Zhirinovsky's party. Mister X of Russian politics: Zhirinovsky, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Kremlin

TASS-DOSSIER / Svetlana Shvedova /. LDPR was founded on December 13, 1989 as the Liberal Democratic Party Soviet Union(LDPSS). On March 31, 1990, at the founding congress, the main tasks of the Liberal Democrats were announced: the creation of a rule-of-law state with a presidential form of government, a market economy and a multi-party system. The LDPSS declared itself the first opposition party in the USSR. The congress elected its chairman, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who has since led the party for 25 years.

In April 1992, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) was transformed into an all-Russian social and political organization, in December 2001 it was reorganized into a political party (registered with the Ministry of Justice on April 4, 2002). Since December 2012, it has been called the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia).

Its main goals and objectives proclaimed the construction of a legal, "socially oriented state with a multi-structured economy" and guaranteed implementation civil rights and freedoms, "restoration of the status of Russia as a Great Power." In favor of a presidential republic with a unicameral parliament, for limiting the term of office of any leader, including governors. Proposes to assign to the political opposition the functions of control and supervision over budget execution, to increase the responsibility of governors for the socio-economic situation in the regions, to expand the functions of local self-government, etc.

The highest governing body is the congress, which is convened at least once every four years. He accepts program documents, elects the leadership of the party, the head of the Supreme Council, the chairman of the Central Control and Auditing Commission, nominates candidates for elective positions in state and local authorities. In the period between congresses, the governing body of the LDPR is the Supreme Council (elected for four years; head since 2009 - Igor Lebedev, son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky).

LDPR is the only party in modern Russia, who participated in all six presidential election campaigns, but her candidate never rose above third place. Party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky ran for president of Russia five times. On June 12, 1991, he took third place (7.81% of the votes), which was a record figure. In the first round of elections on June 16, 1996 and in the elections on March 26, 2000, the LDPR chairman was in fifth place (5.78% and 2.70%, respectively). On March 2, 2008, Vladimir Zhirinovsky took third place (9.35%); March 4, 2012 - the fourth (6.22%). On March 14, 2004, State Duma deputy Oleg Malyshkin took part in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, according to the results of the voting he received fifth place (2.02%)

The party also took part in all Duma elections. In 1993, 22.92% of voters voted for it - more than for other parties and blocs, which allowed the Liberal Democratic Party to receive 64 mandates and form the second largest faction - after Russia's Choice with 66 mandates. In 1995, the Liberal Democratic Party received 11.18% of the vote (51 mandates, the third largest faction). In 1999, the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" won 5.98% (17 seats, the fifth largest fraction). In 2003, the LDPR was supported by 11.45% of voters (36 mandates, third place). In the 2007 State Duma elections, 8.14% of the electorate voted for the LDPR (40 deputy mandates, third place); in December 2011 - 11.68% (56 mandates, fourth place). In the Federation Council, the party is represented by Mikhail Marchenko (from the Bryansk region), Elena Afanasyeva (from the Orenburg region) and Lyudmila Kozlova (from the Smolensk region).

Regional branches of the Liberal Democratic Party operate in all 85 constituent entities of the Federation. Following the elections on September 14, 2014, the Liberal Democratic Party received the most mandates in the State Council of Crimea - 5 seats (8.49% of the votes). In the Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory - 3 mandates (13.34%). The party has two seats in the parliaments of Sevastopol, Mari El, the Altai Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia and the Tula region. In the Nenets Autonomous District, in the Volgograd, Bryansk, and Moscow Dumas - one mandate each.

Currently, there are 217 LDPR deputies in regional parliaments, 2 thousand 565 party members are deputies of local self-government bodies. 83 representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party - heads of municipalities. Liberal Democrat Alexei Ostrovsky is the governor of the Smolensk region.

The traditional colors of the LDPR are yellow and blue. The party has more than 230 thousand people (data as of December 2014).

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich was born on April 25, 1946 in the city of Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR (now Kazakhstan).

Russian public and political figure, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), Deputy Speaker of the State Duma of Russia of the fifth convocation, member of the Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, member of the permanent delegation of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky was nominated four times by the Liberal Democratic Party for the presidency of Russia (1991, 1996, 2000, 2008).

Family, childhood and adolescence

Father - Edelstein Wolf Isaakovich (1907-1982), graduated from the commercial department of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Grenoble in France. According to some sources, he worked in the administration of the Turkestan-Siberian railroad, according to others - an employee of the planning department at a shoe company. His last position was the head of the fertilizers and chemicals supply department of the Amir company (Tel Aviv). Buried in Israel.

Mother - Zhirinovskaya (Makarova) Alexandra Pavlovna, worked in the dining room of the Alma-Ata Zooveterinary Institute. She died in 1985 in Moscow.

Step-brothers (from the mother's first marriage) - Alexander and Yuri.

Step-sisters (from the mother's first marriage) - Faith, Hope and Love.

After the war, Wolf Edelstein and his younger brother Aaron with his wife Bella, who had Polish citizenship, were deported to Poland. Vladimir Zhirinovsky at that time was several days old. In July 1946, his mother went to Poland with him to show him to his father, but they never saw each other. Before graduating from high school, Zhirinovsky bore his father's surname.

In September 1953, Vladimir Edelstein entered the first grade of the Dzerzhinsky Alma-Ata Secondary School No. 25 (specialization - industrial training). Since the eighth grade, Edelstein, together with his classmates, went to practice at a car repair plant twice a week. In 1964, Edelstein graduated from high school, changed his surname to his mother's and went to enroll in Moscow. His choice fell on the Historical and Philological Faculty of the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(later the Institute of Asian and African Countries) at Moscow State University. He entered and graduated with honors with a degree in Orientalist-Turkology (1969), and along the way he studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Faculty of International Relations (1965-67). Once a student Zhirinovsky sent a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU addressed to Leonid Brezhnev about the need for certain reforms in the field of education, Agriculture and public transport (1967).

Zhirinovsky underwent an internship in Turkey, was a translator for Anatoly Skorichenko, the head of Soviet builders in the city of Bandirme (1969). An unpleasant incident took place there: Zhirinovsky presented a Turk worker with a badge "Soviet circus - 50 years", but according to Turkish law, this friendly gesture was regarded as propaganda of communist ideology. Zhirinovsky was awaiting trial and severe punishment (up to 15 years in prison). However, on the advice of the Soviet consul Arif Heydarov, Zhirinovsky told investigators that the words "Soviet circus" meant ridicule of all Soviet order and therefore could not be propaganda.

After completing his internship, Vladimir Zhirinovsky served in the Soviet Army, served as an officer at the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District in Tbilisi (1970-1972). Then he continued his education at the evening department of the law faculty of Moscow State University with a degree in law (1972-1977).

The beginning of a political career

While still studying at the evening department of the law faculty of Moscow State University, Zhirinovsky began working as an assistant to the Soviet Peace Committee, was a translator and educator High school trade union movement at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

Having received a law degree, he became a senior consultant in the Europe department of the Inyurcollegium at the Moscow city bar association (1975-1983), then worked as a senior legal consultant for the publishing house MIR, and later became the head of the legal department of this publishing house (1983-1990). It was there that Zhirinovsky first spoke at an open party meeting at the publishing house (1985), where he declared the need to abolish the principles of party membership and nationality, which were usually guided when appointing to responsible posts. In 1987 he was nominated as a candidate for deputy of the Dzerzhinsky District Council from the labor collective of the Mir publishing house.

Zhirinovsky several times applied for admission to the CPSU, but to no avail.

The beginning of Zhirinovsky's political activity belongs to last years the so-called era of "Perestroika". He participates a lot in rallies, meetings, the work of various political organizations.

In May 1988, at the founding congress of the Democratic Union, he was elected a member of the Central Coordination Council, but did not join the party.

Zhirinovsky became the author of the draft program of the Social Democratic Party of Russia, which was never created. The text of the program, as amended, was used in drawing up the program of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSS, after the collapse of the USSR - LDPR).

Zhirinovsky took part in a rally of the patriotic movement "Memory" in support of the Slavic population of the Baltic states and against the provocations of the Democratic Union (1989),

was the initiator of the creation of a centrist bloc of political parties and movements and one of its co-chairs (in April 1991, the LDP withdrew from the centrist bloc).

Zhirinovsky - leader of the LDPR party

Zhirinovsky's first political experiments led him logically to the idea of ​​creating a new political party. Soon he held the first organizational meeting of the initiative group for the preparation of the founding congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (1989). At the founding congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, held in Moscow on March 31, 1990, he was elected chairman of the party and since then has been the permanent chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPSS). By April 1991, 6142 people were members of the LDPSS.

For the first time he became a presidential candidate at the conference of the Russian branch of the LDPSS (1991). At the same time, the Fourth Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR approved him as a candidate for president of Russia. At first presidential elections he received the support of 6.2 million popular votes and took third place (after Yeltsin and Nikolai Ryzhkov).

In August 1991, he spoke in support of the State Committee for a State of Emergency (GKChP). In August 1992, the Russian Ministry of Justice canceled the registration of the LDPSS charter due to the huge number of "dead souls" that were included in the party lists.

In April 1992, the third congress of the party was held, at which the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) was established as the legal successor of the LDPSS.

Zhirinovsky took part in the work of the Constitutional Assembly to develop a new Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993).

He nominated himself for the post of mayor of Moscow (1993). During the October events, the politician tried to prevent bloodshed, making efforts to reconcile the parties.

In the elections to the State Duma of the first convocation, he headed the federal list of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia and led the party to victory (1993), became the only leader who passed to the Duma in a single-mandate constituency. The LDPR deputies created the LDPR faction in the Duma and unanimously elected its leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

In 1995, in the elections to the Duma, the LDPR entered parliament, taking second (after the Communist Party) place, and a year later, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as a candidate from the LDPR, took part in the presidential elections.

In 1999, Lyubov Zhirinovskaya, the sister of the LDPR leader, announced her intention to run from Karelia to the State Duma.

Zhirinovsky was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the federal list of the electoral bloc "Zhirinovsky's Bloc" (headed the list), and since January 2000 he took the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the third convocation.

For the third time, Zhirinovsky was nominated as a candidate for the presidency of Russia in 2000. However, the CEC refused to register Zhirinovsky as a candidate in connection with the provision of inaccurate information about the property. Vladimir Zhirinovsky appealed to the Supreme Court with a complaint against the actions of the CEC, but he recognized the actions of the CEC as legal. But the cassation board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation satisfied the complaint of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and obliged the CEC to register him as a candidate for the presidency. In the presidential elections on March 26, 2000, over 2 million voters voted for Zhirinovsky.

In the 2004 presidential election, Zhirinovsky did not run; instead, the party nominated his former bodyguard, Oleg Malyshkin, who took the penultimate place, but in 2008 he again attempted to become president of Russia, but won only 9.37 percent of the vote of Russian voters.

In 2007, a new program was adopted at the LDPR congress. It included: a reduction in the working day to 7 hours, the introduction of an additional day off (on Wednesdays), the abolition of entrance examinations to universities, a reduction in conscript military service to 9 months, the introduction of a luxury tax, the liquidation of the Stabilization Fund and the announcement of a "deep amnesty" (that is release of 500 thousand convicts).

In 2007, Zhirinovsky again became a State Duma deputy, since the LDPR successfully overcame the electoral barrier, gaining 8.14 percent of the votes of Russian voters.

Zhirinovsky himself was elected one of the nine deputy chairmen of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky's awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006).

Order for Personal Courage (2006).

Order "Honor and Glory" II degree (Abkhazia, 2005).

Commemorative medal "850th anniversary of Moscow".

Zhukov's medal.

Medal of Anatoly Koni (Ministry of Justice of Russia).

Medal "200 years to the RF Ministry of Defense" (February 2003).


Vladimir Zhirinovsky is an Honored Lawyer of Russia and Doctor of Philosophy, the topic of his dissertation is "Past, Present and Future of the Russian Nation." He is an academician of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences and a professor at the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement (since 2003).

Zhirinovsky is the author of numerous publications in the press. He wrote the books "The Last Throw to the South" (1993), "The Last Carriage to the North" (1995, 1997, 2002), "The Last Blow to Russia" (1996), " last fight Russia "(1998)," The ABC of Sex "(1998)," Ivan, smell your soul! "(2001). On June 5, 2001, he presented to journalists the complete collection of his works in 55 volumes. works - "the collective work of the party and its faction over the past 8 years."

Zhirinovsky speaks English, French, German and Turkish.

On March 27, 1995, by order of the Minister of Defense, Zhirinovsky was awarded the extraordinary rank of lieutenant colonel. Currently holds the rank of colonel.

Personal life of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Wife - Galina Lebedeva, candidate biological sciences, virologist. We met at a summer camp in Pitsunda. The wedding took place in 1971, the divorce in 1978. True, in 1990, Vladimir and Galina Zhirinovskiy widely celebrated their silver wedding and even got married.

Son - Igor Lebedev (born 1972), head of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The grandchildren are twins Sasha and Seryozha.


The politician's hobby is hunting and skiing.

Zhirinovsky loves kvass, sour milk, compote, jelly, eggnog, sandwiches with pike caviar and good kebab homemade.

But most of all he loves to listen to the announcement of the election results.

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich- Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), member of the State Council, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation, head of the Supreme Council of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

Family and relatives of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky's father is Wolf Isaakovich Eidelstein (1907-1983). The mother of Vladimir Zhirinovsky is Alexandra Pavlovna Makarova. In his biography, Vladimir Volfovich said that he always felt like a Russian, since even according to Israeli laws, the son of a Russian mother is not considered a Jew.

In the book of the writer Alexander Namozov "Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Return to the Origins" it is reported that Wolf Eidelstein owned the land and grew hops, and also supervised the work of three workshops that carried out the primary processing of wood for the plywood factory of his father, Isaac Eidelstein. Vladimir Zhirinovsky's grandfather was an industrialist in the Kostopol region (then a Polish city, now part of the Rivne region of Ukraine).

Vladimir Zhirinovsky as a child (Photo: uznayvse.ru)

After the annexation of Western Ukraine to the USSR, Wolf and his brother Aaron were deported to Kazakhstan. Zhirinovsky's parents met during the war in Alma-Ata. Wolf Eidelstein was acquainted with the first husband of Alexandra Pavlovna, an officer of the NKVD, Andrei Zhirinovsky. They were friends. Andrei Zhirinovsky died in 1944 of tuberculosis, and in 1945 Alexandra Pavlovna married Eidelstein, who was not afraid to take a woman with five children (Vladimir Zhirinovsky has two brothers - Andrei and Yuri, and three sisters - Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov) ... However, a few months later, Zhirinovsky's father had to leave for Warsaw, so Vladimir Volfovich himself did not know his biological father.

From Poland, Wolf Eidelstein emigrated to Israel, where he lived until the end of his days (in 1983 he was hit by a bus).

Vladimir Zhirinovsky as a child

Childhood and education of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky graduated from secondary school number 25 in Alma-Ata. After school in 1964, Vladimir Volfovich entered the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 1970 Vladimir received a degree in Turkish Language and Literature. In parallel, from 1965 to 1967, Zhirinovsky studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Faculty of International Relations. Also, as stated in the biography on the LDPR website, Vladimir Volfovich graduated with honors from the law faculty (evening department) of Moscow State University (1972-1977).

In 1998 Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich at Moscow State University defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The past, present and future of the Russian nation: Russian question: socio-philosophical analysis."

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich speaks English, French, German and Turkish. According to his official biography, Zhirinovsky has published over 500 books, including 100 volumes of his works entitled Political Classics.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky with his mother Alexandra Pavlovna (Photo: ok.ru)

Work and career of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky began his career in 1969-1970 with an internship at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR. Then, after graduating from university, he served in the Armed Forces in the troops of the Transcaucasian Military District.

After serving in the army, Zhirinovsky's track record was work in the Western Europe sector of the international department of the Soviet Peace Committee (1972-1975), then he worked in the dean's office for work with foreign students at the Higher School of the Trade Union Movement (1975-1977). Then Vladimir Volfovich worked in the Inyurcollegium of the USSR Ministry of Justice (1977-1983). During the years of perestroika, Zhirinovsky headed the legal department of the Mir publishing house (from 1983 to 1990).

In 1990 Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich headed the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

Vladimir Volfovich has repeatedly been nominated as a candidate for the post of President of Russia. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was a deputy of the State Duma of the I, II, III, IV, V and VI convocations. Three times (I, II and VI convocations) Zhirinovsky led the LDPR faction, in three other convocations Vladimir Volfovich was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

Candidate for President of Russia V.V. Zhirinovsky during a debate on Central Television, 1991 (left photo); Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union V.V. Zhirinovsky (right) during a conversation with reporters, 1990 (Photo: TASS)

Six times Vladimir Zhirinovsky participated in the presidential elections in Russia, gaining, respectively, in 1991 7.81% of the vote, in 1996 - 5.78%, in 2000 (2.7%), in 2008 (9.35%) and in 2012 (6.22%). In 2018, Zhirinovsky came to the finish line of the campaign third with 5.65% percent of the vote, so 4,154,985 people voted for him.

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich has been heading the LDPR for many years. When asked whether Vladimir Volfovich is preparing a successor for himself, the party leader replies: “There will definitely be a successor. Let it be. We will have re-elections at the congress. 5-6 candidates. And mine too. If there is a desire to elect a new leader, let them elect. But it is very difficult to lead an opposition political party. In the future, of course, new leader will appear. This is a very serious, hard work. Here you need to have a huge intellect, courage, strength, courage. "

Vladimir Zhirinovsky (center) on Red Square during a rally on the day of the 74th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 1991 (Photo: Igor Zotin / TASS)

Scandals and statements by Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich always very sharply defends his political views, not paying attention to where he is. And in front of television cameras, and in a personal conversation, Zhirinovsky behaves the same way. His scandalous statements are known. The media have repeatedly replicated a photo in which Zhirinovsky pours orange juice on Boris Nemtsov (then the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region) (June 18, 1995).

Zhirinovsky pours orange juice on the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Boris Nemtsov, June 18, 1995 (Photo: wikipedia.org)

Vladimir Volfovich does not always hold back even now, so during the debates on the NTVshniki program, one of the presenters accused Zhirinovsky that he allegedly traded places in the State Duma. This infuriated the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Volfovich broke the microphone, and called the presenter a scoundrel.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky in 2003-2006 (Photo: TASS)

The statements of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as a rule, are categorical, and sometimes provocative, but bright and therefore always get into the news of most publications. At one time, the politician's video address to US President George W. Bush in 2003 was very popular, in which Vladimir Volfovich proposed to (hit) Tbilisi together.

Zhirinovsky is no less shocking in 2017. There was a lot of excitement in the news after Zhirinovsky's promise in case of victory in the elections "to declare a general amnesty: political, economic, criminal, financial."

In March 2017, Zhirinovsky, speaking from the rostrum of the Duma, addressing the parliamentary majority, promised that he would shoot his opponents if he won the presidential elections in 2018. Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Neverov called on the Ethics Commission to pay attention to these statements addressed to his party colleagues. After that, Zhirinovsky threatened the United Russia deputies, accusing them that many of them are not rightfully in parliament, and in protest withdrew the entire LDPR faction from the conference room.

Later, the leader of the LDPR faction, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, said that his words about "shooting" and "hanging" referred to representatives of criminal communities, and not to deputies " United Russia».

Also in 2017, Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that it is better for Russians not to know how much ministers, deputies and governors earn. According to him, the information in the published declarations only irritates the people, and gives the press a reason to publish "hot news".

Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed a radical solution to the Ukrainian issue, advocated the entry of Ukraine and Belarus into the Russian Federation on the basis of the rights of new federal districts. “Now, if I were in the Kremlin ... Ukraine would not exist. The Russian army would stand on the border where it was in the First world war... You are still glad that Putin is in the Kremlin. After him, another will come and negotiations will not be needed - no negotiations. Everything will be done at night. As you are with Yanukovych, so are we with your entire team. And in 72 hours Russian tanks will be stationed near Brussels, ”Zhirinovsky said in 2016.

Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, head of the faction " Fair Russia"Sergei Mironov, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov (right to left) after the signing ceremony of the Federal Constitutional Law" On the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of New Subjects within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol "in the Catherine Hall Kremlin, 2014 (Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev / TASS)

Vladimir Zhirinovsky spoke out against the monarchical government in Russia. On another occasion, Vladimir Volfovich argued that Russia needs an "elective monarchy", and also insisted on the need to ban all parties existing in the Russian Federation.

“The office of the president can be renamed into the supreme ruler with a term of office for 6-7 years, and his elections should not be national, they must be carried out by specialists - a Russian cathedral the best people countries selected for a certain quota. And already he, the supreme ruler, will appoint governors, ”summed up Zhirinovsky.

Also in 2017, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky promised, in the event of his victory in the presidential elections in Russia in 2018, to return a number of cities to their former names, in particular, to rename Volgograd to Stalingrad. Zhirinovsky regularly condemns in his statements “the crimes of totalitarian communist regimes”.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (right) speaking at a plenary meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, 2017 (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS)

Zhirinovsky demanded retaliatory sanctions against the United States. “We can also refuse to issue visas, break off relations, ban flights over Russia to Afghanistan, not supply uranium,” the LDRP leader noted. Vladimir Volfovich suggested that Moscow needs to pursue a tougher line and, possibly, replace the Russian Foreign Minister.

But he enthusiastically accepted the victory of Donald Trump in the elections, the news published pictures in which Zhirinovsky drank champagne for Trump's victory. But already in April 2017, Vladimir Volfovich was ready to raise a glass to Trump's impeachment.

Personal life of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich is married, has two sons and a daughter. Daughter Anastasia Petrova and son Oleg Gazdarov are illegitimate.

Zhirinovsky's wife - Galina Aleksandrovna Lebedeva - virologist, candidate of biological sciences. Photos of Zhirinovsky with his wife can often be seen in the news.

Zhirinovsky's eldest son, Igor Lebedev, was born in 1972. Lawyer by profession. In January 2000, he was elected chairman of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the third convocation. Prior to his election to the Duma, he worked in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation as an advisor to the minister (Sergei Kalashnikov, a former member of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the second convocation). Igor Lebedev has two twin sons, the grandchildren of Vladimir Volfovich are Alexander and Sergey.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Igor Lebedev (left to right in the foreground) at a plenary session of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky with his wife Galina and grandchildren, 2014 (Photo: TASS)

The son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Oleg Gazdarov, graduated from Moscow State University. In 2011, he got married, many media wrote about his wedding in North Ossetia, photos from the celebration were published. According to Life News, Zhirinovsky himself paid for his son's wedding, but Vladimir Volfovich could not personally come. Zhirinovsky met Oleg's mother Zhanna Gazdarova in Cuba.

There is almost no information on the Internet about Zhirinovsky's illegitimate daughter Anastasia Petrova, as well as her photo.

Way to success Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) began back in 1989. It was in that year on December 13 in Moscow that an initiative group, including V.V. Zhirinovsky and his associates held a meeting at which it was decided to convene the founding congress of the new - the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSS).

The beginning of the way

The emergence of this party precisely during that period was inevitable and dictated by the conditions of the collapse of all the fundamental structures of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the one-party system and the loss of people's faith in totalitarian socialism. Residents of small towns, people of working age and young people - these strata of society supported the formation of a new party, which became a breath of fresh air after 70 years of communist rule.

The founding congress of the LDPSS was convened in Moscow on March 31, 1990. At it the Program and the Charter of the party were discussed and approved, and the chairman, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, was elected. And less than 3 months later, the first issue of the party newspaper "Liberal" was published.

Since the beginning of its history, the Liberal Democratic Party has held a special position on the main issues and events in Russia and the world. It was this party that in 1991, which was difficult for our country, stood up in support of the State Emergency Committee, advocating the preservation of the USSR, although it was not a supporter of communism. At that moment, it was a very bold step, which required a lot of courage and willpower. The party members were guided by the desire to save the country from Gorbachev's betrayal. The support of the party by the people, despite its "youth" at that time, is evidenced by the fact that V. Zhirinovsky, nominated as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation in the June 1991 elections, became the third.

LDPR victory in the first elections to the State Duma

The party received its current official name during the 3rd Congress on April 18-19, 1992. It was at this congress that it was decided to establish a party under its current name - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). During the work of the congress, the Party's Program and Charter were also approved. At the helm of the party, V.V. Zhirinovsky.

In December 1993, the party members once again demonstrated their courage and ability to maintain a bright mind despite the circumstances, calling on the participants in the armed clash near the building of the Supreme Council to come to their senses and once again take the path of political methods of settling disputes.

On December 12, 1993, during the first Duma elections in the history of the Russian Federation, the LDPR received the largest number of votes, which convincingly proved that the slogans put forward by the party met the expectations of the Russian people and their faith in the LDPR. This is not surprising, because the main goal of the party has always been the revival of democracy in our country. The Liberal Democratic Party has always put forward and is bringing to the fore the principle of patriotism, the need to seek the restoration of Russia within its historical and geopolitical borders. This position does not lose its relevance today, given the fact that in recent decades the Russian population of our state has been subjected to oppression and reduction.

The activities of the Liberal Democratic Party have always been carried out on the basis of the ideas of liberalism and democracy. In 1993 V.V. Zhirinovsky, representing the Liberal Democratic Party at the Constitutional Meeting, introduced a party draft of the Constitution. Many provisions of the draft were then included in the new Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993, the adoption of which was also largely facilitated by the votes of the LDPR supporters.

LDPR in the process of strengthening on the political Olympus

Having won the parliamentary elections of 1993, the Liberal Democratic Party has strengthened and launched an active propaganda activity. V.V. Zhirinovsky and party members regularly held press conferences, explained the policy of the party and its faction in The State Duma.

Standing for the unity of all Slavs, the chairman of the party and its members have repeatedly advocated the struggle with the West in its attempts to subordinate the Orthodox and Christian peoples to their rule. On April 3, 1994, the Slavic Congress was held, in which the Liberal Democratic Party took a direct part, calling on the Slavs of all countries to create a common cultural and geopolitical space for them.

During these years, members of the LDPR party visited different parts of our country to talk with ordinary residents of Russian cities and villages. So, in August 1994, the party members went on a trip along the Volga, during which they met with voters in 23 Russian settlements.

In the same period V.V. Zhirinovsky, together with party activists, visited a number of foreign countries, meeting with their leaders and promoting his ideas. The LDPR chairman and his associates made working trips to Finland, Iraq, the United States, Libya, India and the DPRK.

LDPR as a strong and influential party

In the second half of the 1990s, the Liberal Democratic Party carried out a lot of work to strengthen its party apparatus. Speaking at the Plenum of the Party Central Committee in November 1996, V.V. Zhirinovsky noted that by this time the Liberal Democratic Party had already been represented in the administrations and local legislative assemblies, which means that it had taken place as a political force, as a party.

During this period, interest in the party and its leader in the media intensifies. V.V. Zhirinovsky is increasingly becoming a guest of various television programs, his rating is growing. He publishes a number of works devoted to the analysis of the economic and political problems of Russia, expresses his concept.

Party leaders and members pay great attention to youth, which is becoming the most important support of the Liberal Democratic Party. In 1998, a number of events dedicated to this segment of society are held: Youth Festival, Founding Congress of the Center for Support of Youth Initiatives. In 1999, the Institute of World Civilizations was founded, whose students today are laureates of competitions and conferences at various levels.

By the end of the twentieth century, the Liberal Democratic Party numbered more than 800 thousand of its members, including youth, women's and other organizations.

"Zhirinovsky block"

1999th year. The Liberal Democratic Party is preparing to take part and aims to win the elections to the third State Duma. To this end, the chairman and deputies of the party go on a trip and visit 25 settlements of the Far North and the Far East. The elections were to take place in December of the same year. However, the political "atmosphere" in the country became more and more gloomy. Nevertheless, the Liberal Democratic Party was the only party that offered effective ways to break the deadlock for Russia, so the party had every chance of significant success in the elections. Meanwhile, this state of affairs did not suit the then political opponents of the Liberal Democratic Party, and under their pressure, the Central Election Commission banned the parties from registering the list of their candidates for deputies. This was illegal and could lead to the collapse of the party.

But the Liberal Democratic Party held out, finding a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. On October 13, 1999, a Congress of representatives of two related LDPR associations was convened, during which a decision was made to create the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" - a new electoral bloc that could participate in the elections to the Duma. The list of candidates for deputies, of course, included the "backbone" of candidates from the LDPR list. Despite the machinations of ill-wishers, the registration of the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" took place. As a result of the elections held on the appointed day of December 1999, out of 26 associations and blocs, only 6 entered the third State Duma, among them the “Zhirinovsky Bloc”. This was assessed by V.V. Zhirinovsky as a victory of the Liberal Democratic Party.

The new millennium is a new stage in the development of Russia and the implementation of the proposals of the Liberal Democratic Party

The 21st century came to our country along with the presidential race. Participation in early elections The President of the Russian Federation was announced by V. Putin, G. Zyuganov, V. Zhirinovsky and other politicians. The unanimous approval of V. Zhirinovsky's candidacy took place on January 6 this year at the 11th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party. Again, despite opposition from the CEC, the LDPR candidate was registered to run for the presidency. However, unequal conditions with other candidates led to not the most better result: V.V. Zhirinovsky took only 5th place in the elections for the post of President of the Russian Federation, which became, as you know, V.V. Putin.

In the most difficult conditions in which Russia found itself at the beginning of the new century, a new political course was needed. The Liberal Democratic Party also came out with its own vision of what the new path of the country should be. And the echoes of her speeches found their realization in many provisions of the message of V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In particular, on the advice of V.V. Zhirinovsky, 7 federal districts were created in the country with the aim of strengthening the unity of Russia and the "vertical of power". But so that the country does not split up, LDPR activists proposed creating large provinces that would be equally equal in status, with the same population and economically self-sufficient, but without national state languages ​​and their own constitutions.

Defending Russia's interests in the world, the Liberal Democratic Party drew the attention of the country's leaders to an important point - it is necessary to build diplomatic relations not only with Western, but also with Arab countries, Korea, Iran, India. The party persistently pointed out the danger from the Middle East and Central Asian countries. V.V. Zhirinovsky, actually performing the functions of foreign minister, travels to Iraq for high-level talks.

Despite attacks on the Liberal Democratic Party and, of course, its leader, the merits of V.V. Zhirinovsky were awarded by the President of the Russian Federation, and on December 29, 2000, Vladimir Volfovich was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation".

LDPR in the early years of the XXI century

On December 13, 2001, at the 13th party congress, its leader made a report on the need to transform the all-Russian socio-political organization, which until that time was the Liberal Democratic Party, into a political party, in accordance with the new requirements of the law. The decision was made, the new Charter and the Program were approved, and the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party was elected, who again became V.V. Zhirinovsky.

The party continued to pay much attention to foreign policy issues. Party members advocated defending Iraq against American aggression, preventing an attack on that country and lifting sanctions against it. In September 2002, the party leader took part in an international conference in support of Iraq, which took place in Baghdad. A little earlier in the same year V.V. Zhirinovsky was officially invited to Japan, where he once again spoke about the need to fight international terrorism and the Iraqi problem. Even before the start of the US aggression against Iraq in 2003, the LDPR spoke at the Duma Council with a proposal to condemn the impending American aggression, but the members of the Duma Council did not support the party members. Then the supporters of the Liberal Democratic Party took to the streets with the people to protest against the American aggression at the building of the US Embassy in Moscow.

Paid great importance to the Liberal Democratic Party and the rallying of patriotic organizations different countries... Much effort was put into this cause, which resulted in the World Congress of Patriotic Parties of Europe and Asia, which was first held on January 18, 2003 in Moscow.

In the State Duma of the third convocation (2000-2003) I. Lebedev was elected the leader of the LPDR faction, and V.V. Zhirinovsky became deputy chairman of the Duma. During the four years of the Duma's work, the party continued its line: it focused on economic and social issues, foreign policy and national security. The faction deputies advocated radical methods of reforming the statehood of the Russian Federation: for the abolition of elections for heads of large cities in favor of their appointment as President. In the economic sphere, the LDPR advocated the adoption of laws that would limit the lawlessness on the part of the oligarchs. The result of repeated criticism of the members of the faction of the privatization process was the new edition of the law on privatization. Discussing financial issues, the faction advocated an increase in budgetary funds for social needs and defense. To protect domestic agricultural producers, the Liberal Democratic Party sought to help them sell their products and restrict imports. The work of the deputies of the faction continued to ensure the rights and interests of various strata of the population: women, children, veterans, pensioners. Thanks to their efforts, a minimum wage was introduced into labor legislation, which from then on should not be lower than the subsistence level.

Since the beginning of 2003, the party began to prepare for the next parliamentary elections under the slogan: “We are for the poor! We are for the Russians! " At the same time, the party clarified that this slogan does not call for ethnic hatred, but only reminds of the existence of the Russian people, which was not even mentioned in the country's Constitution. The Liberal Democratic Party has always stood up for the Russian people, without prejudice to the national interests of other nationalities living in our country. In particular, even during the work of the third convocation of the Duma, the LDPR proposed adopting a resolution on the right of Russians to self-determination and sovereignty throughout the Russian Federation, but most of the Duma deputies spoke out against considering this issue at meetings.

For propaganda purposes, LDPR activists undertook many trips to the regions of the country. In August 2003, the leadership and members of the party went by train on the Moscow-Vladivostok route and back. The trip lasted 24 days, during which the party members visited 168 settlements of our country.

On September 8, 2003, the 14th party congress was held in the capital of the Russian Federation, at which V.V. Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Volfovich reminded all those present about the importance of the Liberal Democratic Party in the history of Russia, that it is the oldest party in the country, which is completely ready to rule Russia. Here, at the congress, a list of candidates from the party for the future Duma elections was approved.

During the election campaign, the party managed to win the trust of a huge number of our citizens. As a result, in the elections to the State Duma of the 4th convocation, which took place on December 7, 2003, about 7 million residents of our country voted for the LDPR. In general, the role of the LDPR as an opposition party has grown.

The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia has been guarding the interests of Russians for 15 years!

On December 13, 2004, the Liberal Democratic Party celebrated its 15th anniversary. On this day, the 16th party congress was held in Moscow. During the congress, the results of the party's activities during the period of its existence were summed up, and amendments were made to the Charter.

A year later, on the Party Day, the 17th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was held. Within the framework of a political report, V.V. Zhirinovsky, noting the stabilization of the situation in the country and urging to pay special attention to agriculture. In addition, the party proposed to supplement 4 national projects put forward by the Russian government with 2 more programs: "Roads" and "Culture".

Over the years before its 15th anniversary, the Liberal Democratic Party has published many publications (newspapers Liberal, Sokol Zhirinovsky, Pravda Zhirinovsky, LDPR, magazines Great Russia, For the Russian people). These publications, together with regional publications, provided complete material on the activities of the party in the center and in the localities. The Liberal Democratic Party also distributed many books, brochures, leaflets, recordings on video and audio media throughout the country. This testified to the growing influence of the party and its ability to influence the government course.

By this time, the number of members of the Liberal Democratic Party had increased to almost 90,000 people. More than 1400 local party branches operated on the territory of the country.

LDPR in 2006-2008

2006 was a busy year for Russia. This is bird flu, and large fires, and an emergency in the army. The situation on the world stage also became more complicated: the Americans began preparing aggression against our country's strategic ally, Iran. V.V. Zhirinovsky and members of the Liberal Democratic Party actively participated in the settlement of complex issues, expressed their ideas on which course to adhere to the Russian government.

For V.V. Zhirinovsky this year was jubilee: the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia on April 25, 2006 turned 60 years old. On the eve of the birthday of the politician, the President of the Russian Federation in a solemn atmosphere awarded the head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia with the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 4 degrees. On the same day, the 18th congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was assembled, at which the hero of the day made a vivid presentation of a political orientation entitled "Another look at history."

During the work of the fourth State Duma (starting from December 29, 2003), new chairman- B.V. Gryzlov. V.V. became the Deputy Chairman again. Zhirinovsky. At the meetings of the Duma of the 4th convocation, the LDPR made various proposals to maintain the unity of the country. It was proposed to establish a vertical of power so that governors would be appointed by the President. The LDPR faction spoke out for the renewal and replacement of the government of M.E. Fradkov, and in 2007 the President proposed a new candidate for the highest post in the government - V.A. Zubkov.

In May 2005, one of the party's program guidelines was implemented: the State Duma amended the law on the election of deputies, according to which only political parties should participate in them. Now governors and heads of administrations are no longer elected by the population, but are elected on the proposal of the President of the country by the legislative body of the constituent entity. When discussing the laws on the state budget, the LDPR faction suggested paying special attention to social policy issues and increasing defense spending, demanded to lay in the 2007 budget funds to increase wages and pensions, to finance demographic and other priority projects. The deputies of the LDPR faction spoke out against the abolition of benefits, against the closure of vocational schools. The party leader repeatedly raised the issue of the need to increase the monthly child allowance, which finally found its solution, albeit in an insufficient amount. The faction of the party opposed the "adjustment" of the education system to foreign standards.

In the same year, the Liberal Democratic Party took the most direct part in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the First in history tsarist Russia The State Duma.

In 2007, the Liberal Democratic Party began active preparations for the elections to the State Duma of the fifth convocation and for the upcoming presidential elections. The party was still supported by a huge number of residents of various parts of Russia. LDPR candidates in the elections to the Fifth Duma on December 2, 2007 were able to secure 8.14% of the vote. V.V. was re-elected as Deputy Chairman. Zhirinovsky.

On September 17 this year, the 19th party congress opened, at which those present heard the report of V.V. Zhirinovsky on the topic: “World Civil War". The LDPR chairman called Britain and its "offspring" America the main enemy of Russia.

On the next anniversary of the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party on December 13, the 20th party congress was held, on the agenda of which was the question of electing a candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party to the highest post in the country. By unanimous decision V.V. Zhirinovsky, who received 9.4% of the votes of the citizens of the country.

On May 17, 2008, the 11th party congress was held. At the congress V.V. Zhirinovsky voiced the LDPR's proposal to move from a presidential to a parliamentary republic. Such a step would mean a transition to the next form of democracy. Proposals were also made on amendments to the Constitution.

During this period, the Liberal Democratic Party continued to act in constructive opposition to the government. The party focused particular attention on issues of economic and social policy. The emphasis was placed on the need to raise agriculture, the development of road construction. Attention was drawn to the danger of the US globalist course and proposals were made to strengthen national security.

V.V. Zhirinovsky drew the Duma's attention to the need for a legal regulation of food prices, limiting the growth of fuel costs.

Liberal Democratic Party of Russia from 20 years to 25 years

On December 13, 2009, as planned, the 22nd party congress was convened, dedicated to its 20th anniversary. The event was held in a solemn atmosphere. There were many guests, congratulations and greetings from many world leaders, including from top management RF. In his speech at the anniversary congress, the permanent leader of the Liberal Democratic Party recalled the pages of the party's history, about its enormous contribution to the development of our country in the post-Soviet period.

In 2010, the Liberal Democratic Party introduced a lot of bills to the State Duma. Among the most significant are the draft law on punishing Duma deputies for absenteeism from meetings, on establishing the fact that the Kuriles belong to Russia, on establishing responsibility for the terrorist's family. In the same year, on November 1, the Party Department was created to work with citizens' appeals to help Russians in a variety of issues.

The contribution of the party and its leader to the development of Russia was noted on July 28, 2011. This is the date the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, the founder of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 3rd degree.

On September 13, 2011, at the 23rd Party Congress, the list of candidates for deputies of the Sixth Duma was approved. In the elections held on December 4 this year, the Liberal Democratic Party received 11.67% of the vote, which allowed it to increase the faction to 56 deputies.

In the 2012 presidential elections, the candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party, its permanent leader V.V. Zhirinovsky received just over 6 percent of the vote. In the same year, the party celebrated the 25th anniversary of V.V. Zhirinovsky.

On December 13, 2012, the 25th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was held, at which proposals were made and adopted to amend the Party Charter.

On March 25, 2013, the 26th party congress was held, at which 6,000 people gathered - a record figure.

On December 16 of the same year, the results of a study conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation were announced, according to which V.V. Zhirinovsky was among the three most influential residents of the Russian Federation. In addition to him, V.V. Putin and S.K. Shoigu.

2014 is the year of the 25th anniversary of the party. In February of this year, an agitation trip of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party and deputies from the party in the State Duma to Crimea took place. In June, after the All-Russian meeting of its activists, the Liberal Democratic Party began to prepare for a single voting day and the next (scheduled for 2016) elections to the State Duma. On November 4, members of the party took part in the march "We are United", which took place in Moscow. The Liberal Democratic Party has once again demonstrated that it protects Russia's interests throughout the world and fights against the destruction of the state.

On December 13, 2014, a meeting of party activists from all over Russia was held in Moscow. The event was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Liberal Democratic Party. The chairman of the party in his speech emphasized that the Liberal Democratic Party is a strong party, which today follows the slogans put forward a quarter of a century ago.

LDPR today

LDPR today is a dynamically developing party. It includes 245 468 people. In the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation on September 18, 2016, the Liberal Democratic Party won 13.3% of the vote. The faction of the party is represented in the State Duma of the seventh convocation by 40 deputies. This is the youngest faction in the Duma and in Europe in general.

For 25 years now, the Liberal Democratic Party has been represented by a faction in the State Duma. And all the most significant bills (on the protection of the Russian and Russian languages, demography, pensions, education, youth and others) were first voiced by the deputies of this particular party.

On December 20, 2017, at the XXXI Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Chairman of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, was approved as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation.

On December 29, 2017, Vladimir Zhirinovsky received a certificate of a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, becoming the first registered candidate.

Continuing to grow, the LDPR is purposefully moving along the political Olympus in order to be able to create a high material and cultural standard of living for the Russian people.

The Liberal Democratic Party is the only force that can lead our country forward!

Party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. The elections will take place on March 18, 2018.

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was born on April 25, 1946 in the city of Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR (now the Republic of Kazakhstan). Father - Wolf Isaakovich Eidelstein (1907-1983), originally from the city of Kostopol (Rivne region, Ukraine), at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was sent to Kazakhstan. Mother - Alexandra Pavlovna (nee - Makarova, by her first husband - Zhirinovskaya) was born in the village of Laushki, Krasnoslobodsky district of Mordovia. She moved to Alma-Ata in the 1940s with her first husband and five children. After the death of her husband in 1945, she married Wolf Eidelstein, who in 1946 was exiled to Poland, then left for Israel.

In 1970, Vladimir Zhirinovsky graduated with honors from the History and Philology Faculty of the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(since 1972 - the Institute of Asian and African Countries) at the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov with a degree in Turkey and Turkish language". In 1965-1967 he studied in parallel at the University of Marxism-Leninism. In 1977 he graduated from the evening department of the law faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Doctor of philosophical science. On April 24, 1998 at Moscow State University he defended his dissertation on the topic "Past, Present and Future of the Russian Nation (Russian Question: Socio-Philosophical Analysis)". Professor.

In 1969 he passed an internship in Turkey as a translator in the foreign trade associations "Tyazhpromexport" and "Neftekhimpromexport" of the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.

In 1970-1972 he served in the Soviet Army, in the political administration of the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District (Tbilisi, Georgia).

Since 1972 - employee of the Western Europe sector of the international department of the Soviet Peace Committee. Then, from 1975 to 1977, he worked with foreign students in the dean's office of the Faculty of Economics of the Higher School of the Trade Union Movement.

From 1977 to 1983 - employee of the Foreign Legal Collegium of the USSR Ministry of Justice.

In 1983-1990 he was an employee, then a senior legal adviser, head of the legal department of the Mir publishing house.

On December 13, 1989, he took part in a meeting of the initiative group for the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSS). The LDPSS program was based on the "Program of the Social Democratic Party of Russia" developed earlier by Zhirinovsky.

The founding congress of the LDPSS took place on March 31, 1990 in Moscow. On it Zhirinovsky was elected chairman of the party, since then he has been heading it for 27 years. In April 1992, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) was transformed into an all-Russian social and political organization, and in December 2001 it received the status of a political party.

On June 12, 1991, Zhirinovsiky took part in the first presidential elections in Russia. He won 7.81% of the vote and took third place after Boris Yeltsin (57.30%) and Nikolai Ryzhkov (16.85%).

In August 1991, during an attempt coup d'état, organized by the State Committee for the State of Emergency (GKChP), publicly spoke in support of the GKChP on behalf of the party. In October 1993, he supported Russian President Boris Yeltsin in his conflict with the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation.

Participated in the work of the Constitutional Meeting of 1993 on the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Zhirinovsky is a deputy of all seven convocations of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: he has been working in the lower house of parliament since 1993, and is a member of the LDPR faction.

On December 12, 1993, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 1st convocation from the Liberal Democratic Party. Passed to the Duma in the Shchelkovo single-mandate constituency No. 114 (Moscow region). In the lower house of parliament, he headed the Liberal Democratic faction, which became the second largest after the "Choice of Russia". He was a member of the Duma Defense Committee.

On December 17, 1995, he was elected to the State Duma of the II convocation from the LDPR (in the elections he headed the party's list). In the Duma, Zhirinovsky took the post of leader of the party faction, worked on the defense committee.

In 1996 he took part in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, was one of ten contenders for the highest government post. According to the results of voting on June 16, 1996, he gained 5.7% (fifth place out of ten candidates) and did not qualify for the second round of voting. On July 3 of the same year, Yeltsin was elected president of Russia (53.82%).

On May 30, 1999, Zhirinovsky took third place in the elections for the head of the Belgorod region (17.72%), behind the incumbent governor Yevgeny Savchenko (53.46%) and the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Mikhail Beskhmelnitsyn (19.71%). All candidates were nominated by groups of voters. Savchenko ran with the support of the movement "Our Home - Russia", Beskhmelnitsyn - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Zhirinovsky - the Liberal Democratic Party.

On December 19, 1999, Zhrinovsky was elected to the State Duma of the III convocation from the "Zhirinovsky Bloc". The bloc was formed after the refusal of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to register the electoral list of the Liberal Democratic Party due to the provision of false information about property by candidates from the federal part of the list. In January 2000, Zhirinovsky was elected Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Gennady Seleznev. His son Igor Lebedev became the leader of the LDPR parliamentary faction.

March 26, 2000 participated in the presidential elections in Russia. 2.7% of the electorate voted for him, and he took fifth place among 11 candidates. The head of state was elected Russian Prime Minister, acting President of the country Vladimir Putin (52.94%).

On December 7, 2003 and December 2, 2007 Zhirinovsky was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the IV and V convocations. In the elections, he headed the list of candidates from the LDPR in the federal district. In 2003-2011 Zhirinovsky was the deputy chairman of the parliament Boris Gryzlov. He was a member of the Duma Defense Committee.

On March 2, 2008, he took part in the presidential elections for the fourth time. He took third place (9.35%) out of four candidates, behind the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev (70.28%) and the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov (17.72%).

On December 4, 2011, he was re-elected to the State Duma of the VI convocation from Political party LDPR (ran under the first number in the party list). In the Duma, he headed the Liberal Democratic faction, entered the defense committee.

On March 4, 2012 he took part in the next presidential elections. According to the voting results, he took fourth place among five candidates, receiving 6.22%. Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation (63.60%).

On September 18, 2016, Zhirinovsky became a deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation on the list of the Liberal Democratic Party (the first number in the list of candidates from the party). He headed the party faction in the lower house of parliament.

The total amount of declared income for 2016 amounted to 79 million 141 thousand rubles.

Retired Colonel.

He was awarded the Orders of Merit to the Fatherland IV, III and II degrees (2006, 2011, 2016), Honor (2008), Alexander Nevsky (2015), as well as the II degree P. A. Stolypin medal (2012). Awarded the highest order of the Republic of Abkhazia "Honor and Glory" II degree (2005). Awarded with gratitude from the government of the Russian Federation (2016).

He was awarded the Anatoly Koni Medal of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (2000).

Full member (academician) of the International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management. Honorary Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Member of the International Academy of Informatization. Full member (academician) of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Fluent in English, French, German and Turkish.

Since 1971, he has been married to Galina Aleksandrovna Lebedeva, Candidate of Sciences in Biology. According to Zhirinovsky, an official divorce was filed in 1978, and the couple got married in 1993.

Son - Igor Lebedev (born 1972), a graduate of the Moscow State Law Academy. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.