Learning Turkish for beginners. Best Textbooks for Learning Turkish Language - Self Study Guide for Beginners. Is it difficult to learn Turkish

A selection of useful sites for learning Turkish. Take care of yourself so as not to lose!

  1. turkishclass.com. Free English-language site for learning Turkish. Turkish lessons include sections: pronunciation, vocabulary, chat, stories, poetry, site rules and contacts. The site is convenient for vocabulary training. In addition, there is a lot of information about Turkey, photographs, detailed reports of students and travelers, essays and essays. The user must go through authorization, and then select a lesson from one of the teachers on the desired topic. There is both theoretical material and homework to the lesson. The site will be interesting not only for students, but also for teachers. After authorization, the teacher can upload his version of the lesson.
  2. turkishclass101.com. Free English-language site. The material is divided into levels - from zero to medium. The menu contains the following sections "Audio lessons", "Video lessons" for training pronunciation, a dictionary for vocabulary. There is a support service and user manual. It is possible to take notes in a special form during the lesson. PDF lessons can be downloaded. There are iPhone, iPad, Android Apps free. Content is divided into free and paid. To work with the site, authorization is required. Quick registration of the user is available.
  3. umich.edu. English-language site. The University of Michigan has prepared a selection of e-lessons, textbooks, tests, training exercises, here you will also find literary works and reference materials. You can download audio and video files that are used in different universities around the world to study the Turkish language. There are a lot of materials, there is content for learning the old Turkish language.
  4. sites.google.com. An English-language site that contains theoretical information on the grammar of the Turkish language. There is an interesting application that conjugates Turkish verbs.
  5. lingust.ru. Free Russian-language site, suitable for beginners and beginners. The theoretical material is placed according to the lessons, which makes it easier to find the desired topic. There are no training exercises, but there is audio support and lessons from Radio "Voice of Turkey" (TRT-World).
  6. cls.arizona.edu. An English-language online textbook that the University of Arizona has developed for learning Turkish from zero to high level... After authorization, the user works with DVD lessons, after each video there is a training exercise on grammar topics, pronunciation or listening comprehension.
  7. book2.de. English and German language site. Simple and user-friendly interface. You can use the main services of the site for free and without authorization. The main sections are vocabulary, an example of pronunciation, flash cards to consolidate vocabulary, you can download audio for free for work. Has iPhone App and Android App . The tutorial is available for purchase. Suitable as an additional material.
  8. internetpolyglot.com. Free site, Russian-language version of the menu is available. It is an interesting and convenient additional tool in language learning. The site offers to memorize words and expressions by performing lexical games. There is a demo version. Authorization will help you track your success, and will allow you to upload your materials to the site.
  9. languagecourse.net. Free site for learning Turkish with an intuitive interface, suitable for vocabulary training. Ukrainian and Russian versions of the site are available. suitable for vocabulary training. Levels from zero to advanced. You can choose the topic you want for your workout - work, travel, transportation, hotel, business, romance / dating, etc. upon registration, success is tracked and the results of the study are saved. Training material is available for download and work on a PC. The service also offers to buy a language trip to the country or pay for a course in language school anywhere in the world.
  10. franklang.ru. Free Russian-language website, easy to use. Contains a lot useful information- textbooks of the Turkish language in PDF, a library of texts in Turkish, Turkish on Skype with the teachers of the I.Frank school, texts for reading according to the method of I.Frank and useful links to Turkish channels, radio stations, serials.
  11. www.tdk.gov.tr. Free Turkish site where you will find different types dictionaries, publications by Turkish bloggers and an online library of works of various genres.
  12. www.w2mem.com. A free site with a Russian menu, but you need to log in before starting work. A very simple interface. The site was created for practicing vocabulary - you compile your own vocabulary, and then consolidate your knowledge by performing tests.
  13. languages-study. A free site that contains links to services that allow you to learn the Turkish language from all aspects - grammar, aphorisms, poems, crosswords, different types of dictionaries.
  14. seslisozluk.net. Free Turkish online dictionary. Working languages ​​are Russian, Turkish, German, English. The services provided by the site's terms of use are translation and decoding of words and expressions, text editor, correspondence, pronunciation. The site offers training exercises in the form of online games to consolidate vocabulary.
  15. onlinekitapoku.com. Free Turkish site where you will find books, reviews, reviews, information about the author. Quick search is available. The site contains electronic and audio books of different genres.
  16. hakikatkitabevi.com. Free Turkish language site where you can find and download free audio books in Turkish.
  17. ebookinndir.blogspot.com. A free resource where you can download books in Turkish in PDF format in different genres.
  18. www.zaman.com.tr. The site of the daily Turkish online newspaper, the main headings of the publication are politics, sports, economics, culture, blogs of public and political figures, video reports.
  19. resmigazete.gov.tr. The site of a Turkish legal online newspaper that publishes laws and bills, legislative acts and other legal documents.
  20. evrensel.net. The official website of the Turkish newspaper. Many headings, reviews and applications.
  21. filmifullizle.com. Free Turkish site where you can watch or download films with Turkish translation or dubbing. Each video has short description plot. In addition, a reviews section is available.

Mastering a foreign language is a rather difficult and time-consuming task. The study of one of the most common languages ​​in the Arab world, Turkish, was no exception. It is spoken today not only in Turkey: you can hear this rich language in Northern Cyprus, in Macedonia and Bulgaria, in Greece and Iran. Those who have visited Turkey at least once are fascinated by the rich culture, ancient traditions, hospitality of the inhabitants and the melodic sound of the local speech. I would like to learn as much as possible about this wonderful country, and acquaintance with the language - The best way get to know Turkey.

Learning Turkish on a tight schedule

It seems to many that the Turkish language is unusually difficult to master, because most words are perceived extremely hard by ear. How to quickly learn Turkish? It is important to choose the right type of training and persistently go towards the goal.

  • Learn the basics of the language - learn the basic rules. The letters of the Turkish language are written in Latin and will not cause difficulties for those who are familiar with English. However, there are a few specific letters that you should pay special attention to memorizing.
  • good language courses will help you. You can choose both a general training program and an individual form. The efficiency of the latter is much higher. Dialogue language courses are profitable and convenient, and the conversation club will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge.
  • Speak Turkish out loud from the very first day of your studies. You should not be afraid that phrases are constructed incorrectly, and words are distorted. With a little practice, your level of language proficiency will be better every day.

Sign up for a free Turkish lesson

Tips to help you quickly master the basics of the Turkish language

So how do you learn Turkish on your own?

  • Install the Turkish language on your gadgets - new words will be an excellent exercise on the way to the goal.
  • You can quickly learn Turkish at home by watching movies and TV shows in Turkish. First, it is better to choose films with Russian subtitles, and after gaining experience, go to films with subtitles in Turkish. A little practice - and most of the dialogue will be perceived by ear, there will be no need for subtitles. Besides, Turkish TV shows are not only useful, but also very interesting.
  • Listen to songs in Turkish. Another way to help you learn the basics of the language at home. Listening to the same song many times will improve your pronunciation and memorize phrases. On the Internet, you can find translations of your favorite songs, so it will be easier to learn grammatical constructions.
  • Read books in Turkish. You can start with children's books, and, developing your level, move on to more difficult reading. If at first you need to translate literally every word, then after a month or two of daily lessons from scratch, you will refer to the dictionary much less often.
  • More communication. It's great if you have a trip to Turkey planned - you can practice your pronunciation.

You can meet a native speaker at social network or chat in our conversation club. Remember that spoken language may differ from the language of movies and TV shows. In addition, there is a whole mosaic of adverbs and dialects even within Istanbul itself - do not panic if you do not immediately begin to understand what the interlocutor is telling you, over time your hearing will adapt and any dialect will become legible.

Turkish language can be quickly learned from scratch with Turkish lessons for beginners. To realize your potential in different areas(travel, business, training, etc.) in the wonderful country of Turkey, you just need to learn the Turkish language, which has long attracted people from all over the world. Now millions are already fluent in Turkish, which is in the forefront in terms of the number of speakers among other Turkic languages.

Learning Turkish from scratch

It is easy to learn Turkish from scratch today in any convenient place with the help of the latest technologies available on the Internet and on mobile devices. Distance learning has the advantages of providing a chance to gain knowledge anywhere in the world, with different social status and employment at work.

Turkish for Beginners is a teaching aids that help you get comfortable with Turkish pronunciation and facilitate communication in everyday situations (hotel, airport, shop, restaurant, etc.). On various sites you can find online materials for learning Turkish from scratch.

How to learn Turkish from scratch

To comprehend this difficult language, you need to learn the basics of grammar, grammatical constructions and understand exactly how you need to practice, typing "your" vocabulary... Exclusive materials will not only help you learn the language and not lose interest in this process, but will also push you to comprehend other languages ​​later. And speaking practice will become a real exam and the final practical result of learning.

There are many Turkish language tutorials for beginners. For example, the self-instruction book by N.P. Sidorin. for beginners from scratch without a tutor will allow using various tasks to check the knowledge gained by checking yourself with answers. Via teaching materials(films, audiobooks, dictionaries, television, voice engines (speech synthesizers, speech synthesizer programs), computer programs) you can not only expand your vocabulary, but also learn a lot about Turkish culture, customs and customs.

Learn Turkish for beginners with audio

It is very productive to learn the Turkish language by audio recording (audio tutorials, audio literature, audio classes, audio courses), when there is an excellent understanding and assimilation of letter combinations and correct pronunciation. All you need is a player and headphones. Despite the simplicity of the lessons provided, the Turkish language is very difficult to master. We are not postponing indefinitely. We learn Turkish from scratch and set off to implement our plans and opportunities! Good luck!

Turkey is a republic located in Southwest Asia. The inhabitants of this state have their own language. Turkish is also spoken in northern Iraq, Syria, Bulgaria. After the abolition of the visa regime, the country has become one of the most popular holiday destinations for a large number of Russians. Is it easy to learn Turkish? This is possible if you learn a number of grammar rules and memorize words and phrases that help keep the conversation going.

How to learn Turkish on your own - ways.

What is required to learn Turkish?

Some people go to Turkey for business. They need to know the local language in order not to communicate with signs. Someone goes there to visit, relax or improve their health. Those wishing to learn Turkish will come in handy:

· Textbooks and manuals on the language (there are the necessary grammatical rules to make sentences);

· Training programs (they are on the Internet, special discs are also sold that contain theory and practice with tests, this is convenient for those who do not like to read books);

· Turkish dictionary and phrasebook (during the exercises they write out unfamiliar words and then look for them in the dictionary);

· Audio recordings and video materials (with the help of these tools it will be possible to further replenish your vocabulary).

To systematize the knowledge gained, they are recorded on paper. New words with transcription, individual rules and expressions - everything is written down in a notebook, so that you can then open it and repeat what you have passed.

How to learn Turkish at home from scratch?

Any language can be learned if a person strives for it. It doesn't matter whether he gets a job with a tutor or starts studying on his own, using textbooks and dictionaries, he has to mobilize his intellectual abilities. The right attitude is important here. How to learn Turkish on your own?

IN modern world knowledge foreign languages- an undeniable advantage. More and more people are choosing independent study or going to a special school instead of a hobby.

Not only English is popular, but last years even Turkish began to be in demand. This is explained good relationship between Russia and Turkey, as well as the abolition of the visa regime. In addition, Russian businessmen often cooperate with Turks, so knowledge of the language will only be a plus.

Interest in the culture, traditions and customs of Turkey came to Russia quite recently. This country gave the Russians an affordable and high-quality vacation without difficulties with obtaining a visa. Turkish serials, especially "The Magnificent Century", also fueled interest. It was watched by millions of people around the world who were able to get to know this country and its history better.

If you want to learn the Turkish language, first of all, you need to define a goal. The method of learning will depend on this: independently or with a teacher.

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If you just want to get to know the culture of this country better, travel around Turkey without language barriers or watch films without translation, self-study is suitable.

Before you start learning, it is important to know that Turkish is significantly different from English or German. If you have studied only European languages ​​before, you will have to get rid of all the templates when learning Turkish. It looks more like mathematics with formulas and examples, has a clear logic that can be traced in every sentence.

Studying through online courses or homeschooling is suitable for those with strong motivation. This language is quite complex, so it will take some effort.

At the beginning of training, you will have to spend about 30-40 minutes on classes every day. Independent lessons are enough to master the skills at the level of everyday communication.

Why not teach new language over a cup of famous Turkish tea?

Who can not live without a "mentor"

If you need to learn Turkish for work or business, as well as are far from mathematics and do not like puzzles, then it is better to study Turkish with a professional.

This language is not structured like English, French or German. The main difficulty is caused by the presence of a huge number of affixes. Up to 10 affixes can be built up in one word, and each of them can radically change the meaning of the word.

For you need to change your thinking in a new way, then the language will become clear. That is why many students have self-study difficulties arise when leaving the comfort zone. If you need to learn a language quickly, then better way than classes with a tutor, you simply cannot find.

Despite the complexity of Turkish, it is considered the simplest of all Eastern languages. It underwent a global reform in 1932 when the Turkish Linguistic Community was established. Foreign borrowings were removed from it, and the language itself became more modern and easy.

Pros and cons of both methods

  • When teaching with a tutor, prepare yourself for the time and expense involved. When working with a teacher, you will need to set aside sufficient time for both lessons and homework.
  • A clear plus of classes with a tutor is that you do not have to wade through the jungle of Turkish rules alone. A professional will build the process depending on your knowledge, linguistic abilities and goals.
  • With self-study, you will not spend money and can allocate time as it is convenient. However, then the learning process will take longer. In addition, you need serious motivation not to quit classes and devote time to them every day.
  • The main difficulty in learning Turkish on your own will be restructuring for a new way of thinking. At first, there will be difficulties due to the fact that it is radically different from languages Indo-European group... To begin with, all these affixes will simply have to be memorized, only after hard work will you learn to determine the meaning of a word at a glance.

Bodrum, Turkey

Learning Turkish is often compared to mathematical formulas... You need to understand the algorithm, systematically consolidate knowledge, and then learning will be much easier - all words will obey the already learned formulas.

How to make a choice

  1. First of all, you need to define goals and motivation. If you need to learn a language for a contract with a partner from Turkey, self-study is out of the question. For training in connection with work, study or business, it is best to leave this process in the hands of a professional.
  2. If you are simply in love with, you want to travel around the country without experiencing difficulties, then you can start learning from the comfort of your home. Then the process will be a little more complicated and longer, but with due effort, you can learn the language.

Now there are many online courses on the Internet that will help you learn Turkish, both with a teacher and on your own. And you can consolidate your knowledge just while traveling around the country and communicating with the inhabitants of Turkey.