Whether trichomoniasis. Questions. Can trichomoniasis be treated with topical vaginal remedies?

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Marina Ivanovna asks:

What can happen if trichomoniasis is not cured?


Urethritis is an inflammation of the urinary tract. This is a rather painful process, manifested by burning during urination and the separation of scanty yellow-green pus in the first portions of urine. With the spread of the inflammatory process up the urethra, there is an increase in urination up to 20-30 times a day, which is associated with irritation of the sphincter of the bladder. At the external opening of the urethra, there is redness with swelling of the tissues, sometimes adhesion of the sponges of the urethra.


Colliculitis is an inflammation of the seminal tubercle, that is, the place where the common vas deferens opens into the urethra. This tubercle prevents sperm from entering the bladder during ejaculation and does not allow urine to enter the ejaculate. When it is inflamed, sperm either passes into the urethra with difficulty, or does not pass at all. The patient in this case will experience pain during ejaculation and a feeling of a foreign body.


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. With trichomoniasis, as a rule, acute inflammation of the prostate gland develops. Accompanied by severe pain in the perineum, a feeling of a foreign body. Ejaculation is usually difficult, and traces of blood may be found in the semen.


Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis. This is the organ in which the accumulation and maturation of spermatozoa occurs. With trichomoniasis, the appendage becomes inflamed, which is accompanied by severe pain and impaired ejaculation. In this case, spermatozoa are usually inactive and not capable of fertilization.


Vesiculitis is an inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Normally, their function is to form seminal fluid, which is the liquid part of semen. Without seminal fluid, spermatozoa are quickly destroyed in the acidic environment of the vagina, not having time to fulfill their function. Vesiculitis is manifested by soreness in the perineum, especially at the time of ejaculation.


Tysonitis is an inflammation of the glands of the foreskin. It is manifested by its redness and slight swelling. The patient experiences an unpleasant throbbing pain in the foreskin and slight itching.

Skin lesions.

With trichomoniasis, balanoposthitis often develops ( inflammation of the foreskin), as well as erosions and ulcers of the penis. Balanoposthitis is manifested by a sharp swelling and redness of the foreskin. Pain with balanoposthitis is pulling, tearing in nature and disappears only after proper treatment, which often turns out to be surgical intervention. Erosions and ulcers are usually located on the glans and lower surface of the penis. Unlike ulcers in syphilis, they are painful in trichomoniasis. Ulcers are a defect in the skin through which other pathogenic pathogens can penetrate, so they need additional local treatment.


Most of these complications cause impaired motility and viability of spermatozoa. In addition, Trichomonas themselves are capable of absorbing and slowing down spermatozoa. All this leads to the emergence male infertility. In most cases, the correct treatment of trichomoniasis helps to restore reproductive function.

In women with trichomoniasis, the following complications develop:
1. vestibulitis;
2. vulvitis;
3. vaginitis;
4. endocervicitis;
5. ascending trichomoniasis;
6. pregnancy complications;
7. infertility.


Vestibulitis is commonly referred to as localized inflammation of the labia minora. Acute inflammation is manifested by redness, swelling and erosion of the mucous membrane. Often there is severe itching in the area of ​​​​the vestibule of the vagina, burning during urination and abundant viscous mucous discharge from the vagina.


With vulvitis, the region of the labia majora is affected. Inflammation is manifested by their redness, swelling, purulent secretions and severe itching. Sometimes painful erosions and ulcers form. Over time, the ulcers crust over and heal, leaving pigmentless spots behind.


Vaginitis ( colpitis) is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. With trichomoniasis, vaginitis is manifested by redness, profuse yellow frothy discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain during sexual intercourse. A gynecological examination reveals accumulations of pus in the posterior fornix of the vagina, which, in turn, is covered with erosions and small ulcers.


Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. The main symptoms of damage to this area are pulling

is a parasitic disease known since ancient times, sexually transmitted and causing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs of women and men.
The basis of the disease is a special type of microorganisms called protozoa. There are many types of protozoa found in nature. Some of them live in water, soil, others parasitize in organisms of animals and humans.

Who are Trichomonas, types of Trichomonas

Protozoa- unicellular organisms, unlike other unicellular organisms, are capable of locomotion due to the presence of flagella and independent existence outside the infected organism. In their structure, the simplest resemble ordinary cells, the totality of which makes up an integral organism. The difference lies in the fact that protozoa, despite the simplicity of their structure, exist as a separate holistic organism.
The name trichomoniasis comes from protozoa called Trichomonas, which cause specific local pathological phenomena.
Trichomonas, which parasitize in the human body, are of three types:
Trcihomonas elongata - lives in the oral cavity.
Trichomonas hominis - lives in the human intestine, feeds on various bacteria, erythrocytes (blood cells).
Trichomonas vaginalis - is found in the lower urinary tract:
  • Urethra
  • Vagina
  • Prostate
The first two species (Trichomonas hominis, Trichomonas elongata) do not cause any harm to humans. The third type, which is also the most pathogenic, is the most active and causes local discomfort, as well as inflammatory processes.

Ways of infection with Trichomonas

Trichomoniasis is a very common disease. There is no such place on earth where this microorganism would not exist. According to some reports, trichomoniasis occurs in both men and women, young and mature, sexually active. The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, that is, through unprotected sexual intercourse. Detailed and understandable about trichomoniasis

Trichomonas colpitis (vaginitis)
Colpitis- inflammation of the superficial layers of the vaginal mucosa. The term colpitis is borrowed from the Greek language. There is also a second name characterizing inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, of Latin origin - vaginitis.
Acute trichomonas colpitis is characterized by:

  • Intolerable itching, burning in the vaginal area, around the labia. Itching is explained by the irritating effect of Trichomonas on the walls of the vagina and foamy discharge (secret).
  • Redness and scratching of the skin in the perineal region, labia (large and small). Appear due to itching in these areas.
  • Foamy discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The volume of secretions depends on the phase of the course of the disease. From abundant leucorrhea (discharge) of yellow color, with an acute progressive course, to scanty gray discharge, with a chronic sluggish process. Foaminess and an abundance of secretions appear as a result of vital activity in parallel with Trichomonas, a special type of bacteria that emit gas.
With good high immunity, the disease can proceed in a latent chronic form. In this case, one or another symptom may be absent, or all symptoms are mild or absent. Inflammatory changes are also minor. The chronic process can be aggravated periodically. Most often this happens in the period before the start of a new menstrual cycle, a few days before the onset of menstruation. The exacerbation is associated with a decrease in the amount of estrogens, which are actively involved in the renewal of the surface cells of the vaginal mucosa, in addition, they contribute to the acidification of the internal vaginal environment, and Trichomonas feed on glycogen, with the help of which, during the life of lactobacilli, the internal environment of the vagina becomes acidic.

Trichomoniasis in the menopausal period.
In menopausal women, the incidence of trichomoniasis varies widely. The lack of estrogen causes atrophy (decrease in function, thinning of the walls) of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls. Accordingly, the microflora of the inner surface of the vagina is disturbed, local immunity is reduced, and favorable conditions are created for the growth and development of not only Trichomonas, but also many pathogenic microorganisms. Main clinical symptoms are expressed as:

  • Mucopurulent discharge, sometimes streaked with blood
  • Itching in the vestibule
  • Rarely, minor bleeding after sexual intercourse

Pregnancy and trichomoniasis

As a rule, trichomoniasis causes inflammatory changes at the local level, that is, at the level of the genital organs. Thus, negatively affecting the course and course of pregnancy. May cause complications such as: spontaneous abortion and premature birth. The essence of abortion lies in the fact that Trichomonas cause inflammatory changes, in which special substances called prostaglandins are released into the blood. Prostaglandins cause increased contractions of the uterine muscles, thereby contributing to the expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity.

Disorders from the central nervous system(CNS)
Inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane, the addition of a secondary purulent infection and profuse fetid discharge from the vagina affect the quality of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse becomes painful and impossible. long chronic course diseases can eventually cause frigidity not only due to pain, but also emotional discomfort, causing in some cases a violation of the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Microscopic method
For diagnosis, confirming the presence of Trichomonas in the genital tract, it is necessary to take smears from the vaginal mucosa. Swabs are preferably taken from three different places:
Among women

  • Posterior fornix of the vagina
  • cervical canal
  • Urethra
In men, it is being studied:
  • Scraping from the urethra
  • prostatic fluid
  • Sperm

To take the prostate fluid, they usually resort to a light massage of the prostate gland.
Laboratory studies should be carried out no later than 30 minutes after taking smears, since Trichomonas are very unstable in the external environment and die quickly.
The taken material is placed on a glass slide, a 0.9% sodium chloride solution is dripped, covered with a cover slip and placed under a microscope. In some cases, for better detection of trichomonas, smears are pre-stained. Microscopic examination is the most rapid method for diagnosing trichomoniasis and allows you to make a diagnosis after only 15-20 after taking the source material.

Cultivation of Trichomonas
As one of the three modern methods for determining a pathological pathogen, it has several advantages, such as:

  • Allows you to determine the initial number of Trichomonas in the test material. Indirectly reflects the degree of the inflammatory process.
  • It reveals to which drugs Trichomonas are sensitive, which is very important when prescribing the correct and optimal treatment. It also allows you to adjust the already started treatment.
Cultivation is carried out by sowing the contents of smears from the vagina, urethra on special artificial, nutrient media. At the same time, Trichomonas enter a favorable environment and begin to multiply intensively. The grown colonies are then subjected to microscopic examination.

PCR method in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis
A very valuable method for the detection of Trichomonas. Advantage this method lies in the fact that in the chronic course of the disease, the pathogen is very difficult to detect by conventional microscopic methods. In addition, any biological fluid of the body is suitable for research, whether it be blood, saliva, scraping of the mucous membrane of the urethra or vagina.
The method is based on the fact that Trichomonas DNA, that is, genetic material, can be easily detected in the material under study. The accuracy of the analysis is 100%. Results appear the next day, which allows you to start on time effective treatment.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

To fully recover from trichomoniasis, the following conditions must be met:
  1. Both sexual partners should be treated at the same time
  2. During the course of treatment, any sexual contact is excluded.
  3. Apply special antitrichomonas drugs (metronidazole, tinidazole)
  4. In parallel with the treatment, hygiene rules for the care of the genitourinary organs are observed:
  • Daily washing of the genitals using antiseptics (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin solution) or detergents, that is, ordinary toilet soap.
  • All movements during washing are carried out from front to back, that is, from the side of the vagina to anus. This is necessary in order to avoid the introduction of infection into the urethra.
  • Individual use of toiletries (soap, washcloths, towels).
  • Daily change of underwear
  1. Mandatory treatment of other, simultaneously occurring diseases of the genitourinary organs of infectious and inflammatory origin.
Below are several treatment regimens for trichomoniasis using antitrichomoniasis drugs.

Scheme using metronidazole (Trichopolum)

The first day, take 1 tablet 4 times inside with water.
From the second to the seventh day inclusive, take 1 tablet 3 times a day, also inside with water.

Metronidazole- antiprotozoal, antimicrobial drug.

Mechanism of action It consists in a depressing effect on the genetic apparatus of bacteria. At the same time, all biological processes of the cell gradually stop and the microorganism dies.

Contraindication is pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Scheme using tinidazole
Once taken immediately 4 tablets of 500 mg each. Or
For 7 days, 1/3 tablet 2 times a day

A drug from the same group as metronidazole with a similar mechanism of action and side effects.

  • hematopoietic disorders
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypersensitivity to the drug
Scheme using Klion - D
Klion - D- a combination drug that contains equal parts of metronidazole and miconazole (an antifungal drug). The drug is very effective in mixed infections of the genitourinary apparatus of bacterial and fungal origin.
Assign in the form of vaginal suppositories, 1 piece at night for 10 days.

Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment antitrichomonas agents are carried out as follows:

  • For 2-3 months after treatment, smears of the contents of the vagina and urethra are taken for microscopic examination for the presence of vaginal Trichomonas
  • Swabs should be taken 1-3 days after menstruation

Prevention of trichomoniasis

Preventive measures imply an integrated approach aimed at protecting against possible infection not only with trichomoniasis, but also with all sexually transmitted diseases, be it gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and many others.

  • Prevention should begin with educational activities about healthy way life, the importance of contraceptive methods, the ways of transmission of infections that cause inflammatory diseases of the genital tract. These measures are primarily aimed at preventing the occurrence of infectious inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs for categories of people and adolescents. Medical workers, teachers in schools, professors in lyceums and universities without fail carry out educational activities in this direction among high school students, students of universities, vocational schools.
  • Categories of young and middle-aged people who are sexually active should be careful in choosing a sexual partner. Promiscuous sexual contacts are not welcome. The ideal option is an intimate relationship with one sexual partner. Not the last role is played by the use of condoms, as a means of preventing the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of trichomonas infection during sexual contact.
  • Preventive control at the gynecologist at least once a year, with taking smears from the urethra, posterior fornix of the vagina, cervical canal. The contents of these places are subjected to microscopy, thereby determining the presence of a possible infection and at the same time determine the degree of purity of the vagina.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases of the genitourinary organs caused by other types of pathogenic microorganisms that reduce local immunity and increase the risk of perceiving trichomonas infection.
  • An incomparably significant role in the spread of Trichomonas vaginalis is provided by the simultaneous use of toiletries (washcloth, towel) by two or more persons, one of whom has trichomoniasis. Therefore, it is necessary for each person to have their own body care products and use them individually.
  • In preparation for pregnancy, tests should be taken for the possible presence of a latent urinary tract infection, both for a woman and a man. And also consult with your doctor about this. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to cure all possible foci of infection in a woman's body.

What are the possible consequences of trichomoniasis?

Most often, trichomoniasis gives complications during pregnancy:
  • premature birth;
  • low birth weight of the baby;
  • transmission of the infection to the baby when it passes through the birth canal.
In addition, there is evidence that trichomoniasis increases the risk of contracting some dangerous infections, in particular the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.

How to eat with trichomoniasis?

Features of nutrition are more associated not with the disease itself, but with the intake of antitrichomoniasis drugs with antibacterial activity. As with any antibiotics, nutrition must be complete, otherwise nausea, indigestion and others may occur. side effects. You need to have a hearty breakfast, preferably porridge.

It is useful to take pancreatic enzyme preparations during the course of treatment, for example, Mezim-Forte. You can also take drugs containing bifidobacteria, since antibiotics can cause dysbacteriosis. For more detailed advice contact your physician.

Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours after taking metronidazole and within 72 hours after taking tinidazole. These drugs can cause a reaction to ethyl alcohol, like a "coding" for alcoholism. There is nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms.

Is it possible to have sex with trichomoniasis?

During the treatment of trichomoniasis, sex is completely contraindicated for two reasons.:
  • Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. So there is a risk of infecting a partner / partner.
  • Sexual intercourse reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

Does a condom protect against trichomoniasis?

Condoms are one of the simplest, most affordable and effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. But they do not fully protect from either one or the other.

Condoms only prevent trichomoniasis by 90%. With constant contact with one sick partner, the likelihood of transmission of the infection increases even more.

Do not forget that during sexual intercourse, the condom can break, slip off the penis.

Is trichomoniasis transmitted during oral sex?

Theoretically, such a possibility exists, it may even develop trichomoniasis angina. In practice, this rarely happens. But it's still not worth the risk.

How is trichomoniasis coded in the ICD?

Trichomoniasis has several codes in the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision.:

Trichomonas is the simplest unicellular microorganism from the flagellate class, which is widespread. Trichomonas in women and men causes a disease called trichomoniasis. Its main symptoms are similar to those of genitourinary infections such as cystitis, colpitis, urethritis, proctitis, etc. In general, three types of Trichomonas can exist in the human body: oral, intestinal and vaginal. The last of the listed species is the largest, active and pathogenic. Oral and intestinal trichomonas do not pose a danger to human health.

Trichomonas have flagella, which are their means of locomotion. It is thanks to the flagella that microorganisms have the ability to actively move. Trichomonas do not have a gender, multiply by longitudinal division. They are able to exist not only in the human body, but also outside it. Although the structure of Trichomonas is very simple, in general, this unicellular is a separate microorganism.

The size of Trichomonas varies in length from 13 to 18 microns. The small size and high plasticity of the body allows Trichomonas to penetrate even into the intercellular space.

Trichomonas are anaerobic organisms that do not require oxygen. An oxygen-free humid environment with a temperature of 35-37 ° C is considered optimal for these microorganisms. They are attached to the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract and provoke the development of the inflammatory process. A person suffers from general intoxication, the patient's immunity worsens.

Trichomonas are able to exist not only in the human genital organs, but also in the blood vessels. They get there through the lymphatic tract. Trichomonas are perfectly adapted to life inside the human body. They are able to disguise themselves as platelets and lymphocytes, they can carry other microbes on themselves, thereby preventing the immune system from destroying their own cells.

Another danger of trichomonas is their ability to “hide” inside themselves other pathogenic microorganisms, including: gonococci, herpes virus, ureaplasma, etc. With the help of active and mobile Trichomonas, other bacteria have the opportunity to penetrate into the blood vessels and spread faster through the genitourinary system. In addition, Trichomonas violate the integrity of the epithelial integument, thereby accelerating the process of infection with other sexually transmitted infections, including.

Although modern venereology has effective drugs to combat Trichomonas, the disease is widespread. Trichomoniasis is in first place among all diagnosed diseases of the genitourinary system, and also holds a leading position among all sexually transmitted infections. WHO indicates that about 10% of the total world population are carriers of Trichomonas. Every year alone, the official increase in infected people is 170 million people.

The disease mostly affects women aged 16 to 35 years. It is possible to transmit the infection to the child during childbirth, this occurs in 5% of cases. However, children carry the infection more easily, and in some cases, self-healing is possible.

In men, the urethra, testicles, prostate, and seminal vesicles are primarily affected. In women, the most vulnerable organs are: the vagina, the urethra, the cervical canal (its vaginal part).

One of the leading dangers of Trichomonas in women and men is the development and various pathologies of pregnancy.

Microorganisms are killed under the following conditions: drying, heating above 45 °C, exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is not possible to detect them, for example, in public baths, in open water bodies or in crowded places.

Trichomonas symptoms

Symptoms of trichomonas in men and women will vary, however, the incubation period for all infected can be from 2 days to 2 months. If the disease proceeds in a latent form, then the first signs of trichomoniasis may appear even after a few months. This will happen when it fails. Perhaps a long latent Trichomonas carrier, but it is also possible acute, subacute and chronic course of infection.

In women, the disease often manifests itself brighter than in men. Therefore, the first symptoms of Trichomonas in women may occur as early as 4 days after infection. The microorganism can infect the cervix, vagina and urethra

The symptoms will be as follows:

    Profuse discharge from the vagina. They foam, have an unpleasant odor, yellow or green tint.

    If gardnerellosis joins trichomoniasis, the smell of discharge becomes sharper and resembles a fishy smell.

    During intercourse, a woman may experience pain.

    During the process of emptying the bladder, pains, a burning sensation join. The woman experiences frequent urge to urinate. Cramping and pain indicate the development of urethritis.

    The vulva becomes edematous and hyperemic. In 100% of cases, there is burning and itching in the vaginal area.

    Pain in the lower abdomen for trichomoniasis is not typical, although such complaints from patients are sometimes received.

    The skin of the perineum may be covered with small sores and abrasions. This is due to the irritating effect of whites on the dermis. It is not excluded the development of dermatitis of the inner surface of the thighs.

    During a gynecological examination on the mirrors, the doctor visualizes reddened and swollen vaginal mucosa. It is all covered with abundant foam, the cervix is ​​​​soft, with little contact with the mirrors, blood may appear. If you bring the mucous membrane of the cervix closer, then multiple small capillary hemorrhages (petechiae) can be found on it.

Before the next menstruation, the symptoms of Trichomonas in women increase. If a girl who becomes infected by a household route from a sick mother turns out to be infected, then in childhood trichomoniasis proceeds according to the type of vulvovaginitis with periodic exacerbations. During the acute stage, the symptoms of trichomoniasis in girls are similar to the symptoms of trichomoniasis in adult women.

As for the chronic form of the disease, it occurs in the absence of adequate treatment. This happens two months after the infection. Trichomonas carriers are also possible. A chronic illness does not show itself for years, the symptoms of infection, if they appear, are very meager. Approximately 4% of patients complain of recurrent symptoms of dysuria, and 5% of patients experience certain sexual disorders. However, it is the erased forms of the disease that are especially dangerous not only for their complications, but are also of great importance in terms of the spread of infection.

Symptoms of trichomonas in men can be identified as follows:

    The occurrence of a burning sensation and pain during urination.

    There may be mild pain when emptying the bladder.

    The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, especially in the morning. Sometimes these urges are false.

    In some cases, scanty discharge from the urethra is observed. The discharge has the character of mucus.

    Immediately after intercourse, severe itching and burning may occur.

    Rare symptoms include inflammation of the median suture and the appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane of the glans penis.

    Another rare symptom of trichomonas in men is the discharge of blood from the urethra.

Severe symptoms of Trichomonas, which would force a man to urgently seek medical help, are extremely rare. As the disease progresses, the urethra narrows and urination becomes more and more difficult. Possible damage to the bladder and kidneys. In 40% of cases, prostatitis is observed, involvement in the inflammatory process of the prostate gland, epididymis is not excluded. It is men who most often turn out to be hidden carriers of Trichomonas.

Trichomonas are sexually transmitted. This includes any contact options: anal, oral-vaginal intercourse, etc. The transmission of a microorganism by household means is possible, but this is extremely rare. The fact is that for several hours Trichomonas can remain active, being, for example, in lumps of mucus or pus on washcloths, sponges, towels. Little girls are infected in this way, but this also happens very rarely.

Causes of Trichomonas infection in women

It should be understood that necessary condition for the development of the disease is the acidity of the environment in the range from 5.5 to 6.6. This pH level in the vaginal contents of a woman is observed during menstruation and after its completion.

In addition, a drop in natural immune forces can be observed for the following reasons:

    Abortion, childbirth.

    Alcohol abuse, smoking.

    Frequent sexual intercourse with different partners without the use of a condom.

    common diseases and chronic diseases that affect the state of the immune forces.

    Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

It has been established that as a monoinfection, trichomoniasis is diagnosed in only 10.5% of cases. In all other situations, patients have concomitant latent infections (, etc.).

Causes of trichomonas in men

In both women and men, sexual contact is the main mode of transmission. At the same time, the male susceptibility to a pathogenic microorganism is very high, but the symptoms of the disease are very poor.

Diagnosis of Trichomonas begins with an examination of the patient. However, it is impossible to make a diagnosis solely on the clinical signs of the disease for the following reasons:

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis can be symptoms of other urogenital diseases, both in women and men.

    Small punctate hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the cervix are a symptom pathognomonic for trichomoniasis in women. However, it can be detected only in 2% of patients.

    Foamy discharge is also not always observed, but only in 12% of women.

However, patient complaints Clinical signs trichomoniasis suggest infection.

The basis for the diagnosis of the disease is laboratory methods, including:

    Microscopic examination of a smear from the urethra and vagina in women and a smear from the urethra in men. The study of smears should be carried out no later than 30 minutes from the moment they were taken. The reliability of the method is from 40 to 60%.

    immunological method.

    Microbiological method or tank seeding for Trichomonas.

    PCR diagnostics. The advantage of this method is that it allows diagnosing the disease in 100% of cases. Any biological fluid of the patient may be suitable for the study: blood, saliva, scraping from the urethra or vagina. In addition, the result can be obtained the very next day.

It should be noted that in men the disease is more difficult to detect than in women, which is associated not only with meager symptoms. Often with trichomonas carriers, microorganisms are in an atypical amoeboid form.

Treatment of Trichomonas - the process is often not too long in time.

However, it requires compliance with certain conditions both on the part of the patient and on the part of the patient, among them:

    Regardless of whether the second sexual partner has symptoms of the disease, he must undergo full treatment.

    Intimate life in any of its manifestations should be under an absolute ban. Sexual life should be absent until both partners receive negative tests for trichomoniasis. Only in this way can reinfection be guaranteed.

    Taking specific antiprotozoal drugs is a prerequisite for a full recovery.

    If there are other genitourinary infections, then they are also subject to treatment.

    During the course of therapy, alcohol intake is prohibited, a sparing diet is indicated with the rejection of spicy foods.

Self-treatment of trichomoniasis is unacceptable, all drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, based on laboratory diagnostics.

Treatment of trichomonas is carried out by taking the following drugs:

    Metronidazole and Metronidazole derivatives: Flagyl, Trichopolum, Tinidazole, etc.

    Be sure to supplement systemic therapy with local treatment. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, patients are prescribed vaginal suppositories (Klion-D, Betadin, Terzhinan) and gels, for example, Metrogyl vaginal gel. Men are shown topical treatment with Rosamet or Rosex creams.

    If there is no possibility of oral administration of drugs, then Osartsid suppositories are prescribed, which have a detrimental effect on the enzyme system of pathogenic organisms. In parallel, streptocide is used, which relieves inflammation.

There are several treatment regimens for Trichomonas, among them:

    A seven- or ten-day course of taking Trichopolum, 1 tablet of 0.5 g, 2 times a day.

    A single dose of four tablets of Tinidazole at a dosage of 0.5 g.

    A seven-day course of taking Fazizhin 150 mg 2 times a day.

The chronic form of Trichomonas is treated in much the same way as the acute form. However, with a long course of infection, the human immune system suffers, so standard regimens can be supplemented with immunostimulants, adaptogens and vitamin complexes.

During treatment, certain rules for personal hygiene should be observed. Firstly, you need to wash yourself using antiseptic preparations (a solution of potassium permanganate or Furacilin). Secondly, underwear must be changed daily. Thirdly, it is allowed to use only individual washcloths, sponges and towels. This will prevent infection of family members, and in particular children.

After completing the full course of treatment for Trichomonas, a three-fold sampling of tests is necessary, which is carried out once a month. Only in this way will it be possible to make sure that Trichomonas have been completely removed from the body.

It is important to remember that drugs that have a detrimental effect on Trichomonas are incompatible with alcohol, since they all provoke the development of an antabuse-like syndrome. Therefore, in order to avoid serious poisoning, it is necessary to abandon the use of any alcohol-containing drinks. An exception to this rule is the drug Ornidazole.

Trichomonas are treated by gynecologists, urologists and venereologists. After undergoing treatment of persistent immunity, the human body is not able to develop, so re-infection is quite possible.

As for pregnant women, the possibility of therapy is determined by the supervising physician. Treatment can be carried out not earlier than the 2nd trimester.

Sometimes Trichomonas are resistant to drugs from the group of 5-nitroimidazoles. As a rule, such resistance is partial and correction of the dose or frequency of administration allows you to solve the existing problem. In order to prevent the development of resistance of microorganisms to drugs, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions exactly.

Prevention of the disease comes down to a reasonable approach in terms of organizing sexual life. This will provide an opportunity to protect yourself not only from trichomoniasis, but also from other sexually transmitted infections.

    Is it possible to have sex during the treatment of Trichomonas? It is strictly forbidden to have sex during the treatment of Trichomonas. Moreover, intimate life should be abandoned until the results of the therapy are known.

    Is it possible to get Trichomonas through oral sex? You can get Trichomonas through oral sex.

    Is trichomonas transmitted through kissing? No, Trichomonas is not transmitted through a kiss.

    Can there be bleeding with Trichomonas? Infection with Trichomonas does not provoke the development of bleeding. Multiple point hemorrhages of the mucous membrane of the cervix are possible, however, it is impossible to attribute the appearance of the so-called symptom of "strawberry cervix" to bleeding. Very rarely, a small amount of blood in women appears after intercourse.

Education: in 2008 he received a diploma in the specialty "General Medicine (Therapeutic and Preventive Care)" at the Russian Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. Immediately passed the internship and received a diploma in therapy.

Trichomoniasis - what is caused?

Trichomoniasis is caused by Trichomonas. Trichomonas are the simplest microorganisms that have flagella.

Trichomoniasis - how common is it?

The frequency of occurrence of trichomoniasis among women averages - 3.1%

In what areas of the human body can Trichomonas be found?

Trichomonas can only be found:

Vagina, cervix

Urinary canal and paraurethral glands (in both men and women)

In the Bartholin glands (located near the entrance to the vagina in women).

How does Trichomonas infection occur?

Only sexually from person to person. Homosexual intercourse between men does not lead to infection with trichomoniasis if one of the partners has this infection. Homosexual intercourse between women can lead to infection with trichomoniasis if one of the partners has this infection.

Oral sex does not lead to infection with Trichomonas.

Is it possible to become infected with Trichomonas when swimming in a pond / pool or by household means (through personal hygiene items)?

No. The only reservoir of living Trichomonas is the human body. Trichomonas do not survive anywhere else.

How long after ingestion can symptoms of trichomoniasis develop?

After 4-28 days.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in women?

When trichomoniasis may be the following symptoms (in any combination):

Burning/itching of the vulva

Profuse vaginal discharge (white or yellowish or greenish)

Bad smelling vaginal discharge

Frequent/painful urination.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in men?

Frequent/painful urination

Does trichomoniasis always present with symptoms?

Not always the presence of Trichomonas in the genital tract manifests itself as symptoms. Approximately 50% of women with Trichomonas in the vagina have no symptoms at all. Only 30% of these women will develop symptoms of trichomoniasis in the next 6 months after infection. In men, trichomoniasis is generally more often asymptomatic (in 90% of cases). Only 10% of men infected with Trichomonas develop symptoms. And therefore, if the fact of establishing the diagnosis of trichomoniasis occurs, it is often impossible to determine how long ago the infection occurred and from which sexual partner.

How is trichomoniasis diagnosed?

Vaginal examination is not a method that allows you to reliably answer the question of whether a woman has Trichomonas or not. This requires laboratory tests.

Can a vaginal smear show the presence of Trichomonas?

A standard smear from the vagina/urethra in women and men, which is done in the vast majority of Russian laboratories, is generally not a reliable method for diagnosing trichomoniasis. Only a smear with Romanovsky-Giemsa stain (not done in all laboratories in Russia) and a native smear (a drop of vaginal discharge was taken, placed on a glass slide, saline solution was added to the glass and immediately looked under a microscope - such an analysis is not done in practice in any laboratory in Russia) can more or less reliably detect the presence of Trichomonas.

What are the most accurate methods of laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis?

Culture method and PCR test for trichomoads from the vagina/urethra.

Urine PCR for trichomonas (only in men) - done abroad, in Russia I have not yet met such a test.

Trichomoniasis - how is it treated?

Both sexual partners are treated, preferably at the same time. There are two options.

Simultaneously take (swallow) 2 grams of Metranidazole or Tinidazole (4 tablets of 500 mg one after the other).

Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours after taking metrinadozole or 72 hours if tinidazole was used.

Sexual abstinence 7 days.

Metranidazole 500 mg twice a day, 7 days per os (i.e. swallowed).

Do not take alcohol during the entire intake of the drug + one more day after its completion.

Sexual abstinence for the entire period of taking the drug + another 7 days after its end (i.e., only 14 days).

Can trichomoniasis be treated with local vaginal remedies?

It is possible, but the effectiveness of this form of treatment is about 2 times less effective than when swallowing the above medicines. In vaginal treatment, the drug only acts on the vaginal/cervical region, but does not act on the urethra/paraurethral glands/Bartholin glands. And if trichomonas persist there, then a relapse of the disease is possible.

What to do if the first course of treatment for trichomoniasis was ineffective?

This happens very rarely, no more than 5%. Therefore, you do not need to fill your head with thoughts about the chronic form of trichomoniasis. It does not exist in nature!

If the first regimen did not help (in one day), the second regimen (7 days) is prescribed, or it is recommended to change the drug for one-day treatment (i.e. you used 2 grams of Metranidazole, but it did not help, then 2 grams of Tinidazole is prescribed and vice versa) .

If the second regimen did not help or you changed the drug in the first regimen and all without effect, then either Metranidazole or Tinidazole is prescribed, 2 grams per day, for 5 days.

If this does not help, then it is necessary to do a culture test for Trichomonas (if you have not done it before) with sensitivity to drugs (in Russia this part of the test is not done yet). Schemes of 2-4 grams of either Metranidazole or Tinidazole per day may be prescribed for 14 days.

These treatment regimens are given as an example and should not be used without prior consultation with a doctor, as in individual cases they may be contraindicated or cause serious side effects.

Do I need to do control tests for Trichomonas after treatment?

If there was an asymptomatic form of trichomoniasis, then 7 days after the end of treatment, it is necessary to do a control test for Trichomonas for both sexual partners.

If there was a symptomatic form of trichomoniasis, and the symptoms disappeared during treatment, then according to international standards, control tests are not necessary. But we live in Russia, international standards are not the law for us, “we ourselves have a mustache”, so you will be advised to do a control test for Trichomonas in any case. But if you do this, then only 7 days after the end of the use of the medication.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy - what is the danger?

Women with symptomatic trichomoniasis during pregnancy have an increased risk of premature rupture of amniotic fluid and preterm labor. However, asymptomatic trichomoniasis during pregnancy does not increase these risks. Therefore, in currently trichomoniasis during pregnancy is treated only if it manifests itself as symptoms. The asymptomatic form is not treated, because studies have shown an increased risk of preterm birth in the group of asymptomatic women who were prescribed treatment compared with asymptomatic women with trichomoniasis who were not prescribed treatment. Here is such a paradox! But this is in accordance with international standards, and the civilized world, as you know, is not a decree for us. Therefore, any form of trichomoniasis during pregnancy is treated in Russia: both symptomatic and asymptomatic.

A child can become infected with trichomoniasis only when passing through the birth canal of a mother who has Trichomonas in the cervix / vagina at the time of childbirth or premature rupture of amniotic fluid. In this case, after infection, he may develop symptoms of trichomoniasis ( heat, breathing problems, vaginal discharge in girls, nasal discharge, urinary tract infection), and spontaneous self-healing of Trichomonas may occur in the next few days after childbirth.

Consulting obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Borisova Alexandra Viktorovna


Trichomoniasis is an infection that causes inflammation of the genitourinary system. Venereal disease occurs as a result of the introduction of Trichomonas bacteria into the body of a healthy person.

Each infectious pathology goes through a certain stage of development (incubation period). This period is characterized by boundaries - from the moment the pathogen enters a healthy body and until the time the symptoms of the disease appear.

The incubation period of trichomoniasis has no specific time limits. Many patients do not carry out therapy for the disease due to the fact that they are not even aware of its existence.

The main route of infection is unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner. There is also a risk of domestic transmission.

The infection survives in a humid environment for several hours, in wet secretions from the genital organs - throughout the day.

In 5% of cases, the disease is transmitted from mother to child at the time of passage through the birth canal. But children are easier to tolerate the disease, perhaps even self-healing.

Important! Trichomonas are able to absorb other pathogens of infectious diseases and provide them with protection from drug treatment(ureaplasma, chlamydia and others).

Normally, Trichomonas live in the microflora of the intestines and oral cavity, however, they cannot act as a provocateur of genital trichomoniasis.

The most active, dangerous pathogen is the vaginal type of bacteria.

The focus of infection in women is localized in the vagina, the vaginal part of the cervical canal, and the urethra. In men, the targets are the urethra, prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles and their appendages.

The disease according to the nature of the course is divided into:

The insidiousness of the pathology lies in its asymptomatic course at different stages. At high level immune protection, a person can act as a carrier of trichomonas and not even be aware of it (more often this applies to the male body).

The main danger of trichomoniasis is negative impact on the reproductive system - infertility, various pathologies of pregnancy.

A common mistake of those who find out about their sexual partner's infection with Trichomonas is an urgent visit to the clinic. A person undergoes the necessary examinations, having received negative results, he calms down and continues to live a normal life. However, in the meantime, pathological processes have already begun to operate in his body, which cause complications. In this case, sexual activity is not disturbed, as a result of which the spread of the disease is possible.

This situation occurs when a person is not informed about the incubation period. How many days must pass from the moment of infection to modern methods diagnostics were able to identify the infection - important information.

It is difficult to name the exact number of days of the incubation period of Trichomonas, because it depends on factors:

  • The activity of the body's immune defenses. Often, infections and diseases affect the body when its immune defenses are weakened. With a low level of protection, the symptoms of the disease appear faster. Strong immunity is able to fight the bacterium, while preventing the clinical picture from developing rapidly. You can’t do without drugs, but the incubation period of immunity can significantly increase (up to several months). Not a little important role is played by the fact of what age the patient is. The older, the lower the level of immunity.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs. For the treatment of various infections, special groups of antibacterial agents have been developed. When taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, the period is reduced, and acute symptoms may not appear at all.
  • Various diseases. If during the period of penetration of bacteria in the body other pathological processes occur, then the duration of the incubation period is reduced to several days. This happens as a result of the fact that the forces of the body are aimed at fighting other diseases. The protective function does not cope with its task to the fullest.
  • The state of the microflora of the vagina. If lactic acid bacteria are located in the microflora in large numbers, then protection is at a high level. This means that the incubation period will be long. In the case of the predominance of coccal microflora, the period is reduced.

It is also worth considering the number of pathogenic microorganisms introduced into the body. If there are few of them (in the case of single individuals), the duration of the incubation period increases. If a large number of pathogenic microorganisms have entered the mucous membrane of the genital organs, then the acute stage of the disease will come faster. Therefore, the incubation period will be shortened.

The incubation period of Trichomonas is rather vague and ambiguous. On average, it varies from 2 days to 2 months. The risk of transmitting the pathogen to a partner during this period is at a high level.

Many patients are interested in the question: can trichomoniasis appear in a few years?

In men, the disease may not make itself felt for years - it can proceed in a latent form. The clinical picture can manifest itself only a few years after infection. This situation occurs against the background of an exacerbation of extragenital pathology, the addition of another sexual infection, and a decrease in immunity.

This sexually transmitted disease differs from others in the absence of any clinical manifestations. During the incubation period, it is not even possible to determine the presence of Trichomonas by laboratory methods.

It is possible to suspect trichomoniasis on visible and palpable symptoms only in the case of active development of bacteria. And this means that the incubation period has already ended, the disease itself has manifested itself.

The consequence of the asymptomatic pathology is that the infection has become the most common among mankind. Among people who have been screened for Trichomonas, 80% are infected. However, the value is rather conditional, since there is no data on which of the subjects had an incubation period at the time of testing. Most likely, the figure would be even higher.

In case of suspicion of trichomoniasis, doctors recommend not to waste time and take tests on the 5th day after intimacy with a suspected infected person. Upon receipt of a negative result, the analysis is submitted within the time specified by the doctor. As a rule, the biomaterial is given again after 10 days, then after 20-25 days. Early diagnosis help in a short period of time to cope with the disease and prevent mass infection.

The end of the incubation period of trichomoniasis is indicated by the appearance of various symptoms of the disease. With a latent course, signs of pathology may not appear for a longer time.

In the absence of timely adequate therapy, the disease leads to a flow from an acute form to a chronic one. Representatives of both sexes can act as carriers of the infection.

Carriage occurs in a latent form, often without symptoms or occasional sparse manifestations. However, it is dangerous, both for the health of the carrier itself and for sexual partners.

Infection, provoked by Trichomonas in women and men is expressed differently.

Pathology is more pronounced and vivid than in men. Therefore, the first clinical findings may occur within a few days after infection.

  • discharge with an unpleasant odor that foams;
  • pain and discomfort after intimacy;
  • false urge to urinate;
  • uncomfortable urination;
  • swelling, hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • cephalgia (headaches).

In addition, the ability to work and sexual desire are reduced. With prolonged leakage, a woman experiences a violation of the microflora of the vagina, which is fraught with dysbacteriosis.

Symptoms in men are often secretive and do not manifest themselves for a long time. As a rule, the presence of pathology becomes noticeable in the case of complications. If a man suffers from prostatitis, he may not distinguish the signs at all. Trichomoniasis is taken by him as an exacerbation of the existing pathology.

In the process of spreading the infection, there are cutting pains during urination, false urges, and there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Trichomoniasis in men in the acute phase is accompanied by pulling pain in the genital area, foamy discharge from the urethra is possible. In addition, there is pain, burning, discomfort after intimacy, erection is significantly reduced.

Visual inspection makes it possible to notice the deformation of the tissues of the urethra and the concentration of secretions. Without starting treatment on time, trichomonas rises - after the urethra inflammation of the bladder occurs, and from it it reaches the kidneys through the ureters.

Often the male body is a carrier of Trichomonas. It is men who are the main carriers of the infection.

Accurate diagnosis is very important in trichomoniasis, since the symptoms that appear can be confused with the clinical picture of other sexually transmitted diseases. As a result of the fact that acute symptoms often worries women, they often go to the doctor than men and examine them. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination: history taking, visual examination, laboratory tests.

Due to the visual similarity with other pathologies, the main diagnostic method is a laboratory study.

The main goals of diagnostic measures are the detection of pathological microorganisms, the determination of their number, and the detection of sensitivity to antibiotics.

  • microscopic method. Allows you to detect Trichomonas in the genital tract. A smear from the vagina or urethra is examined. It is considered the fastest method, because after a few minutes it allows you to get the result. After taking the biomaterial, the study occurs immediately because Trichomonas can throw off the flagella and it is difficult to distinguish it from other bacteria. For better identification of microorganisms, smears are pre-stained.
  • Cultivation of Trichomonas. Allows you to determine the quantitative indicator of pathogenic bacteria, as well as to identify their sensitivity to antibiotics, which is of great importance in the treatment. Based on the data, the venereologist is able to prescribe the most effective therapy. It is carried out by sowing smears from the vagina or urethra on nutrient media. The patient receives the results of the analysis in 5-7 days.
  • PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). It is a highly accurate and very expensive way to detect Trichomonas. DNA of pathogenic microorganisms is isolated from scrapings of the vagina or urethra. The result is known the next day.

Important! Only the PCR technique guarantees a 100% correct result. Effective even in cases where the disease is asymptomatic.

5 days before the test, you must follow some rules: refrain from intimacy; stop taking any medications (even local use). Also, until the biomaterial is taken, it is not recommended to urinate for 3 hours.

The main principle of successful treatment of venereal disease is the simultaneous completion of the course by both sexual partners.

The treatment of a couple is carried out by a venereologist, or, for women, by a gynecologist, and for men, by a urologist. The average course of treatment is 5-10 days.

The treatment period must be accompanied by the following conditions:

  • exclusion of sexual contacts;
  • compliance with daily hygiene (wash with antiseptics, herbs or baby soap);
  • daily change of underwear;
  • use of personal hygiene products (soap, washcloth, towel);
  • complete rejection of alcoholic beverages (from beer too);
  • taking medication as prescribed by a doctor.

If concomitant sexually transmitted diseases are detected, parallel treatment is mandatory.

Medical therapy carried out by prescribing antitrichomonas drugs. The most effective in the fight against Trichomonas are imidazole derivatives - metronidazole, tinidazole, miconazole, clotrimazole and others. They can be applied topically in the form of ointments, creams, suppositories and orally - tablets. In order to obtain a more effective and lasting result, the attending physician may prescribe enzymes and multivitamin complexes.

For the treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy, such drugs, due to their ability to penetrate the placenta, are prescribed only from the second trimester. There are short courses in the hospital. In the first trimester, only daily lubrication of the vagina with a potassium solution is allowed.

In mixed infections, Cleon-D, containing equal parts of metronidazole and miconazole, proved to be the most effective.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the therapy is carried out by means of delivery of biomaterial for laboratory research. The criterion for cure is repeated negative results (at least 3) within two months after treatment.

Trichomoniasis in the vast majority of cases is transmitted sexually. That is why it is necessary to adhere to the purity of sexual relations. It is best if there is one permanent partner. A condom can protect against transmission of infection.

Women should undergo gynecological control once a year. If you experience the slightest suspicious symptoms from the genitourinary system, you should visit a doctor.

The incubation period for trichomoniasis is ambiguous, it does not have a specific time frame. However, it carries the risk of spreading the disease and the risk of complications.

Based on materials venerbol.ru

Often a doctor can hear from his patient the question of what kind of disease this is - trichomoniasis. This is a sexually transmitted disease or, as it is also called, an STD caused by a microorganism. Often this sexual infection is combined with others. Neither men nor women are immune from the occurrence.

Patients are interested in how a sexually transmitted disease manifests itself and whether it differs somehow from other STIs. Is there a chronic type of the disease, and why is it dangerous?

  • Causes of the disease
  • How does the infection manifest itself?
  • Types of Trichomonas
    • Difference from other diseases
  • Methods of treatment
  • What drugs are being treated
  • Analysis for trichomoniasis
  • The consequences of the disease
  • Reviews
  • Cost of treatment

Many are wondering how you can get a disease, and what are the main causes of its occurrence. The causative agent prefers to infect the mucous membranes accessible to it. Ways of transmission to them can be different:

Where does trichomoniasis come from, people are interested. Everything is very simple: there is a Trichomonas bacterium, the infection of which explains the pathogenesis of the disease.

What causes trichomoniasis, patients ask. Basically, the basis of infection is a decrease in immunity, which can lead to:

  • the period of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • the appearance of symptoms during a period of hormonal changes;
  • menstruation during which a woman has unprotected sex;
  • ignoring hygiene measures.

How the infection is transmitted depends largely on the characteristics of the body. Some are more likely to become infected by household means, while others are sexually transmitted. The second way plays a role more often.

Is it possible to determine who infected whom and how to do it on purpose, patients are interested. Basically, without finding out the anamnesis, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question. Men are the most common source of infection. They develop the disease in mild form. But women have frequent discharge and their specific smell, as soon as they manage to get sick.

The incubation period usually ranges from several weeks to 2-2.5 months. The disease may be hidden. And then the symptoms in a woman or a man may appear even not earlier than in a few years. In this case, a provoking factor will be a decrease in immunity. How many days the first signs appear depends on immunity and other factors. individual features organism.

It is important to keep in mind that men have Trichomonas carriers. But the women get sick. Complaints are usually the following:

  • there is always a discharge that is distinguished by a frothy structure and a fetid odor, a similar nature of leucorrhoea is a pathognomonic sign;
  • how the genital area looks depends on the severity of the disease, but you can often notice local signs of irritation, such as swelling, redness;
  • various erosions and ulcers may appear on the mucosa;
  • many complain of soreness in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse.

It is important to keep in mind that rashes for this disease are almost not characteristic, excluding erosion and ulcers. Which may not be noticeable when examining the external genitalia. Symptoms in men manifest as urethritis in most cases.

Can trichomoniasis affect the prostate, patients are interested? Yes, this is possible, especially if the treatment is not carried out at all or the patient does not follow medical recommendations. An intestinal variant of the disease is also possible. The day on which the symptoms appear, as in the case of the sexual type, depends on the immune system.

There is a separate classification of Trichomonas, which are the culprits of the disease. First of all, it is important to understand that Trichomonas is the simplest. This means that it is able not only to move, but also to live outside the host organism for at least some time.

In total, doctors distinguish three types of protozoa. Which can settle in the patient's body, causing various negative consequences. Among them:

Here's what's important to keep in mind. Symptoms of any type of disease, including the urogenital type of infection, can only appear with a decrease in immunity.

Many people ask their doctors about the difference between trichomoniasis and other STDs.

And not one and the same whether he and gonorrhea, or he and chlamydia?

The first thing to remember is that trichomoniasis is caused by Trichomonas.

A specific sign of this pathology is abundant green discharge and a foamy structure.

Tripper or gonorrhea have a clear difference. They are not characterized by frothy abundant discharge. Moreover, many women carry gonorrhea secretly, in a latent form. But a man can suffer from orchitis and other similar complications.

How to determine whether chlamydia or trichomoniasis bothers the patient, people ask. Here differentiation is more difficult.

Whites during infection with chlamydia can also be yellowish or greenish, and also have a bright unpleasant odor. But the foamy character will no longer be. Thrush is easily separated from trichomoniasis. With her, there is practically no pain. And whites with the development of thrush often have a thick consistency. And they differ in light color (white or light yellow).

Often patients ask about which doctor deals with trichomoniasis. And what to do if there are signs of this disease. It is worth contacting a dermatovenereologist or gynecologist.

Since only these specialists can decide how to cure the disease. In both men and women, the disease can cause a number of serious complications. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave it unattended. How long the therapy will take depends largely on how early the patient went to the doctor. So, for example, effective treatment of a chronic type of disease can take several months. In this case, the regimen for taking drugs for each patient will be selected individually.

Whether the disease is treated at all, patients are interested and, if so, whether trichomoniasis can go away on its own. It is important to understand that Trichomonas is not an opportunistic microflora, unlike the same mycoplasma or ureaplasma.

Treatment should always be carried out, as without treatment, the disease will lead to complications. How many days the therapy will last depends on the general condition of the patient, his individual characteristics. You can get rid of the disease forever only with the help of antibiotics. Which many patients try to refuse because of fear of drugs. It is recommended to let the doctor decide which treatment option to apply. If the doctor treats correctly, the disease will go away and never return.

Many patients ask themselves which treatment regimen is the most effective. And what drugs can be used to get rid of the disease. For the treatment to be successful, you will have to use antibiotics. In most cases, with this infection, the course includes one antibacterial drug. But if there is no effectiveness of treatment, it is possible to use combinations of several drugs at the same time.

Antibacterial agents

Antibiotics are the main means of treatment. Without them, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged therapy. The following drugs are used:

  • Trichopol - a drug in the composition with metronidazole, which is considered especially effective against Trichomonas;
  • Azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic, usually used twice a day for 7-10 days;
  • Maksavin is a fluoroquinolone drug that can be used in the treatment of trichomoniasis;
  • Maksmiror - nitrofuran antibiotic, used at 300-400 mg per day;
  • Biseptol is a combined antibiotic that has an effective effect on Trichomonas;
  • Doxycilin is a broad-spectrum agent that also acts on the simplest microorganisms;
  • Monural is a remedy recommended for cystitis and urethritis, as an effective remedy, etc.

Additionally, Amoxicillin, Furagin, Vilprafen can be used. And other drugs that are active against Trichomonas. Only a doctor should decide which antibiotics and how to take them. The most effective drug cannot be singled out, since each patient will have an individual sensitivity to therapy.

Antiprotozoal Therapy

Tablets may have antiprotozoal activity. In this case, they will act not so much on bacteria as on protozoa. Which include the causative agent of trichomoniasis. You can drink them, as in the case of antibiotics, only after consulting a doctor to treat the disease. The most commonly used antiprotozoal agents are:

A doctor's recommendation is always needed to take these drugs. The specialist will select the appropriate dose and give recommendations regarding the duration of use.

Local treatment and aids

Trichomoniasis treatment does not end with the use of antibiotics. Patients are advised to use vaginal suppositories, douching for local treatment of problem areas. Candles are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the characteristics of the disease. For washing, you can use Chlorhexidine, Miramistin and other similar drugs. Some perform a vinegar wash, but doctors do not recommend using this remedy. Vinegar can provoke a negative reaction from the mucous membranes, exacerbating irritation even more. Some medical workers additionally recommend the use of enzyme preparations.

Such, for example, as Longidaza. These drugs improve the condition of the mucous membranes, activate the normal functioning of local immunity. Additionally, it is recommended to use drugs that can activate the body's immune defenses. Immunostimulants allow the body to quickly cope with the infectious process.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Many patients are wondering what this disease can be dangerous for pregnant women. In fact, the disease is considered dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. You need to be careful because:

  • due to the action of microorganisms, the development of premature birth is possible, in which the weight of the child may even be less than 2 kg;
  • many women experience postpartum endometritis, which develops with trichomoniasis much more often;
  • trichomonas are able to penetrate the baby's body while he is walking through the birth canal of a woman, which will negatively affect his hearing, eyes, as well as other organs and body systems;
  • in some cases, too severe a disease can provoke a miscarriage or lead to the birth of a child already dead;
  • the infection contributes to the formation of cervical cancer during pregnancy, which is why it is necessary to fight the pathology.

It is also important to remember that trichomoniasis can lead to infertility. In this case, the woman will not even be able to conceive a child. It also affects the reproductive function of men negatively.

Many are interested in the question of how long after the infection has occurred, you need to take tests. And what methods of laboratory diagnostics will be effective. Laboratory diagnostics becomes effective after the incubation period has passed.

Therefore, a blood, smear, urine test will be effective after 2-2.5 weeks from the moment of infection. In some cases, the incubation period is extended. The main research methods are PCR and smear. With the help of PCR, you can get results even if there are a negligible number of pathogens in the body.

A smear gives not so reliable results, but is still mandatory. How many days this or that analysis is done depends on the laboratory. On average, PCR takes about three days to complete. If the smear is planned to be cultured, the study can take up to several weeks. Microorganisms must grow on a nutrient medium. Additionally, if an infection is suspected, it is recommended to perform a rapid test. This tool will allow you to quickly identify the disease, but you still cannot trust it 100%.

Many patients wonder how dangerous trichomoniasis is for different patients. The disease causes a number of serious complications. The most terrible of them:

If left untreated, complications develop quite quickly, and it is difficult to deal with them.

It is important to keep in mind that until the underlying disease is cured, it will not be possible to get rid of the complication. After complications, both women and men may have problems with infertility. Infertility can be both temporary and become permanent with severe damage to the reproductive system.

Often patients are interested in reviews on treatment with a particular drug. For example, how effective Ornidazole will be, and whether Tiberal or another remedy should be used instead.

Patients are advised to read the reviews, but still not trust them too much. The body of each patient is purely individual. For someone, Trichopolum will be an excellent remedy, while someone will prefer to use Macmirror or Tinidazole. It should be remembered that it is recommended to perform a culture before prescribing antibiotics. By which the sensitivity of the microorganism to the drugs will be determined. Each person's culture may show different results. Therefore, you should not try to choose antibiotics on your own, even if the reviews on them are excellent.

How much can trichomoniasis therapy cost if a diagnosis has been made and the patient is ready to start therapy. The cost of treating trichomoniasis varies depending on the prescribed drugs and the characteristics of the clinic where the patient will be treated. The price consists of contacting a paid or free clinic, recommended tests, purchases medicines. The price of drugs varies on average from 100 rubles to 800-900 rubles, depending on the antibiotic. It is also necessary to take into account that medicines for local treatment will also have to be bought. And their cost should be included in the final price of treatment.

Trichomoniasis is a complex, dangerous disease for the patient. It must be borne in mind that its complications can lead to disruption of the reproductive system. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment. If the patient carefully follows the doctor's recommendations for therapy, then he will be able to cope with the disease quite quickly. The main thing is not to delay the appeal to the doctor!

According to onvenerolog.ru

Venereal disease trichomoniasis is not always well known. However, doctors classify it as one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Thus, more than 3 million new cases are registered annually in the United States.

The causative agents of infection are neither bacteria nor viruses, but belong to the category of protozoan flagellates. In this case, they are often combined with other pathogenic microorganisms. Usually with gonococci, chlamydia, candida, mycoplasma.

In women, the vagina is most commonly affected, and in men, the urethra. This feature means that trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease with sexual transmission. There are several types of Trichomonas:

  • Trichomonas tenax (elongata) live in the oral cavity, carious teeth.
  • Trichomonas hominis (abdominalis) are found in the intestines.
  • Trichomonas vaginalis is the only pathogenic member of the family that can cause genital infections in men and women.

Clinically, trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is an infectious process. This sexually transmitted disease is characterized by a number of features:

  • High infectivity. On the surface of T. vaginalis there are special receptors that bind it to the epithelial cell in a few minutes.
  • significant virulence. Trichomonas destroy red blood cells, reduce the activity of tissue immunity.
  • Resistance to the immune response: killer macrophages cannot cope with the pathogen and die, provoking a subacute inflammatory process.
  • Tendency to be chronic.

Trichomoniasis is characterized by a high frequency of chronicity.

Clinical manifestations are often mild or absent.

Causes of the disease

The only way you can get trichomoniasis is to get pathogens from an asymptomatic carrier or a sick person. In almost 99.9% of cases, infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact.

So it's not a problem to guess how to specifically get infected with trichomoniasis. Trichomonas are found in semen, prostate juice, vaginal discharge. In saliva, pathogenic Trichomonas vaginalis is not detected. For the onset of the disease, a minute contact of the mucous membranes of the genital organs of a man and a woman is sufficient. Even without ejaculation. So it is the sexual transmission of trichomoniasis that is considered clinically significant. Therefore, in boys, virgins and women in menopause, the disease almost never occurs.

The pathogenesis of trichomoniasis is well understood. Once on the epithelium of the urethra or vagina, microbes "stick" to the cell, release pseudopodia. And with their help, they begin to suck out the substances they need from it. To get iron, they absorb red blood cells and phagocytize them. As a result, the cells weaken, become susceptible to other infections. Appearance bad smell with trichomoniasis, it indicates the addition of third-party flora (gardnerella, candida and other microbes).

Outside the human body, they quickly dry out, so infection by household means is rare. However, there is a possibility of infection transmission through objects and surfaces contaminated with a large number of microbes:

So in a public bath or sauna, you must use only personal hygiene products.

This begs the question, is it possible to get sick when swimming in one body of water (pool, pond, river). Such routes of transmission are rejected by medicine. Also, doctors exclude the possibility of developing trichomoniasis outside the genital organs, even in people with immunodeficiencies. As isolated cases, lesions of the skin of the genital organs in men and women are described. That is, the probability of catching trichomoniasis during oral sex or through a kiss is quite low. But in order for the infection to become very widespread, saliva is not needed: the sexual route is also enough. The highest chance of getting sick in people who have an active sex life. At risk:

  • Women and men 16-39 years old.
  • Sex workers.
  • People who are not too selective in choosing sexual partners.
  • Neglecting the means of barrier contraception.
  • Avoiding periodic medical examinations.

The problem is that inflammation in trichomoniasis is invisible. A person can be infected for several years without even knowing it. Accordingly, his sexual partners get sick. And when symptoms appear, they cannot understand how this happened, where trichomoniasis comes from. In a sexually active couple, it is generally impossible to determine who infected whom first. The only exception is sex with a virgin. If, after the first contact, a woman develops trichomoniasis, then the question of the source of the infection is not worth it. We already know where the disease comes from and how the disease is transmitted.

How does trichomoniasis manifest?

Unfortunately, clinical picture does not allow to accurately establish the presence of Trichomonas inflammation. That and insidious trichomoniasis: symptoms diseases are not specific.

In sick people, there are simply signs of some kind of infectious process from the genital organs. The first symptoms occur in different people v different time, the average duration of the incubation period is 5-7 days with fluctuations from 3 to 14 days. Then there are three options for the flow of the process:
  • Acute with severe symptoms.
  • Chronic, manifestations are weak.
  • Asymptomatic carrier.

In men, the urethra is affected first, and signs of anterior urethritis occur:

  • Itching and burning in the region of the head.
  • Increased discomfort at the beginning of urination.
  • Scanty discharge from the urethra, like a morning drop.
  • Discomfort during ejaculation.
  • The back of the urethra is affected, the burning sensation does not subside throughout the entire act of urination.
  • Prostate. Prostatitis can be manifested by pain in the perineum, a violation of the outflow of urine.
  • seminal vesicles. Inflammation is accompanied by pain during ejaculation.
  • Testicular appendages. Pain and swelling in the scrotum.
  • Bladder. There are signs of cystitis.

In 60-70% of men, the process does not manifest itself at all or proceeds with sluggish symptoms. As for women, they are primarily affected by the mucous membrane of the vagina. The day on which symptoms appear depends on the severity of the infection. After the end of the incubation period, vaginitis appears:

  • Itching and burning in the vagina.
  • Scanty discharge. At first, the nature of the whites is mucous, but soon they can become purulent, plentiful.
  • When attaching another flora, an unpleasant odor appears.

Abundant leucorrhea leads to maceration of the skin and causes rashes in the groin and perineum. After a few days, due to their mobility, pathogens spread to the cervix, cervical canal, endometrium, glands of the vestibule of the vagina and the female urethra. And from there to the bladder. With anal sex, intestinal trichomoniasis cannot be ruled out.

  • Urges "in a big way" become more frequent.
  • Cal is liquid, unformed.
  • Pain and discomfort in the anus.
  • An admixture of mucus and blood in the stool.

Whether chronic or asymptomatic trichomoniasis can appear in a few years is difficult to answer. Probably, with a decrease in immunity, this option cannot be excluded.

Types of Trichomonas

We have already mentioned above that vaginal trichomoniasis can be caused by only one type of microorganism. This is T. vaginalis or Trichomonas vaginalis.

Only these pathogens have a tropism for the epithelium of the vagina, urethra, or other organs of the human genitourinary system.

No other pathogens to cause urogenital trichomoniasis are not capable. If symptoms of inflammation appear in the intestines or in the mouth and trichomonas are found during examination, their belonging to T. vaginalis is doubtful. The oral cavity is contaminated with Trichomonas tenax (elongata), intestinal microbe - Trichomonas tenax (elongata). Both of these microorganisms are not pathogenic and do not lead to disease even in conditions of severe weakening of the immune system.

Difference from other diseases

In clinical practice, special forms of trichomoniasis or, which is the same thing, trichomoniasis present serious difficulties. These are combined and mixed lesions.

Combined trichomonas infection involves the simultaneous defeat of several organs. In the second case, they mean mixed Trichomonas with other pathogenic microorganisms:

  • Gonorrhea (very common).
  • Chlamydia.
  • Candida.
  • Gardnerella.

Each of the pathogens is capable of causing urethritis and/or vaginitis, and the treatment required is different. Therefore, the problem of how to determine the type of infection is of great clinical importance.

Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is a frequent companion of trichomoniasis, but not the same thing. Mixed is very common because Trichomonas can ingest gonococci and then release them. Because of this feature, the suspicion of gonorrhea always requires examination for trichomoniasis.

Outwardly distinguish sharp forms these infections is impossible. The next frequent mixed is trichomoniasis and chlamydia.

Gardnerella is a common cause of odor rotten fish". This symptom is sometimes attributed to trichomonas or chlamydia. But in fact, these pathogens weaken tissue immunity, which is what gardnerella use.

Methods of treatment

Answering the question of how to cure trichomoniasis is both simple and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, there are not so many drugs that are effective against pathogens. Because of this, the treatment regimen seems simple. On the other hand, such a superficial approach does not take into account the peculiarities of the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis, frequent mixes with gonorrhea, chlamydia. Such errors sometimes make you wonder if the disease is completely cured? Yes, it is being treated.

But the only sure way to cure trichomoniasis forever is to contact a qualified urologist or venereologist. This doctor treats trichomoniasis in both men and women.

Only a specialist knows how to treat the disease, and which scheme will be most effective. He will also tell you how many days trichomoniasis is treated and what to do so that the infection does not return. It will determine which, how long and in what doses to take medications for the complete destruction of Trichomonas and associated pathogenic flora.

Without medical assistance, without adequate treatment, trichomoniasis can never pass by itself. And the spontaneous disappearance of symptoms is not a victory for immunity, but the transition of the infection into a chronic form.

What drugs are being treated

Treatment of trichomoniasis is drug-induced, it is implemented in two directions: local and systemic. In the first case, vaginal suppositories, tablets with antitrichomonas components are used. In the second, drugs for treatment are taken orally or parenterally.

Only simultaneous treatment of both spouses or sexual partners will be effective. As the main drugs for trichomoniasis, nitroimidazole derivatives are used: trichopol (metronidazole), tinidazole (fasigin), ornidazole, imidazole. Conventional antibiotics are not effective.

Treatment of simple monoinfection

Early detection allows you to limit yourself to metronidazole. This is a good drug, available in the form of tablets, solutions for intravenous infusion, vaginal suppositories for local treatment. There are several schemes for taking metronidazole or Trichopolum:

  • Once in the amount of 2-2.4 grams.
  • 500 mg 2 times a day for 5 days.
  • Individual course.

Alternative schemes are:

  • Ornidazole or tinidazole 500 mg twice a day for 5 days.
  • Ornidazole once 1-1.5 g.
  • Tinidazole 1.5-2.0 g once.

It has been proven that the best effect is guaranteed by such schemes, which involve taking medications for several days.

The high frequency of advanced cases does not allow prescribing simple circuits to all patients. In the presence of complicated and common forms, apply:

  • Metronidazole 500 mg orally three times a day for 7 days.
  • Metronidazole orally 2.0 g once a day for 5 days.
  • Ornidazole 500 mg twice a day for 5 days.
  • Tinidazole 2 grams once a day for 3 days.

It is necessary to drink tablets from trichomoniasis strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Since the uncontrolled intake of these drugs sometimes has a toxic effect.

There are difficult cases when effective initiation of treatment requires intravenous infusions of drugs from the nitroimidazole group. The development of scars and adhesions is an indication for the appointment of enzyme preparations (longidase, lidase).

Treatment of mixed infection

Antitrichomonas drugs are enhanced by antibiotics and other drugs in the presence of concomitant pathogenic flora:

  • Macrolides - azithromycin, josamycin (Vilprafen). Effective against chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, syphilis.
  • Fluoroquinolones - lomefloxacin (Maksakvin). Shown for gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasma.
  • Tetracyclines - doxycycline. Destroys chlamydia, gonococci, pale treponema.
  • Sulfonamides - biseptol. They are often resistant to microbes.
  • Penicillins - amoxicillin. Useful for syphilis.
  • Uroseptics - nifuratel (Macmirror). They are prescribed for gardnerellosis, chlamydia, mycoplasma, candidiasis and trichomoniasis.
  • Monural (fosfomycin) is effective for non-specific infections.

The only universal remedy is Macmirror.

In addition to the antibacterial and antifungal action, this remedy simultaneously destroys Trichomonas. It does not affect lactobacilli. How to take medication - you need to discuss with your doctor. The dose often depends on body weight, and everyone has contraindications.

Local treatment

Does not allow to eliminate Trichomonas from the internal genital organs. Therefore, local therapy must be combined with systemic drugs. For local treatment of trichomoniasis, creams, suppositories, vaginal tablets and douches in women are used. For men - instillation of solutions into the urethra.

  • Complex means, for example - Terzhinan with ternidazole, neomycin, nystatin and hormone.
  • Uroseptics - furagin.
  • Antiseptics - chlorhexidine.

Any attempts at self-treatment, for example, douching with vinegar, will only increase the irritating effect of microbes and aggravate the course of the disease.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Many cases of trichomoniasis are detected when registering with pregnancy. For the fetus, the infection is dangerous by malnutrition, impaired maturation of the placenta, and early rupture of the amniotic sac. Developmental anomalies are very rare, but treatment should be carried out at any stage of pregnancy.

A typical scheme for the eradication of trichomonas in pregnant women is metronidazole 2.0 orally once. It is necessary to be examined in preparation for conception: doctors categorically do not recommend getting pregnant with untreated trichomoniasis. But after a course of therapy, conception and gestation proceed without problems.

Analysis for trichomoniasis

An analysis for trichomoniasis must be taken when the first complaints appear. And sometimes - even a few days after unprotected sex. Laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis is based on tests:

  • Urine.
  • A smear from the urethra.
  • Finger blood.

Methods for detecting trichomoniasis include:

  • Microscopy of urine tests, smear.
  • Sowing a smear on nutrient media.
  • PCR of blood or smear material.

Re-testing is necessary at the end of the course of therapy to confirm recovery.

PCR diagnostics is now the gold standard: the analysis is done in one day and gives 99.9% accuracy.

An express blood drop test is suitable for a screening examination. But its positive result still needs to be rechecked.

The consequences of the disease

The main thing that trichomoniasis is dangerous for is the development of adhesive processes in the genitals after several years of carriage. Such complications can make a person infertile. If a pregnant woman is sick and gives birth, it is terribly dangerous for the fetus. Since he may die, or be hypotrophic, or be born with congenital trichomoniasis.

On the treatment of trichomoniasis, you can find different reviews. Negative ones are left by those who have not achieved success. But if you start taking the right remedy in time, recovery will definitely come. If metronidazole is ineffective, it is changed to ornidazole (tiberal) or tinidazole.

Good feedback remain after taking the universal drug Macmirora.

Tolerability of drugs is individual. Therefore, if they are chosen correctly, then both the effect and the reviews on the treatment of trichomoniasis will be positive.

Cost of treatment

A common mistake is trying to save money on examinations and treatment. To minimize the cost of the course, you can discuss with your doctor the possibility of replacing an expensive drug with an analogue. Also reduce the cost of therapy for trichomoniasis can reduce the scheme. But they should be used only in cooperation with a specialist. And, of course, the sooner you start therapy, the lower the price of treatment.

Based on materials from intimnyjotvet.ru