The new President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker: a master of compromise. New European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker: a master of compromise Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission

Putin discussed the Normandy format meeting with the new head of the European Commission .... The Russian leader also spoke on the phone with the former chairman European Commission - Jean-Claude Juncker... He thanked him for "constructive interaction" during his years of work ... called the condition for the meeting between Putin and Zelensky in Paris. Juncker as head of the European Commission expired in October 2019, organizing ... Juncker sheds tears at the last EU summit for him ... Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, whose powers expire this fall, could not hold back tears to ... tears. The head of the European Commission could hardly hold back tears during his speech Juncker thanked the President of the European Council Donald Tusk for his “friendship and ... the journalists who covered his activities as head of the European Commission. Credentials Juncker as head of the European Commission expire in October 2019 ... Juncker postoperative to miss G7 summit President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, who underwent surgery to remove the gallbladder, was discharged from the hospital, however ... with reference to the official representative of the European Commission, Mina Andreeva. At present Juncker recovering from surgery at home. The President of the European Commission is expected to return to ... The head of the European Commission was sent from vacation to an urgent operation ... will perform the operation. Next week Juncker must attend the G7 summit. To the 64-year-old European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker required an urgent operation to remove the gallbladder, he interrupted his vacation, according to the EC website. Juncker spent his ... Juncker refused Johnson to renegotiate Brexit terms ... the new prime minister in Brussels was considered an attempt to split the European Union. Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker refused the new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to resume negotiations ... of the European politician Min Andreev. In a telephone conversation with the British Prime Minister Juncker called the current version of the treaty "the best and only possible". Wherein... The European Parliament for the first time appointed a woman to the post of head of the European Commission ... will enter in November, when the term of office of the current head of the European Commission, a Luxembourgian, expires Jean-Claude Juncker... Von der Leyen, speaking in the European Parliament on July 16, promised to fight ... How Germany and France shared leadership positions in the European Union. The European Parliament and experts criticized the approval procedure of the head of the European Commission ... the President of the European Commission (may take office on November 1) Jean-Claude Juncker from Luxembourg Current position: German Defense Minister Party: CDU Alliance ... and two EU members - Britain and Hungary - voted against the candidacy Jean-Claude Juncker... “We chose two women and two men for four leaders ... EU leaders agree on candidates for key European posts ... the day also failed to agree on the candidacies. Powers of the current head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker The European Union has moved on to personnel issues. Union leaders to identify candidates for key leadership positions at two-day summit ... a contender for the presidency of the European Commission, since the powers of the one holding this position Jean-Claude Juncker expire in the fall. As noted by the President of the European Council (includes ... positions. President of the European Commission Approval process Powers of the current head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker who was elected to this post in 2014 expire ... Juncker announced work on new relations with Moscow The European Commission is building new relations with Moscow, said the head of the EC Jean-Claude Juncker... The representative of the press service of the EC Mina wrote about this on Twitter ... to each other in order to live in peace, "she quoted Juncker she is. In October Juncker already suggested not to quarrel with Russia for the sake of a common concept ... Zelensky called Juncker a "normal guy" ... "1 + 1" shared its impressions of the meeting with the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker... According to the head of Ukraine, their meeting was "cool". A journalist for a TV channel ... by the leadership of the EU and NATO. Zelensky and Juncker The day before, during a greeting on the eve of a meeting with Juncker journalists asked the head of the European Commission, "not ... Petro Poroshenko." "I have a new [Poroshenko]", - joked in response Juncker... Zelensky supported the joke: “I'm better. The new is better than the old. " Zelensky and Juncker at a meeting in Brussels joked about Poroshenko .... AND Juncker, and Zelensky reacted with a joke to this question "The new is better than the old" President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker exchanged jokes ... to the former head of the Ukrainian state, Petro Poroshenko. Fragment of greetings from Zelensky and Juncker during which this short dialogue took place, Ruptly showed ... Juncker announced about falsification of statistics by Greece for the sake of joining the eurozone ... Greece managed to falsify it, said the head of the European Commission, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that Greece became a member of the eurozone, presenting inaccurate statistics. About ..., which is engaged in checks, continued Juncker... “So Europe is learning from its mistakes,” he said. Juncker added that Greece's exit from the eurozone ... Juncker patted Poroshenko on the back of the head after receiving the order from his hands ... President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker during the ceremony of awarding the Order of Yaroslav the Wise, which he received ... state award Of Ukraine for foreign citizens. Poroshenko awarded this order Juncker for “personal contribution to the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU ... dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership program. December 2018 Juncker ruffled the hair of one of the employees before the summit of leaders of the European Union ... Juncker called Tusk's comparison with Hitler and Stalin disgusting ... the event was used by the President of the European Commission with Hitler and Stalin Jean-Claude Juncker called it "absolutely unacceptable" to compare the head of the European Council Donald Tusk with ... with Hitler and Stalin. This is absolutely unacceptable and disgusting, ”said Juncker... According to him, such accusations have no place in “European democratic ... populists and extremists must be fought not with words, but with actions. Juncker declared the loss of the "collective libido" of Europe Tusk - the former prime minister ... Juncker announced the loss of Europe's "collective libido" ... World War II, said the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker in an interview with Handelsblatt. During the discussion of macroeconomic problems in Germany Juncker said that the main problem of the Europeans ... the end is not only for the European Union, but also for free societies, believes Juncker... He added that dissatisfaction with EU policy can be explained by the fact that ... The European Union and Japan demanded from the DPRK to eliminate nuclear weapons ..., following which Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk called on North Korea completely ... allowed to be used by Russia nuclear weapons against neighbors Besides this Abe, Juncker and Tusk supported the Normandy format talks on the conflict ... Juncker expresses condolences to the people of France in connection with the fire in Notre Dame Jean-Claude Juncker expressed condolences to the people of France in connection with the fire in the cathedral ... Notre Dame Cathedral, which is part of the heritage of all mankind, "said Juncker... He noted that the cathedral has inspired many writers, artists, philosophers and ... The head of the European Commission ruled out the possibility of revising the agreement on Brexit ... EU in June this year. This was announced by the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker following the emergency summit of the European Union in Brussels, where the leaders of the 27 ... reached an agreement on the exit, because it must be respected, "- said Juncker to journalists. He also noted that the EU countries will be able to negotiate ...

Politics, 12 Mar, 13:25

British MPs again failed to approve the EU exit agreement. Another failure of Theresa May may postpone Brexit until at least summer ... a deal, "May said at a joint press conference with the President of the European Commission. Jean-Claude Juncker on Monday. The revised agreement on Britain's withdrawal from the EU includes ... later in May, then Britain will have to take part in the elections, notes Jean-Claude Juncker... Evgeny Pudovkin

Politics, 12 Mar, 02:48

May and Juncker agree on changes in Brexit terms ... British Parliament British Prime Minister Theresa May and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker agreed to amend the terms of Brexit, reports Reuters. This became ... will not go to further negotiations on the conditions for the withdrawal of Great Britain, said Juncker at a joint press conference with May. “There won't be a third chance ... The EU announced the continuation of the ratification of the Brexit agreement ... that will prepare for any development of events Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker issued a statement on the results of the vote on the terms of Britain's withdrawal from ... a compromise "and a" best deal "for the terms of parting with London. Juncker stressed that during the negotiations the European side showed sufficient flexibility ... The European Commission named and analyzed the main economic challenges of the EU ... the achievements of the European Commission since 2014, when it took over Jean-Claude Juncker... In particular, 12.4 million workers were created in the EU ... Britain and the EU agree on a Brexit deal. the main thing ... ". The Scottish government said the deal was "dead". In the European Union Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker wrote on Twitter that he sent the head of the European Council Donald Tusk ... Merkel's protege becomes a candidate for the post of head of the European Commission ... years ago, the European People's Party won a majority, and its candidate Jean-Claude Juncker became the chairman of the European Commission. The next elections to the European Parliament will be held in May ... Germany Angela Merkel, so experts believe Weber's chances to change Juncker pretty high. French President Emmanuel Macron is unlikely to be active ... The head of the European Commission proposed not to quarrel with Russia ... Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker proposed not to quarrel with Russia for the sake of a common concept of European security. ... Moscow should be treated calmly In an interview with the Austrian newspaper Der Standard Juncker a question was asked about an article in the Guardian, where Russian ... Austria, who would care about this issue, "- said Juncker... Guardian Material Asked About Juncker, was devoted to an investigation into the alleged ... Juncker urged to speed up the inclusion of the Balkan countries in the EU due to the threat of war ... can start new war... This was stated by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, reports Bloomberg. European authorities should consider the "pre-accession idea" for ... hope and help improve the economic situation even before accession, said Juncker speaking at the Vienna parliament on Friday. "If we steal perspective ... what happened in the Balkans in the 1990s," Bloomberg quotes the words Juncker... However, the President of the European Commission noted that those who are not yet in the bloc ...

Economics, 12 Sep 2018, 12:03

The head of the European Commission spoke in favor of reducing dollar payments in the EU ... Jean-Claude Juncker believes that the share of the euro in international trade must be increased, and ... to achieve this goal by the end of the year, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, speaking in Strasbourg with its annual address to the European Parliament about ..., thereby reducing the share of the American dollar. Speech Juncker(.pdf) published on the official website of the European Commission. Juncker“It's absurd that Europe pays for 80% of energy imports ...

Politics, 01 Sep 2018, 11:55

Replacing Juncker: who will become Merkel's candidate for the post of head of the European Commission ... EU. This gives Weber a high chance of replacing at the post of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker whose five-year mandate will expire next fall. Officially a candidate from ... months. The last two presidents of the European Commission - Portuguese Manuel Barroso and Luxembourgers Jean-Claude Juncker- were representatives of the European People's Party. They took the post of head of the European Commission ... Juncker called a kiss with Trump a surprise ... Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said it came as a surprise to him that US President Donald ... Juncker... @realDonaldTrump The day before, Trump posted on his Twitter a snapshot of his kiss, and the caption: “It is obvious that the European Union is represented by Jean-Claude Juncker... trade, "- said the American leader. According to him, after meeting with Juncker a "new phase" has begun in relations between Washington and Brussels. Trump reported ... Trump after meeting with Juncker declared love between the United States and the European Union ... Negotiations with the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker showed that the United States and the European Union "love each other," said President Trump ... it is obvious that the United States, represented by him, and the European Union, which represents Juncker, love each other. “It's great to get back on track with the EU .... International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde welcomed Trump's talks and Juncker... She previously said that protective duties could lead to a fall ... Prankers played Mogherini and Juncker on behalf of the Prime Minister of Armenia ... the President of the European Union for foreign affairs Federico Mogherini and the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on behalf of the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. About this prankers ... "to reduce the pressure" from Russia on Yerevan. In conversation with Juncker the pranker stated that Armenia is interested in stabilizing the situation in the region ... will become better aware of what is happening in Armenia. " After that, the pranker invited Juncker to Yerevan to eat barbecue, drink Armenian wine and go to ... The European Commission explained Juncker's gait at the NATO summit ... The reason for the strange gait and swaying of the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker became a back pain. This was announced by the official representative of the European Commission ... radiculitis accompanied by convulsions, ”Shinas said at a briefing. He noted that Juncker wants to publicly thank the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and his ... The media reported on the health problems of the head of the European Commission Juncker ... the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker during the NATO summit, he stumbled and swayed, and he needed the help of other participants in the meeting, the Associated Press reported. Juncker... with health ”, but he“ has a back problem ”. Complaints Juncker Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa also heard about back pain. According to AP, Juncker stated that he had back problems. In the head office ... The media spoke about the words of Trump about the "brutal killer" against Juncker ... in Canadian Quebec, US President Donald Trump named the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker A "cruel killer" because of his stance on multibillion-dollar fines ... an EU official, the US President has repeatedly called Juncker"Cruel killer". WSJ also writes that Juncker confirmed that Trump really called him that ... it looks like a compliment, but I'm not sure, " Juncker Jean-Claude Juncker also promised to initiate proceedings in the WTO European Union in the next few hours ... on aluminum and steel. Such a statement by the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker quoted in an EU press release. Juncker called the introduction of tariffs "pure protectionism" and announced ... duties on steel and aluminum from June 1 According to Juncker, The US left the EU no choice but to initiate proceedings in ... The head of the European Commission criticized the "atrocities" of the followers of Karl Marx ... President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that one should not condemn Karl Marx for those "atrocities" ... all the atrocities for which his imaginary followers should be responsible, "said Juncker... Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in Trier. IN...

Politics, 20 Mar 2018, 14:53

The head of the European Commission congratulated Putin on re-election ... President of the European Commission (EC) Jean-Claude Juncker congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his re-election ... responsible duties, "the letter says. Juncker directed to Putin. @JunckerEU On his Twitter page Juncker wrote that he always emphasized the need for positive ...

Luxembourgish and pan-European statesman and politician, who took office as President of the European Commission on November 1, 2014, Prime Minister of Luxembourg (from January 20, 1995 to December 4, 2013), Minister of Finance of Luxembourg (1989-2009), head of the Eurogroup (eng. Euro Group, the club of Eurozone finance ministers).

Jean-claude juncker
President of the European Commission from 1 November 2014
Preceded by: Jose Manuel Barroso
Prime Minister of Luxembourg 20 January 1995 - 4 December 2013
Minister of Finance of Luxembourg 14 July 1989 - 23 July 2009
Citizenship: Luxembourg
Confession: Catholicism
Birth: December 9, 1954
Redange-sur-Atterte, Luxembourg
Party: Christian Social People's Party (Luxembourg)
Education: University of Strasbourg (1979)
Profession: lawyer
Activity: co-publisher of the weekly Rheinischer Merkur (Bonn, 2006-2010)

- the leader of the Christian Social People's Party. Considered one of the architects of the Maastricht Treaty. In 2004 he was considered a likely candidate for the presidency of the EU Commission.
The official representative of the federal government of Germany Ulrich Wilhelm (German Ulrich Wilhelm):
“… The Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Luxembourg is the 'normal chairman' of the Eurogroup, which brings together the countries of the Eurozone.”

In one of his interviews in mid-March 2009 Juncker predicted that the economic downturn in Western Europe will worsen in the coming months, which, in turn, could lead to a serious social crisis, which will translate into mass unemployment and loss of public confidence in the political system.
The European Council officially appointed Juncker President of the European Commission on June 27, 2014, after the European People's Party, which nominated him to this position, won the elections to the European Parliament.
The European Parliament elected by secret ballot on July 15, 2014 Juncker for the post of President of the European Commission. He took office in November 2014.

Jean-Claude Juncker's political activities

In 1995 he was appointed Prime Minister of Luxembourg. He was the head of government for the longest time of all his colleagues in Europe.
Juncker is a supporter of the introduction of single Eurobonds (English eurobond), in this issue he is opposed by the Minister of Finance of Germany Wolfgang Schäuble.
President of the Center international de formation européenne (CIFE).
On July 11, 2013, he resigned due to a scandal involving the Luxembourg intelligence services.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel sought to become President of the European Commission after the end of the term of office of Jose Manuel Barroso. Britain, led by Prime Minister David Cameron, was an ardent opponent of his nomination - in London, Juncker is considered a supporter of the centralization of power in the European Union in Brussels.
At one of the meetings with members of the European Parliament J.-C. Juncker noted that he does not want the UK to leave the EU, in connection with which he stated that "I have never been against the idea of ​​a well-structured, organized and thoroughly discussed return of part of the powers from Brussels to the national parliaments."

Jean-Claude Juncker awards and honorary titles

Grand Cross of the Order of Merit (Norway, 1996)
Edmond Foundation Vision for Europe Award (Israel, 1998)
Honorary Doctor of the University of Westphalia (2001)
CICERO Award for Public Speaking (2002)
Grand Cross of the Order of the Star of Romania (2003)
Honorary Citizen of Trier (2003)
Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (2007)
Order of Dostyk 1st degree (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Amilcar Cabral Medal of the First Class of the Republic of Cape Verde (2008)
EU Medal in Gold with Star (2009)
Social Market Economy Award (Duisburg, 2009)
Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor (France)
Big golden star on a ribbon - Badge of honor"For services to the Republic of Austria" (2010)
Order of Merit (Saar, 2010)
Order of Merit (Baden-Württemberg, 2011)

Formation of the Jean-Claude Juncker Commission

Juncker Commission- the European Commission, formed after the European elections on May 22-25, 2014. She replaced the second commission of Barroso and has been operating since November 1, 2014, under the chairmanship of Jean-Claude Juncker.
June 27, 2014 26 out of 28 participants of the meeting at the highest level EU leaders supported the candidacy of Jean-Claude Juncker for the post of chairman of the new commission, contrary to the position of David Cameron.
On 15 July 2014, the European Parliament, by secret ballot, by a majority of 422 votes to 250, with 47 abstentions, approved the appointment of Juncker.

In accordance with the legal procedures of the European Union, the newly appointed chairman of the Commission must form its personal composition based on the proposals of the member states, but at this stage Juncker encountered certain difficulties. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi proposed the candidacy of Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini for the post of High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, but representatives of a number of Eastern European countries (primarily Poland, Estonia and Latvia) expressed sharp disagreement with this appointment. according to press reports, they considered her too pro-Russian. During the meeting of the heads of state and government of the European Union on July 16, 2014, these contradictions could not be overcome, and the decision to form a new European Commission was postponed to the next meeting. On August 30, 2014 in Brussels, the leaders of the EU countries were able to agree on the composition of the commission Juncker.

On October 22, 2014, the European Parliament finally approved the composition of the commission by a majority of 423 votes against 209, by which time all new European commissioners had passed through individual parliamentary hearings. The Eurosceptic right, including the United Kingdom Independence Party, the Greens and the radical left remained in opposition, but the main political blocs of the European Parliament supported Juncker's team. He represents the European People's Party, which won the May elections. For the first time, the position of the first deputy chairman of the Commission, which was occupied by the veteran of European politics, Dutchman Frans Timmermans, was introduced: one of his main tasks should be the development of the principle of subsidiarity against the background of the demands of the United Kingdom and other members of the European Union to transfer more powers to the national level.

Composition of the Jean-Claude Juncker Commission

Commissioner Area of ​​responsibility State European Party National Party
President of the European Commission EPP HSNP
Frans Timmermans First Vice-President of the European Commission Netherlands PES PT
Better regulation, interagency relationships; Justice, fundamental rights and citizenship (Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, Rule of Law and Charter of Fundamental Rights)
Federica Mogherini Federica Vice President of the European Commission Italy PES DP
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Kristalina Georgieva Deputy Chairperson of the European Commission Bulgaria EPP GERB
Financial planning and budget (Budget and Human Resources)
Maros Sefcovic Deputy Chairman of the European Commission Slovakia PES KSD
Jyrki Katainen Deputy Chairman of the European Commission Finland EPP NC
Industry and entrepreneurship
Valdis Dombrovskis Deputy Chairman of the European Commission Latvia EPP Unity
Economy, currency and euro (Euro and Social Dialogue)
Andrus Ansip Deputy President of the European Commission Estonia ALDE PR
Digital Single Market
Vera Jourova Justice, Health and Consumer Policy Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Republic ALDE ANO 2011
Guenther Oettinger 2007.jpg Digital Economy and Society Flag of Germany.svg Germany EPP CDU
Pierre Moskovisi Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Flag of France.svg France PES JV
Marianne Thiessen Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labor Mobility Flag of Belgium (civil) .svg Belgium EPP HDF
Corina Cretu Corina Cretu.jpg Regional Policy Flag of Romania.svg Romania PES SDP
Johannes Hahn JohannesHahnPortrait.jpg European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Flag of Austria.svg Austria EPP ANP
Avramopoulos Dimitris D Avramopoulos at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Migration and Internal Affairs; Justice, fundamental rights and citizenship (Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship) Flag of Greece.svg Greece EPP ND
Vytenis Andriukaitis Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis.jpg Health and Food Safety Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania PES SDPL
Jonathan Hill Jonathan Hopkin Hill, Baron Hill of Oareford.jpg Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom AEKR KP
Elжbieta Bieńkowska Elżbieta Bieńkowska Kancelaria Senatu.jpg Domestic market and services; Industry and entrepreneurship (Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs) Poland EPP GP
Miguel Arias Cañete (cropped) (2) .jpg Climate; Energy (Climate Action and Energy) Flag of Spain.svg Spain EPP NP
Neven Mimica u International Cooperation and Development Flag of Croatia.svg Croatia PES SDP
Margrethe Festager Margrethe Vestager, ekonomi- och inrikesminister Danmark. Nordiska radets session i Kopenhamn 2011 (1) .jpg Competition with Denmark ALDE RV
Violeta Bulk u Transport Flag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia ALDE PMC
Cecilia Malmström Cecilia Malmström (cropped) .jpg Trade Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden ALDE NPL
Vella Carmeno Environment; Fisheries Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Malta PES LP
Tibor Navračić Education, Culture, Youth and Sport in Hungary EPP FVGS
Carlos Moedas Research, Science and Innovation in Portugal EPP SDP
Phil Hogan Agriculture(Agriculture and Rural Development) Flag of Ireland Ireland EPP FG
Christos Stylianides International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Flag of Cyprus EPP DO

Jean-Claude Juncker is a politician in Luxembourg and Europe, President of the European Commission.

Jean-Claude was born on December 9, 1954 in the town of Redange-sur-Attert in the Duchy of Luxembourg. The boy's father, a Luxembourgish by nationality, worked in metallurgy and was engaged in social work. In his youth, he was forcibly recruited by the Wehrmacht and fought on the side of Germany, therefore, after World War II, he began to show interest in the left-wing political bloc.

As a child, Jean-Claude, together with his father, participated in rallies and was aware of the events taking place in the plant's trade union. Juncker graduated from high school in the Belgian Clairefontaine, after which he entered the Faculty of Law in Strasbourg. At the age of 20, he became a member of the Social Christian Party, of which he is still a member.


After graduating from university in 1979, Jean-Claude took up the legal profession, but five years later he got the opportunity to participate in the work of the Luxembourg parliament. Jacques Santer, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, MEP and chairman of the Social Christian Party, began to look closely at the promising young politician. Thanks to Santer's patronage, Jean-Claude becomes the head of the Council of Ministers of the European Union for Social Affairs. In 1989 Juncker was appointed Minister of Labor, Fiscal Policy of Luxembourg and Director of the World Bank.

In the 90s, Jean-Claude Juncker participated in the development and implementation of the Maastricht Treaty, the fundamental legal document of the European Union. In 1990 he was elected chairman of the Social Christian Party for five years, in 1994 he was re-elected to the Cabinet of Ministers and Parliament.

1995 - a turning point in the political biography of Jean-Claude. Juncker is elected Prime Minister of Luxembourg by secret ballot. The politician, participating in the work of the European Parliament, promotes the idea of ​​a single currency. Jean-Claude is developing a strategy for the European Union in relation to the employment of the population of Europe.

Juncker could implement his own ideas, having received the EU presidency for six months in 1997. In 1999, thanks to the efforts of the Luxembourg group of parliamentarians, the new euro currency was introduced into cashless payments, and since 2002 the first banknotes have appeared. As Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Juncker was re-elected three more times: in 1999, 2004 and 2009, fully retaining his former powers.

In 2005, Jean-Claude, as an experienced financier, was invited to the post of President of the Eurogroup, which included all the finance ministers of the Eurozone states. Juncker's beginnings are supported by the German Chancellor, who is in favor of Jean-Claude becoming the successor of Jose Manuel Barroso. But the UK, represented by the prime minister, is opposed to the Luxembourgian's candidacy. The British fear the strict centralization of Europe, of which Juncker is becoming a supporter.

In 2013, a scandal erupted in Luxembourg, in the center of which was the incumbent Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker. A special commission recorded the abuse of powers of the National Intelligence and Security Service of Luxembourg. The organization was charged with illegal receipt of funds, as well as wiretapping of the cabinet of ministers. The main defendant in the investigation was Jean-Claude Juncker, who urgently resigned, without waiting for the results of the investigation.

Head of the European Commission

In the summer of 2014, at the EU summit, Jean-Claude Juncker was nominated as a candidate for the presidency of the European Commission. Of the 26 leaders of the Eurozone countries, Prime Ministers of Great Britain David Cameron and Hungarian Prime Ministers Viktor Orban voted against the Luxembourgian. In November, Jean-Claude took up his duties as head of the European Commission.

The main priority for the work of the EU Juncker identified the reorganization of the energy sector of the continent, a gradual transition to autonomous servicing of the energy needs of the EU population. Juncker spoke in favor of the development of political and economic relations with Washington, as well as against Britain's exit from the EU. Jean-Claude is working to create a balanced labor market and build on the economic growth of the Union.

Jean-Claude has been lobbying the interests of the Eastern European state in the EU for 20 years now. The politician supports the reforms and changes taking place in Ukraine, therefore, immediately after taking office as head of the European Commission, Juncker ordered to transfer a tranche of € 100 million to Kiev.

In 2015, Jean-Claude Juncker, together with the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, attended the EU-Ukraine summit, which was held in Kiev. At the meeting with and the Europeans supported Ukraine's desire to cooperate with Europe, confront Russia and return Crimea to its former political status.

Personal life

In communicating with journalists, Jean-Claude Juncker is extremely reluctant to touch on the topic of his personal life. It is known that, while still a law student, the aspiring politician met a girl named Christian Frizing, who soon became his wife.

The family turned out to be strong, despite the absence of children. Juncker devotes his free time to reading books and walking with his beloved dog named Plato.

Jean-Claude Juncker now

At the end of 2016, Jean-Claude promised his Ukrainian colleagues another tranche of € 600 million in response to lifting the moratorium on the export of Ukrainian timber to Europe. Speaking about Russia, the European politician emphasizes that the Russian Federation cannot be called a regional power. It is a world-class military superpower.

In May 2017, a major scandal erupted at the Geneva summit. Jean-Claude Juncker appeared drunk at a meeting of EU leaders. Those present were unclear about the reason for the inappropriate behavior of the chairman, when he slapped the interlocutor in front of everyone, and then suddenly began to kiss those present. Provocative photos and videos instantly became a sensation on the Internet. It turned out that Jean-Claude Juncker has had it for at least a year.

Now the head of the European Commission is dealing with foreign policy issues: the development of investment schemes in the Chinese economy, the main condition for which Juncker calls the observance of human rights in the PRC. Of great concern to Jean-Claude are trade agreements with the United States, which are concluded by the EU states bypassing Brussels.

Jean-Claude Juncker- politician in Luxembourg and Europe, President of the European Commission (since November 2014).

Childhood and education of Jean-Claude Juncker

Jean-Claude Juncker was born on December 9, 1954 in the small town of Redange-sur-Attert in the Duchy of Luxembourg.

Father - Joseph Juncker- worked in metallurgy. In his youth, he was actively involved in social work. However, during the Second World War, he was forcibly recruited by the Wehrmacht and fought on the side of Germany. Apparently, therefore, at the end of the war, he swung sharply to the left and began to show interest in left-wing political trends. Being involved in trade union activities, Josef Juncker often took his son to the rallies that took place at the factory.

Mother - Margarita Juncker.

Jean-Claude received his secondary education in the Belgian city of Clairefontaine. After graduating from high school, he entered the University of Strasbourg at the Faculty of Law, where he received a master's degree in law.

Jean-Claude, at the age of twenty, became a member of the Social Christian Party, of which he is to this day.

Juncker speaks in German and French. True, his joke is known: “When I need to speak French, I think in German, and when I need to express myself in German, I think in French. As a result, I cannot be understood in any language. "

Political activities and career of Jean-Claude Juncker

It should be noted that Jean-Claude Juncker quickly climbed the career ladder. In 1984 he became a deputy, and in the same year the Luxembourgian prime minister Jacques Santer appointed Juncker as Minister of Labor and Employment.

Having got into a road accident five years later (Jean-Claude lay in a coma for two weeks), Juncker, as soon as he recovered, immediately returned to his duties. During the same period, Jean-Claude Juncker was also appointed Minister of Finance.

It has been argued that Jean-Claude Juncker's soaring career was due to the patronage of Jacques Santer, who was preparing Juncker to be his successor.

Jean-Claude Juncker became the Luxembourg Prime Minister in 1995. In addition, Juncker was simultaneously listed as Minister of State, Minister of Finance and Minister of Labor and Employment.

6 months before his premiership, Jean-Claude was appointed Governor from Luxembourg to the World Bank. However, when he became prime minister, Juncker resigned from these duties.

However, Jean-Claude Juncker almost immediately took over from the International Monetary Fund. Some reproach him that because of this he devotes little time to Luxembourg, positioning himself as a pan-European politician. But it is not so. Juncker has always championed Luxembourg's financial and material well-being.

Juncker is considered a staunch Europeanist. It was he who gave impetus to the formation of a common EU policy on unemployment, created an informal group "Euro 11" of finance ministers. On his initiative, among other things, a single EU currency was created.

In Europe, Juncker is perceived as an excellent manager and professional. His credo is to be able to find a compromise in any situation. For example, during the debt crisis in Greece, he said: “Telling the Greeks that they will get help anyway would be the wrong signal. Telling your fellow citizens that the Greeks will not receive a single sous is counterproductive. We must be able to remain silent. "

The views of Jean-Claude Juncker

The same balanced statements by Jean-Claude in relations with Ukraine, Russia and the United States.

Wikipedia on the biography page of Jacques-Claude Juncker reports that at one of the meetings with members of the European Parliament, the politician noted that he did not want the UK to leave the EU, in connection with which he stated that “I was never against the idea of ​​a well-structured, organized and thoroughly discussed return part of the powers from Brussels to national parliaments ”.

It is known that the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel sought Jean-Claude Juncker to become President of the European Commission after the end of his term Jose Barroso.

On July 15, 2014, the European Parliament, by secret ballot, elected Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission for the period 2014-2019. His candidacy was supported by 422 members of the European Parliament. Juncker will take up his duties in November 2014 after the expiration of the term of office of Jose Manuel Barroso.

Jean-Claude Juncker has been supporting the interests of Eastern European states for 20 years. Juncker is confident, for example, that useful reforms and changes are being carried out in Ukraine. Therefore, immediately after taking office as head of the European Commission, Juncker ordered to transfer a tranche of € 100 million to Kiev.

And in 2015 Jean-Claude Juncker together with the President of the European Council By Donald Tusk attended the EU-Ukraine summit in Kiev. At a meeting with Petro Poroshenko and Arseniy Yatsenyuk Europeans supported Ukraine's desire to cooperate with Europe, confront Russia and return Crimea to its former political status.

At the same time, in the summer of 2017, Jean-Claude Juncker said offensive words for Ukraine. “Ukraine is not a European country in terms of belonging to the European Union. I saw my friend President Petro Poroshenko say a few days ago that look, Ukraine is almost the EU and NATO. However, at the moment it is neither the one nor the other, and it is important that everyone understands this, ”said Juncker.

After that, the representative of Kiev to the European Union Nikolay Tochitsky was outraged by the words of the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker at the meeting of the heads of the EU diplomatic missions in Brussels. Separate discontent of Kiev was caused by the fact that the position of the head of the EC was used “for propaganda in the Russian media in order to discredit Ukraine and our European integration course,” the news reported.

Formerly a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Evgeny Muraev called Juncker's words about Ukraine "a mockery of the natives."

As for the relations between the European Union and Russia, here too Juncker is sometimes contradictory. For example, speaking to EU ambassadors, Jean-Claude Juncker called on the EU to improve relations with Moscow. According to Juncker, without Russia's participation in the coming centuries it will be impossible to ensure security in Europe, so the rhetoric of the representatives of the EU member states should be formulated based on current realities.

At the same time, Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Commission, said on January 30, 2017 that the European Union believes that the time has not yet come to raise the issue of lifting the sanctions against our country.

And already on July 24, 2017, in another speech, Jean-Claude Juncker urged to urgently discuss a possible response of the EU to news about the prospect of the introduction of new restrictive measures by the US against Russia without taking into account the comments of the European Union.

In particular, they noted the need to obtain an assurance from the head of the White House that the sanctions will not affect the interests of the European Union, as well as the possibility of invalidating US sanctions in the EU if they violate European interests.

Juncker called for immediate consideration of possible actions by Brussels in case European energy and other companies are hit by sanctions discussed in the US Congress.

Personal lifeJean-Claude Juncker

Jean-Claude Juncker always says: "In my free time I try to keep my distance from big politics." When talking to journalists, Juncker is reluctant to talk about himself.

From the biography of Juncker on Wikipedia, it is known that even in his student years he met with Christian Frizing who became his wife. The marriage turned out to be strong, although there are no children in the family.

His hobby is reading and walking with a dog named Plato. About his four-legged Plato says: "This is a real Greek, but I love the Greeks."

However, in the biography of Jean-Claude there are facts that discredit him. Rumors about Juncker's problems with alcohol often get into the news, sometimes at summits Jean-Claude Juncker behaves in such a way that journalists assume that the Head of the European Commission is drunk.

For example, Jean-Claude Juncker came to the UN summit in Geneva drunk, as the British media wrote, journalists noted that Juncker behaved inappropriately and was constantly banging against furniture.

It is worth noting that Juncker is often seen drunk. So, earlier he got into the news when he kissed some colleagues, for example, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and slapped some in the face.

Jean-Claude Juncker also hit the TOP news when he met the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban the phrase "Hello, dictator." Perhaps at that moment Juncker was also drunk.

Provocative photos and videos instantly became a sensation on the Internet. It has been reported that Jean-Claude Juncker has had problems with alcohol for at least a year. However, it is possible that Juncker does not drink so much, but is simply a very cheerful person and is at ease with his political colleagues.

It is also worth noting that British newspapers took over Juncker after he announced that English is losing its importance in Europe.

The European Parliament on July 15 elected a new President of the European Commission. At the vote in Strasbourg, the candidacy of the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker, nominated by the conservative European People's Party, was supported by 422 deputies. Juncker will take office on November 1, 2014. As head of the European Commission, he will replace Jose Manuel Barroso. During his election campaign, the future head of the European Commission managed to meet with many European politicians, giving them a lot of sometimes conflicting promises, observers note.

Every joke has a bit of truth

The former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, who held this position for 23 years, is known for his biting remarks and not always understandable humor. One of his last jokes, told in an interview with Bild am Sonntag, concerned the scandal with the wiretapping of European citizens carried out by the NSA. Then he said that, apparently, the control of democracy "eluded" the governments to the special services. But just a year ago, Juncker himself, who was heading the government of Luxembourg at that time, lost his post, since he was unable to keep this dwarf state under the control of the secret services.

But the pause in Jean-Claude Juncker's political career was short-lived. Just a couple of days after he left the post of prime minister, German Chancellor Angela Merkel proposed him as a candidate for the European People's Party (EVP) in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. Already at the end of May, she started talking about Jean-Claude Juncker as the future President of the European Commission. Upon learning that the prime ministers of Hungary and Great Britain intend to vote against, Merkel declared her full support for the politician.

To each his own

Today, one of Juncker's main problems is the distribution of posts within the European Commission in such a way that at least a third of them go to women, as the European Parliament insists. In the meantime, only two representatives of the fair sex apply for the posts of European commissioners. The current EU Commissioner for Education and Culture Andrulla Vasiliu demanded that Juncker raise this number to at least 10. He took her words more than seriously and promised to fulfill this requirement. "Parliament will not approve of the composition of the European Commission, which does not have enough women. And I will be in solidarity with it," Bild am Sonntag quotes Juncker.

On the eve of the vote in the European Parliament, Jean-Claude Juncker actively communicated with the deputies. During his campaign, he promised them to build a better Europe, with a focus on job creation and social issues. "I want to be a tool for reaching a compromise," Juncker said. Juncker supported the Socialists in plans to increase the flexibility of the taxation system in the eurozone. "We look forward to positive influence on the solution of this issue by the President of the European Commission, "- said the chairman of the faction, Gianni Pittella, after a meeting with Juncker.

At the same time, for his own faction - the Christian Democrats from the European People's Party - Jean-Claude Juncker has determined, apparently, a completely different course. "It is important for us that he clearly stated that the rules of the EU Stability and Growth Pact will not be changed," said Manfred Weber, head of the EVP faction.

For the countries of southern Europe, Juncker pledged to completely rethink the austerity policy they hated, demanded by the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. "I think we should consider how to teach the troika a lesson in democracy," he said new chapter The European Commission before being elected to this post.

Enemies and Friends

Juncker also talked with representatives of factions that criticize the idea of ​​a united Europe. Despite the open reluctance of the British Prime Minister to see him as President of the European Commission, Juncker assured that he would take into account the proposals of the British Conservatives on reforms. Irritated by the endless savoring of rumors by the British press about health problems and a possible Nazi past of his father, the politician nevertheless said that one of the important posts in the European Commission should be given to the British.


Over the past 25 years, Jean-Claude Juncker has been involved in the implementation of all key decisions of the European Union. He is the most experienced of all European politicians, which his critics often call a flaw. But even his political opponents, he charms with charm and energetic gestures.

He pats the Eurosceptic Nigel Farage on the shoulder, hugs and kisses the liberal Louis Michel on the forehead, and winks friendly in all directions. "He feels perfectly prepared for the struggle of the EU institutions for power. He knows these institutions. There is nothing that could surprise him. And nothing that he has not yet experienced in the European Council," said Rebecca Harms, Chair of the Green faction in the European Parliament (Rebecca Harms).

Meanwhile, Juncker himself wants to raise the prestige of the European Union among its residents. Europe, which has established peace on its territory, achieved the introduction of a single currency, is admired by those outside its borders, but does not awaken the same feelings among its citizens, he lamented in an interview with DW.