Protein diet for 10 days results. Protein diet for weight loss. Protein diet requirements

The protein diet is extremely popular among many diets. Many weight loss systems have been built on the principles of protein nutrition (including the Dukan diet, the Kremlin diet, etc.), but now we will talk about the diet known as “7 kg in 7 days”.

The advantage of this system is that you do not have to suffer from hunger and poor health. It also allows you to achieve good results in a fairly short time.

This system of weight loss is based on increasing the consumption of foods containing protein and reducing the amount of foods with fats and carbohydrates. With such a diet, the body experiences a shortage of substances necessary for replenishing energy from food and begins to use the reserve reserves of the body, i.e. fatty deposits.

Basic principles:

Important to remember! Before the beginning exercise in 30-40 minutes, you definitely need to drink a protein shake. Otherwise, according to professional fitness instructors, the benefit and opportunity to create a beautiful relief turns into a potential threat to health.

Allowed protein foods for quick weight loss

The diet of a person adhering to a fast protein diet should include:

It's important to know! Nutritionists do not recommend eating foods with zero fat content, because. The body needs fats to function properly. Therefore, if you follow a diet, you should not buy, for example, cottage cheese 9-18%, but 5% - to satisfy the need for fats, will not affect health and weight.

The advantage of the 7 kg system. for 7 days that you do not have to suffer from hunger and poor health.

  • sweet, incl. sweets, chocolate, cakes, cakes, ice cream, sweet fruits and prepared fruit juices;
  • flour, incl. bread, pasta, pastries;
  • potato(in any form);
  • sausages, sausages;
  • fast food and semi-finished products;
  • butter and other fats;
  • alcohol;
  • porridge;
  • salt, because it retains fluid in the body.

For those with a sweet tooth, a protein diet menu for very quick weight loss may include 1-2 squares of dark chocolate (at least 70%) 1-2 times a week.

Protein drinks for quick weight loss

As a dinner, as well as for large physical activity, protein or protein shakes will come in handy. You can find ready-made drinks or powders that need to be diluted in sports stores and diet food departments. However, such cocktails can be prepared at home.

The basis can be:

  • still water;
  • low-fat milk;
  • low fat yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • ryazhenka.

Quail and chicken eggs can act as a protein base, as well as 5% cottage cheese. And at the final stage, greens or berries are added.

The main thing is to remember that this is a protein diet for very fast weight loss, the menu of which cannot contain any sweeteners, incl. sugar and honey.

Several healthy recipes protein drinks:

  1. vanilla cocktail. Recipe: 100 g of cottage cheese and 150 ml of milk + vanillin / vanilla extract.
  2. Farm cocktail. Recipe: 150-200 ml of milk and two chicken (4 quail) eggs + parsley or dill.
  3. Energy Nutritional Shake. Recipe: 100-150 ml of milk and one chicken / two quail) eggs + 10 g of mint + 10 g of ground coffee.

Cooking rules: It is necessary to beat the composition of the drink with a blender, adding each ingredient following the recipe.

Quick protein diet for 3 days

For quick weight loss of several kg in 3 days, there is the most stringent recipe for a protein diet. However, nutritionists warn that diets designed for quick weight loss are difficult to maintain, and they can also be harmful to the human body.

Applying this diet, you need to be sure that there are no problems with the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

It's important to know! You can sit on a fast protein diet no more than once every six months, because. this power plan is not balanced.

The main rule is to drink plenty of fluids, unsweetened herbal teas.

The menu for all 3 days is standard:

Unlike the weekly version, with a 3-day diet, any physical activity is prohibited.

Another very important the right way out of the blitz diet. Increase your calorie intake very slowly, as well as gradually introduce new products, starting with vegetables, fruits and meat, and only then - everything else.

this protein diet for very fast weight loss, the menu of which cannot contain any sweeteners, incl. sugar and honey.

Need to remember! If dizziness, nausea, weakness appear during the diet, you should immediately stop the diet and return to the previous diet. And it is best to consult a doctor before starting a diet.

A sample menu of dishes for every day of the week for very fast weight loss on a protein diet

One more The advantage of a protein diet for very fast weight loss is that you can make a menu at your discretion. There are no strict rules here. The option shown is just an example.
Serving size is about 200-250 gr.

Day one: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day two: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day three: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day four: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day five: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day six: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day seven: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Getting out of the fast protein diet

Maintaining the achieved result largely depends on the correct way out of the diet, so you should not immediately lean on fast food, sausage and cakes. It is advisable to refuse them altogether.

In the first two weeks, you need to increase the number of calories eaten per day by adding cereals and fruits.. Then you can add sour cream and butter to the diet.

You can not stick to the same diet for more than 14 days. Repetition of the diet is possible no earlier than six months later.

Replace dairy and sour-milk products with medium-fat products. You can add bread, juices and a little sweet.

A particularly strict diet regimen for very fast weight loss

This diet option is suitable for athletes with regular loads on the body and pumping. muscle mass. Duration - 7 days.


  • the total calorie content should be approximately 1000 kcal;
  • only 3 meals are allowed;
  • any fruits and vegetables are prohibited;
  • snacking is prohibited.

Menu design example

Strict protein diet for very fast weight loss. Menu (indicative)
Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st dayCurd 3-5%TurkeySeafood (1 serving) + a glass of kefir
2nd dayBoiled eggs - 2 pcs+
1 slice low-fat cheese
Chicken (boiled)Fish stewed in its own juice
3rd dayCottage cheeseVeal boiled/bakedSeafood
4th dayUnsweetened yogurtRed meat prepared in a healthy wayA fish
5th dayEggs - 2 pcs., a slice of cheeseChicken liver.steam fish
6th dayCottage cheese + a slice of cheeseChicken or TurkeySeafood with kefir
7th dayAny of the previous days' breakfastsAny of the mealsAny of the dinners. Kefir can be replaced with unsweetened yogurt.

Contraindications. Who should not lose weight on a fast protein diet

Despite the fact that, according to nutritionists, the protein diet is one of the safest, there are a number of people who should not adhere to it:

  • children under 18;
  • elderly people over 50;
  • expectant and nursing mothers, for whom the right and balanced diet extremely important;
  • people with kidney and liver diseases;
  • people suffering from heart disease;
  • if there are problems with blood clotting, because a large amount of protein in the diet increases the risk of thrombosis;
  • diabetics;
  • in the presence of oncology;
  • if high mental or emotional stress is coming during the diet, it is better to postpone the diet, because. The brain needs sugar to function properly.

Recommendations for observing the diet on proteins. It is important to know the following

To achieve the maximum effect and in order not to harm the body, doctors advise following these rules:

losing weight fast ways, important to remember! When choosing dishes and forming your own protein diet menu, you need to diversify the diet as much as possible from the list of allowed foods. You can not stick to the same diet for more than 14 days. Repetition of the diet is possible no earlier than six months later.

Sports and allowed foods are the key to success with a protein diet, it is this combination that will relieve 7 or more kg in a short time.

Good luck and health!

Effective protein diet for very fast weight loss:

What menu should be for a protein diet:

Taking care of your own body is one of the main rules of every woman. Such care includes sports, various procedures, visits to the necessary doctors, and diets. Everyone dreams of reaching the ideal weight and having a thin waist. During a diet, you always want to eat a forbidden product, it can be a chocolate bar or fried potatoes. Such breakdowns occur due to the feeling of hunger, the appearance of which increases the desire to eat junk food. The way out of this situation can be a protein diet for women, it eliminates the feeling of hunger.

The goal of a protein diet is to minimize the intake of carbohydrates and fats. The basis of the diet will be food rich in protein. In order to digest such food, the body spends a huge amount of energy. Subsequently, an energy deficit appears, the process of losing weight begins. In the process of losing weight, the fat layer will decrease, but the muscle mass, on the contrary, will increase. The main distinguishing feature of the protein diet is the lack of hunger.

The effectiveness of a protein diet

Observing any other diet, first of all, the body begins to expend muscle mass, the body begins to acquire an ugly and flabby shape. Fat deposits become even more noticeable. A protein diet allows you to lose exclusively adipose tissue. This happens due to protein, which is a building block of human muscles. To achieve really good results, a protein diet must be combined with sports, and then all the resulting protein will be processed into muscle mass.

Pros and cons of a protein diet

Protein diet for weight loss quickly gained popularity. It is recommended by nutritionists and fitness trainers. This choice is due to the following number of positive properties:

  • during the diet, the cardiovascular system is strengthened.
  • after the end of the diet, the weight does not return, but with proper nutrition it continues to decrease.
  • metabolism increases
  • the immune system is strengthened
  • getting better appearance skin, hair and nails

In any case, the human body needs protein, but excessive consumption can lead to certain consequences. It is worth finding a middle ground, and stick to it. What harm can a protein diet bring:

  • disruption of the digestive tract
  • exacerbation of urolithiasis
  • prostration

Protein diet menu for 10 days

Throughout this time, do not forget to drink water, and this rule should become permanent.

  • Breakfast of the first day: an omelet from two egg whites, the yolks should be thrown away, fresh vegetables (100 grams, preferably green vegetables), a cup of mint tea.
  • Lunch of the first day will be: boiled chicken meat (200 g), and the same amount of fresh vegetables.
  • Snack: one large apple.
  • Dinner of the first day: boiled fish (200 g), one orange.
  • Breakfast of the second day: low-fat cottage cheese, about 2-5% (200 g), 10 g of honey, a cup of green tea.
  • Snack: fruit salad.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir.
  • For breakfast you need: 200 g of yogurt without filler, one pear.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir.
  • Snack: 50 g of hard cheese, 100 g of fresh vegetables.
  • For breakfast you need: 200 g of cottage cheese, fruit salad, green tea.
  • Snack: one large apple.
  • For lunch you need to use: 300 g of boiled chicken, vinaigrette.
  • Snack: vegetable salad.
  • For dinner you need to eat: a glass of kefir, two bananas.
  • For breakfast, you need to cook: an omelet from a couple of eggs, 50 g of hard cheese, one orange.
  • Snack: vegetable salad.
  • For lunch there will be: canned corn, coleslaw, 200 g of boiled fish.
  • Snack: two boiled eggs.
  • Suitable for dinner: a glass of kefir, fruit salad.
  • For breakfast, you need to prepare an omelet from a couple of eggs, fresh vegetables in the amount of 100 g, a cup of green tea.
  • Snack: vegetable salad in the amount of 300 g.
  • For lunch you need to eat: boiled chicken meat (200 g), and the same amount of fresh vegetables.
  • Snack: one large apple.
  • For dinner you need to eat: boiled fish (200 g), one orange.
  • For breakfast you need: 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 10 grams of honey, a cup of green tea.
  • Snack: fruit salad.
  • For lunch you will need: 200 grams of boiled fish, 50 grams of hard cheese, 150 grams of canned corn.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir.
  • For dinner you need to use: fruit salad seasoned with yogurt.
  • For breakfast you need: 200 grams of yogurt without filler, one pear.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir.
  • For lunch you need to cook: chicken broth, steamed vegetables.
  • Snack: 50 grams of hard cheese, 100 grams of fresh vegetables.
  • For dinner you need to eat: 300 grams of boiled fish, a glass of kefir.
  • For breakfast you need: 200 grams of cottage cheese, fruit salad, green tea.
  • Snack: one large apple.
  • For lunch you need to eat: 300 grams of boiled chicken, vinaigrette.
  • Snack: vegetable salad. For dinner you need to eat: a glass of kefir, two bananas.

Day number 10: Unloading day on kefir and apples.

Diet Rules

Throughout the diet, you must give up sugar, salt, and other spices and sauces. Do not eat fatty cheeses, as well as kefir or yogurt with a high percentage of fat content. During the day, you need to arrange 5 meals, you can even more. Portions should be small, but the protein content is a must. The amount of water drunk per day should be about 2 liters. It is advisable to drink water before meals. After 7 pm, it is not recommended to eat, it is allowed to drink a glass of water, and if the feeling of hunger is pronounced, then you can drink green tea with honey. Throughout the time of weight loss, you should take a vitamin complex.

Protein Rich Foods

You can make a protein diet menu yourself, the main thing is to have a list of necessary products, which looks like this:

  • lean meats (beef, veal, chicken)
  • low-fat fish (mackerel, cod, pike perch)
  • vegetables of any kind
  • fruit of any kind
  • eggs (chicken, sawn)
  • mushrooms
  • dairy products with a low percentage of fat.

Protein shake diet

Such a protein diet for weight loss is very effective, but it is not recommended to stick to it for a long time. During such a diet, there will be no feeling of hunger, in a short time the body can get the most useful cocktail. During such a meal, you can refuse snacks. It is advisable to replace breakfast with such cocktails, as well as drink them after a workout in order to restore muscle fibers as quickly as possible.


Protein diet for 10 days is contraindicated for people who have kidney problems. This diet makes the kidneys work harder. If the body is weakened, then a person needs good nutrition, and a protein diet for women and men is contraindicated.

Diet Recipes

A monotonous diet can cause a breakdown. There are a certain number of recipes that are created in order to diversify the menu.

Pumpkin soup. To prepare, you need to put two stalks of celery, 2 peeled cloves of garlic, 400 grams of boiled pumpkin, two glasses of water into the blender bowl. Beat everything until smooth. The soup is ready.

baked chicken breast with vegetables. Cut two chicken breasts into cubes, mix with spices, and place in a baking sleeve. In the same sleeve, add 200 grams of cabbage, one eggplant, 2 tomatoes. Bake until the fillets are done.

    Lose weight quickly, easily and without feeling hungry, or build muscle without gaining excess weight, is the dream of millions.

    However, not everyone is aware that there is a great way to make a dream come true and it is called a protein diet. It is successfully used by girls for weight loss, and athletes - for gaining muscle mass.

    About its rules, diet and acceptable products, we will describe in detail in this article.

    What is a protein diet

    The protein diet, as the name implies, is based on the consumption of protein foods, while carbohydrate-containing foods are reduced to a minimum. Result: minus 5-10 kilograms in just ten days. By the way, that's how long it lasts.

    The opinions of doctors and nutritionists about her were divided. Some consider it almost a panacea for all ills, others point out its shortcomings, and others confuse it with (which is not entirely correct, although the latter is also based on the consumption of protein products).

    To understand all this, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this way of eating.


    8 main advantages of the diet:

  1. A protein diet for weight loss is the perfect way to lose weight without suffering from a constant feeling of hunger. This is possible due to the high content of protein in the consumed products.
  2. Ideal for athletes, as it allows you to maintain and build muscle relief in the process of getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat.
  3. There is no “saggy skin” effect.
  4. At the same time it cleanses the body.
  5. Improves metabolic processes and speeds up metabolism.
  6. With the right approach and compliance with all the rules, it gives a stable result.
  7. Allows you to use a delicious and rich menu.
  8. It only lasts ten days.


The disadvantages of a protein diet are much less than the advantages:

  1. Most of the possible negative consequences are associated with non-compliance with the rules and diet (see below).
  2. Cannot be used for a number of diseases.
  3. Calcium is flushed out of the body.
  4. Perhaps the appearance of lethargy and weakness in the initial stages.


The protein diet has a number of contraindications:

  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • with disorders and disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Basic rules and diet

A protein diet is absolutely harmless to healthy people if its duration does not exceed 10 days. Nutritionists do not recommend repeating the course earlier than after 2 months.

Observing the following rules, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also build muscle mass under the condition of regular power loads:

  1. Drink water. Protein diet stimulates the kidneys, which increases the risk of dehydration. Drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. Start your morning with a glass of water and be sure to drink the same amount half an hour before each meal. This will help the digestive tract.
  2. Cellulose. High protein and low carbohydrate content reduces the volume of food, which is bad for the entire gastrointestinal system. To avoid consequences, if possible, take bran in the morning or several times during the day before meals.
  3. Vitamins and minerals. Like any other diet, protein cannot provide the body with all the necessary substances. Take vitamin and mineral complexes, especially calcium preparations, as it is intensively washed out of the body.
  4. Diet. It is important that the food is fractional. Food should enter the body on average every three hours. The last appointment is no later than eight in the evening.
  5. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. Make sure that the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates does not fall below 2/1, respectively.
  6. Cooking method. It is allowed to indulge in fried fish or meat, but to achieve the effect, most of the products must be cooked with a minimum of fat. Ideal option: steaming or baking.
  7. Workout. If you are not going to exercise physically, the diet will be ineffective. It is advisable to establish a training regime and only after that change the diet. A protein diet for gaining muscle mass involves power training at least three times a week and the use of sports nutrition - protein shakes and bars.

What can and what can not be eaten?

A huge plus of a protein diet is that you do not have to “sit” on the same type and insipid dishes. However, it is worth limiting the consumption of foods that contain artificial food colors, flavors, preservatives.

Food should be natural and healthy, and heat treatment should be minimal.

To make it easier for you to navigate, we have compiled lists of products, conditionally dividing them into groups.

Approved Products

The foods listed in the table below can be eaten in almost any quantity (first column) or in limited quantities (second column). Of course, this should not exceed daily requirement in calories:

Approved Products

Allowed in limited quantities

Vegetables: lettuce, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, celery, lettuce,
radish, radish, greens, broccoli, spinach, bell pepper, unsweetened tomatoes, spices
Vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, sweet varieties of tomatoes, white cabbage
Meat: lean pork, veal, lamb, lamb,
poultry meat (without skin), the so-called “soy” meat
Meat: sausages, sausages, sausages
Fruits:, lemons, any citrus fruits, sour varieties of apples, cranberriesFruits: nuts, sweet varieties of apples, sweet berries
Tofu cheese, low fat dairy productsCheese
Fish of all varieties, including oily, seafoodWhole grains
Fresh, dried and frozen mushroomsLegumes
Egg whiteFreshly squeezed fruit juices
Olive or linseed oil
Drinks: freshly squeezed vegetable juices, still water, any teas and coffees, but without sugar

Products from the second column of the table are acceptable during the diet, but their quantity should be limited. It is advisable to use them no more than once a day and in small quantities.

Prohibited Products

Remove the following foods from the diet and preferably completely:

  • sugar;
  • honey;
  • chewing gum;
  • confectionery;
  • flour products;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • preservation and pickles;
  • sweet fruits;
  • sweet berries;
  • vegetables: potatoes,carrots, corn, olives and black olives
  • soft and processed cheeses;
  • crab sticks;
  • any sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • packaged juices;
  • alcohol.

Diet on protein shakes and bars

The protein diet is primarily designed for athletes. That's just athletes more often need not so much weight loss as drying and growth of muscle tissue. In the case when a protein diet is used to gain mass, regular physical activity is required.

And this implies a transition to a different level of nutrition. You will need additional sources of protein, namely protein shakes and / or protein bars.

Let's talk about these products in detail.

Protein shakes

Protein shakes are rich in protein and other beneficial substances, depending on the brand and composition. If you have chosen this way of losing weight for yourself, be sure to take vitamin-mineral complexes and drink fiber so that a diet on protein shakes does not disrupt metabolic processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The cocktails themselves can be divided into several groups and taken depending on the time of day or situation:

  1. Cocktails with calcium caseinate. Such cocktails are good because they “kill” the feeling of hunger for a long time, while preventing muscle catabolism. Their use is simply necessary on training days.
  2. High protein shakes (up to 10 grams of protein per serving). Such cocktails are rich not only in protein, but also in carbohydrates, and are able to replace one full meal.
  3. Cocktails with and/or chromium picolinate. These cocktails are simply indispensable helpers for those who prefer frequent and high-intensity workouts. They will replace the meal, but do not contribute to the feeling of fullness.
  4. . They are good in their composition, but quickly deteriorate, therefore they are only suitable for home use. Able to completely drown out the feeling of hunger and have a more pleasant taste. With them, the diet is morally easier to transfer. In addition, the fermented milk products included in their composition help to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Many people love protein bars. They are compact and have a pleasant taste, quickly saturate and can replace up to two full meals.

However, there are downsides. Giving a large amount of calories and proteins in one meal, they have a small volume. For this reason, a diet on protein bars is fraught with disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, store-bought options often contain additives, flavor enhancers, and an excess amount of sugar.

Such a diet is difficult psychologically and potentially dangerous. The alternative is to either combine the bars with other foods, or make them yourself.

Some of the easiest recipes you can find in recipes.

Diet menu for 10 days

Protein diet menu options for men and women do not have much difference. In fact, the whole difference lies in the amount of food consumed per day.

Calculate the amount using the formulas:

  1. For men, the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates per kilogram of weight is 2.5 grams and 1 - 3 grams, respectively.
  2. For women, the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates per kilogram of weight is 2 grams and 0.5 - 1.5 grams, respectively.
breakfast lunch dinner afternoon tea dinner
1st day protein oatmeal (see recipe below)cutlet steamed from fillet + vegetable stew with greensbaked salmon + lemon slice + green saladboiled chicken breast + cauliflower in an egg (see recipe below)beef broth + soft-boiled egg + mushrooms stewed with herbs
2nd day veal + blanched spinach + cucumberwatercress soup (see recipe below)baked pork marinated in yoghurt with spices + stewed vegetablesasparagus stewed in sour cream with herbs + a glass of fat-free kefirboiled white fish fillet with lemon juice and spices + cabbage salad with greens and olive oil
3rd day chicken cutlet with tofu cheese, baked in the oven + a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice + green saladany grilled fish + salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage dressed with olive oilbraised pork with celery (see recipe below)homemade protein barlow-fat cottage cheese + + herbs
4th day 2 tablespoons boiled brown rice + light salad mushroom soup with spinach (see recipe below)beef with artichokes (see recipe below)salmon steak + light salad dressed with lemon juice and olive oilseafood cocktail
5th day two protein brownies (see recipe below) + freshly squeezed citrus juicesalad of tomatoes, celery, avocado + boiled, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juicegrilled pork + stewed zucchini with herbs, yogurt and garlicveal + stewed broccoli and cauliflowerchicken fillet broth + light salad
6th day omelet from proteins and one yolk + green saladfat-free cottage cheese + nuts and berriesstewed cabbage + baked turkey filletboiled beef + avocado salad with celery
7th day protein oatmeal + a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juicegrilled vegetables + boiled white fishany bird baked in foil with vegetablesbaked eggplants _ fat-free cottage cheese with herbs and garlic, seasoned with low-fat yogurtcauliflower in egg + meat broth
8th day two soft-boiled eggs + turkey steam cutlet + greenssalad of boiled lamb meat with tomatoes, tofu and herbs, dressed with olive oil and lemon juicefried without oil chicken fillet + zucchini and lettucesalmon baked on an onion pillow + green saladlow-fat cottage cheese with herbs and low-fat yogurt
9th day two tablespoons of boiled brown rice + asparagus salad with herbsprotein ice cream (see recipe below)lean steak + cucumber and celery saladprotein shake with skim milkmussel salad with tomatoes dressed with olive oil and lemon juice
10th day salad of eggs, greens and low-fat yogurt + unsweetened tea or coffeepumpkin soupgrilled veal + Chinese cabbage salad with tomatoes dressed with olive oilbraised pork with celeryGreek salad without olives

Diet Recipes

We have selected for you some interesting and delicious meals that diversify the menu on a protein diet.

Remember: the desire to eat something “tasty” has stopped ahead of time more than one attempt to lose weight. Get to know the recipes and lose weight deliciously).

Recipe #1: Watercress Soup


  • 100 g watercress;
  • 200 g spinach;
  • two stalks of celery;
  • 1 liter of any meat broth;
  • Bay leaf;
  • thyme;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil.


  1. Wash the greens and chop.
  2. Saute celery in olive oil. Add spinach and lettuce and saute for just a minute.
  3. Pour in the broth, add spices and salt.
  4. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and leave for five minutes.
  5. Remove thyme and bay leaf from broth.
  6. Grind in a blender until smooth.

Serve cold with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Recipe number 2: cauliflower in egg batter


  • 1 kg of cauliflower;
  • two eggs;
  • eight raw egg whites;
  • 1 onion;
  • ground black pepper;
  • olive oil;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Separate the cabbage into individual florets.
  2. Dip in boiling salted water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain in a colander and let the water drain.
  4. Whisk the eggs and whites.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Chop the onion and fry in oil.
  7. Add cauliflower.
  8. Pour in the eggs.
  9. Fry, stirring, until the proteins are completely curtailed.

Serve with low-fat yogurt sauce with garlic and herbs.

Recipe number 3: pork with celery


  • 1 kg pork tenderloin without fat;
  • 2 kg celery stalks;
  • 1 PC. shallots (can be replaced with onions);
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Chop the celery and chop the onion into rings.
  2. Cut the pork across the grain into small pieces.
  3. Put the pork in a saucepan and simmer for 15-20 minutes, add vegetables and bay leaf.
  4. Simmer until done, then season with salt and pepper.

This dish can be eaten both cold and hot. Serve with light vegetable salads.

Recipe number 4: mashed mushroom soup with spinach


  • half a kilogram of champignons;
  • three hundred grams of spinach;
  • two bulbs;
  • fresh herbs to taste;
  • half a liter of chicken broth;
  • olive oil;
  • a cup of low-fat yogurt;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.


  1. Cut the mushrooms into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion into rings and fry in olive oil.
  3. Add mushrooms and sauté until mushroom aroma appears.
  4. Chop the spinach, add to the mushrooms and onions and saute for about a minute.
  5. Add chicken broth, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Then boil everything for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Pour soup into blender, add yogurt and blend until smooth.
  7. Wash and cut the greens.

Serve the soup cold, sprinkled with herbs on top.

Recipe #5: Dried Fruit Protein Bars


  • half a glass;
  • half a glass of bran;
  • 1 glass of powdered milk, skimmed is better;
  • five to seven scoops of any protein;
  • a quarter cup of peeled seeds;
  • a third of a glass of chopped peanuts;
  • a quarter cup of dried apricots and;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 2 cups peanut butter;
  • water as needed.


  1. Mix all dry ingredients until evenly distributed.
  2. Add peanut butter and vanilla.
  3. Add water as needed. The mass should be thicker than on pancakes.
  4. Pour into the mold.
  5. Place in refrigerator for several hours until firm.
  6. Cut into serving pieces.

Recipe #6: Orange Protein Bar


  • five scoops of protein, best with citrus or vanilla flavors
  • two glasses of oatmeal;
  • a glass of powdered milk;
  • two raw proteins;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • two thirds of a glass of maple syrup;
  • two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice, preferably with zest;
  • butter for greasing the mold if you don't have a non-stick coating.


  1. Mix dry and liquid ingredients separately.
  2. Gently mix and beat in a blender until smooth.
  3. Pour into a greased mold.
  4. Place in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.
  5. Bake until brown.
  6. Let cool and cut into portions.

Recipe #7: Protein Cake


  • a quarter cup of bran (preferably oatmeal);
  • a quarter cup of coconut flour;
  • scoop of vanilla protein;
  • a third of a glass of fat-free yogurt;
  • half a banana;
  • a quarter cup of pasta from;
  • two tablespoons of chopped dark chocolate;
  • a third of a glass of almond milk without additives.


  1. Place all ingredients except almond milk and chocolate in one container.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Gently fold in the almond milk into the mixture.
  4. Add chocolate.
  5. Form into small balls and refrigerate for a few hours.

Recipe #8: Protein Oatmeal


  • fifty grams of oatmeal;
  • scoop of vanilla or caramel protein;
  • a handful of chopped almonds;
  • taste.


  1. Mix all ingredients in one container.
  2. Pour in low-fat yogurt or boiling water.
  3. Let it brew for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Recipe #9: Protein Ice Cream


  • a glass of low-fat cream;
  • a glass of low-fat milk;
  • four raw yolks;
  • scoop of your favorite protein
  • half a glass of cane sugar;
  • vanilla sachet.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar until thick foam.
  3. Mix carefully with milk.
  4. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  5. Cool down.
  6. Whisk.
  7. Combine with chilled egg and milk mixture.
  8. Add vanilla and protein.
  9. Whisk thoroughly.
  10. Send to the freezer for an hour.
  11. Whisk again and place in the freezer until completely frozen.


Summing up, we draw conclusions about the protein diet:

  1. This is a comfort diet that does not cause hunger.
  2. Such a diet and menu is suitable for athletes, as it allows not only to maintain existing muscles, but also to build new ones.
  3. This diet is effective for both men and women.
  4. It only takes ten days to see visible results.

Protein diet is considered one of the safest and most effective systems for weight loss. The main principle of dietary nutrition is the replacement of carbohydrates with proteins. In the absence of a sufficient amount of polypeptides, the body begins to use its own fat deposits as a source for energy production. The 10-day protein diet menu is designed in such a way as to reduce body weight by 3-5 kg ​​without strict dietary restrictions and a constant feeling of hunger. The main advantages of the method include the high stability of the result obtained.

Who is the protein diet for?

This nutrition system is shown to young people who lead an active lifestyle or play sports. Low carbs help burn fat, while protein-rich foods help build muscle during workouts.

It is not recommended for women and men of age, as well as people with low physical activity, to adhere to such a diet. The presence of a large amount of protein food in the absence of regular muscle work leads to intense stress on the kidneys. This can lead to impaired kidney function and the development of kidney failure.

A protein diet is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs. It should not be used by women during childbearing and lactation. Contraindications include renal and hepatic insufficiency, a high likelihood of blood clots. It is also necessary to observe the recommended timing of dietary correction, since an independent increase in the duration of dietary nutrition can cause undesirable consequences for the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The protein diet is the simplest in terms of the number of restrictions. Changing the diet does not cause such reactions of the body as weakness, dizziness, fatigue. The result of the application of the system will be not only a decrease in body weight: the manifestations of cellulite are eliminated, the condition of the skin improves. Weight goes away gradually without stress for the body, while the body weight at the end of the course is maintained for a long time.

The disadvantages of protein nutrition include the possibility of exacerbation chronic diseases and minor fluctuations in blood pressure. To prevent beriberi, you will need to take multivitamin complexes.

During the diet, you need to monitor the stool. In rare cases, high protein foods can cause constipation. For stool disorders, mild laxatives based on herbal ingredients should be taken.

A protein diet for 10 days involves fractional meals with breaks between meals no more than 3-4 hours.

During the entire period, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • it is necessary to prepare all dishes without fat, it is allowed to use two tablespoons of any vegetable oil as a dressing for salads;
  • in the morning you can eat buckwheat or oatmeal in which complex carbohydrates are present, the daily norm is no more than seven tablespoons;
  • seasoning food during cooking should be lemon juice or balsamic vinegar;
  • for better absorption of protein in between meals, you should allocate time for physical activity;
  • per day you need to drink at least two liters of water without gas;
  • diet food is not compatible with the use of alcoholic beverages.

List of foods high in protein

A large number of protein products makes it possible to include a wide variety of dishes on the menu and not feel discomfort from dietary restrictions.

10 day protein diet allows the use of:

  • chicken meat without skin and fatty layers, fillet is especially useful;
  • turkey breasts also without skin and fat;
  • beef, which is very quickly digested, saturating the body with protein;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of less than 1%;
  • canned tuna;
  • chicken eggs.

In addition to the listed products, the diet can include vegetables with a low or no starch content, fish and seafood, soy cheese, fruits (apples, oranges and grapefruits), buckwheat and oatmeal, rice. Allowed drinks are green tea, natural coffee without sugar, kefir and low-fat milk.

What should be abandoned

A complete rejection of the use of fats and carbohydrates can adversely affect the metabolic processes and cause negative consequences for the body. Strict restrictions apply only to sugar, sugary and carbonated drinks, alcohol.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, you should minimize the consumption of bread, confectionery and sweets, vegetable oil, pasta, potatoes, legumes. Permissible amount of salt per day - no more than 10 gr. It is impossible to completely refuse its use.

Sample menu by day

If a protein diet for weight loss is chosen for weight loss, the menu for 10 days will be as follows:

  • morning should start with a cup of tea or coffee without sugar, breakfast can be supplemented with two small crackers, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • between lunch and dinner, it is recommended to eat 2-3 apples, grapefruit or a few oranges;
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime, you should drink a glass of kefir with a fat content of 0.5%, or natural yogurt.

The daily menu for lunch and dinner can be as follows:

Day 1 For lunch, boil chicken fillet and prepare a salad of vegetables, seasoning it with a spoonful of vegetable oil. For dinner, a piece of boiled fish or canned tuna with a side dish of stewed cabbage is suitable.
Day 2 Lunch may consist of beef broth with one boiled egg and tomato salad with a little mayonnaise (low fat). For dinner, you can eat a portioned piece of beef with brown bread.
Day 3 For lunch, boil turkey breast, oatmeal and grate fresh beets. You can fill the salad with low-fat mayonnaise or a spoon vegetable oil. For dinner, a vegetable stew of tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and greens is suitable.
Day 4 During the day they eat two boiled eggs with buckwheat and a portion carrot salad, seasoned vegetable oil. For dinner, vegetables and pieces of fish fillet are stewed in water with the addition of a spoonful of vegetable oil. You can supplement the menu with 50 grams of soy cheese.
Day 5 For lunch, use boiled beef and fresh cabbage salad seasoned with mayonnaise. For the evening, boil a piece of chicken breast and complement it with stewed tomatoes with a spoonful of vegetable oil.
Day 6 They dine with chicken broth with a boiled egg and beetroot salad with mayonnaise dressing. It is allowed to add a piece of black bread to the broth. Dinner may consist of cottage cheese and a glass of low-fat milk.
Day 7 Boiled fish with rice porridge and stewed vegetables are suitable for a daily meal. For the evening, any vegetable salad and a steam omelet from two chicken eggs and low-fat milk are prepared.
Day 8 For lunch, vegetable soup is prepared in beef broth and one small zucchini or eggplant is baked. Dinner consists of seafood and a stew of carrots, mushrooms and tomatoes.
Day 9 An afternoon meal might consist of fish baked in foil with a few drops of lemon and herbs, and a stew of tomato, eggplant, carrots, and sweet peppers. For dinner, chicken fillet is boiled and fresh tomato salad seasoned with mayonnaise is made.
Day 10 For lunch, pieces of turkey fillet are baked and rice porridge is boiled; you can also include a vegetable salad with olive oil in the lunch menu. For dinner, a cocktail of boiled seafood is prepared and complemented with a seaweed salad.

The average serving size is 200 to 300 grams. Here is a sample menu. Dishes can be changed somewhat, the main condition for this is to use only permitted products. For everyone who finds it difficult to endure the entire period, a shortened version is recommended, in which the described nutritional scheme is applied for seven days.

A protein diet for weight loss, a 10-day menu from Elena Malysheva allows you to lose up to 5 kilograms in such a short period of time. At the same time, meat-eaters and those who are not used to debilitating diets will not even feel discomfort, ten days will fly by unnoticed.

Elena Malysheva is a well-known TV presenter of a health program on the central TV channel. She not only memorizes the text proposed by the creators of the program, but also actively participates in scientific research herself. Malysheva is a graduate, professor of medical sciences, specializes in dietary nutrition.

Elena Vasilievna, when developing her methods for proper nutrition, both from fellow doctors and from patients. At the same time, as a doctor, Malysheva is of the opinion that losing weight through debilitating fasting or a sharp restriction in food is undesirable, this does not bring the desired results. After the stress of starvation, the body will try to regain the “missing” kilograms again, they will gain even faster than before.

A feature from Elena Malysheva is that, in her opinion, for a start, a person must completely abandon the edible sodium chloride salt. Chemical substance sodium is characterized by the ability to attract fluid, which causes acquired excess weight.

Basic principles proper nutrition from E. Malysheva:

1. Refusal of sodium chloride salt.
2. Consumption of plain water from 1.5 to 3 liters. You need to get used to the norm gradually from the minimum norm, bringing the consumption to the desired volume. The water regime is necessary for the optimal balance of metabolism, the precise functioning of the digestive tract.
Water is not a high-calorie product, but it allows you to prepare for a meal and reduce the amount of food consumed, get satiated faster. Before each meal, Malysheva recommends drinking 1 glass of plain, not cold, clean water.
3. Refusal of simple fast carbohydrates. These include sweet confectionery, ice cream, milk chocolate, sugar. It is better to give preference to complex carbohydrates: cereals, vegetable fiber.
4. Eat only lean meat, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products. Severe restriction of fat intake.
5. Increasing protein meals will ensure the maintenance of muscle mass. As you know, muscle mass decreases with debilitating hunger strikes. Of particular value are proteins found in lean meats, fish, seafood, legumes and cereals, nuts and seeds.
6. Every week, E. Malysheva advises to arrange 1 unloading day. On this day, eat only buckwheat or rice, not forgetting the daily water intake.

Although Elena Malysheva is not a supporter of fast diets, she understands that there are exceptions when you need to look your best - for the approach of summer, a solemn event, or maybe being overweight has become an obstacle to finding a job? It's no secret that many employers are looking for beautiful and slender. And now, it seems that a vacancy has been found, it remains only to bring yourself into desired shape.

For such cases, Elena Malysheva has the so-called 10-day in store. Proteins are building material body cells, while they are not as high in calories as fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, a short-term increase in protein intake, subject to the basic principles of proper nutrition, will help you lose extra pounds easily and quickly, relatively harmlessly to health.

The main principle of the protein diet is a combination of "protein" and "carbohydrate" days. On the first day, the necessary proteins are consumed in boiled chicken eggs x and lean chicken. On the second day, we lose weight on a vegetable salad made from raw carbohydrate vegetables - white cabbage, beets, carrots. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and legumes, are completely eliminated during the period of the protein diet.

The basic rules of the 10-day protein diet from Elena Malysheva:

1. Start a diet with a protein day and end with a carbohydrate one.
2. You can not starve these days.
3. Distribute the prepared products in equal portions for 4-5 receptions.
4. Drink at least 2 liters of ordinary water, not counting tea and other drinks. It is recommended to dilute natural freshly prepared juices by half with water, do not add sugar to them. Start each day with a glass of water on an empty stomach
5. Eat dinner 3 hours before bed.
6. Exclude not only salt, but also spices.
7. The daily calorie intake for men is 1500, for women - 1200. It is undesirable to reduce calories so as not to feel hungry. It is advisable to learn how to calculate the calorie content of foods.
8. Chew food thoroughly, do not rush. Thus, a feeling of fullness is achieved faster.

A separate point is to highlight a positive attitude. A person must clearly see the goal and strive for it, strictly observing all the rules. For best result moderate exercise is recommended.

Menu of the 10-day diet according to Malysheva

protein day

Prepare in advance 2 boiled chicken eggs, boiled chicken weighing 1.5 kg. Distribute chicken meat in equal shares for each meal. For breakfast and dinner, eat 1 egg with herbs. In the rest of the methods - cooked chicken meat. You can add raw cucumber without salt to any meal.

To cook meat, boil the chicken carcass for 5 minutes, pour out the broth. Rinse the undercooked meat in water until the water is clear. Pour in water again and boil until tender. Do not add salt! Peel off the skin at the very end, you do not need to eat it.

carb day

Consists of 1.5 kg of raw vegetables. Prepare a salad-"brush" of white cabbage, carrots, beets. Cut everything into thin strips, mix, knead with your hands and do not salt. Add lemon juice for taste if desired.

This salad will perfectly cleanse the body of toxins, at the same time fortify the body and kill the feeling of hunger. Each meal should consist of approximately 200 g of salad. For taste, you can also add grated sweet and sour apple. The last intake of vegetables should be no later than 19 hours. You can eat it at least every hour.

Despite the fact that vegetables contain water, you still need to drink plain water up to 1.5-2 liters per day.

Elena Malysheva, in addition to the 10-day protein diet, has developed mixed diets for 7, 10, 14, 30 days.

Products you will need:

Lean meat: chicken fillet or breast, turkey fillet, lean beef or veal, horse meat or rabbit;
low-fat types of fish: cod, perch, hake, pollock, chum salmon;
dairy products: milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir;
egg whites;
vegetables: fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers.
A 7-day diet is suitable for sports people, this time is enough for them to burn excess fat.

sample menu for 7 days:

Breakfast: cottage cheese, 150 g, squirrels of 5-6 eggs, a piece of bread with bran, coffee without milk and sugar / green tea;
lunch: boiled lean meat or fish, broth, vegetable salad, grapefruit juice;
afternoon snack: vegetable salad, kefir or yogurt, 200 ml;
dinner: fish or meat (it is better not to repeat with lunch: if there was meat for lunch, then cook fish for dinner and vice versa).
Sample menu for 10 days:
breakfast: proteins from 6 eggs, beet and carrot salad, unsweetened coffee;
2nd breakfast: vegetables, bran bread;
lunch: boiled fish, 200 g, beetroot salad, green tea;
afternoon snack: low-fat kefir, 200 ml;
dinner: boiled chicken breast (200 g), carrot salad, herbal tea or weak black tea.

Sample menu for 14 days:

Breakfast: whites from 4 eggs, plus 2 whole eggs;
lunch: boiled beef, 200 g, broth, salad with vegetables, black tea;
afternoon snack: yogurt, 200 ml;
dinner: steamed fish, 200 g, beets, herbal tea or weak black tea.

Sample menu for 30 days:


Oatmeal with berries/fruits on the water.
low-fat cottage cheese with berries / fruits. Yogurt or curdled milk, 200 ml.



Lean meat/fish/poultry;
boiled egg;
fresh vegetables;

Afternoon snack:

Raw vegetable salad;
2 eggs;
low-fat kefir, 200 ml.

Cottage cheese, 200 g;
low-fat yogurt / kefir.

Reviews "for" and "against" protein and vegetable diet E. Malysheva

The positive ones are associated with its effectiveness - weight loss up to 7 kg is guaranteed in a short period. In this case, you do not need to starve, feel discomfort. The body gets everything it needs. This weight loss method is the safest. In a 10-day period, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic processes is getting better, the appearance improves: the skin acquires a healthy shade, hair stops falling out, nails become stronger. In combination with sports exercises, the result is achieved faster.

The downsides are related to what to use this method longer than Malysheva advises is not recommended. Enhanced protein nutrition can harm the kidneys, liver, heart or blood vessels. E. Malysheva recommends resorting to these dietary restrictions in extreme cases, no more than 1 time per year.
Contraindications: Allergy to the listed products, diseases of the digestive system.

To consolidate the result, you need to properly exit the diet. To do this, as long as possible, do not eat fatty foods, starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet confectionery.

An approximate menu for the next days after a protein diet:

a sandwich of rye bread and low-fat cheese;
1 cup kefir or ½ grapefruit.


Grated carrots;
low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt instead of sour cream.

200 ml liquid vegetable soup;
boiled brown rice, 50 g;
chicken meat, a small piece;
½ tomato, ½ sweet pepper, some cabbage.

Afternoon snack:

Some dried fruits;
1 glass of tomato juice.

Brown rice, ½ cup;
salad with cabbage and herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil;
½ grapefruit;
bread "Health" with bran.

A return to fatty or carbohydrate foods should be no earlier than 7 days after a 10-day protein diet. Many note a state of lightness in the stomach, after 10 days they do not want to return to fatty and sweet foods. You want to drink the usual coffee and tea without sugar, without feeling any discomfort. After such a diet, taste buds get used to salt-free food. The rejection of salt brings more positive aspects: it is getting better arterial pressure, edemas pass (if they were before).

After a short-term rejection of salt, many refuse it forever (E. Malysheva herself admitted in one of her TV shows that she had long ago abandoned sodium chloride salt). If after the start of the diet, severe ailments are felt, it is necessary to immediately stop it.