Causes, symptoms and treatment of brown purulent discharge in a dog. Bleeding from the uterus in dogs

Uterine bleeding (Haematometra) is the process of blood exiting from damaged blood vessels of the uterus, including through the external genitalia.

Bleeding from the genitals in dogs is quite common. If we have bleeding from the external genital organs, then it is commonly called external bleeding, if bleeding from the uterus goes into the abdominal cavity - internal bleeding.

Causes of bleeding from the genitals

  • Various neoplasms of the vagina and uterus (etc.).
  • Traumatic injuries, including birth.
  • Diseases of the urinary system (, urethritis,).
  • Violation of the process of blood clotting, including poisoning, hemophilia.
  • With a variety of hormonal disruptions in the dog's body.
  • Normally, spotting can be during estrus, up to three weeks after childbirth.

clinical picture. Symptoms of uterine bleeding in a dog depend entirely on the cause that led to the bleeding, as well as on the intensity and speed with which the blood will come out of the damaged vessels of the uterus.

In the event that a dog’s bleeding develops as a result of an injury during pathological childbirth, the bleeding is massive and rapid, blood clots are periodically released from the vagina, the dog weakens sharply in front of your eyes, visible mucous membranes have a pale tint. In such cases, as a result of large bleeding, the dog may collapse, convulsions, quickly leading the dog into a coma. Depending on the nature of the injury received, a lethal outcome in a dog is possible within a few minutes after the onset of bleeding.

In the case where moderate bleeding occurs (venereal sarcoma or other tumor), the characteristic symptoms for blood loss in the dog develop gradually. Such a dog becomes lethargic, tends to play less, on clinical examination, the visible mucous membranes are pale, signs of anemia appear (). Gradually, the dog begins to lose its appetite, we note its emaciation. In some animals, the owners notice dried blood on the root of the tail and external genitalia.

In the event that bleeding from the uterus is the result of inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) or there is a violation of blood clotting, the dog, on clinical examination, looks depressed, lethargic, refuses to eat, she develops vomiting (), body temperature rises, increased thirst appears.

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of uterine bleeding is based on clinical picture diseases, the veterinarian of the clinic will conduct a general and biochemical blood test, a blood test for coagulation, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, in the presence of neoplasms, a biopsy of the material and a general urine test.

Forecast. Unfavorable for fetuses in the uterine cavity, doubtful for the dog itself due to possible complications in the form of inflammation of the uterus.

Treatment. Treatment for uterine bleeding should be aimed at stopping the bleeding. The owners provide the dog with complete rest, the animal is laid with a raised rear part of the body. A cold compress is applied to the region of the sacrum and lower back at home. Conservative treatment of uterine bleeding is reduced to the use of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, which is given orally at a dose of 5-20 ml, intravenously administered depending on the weight of the dog from 1 to 15 ml. To stop bleeding, a dog can be injected with a 0.1% solution of adrenaline at a dose of 0.05-0.5. A good hemostatic agent is the use of a 2-5% solution of Stipticin orally and subcutaneously at a dose of 0.02 - 0.05. To stop bleeding, pregnantol is used intramuscularly and subcutaneously at a dose of 0.005-0.02, spherofizin at a dose of 0.005-0.01. veterinary clinic to take emergency measures to stop bleeding. Usually, in a clinic, a dog undergoes a laparotomy, during which a veterinarian performs an autopsy of the uterus to assess the severity of bleeding, and in case of minor injuries, ligates damaged blood vessels. When oncology is detected, a complete removal of the uterus is carried out, a complete removal of the uterus is also resorted to in cases where the bitch does not provide breeding value. In that case when surgical intervention impossible, then a blood or plasma transfusion is done first. With inflammatory infectious diseases a course of antibiotic therapy. Transmissible venereal sarcoma is treated with chemotherapy.

Reading 4 min. Views 948 Published on 22.02.2019

Bloody discharge in a dog will be combined with other symptoms of poor health. With such signs, you should not hesitate and urgently need to show the animal to a veterinarian who will determine the cause and prescribe a competent treatment.

When the discharge from the bitch is purulent

Venereal sarcoma, hemometra, pyometra - their possible reason. In this case, green or brownish mucus is released from the female's loop. The exudate may be a mixture of blood and pus. If the dog is old, then the cause of the pathology is pyometra. So veterinarians call females.

The disease occurs in those bitches for which chemical contraceptives are often used, in other words, pills. Their use should be dosed and only with the permission of a doctor. And uncontrolled use can just be the cause of inflammation of the uterus, the release of purulent mucus.

Pyometra occurs mainly in females older than 6 years who have not had offspring. The disease is characterized by intoxication of the whole organism, that is, the dog becomes stunted, her thirst increases, a putrid smell is heard from the mouth. If the pet lives in an apartment, it is hard not to notice the characteristic brownish-dirty spots on the floor. They smell terrible.

Treatment of the disease is carried out surgically - the uterus of the bitch is removed along with the appendages. Before the operation, intravenous administration of drugs is carried out so that the patient can endure it more easily and recover sooner. After the procedure, a course of antibiotics is mandatory. Noticing your pet, hurry to the doctor. After all, a dog can die from intoxication.

Endometritis is another cause of green and brownish discharge in the bitch. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form.

Signs of the disease can be fever, inactivity of the animal, refusal of food and even water. Endometritis also threatens the bitch with a fatal outcome, if remedial measures are not taken.

What if there is blood?

Such discharge is normal if the dog has recently given birth. Normally, bleeding in a dog after childbirth stops after a few days. If this does not happen, then we are talking about the uterus and need the help of a veterinarian who will administer hemostatic agents to the dog.

In estrus, the discharge is usually brownish rather than red and bright. Such they can be in bitches if blood clotting is disturbed, cancer of the urogenital tract progresses in the body, there are fistulas between the rectum and the vagina.

According to external signs, these can simply be drops of blood that are visible on the genitals of the pet. Often they are caused by trauma.

If the dog walks by itself, then it may hit or someone will intentionally beat it. Pathology may be accompanied by zealous licking of the vagina, whining in pain. The itching can cause the dog to fidget on the floor on his bum.

White discharge from a dog

They may be accompanied by a strong odor and itching. In this case, we are talking, most likely, about infectious diseases in the bitch and its infection during accidental mating or vaginitis. In such situations, the pet will often lick itself, clean it.

Sometimes white mucus that is released from the dog's loop is a variant of the norm when it comes to puberty. But in this case, the bitch will behave calmly. Her itching doesn't bother her, and bad smell it doesn't feel like it.

To be sure that such secretions really do not threaten the growing pet, you need to show it to the veterinarian.

To determine bacterial infections in the hospital, they will take a swab, conduct a seeding, and accurately establish the diagnosis for the dog. Sometimes it may be necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the animal, an x-ray of the pelvic region of the body.

Note! In each case, the order of diagnostic measures will be determined by a specialist based on a visual examination, complaints from the dog owner, and anamnesis. The danger is represented by situations when, during the examination, the veterinarian detects tumors on the genitals.

Just yesterday, the girl literally radiated health, ate well and played with joy, and today suddenly the dog is bleeding after estrus. Tomorrow she is on the operating table. Unfortunately, it's quite common. The list of "female" ailments is so extensive that even an experienced veterinarian is not able to remember all the possible sores. No, we do not call for panic every time a dog is lethargic or refuses a treat after estrus. But remember that the estrus period is a dangerous time, it is necessary.

The period of love and passion is a time of hormonal changes, a time of serious changes in the body that affect the general condition of the girl. In order for a species to exist, the instinct of reproduction must prevail over all other instincts - territorial, hunting, even the instinct of self-preservation. Just imagine how many mechanisms are involved in this process! It is no wonder that violations of estrus in dogs are a common occurrence, despite all the efforts of the owner. Regardless of the conditions of detention, the degree of attention to the health of the bitch and other important, but secondary factors, hormones do their job.

Of course, changes in behavior and condition do not always indicate illness. Under the influence of hormones, even the most well-mannered and intelligent girl can turn into a real "bitter" - capricious, biting and spiteful to everyone, even to the owner. Sometimes a dog pees during estrus, although it has long been accustomed to "do things" only on a walk. Sometimes it is accepted to dig a sofa, gnaw furniture, tear wallpaper and misbehave in every possible way. All this causes inconvenience, but is not considered a pathology.

Another picture is also possible: constant “kissing and hugging”, wobbling backwards and strange postures, extreme obsession even at night, the dog whines during estrus, does not leave the owner a single step and literally climbs on his head. Many girls are friendly with bitches, but snarl at males. Others are ready to break any competitor and caress each "groom". In general, in front of the owner is not his dog, but someone else, unfamiliar and unpredictable. Perseverance, calmness and self-confidence are your best helpers.

appetite and activity

Sometimes the owner is frightened that during estrus the dog is lethargic - he sleeps a lot, does not play, immediately after the “work” he goes home. In itself, a decrease in activity is the norm, and is not a cause for concern. Not all bitches tolerate hormonal fluctuations well, many experience nagging pain and discomfort. But if, in addition to lethargy, the dog's temperature rises during estrus, you should contact your veterinarian. An increase in temperature may indicate an infection and other ailments that require immediate intervention.

Changes associated with appetite are also normal for this period. During and after estrus, the dog does not eat well, as an increase in the level of sex hormones often affects the functioning of the digestive system. Decreased appetite and mild nausea are common, although some bitches tend to eat more. If the bitch does not eat for more than a day, or vomiting occurs immediately after eating, you should show her to the doctor. May need adjustment hormonal background and symptomatic therapy - astringent, antiemetic, sedative and other drugs.

The article focuses on the problem that is relevant for all breeds of dogs, which will not always be easy to deal with and may not always be necessary. It is best to write about your experience in the comments so that other breeders can know how to act in different situations.

Estrus in dogs is menstruation or what is it, hygiene product, behavior change, characteristic signs, aggression

Menstruation in women and estrus in dogs are absolutely opposite physiological processes that cannot be compared.

Estrus in dogs is a natural psychophysiological process inherent in female mammals. The first estrus in a dog occurs at 6-12 months. Its duration is about 3 weeks. Physiologically, estrus is manifested in the swelling of the girl's genitals and the appearance of bloody discharge, which after a while becomes translucent and mucous in nature.

Usually, animals cope with their problems during estrus by licking themselves, but some owners prefer to help their pets maintain hygiene by putting diapers or panties on the dog with daily pads attached to them.

During estrus, a dog's behavior can change significantly - the girl becomes unbalanced, playful, naughty, and sometimes aggressive. After estrus, the character of the animal normalizes again.

How long does estrus last in dogs of breeds of small, medium, what time does the first one begin, at what age should mating begin?

The duration of estrus in dogs of small and medium breeds is 20-22 days. The first estrus in a girl occurs at 6-12 months. Sometimes the process of puberty in an animal is delayed for 18 months.

When does estrus begin in dogs after childbirth, the duration of discharge, after how many months it repeats, how many times a year

The next estrus after childbirth in a dog occurs after 4 months from the moment of delivery. The duration of the discharge is 20-30 days. If during this time the dog did not become pregnant, then the next estrus should be expected in six months. Thus, the dog walks twice a year, less often - once a year.

Dogs have been in heat for more than a month, ahead of time, without blood and ovulation, abundant discharge, what to do

Estrus in dogs lasting more than a month, estrus passing without blood and ovulation or with too abundant secretions is a serious violation of physiology, which can be caused by a tumor or cystic formations, diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, and other reasons.

In such cases, you need to bring the dog for examination to a specialist and undergo an examination.

Is there a heat in sterilized dogs, is there a smell

In sterilized dogs, estrus, with its characteristic smell, may occur even some time after the operation. This is due to the fact that the girl's body could not quickly adjust to a new state. In the future, no discharge from the animal should not be.

However, if the veterinarian performed sterilization without removing the ovaries and uterus, but only by tying the fallopian tubes, then the dog will remain in heat, but she will not have puppies.

Estrus in dogs if there is no blood, you can let go for a walk, a dangerous period and days

Conventionally, the dog's sexual cycle is divided into several stages. On the first, bloody discharge appears, on the second, the discharge becomes transparent, or even completely stops and sexual hunting occurs, i.e. she is ready for fertilization and behaves appropriately, calling males. The second stage is considered the most favorable for conception or "dangerous" in the case when pregnancy is undesirable.

It comes in the second week after estrus and lasts about 5-7 days.

At the next stage, the body returns to its usual state or pregnancy occurs and the dog prepares for the appearance of puppies.

1 comment

    a dog in heat is always in trouble