What our family eats. What they ate in the Nikitin family: a menu for every day and the usual set of products. What else can be done in advance

What I eat and what our family eats - a menu for the week. I cook simple food for my family and we share a table with the children. Our breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Happy viewing! Watch my other videos: SAVE MENU FOR FAMILY 200 RUBLES, DAY SECOND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN89CXBqRIw SAVE MENU FOR FAMILY 200 RUBLES, DAY ONE https://www.youtube.com/ watch? v = qqui1V5DiBc HOW TO SAVE ON FOOD AND SPEND LESS ON FOOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NmfUEorSpo MY LIFE HAKS FOR KITCHEN. TIPS IN THE KITCHEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxwYgQSAu_k WHY THE MONEY IS NOT ENOUGH. HOW NOT TO TAKE A DEBT. HOW TO PLAN COSTS FOR A MONTH TO BE ENOUGH FOR ALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QECFPVJ9WO8 HOW TO SAVE MONEY. HOW TO LEARN TO BUY MONEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUISLVVfda4 HOW TO BUY AN APARTMENT IF THERE IS NO MONEY. WHERE TO TAKE MONEY FOR THE APARTMENT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IViy11moz8k LOAN DEBT, FEE, PENALTIES, COURT. WHAT TO DO IF THE COLLECTORS RING? HOW TO REDUCE DEBT? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOCYwvU_l8U LEATHER-FREE BREAD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bGKGCYTjQk HOW TO MAKE CANDIES WITH YOUR OWN HANDS https://www.youtube.com/ watch? v = fk6DLNo4pWg MY MENU FOR NEW YEAR 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueI-UMsSvys MINIMALISM and FLUFFING, MARY CONDO MAGIC CLEANING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= j6jwz8r8yVA EXCESS WEIGHT - REASONS. Eating with extra body weight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN5azxmOgDw VLOGS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZTymZ35Bo4&list=PLLl1brJIMmGAHU4Dl65tWmpAO45lKAqJk ALL ABOUT BREASTFEEDING/watchwyoutube.com = 6Qrkvq6KQzk & list = PLLl1brJIMmGDo2DR24SxANsbNBXF1Xlmv HOW TO GET PREGNANT, OVULATION. WOMAN'S HEALTH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87h3IK0_ea4&list=PLLl1brJIMmGDzvclSBWVOMttg-jiqKjUc WHAT OUR FAMILY EATS How to lose weight /www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLl1brJIMmGBAg70X3OoaDkLqXkg5Nm5u https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLl1brJIMmGAOZECkHqZ85Zo1mmFnalQ6 dysplasia of the hip in children https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLl1brJIMmGDJLjCnPrIqcW770I9R9ew6 Subscribe - video every 1-2 days!

What I eat and what our family eats - a menu for the week. I cook simple food for my family and we share a table with the children. Our breakfast, lunch and dinner for every day. Happy viewing!

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MY LIFE HAKS FOR THE KITCHEN. KITCHEN TIPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxwYgQSAu_k









EXCESS WEIGHT - REASONS. Eating with extra body weight.







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For quite a long time, being a mother of one child, I believed that there was no difference in how many children to feed one or more, and the problem was solved by increasing the size of the pan, however, in practice, everything turned out differently. Each of my children by virtue of age characteristics , your daily routine, your nutritional needs, as well as "I love" and "I will not", between which there is maneuver.

It became necessary for me to strike a balance between the convenience of kitchen life for me, the taste and benefits of dishes for children, as well as a special feeling for each member of my family that you are at home, that there is such food you love, and which is nowhere else.

And the first was taken into service very simple principle: Children should eat the same as adults, and adults should prepare such food so that children can eat it too.

Cooking food every day, in small portions, while spending in the kitchen no more than an hour and a half a day. Pretty much everything I do prepares quickly, very fast or by itself. My main helpers in the kitchen are oven and slow cooker.

Multicooker helps to cook porridge for breakfast in the evening, by the specified time, spending no more than 5 minutes. In addition, it is very convenient to keep the porridge warm if all family members eat breakfast at different times.

Immediately after breakfast for all dishes on today's menu I clean and cut vegetables. Those that I put for dinner in an airtight container in the refrigerator. I spend no more than 10 minutes on manipulating meat, chicken or fish for the evening and I also put the semi-finished product in the refrigerator. Make sure to cook a little pot of soup just for today. Sometimes I make a preparation for a vegetable salad.

Children are always happy jelly or compote, in between times you can bake some cookies, chocolate muffin, or knead the pie dough. All my baking recipes with minimal cooking time... The bread maker does an excellent job of kneading the dough, and I like to bake cookies that are baked as one layer and cut into portions after it cools down. Baking pies, the smell from the kitchen - makes the house lively and cozy, and children love baking very much. All these operations take no more than 1 hour.

For an afternoon snack I prepare various smoothies and cocktails from cottage cheese, natural yogurt, fruits for children. At the same time, it goes to the oven or to the multicooker. dinner who prepares for the appointed time without my participation. If the dough comes up in the bread maker, I make one pie on a medium-sized baking sheet and also send it to the oven. In total, it takes me no more than 20-25 minutes. Total I spend no more than 1.5 hours in the kitchen a day.

Unfortunately, we rarely sit down at the table with the whole family, due to the different charts work, study and other affairs of my household. But when we nevertheless find ourselves at the same table, it happens to us very fun and delicious... I have big family, I have someone to try for - and this is the main thing!

Family traditions are slowly losing their importance... In our dynamic life, it seems that the word "tradition" smells of mothballs. However, many of them are the basis of friendships and understanding in the family.

Sooner or later, we begin to miss the opportunity to talk to each other, the deficit of confession makes itself felt. It is difficult to understand that someone needs you, if personal communication has supplanted short calls to mobile, SMS and Skype.

Common situation? The solution to the problem will be family dinner , which was once very dear in families and even made films about him. If you still have such a wonderful tradition, we suggest starting today.

How to start

Family dinner isn't just about food. Therefore, you should not think that nothing will work out, since you are on a diet or do not eat after 18.00, and the children will not sit hungry until dad arrives.

Each family member can eat when it is convenient for him, and sitting down at a common table - communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, eating fruit or trying a new type of tea.

In order not to surprise your family with a suddenly set table on a weekday, try starting with a family lunch or dinner on a weekend. Yes, yes, in our time even families spend weekends separately, each doing his own thing.

How to prepare

Family dinner or lunch - the way , therefore, everything related to its discussion, procurement and preparation of dishes is important to do together. Working together unites, remember?

We start preparing with menu discussions ... We are sure that your household will like this item. Consider the wishes of each family member, because it is better to start with a positive one. But without fanaticism, it is better to choose light and healthy dishes that everyone can taste.

On the way from your walk, go to the store to buy the necessary products.

Next step - start cooking together ... You should not work alone in the kitchen; you have a great reason to chat with your husband on any topic in an unobtrusive atmosphere. And children under your supervision will easily master the elementary basics of cooking.

The main factor for a successful family dinner is no TVs and phones ! For the background, you can turn on relaxing music so as not to knock on devices in silence.

A nuance for intellectuals : a family tradition every weekend to arrange lunch or dinner in certain national traditions - Italian French, American - an excellent occasion to learn the interesting nuances of the culture of other countries and introduce them to children.

How to conduct

To make a family dinner a success, all you have to do is simply communicate .

By the way, it seems simple only at first glance. We are so far apart from each other that find common topics of conversation immediately you might find it quite a daunting task. The main thing is not to give up and continue to gather at the table with the whole family - everything will work out.

Get started ... Even if it's more about work first. Surprisingly, but children are very fond of listening to the conversations of mom and dad - with their help they learn to understand adult life.

Listen ... It is important for them to know that parents care about what else happens in their life besides the lessons and the state of health.

Not each other ... Let a family lunch or dinner become that moment when everyone can speak out, speak out, complain, and be sure that they will understand him.

For skeptics

If you are still not sure if your home needs family traditions, we have prepared some serious arguments for you.

Psychology factor ... Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, recently completed a 5-year psychosocial study and found the following encouraging pattern.

Children in whose families common lunches and dinners were held at least twice a week received the best grades in school, suffered less from depression, smoked little, and did not use alcohol and drugs.

Health factor ... The US Department of Health recently released statistics that if family members eat together, they consume a lot less junk food :

  • fast food products - by 38%;
  • sugary carbonated drinks - by 23%;
  • fat - by 28%.

Indicators useful products on the contrary, they increase. So for a year, one American family, gathering at a common table, eats much better and healthier than if they did it alone. The amount of healthy fruits, vegetables, lean fish and juices eaten increased by 34%!

After all, mom will never cook a bad one, which means that a seed meal is the right way to form a healthy habit. healthy eating in children.

Agree, there is something to try for!

Remember when in last time did you gather at the dinner table with the whole family? This is so rare these days! Parents are always busy, and children also have their own plans. Therefore, it is increasingly common that each family member eats breakfast, lunch and dinner whenever he can or wants to, without waiting for the rest. I do not know very well the traditions of other peoples, but I can say for sure that most Arab families have breakfast, lunch and dinner together every day. They set a specific time when each family member knows it is time to sit down at the table. I have lived in Arab countries for many years and noticed that eating together is a common habit of Arabs, in any country.

Honestly, I would like my compatriots and my family to do the same. Whenever I ask my family members to set a specific time for breakfast, or at least lunch, they refuse, arguing that our schedules are different. Of course, sometimes we have dinner together, but not every day. Nevertheless, to the best of my ability, I will definitely try to change this circumstance. And that's why:

1. Respect for parents

Children, who usually only eat with their mother, tend to think that the mother is more important than the father because she always makes time to eat with them while the father is busy all the time. And vice versa. When you eat together every day, your kids learn to respect both parents.

In addition, in eastern countries, you may notice that at a family dinner, no one starts to eat first until the head of the family starts eating. It may seem strange, but discipline in the family, showing respect for elders, are extremely important, because other good qualities of family relations and raising children are transmitted with them.

2. Healthy eating

If you are a caring parent, you will not give your children junk food... You are trying to make their food as healthy as possible. When you eat with them, you eat those healthy meals too. Anyway, homemade food is usually healthier than fast food. It's not always easy to stick with healthy diet... But now you have no excuses.

3. Communication

Yes, you can communicate with each other at any time of the day, but remember how often it really happens? A meal together is a great opportunity to see each other and communicate. Just make sure you don't discuss bad news. Discuss how your day went, share your successes, plan a family trip or other time together. This way, your kids will always associate family meals with pleasant conversations and delicious, healthy food.

4. Good family relationships

If there are any omissions in your family, problems, resentments that you cannot solve in any way, start with the tradition of joint family meals. This is a great opportunity to improve your relationship with your children or help your husband become a better father to your children. Dinners are wise for families where foster parents are trying to connect with foster children, or where the daughter-in-law wants to have a really good relationship with her mother-in-law.

5. Quality family time

Whether you agree or not, most teenagers take their parents for granted. You think that you are making enough money for your children to buy whatever they want, that you love and help them, but are you giving them enough attention? If you and your spouse have busy schedules and don't always have free time to spend with your kids, at least start a tradition of eating together. This will help you conduct quality time together and show your children that you are a real family.

6. Learning table behavior

If you have young children, sharing family meals will serve as an example. good manners at the table (of course, if you practice them yourself). Your children will learn when it is best to eat, how not to be late and not keep themselves waiting, and how to behave at the table. Then no one will tell your children that they do not know how to behave at the table. You want to be proud of your grown children, don't you?

7. Wonderful memories

As your kids grow up, they will never forget the fun and warm times of family meals. They will know how important it is to have dinner together as a family, and will certainly teach their children to do so. If sharing meals becomes a tradition for your family, it will be passed on from generation to generation. Therefore, it is worth starting to create these wonderful memories right now!

I think there are other benefits of sharing family meals at home. We all want to change the world and make it less violent. So let's start with our families. Teach children to value family time and homemade meals, and show them how to behave well at the table. They will be grateful to you later.

What does 99% of your family's health depend on?

The answer is simple and even, one might say, banal.

Health depends on what and how the family is. That is, on the type and form of food. Adequate nutrition is one of the fundamental factors of healthy and fulfilling human development. What and how we eat affects our whole life to a very large extent.

Today we will talk about healthy family nutrition.

Proper nutrition: what should it be?

Proper nutrition is nutrition, organized in accordance with the needs of the human body, thereby contributing to the preservation and strengthening of his health.
Good nutrition is based on 5 principles: regularity, variety, adequacy, safety, pleasure. The main task of forming the foundations of good nutrition in the family is to help the child learn these principles.

Let's take a closer look at each of the principles.

Principle I - regularity.

All processes occurring within us (breathing, heartbeat, cell division, vascular contraction, including the work of the digestive system) are rhythmic, and regularity is an indispensable condition for the effective functioning of a complex biological system.

The diet is designed to provide an even load in the digestive system throughout the day, which is why there should be at least 4 meals. At primary school age, there should be - 4-5 meals every 3-4 hours (this is how much time it takes for food to be digested). It is this nutritional system that allows the body to most optimally assimilate nutrients and vitamins.

The daily food ration should be distributed as follows: a light breakfast, equal to about a third of the total daily value, a hearty lunch, afternoon snack and dinner, which is a quarter of the daily value.

The distribution of products by the hour of admission depends very much on their composition and energy potential. For example: foods high in protein - meat, fish, legumes - should be eaten for breakfast or lunch. Such products increase the activity of the central nervous system... Before going to bed, you should eat dairy products, fruits and vegetables. They do not burden the digestive organs.

Do not drink tea, coffee at night, hot spices, and even more so to give all of the above to the child. This can activate the nervous system and disrupt sleep.

It is best to start your meal with salads or vegetables. So you activate the activity of the stomach and increase the secretion of gastric juice. In this case, dishes should be served not hotter than 50 degrees and not colder than 10 degrees.

The duration of individual meals is of some importance. It is believed that for breakfast and dinner it is enough to devote 15 - 20 minutes, for lunch - 20 - 25 minutes.
It is helpful to end any meal not with a sweet dessert, but with raw, hard vegetables or fruits. They increase salivation, teeth are partially cleaned of plaque and food debris. For good digestibility of food, it must be thoroughly chewed.

Food "by the hour" is important at any age, but its importance is especially great for children and adolescents, when the body is actively growing and maturing. Irregular nutrition creates additional stress and stress in this process, and a fertile ground for the emergence of various kinds of health disorders, not only physical, but also mental. Scientists' studies have shown that children who have a "free schedule" of food intake have more high level anxiety, fatigue, they often have conflicts with peers and teachers, it is more difficult for them to learn. But you must admit that few adults, faced with such problems with their own child, will think - is not the diet (or, rather, its absence) the reason?

The habit of eating regularly should be nurtured with early childhood, and its basis is the organization of meals in the family, which makes it possible to form a "reflex for a while." The goal is for the child to have a desire to eat at the "right" hours.

And what should a child know and be able to do?

Already a preschooler should have formed the idea that daily food is necessarily breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. At 7-8 years old, the child needs to be taught to independently determine the time of the main meals by the clock. In addition, at primary school age, a child can take an active part in organizing his diet. If in kindergarten and at home the responsibility for this lies entirely on the shoulders of parents or educators, then school life presupposes great independence. Therefore, it is good if the child gets used to taking a sandwich or apple with him to school, he will know when, at what break to eat it, and when he comes home, he will be able to organize lunch for himself without waiting for his parents.

Principle II - diversity.

Our body needs a variety of plastic and energetic material. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals - we must get all this from food. Each of the listed substances has its own functions: for example, proteins are the main construction material, from which the body is formed and "repaired" (in case of malfunctions), carbohydrates and fats participate in the energy supply of systems and organs, vitamins are the most important regulator of biological processes in the body, etc. Lack of any of them can lead to serious malfunctions in the body.

That is why it is so important to form a diverse range of tastes in a child so that he likes different foods and dishes. The breadth of taste preferences is a guarantee that in adulthood a person will be able to properly organize his food.

All food groups must be included in the child's diet - meat, dairy, fish, vegetable. The same dish should not be given to the child several times during the day, but more often 2 times during the week.

Often, adults are faced with the problem of a child's inexplicable, at first glance, conservatism in relation to food. The child is ready to eat all day on one potato or pasta, or, without stopping, eat sausages. In no case should you follow their lead (despite the fact that adherence to the same dish makes life much easier for mom), because such food cannot be called complete. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem with the help of "dictatorial" measures, forcing the child to eat what is "supposed to" (I note that violence in food is a prohibited technique). Try to help your child "taste" the taste different dishes... How can this be achieved?

One of the recipes is to give him the opportunity to experiment and create his own taste and appearance dishes. So, for example, you can add jam, juice (color change), dried fruits, nuts, seeds to porridge (very useful, but not very popular with children) ... Mashed potatoes can be laid out on a plate in a boring slide, or maybe in the shape of a bear ... Such experiments are very entertaining for a child, and practice shows that aesthetic interest soon turns into gastronomic interest.

Let us consider in detail the diet of a child 6-11 years old (primary school age):

The diet of a younger schoolchild should include, as noted earlier, all the main food groups, namely - meat and meat products, fish and fish products, milk and dairy products, eggs, edible fats, vegetables and fruits, bread and bakery products, cereals, pasta and legumes, sugar and confectionery.

Meat, fish, eggs, milk, kefir and other dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese are the main sources of high-quality animal proteins that contribute to the normal growth and development of children, their resistance to infections and other adverse external influences. The amount of animal protein in the diet of young children school age should be 60% of the total protein.

To ensure protein nutritional value, the following should be included in the diet of a younger student every day:

  • milk 500 g,
  • cottage cheese 40-50 g,
  • cheese 10-15 g,
  • fish 40-60 g,
  • meat -140 g,
  • one egg.

This set of products can fully satisfy the growing body's need for proteins, provided that a sufficient amount of proteins is supplied. vegetable origin(beans, nuts, grains and some vegetables contain them).

In the diet of primary school children, you should use lean beef or veal, rabbit, lean pork, chicken, turkey.

By-products - liver, heart, kidneys, brains, tongue. By-products are a source of complete proteins, phosphorus, iron, copper, vitamins of group B. Dishes from by-products should be introduced into the diet of younger schoolchildren at least 2 times a week.

Meat dishes should be combined with vegetable side dishes.

Fish delicacies (caviar, salted fish, canned food) in their own way nutritional value have no advantages over fresh fish, but contain a significant amount of salt and irritate the insufficiently mature mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines of primary school children. Therefore, it is recommended to include them in the diet of children of this age only occasionally and in small quantities.

Meat and fish can be used in a wide variety of dishes - cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, goulash, entrecotes - depending on the individual tastes of children.

To meet the needs of a growing child's body in essential amino acids, it is advisable to use food combinations. For example, milk protein the best way combined with protein of cereals, bread products. therefore great importance has the introduction of milk cereals into the diet of younger schoolchildren, in which the milk protein rich in lysine makes up for the natural deficiency of this essential amino acid in grain products.

Milk proteins have the greatest biological value in children's nutrition. Therefore, milk is a must, not a substitute for food. Milk fat includes biologically valuable unsaturated fatty acids as well as fat-soluble vitamins.

In addition, milk is a source of mineral salts, including easily digestible calcium and phosphorus. It contains trace elements: cobalt, copper, zinc, iodine, aluminum

In the diet of younger schoolchildren, various products should be widely used, the production of which is based on lactic acid fermentation - cottage cheese, sour cream, cheeses, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, etc. As a result of the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria in milk, vitamins B1, B2 and enzymes are formed. Microorganisms contained in lactic acid products create an acidic environment in the intestines and suppress the vital activity of putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. In addition, lactic acid products are a good causative agent of digestive secretion, promote regular bowel movements.

Of great importance in the nutrition of primary schoolchildren is cottage cheese, which is rich in calcium and phosphorus, and contains essential amino acids.

An important role in the nutrition of children and adults is played by complex proteins - phosphoproteins, the source of which are eggs, or rather yolks. Phosphoproteins are necessary for the normal formation and functioning of the human central nervous system. Therefore, one egg should be included in the diet every day.

The importance of fats in the diet of younger schoolchildren is diverse: they are used for plastic purposes, especially for building nervous tissue, are solvents of vitamins A, D, E, ensuring their most complete assimilation. In addition, some fats themselves serve as a source of these vitamins, as well as necessary in childhood polyunsaturated fatty acids... The most valuable fats are milk fat, which is found in milk and dairy products ( butter, cream, sour cream), as well as the fat that is part of the egg yolk. These fats are well absorbed and contain vitamins A and D, which are very important for a child. Vegetable oil, although it practically does not contain vitamins, it is also well absorbed by the child's body.

The amount of carbohydrates in the diet of primary schoolchildren should be about 4 times more than proteins and fats, i.e. 280 - 400 g per day.

It is recommended to use easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jam, confectionery, vegetables and fruits). The recommended amount of sweets should be given after meals. They are a specific food irritant that normalizes the tone of the nervous system.

The main need for carbohydrates is covered by starch contained in bread, cereals, potatoes. Therefore, in the diet of younger schoolchildren, a large amount of bakery products (300 - 400 g) and cereals (up to 35 g) should be used per day. Rye and wheat bread is used.

Cereals, especially buckwheat and oatmeal, along with carbohydrates, provide children with vegetable fats, vegetable fibers, vitamins B1, B2, magnesium.
At the same time, predominantly carbohydrate nutrition leads to significant metabolic disorders and a decrease in immunity. Growth retardation and overall development children, obesity, a tendency to pustular diseases, the development of caries.

Younger schoolchildren should receive daily 250 - 300 g of potatoes and 300 - 400 g of vegetables in the form of salads, vinaigrettes, vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, casseroles, etc.; 200-300 g of fruits and berries in the form of fresh fruits and various fruit and vegetable juices - especially with pulp (apple, plum, apricot, peach, tomato, etc.).

Fruits and vegetables, especially fresh ones, are the most important source of ascorbic acid, vitamin P, beta-carotene. Ascorbic acid especially rich are black currants, green peppers, rose hips. Its content is high in citrus fruits, green onions, cauliflower. Vitamin P enhances the effect of vitamin C in the body. A successful combination of these vitamins is found in oranges, lemons, tangerines, chokeberry. Sea buckthorn is rich in these vitamins, as well as vitamin E and a number of other useful vitamin-like compounds. Carrots are especially rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. There is a lot of it in tomatoes, apricots, green onions, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, greens.

Water, not being a food product, nevertheless makes up 60% of the total mass of the human body and is vital, because serves to dissolve and deliver nutrients to actively functioning organs and tissues. Water maintains the required blood volume and regulates body temperature. Water enters the body with food and drinks. About 0.5 liters of water per day is formed in the body through metabolic reactions.

The youngest student needs to consume up to 1.5 - 2.0 liters of water every day to compensate for its losses. It should be borne in mind that the need for water increases with an increase in the consumption of carbohydrates from food.

It should also be noted that in the spring and summer, it is necessary to increase the amount of plant foods. In winter, on the contrary, it is advisable to add foods rich in proteins and fats to the diet.

Principle III - Adequacy.

The food that the child eats during the day must replenish the energy consumption of his body. And they are not small - after all, the child is growing, the most complex functional changes take place in him. But in each specific case, this figure may vary depending on gender, living conditions, type of activity, state of health. So, it is obvious that the diet and diet of a child actively involved in sports should differ from the diet and diet of his less mobile peers. Food during illness - from food at the usual time. Summer table - from winter table, etc.

In the matter of monitoring the adequacy of a child's nutrition, the main responsibility lies with adults. But you should not deprive the child of independence here. Already a preschooler should have an idea of ​​how much food is not enough for him, enough and excess. It is important for the child to understand that both malnutrition and overeating, for example, an excessive passion for sweets, are dangerous for health. He can be offered to independently control the amount of sweets that he eats during the day. At the same time, favorite delicacies are not outlawed, they are not classified as harmful products, but their number should be strictly limited.

However, any adult knows how difficult it is to stop a sweet tooth. In this case, it is recommended to shift the controlling functions onto the child himself (the adult's task is to come up with an entertaining and interesting form of self-control for this). Practice shows that a child in the role of a controller of himself very successfully copes with the task set before him.

Principle IV - safety.

Food safety is ensured by three conditions - the child's adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, the ability to distinguish between fresh and stale products, and careful handling of unfamiliar products.

Even the smallest know that you need to wash your hands before eating. But, unfortunately, knowing does not mean always doing. Gastrointestinal disorders are one of the most common diseases in childhood, the main reason is non-observance of basic hygiene rules. That's why learning proper nutrition should include the task of developing basic hygiene skills. Moreover, I emphasize, it is skills, and not knowledge about how important and useful it is.

By the age of 7-8, the child gains some independence in relation to his own nutrition - he can independently get out of the refrigerator and eat yogurt, take cookies, an apple, etc. from a vase. This means that by this age, he should have formed an idea of ​​the signs indicating the staleness of the product (change in smell, color). It is important that the child knows: if there are even slight doubts about the freshness of the product, it cannot be eaten.

The same cautious attitude should be formed towards unfamiliar products. Today, when there is a very wide range of products in stores, it is sometimes difficult to resist the temptation to try something new. There is nothing wrong with desire in itself. But the fact is that new, unconventional food products for our food culture may contain substances unfamiliar to our body, which can become allergens for a child. Therefore, it is important that he remembers that acquaintance with a new product or dish should only take place in the presence of an adult.

And a few more tips to ensure food safety:

  1. You should not fry food too much, it is better to use boiling and stewing, because the products of fat oxidation arising from frying irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, can cause heartburn, abdominal pain not only in a child, but also in an adult.
  2. Use as little as possible in the diet of a family, and especially children, various types of sausages, small sausages, sausages - in addition to the fact that they are very high in fat, usually these products are often made from meat of "second freshness" or offal and contain a large amount of preservatives ...
  3. For family meals, choose light yellow cheeses, bright yellow cheeses are very fatty.
  4. Use processed cheeses and curd cheeses as little as possible - they contain not only a lot of fat, but also all kinds of dyes, melters, thickeners and other food additives. Try not to often use foods that combine fats and "fast carbs" - baked goods, pastries, cakes, chocolate, ice cream. This combination results in completeness.
  5. Sugary carbonated drinks cause serious harm to health.

Principle V - pleasure.

For some reason, when they talk about the role and significance of nutrition, they often forget about the very important function of food - to give pleasure. But the pleasant sensations that arise during eating also have a deep physiological meaning, being an indicator of the safety of the product (an unpleasant taste is perceived by our body as an alarm signal - this cannot be eaten!). Therefore, the higher the level of development of a person's gustatory sensitivity, the higher the level of protection of his body.

The call to enjoy food is not a call to overeat. After all, pleasure arises not from the amount eaten (rather, there is an inverse relationship - overeating "kills" pleasant sensations), but from the ability to distinguish, differentiate tastes and smells, assess the harmony of their combination, the appearance of the dish, etc.

The formation of such skills depends on how varied the food that the child eats and how tasty it is prepared. It is important to teach the child to describe the smell, taste of the dish, not limited to the simple "tasty and tasteless". And for this, it is necessary that at the dinner table adults discuss the merits of the dish with him. After all, this is the only way a child can understand what taste is called "soft", "sweet and sour", "bittersweet", etc.

The pleasure of eating also directly depends on the atmosphere at the table. While eating, a taboo should be imposed on quarrels, clarification of relationships and educational conversations! Let from the very early age the child will form an idea - the family table is a place where everyone is comfortable, warm, and, of course, delicious!
Compliance with the listed principles and rules of nutrition is the key to the health and normal development of your children, as well as their good academic performance.

How do you organize the process of developing healthy eating habits in your child?

As you already know, proper nutrition should be regular, varied, adequate, safe and enjoyable. But how can a child be convinced of the importance and necessity of adhering to these principles?

The traditional educational method of adults who strive to form certain useful habits in a child is an explanation of their health benefits. "If you eat porridge, you will grow up and become strong and strong" or, conversely, "If you do not eat fruit (exercise, temper, etc.), you will get sick ...". But is this argument convincing to the child? No! After all, he now, at the moment, needs to give up what is pleasant and tasty in order to receive a “reward” (strength, growth, beauty) sometime in the future. As a rule, health for a child is something that is given to him from birth, it is difficult for him to understand why he needs to take care and strengthen him, if it already exists. What to do?

It is recommended to organize this process in the form of a game, because play is the most effective way for younger students to learn and interact with the world around them. But let the rules in this game be special, related to the child's performance of certain. There are many options here - to keep a diary, where to put yourself "smiles" every time you washed your hands without reminders; organize a competition for the most unusual porridge; hold a competition for connoisseurs of fruits and vegetables, etc. Here you can use different types games.

So, a role-playing game based on some familiar episodes from life to a child can be associated with practicing table behavior skills (For example, guests come to the hosts, you need to set the table and occupy the guests).

Playing with the rules assumes a competitive nature of the interaction of its participants: who will pick vegetables for a salad faster, choose a dish for breakfast, etc.
The effect of such simple techniques from the point of view of an adult turns out to be very high, what could not be achieved through endless reminders and notations is easily achieved in the game.

Formation of the foundations of food culture also presupposes acquaintance of the child with folk traditions and customs, folk cuisine. And this is not just a tribute to history.

Traditions that have passed the test of time for centuries have always performed the function of socio-cultural regulators of nutrition from the standpoint of its rationality and expediency.

Folk cuisine usually best suits the living conditions of the people and the structure of food resources of the territory in which they live. Over the centuries, various nationalities have developed a certain adaptation to specific products and methods of their preparation.

Of course, today our table is becoming more and more versatile. Cheeseburgers and hamburgers, chips, sushi, pizza - all this is gradually losing its status as a foreign dish.

It is hardly possible and worthwhile to hinder the process of interpenetration of various culinary traditions. However, at the same time it is stupid and unreasonable to forget about our own national cuisine.

This is why it is so important that the child has an understanding of traditional cooking, its role and importance in maintaining health.

At the same time, by the way, educational tasks are being solved that are not directly related to the formation of the foundations of proper nutrition. Acquaintance with traditions and customs expands the child's understanding of the culture and history of the people in general, which means that it can be considered as an element patriotic education... A discussion of culinary traditions different nations- an excellent option for organizing international education.

Education in the basics of good nutrition should be in accordance with the principle of practical expediency. Namely, all the information given to the child and the skills of behavior that are formed should be useful to him in everyday life. Of course, information about the groups of vitamins and their significance for certain physiological functions of the body is important, but hardly necessary for a 7-11 year old child. But the idea of ​​foods that are sources of vitamins is certainly useful, as it helps to understand why you need to eat fruits or vegetables every day, drink juices, milk, etc.

Do I need to tell a younger student about the technology of cooking borscht if it is clear that it is too early for him to get up at the stove? While he can help his mother in the kitchen, placing the dishes on the table, and, therefore, mastering the serving rules will have real practical value.

Excessive science, an unreasonably large amount of information associated with the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle, are not only useless, but also often lead to the fact that the child's interest in this educational process decreases. Formation of the foundations of proper nutrition in a child is, first of all, the mastery of useful skills, and the degree of their development directly depends on whether they are in demand in everyday life. That is why, when choosing the content of teaching proper nutrition, a parent should think about how necessary what he is going to teach to his child.

Traditionally, the foundations of food culture were laid in the family. It was here that the child got acquainted with the traditions of nutrition, here his taste preferences were formed, the rules of behavior at the table were mastered, etc. Unfortunately, today the role of the family in this area of ​​upbringing is decreasing. The traditions of family feasts are gradually disappearing from our life (dinner, when the whole family gathers at the table, Sunday breakfasts), it often turns out that 5 times a week the child has breakfast, lunch, or even dines outside the home. Thus, family education is substantially supplemented and corrected by education in the school collective. But the school, of course, cannot do without parental support in this area of ​​education. Therefore, the formation of a child's nutritional culture is always a cooperation between parents and a teacher.
Therefore, we, teachers, hope for fruitful cooperation with you, parents, and hope that such meetings will become regular.

Prepared by Elena I. Markevich,
primary school teacher MKOU "Secondary School No. 3", Kozelsk