English essays do you need a school uniform. You need an essay in English on the topic "school uniform". Translation: Russian composition

Lesson on the topic “School uniform and dress code”. (Grade 9)


  • Improve the communicative competence of students.
  • To develop the skills of monologue and dialogical speech.


  • To develop creative imagination, cognitive interest, initiative in the implementation of foreign language speech activity.
  • Expand the horizons of schoolchildren.


  • Foster a culture of appearance.
  • To foster respect for the culture and traditions of other peoples.


computer, projector, presentation about the history of school uniforms, discussion cards, video.


1. Organizational moment.

3. Lexical warm-up.

8. Viewing the presentation.

9. Homework.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Good morning, girls and boys. Good morning our guests. I am glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson.

2. Introductory word of the teacher and announcement of the topic of the lesson.

You might have heard about the scandal in the Stavropol region. The director of the institution refused to let students to school wearing the hijab. Was he right or not? It is difficult to answer this question because there was no any law to regulate this situation. After that incident the minister of education Dmitry Livanov signed the law about dress cod in schools. So, the theme of our lesson will be ...

Guess, what will be the theme of our lesson.

That’s right, the theme will be “the school uniform”, but school uniform has been a topic for hot discussing for many years and our lesson is not enough for that, what aspects should we discuss firstly? Remember the beginning of our school year, the 2 nd of September. Our headmaster, your tutor and other teachers were meeting you on the ground floor and checking your appearance.

You’re right, we should choose the variant of dress code for our school and give to our headmaster for consideration.

are speaking on advantages and disadvantages of school uniform.

3. Lexical warm-up.

So today we’ll try to discuss the problems of school uniform and dress code.

By the way, can you explain us the meaning of the words uniform and dress code?

(Students offer their explanations for these words and then summarize.)

Dress code - a standard of dress established for a given environment, for example, in a school or business, or in a cultural group.

A uniform is a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization "s activity. Modern uniforms are worn by armed forces and paramilitary organizations such as police, emergency services, security guards, in some workplaces and schools and by inmates in prisons.

4. Checking homework "History of school uniforms".

Before discussing the advantages and disadvantages of school uniform I'd like to check your home task. You had to answer some questions.

one). Where did school uniform originate? (in Britain)

2). In what countries is uniform worn nowadays?

(in Britain, in many countries which were in strong links with Britain such as New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa uniform has to be worn; in Japan uniform is also required at almost all schools)

3). And what about the other English-speaking countries?

(in European countries, in the USA, Canada school uniform is rare in state schools, although private (or public) schools may have one; though during the 1990s schools begin to adopt uniforms, both the Clinton and Bush administrations had been in favor of school uniforms)

four). What can you say about the situation in Russia?

(1834 - Russian school form was invented in 1834. The Russian parliament made special law about the form. But this law was only about boys.

1986 - the law started to include form for girls. In Russian school form could be of different kinds. girls began to wear blue skirts and blouses and boys began to wear blue suits.

During the 20 th century the school uniform changed several times (in 1948, in 1977), but in 1992 it was canceled.

5. Discussion on the topic "Advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms."

Today, school uniform is not compulsory in all secondary schools. The Minister of Education and Science, explains that every school board, which includes the director, teachers and parents of pupils are entitled to decide for themselves how and what children should dress.

Students protest against dress codes because they want to have more freedom.

Teachers say that free style makes it difficult for children to concentrate on their classes.

The question of uniforms and having dress codes is still argued and discussed among teachers and students. There are a lot of arguments against and in favor of uniform.

(Students receive discussion cards.)

Study the reasons for and against dress codes and discuss them in groups.

Summarize and present your ideas.

(Students are divided into groups: one group - those who support the introduction of the school uniform, the other - those who are against it).

Points for and against":

  • Discrimination because of clothes
  • Sense of belonging to a school
  • Being proud of your school
  • Opportunity to express your individuality
  • Having your own style
  • Competition n dress at school
  • Not everybody can afford trendy clothes and brand names
  • Everybody looks the same
  • Some fashionable clothes may distract students from their study
  • Opportunity to show that you have something more than just your clothes

Now, let`s consider positive aspects.

Firstly, the school uniform has strictness which makes children study at school more seriously.

Further more, school uniform makes children more disciplined.

More than that it isn`t very expensive. And every family can afford to buy it.

More over, school uniform removes social inequality because both rich and poor children wear the same clothes.

Further more, there is no such a question what to put on in the morning.

Now, let`s pay our attention to negative aspects.

School uniform prevents children to be individuality. All are a like. One more, every day one and the same clothes.

By the end of the school year it becomes untidy and not pleasant to look at.

6. Summing up the results of the discussion.

(One student from each group summarizes the discussion.)


7. Discussion of uniforms for boys and girls in our school.

Before choosing the form for our school I want to show you different variants worn in various schools in our country.

8. Viewing the presentation.

9. Homework:design and description of a school uniform for our school.

10. Lesson summary. Announcement of estimates.

I am pleased with your answers. Your marks are… Thank you for the lesson. Bye.


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Slide captions:

Sibirtseva Marina Andreevna, English teacher of the first qualification category in Nakhodka

The director of the institution refused to let students to school wearing the hijab. Scandal in the Stavropol Region

After that incident the minister of education Dmitry Livanov signed the law about dress cod in schools The minister of Education Dmitry Livanov

Dress code - a standard of dress established for a given environment, for example, in a school or business, or in a cultural group. What is dress code?

What is a uniform? A uniform is a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization "s activity. Modern uniforms are worn by armed forces and paramilitary organizations such as police, emergency services, security guards, in some workplaces and schools and by inmates in prisons.

A school uniform in Russia A school uniform came to Russia from England in 1834. The first uniforms were made for boys. Boys had special shirts, trousers, black boots and a cap. Girls wore brown dresses and aprons.

A school uniform in Russia In 1896 this law started to include form for girls.

School uniform in the USSR In Soviet schools uniform was common and compulsory for all pupils.

In Great Britain Most British primary and secondary schools require pupils to wear uniforms. Boys wear a white shirt, long gray or black trousers, jumper or sweater with the school logo on, school tie, black shoes. Girls wear trousers or skirts as part of their uniform - typically black, gray, navy, or sometimes brown or maroon.

In the USA Few state schools in the United States have formal school uniforms, but most have dress codes.

Pros and cons of the uniform “Pros” The school uniform makes children study at school more seriously School uniform makes children more disciplined It isn’t very expensive. Every family can buy it School uniform removes social inequality because everybody wear the same clothes. “Cons” It prevents children to be individuality Every day one and the same clothes are boring By the end of the school year it becomes untidy and not pleasant to look at

Level B. Other.

School uniform

Many students all over the world wear a school uniform. But is it really necessary? Some people say that wearing school uniform is good, but others do not support this point of view.

As for me, I do not like wearing a school uniform. Firstly, the uniform is bad because of its monotony. It looks as if you were in the army, where everybody is similar to each other. Secondly, the colors of the modern school uniform are black and white. It is funeral. I feel uncomfortable in it because when I am in it I feel that somebody has died and I am at a funeral ceremony. It is awful. Thirdly, I support a free style. Everyone can express himself. You can wear comfortable, your favorite clothes. My favorite colors are bright yellow, green, and blue. I like to wear a blue or yellow T-shirt.

But there is another point of view. Some people say that students should wear a school uniform, and it disciplines. They think that wearing a school uniform helps students not to annoy each other. Without special uniform students, especially girls, will try to wear the best, the lightest, and the strangest clothes which are not common or not allowed at school. And, of course, students can better concentrate on work if they wear uniform.

I do not agree with these people. I think that without school uniform student’s life will be a little bit brighter. Nowadays studying takes a lot of time, and people become angrier and rougher. So wearing bright clothes helps to make our life more alive.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that I am for a free style. Clothes express our feelings and behavior. Tastes differ. And everyone can have his own opinion.

Many students around the world wear school uniforms. But is it really necessary? Some people say that wearing a school uniform is good, but others do not support this point of view.

As for me, I don't like to wear a school uniform. First, the shape is bad because of its monotony. It looks like you were in the army, where everyone is similar to each other. Secondly, the colors of modern school uniforms are black and white. It is mourning. I feel uncomfortable in it, because when I am in it, I feel like someone has died, and I am at the funeral ceremony. It's horrible. Thirdly, I support a free style. Everyone can express themselves. You can wear comfortable, your favorite clothes. My favorite colors are bright yellow, green and blue. I like to wear a blue or yellow T-shirt.

But there is also another point of view. Some people say that students should wear school uniforms, this is discipline. They think that wearing school uniforms helps students not to annoy each other. Without a special uniform, students, especially girls, will try to wear the best, lightest, and weirdest clothes that are not normal or are not allowed in school. And, of course, students can better concentrate on their work if they are wearing uniforms.

I disagree with these people. I think that without a school uniform, a student's life will be a little brighter. Nowadays, studying takes a long time and people are getting meaner and rougher. So wearing bright clothes helps make our life livelier.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that I am for free style. Clothing expresses our feelings and mood. Tastes could not be discussed. And everyone can have their own opinion.


English composition

Throughout the world there are many different opinions about what is needed is generally a standard form high school

Personally, I tend to people who are for the introduction of school uniforms. First with the introduction of school
uniforms, all students will be equal. There will be neither rich nor poor. Secondly, I believe that school uniform sets for
training. Moreover there will be more order, the children will think about studying. In addition, parents will be easier to
live, will not have to constantly think of what to wear children, it facilitates parental costs. In addition, each school
can come up with its original shape. Among the students can hold a competition for the best idea of ​​school uniforms. The
best ideas to reward various gifts to the children was a small incentive. As a result, will be interesting and useful.

However, there are people whose opinion is negative. Moreover, they believe that school uniform is not completely
In contrast, they argue that the form may be too expensive for many children and poor families. In addition form deprives
students the opportunity to express their individuality in clothing. Every child has the right to express their
individuality, as he likes. Form Limits freedom of expression.On the other hand I am sure that the strictness of form
suggests that we first came to learn.

TRANSLATION: Russian composition.

All over the world there are many different opinions about whether modern schoolchildren need a standard uniform at all?

Personally, I am inclined towards people who are in favor of the introduction of a school uniform. Firstly, with the introduction of the school uniform, all students will be equal to each other. There will be neither rich nor poor. Secondly, I believe that the school uniform sets them up for learning. Moreover, there will be more order, children will think about learning. In addition, it will be easier for parents to live, they will not have to constantly think about what to wear their children, this will ease parenting costs. In addition, each school can come up with its own original form. Among
students can hold a competition for the best idea of ​​a school uniform. The best ideas should be rewarded with various gifts so that the children have a little incentive. As a result, it will be both interesting and useful.
However, there are people whose opinion is negative. Moreover, they are sure that school uniforms are completely unnecessary. In contrast, they argue that the uniform may be too expensive for large and poor families. In addition, uniforms make it impossible for students to express their individuality in clothing. Every child has the right to express their individuality as they please. Form limits freedom of expression. On the other hand, I am sure that the severity of the form suggests that we first of all came to study.

School uniform

Today many schools introduce their uniforms for students or have strict dress code. Parents and students see a lot of benefits of this innovation but at the same time have some doubts. Let us analyze the main concerns.
To start with, some students claim that school uniforms restrict students "freedom of expression. Adults make their own clothing choices and have the freedom to express themselves through their appearance.
But generally students "right to free expression remains intact even with mandatory school uniforms. And still there are many ways to express their individuality while wearing school uniforms by introducing variations and adding accessories. Adults" freedom to express themselves in clothing is also strictly limited by dress-codes in the companies they work for.
Another concern is that buying a school uniform is extra expense fer families. Parents still need to buy regular clothes for their children to wear out of school.
However, some say that school uniforms can save parents money. Parents can reduce money they spend on clothing when their children wear the same outfit every day.
Besides, school uniforms make getting ready for school easier, that can improve punctuality.
One of the strong arguments for uniform is the absence of competition between students over clothing choices and teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits. School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes.
On the contrary, when students have to wear the same outfits and cannot select clothes that suit their body types, they can feel embarrassed at school.
Moreover, some students find uniforms less comfortable than their regular clothes, which may not be favorable to learning.
On the other hand, in general peers and teachers have a feeling that students in uniform have higher academic potential, and even better behavior. Wearing uniform increases school pride, unity, and community spirit. Students feel that they are a part of a team. School uniforms may even improve attendance and discipline.
Another important point in favor of school uniform is safety. School uniform makes it easier to keep track of students on field trips. If a stranger comes into a school building, he \ she could easily be recognized.
All in all, uniform policies are easier to introduce than a standard dress code. Clothing should not distract students from learning, although focusing on uniforms may take attention away from other important issues in education.

School uniform

Many schools today are introducing uniforms or formal dress codes for students. Parents and students see many benefits in this innovation, but at the same time they have some doubts. Let's analyze the main reasons for their concern.
For starters, some students claim that school uniforms limit freedom of expression. Adults choose their own clothes, they have the freedom to express themselves through their appearance.
But in general, students' right to self-expression remains intact even with compulsory school uniforms. And yet there are many ways to express your personality in school uniforms by using different add-ons and adding accessories. The freedom of adults to express themselves in clothing is also strictly limited by the dress code of the companies in which they work.
Another problem is that buying a uniform is an additional expense for the family. Parents still need to buy regular clothes for their kids to wear outside of school.
Although, some say that the form can save parents money. Parents can reduce their clothing costs if their children wear the same uniform every day.
It also makes it easier to get ready for school, which can improve punctuality.
One of the important arguments in favor of uniforms is that students will not compete over clothing choices and tease those who are less expensive or fashionable. The school uniform forces students to focus on their studies rather than their clothes.
On the contrary, when students are forced to wear the same outfit and cannot choose clothes that suit their body shape, they can feel uncomfortable at school.
Moreover, some students find that the uniform is less comfortable than normal clothing, which may not be favorable for learning.
On the other hand, in general, it seems to peers and teachers that students in uniform have a higher scientific potential and behave better. School uniforms increase pride in the school, a sense of cohesion and community spirit. Having a form can even improve attendance and discipline.
Another important point in favor of form is safety. The form makes it easier to track students on field trips. If a stranger enters the school building, it will be easier to identify him.
In general, it is easier to introduce a school uniform than a standard dress code. Clothing should not distract students from their studies. Although if you focus on the school uniform, you can forget about other important issues related to education.

Topical Vocabulary:

academic - scientific
afford - to afford something (to do something)
argue, claim - assert
attendance - attendance
behavior - behavior
concern - a problem, an issue that needs to be resolved
expense - expenses, expenses
favorable - favorable
to feel embarrassment - to feel embarrassed
freedom of expression - freedom of expression
intact - intact
introduce - bld. enter
keep track - track
mandatory - required
outfit - outfit, set of clothes
peer - peer
pride - pride
to tease - tease
thus - this way
unity - unity, cohesion
ntact - intact

Answer the questions
1. What is the difference between school uniform and dress code?
2. Does the school uniform limit student "s freedom of expression?
3. Do adults have more freedom to express themselves through their ap¬pearance?
4. How can school uniforms save parents "money?
5. How can school uniforms make students focus on their studies more?
6. Why do some students complain about their school uniform?
7. How can school uniform provide safety for students?
8. Translate underlined expressions. Use them in your own sentences about school uniform.

Level B. Other.

School uniform

Many students all over the world wear a school uniform. But is it really necessary? Some people say that wearing school uniform is good, but others do not support this point of view.

As for me, I do not like wearing a school uniform. Firstly, the uniform is bad because of its monotony. It looks as if you were in the army, where everybody is similar to each other. Secondly, the colors of the modern school uniform are black and white. It is funeral. I feel uncomfortable in it because when I am in it I feel that somebody has died and I am at a funeral ceremony. It is awful. Thirdly, I support a free style. Everyone can express himself. You can wear comfortable, your favorite clothes. My favorite colors are bright yellow, green, and blue. I like to wear a blue or yellow T-shirt.

But there is another point of view. Some people say that students should wear a school uniform, and it disciplines. They think that wearing a school uniform helps students not to annoy each other. Without special uniform students, especially girls, will try to wear the best, the lightest, and the strangest clothes which are not common or not allowed at school. And, of course, students can better concentrate on work if they wear uniform.

I do not agree with these people. I think that without school uniform student’s life will be a little bit brighter. Nowadays studying takes a lot of time, and people become angrier and rougher. So wearing bright clothes helps to make our life more alive.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that I am for a free style. Clothes express our feelings and behavior. Tastes differ. And everyone can have his own opinion.

Many students around the world wear school uniforms. But is it really necessary? Some people say that wearing a school uniform is good, but others do not support this point of view.

As for me, I don't like to wear a school uniform. First, the shape is bad because of its monotony. It looks like you were in the army, where everyone is similar to each other. Secondly, the colors of modern school uniforms are black and white. It is mourning. I feel uncomfortable in it, because when I am in it, I feel like someone has died, and I am at the funeral ceremony. It's horrible. Thirdly, I support a free style. Everyone can express themselves. You can wear comfortable, your favorite clothes. My favorite colors are bright yellow, green and blue. I like to wear a blue or yellow T-shirt.

But there is also another point of view. Some people say that students should wear school uniforms, this is discipline. They think that wearing school uniforms helps students not to annoy each other. Without a special uniform, students, especially girls, will try to wear the best, lightest, and weirdest clothes that are not normal or are not allowed in school. And, of course, students can better concentrate on their work if they are wearing uniforms.

I disagree with these people. I think that without a school uniform, a student's life will be a little brighter. Nowadays, studying takes a long time and people are getting meaner and rougher. So wearing bright clothes helps make our life livelier.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that I am for free style. Clothing expresses our feelings and mood. Tastes could not be discussed. And everyone can have their own opinion.