How Jabhata An Nusra translates. Armed groupings in the civil war in Syria. From changing brand the essence does not change

If not considered the "Islamic state", "Jabhata An-Nusra" is the most famous and influential Salafi group fighting in Syria. The publishing of published the analysis of Baku Islamed, where he explains what purpose "An-Nusra" pursues, in which its difference from other similar structures and the Syrian branch of Al-Qaida attracts radicals from different countries World.

History of formation

"Jabhata An-Nusra Lee-Ahl Ash-Sham" ("Front of help residents of Levanta") was founded in January 2012, when martialctions Between the government army and the groups of the Armed Syrian opposition (Al-Marad As-Suriya Al-Musallah) were in full swing. During this period, the Syrian conflict discovered for transnational jihadist movements, in particular for Al-Qaida, a lot of new opportunities: the spread of ideology, attracting fighters, sponsors and the acquisition of military experience.

Fighters "Jabhata An-Nusra"

"Jabhata An-Nusra" (forbidden in Russia) arose with the direct support of the Iraq cell Al-Qaeda - the organization of the Islamic state in Iraq, which, at that time he was led by Abu Bakr Al-Bagdadi. Then Al-Qaida (prohibited in Russia) tried with the help of his Iraqi ally, strengthen the djihadist groups in Syria friendly and combine them into one combat organization.

In very a short time Dzhabhat An-Nusra under the guidance of her leader made a number of military successes and acquired the glory of one of the most combat-ready units in the north, northwest and northeastern Syria. Even before his proclamation of Dzhabhat An-Nusra, "free Syrian army" (CSA) in combat operations in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo, which took place at the end of 2011 were helped.

To "Jabhata An-Nusra" especially often applied to provide "suicide bombers" whose self-expenditures were often changed on the front. In return, the jihadists demanded a part of military trophies.

By the end of 2012, Dzhabhat An-Nusra captured a number of military facilities in the west of Aleppo - tanks and large warehouses with weapons. After the detachments of Jabhat An-Nusra have strengthened in the Western and Eastern regions of Aleppo, under their control the main ways of communication between Aleppo and the Syrian-Turkish border have fallen, which made other opposition Bashar Assad detachments to establish relationships with the organization and coordinate their actions with it . Soon "Jabhat An-Nusra" became a guide and the center of attraction for Syrians and foreign fighters, who did not believe in the draft National Arab Second State, but wanted to live in a society where the norms of Islamic law were established.

Sewing with IGIL

On April 9, 2013, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi unexpectedly proclaimed a single Islamic state, which unites the territories of Iraq and Syria ("Islamic state of Iraq and Levanta" - ISIL) and demanded an oath from "Jabhata An-Nusra". But the leader of Dzhabhat An-Nusra Al-Juliani did not recognize the new state and the courtee recalled Al-Bagdadi, which he squeezed the leader Al-Qaida Ayman Az-Zavahiri.

This conflict and split was a logical conclusion of the struggle for hegemony over the jihadist movement between Al-Qaeda and its Iraqi cell. Usama Bin Laden, Azman Az Zavahiri and other leaders and ideologists of Al-Qaida still long before the split were dissatisfied with the Iraq cell, they were instructed by the instrumental letters to the late leader and teacher Al-Bagdadi Abu Mus'aba Az Zarkavi and asked him To resist excessive violence, stop the attacks on the ordinary Shiites of Iraq and draw their gaze on the US and their allies.

The conflict between Al-Qaeda and An-Nusra on the one hand and the "Islamic state" (prohibited in Russia) - on the other I marked a deep methodological and ideological gap in the jihadist movement. The paths of two organizations diverged.

The Al-Bagdadi organization announced the territory controlled by it part of the "Islamic state" and told all groups and detachments in these territories or swear to the Califa, or leave the territory of the Caliphate. Supporters of the II legitimate recognize only their organization, while all the other opposition Bashar Assad Group accused either in disbelief (if it comes to the "free Syrian Army"), or in faithfulness (first of all - the "Islamic Front" and Dzhabhat -Nuster ").

Both organizations skillfully used splits in their propaganda purposes. IG soon announced the "caliph" and began to change the guilt of the old Al-Qaida and her allied "An-Nusra" reluctance and slowness in the creation of the Islamic state. As for the leaders and ideologues "An-Nusra", they constantly oppose their organization "Caliphet" al-Bagdadi.

Contrasting This is as follows: "Jabhata An-Nusra" does not destroy the ideologically different squads and groups, is not going to proclaim the Islamic state without a meeting with all parties who participated in hostilities against Assad. The purpose of "An-Nusra" at this stage is not to establish a certain political system, and the overthrow of the Assad regime. "An-Nusra" to avoid military conflicts, always trying to negotiate and solve problems arising through a meeting (Shura) with the rest of the groups in Syria.

Attractive sides

In fact, the movement recognized by the UN Security Council terrorist is actively leading a multi-level political struggle. The speeches of the leaders of An-Nusra on the meeting and dialogue are not just slogans. This organization actively works with the population, it launched wide charitable and preaching activities in the north of Syria (in the cities and villages of Idlib and Aleppo). Under its leadership, the Sharia courts, Islamic information centers, leading an active ideological and information war, both from the media Assad, and with the propaganda Machine IG.

In June 2014, the "Center for Dzhihad Preachers" was opened, in which schools for children, an Islamic university, who prepares preachers for An-Nusra and other ideologically close associations, library, information centers. Recently, the Center began to publish the jihadist inspirational journal, which prints articles and interviews by the ideologists of Salafi Djihadism, leadership (feltwas) on topical issues of Syrian Mujahide issues and sets out the position of "Jabhata en-Nusra" and the groups close to it (first of all "Ahrar Ash-Sham "- Islamic movement of" free people of Levant ") on various events related to the Syrian conflict. One of the main preachers of Syrian Jihada Abdalla Al-Muhasini leads this center.

Dzhabhat An-Nusra works closely, not only with the theologians, directly related to Al-Qaida, but also with those who are ideologically close to it or do not even share certain principles of the organization. For example, Al-Mukhainsini is not officially consistent in any of the opposition groups, but at the same time leads a greater mobilization and propaganda work for the benefit of An-Nusra, sometimes speaks on behalf of other communities, in particular, in the Islamic Front (Al-Jabha Al-Islamiaya).

Fighters "Jabhat An-Nusra", "Jabha Al-Islamia" and "Ahrar Ash-Sham".

At the same time, Dzhabhat An-Nusra tries to show that its policies in relation to religious minorities in Syria differs sharply from the policy of the IG. The leader "An-Nusra" Al-Juliani announced that neither Alawitis, nor doubts, nor Christians be offended. For example, when in mid-June 2015, the An-Nusra fighters killed about 40 representatives of the Friendly Community in the village of Calb Luza under Idlib, the organization's command officially stated that it was a terrible mistake and the incident will be investigated.

In addition, terrorists announced that they would not demand from Christians Idliba Payments of JIZI (tax, which, according to Islamic law, is charged with Nemusulman), since the JIZA is paid in the event that Christians are guaranteed complete protection, and in Syria's conditions such a guarantee " Jabhata An-Nusra "can not provide. In addition, the nuns who came pronounced to An-Nusra in February 2014, were soon released and testified that they were pleased with them.

Such "openness" of the organization and the conciliation strategy gave their fruits. Dzhabhat An-Nusra not only acquired a certain support among the population under the territory controlled in the north of Syria, but also achieved military successes. She spoke on the side of the "Islamic Front" detachments (nine "temperate" Islamist groups, which united in November 2014 to oppose themselves as IG and the "secular opposition") in the war against the IG. Since the end of 2014, An-Nusra and Islamic Front (first of all "Ahrar Ash-Sham") jointly carry out military operations against the IG and the troops of Assad.

Fog of war

Today, the most efficient military coalition warring against Assad is "Jake Al-Fata" ("Army Conquest"), created on March 24, 2015 to conduct fighting in the north of Syria - primarily in the province of Idlib. The basis of this coalition is the detachments of Dzhabhat An-Nusra and Ahrar Ash-Sham. It also includes associations, ideologically and politically different from "An-Nusra", for example, such as Azhnad Ash-Sham ("Arm of Levant") and Filac Ash-Sham ("Levancen Legion"), ideologically connected With the Syrian "Muslim Brothers".

The coalition "Jake Al-Fata" was able in March 2015 to take control of almost the entire territory of the Idlib province, at the end of April, the city of Jisr Ash-Shugur was taken, and on September 9, the Military Airport Abu Az-Zuhur was captured. By the way, the military successes of the "Army of Conquest" were attracted by foreign fighters fighting in Syria: at the end of September, the army of immigrants and assistants ("Jake Al-Muhajirun Va Al-Ansear"), consisting mainly of citizens of the CIS countries, swore "An-Nusra" (apparently, due to the weakening of Imarat Caucasus). The so-called battalion "Imam Bukhari", which consists mainly of residents of the Central Asian republics.

The only question is that the aim of cooperating "Jabhata An-Nusra" with other opposition groups and transformation of the Syrian cell Al-Qaida, which from the underground group turns into a broad socio-political and military movement. The leader of the "An-Nusra" al-Juliani explains this "flexible policy" by the fact that he received an instruction from the top al-Qaida command to cooperate and work together with opposition Assad groups and attract the local population to its side. On the one hand, it is actually so. On the other hand, the concrete strategic goals of Al-Qaida are hiding behind this conciliation policy.

If you trace the actions of An-Nusra since 2014, it can be noted that, fixing, it has begun to the systematic weakening of the "moderate" military groups representing the secular and national opposition. You can even say that she played an important role in the failure of the US project to create a "secular military opposition" in Syria.

For example, in November 2014, Dzhabhat An-Nusra attacked Syrian Revolutionary Front (Jabhat As-Suvvar AS-Suriya) - a major association that fought under the flag of the SSA and the National Coalition of the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (Nationality) and receiving assistance from US and its allies. Her leader, Jamal Ma'ruff was forced to flee to Turkey. Then the jihadists attacked the camps "Movement Hasz (Resistant Movement)" (Harakat Khazz), which the United States planned to thoroughly train and supply weapons and which many American analysts were considered as the most acceptable option of moderate opposition.

As a result, "Jabhata An-Nusra" at the end of October 2014 seized the base of the "Movement of Hasz" in Idlib, and in January 2015, he outstretched him from Aleppo, actually forcing him to dismiss and merge with other military groups. And recently, at the end of September 2015, "An-Nusra" attacked the 30th division of the "Free Syrian Army", forcing part of the fighters along with the weapon to go to his side. The fighting against the "moderate opposition", jihadists especially intensified after the US and their allies at the end of September 2014 began to inflict air strikes not only at the IG positions, but also on Jabhat An-Nusra.

Dzhabhat An-Nusra troops sometimes attack their allies from the Islamic Front. The reasons are different: the reluctance to skip into strategically important items, to issue fighters who committed a crime, protecting the allies of certain SSA fighters and so on. Even when at the end of September, VKS Russia began to military operations in Syria, "Jabhata An-Nusra", despite its calls to unite before the external threat, attacked the "moderate" the Islamic Movement of Nur Ad-Din Az Zaggi.

At the same time with its allies, and above all with the movements that do not recognize the SSA and the national coalition (we are primarily about the "Islamic front"), "Jabhata An-Nusra", in contrast to the IG, willingly solves conflicts through the Sharia court. However, periodically ideologues "Jabhata An-Nusra" call on their colleagues from the Islamic Front to determine the position on the national state, elections, parliament, cooperation with neighboring states (in particular, with Turkey) and declare a clear program. Taking into account this fact, in the case of the care of Assad it is difficult to assume how smoothly the relationship between today's allies will develop - the Islamic front and Jabhat An-Nusra.

Nevertheless, certain conclusions can be done.

The Jabhat An-Nusra strategy is aimed at the struggle for hegemony over the jihadist movement with the Islamic State, as well as to combat all the secular and nationalist military groups, parties and projects in Syria.

It is noteworthy that in his last message Mujahidam Syria "Russian invasion ... Last Arrow" The leader of An-Nusra Al-Juliani is more than the actions of Russia, criticizes the position of those Syrian groups that cooperate with the Arabic and Western countries, Turkey and "believe in The decisions they offer. The first issue of the journal "Jihadist inspiration" is also devoted to criticism of democracy and the National Second State.

Finally, Dzhabhat An-Nusra is trying to balance between various groups of the Islamic Front and strengthen its cooperation with them. First, because these groups are ideologically close to jihadists. Secondly, the enhancement of their influence, "An-Nusra" is becoming increasingly attractive for fighters from these groups, and they more often enter into her ranks - for example, it was with fighters from Ahrar Ash-Sham. Thirdly, in the long-term plans of the ideologues "An-Nusra" enters the Syrian Salafi movements from the Islamic Front, the more global, transnational ideology of Al-Qaida.

Therefore, when they talk about the conciliatory character of "An-Nusra" and call it part of the Syrian opposition, it is necessary to keep in mind that the conciliation position this organization demonstrates only with respect to ideologically close to her Islamic movements, following the covenants of the book "General Instructions on Jihad Jihad" aimana Az-Zavahiri. As for the military opposition, which Syrian Nationality, the United States and their allies consider moderate, then there are no place in the political project "An-Nusra".

Will the Nationalization be able to convince the world community, which is able to build a multinational democratic Syria after the care of Assad, agree with Dzhabhat An-Nusra? Will the Islamic Front, which in all its diversity represents the "Political Islam" project, one way or another associated with Syrian nationalism, to resist the transnational ideology of Al-Qaida and the growing influence of Dzhabhat An-Nusra? These questions still remain open. The Nationality and Islamic Front prefer to ignore them.

If not considered the "Islamic state", "Jabhata An-Nusra" is the most famous and influential Islamist group warring in Syria. "" tried to deal with what goals are "An-Nusra", in which its difference from other similar structures and the Syrian branch of Al-Qaida attracts radicals from different countries of the world to its ranks.

The story of one jihada

"Jabhata An-Nusra Lee-Akhl Ash-Sham" ("Front of help residents of Levanta") was founded in January 2012, when the fighting between the government army and the groups of the Armed Syrian Opposition (Al-Marada Az-Suriya Al-Musallah ) were in full swing. During this period, the Syrian conflict discovered for transnational jihadist movements, in particular for Al-Qaida, a lot of new opportunities: the spread of ideology, attracting fighters, sponsors and the acquisition of military experience.

"Jabhata An-Nusra" (forbidden in Russia) arose with the direct support of the Iraq cell Al-Qaeda - the organization of the Islamic state in Iraq, which, at that time he was led by Abu Bakr Al-Bagdadi. Then Al-Qaida (prohibited in Russia) tried with the help of his Iraqi ally, strengthen the djihadist groups in Syria friendly and combine them into one combat organization.

In a very short time, Dzhabhat An-Nusra under the leadership of Her leader Abu Muhammad Al-Juliani made a number of military successes and acquired the glory of one of the most combat-ready units in the north, northwest and northeastern Syria. Even before his proclamation of Dzhabhat An-Nusra, "free Syrian army" (CSA) in combat operations in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo, which took place at the end of 2011 were helped.

To "Jabhata An-Nusra" especially often appealed to provide "suicide bombers", whose self-expenditures were sometimes changed on the front. In return, the jihadists demanded a part of military trophies.

By the end of 2012, Dzhabhat An-Nusra captured a number of military facilities in the west of Aleppo - tanks and large warehouses with weapons. After the detachments of Jabhat An-Nusra have strengthened in the Western and Eastern regions of Aleppo, under their control the main ways of communication between Aleppo and the Syrian-Turkish border have fallen, which made other opposition Bashar Assad detachments to establish relationships with the organization and coordinate their actions with it . Soon "Jabhat An-Nusra" became a guide and the center of attraction for Syrians and foreign fighters, who did not believe in the draft National Arab Second State, but wanted to live in a society where the norms of Islamic law were established.

Iraqi Multiple

On April 9, 2013, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi unexpectedly proclaimed a single Islamic state, which unites the territories of Iraq and Syria ("Islamic state of Iraq and Levanta" - ISIL) and demanded an oath from "Jabhata An-Nusra". But the leader of Dzhabhat An-Nusra Al-Juliani did not recognize the new state and the courtee recalled Al-Bagdadi, which he squeezed the leader Al-Qaida Ayman Az-Zavahiri.

This conflict and split was a logical conclusion of the struggle for hegemony over the jihadist movement between Al-Qaeda and its Iraqi cell. Usama Bin Laden, Azman Az Zavahiri and other leaders and ideologists of Al-Qaida still long before the split were dissatisfied with the Iraq cell, they were instructed by the instrumental letters to the late leader and teacher Al-Bagdadi Abu Mus'aba Az Zarkavi and asked him To resist excessive violence, stop the attacks on the ordinary Shiites of Iraq and draw their gaze on the US and their allies.

The conflict between Al-Qaeda and An-Nusra on the one hand and the "Islamic state" (prohibited in Russia) - on the other I marked a deep methodological and ideological gap in the jihadist movement. The paths of two organizations diverged.

The Al-Bagdadi organization announced the territory controlled by it part of the "Islamic state" and told all groups and detachments in these territories or swear to the Califa, or leave the territory of the Caliphate. Supporters of the II legitimate recognize only their organization, while all the other opposition Bashar Assad Group accused either in disbelief (if it comes to the "free Syrian Army"), or in faithfulness (first of all - the "Islamic Front" and Dzhabhat -Nuster ").

Frame: Reuters TV

Both organizations skillfully used splits in their propaganda purposes. IG soon announced the "caliph" and began to change the guilt of the old Al-Qaida and her allied "An-Nusra" reluctance and slowness in the creation of the Islamic state. As for the leaders and ideologues "An-Nusra", they constantly oppose their organization "Caliphet" al-Bagdadi.

Contrasting This is as follows: "Jabhata An-Nusra" does not destroy the ideologically different squads and groups, is not going to proclaim the Islamic state without a meeting with all parties who participated in hostilities against Assad. The purpose of "An-Nusra" at this stage is not to establish a certain political system, and the overthrow of the Assad regime. "An-Nusra" to avoid military conflicts, always trying to negotiate and solve problems arising through a meeting (Shura) with the rest of the groups in Syria.

Villains of the local sewing

In fact, the movement recognized by the UN Security Council terrorist is actively leading a multi-level political struggle. The speeches of the leaders of An-Nusra on the meeting and dialogue are not just slogans. This organization actively works with the population, it launched wide charitable and preaching activities in the north of Syria (in the cities and villages of Idlib and Aleppo). Under its leadership, the Sharia courts, Islamic information centers, leading an active ideological and information war, both from the media Assad, and with the propaganda Machine IG.

In June 2014, the "Center for Dzhihad Preachers" was opened, in which schools for children, an Islamic university, who prepares preachers for An-Nusra and other ideologically close associations, library, information centers. Recently, the Center began to publish the jihadist inspirational journal, which prints articles and interviews by the ideologists of Salafi Djihadism, leadership (feltwas) on topical issues of Syrian Mujahide issues and sets out the position of "Jabhata en-Nusra" and the groups close to it (first of all "Ahrar Ash-Sham "- Islamic movement of" free people of Levant ") on various events related to the Syrian conflict. One of the main preachers of Syrian Jihada Abdalla Al-Muhasini leads this center.

Dzhabhat An-Nusra works closely, not only with the theologians, directly related to Al-Qaida, but also with those who are ideologically close to it or do not even share certain principles of the organization. For example, Al-Mukhainsini is not officially consistent in any of the opposition groups, but at the same time leads a greater mobilization and propaganda work for the benefit of An-Nusra, sometimes speaks on behalf of other communities, in particular, in the Islamic Front (Al-Jabha Al-Islamiaya).

At the same time, Dzhabhat An-Nusra tries to show that its policies in relation to religious minorities in Syria differs sharply from the policy of the IG. The leader "An-Nusra" Al-Juliani announced that neither Alawitis, nor doubts, nor Christians be offended. For example, when in mid-June 2015, the An-Nusra fighters killed about 40 representatives of the Friendly Community in the village of Calb Luza under Idlib, the organization's command officially stated that it was a terrible mistake and the incident will be investigated.

In addition, terrorists announced that they would not demand from Christians Idliba Payments of JIZI (tax, which, according to Islamic law, is charged with Nemusulman), since the JIZA is paid in the event that Christians are guaranteed complete protection, and in Syria's conditions such a guarantee " Jabhata An-Nusra "can not provide. In addition, the nuns who came pronounced to An-Nusra in February 2014, were soon released and testified that they were pleased with them.

Such "openness" of the organization and the conciliation strategy gave their fruits. Dzhabhat An-Nusra not only acquired a certain support among the population under the territory controlled in the north of Syria, but also achieved military successes. She spoke on the side of the "Islamic Front" detachments (nine "temperate" Islamist groups, which united in November 2014 to oppose themselves as IG and the "secular opposition") in the war against the IG. Since the end of 2014, An-Nusra and Islamic Front (first of all "Ahrar Ash-Sham") jointly carry out military operations against the IG and the troops of Assad.

Fog of war

Today, the most efficient military coalition warring against Assad is "Jake Al-Fata" ("Army Conquest"), created on March 24, 2015 to conduct fighting in the north of Syria - primarily in the province of Idlib. The basis of this coalition is the detachments of Dzhabhat An-Nusra and Ahrar Ash-Sham. It also includes associations, ideologically and politically different from "An-Nusra", for example, such as Azhnad Ash-Sham ("Arm of Levant") and Filac Ash-Sham ("Levancen Legion"), ideologically connected With the Syrian "Muslim Brothers".

The coalition "Jake Al-Fata" was able in March 2015 to take control of almost the entire territory of the Idlib province, at the end of April, the city of Jisr Ash-Shugur was taken, and on September 9, the Military Airport Abu Az-Zuhur was captured. By the way, the military successes of the "Army of Conquest" were attracted by foreign fighters fighting in Syria: at the end of September, the army of immigrants and assistants ("Jake Al-Muhajirun Va Al-Ansear"), consisting mainly of citizens of the CIS countries, swore "An-Nusra" (apparently, due to the weakening of Imarat Caucasus). The so-called battalion "Imam Bukhari", which consists mainly of residents of the Central Asian republics.

The only question is that the aim of cooperating "Jabhata An-Nusra" with other opposition groups and transformation of the Syrian cell Al-Qaida, which from the underground group turns into a broad socio-political and military movement. The leader of the "An-Nusra" al-Juliani explains this "flexible policy" by the fact that he received an instruction from the top al-Qaida command to cooperate and work together with opposition Assad groups and attract the local population to its side. On the one hand, it is actually so. On the other hand, the concrete strategic goals of Al-Qaida are hiding behind this conciliation policy.

If you trace the actions of An-Nusra since 2014, it can be noted that, fixing, it has begun to the systematic weakening of the "moderate" military groups representing the secular and national opposition. You can even say that she played an important role in the failure of the US project to create a "secular military opposition" in Syria.

For example, in November 2014, Dzhabhat An-Nusra attacked Syrian Revolutionary Front (Jabhat As-Suvvar AS-Suriya) - a major association that fought under the flag of the SSA and the National Coalition of the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (Nationality) and receiving assistance from US and its allies. Her leader, Jamal Ma'ruff was forced to flee to Turkey. Then the jihadists attacked the camps "Movement Hasz (Resistant Movement)" (Harakat Khazz), which the United States planned to thoroughly train and supply weapons and which many American analysts were considered as the most acceptable option of moderate opposition.

As a result, "Jabhata An-Nusra" at the end of October 2014 seized the base of the "Movement of Hasz" in Idlib, and in January 2015, he outstretched him from Aleppo, actually forcing him to dismiss and merge with other military groups. And recently, at the end of September 2015, "An-Nusra" attacked the 30th division of the "Free Syrian Army", forcing part of the fighters along with the weapon to go to his side. The fighting against the "moderate opposition", jihadists especially intensified after the US and their allies at the end of September 2014 began to inflict air strikes not only at the IG positions, but also on Jabhat An-Nusra.

Photo: Dmitry Vinogradov / RIA Novosti

Dzhabhat An-Nusra troops sometimes attack their allies from the Islamic Front. The reasons are different: the reluctance to skip into strategically important items, to issue fighters who committed a crime, protecting the allies of certain SSA fighters and so on. Even when at the end of September, VKS Russia began to military operations in Syria, "Jabhata An-Nusra", despite its calls to unite before the external threat, attacked the "moderate" the Islamic Movement of Nur Ad-Din Az Zaggi.

At the same time with its allies, and above all with the movements that do not recognize the SSA and the national coalition (we are primarily about the "Islamic front"), "Jabhata An-Nusra", in contrast to the IG, willingly solves conflicts through the Sharia court. However, periodically ideologues "Jabhata An-Nusra" call on their colleagues from the Islamic Front to determine the position on the national state, elections, parliament, cooperation with neighboring states (in particular, with Turkey) and declare a clear program. Taking into account this fact, in the case of the care of Assad it is difficult to assume how smoothly the relationship between today's allies will develop - the Islamic front and Jabhat An-Nusra.

Nevertheless, certain conclusions can be done.

The Jabhat An-Nusra strategy is aimed at the struggle for hegemony over the jihadist movement with the Islamic State, as well as to combat all the secular and nationalist military groups, parties and projects in Syria.

It is noteworthy that in his last message Mujahidam Syria "Russian invasion ... Last Arrow" The leader of An-Nusra Al-Juliani is more than the actions of Russia, criticizes the position of those Syrian groups that cooperate with the Arabic and Western countries, Turkey and "believe in The decisions they offer. The first issue of the journal "Jihadist inspiration" is also devoted to criticism of democracy and the National Second State.

Finally, Dzhabhat An-Nusra is trying to balance between various groups of the Islamic Front and strengthen its cooperation with them. First, because these groups are ideologically close to jihadists. Secondly, the enhancement of their influence, "An-Nusra" is becoming increasingly attractive for fighters from these groups, and they more often enter into her ranks - for example, it was with fighters from Ahrar Ash-Sham. Thirdly, in the long-term plans of the ideologues "An-Nusra" enters the Syrian Salafi movements from the Islamic Front, the more global, transnational ideology of Al-Qaida.

Will the Nationalization be able to convince the world community, which is able to build a multinational democratic Syria after the care of Assad, agree with Dzhabhat An-Nusra? Will the Islamic Front, which in all its diversity represents the "Political Islam" project, one way or another associated with Syrian nationalism, to resist the transnational ideology of Al-Qaida and the growing influence of Dzhabhat An-Nusra? These questions still remain open. The Nationality and Islamic Front prefer to ignore them.

On Saturday, October 24, the media reported on the destruction of the Syrian government troops in Aleppo one of the Egyptian ABU Suleiman al-Masri.

AiF.Ru tells that it is known about the terrorist group "Jabhata An-Nusra".

"Jabhat-An-Nusra" (in Per. With Arab. "The Victory Front") is a terrorist group that fights against government troops in Syria. According to the American analytical company IHS, it is the second largest and influence of the illegal armed formation of an Islamist sense. The headquarters "Jabhat-An-Nusra" is located in Salkin in the north-west of Syria. Under the control of the group is 15% of the territory of the republic. The UN, as well as the Governments of Australia, Great Britain, Russia and the United States recognized Dzhabhat-An-Nusra to the terrorist organization. In the Russian media, grouping is often called the "An-Nusra Front".


"Jabhata An-Nusra" is headed by a person acting under the pseudonym Abu Muhammad al-Juliani. Lebanese special services report that Al-Juliani is about 35-40 years old, he comes from the Syrian province of Idlib. Al-Juliani studied at the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Damascus. In 2003, interrupting studies, went to Iraq to fight with American military in the ranks of Al-Qaida (this terrorist organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation).

The number of militants and weapons

On the side of "Jabhat-An-Nusra", according to various sources, up to 30 thousand people are fighting. Initially, the group consisted mainly of the militants of Syrian origin. Subsequently, numerous mercenaries from the UK, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Russia, were joined in her ranks. Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and France. Foreigners form about 30% of Dzhabhat-An-Nusra's personnel.

Widespread fame received a fighter Abu AhmadWhose growth is only 90 cm. In the Western media, he was called "Al Chihuahua".

There are not only small arms and grenaderates, but also armored vehicles with airplanes. On September 26, 2015, the fighters of the "moderate Syrian opposition prepared by instructors from the United States were voluntarily transferred six pickups of American ammunition and ammunition to the militants" Jabhata An-Nusra ".

Goals and objectives

The primary task of the grouping is the overthrow of the President of Syria Bashar Assad and the creation on the territory of the Republic of Khaliphat, in which everyone will live according to the laws of Sharia. After that, the grouping intends to "make a crushing blow to Israel" to drive out of the Middle East of all the Jews.


Dzhabhat-An-Nusra receives significant funds through donations that come not only from Muslim countries, but also from Europe and the United States. The grouping will recruit mercenaries around the world, while many, going to fight, sell all the property to provide militants to pay material support. Also, extremists sell oil, they are engaged in the abduction of people for the sake of redemption and control several large fleeting enterprises.

Relations with the Islamic State

"Jabhat-An-Nusra" and the terrorist group of the "Islamic state" (IG) is entrited, as the militants are not always possible to divide the spheres of influence. The first friction between the militants began in 2013, when the II announced "Jabhata An-Nusra" with his unit. Al-Juliani then in sharp tones stated that his grouping is not part of the "Islamic state".

Relations with Al-Qaeda

"Jabhata An-Nusra" positions itself as an independent force that it does not prevent her from maintaining friendly relations with Al-Qaeda and its leader Ayman Az-Zawahiri.

As a result of the special operation of the Ministry of Defense in Syria, the command of the terrorist group "Jebhat An-Nusra" was destroyed. A dozen field commanders are eliminated by a dozen of the field commanders, and the leader Abu Muhammed Al-Juliani received severe injured and lost his hands. Experts predict in the near future to defeat the "An-Nusra", as well as the benefits of such a strike "in educational purposes".

Russia will provide assistance to armed groups (within the framework of the Deeschalation Zone B) in the struggle against the terrorist group "Jebhat An-Nusra" prohibited in Russia. On Wednesday, Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday. "There is information that armed formations ... began to work more actively against" Jebhat An-Nusra, "- quotes Lavrov RIA Novosti.

One of the reasons for this more active work seems obvious. Earlier, it became known on Wednesday that the command "An-Nusra" as a result of the special operation of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The leader of the group Abu Mohammed Al-Juliani "received multiple heavy fragmentation injuries, lost his hands and, according to several independent sources, is in critical state," said Major General Igor Konashenkov, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

As a result of the impact of VKS, "together with the numerous, about 50 people, the protection of the" Jebhat An-Nusra "commanders are also eliminated. In particular, the nearest Assistant Al-Juliani was destroyed - the head of the "Security Service" of the grouping of Ahmad Al-Gizai, "Konashenkov added. The multi-level reconnaissance system made it possible to obtain information on the arrival of the terrorists and the beginning of their meeting.

On the eve of the strike of Russian VKS were destroyed ig * different levels"Including a leaving from Kazakhstan Abu Islyam Al-Cossacks, engaged in coordinating the actions of the assault formations of the IG in the Valley of the Euphrates," said Konashenkov. According to him, the destruction of terrorists involved in the attack on the observation post of the Russian military police on the border of the de essalation zone of Idlib will continue.

"Victory Front" and his defeat

"Jebhat An-Nusra" (in the literal translation - the "Help Front") has several "pseudonyms". One of the recent - "Jebhat Fatech Ash-Sham", "The Front of the Victory of Levant". But the first of the famous names of this terrorist alliance - Al-Qaida in Syria or Al-Qaida in Levante. In 2011, with the beginning of the Civil War in Syria, the central command of the International Terrorist Network Al-Qaida authorized Abu Mohammed Al-Juliani to create a Syrian "branch" of the organization.

The real name of the 36-year-old Abu Muhammed Al-Juliani (Abu Muhammed from the Golan heights) is Ahmad Hussein Ash-Sharaa. He really comes from the controversial area at the border of Syria and Israel. The future leader of An-Nusra is a leaving of the intelligent family, the author of the author of several books on petrochemistry and teacher geography. The invasion of Americans in the neighboring Iraq prompted him to quit her study at the journalism of the University of Damascus and go to the "War with the wrong". Al-Juliani fought under the start of Al-Qaeda of the terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarkui (the future of the creator of ISIL *), he was captured to the Americans and was placed in the camp of the Camp-Book. After liberation in 2008, became one of the founders of the Islamic state * Iraq, since 2013, which became the "Islamic State of Iraq and Levant".

Since 2012, Jebhat An-Nusra acts as an independent combat force. She announced his sirring with Al-Qaeda, and in 2013-2015, there were fights with a "competing organization" - ig (in particular, in the province of Deyar Ez-Zor) with hundreds of those killed on both sides. In April 2014, Igilovsy killed one of the leaders of An-Nusra Abu Muhammed Al Ansari and his family.

"Jebhat An-Nusra" is recognized as terrorist in many countries, among which, in addition to Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, France and the United States, which, however, does not prevent the latest contact with the militants.

The terrorists "Jebhat An-Nusra" have repeatedly entered the tactical alliances with "moderate oppositionists" officially supported by the West. So, in 2012, during the fights in Aleppo on the side of An-Nusra, one of the groups belonging to the Syrian Free Army officially passed. And the head, created recently under the "roof" "An-Nusra," became a leaving from the "moderate-Islamist" movement "Ahrar Ash-Sham", almost the "respectable" opposition coalition, which enjoy the support of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

As of September, Jebhat An-Nusra continued to control individual areas in Idlib provinces, Aleppo, as well as several settlements near the city of Homs. At the end of September, the newspaper, as An-Nusra Islamists, made a large-scale attack on the position of the Government forces of Syria north and northeastern the city of Hama. Grouping used infantry tanks and combat vehicles. At the same time, a detachment of Russian military police officers with a total number of 29 people, who carried out observational functions on one of the locations came to the environment.

The Ministry of Defense stated that it was the Russian military offensive of terrorists.

Most likely, the militants planned to surround or even capture Russian servicemen in order to further use them as a tool in trade, trying to stop east of Deir-Ez Zora. Midda, Sergey Ryabkov, stated that the death of the Russian general near Deira-Ez Zora became "board for doublues american politics"In Syria.

But the "decapitation" of the grouping, according to experts, should be a significant blow in addition to the actions of the CCS and the Syrian army for the liberation of territories captured by An-Nusra.


"This means a violation of the military command system"

Military expert Viktor Murakhovsky considers the destruction of the leaders of an important point. "This is the common name - glavy. It should be understood that they have a distributed functionality there. There are those who are engaged in ideology, information transactions, and there are those who directly lead the combat actions. Figuratively speaking, there is a structure quite militarized - command, headquarters, people responsible for weapons and military equipment and so on. In this sense, the destruction of such people quite well-friendly people is important, "he told the newspaper look.

"This means a violation of the military management system, and this always leads to the rosacordination of the actions of various small groups, makes disorganization and a sharp decline in efficiency," Murakhovsky explained. "Of course, it is not necessary to asbatize, because there are people who can occupy the corresponding posts over time. However, the effectiveness of actions and grouping will still decrease, "he stressed.

This is, including the answer to what happened in Idlib, Murakhovsky is sure. "If the enemy managed to form a grouping with a total number of several thousand people with dozens of armored vehicles, then it is necessary to deprive his capabilities to act as coordinated powerful groups," he indicated. And one of the elements, according to him, should be the destruction of commanders, responsible persons and a violation of the management system.

Murakhovsky recalled that "Jebhat An-Nusra" relatively recently merged with other groups, forming the Association "Tahrir Ash-Sham", and just "An-Nusra" in this grouping occupies a leading position.

"In essence, all command and control structures are represented by imm-nusra. Therefore, it can be said that the process of eliminating the leaders and military formations of this group entered into such a phase that she, as well as ISIL, will be defeated in the foreseeable future, "the expert emphasized, adding that the main forces of the group focused in the province of Idlib, and it is clear, where to destroy it.

At the same time, Murakhovsky noted that now the main focus is shifted towards Deir-Ez Zora. "It is there that are now the main combat-ready military formations of the Syrian Arab army and its allies," the expert pointed out. In this regard, he noted, it should be understood that the government troops are still not enough forces and means to simultaneously solve the tasks of the operational scale in two directions. "It is clear that the Russian authorities provide powerful support from the air, but the final victorious point is put on Earth," he added.

Lesson for sponsors

A new command will be appointed to Jebhat An-Nusra, President of the Middle East Institute Evgeny Satanovsky predicts. "But the sponsors of Jebhat An-Nusra, and those who are sponsors of her sponsors - we are not only talking about Saudi Arabia, but also about the United States, - must assess the consequences of blows on Russian servicemen in Syria," said Satanovsky in Conversation with a newspaper look.

"In the East, if you hit you, you must answer, it is advisable to return debts with interest," the expert emphasized. - The destruction of the heads of the terrorist organization is a prevention that we need to think about ten times before you attack someone from Russia. Very useful for educational purposes. "

In his opinion, Saudis as people eastern warning will understand. "Ultimately, if they substitute their own people, it is possible that these people will simply stop working on them. The main thing is that it understands everything in the region, including jebhatists. "

* The organization in respect of which the court adopted a decision on the liquidation or prohibition of activities on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activities"

RSMD reader

Political extremist movements
in the Middle East and in North Africa

A brief overview of the main groups and leaders

Crisis events in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria have a destabilizing influence on the countries of the Middle East. In the conditions of increasing the turbulence and unpredictability of the processes occurring in the region, the model of the national state is under threat. The latter becomes more and more difficult to respond to challenges emanating from non-state actors of international relations and above all extremist groups. The inability of the state to withstand a terrorist threat leads to the activation of radical elements, whose activity acquires a regional nature, contributing to the exacerbation of the solar problems, including the Arab-Israeli confrontation. In this regard, a comprehensive analysis of the actions of extremists acquires particular importance, as it will, firstly, identify the origins of crisis phenomena, and, secondly, more accurately predict the further development of events in the region.

"Islamic state"

Taking into account the scale of the activities and the level of influence on the global agenda, to begin with consideration of the second respiration of the radical organizations of the Islamist. The brightest representative of this flow - « » - controls extensive territories in Iraq and Syria and positions itself as the leader of the Global Jihadist Front.

History of formation

Appearing as a result of the intervention of the forces of the multinational coalition in Iraq in 2003, the radical cell " at-towhid Val jihad", Headed Abu Musab Az ZarkaviQuite quickly became part of the terrorist network, having received the name Al-Qaida in Mezhdrachye. However, deep contradictions between the "Center" and the Iraqi "branch" primarily in the selection of the priority direction of struggle and attitudes towards representatives of other currents in Islam led to the fact that in 2006, the grouping of rings without a sanction from "" became a major terrorist association " Islamic state in Iraq"(IGAs), who gathered in their own banners of Islamists fighting against occupation forces.

Creating a new pole of attraction of radical configured elements coincided with the change of the American command to combat the Islamist underground. The Pentagon made a bet on the volunteer "Renaissance" (Sanba), who formed from the number of Sunni tribes. This approach brought its fruits: By the time the troops of the US allied countries from Iraq, the territory controlled by the Agi militants was halved, and 75% of the living force of the group was destroyed. Moreover, it was in Iraq that the American command tied the tactics of "decapitation" of terrorist organizations: April 19, 2010. As a result of the special operation, the head of the "Islamic state in Iraq" and its closest associate of Abu Hamza al-Muhadzhir were eliminated ( Abu Hunowa Hasan, Abu Rumman Muhammad. Organization "Islamic State": the Sunni crisis and the struggle with global jihad. Amman: Face named after Friedrich Ebert, 2015 ).

Leader Grouping

Since April 2010, at the head of the organization is Abu Bakr al-BagdadiThe experienced leader of the terrorist underground that has changed the grouping strategy, which concentrated on solving the Sunni problem, which contributed to a sharp increase in the support of extremist actions. Around the person of the caliph there is a lot of rumors. According to some reports, in 2005 he was kept in the "Camp book" prison in Iraq, coming out of which he joined the local terrorist underground. The network has repeatedly appeared information about the death of the leader as a result of air strikes, but no information confirming this version was presented.

Territorial coverage of action

With the beginning of the revolutions of the Arab Spring, the activities extend beyond the limits of Iraq and is transferred, including the territory of neighboring Syria, where a full-scale civil war unfolds. On April 4, 2013, the leadership of the Iraqi group announced the creation of the "Islamic state of Iraq and Levant" (ISIL). This step provoked the conflict between, on the one hand, and the leaders "" and "" on the other. The resulting split led to bloody clashes, during which Baghdadi militants occupied significant territories in the east of Syria, including the city of Rakku - the future capital of the Caliphate.

In June 2014, the fighters of ISIL committed blitzkrieg in the northern provinces of Iraq, inhabited mainly by Sunni, having established control over large settlements (Samarra, Bayji and Tikritis). The offensive of Islamists managed to stop only with the help of Kurdish armed groups, who met the militants on the approach to the rich oil of Kirkuk. On June 29, 2014, Mosul was announced in the second largest mosque in Iraq, Mosul was announced about the creation of a caliphate, which was headed by Amir Al-Muminin, that is, the Lord of All Orthodoxes.

In the Sinai Peninsula, the leaders of the Radical Cell "Ansar Beit Al-McDis" swore at loyalty and declared the formation of a new province of Khalifat. Only in July 2015, more than 50 Egyptian servicemen died on the hands of extremists. Flags "" appear in Yemen, Libya and Afghanistan.

Sources of financing

Financial power plays one of the most important roles in the rapid rise and distribute grouping in the region. According to Forbes, in 2015, its budget amounted to about $ 2 billion, which makes the richest terrorist organization in the world. In June 2015, the network appeared images of Caliphate Currency - Islamic Dinar, which is equivalent to 139 US dollars.

All sources of financing "" can be divided into five groups according to the degree of decrease of their significance in the grouping system:

1. illegal operations with property and means of individuals and legal entities in the occupied territories (banking rabies, the establishment of control over oil production facilities and oil refining, property confiscation, the introduction of the tax on the transit of goods and currency through the territory controlled territory);

2. Abduction for the purpose of redemption;

3. Donations, including those that are obtained from or using various NGOs;

4. Material assistance coming, for example, from foreign terrorists;

5. Collecting funds with the help of modern communication networks.

The diversified financial model "" provides him high degree Independence from external sponsors, however, it is arranged in such a way that in order to maintain the control mechanisms, the combat capability of armed formations, as well as the creation of public goods, the organization must establish control over new territories on an ongoing basis, whose resources will go on covering various expenses.

Social base

Maintaining a stable finance system is extremely important for maintaining a wide social grouping and attracting new members. Currently, "" is based primarily on the Iraqi Sunni tribes, which during the position of the government of the government Nuri al-Maliki proved to be ousted from the country's political and economic life. The top of the organization largely consists of officers of the Armed Forces of Saddam Iraq, which were also not affordable after the invasion of the coalition forces. In addition, a number of other elements of the Syrian and Arabic society, considering "" as a "temporary traveler", joined the grouping, which is necessary to achieve their own goals. Finally, it is impossible to forget about thousands of mercenaries who continue to come to Syria and Iraq from all over the globe to become part of the global Islamist project.

International efforts to combat grouping

As part of Somali "Ash-Shabab" There is a large number of "veterans" of Afghanistan, who at one time in the organization. Even after the surgery for the liberation of Mogadishu and its suburbs, under the control of the militants of this grouping, which is considered the largest ally "" in Africa, there are extensive territories in the southern and central parts of Somalia, its members are involved in terrorist attacks in Kenya, Uganda and Djibouti. In 2013, they are on shopping center In Nairobi.

Ash-Shabab militants

The financial resources of Islamists receive from the introduction of taxes on all types of activities, ranging from entrepreneurship and ending with military needs. In addition, income brings traditional robbery, abductions to obtain redemption and smuggling.

The main goal of the leaders of Ash-Shabab proclaimed the liberation of regions in the east of the African continent inhabited by ethnic Somalis, and their association in the Islamic state on the principles of Salafism. The group leaders have repeatedly declared their belonging to the movement of global jihad and desire to distribute the "true" Islam outside the controlled territory. At the same time, practical steps to coordinate actions between "Ash-Shabab" and "" was not undertaken.

The most close connections with the "Center" supports Al-Qaida on the Arabian Peninsula ". In 2007, she was headed by the associate of Osama bin Laden Nasir al-Vakhishi. The proximity to the "number one terrorist" contributed to the growth of his authority in the underground Islamist environment and attracting new members to the ranks of the grouping. With the coming to power, the leader of the Arabian division began to play an even more influential role in the international terrorist network. In the magazine "INSPIRE", which is issued on behalf of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, repeatedly published calls for committing terrorist attacks against the United States and their citizens. In 2008, the militants attacked the American Embassy in the Yemen Capital, in 2009 an unsuccessful attempt was made to blow up the plane, next to Detroit. The loudest crime of terrorists were killing journalists of the French edition "Charli Ebdo" in January 2015. However, six months later, the grouping suffered heavy losses after the blow from the air was eliminated by its top, including Nasser al-Vakhishi. Given the dynamics of the development of relations "" with country units, it can be assumed that over the past five years the possibility of a terrorist network is not only on the global, but also at the regional levels significantly decreased. Nevertheless, talking about the decline of the organization is premature. On the one hand, the preceding "Arab Spring" several years have become a serious test for "". The loss of influence in Iraq, the elimination of Usama Bin Laden, the aggravation of the struggle for power within the grouping and, finally, the triumph of political Islam in Tunisia and Egypt - all this, according to many researchers, should seriously weaken the position of the terrorist network. On the other hand, the new leader made a number of important steps to adapt the strategy in the conditions of a changing environment: began to support the people's protest movements, attempts were made to gradually reorient them towards the "Islamist alternative". In the context of the growth of extremist sentiments in Egypt, where "Muslim Brothers" again turned out to be outlined, in Libya and Syria, covered by the Civil War, there was a noticeable increase in the number of supporters of radical transformations under the flags ".

Sources of financing

The emergence of a new center of global jihad strength in the face "" carries a new threat to the grouping positions. Taking into account the fundamental differences in approaches to warning war with "incorrect", it should be noted that its financial model can be the main advantage. Unlike who managed to extract income in controlled territories, the leader "" is still largely depends on the donations of sponsors, primarily from the Persian Gulf countries. Dependence on external players experiencing more and more difficulties with the transfer of funds to the accounts of extremists in the light of the growing efforts of the international community to combat the financing of terrorist activities, represents one of the most vulnerable parties to the Organization.

"Jabhata An-Nusra" ("Front Assistance to the people of Ash-Shama")
The organization is recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation

Support from one of the key players of the jihadist camp on the Syrian space - "Jabhata An-Nusra" ("Victory Front") - can change the alignment of forces in the confrontation "" and "". The grouping was formed at the end of 2011, its composition included Syrians from "", rushing to their homeland after the start of revolutionary events there, as well as military specialists who were trained in the army of Saddam Hussein. The purpose of the militants was to the Islamization of folk protests, the consolidation of radical elements of the Syrian society and the creation of the Islamic Emirates on the territories under controlling territories.

History of formation

Interaction with other forces of the region

Taking into account the success of the Syrian division on April 4, 2013, announced its dissolution and entry into the composition, which meant the emergence of a new power center - "", which controls the Syrian-Iraq border, and, therefore, all the flow of weapons and militants. Refusing to obey the order, he squeezed on loyalty (replaced at the head ""), who tried to slow down the dedication of the contradictions between "" and, which until the moment de Jura was considered an ally "" in Iraq. However, all attempts to reconcile the conflicting parties were not crowned with success. As a result, by the end of June 2014, the Syrian radical group was almost completely displaced from its position, moving into the Western and southern part of the country.

Having lost control over the territories, "" retained the organizational structure, as well as a significant military potential that allows it to conduct hostilities against government forces and their allies, for example, members of the Lebanese "". At the same time, the militants avoid direct clashes with "" whose squads act on the Syrian-Turkish border and in the suburbs of Damascus. Moreover, attempted attempts to stop confrontation with. So, from the fulfillment of their obligations, Emirs "" Saleh Hama and Abu Maria Al-Kachtani, known for their hostile attitude to "" were removed from the fulfillment of their obligations. In August 2015, the fighters "" left their positions northeast of Aleppo, which are in close proximity to the armed formations ". Such actions suggest that in the future, the grouping will be able to cooperate with each other, which, in turn, will change the balance of power in the struggle for leadership in the global jihadist environment in favor of "".

At the stage of its origin, "" tried to combine a Sunni identity while maintaining a power intolerance (which is characteristic of "") and the new political approach of the central "" ( Abu Hunowa Hasan, Abu Rumman Muhammad. Organization "Islamic State": the Sunni crisis and the struggle with global jihad. Amman: Foundation them. Friedrich Eberta, 2015 ). Nevertheless, at the next stage, Al-Juliani became close to Az Zawahiri, and then the main strategic concepts of the organization were formed.

Muslim brothers
The organization is recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation

During the "Arab Spring", deep changes occurred in the camp of representatives of political Islam - "Muslim Brotherhood" - One of the most massive movements with many years of history, whose ideology largely determined the development vectors of Islamism for decades ahead.

History of formation

The formation of this phenomenon in the late 1920s. There was a wave of strengthening the anti-colonial struggle in Arab countries and finding ways to integrate traditional spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the conditions of changing political and social realities. The beginning of the path of "Brotherhood" is associated with the name of its first leader - Hassan al-bath. It was he who laid the ideological foundations of the grouping and formulated her main goal - to create an Islamic state in Egypt. "Brothers", unlike many other jihadists, do not consider the West as the territory of the war, and Jihad in their understanding does not necessarily imply violence. In the formation of political flow, prominent figures were participating in the largestological center of Al-Azhar, who were representatives of various legal schools in Islam. The movement was open to all layers of the population, and by the end of the 1940s. His number reached half a million people ( Razhabadinov M.Z. Egyptian movement "Muslim Brotherhood" / M., 2003 ).

Shortly before the murder of Hasan al-bath in 1949 in the relations of the official authorities and the "brothers" there was a serious crisis. "Free officers", headed by the country after the fall of the monarchy in Egypt, hurried to get rid of an influential political and ideological competitor: in 1954 on charges of preparation purpose The organization was officially prohibited. From this point on, the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood acquired a semi-legal status and only with rare exceptions went beyond the underground, while the regime tried to limit the access of "fraternity" to participate in political process.

The situation has changed radically after the fall of the Mubarak's Hosni regime. First after the revolution of the parliamentary elections