and make healing possible. Bach believed that in the near future, his flower elixirs would be in the hands of doctors and paramedics, but also in every home.

From this point of view, in addition to being used by professionals as an auxiliary (stimulating) therapy for certain psychosomatic disorders, Bach's quintessences help more and more people who work on the development, flourishing and improvement of their souls in order to cleanse it of "spiritual toxins".

It is very difficult, until now, to classify the method of quintessences by E. Bach in a certain category. Due to the subtlety, the refinement of its action, it would be possible, if necessary, to find a kinship of the spirit with traditional homeopathy according to Hahnemann, as well as with some anthroposophic methods. Since the Bach method does not intrude, painfully, painfully, with difficulty through the physical body, it acts directly on the energy system, through its very refined network of vibrational frequencies.

Before making the discovery of his flower system, Edward Bach practiced medicine as a bacteriologist and homeopath and was highly respected. He felt a very strong spiritual unity with Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Samuel Hahnemann, he shared his opinion that there is no illness, but only the sick.

However, it would be unfair to see him as "the Hahnemann of our era," as some called him during his lifetime. Since what prompted this 43-year-old doctor in 1930 to leave his office on Harley Street, the street of medical offices in London, and devote the last six years of his life in search of a "simpler and more natural therapy" where "nothing would be neither destroyed nor modified ”is completely new and surpasses the most important concepts in the ideas and intentions of Hahnemann.

What is new and different from other subtle methods or extremely small quantities employed by the West is summed up in three points:

1. The concept that Edward Bach had about health and healing, that is, the spiritual principles of his theory, consists in a system of transcendental thought that transcends the limitations, the boundaries of the individual. From her came for him new form of "diagnostics", which was no longer based on physical symptoms, but solely on disturbed states of mind or negative feelings, a little like homeopathic, but more extensive, expanded.

2. What was also new and different for our era is the very method, simple and natural, by which Dr. Bach freed the energy of flowers from their material form in order to associate it with a proper vehicle (means, basis). The harmonizing effect of quintessences is carried out direct way, and not according to the principle of similarities (as in homeopathy), there can be no overdose, no side effects, no incompatibility with other therapeutic methods.

3. This safe, "harmless" in the best sense This word method makes Bach's method available to many more people, both preventive and curative, healing, which was not any other method before him. The states of mind described by Dr. Bach are weaknesses of character found in every group of people, not psychological diseases, and there is no need to be a doctor or psychologist to use flower elixirs. A certain maturity of mind, lively quick wit, penetrating thought, good intuition and, of course, interest in one's neighbor are the necessary qualities to get the optimal effect.

Chapter II Actions of Bach's essences

On the level of natural sciences, there is no completely satisfactory explanation of the mechanism of action of Bach's quintessences. Other infinitesimal (subtle, sublime) therapies use hypotheses based on such diverse fields as molecular chemistry, computer science, cybernetics, psycho-neuro-immunology, and no doubt they could be applied to Bach's flower theory. Taking into account the dizzying increase in knowledge in these areas and in a short period of time, it will no doubt be possible soon to measure and explain rationally the energetic changes caused by infinitesimal methods.

Edward Bach left us in a few words the essence of his flower therapy, in his two works "Heal Yourself" and "Twelve Healers and Other Medicines", which appeared in France under the title "Healing with Flowers". All who live in the same the spiritual world that Edward Bach will not need other works. Those who practice Bach's flower therapy should have this book on hand to read and re-read on a regular basis.

However, it turns out that even today, not everyone can accept and understand the deep simplicity of Bach, which was expressed in the words of another generation. This is why we try to present and explain in the following pages the way Bach's quintessences operate in more modern terms and comparisons. They will be traced from a psychodynamic angle, such as practitioners with a psychological orientation like to represent it in the present. And for the interested public, we will mention the experiments of a specialist in esoteric practitioners.
A. Interpretation of the course of action according to Edward Bach.
Bach wrote in 1934 on this matter:

“Some flowers, shrubs or trees in a wild state of a higher order (plane), due to or due to their high vibrations, have the power to raise our own vibrational frequencies and open channels in the human being through which the messages of our Higher Self are delivered. They fill our personality virtues that we need, and thus supplant the weaknesses, defects of character, which give us suffering. Everything, like beautiful music or other grandiose things owing to inspiration, they can elevate our personality and bring it closer to our soul. They bring us peace and free us from our evils (pains). They do not cure disease with a direct attack, but through the fact that they fill our body with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Self, which make the disease melt like snow in the sun. There is no true healing without modification of our concepts of life, peace in the soul and inner happiness. "

These thoughts may seem unimaginable at first, but they become so brilliant, sparkling when they understand and accept the foundations that Bach spoke about, like Hippocrates, Hahnemann, Paracelsus, with whom he felt a great spiritual closeness.
1. Creation and destiny

  • Human life on this earth and man, as a physical being, are a fraction of a broader, higher creative idea. We live within the broader framework, in the Unity that includes us, by analogy with a cell that is a part of the body.

  • Every man is two: he is a one-of-a-kind unique individual, and through individual characteristics he is at the same time a vital, vital part of the great monad, the Unity that includes us.

  • Since creation is One, we are connected with everything through a common frequency of energy, the highest and superpowerful, which is called, for example, "creative power", "universal principle", "cosmic principle", "love in its highest meaning or understanding", or simply "God."

  • The development of every human being follows certain internal laws, like everything in this universe, from a flower, frost on a window, to the birth and death of entire planetary systems. Each person owns his own matrix, where his potential energetic capabilities, his task in this world, his mission, his destiny, or any other name that they would like to give it, are imprinted.

  • As part of the highest creative idea, a person has an immortal soul, his true being, and a mortal ("temporary") personality, ie. what he is on earth. The Higher Self is closely connected with the soul, which performs to some extent the function of an intermediary between the soul and the personality.

  • The soul knows everyone's mission. Her desire is to express and fulfill this particular mission with the help of the Higher Self through the physical body and personality. At first, the personality is not aware of this mission.

  • Meanwhile, the potential abilities that our soul would like to concretize through our personality do not belong to the material plane. It is rather about the highest ideal qualities, which Bach called "the virtues of our most sublime nature." Its part is, for example, tenderness and strength of character, courage, constancy, wisdom, joy, perseverance. Great poets of all ages sang them as noble qualities of a human being. One could also call them concepts or archetypal ideals of humanity, the realization of which, from the point of view of the greatest of All, brings us true happiness.
If these concepts are not translated into reality, sooner or later we develop the opposite feeling: we are unhappy. Virtues not concretized appear in their opposite as "defects" of character. There are, depending on the case, arrogance, cruelty, hatred, selfishness, ignorance, greed. These defects (and this is not only the opinion of Dr. Bach) are the real causes of our illnesses.

  • Every human being has an unconscious desire to live in harmony, since all nature, viewed as an infinite field of energy, strives for the most efficient energetic state.

2. Health and disease
Health... If the personality were to act fully in harmony with its soul, which itself is part of the greatest All, the human being would live in complete harmony. Divine creative universal energy could express itself in personality through her soul and her Higher Self, and we would be strong, healthy and happy as harmonious fractions of the vast field of cosmic energy.

Disease... When the personality is not connected through its soul with huge field cosmic energy, when it does not vibrate in unison with it, there is interference, disruption, "disorder", friction, distortion, loss of energy. These states pass from subtle (superfine) to concrete, manifesting first as negative states of the soul, then as diseases. Physical illness is the last attempt at correction. Expressed simply, it is a red signal that clearly says that behavior must be changed immediately if they do not want to avoid complete destruction.

According to Edward Bach, the true causes of disease are ultimately nothing more than two misunderstandings or fundamental violations.

First offense: Personality does not act in harmony with its soul; she lives in the illusion of independent existence.

In an extreme case, the personality is even unable to recognize the existence of its soul and its Higher Self, since its concept of a "materialist" does not allow it to accept what it cannot "see and touch." As a result of this condition, it cuts itself off for a long time from its own feeding umbilical cord, it exhausts and destroys itself.

More often, however, in some specific areas, the personality misunderstands the intentions of the soul and acts according to its own limited judgment, depending on the circumstances.

In all these particular cases, when the personality has deviated from a large flow of cosmic energy, or from love, as Bach said, it sees its virtues or positive potentialities deformed and transformed into their destructive opposite, into negative states of the soul. one

Second violation: Personality acts contrary to the "principle of Oneness". If the personality acts against the intentions of its Higher Self and its soul, it also acts against the interests of the great Oneness with which the soul is energetically connected.

Personality acts primarily against this principle of Oneness when it tries to impose its will on another being out of complete contempt for its own will. It not only disrupts the development of another being, but from the fact that it is connected with everything, it disrupts at the same time the entire energetic cosmic field, as well as the process of human evolution.

Every illness is preceded by a negative state of mind, which is based on the erroneous use of one of the main archetypal concepts of the human soul or virtue. Here is an example: Let's say that a negative state of mind will be expressed in arrogant behavior, selfishness, caused by selfishness. Self-interest is the negative side of the concept of love for one's neighbor and tolerance.

In this context, Edward Bach writes in his book “Healing with Flowers”: “Self-interest, greed gives rise to the desire for power, which is the denial of the freedom and individuality of every other soul. Instead of admitting that every human being is on Earth in order to follow the development that his personal soul instills in him, the greedy personality tries to control like a master, orders and imposes his will on others and thus usurps the Creator's power. "

If they persist in this "defect", going against the voice of their Higher Self, a conflict will be born, which will affect the body by the appearance of a specific disease. The result of greed and the desire to dominate will provoke diseases that will make the sick person a slave to his own body, and which will prevent him from living according to his deepest aspirations.

This mechanism will be illustrated with a case of mental anorexia (refusal to eat; mental anorexia). Bach said: The patient is a slave to her body. In this case, the girl was a slave to her very strong sexual urges ("greedy"). The disease interferes with the specification of these desires and impulses, i.e. refusal to eat slows down or interferes with the transition from being a teenager to being a woman.

3. Bach's therapeutic base
In his diagnostics, Bach proceeds from the principle of the soul, i.e. from the causes of transcendental, sublime, and not from the point of view of too limited personality and area of ​​effects (results), as do most Western doctors. Bach, therefore, is not attached to physical symptoms, he focuses exclusively on the negative state of the soul, which can provoke physical illness due to the discrepancy between the intentions of the soul and the actions of the personality.

However, they will not “fight” these negative states of the soul, which would energize them. Rather, they will try to "flood" them with harmonious energy frequencies of a higher order, which will force them to "melt" negative states of the soul like "snow in the sun", according to Edward Bach's own expression. How can you imagine this phenomenon?

The flowers used by Bach come from "higher order" plants. Each of them represents a certain spiritual concept (concept), or, expressed on the energy plane, each vibrates at a given frequency. All spiritual concepts are "plant" in accordance with the same spiritual concept in a human being, i.e. they correspond to certain energetic frequencies of the energy field that man is. The human soul includes, in the form of concepts, energetic potential, virtues or divine sparks, an ensemble of 38 concepts of Bach's spiritual colors. If there is a conflict in the spiritual concept or energy potential of a certain personality between his own intentions and the intentions of his soul, there is a violation and slowing down of his wave frequencies, which also causes an inconsistent state in his energy field. This violation will have a response to the entire energy field of a person, i.e. it will globally affect the state of his soul. The result will be a negative state of mind.

How does Bach's quintessence work according to this principle?

From the fact of its alignment with the concept of the human soul, which it would have without being disturbed and slowed down due to a negative state, the quintessence finds contact with this spiritual concept, which it will bring into harmony again through the process of energetic frequency resonance. [A similar phenomenon occurs in music therapy or color therapy].

In other words, Bach's quintessences act as catalysts that restore, at certain points, the interrupted contact between soul and personality. The soul can again be heard by the person. Where dissonance and hardening reigned, the stream of life reappears. Or, as Bach said, a Man who “was no longer himself” will become “himself”.

The personality manages to free itself from confusion and too human limitations. She finds the potential of the soul and virtue that give meaning and harmony to our existence on this planet.
4. New simple method of dynamization
Already at the dawn of mankind, plants were used for medicinal purposes. Bach, meanwhile, distinguished between plants that ease our suffering - these are most medicinal plants, and plants that contain the powers of divine healing. These are plants of the "higher order". He discovered them by intuition and called them "the happy companions of the vegetable kingdom."

His sensitivity reached such a degree that it was enough for him to put a flower petal on the tip of his tongue in order to instantly feel its effect on the body, soul and mind. It is interesting to note that there was never any talk of toxic or edible plants. In most cases, it was about plants that are not very spectacular, it is even difficult to guess about their hidden qualities. Some of them find their use in herbal medicine (but the preparation is completely different), while most are considered "weeds". These plants are collected exclusively in the wild and in protected areas. Cultivated, they would not have the divine power of healing.

As simple as the aspect of most colors, is the dynamization process that Bach invented (or reinvented). It seems that American Indian medicine knew a similar way. In order to free the soul or "essence" of the plant from its physical state, Bach found the method of "solar maceration" (soaking, infusion) and the method of "infusion". For the solar method, he used all those flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer, when the sun is at full strength. He used the following method: a maximum of different flowers are harvested on a sunny, cloudless day, early in the morning. To avoid contact between human skin and flowers, a leaf of the plant is used for collection. The flowers are placed in a vessel filled with spring water, completely filling the surface. The vessel remains in the sun until the essence of the plants is completely transferred to the water. The water thus saturated is then poured into a bottle containing alcohol (for preservation), which will then serve to prepare small bottles of elixirs.

The decoction (or infusion) method is used mainly for trees, shrubs, the flowers of which develop early, before the sun comes into force. The collection is carried out in the same way as in the "solar" method for flowers. Then they are boiled, filtered several times and the liquid is also poured into pre-prepared bottles.

In this method, outwardly simple in comparison with the process of homeopathic dynamization (not to be confused with classical homeopathic dynamization, which works mechanically through rubbing and shaking) and the process of obtaining some anthroposophical medicines, Bach saw the following advantages:

No destruction or damage to the essence of the plant occurs. A flower is harvested, in which the specific energy of the plant is concentrated, at the stage of its maximum maturity, or its most perfect state, i.e. shortly before its fall. Very little time passes between collection and preparation. There is no energy loss at all. It is a very harmonious process of natural alchemy, where the enormous forces of the four elements combine their effects. The earth and air bring the plant to maturity. The sun or fire frees the vegetable soul from its material body. Water serves as a carrier for its higher purpose.

Edward Bach wrote to his fellow homeopaths: "Do not be discouraged from using this method because of its simplicity, as the more you advance in your search, the more the simplicity of the whole creation will open to you."
5. Simplicity is a fundamental principle of the Bach flower system
In our world, which is becoming more complex day by day, the term "simplicity" risks being poorly interpreted. Simplicity is associated with unity, with completeness, with harmony. This is why the human being feels attracted to the "simple things of life." If one wants to comprehend the unity and simplicity of the fact behind the enormous differentiation and its apparent complexity, it is necessary not only to provide proof of objectivity, analytical mind and a good vision of the ensemble, you must also fundamentally be ready to see it - to see yourself - as part of Everything, which is governed by a simple and unified creative principle.

It is no coincidence that almost all the great names in the natural sciences came to the end of their lives to the same conclusion. All Bach's flower therapy has a transcendental goal and, as a result, the restoration and strengthening of this main paramount concept in every human being.

Practitioners of the Bach Method, very focused on psychological aspect, see the main action of essences at the level of modification of consciousness and development of the qualities of the soul. By holding on to these aspects alone, they risk remaining below the spiritual principles that underlie Bach's concept. They proceed, like Bach, from the principle that the “Higher Self” would like to realize itself through an individual or “personality”. According to this interpretation, the process of evolution unfolds in independent cycles, while complementing each other. Parallel to the cycles of physical development, visible to everyone, there are also cycles of development of the mental and spiritual, if we talk about the most important, the goal of life is to cross and live all these cycles with expanding consciousness in order to realize during this life the entire potential of the Higher Self. which contributes to this conscious process of self-realization, positively, even if the facts sometimes seem negative at first. Anything that obscures the consciousness is negative and will sooner or later lead to illness. The decisive factor in this psychodynamic concept is the constructive modification that is desired and accepted through therapy. To illustrate this point, here's a simple example:

The Higher Self would like to express its potential for "Self-confidence" and "Taste for Risk" through personality. For this, it sends energy impulses that are accepted by the "I" of the personality. An individual gets the idea to open a flower shop. He uses the energy that comes from the Higher Self, and gives him the necessary dynamism to concretize this idea. After inevitable experimentation, positive and negative at first, he becomes a happy flower seller.

What happened? The potentialities of the Higher Self were realized at the level of personality. Personality has been enriched by experience.

Alas, an individual cannot always accept and realize impulses from his Higher Self without alertness. They often find themselves in the following situation: Due to painful experiments in childhood, due to errors of upbringing, through the influence of the environment, the individual does not find the desire to concretize the messages of his Higher Self. He tries silencing these impulses by responding to them with a flight response, such as fear, uncertainty, lack of courage, retreat or indecision. These feelings block the energy impulses of the Higher Self, and its potentialities cannot be realized.

Returning to our example: The individual was present as a child when his father went bankrupt. When a desire comes to him, the idea of ​​opening a flower shop, he reacts with discouragement. He says to himself, for example: “I hesitate to open a flower shop. Others are undoubtedly capable, but not me. " The conflict that arises between the impulses of the Self and the individual's flight response does not enrich the personality; on the contrary, she impoverishes herself in two ways:

First, part of the individual's potential was not realized because the individual prevented it; valuable psychic energy was blocked.

On the other hand, permanent internal conflict “costs” additional psychic energy. Since it does not come from the inexhaustible reservoir of the Higher Self, it must be “taken off the credit” of the personality, where later it will be lacking for a well-defined activity.

This personality will be given the quintessence of the Larch, which is "for those who regard themselves as less capable than others" ... According to this hypothesis, what will happen?

Since its frequencies vibrate at the same level as the potential of the Higher Self that would like to express itself, the quintessence can come into contact with this energy potential. It "floods" in some way with its elevated harmonious frequency the blockage, which vibrates at a low and mismatched frequency. One could now say that the potentials of the Higher Self are receiving reinforcement and that it will be able to take the necessary steps to completely dissolve the blockage.

In our example, the individual is aware of his negative state, which is a lack of confidence in himself. He will begin to see the situation in a different light. He will say to himself, “What happened to my father will not necessarily happen to me. Why don't I open a store? Others have succeeded. I will try. And even if he does not prosper, I will still learn something. " Of course, such a process does not proceed in such a "linear" way, as described, indecision and new mistakes are possible.

The result after removing the obstacle is as follows: the personality can fully use the energy of its Higher Self. In addition, the individual again has his entire psychic energy, some of which was "wasted", to maintain a daily negative flight response. Thus, the personality is doubly enriched.


Here are some interesting thoughts on the relationship between a person and a flower.

The flower always symbolizes beauty and the stage of the highest spiritual development in the human mind. Whether they think of the Rosicrucian rose or the Sufi, or the thousand-petalled lotus in Indian philosophy. Why is that? When man came to Earth to develop his physical body, the evolution of plants was already at a stage far enough developed. That is why humanity owes much of its own structures to the energies that it drew for its own evolution, the plant kingdom, which has reached almost perfection. According to the Tibetan master Jal Kul, there is still a direct connection between the subconscious of a person and a plant today. Therefore, thanks to the essence of these plants, a person can come into contact with the essence of his own being or his Higher Self. This contact is established through his subconsciousness and allows him to balance his "upset", disturbed state.

The esoteric point of view on the action of quintessences illuminates the many views of Bach in his work "Healing with Flowers". The following lines are based on the research and experiments of Joanna Salayan. According to the terminology of Alice Bailey, she sees a person as a field of energies, consisting of 7 strata (layers, levels) that influence each other and complement each other, and of which only the physical body is accessible to the ordinary human eye. Each "layer" or "stratum" has its own vibration frequency. Group 6 invisible strata called auras. With slight variations, this concept underlies almost all spiritual movements. In the first stratum of the aura, i.e. in the ethereal (etheric) stratum, chakras are localized, which are the points of concentration and distribution of energy. Chakras are connected to other strata of the energy field and function at different frequencies, which persons with psychic abilities see as multi-colored. The aura contains all levels of consciousness and experience of our personality. The personality is guided by the Higher Self. However, the Higher Self plays only in the fourth stratum of the aura, the transpersonal stratum, only the role of an intermediary between the immortal soul and the mortal personality, and this mortal personality is one of the multiple forms of expression of the soul.

According to this interpretation, the purpose of life is the concretization of the soul's intentions by the personality in the function of the directives of his Higher Self.A disease then is a state of mismatch or violation of frequencies within or between different strata of the aura, or the Higher Self. The information code of this mismatch of frequencies is manifested in the first stratum, in the etheric body which follows different temporal laws than the physical body. Weeks, months, even years may pass until it manifests itself on the physical plane. Some overgrown persons perceive these discordant information as shadows, others as inharmonious radiations, if these frequency disturbances in the etheric stratum are corrected by very subtle or infinitosemal methods, they will not appear in the physical body, the state of health is a state of harmonious or ideal balance between all strata of the aura and the Highest I.

According to the esoteric concept, the cause of most of the diseases of our era is rooted in the mental stratum (false, erroneous thoughts, poorly understood principles) and mostly in the emotional stratum, where unconscious emotions or subjective reactions are blocked, or stimulated unnecessarily, exaggerated.

The consequences are violations of frequencies, which in turn provoke negative states of the soul, such as hatred, jealousy, anger, impatience, grief, etc., which at first act through the etheric stratum on the physical nervous system and subsequently on other organs. In addition, our era continuously influences the emotional stratum through the use of drugs of all kinds, tobacco, alcohol, hashish, television, rock music, until a general flood of information.

We can see to what extent Edward Bach's theory was consistent, logical and ahead of its time, because it is addressed exclusively to negative states of the soul. From this point of view, what can be said differently, for a deeper understanding of the method of influencing the quintessences of Dr. Bach.

Bach says that the quintessences come into direct contact with the Higher Self of the personality, and that they affect our being as a whole, i.e. to all strata of the aura. Since the strata do not follow the same laws of space-time as our physical body, it is possible to cure an incipient disease before it manifests itself physically.

This fact explains why Edward Bach did not stop emphasizing also the preventive effect of these quintessences. But this fact explains why quintessences are also compatible with all other therapies or medicines that affect only one energy frequency, which in most cases is only the physical body. Bach's quintessences, filled with divine energy impulses, include an ensemble of different frequency strata in their field of action. Some psychic practitioners see or feel in their patients, as soon as they accept the quintessence, an increased activity of the aura. Many hypersensitive persons immediately feel the reaction of some chakra, which is sometimes combined with the perception of colors. Others describe a "principle" (state of mind) that is expressed in a tested quintessence. In this type of test, neither the person tested nor the observer knows which quintessence was used.


“There is no need for scientific knowledge to use quintessences. In order to derive the greatest benefit from this divine gift, it is necessary to preserve it in its original purity, free from any theory and from any scientific speculation, since everything in nature is simple. "

Edward Bach
“Treat a person, not a disease” is the fundamental rule of Bach's therapy. What kind of human being is in front of you, what is the state of his soul? Serious life experience and common sense should allow us to identify states of anger, fear, lack of confidence in ourselves, etc.
Knowing yourself first, then diagnosing others
Before diagnosing others, you need to know yourself perfectly. Only by understanding oneself can one understand others. And, as far as humanly possible, you need to be sure that they do not perceive the other through their own fears, prohibitions and prejudices. That is why all experienced practitioners recommend testing Bach's quintessence on oneself for at least a year before moving on to diagnose others. A proven method is to first allow yourself to be observed by a good specialist in the Bach method and to observe the effects of the quintessences.

How do you feel when you need quintessence? And how do you feel after taking it?

This introspection is relatively easy if you are at this moment in an exceptional psychological situation, such as sadness (the consequences of the loss of a loved one, for example), fear of existence (existential), the need to make a critical decision ... The problem becomes even more difficult if at this moment your own evolutionary process takes place outwardly without significant jumps up and down.

It is comforting to know that even if they are wrong, there will be no ill effects. Inadequate flower quintessence will be recognized, recognized by the Higher Self as "useless", it will not find resonance in our energy system... Its effect will be zero, in contrast to medications made from gross matter, which in all cases affect human metabolism.

One must also continually remember, remind oneself, that the list of symptoms does not describe anything other than trends. In any case, there is no need to be annoyed about this, but use them as a starting point to deal personally with the specific and only unique energy situation that you had to face.
Experiments during self-medication
Acceptance, use of Bach's quintessences begins an always very intense process of meeting oneself. It is necessary to accurately assess whether there is a need for a flower, the principle of which seems to us the most distant. You can imagine character traits to which you are completely blind. During self-therapy, problems usually arise that are located on the border between consciousness and subconsciousness, and they need to be recognized and resolved now, according to the program that life has outlined. Once this stage is passed, other blockages are sequentially detected, starting with the most recent and, thus, reaching the period of childhood. During this process, one may encounter "crises of consciousness" of various scales, which may be necessary to trigger the flow of energy. Many problems will have to be relived and painfully analyzed before they can find the strength to modify their concepts. Experiments in this area are very different and completely individual. There are no two identical human beings, and therefore no two identical reactions. Everyone will react to quintessences according to their character. The intensity of the reaction seems to be proportional to the degree of sensitivity, the openness to change, and the will to take responsibility for one's spiritual evolution and, as a consequence, also for one's health.
A few suggestions for an early mastery of Bach essences
Since Bach's quintessences represent 38 archetypes of the human soul, Julian Barnard offers a game that is both entertaining and entertaining at the same time. It is about determining which quintessences correspond to the characters in fairy tales. Cinderella, for example, like Centaury (4). The whole family is exploiting her, and she doesn't have the will to protest. But since she does not consider herself a "victim", she does not need Willow (38). When she marries Prince Charming, her sisters will need a few drops of Holly against their hatred and jealousy. Characters from classical literature also represent an inexhaustible treasure to make diagnostics. What would you give Hamlet? Scleranthus as the main remedy for his indecision: "To be or not to be?", Then Mustard (21) for his deep melancholy, and Cherry Plum (6) for his idea of ​​madness and suicide.

Here's another exercise. Review the different phases of your life and determine at which point a particular state of mind prevailed. When you were a schoolboy, what was your behavior? Like Agrimony, that is, funny on the outside, so as not to show what was inside? Or Clematis type, when thoughts are always elsewhere?

Remember the situations of past crises and their impact on your psyche. Perhaps as a child you nearly drowned: Star of Bethlehem and now you are afraid of water: Mimulus. The shock from those days may still be present in your energy system and may finally be removed.

Observe your reactions when you are tired, when you are in a crisis, or when you have a serious decision to make. In these cases, they see their personality up close, with its weaknesses and restrictive character traits, without embellishment or the usual intellectual excuses.

After you have stated the beneficial effects of Bach's quintessences on yourself, you can plan to help others, while, however, asking yourself why they want to help others. "What are my intentions?" Only a desire to render a service to your neighbor? Is there also a desire behind this to create a name for yourself (to achieve fame) or to influence, or is it a search for human contacts, or the exploitation of a gap in the market? The stronger these motivations are in the foreground, the less lasting the results will be, since the action in this case will not be carried out by the Higher Self according to spiritual laws.

This is why perfecting ourselves in the function of divine laws must continue to be our top concern. Or, as Bach puts it very accurately: the greatest gift that can be given to others is to be the happiest and full of hope, since only in this way can you help them get out of their despair. In other words: through our own frequency energy harmony, the energy frequency of the other will be harmonized.

Diagnosing others
First, there are 10 well-known principles that you know about, but which are always useful to remind yourself from time to time:

1. Before diagnosing, analyze your own state of mind. Start research only when you are sure that you are in the center of yourself, i.e. in contact with your Higher Self.

2. Good diagnosis is not done intellectually. Let the other influence you and try to feel through his words what exactly he wants to express. One should always work with the energy of love that comes from the heart, and never with the energy of the mind.

3. By conducting diagnostics, you take part in the healing process of another. One should always seek communication between your Higher Self and the Higher Self of another.

4. Treat the other as your neighbor and not as a "case." It is only in an atmosphere of absolute trust that the other can open up to you.

5. Let him, therefore, participate as much as possible in the diagnostic process. Do not follow a rigid scheme. First, determine with him the general color, tone of the conversation and let him, if necessary, choose several quintessences.

6. Never use your power. Be careful with your moral judgment. Don't try, consciously or unconsciously, to always be right.

7. The main goal of Bach's therapy is to stimulate the Higher Self of another, so that he has an intention, a desire to heal himself. This is the foundation of Bach therapy. To do this, the other must recognize his condition or his illness as a constituent part of his personality; he must understand what she means and accept responsibility for it, while not blaming himself (and not others). But he must constantly strive for modification and know that the transformation will take place in himself.

8. The other must be active. He must learn to cooperate, communicate, cooperate with the flower energy. He should also be able to have access with your help to all information related to the principles of action of quintessences, their difference from conventional medicines, about psychological mechanisms, as well as to questions of a philosophical order.

9. Realization of the Higher Self always occurs through the development in the present of the positive side of the negative state of the soul. During a conversation, you should never get too fixed on the negative sides, but on the contrary, try to highlight the positive qualities or virtues that the other would like to achieve. He doesn't need to leave with the idea that he lacks patience and, as a result, needs Impatiens. On the contrary, by taking Impatiens, he will finally be able to use his immense abilities with greater benefit for himself and others.

10. After all, as a therapist, you must be aware, like the one being treated, that the ultimate success of therapy is not in human hands.
Diagnostics through conversation
If a person does not begin to present, consider their problems, you need to delicately ask the following questions:

What is your concept, your understanding of life?

What is the concept of your own person?

What adult games does she practice?

Her manner of speaking and her choice of wording usually already provide indications of what quintessences she needs. Does the person speak swiftly, slowly, in an indecisive manner? Is her tone convincing (Vervain) or imperative (Vine)? Her voice is quiet, fearful (Mimulus). She says that she has lost hope (Gorse) or: "I'm annoyed ..." (Impatiens).

We also observe: What does the story of her life tell us, her profession, marital status? What are the problems she was unable to accept, such as childhood tension in the family, disappointment in love, drug use? What is she holding on to?

What are the circumstances that the person is now afraid of, and with which she should meet in the near future? For example, changing your profession, divorce, moving to an unknown or unfamiliar city.

You can ask questions about a specific topic, for example: What do you dislike about your father or your mother today?

Or: How do you feel when you work in a group?

Are you worried? (Mimulus)

Do you prefer to work alone? (Water Violet)

Do you find others slow? (Impatiens)

Are you trying to control the group? (Vine)

After all, you end up with even more work to do? (Centaury)

Or are your colleagues victims of your word flow? (Heather)

Carrying also provides valuable information about the state of mind. What is your posture? What is the condition? Tense or calm, confident? Does she hold on to the chair? What is the look? Is the smile natural or forced? Are there pronounced folds (wrinkles)? At what level is energy blocked or, on the contrary, is it used in excess?

Some chronic diseases sometimes they find healing very quickly if they manage to jointly determine what unpleasant feelings the other is trying to avoid by maintaining their illness. In the case of chronic rheumatism, we stated, for example, the following: The woman had very strong aggressive feelings towards people in her immediate environment, she did not want to be seen. That is why she unconsciously directed her aggressive impulses to her own person, creating a disease from which she herself suffered.

When considering the diagnosis, they first assume 7-8 quintessences at once. This happens because, without realizing this, they are associated with several levels of personality. In this case, the following question should be posed: What quintessences are needed at this particular moment? It is not always necessary to give 5-6 quintessences at the same time; one or two very well defined can sometimes have a more significant effect.

Extrasensory diagnostic methods
Some persons are able to determine adequate quintessences thanks to psychic methods that function on the plane of physical intuition. These techniques, such as the pendulum, can be beneficial, provided they are fluent (which is not so common). But they can never completely replace the conversation for the purpose of classical diagnostics. For example, a pendulum can be useful if:

The patient cannot move by himself.

When treatment is not progressing; sometimes it is possible to grasp a very deeply hidden state of mind, which is not easy to identify during a conversation.

At the end of the conversation, to confirm the diagnosis. For example, are all the selected quintessences necessary.

To determine more individual doses, intervals between drops, additional funds, etc.

Factors that can interfere with the correct diagnosis.

The general condition and sensitivity of the practitioner is different. A risk factor creeps in.

If the counselor has not mastered these techniques, he may create a factor of anxiety or useless or additional influence.

If they are based only on their "personal technique", they do not use all their abilities to really help another. Do not mobilize enough of their psychic energy; less stimulate the development of their intuition, the practitioner's own evolution stops (does not develop)!

They always state that a complete acquaintance with the quintessences, sooner or later, makes any technique of extrasensory diagnostics superfluous. The higher self, or intuition, provides the answer before this technique can be put into practice.

After all these comments, here are some examples of psychic techniques used to validate classical diagnostics through conversation:

The English doctor reports: “I take the patient's left hand with my right hand... After a short moment of attunement, I take 38 bottles one by one, without looking at the label, of course. Some of the bottles cause a tingling sensation in the back of my head. When it manifests itself strongly, it spreads throughout my body. This phenomenon means that the patient needs these quintessences.

In other psychic persons, this phenomenon is expressed in hiccups or small electrical discharges.

The breath therapist determines the necessary quintessences for himself by applying the bottles one by one to his solar plexus. Lying down, she registers changes in breathing. It intensifies if she needs this quintessence.

An experienced nurse gives the vials to the sick one by one. By changing their heart rate, she determines those that need to be assigned.

In all the cases cited, only the impending need is determined. Long-term use is made by a conscious decision.

The descriptions of the 38 quintessences that follow are combined, collecting all the available material from the most diverse "horizons". However, we clarify that this information is inconclusive, as the use of the many actions of this wonderful system of treatment has just begun. The more sensitive people who will work with Bach's flower medicines in the years to come, the new ultra-subtle aspects of their amazing ability to heal the soul and human spirit will open up.

Here's how each description is structured:

Botanical information. They are extracted in abridged form from the work of Nora Weeks and Victor Büllen (two associates of Dr. Bach). Weeks / Bullen “The Bach Flower Remedies”

- The "Principle" tries to define the spiritual concept of each flower in relation to the misunderstandings that have occurred in the psycho-spiritual development of the human being. It is accompanied by several experiments made with this quintessence by some practitioners of the Bach method.

- "Key symptoms" - summarize the most characteristic energy blockages, they allow the first approximation

- "List of symptoms in blocking state", which will be able to confirm the first approximation. These are the statements made by various specialists in the Bach method and with the addition of published materials in this area. We have deliberately listed a large number of symptoms in order to provide a wider starting point for individual analysis. Some negative symptoms seem to be accentuated, but this is useful for those who are not clearly expressed. As the evolution proceeds on the spiritual plane, the states of the soul can manifest themselves rather on the subtle planes and less on the first (physical) plane. Therefore, symptoms should be taken not only literally, but rather as a trend. It is about intuitively recognizing a principle that will manifest itself in each individual in a different manner in each mixture of quintessences. Of course, there is no need to find an ensemble of symptoms to confirm the choice of a certain quintessence. Sometimes 2-3 characteristic symptoms are enough to make a choice.

- "Potential after transformation"; The most important part in describing quintessences. It describes the task of the soul, its energetic potential, its positive side, which the human being initially possessed and which it would like to develop or achieve. Thanks to bold work with Bach's quintessences, it becomes possible for a person to move from a state of negative energetic blockage to a positive, harmonious state. This is the main goal of Edward Bach's flower therapy.

- "Recommendations in support". Round off each description of the quintessences. They have received their confirmation in the practice of certain specialists, but they are presented here only in order to allow to help personal reflection.

For the first time I came across the concept of "flower essences" on the Internet. Most of all, I was interested in the possibility of using flower essences to correct our emotional states. Although, at this stage of the study of this topic, I believe that flower essences only cause a placebo effect. But it is possible that my opinion about this may change. Perhaps, flower essences will interest you too, but I will try to provide you with as much useful information as possible.

Flower essences part 1:

What are flower essences?

Flower essences are considered a natural, simple and completely safe treatment. They are liquid flower extracts that are homeopathic and are used to treat emotional, mental and spiritual ailments. They are not used to heal the physical body. Flower essences are made simply, freshly picked flowers of the selected plant or tree are immersed in a glass bowl of pure water and left to stand in the sun for several hours. Under the influence of the sun and the process of combining the four elements, the healing "essence" or ethereal imprint of the flower is transferred into the water. Flowers are removed, this healing water is diluted with cognac, which serves to preserve this "valuable" essence, and then dosed.

The history of flower essences.

It is believed that flower essences have been used for quite a long time, it is possible that the treatment with flower essences was practiced in ancient China. However, the earliest mention of them we find in the works of Paracelsus, the great healer and mystic of the 16th century, who collected flowers from flowers in order to treat emotional disharmony.

In the 20th century, flower essences were discovered or rediscovered by Dr. Edward Bach, a renowned English physician, bacteriologist, immunologist, homeopath and herbalist. In early 1930, after twenty years of successful work as a Harley Street consultant, Dr. natural system healing.

During his time as a medical practitioner, Dr. Bach noticed that patients who came to him to heal their physical ailments often had emotional problems. He found that these problems were related to each other. After much observation and research, he identified twelve groups of personality traits or archetypal patterns of human behavior. Soon he found twelve "healer" flowers for each of the twelve groups of patients.

In the course of his research, Dr. Bach found that dew collected from a flower in sunlight has a healing quality. Thanks to this discovery, a "solar method" for the extraction of flower essences was developed. Dr. bach has researched many types of flowers that provide healing essences. Today, his work continues to serve as a source of inspiration for many people working in the field.

Incidentally, many additional floral studies have been investigated these days. Of particular note is the work of the California Flower Essence Society, as well as the work of Gurud in a book titled Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing. IN different countries flower essences, indigenous to these lands, have also been discovered and explored all over the world.

Explanation of the nature of diseases.

Dr. Bach recognized that illness is a physical reflection of a lack of calmness and tension within us, which indicates disharmony between our inner (spiritual self), our emotions, and our attitude towards life (the expression of our personality). He taught that the cause of illness often lies in negative emotional states such as fear, depression, guilt and anxiety, in harsh selfish approaches, in the inability to express our true self and goals in life. Dr. Bach's approach was to treat the patient's temperament and mood, not bodily symptoms. The doctor's famous phrase was: “Treat the patient, not the disease, the cause, not the effect.

How flower essence works.

Flower essences work on subtle "invisible" levels, gently restoring balance and tranquility within us. Essences affect many negative emotional and mental conditions from which humanity suffers. They work by developing positive qualities that we lack, and not by suppressing negative qualities. They help us break free of blockages that hinder growth and enable us to learn more about ourselves. They help us to merge in the flow with life, and not fight it.

The effect of the essence is enhanced against the background of general health and a positive approach to life. Visualization and affirmations can be very useful "components". The effect of essences will vary with each individual person. In some cases, we may notice an immediate positive change in our condition and perspective. It is possible that the problem will not go away completely, but we may stop feeling that we are tightened by it.

Sometimes there is a feeling of relaxation of the tension of the emergence of emotions to the surface. We, perhaps, understand something and feel a sense of relief, the fog, as it were, dissipates. Sometimes we feel some subtle changes, and almost invariably, looking back a few weeks or months later, we realize that the changes have occurred, even if it happened gradually. We are beginning to admit that the problem has really exhausted itself, it has simply ceased to be such.

Flower essences are most helpful in preventing disease, balancing imbalances and disharmony in our psyche that could cause physical ailments. By using flower essences, each of us can heal. This was the goal of Dr. Bach.

Flower essences part 2:

So, we continue our journey through mysterious world the secret energy of the flower that can heal our emotional and psychological ailments. Next, I will tell you about the diagnosis and selection of essences, preparation, dosage, and so on. Enjoy your reading.

Diagnostics and selection of essences.

There are a number of methods that can be used successfully in choosing the right flower essence. The usual diagnostic method is based on interaction, observation and analysis of the patient's history. A clear understanding of the psychological state of a person is not required.

Self-diagnosis is difficult enough because we are less able to recognize our own weaknesses and undesirable traits, but at the same time we can easily see them in other people. It will be very helpful to ask yourself a few questions so that you can focus on the relevant essence at any given time. This will help us get in touch with our inner feelings. For example, such questions:

  • What's my next step in life?
  • What I think?
  • How do I feel about this?
  • What is my main task?

The process of selecting flower essences helps us to become aware of our emotional problems. When we read the list of flower essences and their descriptions, which ones do we react to the most? We may feel attracted to one, and aversion to another. Also, we may feel the need for several types of essences. Growing flowers in the garden that you like is another indicator. If you are choosing your own essence and feel you cannot be objective enough, ask loved one make a choice.

Biolocation can be a fairly accurate and extremely useful diagnostic technique. Dowsing with a pendulum can help you identify the essence you want, requiring an essence map, a photograph, or the patient himself. This method has many advantages. It gives us the opportunity to respect the privacy of a person, to bypass our own biases, beliefs and rational thinking, and gives us access to deep attunement to a person. However, one should be moderate in the use of Dowsing as a diagnostic method. It should never be a substitute for acquiring a deep knowledge of flower essences.

How to prepare a medicine.

To prepare the medicine, take the required amount of flower essence. The bottle can contain up to six kinds of essences. Take a 25 ml dropper bottle. Sterilize it with boiling water. Fill with natural spring water (no carbonates) or rainwater. Add one teaspoon of cognac as a preservative; sensitive people can use apple cider vinegar as an alternative. Add two drops of each of the selected concentrates to the bottle. Make sure the dropper is not touching anything. Change each dropper immediately after emptying, be careful not to mix medications. Label each bottle and shake gently several times to activate the essences.


So the medicine is ready to go. Take four drops on the tongue directly from the IV, four times a day, or more often if the case is severe. To ensure optimal effect, it is recommended to take the medicine in the morning, immediately after waking up, and the last dose should be prescribed at night, just before bedtime. Alternatively, you can dilute two drops of any chosen combination of concentrates or prepared medicine in a glass of water or fruit juice, and drink the ready-made solution in frequent small sips.

Safe and reliable method of treatment.

Unlike herbs, flower essences do not contain chemical substances plants. Science cannot detect any harmful substances in the flower essence. Through the use of electronic devices that are sensitive to vibrations, a change in the energy pattern can be detected in flower essences. Flower essences contain vibrational energy that some equate with the life force of the flower.

It can be concluded that flower essences are non-toxic and completely safe even for children. The metered-dose drops can be added to the baby's bottle or dissolved in a spoonful of water. Animals and plants can also benefit from this form of treatment. If they are plants, simply add the product to a watering can. Due to the lack of toxicity, flower essences can be safely used in combination with other forms of treatment. However, they are not intended to replace more orthodox therapies. In serious cases, you should consult your doctor. It is suggested that the flower essence can be used in combination with other forms of treatment if prescribed by a doctor.

Increased efficiency.

Good to know about positive and negative qualities each of the flower essences that you consume. If you just take them, you will get results, but flower essences will work more effectively if you work with them. Pay attention to a negative quality or state of imbalance. Don't get too hung up on them. Just be aware of your emotional problems or mental conflicts. After that, concentrate on absorbing the positive qualities associated with the flower essence. Repeat the affirmations that you are currently experiencing these positive qualities while taking the medicine. Positive creative visualization is a very useful tool to use in combination with flower essences. Your awareness and positive efforts will greatly enhance the healing process.