Alexey Chepa was caught for the second time. Now he has violated the Constitution. Alexey Chepa, leader of the Fair Russia party in Tver, met with Tver bloggers. (photo report) Chepa alexey vasilievich candidate for deputy

We will remind that not so long ago the State Duma deputy from "Fair Russia" Alexei Chepa became a victim of pechting - bloggers discovered his undeclared apartment in Miami worth $ 2.5 million, as well as his own locker room on the shore of the pool. Unlike the tongue-tied Pekhtin, who at first denied the presence of real estate abroad, and then began to blame his son, Alexey Vasilyevich admitted his property. And he even reassured the public by promising that the revealed real estate would necessarily be reflected in the declaration for 2012. In addition, the prominent "Social Revolutionary" complained that he had acquired the apartment on credit, which creates certain difficulties - there is still no title deed in his hands. Simply put, "fought back."

Cypriot footprint

However, meticulous journalists and bloggers continued to "dig under Chepa" and found many more interesting things. For example, the fact that Aleksey Vasilyevich, it turns out, is directly related to the company "Vironia Enterprises Limited" registered in Cyprus. It is also known that the company has a 100% "daughter" - "Koh Puos Investment Group Ltd", which rented an island near the coast from the government of Cambodia for 99 years, built a bridge to it and is going to build hotels, casinos on the island. , cottages and golf courses.

“When the local press writes about this project, then the chairman of the board of directors of Vironia calls ... Alexei Chepa. He is also called the chairman of the board of directors, then the CEO, that is, the general director of Koh Puos Investment Group Ltd ", - the Vologda edition of" Premier "reports. “In this capacity, he cuts ribbons, gives interviews, signs contracts, communicates with local politicians in front of television cameras. And on the pages of local newspapers you can see joyful reports about the construction of the bridge. It is easy to identify State Duma deputy Alexei Vasilyevich in these photographs. "

And even earlier, in 2011, Aleksey Chepa was “spotted” in Bulgaria, where he was engaged in entrepreneurial activity, being a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region (this fact, as you know, under the law prohibits doing business). In this case, we are talking about the scandal with the group of companies "Izumrud" (registered, which is also typical in Cyprus), which manages the resort complex "Emerald Beach Resort" in the Bulgarian village of Ravda. Formally, Aleksey Vasilyevich has nothing to do with Emerald, but it was then that he “resolved” this conflict and even appeared on a TV show on Channel One and Russia-1 as chairman of the board of directors of the Emerald group of companies ...

Another funny coincidence pointed out by Vologda journalists is the fact that a development project on an island in Cambodia is called “Morakot”, translated from Khmer as “Emerald”. Coincidence or peculiar sense of humor?

Chepa is a staff member of the Cambodia Development Council?

It is also a very exotic fact that another place of work of Alexei Chepa, American people search sites, the business database "Zoominfo", as well as the Cambodian press for some reason call the Cambodia Development Council. This is a government organization for attracting investments, but with great powers to determine the conditions for each investor. The Council is chaired by the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Khan Sen. “Moreover, Mr Hun, or“ His Excellency the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, ”according to American websites, for some reason is Chepa’s employer,” writes the Premier journalist. - “It seems that the deputy mandate does not at all prevent Aleksey Chepa from doing business on a fairly large scale. It is difficult to imagine that he did all this work unselfishly, out of love for the long-suffering Cambodian people. However, there are no incomes from this activity in the declarations of the deputy either ”.

In general, Mr. Chepa's international interests, which extend far beyond the borders of Russia, have a long history. Since the 90s, Aleksey Vasilyevich has been doing business in Africa, and according to rumors, even involved in the arms trade with Angola. At a press conference in Vologda, he said about this: "I carried out some of the instructions of the Motherland."

In Russia, Chepa managed and / or owned a business in a variety of areas: military-technical, agro-industrial, banking, fishing, construction and media. And at the same time, he has always been closely associated with Africa and the Middle East.


I wonder how Aleksey Vasilyevich (or Vasil Yevich, as the Vologda journalists called him) will "fight back" this time? In any case, he is now, like many of our officials, uneasy - the situation in Cyprus is directly related to him. And according to the American press, there is no more money on accounts in Cypriot banks and, most likely, a default will be declared. As the radio station "Echo of Moscow" sarcastically noted, our corrupt officials are unlucky.

P.s. Per Lately Russian bloggers discovered the presence of undeclared foreign real estate in several State Duma deputies.

Deputies Alexander Babakov, Tatyana Alekseeva, Nikolai Bulaev, Rishat Abubakirov, Lyubov Glebova, Mikhail Margelov, Vladislav Tretyak also turned out to be the owners of American real estate. Some of them are neighbors of Aleksey Vasilyevich Chepa in Miami.

The truth about businessman Alexei Chepa, who also works as a deputy of the State Duma from the Fair Russia party and heads the Tver branch of the party.

Open letter to law enforcement and media.

My name is Dmitry Lavrov.
Two years ago I was looking for a job and met with Aleksey Vasilyevich Chepa, who is a deputy of the State Duma of the Just Russia faction and the head of the Tver branch of the party.
Chepa offered me to work on several projects as a financial director. We discussed the conditions, signed a contract, which completely satisfied both parties, and I began to work.
For all the time of my work, there have never been any complaints against me. I have always done my work accurately and quickly. Not once during my work as a CFO have I made a single slightest mistake. All the time I had to work with amounts that were calculated in millions of US dollars.
The way Chepa behaved with employees is probably nonsense in a civilized business.
Constantly covering people below his status with obscenities is completely normal for him. Hamom Aleksey Vasilyevich has always been rare.
But in general it did not concern me. I immediately set myself in such a way that all the screams, screams and rewinds passed me by. I was quietly engaged in finance.
The main project was the construction of a village on the Cambodian island of Koh Puos.
The problems began when a serious buyer, the American fund VTG, appeared on the project. VTG bought a significant stake in the company and continued all work at its own expense.
What began to happen next - neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen.
At first, under the pretext that he temporarily did not have money, everyone in the company stopped paying salaries. We rummaged through the Internet together, and found material in which, in approximately the same situation, Chepa stopped paying seafarers in several of his fishing companies before selling the company. This raised some vague doubts, but most of our employees continued to work, although the salary was not paid at some point for 3 months.
He gave instructions to Chepa's employees, according to which it was clear that he wanted all business to be brought to some point, after which, given that the construction would continue VTG, the employee would no longer be needed, and all his affairs were completely finished ... A very serious call came when he removed the company's financial analyst: a sweet, harmless girl who perfectly fulfilled her duties.
I personally have not seen such rudeness in large companies. The girl did everything very responsibly and quickly and completed all her work by the end of February. She was immediately fired without compensation. But God bless her with compensation - this is still where it did not go. She was fired retroactively by writing the date of January 1st, although, again, she worked until the end of February. When she began to be indignant, Chepa cursed her with perfect obscenities, uttered a bunch of threats and kicked her out. Several more people flew out in approximately the same way.
I am ashamed to admit, but I was not interested in the problems of others, and I thought only about my debts. Since I was involved in all financial reporting on the VTG transaction, I was confident that I would certainly not be dumped.

In July, Chepa asked me to come up with a way to significantly inflate the costs of a project in order to get as much as possible from naive Americans. I refused, saying that I was not involved in such matters, and I had my own responsibilities, which I signed up for. Chepa several times summoned me to his State Duma, where he occupies the office of the deputy chairman of the committee on science and science-intensive technologies on the seventh floor and, using profanity, demanded to make fake expenses.
I practically completed all my affairs related to the transfer of the object, and at that moment I accidentally found out that Chepa had money in offshore accounts, which would be more than enough to pay off all the debts. On the phone, I talked to Chepa and asked to pay off my debt, because I know that there is money, and I do not understand why I am not paid.
Chepa summoned me for another conversation. Just in case, I took a dictaphone with me. The conversation was brief. I'm fired. For the work that I did, Chepa paid me too much for a long time and so he decided not to pay the rest of my salary - this is about a million rubles. Apart from compensation. He had no complaints about my work. The position, I repeat, was the following - you received too much. It should be noted that for the work I did, I received an average salary in the market.
I said I would sue. Chepa said: do whatever you want, you still can't cope with me and my lawyers, so if I were you I wouldn't rock the boat at all. Then he finished with his favorite, many times heard phrase in relation to others: "I went to ...".
I made another appointment, and it took place on the 9th of July last year. I also recorded it on a dictaphone. Before the meeting, I sent Chepa a letter with my position on the issue, speaking in jargon such as Chepa, the rude kid. I quote this letter here:
“Alexey Vasilievich. Until now, I can’t come to my senses after what happened. I have never seen such a rude kid in my life.
What a great excuse not to pay money - "I paid you too much." You paid me exactly what you agreed. For the work and the amount of funds that passed through me, I received an average salary in Moscow. It doesn't really matter at all though. You paid what you offered, and all the time I did my job in good faith.
And now I can find a job for a salary no less than yours. And I could find it when you started having financial difficulties. However, it was dishonorable to leave you in a difficult situation.
I continued to work without receiving money since January. He did his job as always responsibly and accurately.
Usually, for such loyal actions, businessmen give an additional bonus when problems go away. You, calling things by their proper names, decided to throw me.
I ask you to fulfill all your financial obligations by Thursday. Or I will be forced to file a claim with all the courts ”.
At the next meeting, Chepa said that if I demand my money, I will no longer talk to him. The expression on his face and the tone with which it was said left no doubt that he would have to speak with his familiar bandits. He also noted that I should not forget which country I live in, and that I am no one at all.
Alexey Chepa loves to tell everyone about how he cares for the Russian people, and sees his main goal as protecting working people: workers, farmers, employees, managers, etc.

I did not analyze Chep's political activities while working for him. My job was finance, and everything else did not concern me.
But after Chepa began to lay off employees without giving away the honestly earned money, I began to analyze more of his activities in other areas.
I am ready to answer for my words, and I argue that the only reason for this swindler to be in the State Duma is to use my positions in the Duma committees to lobby for their own business interests. I am now preparing a detailed report on everything related to Chep's activities in the Duma.
Just as Chepa spits on his employees, he absolutely does not care about Russian legislation. While working as a deputy, he is actively engaged in commercial activities and, moreover, holds official posts in his commercial projects (for example, in the company koh pous investment group ( Chepa is the general director).
I will not say that in the morning I woke up active civil position: it is clear that I have a deep personal desire to punish this person for his meanness. However, I hope that at the same time I will do a good deed for the country, telling everyone what he is, “the fearless defender of the working people” (and also a rotten and dastardly swindler) Aleksey Vasilyevich Chepa.
Another nuance. In his interviews, Chepa says that he invests money in Russia. De facto, he brought almost everything out of the country. I know that recently he bought himself a house in England for tens of millions of dollars.
This is how a person lives. In the morning he gives interviews about how he cares for the Russian people. During the day, he is engaged in business that is illegal for the deputy and dismisses employees with threats without paying back salary arrears. In the evening he quietly withdraws money to England and buys real estate there.
I especially ask the competent authorities to pay attention to all Chepa's threats to me if I continue to demand my money. Chepa is known for his friendship with various bandits, and he himself is inherently a bandit. In this regard, I ask you to provide all possible assistance in protecting my life and health. I also ask you to pay attention to the fact that Chepa with his resources can at any time make some kind of provocation against me, for example, plant drugs.

Yours faithfully,

February 27, Chepa Alexey Vasilievich, head of Tverskoy regional office"SR", deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the IV convocation - met with the bloggers of Tver. The meeting began at 17.00 in the Bronze cafe and lasted for about two hours, I was invited to this event an hour before the start, so after dressing quickly, washing my face and not even having time to eat, I went to see and listen to another interesting person our Tver region, which by the way "live" I saw for the first time, unlike other political and leading leaders of our region.

I came to the meeting exactly! at 17.00, but almost all of the people had gathered and were sitting at the table, and they came a little early.

The meeting was attended by Alexander Blinov, Yuri Suetin, Marinushkin Zhenya, Novikov Maxim, Dmitry Goryugin, unfortunately I don’t know any other guys, so if they unsubscribe here after the meeting and name themselves it will be very great!

Alexey Chepa

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the A JUST RUSSIA faction

In 1973 he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, after graduation he worked at defense enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

In 1990 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the USSR.

PhD in Economics.

Since 1989 he has been engaged in entrepreneurial activity, actively participated in the establishment of business international cooperation. He is the Chairman of the Board of the Fund for Friendship and Cooperation with the Republic of Angola, and also participates in the work of the Russian-Arab Business Council at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, being a co-chairman of a number of committees. He headed a number of joint ventures in Africa, Asia and the United States.

Since 2002 - the main shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TV channels "Nostalgia" and "Russkiy Mir", magazines "Avtoplus" and "Nostalgia", the newspaper "Russian Courier".

In 2002 he became the head of the Bank for Development of Technologies.

He has managed several biotechnology and nanotechnology businesses. He has several scientific patents and government awards.

In 2002 he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Agrarian Party. Since 2004, he has headed the Institute for Food Policy.

In 2006 he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Russian Land Union.

In 2007 he was elected a member of the Presidium of the A JUST RUSSIA party and also the Chairman of the Council for the Agrarian-Industrial Complex and Land Relations.

At the III Congress of the A JUST RUSSIA party, he was elected Secretary of the Central Council of the Party.

January 12, 2010 headed the Tver regional office Political party A JUST RUSSIA.

On March 13, 2011, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver region, headed the faction of the A JUST RUSSIA party in the regional parliament.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the IV convocation. He is the Deputy Head of the A JUST RUSSIA faction in the State Duma and the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Science-Intensive Technologies. Member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the A JUST RUSSIA party.

as a result of the conversation, many wrote online

but what is noteworthy is that my Google search about the meeting did not show anything ..

Well, then they brought all sorts of tasty treats to Alexey Vasilyevich ..

the conversation was long .. and I was very upset that we were invited to a meeting in a cafe and were not even treated to food

Alexey Vasilyevich Chepa, head of the Tver regional branch of "SR", financial director of LLC "Vesso-Link unified paging", deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver region on a non-permanent basis. Total income - 55099710.35.
Has 4 land plots in the Tver region (2100; 157000, 3400.5000 sq. m), 5 land plots in the Moscow region (600 (joint ownership) 800.8945, 600 400 sq. m).
In addition, it has 12 apartments in Moscow (35.8 (joint ownership);
233, 374.3; 80.92 (common joint property);
233.1, 153.3, 410.6, 17.4, 256, 375.1, 230.7, 194.8 sq. meters), 2 apartments in the Moscow region (57.7, 386.1 sq. m).
Cars: minibus Chevrolet-express G1500 (2009);
passenger car, MERCEDES-BENZ S 500 4MATIC (2010);
passenger car, Porsche Cayenne S (2011) (joint ownership).
Money in bank accounts: OJSC AKB Avangard - 4362982,
bank of cyprus public company ltd international, CY - 6300 rubles., LARNACA CYPRUS, 292429 rubles., CB "Technology Development Bank" (CJSC), 899889 rubles.

Owns shares of enterprises:

Limited Liability Company "S.K. Accord ", 100%;
- Limited Liability Company “My House Development”, 40%;
- Closed Joint Stock Company VITA M +, 90%;
- Limited Liability Company "Management Company" Golden Mile ", 70%;
- Limited Liability Company Premiera Online, 82%;
- Closed Joint-Stock Company KB "Technology Development Bank"; 36000 pcs.
- Limited Liability Company TOLOS INTERNATIONAL, 99%;
- Limited Liability Company Trading House "Armador", 51%;
- Limited Liability Company "Veriselintel", 85%;
- Limited Liability Company "NET-U", 17.5%;
- Limited Liability Company "MOSINVESTSTROY", 100%;
- Closed Joint Stock Company "CNT", 5000 pcs.
- Limited Liability Company "AvantIntrade", 100%;
- Limited Liability Company Energomashtekhnika, 50%;
- limited liability company "StroyMediaResource", 25%.
In addition, he owns securities - Investment shares, CJSC UK Sberinvest, 25,953,152 rubles.

(according to the Central Election Commission)

Zhenya, a good photo came out)

and this charming girl kind of like the press secretary of Alexei Vasilyevich in Tver, and as far as I know, the organizers of such meetings are responsible for "treating" and "courting" the invited dear guests .. but apparently something went wrong and they forgot about us ..

At the next table, the retinue from the entourage of Alexei Chepa also ate and their faces were happy ..

In general, they talked a lot about equality and brotherhood, about the huge gap between the rich and the poor ..

That's it!
As I was later told .., before the very beginning of the meeting, Alexey Vasilyevich suggested that everyone who came earlier to order food for themselves seems to be at the expense of the invited party .. But unfortunately these words were not heard by those who came later or on time .. and as a result remained hungry and angry at the organizers of the meeting!

p.s. Regarding the last meeting with Alexei Chepa, I managed to talk with the blogger-journalist Dmitry Goryugin present there, and here is his opinion on what he heard and saw:

The meeting with Alexei Vasilyevich Chepa raised the sometimes incomprehensible position of the Just Russia party on many topical issues on the political agenda and, especially, it is very pleasant that Alexei Chepa paid special attention to regional politics, especially the position of the party on the dissolution of the Tver city Duma and the issue of Construction of solid waste at 21 km of the Bezhetskoe highway, Alexey Chepa spoke in favor of the dissolution of the TGD and on the course to win in these early elections as well as for the election of the head of the city and for the elections according to party lists, and on the polygon, I would like to note his goal to protect the interests of the residents of Slavnovsky MO and summer residents to the desired result.
On the political reforms of the outgoing President Medvedev, Alexei Chepa's commentary is very accurate and close personally me about that these reforms are complete deception and absurdity, especially the law on small parties and public television, and the moment of the so-called presidential filter, which is opposed by both the Just Russia party and the majority of opposition-minded people, so these are reforms that should not be misleading people versed in politics, and the new system of elections to the State Duma is aimed at keeping power in the hands of the United Russia party. Instead of so-called stability, the Russian Federation has received a paralytic stagnation that is covered by what illusory reforms, people need real changes in the political system, not delusional reforms aimed at pacifying the protest masses, and rather there will be no reassurance from these reforms, there will only be anger of the society, especially the understanding of the “middle class.” Aleksey Chepa showed himself as an intelligent politician and competent analyst who lives today and is thinning for the interests of the inhabitants of Russia and the Tver region. And such people form a good public opinion about their party, so this is a very positive and effective meeting, which took place at a decent level.

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We continue to get acquainted with the residents of Miami, who have a crust of State Duma deputies.

That we are all: "United Russia" and "United Russia". Here you are, a representative of the Just Russia faction. Chepa Alexey Vasilievich... From the official biography it follows that Alexei Vasilyevich was born in the city of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Region on November 22, 1955. Was Deputy Chairman of the Agrarian Party of Russia... The head of some kind of "Fertility" foundation.

Such a sweet, humble farmer. There is not even a Wikipedia article about him.

Impressive. But everything - as you can see - is in Russia.

Now let's go to sunny Miami and see what's in the registries. Yeah:

We see two properties. The second is its own changing room on the shore of the condominium pool. This is so, a side dish for the main course:

And here is the apartment itself, located on the 19th floor of the prestigious high-rise high-rise The Palace Bal Harbor (taken FROM HERE):

The Palace Bal Harbor has a great location on the island. On all sides - the ocean. Very nice. You can get an idea of ​​the house in which the Russian agrarian Chepa settled in Miami from VIDEO(however, it advertises another apartment in this building).

The deputy bought an apartment in Miami on March 1, 2010 for $ 2,450,000, so it fits in the 2011 declaration. But she's not there. In case the deputy decides to deny the fact of acquiring an apartment, I will say right away that I have a number of documents on this deal in my hands. All of them are freely available on the Internet. For now, we will confine ourselves to this extract:

Anyone can get such an extract from the real estate register here.

Deputy Chepa pays taxes on the apartment to the American treasury $ 36,093 a year.

For him, a mere trifle. Because there is another, not reflected on the website of the State Duma, biography of the deputy Chepa.

One grandfather is a major security officer, the other is the director of a defense plant. Father is a defense missile engineer. The future deputy followed in their footsteps. He graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, the "closed faculty" of special equipment, in 1979-89 he "worked at closed military-industrial enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region in various positions." It is reported that Chepa was an officer of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense, for some time he was in Germany. When perestroika came, together with colleagues from the GRU, he organized several cooperatives. I started with a wood-shaving plant, but rather quickly, in collaboration with other former GRUShniki Arkady Gaidamak and Victor Bout moved on to the arms trade. They especially succeeded in selling arms in Angola. By the way, deputy Chepa is the chairman of the board Russian fund friendship and cooperation with the Republic of Angola. And how can he not be friends with Angola: in addition to the arms industry, he also launched a large-scale fishing business in this country.

Gradually, Aleksey Chepa became the right hand of Arkady Gaidamak. Gaydamak himself had by that time received Israeli citizenship, and Arab states do not give Israelis visas, so Chepa took over the entire Arab direction. They write that, in particular, Chepa sold weapons to the countries of the Persian Gulf.

Why the arms lord came to the State Duma, you can understand: this is immunity. But why he dropped anchor in the United States is completely incomprehensible. Or is he not afraid of the fate of Viktor Bout? The closest partner of the "modest farmer" Alexei Chepa - Arkady Gaydamak - in 2009 Sentenced in absentia by a French court to six years in prison as one of the defendants in the international scandal known as Angolagate. Whether Chap was involved in the case, we do not know. Perhaps the United States seemed to him a safer haven than France.

Chepa has retained his common business with Arkady Gaydamak to this day. Forbes magazine quotes Gaydamak as follows: “We have known each other for a long time. Mr. Chepa is the only truly real agrarian. "

The wife of the farmer Chepa, Irina Valentinovna Chepa, is the founder of several LLCs (Tsarsky Dvor, Artik-2 and Vit-2), which own boutiques and galleries in the elite village of Zhukovka on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. Daughter Anastasia graduated from Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London, works there as a designer.

Well, now the whole parliamentary family has a beautiful apartment with an ocean view in Miami Beach. Something tells me that this is not his only foreign property.

Below is the text of my conversation with the current State Duma deputy, deputy head of the Fair Russia faction, candidate of economic sciences Alexei Vasilyevich Chepa. Now Aleksey Chepa represents the Novgorod, Tver and Vologda regions in the State Duma, and he has already announced his intention to be re-elected to the Russian parliament. According to Forbes magazine, Chepa is one of the richest deputies of the State Duma. In 2015 alone, his official income amounted to more than 177 million rubles. The conversation took place on June 15, 2016 in Veliky Novgorod.

- Alexey Vasilyevich, thank you for taking the time to answer questions for my blog. Preparing for our conversation, I discovered that you are one of the most closed politicians: you have neither your own website nor profiles in social networks, and the page about you on the official website of the State Duma does not indicate any contacts at all through which it would be possible to contact you (the same is on the official website of the Fair Russia party). By the way, you also rarely give interviews for Internet media. What is the reason for this informational closeness? And how important is the Internet for you in general, feedback from your voters? For example, your colleague in the State Duma, Sergei Fabrichny, admitted that his target audience is not on social networks today. Can you say the same about yourself?

I also do not have a target audience on social networks. But you can contact me, I have a reception, there are assistants ... Every day I have a folder with questions and letters on my desk, and a second folder with answers. Feedback works well. The Internet for me is of great importance in life: we are so used to it that it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. But since the work schedule is very tight, there is not always enough time for it. Although contacts on social networks would certainly make it easier to communicate with voters. Today, I know, many people use this opportunity through their assistants - this is generally wrong! Imagine, we met, discussed some topic, and then I shifted it to my assistant - and you are offended by me. As for my "closeness", I believe that it is better to quietly and modestly perform their duties than shouting, "promoting" - and many are doing this, inflating their activities in this way.

- In the State Duma, you, among other things, are the deputy chairman of the committee on science and science-intensive technologies. The transformations of recent years, including the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have led to the fact that science is increasingly run not by scientists, but by officials who evaluate the work of specialists according to their own bureaucratic criteria. At the same time, according to the UNESCO Science Report "Towards 2030", published in November 2015, Russia's contribution to world science is currently only 1.7%, more than 11 times different from the Chinese (19.6%) and 15 times from the American one (28.1%). What, in your opinion, can be done today to reduce this gap?

One of the tasks of the RAS reform was precisely to divide educational process and bureaucracy. If you are scientists, do science. Today, the criteria for evaluating the work of scientific specialists is, among other things, publications in scientific media. This is a global criterion. What is the 1.7% figure that you mentioned? This, of course, is very small! For more than twenty years, investments in science have been scanty, and today many things need to be created anew. This problem is known, and it is right that Academician Fortov constantly states this, we support him in this. "Fair Russia" in the State Duma defends the interests of the scientific community. My party colleague, Academician Valery Aleksandrovich Chereshnev, is the chairman of the committee on science and science-intensive technologies. We constantly repeat that budget subsidies for scientific activities should be increased.

Isn't it strange that, according to television and our government, we have such a tough confrontation with the West, but at the same time we evaluate our scientists by the number of references in Western publications?

Yes, but we do not live in a confined space, but in the world scientific community. Someone wants to separate us from the whole world, but we are an integral part of it. Therefore, the activities of our scientists are assessed by these criteria.

The question is also whether it is possible and worthwhile to publish everything in the West, if, say, it concerns some scientific, technical, military developments?

It is worth publishing. Unless, of course, this is a state secret. Previously, for various reasons, the number of such publications decreased, however, now it is growing. We have a Russian Science Foundation. Under him, on the initiative of the President, a Board of Trustees was created - it includes 17 people, including me, as a representative of the State Duma.

- Do you assess the RAS reform as a whole positively?

The reform of the RAS is multifaceted, and there are many nuances here, but it was necessary. It cannot be said that everything was done absolutely correctly - this is a very complex mechanism. We literally cut it alive, that is, as a doctor performing an operation, and a belated one ... Of course, we did not find a panacea, but we tried to improve the situation as a whole. As often happens: in the process of moving towards the goal, some roughness appears. I think there is still work to be done on this issue.

- In the first half of the 2000s, you were one of the ideologists of the Agrarian Party of Russia, you were its deputy chairman. And as far as I understand, the agrarian theme is still very important for you. In April of this year, you stated that "today Russia is not provided with sufficient food security" So what "until we can provide ourselves with food, we are on a leash with the world economy and depend on the will of political opponents"... Isn't this too radical a statement? After all, Russia today is not in a state of war, and many so-called. We ourselves introduced anti-sanctions prohibiting the import of a number of foreign products into the country? Yes, and watching how bulldozers destroy food is a sight, to put it mildly, unpleasant - especially for those who have gone through times of hunger and food shortages.

Indeed, I have worked a lot with the agrarian theme, and it is close to me today. Only I did not make a statement about the need for food security in 2015, but back in 2002 we raised this issue in the Agrarian Party. We warned about the possibility of a moment when some states would dictate conditions to us, establish their own framework - either we accept their requirements, or they stop supplying us with products. It depends on our decisions whether there will be a food crisis in Russia or not!

Isn't there an overproduction of food in the world right now? Many countries, on the contrary, need sales markets for their products.

Unfortunately, there are millions of hungry people in the world today. And the shortage of food and water is only increasing. The world population today is more than seven billion people. And the tendency is that in about seven years the world's population will increase by another billion. Can you imagine what it is? Today we are fighting against genetically modified products, and the USA produces a huge amount of such products. They are cheap, but their effects on human health have not been tested! Nobody cares about quality! As for the deficit, for example, Argentina may have more meat, but not enough other products. There is a deficit, if you count the world on average! And you say that conditions of war do not exist today. Exists! In fact, we are at war. This war is quiet ...

- Who are we fighting with?

First of all, with the United States of America. Today a new round of the so-called "cold war" is taking place. The sophisticated world of America doesn't care about Russia, don't care about our people, don't care about Europe, even. They defend their interests, and we are in constant confrontation, which, I note, was not created by us! Supporters of a unipolar world are trying to bring the rest of the world to its knees. "We are above all" - this theory was known in the 30-40s in Europe, and, in particular, in Germany. Today America is creating a certain theory.

- That is, you are directly comparing the current tension in relations between Russia and the United States with that "cold war"?

Of course, there is no such tense situation as, for example, the Cuban missile crisis! However, in general, the state of relations in the international arena can be classified precisely as new " cold war". Where do you think the problem in Ukraine came from? Where did the problems come from in Syria?

- There are also problems in Kazakhstan now ...

And in Kazakhstan too! And Libya? It was a great country! If there was more time, I would tell you how Gaddafi treated his youth, how much he helped young people with these petrodollars. There was no country in the world where such subsidies were given to young families, students of higher educational institutions! Our students do not dream of such scholarships that Gaddafi paid to Libyan students. And what's in Libya now? And what happened in Tunisia, which was a European Arab country? What have you turned it all into? Who did this? America did it! Syria is a quiet, calm country, a beautiful country with wonderful historical monuments. And what happened to her now? See what happened to Palmyra? It's scary to look! We live on a powder keg.

The sanctions are primarily directed against Russia. But the European countries also drew conclusions, realized that this also applies to them. You see how many regions in Italy act, how business relates to these sanctions ... Therefore, the issue of food security was and is acute. I can also say that there were no Russian food "anti-sanctions". Everything was done right! But the fact that we have entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) is wrong. The decision was purely political, since we are not an isolated country. But for our agriculture, it has become destructive and harmful. We could join the WTO only if we put forward our demands. We didn't do that! Therefore, in my opinion, the taboo on the import of foreign products, adopted in August 2014, is not "anti-sanctions", it is actions in defense of our agricultural producers.

- But because of this, food prices have increased !?

Prices have risen because the dollar has changed. And this was reflected in the cost, first of all, of foreign exchange goods. Not our producers, but, first of all, trading networks, taking advantage of the weakness of regional and federal authorities, the weakness of our legislation, began to raise prices for products. Although there were no reasons for raising prices. I believe that the authorities can put things in order here, and they must do it as soon as possible. If today we had a verified, first of all, credit and financial policy, understandable loans to agricultural producers, expanded capabilities of the Rosselkhozbank to pay subsidies on these loans, then our life would be much better. If there was customs protection of the goods imported to us ... There are a lot of "ifs". But then we would have produced more Russian products, internal competition would have increased, prices would have begun to fall.

You said about "putting things in order", but it's no secret that many prohibited products began to be imported to us through the same Belarus, with which we seem to be building union state, and it turns out that in fact we have not really banned anything, but only increased the cost of a number of products for our citizens?

I agree with you, such a picture is observed. But it is impossible to take everything into account at once in the legislation, now these issues are being resolved. Gradually, such moments are suppressed. As for the bulldozers that crush food, these are obvious excesses. It is very painful for people who have gone through the war and experienced hunger to look at this. There is a solution to these problems, just the officials' hands, apparently, do not reach! In this regard, there is a long-established scheme - sell products, the expiration date of which is coming to an end, in special stores, 3-4 times cheaper. Establish such a system, and such goods will be bought. Alcohol, of course, let it choke, but you can't do that with food. Please, if these are proven, high-quality products, but they were imported in violation, send them to orphanages, nursing homes, hospitals. And it is unacceptable to simply destroy food in large quantities, as it is done!

For almost ten years you have been a member of Fair Russia. Why did you choose this particular party for yourself, and not, say, United Russia? I think you would be welcome in any, as they say, "systemic" party?

As you mentioned earlier, 14 years ago I stood at the leadership of the Agrarian Party. The issue of food security pushed me to this. After the 2003 elections, the Agrarian Party lacked just over 1% of the votes to get into the State Duma, and we began to negotiate with other parties, and, first of all, with “ The Russian party life "( approx. Prostate cancer). It was supposed to unite the RPZh and the Agrarian Party, but the situation changed - the Agrarian Party very imperceptibly merged with United Russia. At the same time, the agrarian party was lost and eroded, and the problem of food security remained unresolved. Therefore, ideologically, I did not understand - why should I go to the EP?

I joined the party "Fair Russia" because I am very close to, and to my heart, its political and, first of all, economic, social principles. At one time, she united the Motherland Party, the Party of Pensioners and the Party of Life. Later, a number of public organizations and movements joined it. Now it is a party of the socialist type, which stands for the protection of human rights. Therefore, being in "Fair Russia", I defended and will defend its interests.

And what is the fundamental difference between Fair Russia and United Russia today? After all, they both support President Vladimir Putin, the current political course, and often vote on different issues in a similar way ...

The fundamental difference is that today United Russia is the party in power that defends the direction in which the country is moving. Fair Russia believes that the country is heading for the abyss. The reason is the illiterate management of the government block! President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the undisputed leader of our country, and A Just Russia supports him both on internal political issues and on foreign policy positions. As well as the support of the Communists, and the Liberal Democratic Party, and other parties. And how can you not support it? What ?!

- And in what?

And nothing! For us, he is a guarantor - the same guarantor that he is for United Russia. But United Russia and I have different views on better life towards a better future! Here you have some views on a better life, your photojournalist may have other views, I have third views. This is normal. But we try to explain our position to people! By my own example, at the expense of my own knowledge! And being in United Russia today is more difficult than in another party.

- Why?

Because you are burdened with certain limits imposed by the ruling party. It's not even about party discipline. There is a limitation in views, statements. It's easier to be in opposition. The word opposition is a good word.

- Is A Just Russia the opposition?

- But if, as you said, she supports Putin in everything, then what kind of opposition is this?

There is Putin, and there is the Government. We are not satisfied with the policy of the government block! There are officials, there are ministers, there are governors - some work well, some do not. The government is not working well! The population's problems are only getting worse! And Just Russia, as an opposition party, opposes the anti-popular decisions of the ministries. But there is a fundamental difference between the opposition "Fair Russia" and, for example, the opposition CPRF. We vote in The State Duma against the budget. The communists also vote against the budget. But the difference is that, speaking out against, we propose our own way out of the crisis.

Why do we, for example, oppose the system of charging for overhaul? We understand that major repairs need to be done, but done correctly, transparently, preventing theft. Why is it five times more expensive to build roads in our country than in Finland? For the same reason - lack of control and corruption. Why are the others silent about it? This is what we must fight with! We do not keep silent about the problems and here we help, including the president. And the Popular Front is doing about the same thing ...

- Is A Just Russia now a member of the All-Russian Popular Front?

We are cooperating. It is important to be prepared for intelligent interaction. So you come and say: “I am a member of such and such a party, and I believe that it is necessary to do this and that.” If my opinion coincides with yours, if this is for the good of our people, for the good of the country, then I will say : "Let's do it together!"

- In March 2015, in an interview with Notepad, you said that "The reunification of Russia and Crimea is the beginning of a great historical process. And the current economic reforms in Russia will show both Ukraine and everyone in our country that there is an opportunity and the right way to unite - this is a strong Russia. As soon as Russia began to strengthen, we saw opposition and The United States and other countries that do not want to see Russia strong. By sanctions and other means, they are trying to prevent Russia from following its historical path, trying to prevent Russia from being a strong and powerful country, a country that will contribute to strengthening world peace. "... Do you really think that any rapprochement (unification?) Between Russia and Ukraine is possible in the foreseeable future? And do we really have a reason to be proud of our "economic reforms" today?

Let's start with the second part of your question. Unfortunately, today one cannot be proud of the reforms. A very difficult economic situation all over the world. For example, in China, GDP growth was 10%, and now it is 4% - as a result, a decline in exports, inflation, etc. We, of course, have more of these problems, and the government's policy in many areas is such that we can neither be proud of it, nor trust it! We have been on the oil needle for many years. Money was deposited in some funds, but why? They had to raise their own economy. We were surrounded by sanctions, because we became stronger, we began to raise our voices - this is a continuation and answer to your same question about food security. All orange revolutions occurred in those countries that did not obey the United States of America, and which had their own independent positions and views.

The revolutions that emerged in Ukraine were also not accidental. They were created on certain conditions of the existing economic and political situation. The arbitrariness of the authorities, corruption - all this has brought the Ukrainians to a pre-revolutionary state.
Business and simple people were desperate. The Americans took advantage of this.

But if you think that a Russian-Ukrainian rapprochement is possible in the foreseeable future, then what needs to be done for this?

My subjective opinion is this: a lot depends on journalists and politicians. Today we are all the time trying to prick each other, but we need to look for ways of rapprochement, consider the reasons why this happened. European Union? You are welcome. We opposed Ukraine's entry into the EU, explained why, what kind of country is in danger here, and what will happen next. We were not heard. Already today politicians declare: "We see the nearest integration in 10 years." And two years ago they said: “Tomorrow we will enter the European Union, they will give us visas, they will give us money.” Unfortunately, no one will give anything just like that. We will not receive gifts from anyone: neither from the United States, nor from Europe, nor from China.

Ukrainian politicians considered that they can behave as they want, and we see what is happening with corruption in this country - over these 2-3 years it has not only not decreased, it has increased. And today the Americans themselves are already afraid of what is happening in Ukraine. Look, after all, many organizations such as the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS ( terrorist organizations banned in Russia - N.P.), where did it come from? America gave birth to it! All this is a product of the United States.

- In general, all the evil in the world from America?

I have never said that. Evil - from some services of the United States of America, which play this way. Actually, the American people are indifferent to what is happening: the Americans believe that everything is fine with them, and they do not know where this Ukraine is. They believe that Georgia is Georgia, a state of the United States of America, and do not understand what military events took place there in 2008. We are inseparable from Ukraine, although they are trying to separate us. Including through the church they are trying to do it. But this is unreal. We will, of course, get closer, and I have no doubts that we will overcome this economic crisis. With what losses and how quickly is another question.

Crimea joined Russia two years ago, but by and large, all this time it was outside our country only formally. This is our land, this is our history. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev gave him away illegally ... His return to his homeland, of course, inspired all of us.

Let's move from Ukraine and Crimea to our region. How do you assess the activities of the Governor of the Novgorod Region Sergei Mitin?

For Sergei Mitin, the governorship was a new appointment when he came to Veliky Novgorod. This is a historically very significant region for Russia, but then it was sick. It was a "criminal preserve" where the former governor had already lost the threads of control. I think that Mitin was sent here for a reason. It was possible to come to the security forces, start a "gangster" war here - nothing good would come of it. He unraveled the intricate Gordian knot. There were metastases of a criminal disease here, and they remain. At the same time, a crisis began in 2007, which did not contribute to growth and created, taking into account crime, additional difficulties for development. Novgorod is a historically special region, it is very difficult to be a governor here.

But is everything right in our region? I do not mean objective and external difficulties, not a general crisis, but the management of the region: the governor's team, the regional government, the head of the region himself. Are there any flaws in their work?

We do not have people who do everything faultlessly. Let's take a look at the personnel policy - many people have been punished, criminal cases have been opened against some of them ...

- Two deputy governors have been arrested.

Yes, they were arrested. However, some are silent about this, and some give rise to such criminal cases. Power and money often spoil people. Perhaps, at a certain stage, the officials who violated the law were quite decent people, but the greed for profit or their own lack of professionalism pushed them to the crime. Moreover, in this case, it does not matter which party you are a member of, the main thing is what you did or did not do for the population. In fact, that is why many opposition parties are afraid to go to the same executive branch. Why? Because it's easier to shout slogans and do nothing in practice. We are not afraid of responsibility. Look, we showed in the elections in 2011 good result, and we were offered: "Have you received high interest? Let's work then, come, including to the executive branch, take responsibility!" We did not refuse, although we understood how difficult it would be. Moreover, I believe that not everything turned out the way it should have been! But we see our shortcomings and know how to admit them! As I said, there are no does not make mistakes, and criticism only stimulates us to achieve a better result. Let them criticize us, this shows interest in our work and additionally motivates!

I will then ask a clarifying question. You said about the ex-governor of our region, Mikhail Prusak, that at some point he seemed to have lost the threads of control. It seems to me that this could be due to the fact that he was in office for a very long time, from 1991 to 2007, that is, 16 years, which is a very long term for a governor. Mitin, who came to our region on a certain wave of expectations, at first played a positive role, but now he is already one of those governors who have been in office for the longest time - in August he will celebrate 9 years of his rule (in the North-West he is in this sense of the absolute record holder). And just in last years various problems began to accumulate: not only the arrests of deputies, but also the technical default of the region, this "war" between the governor and the mayor of Veliky Novgorod, etc. At the same time, the governor himself is already summing up some life results, writing his memoirs ... Is it worth changing governors and officials in general after a certain period of time? Because over time, they begin to get tired, lose their grip, lose the threads of control, create conflicts out of the blue ... At the same time, initially a person can be absolutely professional and good, but when he is in office for too long, a wave of insoluble problems arises.

I think you asked the right question here. There is a science of ergonomics, which suggests that a person, being in one place for more than seven years, begins to need a new vision, a fresh look at problems. Here a lot depends on the retinue, which, as you know, makes the king. If the whole team does not change, and everything remains the same, then I think that there will be much more negativity here.

- That is, with a periodic change of team, you can rule for life?

Life is very difficult and wrong. We need to raise young professionals. It's the same in the army - you can't be a commander all your life. Even if you are deserved. There must be rotation, because young personnel must grow and learn. But on the other hand, when the leader, especially in the army, is either very young people, or those who have no experience of military command, who haven’t even smelled gunpowder, or people, I exaggerate, from a furniture store ...

- Are you talking about Serdyukov?

I will not name the names. But when people, relatively speaking, come from a furniture store to absolutely not their own sphere, this is absurd, and this should not be. If you are not a professional, if you made a number of mistakes, leave. Today in the news it was reported that the mayor of Tokyo was guilty of something - and left. Here you can write and say whatever you want and about anyone, but everyone remains in office! This is the problem - not professionals work. And an experienced person with knowledge is difficult to replace. Who can replace our president today, tell me? Will you name this one?

- Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev!

Can not!

- But he was already president, and no catastrophe happened.

Happened? In my opinion, it did not work out very well ...

- He was elected, nevertheless ...

In fact, today we do not have a replacement person! I don't see such a candidate.

I think that if tomorrow Vladimir Vladimirovich "recommends" someone to us, then a candidate will be found in a moment, and the parliamentary parties will support him.

- This is a matter of political technologies.

Oh well. Now you represent three regions in the State Duma: Novgorod, Vologda and Tver regions. How, in your opinion, is our region significantly different from the Vologda or Tver region in political, socio-economic terms? Or, in principle, the problems in these three subjects are the same?

The problems are the same everywhere. Let's say there are problems with roads everywhere, but if you compare, the roads in the city of Veliky Novgorod are better than in the city of Tver. This suggests that the mayor performed his duties correctly.

- Why then did the governor and the Duma want to remove him?

This is another question, but for now I am talking about roads, answering the question about the differences in regions. The roads in Novgorod are indeed better, although there are problems in the region. For example, you can't get to Okulovka: as if the war had passed, and all because all the roads were destroyed during the construction of the M-11 highway. Those who build roads must repair them, must give guarantees. Patches and patching every year are a mess!

Of course, there are regional differences between Tver, Vologda and Novgorod. Politically and socially, Novgorod is probably calmer. With the general depressive state of the country, Novgorod is much calmer than Tver. There is a demographic problem both there and there. And in Vologda it is also there. There is also a difference in investment. There are two regional-forming enterprises in Vologda: Severstal and PhosAgro. There is Akron in Novgorod. There are no such powerful enterprises in Tver at all. Common problems with tax collection - special relationships must be built with these enterprises. What I would like to draw your attention to here is the development of agriculture. There will be additional jobs, there will be assistance to small and medium-sized businesses.

- How often do you come to the Novgorod region?

I really like the Novgorod region. Unfortunately, I am here less often than I would like. I spend most of my time in Moscow: work is obligatory. But I try to come 1-2 times a month. I would like to more often - not only for business, but also for the soul. I really love nature, fishing. True, with the latter it becomes more and more difficult - the rivers become shallow, the lake is silted up. Yesterday we discussed this topic with colleagues from the Novgorod legislative assembly. I submitted a request, and we are preparing an appeal to the environmental prosecutor's office. The situation with the shallowing of Lake Ilmen may threaten with serious consequences for the region. It is necessary to thoroughly investigate what is happening there.

- In the last elections to the State Duma, which took place in December 2011, "Fair Russia" showed the highest result in Russia in the Novgorod region, gaining more than 28% of the vote. In an interview with in March of this year, you said that United Russia might lose its political monopoly in the upcoming elections and that the elections themselves will be "sharp, such as we have not seen for more than ten years." What, in your opinion, will be the sharpness of these elections and what grounds does your party have to expect a repeat of the 2011 result or a second place? Because the data of opinion polls show that your party is teetering on the brink of getting into parliament.

Honest sociology is essential. In 2011, all the media and television constantly said that A Just Russia, of course, does not enter the State Duma. At that time, sociological polls gave us a cut of about 3%. And we scored 28% in Veliky Novgorod, we scored half a percent less in Vologda and 5% less in Tver.

- In Novgorod, you even had the first place then.

Yes, in Novgorod, Fair Russia had the first place in the country. In all subsequent elections, we also showed an approximately equal result. As for my words about the loss of monopoly by United Russia, I have no doubts about that. In September, parliamentary parties, together with the Popular Front, will receive more than 50% of the seats in the State Duma.

- But this is according to party lists? After all, "United Russia" can get the required percentage at the expense of single-mandate members?

I'm not talking about party lists, but about deputy mandates. The Popular Front, A Just Russia, the Communists and the Liberal Democratic Party will receive more than 50% of the seats in the new State Duma. Pay attention - I said "with the Popular Front". Today, the ONF also takes, at times, a tough stance in relation to government policy. We see what meetings the Popular Front holds, how much it works. We closely interact with them on a number of issues, help each other. 2011 was a different political and economic situation, today the situation in the country is very acute. Discontent is growing in society, the need for change is felt. It is logical that the requirements for the conduct of elections are also increasing. I have no doubts that the elections on September 18, in contrast to the previous ones, will be much less fraudulent. We'll keep an eye on this!

In addition, people need to be involved in political process explain why elections are so important. It is necessary to combat apathy among the population. After all, we are doing one thing together - we are building the future of our state. The elections were specially postponed to September for a lower turnout. Nevertheless, the task today is to understand the main thing: everything depends on us, on people. Not from politicians, not from governors, but from all people! How we will work, and what we will put on the chopping block - our future will depend on this. Therefore, I wish that all the deputies who will take their seats in the new State Duma honestly and with dignity fulfill their duties. And may what they turn to people, what they promise - all this will be fulfilled. Only then will there be confidence in the authorities, and our country will be even stronger, even more powerful. The folk veche was forged here, and we will go from here.