Feast of the Holy Trinity: traditions, customs, rituals and folk signs. How to change your life with the help of conspiracies and magical rites for a trinity Trinity rituals

Trinity. Rites for the Trinity. customs of our ancestors. Our ancestors sincerely believed in the magical power of trees. The birch became the symbol of this holiday. And it is no coincidence: the Slavs have long believed that this tree has good energy and a special power of growth, which must certainly be used. Most often - in order to create a family. Therefore, the girls went to the forest - to “curl” a birch. The tree was decorated with ribbons and wreaths, they sang songs, danced round dances. And the couples looked closely and chose a bride for themselves.

And the girls also talked to the cuckoo, or rather, they asked her how long they still had to live in their parents' house. They believed: how many times the cuckoo calls, so many years to wait for marriage.

Also, on Trinity, young people gathered near the church, at a high wooden pole dug into the ground, called “poke”, “sycamore” or “vikha”. The pole was necessarily decorated with branches and flowers (it almost turned out to be a tree). The boys and girls danced around him and sang songs. Dancing and fun continued until late in the evening.

And closer to the night girls guessed - weaved wreaths and threw them into the river. If the wreath sticks to the shore - the girl will not be married this year, if she swims far away or clings to another wreath - the wedding is coming soon. And if, God forbid, she drowns, the unlucky one will have to wait for her betrothed for a very long time.

Young unmarried ladies on Trinity stood under a birch and threw up a wooden spoon. If she gets stuck in the branches and does not fall to the ground, this means that the young woman will be married before the end of the year. If it falls, the girl will not see matchmakers before next year. If he falls, but not immediately, the guy is still thinking.

Can tell fortunes and on a chain for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. On the eve of the Trinity, mentally clearly formulate a desire, think about it when you fall asleep. On the morning of the holiday, going to church, take with you the chain on which you are going to guess. In the temple, put a candle for the health of all your enemies and ill-wishers and forgive them yourself. Also be sure to make a donation to the needs of the church. Returning home, you need to count the number of links in the chain. If the number is even, the plan will come true, if the number is odd, it will not come true. After divination, the chain needs to be cleaned - place it under running water for at least 3 hours. Then put it on a window sill for lunar energy cleansing at night, and leave it in direct sunlight the next day. You can wear a chain on the fourth day after the fortune-telling ritual.

Protective rites for the Trinity

Today you can perform a protective rite. You will need wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow. Take these herbs to church to bless. Buy seven candles and place them for health. Read the prayer to the Holy Trinity. Buy a silver ring in the church with the inscription "Save and Save". When you put it on your finger: say "Shield and protection to me for the Glory of the Trinity!" After the service at home, fumigate the house with a sprig of St. John's wort with the words: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Get out, evil spirits, perish, perish! Divide the wormwood in half: put one part under the bed, and attach the other above front door. Yarrow is brewed and added to baths. St. John's wort is brewed and drunk as tea. Take baths and drink tea for three days in a row. Read the prayers of the Holy Trinity in the morning and evening.

Ancient folk customs and rituals for the Trinity

On this joyful day, in June 2016, this is June 19, a passing holiday, we glorify the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. The holiday is also called the birthday of the Church, because on this day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles - the disciples of Christ.

In the traditional Trinity rites of our ancestors, the echo of the ancient cult of vegetation, which blooms magnificently at this time, is clearly traced. The celebration of the Green Christmastide week usually began on Thursday: people went to the field or forest and wove wreaths "for all Christmastide" from lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, basil, thyme. Wormwood was also used as a magical remedy for mermaids.

- On Friday, before sunrise, medicinal herbs were collected everywhere, as well as dew, which was used to treat eye diseases.

- On Saturday, the walls, windows and icons in the house were decorated with fragrant herbs: oregano, thyme, wormwood, lovage. And the floor was covered with flat cake (popular name for calamus). Wreaths were hung on the gates from green branches of aspen, ash, linden, as well as from various herbs that drove away evil spirits.

- On Sunday all the people with bouquets of herbs went to church.

Our ancestors reverently treated trees. Poplar was especially revered, especially in Ukraine. There was even a custom called “to drive a poplar” (Kustyanka, Vesnyanka), in Russia and Belarus there is also a similar custom, they chose a slender and tall girl who personified this tree, “decorated” her with beads, colorful ribbons and scarves and drove with songs in the village and fields, thus seeking to enlist the support of the forces of nature for a good harvest.

By the way, there was a belief that the souls of the dead settle in the green branches of trees. That is why Green Christmas time, among other things, is also folk holiday veneration of ancestors.

All rituals for the Trinity were filled with symbols of well-being and were associated with the end of spring and the arrival of summer - the time when the foundations for the future harvest were laid. No wonder the people went to bow to the fields and gardens, asked the river for rain, and the meadow - grass for livestock. You can also ask for some favors from nature on this day!

Week of Green Christmastide was the last in a series of meat-eating. After it began Petrov post. Therefore, they finished eating the remaining meat supplies, made pancakes and dumplings, and drank iced tea. They used a lot of young greens (onion, garlic), and for the preparation of borscht and fillings for pies they used sorrel, loboda, young leaves of nettles and beets.

Happy Holy Trinity Day!

“Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;
Lord, cleanse our sins;
Lord, forgive our iniquities;
Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and now and forever, and forever and ever.”

Trinity is one of the most important holidays of believers, and is also one of the most beloved and long-awaited public holidays in the people. Celebration date every year
The Trinity changes, as it depends on what date Easter was. But the Trinity is always celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, and therefore in 2018 this bright holiday fell on May 27.

Sometimes it is also called the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit. It was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the holy apostles, followers of Jesus Christ, which symbolizes the trinity of God.
From that day on, God gave the apostles the gift of speaking different languages. And it is the Trinity that is considered the birthday of the Church. The week after it is called "Green Christmas".

Family tree. Rite for Parents' Saturday

Saturday before the holiday is a memorial day. People in temples light candles for the repose of deceased relatives. They especially pray for those who died an untimely death, considering them victims of insidious mermaids.

The eve of the holiday - Parental Saturday: the only day of the year when the church prays for the souls of people who died unbaptized.

V Parents' Saturday plant a family tree: sapling on suburban area or a houseplant, such as a ficus. At the bottom of a hole or pot, put a little thing related to your family: an inexpensive piece of jewelry that belonged to your mother or grandmother, a fragment of a saucer from a family service, an old button.
If nothing of the kind is found, bring a handful of earth from the place where you or someone from the older generation of your relatives spent your childhood, youth.

Attention: in no case do not put earth from the grave under the tree - nothing from the cemetery can be brought into the house or garden!

For the first time, you need to water the family tree with charmed water. Take a spring or dial from the tap just after midnight, put both palms on a vessel of water and start calling the names of all the ancestors that you remember.
Whenever you say a name, say: "Peace be with you and eternal salvation."
Repeat the rite of incantation of water every month on the full moon: the souls of your departed will receive relief, and you will receive the support of the family.

Trinity is celebrated for three days. The hostesses prepare very carefully for it: they clean the house, decorate the house with fresh branches of maple, birch, willow, linden, flowers and herbs, which symbolizes prosperity and a new life cycle.

Birch branches decorate not only houses, but also temples for the Trinity. Green color fresh birch branches symbolize rebirth and renewal.
Priests wear green robes for the Trinity.

On the feast of the Trinity, a special service is performed in the churches with the reading of kneeling prayers: the priest reads prayers, kneeling in the Royal Doors, facing the faithful, while the parishioners also kneel, for the first time after Easter.

The floors in the temples are covered with freshly cut grass, a bunch of which, after the service, anyone can take home as a talisman.

Also on Trinity, you can bring a birch twig with you to the temple to consecrate it, and then take it home. At home, consecrated birch branches are placed next to the icons.
It is believed that they will protect the house and its inhabitants from troubles and hardships all year round.

In no case should birch branches brought from the temple be thrown away. They are dried and placed next to the icon, in extreme cases, they can be burned seven days after the Trinity.

Trinity is a bright holiday, so on this day you can not indulge in despondency. Also, on such a bright holiday, you do not need to swear, scold, swear, quarrel, get angry, harbor a grudge with anyone.
Try to spend this holiday in harmony with yourself and with others, doing good deeds.

green meal

On the feast day of the Holy Trinity, it is necessary to gather the whole family for dinner. Treats to festive table hostesses prepare in advance.
There is no fasting on this holiday, so any dish can be served on the table.

❧ Fried eggs
On this day, the hostesses prepare a special scrambled egg in the morning. It consists of two eggs, since both of its "eyes" should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a pan, the hostess reads a prayer to the Holy Trinity.
Salted scrambled eggs thursday salt. Seasoned with green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed with twigs or long green feathers along with the growing bulb head.
It is believed that thanks to this, the integrity of the family is preserved.

❧ Meat and fish dishes
There are no food restrictions on Trinity (and during the week after the holiday, fasting is not observed either on Wednesday or Friday), which means you can cook fast meals. Namely: cutlets, chops, roast.

❧ Pancakes and loaf
Pancakes are also traditional dish Trinity. Our ancestors baked pancakes and commemorated the dead with them, distributed as alms to the poor and needy.

You should definitely bake or buy a loaf. This is a traditional "wedding" bread, necessarily round - in the form of the sun, the highest Slavic deity.
In the old days, specially invited people baked a loaf - most often women, certainly married and having children, that is, happy in family life. It turned out that their families were blessed by God, and through them the blessing is transmitted to the young family. While kneading the dough, the women sang special ritual songs, recited prayers and slander calling on the Lord to come down from heaven and help bake the loaf. So it is best that your loaf for the feast of the Holy Trinity is baked by a woman (or bought for you in a bakery), happy in marriage. Instead of a loaf, it is quite possible to serve a round yeast pie.

Marriageable girls and single ladies should take a few pieces of loaf, wrap them in a clean rag, read the prayer “Our Father” over the bundle and ask the Lord (or Higher powers) with all their hearts to meet with their betrothed soon.
Put the bundle behind the icon or in a place where no one will see or touch it.
Store until the wedding to crush and add crumbs to wedding cakes - then the family will be strong.

❧ Pies
There must be a variety of baked goods.
It is best, of course, to cook pastries with eggs and herbs, but a sweet pie will also come in handy these days.
In ancient times, Trinity pies were perceived as something special, and a piece of pastry was certainly hidden behind the icon. When the daughters were about to get married, the mothers gave these pieces of Trinity pastries as a kind of amulet for peace and happiness in the new family.

❧ Salads
The more salads on the table, the brighter the holiday will be. In this case, it is desirable to use more lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage;
The main condition of the holiday is the preparation of dishes with the addition of a large amount of greenery. Considering that it is customary to decorate the house with greenery on Trinity, housewives should also generously add green herbs to dishes.

Trinity traditions

The Holy Trinity is a big holiday, so it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical work on this day. If possible, it is worth putting aside everyday affairs and household chores, and devote as much time as possible to prayers and communication with loved ones.
Such activities are not sinful, but it is believed that everyday fuss should not distract us from the main essence of the holiday.

But you can collect medicinal herbs.

First day - Green Sunday- people consider it a day of activity and deceit of mermaids and other mythical evil spirits. The greenery that decorates houses is a protection and a talisman against them. On the morning of this day, festive services are held in the temples. Then people visit each other.
Mass celebrations, fairs begin.

Trinity has always been considered a girl's holiday. They weave wreaths, dropping them into the river for divination. Then they went for a walk in the forest. By this day, a loaf was baked and distributed to unmarried girls in the forest. These pieces were dried and stored until the wedding, then kneading crackers into the dough for the wedding loaf.
It was believed that they would bring prosperity and love to their new family. Then, under the birch, they organized a picnic - a festive meal.
In the evening, the people were entertained by mummers.

The second day of the holiday is called Klechalny Monday.. After the service, the priests went to the fields to read prayers asking God for a blessing on the future harvest.

On the third, Bogodukhov day The boys chose their brides. The girls “led the poplar”, in the role of which was an unmarried girl - the first beauty in the village.
She was dressed up with wreaths, ribbons, branches and taken around the yards. To meet Poplar was considered a great success. On this day, water was blessed in the wells.

People say that it is on Trinity that mermaids come out of the rivers to the fields, at night they start their games and live in the forests until St. Peter's Day (July 12).
Travelers can be tickled to death by mermaids, which is why swimming in the rivers during Green Christmas is considered dangerous.

Green Christmas time

Long before the adoption of Christianity in early June, festivities were held in Russia associated with the veneration of mother earth. They were called "green" or "emerald" days, hence the popular name of Trinity Day - Green Christmastide.

According to popular beliefs, the earth should not be disturbed on Green Christmastide - plant or transplant plants, dig and loosen, remove weeds. Let the birthday land rest, then it will be favorable to man.

Trinity spell for good luck

On the Trinity they say a conspiracy for good luck and success in business:

“I will get up, praying, go out, crossing myself,
I will ascend a high mountain, I will look around in all four directions.
As on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, restlessly wild and violent.
No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know stirrups-reins.
I will tame that horse, and he will walk obediently under me, carry me where I want.
My will is strong, my word is true. Amen".

Love spell on the Trinity

And in order to bewitch her beloved, on Trinity Day, a woman collects grass, weaves a small wreath from it and, going to bed, puts it under her pillow with a slander:

“How these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath,
so let the servant of God (name) around me, the servants of God (name), wind and wind,
how the wreath will wither and dry,
so let it dry, it mourns for me, God's servant(name),
does not eat food, does not drink drink, does not go on a spree;
at a feast, he or at a conversation, in a field or in a house - I would not go out of his mind-reason.

Be my words strong and sculpting, stronger than stone and damask steel,
a sharp knife and a greyhound spear.
And the key to my words and affirmation, and strong fortress,
and strength is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea.
May it be so!".

Birch magic for Trinity

The birch is considered the main symbol of the Trinity - all kinds of rituals are associated with it. The floors in the huts were covered with leaves, the gates, thresholds, windows and icons were decorated with bunches of birch twigs.
Often, branches of apple, mountain ash, maple, and willow were added to birch trees. But in no case did they take branches of coniferous trees (they symbolize death) and aspens (this is a vampire tree).
It was believed that birch, having absorbed the energy of the awakened earth, would protect against evil forces, give health, prosperity, save and increase the new crop.

On the feast of the Trinity, you can perform a ritual for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. You need to go up to a young birch tree, hug it, then pull the branch towards you and ask the birch tree for help, say your desire aloud, weaving a pigtail from the thinnest branches of the tree.
When curling, they tried not to crush the leaves and not break the knots and branches: already curled birches were decorated with flowers, towels, scarves, belts were hung on them, they thought about the cherished ...

In a few days it is worth visiting “your” birch: if the pigtail is intact, the dream will certainly come true, if it is unraveled, alas.

By the way, if, while walking in a forest or a park, you see such braided branches - do not touch! Maybe someone made a wish, or maybe left a misfortune on the birch.
Whoever undoes such a pigtail will kill another's luck or take on other people's hardships.

In ancient times, when curling wreaths, the girls kulilysya. They exchanged some things - rings, scarves, and after that they called themselves godfather.
This rite was great importance and was quite in tune with the Orthodox idea of ​​the Trinity - consent.
The basis of cumulation is an oath promise of friendship and mutual assistance for a certain period.
The rite was accompanied by conspiracies with the following words:

"Let's have fun, godfather.
Let’s make a fuss so that we don’t quarrel with you, but be friends forever. ”

After the kumleniya, the participants in the ritual called each other “sisters”, “godfathers” or “friends”, maintaining sisterly relations for as long as possible.

Folk proverbs about the Trinity

  • God loves trinity.
  • Without the Trinity, a house is not built.
  • The trinity of fingers puts a cross.
  • On the Trinity week rain - a lot of mushrooms.
  • On the Trinity, each branch is an assistant and a healer.

It is interesting that on the Trinity weather you can make a forecast in advance.

The dew that falls on Trinity is considered very beneficial to health. Girls are advised to wash her face in order to preserve youth and beauty.

If it rains on this day, there will be a good harvest, a warm and mushroom summer.

Hot weather is considered a bad omen on Pentecost, then the summer promises to be dry.
based on fakty.ictv.u, zonatigra.ru

It is believed that if you carefully adhere to the ancient customs for the Trinity, you can attract happiness and prosperity to the house.
With the Holy Trinity you!

The Orthodox holiday of the Trinity or Pentecost is one of the main ones. It always happens on Sunday, 50 days after Easter. Why on this particular day? Yes, because it was on the 50th day that the Holy Spirit descended in the form of blessed fire on the disciples-apostles of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary after his sacrifice and resurrection. After that, the apostles were able to speak different languages, which greatly facilitated the mission of preaching the teachings of Christ throughout the world. This event was described in detail in the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

The holiday symbolizes the trinity of the various hypostases of the Lord: the Holy Spirit, God the Father, the Son of the Holy Father. And for an ordinary person, this can be a symbol of the trinity of Mind, Spirit and Word.

Some experts compare the Trinity with a geometric, one of the most stable figures, a triangle. Others believe that the Freemasons used the power of the Trinity. And still others are sure that its origins lie in a distant time, when paganism prevailed over newer religions.

And indeed, long before the Baptism of Russia, the Slavs celebrated such a holiday as Green Week, which took place at the turn of the end of spring and the beginning of summer. That is, the Green Week was the forerunner of the celebration of the Holy Trinity, so it is not surprising that the rites and rituals that have been preserved in our memory, held during the Green Week, began to be held on the Trinity. Here are some of them.

Rituals for the Holy Trinity

The energy of the day, and of the entire subsequent week (Trinity Week) is conducive to conducting rites and rituals to attract wealth and to solve the problems of loneliness.

Rituals aimed at enrichment and well-being

These are quite simple and accessible to almost everyone rituals for wealth. For one of them, it is necessary to collect plantain leaves in the amount of three pieces, or centaury branches. Probably, it is no longer necessary to say that these attributes should be collected personally, in environmentally friendly places - dried options and options from a pharmacy are not suitable.

Throughout life, we repeatedly try to build relationships, meet, fall in love, sometimes even live together for some time. But not every such experience is successful. Speaking of successful experience, we mean exactly the one that leads to the formation of a stable unit of society, ...

Next, they take three sheets of this plantain, string them on a thread so that later it can be put on your neck. We put it on the neck and go to church - do not forget that we go to church with a pectoral cross on (that is, with the cross with which you were baptized) for the morning service. In the church, it is necessary to defend the entire morning service, while turning to the Holy Trinity with a request to improve their well-being. After the service, we return home, remove the plantain necklace, dry it carefully and store it in a secluded place until next year. Repeat the process after a year.

Conspiracy on homemade milk

To perform this ceremony, you will need a mug of fresh cow's milk (it is important that it be homemade) and a five-ruble coin, which should be consecrated in the church.

Put the consecrated coin in a mug with fresh milk, read on it 7 times prayer:

"Holy Trinity"

After reading the prayer for money, you need to drink milk without a trace, get a coin from the bottom and keep it all your life. This coin should become your "fiat ruble", which under no circumstances should be used as a settlement.

Home ritual for money

Collect yellow coins from your wallets, stash and secluded places - you need to collect 55 coins (ten and fifty kopecks are suitable). Spread 52 coins in equal parts in the four corners of the room in which you sleep, and sew the remaining three into a pillow. At the same time, no conspiracies are read, but only the above prayer. It is best if you read it more than 55 times. Coins in the corners and in the pillow should lie before Ivan Kupala, and on the night of July 7, they must be collected and thrown into running water (river or stream).

What should be avoided when performing rituals for the Trinity?

Despite the fact that the rituals are quite simple, and the appeal goes directly to the forces of light, you should still beware:

  • Excessive greed. If you need a specific amount for some purpose, ask for it. You should not pray for more than this amount, as greed is punished by higher powers.
  • For the rituals, an appropriate attitude and disposition of the spirit is necessary. You should not try to perform a ritual if you are experiencing negative feelings and emotions regarding something or someone. You must be calm and in a good mood.
  • The ritual is carried out strictly in a sober state, no alcohol, even the weakest.
  • For women, the critical days during the Trinity week are an indicator that any rituals should be abandoned on these days.

One curious feature can be traced in the history of Russian holidays: almost every significant date is accompanied by both “official” and folk traditions. For example, many customs and rituals for the feast of the Trinity actually arose much earlier than Christianity came to Russia.

It is interesting that some of them have survived to this day. Then how to celebrate the Trinity, what rites and rituals can be performed? Let's talk about it right now.

There really are a lot of rituals for the Trinity - dozens of traditions of this holiday have come down to us from time immemorial. Much will become clear if we go back in history for a while. Orthodoxy, as you know, began to spread from the 10th century. And before that, our ancestors lived according to their own calendar, rich in their events.

Today we call it paganism, but before the cult was the subject of sacred faith. Folk rites and rituals were obligatory for each member of the community to perform. The year began in the spring, with the onset of the agricultural cycle.

And when spring gave way to the long-awaited summer, the Slavs celebrated the so-called Mermaid Week. It was believed that at this time the souls of the deceased ancestors finally leave the earthly limits and go to another, more beautiful world.

And they also believed that at that time lovely mermaids and watermen came out of the reservoirs. With their alluring glances, they captivated travelers and casual passers-by, who found themselves near rivers and lakes.

If tempted, the mermaid could drag the poor fellow to the bottom of her water world, which meant certain death. That is why even today such a custom has come down to the feast of the Trinity: it is believed that it is strictly forbidden to wash and bathe on this day.

But after all, a mermaid is almost the same girl, only with a fish tail. Perhaps she will understand the mysterious female soul, and tell her where to find her betrothed, and how soon she will meet him on her life path.

That is why many rites and rituals for the Trinity are associated with divination for love. There are also monetary signs, weather signs and other traditions on how to celebrate the Trinity. Of course, all of them are related only to folk ideas, but they still arouse the genuine interest of many people.

Well, then history began to develop along the Orthodox vector. The feast of the Trinity also came into use (it is also called Spirits Day, because believers celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth). However, folk traditions did not sink into oblivion - they continued to develop and, moreover, were intricately intertwined with church traditions.

That is why today you can get a whole list of answers to the question of what rites are done on the Trinity. Several examples of such rituals are detailed in the next section.

What to do on Trinity: customs and rituals

So, what rituals and signs of the holiday have survived to this day? In other words, what traditions can we come into contact with today, in the 21st century?

Rituals for health

Of course, health is the foundation of the foundations, and our ancestors paid a lot of attention to this issue. On almost every holiday, their own rituals were performed in order to recharge their health on whole year. For example, on Epiphany they bathed in an ice-hole, and in lightly hit each other with willow branches.

As for the Trinity, on this day there was such interesting tradition: the sign says that you must definitely walk in the rain (if it falls). Firstly, it is in itself a good sign.

And most importantly - it will add strength so that you can fulfill all your dreams. It was also considered healthy to walk in the morning dew. If it fell especially much, it was believed that the whole year would be prosperous.

Also folk omens On the Trinity they say that on this day you must certainly collect healing herbs and flowers. Plants at such hours have a special miraculous power, so if you dry them for future use, and then use them to make medicinal tea, they will help maintain health and cure diseases.

Greens for the Trinity: a symbol of the holiday

It is interesting that the Trinity is generally closely connected with greenery, because it is not for nothing that it is sometimes called Green Sunday. The fact is that the meaning of the holiday is associated with a miraculous event - the descent of the Holy Spirit on earth, which took place on the 50th day after Easter (which is why this date is often also called Pentecost). This event marked the onset of a grace-filled time, which continues to this day: now every person can sincerely repent before God and receive forgiveness of all his sins.

The Holy Spirit is a life-giving force, the third person of God. And it is no coincidence that the celebration of Trinity Day falls just at the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

At this time, even in the northern latitudes of our country, young foliage blooms on trees, fresh grass begins to grow in the fields, and in the south the first crop of some crops (for example, the same radish) is harvested. So it turns out that from time immemorial, greenery and everything connected with it has become a symbol, if you like, the color theme of the day.

Therefore, on Trinity, young birch branches are always plucked and consecrated in the church. The sign says that they must certainly be brought home and placed next to the icon. Branches of consecrated birch are best kept for a whole year - then they will protect the house from trouble and help maintain good health for all family members.

It was also believed that birch branches could predict what the hayfield would be like. They were stuck in the ground and observed for three days:

  • If the branches have dried up during this time, then the hay will be able to stock up enough.
  • If the branches remained green, there will probably be heavy rains, and there will be difficulties with haymaking.

Rituals and divination for love

And there are also several customs and signs on the Trinity associated with divination for the betrothed. First of all, it must be said that another event historically coincided with the descent of the Holy Spirit, which has remained in the people's memory since pagan times. At the same time, Rusal Week begins.

But along with mysticism, a mermaid can also give something good - for example, answer girlish questions about her betrothed. Therefore, one of the common beliefs about the Trinity is associated with fortune-telling.

On this day, the girls wove wreaths of wild flowers and floated them on the water: let the mermaid accept the gift and at least hint at the future:

  • A wreath drowned - wait for trials, swam - you will soon meet a loved one with whom a wonderful marriage will develop.
  • Stayed by the shore - too early to dream, try next year or at least at Christmas.
  • And if you swam against the current, there will soon be such drastic changes that life will be divided exactly into two halves: “before” and “after”. Of course, these will be successful, favorable events.

By the way, wreaths can be launched not silently, but by saying the following words:

Girls walk across the field, carry bouquets, weave wreaths and wander into the water. Narrowed, mummers, you say a wreath, bring it to me. Forever and ever. Amen.

Immediately after throwing the wreath, you need to quickly go home, do not look back along the way and do not talk to anyone, including on the phone. In general, this rite is quite interesting and certainly made a certain impression. After all, being alone with yourself, and even being silent for at least a couple of hours, is a useful procedure that may help you look at your life a little differently.

And there is also such interesting sign Holy Trinity for love. The girl must definitely stay at home alone (it doesn’t matter - in the morning, afternoon or evening), open the window, come closer to the window and whisper:

Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.

Of course, this applies to those ladies who have already chosen a man of their hearts or at least imagine exactly who they would like to see next to them. This conspiracy is read 9 times in a row, after which, again, you need to be silent for a while and give full play to your imagination. Sincere dreams and spiritual impulses have a wonderful property to come true.

Also on the Trinity, the girls paid attention to the signs of fate. For example, one of the superstitions about the Trinity is associated with a sign when a stranger comes to the house - a traveler or a casual passerby. He must be met at the highest level, because this promises happiness to the owner of the house. A girl, for example, can meet her betrothed.

But the most interesting thing is if it is on Trinity that a marriage proposal is made to the girl (previously matchmakers came home, but now, as we know, everything has become much easier). You can agree without hesitation - and even better guess so as to marry Pokrov (October 1, old style and October 14, new). Then the relationship will be extremely successful, and the marriage will be happy.

Conspiracy for a wreath

A little more about wreaths. They can not only be launched on water. Greenery, birch branches, grass and wild flowers are enduring. Interestingly, even among the priests it is customary to dress in elegant green robes on this day, so the service looks especially beautiful.

And girls can weave another wreath from any natural material and consecrate it in the church. Then bring it home, hang it on an icon or put it on the best, most visible place in the house, then stay alone and say these words:

Without praying I go to bed and without crossing myself, Lord, forgive Christ. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head.

As these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath, so let the servant of God (name) around me, the servants (name), twist and twist, like a wreath will wither and dry, so let it dry and grieve for me, God's servant (name), with food does not seize, does not drink with drink, does not go on a spree; at a feast, he or at a conversation, in a field or in a house - I would not go out of his mind-reason.

Be my words strong and sculpting, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words and affirmation, and the fortress is strong, and the strength is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea.

Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After that, you need to put a wreath under the pillow and sleep like that for the night. Perhaps this is not very convenient, but the dream will certainly come true. Then, in no case should the charmed wreath be thrown away - it is dried and stored anywhere for exactly a year.

rituals for wealth

In general, quite a lot of folk signs, customs and traditions for the Trinity are associated with a wreath of greenery and wild flowers, so it can be considered not only a symbol of the holiday, but also a kind of inanimate hero of this day.

If you want to enlist the protection of the heavenly powers and live a prosperous year, the consecrated wreath must be brought home along with holy water. Every corner is sprayed with it (clockwise), and moreover, 1 or more coins are placed in each corner. At the same time, the following words are pronounced:

The Holy Trinity, given to help us, I will not be lazy, I will work. For this, let gold pour into my house.

After the wreath dries, it must be hidden in a place inaccessible to others and stored throughout the year.

And among the signs of the Trinity associated with wealth, there are also such simple signs as, for example, seeing a rainbow in the sky or falling under heavy rain. This promises favorable events, health and prosperity for the whole year. Well, if some kind of traveler, even an unfamiliar guest, comes to the house, it is supposed to meet him very warmly, then the good done will certainly return.

And another interesting sign of health, a real folk custom associated with the Trinity - the distribution of alms, which must be done the next day, on Monday. First you need to go to the church, pray or even listen to the service, if time permits.

And then just distribute all the little things that remained in your pockets and in your wallet. This will protect you from many troubles, and most importantly - will help maintain health. Of course, the rite is voluntary, and it must be done disinterestedly, otherwise there will be no result.


Trinity is celebrated not for one, but for three whole days: on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Moreover, Monday was called Spirit Day - it is also called the day of the Holy Spirit.

In folk beliefs, a sign has spread that it is on this day that the name day of the earth is celebrated. Therefore, many people went at this time in search of ... treasure. It was believed that good man the earth will certainly reveal its precious secret.

Nowadays, you can just try your luck - for example, buy a lottery ticket. Who knows who will be lucky today?

Trinity Saturday: remember the dead

Oddly enough, the Trinity holiday is associated with many customs and signs in remembrance of the dead. It would seem, where is the connection between the descent of the Holy Spirit and the remembrance of the departed?

The answer to this question can be found if you open for yourself the veil of those distant times, when not only Christian, but also pagan traditions harmoniously coexisted among the people.

As already mentioned, the celebration of this celebration coincides with the onset of the Mermaid Week. Our ancestors believed that these days are significant not only for the exit of mermaids from natural reservoirs, but also for the departure of the souls of dead ancestors. The fact is that earlier the beginning of the new year was celebrated not on January 1, but with the onset of the agricultural cycle.

Therefore, the time of the Trinity is a time of renewal, when New Year finally comes into its own. And the souls of all those who died during the previous 12 months finally go to their heavenly abode, i.e. leave our sinful earth. That is why on the day of the Holy Trinity there was and there is a sign according to which it is necessary to go to the cemetery and restore complete order there.

Truth, attitude Orthodox Church this tradition is not very favorable: it is believed that it is better to go to the grave on another day. If you think a little more deeply, you can agree with this opinion.

The fact is that the Trinity is a celebration of the life-giving power of the Lord, who, by His grace, not only sacrificed the only Son, Jesus Christ, but also sent the Holy Spirit to help every person. It is clear that this celebration is bright, and in the palette of emotions on such a day there simply should not be dark colors.

In addition, on the eve of the holiday, a special one is provided - that's when you can go to the cemetery. And on Trinity itself, it’s better to go to church, imbued with bright feelings, and then spend the day with your loved ones, go to visit and do some kind, pleasant deeds.

What to cook for the Trinity according to custom: a festive table

Any church holiday was considered a big event in Russia, and they prepared for it in advance - almost a week or even a month in advance. On the eve of the Trinity, the housewives rubbed the floors to a shine, put the whole house in order.

And, of course, it was also necessary to worry about the dishes that were served at the festive table. The traditional menu for the Trinity necessarily included scrambled eggs - this is a symbol of life itself, and also - the sun, summer, all that is good and bright.

Also, a lot of vegetables and fruits were served on the table, they could be eaten both raw and cooked as part of any dish. It is appropriate to make a light stew with dietary meat, cook stewed cabbage with apples or bell peppers. Of course, our ancestors adored pies - they were served with several fillings: both individually and in a mixture.

For dessert, honey cakes relied - today, by the way, we can quite replace them with delicious homemade honey cakes. And another mandatory item on the menu - pancakes. You can make simple pancakes or with spices (with onions, apples, cheese or even minced meat).

In a word, on the table on Trinity it should be beautiful, bright, festive. It is supposed to serve only light, dietary dishes: an abundance of fatty, fried, smoked is not the best choice.

Moreover: this holiday symbolizes the final onset of summer. And summer in Russia is the time for vacations and beach seasons. So we will follow the figure and health, because the taste and benefits of the dish can be combined.

How to relate to folk rites for the Trinity today

Great and rich is the history of the customs and traditions of the Trinity in Russia. To us, people of the 21st century, many of these beliefs will seem like a sweet, kind fairy tale.

Of course, in the age of science and technological progress, pagan traditions became part of folklore and took their place on the shelf with the inscription: “Tales and legends Slavic peoples". I must say that the church is also very disapproving of the performance of such rituals, reading conspiracies, and even more so fortune-telling.

However, the traditions of celebrating the Trinity lived and continue to live both in Russia and in many other countries, so a natural question arises as to whether it is possible to perform them at all today? The answer is ambiguous.

It is enough for a believer to have his own “ways” of contact with the Miraculous. Religious people pray, communicate with the Lord and sincerely ask Him for their needs.

On the other hand, some of us will be helped by just a folk sign or even fortune telling. The main meaning of any ritual is to tune in to the right wave, open your heart to something invisible, but no less real than the physical world. And if it is easier for a person to get his well-deserved portion of inspiration in this way, then why not use the “folk” way?

This situation can be compared to scaffolding. While the workers are erecting the building, there are wooden structures around it, which spoil the whole view, but help the builders to reach all corners. The time will come - and the forests will be removed. Then the house will appear before us in all its glory.

Let someone start their journey into the world of the miraculous with a not quite “correct” method. The main thing is to walk along this endless life-long road and firmly believe in good changes.

Trinity is a great holiday in Christianity. This significant holiday for every believer, since it implies the unity of the Lord, which became the beginning of true faith. The feast of the Holy Trinity is always celebrated on the 50th day of Easter, which is also significant for all believers. Due to the fact that Easter is celebrated every year on different days, then, accordingly, the celebration of Green Christmastide takes place in different ways, but has not been changed to the 50th day. In 2019, it falls on June 16th.

In this article

Why does God love the Trinity?

This question has long interested, and still interests humanity. This is due to the fact that the number three is found in almost all word forms and has a special meaning. It can be found in sayings and proverbs, everyday expressions, in scientific definitions, and of course, in biblical canons.

If we take it from the point of view of a religious concept, then the expression "God loves the Trinity" denotes the unity of God's beginning, presented in the form of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It was in this number that he appeared before his apostles and endowed them with the ability to understand the languages ​​​​of other people in order to convey the faith to them. In addition, it was on this day that the first sermon was delivered, which became the beginning of the construction of the Kingdom of God on earth.

What does the icon of the Holy Trinity protect from?

This icon is one of the most important, because it depicts the unity of the Lord in three faces. The history of the appearance of this image in the form of a mosaic appeared in the 5th century, and in the icon painting it could be seen only in the 14th century. According to Orthodox canons, there is no clear image of images on the icon, since this contradicts the concept of the incomprehensible and the trinity of the divine principle. This is due to the fact that no one has ever seen God. But knowledge and faith in him allows Christians to honor him in this guise.

Archpriest Alexander Prochenko will express the essence that the icon of the Holy Trinity displays:

Due to the fact that the icon of the Holy Trinity is one of the most important images of this bright day, it is endowed with powerful divine power. This enables believers to turn to her, asking for help in solving difficult everyday situations. Although initially it was considered confessional, Orthodox believers confessed before it, being cleansed of sins. In addition, this icon protects the one asking from committing any evil deeds in the future.

What do you need to know about the Trinity?

The majestic feast of the Holy Trinity implies a reverence for many traditions and customs that have been maintained for many centuries. The main ones were considered that it was necessary to decorate their houses with greenery, and especially with birch branches and meadow grasses. According to Orthodox beliefs, this contributes to:

  • cleansing from an unclean spirit;
  • deliverance from malicious intent;
  • and makes it possible to find happiness and peace of mind.


But today a lot of traditions and customs have been lost, although the main ones still remain. They are that:

  1. In addition to decorating their home with greenery, this Sunday, as usual, they visit the church, where a special service is held. Be sure to have a branch of birch with you.
  2. After the service, guests are invited to the house, who are treated to a festive meal. The main attribute on the table on this day should be a loaf, hearty pancakes with butter and any dish prepared on the basis of eggs.
  3. Another custom of this day is mass festivities, which were driving round dances, chants, kindling fires, as well as all kinds of fortune-telling.


As for the main signs of the Trinity, the ancestors believed that, thanks to them, it was possible to foretell fate, therefore they were treated with special respect. Today, many years later, signs and customs have retained their significance and are revered with the same faith. The main ones are as follows:

  1. If it rains that day, it foreshadows a good harvest. In addition, to obtain a crop, a birch twig is placed behind the window frame, and meadow grasses under the floorboard.
  2. Another sign is that if after 3 days of consecration the birch branches remain fresh, then this portends a wet hayfield.
  3. In addition, the ancestors tried to redo all the work related to the garden, since this is a bad omen that could bring trouble to the house.
  4. It was a very unkind sign if the weather was hot on that day. According to this sign, a bad harvest should be expected, since the summer will be completely dry.
  5. To give strength, as well as heal from various diseases, it is necessary to collect morning dew.
  6. And also on this day, according to the advice of the ancestors, it is impossible to appoint a wedding day, this was marked by a bad omen. And the marriage of this couple will be unhappy. But matchmaking, on the contrary, foreshadowed the happiness and grace of the future family.

What Not to Do

Due to the fact that all preparations are being made for the celebration, but there is something that cannot be done on the Trinity:

  1. You can’t swim, because you can drown, the mermaids could drag it with them.
  2. Do not iron, wash, sew, knit.
  3. You can not swear, quarrel and be offended.

About conspiracies

In addition to traditions and rituals, it was possible to perform various conspiracies on the Trinity, which could help in any endeavors. It was believed that on this day they have special power and will allow true believers to receive the covenant. But, at the same time, their thoughts must be pure, not have malicious intent.

For health and beauty

According to beliefs, Sunday morning dew acquires healing and magical properties, so it was collected and treated for various diseases. But besides this, it was used to prolong youth and preserve female beauty.

On the dew

To do this, you need to put on a dress made of natural fabric and go at dawn to walk around and lie in the dew. Be sure to wash your face with clean morning dew and say:

The feast of the Holy Trinity bestows beauty:
sparkle in eyes and hair,
scarlet reflection on the lips,
velvet skin,
and my mind is light.

Then bring the outfit home and dry. You can also wear it in case of illness or indisposition.

We speak healing herbs

To do this, a bouquet of wormwood, yarrow and St. John's wort is taken for the morning service and consecrated. Also say a prayer in front of the icon of the Holy Trinity, placing seven candles in front of it. Then, after the service, you need to come home, taking an old bowl and setting fire to a sprig of St. John's wort in it. While it smokes a little, you need to go around all the rooms in the house, fumigating them with smoke. While saying these words:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, come out sick and sick,
get out the evil
get lost!

When these words are spoken, the bouquet of herbs should be divided, that is, the wormwood branches are divided into two parts, and one of them lies under the bed, and the second part is hung over the front door. Yarrow from this bouquet is used as a decoction, which is added to bathing water. But the branches of St. John's wort can be brewed as tea.

Conspiracies on the Trinity from diseases

Of particular importance on this day is the ritual of diseases. This is especially true for children. When Small child very often sick, you can use the power of a conspiracy.

For swimming

This day, you need to bathe the child, and after bathing, pour water under the old oak tree, while pronouncing the words:

I pour out the disease
save a child from illness.

In accordance with the traditions, such a ritual will save the child from ailments, since it is believed that on this day, when bathing, the disease passes into the water, and after that the poured water passes directly to the tree.

Ritual with herbs

Another conspiracy against diseases at Pentecost is a ritual with herbs. In this case, it is necessary to collect sprigs of St. John's wort, yarrow and wormwood. Then, get three candles and attend the morning service, and after that come home and light them in the room where the patient is. Spread the herbs on the floor and say three times:

Candles are lit - ailments are gone,
they scattered the herbs - they took away all the diseases!

When these words are spoken, the patient is required to walk on them during the day. Make sure the candles are completely burnt out. The next day, the herbs are thrown away as far from the house as possible.

For wealth

There are a lot of conspiracies for material well-being and wealth. To attract money to the house, you can perform a very simple ceremony.

It lies in the fact that it is necessary to pre-collect leaves of lovage, peony and birch. Leave them on the windowsill for three days, namely, so that they see three moons and three suns. Then sprinkle them with holy water. Already at home, stand on the threshold between the rooms, which are closest to the exit. Be sure the foot should be in the middle of the threshold, that is, it touched the floor of two rooms. During a conspiracy for money, the following words are pronounced:

Pass Trinity my loneliness.

Then take a bath of water, put herbs in it and take a dip. At the same time, it will allow not only to attract material wealth, but also to improve health, as well as get rid of the accumulated negativity.

For love and marriage

On all major holidays, it is customary to perform rites or rituals concerning the betrothed. It is believed that on this day there is an opportunity to find out your fate and attract love to yourself or get married soon. Many girls want to meet their soul mate and for this they conduct similar rituals on the Trinity.

For a bouquet

To do this, on the way to the morning service, pick a small bunch of field herbs and bless them. After the end, be sure to put three candles in front of the icons with female images and light candles. Arriving home, they are crushed and a decoction is prepared. When he cools down, wash himself with this water, while saying:

Ant grass,
you grew up in the field
saved the way.
Bring me a groom (bride)
so that the soul burns with love,
so that life boils with a key.

For a wreath

Another effective conspiracy a ritual is considered to be love, which must be performed immediately before the holiday itself. To do this, you need to collect wildflowers and herbs, and at midnight weave a wreath out of them. During this action, the following words are spoken:

The girls are walking across the green field,
picking flowers,
wreaths are woven and thrown into the water.
you catch a wreath, me,
servant of God (name), give.
Forever and ever. Amen.

Then go to the reservoir, preferably to the river and let it go with the flow. Then, returning home, you can’t talk to anyone and even turn around if you hear any rustles.

A simple marriage ceremony

Regarding marriage, a fairly simple rite can be used. It lies in the fact that an unmarried girl should consecrate the collected bouquet and birch twig at the morning service on Trinity Day. Then, at home, she should weave it into a wreath, pronouncing words, after which she settled it under her pillow. While weaving a wreath, you need to pronounce the following words:

Lord Jesus!
I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head.
How these herbs merged and intertwined into a wreath,
so let the servant of God (husband's name) curl,
intertwined around me
around our house.
And let my words be strong
sharp and slick.
Now and forever, and forever and ever.

For the fulfillment of a wish

Each person has his own cherished desire and wants it to come true. This day, by virtue of their magical properties, it is possible to find out whether it will be fulfilled.

To carry it out, you will need to perform such actions. In the morning, at the very dawn, you need to find a birch, make your innermost desire and break off a branch of a birch. At the same time, pronounce these words:

Bless the Trinity
Holy Mother of God.
Break the branch
and (name) fate appears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

After that, count all the buds and leaves on the broken branch. If the number of buds and leaves is even, then the wish made may come true soon. And if it is odd, then the desire will not come true, and it is better to refuse it.

A conspiracy for good luck in an important matter for the Trinity

Such a ceremony must be carried out if very important matters are foreseen or a trip is planned soon. Or is it supposed to get a job.

To do this, at dawn it is worth conspiring for good luck. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that at dawn you need to warm your hands, but this is done not through glass, but best of all on the street. At this time, it is necessary to pronounce the words:

I will rise and pray
I will go out, cross myself,
I will climb a high mountain
I look around in four directions.
As a black horse grazes on the eastern side in a green meadow,
restlessly wild and violent.
No one saddled him
nobody rode it
that horse did not know stirrups-reins.
I'll tame that horse
and he will go downstairs obediently,
carry where I want.
My will is strong
my word is correct.

Ritual with a birch

One of the important rituals on this Sunday is the weaving of wreaths from birch branches. Basically, it was performed after dinner, and in the evening they were put on the water, and make a wish. In addition, on this day it is customary to decorate their homes with branches of this tree with a birch. It is believed that it is a strong amulet against all sorts of troubles and diseases, and also brings good luck and prosperity.

Charm for family happiness

In order for happiness to reign in the family on the Day of the Holy Trinity since ancient times, they made an appropriate amulet.

It was prepared from two eggs, as they symbolize a friendly couple, namely a husband and wife. During the preparation of this amulet, the wife should pronounce the appropriate words:

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;
Lord, cleanse our sins;
Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for your name's sake.
Lord have mercy (three times).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now and forever and forever and ever.

  1. Fried eggs must be salted exclusively with Thursday salt and be sure to season with green onions, garlic and parsley.
  2. It is very important that the greens are whole, they cannot be chopped. Thus, the integrity of the family is symbolized.
  3. In this case, the scrambled eggs should be round.
  4. Then, she was placed in a loaf, which had previously been consecrated in the church.
  5. After that, such a “sandwich” was wrapped in a towel, and the couple should go to the grove, where the birch was decorated in advance.
  6. And only then this dish could be eaten.

The plot is quite simple, but has a very great power.

To strengthen the family

The family life of a husband and wife is sometimes subject to discord, which negatively affects their relationship. Therefore, to strengthen married life, you can lead a very good ritual.

  1. In addition to cooking scrambled eggs, it is believed that on this day it is necessary to treat all your relatives and friends with a meal.
  2. The main attribute in this is a white tablecloth, which is covered with a festive table.
  3. After the feast, this tablecloth must be removed, and without washing it, put it under the family bed for the spouses.

According to legend, this will help strengthen family ties and renew hot feelings.

Ritual for the protection of the house

According to old legends, birch is a symbol of purity and purity. Thanks to its properties, you can not only cleanse yourself of evil spirits and thoughts, but you can also protect your home.

  1. To do this, before the holiday, a general cleaning is carried out not only in the house, but also in the yard.
  2. A very important point in this case is that you need to wash the floors with the addition of wormwood.
  3. After fumigating all rooms with incense, or you can use thyme.
  4. Then, decorate the house with meadow herbs, and of course with birch branches.

Trinity candle

In Orthodoxy, it is desirable to put a candle to the icon of the Holy Trinity on a holiday, but this is not mandatory. On this day, you can put them to any image that is needed at the moment.

In addition, despite the fact that on this day the dead are remembered, it is better to place candles for the repose on the eve of the holiday, namely on Saturday. This is due to the fact that it is considered Parental, therefore it is necessary to remember the deceased.

On Sunday, it is recommended to put candles for the health of your loved ones and relatives. Since the holiday represents the beginning of unity, health and the beginning of life. After lighting, the candle can be saved and used during the rituals or during the pronunciation of prayers.

Divination for the Trinity

Despite the fact that Orthodoxy is against all sorts of fortune-telling, it has long been customary that on Pentecost, girls were attached to all sorts of magical rituals. They were mainly associated with the definition of marriage, the search for a betrothed and love spells.

On braided wreaths

One of the most truthful was considered fortune-telling on wicker wreaths, which unmarried girls made from all sorts of meadow grasses and birch branches. Then they launched them into a natural reservoir, thinking about the narrowed one. If the wreath caught the current and it floated, it meant that this girl would soon have a solemn event and the coming year would be successful. But, if it drowns, it means to be in trouble.

throwing wreaths

Another fortune-telling among the girls was throwing wicker wreaths on the roof of the house. If he falls back, it means soon to be married, well, and the remaining wreaths promised another year without a betrothed.

To the birch

Since the birch is the main symbol of the Trinity, divination was also carried out on it. To do this, the girls went out into the birch grove and from afar chose any birch tree. After, when she approached the chosen tree, then by its bark it was possible to determine what kind of marriage she would have. If rough, then this portends difficulties in the family. Smooth - happiness and well-being in family relationships. And when the tree turned out to be old and rotten, then the marriage will be very bad.

Removal of spoilage

Orthodoxy does not welcome any magic, but provides an opportunity for purification from evil spirits, corruption and other magical actions. Corruption is a rather strong sorcery, which is sometimes quite difficult to remove. But on the Holy Trinity, you can do a ceremony that will help remove even very strong damage.

  1. To do this, you need to collect a bouquet of wild flowers, you can also take garden flowers, but there must be at least 40 species.
  2. Then, with this bouquet, you need to go to church and consecrate it at the morning and evening services.
  3. It is worth remembering that the ceremony will last 40 days, that is, according to the number of flowers collected.

To make the ceremony, every day one flower is taken from the collected bouquet, which is placed in a glass. Then it is poured with sacred water. When the water from the flower has all drained into a glass, then dip your finger in this water and wet the crown of your head three times. And then all the water is drunk.

In addition, you need to prepare a small box in which after each time you need to add one coin. At the end, you should get 40 coins in 40 days. After their expiration, visit the church again and order a health service for yourself.

Be sure to listen to the entire prayer service, and do this for three days in a row. At the end, candles are lit to St. Panteleimon, St. Tryphon and the Immortals Cosmas and Dimia. And the coins that were collected (40 coins) - to be divided among the beggars.

And at the end

Trinity is a majestic holiday in Orthodoxy, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter.

Everything you need to know about the Trinity can be found in the final video:

On this significant day, believers absorb even more the feeling of the presence of the Lord, which gives them strength and faith, as well as the opportunity to atone for their sins and avoid committing them in the future.

A little about the author:

Strong conspiracies for money and wealth. Rituals from lack of money. Opening cash flow.