The secret of ancient civilizations is the White Gods. Food of Ra - Chronology - White Gods of different nations Legend of the white gods

The legacy of the white gods. Part 1

Evolution or degradation: how did the earth's development take place 40 million years ago?

The legends about the white gods have been preserved by all the peoples of the Earth. Legends say that the white gods came from the north, gave knowledge and culture to the peoples living on the planet, laying the foundations of modern civilization. Vedic books tell that the white race - the children of the goddess Danu, the owners of many planets of the galaxy - flew from space about 40 million years ago.

They populated the poles and islands in the oceans, since the rest of the planet was already occupied by the space race of giants, as well as by hybrid degenerative races that have lost their space purpose. Having created permanent bases on Earth, the white gods came, worked and again went into space. Their mission was to make the planet a paradise world. However, as a result of the battles of the gods among themselves, all living things on the planet died out many times, and the periods of development and degradation replaced each other. The history of the rise and fall of these ancient civilizations is taboo for official science.

Historian writer Georgy Sidorov discusses and shares his opinion regarding who and when built our Solar system, why Darwin's theory “does not work” and how can people not turn back into apes?

The legacy of the white gods. Part 2

Strike fist on the Slavic world: how was the Aryan population of the planet destroyed?

In the second part, "The Legacy of the White Gods," the writer-historian Georgy Sidorov talks about the war between the white gods, the memory of which is preserved in the myths of all peoples. The battles led to the destruction of all living things: the water level in the ocean rose, the land was flooded, the cities perished.

The chronicle of the Earth also remembers the terrible battles - it is more ancient and deep than other sources. Part of the mountain ranges are traces of impacts from space, resulting from the fall of asteroids. How did it happen that the unbearable conditions on the planet were created by the white gods?

Subsequently, the echoes of these intense wars are our reflection in the fact that two waves of the Aryan population occupied the northern territories, as well as Eastern Europe. But a new ethnic group, the Erbins, which arose in Forward Asia, moved to the continent and began to destroy the Aryans.

After four large-scale battles, only a small part of the Tuat Aryans were able to survive and sail to the Russian North on ships. Why are there almost no Aryans left in Europe?

The legacy of the white gods. Part 3

Weapons for the destruction of civilization: asteroid bombardment and the emergence of hybrid races

The toponymy of the Russian north leaves no doubt: it is in Siberia that the cradle of the Aryan world is located. The Aryans came to this territory as a result of the great thermonuclear wars, as evidenced by more than 600 craters from nuclear explosions that have survived on the planet's surface. Asteroid bombardments led to the death of three continents - they were swallowed up by the tsunami that rose after the fall of the bolide.

The water level in the oceans has changed, and the territories of land and sea have changed places. The fossilized ruins of ships still stand in the forests of the East European Plain, and ruined cities rest at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

As a result of the fall of the asteroid, the Earth began to oscillate, which led to new natural disasters. To survive, the population was forced to go underground. The cave cities were abandoned when the Earth entered an era of stable climate.

But for the destruction of the Aryan population of the planet, a new weapon was developed - the emergence of hybrid races, which were gradually supposed to dissolve the white race.

Historian writer Georgiy Sidorov argues how a hybrid world government for centuries exercised control over the elites of ancient empires and continues to do so to this day.

The legacy of the white gods. Part 4

The arrival of asteroids to Earth was not accidental. The owners of the planet - the world hybrid government - became the third force to intervene in the space battle of the races. One of the asteroids fell on the continent of Mu, the second was supposed to fall on Ariana, but our ancestors were able to change the direction of the blow inflicted on civilization.

The asteroid passed over Ariana, causing a disturbance in the gravitational fields. The pole of the Earth has moved 15 degrees, as evidenced by the pyramids of South America - they are oriented towards the ancient North Pole. A tsunami rose and its giant waves swept across the territory of Alaska, Chukotka and the entire North, fading away only beyond Taimyr.

The continent burst, parts of it sank under the water, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rose along the fault. The temperature dropped to -100 ºС and Ariana was covered with ice. In Polynesian and Iranian myths, references to these events have been preserved, and the ruins of cities still lie at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, but the official history stubbornly does not recognize the version of the cosmic battle between the gods.

Historian writer Georgy Sidorov argues why official science denies the existence of Atlantis and the true history of the people? Will the past be returned to humanity?

In China, Egypt, Central and South America, in various historical eras and under various names they suddenly came and just as suddenly disappeared, giving rise to many legends in themselves. They ruled tribes and peoples, passed on their knowledge to them, taught them to cultivate the land and build cities, and after that the mysterious White Gods left, promising to return when the time came.

These ancient white-skinned people of South and Central America became the prototype of the Indian myths about Quetzalcoatl, about other light-skinned gods who arrived from overseas.

In the oldest Egyptian chronicles, the mysterious nine White Gods, who became the first founders of the most ancient Egyptian state, were repeatedly mentioned. Historical evidence is that the very first dynasties of the pharaohs that ruled the first Egyptian kingdom were white-skinned with blue eyes and long beards.

Also, in the National Museum of the History of Cairo, there are statues depicting the pharaohs and their wives (about the 3rd millennium BC) from the 4th dynasty, who had all the signs of the white race.

Numerous archaeological discoveries that confirm the existence of the mysterious White Gods date back to the early 20th century. Statues and small figurines depicting white bearded gods have been found in Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Guatemala.

Today, in some museums in European countries, the oldest manuscripts are kept, which have images and references to the mysterious White Gods, who are the founders of most of the most ancient civilizations. However, for some reason, this information is available only to individuals. For everyone else, access to this information is closed.

In Central and South America, the White Gods were especially revered. They occupied the highest levels of the hierarchy in the numerous pantheons of the Gods of Central and South America.

The ancient Olmecs, who were the founders of the civilization of Ancient Mesoamerica, had a legend about their coming to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, on which their civilization was formed. Legend has it that the ancestors of the Olmecs sailed to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in a giant ship from the east. This expedition was led by a leader named Wimtoni.

Along with the colonists, there were white-skinned sages with long beards on the ship. When the ship with the settlers approached the coast, and they began to build their first settlement on the coast, the wise men left the settlers and headed to the dense selva to find people living on this land. Ten years later, the white sages returned and announced that they had completed their mission, and then the white sages boarded a ship and sailed east, where they came from.

According to one of the ancient Egyptian legends, the Egyptian state was created by nine White Gods. The inscriptions on the walls of the ancient pyramids say that the gods had blue eyes, and Diodorus of Siculus claimed that the goddess of the hunt and war Neith had blue eyes.

It is likely that the ancient Olmec legend of the white sages who appeared on the shores of Central America with the ancestors of the Olmecs is closely related to the White Gods. The traditions of the ancient Mayans tell of a God with a beard and white toe-length clothing. He appeared from the east and for a long time taught people how to properly cultivate the land, how to build houses, how to observe the stars, as well as writing.

He taught people to adhere to the laws of justice and goodness, and then he returned back to the east, but promised to return when the time came. Maya called God with a beard the Feathered Serpent or Kukulcan. The religious cult of Kukulkan, which was established among the Mayans, was adopted by the Toltecs and Aztecs, as well as many other Mesoamerican peoples. The Toltecs and Aztecs called the White God Quetzalcoatl.

Who, after all, were the mysterious white-skinned missionaries who gave birth to centers of culture and civilization in numerous corners of the planet and in different time periods? Most likely, the White Gods were Atlanteans or Hyperboreans who survived the disaster.

Or maybe, from time immemorial, there has been a secret order that wants to preserve and transmit ancient knowledge in order to revive and create a new civilization from people who survived after world catastrophes or newly emerged peoples.

There is also a version that some time after the death of Atlantis or the exodus of the population of Ancient Hyperborea after the arrival of the Ice Age, the descendants of the disappeared civilizations took upon themselves the goal of spreading the knowledge that was once lost. Perhaps some of this knowledge got to the backgammon of India, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, and then began to spread to other parts of our planet. Note that it was here that, one after another, the first sources of civilization began to arise, which are known from Ancient History.

Scientists studying this riddle turned their attention to the most interesting facts - the cult views of the most ancient Mesoamerican peoples, primarily the Toltecs and Maya, were influenced by certain aspects that have a parallel with the biblical teachings. For example, in the state of New Mexico in the United States, researchers discovered some clay tablets that were made around the era of the formation of the Mayan civilization and contained ten basic Christian commandments!

The strangest and most mysterious thing was that all the text on the tablets was written in the ancient Semitic dialect.

The next sensational find was a stone with an inscription carved in Hebrew. This incredible find dates back to 1650 BC. The Indian tribes who lived on the lands where the unusual stone was found had an ancient legend about the "White-skinned preacher". Allegedly, he came from the east, healed people, taught crafts and sciences, and also disseminated "Divine Revelations."

These myths about the bearded White Gods from the Pokon centuries took place in South America. For example, the White God, whose name was Kon-Tiki Viracocha, was considered the highest deity in the Inca Empire.

In the city of Cuzco, which is the capital of the Incas, there was an ancient temple destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors, and there was a giant statue of the White God Viracocha. This statue had the features of a European in a long robe and sandals similar to those worn in Rome or Ancient Greece... The statue itself greatly impressed the leader of the conquistadors Francisco Pizarro.

He recorded this event in his memoirs, describing that he saw similar images in the paintings of Spanish and Italian artists. Similar statues have been found in other Inca temples dedicated to Viracocha. They had European features, their bodies were covered with long loose robes, all wore sandals. The Spanish soldiers assumed that this is the image of St. Bartholomew, who reached Peru, and the temples that the Incas erected were also dedicated to this saint.

Confirmation of the presence of white-skinned people on the territory of the South American continent was a find during excavations of a giant ancient necropolis near the Paracas Peninsula in Peru. These findings confirmed the hypothesis that white-skinned people inhabited the American continent even in ancient historical times, which was still denied by official science.

Also in the necropolis were found mummies of people with all the signs of belonging to the white-skinned Nordic race, which was confirmed by genetic analysis. This completely unknown light people, according to scientists, came to South America much earlier than the Indian tribes. Most of the mummies had straight light blond or red hair and blue or green eyes. Fabrics, clothes, dishes, tools and other items that were found in burials were made very skillfully, which spoke of the highest level of culture of this people.

Most likely, the white population of America, who lived near the Paracas Peninsula or elsewhere on the continent, became the model for creating the legends about the White Gods, who are known as Kukulkan, Kon-Tiki Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl. However, the sensational finds in the necropolis on the Paracas Peninsula could not shed light on where and when the mysterious white-skinned people arrived in South America. Probably, everything has its time and one day the answers to all the questions will be found ...

16. White Gods different nations

“Know people that hard times
will bring the flow of the River of Time to
The Holy Land of the Great Race ... "

And yet, some material evidence of the presence on the territory of China of a highly developed civilization, which was created not Chinese! One of the material evidence of this is the Chinese pyramids, which the world learned about relatively recently.

In central China, about 100 kilometers from the city Xi'an(Xi'an) there are about 400 pyramids in Shaanxi province different forms and sizes. On the map of the pyramids located near the city of Xi'an, pyramids with a height of more than 30-40 meters are indicated. Near each such pyramid, within a radius of one kilometer, there are from 5 to 20 small pyramids. Nobody knows their total number yet. These pyramids are very ancient, but the first mention of them in modern history was recorded only in 1912 in the diaries of Australian trade agents Fred Schroeder and Oscar Meman.

Pyramids surround the city of Xi'an from all sides. They are even in the city! In the northern vicinity of the neighboring city of Sanyang, there is also a huge valley of the pyramids, and to the north-west of it there is another valley of the older and higher pyramids. About them, too, nothing is known to the world, and it is there that the legendary White Pyramid is located. To the northeast of Xi'an is another valley of unexplored pyramids.

The height of all the pyramids located on the plains of Shaanxi province ranges from 25 to 100 meters. The only exception is one, which is located to the north of the others, in the valley of the Jia Lin River. This is the so-called Great White Pyramid... She's huge! She may well be called the Mother of all Chinese pyramids. In 1945, US Air Force pilot James Gausman flew over the territory of central China. Flying over one valley, he saw a giant white pyramid, the sight of which shook him to the core. According to his calculations, the height of the pyramid was about 1,500 feet (457.2 m). For comparison, the height of the largest Egyptian pyramid, the Giza pyramid, from base to top is 480 feet (146.3 m).

“Having flown over the mountains, I turned left and found myself above a flat valley, in the middle of which there was a giant white pyramid. It looked like something indescribable from a fairy tale, as it reflected a very bright white light. It could be metal or a special kind of stone that emits pure white light from all directions. We no longer wanted to fly anywhere else, we wanted to land right there ... "

This story spread around the world in 1947, but was soon forgotten for many decades, until in 1994 the German traveler Hartwig Hausdorff visited the Xi'an Valley of the Pyramids. He wrote the world's first book about the Chinese pyramids and called it "The White Pyramid", in which little was said about the white pyramid itself.

Until now, Chinese scientists have not carried out detailed studies of the pyramids. In addition, not so long ago, the Chinese government declared the area adjacent to the Great White Pyramid a closed area, since it has built a launch pad for launching rockets that launch satellites into orbit.

All Chinese pyramids are built of loess - loamy, sandy loam soil, which has turned into stone during all this time. Most of the pyramids are strictly oriented along the four cardinal points and have a square base, but there are also rectangular ones. The most common form is a pyramid with a truncated top, and for pyramids 40-50 meters high, the upper platform measures 50x50 meters. There are also pyramids with a sharp top, like the Egyptian ones, and there are pyramids with sunken peaks that have a perfect regular spherical depression.

The Chinese pyramids are also stepped - multi-stage and single-stage. The steps of the pyramid are terraces with a height of 1-2 meters. Sometimes the steps reach the middle of the pyramid, then disappear and appear only at the very top.

An interesting discovery was made by the Russian researcher of the Chinese pyramids Maxim Yakovenko. He discovered near one of the pyramids an incredibly large number of small stones with the remains of various ornaments, on which squares, rhombuses and straight lines could be identified. There were so many of them that, having walked along and across the field, it was possible to load several trucks with them. The researcher concluded that these fragments were not fragments of ancient utensils, but could well have been the facing plates of the pyramid, and the ornament applied to them reflected the language and culture of the builders of the pyramids.

And in this regard, some interesting points and questions arise. The facts show that the Chinese were not pyramid builders... It is known that structures of this type are absolutely not characteristic of any of the known periods in the history of Chinese culture and architecture. Yes, and the Chinese hid them very carefully and for a very long time, and now they are in no hurry to open and prepare them for mass tourism, while their other historical sights, for example, numerous pagodas, have been carefully restored to their original form and are kept in excellent condition. Moreover, the Chinese diligently plant the pyramids with evergreen trees and thorny bushes, which makes them look like ordinary hills.

Incidentally, Yakovenko discovered that the Great White Pyramid was faced with massive white stone blocks, while it itself was built of pressed clay. And in this fact there would be nothing like that, if not for one moment: within a radius of 30 km from the pyramid, there is nothing where it would be possible to mine a stone. The question arises: where, then, did the ancient builders of the pyramid take the material for the manufacture of these blocks and how did they deliver it? And in general, who were they, when and why did they build these colossal structures and in such numbers?

Regarding the purpose of the pyramids, orthodox Chinese science is trying to say something about the "tombs of the emperors." Indeed, in some pyramids, tombs have been found, and even together with Chinese emperors. However, these tombs turned out to be much younger than the pyramids themselves. For example, Emperor Gao-tszong of the Tang dynasty was buried in a specially made tomb inside the Great White Pyramid only at the end of the 7th century AD.

So how ancient are the Chinese pyramids?

Exploring an aerial photograph of a group of pyramids east of Xi'an, ancient culture explorer and writer Graham Hancock came to the conclusion that on the plane they form constellation gemini... Indeed, computer analysis showed that So the constellation Gemini looked on the vernal equinox in 10 500 year BC.

Besides, Hartwig Hausdorf was able to track down the diaries of those two Australian traders who managed to visit Shaanxi in 1912. Then they happened to meet an old Buddhist monk who reported that these pyramids were mentioned in extremely ancient records kept in his monastery. The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called “very old, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they came from the sons of heaven who descended to earth on their fire-breathing metal dragons...»

Sons of Heaven, as we already know, the Chinese called Huang Di - white hierarch, a representative of the Old Race, and the Slavic-Aryans who arrived with him. An ancient literary source, the chronicle "Yunae Dadian, Scroll 11956" tells about Huang Di's travels across the Universe, for which he used a certain vehicle called the "Dragon Chen-Huang". According to the Chinese chronicles, he arrived from the star Xiu-ayu-Yuan - the star Alpha Leo from the constellation Leo (the palace of the Race).

The activity of the "sons of heaven", which is described in ancient Chinese texts, such as the Taoist canon "Tao Tzu" and "Notes on the Generations of Lords and Kings", was not only in teaching people of the yellow race various sciences and crafts. They also closely monitored the aftermath of a planetary catastrophe just over 13,000 years ago, and took action to stabilize the planet and the planet itself. One of the stabilization methods was the construction of colossal structures - pyramids - at certain points on the Earth.

In this regard, the following fact is noteworthy: the location of the three pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the three pyramids in China, in Yasen Park, is similar. The pyramids are located schematically in the same way, oriented to the cardinal points, the ratio of the distances between the pyramids of Egypt and Yasen Park is also striking in its similarity.

The great Wall of China

In China, there is another material evidence of the presence in this country of a highly developed civilization, to which the Chinese have nothing to do. Unlike the Chinese pyramids, this evidence is well known to everyone. This is the so-called The great Wall of China.

Let's see what Orthodox historians have to say about this major architectural landmark, which has recently become a major tourist attraction in China. The wall is located in the north of the country, stretching from the sea coast and going deep into the Mongolian steppes, and according to various estimates it has a length, taking into account the branches, from 6 to 13,000 km. The thickness of the wall is several meters (on average 5 meters), the height is 6-10 meters. The wall is said to have included 25,000 towers.

A brief history of the construction of the wall today looks like this. Allegedly, they began to build the wall. in the 3rd century BC during the reign of the dynasty Qin to defend against the raids of nomads from the north and clearly define the border of Chinese civilization. The initiator of the construction was the famous "collector of Chinese lands" Emperor Qin Shi-HuangDi. He rounded up about half a million people for construction, which, with 20 million general population makes up a very impressive figure. Then the wall was a structure mainly made of earth - a huge earthen rampart.

During the reign of the dynasty Han(206 BC - 220 AD) the wall was extended to the west, reinforced with stone and built a line of watchtowers that went deep into the desert. Under the dynasty Min(1368-1644) the wall continued to be built further. As a result, it stretched from east to west from the Bohai Bay in the Yellow Sea to the western border of the modern Gansu provinces, entering the territory of the Gobi Desert. It is believed that this wall was already built by the efforts of a million Chinese from bricks and stone blocks, which is why these sections of the wall have survived to this day in the form in which a modern tourist is already used to seeing it. The Ming dynasty was replaced by the Manchu dynasty Qing(1644-1911), which did not build the wall. It limited itself only to maintaining in relative order a small area near Beijing, which served as a "gateway to the capital."

In 1899, American newspapers spread a rumor that the wall would soon be torn down and a highway would be built in its place. However, no one was going to demolish anything. Moreover, in 1984, a program for the restoration of the wall was launched at the initiative of Deng Xiaoping and under the leadership of Mao Tse Tung, which is being carried out now, and is financed from the funds of Chinese and foreign companies, as well as private individuals. How much Mao drove to restore the wall is not reported. Several sites were repaired, in some places they were erected altogether. So we can assume that in 1984 the construction of the fourth Chinese wall began. Usually, tourists are shown one of the sections of the wall located 60 km northwest of Beijing. This is the region of Badaling Mountain, the length of the wall is 50 km.

The wall makes the greatest impression not in the area of ​​Beijing, where it was erected on not very high mountains, but in remote mountainous regions. There, by the way, it is very clearly visible that the wall, as a defensive structure, was made very thoughtfully. Firstly, five people in a row could move along the wall itself, so it was also a good road, which is extremely important when it is necessary to transfer troops. Under the cover of the battlements, the guards could covertly approach the area where the enemies planned to attack. The signal towers were located in such a way that each of them was in line of sight of the other two. Some important messages were transmitted either by drumming, or by smoke, or by the fire of bonfires. Thus, the news of an enemy invasion from the farthest lines could be transmitted to the center per day!

During the restoration process, the walls opened Interesting Facts... For example, its stone blocks were held together by sticky rice porridge mixed with slaked lime. Or what loopholes on her fortresses looked towards China; that on the north side the height of the wall is small, much less than on the south, and there are stairs... The latest facts, for obvious reasons, are not advertised and are not commented on by official science - neither Chinese nor world. Moreover, during the reconstruction of the towers, they try to build loopholes in the opposite direction, although this is not always possible. These photos show the south side of the wall - the sun is shining at noon.

However, the oddities with the Chinese wall do not end there. Wikipedia has a complete wall map showing a different color for the wall that we are told was built by every Chinese dynasty. As you can see, the great wall is not one. Northern China is often and densely dotted with "Great Walls of China" that extend into the territory of modern Mongolia and even Russia. Shed light on these oddities A.A. Tyunyaev in his work "The Wall of China - the Great Barrier from the Chinese":

“It is extremely interesting to trace the stages of the construction of the“ China ”wall, based on the data of Chinese scientists. It can be seen from them that the Chinese scholars who call the wall "Chinese" are not very concerned about the fact that the Chinese people themselves did not take any part in its construction: every time the next section of the wall was built, the Chinese state was far from the construction sites.

So, the first and main part of the wall was built in the period from 445 BC. to 222 BC It runs along 41-42 ° north latitude and simultaneously along some sections of the river. Yellow River. At this time, naturally, there were no Mongol-Tatars. Moreover, the first unification of peoples within China took place only in 221 BC. under the kingdom of Qin. And before that there was the Zhangguo period (5-3 centuries BC), in which there were eight states on the territory of China. Only in the middle of the 4th century. BC. Qin began fighting against other kingdoms, and by 221 BC. conquered some of them.

The figure shows that the western and northern border of the Qin state by 221 BC. began to coincide with the section of the "Chinese" wall, which began to be built more in 445 BC and was built exactly in 222 BC

Thus, we see that this section of the "Chinese" wall was not built by the Chinese of the Qin state, but northern neighbors, but precisely from the northward Chinese. In just 5 years - from 221 to 206. BC. - a wall was built along the entire border of the Qin state, which stopped the spread of its subjects to the north and west. In addition, at the same time, 100-200 km to the west and north of the first, the second line of defense from Qin was built - the second "Chinese" wall of this period.

The next construction period covers the time from 206 BC to 220 AD During this period, sections of the wall were built, located 500 km to the west and 100 km to the north of the previous ones ... from 618 to 907 China was ruled by the Tang dynasty, which did not mark itself with victories over its northern neighbors.

In the next period, from 960 to 1279 in China, the Song empire was established. At this time, China lost its dominance over its vassals in the west, in the northeast (on the territory of the Korean Peninsula) and in the south - in northern Vietnam. The Song Empire lost a significant part of the territories of the Chinese proper in the north and north-west, which went to the Khitan state of Liao (part of the modern provinces of Hebei and Shanxi), the Tangut kingdom of Xi-Xia (part of the territory of the modern province of Shaanxi, the entire territory of the modern province of Gansu and Ningxia Hui) autonomous region).

In 1125, the border between the non-Chinese kingdom of the Jurchens and China passed along the river. Huaihe is 500-700 km south of the places where the wall was built. And in 1141 a peace treaty was signed, according to which the Chinese Song Empire recognized itself as a vassal of the non-Chinese state of Jin, pledging to pay him a large tribute.

However, while China itself huddled south of the r. Hunahe, 2100-2500 km north of its borders, another section of the "Chinese" wall was erected. This part of the wall built from 1066 to 1234, passes through the Russian territory north of the village of Borzya near the river. Argun. At the same time, another section of the wall was built, 1500-2000 km north of China, located along the Great Khingan ...

The next section of the wall was built between 1366 and 1644. It runs along the 40th parallel from Andong (40 °), just north of Beijing (40 °), through Yinchuan (39 °) to Dunhuang and Anxi (40 °) in the west. This section of the wall is the last, the most southern and the deepest penetrating into the territory of China ... During the construction of this section of the wall, to Russian territories all belonged to the Amur region. By the middle of the 17th century, on both banks of the Amur there were already Russian fortresses-forts (Albazinsky, Kumarsky, etc.), peasant settlements and arable lands. In 1656, the Daursky (later - Albazinsky) voivodeship was formed, which included the valley of the Upper and Middle Amur on both banks ... Built by the Russians in 1644, the "Chinese" wall passed exactly along the border of Russia with Qing China. In the 1650s, Qing China invaded Russian lands to a depth of 1500 km, which was secured by the Aigun (1858) and Beijing (1860) treaties ... "

Today, the Wall of China is inside China. However, there was a time when the wall meant border of the country... This fact is confirmed by ancient maps that have come down to us. For example, the map of China by the famous medieval cartographic book of Abraham Ortelius from his geographical atlas of the world Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 1602. North is on the right on the map. It clearly shows that China is separated from the northern country - Tartaria by a wall. On a map of 1754 "Le Carte de l'Asie" it is also clearly seen that the border of China with Great Tartary runs along the wall. And even a map from 1880 shows the wall as China's border with its northern neighbor. It is noteworthy that part of the wall extends far enough into the territory of China's western neighbor - Chinese Tartary ...

If you take a closer look at the map, which depicts the system of "Chinese" walls, you will notice that it is similar to the system of other walls, which are located almost at the other end of the world. We mean the so-called "Serpent's Walls" - fortifications on the territory of Eastern Europe, which are almost unknown to the world community. In terms of their characteristics, these fortifications surpass the notorious "Chinese" wall, and the volume only on the territory of Ukraine is commensurate with the volume of all the Egyptian pyramids taken together.

The reason for hushing up the presence of such amazing structures, in general, is understandable - these colossus were and are on the territory of the Slavic states, and it is very difficult to attribute their construction to the world-accepted "founders of civilizations" - the Chinese, Egyptians or Sumerians. True, their construction is attributed to the ancient Romans, and even their other name is given - "Trajan's Walls". There is a version that they were named so by the name of the ancient Roman emperor Mark Ulpiy Trayan (98-117 AD), because, allegedly, in his time, the construction of ramparts reached the widest scope. The questions of why the Romans took it into their heads to engage in mega-construction near Kiev (Ukraine) and Bendery (Moldova), and whether they were there at all, for such scientists does not arise. They do not take into account the following facts from Slavic history:

“... The name of Troyan is mentioned many times in ancient Russian literary monuments. So, in the Apostle, published by the largest historian of Russian literature, Professor N.S. Tikhonravov on the manuscript of the 16th century, it says: ... the gods are many, Perun and Khors, Dyya and Troyan, and many ini ...; in the anacrypha The Walking of the Virgin through torment (XII or XIII century): ... from the stone that arranging Troyan, Khors, Veles, Perun ...; in the 12th century monument, the Word about Igor's regiment - Troyan's name is mentioned four times: Rischa to the Troyan path ..., ... there were Troyan parties ..., ... to the Troyan land ... and ... on the seventh century of Trojan ... In all these books, the name of Troyan appears as a symbol of the deity of the times of ancient paganism. Indeed, in ancient Slavic mythology, there was a deity that was included in a number of Slavic deities, along with Veles, Khors, Perun and Dyim and bore the name of Triglav, Troyak or Troyan. Obviously, he was worshiped at the earliest stages of Slavic paganism, since much less information about him has come down to us than about other pagan gods, such as Svyatovit, Dazhdbog, Dy, Yarovit, Belbog, Khors, Perun, Veles, Lada, and dr.

It is only known that ancient admirers depicted Triglav-Troyan as an idol with three heads on one body. He was a warrior god, a rider, the attributes of his sanctuary were a sword and a black horse, which, like the white horse of the god Svyatovit (by the way, Svyatovit was depicted with four heads), was considered prophetic. These and a number of other information about Troyan that have come down to us give reason to assume that Troyan, along with his other divine functions, was a military god, a representative of valor and strength, a guardian of the people ... the political activities of Emperor Trajan remained in the people's memory for a long time. The structures built during Trajan's time were named after him. The consonance of the names Troyan - Trajan led to the fact that many years later all the ramparts in the southwestern part of Ukraine, in Moldova and in the east of modern Romania began to be called Trajanovs ... " ()

In this regard, another curious question arises: why was the Roman emperor called practically the same as the old Slavic warrior god? But this is a subject for a completely different discussion. And the fact that the ramparts were precisely mega-construction is beyond any doubt, despite the fact that the annals available to the general public do not mention the very fact of construction, as well as the builders themselves. Judge for yourself. The diameter of the shaft base is 20 meters, initial height - 12 meters. The total length of the shafts is about 1000 kilometers... The shafts stretch parallel to each other for many kilometers, merging with neighboring protective structures. Separate sections of the ramparts consisted of several lines of fortified ramparts and ditches with separation to a depth of over 200 km. Often the ramparts were reinforced on the upper platforms with a wooden palisade (sometimes walls) with loopholes and watchtowers. The length of individual shafts ranged from 1 to 150 km.

The ramparts themselves were originally built as an earthen embankment, including on the basis of a wooden frame. Moreover, the wood was burned to prevent rotting, which also gave it additional hardness. In addition, the Zmiyev Ramparts were built not at once, but over almost a whole millennium (presumably from the 2nd century BC to the 7th century AD. rampart 30 km long, dating back to 150 BC) So the version of their construction by the Romans disappears completely... Moreover, studies show that the ramparts were frontally turned to the south - the Slavs defended themselves from various "guests" from the south, invading their rich lands at different times. So, it was not the Romans who defended themselves from the northern "savages", but the latter from the Romans, if we consider the version of the construction of ramparts by the Romans.

Archaeologists managed to identify about a dozen different structures for building ramparts, depending on the landscape, ground, etc. In addition, they discovered the remains of cities and patrols behind the line of ramparts, every 6-8 km. This simple defensive system made it possible not to keep a large army on the border. It was enough to set patrols on the shafts themselves and light warning signal fires on alarm. (Recall that the "Chinese" wall had the same fast signaling system.)

It is believed that the name "Serpent Val" comes from folk legends about the ancient Russian heroes who pacified and harnessed the Serpent into a giant plow, which was used to plow a ditch-furrow that marked the borders of the country. In particular, the epic about Nikita Kozhemyak is widely known.

“... It was a difficult battle, but, having won, Nikita made a plow of three hundred poods, harnessed the Serpent into it and shouted a furrow for them across the whole world from sunrise to sunset, marking the border of the Russian lands, and drowned the Serpent in the sea. Having done the holy deed, Nikita returned to Kiev, began to wrinkle his skin again. And Nikitin's furrow is still visible here and there across the steppe; It stretched for a thousand miles with a deep ditch and a two-fathom rampart. They call those shafts Serpentine. All around the peasants plow, but they don't plow the furrows, they leave them in memory of Nikita Kozhemyak ... "

Currently, the following classification of the Serpent Shafts located on the territory of Ukraine has been adopted:

Volyn- a generalized name for a huge number of shafts, small in size and length, which are located in the quadrangle Lviv-Lutsk-Rivne-Ternopil. Podillya- the name of a solid rampart, which stretches from the middle course of the Bug River to the regions of central Cherkasy and a small number of smaller ramparts in the same region. Kiev region- the largest in Ukraine system of fortifications on the right bank of the Dnieper, which consists of ramparts of various heights and lengths. It holds the first place in Ukraine in terms of total length. Pereyaslav- a two-shaft system of fortifications not far from the present city of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Kiev region. Promises- the name of a wide rampart that stretches along the right bank of the Sula River from its mouth to the middle course and its branches, which reach almost to the city of Sumy. Poltava region- two intermittent shafts, which are located on the right banks of the Vorskla and Khorol rivers. Kharkiv region- only two powerful redoubts with a length of 20 and 25 kilometers near Kharkov and Zmiev, respectively.

Crimean shafts - a three-row system of fortifications between the Azov and Black seas on the Kerch Peninsula () .

Similar structures exist on the territory of Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Poland.

These colossal constructions could be mastered only by a powerful centralized state. Judging by the maps of the Serpent's Shafts, they were built according to a single plan. The logical conclusion is that only a strong state education is capable of conceiving and implementing such a plan for many hundreds of years. And it existed for thousands of years on the territory of Eurasia "from sea to sea", that is, from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. IN different times they called it differently - Great Tartary, Great Scythia, Great Russenia, Great Asia - Great Empire of Slavic-Aryans.

The last combat use of the Zmievy Shafts, created by the genius of our great ancestors, was received in 1941, when the pillboxes of the Kiev Fortification, mounted in separate sections of the ramparts, being already in the rear of the enemy, who had broken through to Kiev, for weeks until the last bullet, until the last soldier, held back large forces adversary in mortal combat ...

Mummies of White People in China

IN late XIX At the beginning of the 20th century, Europeans undertook several serious expeditions to study East Turkestan and the Great Chinese Silk Road - a network of ancient caravan routes that once led from China to Turkey and further to Europe. Swedish traveler, journalist and geographer Sven Gedin undertook major expeditions to Tibet and Central Asia, from 1886 to 1934. His example was followed in 1906-1908. the famous traveler Aurel Stein, a Hungarian of Jewish origin, who worked for the British government all his life, including for intelligence purposes.

Exploring the Taklamakan Desert area, Hedin and Stein, among many other unexpected cultural finds, found several mummies with signs of the Caucasian race: brown or blond hair, elongated noses and skulls, slender bodies and large deep-set eyes. They were taken to European museums for further study, but the lack of the necessary equipment and funding became the reason that they were soon forgotten.

But the mummies were reminded of themselves again in the late 70s, when Chinese archaeologists began to explore the southern section of the Tarim River Basin - a vast desert region, along the edge of which the Great Silk Road once passed. They found burials dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. The mummified bodies were found in the driest and salty part of Central Asia - the Takla-Makan desert of Chinese Turkestan, in the vicinity of the cities of Cherchen and Loulan in the area of ​​Lake Lob-Nor - where the lands of China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia now converge.

Their bodies are better preserved than the mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs, thanks to the exceptionally dry air, as well as the fact that the graves were dug in salt soil, which accelerates the drying process and kills microorganisms. Mummification in Urumqi happened 4 thousand years ago by accident. Those bodies that were buried in the sandy desert in winter time, were frozen and then dried before they started to decompose. The dead were placed in coffins without a bottom or a lid, and thanks to the free circulation of air, the remains escaped decay. The corpses, which were buried in the hot season, turned into skeletons. The desert conditions were so exceptional that traces of tears were found on the face of the mummified infant, and even the pieces of bread used as sacrifices were kept intact along with the world's oldest saddle.

In 1978, Chinese archaeologist Weng Binghua discovered 113 mummified bodies in the northeastern part of the central Asian province of Xinyang. Later, most of the bodies were transported to the museum of the city of Urumqi. Over the past 25 years, Chinese and Central Asian archaeologists have excavated and carried out large-scale research work in the area, discovering more 300 mummies. Some of the mummies were reburied due to lack of space in the Urumk Museum.

All the graves looked pretty much the same. Coffins hollowed out of large trunks are covered with leather. The bodies of some of the deceased were covered with simple fabrics, while others were dressed in variegated, skillfully woven materials from sheep or goat hair, shod in leather or felt shoes, and dressed in robes made of leather or fabric. The graves contained objects from everyday use: combs, small knives, pottery, but there were no weapons in them.

The oldest mummy found in Western China was nicknamed the Loulan beauty: this well-preserved body was found by Chinese archaeologists in 1980 near the ancient city of Loulan, in the northeastern part of the Taklamakan desert. A woman about 170 cm tall, who died at the age of 40, about 4800 years ago... The body was wrapped in a woolen shroud, light brown hair was gathered and hidden under a felt headdress, leather boots on the legs, and next to it in the tomb lay a comb and an elegant straw basket with grains of wheat.

Later, in the Tarim River basin, another group of mummies was found - the bodies of a man, three women and a child - called the Cherchen mummies. The four adult bodies date back to 1000 BC. Their clothes were in the same colors, and red or blue cords were tied around their heads; the garters on the heads of the women were weakened, and their faces took on the appearance of singing or screaming.

The man from the burial, or "Cherchen man", about two meters tall, died at the age of 50. He had long, light brown, braided hair, a thin beard, and many tattoos on his face. He was wearing a purple-red robe, and there were at least 10 headdresses of various styles nearby. Like the Cherchen man, one of the female mummies had many tattoos on the face. The woman, about 180 cm tall, with light brown hair braided in two long braids, wore a red dress and white deerskin boots. A three-month-old child with a blue felt cap on his head, whose eyes were covered with blue stones, was buried with the adults. Near the baby's body was a bowl made of a cow's horn and a feeding bottle made from the udder of a sheep.

Much can be said about these people by the cut of their clothes and the methods of making fabrics. They largely coincide with what was woven and worn by their contemporaries, who lived in the places where Austria, Germany and the Scandinavian countries are now located. Victor Mair, professor of Chinese and Indo-Iranian literature and religion at the University of Pennsylvania, who in 1987 led a group of tourists around the Urumki Museum, notes that "... the textiles found on mummies are not unusual, but are subject to a common technological tradition that was characteristic of Europe and the Caucasus."

For example, a tall, sixty centimeter hat on a mummified woman resembles the headdresses of noble Iranians who wore them in the 1st millennium BC. It is interesting that the Cherchen man was buried with ten headdresses of different styles; one of them looks like a Phrygian cap. In terms of patterns and weaving patterns, woolen fabric is no less impressive: the fabric from which the clothes are made resembles a Celtic plaid in color and ornament. In addition, on household items - spindles and utensils - carved swastika Also, wooden objects are decorated in a style very similar to the so-called Scythian animal style. And the fragments of a wheel found in one of the burials dating back to the 2nd millennium BC coincide with the same parts of the carriage found in Ukraine, but even more ancient.

So, after all, who were these people of the White race, and how did they end up in China?

Most scientists call them Tochars, which will say little to an ordinary person, a few - directly declare that these are the Scythians... The place from where the ancestors of these people migrated to the Tarim Basin around 2000 BC is called South Siberia, the region of the Afanasyev and Andronov cultures. From there they brought with them war chariots, highly developed bronze metallurgy and other elements of civilization to the land that now occupies modern China. The profound cultural influence they had on the Mongoloid tribes is attested by linguists. In Chinese, the words for horse, cow, wheel, and cart are of "Indo-European" origin. Note that in modern historical science the word "Indo-European" is a euphemism (replacement) for the phrase Slavic-Aryan, which helped to hide the real state of affairs, but not for long. Recently, it has become increasingly clear that Chinese civilization and statehood (and not only it) arose as a result of the conquest of ancient Chinese tribes in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. Aryans who came from the northwest.

Chinese folklore preserves legends about blue-eyed, fair-haired people who were the creators of the Chinese state and its first rulers and statesmen. Even in the 8th-9th centuries of our era, folk songs were sung green-eyed generals... An interesting fact is that according to these legends, Buddhism was also created by people of the white race. In the Buddhist monastery in Bezeklik, in the northeast of Taklamakan, rich Tochars are depicted donating trays of purses to the holy Buddha, as well as fair-skinned and blue-eyed Buddhists.

These legends were not taken seriously until the burials of white people were discovered in 1977 in the Takla Makan desert. These burials are located near the ruins of large cities built along the famous Silk Road... Judging by these ruins, these people built a whole civilization - big cities, temples, educational centers and art centers. It was they who built the Great Silk Road., not the Chinese. An indirect confirmation of this theory is the fact that the area where the mummies of white people were found was called Western Tartary or Free Tartary

In almost all countries with an ancient culture, there are legends claiming that knowledge was brought to them by the white gods who came from the north. In Egypt, these were 9 white gods, who then ruled there for some time. In India, these were 6 white rishis (sages) who came from the north ... White people also brought knowledge to China. Who are they? (Jcomments on)

Orthodox historical science considers the territory of the Middle East, where modern Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan are located, as the cradle of the most ancient civilizations on the planet. All historical textbooks unanimously give the palm in the invention of the wheel and writing, government and legislation, science and developed agriculture to the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians. However, none of these textbooks says that all knowledge, starting with the technique of baking bricks, irrigation systems and ending with mathematics, astronomy and medicine, was brought to these and other peoples by the White Gods, who, as a rule, came from the north.

According to one of the ancient Egyptian legends, the state of Egypt was created by nine White Gods. These White Gods were also their first rulers, and the people who came with them became their first aristocracy. That the ruling caste of Egypt was White people, historians are well aware, thanks to the undetermined material evidence stored in various museums around the world. So, in the exposition of the Cairo Museum there are statues of the pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 BC) and their wives, who have clear signs of the white race.

It is noteworthy that the eyes of most of the statues are made either from lapis lazuli, a blue stone, like the bust of an Egyptian noble lady of the 4th dynasty, or from rock crystal, which changes its color from blue to gray, depending on the lighting, like the statue of Pharaoh Horus. Queen Hetop-Jerez II, daughter of Pharaoh Cheops, the builder of the Great Pyramid, was depicted on the walls of her tomb as a reddish blonde with fair skin. In one place in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the eyes of the god Horus are described as "shining" or "sparkling," and in another, Horus is described as "blue-eyed." In the same place, in chapter 140, an amulet is also described, the so-called "eye of Horus", which must always be made of lapis lazuli, a blue semi-precious stone. The Greek Plutarch in chapter 22 of his book "On Isis and Osiris" argued that the Egyptians believed that the god Horus was fair-skinned, and Set was pink-cheeked and red-haired. Other sources claim that all the red-haired people of ancient Egypt venerated him devoutly. The texts on the walls of the ancient pyramids state that the gods had blue or green eyes, and Diodorus of Siculus claimed that the Egyptian goddess of the hunt and war, Neith, was blue-eyed.

Light-skinned and fair-haired were also the people who made up the Egyptian nobility, as evidenced by the mummy of an Egyptian courtier of 1400 BC. named Yuuya (Yuya)... He was the father of Tiyu (Tiye) who was the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. His blond wife Tuya lay next to him. (Thuya), great-grandmother of Tutankhamun (Tutankhamen)... When the English archaeologist Howard Carter (Howard Carter) excavated the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in 1922, among other things, he discovered a miniature sarcophagus in which lay the golden brown hair of his grandmother, Queen Tia (Tiye)... Tia's mummy was discovered in 1905. She had long, light brown hair.

French Egyptologist Christian Desroches-Noblecourt (Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt) This is how the most famous Egyptian beauty, Queen Nefertiti, describes: “... Her beauty belongs to the so-called Theban type, represented in the frescoes of the tomb ... Her painted bust, which is now kept in a museum in Berlin, shows a pinkish complexion, which suggests that she should have protected it from the sun's rays and belonged to northern race…» ... The mother of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (18th dynasty) was portrayed as blue-eyed blonde with a ruddy face.

Princess Ranofrey, daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose III (Dynasty 18) was also portrayed as blonde. In 1929, archaeologists discovered the mummy of the 50-year-old queen Merit-Amon (Meryet-Amun), another daughter of Thutmose III, with wavy light brown hair. American Egyptologist Donald Ryan (Donald P. Ryan) in 1989 he opened one of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, where a mummy with reddish hair, presumably Queen Hatshepsut (18th dynasty), rested.

Manetho, a Greek-Egyptian priest who lived in the 3rd century BC, wrote in his History of Egypt that the last ruler of the 6th dynasty was Queen Nitokris. pink-cheeked blonde... According to the testimony of the Greco-Roman authors Pliny the Elder, Strabo and Diodorus Siculus, the third pyramid was built by Queen Rodopis, whose name in ancient Greek means "Rosy-cheeked".

Psalm 20 from chapter 141 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is dedicated to the “beloved Goddess with red hair,” and in the tomb of Pharaoh Merenptah (Dynasty 19, 1213-1204 BC) redhead goddesses... Scientists are also well aware that the most famous pharaoh Ramses II (1292-1225 BC) was red-haired.

The Egyptian nobility of a lower rank, as well as the Egyptian intelligentsia, for example, scribes - people who received a very good education and upbringing at that time, from whom emerged business executives, builders and managers, who were "cooler" only by the priests - were depicted with some signs of the white race whether it be light eyes or hair. This can be seen on a stele from Abydos, which dates from the Middle Kingdom (circa 2040-1640 BC) and on the tomb of a noble man named Kui (Khui), which dates back to the 12th dynasty (1976-1947 BC).

According to the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" the first world nuclear war between Antlany (Atlantis) and Great Asia (Slavic-Aryan Empire) more than 13,000 years ago ended with the defeat of the Antian priests, a planetary catastrophe and the death of Antlan. The White Hierarchs punished the guilty priests, and the nine surviving priests from Antlan and along with them other white “righteous people” were transferred to the African continent, where they would later create a state that would later be called Egypt. These priests taught people with dark skin, as people of the black race are called "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", something that they had never done before. They taught them to grow cereals and vegetables, build cities and temples, tombs in the form of pyramids, and also passed on some of the sacred knowledge. Four Clans of the White Race ruled in the state they created - the country of man-made mountains. In the Vedas it is written about this as follows:

7. (71). People with the color of Darkness will to honor the descendants of the Heavenly Clan for the Gods ... and will learn from them many sciences. People from the Great Race build new castles and temples, and teach people with skin the color of Darkness grow cereals and vegetables ... Four Clans of the Great Race replacing each other, will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new priests ... and build the Trirans-Tombs, in the form of man-made mountains, tetrahedral ...

Thus, even the modest information that we have published here unambiguously confirms what was said in the Vedas that Egypt was created by white people! And the only white people on the planet at that time were RUSS(Slavic-Aryans).

White Gods of Central and South America

“They could do whatever they liked, for nothing difficult existed for them; they cut jade, smelted gold, Quetzalcoatl gave them all ... arts and knowledge. " Franciscan Chronicler Monk Bernardino de Sagun (Bernardino de Sahagun).

This epigraph begins the book "In Search of the White God: The Mysterious Legacy of South American Civilization" (In Quest of the White God: the mysterious heritage of South American civilization)... It was written in 1963 by a famous scientist and diplomat Pierre Honore (Pierre Honore)... He worked in Brazil as director of a research institute and government advisor, made long journeys throughout Latin America and had the opportunity to inspect the remains of a great civilization, the study of which he devoted 15 years of his life. As the title of the book implies, Honoré sought and found evidence that long before Columbus, white people who flew in from the east brought civilization to the lands of Central and South America, they also became the first rulers of the people of the Red Race, and their companions - the ruling caste. Here we will give a translation of some excerpts from the book.

“... Ancient legends of the Indians of Central and South America, almost lost in the fog of time, tell that once upon a time white bearded people landed on the shores of their country. They brought the Indians the basics of knowledge, laws, writing, the whole civilization. They arrived in large, strange vessels with swan wings and hulls glowing so brightly that they looked like giant snakes gliding through the water. Approaching the shore, people disembarked from the ships - blue-eyed and fair-haired - in robes of rough black material with a round opening at the neck and short wide sleeves.

The legend of the one and only white god, who was the beginning of every ancient civilization of the Indians of both Americas, has also survived to this day. The Toltecs and Aztecs of Mexico called the white god Quetzalcoatl, the Incas - Kon-Tiki Viracocha, for the Chibcha he was Bochica, and for the Mayans - Kukulcan. The Peruvians, who to this day claim that the gods had blonde hair and blue eyes, called him Justus. Indian chronicles say that white bearded people appeared on the shores of Lake Titicaca, where they built a huge city and taught the local population to live in a civilized manner, 2000 years before the Incas ...

“When I asked the local Indians who built these ancient monuments,” wrote the Spanish chronicler Cieza de Leon in 1553, “they replied that they did it another people, bearded and white-skinned like us Spaniards. These people arrived long before the Incas and settled here. They also told, - Leon continues, - that on the lake, on the island of Titicaca, in the past centuries lived a people white like us, and one local leader named Kari with his people came to this island and waged a war against this people and killed many ... I asked the local people if these buildings were created during the Inca times. They laughed at my question and said that they knew for certain that all this had been done. long before the rule of the Incas... They saw bearded men on the island of Titicaca. These were people of a subtle mind who came from an unknown country, and there were few of them, and many of them were killed in wars ... "

The monk Garcillaso de la Vega, son of the Inca queen, asked his royal uncle about the early history of Peru. He replied: “Nephew, I will gladly answer your question and what I say, you will forever keep in your heart. Know, then, that in ancient times this whole area, as you know, was covered with forest and thickets, and people lived like wild animals - without religion and power, without cities and houses, without cultivating the land and without clothes, for they did not know how to make fabric to sew a dress. They lived in twos or threes in caves or crevices of rocks, in grottoes underground. They ate turtles and roots, fruits and human meat. They covered their body with leaves and animal skins. They lived like animals and treated women, too, like animals, for each of them did not know how to live with one woman ... ”

De Leon adds to Garcillaso: “Immediately after that, a tall white man appeared and he had great authority. They say that he taught people to live normally in many villages. Everywhere they called him the same - Tikki Viracocha. And in honor of him they created temples and erected statues in them ... "

Pizarro wrote about the Incas: “ Ruling class in the kingdom of Peru was light skinned, the colors of ripe wheat. Most of the nobles were remarkably like the Spaniards. In this country I met an Indian woman so fair skinned that I was amazed. Neighbors call these people - children of the gods…”

They did not mix with the Indians, had an incomparably better education compared to their subjects, and spoke a special language. There were 500 such members of the royal family before the arrival of the Spaniards. Chroniclers report that eight rulers of the Inca dynasty were white and bearded, and their wives were "white as an egg." Garcillaco left an impressive description of how one day, when he was still a child, another dignitary took him to the royal tomb. Ondegardo (that was his name) showed the boy one of the rooms of the palace in Cuzco, where several mummies lay along the wall. Ondegardo said they were former Inca emperors and he saved their bodies from decay. By chance the boy stopped in front of one of the mummies. Her hair was white as snow. Ondegardo said it was the mummy of the White Inca, the 8th ruler of the Sun. Since it is known that he died at a young age, the whiteness of his hair cannot be explained by gray hair ...

... In 1925, archaeologists discovered two large necropolises on the Paracas Peninsula in the southern part of the central Peruvian coast. The burial contained hundreds of mummies of ancient dignitaries. Radiocarbon analysis determined their age - 2200 years ... When the mummies were opened, they found a striking difference from the main physical type of the ancient Peruvian population. Here is what the American anthropologist Stewart wrote at the time: “It was a group of large people, absolutely not typical for the population of Peru” ... "

So, the Spaniards were not the first white people to set foot on the American continent, just as Columbus was not its first discoverer. All the more surprising for them was the reaction of the local population or their appearance.

Honoré quotes a letter from Columbus. “On November 6, 1942, he wrote that after a 12-mile march, his messengers found a village in which about 1000 people lived. The locals (whom Columbus called Indians) greeted them with honors, settled in the most beautiful houses, took care of their weapons, carried them on their hands and kissed their feet, trying to make them understand in any way that they were white people who came from the gods. About 50 residents asked my messengers to take them with them to heaven to the eternal gods ...

... The ruler of the Aztecs Montezuma sent one of his dignitaries (history has retained his name - Tendila or Teutlila) to Cortes with a gift - a headdress filled with gold. When the envoy poured out the jewelry in front of the Spaniards and everyone crowded to watch, Tendile noticed among the conquistadors a man wearing a helmet trimmed with the finest gold plates. The helmet hit Tendile. When Cortez invited him to take the return gift to Montezuma, Tendile begged him to give only one thing - the helmet of that warrior: "I must show it to the ruler, for this helmet looks exactly like the one that the white god once put on." Cortez gave him a helmet with a wish to be returned filled with gold ... "

In his memoirs, Cortez quotes an excerpt from Montezuma's speech: “We know from the letters we inherited from our ancestors that neither I nor anyone else inhabiting this country are its indigenous inhabitants. We came from other lands... We also know that we trace our lineage from the ruler, of which we were subordinates. He came to this country, he again wanted to leave and take his people with him. But they had already married local women, built houses and did not want to go with him. And he left. Since then, we have been waiting for him to return someday. Will return just from the side you came from, Cortez ... "

The Aztecs thought that their expectations had come true, that the gods had returned as promised. Moreover, they returned to that "special" year, which the priests calculated, and which was repeated every 52 years. The clothes of the conquistadors were very similar to those of the long-awaited gods. That is why the civilizations of the Indians with powerful military organizations and a multi-million population put up virtually no resistance to the Spanish conquistadors, whose number barely reached 1000. Neither the Aztecs nor the Incas did almost nothing when the Spaniards broke into their temples and smashed gold and marble statues of the white gods ...

In the temple of Cusco, wiped off the face of the earth, there was a huge statue depicting a man in a long robe and sandals, "exactly the same as painted by the Spanish artists in our home," as Francisco Pizarro recalled. The great god Kon-Tiki Viracocha also stood in the temple built in honor of Viracocha - man with long beard and a proud bearing, in a long robe. A contemporary wrote that when the Spaniards saw this statue, they thought that Saint Bartholomew had reached Peru and the Indians created a monument in memory of this event.

The conquistadors were so struck by the strange statue that they did not destroy it immediately, and the temple for a while passed the fate of other similar structures. But only for a while. The Spaniards destroyed everything they could destroy. The only thing that interested them was gold. They melted gold items of extraordinary beauty into ingots, which were of great artistic value and would be worth much more if they were taken out intact.

Suffice it to look at some of the exhibits from the gold museum in Peru, which from time to time is replenished with new ones, and of which there have already accumulated more than 20 thousand. These gold jewelry is just a tiny fraction of the famous "Inca gold" from the semi-mythical country of El Dorado. Perhaps it would be superfluous to say that the white gods also taught the art of gold mining and processing of the Indians.

And yet, despite the barbarity of the "civilized" Europeans more than 500 years ago, there is at least some archaeological evidence of the presence of white gods in both Americas? It turned out that some crumbs remained, and even something can be caught from the Internet.

Back at the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologists found figurines and images of bearded gods in Central and South America - Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, their images can be seen in the drawings of ancient manuscripts stored in the libraries of European capitals, but, alas, for the general public they are not yet available ...

White Gods of China

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas tell that in the Universe there are many civilizations in general and highly developed ones in particular. Those highly developed civilizations that follow the Light Path, travel in outer space and help develop the civilizations of those planets on which intelligent life originated. This is how the Book of Light describes it:

“And now, high up at the top, on the Leaves-Realities, under the iridescent dazzling lights of the Great Suns and Stars, New Abodes of Life were born, in which the Ancient Patron Gods of our Great Clans appeared. They settled in the New Abodes of Life, bringing to the beings born and living there Beauty, Creation with Harmony. Transforming the Earths in New Abodes of Life into blooming fragrant Gardens under bright multi-colored Suns and Stars ... Abodes of Life in a shining World have developed in Harmony and Perfection. In all relationships, in deeds and in life, only Conscience and Wisdom were the yardstick, they were supplemented with Love and Faith, which leads to perfection of Consciousness. Wisdom and Labor inspire Consciousness and strengthen glorious deeds ... ”.

Following the example of the ancient Patron Gods, the Slavic-Aryans acted in a similar way on planet Earth. They sent their highly developed representatives to less developed "neighbors" on the planet to help them develop faster. They taught them various sciences, crafts and arts, gave them laws and writing. They became the rulers of their first civilization. This happened throughout the lands of the Red, Black and Yellow races of Midgard-land. In many ancient legends of the peoples of these races, evidence has been preserved that the White Gods, who came from the North, taught them everything they know, and even lived among them for some time.

China is no exception, or, as in ancient times it was called the Slavic-Aryans, Arimia... However, now it is very difficult to find evidence that the civilization of China was created by the White Gods - Slavic-Aryans several thousand years ago. Moreover, it is very difficult to find images of these gods. In all images available to the general public, all ancient Chinese gods have a purely Chinese appearance. There is only one reason for this state of affairs - all the real evidence of who actually created the civilization of China was carefully destroyed, and those that accidentally remained were hushed up with no less diligence and continue to be hushed up to this day.

In China, there have been three revisions of Chinese characters that are not Chinese inventions at all. According to one ancient Chinese legend, the Chinese civilization began with the fact that on a celestial chariot arrived to them White God Huang Di and taught them everything: to cultivate rice, build dams, make boats and chariots, dig wells, make musical instruments, take acupuncture treatments, sew clothes, etc. He gave them a calendar and writing, taught them to write in hieroglyphs. The Slavic-Aryan symbol - the swastika - is still used by the Chinese.

Other Chinese chronicles also mention the influence of white people from the North, who came to the land of the Middle Kingdom, and who claimed that there they communicated directly with the gods. In addition, the Emperor in Ancient China was considered the empowered "King of the Cosmos" who resided at the "Heavenly North Pole".

So, the hieroglyphs transferred to the Chinese changed three times, the books written in the old hieroglyphs were destroyed, and the history of the Chinese was rewritten with these new hieroglyphs, and information about the role of the White Gods in the history of China, unwanted by the scribes, was removed from it. At present, some hints of this can be gleaned from ancient Chinese mythology and folklore, which experts reconstruct from fragments of historical and philosophical writings: "Shujing", the oldest parts of the 14th-11th centuries. BC.; "Yi Ching", the oldest parts of the 8th-7th centuries. BC.; "Zhuanzi", 4th-3rd centuries BC.; "Lezzi", 4th century BC - 4 c. AD; Huainanzi, 2nd century BC.; Wang Chun's Critical Judgments, 1st c. AD). The greatest amount of information on mythology is contained in the ancient treatise "Shan Hai Jing" ("Book of Mountains and Seas", 4th-2nd centuries BC), as well as in the poetry of Qu Yuan (4th century BC) ...

From them you can learn that the Chinese also have myths about the world mountain (Kunlun), at the top of which is the lower capital-palace of the supreme heavenly ruler, the world tree (Fusan), the global flood and the last planetary catastrophe that occurred 13,000 years ago, when Ny destroyed the moon Fattu. Different Chinese legends tell about this event in different ways. Some talk about the arrow I, which struck 9 suns with a bow. Others - about the Great Dragon Kun-Kun, who destroyed the pillars that supported the firmament, and the sky collapsed to the Earth and flooded it with water. Still others say that the Earth's support was broken, the sky began to fall to the North, and the Sun, Moon, stars and planets changed their trajectory. Another interesting fact is that according to legends, Huang Di's totem animal was a bear.

However, the most ancient of these writings dates back only to the 14th century BC, and even more than 7,500 thousand years ago, the Slavic-Aryans fought with Ancient China (Arimia), which, having assimilated the knowledge of the White Gods, took advantage of their help provided by HuangDi and the "Sons of Heaven" who came with him after the planetary catastrophe, and having grown strong enough, repaid them with black ingratitude. Here is how the Slavic-Aryan Vedas describe it in the book "Source of Life", message Three:

After all, once Slava lived among the Arims And the Gods have been to the country of the Celestial Empire. Until their ruler destroyed the Law Having decided to covet the creations of the Race.

I.S. Lisevich (1932-2000) - orientalist and sinologist - devoted his life to translating from Chinese. Along with the works of ancient Chinese prose and poetry, he translated and studied the Taoist canon Daodejing - the Book of the Way and Grace. It, in particular, tells about the activities of the "Sons of Heaven" headed by Huang Di. He had amazing tripod, which could sometimes be a "dragon flying in the clouds." The apparatus could "rest and go", "become light and heavy." Let's read the comments of Lisevich about this "dragon".

“A flying stone basket (ie made of some non-metallic material) could probably not fly very high. But the aliens also had another aircraft. The ancient inhabitants of the Yellow River Valley, of course, christened it "dragon" ... But the same ancient Chinese with complete confidence pointed to ... the unusualness and dissimilarity of this dragon from all others that are so often found in Chinese folklore. They could be blue, red, white and black, with or without horns, but only the one on which Huang Di flew, had wings and a metallic sheen... And the most interesting thing is that he was not indifferent to the weather conditions. It was due to unfavorable weather conditions that Huang Di was once forced to postpone a very important flight, although, as stated in the original source, "everything was ready, and the dragon had already taken water." The fact that he was afraid of rain and wind is very funny, since in Chinese mythology, it is the dragon that is the ruler of the rain! But if the dragon had a real technical prototype, then its behavior becomes understandable ... "

In addition to the "dragon", Huang Di had "flying turtles", "mountain silver carts" and some kind of "stone basket": "... strong, but extremely light, it floats freely in the wind over the sands." Also "Sons of Heaven" used various technical devices. For example, he smelted "12 great mirrors and used them." When light fell on these mirrors, "all the images and signs of its back side clearly stood out in the shadow cast by the mirror."

He made flying "tripods" with cauldrons, which were made of "metal that was mined on Shoushan Mountain." The height of the apparatus was "one fathom and three steps" (approx. 3.5 m), 2/3 of its height was occupied by three supports, and the structure was crowned with a half-meter "boiling cauldron filled with the spirits of animals and monsters", which was "the likeness of the Great One" and "the hidden engine of the Tao Universe." Interesting that the boiler "had no barriers in the past and in the future".

Other devices were also described, the purpose of which was incomprehensible to the ancient author. Here is how he describes, for example, the landing of an aircraft: "A huge star, like a ladle, sank onto a blooming island."

“In some ancient Chinese sources -“ Critical Considerations ”by Wan Chun (1st century AD),“ Historical Records ”by Sim Qin (2nd century AD) and others - the scene of the departure of HuangDi and his companions is quite realistically depicted : “Huang, having mined copper on Shoushan Mountain, cast a tripod near the foot of Jingshan Mountain. When the tripod was ready, a dragon with a hanging mustache descended from above behind Huang, Huang climbed the dragon, all his assistants and their families moved after him, only seventy faces. The other subjects could not get up, and all at once grabbed their mustaches. The whiskers broke off and they fell (to the ground). "

Isn't it a helicopter with hanging steps?

Emperor Shun (approximately 2258-2203 BC), legends tell, not only built flying machines, but also created a "parachute". Emperor Chen Tang (1766 BC) ordered Ki-kunshi to build a flying chariot. The ancient designer completed this task and carried out a test flight: he flew to the province of Hunan. Over time, the ship was destroyed by order of the same emperor so that it would not fall into the hands of enemies.

In ancient Chinese manuscripts, we also find a mention of the official Wang Gu, who built two large kites with a seat between them. He attached 47 missiles to the seat. 47 assistants had to simultaneously set fire to all the "missiles". Nevertheless, one of them for some reason exploded earlier than was necessary and set fire to other "missiles". Both the apparatus and the inventor himself perished in the fire ...

Isn't there any rational grain in these descriptions of "flying chariots", do they not reflect the actual events that took place in hoary antiquity and reached us in a distorted form through the abyss of centuries? .. "

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, Europeans undertook several serious expeditions to study East Turkestan and the Great Chinese Silk Road - a network of ancient caravan routes that once led from China to Turkey and further to Europe. Swedish traveler, journalist and geographer Sven Gedin undertook major expeditions to Tibet and Central Asia, from 1886 to 1934. His example was followed in 1906-1908. the famous traveler Aurel Stein, a Hungarian of Jewish origin, who worked for the British government all his life, including for intelligence purposes.

Exploring the Taklamakan Desert area, Hedin and Stein, among many other unexpected cultural finds, found several mummies with signs of the Caucasian race: brown or blond hair, elongated noses and skulls, slender bodies and large deep-set eyes. They were taken to European museums for further study, but the lack of the necessary equipment and funding became the reason that they were soon forgotten.

But the mummies were reminded of themselves again in the late 70s, when Chinese archaeologists began to explore the southern section of the Tarim River Basin - a vast desert region, along the edge of which the Great Silk Road once passed. They found burials dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. The mummified bodies were found in the driest and salty part of Central Asia - the Takla-Makan desert of Chinese Turkestan, in the vicinity of the cities of Cherchen and Loulan in the area of ​​Lake Lob-Nor - where the lands of China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia now converge.

Their bodies are better preserved than the mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs, thanks to the exceptionally dry air, as well as the fact that the graves were dug in salt soil, which accelerates the drying process and kills microorganisms. Mummification in Urumqi happened 4 thousand years ago by accident. Those bodies that were buried in the sandy desert during the winter were frozen and then dried before they began to decompose. The dead were placed in coffins without a bottom or a lid, and thanks to the free circulation of air, the remains escaped decay. The corpses, which were buried in the hot season, turned into skeletons. The desert conditions were so exceptional that traces of tears were found on the face of the mummified infant, and even the pieces of bread used as sacrifices were kept intact along with the world's oldest saddle.

In 1978, Chinese archaeologist Weng Binghua discovered 113 mummified bodies in the northeastern part of the central Asian province of Xinyang. Later, most of the bodies were transported to the museum of the city of Urumqi. Over the past 25 years, Chinese and Central Asian archaeologists have excavated and carried out large-scale research work in the area, discovering more 300 mummies. Some of the mummies were reburied due to lack of space in the Urumk Museum.

All the graves looked pretty much the same. Coffins hollowed out of large trunks are covered with leather. The bodies of some of the deceased were covered with simple fabrics, while others were dressed in variegated, skillfully woven materials from sheep or goat hair, shod in leather or felt shoes, and dressed in robes made of leather or fabric. The graves contained objects from everyday use: combs, small knives, pottery, but there were no weapons in them.

The oldest mummy found in Western China was nicknamed the Loulan beauty: this well-preserved body was found by Chinese archaeologists in 1980 near the ancient city of Loulan, in the northeastern part of the Taklamakan desert. A woman about 170 cm tall, who died at the age of 40, about 4800 years ago... The body was wrapped in a woolen shroud, light brown hair was gathered and hidden under a felt headdress, leather boots on the legs, and next to it in the tomb lay a comb and an elegant straw basket with grains of wheat.

Later, in the Tarim River basin, another group of mummies was found - the bodies of a man, three women and a child - called the Cherchen mummies. The four adult bodies date back to 1000 BC. Their clothes were in the same colors, and red or blue cords were tied around their heads; the garters on the heads of the women were weakened, and their faces took on the appearance of singing or screaming.

The man from the burial, or "Cherchen man", about two meters tall, died at the age of 50. He had long, light brown, braided hair, a thin beard, and many tattoos on his face. He was wearing a purple-red robe, and there were at least 10 headdresses of various styles nearby. Like the Cherchen man, one of the female mummies had many tattoos on the face. The woman, about 180 cm tall, with light brown hair braided in two long braids, wore a red dress and white deerskin boots. A three-month-old child with a blue felt cap on his head, whose eyes were covered with blue stones, was buried with the adults. Near the baby's body was a bowl made of a cow's horn and a feeding bottle made from the udder of a sheep.

Much can be said about these people by the cut of their clothes and the methods of making fabrics. They largely coincide with what was woven and worn by their contemporaries, who lived in the places where Austria, Germany and the Scandinavian countries are now located. Victor Mair, professor of Chinese and Indo-Iranian literature and religion at the University of Pennsylvania, who in 1987 led a group of tourists around the Urumki Museum, notes that "... the textiles found on mummies are not unusual, but are subject to a common technological tradition that was characteristic of Europe and the Caucasus."

For example, a tall, sixty centimeter hat on a mummified woman resembles the headdresses of noble Iranians who wore them in the 1st millennium BC. It is interesting that the Cherchen man was buried with ten headdresses of different styles; one of them looks like a Phrygian cap. In terms of patterns and weaving patterns, woolen fabric is no less impressive: the fabric from which the clothes are made resembles a Celtic plaid in color and ornament. In addition, on household items - spindles and utensils - carved swastika Also, wooden objects are decorated in a style very similar to the so-called Scythian animal style. And the fragments of a wheel found in one of the burials dating back to the 2nd millennium BC coincide with the same parts of the carriage found in Ukraine, but even more ancient.

So, after all, who were these people of the White race, and how did they end up in China?

Most scientists call them Tochars, which will say little to an ordinary person, a few - directly declare that these are the Scythians... The place from where the ancestors of these people migrated to the Tarim Basin around 2000 BC is called South Siberia, the region of the Afanasyev and Andronov cultures. From there they brought with them war chariots, highly developed bronze metallurgy and other elements of civilization to the land that now occupies modern China. The profound cultural influence they had on the Mongoloid tribes is attested by linguists. In Chinese, the words for horse, cow, wheel, and cart are of "Indo-European" origin. Note that in modern historical science the word "Indo-European" is a euphemism (replacement) for the phrase Slavic-Aryan, which helped to hide the real state of affairs, but not for long. Recently, it has become increasingly clear that Chinese civilization and statehood (and not only it) arose as a result of the conquest of ancient Chinese tribes in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. Aryans who came from the northwest.

Chinese folklore preserves legends about blue-eyed, fair-haired people who were the creators of the Chinese state and its first rulers and statesmen. Even in the 8th-9th centuries of our era, folk songs were sung green-eyed generals... An interesting fact is that according to these legends, Buddhism was also created by people of the white race. In the Buddhist monastery in Bezeklik, in the northeast of Taklamakan, rich Tochars are depicted donating trays of purses to the holy Buddha, as well as fair-skinned and blue-eyed Buddhists.

These legends were not taken seriously until the burials of white people were discovered in 1977 in the Takla Makan desert. These burials are located near the ruins of large cities built along the famous Silk Road... Judging by these ruins, these people built a whole civilization - big cities, temples, educational centers and art centers. It was they who built the Great Silk Road., not the Chinese. An indirect confirmation of this theory is the fact that the area where the mummies of white people were found was called Western Tartary or Free Tartary on various Western maps, up to the beginning of the 19th century.

In the early 1990s over a thousand mummies of white people were discovered in the region, but by 1998 the Chinese government had banned further archaeological expeditions to the area. And this is quite understandable. Further excavations would prove an unpleasant fact for the Chinese that they were not the first to discover iron, invented the saddle and chariots, and domesticated the horse. All this was done very, very long ago by the representatives of the White race and generously shared with them ...

White Gods of Greece

Look at the Greek gods. They are all fair-haired, slim and powerful! Moreover, almost all of them are of non-Greek origin, and their names are not translated from Greek and do not carry any meaning in this language. But they are perfectly "translated" into Russian and only for Russian people make sense. And the Greeks themselves believe that many of their gods came to them from the north, from the mysterious Hyperborea.

Take, for example, the supreme Greek god. It does not translate from Greek in any way, but there is a god in the pantheon of Slavic gods Alive, who, like Zeus, is a life-giver (remember that Zeus gave children to almost all goddesses and many mortal women) and is the Father God who gave birth to the whole world. - the wife of Zeus is the patroness of marriage and family. Greek legends portray her as a vengeful and jealous goddess, since Zeus very often cheated on her. Very often she was portrayed as a warrior with a spear and sword in her hand. Her name is not translated from Greek. However, it is interesting that in Mycenae her name was pronounced as "e-ra". We get the Slavic Furious Warrior Yaru.

The decoding of the first part of the name of the Greek god of the seas is not clear, but the second - "don" is a Russian word that denoted a river, bottom, channel and moat. Many rivers have this root in the places where the Rus live or lived. Its symbol - a trident - has been preserved as a symbol in the Clans of the Rus to the present day, for example, on the coat of arms of Ukraine. and Apollo, brother and sister are from Hyperborea. She is the goddess of fertility and the patroness of the animal world and women in labor. At the heart of her name is the ancient Greek root "art", corresponding to the Russian "clan". He is the sun god and patron of arts and science. Every year Apollo flew away in a heavenly chariot drawn by swans to the North, to Hyperborea to his people, where his mother goddess was born Leto-Lada... It corresponds to the ancient Russian god Kupala, in whose honor they still organize holidays on the day of the summer solstice (based on materials from Y.D. Petukhov's book "By the Roads of the Gods").

In addition, according to Greek legends, Apollo is accompanied by wolves, and the wolf, as you know, is an animal whose habitat is central and northern Europe, not southern. It is known that the wolf is a frequent character in the mythology of the Scandinavians, Germans and Slavs, but not in the mythology of southern peoples. Apollo patronized the city of the Pelasgians - Troy.

Apollo was nicknamed Hyperborean, as, by the way, were the Greek heroes-demigods Hercules and Perseus, as well as the soothsayer Abaris and the sage Aristeus, the priests of Apollo (some ancient authors call them Scythians), who taught the Greeks music, philosophy, the art of creating poems and hymns, construction temples. Under their leadership, the famous Delphic Temple was built. These teachers, as the chronicles reported, also owned the symbols of the god Apollo, including an arrow, a raven, a laurel with miraculous power. Myths claim that Abaris had a golden magic arrow that Apollo gave him. With her help, he could become invisible, heal diseases, prophesy and travel through the air. The Pythagoreans called Abaris "the Airbender." As you can see, "White Gods" came to the Greeks.

The appearance of these gods can be judged by the well-known work - "Iliad" by Homer - the most ancient monument of "ancient Greek" literature, which tells about an episode of the ten-year siege of Troy (Illion) by the Achaean Greeks, which took place in the XIII-XII centuries BC. In this war, according to the Iliad, the Olympic gods took an active part, having divided, they acted on the side of one of the warring parties. For example, Apollo and Aphrodite were on the side of the Trojans, while Athena and Hera were on the side of the Achaeans, with all the ensuing consequences. The Olympic gods had their favorites, whom they defended, and those against whom they fought, up to interfering in fights and saving their wards from imminent death, and sending a pestilence to the enemy's camp.

These facts indicate that, firstly, the Trojan War was, unfortunately, a war between the Slavic-Aryan clans. And, secondly, it shows that the gods were not gods in our today's imagination - unknown, perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, etc. creatures. They behaved like people - they had their own predilections and antipathies, advantages and disadvantages - but people who had reached a high evolutionary level of development and possessed "divine superpowers." Each of them had its own "specialization", and, therefore, its own evolutionary blind spots.

Homer describes the appearance of the Greek gods using adjectives such as "light-eyed", "fair-haired", "fair", "tall" and others. People, Trojans and Achaeans, are described with exactly the same epithets, and they also have mighty "white bodies", and their women are "white-footed" and "ruddy-lolanic". In the text we will find the following descriptions:

"So is Zeus's daughter, the light-eyed Pallas virgin!" "Zhateli, blowing bread, where is Demeter with golden curls ..." "Before Cassandra, the beautiful, golden Aphrodite like ..." "To the son of Peleus the light-eyed daughter of Aegiochus" "Light Atrid, and now, as before, you are firm in soul" "... and the light-haired Meleager is dead" "... the fair-haired Menelaus will strike in battle" "... and henceforth with the light-haired son of Atreus" "... light-haired Adrasta" "... the white-footed Feana parent" "Daughters of the oldest husband, the light-haired wife of Agameda" "TO white body the hole-eyed one has forbidden to touch the shell. "

The most complete picture of what the Greek gods and heroes looked like is provided by a traveling exhibition "Motley Gods" (Bunte Gоtter), which has been exhibited in museums in Europe since 2003, when it was first organized in Munich.

This exhibition was born as a result of the painstaking work of an international team of scientists and researchers from Harvard, Smithsonian University, the University of Colorado and a number of others under the leadership of the German Vincenz Brinkmann, head of the antique collection of the Liebighaus Sculpture Museum in Frankfurt (Liebieghaus).

Starting in 1982, using modern technology and scientific advances in organic chemistry, X-ray diagnostics, they tried to create a reconstruction of classical works of Greek art. For more than 25 years, they studied the surface of antique statues, armed with ultraviolet reflectographs, laser lamps and expensive powdered minerals (green - from malachite, blue - from lapis lazuli, yellow and ocher - from arsenic, red - from cinnabar, black - from burnt grape seeds), and were able to reconstruct the original appearance of the ancient statues. It turned out that ancient greek sculpture in fact never been white how we were taught to do that!

However, this was known from ancient written evidence. For example, the famous painter of antiquity Nikias (4th century BC) painted marble sculptures by rubbing in melted wax paints, which revived the whiteness of the marble and imitated the color of the body. The ancient masters developed the encaustic technology (now lost), in which they covered not only sculptures with wax-based paints, but also buildings and ships. Judging by the evidence that has come down to us, it consisted of the following: the wax was bleached for a long time in seawater with the addition of certain substances and became hard and refractory, and after mixing with the pigment it was melted and applied to the surface. After cooling, the wax paint no longer melted under the rays of the sun and repelled water, protecting the base - wood, metal or stone.

The fact that the Greek statues were colored was known even in the last century and the century before last. Back in the 18th century, scientists drew attention to the pigment remains on the statues. However, for some reason, the view that ancient Greek statues should be white began to prevail in academia. It even got to the point that the statues were deliberately "brought" to this form. For example, Lord Duvin, sponsoring the construction of a new wing of the British Museum in the 1930s, forced statues from the Elgin Marble Collection to be "cleaned" with wire brushes and other abrasive materials to remove visible pigments from their surfaces.

However, already in the second half of the 20th century, scientists were again interested in the topic of colored Greek statues. And finally, their interest and efforts led to an amazing result. Until that moment, Nikoda, the general public could not even imagine how bright and colorful Greek art was; how the ornaments that adorn the clothes of the ancient Greek gods and heroes were colorful and rich.

Now at the exhibition, white originals are contrasted with their color copies. Incidentally, the eyes of the "classical" statues seemed blind because their pupils were not cut out, but painted on marble with paint. Ancient Greek temples were also not completely white: the frieze and pediments were painted, usually blue, and statues and bas-reliefs appeared against this background, as if alive. In total, the exhibition features 70 originals and 21 color copies of famous ancient Greek and Roman statues and reliefs that have undergone a "restoration" of their original color coating. In the center of the exhibition are sculptures from the pediment of the temple of Athena Aphaia on the island of Aegina (c. 500 BC). The famous archer from the western pediment depicts the Trojan prince Paris in a robe that fits snugly around his body. Note the swastika on your wrist.

Imagine now how festive and solemn the megalithic structure would look in color - the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, which the Hyperboreans built for him ...

There are many legends and legends about the mysterious White Gods of antiquity, they are mentioned in the oldest written sources, their images are found in many places on the planet.

For many ancient peoples, the White Gods were mentors and teachers, they brought light and knowledge, they created civilizations. Who were the white-skinned people with beards (this is how the White Gods are mainly depicted and described), where did they come from, and what moved these people? From time immemorial, some fragmentary information has come down to them.

In Egypt, China, South and Central America, in different historical eras and under different names, they suddenly appeared and just as suddenly disappeared, leaving many legends and new centers of civilization about themselves. They ruled tribes and peoples, transferring their knowledge to them, taught to cultivate the land and build cities, and then the mysterious White Gods disappeared, promising to return when the time came.

So in the ancient Egyptian chronicles, it was repeatedly mentioned about the nine White Gods who became the first founders of the most ancient Egyptian state. It is a historical fact that the first dynasties of the pharaohs who ruled the first Egyptian kingdom had white skin, blue eyes and wore beards (not false as in later dynasties).

There is even historical evidence of this fact stored in various historical museums around the world, which miraculously survived for several millennia. So, for example, in Cairo, in the National Museum of History, there are monuments depicting the pharaohs, as well as their wives (III millennium BC) from the fourth dynasty, which had all the signs of a typical white race.

Many archaeological discoveries confirming the existence of the mysterious White Gods date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Statues, bas-reliefs and small figurines depicting white bearded Gods were found in Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guatemala. Mexico.

Today, in some museums and libraries of European countries, the oldest manuscripts have been stored for a long time, which contain images and references to the mysterious White Gods who were the founders of many ancient civilizations. But for some reason, such information is available only to strictly defined persons. All others have no access to such information.

In South and Central America, the cult of the White Gods enjoyed special respect. The White Gods occupied the highest rungs of the hierarchical ladder in the numerous pantheons of the Gods of South and Central America.

The ancient Olmecs, who were the founders of the civilization of Ancient Mesoamerica, had a legend about their appearance on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, where their civilization was born. Tradition says that the ancestors of the Olmecs arrived to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico on a huge ship from the east, led by a leader named Wimtoni.

Along with the colonists, there were white-skinned sages with beards on the ship. When the ship with the settlers moored to the coast, and they began to build the first settlement on the coast, the bearded sages left the settlers and went to the dense selva to look for the people who inhabited these lands.

After 10 years, the sages returned back to the settlement of the colonists and declared that their mission had been accomplished, then the white sages boarded a ship and headed east, where they came from.

It is likely that the ancient Olmec legend about the white bearded sages who appeared on the shores of Central America along with the Olmec ancestors is directly related to the White Gods. The legends of the ancient Mayans tell of a pale-faced god with a beard, dressed in white clothes, falling to the very ground and wearing a tiara on his head.

He came from somewhere in the east, and for a long time taught people how to properly cultivate the land, build houses from stone, various crafts, stargazing and even writing.

He also taught people to follow the laws of goodness and justice, and then he went back to the east, but promised to return when the time came. The ancient Maya called the pale-faced God with a beard Kukulkan or the Feathered Serpent.

The religious cult of the Feathered Serpent, rooted among the Maya people, was adopted by the Toltecs, and then the Aztecs and many other peoples of Mesoamerica. The Toltecs named the White God - Quetzalcoatl. This name was also preserved by the Aztecs.

Who were the mysterious white missionaries who gave birth to the centers of civilization and culture in different parts of the planet and in different time periods? It is likely that the White Gods were the Atlanteans or Hyperboreans who survived the catastrophe, it is not known for certain, just as there is a possibility that much is known about them, but due to the inertia of the official history, they hide the truth.

It is also possible that from time immemorial there existed (exists) a certain secret order, the purpose of which is to preserve and transmit ancient knowledge in order to revive or create a new civilization from people who survived after global catastrophes or newly emerged peoples.

There is a version that some time after the death of the legendary Atlantis or the exodus of the population of Ancient Hyperborea after the onset of the next Ice Age, the descendants of the disappeared civilizations took on the mission to spread the knowledge that was once lost.

Probably, part of the ancient knowledge got to the backgammon of Egypt. India, Mesopotamia, China, and then began to spread to other parts of the planet. After all, it was in these places that the first centers of civilization known from Ancient History began to arise one after another.

Researchers studying this problem drew attention to very interesting facts, which consisted in the fact that the cult views of the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica, primarily the Maya and Toltecs, were influenced by certain aspects that paralleled the biblical teachings.

For example, in the state of New Mexico (USA), scientists have discovered clay tablets, made around the time of the formation of the Mayan civilization, and containing 10 basic Christian commandments!

The most mysterious and strange thing was that all the inscriptions on the tablets were made in one of the ancient Semitic dialects, another sensational find was a stone with an inscription carved in Hebrew. This amazing find dates back to 1650 BC.

The Indian tribes living on the lands where the mysterious stone was found had an ancient legend about the "White Preacher". He appeared from the east, was engaged in the healing of people, taught various crafts and sciences and disseminated "Divine Revelations" among them.

Similar myths and legends about the bearded White Gods have existed in South America since the end of centuries. For example, the White God known as Kon-Tiki Viracocha was considered the supreme deity in the Inca Empire.

In the capital of the Incas, the city of Cuzco, there was an ancient temple, destroyed to the ground by the Spanish conquistadors, there was a giant statue of the White God Viracocha. The statue had the typical features of a European in an ankle-length robe and sandals similar to those worn in Ancient Greece or Rome. The sight of the statue greatly impressed the leader of the conquistadors Francisco Pizarro.

He noted this event in his memoirs, admitting that he saw very similar images in the paintings of Italian and Spanish artists. Similar statues have been found in other Inca temples dedicated to Viracocha. All of them had European features, and their bodies were covered with loose long robes, all of them had sandals on their feet.

Spanish soldiers believed that this is an image of St. Bartholomew who somehow reached the coast of Peru and the temples that the Incas built were dedicated to this saint.

The ancient legends of the Quechua and Aymara peoples say that the pale-faced God of Kon-Tiki Viracocha was the leader of a mysterious white race of sages who had blue eyes and beards. This race in time immemorial arrived from the north on the coast of the sacred lake Titicaca, and settled on the island.

White sages began to enlighten the Indian tribes living on the shores of the lake to teach them many important and useful things. But once a war broke out on the coast of Titicaca, the enemies invaded the island where the white sages lived, a bloody battle ensued, during which many people of the white race died.

Viracocha gathered the surviving tribesmen and left the island. On the Pacific coast, they built a ship and hid in its boundless waters. Before sailing off in an unknown direction, the White God promised to return when cruelty and injustice ceased on this earth.

Confirmation of the presence of the white race on the territory of the South American continent was found during excavations of a huge ancient necropolis on the Paracas Peninsula (Peru). These findings confirmed the version that the white race inhabited the American continent even in very ancient historical times. That until then was rejected by the official science.

In the necropolis, excellently preserved mummies of people were found, which had all the signs of belonging to the white Nordic race, which was confirmed by genetic analysis. This unknown light-skinned people, according to researchers, came to South America much earlier than the Indian tribes.

Most of the mummies found in the necropolis had straight light blond or red hair and blue eyes. Clothing. The fabrics, dishes and other utensils found in the burials were very skillfully made, which indicated the high level of culture of this unknown people.

It is likely that the white-skinned inhabitants of America, who lived on the Paracas Peninsula and elsewhere on the continent, served as an image for the creation of myths and legends about the White Gods, known as Kon-Tiki Viracocha, Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl.

However, the sensational excavations of the necropolis on the Paracas Peninsula and those valuable finds made there have not yet been able to shed light on when and where the mysterious white people came to South America. Probably, everything will have its time and someday the answers to the questions will be found.

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