Igor Ulyukaev. "The Case of Ulyukaev": the last battle. Rampant embezzlement is not forgiven

The ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev commented on the words of the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin about "cretinism" when the recording of their conversation during the transfer of a bribe was announced with an epigraph from the "Auditor". Earlier, Sechin called “professional cretinism” the publication of the transcript of his conversation with Ulyukaev. At the same time, Sechin said…


The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, called the published recording of his conversation with the ex-Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukayev professional cretinism, since the conversation mentioned information containing state secrets. “This is professional cretinism. There are things that should be closed with…


Former head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev advised "to be afraid of the Danaans who bring sausages." Earlier, the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, said that he had no doubts about the guilt of the former minister. According to Sechin, Ulyukaev “demanded an illegal reward, he himself determined its size, he himself came for it, he himself ...


The trial in the case of former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev suddenly gave an unexpected reason for reflection. At the trial, the words of the head of Rosneft Sechin, which he said in a conversation with Ulyukaev, were voiced. But they do not concern bribes at all, ...


In the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow, at the trial of the ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, a recording of his last conversation with the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin was read out. Immediately after the end of this conversation, Ulyukaev was detained. The Mediazona information project published a wiretap announced by the accuser…


The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, is convinced that the ex-Minister of Economic Development Alesey Ulyukaev committed a crime: the official demanded a reward, came for him and took him away. Ulyukaev is accused of extorting $2 million from Sechin. The ex-minister faces up to 15 years in prison. He became the first in the modern ...


The court interrogated the third witness in the case of ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, and also began studying the case materials. Ulyukaev is accused of extorting two million dollars from the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, for positive reviews of the company's deals, he faces up to 15 years in prison. Interrogation…


The Moscow City Court on Wednesday upheld the decision to extend House arrest ex-Minister of Economic Development Aleksey Ulyukaev, accused of bribery, until January 27, 2018. Earlier, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow extended the ex-official's house arrest for six months while the criminal case was being considered. Ulyukaev pleads not guilty...


The loudest trial of this year, having just begun, has been postponed until September 1. However, public expectations from the trial of Alexei Ulyukaev have already been formed. And they are amazing - most Russians believe that the former minister will get off with a lenient sentence ....

Former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, who was sentenced to eight years in a strict regime colony the day before, spoke about how his first night in the pre-trial detention center went. An interview with him is published by Moskovsky Komsomolets. Until the verdict comes into force, Ulyukaev is serving a sentence in the Federal ...


“It is important for the voters that the official actually sits down.” With these words, experts explain the political context in which, in addition to the actual legal arguments, the high-profile trial of the former head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Alexei Ulyukaev, turned out to be. The ex-minister's sentence turned out to be harsh - although he could ...


The court sentenced ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev to eight years in prison and a fine of 130 million rubles. “Recognize Ulyukaev guilty under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentence him to eight years in prison with ...


The court found the ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev guilty of taking a bribe and found that he demanded $2 million from the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin during the summit in Goa. “The court found that Ulyukaev was guilty of taking a bribe…


Ex-Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev, accused of bribery, said that he hopes for an acquittal and will seek to bring the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, to justice for a false denunciation. “Of course, I hope for an acquittal. I will seek justice, bring Sechin to justice for knowingly...


Full text last word ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev in the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow I constantly said that I was innocent of the crime imputed to me, I categorically reject the charges against me. I confirm this in my latest…


Former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev said Thursday in Moscow's Zamoskvoretsky Court that he was the victim of a "monstrous and cruel provocation" by Rosneft head Igor Sechin. “I categorically deny my participation in the crime. Collected by…


Prosecutor Pavel Filipchuk in the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow called it “terrible” life path former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev. “It’s really scary when a person with an impeccable reputation, having all the blessings of life, takes a path that leads him to banal bribery,” he said.


Former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev demanded that Judge Larisa Semyonova send material to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation about checking the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, about bringing him for a false denunciation. “I ask the court to issue me an acquittal ...


Former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev, who is accused of taking a $2 million bribe, said he was amused by the state prosecutor's request to sentence him to ten years in prison. Answering the question of journalists, what was his reaction when the prosecutor announced ...


The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, had no reason to provocation and slander ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, prosecutor Boris Neporozhny said in the Zamoskvoretsky court of the capital. He noted that Ulyukaev's version does not stand up to scrutiny. The prosecution considers his guilt fully proven. Today…


The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, did not come to court for questioning in the case of ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev. “On November 27, Sechin is on a business trip in Italy and cannot appear in court,” RIA Novosti reports the words of Nikolai Klen ...


The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, called the condition for his appearance at the trial of the former Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexei Ulyukaev, accused of bribery. It is reported by Interfax. “As soon as we can agree on the necessary schedules, I will certainly fulfill ...


The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, again failed to appear at the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow on Wednesday to testify as a prosecution witness in the case of former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev, who is accused of taking a $2 bribe…


Rosneft refused to accept a summons from the bailiffs to summon the head of the company, Igor Sechin, to court for a hearing on the case of former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev, the judge said. “The bailiffs brought a summons to the address of work (Sechin), ...

“In September, the Ministry of Economic Development radically changed its position: Rosneft could already be admitted to privatization. Why? Maybe we were convincing in our letters,” said Baranov.

  • Tarasenko spoke about the preparations for the privatization of Bashneft. The prosecutor noted contradictions between the protocol of interrogation of Tarasenko by the investigators and her testimony at the trial.

Rosneft, having bought a stake in Bashneft at the maximum price, will increase its capitalization. And since the state-owned company is itself in the process of privatization, it will be better for the budget if it becomes more expensive. The department included these allegations in the report. However, then Ulyukaev personally crossed them out.

  • On September 5, the court will hear the testimony of witnesses: Advisor to the Department of Corporate Governance of the Ministry of Economic Development Julia Moskvitina. And also began the study of the materials of the case.
  • Moskvitina participated in the preparation of a report to the government and to the legal entities that were involved in the deal to sell Bashneft shares. She says that Ulyukaev made changes to the report to the government, but the adviser does not remember what exactly he crossed out. At the last meeting, Tarasenko said that the ex-minister crossed out the phrase about the inexpediency of limiting the participation of state-owned companies in privatization. According to Moskvitina, he did not cross out these words.

"We have not received any instructions to delay or postpone the privatization of Bashneft."

  • The prosecutor read out a statement from Oleg Feoktistov (at that time he was in charge of the security service of Rosneft) addressed to the director of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov. According to Feoktistov, he received information from Sechin that Ulyukaev demanded a bribe of $2 million. This is also stated in the report addressed to Ivan Tkachev, head of department "K" of the 6th service of the FSB, which is read out by the prosecutor.
  • The prosecutor read out the transcript of the conversation between Ulyukaev and Sechin in the courtyard of the Rosneft building on Sofiyskaya Embankment: “The audio recording device was issued to Sechin.”
  • September 7, court testimony of a witness for the prosecution, head of the department of property relations and privatization of the largest organizations of the Federal Property Management Agency Evgeniya Stolyarova. In his own words, he did not take part in any meeting on the privatization of Bashneft, and Ulyukaev's position on this issue is known to him exclusively from the media.

“Well, I only know about this from the media, I didn’t communicate with the minister on this matter. The media wrote that the Ministry of Economic Development has no objection to the participation of Rosneft in the deal.

  • The driver of the Ministry of Economic Development was also interrogated Ilya Makarov. On November 15, he brought Ulyukaev to Rosneft. He told how the ex-minister was detained.
  • On September 11, the testimony of witnesses for the prosecution: Dmitry Pristanskov, head of the Federal Property Management Agency, Alexei Yakovitsky, general director of VTB Capital, and Alexander Yunashev, special correspondent for Life.
  • Pristanskov was directly subordinate to Ulyukaev, at the trial he told how the process of preparing for the privatization of Bashneft went. When asked if Pristanskov received any instructions from Ulyukaev to slow down the Bashneft deal, he answered in the negative. Like other witnesses, he stated that restrictions for state-owned companies when buying a company could only be established by a separate act of the government.​

- Could Ulyukaev introduce a draft of such a restrictive act?

— Yes, after agreement with other executive authorities.

- Did Minister Ulyukaev work on the preparation of such an act?

- I don't know about it. But the draft of such an act had to be coordinated with the Federal Property Management Agency.

  • VTB Capital acted as an agent in the privatization of Bashneft. Yakovitsky At the trial, he said that he had not heard of any restrictions on participation in the transaction.
  • Yunashev- Correspondent of the presidential pool. In October 2016, he covered Putin's participation in the BRICS summit in India. According to investigators, it was there that Ulyukayev extorted a bribe from Sechin. The witness did not hear their conversation about this.

“Someone was relaxing on sofas, someone was playing billiards. I came closer and saw Kostin, Sechin and a little further away Alexei Valentinovich Ulyukaev. The cameraman and I removed them, and then decided to approach. "What are you playing for?" we asked. “To the oil rigs,” Kostin replied. "Everything".

  • On September 13, to testify, Ulyukaeva, who worked in 2016 as a secretary Irina Dyutina, security manager at Rosneft Vadim Derevyagin.
  • During the preliminary investigation, Dyutina got acquainted with the contents of the recording, during which Sechin and Ulyukaev agreed to meet at the Rosneft office on the day of the arrest, and recognized the voice of the boss. It was Dyutina who connected Ulyukaev with Sechin during their conversation.
  • Derevyagin was with Sechin on a business trip to Goa in October, where, according to investigators, Ulyukayev extorted a bribe, and arrived there in advance to take the necessary security measures. At the time of his arrest, the witness was preparing for a business trip and “was not involved in ensuring security at the Rosneft office.”

- How much time did Sechin and Ulyukaev spend together? the prosecutor asks.

“I can’t say for sure, but I think that no more than five minutes,” Derevyagin answers.

- Did they communicate?

Yes, we talked. But I did not hear the conversation - I was standing at least ten meters away.

Did Kostin participate in the conversation?

- I can not say, I did not focus attention.

- When did you return to Moscow?

— At the end of the summit.

  • When the meeting ended, Ulyukaev's lawyer Darijan Kveidze said that, according to Sechin's testimony, while playing billiards at the BRICS summit in Goa, Ulyukaev showed him two fingers. The lawyer believes that only Sechin himself can say that in this way the ex-minister extorted a bribe of $ 2 million from the head of Rosneft, if he speaks in court.
  • September 18 FSB officer Alexey Kalugin.
  • Kalugin detained Ulyukaev on November 15, 2016. He received an order to go to the office of Rosneft from the head of the K department, Ivan Tkachev. The conversation with the lawyer turned out to be tense, he insisted that the detention procedure was held with violations.

“You actually interrogated him,” Gridnev insisted. “No, I suggested that he voluntarily lay out the contents of his pockets. He had the right to refuse. Then I would have hacked the bag with something, ”the witness answered.

  • On September 20, behind closed doors, the ex-head of the Rosneft security service Oleg Feoktistov. Journalists managed to ask him only one question:

- Do you sleep well at night?

- Fabulous.

  • On December 4, the BBC released a transcript of the interrogation of Feoktistov. From it it became known that he personally found the money to transfer to Ulyukaev, borrowing it "from his good friend, a private investor." FSB officers brought the money to the Rosneft office. He also explained under what circumstances Ulyukaev allegedly demanded a bribe from Sechin:

“He [Sechin] told me in more detail that the conversation took place in one of the halls, during a break, that at first they discussed the results of the deal itself, then allegedly Mr. Ulyukaev said that this and that, everything went fine, the deal was closed, that in this is his merit, and, putting two fingers to the lapel, he said that he needed to take a certain volume. He [Ulyukaev] put two fingers to the lapel of his jacket and showed the amount. From which it was concluded that the amount of 2 million dollars.

  • The prosecution did not name witnesses, so the court examined the case file. The report of the inspection of the Mercedes car, the report of the inspection of Ulyukaev’s iPad and the Rosneft booklet found in the car, the report of the seizure of video recordings from surveillance cameras in the office of Rosneft, the report of the inspection of the gift set (items from it were not named) were read out, the inspection of funds was announced seized from Ulyukaev. The FSB, when examining the scene of the incident, made mistakes when recalculating banknotes. So, some of them are mentioned twice in the protocol.
  • A video was watched of Sechin, Kostin and Ulyukaev playing billiards in the lobby of a hotel in the Indian state of Goa and their dialogue with the operator of the Life TV channel was heard.
  • The prosecutor read a letter from Sechin to President Putin dated July 21, 2016. It says that for last years Rosneft strengthened its positions, became the largest company and the largest taxpayer in Russia. Sechin writes that the takeover of Bashneft would be a logical step in the light of the future sale of the stake in Rosneft itself and would provide synergy of 160 billion rubles. He asks Putin to approve the sale and instruct the government to prepare the deal.

During his interrogation, the head of the Rosneft investor relations department, Andrey Baranov, said that the company did not send any requests to the president, and in his letter they simply announced their intention to participate in privatization.​

  • On October 12, the court records the meetings between Sechin and Ulyukaev in Goa and the office of Rosneft on November 14, 2016. One of the frames at the company's office shows how Sechin meets Ulyukaev at the company's office and hands over the bag in which the money was found during the search.

Video: The Bell / YouTube

  • As Ulyukayev's lawyers after the meeting, the former minister was sure that there was wine in this bag.
  • On November 28, he himself testified in court Ulyukaev. He called the actions of the head of Rosneft a provocation, the testimony - a slander, and the opinion about the inadmissibility of buying Bashneft - his personal position.
  • Ulyukaev also spoke about his conversation with Sechin in Goa.

“I noticed billiard tables near which [VTB President Andrey] Kostin and Sechin were standing. He came over to greet his colleagues. Sechin and I had a short conversation. Sechin said that we did a good job preparing this deal, and I should note it worthy. He twisted the "hole" in my jacket, hinting at the submission to the state award. “I will treat you to wine like you have never tasted. You deserve it for a good job."

  • Myself Sechin, despite being subpoenaed four times, never appeared in court to testify. The court considered the reasons for non-appearance valid.

Why they came for Ulyukaev

    As a source told RBC, Ulyukaev was under development by law enforcement agencies for at least a year. At the end of the summer, the court issued permission to wiretap his phone. Operational support was provided by the Federal Security Service, and the operation was supervised by Oleg Feoktistov, head of the FSB’s own security department, who in September 2016 moved to the position of vice president of Rosneft.

Eight years in a strict regime colony and a fine of 130 million rubles. On December 15, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of the capital handed down such a verdict to the former Minister of Economic Development. Aleksey Ulyukaev was found guilty of taking a large bribe. The ex-official, who was under house arrest, was taken into custody. The process aroused great public interest. Never before in Russia's recent history has a sitting federal minister been prosecuted for corruption.

Light, with a small bag for documents, which the ex-minister invariably took to all previous court hearings, he also came to the announcement of the verdict. Alexey Ulyukaev did not take the necessary personal belongings in case he had to go straight from the courthouse to places of deprivation of liberty.

Perhaps he had hoped to return home until the very end. However, instead of the Latin saying “omnia mea mecum porto”, which means “I carry everything with me”, already in the meeting room, Ulyukaev remembered another Russian proverb more suitable for the occasion: do not renounce prison and the bag.

A small meeting room simply could not physically accommodate all the journalists. Inside, the judge allowed only four television cameras and several reporters from print media on the condition that they share their materials with colleagues who remained outside the door. She asked herself not to shoot for security reasons. And although there were no threats against her, this is a common practice for such high-profile cases.

The case of the ex-minister of economic development was called unprecedented. After all, this is the first in history modern Russia a case when an official of such a high rank was arrested and tried for a bribe.

The hearings were held in open mode, and this is perhaps the only thing with which both the defendant himself and the state prosecutors unanimously agreed. However, for various reasons. The ex-minister hoped to convince everyone of his innocence, while the prosecutor's office, on the contrary, declared that the evidence collected was irrefutable. Among them are audio and video recordings of meetings and conversations between the head of the Ministry of Economic Development and the head of the Rosneft company.

Igor Sechin turned to law enforcement after Ulyukaev demanded two million dollars from him. Remuneration for the issuance of a positive opinion on the transaction on the acquisition of Bashneft shares by Rosneft. The minister was detained immediately after the transfer of money, on the night of November 15, 2016.

After the arrest, the Bashneft privatization deal was once again carefully checked and recognized as legal. The ex-minister's lawyers even tried to convince him that in this case the money received could not be considered a bribe at all. But the judge disagreed with this argument.

“To recognize Aleksey Valentinovich Ulyukaev as guilty and to impose a sentence of eight years’ imprisonment with the serving of the sentence in penal colony strict regime with a fine in the amount of a single bribe amount of 130 million 433 thousand 400 rubles,” the judge read out.

Words that Alexei Ulyukaev listened to with a stone face. Just as silently, he allowed himself to be handcuffed and went behind bars.

Eight years in a strict regime colony. This is two years less than the prosecutors asked for as punishment. Despite this, they are not going to challenge the verdict.

“Punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty is within the scope of the sanctions of the article, therefore we see no grounds for appealing the verdict in terms of the imposed punishment. The verdict and the punishment imposed on Ulyukaev correspond to the gravity of the deed,” said state prosecutor Boris Neporozhny.

But the ex-minister's lawyers intend to seek acquittal in higher courts.

“How can I assess the verdict? You yourself think. As a lawyer, I do not agree with this. I think it's unfair!" - said the lawyer of Alexei Ulyukaev Darejan Kveidze.

The judge reduced not only the term of a possible punishment, but also the amount of the initial fine. Instead of half a billion rubles, Ulyukaev now has to pay 130 million. At the exchange rate at the time of the crime, this is exactly two million dollars.

The money will be taken from the ex-minister's personal savings. On his accounts, at the request of the investigation, about one million dollars are now frozen, as well as 280 million rubles, and this is not counting a dozen arrested land plots and a collection of gold coins. Anything left after paying the fine will be returned to the owner.

Ulyukaev in verses from the colony mentioned life "before and after the term" The work of the ex-minister is dedicated to a thunderstorm that splits the "china of heaven" and plows "the sky wide open". According to Ulyukaev's lawyer, he continues to work on his book. Ex-Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexei Ulyukaev, sentenced to eight years in prison for a bribe, wrote a new poem, reports the Moscow agency. "Thunderstorm according to Tyutchev, ... Bailiffs announced Ulyukaev's debt for non-payment of transport tax The former head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Aleksey Ulyukaev, who was convicted for a bribe, owes the state 115.8 thousand rubles. for non-payment of transport tax, they said in Federal Service bailiffs (FSSP). This is reported by the agency "Moscow". The department noted that they filed a lawsuit against the former minister for the collection of fees, and on May 22, the ex-official was ... The Federal Penitentiary Service denied the information about Ulyukaev's divorce Former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, sentenced to 8 years in prison for a bribe, denied information about his divorce. This is reported by Govorit Moskva with reference to the deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Valery Maksimenko, who spoke on this topic with the ex-minister. Ulyukaev's lawyer Larisa Kashtanova also told the Moskva agency that she did not know anything about ... The lawyer reported on the literary activities of Ulyukaev in the colony The ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Alexei Ulyukaev, who is serving a sentence in colony No. 1 in the Tver region, said that he did not complain about the conditions of detention. His lawyer Victoria Burkovskaya told TASS about this. “He has no complaints about the conditions of detention. As far as I know, there are no violations for him, the administration also does not allow violations of his rights,” she said. A portrait of Ulyukayev will be hung in the new office of the Ministry of Economic Development In the picture gallery of the heads of the Ministry of Economic Development, a portrait of the former head of the department Alexei Ulyukaev, convicted of bribery, will be placed. Minister of Economy Maxim Oreshkin told RIA Novosti about this, explaining that this would be done after the Ministry of Economic Development moved to a new office. “We had a gallery in the old building with all...

Society, 14 Feb, 13:00

The court removed the arrest from Ulyukaev's property after paying 130 million rubles. fine The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow removed the arrest from the property of the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, who was sentenced to eight years in prison in a bribery case. This was reported to RBC by the press secretary of the court, Valentina Norbakh. “The petition to remove the arrest from the property has been satisfied, the fine has been paid,” Norbakh said. According to her, in the list of property objects, about ... Human rights activists spoke about the conditions of detention of Ulyukaev in the colony Ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev is serving a term in correctional colony No. 1 of the Tver region without privileges, Igor Elgard, chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of the region, told RBC. “He is kept under normal conditions, in a detachment for 37 people: a bunk, a bedside table. Everything is like everyone else. He has a positive attitude, he has no complaints, ... The Federal Penitentiary Service denied reports of preferential conditions in the colony for Ulyukaev Information about ex-Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev serving a sentence on preferential terms is not true. This was reported to RBC in the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. “The convict is held in a penal colony of general regime on general conditions, lives in one of the detachments, is employed,” the FSIN said in a statement. Earlier Telegram channels... An employee of the Ministry of Economic Development who opposed Ulyukaev became a deputy minister Medvedev appointed Oksana Tarasenko, former subordinate of Alexei Ulyukaev, ex-head of the department of the Ministry of Economic Development, deputy minister. In court in the case of the former boss, she acted as a witness for the prosecution. Oksana Tarasenko became the Deputy Minister of Economic Development. The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry... Ulyukaev paid 130 million rubles. fine Former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, sentenced to eight years in prison, paid in full a fine of 130 million rubles. This was reported to RBC by the lawyer of the ex-minister Victoria Burkovskaya. “The funds were received from Ulyukaev’s Sberbank account to the bailiffs’ deposit account,” she said, adding that in the near future the money would be transferred to... Ulyukaev spoke about his work in the colony, yoga and longing for his relatives The former head of the Ministry of Economic Development refused to answer journalists' questions about the state of the Russian economy, citing a lack of information. Alexei Ulyukaev, sentenced to eight years in prison for taking a $2 million bribe from Rosneft head Igor Sechin, spoke about his life in penal colony No. 1 Tver region. Letter from an ex... The court removed the arrest from the accounts of Ulyukaev to recover a fine from him The court removed the arrest from the property of the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, who was sentenced to eight years in prison, so that bailiffs could recover a fine of 130 million rubles from him. in a bribery case. It is reported by TASS. The court asked the FSSP to remove the arrest from the accounts of the former minister. In court, a representative of the FSSP said that the minister still... The norm on gifts to officials at a price of up to 3 thousand rubles. proposed to abolish The document, which proposes to replace the norm of the marginal value of a gift to officials with a separate list of acceptable gifts, is approved by the government commission on legislation Posted on...

Politics, 24 Sep 2018, 11:58

Feoktistov received $2 million back from the Ulyukaev case Retired FSB General Oleg Feoktistov will be returned $2 million in the case of ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev. The decision was made in the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow back in June, its legality was confirmed today in the Moscow City Court. Retired FSB general and former vice-president of Rosneft for security Oleg Feoktistov will be returned $ 2 million, which were transferred to them for ...

Society, 11 September 2018, 12:43

Ulyukaev was discharged from the hospital and returned to the colony Former Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexei Ulyukaev has been discharged from a prison hospital. Igor Elgardt, chairman of the Tver Public Monitoring Commission (POC), told RBC about this. “Ulyukaev was discharged from the prison hospital, he returned to the colony,” said Elgardt. “There were no complaints from him.” Ulyukaev was hospitalized in...

Society, 04 Sep 2018, 20:24

The bailiffs received documents for the recovery of 130 million rubles. from Ulyukaev The Office of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) received a writ of execution to collect a fine of 130 million rubles. from the ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, who was convicted of taking a bribe. This was reported by Interfax with reference to the press bureau of the Moscow department of the FSSP. “Executive document on the recovery from Ulyukaev A.The. a fine of 130 ...

Society, 02 Sep 2018, 14:39

The POC spoke about the timing of Ulyukaev's hospitalization in a prison hospital The convicted former Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexei Ulyukaev will stay for another week in the prison hospital in Torzhok, where he was hospitalized at the end of August. This was reported to TASS by the head of the Tver branch of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) Igor Elgardt. “Ulyukaev is feeling well and is receiving the necessary procedures,” Elgardt added. ... Ulyukaev was hospitalized in a colony Ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev has been hospitalized in a prison hospital in the city of Torzhok, Igor Elgardt, head of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of the Tver Region, told TASS. “This is a planned hospitalization, not an emergency. As far as I know, nothing threatens his life,” said the head of the Tver POC. In the device... Bailiffs were sent documents to recover 130 million rubles from Ulyukaev. The Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow (ZRS) sent a writ of execution to the Federal Bailiff Service to recover a fine of more than 130 million rubles from the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, court spokeswoman Emilia Khil told RBC. “ZRS sent for execution to the UFSSP of Russia in the city of Moscow a writ of execution for ... Moscow City Court dismissed Ulyukaev's appeal The Moscow City Court rejected the cassation appeal of the defense of ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, RBC was told in the press service of the court. “Any significant violations of the criminal procedure and criminal laws that influenced the outcome of the case, and which, by virtue of Art. 401.15 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation would be grounds for cancellation or amendment in the cassation procedure ... Ulyukaev's defense demanded that a fine of 130 million rubles be written off. for a bribe The lawyers of the ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, who was convicted in December 2017 for a large bribe, demanded that a fine of 130 million rubles be written off from the arrested accounts of the client. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press secretary of the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, Emilia Khil. According to her, the court will not be able to fulfill the requirement of the protection of the former minister ... FSIN explained the work of Ulyukaev, Belykh and Reimer as librarians in colonies The deputy head of the department noted the intelligence, experience and potential of former officials convicted of bribery and fraud, as well as their age and health status. the ex- ... Ulyukaev's defense appealed the return of $2 million to Feoktistov The defense of former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev filed a complaint against the return of $2 million in cash to retired FSB general Oleg Feoktistov, which was given to the former minister as a bribe. This is with reference to the press secretary of the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, Emilia Khil, according to the RIA Novosti agency. According to the defense, during the trial... BBC learned about Sechin's testimony at a closed trial of Ulyukaev The former Minister of Economic Development, demanding a bribe from the head of Rosneft, called it a bonus, the television and radio corporation reports. "was surprised when the minister demanded money from him for ... The court allowed to write off 130 million rubles. from the accounts of Ulyukaev in payment of a fine The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow decided to partially remove the arrest from the accounts of the former head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev to pay a fine in the amount of 130.4 million rubles, RBC correspondent reports. “Turn the funds on Ulyukaev’s account to pay the fine imposed on him by the court’s verdict,” the judge announced her decision. About withdrawal... The court decided to return $ 2 million to Feoktistov from the bribe case against Ulyukaev The court decided to return $2 million to FSB General Feoktistov, which was transferred to the former Minister of Economic Development Ulyukayev The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow decided to return $2 million, which was transferred as a bribe to the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, FSB General Oleg Feoktistov, RBC correspondent reports. "Return... The court closed the process on the fate of the $ 2 million transferred to Ulyukaev The lawsuit on the return of $ 2 million, which the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, gave as a bribe to the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, was closed at the request of the FSB, RBC correspondent reports. The court read out the petition of the special services. Present at the meeting, retired FSB General Oleg Feoktistov, who is the applicant for the hearings... Court on the return of $ 2 million transferred to Ulyukaev. Online broadcast In the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, a meeting was held on the removal of the arrest from the property of ex-Minister Alexei Ulyukaev, sentenced to 8 years in prison. In addition, the court decided the fate of $ 2 million, which the former official received as a bribe. At the request of the FSB, the meeting was decided to be held behind closed doors. Dmitry Serkov Yulia Sapronova The court confirmed the request of Feoktistov to return the money for a bribe to Ulyukaev The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow confirmed the presence of a petition from FSB General Oleg Feoktistov, who wants to be returned $ 2 million, which were transferred during an investigative experiment to the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, TASS was informed about this in court. “The application was registered from Feoktistov O.,” said the press secretary of the court ... The PMC reported that Ulyukaev was sent to a "model-demonstrative colony" Alexei Ulyukaev will serve his sentence in colony No. 1 on the outskirts of Tver. There are no thieves in law in the correctional facility, established in 1937, and prisoners can play basketball Eva Merkacheva, deputy chairman of the PMC of Moscow, told RBC about this. By... BBC learned about Feoktistov's request to return money for a bribe to Ulyukaev FSB General Oleg Feoktistov went to court with a request to return the $2 million that was given to Ulyukaev in the form of a bribe. During interrogation, Feoktistov said that another person allocated money for a bribe, RBC wrote earlier. Former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev, who was sentenced to eight years in prison for taking a bribe, has again appealed against the verdict of the Zamoskvoretsky court. Earlier, the Moscow City Court considered an appeal against the decision of the instance Former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev filed a cassation appeal against the decision of the previous ... The Federal Penitentiary Service confirmed the departure of ex-Minister Alexei Ulyukaev to a colony The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) confirmed the fact that ex-Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexei Ulyukaev was sent to a colony. This was reported to RBC in the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service. “Currently, the convicted Ulyukaev, in accordance with the court verdict, has been sent to serve his sentence in one of the institutions of the penitentiary system,” ... An unexpected witness: why Sechin came to the trial of Ulyukaev The head of Rosneft unexpectedly came to the court of appeal in the case of Alexei Ulyukaev and helped the state prosecution defend the sentence of the ex-minister. Experts are confident that Igor Sechin did this, taking into account criticism due to his previous failure to appear in court Formal mitigation The Moscow City Court on Thursday, April 12, considered an appeal against the sentence of the former Minister of Economic Development ... The defense will file a cassation appeal against the verdict against Ulyukaev The lawyers of the ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev will file a cassation appeal. This was stated to journalists by lawyer Darejan Kveidze, RBC correspondent reports. Earlier, the Moscow City Court commuted Ulyukaev's sentence and allowed him to hold public office after leaving the colony. During the court session, the former minister declared that he was completely innocent. "All... The ex-minister, previously sentenced to eight years in prison, declared his complete innocence at the Moscow City Court. According to Ulyukaev, his verdict was "a triumph of the principle of the presumption of guilt." The former head of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, Alexei Ulyukaev, who was sentenced to eight years in prison, said that his earlier sentence discredited the entire judiciary... Ulyukayev's lawyer called Sechin's testimony grounds for overturning the verdict The testimony of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, in the case of the former head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Alexei Ulyukaev, is a good reason to overturn the verdict. This was stated by the lawyer of the ex-minister Timofei Gridnev, RBC correspondent reports. “Sechin’s testimony didn’t just bring clarity. They have created a huge amount of doubt that the demand for a bribe is really...