Bacterial colpit symptoms and treatment in women. Colpit in women - what it is, what are the symptoms, how to treat? For the flow: acute, subacute and chronic colpit

Takes this vaginal inflammatory disease. This pathology is inherent in the female body only and is the most common cause of appeal to a specialist.

In gynecology, it is also called vaginite. Associated with a female representative at any age. The frequency is higher among sexually active women and adolescents.

Forms of Colport

In gynecology in currently Several forms of development of the pathological process are allocated.

Among them you can select the following:

Causes of inflammation of the vagina

Causes of atrophic collision in women

Atrophic colpit is also called seenile, as it is most often found in women in a mature or old age. The main reason for the development of the pathological process is to reduce the level of estrogen.

It is this basic female hormone Promotes the preservation of the main microorganisms of the vagina - lactobacilli. And also contributes to the adequate regeneration of the mucous membrane, due to the production of nutrient-glycogen.

The root causes for estrogen deficiency can be distinguished by several:

The reasons for the development of trichomonaceous collision in women

The cause of trichomonaceous color collision is specific. The pathogen is a representative of the pathogenic flora for the vagina, a source of sexually transmitted diseases.

Causes of non-specific collision in women

Since nonspecific colpitis is the most common in frequency, exposed to it in most women of reproductive age. In this case, inflammation is expressed by a change in the relationship in both qualitative and quantitative ratios.

Provoking factors can act:

  • Unprotected sex contacts
  • Injuries of genital organs
  • Violations of hormonal backgroundwhich can be physiological during pregnancy.
  • Violation of the rules of hygiene, wearing dirty underwear, the use of synthetic materials that cause irritation and increased sweating of the mucous membrane.
  • Excessively frequent use of chemical contraception, as well as long-term courses of antibacterial therapy.

Causes of senile collision in women

The factors causing age colpit are not specific, in many respects they are associated with a hormonal decline in the body:

  • Usually in old age, adequate genital hygiene occurs.
  • Many people suffering from this pathology have engineering restrictions, use diapers as a hygiene agent.
  • In addition, some women face such a problem as the omission of genital organs and. The urine is cast into the cavity of the vagina and the reproduction of the pathogenic flora.


Specific symptoms in the inflammation of the vagina in women depend on the type of pathogen.

But the general should be attributed:

The severity of symptoms depends primarily on the severity of the pathological process. They are the most pronounced in the acute, first arising pathological process. With inadequate treatment, the main signs may appear, the woman often ceases to pay attention to them.

In addition, with an inadequate response of the body, the immunity reaction of the clinic can be completely inconspicuous. Some women are diagnosed for the first time after inspection by a specialist, as well as after the laboratory research methods.

Diagnosis of collision in women

Usually, diagnosis does not cause difficulties among doctors:


Treatment of inflammation in the vagina in women consists of several stages:

  • First of all, this is the destruction of pathogenic flora, followed by the restoration of the normobiocenosis of the vagina.
  • The obligatory subsequent stage is to strengthen immunity.

It is necessary for the period of treatment to refrain from sex contacts, even protected. Since in this case the mucous membrane of the vagina is stronger than friction. As a result, inflammation is aggravated.

Power should be full, contain enough vitamins and trace elements. It is recommended to limit the taking acute and salty food. If inflammation is caused by a fungal lesion, then in this case it is necessary to limit sweet foods in nutrition.

As you need to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as meat and dairy products.

If the laboratory diagnostics detect a specific infection, the treatment is carried out not only to a woman, but also to all sexual partners who have a connection with it.

It is important to comply with personal hygiene rules, which include the daily two-time arms of the external genital organs, if the inflammation period falls on menstruation, the amount of rejunctions should be increased. In addition, they must be made after each shift of the gasket.

Tools from collision in women

The means of systemic effects in the treatment of collision in women include drugs produced in the form of solutions for injection or pills for intake. Local means Include candles, pills for vagina, as well as creams and gels.

Much attention is paid to the means to restore microflora. These include drugs based on ascorbic acid and bifidobacteria, in particular, the required vagina lactobacilli.

Among these drugs, currently you can select the following:

  • Lactochinal
  • Vaginorm S.
  • Bifidumbacterin
  • Bifiform




Vaginorm S.

To means to strengthen immunity include:

  • Immunostimulators
  • Immunomodulators
  • Physiotherapy

Candles in the treatment of collision in women

In addition to the total drugs with Colpit, the local drugs are used, they are produced in the form of candles, vaginal tablets or creams.

The most popular candles for the treatment of collision are:

  • . A universal means that has a disinfecting effect. The active substance of this drug is chlorhexidine, a famous antiseptic. This drug is effective with respect to bacterial flora, mushrooms and some viruses. Candles can be used not only for the treatment of collision in women, but also in order to prevent infections after unprotected intercourse. Hexicon is assigned and as a means for rehanging the vagina in women before childbirth, medical abortions and operational interventions In the vagina and on the cervix. Treatment is to use candles intravaginal twice a day, the course of treatment is 7-14 days, the duration will depend on the severity of the process and the severity of the symptoms. The drug is allowed to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. From the contraindications, only individual intolerance to the components is currently highlighted. By the side reaction can be itching and burning in the vagina.
  • Pimafucin. Effective antifungal agent that has long been used in gynecology in the treatment of colpits in women caused by the genus of the genus Candida. The drug is allowed for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as a very small part of the means falls into the blood. Current treatment may be different, depending on the degree of dissemination of the vagina's vagina. So, with the accidental detection of the mushroom in strokes, 3 or 6 candles are used. The course of treatment can last up to 21 days, thereby affecting several development cycles immediately. The drug is contraindicated if there were cases of individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Betadine. New, and at the same time a very effective preparation for the treatment of collision in women. The active substance is iodine. The remedy has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. It helps to fight such pathogens as bacteria, viruses, mushrooms and simplest. The tool has a wider range of contraindications, among them not only individual intolerance to the components of iodine, but also pregnancy after 2 months, breastfeeding and various diseases thyroid gland. The treatment circuit is usually 10 days. With increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, including itching and burning in the vagina, you need to go to another tool or finish the course of treatment.
  • Polizinaks. A modern effective drug with a combined mechanism of action is capable of destroying both bacterial and fungal infection during colcitis in women. The advantage of its use is the preservation of lactobacilli, useful bacteria for biocenosis of the vagina. The restriction in the use of means for the treatment of collision in women is the first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding and individual intolerance to any component from the composition. The course of treatment is 6-12 days. The drug is convenient for use, as it is entered only on one candle per day. Do not be afraid if after the first two applications there is a feeling of itching and burning into the vagina. It can be a natural reaction to the destruction of pathogenic flora, but if the symptoms continue and continue to abandon treatment and seek help to a doctor.

Colpit in women is a common disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Differently called vaginite or vaginosis. Basically, the problem is common among women of childbearing age.

Highlight different kinds Colipping, everything will depend on the root cause of its occurrence of a woman, as well as on the nature of the pathogen. This ailment is very often accompanied by various infections, including STIs.

Causes of Colport

So let's look at what is taking, and what are the main reasons for the occurrence of this ailment in women.

The disease is most often caused by staphylococci, streptococci, intestinal wand and pathogens from other groups. May develop due to violation of vaginal microflora. The predominance of conditionally pathogenic bacteria and fungi causes a violation of the pH balance of the vagina and as a result of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of collision.

A very rarely disease occurs as a single isolated process, it is more often combined with such diseases -, endocervicitis ,.

To factors increasing the risk of nonspecific vaginite, relate:

  • sharp i. chronic diseases internal organs leading to a decrease in immune responses of the body;
  • sex infections by gender;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane
  • obesity, the pitipofunction of the ovaries;
  • long-term use of medicines, antibiotics;
  • failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Stresses, climate change or a sharp change of food, severe diseases undermine the immunity of a woman, and gives the development of infection. If you do not treat in time, the inflammatory process can go to the cervical channel, the uterus, appendages. The most dangerous are colpits who cause trichomonas and chlamydia, they need to be treated immediately, not allowing the transition to a chronic form.

There are sharp, subacute, chronic forms of the disease. In the latter case, it proceeds chronically, with constant alternation of improving state and new exacerbations.

Symptoms of Colport

Colpit and its characteristic symptoms in women appear, first of all, in the form of discharge from the vagina, which in some cases are liquid, and in other purulent type. This symptomatics is inherent in nonspecific type.

Specific colpit is caused by sexual infections. In this case, there are such symptoms such as the edema of the vagina, its velvety to the touch, as well as the release of blood when touched. Also, almost constant and external genital organs are also characteristic of all types of colport.

In sharp shapes, the mucosa is covered with a purulent raid. Bleeding can be caused even by simply touch. On the mucous membrane, its surface defects in the form of spots or small elevations can be seen. There is a deterioration in general well-being, as well as itching and redness of the external genital organs. The disease can manifest itself in the form of vulvovaginitis, often combined with, urethritis, pseudo-erosion cervix.

When transitioning a process into a chronic stage, the data of manifestations become much less pronounced, there are practically no complaints from the patient, the diagnosis of the disease is significantly hampered. Characteristic features appear during the exacerbation.

In pregnant women, inflammation of the mucous membrane is usually caused or ureaplasm. A pregnant woman sick with this ailion can infect the fetus if the infection rises along the vaginal pipe up.

Treatment of Colport

After we reviewed that this disease is, it is time to talk about how to treat colpit in women. Immediately should be changed that the treatment will depend on the type of color, it happens - atrophic, trichomonade and candidoid.

In this regard, first it is necessary to make sure and conduct diagnostics, the appeal to the gynecologist is the only correct decision, because the symptoms of the collision are quite difficult to differentiate among themselves at home.

The treatment of collision in women is designed not to simply eliminate the cause of the cause of the occurrence of the ailment, but also take into account the concomitant complications, to include reducing therapy, which will be designed to restore the natural microflora in the vagina.

The treatment is consigned from two directions: the general therapy of the entire body of women and local events directly in the vagina region. As a rule, therapy is combined and selected depending on the type of disease, the age of women, concomitant ailments, etc.

For the period of treatment it is necessary refrain from any sex contacts. We should not engage in self-medication, relying only on folk methods. It should always be remembered about those complications that can cause an untreated or habitant process.

  1. Local procedures include washing the vagina with solutions of antiseptics and infusion of various herbs. They should continue until the results of the bacteriological study of the smear taken from the vagina, but not less than 3-4 days.
  2. With damage to the mucous membrane by pathogenic fungi, various antifungal drugs are used. At the same time, a particular drug from a particular chemical group should be selected only by an experienced doctor.
  3. With a pronounced course of color, local antibiotics are used, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. Do not forget that many of the drugs for the treatment of this disease have contraindications during pregnancy and lactation, so appointed only by the doctor.
  4. In addition, vaginal tablets, candles, ointments, gels - Terezhin, Macmiror can be used. It is possible to spend sinking with antiseptic solutions of chlorhexidine, mormistine or chamomile.

During the course of the disease, a gentle, mainly sour milky and vegetable diet is prescribed, from the diet are excluded sharp, salty, smoked dishes. In the final stage, drugs are prescribed to restore the natural microflora of the vagina and mucous membranes.

This ailment in women is not bad for treatment, if diagnosed in a timely manner. Therefore, it is important right away, when the first signs of the disease occurs to go to the gynecologist.


The main prevention of collision in women is to comply with elementary hygiene rules. This is the most important and effective stage of prevention. The change in the nature of the discharge and the menstrual cycle should be the reason for the immediate appeal to the gynecologist.

Special attention should be paid to how the hygiene of your sexual relationships. Before sexual act, a refreshing shower must be taken, it is also important to use condoms. In order to prevent an unpleasant disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the body as a whole. A healthy body effectively copes with infections independently.

As a rule, when proper treatment The disease does not represent a serious threat of patient health. Therefore, remember the main point - timely about contacting the doctor when the first symptoms of the disease occurs is the key to successful casing from the collision, without the risk of complications.

Colpit (vaginitis) is the most common gynecological pathology. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women of fertile age, but can develop in young girls and during menopause. Colpit is capable of rapidly progress, provoking the spread of infection on the rising ways.

In the absence of qualified medical care in a woman, after some time, endometrite or adnexitis is found, as well as serious problems with conception and having tooling the child. Independent treatment will not lead to the desired result due to the infectious nature of pathology. Before treating Colpit, a gynecologist will conduct a number of laboratory research to identify the species affiliation of the causative agent of the disease.

Basic principles of treatment

Pathogenic yeast fungi, pathogenic bacteria and viruses can become causative agents. During laboratory studies, not only the type of infectious agent, but also its sensitivity to pharmacological preparations is established. Most of the pathogens of the vaginite have developed sustainability even to modern wide range antibiotics, therefore an integrated approach to the treatment of collision in women is practiced. The following therapeutic techniques are used:

  • the use of drugs for systemic and local treatment;
  • conducting physiotherapy procedures;
  • compliance with diet;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • restoration of the vaginal microflora.

The reasons for the development of the Coligation are most often endocrine disorders, venereal infections, non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules. If talks provoked diabetes, formed malignant tumors, thyroid diseases, then simultaneous treatment of the underlying disease is carried out. The most effective will be the treatment of vaginitis at the remission of these diseases. When patient with diabetes is neglecting the reception of antidiabetic agents or the correct introduction of insulin, then the colpit is rapidly progressing. The reason for this is the high level of glucose in the systemic bloodstream.

An important meaning for fast and effective therapy of vaginites of any genesis has an appeal to the doctor at the first signs of pathology. Self-treatment, as a rule, only leads to strengthening symptoms: highlights from the vagina, pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, clinical manifestations General intoxication. At home it is impossible to establish the type of pathogen, correctly pick up and apply drugs:

  • antimicotic with fungal pathologies;
  • antiviral in herpetic disease;
  • antimicrobial and antibiotics in bacterial infections.

Daily and one-time doses of drugs, as well as the duration of the therapeutic course appoints a doctor. It takes into account the age of the patient, the degree of tissue damage, the presence of a history of liver diseases, the organs of the cardiovascular or urinary system.

During the treatment of the colusion, it should be launched at least three times a day with funds for intimate hygiene.

Colpit is good to treat, especially if the woman listens to the advice of the attending physician. Not only a quick recovery depends on this, but also a prevention of re-infection. What recommended gynecologists, urologists, venereologists to their patients:

  • During the treatment of collision, regardless of the type of infectious pathogen, the sexual contacts should be completely stopped. The reason for such a ban is not only uncomfortable and painful sensations as a result of irritation of the mucous membranes of the vagina. Sexual contact will cause the advancement of pathogenic bacteria on rising paths. Also large is the likelihood of re-infection with colpitis of women, and with its specific infectious origin and men. In the diagnosis of venereal pathology, a sexual partner is treated.
  • Collision therapy should be accompanied by a diet compliance to increase the efficiency of the pharmacological preparations used. It should be limited to the use of saline and acute products. If the patient's colpit is caused by pathogenic yeast fungi, then an indispensable condition for rapid recovery becomes a complete refusal of sweets and baking. In the diet, it is necessary to include as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.
  • During the treatment of Coligation, intimate hygiene should be observed. The arms should be carried out at least three times a day, but during menstruation after changing the gaskets. When pathology is detected at a little girl, the genitals need to be washed after each intestinal emptying or bladder. Doctors do not recommend using hygiene tools with fragrances or other additives.
  • During the day, at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water should be used. The increase in urination contributes to the removal of infectious pathogens from the genitourinary system. Abundant drink helps to wash out the inflammatory foci of pathogenic bacteria and toxic products of their livelihoods.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

To speed up recovery and improve the efficiency of conservative therapy methods, physioproles are prescribed. They are not used in the acute flow of collision, but when chronic helped very well. Almost all physiothereders are painless and do not provoke any side effects. Gynecologists recommend to patients with these treatments due to the diverse impact on the body of a woman:

  • reducing the severity of common and local symptoms;
  • stopping the inflammatory process;
  • increase the body's resistance to fungal, bacterial, viral infectious agents;
  • improving the overall state of health;
  • regeneration of damaged tissues.

To cure any colpitus will help the reception of pharmacological preparations and conducting physioturn sessions.

Their number varies depending on severity clinical picture. In the therapy of bacterial and fungal vaginites, speed up the recovery will allow the application of the following techniques:

  • ultraviolet irradiation with waves of small length;
  • semi-posted with mangartee-acid potassium to replace infected areas;
  • electrophoresis with zinc sulfate solution for the destruction of pathogenic fungi.

Intensive UHF therapy allows you to quickly stop inflammatory processes, prevent damage to the vaginal mucosa of infectious agents, reduce the activity of the mediators. Also, a woman is recommended to hold the following physiotherapy procedures:

  • second-wave ultraviolet irradiation;
  • thalassotherapy;
  • air baths;
  • laser blood irradiation;
  • heliotherapy.

Such methods of physiotherapy do not affect the infectious agents directly. But after 5-10 sessions, the patient immunity is strengthened, as well as the general health condition.

Antibiotic therapy

This type of treatment is applied only in the diagnosis of chronic, difficult to therapy of colpits, or vaginites provoked by the gonococci. In the latter case, the prescription of the drugs of the cephalosporine series in the form of intramuscular infections is practiced:

  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Zefisim;
  • Cefasoline.

And in the treatment of nonspecific chronic collision, protected semi-synthetic penicillins are used:

  • Flemoclav;
  • Panklav;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin.

Conventional penicillins (amoxicillin, ampicillin, oplicsacin) are ineffective in vaginites, since the pathogenic bacteria has acquired resistance to their effects. Doctors prescribe antibacterial agents to patients, which include clavulanic acid. it chemical compound Does not show any therapeutic activity, but has the ability to prolong and strengthen the effect of antibiotics. Clawulanic acid prevents the production of specific enzyme enzymes by bacteria, making microorganisms insensitive to drugs. When in force or the small efficiency of semi-synthetic penicillins, doctors replace them on macrolides - clarithromycin or azithromycin.

For dicks and baths in the treatment of collision, you can use infickers of healing herbs, such as calendulas


These procedures are very effective for external treatment of collision. The duration of such therapy is several days, until antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs of systemic and local action affect. They contribute to the destruction of causative agents of infection, which significantly reduces the severity of symptoms and the number of viruses, bacteria and fungi on the mucous membrane of the vagina. For douching, you can use such drugs:

  • Chlorhexidine or its imported analogue of Mirisma;
  • weakly pink potassium permanganate solution;
  • Rivanol;
  • Chlorophyllipt.

A solution of drinking soda has good antiseptic properties, especially if the candidial vaginitis occurs on the background of the abundant release of purulent white. For its preparation, 0.5 teaspoons of soda should be diluted in a glass of warm boiled water. For douching, infusions and champs of medicinal herbs are often used:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • calendulas;
  • hypericum;
  • nather.

To prepare the infusion, a liter of boiling water should be boiled. Spoons of dry vegetable raw materials and insist within an hour. After cooling and filtering, you can proceed to the procedure using a fringe. Such a local therapy method allows you to remove all pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina, prevent the damage to the mucous membrane to the toxic products of their livelihoods.

Treatment of atrophic pathology

The symptoms of atrophic collision suffer from a certain age category. Usually, this species Vaginitis is diagnosed in women after 50 years on the background of hormonal changes. The ovaries are terminated to fully produce estrogens, which causes climacteric manifestations - tides, emotional instability, headaches. One of the signs of natural menopause is thinning the mucous membrane of the vagina. It is easily injured, and fungi and bacteria are joined to the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. Hormonal pills and dragee are used as drugs and dragee, including vaginitis recurrences:

  • Clair;
  • Fermoston;
  • Norcut;
  • Duphaston;
  • Angelica.

Vaginal PIMAFUCIN suppositories are used to treat robusts of fungal origin

The treatment of atrophic collision is to restore the mucous membrane of the vagina, eliminating the feeling of "dryness" and irritation. To do this, it is practiced to patients with vaginal candles or sheep cream with an active ingredient edging. The course of treatment is about two weeks, and then repeated as needed. Systemic replacement hormone therapy can last several years, which makes it possible to achieve maximum treatment efficacy. Not only menopausal symptoms disappear - the restoration of the mucous membrane of the vagina becomes excellent prevention of colpitis of any etiology.

Treatment during pregnancy

During the baby tooling, Colpit is developing more than 50% of women. In the role of provoking pathology of factors, a decrease in immunity and a change in the hormonal background are performed. The acidic medium of the vagina is gradually replaced by alkaline, and this serves as a favorable setting for the reproduction of pathogenic organisms. In some trimester, the vaginite is diagnosed, immediately proceeds to its treatment. Gynecological pathology can provide negative influence On the health of the mother, the intrauterine growth and development of the child. How to treat colpit for pregnancy:

  • Terezhinan is a combined antimicrobial, antifungal and antiseptic agent in the form of vaginal candles.
  • Hexicon - the active ingredient of vaginal chlorhexidine suppositories violates the structure of the cell membrane of bacteria, contributing to the death of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Betadine - After the introduction of the candle, the vagina is released by the release of active iodine, which has a coagulating effect on microbial cells. Gynecologists prescribe this drug on early timing Pregnancy to prevent damage to the thyroid gland of the child.
  • Polizinaks - a combined means in the form of vaginal capsules is used in bacterial and fungal colpites. The drug can only be used in the last week of the child's nodding for the prescription of the doctor.
  • Neo-Penotran - Vaginal suppositories exhibit antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoic activity.

When diagnosing fungal vaginitis, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Nystatin is prescribed to a pregnant woman. Drying does not apply during pregnancy, but the use of seating baths will be very productive. The solutions of chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, as well as infectios of medicinal herbs are suitable for washing the genuine organs, and mackelings. These procedures help to wash out the vagina of causative agents of collision and their growth and reproduction.

Systemic treatment

This type of therapy is almost always carried out at home and must be accompanied by dyeing, compliance with diet and intimate hygiene rules. Ethiotropic treatment is always directed to the destruction of the main cause of the gynecological disease - infectious pathogens. For this, drugs involve antimicotic, antiviral and antimicrobial activity. Often the woman is diagnosed with a mixed view of the vaginite. For example, in the absence of medical intervention, pathogenic bacteria are quickly attached to fungal colpitus:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • intestinal wand.

In the treatment of colpits, a combination of drugs for internal and local use is applied

In order not to prescribe several diverse drugs at once, the doctor stops the choice on combined medicines of a wide range of action .. In order to make sure of the discharge from the vagina and pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • antimicotic - fluconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole;
  • antiviral - acyclovir, interferon;
  • antimicrobials - trichopol, metronidazole.

An important part of the treatment of vaginitis of various genesis is the use of vaginal suppositories, balls, pills. They have a direct impact on pathogens formed inflammatory foci on the mucous membrane of the vagina. What drugs can prescribe the attending physician:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Clion d;
  • Polizinaks;
  • Hexicone;
  • Nystatin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Caisten;
  • Hynalgin.

The duration of the therapeutic course is from 10 to 14 days. Its duration depends on the species affiliation of the pathogen, the degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina and the age of the patient.

Microflora restoration

If after etiotropic therapy in biological samples, the patient was not detected traces of infectious pathogens, the final stage of treatment was carried out. At this stage, women are prescribed drugs for the restoration of useful microflora in the vagina. Under the action of antibiotics and pathogenic microorganisms, lacto and bifidobacteria were killed. It is their livelihood products that created an acidic medium into the vagina, destructive for pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Vaginal suppositories are usually prescribed as eubiotics:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Acilakt;
  • Vagilak;
  • Bificol.

The course of treatment is 5-10 days. At the recovery stage, patients also recommended receiving polyvitamins with trace elements, and in some cases immunomodulators.

Little girls and older women are sick vaginite. After the examination for all age categories, the doctor will make an effective therapeutic scheme individually for each patient. The earlier the gynecological disease will be diagnosed, the fewer consequences it will provoke.

The vaginal microflora performs important functions and protects the body of a woman from the penetration of a variety of infections. On the health of the woman affects a lot of factors, because of what fails are possible. From this article, you will learn everything about what is taking, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease, what are the signs of the development of pathology and what causes the occurrence of the disease.

What is Colpit

Colpit is a widespread inflammatory disease, affecting the mucous membrane of the vagina. A different disease is called.

Most often, pathology develops in women of childbearing age. Although the problem is mainly diagnosed in adults, the disease is possible in children under 10 years and earlier. The peak of morbidity among children falls on a six-year-old age. Sometimes such a diagnosis is made even elderly patients or adult women of the menopacteric period.

Note! The severity of the collision flow depends on the reasons that caused the inflammatory process and from age.

Disease pathogens

The inflammation of the mucous membrane can occur as a result of the penetration of alien microflora, which includes various pathogenic microorganisms. If the infection is taken from outside, they talk about the specific form of coloring. Pathogens of pathology in this case can be:

About nonspecific vaginity say when a conditional pathogenic microflora fell into the body's body not from the outside, and she herself was a carrier of infection. Pathogenic microorganisms in minor quantities are present in the vagina of a healthy woman, but with a combination of a group of factors, actively reproduction begin. Support bacterial colpitus can such pathogens:

  • streptococcus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • singny wand;
  • intestinal wand.

Some hope that gynecological problems will be held independently, without the use of adequate treatment methods. Although self-removal cases are found, this is a rare phenomenon. This is possible only with the development of non-specific forms of color collision and under the condition of strong immunity.

It should be careful if the symptoms suddenly disappeared. Regardless of whether the girls appeared in girls, or it's collide after childbirth, the disappearance of signs of illness does not speak about cure. Pathology can switch to a hidden sluggish form, and in consequence, cause exacerbations.

Causes of the appearance of Colport

As already mentioned, the main reasons for the development of the Coligation is considered to be the population of the microflora of the vaginal pathogenic microflora. It is against the background of these factors that the inflammatory disease develops in women of reproductive age. Most often, the infection is entered in sexual means. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary that a woman should lead an erratic lifestyle.

When the pathology is determined by the child, the cause is usually infections that penetrate into sexual paths from the digestive tract. The inflammation causative agents may be staphylococci, streptococci or even the slices. In most cases, self-effects occurs.

Vaginitis at CLIMAKS is also predominantly developing due to non-treating infections. Often Colpit is accompanied. Heavy forms of the disease are usually developing under the condition of the presence of concomitant diseases or pathologically aggressive factors.

Risk factors

Certain factors can give impetus to the development of the inflammatory process:

Regardless of the factors provoked the development of the collision, it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible.


Classification of Coligation includes several types of disease and each has its own characteristics. The following describes those that most often found in gynecological practice:

  • trichomonade;
  • candidomic;
  • atrophic.

Trichomonade colpit is caused by the simplest microorganisms - trichomonas. The infection is most often transmitted by sexually. It is less likely to become infected using common household items with a sick person. When the pathology is found at an early stage, the disease is simply. To diagnose, the doctor is usually enough just to examine the patient and listen to complaints.

Candidose colpit arises as a result of active breeding of pathogenic mushrooms of the genus Candida. His distinctive symptoms are curly selection of white and heavy itch. You can get infected both from another person, as it is simply against the background of a decrease in its own immunity and changes in the quality composition of microflora.

Atrophic colpitus is associated with a change in hormonal background in the body of a woman. When estrogens are not produced in the right amount, the vagina changes. Sometimes these phenomena are associated with age-related changes. Pains appear during sexual intercourse, the woman feels dry and discomfort. Treatment of seenyl colpris (senile) is carried out using hormones.

By the nature of the flow of vaginitis, two forms are distinguished:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

Allergic vaginitis is rarely developed. In this case, the disease has noncommunicable nature and develops as a result of contact with an allergen. Therapy is carried out after determining the irritating factor and eliminate contact with it.

Purulent discharges appear in women only with the development of a non-specific form of vaginite. With specific colpitis, such phenomena usually do not occur.

Symptomatics of the disease

The earlier it will be possible to recognize the first signs of the disease, the faster you can begin to treat a woman. It is impossible to neglect the development of such symptoms:

  • burning in the vagina region;
  • soreness with sexual intercourse;
  • small erosion;
  • abundant discharge, sometimes purulent or foam;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • vagina swelling;
  • skin hyperemia near the vagina;
  • irritability caused by constant itching;
  • insomnia;
  • periodic painful sensations in a small pelvis;
  • frequent urges for urination;
  • subfebrile.

Important! Even infectious diseases may not always be expressed by increasing the temperature, so the symptoms cannot be neglected.

Vaginitis can be dangerous if it does not follow it. Pathology simply goes into a hidden form, but may entail unpleasant complications, up to infertility. Therefore, it is important that the doctor make sure that the Colpit is completely cured.

Diagnostic events

The first examination, which is carried out by the gynecologist - inspection of a woman in a special chair with mirrors. The doctor will see diffuse redness, marks the rubberiness of the tissues, swelling and point hemorrhages. With launched forms of the disease are small erosion. Some of clinical signs can be seen in the photo.

The doctor will take a smear to the analysis to determine the composition of microflora and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Then he will carry out the palpation of the uterus in order to determine its position, the degree of tension for the development of complications.

In addition to inspection, the diagnosis includes:

  • carrying out polymerase chain reaction;
  • colposcopy;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood analysis for sex infections.

After receiving all data, the doctor will be able to assess the patient's condition and issue a recipe with the most effective drugs.

Treatment of Colport

With collision, treatment is carried out at home. Local and general techniques are used. Any medicinal products, as well as folk methods, are used only after consulting with the attending physician.

During the fight against vaginitis, it is important to carefully comply with the following recommendations:

  • provide full sexual rest, since intimate relationships during this period can provoke the spread of infection and its transition to neighboring organs;
  • with specific formations of pathology, antibacterial drugs are applied;
  • even if the symptoms completely disappeared, the course of therapy is important to complete, since the infection may remain and will cause a chronic amount of collision;
  • it is important not to use synthetic underwear during treatment;
  • therapy should be carried out at the same time both sexual partners;
  • need to follow the diet;
  • avoid supercooling;
  • conduct the toilet outdoor genital organs at least twice a day.

Note! If the vaginite has developed in a child, to fill up the girl is necessary after every visit toilet.

Depending on the type of disease and the detected pathogen, the doctor may recommend spending. Such procedures should not be carried out more than 4-5 days, as this can lead to a violation of the normal marginal microflora and prevent healing processes. Solutions for speaking can be prepared using such means:

  • mangartan;
  • decoration of chamomile and sage;
  • rivanol;
  • chlorophyllipt;
  • soda.

Sometimes drooling is replaced or complemented by seating baths.

Often, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory vaginal candles from coloring. Comprehensive treatment helps to improve well-being and get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Consider drugs that recommend patients most often.

Candles "Polizinaks", which includes nystatin, neomycin and polymixin, you need to put 2 per day for one or two weeks. The drug has antifungal and antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation. These antibacterial vaginal candles gynecologists are prescribed quite often.

Candles "Terezhinan" have a similar effect, however, differ in composition. In addition to neomycin and Nistatin, the existing substances relates prednisolone and terenidazole. These women's candles from infections must be placed on 1 piece once a day for 10 days.

Candles "Microinks" are based on metronidazole, Nistan, Chloramphenicola and dexamethasone. Treatment by this drug is carried out within 7-14 days. On the day you need to put 1-2 candles, mainly at night.

"Vocadin" - candles, which includes a substance allocating iodine. Due to this, the medicine at the local level is struggling with infections.

Applicable treatment can directly depend on the type of pathogen. If the vaginitis was called Gardnello, the doctor will appoint:

When infected by trichomonade, apply:

  • Metronidazole vaginally;
  • "Flagil";
  • "Tinidazole";
  • "Orsarbon";
  • "Metrovagin";
  • "Hexicon";
  • "Neo-Penotran".

Important! Treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out threefold for three menstrual cycles.

With damage to mushrooms of the Candida, such drugs are appointed:

To facilitate the symptoms, along with basic treatment, you can use the ointment "Vagin". The drug does not have antifungal effect, but softens the skin in the genital zone and reduces the intensity of unpleasant symptoms.

With the launched forms of color applied not only local, but also general treatment. Depending on the patient's condition, drugs can be used in the form of tablets or even injections.

Such drugs can be appointed:

In case of atrophic forms of collision, hormone therapy is prescribed. It can be tablets or patches. Typically, the treatment continues for two weeks. The choice of medication lies with the doctor. For example, the preparation "Colposeptin" contains both estrogen and antibacterial components.

After the pathogenic microflora is destroyed, it is important to restore the useful flora. For these purposes, the following drugs are used:

  • "Lachal";
  • "Acilakt";
  • "Bificol";
  • "Lactobacterin".

For the hygiene of the external genital organs during the period of active treatment, the solutions "Miramistin" and "Rotokan" can be used.

Treatment folk remedies Includes scripting with champions and infusions. Effective compositions:

  • decoction of chamomile;
  • diluted calendula infusion;
  • decoction of a mixture of herbs from leaf and machenchy, thyme, souls, hunter and nettle;
  • decoction of the cortex of juniper;
  • dissolved chalk brass and eucalyptus leaves.

Breakfast Candles act on the condition of the vaginal microflora. You can buy them in any pharmacy. Before starting treatment, you must consult with your doctor. This does not replace the main drug therapy.


Collection prevention includes such events:

  • planned visit to the gynecologist every six months;
  • careful observance of intimate hygiene using delicate disinfectants;
  • proper use of toilet paper to avoid infection from the rectum;
  • wearing natural fabrics;
  • refusal of self-medication and uncontrolled application hormonal means and antibiotics;
  • maintenance healthy image Life and strengthening of immune forces.

Thanks to these simple ways of prevention, the risk of getting sick colts will be minimized.

Timely treatment of colpitus will avoid unpleasant consequences of the disease. A woman who has undergone such a state can successfully endure and give birth to a healthy child.

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Colpit or vaginitis - common disease of the mucous genital organs in women of different ages, due to the inflammatory or infectious process. According to statistics, colpit, diagnosed more than 50% of women of childbearing age, but sometimes it is found among mature ladies and little girls. The disease is extremely unpleasant for sensations and gives patients a mass of negative emotions. So how to treat this very common ailment? And how to recognize this disease? Consider details for signs, symptoms and treatment, and most importantly how to avoid the development of the inflammatory process?

Colpit is infectious in nature, in which inflammation begins with the mucous membranes of the vagina. The cause of infection is pathogenic organisms - staphylococci, intestinal sticks, hemophilic stick, mushrooms Candidas, etc. The disease rarely proceeds in a single form, often the inflammation of urinary tract joins it - for example, cystitis, then the colpit is quickly moving into an acute form. The frequent phenomenon "not durable colpit" or chronic, which manifests itself from time to time with varying degrees of exacerbation. The disease is extremely unpleasant in the symptoms, the feeling of burning and strong itching is the main signs of its manifestation. The woman who tormenting the woman's feelings affect her usual life - the health decreases, the mood deteriorates, there is strong irritation and the rejection of sexual life.

Causes of infection

In fact, the women's vagina can cope with the disease independently if the body is fully healthy. The immune system plays a latter role, but which, with a small failure, can throw out the white flag and allow the development of infection. All mucous membranes in humans are inhabited of different types Microbes and "bad" including, but due to sustainable immunity, they retain balance. The balance may be disturbed by the usual cold and microflora quickly acquires a pathogenic character. With a completely healthy body, the "bad" bacteria does not produce lactic acid, produced by dodererine sticks, actively populating the vagina, they suppress the growth of many pathogenic microorganisms. So, the main reasons for provoking the development of the disease:

- various infections, including venereal - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes;

- some drugs, including douching;

- injuries of mucous, foreign bodies;

- insufficient personal hygiene;

- Postclimacterial period.

There are a number of factors, the presence of which has a possible infection:

- the pitipofunction of the ovaries;

Chronic diseases;

- Genetic predisposition is a special structure of small pelvis organs, a natural pathology, numerous births - the omission of the walls, the displacement, an enlarged gaping of the germ.

Types and symptoms of collision

Colpit can develop rapidly and be called acute, as well as have a chronic "habitat" form.

The development of acute collision occurs within a few hours and often is an unpleasant surprise due to negative symptoms. The discharge becomes abundant, and their consistency varies - from the mucous-purulent to purulent with an admixture of blood. There is a pain of a pulling nature at the bottom of the abdomen. When urine, there is a feeling of burning, itching on the mucous membrane. Visually, the genital gap becomes red, an amplifying swelling can be observed. The skin of the mucous membranes is so annoyed that with the slightest wiping - for example, toilet paper, Blood. Despite the fact that everyone's disease proceeds in different ways, in view of various infections, the main symptoms - itch, redness, burning, purulent discharge Observed almost everyone. Sometimes the inflammatory process shifts to nearby organs - neck, uterine pipes. As a rule, the symptoms of sexually infection differ from fungal color and consistency of the selection. In the first case, purulent isolation of yellow-green color with unpleasant odor, in the second they have a cotton-white or dairy shade. Often, vulvaginite joins Colpitu, which covers the entire genital organ of the woman and even the inner surface of the hips.

Chronic or "unabiliated" colpitis manifests itself from time to time. This form is due to the most often self-treatment when the sharp symptom is removed and the therapy stops. Such an attitude is unacceptable, since the cause of the disease is not eliminated. Symptoms are not so sharp, rather dull. Chronic colpit is dangerous to its spread to the fallopian tubes and the uterus, which leads to problems with conception and infertility.

As already mentioned, Colpit is a disease of women of childbearing age, but sometimes found in adulthood and children's ages.

Colpit in children

Doctor Examining Girl With Stethoscope in the Office

The medical community gives another name to children's colpitus - vaginitis, which happens at the age of 4-12 years. The reason is bacterial infections that can fall both from the outside and when you knead. Frequently occurring cases of the development of allergic colpital - reactions to detergent or nutrition. For children's collision, a chronic form is characteristic when symptoms are not pronounced and allocated more scanty. The acute form develops extremely rarely and comes from infection with viral infections or mechanical injuries of the mucous membrane.

Colpit in age

In the post-block cell period, the colpit is evolving due to age features Vagina. Climax reduces the production of genital hormones, the activity of the ovarian slows down, the mucous membranes become dry, wrinkled. The disease proceeds in chronic form, but can go to an acute form in the absence of treatment.


The doctor with many years of experience will not be difficult to visually determine the colpit and its possible nature of infection, but the full picture will show only the smear. Therefore, at the first unpleasant symptoms of those listed above, consultation and examination of the gynecologist is necessary.

At first, the doctor conducts a superficial examination of the patient in the gynecological chair, takes the necessary fences of smears - vagina, cervix, possibly urethra. Acute colpitus diagnose is easy, as visual appearance The genital organs are changing. Chronic colpit is detected only after analyzes. Sometimes, kalposcopy is carried out for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. The procedure helps to carry out a more careful inspection of the walls of the vagina and the cervix.

To identify the pathogen - the reason for infection, take Bakposposev smears. This type of analysis sieves all pathogenic microorganisms, which are contained on the walls of the vagina or on the cervix. If the gynecologist does not exclude the development of the pathological process in other related bodies, then the ultrasound diagnosis of a small pelvis is carried out.


Treatment therapy is selected individually depending on the concomitant diseases and the nature of the collision. Also, the treatment is taken into account age and history of women. Therapy encompasses the local treatment of the genital organ - douching, arranged by different solutions: mangartee, chlorophyllipt, chlorhexidine, chamomile decoction, sage. If the treatment requires the reception of antibiotics, they can be administered orally or locally. Much attention is paid to reducing therapy, because If immunity is weakened, the body is more susceptible to infections and viruses. In some cases, dietary nutrition is prescribed: a decrease in sweet, salty, as well as lactic and fermented products. To test the effectiveness of treatment, take additional analyzes - smears. In women of childbearing age at equal intervals, in children and the older generation - after the therapy. So, the treatment of collision is carried out in the following ways:

- antibacterial therapy, local processing of dyeing;

- treatment of concomitant urinary diseases;

- ethnoscience.

Preparations for the treatment of collision

Depending on the nature of the bacterium, drugs are divided into:

- antibacterial - tetracycline, cefapexin, doxycklin, azitromein;

- from trichomonade vaginite - metronidazole;

- anti-grab - nystatin, fluconazole;

- Antiviral - Acyclovir, Viferon, Interferon.

- Vaginal candles of antiseptics - Terezhin, Macmiror, Betadine, Liembassin;

- drugs reducing microflora - bifidumbacterin; lactobacterin, vagilak, bificol;

- Physiotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation of the vagina and vulva, UHF.

With a timely handling of a specialist, the colpit is cured completely without consequences for the body. The course of treatment is usually lasts from 5-7 days. In chronic colpit, recommend to repeat the course of treatment every 4, 5 months.


- red fish, flaxseed oil, fishery - for saturation of the body by polyunsaturated acids;

- Beans, nuts, mushrooms, spinach, liver - vitamin B;

- seaweed, broccoli, kuraga, sorrel, prunes, spinach - vitamin A;

- currants, sea buckthorn, strawberries, strawberries, kiwi - vitamin C;

Folk remedies

Folk medicine treats herbs champs as a local processing:

- the collection of yarrow, the bark of oak, sage, rosemary in equal proportions is brewed with boiling water, becomes cold and used to douch twice a day;

- Collecting from calendula, chamomile and a beast has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is brewed in equal shares, used to douch in the morning and in the evening.

Recipes of bravery and tinctures for the treatment of urinary diseases set. Most often herbs are used - chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark.

Colpit and pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are most often faced with a different type of bacterial and viral infections. This arises due to the enhanced immunity load. Colpit is not uncommon during pregnancy and the disease does not harm the fetus and mother with timely treatment. If the therapy is not provided in time, then the risk of infection of internal organs and the fetal infection in the womb is either a child in childbirth. Chronic colpit in the early stages, can cause the risk of inconsection and regression. The infection of the accumulation waters may cause different pathologies during pregnancy, complications of toxicosis in late dates. The treatment of vaginite of pregnant women is carried out as usual, without discounts. Despite the fact that some drugs are prohibited in pregnancy, should not be neglected with treatment. An obstetrician gynecologist will prescribe treatment taking into account the position of the patient, making emphasis on the treatment of folk remedies and antibacterial therapy.

Some advice as faster to come back after infection with Colpit:

- It is necessary to treat both partners, otherwise the risk that the disease will return, high;

- carry out frequent intimate procedures with antiseptic preparations;

- The girl should be joined after every trip to the toilet;

- Chemical powder replace the economic or children's soap;

- reduce sugar consumption to a minimum;

- Exclude fermented milk products during treatment.

Prevention Colusive

Female Doctor DiscusSing Medication With Senior Female Patient

There are no special requirements for protection against colpping, there are a number of recommendations for the prevention of any sexual disease:

- hygiene using non-irritation funds;

- use of contraceptive means - condoms;

- Regular examination of the gynecologist

Observing these simple rules, it is possible to reduce the risk of any urinary disease, including collision.