How to burn calories quickly. A quick way to burn calories. How many calories does abs burn

All day you were addicted to cookies, and now you are thinking how to burn extra calories without going to the gym? Together with personal trainer Julia Pogotskaya, BeautyHack compiled a list of unexpected tips.

Julia Pogotskaya Personal trainer


You don't have to move to burn calories. You can just stand! Not so long ago, Dr. Buckley and a group of scientists at the University of Chester in England conducted a study in which 10 people took part. During the day, the subjects stood for three hours a day. Their physiological indicators were recorded using special devices.

It turned out that while standing, the heart rate increases by 10 beats, which is 0.7 more calories burned than if you were sitting or lying. The standing position helps to strengthen the muscle corset, tone and improve the elasticity of the muscles.

“While standing, much more calories are burned, but even this energy consumption can be doubled if you simultaneously perform the“ vacuum ”press exercise. Observe the technique: hold your breath while inhaling deeply, while exhaling, press your stomach to your ribs as much as possible and hold for at least 5 seconds, ”advises Yulia.

Remove the dirty linen from the "hut"

Any activity at home is a good alternative to cardio. Cleaning the apartment can be easily combined with exercise. If you vacuum, alternately lunges on the right and left legs, more than 100 calories are burned in 30 minutes.

“Cleaning is good cardio workout. When mopping the floor, discard the mop and do it in a half-squat, straining your buttocks. If extension-flexion is contraindicated, put weights on your legs to increase the load. "

Daily doping - shopping

Having eaten the extra bun, it's time to go for a new dress. Scientists have calculated that one trip to the mall burns about 300 calories, or one piece of cottage cheese dessert in the equivalent.

“A feminine and costly, but really working way to prevent excess body fat,” says Yulia. "Don't walk past the fitting rooms - the more dresses you put on and take off, the more calories you burn."


An hour of reading aloud burns 112 calories. And if you enjoy books in a hammock, this figure will increase to 300! In the absence of solid support, all the muscles of the body are in tension, which requires additional energy consumption.

“Reading can be combined with working out the abdominal muscles. To do this, take turns lifting your legs up. You can do the exercise "bike" or "scissors". A great option is to read in the bar for 30 seconds. All muscle groups are involved in its implementation, ”says Yulia.

Food, get ready!

If you're not in the habit of tasting food while cooking, this is the perfect way to boost your body's energy use. One simple meal (like pasta) is 102 calories burned. The main thing is not to overdo it with tasting.

“You can cook food on bent legs, which allows you to work out your lower body well. Try to fix your back against the wall, sit down and peel the vegetables in this position. Good load on the buttocks. Weights can be put on your arms to work out your biceps and triceps while cutting. "

Nightmares and horrors

Watching an hour and a half horror movie can burn almost 200 calories. Scientists at the University of Westminster observed a control group of participants watching "horror films." The subjects experienced increased heart rate, increased heart rate, and adrenaline rush. Together, this speeds up metabolism and increases the body's energy consumption. The most "fatal" for calories was Stanley Kubrick's film "The Shining". In second place is Jaws. Watching it can burn 161 calories.

“Adrenaline really helps burn calories. But if you watch the horror with the packaging of chips, there will be no effect. I would advise watching comedies - and it is more pleasant, and the muscles of the press work at 100%, ”sums up Yulia.

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Morning procedures

On the brushing teeth and 5 minutes of washing in the shower, you will spend about 20 calories. And if you add another 30 seconds of dousing with cool water, you will burn exactly the same amount.

In 10 minutes intensive charging you will burn about 80 calories. Singing along to your favorite songs as you work out, increase your calorie burn up to 100! Another 10 calories can be won by jumping rope for a minute. But yoga lovers, who are used to practicing calmly and measuredly, will burn about 80 calories in half an hour of practice.

Home life

Few people like wash up, but take it as another test of your willpower, as well as a surefire way to burn 35 calories in 10 minutes. If you also dance at the same time, you will burn 20 to 50 calories.

Washing by hand - not about you? But take out linen from the washing machine, hang it up, and then sort and fold it all the same. Voila - minus 35 calories in 15 minutes of useful work! And if on that day you still iron the clothes, you will burn almost 80 calories in half an hour.

Once the cleaning has begun, you can spend half an hour on dusting and putting things in their places. The result is minus 80 calories and radiant cleanliness in the house! Another 15 minutes vacuuming- this is 50 calories, and in half an hour cleaning floors spend 153 calories. For those who have gone into a rage: 2 hours of "general" cleaning with the removal of trash from the apartment - minus 900 calories. The result is so amazing that you don't have to go to the gym!

If you live in your house, you have to remove the snow, then tidy the lawns. An hour of such work will save you from 330-450 calories. Sometimes you can even wash your car yourself - saving money and minus 65 calories in 15 minutes!

About 180 kcal can be burned in an hour and a half of cooking. Be aware of the benefits of healthy foods and add spices to your food that help burn fat. While dinner is being prepared, drink green tea - it makes the body burn more calories.

Rest with benefit

After such active maneuvers and consolidation of the result, you just have to refrain from heavy and high-calorie foods and allow yourself to rest. Even if you decide to watch TV, 72 calories can be burned in an hour. By adding light exercises in the form of balancing on fitball or swinging legs, while watching a movie, you can burn up to 200 calories.

Active games with children- this is a pleasant rest and minus 100 calories for every 10 minutes of fun joint leisure. If your child is still young, go to the park with a stroller - you will use about 280 calories per hour.

Shopping- another way to relax, in the process you will spend about 152 kcal per hour. Use the stairs while walking through the hypermarket: 5 minutes - 50 calories.

Take a walk with a soul mate in the park - together you will burn 130 kcal each. Kiss for pleasure - 25 calories in 10 minutes. And if you go to having sex - estimate the energy consumption at the rate of 200 calories per hour!

Did you know that 8 hours of sleep burns about 476 calories? This is another reason why you should get enough sleep! Sleeping in a cool room will help you feel more alert in the morning and burn 35 extra calories per night.

Before going to bed, be sure read useful resources or a chapter of a book - expend 33 calories in 15 minutes. And if you get a 15-minute massage, you will not only get a feeling of lightness in your body, but also burn 33 calories.

If you want to lose weight, remember: you need to burn more calories than you consume from food. If you are active all day and monitor your diet, it will be very easy to lose those extra pounds! And you don't even need to go to the gym for that.

As soon as I read the title of this article, which I bring to your attention today, dear readers, an anecdote somewhere heard somewhere emerged from the depths of my memory.

Yesterday I burned 800 calories without straining!
- Well, well, well, from here in more detail. I am writing down.
- I just forgot the pizza in the oven!

But in fact, is there any clever way to burn calories at home? Just read how to do it, and how much you can burn. Just do not forget that this will not replace full-fledged workouts, but it will help the cause of losing weight!

The simplest activities will help you tone up and speed up your metabolism.

Morning procedures

Brushing your teeth and 5 minutes of showering will consume about 20 calories. And if you add another 30 seconds of dousing with cool water, you will burn exactly the same amount.

In 10 minutes of intense exercise, you will burn about 80 calories. Singing along to your favorite songs as you work out, increase your calorie burn up to 100!

Another 10 calories can be won by jumping rope for a minute. But yoga lovers, who are used to practicing calmly and measuredly, will burn about 80 calories in half an hour of practice.

Home life

Few people enjoy washing dishes, but take it as another test of your willpower, as well as a surefire way to burn 35 calories in 10 minutes. If you also dance at the same time, you will burn 20 to 50 calories.

Washing by hand - not about you? But you still have to get the laundry out of the washing machine, hang it up, and then sort and fold it.

Voila - minus 35 calories in 15 minutes of useful work! And if on this day you still iron the clothes, you will burn almost 80 calories in half an hour.

Once the cleaning has begun, you can spend half an hour dusting off and putting things out. The result is minus 80 calories and radiant cleanliness in the house!

Another 15 minutes of vacuuming is 50 calories, and for half an hour of mopping, you will spend 153 calories.

For those who have gone into a rage: 2 hours of "general" cleaning with the removal of trash from the apartment - minus 900 calories. The result is so amazing that you don't have to go to the gym!

If you live in your house, you have to remove the snow, then tidy the lawns. An hour of such work will save you from 330-450 calories.

Sometimes you can even wash your car yourself - saving money and minus 65 calories in 15 minutes!

About 180 kcal can be burned in an hour and a half of cooking. Be aware of the benefits of healthy foods and add spices to your food that help burn fat.

While dinner is being prepared, drink green tea - it makes the body burn more calories.

Rest with benefit

After such active maneuvers and consolidation of the result, you just have to refrain from heavy and high-calorie foods and allow yourself to rest.

Even if you decide to watch TV, 72 calories can be burned in an hour.

By adding light exercises in the form of balancing on a fitball or swinging legs, you can burn up to 200 calories while watching a movie.

Active games with children are a pleasant rest and minus 100 calories for every 10 minutes of fun leisure time together.

If your child is still young, go to the park with a stroller - you will use about 280 calories per hour.

Shopping is another way to relax, in the process you will spend about 152 kcal per hour.

Use the stairs while walking through the hypermarket: 5 minutes - 50 calories.

Take a walk with your soul mate in the park - together you will burn 130 kcal each.

Kiss for pleasure - 25 calories in 10 minutes. And if you go to having sex - estimate the energy consumption at the rate of 200 calories per hour!

Did you know that about 476 calories are burned in 8 hours of sleep? This is another reason why you should get enough sleep!

Sleeping in a cool room will help you feel more alert in the morning and burn 35 extra calories per night.

Before bed, be sure to read a helpful resource or a chapter of a book - burn 33 calories in 15 minutes. And if you get a 15-minute massage, you will not only get a feeling of lightness in your body, but also burn 33 calories.

If you want to lose weight, remember: you need to burn more calories than you consume from food.

If you are active all day and monitor your diet, it will be very easy to lose those extra pounds! And you don't even need to go to the gym for that.

There are many ways to get rid of excess calories without restricting your food or exercising. Laughter, breathing, and even sleep burn calories. Here are some easy, fun and unusual ways to burn calories:

How to burn calories

1. Singing in the shower burns an additional 10-20 kcal depending on the volume of the song and the pitch of your voice.

2. Laugh within 10 minutes helps you get rid of 20-40 kcal.

3. We burn about 200 calories during 30 minutes of active sex.

4. If you bump head against the wall you can burn 150 kcal per hour.

5. On average teeth cleaning burns 5.7 kcal within 2 minutes.

6. Pushing a cart in a store burns 100 kcal within 30 minutes. The heavier the cart, the more calories you lose.

7. One hour watching TV burns 65 kcal.

8. Smoking cigarettes burns 10 kcal.

9. If to cuddle within 1 hour, you can burn 70 kcal.

10. One minute kisses burns 2-4 kcal, depending on the intensity of the kiss.

11. We burn more calories than we consume when we eat celery.

12. Walking the dog within 30 minutes, we burn an average of 100 kcal.

13. We burn more calories in the cold, not in the warm.

14. Chewing gum helps burn about 11 kcal per hour.

15. You can burn up to 350 kcal per day if to fidget in a chair.

16. Writing and sending SMS posts burns 40 kcal per hour.

17. Eating while standing burns 132 kcal per hour in a person weighing 65 kg.

18. Launching kite, you can burn 80 kcal.

19. Naked sleep burns more calories than sleeping in clothes, as more calories are needed to warm the body.

How many calories does… burn?

Of course, you can expend calories without even doing anything, but, as you know, intense physical activity burns excess calories much faster. So, how can you burn calories quickly by playing sports.

How many calories does running burn

Light running burns on average about 490 kcal at one o'clock with an average weight of 70 kg.

How many calories does the hoop burn

The twisting of the hoop burns about 210 kcal in 30 minutes or 400 - 600 kcal per hour, depending on the intensity. You can increase your calorie burn by standing on one leg or doing light dance moves.

How many calories a jump rope burns

Jumping rope is intense physical activity that burns 170 - 205 kcal in 15 minutes... You can start with 1-2 minutes of jumping rope, taking breaks for 10-15 seconds, and gradually bring it up to 15 minutes a day.

How many calories does walking burn

Walking slowly at a speed of about 3.2 km per hour burns about 175 kcal at one o'clock, while brisk walking at 6.4 km per hour burns about 440 kcal at one o'clock.

How many calories does swimming burn

Swimming on lanes in the pool burns on average 476 kcal at one o'clock, at the same time, swimming with the butterfly style burns calories most intensively - 576 kcal per hour.

How many calories does squats burn

Squats - one of the most intense exercise helps burn about 200-400 kcal in half an hour... To determine exactly how many calories you will burn while squatting, multiply your weight by 0.095, and then multiply that number by the number of minutes you do the exercise.

How many calories does abs burn

By pumping the press, you can burn about 4 kcal per minute and 8 calories per minute for intense abdominal exercises.

How many calories does jumping burn

Trampoline jumping burns about 42 kcal in 10 minutes, while jumping in place of the "asterisk" (when jumping legs to the sides, arms up) about 10 kcal per minute.

How many calories does dancing burn

Dances including striptease, zumba dancing, belly dancing burn about 200-300 kcal at one o'clock.

How many calories does a bike burn

Cycling burns on average 290-430 kcal at one o'clock depending on the speed.

How many calories does yoga burn

Yoga classes burn on average 260 kcal at one o'clock, and more intense yoga classes up to 400 calories per hour.

How many calories do you need to burn to lose weight?

If you are serious about losing weight, you need to know how many calories you need to consume and how much to burn. To more accurately calculate how many calories you need to consume, use the Miffin-Geor formula, which calculates your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Basal metabolic rate for women:

OOB = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age (years) - 161

Basal metabolic rate for men:

OOB = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age (years) + 5

The resulting basal metabolic rate must be multiplied by a factor depending on your level of activity:

Passive lifestyle: OOB x 1.2

Low activity level(physical exercise 1-3 times a week): GHV x 1.375

Average activity level(exercise 3-5 times a week): GHV x 1.55

High level of activity(physical exercise 6-7 times a week): GHV x 1.725

Very high level of activity(physical exercise 2 times a day): OOB x 1.9

The result is the consumption of calories to maintain a normal weight.

For example, let's calculate the basal metabolic rate for a 25-year-old man, 177 cm tall and weighing 72 kg, who maintains a low level of activity.

OOB = (10 * 72) + (6.25 * 177) - (5 * 25) + 5 = 1706

1956 * 1,375 = 2345,75

That is, to maintain a normal weight, this man needs to consume 2689 kcal.

If you want to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body burns, or burn more calories than you consume.

Since 3,500 calories equals approximately 0.45 kg of fat, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume in order to lose half a kilogram

So, for example, to lose weight by 0.5 kg per week you need cut your calorie intake by 500 kcal in a day.

Not everyone can adhere to a diet, and often there is no time to visit fitness centers. But still, it is quite possible to lose weight, you just need to count calories - consume less and spend more. Many women on the eve of a special day (holiday, important business meeting, etc.) are looking for a quick way to burn calories. It's pretty simple: if you keep track of your calorie intake, you can easily lose weight and stay slim for many years.

What are calories and calories

Girls and women who monitor their weight know that calories are energy supplied to the human body from food. Especially high-calorie foods are considered to be high in carbohydrates. By processing food, the body releases energy that a person needs for life. If the energy remains unused, then it is converted into fatty deposits.

The energy value of food is called the calorie content. It shows how much energy the body will receive after processing food.

Especially high-calorie foods

Excess calories: how much do you need to burn to lose weight?

Everything is purely individual. In many ways, success in losing weight depends on what kind of lifestyle is conducted: sedentary or active. To burn fat more actively, you need to calculate how many calories the body receives and how much energy is spent.

There are several ways to lose weight:

  • reduce the number of calories consumed, but do not change the previous daily routine;
  • increase physical activity, but leave the diet the same;
  • increase physical activity and reduce the number of calories consumed.

Important! The health threshold for daily calorie intake is considered to be 1200 kcal. For beginners who are just starting their journey to a slim figure, nutritionists recommend starting with 1500 kcal / day. Is 1500 calories a day a lot or a little? This is enough to maintain the vital functions of the body and in order to lose 4 kg in a month. Losing weight faster will only hurt.

How to burn calories quickly at home

In order to burn calories at home, you need to combine exercise and proper nutrition. There are many special exercises and just common daily activities that will help you quickly use the energy received by the body from food.

Burn 100 Calories

In order to burn 100 calories, there are many daily activities that people do every day, without even thinking that they are helping them lose weight. Here is some of them:

  • Walking stairs. To burn 100 kcal, it is enough to walk up and down the stairs for 10 minutes.
  • Dancing. It is enough to turn on pleasant music and actively dance in the evening for 15 minutes.
  • Ironing. It is necessary to combine a pleasant business with a useful one within 30 minutes.
  • Repairs. A person making a redecoration of a room for half an hour gets rid of 100 kcal.
  • Cleaning. It is enough to clean up for 30 minutes, wipe the dust with a rag, and vacuum.
  • Play with pets for half an hour.
  • Food preparation. Most do this several times a day. It is enough to prepare delicious meals for household members for 40 minutes.
  • Singing. Just do what you love for 40 minutes.
  • Book reading. Pick up your favorite book and go read. Spending only an hour on this, a person burns 100 kcal.

This is not a complete list of activities that can help you lose 100 calories. This can also include yoga, exercise bike, massage, afternoon naps, playing musical instruments, heavy exercise, and so on.

How to burn calories quickly at home

How to burn 300 calories

All of the above methods are also suitable here, but in a threefold increase. In addition, you can consider:

  • Gardening. If you tinker in the ground, plant, weed, transplant plants, then after 40 minutes you can achieve what you want - spend 300 kilocalories.
  • Shopping. You need to go shopping for an hour and a half, and 300 kcal will go away unnoticed.
  • Rearrangement of furniture. Move furniture within an hour.
  • Jumping rope for 30 minutes.
  • Swimming. Go to the pool and swim in it for 30 minutes. And if you spend a little more than an hour and a half on this, you can burn 1000 kcal.

How to spend 500 calories

You can also use activities that help get rid of 100 or 300 calories, but this will take quite a long time, so it makes more sense to choose more intense exercises:

  • Run. In order to burn 500 calories in 45 minutes, you need to run at a speed of 12 km / h. For greater effect, jogging should be diluted with strength exercises. You can do without them, but then there will be a saggy belly. During strength exercises, a huge number of muscles work, thereby speeding up the metabolism, and the higher it is, the faster the hated calories go away.
  • Swimming. To burn 500 calories, you need to swim very intensely, and not just wallow in the water.
  • Lawn mowing. It takes 2 hours to mow the lawn. This type of work is not everyday, but it will work as an option.
  • Tennis. Playing tennis for an hour is also easy to lose five hundred calories.

In addition, rock climbing or climbing the mountains for 2 hours will also save a person from 500 kcal, but this type of activity is not available to everyone.

Interesting! It has been proven that a person loses kilocalories during sleep. The more weight, the higher the energy consumption. So, 500 kcal for a standard 8 hours of sleep is spent by people who weigh 104-105 kg.

How to burn 700 calories

In this case, there will be few exercises, and they are longer than the previous ones:

  • Swimming. This is one of the most effective exercises. During swimming, all muscles are activated, which allows you to burn energy, to get rid of 700 kcal, 1 hour of exercise will be enough.
  • Jogging. You need to maintain a speed of 17 km / h for half an hour. For beginners, this is a very high pace, so it's best to start at 7 km / h, but run for an hour. A lean, toned body can be a great motivation.
  • Jumping rope. For a person weighing 68 kg, it is enough to jump rope for an hour. And if the weight is higher, then the number of calories burned will be greater. For a change, different types of jumps alternate: main jump, criss-cross, double scroll, etc.
  • Strength exercises. Combine exercises with dumbbells and movement training. To calculate the activity and how many calories are spent, use a fitness bracelet.

To burn 700 calories per day, you can use different methods. But don't get hung up on the amount of fat you burned. Fitness involves not only losing weight, but also supporting slimness. It teaches you to move around every day and a healthy lifestyle in general.

To burn 700 calories per day, you can use different methods.

How to burn 2000 calories

2000 kcal is a lot: the average adult needs about this much to maintain life, that is, without playing sports or hard physical labor. Therefore, it is difficult and long to get rid of such an amount of energy in one workout at once. The most effective ways:

  • Cycling or exercise bike at home. In 60 minutes, 850 kcal is spent, so if the goal is to spend 2000 calories at a time, you will have to exercise for at least 2.5 hours.
  • Jumping rope. This is one of the most effective physical exercises. It helps you burn calories pretty quickly. This exercise will return to its former shape and help to get into those clothes that have been small for a long time. You need to do about 3 hours daily.
  • Treadmill. This is the easiest way to lose weight. Within an hour, the body spends 600 calories. While jogging, you can combine business with pleasure - listening to music, watching a movie, but you only need to hold onto the handrails so as not to accidentally fall.

Important! A heavy load can be harmful, therefore, before starting classes, it is necessary to consult with an instructor.

How to burn calories after eating at home

Fitness coaches recommend doing a set of exercises after meals that will help not only burn calories, but also make your stomach flat. Starting position (s.): Lying on your back (it is recommended to use a rug or firm pad), hands behind the head, legs slightly bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. Exercise: gently raise the torso at the legs, return to and. P.

Attention! The back should not be straight, but slightly curved, otherwise you can get injured.

I. p. Is the same. Exercise: Smoothly raise the left leg in the direction of the abdomen, at the same time bend and raise the torso. You need to try to touch the elbow of your right hand to the left knee. Return to and. etc., repeat the exercise with the right leg. The plus is that all muscle groups on the abdomen and sides, where fat is usually stored, will be involved.

For greater efficiency, 10-12 repetitions of 3 sets are performed.

Important! The workout can only be started 2-3 hours after eating. If you do not take a break between eating and exercising, then exercise will lead to discomfort and fatigue.

If you are lazy, you can use other methods:

  • Reading has never hurt, so don't discount it. You can perfectly combine a pleasant business with a useful one at home, at least in any other place.
  • Watching a movie is also a great calorie burner, especially horror movies. While watching this genre, a person's pulse and heart rate increase, which contributes to the release of adrenaline, and he, in turn, burns calories.

How to burn calories in a steam bath

Frequent visits to the bath will help you get rid of extra pounds, as sweating increases during this procedure. In addition, with sweat, you can lose excess salt that is deposited under the skin. A person weighing 70 kg will lose 100-150 kcal if he takes a steam bath for half an hour.

A visit to the bath will help you get rid of extra pounds

Any trainer or nutritionist is ready to help and provide the necessary recommendations that should be used to achieve the result. For example:

  • You need to do it daily.
  • It is necessary to consume a glass of water before meals and during meals.
  • Do special warming up exercises.
  • Be very careful to avoid injuries during training.

Now that you know how many calories you need to burn, you need to start training as soon as possible and strive for the best and fastest results. The body needs a lot of energy to sleep, breathe, keep warm, etc., so if you do not overeat, then you need to burn only 300-500 kcal per day with the help of physical exercises and routine activities.