What are the system requirements. World of Tanks system requirements for different graphics settings. Playerunknown's Battlegrounds minimum and recommended system requirements

Installing, configuring and restoring Windows 7 to 100% Vatamanyuk Alexander Ivanovich

1.4. System requirements

1.4. System requirements

Like any other software product, the Windows 7 operating system imposes certain requirements on the power of the computer for its installation and trouble-free operation. Table 1.2 is a list of system resource requirements.

Table 1.2. Windows 7 system requirements

It is worth saying that the information given in the table may not correspond to reality in some points, depending on the version of Windows 7 that you plan to install. For example, to install Windows 7 Starter, 512 MB of memory and any video card are enough. But if you want the system to work well and still have a sufficient margin of "strength" for the running applications, then you should not deviate from these requirements in the direction of reducing them. It is best to use as powerful a computer as possible.

From the book The Maturity Model of Software Development Processes author Paulk Mark

System Requirements Related to Software The system requirements established for the software are commonly referred to in the CMM as “specified requirements”. They are a subset of system requirements that must be implemented in the software components of the system.

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1.1.1. System Requirements Fedora 8 can be installed on any modern (and not so) computer. The main requirement is 256 MB (you can do more!) random access memory and at least 3 GB of free hard disk space. If you have less than 256 MB of RAM, then you weigh

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System Requirements The following system requirements exist to use this program. PC with Intel Pentium 200 processor or higher. Operating system Microsoft Windows XP / 2000, Windows 98SE / ME (to work with the Russian interface, the operating system must support

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System Requirements Before installing, you should be familiar with the Windows Vista Hardware Requirements List. The minimum hardware configuration required to install Windows Vista is as follows. Modern Intel or AMD processor. For comfortable work

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System Requirements (Official) Consider what hardware you need to have to run Windows XP. Processor with a frequency of at least 233 MHz (recommended from 300 MHz and above). 128 MB of RAM (at 64 MB, the performance can be

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System Requirements Parallels Workstation requires the following computing resources :? processor with x86 architecture (AMD Duron or Intel Pentium II) and a clock frequency of 400 MHz or more (the recommended frequency is at least 1.5 GHz); if the processor used supports the mode

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System Requirements To successfully operate the Windows 7 operating system, your computer must meet the following minimum requirements: Processor frequency - 1 GHz. It can be either 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64). The amount of RAM - 1 GB

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System Requirements For successful work in Skype you need the following technical components :? a personal computer with the operating system Windows 2000 or XP (using Windows 2000 requires the installation of DirectX 9.0 for video data) ;? internet connection

From the book Getting Started with Windows 7. A Beginner's Guide the author Kolisnichenko Denis N.

Minimum system requirements Radmin is a fairly modest program if it comes about the requirements for the hardware of the computer. It can even be run on a 386-processor machine with 8MB of RAM. In other words, if you were able to install on

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2.2. System Requirements When Windows Vista came out, it was often criticized for having too high system requirements. And so it was. I remember myself: then I had a computer with 768 MB of RAM. I still installed Vista on it, but the performance left much to be desired

From the book Install, configure and restore Windows 7 to 100% the author Vatamanyuk Alexander Ivanovich

Computer System Requirements Each software makes its own requirements to the equipment that ensures its normal operation. You can, of course, manage to use computers with more modest capabilities, but in this case you only

From the author's book

System Requirements If, for example, you have a cassette video recorder, you will never buy a DVD disc for it, because you know that your tape recorder "feeds" only on cassettes and simply does not "digest" discs. The same is the case with games for your computer.

From the author's book

System Requirements Server Memory (All Platforms) Server memory estimates include many factors. * Firebird server performance. Firebird Server makes efficient use of server resources. Superserver after startup uses approximately 2 MB

From the author's book

1.4. System Requirements Like any other software product, the Windows 7 operating system for its installation and trouble-free operation puts forward certain requirements for the power of the computer. Table 1.2 is a list of system resource requirements. Table 1.2. Systemic

Types of system requirements

Many developers specify 2 types of system requirements for their games:

  1. Minimum system requirements- the most modest set of conditions under which the game can work. We would like to note that sometimes games are played on computers whose system requirements do not even meet the stated minimum. It is impossible not to rejoice, but in such cases, no one will give guarantees that the game will work properly.
  2. Recommended system requirements- a set of conditions under which the game should run without errors and brakes, you can use all its capabilities, including the maximum graphics settings.

System Requirements Symbols

The system requirements indicate a number of parameters, the meaning of which we will analyze below.

Operating system

The most common operating systems for desktops and laptops are Windows, Mac OS... For smartphones, tablets - Android, iOS... You should not install the game on a system for which it was not originally created. Will not start.


Look at the bitness of the system. For example, on Windows 64 bit, any game with 32 bit requirements will install and work. But on the contrary, a 64-bit game on Windows 32 bit will refuse to work.


Processor power is measured in gigahertz (Russian designation - GHz, English designation - GHz). Modern computers now mostly have dual-core processors, or even more cores. Sometimes, in the requirements of the game, the number of cores for the processor is not directly indicated, but the processor family is indicated. For example, i3 3.1 GHz. This means that we are talking about a dual-core processor (Intel Core i3 processors - all dual-core) with a frequency of 3.1 GHz per core.

Most modern processors are 64-bit and support both 32-bit and 64-bit programs (games).


The amount of RAM is calculated in megabytes (Russian designation - MB, English designation - MB), or in gigabytes (Russian designation - GB, English designation - GB).

1GB = 1024 MB

Video card

The requirements for the computer's video card are simple - the series of video cards on which the game will run is indicated. The main developers of graphics cards are two: NVIDIA (produces GeForce cards) and AMD (produces Radeon). That is why the system requirements specify cards from two manufacturers at once. For example, GeForce 400 Series / Radeon HD 7000. If only one manufacturer's video card is indicated, then its analogue of another should be looked for on the Internet.

DirectX version

DirectX is a set of mini-programs from Microsoft that allow the game to access the video card, mouse and other computer devices. Many games still ask for DirectX 9 installed, although many of the minimum requirements are set to Direct X10, DirectX 11 or DirectX 12. Usually, during installation, the game itself prompts you to install the desired DirectX. Only in the rarest cases, DirectX needs to be downloaded from the Microsoft website.


DirectX is designed for Windows operating systems only. You do not need to install it for games on Mac OS and other operating systems.

Hard disk space

Hard disk space is measured in bytes, or rather, increasingly in megabytes and gigabytes.

1 GB = 1024 MB

1 TB = 1024 GB

You can check the free space on the disk by right-clicking on the disk. In the menu that appears, select "Properties".

The IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology defines requirements as:

  1. Conditions or capabilities required by the user to solve problems or achieve goals;
  2. Conditions or capabilities that a system or system components must have in order to fulfill a contract or meet standards, specifications, or other formal documents
  3. Documented presentation of conditions or opportunities for items 1 and 2

What are the requirements

Software requirements are divided into three levels - business requirements, user requirements, and functional requirements. In addition, each system has its own non-functional requirements. The model in Fig. The following illustrates a way to represent these types of requirements.

Business requirements

Business Requirements(business requirements) contain the high-level goals of the organization or customers of the system. As a rule, they are expressed by those who finance the project, the buyers of the system, the manager real users, marketing department. This document explains why the organization needs such a system, that is, it describes the goals that the organization intends to achieve with its help. I like to write business requirements in the form of a project image and scope document, sometimes referred to as a project charter or market requirements document. Defining the project boundary is the first step in managing the overall scaling up problems.

User requirements

User requirements(user requirements) describe the goals and objectives that the system will give users. Use cases, scenarios, and event-response tables are excellent ways to represent this kind of requirement. Therefore, this document specifies what customers will be able to do with the system.

Functional requirements

Functional requirements(functional requirements) define the software functionality that developers must build so that users can complete their tasks within the business requirements. Sometimes referred to as behavioral requirements, they contain clauses with the traditional should or should: e-mail send a confirmation of the order to the user ”.
Functional requirements are documented in the software requirements specification (SRS), which describes as fully as necessary the expected behavior of the system.

System requirements

System requirements(system requirements) are high-level product requirements that many subsystems contain. When we speak of a system, we mean software or software and hardware subsystems. People are part of the system, so certain functions of the system can extend to people as well.

Business rules

Business rules(business rules) include corporate policies, government regulations, industry standards, and computational algorithms. Business rules are not software requirements because they are outside the boundaries of any software system. However, they often impose restrictions on who can perform specific VIs, or dictate what functions a system should have if it obeys the relevant rules. Sometimes business rules become the source of quality attributes that are implemented in functionality. Therefore, you can trace the origin of specific functional requirements back to their corresponding business rules.

Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirements describe the goals and attributes of quality. Quality attributes are additional description product features, expressed through a description of its characteristics that are important to users or developers. These characteristics include:
* lightness and ease of use
* ease of movement
* integrity
* efficiency and resilience to failures
* external interactions between the system and the outside world
* design and implementation constraints. Constraints relate to the choice of a development opportunity appearance and product structure

Product characteristic (feature)

Product feature(feature) is a set of logically related functional requirements that provide user experience and satisfy a business goal. In the field of commercial software, a characteristic is a group of requirements recognized by all stakeholders that are important in making a purchase decision - an element of a bulleted list in a product description.

What characteristics should good requirements have?

Quality characteristics of excellent requirements:

- Completeness. Each requirement must fully describe the functionality to be implemented in the product. That is, it must contain all the information that developers need to be able to create this piece of functionality. If you understand that there is a lack of data of a certain kind, use the mark "TBD" (to be determined) in the fields as standard
a free flag to highlight such a place. Please fill in any gaps in each piece of requirements before you start building this function.

- Correctness. Each requirement must accurately describe the desired functionality. To maintain correctness, it is necessary to communicate with the sources of requirements, for example, with the wishes of users or high-level system ones. Software requirements that conflict with parental requirements cannot be considered correct. However, the main assessment here is with the user representatives, which is why they or their immediate deputies need to provide requirements for viewing.

- Feasibility. You need to be able to fulfill each requirement under certain conditions and constraints of the system and operating environment. To avoid creating unattainable positions, ensure that developers interact with marketers and requirements analysts throughout the entire requirement retrieval. Developers will really appreciate what can be done technically and what not, or what can be done, but with additional funding. Incremental development and proof-of-concept prototypes test the feasibility of a requirement.

- Necessity. Each requirement must reflect a capability that users actually need or need to meet external system requirements or standards. In addition, it must come from a person who has the authority to record the position. Track each requirement down to the user input stage, where use cases were identified,
business rules or other sources.

- Prioritization ... Prioritize each functional requirement, characteristic, or use case to determine what is needed for each version of the product. If all provisions are equally important, it will be difficult for the project manager to cope with budget cuts, deadlines, lost staff, or adding new requirements during the development process.
For More Information Chapter 14 discusses prioritization in detail.

- Unambiguity. All readers of the requirements should interpret them in the same way, but natural language often suffers from ambiguity. Keep your documentation simple, concise, and accurate, using vocabulary that users can understand. “Clarity” is a quality objective related to accuracy: Readers must clearly understand each statement. Enter all the technical and confusing terms in the dictionary.

- Verifiability ... Try developing a few tests or using other validation techniques, such as forensics or demonstrations, to determine if the product actually fulfills each requirement. If the requirement is not checked, the issue of its correct implementation becomes the subject of a conclusion, rather than the goal of analysis. Incomplete, inconsistent, unachievable or ambiguous requirements are also not checked.

What characteristics should the requirements specification have?

The set of requirements that make up the specification must meet the characteristics of:

- Completeness . No requirement or required data should be omitted.

- Consistency ... The agreed requirements do not conflict with other requirements of the same type or with high-level user, system, or business requirements. Inconsistencies in documents should be resolved before starting the development process. You do not always know which position is incorrect (if any is incorrect) until you do the research. It is recommended that you write down the author of each demand to find out who made it, if a conflict is found.

- Modification ability ... It is necessary to ensure that the requirements can be revised, if necessary, and to maintain a history of changes for each provision. To do this, they must all be uniquely labeled and labeled so that you can refer to them unambiguously. Each requirement should only be recorded once in the specification. Otherwise, you will easily get inconsistency by changing only one position out of two that are identical. Use links to original statements rather than duplicating statements. Modification of the specification becomes much easier if you compose the document content and index. Saving specifications in a commercial requirements management tool database will make them reusable.

- Traceability ... Traceability, or parsing capability, can be implemented both backward to the original source and forward to design elements and the source code that implements it, and to use cases that validate implementation. Traceable requirements are marked with the appropriate identifiers. They are written in a structured, detailed form, as opposed to paragraphs in a long narrative form. Avoid clumping multiple requirements into a single lump, individual requirements can be traced to different design elements and code.

Source uml2.ru

System requirements for the game PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG)

Minimum system requirements

Processor: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300


HDD: 30 GB hard disk space

Video card: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7850 with 2GB memory

DirectX Version: 11

Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Processor: Intel Core i5-6400 / AMD FX-8300

RAM: 8-12 GB

HDD: 30 GB hard disk space

Video card: nVidia GeForce GTX 1050 / AMD Radeon RX470 from 4GB of memory

DirectX Version: 11

Network: Broadband internet connection

If you tired of constant lags (friezes) or low fps in PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG), then this

Do you want to know does your PC match minimum system requirements of PUBG, in other words - will my weak PC pull PUBG so that I can play comfortably without lags, freezes and freezes.

One of the most popular services for checking the capacity of your system is the website

Before starting the check, make sure that your computer is installed latest version Java.
You can download it from the link:

You have installed a fresh version of Java. Now you can proceed directly to the check.

Step # 1... Let's go here:

Step # 2. Enter the name of the game you are looking for and press the blue button "Can you run it?"

Step # 3. A window appears with three options.
The first option is Begin Detection, which is what we need
The second option is the Desktop App.
The third is View Requirements. This option will simply show you the system requirements for the selected game. But since you probably do not know how to use such information, this does not suit us.

Choose the FIRST option (Begin Detection)

Step # 4. A window will appear with the words "Loading". If at this time your computer freezes a little, it doesn't matter. Just wait and a (possibly) window with the Java logo will appear. And then you will need to press the "Run" button. After that, your system can think a little more.

Step # 5. Issuing the result. You will see a window with a running green (your computer meets the minimum system requirements of the game) or a red (does not match) stripe.
She will run from left to right. If it gets to the right end, then congratulations! Your computer will easily run the selected game. On the way, this strip will overcome 2 (sometimes 3) vertical lines. The first of them corresponds to the minimum requirements of the game, the second to the average, and the third to the maximum.

Step 6.(Optional if the green bar extends to the right edge)
Scroll down the site and see 2 tabs: "Minimum" and "Recomended"
Here, the minimum and recommended requirements of the game will be displayed, respectively, compared with the capabilities of your computer. Here you can find out why this game will not work or will work, but not at maximum settings.

That's all!

IMPORTANT REMEMBER: Do not rely on this site 100%. If your result is "red", then this is not a reason to give up on the game. We need to see what prevents you from launching it. If this is, for example, hardware support for DX, then you still will not be able to play.

World of Tanks is one of the most popular online games worldwide. Tanks allow millions of people to fight on the best "war chariots" of the middle of the last century, take part in large-scale battles in various locations, and improve their tactics and team battles.

Like any other game, World of Tanks has computer requirements. This means that successful launch and full-fledged gameplay are possible on computers with a certain power. Minimum system World requirements of Tanks allows you to run the game on almost any computer, including the "old man". But for those who want to play WOT HD, the system requirements will be slightly higher.

What are system requirements

To begin with, let's deal with the question of what the term " minimum requirements for tanks "? System requirements World games of Tanks - these are the optimal parameters at which the game will function normally - without crashes and crashes.

Below we will consider the characteristics of World of Tanks, which you can compare with the parameters of your computer. It should be noted that the requirements vary from the minimum necessary to the optimal, that is, desirable. Therefore, for those who want to fully enjoy gameplay, nevertheless, it is worth thinking about "pumping" your iron friend.

Minimum settings

The minimum system requirements of WOT are quite loyal, so tanks will start even on ancient "calculators". With minimum system requirements, World of Tanks will not surprise users with their graphics, but the application still promises to be stable, and perhaps nothing else is needed to bend over.

World of Tanks minimum requirements

CPU power 2.4 GHz
Video card Video GeForce 9800GT 512 MB
Hard disk space 7 GB
Internet speed 128 Kbps

Here are the minimum requirements for World of Tanks for the game to run stably with the most modest graphics settings. However, this is far from the limit, and if you want to check out all the delights of this game, try to acquire such hardware to provide at least an average level of settings.

Medium settings (optimal)

Recommended system requirements for World of Tanks are those requirements under which the game will run stably at medium graphics settings. Optimal settings are a balance between quality and performance.

The optimal system requirements of World of Tanks are now used by the majority of PC users. Of course, such World of Tanks system requirements for a laptop are also suitable, especially when it comes to relatively new models.

Optimal WOT Requirements

CPU power 3.4 GHz
Video card Video GeForce GTX 480 1 GB
Hard disk space 7 GB
Internet speed 128 Kbps

Even the average system requirements of World of Tanks for a computer are not excessive for most users. At the same time, the picture quality at such settings is already close to ideal.

Maximum settings

The maximum system requirements of World of Tanks are only capable of powerful gaming computers, which cost a lot of money. But the quality of the graphics will be as realistic and detailed as possible.

World of Tanks HD system requirements

CPU power Core i7
Video card Video GeForce GTX 760
Hard disk space 20 GB
Internet speed 1024 Kbps

HD - these are high-resolution textures that will delight players with a very high-quality picture.

As you can see, the technical characteristics of World of Tanks are very flexible. Thanks to the variable graphics settings, you can run the game both on old low-power computers, sacrificing image quality, and on modern machines - enjoying excellent detailing of tanks and surrounding landscapes.

It is worth adjusting the system requirements for the game Tanks carefully so as not to overload the system unit or laptop. Otherwise, the game will not only work poorly, but also the hardware will suffer. Thinking stories about burnt-out video cards are just jokes?

Before launching tanks at a certain graphical level, look at your characteristics and at the three tables that were presented above. Compare the parameters and only then get into the settings.

The minimum system requirements for online Tanks are suitable for work computers, because many players are not averse to running around in their office. Please note that you need to set at least 30 FPS for normal operation - this is the minimum threshold.

It should be borne in mind that the wider the monitor screen, the greater the load on the video card. Therefore, if you have a weak PC, you do not need to run tanks on a large monitor.

The requirements for the World of Tanks computer do not always correspond to those stated, because the developers cannot yet bring the technical part of the game to perfection, although with each new update they are approaching this value.

The system requirements of the World of Tanks for PCs are somewhat lower than for laptops. Therefore, if you have a choice of what to buy for computer games, always choose a desktop computer.

System requirements for Android

Above, we reviewed the system requirements for online Tanks on PC, but do not forget about mobile version which is becoming more and more popular.

Features of WOT Blitz for Android

Operating system Android 4.0
Video chip Mali-400MP
CPU 1200 MHz
Kernels 2

World of technical requirements presented Tanks Blitz- minimal and will ensure stable operation only at the lowest settings. Therefore, to play with better graphics, more powerful gadgets are required.

Laptop settings

Immediately, we note that the WOT system requirements for a laptop will always be somewhat higher than for ordinary PCs. Therefore, even with exactly the same characteristics as a PC, the laptop will always produce fewer frames per second (FPS).

World of Tanks X64 average system requirements for a laptop are not a problem. Good model will allow you to issue 60+ FPS, and maybe a whole hundred, which guarantees the normal operation of the application.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that laptops are much hotter than conventional PCs. Therefore, it is worth carefully monitoring the temperature of the modules so that there are no problems with iron. To keep overheating to a minimum, it is advisable to buy a laptop stand or at least not run the game at maximum performance.

Why are the system requirements different for different versions?

WOT PC requirements may differ on different Windows versions. The fact is that Windows itself, depending on the version, "eats" a certain amount of computer resources.

So, for example, by installing Windows 10 on an already rather old computer, and then tanks, you will not get a stable game. In this case, they will work better on the same Windows XP.

By the way, for those who wondered: will tanks run on Windows XP? While still going. However, do not delay the reinstallation for version 7 and higher.


From our video, you will learn many important details about the system requirements of the World of Tanks HD client.