What to download to a football player in the gym. Strength training of a football player - training program “Legionnaire. How football players train

Watching the game of our favorite team, we have become accustomed to the fact that the players endure long, physically exhausting matches. But how do athletes achieve such results - the ability to move around the arena without interruption and give out great goals? About Features training process in football, read on.

What does the daily training of a professional football player look like?

Professional sports require not just preparation, but painstaking work on oneself, in a strict and regular manner. The core workout contains the following components:

  • endurance development;
  • strength exercises;
  • work on speed, agility and flexibility.

How do players train their endurance?

This indicator is one of the most important for a football player, it determines the ability to maintain effective action in the arena without their reduction. A weakened and slow player will not be able to score a goal, the opponent will easily take the ball away from him. Therefore, endurance needs regular training and improvement.


The higher this parameter, the lower the fatigue, the body is able to withstand longer loads. Strength endurance is developed through weight training, which includes squats, lunges, push-ups, and other moves. On average, up to 20 different exercises are used, each takes about 60 seconds.

The weight of dumbbells or barbells is selected strictly individually.


This type of stamina means the ability to drastically increase the speed of movement during the game. Its development includes many trainings:

  • fartlek (running with periodic accelerations);
  • running options (with overcoming an obstacle course, with jumps, uniform runs);
  • a bike;
  • swimming;
  • sports walking;
  • skis.

Other types of loads can be used, up to 50 minutes are spent daily on training. This increases aerobic capacity.

Training Features

Complexes of exercises in total can take from 1.5 to 3 hours, in addition, this includes working out various activities and tactics in the game. An experienced coach is able to discern the existing shortcomings of each team member and focuses on their elimination.

Special trainings

Athletes who have achieved outstanding results (Ronaldo, Beckham and others) are not limited to the prescribed training schedule. They often devote a lot of personal time to hone their skills.

For example, the famous Messi, in collaboration with Dr. Giuliano Poser, developed his own training program, which was based on proper nutrition.

The training process of the football legend, one of the most difficult in professional sports, contains two separate complexes, the first one trains linear speed, the second - multidirectional. Each workout is divided into 3 stages. The results of such intense and flawless work are visible in the striker's excellent game.


Athletes pay a lot of attention to food. Strict regime prohibits the use of sugar and fats, fast food, mayonnaise, smoked, fried and pickled foods. Many professionals completely exclude alcohol, coffee and energy drinks.

A typical daily diet consists of 3 meals:

  • breakfast consists of porridge, muesli and a fruit drink (or water);
  • for lunch, vegetable stew and lean meat stew are served;
  • dinner - fresh vegetables, lean fish (or seafood).

On a note! The menu regularly contains nutritional supplements. They increase protein levels, which means they support growth muscle mass and are an excellent source of carbohydrates that store the athlete's energy.

Enough rest

Good rest forms the normal rhythm of the body, restores the expended strength. This includes the proper organization of nutrition, sleep, sufficient breaks between active phases. A strict and regular regime will help to avoid overwork and other negative phenomena.

A sample plan for a footballer's day:

  • 7 am rise;
  • up to 7-30 charging;
  • 7-40 cold showers;
  • 8-00 breakfast;
  • up to 10-30 leisure(cycling, dancing, etc.);
  • 10-30 - 13-00 training sessions, shower;
  • 13-00 - 14-00 rest;
  • until 14-30 lunch time;
  • 14-30 - 17-00 active rest;
  • 17-00 – 19-00 theoretical classes(discussions of matches, possible game tactics, etc.) or additional training;
  • 19-00 - 20-00 rest;
  • until 20-30 dinner;
  • 20-30 - 22.50 - personal time;
  • 23-00 hang up.

On a note! Sleep is of particular importance, it directly affects health and performance. Each person has individual traits, but it is important to avoid insomnia. Increased expenditure of strength and energy require longer sleep.

More water

Physical activity contributes to the evaporation of fluid from the body, which, in turn, increases fatigue, reduces endurance and other indicators. During the day, it is customary to regularly drink water in small quantities, without waiting for an attack of thirst.. On average, half a cup is consumed every 20 minutes of intense exercise.

It is interesting! During matches, players drink either special drinks containing proteins and vitamins, or distilled water without salts and other impurities. Juices and soda are banned because of their diuretic effect.

Great mood

A positive attitude improves the psychological state of football players, contributes to the best realization of their capabilities in sports. In an angry, irritated or nervous state, the player will not be able to concentrate on the important moments of the tournament, is capable of inadequate actions, and gets tired physically faster.

The purpose of the training is to increase strength, strengthen leg muscles and prevent injury.

In the process of playing football, the most actively developing are the gluteal, quadriceps and calf muscles. If you do not pay attention to the development of other groups and muscles of antagonists, this can lead to injuries. In addition, a balanced and even development of all leg muscles will lead to an increase in power and the main “working” muscles. Injuries associated with damage to the muscles of the back of the thigh (biceps femoris) or adductor muscles (groin) are among the four most common injuries in football players - the development and strengthening of these muscles is necessary. Also among the "leaders" are injuries to the ligaments of the knee and ankle, the likelihood of which can also be reduced by strengthening the muscles that provide movement for these joints. In addition to injury prevention, such training provides muscle growth, and, as a result, endurance and speed improve - that is, the benefits of training are obvious.
Let's get started.

We start with warm-up movements, paying attention to the muscles and joints that we will train. We do a warm-up from top to bottom, it takes 5-7 minutes.
In all exercises, breathing is important: we breathe calmly, deeply and not often, exhaling at each effort and inhaling the returning part of the exercise. Rest between sets 1-1.5 minutes, in all exercises, except for the last two.

1. Squats(quadriceps, gluteal and adductor muscles). Starting position: legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet slightly apart. Wider legs and 45% turned feet will shift the load from the hips to the buttocks. You can adjust the position depending on your goals. Please note that the knees should bend in the same direction as the feet. This is generally an important rule: knees over the feet - it is desirable to constantly observe it during exercises, running, playing.
This is the initial exercise, the transition from the warm-up, the weight does not matter here. We do 3 approaches, the first conditionally warm-up - without weight. In the second approach, we take a couple of kilograms in our hands, in the third a couple more. The number of repetitions is 25.

2. Russian slopes(biceps femoris). So in his book D. Kirkendal calls them. There are various options for performing, you can fix the legs on the bench, or they can be held by a partner (parent). When performing, we keep the line of the hips and back straight, do not bend or protrude anything. The athlete bends over as much as he can without arms, then pushes himself to the end with arms and a “spring” and pulls himself to the starting position with his hamstrings (it will be clearer on the video). The exercise very accurately hits the lower part of the back of the thigh. In the first approach, we do a little before reaching failure, leaving strength for the second approach. In the second, we do it to failure. It can be 6-7 times and 15-20 times, as it turns out. The exercise is not simple, we are not chasing quantity.

3. Football swings(quadriceps, hip flexors and abs). First, they spied on the training of the main team "Cherno More", then they saw it in other places. This is a popular football exercise. The movement imitates running: we strive to move sharply, raise the knee high and “throw out” the lower leg / foot. We do with a tourniquet, if there is no tourniquet, you can do it with weighting agents that are worn on the leg. And it is possible with both, but not immediately, first to strengthen. 2 sets for each leg 25 times.

4. Leading the leg to the side standing on all fours (medium and small gluteal). Standing on all fours with a flat back, we take the leg to the side. It is advisable not to move the body / lower back. It is not difficult to feel that the exercise is performed correctly: it will “clog”, and then the outer part of the buttock will hurt. Small and medium gluteal (not only they, but mostly) are responsible for abducting the leg to the side. There are many such movements in football, but the main thing in football is a specific run - from side to side, not in a straight line. With such a run, these muscles constantly work. 2 sets per leg for 25 reps.

5. Flattening the legs(adductor muscles). You need a site with a slippery floor, you can put towels under your feet or, like us, protection for your lower leg - the main thing is that it slides easily. We adjust the load, transferring the weight from feet to hands, the support must be stable. Slowly, under control, we drive away and move out. 2 times for 20-25 repetitions.

6. Lunges(complex: gluteus, quadriceps, hamstrings). This exercise involves many muscles - the most complex. If there are time limits, or a full workout will seem like an overload (that is, for complete beginners), then strengthening the legs can be started with it: warm up and do 3-4 sets of lunges and then stretch. After a couple of such workouts, you can gradually increase the number of exercises. We do lunges on the spot, but in general there are many variations. Lunges back or forward with a return: the first accentuates the load on the buttock, the second on the thigh. Side lunges, spade lunges, Bulgarian lunges, and so on. For each leg, do 2 sets of 25 times. The leg that is weaker is placed first back.

7. Dismount from the bench(muscles that flex the leg at the hip joint, quadriceps, adductor, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles). This is one of the main exercises for injury prevention. The basis of such prevention is neuromuscular control over the position of the ankle, knee and hip joints. In this exercise, we control the load on the listed joints. During the landing, we “extinguish” the impact energy successively with the feet, knees and hip joint. The maximum load falls on the first link - the ankle, then the knee and the rest on hip joint. It is important to maintain a stable body position, to avoid strong vibrations, otherwise most of the load will fall on the knees. It is also important not to allow the knees to deviate to the sides when landing. During a match, situations where soft landings and balance are required are common. As the skill grows, you can complicate the exercise by jumping a little forward or picking up, for example, a soccer ball. 2 series of jumps 25 times. Climbing a bench / cabinet should be done with different legs: either alternately, or with one foot in the first series and the other foot in the second series.

8. Calf raise(calf and soleus). This is a dumb non-standard exercise: the amplitude is truncated, we “cut off” ¼ from above and below. We do it on the floor, therefore it’s simple with the lower part of the amplitude: during the entire exercise we don’t touch the floor with our heels, we almost bring it up, but we don’t touch it. WITH top it’s also not difficult: we don’t contract the muscle completely, we don’t finish it a little. The calf has a feeling of "reduction" with a constant full contraction, especially with fixation, without bringing the contraction to the end, we avoid this moment. We do in series: 40 seconds of work and 40 rest. The pace is average, not fast. We make 5 working series, but in general, according to the state, less is possible.
And the important point is the following: 40 seconds of work, this is a guideline, in general there should be a burning sensation in the muscles, they “clog”. After this sensation, it is optimal to do 1-2 more times. If it takes 30 seconds, not 40, it's okay, so be it. It is important to work "to a burning sensation" + 1-2 repetitions.

9. Squats with a truncated amplitude(slow quadriceps fibers). This is another football exercise. I would even say that this exercise is the "star" of our program.
The structure of muscle tissue (the ratio of slow and fast fibers) in children is not constant; with adulthood, there is a change in favor of an increase in the proportion of fast muscle fibers. This is a natural process. This is also why it is worth strengthening and developing slow fibers. To put it simply, it is these slow muscle fibers that provide relatively easy work, general endurance. Fast, in turn, are responsible for sharpness, speed, power. The mechanics of the work of muscle tissue and anabolic factors are described in detail and in an accessible way by V.N. Siluyanov (Isoton training system and many other works) or, for example, A.V. Samsonova. (Hypertrophy of human skeletal muscles). For us in this exercise, it is important that we work according to the following principles: 1) slow movements 2) truncated amplitude 3) perform 35-40 seconds of work and 40 rest in series and 4) work until burning + 1-2 repetitions. From this description it is clear that in the previous calf exercise there was a similar work. We do the same 5 episodes. We try to squat while keeping our back straight to the state when the thigh is almost parallel to the floor, we get up without straightening completely, but to the state when the thigh is 45% to the floor. Weight is not needed here. If you have not performed such exercises yourself - try it, evaluate the effect.
It is worth saying that an increase in performance (strengthening) when working with slow muscle fibers occurs after 3-4 workouts. Also, if you are training the slow fibers in the same workout as the fast ones (i.e. regular exercises), it is worth doing it at the end, the last exercises.

Here is a video of our workout. I think it will be clear what and how we are doing, but if not, ask, we will clarify.

As part of the teams of their countries 4 American players participate in the World Cup football club"Los Angeles": defender Laurent Siman (Belgium), defender/midfielder Omar Gaber (Egypt), forwards Marcos Ureña (Costa Rica) and Carlos Vela (Mexico). Daniel Guzman, head coach of the Los Angeles club, was assigned to coach the players. “It is impossible to properly prepare the players for the championship in two weeks. I think six months is the best time. Athletes must be in excellent shape. Therefore, we opened the training season earlier than expected: not in March, but in January, ”the coach explained.

“The legs of a football player are his engine” - this is the most important rule that both coaches and athletes follow when preparing for competitions. And in order for this motor to work smoothly and pull at full power (and on average, in one match, a football player overcomes about 10 km with intensive running), you need to work hard on its preparation.

Therefore, Guzman focused on strength exercises for the legs and told MN what an athlete must go through so that they do not buckle at the most crucial moment.

Daniel Guzman. photo: REX/Fotodom.ru

Intensive running from line to line

4-8 reps

Guzman ranks this exercise as one of the most effective in terms of hardening the sports spirit. “At the same time, you should not run with all your might, but increase speed and return gradually,” the coach explains.

Run from gate to gate

4-8 reps

“The length of the football field is from 90 to 120 meters. On the whistle, the player runs from one end of the field to the other, each time accelerating his pace. The main thing is not to slow down and maintain speed throughout the exercise,” advises the coach, adding that a professional athlete should overcome this distance in 8–12 seconds.

Zigzag from cone to cone

6 reps in 60 seconds

6 cones are placed in 2 rows of 3 pieces. The distance between the rows is 5 meters, the distance between the cones is also 5 meters. Moving in a zigzag pattern from cone to cone, the player has to alternate frequent and small steps with regular running.

“Run around the cones with a snake and, once at the last one, run at full strength diagonally to the first cone of the second row. Do the same and return to the first cone. It will be one repetition. Guzmán players must complete six reps per minute.

This drill sharpens the player's reaction time and allows them to quickly change direction during a game without losing speed or intensity.

photo: TASS Newsreel

Split squat with dumbbell

This exercise develops the gluteal muscles, biceps femoris and quadriceps and increases the mobility of the hips, which will provide impressive strength to your lower body. The distance between the feet should not be too large. “The split squat position is usually taken by a football player before a sharp increase in speed for a long distance, so the champion definitely needs this exercise,” Guzman explains.

Reverse lunges with a dumbbell

3 sets of 5 reps per leg

Take a dumbbell in your hands, keeping it level chest. Take a step back with either foot, while the second should remain in place. Squat down while inhaling, keeping your body straight. The knee of the front leg should remain in line with the foot and not go back, forming a developed angle in the knee joint; the lower leg should be strictly perpendicular to the floor. As you exhale, push off the floor with your back foot, return to the starting position.

Romanian deadlift on one leg with a dumbbell

3 sets of 5 reps per leg

Take a dumbbell in your hand and place it at your hip. Stretch your other arm out to the side for balance. Stand up straight, take your left leg slightly back, inhale and as you exhale begin to feed the body forward, slightly bending the knee of your right leg and at the same time moving your free left leg until it becomes parallel to the floor. Hold at the end point for 1-2 counts and then return to the starting position while inhaling.

Farmer's walk with dumbbells

50 meters

The Farmer's Walk is an integral part of the training program for experienced athletes. This is a very effective exercise that develops the main muscle groups, as well as increases strength, muscle endurance and strengthens the ligaments and joints. Take dumbbells in your hands, straighten your back, bring your shoulder blades together, bend a little, raise your head, take a breath and start moving. Take small steps, gradually picking up the pace.

For those who want to become a real professional football player

The material is addressed to football players, their parents and friends, coaches, school physical teachers, everyone who can help a football player in his sports career. The method of individual preparation for the game, which we offer, is an exclusively practical experience gained in the process of working with players of various levels of training and age, in the team and outside the team.

Almost all methodical literature on the topic "individual training of football players" is intended for coaches working in youth sports schools, football academies or in professional teams, i.e. trainers who are sufficiently prepared theoretically and have experience working with a strictly defined contingent of athletes involved.

But football is played by different categories of athletes who have different abilities in terms of their physical data, family circumstances, limited time, etc., and therefore pursue different goals in sports. Millions of people play in amateur teams for their enterprises, universities, army units, in the championships of cities and regions. This is a huge army of football fans, unfamiliar with the specific terminology and principles of Theory. Physical Education, but which also needs recommendations that are accessible in the form of presentation. They are no less than professionals, responsibly, to the best of their ability, prepare for the upcoming games, play recklessly, completely devote themselves to wrestling and want to avoid injuries in order to continue their work, study, and service tomorrow. And among them there are many young people who still dream of a professional career in football and not only as a player.

In my youth, I was involved in athletics, where very important place takes functional training. Then for many years he was engaged in individual physical training of football players, where the main goal of the training was to achieve a high functional state for the upcoming games. In parallel with the classes in their teams, the players additionally trained in groups of 3-4 people. In one of the groups of young football players was my son Andrey, who started playing football seriously at the age of 12 in a simple school section and already at the age of 17 he played in a professional team. Later, in Germany, I happened to be engaged in individual physical training of the amateur league player H. Maslar, who later played in the team of the 1st German Bundesliga. Some experience has accumulated and, having studied quite a lot of literature on this topic, I made some discoveries and conclusions for myself, which I would like to present here.


1) help young players and coaches

2) draw more attention to the functional training of the players.

3) involve more stakeholders in the preparation of athletes. We can consider this an appeal and a guide to action for those football players who are not sure about their sporting future. Also, experienced footballers will find a lot of interesting things here. I will be glad if you discover something new for yourself here!

For football players

You want to be the best in every game, you want to become a professional. Remember, in one of the games you succeeded in everything; accurate shots and passes, won all martial arts, managed to score everywhere and scored a goal, avoided injuries and was less tired than usual. It was not random luck, you were at the peak of your fitness. This form can be dialed for each game due to individual additional training. An example training plan can be found below.

Remember, selective coaches invite only those players who consistently show their best qualities to the teams.


This work will allow you to draw up plans for the physical and technical training of players in an individual mode or as part of a team in a matter of minutes. A modular form of these plans can be printed from our computer program on the Internet AT: WWW. FOOTBALL-MASGUT.com. You can easily make your own amendments to the proposed plan and more accurately distribute the load, with relatively small amounts of training work, achieve best results. It is better to control the functional state of the players. Involve more stakeholders in the training process who can help you prepare high-class football players.


Your son plays football, you want to help him do it professionally, avoid injury and become successful in later life. You can help him! To do this, you do not need to have a higher physical education. You will find here a lot of useful information presented in an accessible form. Further, in the method of individual preparation for games, the most effective exercises are given, during which your help will be invaluable.


In a football match of any level, you can see at least 3-4 situations when a player kicks at the opponents' goal and misses the goal, although no one interfered, and it was close to the goal. At the same time, we hear the commentator's words: "... he was aiming at the left near corner, but the accuracy was a little lacking ..." In fact, the player just hit the ball, and it flew as it was hit. The leg, unlike the muzzle of a gun, does not have strict geometric shapes, which means that hitting the ball cannot be 100% aimed. Therefore, to achieve the accuracy of strikes, passes and maintain this quality throughout the entire playing career, it is possible only by constant repetition. This is the first and most important condition. The same can be said about other technical skills and physical qualities.

The second condition necessary for a football player to realize his best qualities in the game is the ability to manage his functional state.

It is no secret that the main cause of instability in the playing season and the vast majority of injuries received by football players in games is the deterioration of the functional state, the inability to prepare the body for the upcoming game. A football player enters the field to play in insufficiently high sports form and tries to fulfill the tasks of the coach. As a result, bruises, sprains or more severe injuries received in martial arts. A vivid example of this is the injury of the goalkeeper of the Russian national team I. Akinfeev, received in a collision with Welliton. It seems that if Akinfeev were in better shape at that time, he would have managed to group up and save his (already weakened by the operation) leg.

Thousands of young talents want to become football professionals, they play and train for years, they know what to do on the field, they have excellent technique, sometimes (unfortunately, only sometimes) they show the highest skill. But in the end, they lose perspective and, at best, play in amateur leagues or leave this wonderful game due to injuries or ignorance of how to climb further, how to continue their career as a football player. Need to study!

The main thing is to learn how to manage your functional state (sports form), especially during the competitive period. Only in the state of the highest sports form during the competition, an athlete can the best way to realize their moral-volitional, physical and technical capabilities, to avoid injuries. The football player must come to this state at the end of each inter-game cycle, that is, to the game.

Exercises for individual training

Individual training cannot be at the expense of team training, it must be extremely short in time and not boring. Exercises must meet the objectives of physical and technical training, be as effective as possible and easily controlled in terms of volume and intensity, so careful selection of exercises for these workouts is necessary.

Specifically, what are the most valuable physical qualities and technical skills that players need that we want to develop and maintain during the week leading up to the game?

Starting speed, speed, accuracy of strikes and passes.

Coordination, agility, strength, speed in the fight for the ball.

Distance speed, endurance, frequency of movements, leg strength.

The strength of the blows, the strength and speed of the muscles, ligaments involved in hitting the ball.

We have selected four exercises that, in our opinion, most closely meet the specified criteria. We named them conditionally: ex. No. 1, ex. No. 2, ex. No. 3, and ex. No. 4. In the future, under these symbols these four exercises will take place in the methodology and in computer printouts of approximate plans for individual physical training lessons. Next, we will look at them in more detail.

Athletes have a saying that defines the principle of running training "to learn how to run, you have to run." When selecting exercises, we also followed this principle: in order to increase the starting speed, you need to start as much as possible; to learn how to hit the ball, you need to hit the ball as often as possible; to learn how to fight for the ball, you have to fight longer, etc. All workouts are interval. Rest pauses, heart rate, exercise duration and the number of repetitions are strictly regulated in the weekly training plan. For constant monitoring of heart rate during these exercises, football players put on mobile heart rate monitors.

So, for the development and maintenance of the above physical qualities and technical skills, the following four exercises are proposed:

Goals: starting speed, speed, accuracy of shots and passes.

Passing the ball in pairs in one - two touches, with a mandatory starting acceleration of 3 - 4 m towards the ball and returning to its original position. The movements are of a shuttle, almost cyclic nature. The required pulse is achieved by the distance between the partners of 10 - 15 m, and the speed of the ball, i.e. the force of hitting the ball. This exercise can be done without a partner, as in volleyball in front of the wall. The main task, starting accelerations towards the ball and returning to the starting position.

Ex. No. 1 is performed in two modes: passing the ball in one touch and in two touches. When passing in two touches, the player with the first touch sends the ball to himself on the move, under the blow (not to be confused with stopping the ball) and the second touch (hit) immediately sends it to his partner or to the wall. Thus, it turns out that the player continuously for 35 - 40 sec. performs starting accelerations and makes passes to the partner at the pace set by the heart rate monitor.

Ex. No. 1 teaches the player not to turn off the game, always keep the body in a high start position. An example is the defender of the German national team E.Novotny. During the whole game, even not in a game situation, he resembles an athlete in a high start position.

Exercise No. 1 trains the ability of a football player to transfer the ball accurately and quickly in the right direction, without delay in handling or stopping. The pace of the game in modern football is getting higher, the speed of the ball is also growing, any pass or pass of a partner (opponent) is more like blows and it is very difficult to react to them, especially under pressure. Most often you have to play with one touch or without reducing the speed to correct the ball to yourself on the move or under impact. The technique of "stopping the ball" takes on a new meaning. One of the coaches said: “The ball is stopped on two occasions to take a penalty and to take it home!”

Ex. No. 1 dramatically increases the number of touches and hits on the ball during training. It develops starting speed, passing culture, accuracy of passes, shots from any foot, ball control is more confident, decision-making is accelerated in different game situations. The results are noticeable after a month of classes. (Watch the video)

Goals: coordination, agility, strength, speed in the fight for the ball.

Hitting a randomly flying ball with different parts of the body from any position. The ball is tied to a pole. The length of the pole is 4 meters. The coach (one of the players) holds the pole so that the ball hanging on it glides over the lawn (floor) for different levels, within reach of the players.

Ex. No. 2 can be performed in two versions, depending on the tasks. The first option, let's call it ex. No. 2(a), the simplest, the player hits a chaotic flying ball with virtually no preparation for any part of the body allowed in football, after which he immediately groups up for a new hit. Kicks can be from different positions in the jump, in the fall, depending on the position of the ball at the moment and the situation in which the player is after the previous hit.

In the second variant, let's call it ex. No. 2(b), two players fight for the ball "on the ground and in the air." The goal of each is to get ahead of a partner and be the first to hit the ball. The fight for the ball in the penalty area, for example, after flank passes in a normal game situation lasts no more than 3 - 4 seconds, but in our training, the ball returns to the fight after each hit and the combat continues continuously, for 35 - 40 seconds. That is, the time spent by a football player in a state of fighting for the ball in such a training increases many times over.

In both options, the pace is set by the coach, who, after each hit or touch of the ball, must quickly return the ball to the fight or under the hit. By this, he maintains the pace of the exercise, and therefore the given, necessary pulse for athletes.

This simplest device is effective for training martial arts, especially in the fight for riding balls. The exercise increases the contact time of the football player with the ball and with the opposing partner. In a long fight for the ball, the players grind to each other (to the opponent), respectively, the number of bruises and injuries received in martial arts decreases, the angular movements that injure the opponent disappear on the one hand, and the ability to avoid excessive zeal and unjustified risks of getting injured on the other side is acquired. . If you take several unhewn stones, put them in a drum and rotate the drum for a long time, then the stones will first scratch each other with sharp corners. But then gradually these corners will be smoothed out, and the stones will take on rounded shapes and stop injuring each other, about the same thing happens with football players when this exercise is performed for a long time.

Ex. No. 2 develops spatial coordination, agility, speed, the ability to fight for the ball, win martial arts, cover the ball with the body, etc. Effective for practicing attacking actions (closing the ball into the goal) and interrupting flank passes in defense. (Watch the video)

On our video you can clearly see how ex. No. 1 and ex. No. 2 are doing, the former player of "FCBayern" Munich, the Pole Slawomir Woychikovsky and the player of "Viktoria" Cologne, the Japanese Gall Dompir. Pay attention to the active position of the body of the players during the entire time of these exercises.

Targets: distance speed, endurance, cadence, leg strength.

Running uphill, running up the stairs. It is convenient to do this exercise on the stadium podium or on any stairs where there are at least 30 - 40 steps. Ex. No. 3 can be done in two modes, stepping on each step or jumping over the step.

This exercise has a cyclical nature and therefore physical activity is dosed extremely accurately. It should also be noted that, ex. No. 3 gives the same training effect as the most popular jumping exercise among athletes, but there is no danger of injuring the ankle or knee joint.

If there is no ladder nearby, you can find a suitable hill on the ground and run on it, there is no fundamental difference if you manage to maintain the necessary pulse at the same time.

Ex. No. 3 is indispensable in speed-strength training, for the development and maintenance of speed endurance, distance speed, frequency of movements, speed and leg strength. It also improves running technique. (Watch the video)

Goals: the power of impacts, the strength of the speed of the muscles and the strengthening of the ligaments involved in hitting the ball.

Footwork (scissors) on the water. Rest your hands on the edge of the pool (reservoir), make biting blows on the water with your feet. The necessary pulse is achieved due to the frequency and strength of kicks on the water.

We want to draw your attention to the exceptional effectiveness of this exercise. Brazilian children chasing a ball on sandy beaches have been observed to have snapping kicks with a short leg swing. This was explained by the fact that they swam a lot and they have well developed abdominal Press and all the muscles of the legs involved in hitting the ball.

Ex. No. 4 is quite difficult to organize under normal conditions (you need a pool, a pond), so you can do this exercise separately during the day.

To put a hit (pass accuracy) you need to repeatedly hit the ball, but if you infinitely increase the number of hits in training, then injuries to muscles, ligaments, and joints begin. The cruciate ligaments and menisci of the knee joints are especially vulnerable. And here an indispensable exercise for their safe development and strengthening is ex. No. 4. It is especially effective during the recovery period after injuries of the musculoskeletal system (watch the video).

If there is no pool, do Ex. No. 4-a. We put weights on our legs. Lying on your back, vertical and horizontal leg swings (scissors) with maximum amplitude. (see video).

As you can see, all exercises are performed not only with partners, but also alone, which is very convenient. If for some reason a player has no one to play with, he can prepare for the upcoming game on his own. Provided by http://football-masgut.ru

Don't be afraid of big physical activity. To overcome psychological barrier, many famous athletes participated in extremely difficult competitions in other sports. For example, once upon a time in the annual traditional marathon run in the Baltic village of Vyandra, members of the combined boxing teams of the Baltic Republics participated in full force.

In team sports, the most important physical quality is special endurance. The development of this quality knows no boundaries at all. If you follow the principles of the "Theory of Physical Education", such as the principle of systematic, then you can achieve phenomenal opportunities. The world record holder, English stayer D. Bedford did up to 15 km in training. jumping exercises. In order for the musculoskeletal system to withstand such loads, it takes many years to continuously and consistently increase the number of exercises. But strong-willed efforts and observance of certain principles alone are not enough for this, at any stage of the training process injuries will begin or the training effect will be insufficient. Therefore, knowledge of various training methods is necessary. If an athlete wants to achieve something more in sports, then he should not rely only on the knowledge and experience of coaches. We must try and "turn on the brains" ourselves. In any profession, the better the student is erudite in his subject, the more chances he has to become a master. There are no exactly the same training methods, just as there are no absolutely identical athletes. And there are no methods that are suitable in all respects for each athlete. Learn everything. The more knowledge, the more chances!

Both the coach and the athlete must believe in the methodology they have chosen, no training without this faith will lead to success. A player's career depends on many components: psychological attitude, ability to get along in a team, physical and fighting qualities, and playing skills. But the most important thing for achieving high results in sports is the ability to learn. FOOTBALL is our school!

Means of achieving high sports form

The main task of training is to bring a football player in a high functional state (at the peak of sports form) directly to the game.

The main means of achieving this goal - properly selected exercises.

Sports uniform is recruited due to three components:

accurate dosing of volumes and intensity of training sessions;

proper use of recovery tools;

changes in the diet.

We will look at these components, day by day between games. The most common mode of football matches is one game per week, most often on Saturday. Based on this, an approximate plan of individual training sessions for a week has been drawn up.

As we have already said, workouts are interval in nature, in the rest intervals between series, you can do stretching exercises. Heart rate is monitored by mobile heart rate monitors. In our methodology, a slight carbohydrate abstinence is provided. That is, we offer the following: after playing for 2-3 days, slightly limit yourself in the use of carbohydrates (sweet, starchy foods, lemonades). Then it is important to increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, gradually, day by day towards the game. But this should be strictly individual and under the supervision of a doctor.

Day one (post-game).

The task is to recover as quickly as possible after a tense game. The athlete gets tired not only mentally and physically. During the game, especially in hot weather, the body dries up, and along with sweat, mineral salts are washed out, carbohydrate and protein balance etc., the body is depleted.

The training is restorative. It can be light running, walking, swimming. Everything is done on a whim without any tension. Easy cross-country or walking in the woods is desirable outside the team, so that no one distracts and the player can scroll through the episodes of yesterday's game again and again in his head, analyze and draw any conclusions for himself.

Massage, a light sauna, and any cultural events will help you recover.

High-calorie nutrition with a high content of vitamins (juices, vegetables, fruits). It is important to restore the water-salt, protein and carbohydrate balance in the body.

Second day.

The task is to get involved in the work schedule of training, to prepare for increasing loads. Thorough workout. The whole complex of exercises is performed at the level of the aerobic threshold, that is, the duration of the exercises is up to 40 seconds. Heart rate up to 150 beats / min. Carefully monitor recovery in the rest intervals between repetitions. Within 2 min. the pulse should drop to 80 - 100 beats / min. If the pulse decreases more slowly, then do the next exercise on the pulse up to 130-140 beats / min.

It's good to get this day general massage and warm up in the sauna. Any (non-alcoholic) cultural events.

Restore the water-salt and protein balance in the body, but refrain from excessive consumption of sweet, starchy foods, lemonades.

Day three.

Thorough workout. Ex. No. 1, ex. No. 2 and ex. No. 3. Interval training on the pulse up to 160 beats / min. The number of repetitions and speed increases, but not the duration of the exercises. Pay attention to the recovery in the rest intervals between repetitions, it is shorter than the previous day. The pulse drops to 100 - 110 beats / min, but not more than 2 minutes.

Not bad on this day to get a general massage or foot massage. Restore the water-salt and protein balance in the body, continue to refrain from excessive consumption of sweets, starchy foods, lemonades.

Day four.

Thorough workout. The whole set of exercises. Interval training on the pulse up to 170 bpm. The number of repetitions reaches its maximum values ​​this week, and the intensity also grows. Recovery in the rest intervals between repetitions is even less, up to 110 - 120 bpm, but the same as on the previous day, no more than 2 minutes.

Not bad on this day to get a general massage or foot massage. Caloric nutrition. Restore carbohydrate, water-salt and protein balance in the body.

Day five.

Thorough workout. Only ex. No. 1 and ex. № 3. Interval training with maximum intensity on the pulse up to 180 bpm, with rest intervals up to 120 - 130 bpm. The number of repetitions is drastically reduced. Light sauna. Not bad on this day to get a general massage, foot massage. High-calorie food with a high content of carbohydrates.

Day six.

Thorough workout. Only ex. No. 1 and ex. № 3. Interval training with maximum intensity on the pulse up to 180 bpm, with rest intervals up to 110 - 120 bpm. The number of repetitions is reduced.

Please note that when hitting the ball, there is a strong load on the ligaments of the ankle and knee joints. Ligaments are restored in 48 - 56 hours, so on this day it is advisable to hit the ball not for strength, but for technique and accuracy.

Also on this day, abdominal exercises, push-ups, cycling and other exercises that require monotonous efforts are undesirable.

A diet high in carbohydrates.

Day seven.

If you prepared for the game, but could not participate in it (cancelled the game or were on the reserve), then repeat the training provided for on the 4th day of the week, or use the accumulated energy in another way.


Exercise No. 1 Develops starting speed, dramatically increases the number of touches on the ball during training, increases the accuracy of passes and shots from both feet, controls the ball more confidently, and increases the speed of decision-making in different game situations. The results are noticeable after a month of classes.

Exercise No. 2 The ball is attached to the pole with a cord and returns to the player after being hit, this exercise effectively develops coordination of movements, increases the contact time of the football player with the ball. You can work out the closure and interruption of flank passes in attack and defense. This device is super effective for martial arts training, players can fight for the ball continuously.

Exercise number 3 Running on the stairs is indispensable in speed-strength training, for the development and maintenance of endurance, distance speed, frequency of movements, speed and strength of the legs, and also improves running technique.

Exercise No. 4 To deliver a shot (pass accuracy), you need to repeatedly hit the ball, but if you infinitely increase the number of shots in training, then injuries of muscles, ligaments, joints begin, and exercise No. 4 is an indispensable exercise for their safe development and strengthening. It is especially effective during the recovery period after injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Exercise #4a Effective Exercises, to improve the accuracy of the player's passing.

To train muscles, football players do not need special sports equipment.

The most important thing is absolute concentration during the exercise, which will certainly bear fruit in increasing strength and speed on the field. While playing football, one way or another, all muscles are involved (contrary to the common belief that of all muscle groups, a football player only uses his legs).

The players are in constant motion. "Easy cardio" is replaced by explosive acceleration. All this requires the cohesive work of all muscles, which means that the power program should cover all muscle groups. In addition to general training, in order to stay at the peak of their form, keep the body in good shape, maintain and increase strength, a good football player should spend at least 45 minutes in the gym.

So, how is the strength training of football players going?

Lower body (hamstrings, quads, and glutes)

To actively move around the field, the muscles of the lower body of a football player must be well developed and coordinated. There are many techniques for developing the strength and endurance of these muscles. Most game moments in football (lateral, vertical hits on the ball) occur with support on one leg. This makes relevant such exercises as squats on one leg, as well as all kinds of presses in which one of the legs is alternately involved. The muscle memory formed through such training provides many advantages on the field.

Strength training of football players is not complete without such exercises as:

  • Squats on one leg
  • One leg presses
  • One leg curl on the machine

How to master single leg squats?

If squats on one leg seem difficult at first, do this exercise while standing up from the bench. Using only one leg at the same time ... until you master the exercise.
This is a very effective trick on the way to mastering this exercise!

Separately, it is worth noting such a useful exercise as the “deadlift” of the kettlebell, which is performed with one leg.

It is performed as follows:

Take the kettlebell in one hand, hold it along the body. Stand on the leg near which you hold the weight.

Keeping your knee slightly bent, lean forward, bringing your free leg back to maintain balance. Touching the floor with the kettlebell, return to the starting position.

Complete all scheduled reps, then switch legs.

Do not round your back as you do it, keep your lower back arched.

The exercise develops coordination and perfectly works out the muscles of the back of the thigh. It is used not only by football players, but also by athletes in many sports.

It is extremely useful for football players to include
into your interval training schedule. Few things can match her for increased explosive power and endurance.

This is done as follows:

Choose any exercise and do it at maximum intensity for 20 seconds.

Rest 10 seconds Repeat this 8 times

It only takes four minutes, but you are guaranteed to be exhausted. Any exercise can be included in an interval workout. And, also do your cardio sessions in this style.


It’s not enough for a football player to train only legs, do interval and cardio workouts…
The muscles of the body are also important and the power struggle in the attack proves this. Strong arms and shoulders are indispensable for effective throw-ins

A common misconception is to use light weight and do countless reps with it. All this is supposedly in order to maintain an optimally slender figure. The truth is that you can stay lean and light by practicing low-rep training with heavier weights. For maximum results, any press (including the bench press) should be done in the 6-8 rep range per set.

Upper body workout includes:

  • Side crunches on the block
  • Dumbbell press (kettlebell) with one hand
  • Side dumbbell side raises

One-arm presses and one-sided side raises,
develop strength and stability of the body.

Fitness Motivation