Calorie content of cauliflower in batter. Cauliflower dishes in various batter

List of recipes

Cauliflower in batter is double-cooked. First, a fresh vegetable is boiled, then its inflorescences are dipped in a thick sauce and baked or fried.
This method of cooking food reduces the content of vitamins in it, but not so much that it ceases to be useful. Everyone has the opportunity to evaluate its taste qualities independently.
If you try to compare with other cauliflower dishes, its calorie content is relatively high, but at the same time it is very tasty and healthy.
The cooking time for cabbage is 10-30 minutes, the frying time is the same. In total, cooking cauliflower in batter rarely takes more than an hour.
It should be mentioned that the finished dish from undercooked cabbage does not become less tasty. But if the vegetable is overcooked, the dish loses both its appearance and taste.
Early varieties sometimes taste bitter. To remove the bitterness, a pinch of salt is thrown into the water before boiling or vinegar is added to it. Moreover, the cooked plant must be immediately removed from the broth, otherwise it becomes not tasty.
The vegetable extracted from boiling water is immediately doused with a stream of as cold water as possible. The abrupt cessation of heating the vegetable keeps its elasticity to the inflorescences.
All the recipes for how deliciously cooked cauliflower in batter mainly differ from each other only in the composition of the batter. But there are a large number of these compositions. The following recipes will help demonstrate this.

Egg batter

This is the easiest recipe. Because of this, other similar recipes are variations of it. To implement it, we need:

We will bake them in a slow cooker. Let's break down the recipe into the following steps:

  1. Separate the inflorescences from the previously washed fork. We put them in a saucepan and fill with salted cold water... When the water boils properly, continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  2. Beat eggs with flour. The mixture should be so thick that it does not drain from the inflorescences.
  3. We take out the inflorescences from the pan, cool and dry.
  4. Pour a spoon vegetable oil into a removable bowl.
  5. Dip the inflorescences in the batter, put them in a bowl, and select the "Baking" program in the multicooker.
  6. After 20 minutes, turn off the oven and remove the finished dish from it.

The calorie content of one serving is approximately 70 kcal. Given that the calorie content of a vegetable is 30 kcal, the rest is eggs, flour and butter. This calorie content makes it possible to use the dish in the diet.

Cauliflower in cheese batter with egg is a nutritious and healthy food. The calorie content of the dish is not too high, no more than 300 kcal per serving. To prepare it we need:

We will cook these foods in this order:

  1. We remove the leaves from the head of cabbage, rinse it and sort the inflorescences. Too large - we cut. Moreover, we leave the inflorescence leg so long that it does not disintegrate.
  2. Boil the plant in salted boiling water for several minutes. We take it out and cool it down.
  3. Beat flour with egg until a semi-liquid mixture is formed.
  4. We rub the cheese and mix it with this mixture. Add a little salt, pepper, and stir again. The batter is ready.
  5. We dip the inflorescences into it and put them in a bowl, at the bottom of which is poured oil. To keep the batter better on the inflorescences, you can additionally roll them in breadcrumbs.
  6. We set the "Baking" mode to the multicooker and bake in the multicooker for a quarter of an hour. Then we open it, turn over the inflorescences, and bake for another five minutes.

The previous recipe described the preparation of a dish when the boiled vegetable was just baked in a slow cooker. Now let's consider a recipe in which all stages of heat treatment are performed in a multicooker-pressure cooker.
To prepare our dish, you will need the following ingredients:

We will cook in the following sequence:

  1. We wash the disassembled cauliflower inflorescences.
  2. Pour a glass of water into a removable bowl.
  3. We put the inflorescences in a container for steam processing and place it in a multicooker.
  4. We close the stove and set the valve switch to the “Closed” mark so that cooking takes place under pressure, and set the “Steam / Desserts” mode on the multicooker, set the timer for five minutes.
  5. Now let's get down to batter. Pour sour cream into a deep bowl, break the eggs there, salt and beat with the addition of flour, until you get a homogeneous mixture with a thickness like pancake dough.
  6. Finely chop the dill, crush the garlic wedge, add to the mixture, and mix again diligently.
  7. We take out the inflorescences from the steam container.
  8. Pour oil into a removable bowl. We set the "Frying / Frying" processing mode in the multicooker.
  9. We dip the inflorescences in batter, if desired, you can still roll them in breadcrumbs.
  10. We put them in the bowl. In the course of frying, turn them over until they are browned.
  11. The finished cauliflower in batter is laid out on a paper napkin, it will absorb the dripping fat.
  12. To make the sauce, mix sour cream with crushed garlic and salt, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
  13. We place the sauce in the center of a large dish, cauliflower in batter is laid out around it.

Cauliflower and egg prepared in this way has enough calories to give you an energy boost for the whole day.

Coated with a crispy, golden crust, breaded cauliflower looks especially tasty. It is more convenient to cook it in a pan. To do this, we must take:

We will cook the dish by performing the following steps in sequence:

  1. Let's separate the large inflorescences from the cauliflower, and cook them in salted boiling water for 10 minutes. Let us cool the inflorescences and disassemble them into small fractions.
  2. Beat eggs with pepper and salt.
  3. Mix herbs with breadcrumbs.
  4. Pour out the inflorescences in a beaten egg, then again in bread crumbs.
  5. Fry them, not forgetting to turn them over, in oil until a golden brown crust forms.

Cauliflower in breadcrumbs has a high calorie content, but its taste wins.

The recipe for this original dish suggests cooking it using the following components:

This dish is so tasty that its calorie content is no longer so important for lovers.
We will prepare it, adhering to the following procedure:

  1. We boil the selected inflorescences in boiling water, salting it. After 8 minutes, take them out and wait for the water to drain from them.
  2. Separate the white and yolk in each egg. We mix egg yolks with mineral water, sugar, flour, olive oil, pepper and salt.
  3. Beat the whites and carefully, in parts, add them to the batter.
  4. Heat a large amount of vegetable oil to a boil in a deep fryer.
  5. We dip the inflorescences one by one into the batter, then fry in boiling oil. During frying, turn over to the other side. When the cauliflower in batter turns golden, remove it from the deep fryer.

To prevent the batter from draining too much from the inflorescences, you can roll them in breadcrumbs before frying.

Cauliflower is an unusual and very healthy product. It contains proteins, vitamins and amino acids. Many delicious and very appetizing dishes are prepared from cabbage inflorescences.
Also, the vegetable is rich in fiber and natural sugars. In general, cabbage contains a very complex chemical composition, which includes: chlorine, iron, magnesium, zinc and many other substances that are quite useful for the human body.
Despite its rich compound, the vegetable is not at all high in calories. One hundred grams of inflorescences contains only 30 kcal. At the same time, cabbage is a rather satisfying vegetable. But given the fact that the energy value product low, cauliflower, is an ideal ingredient for diets.
Cabbage inflorescences are eaten both raw and boiled. Also, nothing prevents us from trying fried cabbage. It tastes good in batter. Of course, there are more calories in such a dish than just boiled ones. For fried, it will be 120 kcal per hundred grams of the finished product, in turn, boiled contains 30 kcal. For cabbage in batter, the percentage of calories is increased by the flour used in the recipe and is 157.18 kcal per 100 g.
In short, cauliflower is the dream of all nutritionists!

Colored, because it looks like a bouquet of peculiar flowers, it is very useful and, contrary to popular belief that everything useful can be eaten only with an effort of will, incredibly tasty. In addition, the inclusion of this product in the diet will help reduce the total calorie content of food consumed - cabbage adds almost nothing, despite the fact that it gives a feeling of fullness even after a small portion.

After this short introduction, you can proceed to cooking nourishing cabbage, delicious food, according to a recipe that has become a classic.

Cauliflower in batter: a classic recipe

You need to put a pot of water on the stove, while it boils, you can do several useful actions.

First, the batter is prepared. Eggs are broken into a bowl, then milk is poured, flour is added in small portions, while stirring. All this is whipped so that there are no lumps. The consistency of the batter should be like sour cream.

The inflorescences must be cut off from the cabbage, if the water in the pan is already boiling, then the inflorescences pour into it. Boil for only 3-5 minutes, then remove the cabbage with a slotted spoon, put on a dish to cool.

A frying pan with a lot of oil is placed on the fire, the oil should boil. Each inflorescence should be dipped in oil and fried in oil, while the pieces should simply float in it.

As soon as they take on an appetizing golden color, they must be pulled out, preferably on napkins, so that they do not have excess oil on them.

Before serving, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs, sprinkle with ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream (this will increase the calorie content of the dish).

Broccoli in cheese batter

You can make the taste more sophisticated by adding grated cheese to the batter.

For cooking you will need:

  • Cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Flour - 0.5 cups;
  • Egg;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

It will take at least 45-50 minutes to cook, the calorie content of the resulting dish is 810 kcal with a weight of about 700 g.

Put a pot of water on the stove. Rinse the cabbage, divide into inflorescences. Pour cabbage into boiled water, cook for no more than 3-5 minutes. After cooking, it must be thrown into a colander, allowed to drain off the water.

Put the pan on little fire, pour oil so that the pieces are at least half in it.

Beat the egg, gradually adding flour in the process. Stir until smooth. Add the grated cheese to the batter, add salt and pepper to taste.

Cabbage inflorescences are dipped in batter one by one and laid out in a pan.

Carefully monitor the frying process, as soon as the pieces acquire a golden color, they must be removed with a slotted spoon, put on paper napkins so that there is no excess fat on them, then laid out beautifully on a dish.

How to cook deep-fried cabbage inflorescences

Cooking crispy, light cabbage deep-fried, you can also serve it with deep-fried pieces of vegetables and sprigs of greens.

You will need:

  • Cauliflower - 2 heads of cabbage;
  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Beer - 1 glass;
  • Spices to taste: turmeric, pepper, cumin, paprika, chili, garlic, and others.

Dishes in batter do not cook in five minutes, so you should expect to spend at least 40 minutes on this (not including washing the dishes after).

Excellent taste, satiety and almost complete absence of calories - 1400 kcal for almost 2 kg of product at the output.

Cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences, it should be washed very well.

The deep fat fryer is filled with oil, heats up.

Sprinkle the inflorescences with flour, mix, then place in the dough, mix, add seasonings and spices along the way ... And mix.

Next, you just need to take the cabbage and place it in boiling oil. When the pieces reach an even golden color, remove and lay out on paper napkins to remove excess oil. You can even dry it slightly with napkins.

Crispy cabbage in a spicy dough - incredibly delicious!

is a must-try recipe, especially if you have a pike in your fridge.

Recipe for pork kebab on kefir, how to make.

Do you know how to properly cook a Christmas goose with apples in the oven? What else can be added for the juiciness of meat, cooks.

Cauliflower in butter batter, baked in the oven

In the oven, you can make a delicious casserole with herbs and cheese. The difference from deep-fried dishes is that prepared cabbage, placed in a mold, is simply poured with batter.

For oven-baked cauliflower, you will need:

  • Cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • Cheese - 150 g;
  • A glass of milk;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Breadcrumbs - 3 tablespoons (can be replaced with flour);
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

It will take 45 minutes to cook, to save time, you can turn on the oven in advance and heat it to 170-180 0.

The dish is low-calorie, like everything made from cauliflower - 1220 kcal.

Cauliflower should be washed and disassembled into inflorescences, cheese should be grated on a coarse grater.

In the slightly warmed milk, put butter, cut into pieces, it should melt completely.

Thoroughly washed greens are crushed.

Breadcrumbs, cheese, herbs, salt, pepper are mixed in a bowl, then milk is poured in with butter, you need to mix again.

Now you need to form a casserole: cabbage is first laid out in the mold, then the prepared mixture with milk is poured. It should completely cover the cabbage. First you need to pour out half, then, if it becomes clear that the mixture is not enough, add a little milk to it and pour the cabbage completely.

You need to bake for half an hour, of which 15 minutes, the casserole should be covered with foil, then it must be removed.

Before serving, you can sprinkle with herbs or sprinkle with grated cheese, although without this it will be very tasty.

By the way, you can bake in the oven in separate pieces, just dip them in batter and lay them on a baking sheet (preheated and oiled).

Cooking tips

  1. The oil should be well heated. You can put a piece of bread to check, if something like a boil starts around it - you can start preparing the dish. If you have to add oil during the process, you must give it time to warm up to the desired temperature (140-150 °). For accurate determination, you can purchase a special thermometer;
  2. At the optimum cooking temperature, the product is not soaked in oil. After the finished product is taken out of the oil, it is necessary to dry it with napkins, this will prevent the absorption of fats;
  3. Roasting time - no more than 1-2 minutes;
  4. To make the batter airy, you can use it instead of water mineral water, beer or kvass. In recipes where there is sour cream, you can replace it with kefir;
  5. To eliminate the taste of oil in the finished dish, you can add a little alcohol to the batter dough;
  6. You can use olive oil as deep fat, then frying will add a very small amount of calories;
  7. It is better to boil cabbage in a small amount of water, and it is better not to pour the resulting broth - it contains a lot of useful things. It can be used to make sauce or vegetable soup;
  8. To prevent the loss of vitamins, it can be scalded in a double boiler. If the cabbage has been boiled in a saucepan, at the end of cooking it must be removed immediately - its taste deteriorates from being in hot water;
  9. Other spices and herbs can be added to the batter: garlic, turmeric (to give the batter a delicate and appetizing shade), paprika, and a mixture of herbs.

Bon Appetit!

List of recipes

Cauliflower in batter is double-cooked. First, a fresh vegetable is boiled, then its inflorescences are dipped in a thick sauce and baked or fried.
This method of cooking food reduces the content of vitamins in it, but not so much that it ceases to be useful. Everyone has the opportunity to evaluate its taste qualities independently.
If you try to compare with other cauliflower dishes, its calorie content is relatively high, but at the same time it is very tasty and healthy.
The cooking time for cabbage is 10-30 minutes, the frying time is the same. In total, cooking cauliflower in batter rarely takes more than an hour.
It should be mentioned that the finished dish from undercooked cabbage does not become less tasty. But if the vegetable is overcooked, the dish loses both its appearance and taste.
Early varieties sometimes taste bitter. To remove the bitterness, a pinch of salt is thrown into the water before boiling or vinegar is added to it. Moreover, the cooked plant must be immediately removed from the broth, otherwise it becomes not tasty.
The vegetable extracted from boiling water is immediately doused with a stream of as cold water as possible. The abrupt cessation of heating the vegetable keeps its elasticity to the inflorescences.
All the recipes for how deliciously cooked cauliflower in batter mainly differ from each other only in the composition of the batter. But there are a large number of these compositions. The following recipes will help demonstrate this.

Egg batter

This is the easiest recipe. Because of this, other similar recipes are variations of it. To implement it, we need:

We will bake them in a slow cooker. Let's break down the recipe into the following steps:

  1. Separate the inflorescences from the previously washed fork. We put them in a saucepan and fill with salted cold water. When the water boils properly, we continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  2. Beat eggs with flour. The mixture should be so thick that it does not drain from the inflorescences.
  3. We take out the inflorescences from the pan, cool and dry.
  4. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into a removable bowl.
  5. Dip the inflorescences in the batter, put them in a bowl, and select the "Baking" program in the multicooker.
  6. After 20 minutes, turn off the oven and remove the finished dish from it.

The calorie content of one serving is approximately 70 kcal. Given that the calorie content of a vegetable is 30 kcal, the rest is eggs, flour and butter. This calorie content makes it possible to use the dish in the diet.

Cauliflower in cheese batter with egg is a nutritious and healthy food. The calorie content of the dish is not too high, no more than 300 kcal per serving. To prepare it we need:

We will cook these foods in this order:

  1. We remove the leaves from the head of cabbage, rinse it and sort the inflorescences. Too large - we cut. Moreover, we leave the inflorescence leg so long that it does not disintegrate.
  2. Boil the plant in salted boiling water for several minutes. We take it out and cool it down.
  3. Beat flour with egg until a semi-liquid mixture is formed.
  4. We rub the cheese and mix it with this mixture. Add a little salt, pepper, and stir again. The batter is ready.
  5. We dip the inflorescences into it and put them in a bowl, at the bottom of which is poured oil. To keep the batter better on the inflorescences, you can additionally roll them in breadcrumbs.
  6. We set the "Baking" mode to the multicooker and bake in the multicooker for a quarter of an hour. Then we open it, turn over the inflorescences, and bake for another five minutes.

The previous recipe described the preparation of a dish when the boiled vegetable was just baked in a slow cooker. Now let's consider a recipe in which all stages of heat treatment are performed in a multicooker-pressure cooker.
To prepare our dish, you will need the following ingredients:

We will cook in the following sequence:

  1. We wash the disassembled cauliflower inflorescences.
  2. Pour a glass of water into a removable bowl.
  3. We put the inflorescences in a container for steam processing and place it in a multicooker.
  4. We close the stove and set the valve switch to the “Closed” mark so that cooking takes place under pressure, and set the “Steam / Desserts” mode on the multicooker, set the timer for five minutes.
  5. Now let's get down to batter. Pour sour cream into a deep bowl, break the eggs there, salt and beat with the addition of flour, until you get a homogeneous mixture with a thickness like pancake dough.
  6. Finely chop the dill, crush the garlic wedge, add to the mixture, and mix again diligently.
  7. We take out the inflorescences from the steam container.
  8. Pour oil into a removable bowl. We set the "Frying / Frying" processing mode in the multicooker.
  9. We dip the inflorescences in batter, if desired, you can still roll them in breadcrumbs.
  10. We put them in the bowl. In the course of frying, turn them over until they are browned.
  11. The finished cauliflower in batter is laid out on a paper napkin, it will absorb the dripping fat.
  12. To make the sauce, mix sour cream with crushed garlic and salt, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
  13. We place the sauce in the center of a large dish, cauliflower in batter is laid out around it.

Cauliflower and egg prepared in this way has enough calories to give you an energy boost for the whole day.

Coated with a crispy, golden crust, breaded cauliflower looks especially tasty. It is more convenient to cook it in a pan. To do this, we must take:

We will cook the dish by performing the following steps in sequence:

  1. Let's separate the large inflorescences from the cauliflower, and cook them in salted boiling water for 10 minutes. Let us cool the inflorescences and disassemble them into small fractions.
  2. Beat eggs with pepper and salt.
  3. Mix herbs with breadcrumbs.
  4. Pour out the inflorescences in a beaten egg, then again in bread crumbs.
  5. Fry them, not forgetting to turn them over, in oil until a golden brown crust forms.

Cauliflower in breadcrumbs has a high calorie content, but its taste wins.

The recipe for this original dish suggests cooking it using the following components:

This dish is so tasty that its calorie content is no longer so important for lovers.
We will prepare it, adhering to the following procedure:

  1. We boil the selected inflorescences in boiling water, salting it. After 8 minutes, take them out and wait for the water to drain from them.
  2. Separate the white and yolk in each egg. Mix egg yolks with mineral water, sugar, flour, olive oil, pepper and salt.
  3. Beat the whites and carefully, in parts, add them to the batter.
  4. Heat a large amount of vegetable oil to a boil in a deep fryer.
  5. We dip the inflorescences one by one into the batter, then fry in boiling oil. During frying, turn over to the other side. When the cauliflower in batter turns golden, remove it from the deep fryer.

To prevent the batter from draining too much from the inflorescences, you can roll them in breadcrumbs before frying.

Greetings, yummy lovers. The English have a proverb: "The best flowers are cabbage flowers." You probably guessed that it comes about cauliflower. It is she who will be the main ingredient in this recipe. And today I will share one of my favorite recipes - cauliflower in batter.

Why is cauliflower useful?

The calorie content per 100 grams of inflorescences fried in batter is 78.3 kcal. Here proteins are in the lead - there are 5.1 g. Fats are in second place of honor - 4.8 g. Carbohydrates, however, contain 4.1 g.

Its chemical composition is rich and diverse. It contains many vitamins - thiamine, B6, K, pantothenic acid, folic acid, ascorbic acid, PP. In addition, there is sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, selenium, copper, zinc. It also contains amino acids, fiber and fatty acids.

By the way, the fiber contained in cauliflower is much softer than that of its close "relatives". Let's say kohlrabi, broccoli or white cabbage. That is why cauliflower has a special effect on the intestinal microflora.

In addition, scientists unanimously repeat about the oncoprotective properties of the product. Regular consumption this vegetable crop reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors. In addition, cauliflower has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. And the low calorie content of the product makes it very popular among those who are struggling with excess weight.

How to choose the right vegetable

When choosing this product, pay close attention to it appearance... Do not buy cauliflower if:

  • inflorescences loosely adjoin each other. This vegetable is overripe, therefore there are few useful elements left in it;
  • the surface of the inflorescences has specks or damp areas. Because this product has already begun to deteriorate;
  • cabbage has sluggish foliage and does not hold its shape, which means it has been stored for a long time.

Usually, the inflorescences of the purchased product are whitish or slightly yellowish in color. However, on sale I even saw cabbage with bright green and even purple inflorescences. To be honest, I thought it was some kind of GMO mutant 🙂 It turns out not - there are such varieties.

How to prepare a dish

This recipe came to me when I wanted a change. Well, honestly, I'm just tired of boiling cabbage and then frying it in a lot of oil. That's all I could think of with this vegetable before. Somehow I got tired of all this. And the thought haunted me that cauliflower is such a healthy vegetable. And first I boil vitamins into broth, which I then pour into the pipe.

You always want your food to be both tasty and healthy. I found this recipe on the Internet a long time ago. I liked that the dish was cooked without eggs and decided to try it. I like it. The outside is a crispy cheese crust, and the inside is a fresh vegetable.

But I didn’t stop at the achieved result. I began to experiment with spices. From personal experience, I tried to find out which spices are best suited.

Cooking is incredibly simple. In a bowl, mix the flour and salt. Then water is slowly introduced here. You should get a homogeneous mixture. And they mix this mass with cheese.

Cauliflower is thoroughly washed under running water. Disassemble it into inflorescences. And then each of them is divided into small pieces. Well, such a size that you could eat in 2 bites.

Then you need to heat the oil in a frying pan. Dip the pieces into the cheese batter and place them in hot oil. By the way, if you wish, you can still roll the pieces in breadcrumbs - you get a very tender crust.

This dish is also suitable for those who follow the figure and want to pamper themselves with this dish. Only I advise you not to fry, but to bake in the oven in the grill mode. It will take 15 minutes at 230 degrees.

Well, here is the promised step by step recipe... I think that the photos attached to the recipe will awaken your appetite. Enjoy cooking. And unsubscribe in the comments about your impressions of the dish.


200 ml

100 g