Constant overeating how to deal with. How to deal with gluttony. Winning tips. Learn more about our weight loss programs

“Well, I overate again,” we once again reproach ourselves for incontinence in food. And how can you resist when there are so many tasty things around! All is nothing if physical condition this bad habit was not reflected. Yes, yes, do not be surprised: overeating is also a destructive activity akin to smoking. Today we will talk about how to control your appetite. First, let's look at the causes of overeating.

To visualize, we suggest folding your palms in a boat and leaning against each other. Now let's remember how much food gets into it during the day. Impressive? We don't need much to sustain life, and we are happy to fill our bellies. Fortunately, the body has a muscular structure and can stretch. Why do we overeat? Paradoxically, there can be many reasons: a spontaneous desire to have a bite, a craving to "seize" life's problems (boredom, anxiety, fear, and sometimes even joy), self-indulgence, pity for one's own person ... By the way, none of the reasons to fill the stomach is has nothing to do with real hunger and almost always causes a feeling of guilt for eating.

Consider whether the following points are typical for you:

portions of food are eaten quickly;
you eat even if you are already full;
it seems to you that you are always hungry;
even if you are full, you still eat everything from the plate to the crumbs, even if you realize that it is already superfluous;
there is a tendency to "biting", you constantly chew something.

In the case of at least one affirmative answer, it's time to take action. We are happy to offer our help in the form of effective advice:

When you hit another “hungry” desire, ask if you are ready to eat, say, carrots. When you will be happy to “throw” at least something into yourself, then you can safely go to the kitchen. If a serving of vegetables or some fruit seems unattractive, you are possessed by a false sense of hunger;

An obsessive desire to snack may be due to malnutrition. For example, your main diet is fatty, fried, stuffed with “chemistry” foods. Or maybe you abuse spices or drink water with food? It is not surprising that we constantly want to eat: such food is “dummy” for us;

Listen to your body. Often cravings for certain foods are associated with health problems. So, an exorbitant love for sweets and cakes can be the result of a lack of chromium, for muffins - a deficiency of B vitamins, for chocolate - hypoglycemia, etc. If so, you can't do without help. Just do not need to overeat sweets or rolls: choose a healthy alternative (honey, cereals, whole grain bread or a vitamin complex);

Scientists say: in 99 cases out of 100 it is associated with psychological problems. The desire to throw food into the stomach will not leave if we do not understand clearly what is bothering us. Even if you are aware that you are nervous, it is not enough. But the wording "I was upset because of ..." or "I eat because I'm bored ..." can shed light on the true alignment of affairs;

The best diet is fractional, when you eat food in small portions 6 times a day. If hunger torments you in your free time, snack on the right foods. Among them - a serving of vegetables, fruits, nuts, a glass of juice or herbal tea, yogurt;

"balance" with soothing drinks. Even at work, you can take herbal tea, which will help you not to “heat up” in emotional moments and prevent overeating. Noble healers will help you - lemon balm, mint, chamomile, valerian, motherwort;

Follow simple food rules. So, you should not eat “for company”, have a snack with fast food, read or watch TV along with a meal, reward yourself with tasty treats for the work done, sit down at the table with a “wolf” feeling of hunger.

Do not forget to drink water in small sips during the day: we often mistake thirst for hunger. To test yourself, feel hungry, drink 1-2 glasses of clean water - if the desire to eat does not disappear after 10-15 minutes, then you can refresh yourself;

Fill your life with emotions. A new activity, a hobby to your liking will help you escape from the obsessive desire to chew something. For example, start drawing, embroider, run, get out into nature ... By the way, being outdoors, and even coupled with physical activity wonderfully put the brains in place.

In fact, avoiding overeating is not so difficult, especially if you hit on several fronts at once. Take care of your health and mental state,

Each person experiences a feeling of hunger when nutrients are not supplied to the body for a long time. This physiological feature is considered quite natural. However, there is a category of people with increased and constant appetite. In this case, hunger is always present, regardless of the amount of food received. From here gluttony develops and, as a result, problems with excess weight begin.

Reasons for overeating

  1. Diet effects. Many girls drive themselves into the framework, wanting to get rid of excess body weight. They are fond of diets, limiting the body to the right carbs, proteins and complex fats. In the process of losing weight, the body begins to react violently to changes, not agreeing with them. When the diet ends, mass zhor begins. The body seeks to make up for everything that it has not received for many months.
  2. Sleep deprivation. During a night's rest, leptin is produced - a substance responsible for the excitability of appetite. Due to lack of sleep, hormone production is significantly reduced, leading to a constant feeling of hunger. If lack of sleep develops into chronic form, marked gluttony begins.
  3. Violations of the psycho-emotional background. There are people who eat negative emotions. They literally do not leave the refrigerator, pressing on high-calorie foods. A similar feature affects women with mental disorders. The inability to deal with stress leads to the fact that food becomes a kind of psychologist. Even if you start meditating and put the emotional background in order, gluttony will not disappear anywhere.
  4. Lack of vitamins. In most cases, increased appetite develops during the cold season, when the body needs more food to warm up. main role plays vitamin B, which is found in carrots, meat, cereals and legumes, cereals, vegetables. Combined with a lack of amino acids and omega acids, hunger is constantly present. This leads to gluttony, which can be eliminated by normalizing the daily diet.

Overeating Symptoms

  • systematic overeating;
  • inability to control portion sizes;
  • frequent use of the supplement;
  • inability to catch the moment of saturation;
  • depression after a meal "to satiety".

Signs of overeating

  1. The amount of food eaten is out of control when you eat at a PC monitor, TV or music.
  2. A dish of food is always at hand and replenished as it is empty. A person constantly looks into the refrigerator to taste “something tasty”.
  3. If you do not eat while watching a series or movie, anxiety begins. The same applies to the inability to do mental work without a new portion of goodies.
  4. The glutton is characterized by nighttime snacks, so after 23.00 the refrigerator door begins to slam in the apartment. At the same time, I want to use the most forbidden fruit, for example, a cake.

To avoid constant overeating, it is necessary to follow an integrated approach. Let's talk about everything in order.

Don't Skip Breakfast

  1. Never skip your morning meal. Breakfast helps the body wake up and activates the metabolism. Start your awakening with a glass of cool water.
  2. About a third of an hour after rising, cook cottage cheese with berries or muesli. Some girls have porridge for breakfast, which is correct. Breakfast should be 40% of the total daily diet.

Normalize nutrition

  1. If you prefer to sweep food from all the shelves of the refrigerator, it's time to get rid of this habit. Make a five or six meals a day.
  2. In this case, you should get 3-4 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Eat strictly according to the clock so that the gastric juice is produced at a certain time of the day. The body itself will send a signal "It's time to eat!".
  3. Change the menu every week, eat varied. Pamper yourself with delicacies, do not give up sweets completely. If you really want to, you can eat a piece of yogurt cake or a handful of candied fruit in the morning.
  4. Be sure to include cheese, eggs, cottage cheese of any degree of fat content, and other milk in the diet. Also, the menu should contain meat, seafood, beans, cereals, fish, seasonal berries and fruits, vegetables.

Have a snack

  1. Never starve. Get in the habit of snacking on healthy foods before your main meals. If you can't eat well at work, carry food in containers.
  2. As a snack, it is good to eat an apple, banana or pear, grapefruit (burns fats). Fat-free yogurt or cottage cheese, red fish bread, dried fruits, nuts, sugar-free muesli bar are also suitable.

Eat desserts

  1. A person prone to gluttony regularly consumes sweets. They, in turn, help the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. If you remove chocolate and sweets from the diet, apathy will begin, efficiency will drop, and the general condition will worsen.
  2. If you want something tasty, use dark chocolate. Get into the habit of keeping it in the fridge at all times. Daily dose - no more than 30 gr. At the same time, you need to regale yourself in the morning.
  3. An alternative to chocolate is an apple covered in caramel. It is enough to dip the washed fruit into the composition and bake on the grill. Prepare casseroles from cottage cheese and berries (with sweetener or honey), eat dates in moderation.
  4. An alternative to sweets is ripe strawberries or a milkshake based on it, banana, grapes. Always have on hand a small portion of nuts that you can snack on every 4 hours (20 grams each).

Follow the drinking regime

  1. You can deceive the stomach with any liquid that you need to drink at the time of a raging appetite. At night, use kefir or low-fat fermented baked milk, pure water or herbal tea will also cope with the task.
  2. In the first month of the fight against gluttony, drink at least 2.8 liters. filtered water per day. When all signs disappear, reduce the amount to 2.4 liters.
  3. Get a juicer. Prepare fresh juice from carrots, cabbage, celery, strawberries, oranges and other citrus fruits, beets. Thus, you will overcome hunger and saturate the body with extremely useful minerals.

Sign up for a gym

  1. Physical activity suppresses hunger, so start exercising. Sign up for swimming, gymnastics, aerobics, or stretching. Start attending a dance school or boxing class.
  2. It is important to give training at least 4 days a week, while the duration of classes is usually 1.5-2 hours. In your free time from the gym, walk in the fresh air, run.
  3. If you can't buy a subscription, study at home. Bet with your friends that the press will be pumped up in 5 months. Set a goal and move towards it.
  4. Rope, hoop, squats with a barbell, lunges with dumbbells act as effective home workouts. Take video lessons.
  5. When the appetite again makes itself felt, lie down on the floor and start pumping the press. Do at least 3 sets of 20 reps, then stand up and evaluate the result. You will notice that you do not feel like eating at all.

Adhere to food hygiene

  1. If you are a glutton, do not accept an invitation from friends to sit in a pizzeria or other establishment of this kind. Otherwise, allow yourself only 1 slice of pizza. Find someone who will control you.
  2. In order not to overdo it with a portion, do not sit down to eat on an empty stomach. 20 minutes before a meal, fill it with a glass of kefir or water, a banana is also suitable.
  3. After eating, leave the table immediately, do not apply the supplement. Chew your food at least 30 times throughout your meal. Focus on the sensations, follow the movement of the tongue and jaw.

Always have breakfast, do not give up chocolate, go to proper nutrition. Do not eat in noisy environments. Never eat while watching TV or working on a PC. Do not turn off the light, such an atmosphere encourages overeating. Even the most ordinary bread will seem incredibly tasty.

Video: how to beat gluttony

Do you sometimes have a desire to eat one more candy or cutlet, and then another and another? How do you feel after that? Surely, after a while you feel heaviness in the stomach, bloating. And, besides, also reproach yourself for your incontinence.

Signs of overeating are experienced by many people, but often do not attach importance to them. Overeating is both self-pity and self-indulgence, as well as a variant of greed. Overeating is one of those bad habits that enslave a person, that is, a person cannot control the process of eating, does not control himself. It is manifested by heaviness in the stomach, loss of working capacity, drowsiness. The digestive process slows down and the stomach stretches too much. As a result, there is bloating, intoxication, a feeling of general discomfort.

With an excess of food, the body is poisoned, it cannot get rid of the processed residues in time, so the liver and kidneys are overstressed when they process these residues. Excess food rots in the intestines, forms putrefactive fluids that are excreted through the skin, respiratory tract, and intestines. When overeating, the acidity of the stomach and duodenum is disturbed.
Food hygiene involves interaction with useful product, and it depends not on quantity, but on quality. But when overeating, metabolic processes are constantly in tension, so our body is depressed and naughty. When overeating, he experiences an overload of the digestive organs, poisoning of the blood with decay products, a decrease in the mental and physical potential of the individual.

Fold your palms in a boat and lean them against each other - this is your stomach. Now remember what you eat during the day - can it all fit in your palms? The stomach has folds, and when it is stretched with food, they are smoothed out, that is, the stomach is stretched. At the same time, its blood supply is disrupted.

So, overeating is characterized by the following features:

- a person eats everything quickly;
- continues to eat, even when already full;
- eats a large amount of food;
- Feels hungry regardless of whether he ate or not;
- feels guilty after such a meal;
- Eats small pieces all the time.

Why does this obsessive desire arise?

The first reason is malnutrition. The use of fried, fatty and refined foods. Drinking water during or after meals. Since water, along with food, quickly leaves the stomach and at the same time useful substances are not absorbed. Eating too many spices as they whet the appetite.

The second reason is an unhealthy body. That is, he lacks minerals, vitamins, so the need for food increases. Therefore, watch your diet, perhaps the body lets you know about some of its desires. For example, an increased love for buns indicates a lack of B vitamins, and for chocolate - hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The body must be helped, but rationally. That is, do not eat a kilogram of sweets, but prefer honey, dried fruits. Instead of a cake, eat whole grain bread or porridge.

The third reason is psychological. Food distracts from sad thoughts, drowns out stressful conditions. If a person does not receive enough love, then he begins to increase his consumption of sweets, as the love center of the brain is fueled by sweets. Often people compensate for their unfulfillment by gluttony, a person has some abilities, but he himself does not believe in them too much and does not realize them. As a result, energy is accumulated in the body, which is fixed by food and increases body weight. Sometimes a person eats out of emotional dissatisfaction. Not intending to solve the problem that has arisen, he simply seizes it.

Psychologists believe that this compulsive eating behavior indicates secrecy, psychological and physical discomfort, and a long stay in a state of food insufficiency. People with this eating disorder experience low self-esteem, feel helpless because they cannot control what is happening. They are more likely to fall into depression, they have difficulty sleeping, a tendency to suicidal thoughts. Such cases of gluttony often come at a time of irritation, sadness, anger, excitement.

In addition, all of us in childhood were taught that you should not leave food on your plate, you must definitely eat up. These stereotypes also lead to overeating.

The less food entered the stomach at one time, the better it will do its job, and accordingly, the food will be absorbed more efficiently. It is known that the ancient Romans ate once a day and also went hungry once a week. And the ancient Greeks ate twice a day. The transition to three meals a day occurred as well-being increased. That is, the amount of food consumed depends on economic situation and not from the human need for food. But you need to eat food exactly when a person feels hungry, and not when sad, “for the company”, while watching a movie, or because it’s a holiday and everyone eats. All this leads to overeating.

And although the results of overeating are masked, in the end it is always dangerous for health and longevity. But moderation in food is the norm of our behavior, as well as an alternative to diets.
To become moderate in food, you must learn to feel your real desires.
So, first of all, you need to learn to distinguish psychological hunger from physical. Do not forget that with the help of food we simply restore the body's need for energy.
If a person eats because of physical hunger, then we can expect physical saturation, and if he seizes his emotions, then expect psychological peace. You need to feel the difference between these types of hunger.

So, do not eat during the day, you should feel when you are really hungry. Physical hunger is signals from the stomach, weakness, slight headache remember this feeling. Of course, this is already acute symptom, each time it is not at all necessary (and even harmful) to bring yourself to such a state. But you need to know it in order to compare it with the fact that you can distinguish between the capricious "I want" of your stomach and the real need for food.

Then you need to determine the saturation threshold - for this, eat on schedule, your hunger will get used to the regimen, while it is important to catch the feeling of satiety and not eat more food. Remember this feeling, and be guided by it in the future. Well, of course, do not forget that the satiety signal comes only after fifteen to thirty minutes, so eat slowly, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Then after a while you will feel full.

You can try to get rid of overeating on your own, or you can turn to specialists - psychologists, psychotherapists.

If you decide to deal with this problem yourself, then follow these rules
- drink water in small sips throughout the day;
- do not eat "for the company";
- eat slowly, chew everything thoroughly;
- avoid fast food;
- start eating only when you feel hungry;
- Concentrate on food, do not be distracted. Don't read, turn off the TV;
- eat only sitting;
- when you are tired or hungry, do not eat for the first fifteen minutes;
- do not turn food into a reward;
- eat in small pieces, enjoy the meal;
- Do not eat until full.
And also, if you feel that you want to eat again, get distracted - talk on the phone, watch a movie.

You can try slowing down your food intake. After every third bite, it is necessary to set aside the cutlery until the piece is swallowed, the pauses must be gradually lengthened. It is better to start lengthening them at the end of a meal.

Start your meal with a raw product, consume more honey, vegetables and fruits, nuts - energy food. If you feel very hungry, then divide the meal into two stages so that the interval between them is thirty minutes. After eating the first portion, wait, if the hunger has not gone, eat the rest.

Find something interesting for yourself, then the emotional sphere will be filled, and this will help you not to think about food all the time. For example, start running or join dance classes, knit, embroider, do yoga, draw, or just read books. Be sure to move more, walk in nature. Try to solve your problems, don't run away from them. Remember that food, no matter how delicious it is, will not help increase self-esteem or get rid of a problem. But if you get rid of this obsessive desire, you can actually praise yourself.

Love yourself, love your body. After all, you do not want to harm him, and overeating, as you can see, destroys our body. If you love him, you will use healthy food, in a small amount, only when you feel real hunger. Try it and you will see that you will feel great both physically and mentally.

(Photo: Lusoimages,

It happens that due to stress, a piece simply does not fit into your mouth and you get a persistent feeling of slight nausea. But, more often, on the contrary, the more you worry, the more you should eat. Eating becomes your companion. A little something wrong - an extra piece in the mouth. Yes, the feeling of guilt, of course, gnaws. But, there is simply no way to stop ... This is called compulsive overeating. A stressful change in food habits have become very common in modern society.

The origins of gluttony according to Z. Freud

Growing up, a person, according to Z. Freud, goes through certain stages. And the first was called by him "oral". A person establishes contact with the outside world “through the mouth”: this is how he receives food, confirms safety (when he screams and is resorted to). Therefore, the area of ​​the lips, tongue and mouth remains and in adults remains sensitive. Maybe that's why people like to kiss - so they also receive information about their need (almost like a baby). When we are excited, we are in search or we try to keep ourselves in place by an effort of will, we begin to bite our nails and bite the pen. So we drown out the body's signals of discomfort. This is how the mechanism of overeating works. Stress, problems, feelings of loneliness force us to put an extra piece in our mouths. Moreover, a person with stress gluttony cannot say what exactly he wants to eat. He sometimes does not feel the taste of the products themselves and chews badly.

In addition, the satiety center and the joy center are very close to each other in the brain. Therefore, when we refresh ourselves, everything around us is perceived more positively. But, with compulsive overeating, the hypothalamus does not transmit adequate signals that we already have enough food. The mechanism fails, and the mouth is again clogged with excess food.

So it turns out a vicious “vicious circle”: problems and personal dissatisfaction push us to overeat, and overeating causes even more problems and dissatisfaction.

How to recognize compulsive overeating?

Of course, we can only talk about the most common signs of such gluttony, but there may be unique options. In general, you should pay attention to:

  • desire to chew if upset, thinking about something, preoccupied, or feeling lonely;
  • you can’t single out what exactly you want to eat now, you just have a desire to stuff your mouth with something;
  • there is no saturation, the taste of what is eaten is poorly analyzed;
  • analysis of the amount of food consumed causes a feeling of guilt, and guilt makes you eat even more (although, at the same time, the real amount of food consumed is hidden in front of people);
  • childhood experience is full of compulsions about overeating (“you have to eat everything on your plates”, “don’t go to bed hungry, gypsies will dream”, etc.)

By the way, it is childhood patterns that often trigger the mechanism of overeating or make it habitual. Grandparents, who are left with their grandchildren, seem to care about only one thing - that they are fed. And diligently overfeed them, like "skin and bones came to visit." The fact that children will subsequently struggle with excess weight somehow does not occur to them. After all, earlier the need to be “in the body” was associated with excessive physical labor. To lift more weight, you must, accordingly, weigh more yourself. But, now the requirements are completely different and the excess of that very weight plays a cruel joke with its owner.

Most often, women "seize" their problems related to the personal sphere. And they create even more problems for themselves. Representatives of the stronger sex are more inclined in this way to deal with their professional lack of demand and often strive even to fully justify their lack of fulfillment. Although, the male body copes much better with “deposits”, so girls should be much more attentive to such a habit. It will be much more difficult for them to dump the excess.

What habitual behavioral lines can be noted?

  • it is impossible to force yourself not to eat or stop gluttony against the background of the usual daily routine without severe discomfort;
  • a person tries to eat very quickly, practically swallowing food;
  • the desire to snack, even when full;
  • a feeling of guilt for what is absorbed and the development of a “double diet”, that is, little is consumed in public, and much more is absorbed in secret;
  • in this regard, the presence of caches and supplies (especially with sweets and junk food);
  • the desire to "justify" when a person himself begins to make fun of fat people, defiantly does not eat anything in the dining room or “finds” a “hormonal disease” in himself, due to which he is gaining weight.

Eating problems can start at any age. In children, stress can be anything: poor adaptation, crises, problems in the daughter family, criticism or excessive demands. A classic example: parents are going through a divorce and the child is temporarily placed in the care of his grandmother, who feeds him, the poor, in triple portions. The child always feels the problems in the family as his fault. As a result, dependence is quickly formed: the problem situation is wine-food. And so in a circle. Naturally, the grandmother does not recognize the overweight of her grandchildren as a problem and will never take him "for treatment" to "some kind of psychologists." After all, we lived without it. And, when parents themselves can finally distract themselves from their problems, compulsive overeating is already formed as a protective tool. But, its causes can be, in fact, any significant event: divorce, breakup, rape, natural disasters, death important people, participation in military clashes and much more. Needless to say, overeating leads to a whole "bouquet" of physical problems, such as:

  • mobility problems, joint and muscle pain;
  • problems with the stomach and gallbladder;
  • pressure and heart problems;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • osteoarthritis due to excessive load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • shortness of breath, breathing problems, and even the risk of stopping breathing during sleep.

What to do if there is a problem with eating behavior?

  • realize that this is a real problem and a threat to life, and not a “temporary difficulty”;
  • choose and trust a psychologist or work through problems yourself at all levels with the help of ready-made webinars. An example would be an audio recording of the seminar “Anti-Eating » Denis Burkhaev;
  • building the right scheme for complete, but not excessive nutrition, because hunger will not give results, but will only make you break loose at a certain moment;
  • overcoming guilt for overeating;
  • learning and developing other methods of coping with stress, except for slamming the refrigerator.

By the way, do not discount the "hidden" forms of overeating. For example, when a person chews chewing gum for ten hours a day or falls for seeds. Therefore, it is important to identify the trigger of the problem in order to change your whole life in the future. And get rid of imposed stereotypes. After all, now that you have grown up, it will depend only on you how you look and how healthy you are.

One of the common reasons people get overweight is (drumroll here) that they often confuse emotional hunger with physical hunger. In order to avoid emotional overeating, you must first learn to distinguish between these two types of hunger.

Physical hunger, as a rule, is gradual, the body begins to send you signals that it needs to be refreshed (rumbling in the stomach, for example). You look at food with an appetite in your eyes, sometimes you are even ready to eat the food that you do not really like. After you have satisfied your physical hunger, you feel full and satisfied.

Emotional hunger comes suddenly. At the same time, we do not just want to eat at least something - our body requires something specific (a chocolate bar, for example). With emotional hunger, we can eat and eat and still not feel we are full. After eating, in this case, we often feel guilty.

Why is this happening?

Because what we really need is not food. Perhaps we need to overcome boredom or anxiety. Or maybe we're just looking for pleasure.

Always keep in mind that when you are emotionally hungry, what you want is not food at all. Food is just a substitute for what you really want.

A simple yet powerful way to determine how hungry (physical or emotional) you're experiencing is the broccoli test.

Broccoli test

The next time you feel like you're hungry, ask yourself this simple question: "Do I want to eat broccoli right now?" If your answer is yes, then you are physically hungry. Go and eat.

If you answered “no”, then you are emotionally hungry. You don't want to eat. You want to use food to get rid of stress, anxiety, well, or you are just bored.

When we experience physical hunger, any food seems attractive to us. If you don't want vegetables, well, you're not hungry.

How to deal with emotional eating

The first and most important step is to learn to distinguish between emotional hunger and physical hunger. We have already passed it. Then the question should be excess weight. You need to understand that just moving more and eating less is not always enough to lose weight.

This, no doubt, is necessary and important, but diet is just a way to deal with the consequences. If we do not understand the reason why, then we can only delay the inevitable.

That's why diets are often useless in the long run: lost pounds will return, and even bring "friends" with them. In this case, you do not change the way of thinking, habits and behavior. You just change your diet for a short time, but this is not enough to stay in right weight for a long time to keep your body healthy.

Let's get back to the topic of emotional overeating. So, if you feel like you're having a binge attack, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What do I really want that I try to replace with food?
  2. What can I do to correct the situation?
  3. Why haven't I done this yet?

When we mistake emotional hunger for physical hunger and begin to overeat, we choose the position of a weak person. This is the message we send to ourselves: “I am powerless.” We fall into a kind of food trance. We turn off our minds and just eat and eat and eat. And we are focused on only one thing - on the pleasure that we experience when we eat.

That is why many people are hooked on. They eat more and more, trying to prolong the pleasure. Food becomes a drug for them.

However, as soon as we finish eating, in the same second we begin to regret that we broke down and feel guilty.

We do not solve the problem by substituting food for what bothers us. We're just postponing a decision.

Imagine: there is a person who comes to your house every day and insistently rings the doorbell of your apartment. You may not open to him today, tomorrow or in a week. But if this person really needs to see you, then he will achieve his goal - sooner or later you will have to meet him. The same is true in the matter of replacing real desires and problems with food.

We must be clear about what is bothering us. Then the obsession will go away. And the desire to empty the refrigerator too. Get to the bottom of it, don't tell yourself, "I'm nervous." Be specific: "I'm nervous about X..." or "I'm nervous about what happened to Y" or "I don't really want to eat, I just don't have anything to do." The more precisely you can determine what exactly is bothering you, the more likely you are to be able to take effective action to combat it.

Stop stuffing your belly. Find the real problem and deal with it.