The history of the LDPR is brief. Political parties. Leader of the LDPR faction

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich

Chairman of the LDPR Political Party - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

Member of the State Council.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation.

Leader of the LDPR faction.

Head of the Supreme Council of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Graduated with honors from the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(later the Institute of Asian and African Countries) at Moscow State University with a degree in Turkey and Turkish language"in 1970, the evening department of the law faculty of Moscow State University, specializing in lawyer" in 1977.
Doctor of Philosophy (dissertation for academic degree on the topic "The past, present and future of the Russian nation" defended on April 24, 1998).

December 29, 2000 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin was awarded the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation" for his services in strengthening the Russian statehood and active legislative activity.

Professor of International Law, Professor of the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, Honorary Professor of the Moscow University of Finance and Law, Honorary Professor of the Moscow University of Service, Honorary Doctor of the Moscow State Linguistic University, Honorary Doctor of the Russian Academy of Advocacy, Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management, Full Member of the International Academy of Informatization, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, Professor of Moscow State Open University.

Reserve colonel.

  • IN 1969 - 1970 years passed an internship at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting and the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.
  • IN 1970 - 1972 years he served in the Armed Forces in the troops of the Transcaucasian Military District.
  • IN 1972 - 1975 years worked in the Western Europe sector of the international department of the Soviet Peace Committee.
  • IN 1975 - 1977 years - in the dean's office for work with foreign students High school trade union movement.
  • FROM 1975 to 1983 year - employee of the Inyurcollegium of the Ministry of Justice of the USSR.
  • FROM 1983 to 1990 for a year headed the legal department of the Mir publishing house.
  • FROM March 31, 1990 year - Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia since 1989).

He was a candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party for the post of President of the RSFSR in 1991 and for the post of President of the Russian Federation in the elections of 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2018.

Participated in the work of the Constitutional Meeting of 1993 on the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Elected deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth convocations. In the State Duma of the first, second and sixth convocations, he was the leader of the LDPR faction. In the State Duma of the third, fourth and fifth convocations - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

He was awarded the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland of II, III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of the Republic of Ingushetia "For Merit", the Medal of PA Stolypin. II degree, the Zhukov medal, the Anatoly Koni medal, the medals "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg", "For Merit in the All-Russian Population Census" jubilee medal and the Honorary Badge of the Chairman of the State Duma "100 years since the establishment of the State Duma in Russia", the Honorary Badge of the State Duma "For merits in the development of parliamentarism", the insignia "Parliament of Russia", the Honorary Diploma of the State Duma, the Honorary Diploma of the Federation Council, Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the insignia of the Guild of Russian Lawyers "For Contribution to the Development of the Bar"

He was awarded an honorary weapon - a personal dagger from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Honorary Elder of Turkmenistan.

Fluent in English, French, German and Turkish.

LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF RUSSIA (LDPR)- a political party of the Russian Federation that won the 1993 State Duma elections on party lists (22.92%), and then overcame the 5% barrier in the 1995 and 1999 State Duma elections (in 1999 under the auspices of the Zhirinovsky Bloc). The central figure determining the political and ideological character of the LDPR is its leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who holds the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. In general, the political positions of the LDPR are contradictory and have repeatedly changed depending on the political situation, traditionally the LDPR is considered a party of the populist-nationalist persuasion. Elements of the political image of the Liberal Democratic Party are political shocking, initiating scandalous events that attract the attention of the media and the population, constant harsh non-standard statements addressed to political opponents, training volunteer detachments to be sent to Iraq and Serbia, organizing an action to publicly destroy McDonalds products, etc. etc.

The party was formed at the end of 1989, established on March 31, 1990 as the Liberal Democratic Party Soviet Union(LDPSS). On April 12, 1991, the charter of the LDPSS was registered by the USSR Ministry of Justice. The LDPSS became the first officially registered party in the USSR after the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It was renamed the Liberal Democratic Party in April 1992. On December 14, 1992, the party was re-registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation under its modern name (registration No. 1332). The original initiative group called the "Liberal Democratic Party" was created in May-June 1989 by Vladimir Bogachev, who left the Democratic Party of Lev Ubozhko. Soon Bogachev was joined by V. Zhirinovsky, the author of the draft "Program of the Social Democratic Party of Russia" dating back to May 1988. The program was renamed and became "the draft Program of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" in December 1989, after an organizational meeting at V. Bogacheva. At the Constituent Congress on March 31, 1990, which took place in the Palace of Culture. Rusakov, the Bogachev-Zhirinovsky group became known as the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSS). The certificates of the delegates of the congress, together with the membership cards of the LDPSS, were handed out at the congress to all comers. The Program and Charter were approved, the Central Committee of the party (13 people), the Chairman (V. Zhirinovsky) and the Chief Coordinator (V. Bogachev) were elected. June 8, 1990 V. Zhirinovsky, together with Vladimir Voronin, founded the Center Bloc of Political Parties and Movements (TsBPPiD), which included several minor parties. On October 6, 1990, during the visit of the party chairman to the Congress of the Liberal International in Helsinki, where he was invited as an observer, a group of Central Committee members headed by V. Bogachev, K. Krivonosov, E. Smirnov and V. Tikhomirov convened an Extraordinary Congress, excluded Zhirinovsky "for pro-communist activities" and renamed the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). On October 20, 1990, V. Zhirinovsky and his supporters, in turn, gathered the "All-Union Conference with the Rights of the Congress" and expelled the opposition from the party, amended the Charter, expanded the composition of the Central Committee to 26 people and formed a new governing body - the Supreme Council of the Party of 5 persons: party chairman V. Zhirinovsky, deputy chairman Leonid Alimov (left the party in 1991), Stanislav Zhebrovsky, Viktor Bogaty, Akhmet Khalitov (left the party in 1995).

In 1989-1990, the party acted under democratic slogans. In 1991, she changed her ideology to national-patriotic and anti-Western. In December 1990 - January 1991 V. Zhirinovsky repeatedly spoke out for the introduction of a state of emergency and the temporary dissolution of all political parties. On February 16, 1991, V. Zhirinovsky, together with Voronin, organized a conference of the Central House of Tourists at the Central House of Tourists, at which he advocated the introduction of direct presidential rule in the USSR, the dissolution of the Congress people's deputies Russia and the parliaments of the Baltic republics, as well as for the temporary ban of all political parties. On February 27, 1991, the LDPSS took part in the conference "For a great, united Russia!" Organized by the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

On April 13-14, 1991, the II Congress of the LDPSS took place in Moscow. The "Russian link" of the LDPSS was formed. At the LDPSS conference on May 10, 1991, V. Zhirinovsky was nominated as a candidate for President of Russia. Further, his candidacy collected the required number of votes at the IV Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and was included in the list of official contenders for the post of President of the RSFSR. Zhirinovsky took a businessman, a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Andrei Zavidiy, as a candidate for vice-president. V. Zhirinovsky ran for president of the Russian Federation under the slogan "I will raise Russia from its knees." In the presidential elections in the RSFSR, V. Zhirinovsky's candidacy received 7.81% of the votes (more than 6 million 211 thousand people), taking third place after B. N. Yeltsin and N. I. Ryzhkov, which became a political sensation: a bright unusual image of the party leader caused many have irony, but at the same time undoubted interest. On the eve of the elections, the party consisted of less than 200 people. After the elections, LDPSS organizations emerged in many cities of the country.

During the attempt coup d'état in August 1991 V. Zhirinovsky made a statement about "support for the transfer of all power in the USSR to the State Emergency Committee of the USSR, the restoration of the Constitution of the USSR throughout the country." On August 22, 1991, Moscow Mayor Gavriil Popov suspended the activities of the LDPSS in Moscow. After the coup failed, the party received a warning from the Ministry of Justice, after which the members of the LDPSS Supreme Council reprimanded themselves for supporting the Emergency Committee. In December 1991, the LDPSS condemned the Belovezhskaya agreements and held rallies against the collapse of the USSR. Together with the former people's deputies of the USSR, who did not recognize the dissolution of the Union, Zhirinovsky participated in the so-called. "VI Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR" and in a ceremonial meeting on December 30, 1992.

On April 18-19, 1992, the III Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was held in Moscow, which was attended, according to official data, by 627 delegates from 43 regions. The party was renamed the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). V. Zhirinovsky was re-elected chairman of the party, A. Khalitov was his deputy. On August 10, 1992, the Ministry of Justice of Russia canceled the registration of the LDPSS, since it was made "with gross violations of the law, according to falsified documents." However, in December 1992 the party was registered again (now as Russian).

In a referendum on April 25, 1993, the Liberal Democratic Party called for voting against confidence in the president, against government reforms, for early elections for both parliament and the president.

The IV Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, held on April 24-25, 1993 in Moscow, re-elected Zhirinovsky as party chairman. The new Supreme Council included S. Abeltsev, A. Vengerovsky, S. Zhebrovsky, V. Kobelev (later Vladimir Gvozdarev was co-opted into the Supreme Council, who was also appointed deputy chairman of the party for economic issues). During the IV Congress of the LDPSS, Defense Minister P. Grachev congratulated Zhirinovsky on his 47th birthday in writing.

In the summer of 1993, the party took part in the Constitutional Conference convened by President Boris Yeltsin and supported the "presidential" draft of the new Constitution of Russia. In September 1993, V. Zhirinovsky approved the decree of President Yeltsin on the dissolution of the Supreme Soviet, and then condemned the violent actions of both sides, and he accused President Yeltsin of both violating the Constitution and “unprofessionalism” during the coup.

November 3, 1993 the Supreme Council of the Liberal Democratic Party put forward a federal list of candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party to the State Duma. During the election campaign of 1993 and until the spring of 1994, V. Kobelev played a particularly prominent role in Zhirinovsky's entourage and in directing the practical activities of the Liberal Democratic Party. On the eve of the elections and the referendum on December 12, 1993, V. Zhirinovsky supported the expansion of the president's powers in the draft Constitution and urged his supporters to vote for the new Constitution. The company 1993 LDPR and V. Zhirinovsky conducted in an active offensive manner, a special role was played by a series of pre-election speeches by Zhirinovsky on central television channels. During the 1993 election campaign, the Liberal Democratic Party bought 149 minutes on television and was thus the third in terms of airtime (Russia's Choice - 224, the Party of Russian Unity and Accord - 154). Another noisy public action of V. Zhirinovsky was regular rallies near the Sokolniki metro station in Moscow.

The LDPR list received 12 million 318 thousand 562 votes (22.92%) in the elections, taking first place. The Liberal Democratic Party received 59 mandates under the proportional system, 5 candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party were also elected as deputies in single-mandate constituencies. The success of the Liberal Democratic Party caused a shock reaction from the so-called. "Democratic public" and the mainstream media (it was a clear surprise for the authorities), was regarded by many as a sign of the threat of fascism.

Psychotherapist A. Kashpirovsky, ecologist M. Lemeshev, O. Finko (editor-in-chief of Yuridicheskaya Gazeta), E. Zhuk (deputy manager of Aura-Bank), A. Zuev ( GMM campaign advisor), V. Zhuravlev (editor of the Opposition newspaper and leader of the insignificant Social Justice Party). On January 13, 1994, the LDPR parliamentary faction was registered, consisting of 63 deputies, V. Zhirinovsky became the chairman of the faction, A. Vengerovsky and S. Abeltsev became the deputy chairmen, S. Churkin became the secretary. On January 13, 1994, the faction nominated Zhirinovsky for the post of Chairman of the State Duma, but he withdrew his candidacy. Subsequently, Zhirinovsky ran several times for the post of deputy chairman of the State Duma, but unsuccessfully.

In the coalition list approved on January 17, 1994, the LDPR faction received the posts of deputy chairman of the State Duma (this post was taken by A. Vengerovsky), chairmen of committees for labor and social support (S. Kalashnikov), ecology (M. Lemeshev), industry, construction, transport and energy (V. Gusev), on natural resources and nature management (N. Astafiev) and on geopolitics (V. Ustinov).

In the spring of 1994, 5 deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party headed by V. Kobelev left the LDPR faction and in June 1994 formed an unregistered group "Derzhava". LDPR also left the chairman of the committee on geopolitics V. Ustinov.

the congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, held on April 2, 1994, approved the new party charter, Zhirinovsky was elected chairman of the party for a term of 10 years. He was given the right to single-handedly form the composition of the Supreme Council and other governing bodies of the Liberal Democratic Party. On April 8, 1994 Zhirinovsky appointed S. Abeltsev, A. Vengerovsky and S. Zhebrovsky as members of the Supreme Council and deputy chairmen of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. In 1993-1994, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia created a dense network of regional and local organizations throughout the territory of the Russian Federation; in the most significant regions of the Russian Federation, party offices were opened even in regional centers. However, due to the factually declarative nature of party membership, it is difficult to establish the exact number of LDPR members.

In May 1994, Zhirinovsky signed the Agreement on Public Accord, although the day before he put forward various preconditions for this (which were ignored by the government). On October 6, 1994, Zhirinovsky announced the LDPR's withdrawal from the Agreement on Public Accord in protest against the actions of the head of the Kemerovo region administration, Mikhail Kislyuk, who, according to Zhirinovsky, illegally closed the airport in Kemerovo in order to prevent the plane with the LDPR delegation from landing.

In December 1994, the Liberal Democratic Party supported the government's attempt to restore control of the federal authorities over Chechnya by armed means, and in July 1995 condemned the peace negotiations with the Chechen leadership and called for the resumption of full-scale hostilities. In general, by the end of the first convocation of the State Duma, the positions of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, while maintaining the previous opposition rhetoric, became more and more pro-government.

On September 2, 1995, in Moscow, in the premises of the Parliamentary Center, the VI Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was held, at which candidates for deputies in single-mandate constituencies were nominated and the federal list of candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party was approved (the first three of the list: V. Zhirinovsky, S. Abeltsev, A. Vengerovsky).

In the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 17, 1995, the LDPR collected 7 million 737 thousand 431 (11.80%) votes, taking second place in the proportional system and receiving 51 mandates in the new composition of the State Duma (50 in the federal district and 1 - in the majority district in Novosibirsk - E. Loginov). The LDPR faction includes all 51 deputies elected from the LDPR. On January 18, 1995, a prominent businessman Mikhail Gutseriev, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, was elected Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. In accordance with the package agreement, the LDPR received in the State Duma of the second convocation the posts of chairmen of the committees on labor and social policy (S. Kalashnikov) on industry, construction, transport and energy (V. Gusev, former deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR under N. Ryzhkov), on information policy and communications (O. Finko), on issues of geopolitics (A. Mitrofanov). In the elections for the chairman of the State Duma in January 1996, the candidacy of V. Zhirinovsky was again nominated, but he withdrew it before the start of voting, in fact, the Liberal Democratic Party supported the loyal presidential administration of I. Rybkin in the election of the speaker. In February 1996, the former deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A. Vengerovsky resigned from all posts in the party, shortly thereafter expelled from the Liberal Democratic Party and submitted an application to withdraw from the Duma faction of the Liberal Democratic Party.

On January 11, 1996, the 7th LDPR congress was held, at which Zhirinovsky was nominated as a presidential candidate.

In the first round of the presidential elections on June 16, 1996 V. Zhirinovsky received 4 million 311 thousand 479 votes (5.70%) and took fifth place after Yeltsin, Zyuganov, Lebed and Yavlinsky). On the eve of the second round V. Zhirinovsky urged his supporters not to vote for Zyuganov and not to vote “against all” - that is, in fact, to vote for Yeltsin, or not to come to the polls.

In the summer of 1996 V. Zhirinovsky made "planned reshuffles" in the party leadership. In the Central Office, 6 Directorates were created, each of which was headed by one of the deputy chairmen of the party: the Security Directorate - S. Abeltsev, the Directorate for Ideological Work - S. Zhebrovsky, the Central Control Commission - Alexander Zhirinovsky (V. Zhirinovsky's uncle), Information and Economic management - A. Zhukovsky, Management of Affairs - A. Orlov, Management of organizational and party work - V. Shved. The head of the press service of the LDPR faction in the State Duma V. Filatov was appointed instead of A. Zhirinovsky as the head of the faction's apparatus.

On November 3, 1996, a member of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Yevgeny Mikhailov, was elected head of the Pskov region administration, receiving 56.5% of the vote in the second round (22.2% in the first round on October 20). In the election campaign E. Mikhailov received Active participation personally V. Zhirinovsky.

In the spring of 1998, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia repeatedly changed its position on the issue of approving S. Kiriyenko as the new prime minister (instead of the ousted V. Chernomyrdin), but ultimately voted for S. Kiriyenko to “preserve” the State Duma. On April 25-26, 1998, the VIII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party took place in the Column Hall of the House of Unions, which was timed to coincide with V. Zhirinovsky's birthday. The second day of the congress was held behind closed doors. A new version of the party's charter was adopted, V. Zhirinovsky was unanimously re-elected chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party for another six years.

In August 1998, the faction first twice supported V. Chernomyrdin's candidacy for the post of prime minister and on September 11, 1998 voted against the approval of E. Primakov as the new prime minister (it was obvious that Primakov would be approved without the votes of the LDPR members). However, this did not prevent the representative of the Liberal Democratic Party, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy S. Kalashnikov from entering the government of E. Primakov, having received the post of Minister of Labor (he retained this post in the government of S. Stepashin, formed in May 1999, and then in the government of V. Putin, formed in August 1999).

On April 25, 1998, the IX Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party took place, the holding of which, as in 1997, was timed to coincide with the birthday of V. Zhirinovsky.

In the spring of 1999, the Liberal Democratic Party actively opposed the impeachment of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, during the vote on the charges against the president on May 12, 1999, members of the faction did not take ballots. After the resignation of S. Stepashin in August 1999, 47 Duma deputies from the LDPR faction voted to approve the new prime minister, V. Putin.

At the X Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party on September 11, 1999, the list of candidates for the State Duma was approved, the second place in which was won by the Krasnoyarsk businessman A.Bykov, who is on the wanted list. The first three of the list were made by: V. Zhirinovsky, A. Bykov and the deputy of the faction M. Musatov. On October 11, 1999, the Central Election Commission refused to register the federal list of the Liberal Democratic Party, since the information on property and income provided by 82 candidates, including members of the first three, turned out to be unreliable. As a result, the Central Election Commission refused to register the candidacies of A. Bykov and V. Zhirinovsky himself, since according to the 1999 election law, the exclusion of one of the members of the top three in the list meant the deregistration of the entire list. V. Zhirinovsky said that he considers the CEC decision illegal and intends to challenge it in the Supreme Court. To take part in the 1999 elections, on October 13, 1999, the founding congress of the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" (aka the Extraordinary Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party), created by the decision of two public organizations closely associated with the Liberal Democratic Party - the Party of Spiritual Revival of Russia (PDVR, headed by Lyubov Zhirinovskaya, daughter of her stepfather Zhirinovsky) and the Russian Union of Free Youth (RSSM, in fact a youth organization under the Liberal Democratic Party). On October 18, 1999, the CEC registered the “Zhirinovsky Bloc” and certified the federal list and the list of candidates for the bloc in single-mandate constituencies (an electoral deposit was made to register the list). Unlike the list of the Liberal Democratic Party, there was no A. Bykov's candidacy in the list of the Zhirinovsky Bloc, but a number of figures associated with Bykov remained. The first three of the federal list were made by V. Zhirinovsky, O. Finko and E. Solomatin. On December 2, 1999, the CEC canceled its decision to refuse to register the federal list of the Liberal Democratic Party, however, V. Zhirinovsky himself was excluded from the list. The incident that arose, when both the LDPR list and the Zhirinovsky Bloc were registered at the same time, was resolved on December 8, 1999 by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which recognized the refusal to register as legitimate, and on December 9, the LDPR list was finally deregistered.

In the elections on December 19, 1999, the list of the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" received 3,989,932 votes (5.98% of the voters who took part in the elections) and 17 mandates on the party list, in single-mandate constituencies there were several candidates closely associated with the Liberal Democratic Party ( A. Klyukin in Krasnoyarsk, former members of the LDPR faction M. Kuznetsov in Pskov, E. Ishchenko in Volgograd, M. Gutseriev in Ingushetia). In particular, the well-known banker A. Yeghiazaryan and M. Gutseriev's brother Sait Gutseriev became the deputies on the bloc's list. The passage of the “Zhirinovsky Bloc” to the State Duma of the third convocation took place despite the disappointing forecasts of the party by sociologists, who predicted its defeat. After the elections, by a special decision of the Duma, deputies from the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" were allowed to call their faction the Liberal Democratic Party.

During the elections of the leadership of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in January-February 2000, the LDPR actually supported the agreement of the Communist Party and Unity factions on the distribution of posts. As a result of this agreement, V. Zhirinovsky was elected deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, in addition, the faction received the post of one chairman of the committee on information policy (headed by Konstantin Vetrov). Instead of V. Zhirinovsky, his son, Igor Vladimirovich Lebedev, was elected chairman of the LDPR faction in the State Duma.

(I. Lebedev graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy (1990-1996), specialty by education - a lawyer. English language... 1994 - assistant to a deputy of the State Duma. 1997 - specialist-expert of the apparatus of the LDPR faction in the State Duma. 1998 - Advisor to the Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Married. Has two sons.)

V. Zhirinovsky ran in the presidential elections on March 26, 2000, having shown the worst result for himself in all his election campaigns (including LDPR companies) - 2.7% of the vote, while during the campaign he actually supported V. Putin.

In general, in the State Duma of the third convocation, the LDPR faction almost completely supports the activities of the government of M. Kasyanov and President of the Russian Federation V. Putin. Moreover, after the explosion of the World shopping center in New York on September 11, 2001, the LDPR position became much less anti-Western than before. A significant part of the deputies elected from the LDPR moved to the Unity faction or to other center-right factions. As of September 1, 2002, there were 12 deputies in the LDPR faction. As the analysis of the voting results in the State Duma of the third convocation shows, the positions of the LDPR faction are closest to the positions of centrist deputy associations, the most distant from the positions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Agro-Industrial Deputy Group.

On December 13, 2001, the XIII (transformative) Congress of the LDPR was held in Moscow, which officially transformed it into a political party in accordance with the requirements of the new federal law on political parties. 221 delegates from 61 regional organizations of the Liberal Democratic Party were elected to the Congress. The Charter and the Program of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia were approved by an open vote. By secret ballot on an alternative basis V. Zhirinovsky was re-elected Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party. Also, by secret ballot, members of the Supreme Council of the party were elected: V. Zhirinovsky, E. Afanasyeva, S. Zhebrovsky, V. Kornienko, I. Lebedev, M. Maksimov, O. Malyshkin, M. Musatov, A. Novikov, V. Ovsyannikov, E. . Solomatin, O. Finko. The Central Control and Auditing Commission (CCRC) was elected in the composition of: E. Solomatin, D. Gusakov and O. Lavrov.

The Charter of the Liberal Democratic Party was adopted at the 1st Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia on April 19, 1992. The new version of the Charter was approved at the V Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia on April 2, 1994. Changes and additions were made at the VIII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia on April 25, 1998 and the XIII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party on December 13, 2001.

According to the charter, the supreme body of the party is the congress. The agenda, norms of representation at the congress and the procedure for electing delegates are determined by the Supreme Council of the Liberal Democratic Party. The LDPR Congress elects the Supreme Council and the Central Control Commission for a period of 3 years.

To manage the activities of the party, party governing bodies are formed, which include the Chairman of the party, the Supreme Council, the Central Committee of the party, the Central Office of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Central Control Commission (CCC), Coordinators (secretaries) of regional, city, district party organizations and the corresponding Coordination Councils.

The party chairman is elected at the congress for a term of 6 years. The party chairman externally heads the Supreme Council and the Central Committee of the LDPR, appoints the deputy chairmen of the party, the head of the party's Central Office, the editor-in-chief, forms the LDPR Shadow Cabinet, approves or appoints and dismisses the leaders of regional organizations, he has the right to remove from office the leaders of city and district LDPR organizations, as well as authorized representatives of the Supreme Council, the chairman of the party (in his absence, one of the vice-chairmen appointed by the chairman of the party) carries out general management of the party's activities in the period between congresses, determines the ideology, strategy and tactics of the party. The chairman also performs representative functions.

The Supreme Council is elected at the party congress and is a permanent collegial body of the party leadership of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. The Supreme Council is responsible for discussing and solving topical problems of the party's activities, considering personnel issues of the party chairman's nomenclature, as well as appointing authorized representatives of the Supreme Council, hearing reports and messages from the Central Control Commission and Coordinators on the work of regional party organizations of the Liberal Democratic Party. The decisions of the Supreme Council are binding on all party organizations, members of the Liberal Democratic Party, regardless of the positions held in the party.

The Central Committee (Central Committee) of the LDPR in the period between party congresses at plenary sessions determines the strategy and tactics of the LDPR, taking into account the political situation in the country and the tasks facing the party. The Central Committee consists of members and candidates for members of the Party Central Committee. Candidates for the Central Committee of the party are considered and approved by the Supreme Council of the Liberal Democratic Party. Plenums of the Central Committee of the Liberal Democratic Party are convened by decision of the chairman of the party, issues for consideration at the plenum of the Central Committee are determined by the Supreme Council of the party.

The central office of the LDPR is executive body party chairman.

The candidacies of coordinators of regional organizations are discussed at party conferences, considered at a meeting of the Supreme Council and approved by the chairman of the party. Coordinators of regional party organizations maintain constant interaction with the Central Office of the Liberal Democratic Party and are personally responsible for the accurate and timely implementation of orders and instructions of the chairman of the party, the Supreme Council and the Central Office of the Liberal Democratic Party, rational use of party funds and the safety of party property, the maintenance and functioning of headquarters.

At present, the basis of the LDPR program is the "10 points of Zhirinovsky", according to them, "for a normal life of people, you need:

1. a strong army, a powerful KGB, a reliable Ministry of Internal Affairs, for without a strong army the West will command the Russian economy in its own interests, which has already seized many of our enterprises for next to nothing. Without a powerful KGB, terror will flourish in the country, as well as corruption and bribery of officials, money from Russia will go to Western banks to the accounts of officials and thieves. Without a reliable Ministry of Internal Affairs, criminal elements, including those from the southern regions, will dominate the city streets, personal property and the lives of ordinary citizens and their children will be under constant threat. Taxes will not be levied, there will be problems with salaries for doctors, teachers, employees of defense enterprises, scientists, and the military, there will not be enough money to pay normal pensions.

2. food security of the country, because the satisfaction of the population with basic food products of its own production is the key to the independent development of Russia Only if this condition is met, the Russian economy will work to improve the living standards of our citizens, and not provide cheap raw materials and cheap labor for the needs of Western countries and the United States, which are absolutely not interested in raising the living standards of our country's population.

3.other foreign policy , for Russian foreign policy should be oriented primarily towards the South, and not towards America. It is in the South that the states are located that can and are ready to become our strategic allies, it is the states of the South that are ready to establish mutually beneficial trade relations with Russia, it is from the South that the threat of war encouraged by America can come to us. A good relationship with the South - this is a huge cost savings, this is a full-fledged work of factories and a real increase in the standard of living of our citizens.

4. a new administrative division of the country, because the rejection of the division of the country along ethnic lines in favor of the territorial (7 provinces) will reduce the cost of administration. Corruption will be sharply reduced and real equality of citizens will be ensured throughout the territory of Russia.

5. state support for science, scientific schools and new technologies, because only in this case it is possible to improve the Russian industry and ensure the production of competitive goods, which means the creation of reliable conditions for the growth of living standards of Russian citizens and bringing it closer to the living standards of Western countries.

6.economic amnesty, i.e. exemption from criminal liability of those citizens who transfer their deposits from Western banks to Russian ones. Thus, conditions will be created for the return to Russia from 200 to 400 billion dollars, which will begin to help the development of the Russian economy and thereby ensure an increase in the living standards of the population of our country, and not of Western countries.

7. a firm guarantee of the state for the safety of bank deposits of the population, because only the people's belief that the practice of devaluing deposits will be forever ended will allow attracting up to 50 billion dollars to the country's economy, which are now in the hands of the population. We will be able to abandon ruinous loans, which will have a beneficial effect on improving the living standards of our citizens.

8. State monopoly on alcohol, tobacco and sugar, because strict state control over the production and supply of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and sugar is a real measure to fill the budget, to create conditions for raising wages, pensions, benefits, and normal financing of our army.

9. the state program for the sale of weapons and military equipment, because this is one of the conditions for the preservation of Russian defense potential, the normal functioning of defense enterprises, the development of advanced technologies, and therefore the restoration of normal living conditions for millions of people. Russia's withdrawal from the arms market did not lead to peace in any region - Western countries began to supply arms there, and as a result, they, and not our workers, began to receive high wages.

10.the unity of the Orthodox is necessary and Slavic peoples because alone it will be difficult for us to resist the pressure of the united West. We will have to bear increased military spending, which will negatively affect the living standards of our peoples. Unity is our strength. "

The LDPR program was adopted at the 13th LDPR Congress on December 13, 2001. According to the LDPR program, it is “the party of true patriots of Russia, a party of resistance to anti-national comprador forces. Its social support is mainly the middle strata of society, residents of small and medium-sized towns and villages with a predominantly Slavic population, patriotic citizens, most of whom are people of working age and a significant part of young people. " The Liberal Democratic Party is also hailed as a “centrist, democratic party. It builds its policy on common sense, on the historical moral values ​​of our people and taking into account world practice. Its main goal is the revival of a powerful democratic and prosperous Russian state. In modern conditions, the Liberal Democratic Party brings the idea of ​​patriotism to the fore, which is associated, first of all, with the need to act in the national interests of the Russian state. "

In the interpretation of the LDPR, liberalism is genuine, not imaginary, freedom. This is, first of all, the protection of civil rights and individual freedoms of people of any nationality inhabiting the Russian state. Democracy in the interpretation of the LDPR presupposes a democratic state structure in the form of a presidential republic, the democratic nature of all branches of power - legislative, executive and judicial.

In a social justice society, people should be encouraged to honestly pursue high level welfare.

Achieving true freedom, democracy and the well-being of citizens is impossible if the country does not establish the rule of law on the basis of strict observance of laws by the authorities and citizens ("dictatorship of the law"). Nobody can stand above the law, nobody has the right to ignore it!

The Liberal Democratic Party has placed the problem of restoring the Russian state at the center of its activities. The Liberal Democratic Party will always welcome the voluntary, through referendums, the unification around Russia of parts of the USSR that were torn away from it against the will of the peoples

According to the LDPR, the first steps have been taken towards the administrative-territorial structure of Russia and the strengthening of the vertical of state power - seven federal districts have been formed in strict accordance with the proposals of the LDPR, the State Council has been created, and a new procedure for forming the Federation Council has been established.

The Liberal Democratic Party is seeking to reform Russia from a federal to a unitary state. This process should take place in a constitutional way. The Liberal Democratic Party believes that the national-territorial principle of state structure is not effective and dangerous, since it leads to an increase in interethnic conflicts, violation of the rights of citizens on a national basis and to the further collapse of the state. In addition, the existing administrative boundaries of the constituent entities of the Federation are artificial, since they do not and cannot reflect either the national composition of the population or the economic self-sufficiency of the regions. Russia should be transformed from a federal to a unitary state without any national republics or national districts as subjects of the state. All national issues should be resolved only in the field of culture, not territory. For citizens of different nationalities live throughout the territory of Russia, and not in one separate region. It is also necessary to enlarge the territorial administrative units by combining small constituent entities of the Federation into larger formations. The LDPR proposes to introduce in Russia about thirty equal and equal in status provinces, formed on a territorial basis, completely economically self-sufficient, with a population of about 5 million people in each province and without any constitutions of their own and national state languages.

Each province is subdivided into voivodeships (out of 2–3 current districts), which include urban settlements, settlements, villages, etc. The president appoints governors and mayors, governors appoint governors, and governors appoint heads of individual settlements.

According to the LDPR program, Russia should be a presidential republic with a unicameral parliament - the State Duma with 300 deputies, each of whom is elected from about 300 thousand voters. Bodies of representative power are also elected at the provincial level - the Provincial Dumas. Elections of the President of Russia and deputies of the State Duma are held simultaneously once every five years. Provincial Dumas are also elected for five years, but with an interval of two years from the elections to the State Duma. The first minister (Chairman) of the Russian Government entrusted with its formation is the leader of the parliamentary majority that won the elections to the State Duma. The ministers of power (defense, security, internal affairs, justice, tax police), the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of finance are appointed by the President of Russia and are accountable only to him in their activities. The mechanisms of dissolution of the State Duma, resignation of the Government and the President of Russia are excluded from the Constitution.

As a collective body of power, the State Council is formed, which includes the President of Russia, the First Minister (Chairman) of the Government, the Chairman of the State Duma, power ministers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the President of the Constitutional Court and the governors. There is no need for a Federation Council.

According to the Liberal Democratic Party, the main television channels should be state-owned and operate under multi-party control.

The strategic goal of the LDPR is to restore the power of Russia as a world superpower, which corresponds to its geopolitical and historical purpose. It is necessary to seek the abolition of all discriminatory laws that infringe on the rights of Russians, wherever; guarantees to Russians of a normal life anywhere in the world. Russia must take responsibility for the fate of our compatriots in the former Soviet republics, protect them from humiliation and humiliation, arbitrariness and lawlessness.

The Liberal Democratic Party believes that Germany can become the main economic and political partner of Russia in Europe. In European politics, the Liberal Democratic Party is seeking to correct the attitude towards the OSCE, NATO, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe as structures that can interfere in Russia's affairs and act contrary to its national interests. Russia should build relations with the United States taking into account that this country was and remains the main force in the Western world and is interested in the further weakening of Russia. At the same time, Russia needs certain interaction with the United States in various fields, especially in the field of maintaining international security, as well as in the fight against international terrorism.

The Liberal Democratic Party considers it necessary to stop and eliminate "ethnic aggression" by China, using tough methods of economic, administrative and other measures of state coercion, to prevent the actual seizure of a significant part of Russian territory.

Russia should do away with ideological approaches in foreign policy and develop cooperation with such "blockade" countries as Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Cuba, North Korea... It is necessary to revive and strengthen in every way allied relations with Iran and India. Russia should fully restore and develop its relations with India as its natural ally and partner in the Asian region.

In the Near and Middle East, it is necessary to show solidarity with the Arab peoples in their struggle for Arab unity. It is also important to take into account that since the end of the twentieth century, there has been a noticeable activation of Turkey's expansionist policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia, which poses a serious threat to Russia's strategic interests, as well as peace and tranquility in this region and its democratic development.

It is necessary to stop any gratuitous aid to other countries, including those in the CIS. Eliminate organized crime. In the structure of the Government, create three large ministries: the Ministry of Fuel and Energy (combining in this department everything that provides heat and electricity), the Ministry of Railways (all types of transport), the Ministry of Defense Industry (the entire military-industrial complex). Write off all debts to industrial and agricultural enterprises.

The Liberal Democratic Party is also seeking to reduce the age of onset of civil legal capacity to 16 years. In the era of acceleration, a person at the age of 16 is not only physically, but also intellectually ready for a full-fledged adult life. That is why the Liberal Democratic Party is in favor of reducing the age from 18 to 16 years, upon reaching which a citizen receives the right to vote in elections at all levels. LDPR twice submitted to the State Duma a draft law, and twice the majority of the deputies refused to support this initiative of the Liberal Democratic Party.

In order to improve the demographic situation in Russia, the LDPR proposes to legislate a number of emergency measures, including suspending abortions for 10 years, except for special cases (age, illness, etc.), reducing the age of marriage for girls (women) to 16 years, increasing the amount of benefits for low-income children. The Liberal Democratic Party also proposed to amend the Family Code, allowing the possibility to remarry without dissolving the previous one. This would make it possible to consolidate the man's concern in case he has a new family, both about the first and about other families. The Liberal Democratic Party believes that it is necessary to simplify and facilitate the granting of Russian citizenship to the Russian (Russian-speaking) population of the CIS and Baltic countries, to help them resettle in Russia, to help the social adaptation of refugees and internally displaced persons from the former republics of the USSR.

Among the bills submitted to the State Duma by deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia or with their participation is a draft law on amending paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (on increasing the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation), as well as bills On licensing of television broadcasting, radio broadcasting and broadcasting of additional information in the Russian Federation, Amendments to the Federal Law« On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation"(On reducing the age of exercising electoral rights by citizens of the Russian Federation from 18 to 16 years), on amendments and additions to Article 9 of the Federal Law On the procedure for covering the activities of public authorities in the state mass media(in terms of changing the frequency and time of speeches on the TV channel by deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council), on making additions to Article 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation About mass media(on the right of minors who have committed an antisocial act or offense, or who have been victims of violence, to confidentiality), On state regulation of the export of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals, About foreigners in the Russian Federation, On the cancellation of the results of the privatization of RAO Norilsk Nickel and on the specifics of the disposal of shares in RAO Norilsk Nickel other.

On December 13, 2001, the XIII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia was held, at which it was decided to transform the All-Russian Social and Political Party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" into the Political Party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia".

On September 8, 2003, in the Column Hall of the House of Unions, the XIV Congress of the LDPR took place, at which V.V. Zhirinovsky announced that the LDPR was ready to rule Russia, since it was able to give a correct analysis of history, give a correct assessment, make a diagnosis and give a correct forecast for the future. ... The congress approved the federal list of candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party and the list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the fourth convocation in single-mandate constituencies in the upcoming Duma elections. The LDPR went to the elections with the slogan: “LDPR for the poor! Liberal Democratic Party of Russia for the Russians! "

At the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation on December 7, 2003, about seven million voters cast their votes for the LDPR. 36 deputies of the LDPR faction were elected.

In the elections to the fifth State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 2, 2007, the Liberal Democratic Party has already held 40 deputies. VV Zhirinovsky again became Deputy Chairman of the Duma, and IV Lebedev at a meeting of the LDPR faction was elected its leader. Two Duma committees were headed by deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party: A. Ostrovsky became chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs; P.V. Tarakanov as chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs.

At the presidential elections in Russia in March 2008, Vladimir Zhirinovsky received 9.4% of the vote. He conducted his election campaign under the slogans: "Answer for everything!", "I will cleanse the whole country!", "I will calm everyone!"

On December 13, 2009, at the jubilee XXII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, the necessity and importance of proposals for amendments to the Constitution and other legislative acts to strengthen the country's unity and improve its state structure was again substantiated.

Prepared by Alexander Kynev

TASS-DOSSIER / Svetlana Shvedova /. LDPR was founded on December 13, 1989 as the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSS). On March 31, 1990, at the founding congress, the main tasks of the Liberal Democrats were announced: the creation of a rule-of-law state with a presidential form of government, a market economy and a multi-party system. The LDPSS declared itself the first opposition party in the USSR. The congress elected its chairman, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who has since led the party for 25 years.

In April 1992, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) was transformed into an all-Russian social and political organization, in December 2001 it was reorganized into a political party (registered with the Ministry of Justice on April 4, 2002). Since December 2012, it has been called the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia).

Its main goals and objectives proclaimed the construction of a legal, "socially oriented state with a multi-structured economy" and guaranteed realization of civil rights and freedoms, "the restoration of the status of Russia as a Great Power." In favor of a presidential republic with a unicameral parliament, for limiting the term of office of any leader, including governors. Proposes to assign to the political opposition the functions of control and supervision over budget execution, to increase the responsibility of governors for the socio-economic situation in the regions, to expand the functions of local self-government, etc.

The highest governing body is the congress, which is convened at least once every four years. He accepts program documents, elects the leadership of the party, the head of the Supreme Council, the chairman of the Central Control and Auditing Commission, nominates candidates for elective positions in state and local authorities. In the period between congresses, the governing body of the LDPR is the Supreme Council (elected for four years; head since 2009 - Igor Lebedev, son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky).

LDPR is the only party in modern Russia, who participated in all six presidential election campaigns, but her candidate never rose above third place. Party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky ran for president of Russia five times. On June 12, 1991, he took third place (7.81% of the votes), which was a record figure. In the first round of elections on June 16, 1996 and in the elections on March 26, 2000, the LDPR chairman was in fifth place (5.78% and 2.70%, respectively). On March 2, 2008, Vladimir Zhirinovsky took third place (9.35%); March 4, 2012 - the fourth (6.22%). On March 14, 2004, State Duma deputy Oleg Malyshkin took part in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, according to the results of the vote, he received the fifth place (2.02%)

The party also took part in all Duma elections. In 1993, 22.92% of voters voted for it - more than for other parties and blocs, which allowed the Liberal Democratic Party to receive 64 mandates and form the second largest faction - after Russia's Choice with 66 mandates. In 1995, the Liberal Democratic Party received 11.18% of the vote (51 mandates, the third largest faction). In 1999, the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" won 5.98% (17 seats, the fifth largest fraction). In 2003, the LDPR was supported by 11.45% of voters (36 mandates, third place). In the 2007 State Duma elections, 8.14% of the electorate voted for the LDPR (40 deputy mandates, third place); in December 2011 - 11.68% (56 mandates, fourth place). In the Federation Council, the party is represented by Mikhail Marchenko (from the Bryansk region), Elena Afanasyeva (from the Orenburg region) and Lyudmila Kozlova (from the Smolensk region).

Regional branches of the Liberal Democratic Party operate in all 85 constituent entities of the Federation. Following the elections on September 14, 2014, the Liberal Democratic Party received the most mandates in the State Council of Crimea - 5 seats (8.49% of the votes). In the Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory - 3 mandates (13.34%). The party has two seats in the parliaments of Sevastopol, Mari El, the Altai Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia and the Tula region. In the Nenets Autonomous District, in the Volgograd, Bryansk, and Moscow Dumas - one mandate each.

Currently, there are 217 LDPR deputies in regional parliaments, 2 thousand 565 party members are deputies of local self-government bodies. 83 representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party - heads of municipalities. Liberal Democrat Alexei Ostrovsky is the governor of the Smolensk region.

The traditional colors of the LDPR are yellow and blue. The party has more than 230 thousand people (data as of December 2014).

Way to success Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) began back in 1989. It was in that year on December 13 in Moscow that an initiative group, including V.V. Zhirinovsky and his associates held a meeting at which it was decided to convene the founding congress of the new - the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSS).

The beginning of the way

The emergence of this party precisely during that period was inevitable and dictated by the conditions of the collapse of all the fundamental structures of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the one-party system and the loss of people's faith in totalitarian socialism. Residents of small towns, people of working age and young people - these strata of society supported the formation of a new party, which became a breath of fresh air after 70 years of communist rule.

The founding congress of the LDPSS was convened in Moscow on March 31, 1990. At it the Program and the Charter of the party were discussed and approved, and the chairman, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, was elected. And less than 3 months later, the first issue of the party newspaper "Liberal" was published.

Since the beginning of its history, the Liberal Democratic Party has held a special position on the main issues and events in Russia and the world. It was this party that in 1991, which was difficult for our country, stood up in support of the State Emergency Committee, advocating the preservation of the USSR, although it was not a supporter of communism. At that moment, it was a very brave step, which required a lot of courage and willpower. The party members were guided by the desire to save the country from Gorbachev's betrayal. The support of the party by the people, despite its "youth" at that time, is evidenced by the fact that V. Zhirinovsky, nominated as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation in the June 1991 elections, became the third.

LDPR victory in the first elections to the State Duma

The party received its current official name during the 3rd Congress on April 18-19, 1992. It was at this congress that it was decided to establish a party under its current name - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). During the work of the congress, the Party's Program and Charter were also approved. At the helm of the party, V.V. Zhirinovsky.

In December 1993, the party members once again demonstrated their courage and ability to maintain a bright mind despite the circumstances, calling on the participants in the armed clash near the building of the Supreme Council to come to their senses and once again take the path of political methods of settling disputes.

On December 12, 1993, during the first Duma elections in the history of the Russian Federation, the LDPR received the largest number of votes, which convincingly proved that the slogans put forward by the party met the expectations of the Russian people and their faith in the LDPR. This is not surprising, because the main goal of the party has always been the revival of democracy in our country. The Liberal Democratic Party has always put forward and is bringing to the fore the principle of patriotism, the need to seek the restoration of Russia within its historical and geopolitical borders. This position does not lose its relevance today, given the fact that in recent decades the Russian population of our state has been subjected to oppression and reduction.

The activities of the Liberal Democratic Party have always been carried out on the basis of the ideas of liberalism and democracy. In 1993 V.V. Zhirinovsky, representing the Liberal Democratic Party at the Constitutional Meeting, introduced a party draft of the Constitution. Many provisions of the draft were then included in the new Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993, the adoption of which was also largely facilitated by the votes of the LDPR supporters.

LDPR in the process of strengthening on the political Olympus

Having won the parliamentary elections of 1993, the Liberal Democratic Party has strengthened and launched an active propaganda activity. V.V. Zhirinovsky and members of the party regularly held press conferences, explained the policy of the party and its faction in the State Duma.

Standing for the unity of all Slavs, the chairman of the party and its members have repeatedly advocated the struggle with the West in its attempts to subordinate the Orthodox and Christian peoples to their rule. On April 3, 1994, the Slavic Congress was held, in which the Liberal Democratic Party took a direct part, calling on the Slavs of all countries to create a common cultural and geopolitical space for them.

During these years, members of the LDPR party visited different parts of our country to talk with ordinary residents of Russian cities and villages. So, in August 1994, the party members went on a trip along the Volga, during which they met with voters in 23 Russian settlements.

In the same period V.V. Zhirinovsky, together with party activists, visited a number of foreign countries, meeting with their leaders and promoting his ideas. The LDPR chairman and his associates made working trips to Finland, Iraq, the United States, Libya, India and the DPRK.

LDPR as a strong and influential party

In the second half of the 1990s, the Liberal Democratic Party carried out a lot of work to strengthen its party apparatus. Speaking at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the party in November 1996, V.V. Zhirinovsky noted that by this time the Liberal Democratic Party had already been represented in the administrations and local legislative assemblies, which means that it had taken place as a political force, as a party.

During this period, interest in the party and its leader in the media intensifies. V.V. Zhirinovsky is increasingly becoming a guest of various television programs, his rating is growing. He publishes a number of works devoted to the analysis of the economic and political problems of Russia, expresses his concept.

Party leaders and members pay great attention to youth, which is becoming the most important support of the Liberal Democratic Party. In 1998, a number of events dedicated to this segment of society are held: Youth Festival, Founding Congress of the Center for Support of Youth Initiatives. In 1999, the Institute of World Civilizations was founded, whose students today are laureates of competitions and conferences at various levels.

By the end of the twentieth century, the Liberal Democratic Party numbered more than 800 thousand of its members, including youth, women's and other organizations.

"Zhirinovsky block"

1999th year. The Liberal Democratic Party is preparing to take part and aims to win the elections to the third State Duma. To this end, the chairman and deputies of the party go on a trip and visit 25 settlements of the Far North and the Far East. The elections were supposed to take place in December of the same year. However, the political "atmosphere" in the country became more and more gloomy. Nevertheless, the Liberal Democratic Party was the only party that offered effective ways to break the deadlock for Russia, so the party had every chance of significant success in the elections. Meanwhile, this state of affairs did not suit the then political opponents of the Liberal Democratic Party, and under their pressure, the Central Election Commission banned the parties from registering the list of their candidates for deputies. This was illegal and could lead to the collapse of the party.

But the Liberal Democratic Party held out, finding a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. On October 13, 1999, a Congress of representatives of two related LDPR associations was convened, during which a decision was made to create the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" - a new electoral bloc that could participate in the elections to the Duma. The list of candidates for deputies, of course, included the "backbone" of candidates from the LDPR list. Despite the machinations of ill-wishers, the registration of the "Zhirinovsky Bloc" took place. As a result of the elections held on the appointed day of December 1999, out of 26 associations and blocs, only 6 entered the third State Duma, among them the “Zhirinovsky Bloc”. This was assessed by V.V. Zhirinovsky as a victory of the Liberal Democratic Party.

The new millennium is a new stage in the development of Russia and the implementation of the proposals of the Liberal Democratic Party

The 21st century came to our country along with the presidential race. V. Putin, G. Zyuganov, V. Zhirinovsky and other politicians announced their participation in the early presidential elections. The unanimous approval of V. Zhirinovsky's candidacy took place on January 6 this year at the 11th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party. And again, despite opposition from the CEC, the LDPR candidate was registered to participate in presidential elections... However, unequal conditions with other candidates led to not the most better result: V.V. Zhirinovsky took only 5th place in the elections for the post of President of the Russian Federation, which became, as you know, V.V. Putin.

In the most difficult conditions in which Russia found itself at the beginning of the new century, a new political course was needed. With your vision of how it should be new way country, and the LDPR acted. And the echoes of her speeches found their realization in many provisions of the message of V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In particular, on the advice of V.V. Zhirinovsky, 7 federal districts were created in the country with the aim of strengthening the unity of Russia and the "vertical of power". But so that the country does not split up, LDPR activists proposed creating large provinces that would be equally equal in status, with the same population and economically self-sufficient, but without national state languages ​​and their own constitutions.

Defending Russia's interests in the world, the Liberal Democratic Party drew the attention of the country's leaders to an important point - it is necessary to build diplomatic relations not only with Western, but also with Arab countries, Korea, Iran, India. The party persistently pointed out the danger from the Middle East and Central Asian countries. V.V. Zhirinovsky, actually performing the functions of foreign minister, travels to Iraq for high-level talks.

Despite attacks on the Liberal Democratic Party and, of course, its leader, the merits of V.V. Zhirinovsky were awarded by the President of the Russian Federation, and on December 29, 2000, Vladimir Volfovich was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation".

LDPR in the early years of the XXI century

On December 13, 2001, at the 13th party congress, its leader made a report on the need to transform the all-Russian socio-political organization, which until that time was the Liberal Democratic Party, into a political party, in accordance with the new requirements of the law. The decision was made, the new Charter and the Program were approved, and the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party was elected, who again became V.V. Zhirinovsky.

The party continued to pay much attention to foreign policy issues. Party members advocated defending Iraq against American aggression, preventing an attack on that country and lifting sanctions against it. In September 2002, the party leader took part in an international conference in support of Iraq, which took place in Baghdad. A little earlier in the same year V.V. Zhirinovsky was officially invited to Japan, where he once again spoke about the need to fight international terrorism and the Iraqi problem. Even before the start of the US aggression against Iraq in 2003, the LDPR spoke at the Duma Council with a proposal to condemn the impending American aggression, but the members of the Duma Council did not support the party members. Then the supporters of the Liberal Democratic Party took to the streets with the people to protest against the American aggression at the building of the US Embassy in Moscow.

Paid great importance to the Liberal Democratic Party and the rallying of patriotic organizations different countries... Much effort was put into this cause, which resulted in the World Congress of Patriotic Parties of Europe and Asia, which was first held on January 18, 2003 in Moscow.

In the State Duma of the third convocation (2000-2003) I. Lebedev was elected the leader of the LPDR faction, and V.V. Zhirinovsky became deputy chairman of the Duma. During the four years of the Duma's work, the party continued its line: it focused on economic and social issues, foreign policy and national security. The faction deputies advocated radical methods of reforming the statehood of the Russian Federation: for the abolition of elections for the heads of large cities in favor of their appointment as President. In the economic sphere, the LDPR advocated the adoption of laws that would limit the lawlessness on the part of the oligarchs. The result of repeated criticism of the members of the faction of the privatization process was the new edition of the law on privatization. Discussing financial issues, the faction advocated an increase in budgetary funds for social needs and defense. To protect domestic agricultural producers, the Liberal Democratic Party sought to help them sell their products and restrict imports. The work of the deputies of the faction continued to ensure the rights and interests of various strata of the population: women, children, veterans, pensioners. Thanks to their efforts, a minimum wage was introduced into labor legislation, which from then on should not be lower than the subsistence level.

Since the beginning of 2003, the party began to prepare for the next parliamentary elections under the slogan: “We are for the poor! We are for the Russians! " At the same time, the party clarified that this slogan does not call for ethnic hatred, but only reminds of the existence of the Russian people, which was not even mentioned in the country's Constitution. The Liberal Democratic Party has always stood up for the Russian people, without prejudice to the national interests of other nationalities living in our country. In particular, even during the work of the third convocation of the Duma, the LDPR proposed adopting a resolution on the right of Russians to self-determination and sovereignty throughout the Russian Federation, but most of the Duma deputies spoke out against considering this issue at meetings.

For propaganda purposes, LDPR activists undertook many trips to the regions of the country. In August 2003, the leadership and members of the party went by train on the Moscow-Vladivostok route and back. The trip lasted 24 days, during which the party members visited 168 settlements of our country.

On September 8, 2003, the 14th party congress was held in the capital of the Russian Federation, at which V.V. Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Volfovich reminded everyone gathered about the importance of the Liberal Democratic Party in the history of Russia, that it is the oldest party in the country, which is completely ready to rule Russia. Here, at the congress, a list of candidates from the party for the future Duma elections was approved.

During the election campaign, the party managed to win the trust of a huge number of our citizens. As a result, in the elections to the State Duma of the 4th convocation, which took place on December 7, 2003, about 7 million residents of our country voted for the LDPR. In general, the role of the LDPR as an opposition party has grown.

The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia has been guarding the interests of Russians for 15 years!

On December 13, 2004, the Liberal Democratic Party celebrated its 15th anniversary. On this day, the 16th party congress was held in Moscow. During the congress, the results of the party's activities during the period of its existence were summed up, and amendments were made to the Charter.

A year later, on the Party Day, the 17th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was held. Within the framework of a political report, V.V. Zhirinovsky, noting the stabilization of the situation in the country and urging to pay special attention to agriculture. In addition, the party proposed to supplement 4 national projects put forward by the Russian government with 2 more programs: "Roads" and "Culture".

Over the years before its 15th anniversary, the Liberal Democratic Party has published many publications (newspapers Liberal, Sokol Zhirinovsky, Pravda Zhirinovsky, LDPR, magazines Great Russia, For the Russian people). These publications, together with regional publications, provided complete material on the activities of the party in the center and in the localities. The Liberal Democratic Party also distributed many books, brochures, leaflets, recordings on video and audio media throughout the country. This testified to the growing influence of the party and its ability to influence the government course.

By this time, the number of members of the Liberal Democratic Party had increased to almost 90,000 people. More than 1400 local party branches operated on the territory of the country.

LDPR in 2006-2008

2006 was a busy year for Russia. This is bird flu, and large fires, and an emergency in the army. The situation on the world stage also became more complicated: the Americans began preparing aggression against our country's strategic ally, Iran. V.V. Zhirinovsky and members of the Liberal Democratic Party actively participated in the settlement of complex issues, expressed their ideas on which course to follow the Russian government.

For V.V. Zhirinovsky this year was a jubilee: the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia on April 25, 2006 turned 60 years old. On the eve of the birthday of the politician, the President of the Russian Federation in a solemn atmosphere awarded the head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia with the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 4 degrees. On the same day, the 18th congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was assembled, at which the hero of the day made a vivid presentation of a political orientation entitled "Another look at history."

During the work of the fourth State Duma (starting from December 29, 2003), new chairman- B.V. Gryzlov. V.V. became the Deputy Chairman again. Zhirinovsky. At the meetings of the Duma of the 4th convocation, the LDPR made various proposals to maintain the unity of the country. It was proposed to establish a vertical of power so that governors would be appointed by the President. The LDPR faction spoke out for the renewal and replacement of the government of M.E. Fradkov, and in 2007 the President proposed a new candidate for the highest post in the government - V.A. Zubkov.

In May 2005, one of the party's program guidelines was implemented: the State Duma amended the law on the election of deputies, according to which only political parties should participate in them. Now governors and heads of administrations are no longer elected by the population, but are elected on the proposal of the President of the country by the legislative body of the constituent entity. When discussing the laws on the state budget, the LDPR faction suggested paying special attention to social policy issues and increasing defense spending, demanded to lay in the 2007 budget funds to increase wages and pensions, to finance demographic and other priority projects. The deputies of the LDPR faction spoke out against the abolition of benefits, against the closure of vocational schools. The party leader has repeatedly raised the issue of the need to increase the monthly child allowance, which finally found its solution, albeit in an insufficient amount. The faction of the party opposed the "adjustment" of the education system to foreign standards.

In the same year, the Liberal Democratic Party took the most direct part in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the First in history tsarist Russia State Duma.

In 2007, the Liberal Democratic Party began active preparations for the elections to the State Duma of the fifth convocation and for the upcoming presidential elections. The party was still supported by a huge number of residents of various parts of Russia. LDPR candidates in the elections to the Fifth Duma on December 2, 2007 were able to secure 8.14% of the vote. V.V. was re-elected as Deputy Chairman. Zhirinovsky.

On September 17 this year, the 19th party congress opened, at which those present heard the report of V.V. Zhirinovsky on the theme: "World Civil War". The LDPR chairman called Britain and its "offspring" America the main enemy of Russia.

On the next anniversary of the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party on December 13, the 20th party congress was held, on the agenda of which was the question of electing a candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party to the highest post in the country. By unanimous decision, V.V. Zhirinovsky, who received 9.4% of the votes of the citizens of the country.

On May 17, 2008, the 11th party congress was held. At the congress V.V. Zhirinovsky announced the proposal of the Liberal Democratic Party to move from a presidential to a parliamentary republic. Such a step would mean a transition to the next form of democracy. Proposals were also made on amendments to the Constitution.

During this period, the Liberal Democratic Party continued to act in constructive opposition to the government. The party focused particular attention on issues of economic and social policy. The emphasis was placed on the need to raise agriculture, the development of road construction. Attention was drawn to the danger of the US globalist course and proposals were made to strengthen national security.

V.V. Zhirinovsky drew the Duma's attention to the need for a legal regulation of food prices, limiting the growth of fuel costs.

Liberal Democratic Party of Russia from 20 years to 25 years

On December 13, 2009, as planned, the 22nd party congress was convened, dedicated to its 20th anniversary. The event was held in a solemn atmosphere. There were many guests, congratulations and greetings from many world leaders, including from top management RF. In his speech at the anniversary congress, the permanent leader of the Liberal Democratic Party recalled the pages of the party's history, about its enormous contribution to the development of our country in the post-Soviet period.

In 2010, the Liberal Democratic Party introduced a lot of bills to the State Duma. Among the most significant are the draft law on punishing Duma deputies for absenteeism from meetings, on establishing the fact that the Kuriles belong to Russia, and on establishing responsibility for the terrorist's family. In the same year, on November 1, the Party Department was created to work with citizens' appeals to help Russians in a variety of issues.

The contribution of the party and its leader to the development of Russia was noted on July 28, 2011. This is the date the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, the founder of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 3rd degree.

On September 13, 2011, at the 23rd Party Congress, the list of candidates for deputies of the Sixth Duma was approved. In the elections held on December 4 this year, the Liberal Democratic Party received 11.67% of the vote, which allowed it to increase the faction to 56 deputies.

In the 2012 presidential elections, the candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party, its permanent leader V.V. Zhirinovsky received just over 6 percent of the vote. In the same year, the party celebrated the 25th anniversary of V.V. Zhirinovsky.

On December 13, 2012, the 25th congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was held, at which proposals were made and adopted to amend the Party Charter.

On March 25, 2013, the 26th party congress was held, at which 6,000 people gathered - a record figure.

On December 16 of the same year, the results of a study conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation were announced, according to which V.V. Zhirinovsky was among the three most influential residents of the Russian Federation. In addition to him, V.V. Putin and S.K. Shoigu.

2014 is the year of the 25th anniversary of the party. In February of this year, an agitation trip of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party and deputies from the party in the State Duma to Crimea took place. In June, after the All-Russian meeting of its activists, the Liberal Democratic Party began to prepare for a single voting day and the next (scheduled for 2016) elections to the State Duma. On November 4, members of the party took part in the march "We are United", which took place in Moscow. The Liberal Democratic Party has once again demonstrated that it protects Russia's interests throughout the world and fights against the destruction of the state.

On December 13, 2014, a meeting of party activists from all over Russia was held in Moscow. The event was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Liberal Democratic Party. The chairman of the party stressed in his speech that the Liberal Democratic Party is a strong party, which today follows the slogans put forward a quarter of a century ago.

LDPR today

LDPR today is a dynamically developing party. It includes 245 468 people. In the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation on September 18, 2016, the Liberal Democratic Party won 13.3% of the vote. The faction of the party is represented in the State Duma of the seventh convocation by 40 deputies. This is the youngest faction in the Duma and in Europe in general.

For 25 years now, the Liberal Democratic Party has been represented by a faction in the State Duma. And all the most significant bills (on the protection of the Russian and Russian languages, demography, pensions, education, youth and others) were first voiced by the deputies of this particular party.

On December 20, 2017, at the XXXI Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Chairman of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, was approved as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation.

On December 29, 2017, Vladimir Zhirinovsky received a certificate of a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, becoming the first registered candidate.

Continuing to grow, the LDPR is purposefully moving along the political Olympus in order to be able to create a high material and cultural standard of living for the Russian people.

The Liberal Democratic Party is the only force that can lead our country forward!

LDPR today is the only real party in Russia!

We are often asked the same question: what has the LDPR given to Russia since its inception?

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky:"Today, many talk about liberalism. It means the free development of society. The Liberal Democratic Party is the first party that even in its name indicated its commitment to liberalism - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. It happened in 1989. The rest who talk about liberalism have matured only now. The Union of Right Forces says that they are liberals, and in Yabloko they are liberals, and even in United Russia. "

But the first were WE. Another phenomenon that is so popular these days is patriotism. In the late 1980s, he was also the first to be put on the agenda by the Liberal Democratic Party. Since May 1991, as a presidential candidate, Zhirinovsky declared patriotism as the basis of the LDPR ideology. To love Russia, the main people - Russian, in order to eliminate discrimination in the national question as a legacy of the proletarian internationalism of the CPSU. In any building, no matter how beautiful the windows and plafonds are, the main thing is the foundation. We remove the foundation and the building collapses. So is the national composition. The Russian people must hold the whole country together. He is everywhere. And he created everything.

IN political system LDPR country became the progenitor of two directions - liberalism along with patriotism. A smart combination for Russia. There are liberals in the West, but there are no conflicts, there are no special problems, there is a kind of marafet, there is a polishing of public relations. And our foundation is still trembling, there are still many unresolved issues - the Caucasus is smoking, the forests are burning, because there are not enough firefighters, there are many other cataclysms. Therefore, the Liberal Democratic Party has already made a huge contribution to the development of political culture in Russia.

The Liberal Democratic Party is a party of patriotic democrats. We are for freedom, but freedom should not turn into anarchy. To take up arms and shoot, some consider it freedom, but such liberation ends in great sacrifices.

Why is the LDPR ideology better than others? Our parents have already lived through the ideology of the left. This is a dead-end ideology, a beautiful fairy tale. Yes, communism is a just society. But it will never be fair, because we are all different. Some are older, some are younger, some are healthier, some are more intelligent. Therefore, the principle of communism: "Work as you can, but get as you want" is super fantastic. Then everyone will want to get luxurious houses, cars, beautiful clothes, but they will not be able to work well. This is a dead-end, not to say stupid, ideology, deception of people. We are tired of the Communist Party. It is impossible for one party to rule the country, because one party under a one-party regime is actually not a party anymore, but a part of the state. There are many parties now. There is a choice. People have to choose. There are four directions.

The first is leftist ideology, the ideology of the poor. But nobody wants to be poor. Everyone wants to break out of the pool of poverty, so this is a vicious ideology. She lost with us.

Second, the ideology of the democrats is not suitable, because they again take someone else's formula. They repeat the mistake of the Bolsheviks. They took the theory of communism from the West. It was just a theory. They decided to put us to sleep. Therefore, everything that is done from the West, the Union of Right Forces and Yabloko, does not take root in our country. We have a different civilization, a different way of life, a different story.

The third is the ideology of the party in power. There are many of these parties, six or seven. These are Gaidar's Democratic Choice of Russia, Shakhrai's PRESS, Chernomyrdin's People's Democratic Republic, and Luzhkov's Fatherland. Now "United Russia", there are several more. But games are not made from above. A party is when a part of citizens unites on the principles of common convictions, a single ideology. This is exactly the way, and not otherwise, and one can hope for the votes of voters. And an attempt to make an organization, especially from above, almost to force you to join the party, as they do with " United Russia"- all the TV divas and pop divas were enrolled in the party! - Forcing these idiots called" Walking Together "to go to subbotniks means repeating the path of the CPSU in its worst version. This is the third option, which is happening in front of everyone.

The fourth option is the Liberal Democratic Party. We will soon be 30 years old. The oldest batch. We have a clear economic program, foreign policy, national, in education and health care, in a word, in all vital positions that make it possible not only to pull Russia out of the "democratic" hangover, but also to make the country, all its inhabitants worthy among the most developed countries in the world, to return we have universal respect and honor.

Take a closer look at us. There are almost 300,000 of us already. WE are a team.

For US is the future of Russia.

Make the right choice!