Fedor Konyukhov is preparing for his sixth round-tight journey. Fedor Konyukhov: After landing, I slept for a very long time - as long as five hours! Fedor Konyukh Swimming through the Pacific Ocean

Mululaab / Australia / May 31. Opets. ITAR-TASS Pavel Vanichkin /. Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov reached the coast of Australia. Thus, he managed to cross alone on a junior boat without visiting ports and assistance. The next project of the Russian traveler will be the air balloon around the Earth ...

From the shores of Chile to Australia

Konyukhov started on December 22, 2013 from the port of Koncon (Chile) at 09:15 in the morning in Chilean, overcame on a boat called "Turgoyak" over 17 thousand km and finished in the town of Mululaaba (Queensland) at 13:13 in the time of Eastern The coast of Australia. Turgoyak has a length of 9 meters, a width of 1.8 meters, the weight of it made from the carbon fiber of the body is 250 kg, the weight with full loading is 850 kg.

As the international society of ocean rowers reported from London, Konyukhov carried out for 160 days. According to the Company, the former better achievement of the intersection of the Pacific Ocean on a rowed-alone boat in South His half amounted to 273 days.

This result was shown by the English 52-year-old rower Jim Shakeccan, which started on June 29, 2000 from the Peruvian port of Ilo. Jim also walked on and finished on March 30, 2001 on the island of North Stradbroek (North Stradbroke).

Initially Konyukh planned to cross Pacific Ocean For 200 days and nights. As reported to cross the ocean, the traveler was supposed to make 4 million buds.

Flight around the Earth

"The Earth is not yet very firm," said Congue to the coast. ITAR-TASS. His very first steps were really slightly unsure, but literally after a few moments he was already able to go without help.

After the triumph finish, answering the question about the plans for the future, Konyukhov reported that he had conceived to make a non-stop flight around the earth in a balloon. He intends to start in Australia, to fly from the West to the East approximately along the 40th latitude and finish again in Australia. At the same time, the traveler categorically refused to say when it can happen. "I have been traveling for more than 40 years," Konyumov reminded. "I used to do it mostly for the sake of scientific purposes and from sports interests, but now I think about the young generation, which I want to instill the spirit of romance. I want people more dreamed of."

Responding to the question of Corr. ITAR-TASS, about the difficulties during the way, Konyukhov said: "It was first difficult, and then even harder." "The main difficulty is this kind of testing consists of his monotony, - continued the story of the traveler. - Every day I tried to row for 18 o'clock, I slept for 20-25 minutes, but no more than two and a half hours a day. - On the other hand, I She walked god's help - All the greatest hurricanes passed by me, the boat never turned over, they helped me pass through the way.

With a prosperous conclusion

He sent a greeting a greeting, which was read by the Armed Committee of the Russian Federation in Australia, Vladimir Morozov, who took part in a meeting of the Russian traveler in the city of Mululaab. To meet the famous Russian traveler on the beach of the city gathered about five hundred people - his friends, local residents who came to tourists, journalists.

"I am glad to congratulate you on the successful completion of the expedition" on a junior boat through the Pacific Ocean, "the president says. - At this unique campaign carefully followed your colleagues, scientists and experts, members of the Russian geographical society, maritime lovers from many countries. Thanks to Courage and perseverance, extraordinary human and professional qualities, you have endured difficult tests, conquered the water element. "

"Today it is safe to say - the first in the history of a single journey on a junior boat from the shores of Chile to Australia was successful. And you continued the wonderful traditions of the great Russian researchers and travelers who contributed. huge contribution In the study of the World Ocean. I wish you all the best and execution of new plans, "the president says in greeting.

63-year-old Russian priest Orthodox church It is the first person in the world who managed to achieve five poles of our planet: Northern (three times), southern, pole of relative inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, Everest (height pole) and Cape Mountain (pole of yachtsmen). Konyukhov became the first Russian, who managed to execute the program "Seven vertices of the world" - climb to the highest vertex of each continent. He managed to cross now two ocean on a junior boat. In 2002, he alone crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the Rowing Boat "Uralaz", setting - 3 thousand marine miles in 46 days.

While someone is thinking, whether to travel on a trip with all the conditions and in comfort, if both people who prefer to surprise the public, refusing everything. Fedor Konyukova, whose adventures came to an end can be considered a bright example.

The world media pleased the long-awaited information that the Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukh finally brought his idea to the end: he finished around the world. It took place in full of loneliness On a jerking boat. Moreover, the Russian did not enter the ports. They did not take any extraneous assistance.

So, let's tell you the details that are interested in especially travelers who book the best hotels in Moscow or other cities in search of new impressions. Konyukhov's journey began in December 2013, when he floated on a boat from the port of Koncon, located in Chile. It is 9 meters long, it is made of carbon fiber.

According to the estimates of the international society of ocean rowers, the Russian traveler was able to fulfill its task for 160 days. Before another coup, Jim Shakedar, managed to make a similar tour for 273 days.

It is worth noting that Fyodor Himself hoped that his journey would need at least 200 days. For all this time, the hero had to wave a lot of times, which requires a large physical exposure and hardening. Approximately, it carried out about 4 million beans!

When Konyukh stepped onto Earth, his gait was unsure. He even noticed that "the Earth is not very hard." However, a very fast traveler came to himself and was able to respond to questions of journalists and just curious.

For example, Fedor Konyukh shared his plans for the future. In his dreams now put another record, but traveling on another transport - a balloon. Namely, the hero intends to fly out of Australia and, moving to the east, landing on the same continent. True, Konyukhov categorically does not want to discover the secret when he wants to start doing this purpose.

If you are just thinking about where to go and one of the options attracting you is a capital hotel Sport Moscow, you will surely please you with numerous bright embeddings. By the way, it will be appropriate to recall some other words of Fedor Konyukhov. He has been traveling for more than 40 years and does not intend to stop such an activity at least because he believes modern society Lack of romance. So feel free to go on the road, even if not around the world's journey for the record. After following the example of our hero, it is possible to discover a lot of interesting things in the outside world, as well as if desired, also to test yourself for strength.

His account of the whole four round-the-world swimming, perfect in proud loneliness.

How to cross the ocean

The first time is always the most difficult, especially if you are a teenager. The future famous traveler decided to conquer the sea at fifteen years. The venue for the experiment was the Azov Sea, and the tool is an ordinary fishing boat equipped with only orals.

True, according to the initial plan, Fyodor was going to cross the sea on the boat of its own manufacture. But then an angry parent intervened, and selected a self-made. But the young traveler was not confused and "lent" the fishing boat in the village council. Konyukh claims that the Azov Sea then swam.

Later, he realized that for serious travels needed good. And after the end of the service, went to work as a sailor to the Baltic Life Fleet, later went to fish trawlers.

Most likely, Konyukhov did not forget the youth adventure with a boat in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and decided to conquer the ocean in the same way. The traveler successfully implemented his idea, and also repeated it in two oceans. He began in 2002 with conquest on the Uralaz boat.

The development of a seventener vessel was entrusted by Philip Morrison. The case was made of carbon fiber and wood of the Canadian cedar, the figure of the car was secured on the nose, produced by a sponsor.

The navigation point was equipped with a stationary and manual GPS device, a system of automatic location, electronic compass and a radar warning about the approach of ships. The life support system was fed from two batteries that feed from solar panels. Also provided the opportunity to replenish stocks due to rainwater.

In October 2002, Konyukhov started from and went to solitary atlantic by Columbus. He got to the island in record time, spending a little more than 46 days at the intersection of the ocean.

Without a sail and without a motor, having in service only two couples, Fedor Konyukh managed to cross the Pacific Ocean. Preparing for the journey, he independently created sketches of a unique boat and entrusted it to the creation of English specialists. Initially, the ship was called "K9", but later it was renamed Turgoyak.

The nine-meter boat from Carbona was divided into two parts: a compartment with a miniature galley and a navigation unit (equipped with the latest equipment) and a residential compartment in which part of the area is reserved for navigation techniques. Electricity for household needs generated solar panels, the water cleaner was worked from them.

According to the plan, the boat Konyukhova was supposed to pass the path from Chile to in six months, without visiting ports and stops. "Turgoyak" came out of the Conmon on December 14, 2013 and rushed to Peru's water management. On the way, he several times in touch with a support group. In mid-January, Konyukhov survived the storm, but was able to continue the journey.

From Peru traveler went to the Australian city of Mululaab, the end point of a single expedition. All the journey was met in 160 days, the boat was withstanding all the tests of Nechato, and her owner believes that he was lucky so successfully to get to the destination.

In the way, he caught squid, saw the coconut walnut and tried to get rid of the annoying. And he also set the world record in terms of the speedy intersection of the Pacific Ocean and became the first citizen who committed such a journey.

Arguments and regatta

In this circle, Konyukhov discovered the amazing world of the oceans, Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope. By closing the planetary circle, the traveler brought the yacht back to Australia in June 1991.

The second round of Konyukhov began in March 1993. For this trip, he built a "Formosa" yacht in Taiwan and immediately went on the road. Swimming took seven months, and in 1994 the traveler threw in the start of the start.

In 2004, the tireless Fedor Konyukhov started from the English Falmut, paved the path to the island of Tasmania and returned to Falmouth in 2005. His large yacht "Brag network" Scarlet Sails "(85 feet long), the first courts of such a class bent the Cape Horn. From December to January of next year, he exercised swimming on the same vessel, but already with the Russian crew on board.

In addition to singles around the world, the traveler participated in single regattas. His name can be found in the list of participants around the world regatta "Around Alone", held in 1998-1999.

Konyukhov went on a start on the yacht class Open 60 "Modern Humanitarian University". This flight is considered to be the third round-the-world swimming of the famous Russian traveler.

Behind the steering wheel of the same yacht Konyukhov competed in the French regatta. Courts had to take a round-the-world transition without stopping and occasion in the ports.

One hundred and two days later needed Konyukhov to overtake Antarctica, participating in the Australian competitions "Antarctica Cup" in 2007-2008. In these races, he took part in his big yacht "Braking Network" Scarlet Sails ".

Fyodor Konyukhov constantly builds new plans and develops ways to new marine travel. For 2017, he scheduled not just a regatta or around the world. The traveler swung on the Mariana Wpadin, he plans to fall into the Batiskfe on the bottom and spend there for several days in complete loneliness.

Rewaling to keep in the appointed 200 days, to reach 11-12 hours a day.

Konyukh crossed the Atlantic 15 times and made 4 around the world. Now, by his confession, it is time for a new world record.

In the ocean - at a nine-meter boat

The journey will begin in the Chilean Port of Valparaiso and will end on the east coast of Australia. A month later, with a little badge will go to Latin AmericaWhere his swimming starts from. Especially for the northwheel, a boat "Turgoyak" was created nine meters long, it is almost three meters longer than the previous unique design of Uralaz, on which Konyukhov passed the Atlantic. New floatlessness is not harder than the previous one: the boat is made of carbon fiber.

Konyukhov just conquered the Atlantic Ocean on a boat, which is now kept in the South Urals, at the school of young travelers, open navigator. Photo: From the personal archive of Fedor Konyukhov

"Of course, it is very difficult to row 11-12 hours a day," says Fedor. - Scientists have long calculated that no person will be able to take up to a million. Maybe, and can, but not at one time: a week, month. And I have to take up to 4 million: approximately so many ridges of wests I will have to do during the trip, even more. "

The boat is designed specifically for Konyukhov. This is the first copy of the world, on which Fedor will try alone to cross the Pacific Ocean. Photo: From the personal archive of Fedor Konyukhov

According to Konyukhov, no one knows what surprises will wait for him in the ocean. According to the experience of past swimming, he knows that in about a month his boat will turn into small shells, which will interfere with her go. The sides will need to be cleaned from the growths, especially for this, the navigator has a wetsuit and a scraper, but what about the sharks who feel a person for a lot of kilometers, while it is unclear.

Konyukhov always personally controls the process of manufacturing plaels. And this time the traveler will meet his boat at customs. Photo: From the personal archive of Fedor Konyukhov

Sleep your traveler will be tied to the boat, but also there are dangers, such as possible storms and hurricanes. Konyukhov will have to think about security and at night.

"I always lie down after twelve, then I get up and pray from two to four, but I wake up at six in the morning," says the navigator. - I am not accustomed to this regime. Of course, I do not know what other dangers can meet on the way. For example, in one expedition, we saw a giant spruit, whose tentacle is 36 meters long.

Fedor Konyukh rises at six in the morning, and go to bed after twelve. From two to four nights rises to prayer. Photo: From the personal archive of Fedor Konyukhov

"There is to row"

"In order to row 11 hours a day, you need to use products by 6 thousand calories. To do this, I need every day to eat 3 packs of special feed - it is very nasty to taste. This is at first nothing, and then he is very annoying. I even don't even have a stove, but only a special mug with a gas cylinder, in which you can boil water, because the boat throws hard. I will take a fishing rod, but it will be possible to catch fish not everywhere, but only where there is a course and plankton, there will be no such opportunity for months, but the sharks will accompany me throughout the way, "says Konyukhov.

Chocolate chips and "second". The traveler will eat this eating 200 days. Photo: AIF / Nadezhda Uvarova

Fedor showed a special, which is specifically designed by the creators of the products for astronauts. Packed hermetically snacks and bolognese, if you take 600 packs of such food, the load boat will not stand. Therefore, grains will immerse 450 packages into the boat.

"I will go on the thirtieth degree, tells the traveler. - Mim to Tahiti, Robinson Islands Cruzo, Easter, Pitcairn and Australia. That is from the continent to the continent. This is 9 thousand miles, a day I will pass 54 miles. When I walked through the Atlantic, I had a record of 84 miles. "Uralaz" empty weighed 250 kg. The boat is now longer, 9 meters, but weighs the same, it is built on new technologies. For one rowing, I have to pass 4 meters. Computers calculated that per day I should take 100 km. Sometime I will pass more, once less. To establish a daily world record, I need to go over one day one hundred miles. "

Fedor Konyukhov shows colleagues on the map, for what latitude plans to pave your route. Photo: From the personal archive of Fedor Konyukhov

"I am preparing spiritually"

According to the traveler, it is physically impossible to train: if you go to the ocean in Chile, it will be very difficult to go back to the ocean, it will be very difficult to go back: there are very powerful currents. He believes to train a person should be spiritually, and not physically.

It is very difficult not only to sail on a vein boat, when water constantly wants its level to just thirty centimeters below the edge of the vessel's side, but also be alone. Fedor takes church chants and music of different genres: never know what preferences will be on the way: "Although in the ocean you are not alone: \u200b\u200bthere are dolphins, whales, other inhabitants."

Fedor and at home, during the rest, do not part with the card. Photo: From the personal archive of Fedor Konyukhov

According to the traveler, from all the water bodies of the planet Oceans are the least contaminated. The real threat is plastic for them. If iron gets in the thickness of the water, the same canning banks, they are lowered to the bottom and do not apply much harm. Just with glass bottles: they are made of sand, just drown. But plastic - wrappers, bottles - does not dissolve and floats on the surface. Whales, swallowing water, can swallow and plastic bottle. She will be born in the breath, and the mammal will die.

In the Urals, where Konyukhov supported friends and businessmen, Fedorus presented a piece of meteorite - on happiness - and a bottle of water from Lake Turgoyak - on a boat with the same name traveler Raising the Atlantic, because "she is holy" for the navigator. The organizers of the campaign through the Pacific Ocean admit that the expedition is worth "approximately as a representative class".

A piece of meteorite for happiness - a gift from South Urals. Photo: AIF / Nadezhda Uvarova

So far, not a single traveler of the world crossed the Pacific Ocean on Vislah. "Wait for Russians," Konyukhov is sure.

December 22, 2013 from the Chilean port of Koncon in the open ocean came a junk single boat. The end point of the route was the Australian city of Mululaab. On board the boat was only one crew member - Fedor Konyukhov.

December 12, 2012, on his birthday - he is now 62 - the traveler announced its intention to cross the Pacific Ocean on a rowing boat without visiting ports and without accompaniment. It happened in England, where Konyukh flew to approval of the final version of the boat under the working name "K9". By decision of the Konyukhov, this boat retained the classic design and forms of its previous boat "Uralaz", on which he in 2002 in 46 days crossed the Atlantic.

The boat was made of carbon. The housing is 9 meters of length and 1.6 meters of width, divided into 5 waterproof bulkheads. It is significant that all the builders of "K9" and the professional navigators themselves have the experience of single marine transitions on oars. In particular, general manager In the construction of the Englishman Charlie Pitcher twice crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone on a junior boat. Among the creators there are rings that crossed the Indian Ocean on the messengers.

However, the Pacific Ocean incorrectly compare with others. "Atlantica is a route of 3 thousand miles, which is possible to overcome in one season, explains Honghow. - The Pacific Ocean on the Chile area - the east coast of Australia has a length of the route of 9 thousand naval miles. It is clear that in one season I will not be laid . To start planning in the summer (December in Southern Hemisphere), and finish late in the fall, storms on the approach to Australia I can not avoid. The boat must withstand colossal loads, and I need the most modern technologies, recent developments in the field of ocean fun projects. Therefore, I invited to the project of the operating ocean rowers. "

Later, the boat instead of the faceless "K9" was called "Turgoyak".

Turgoyak - a large freshly lake in the Chelyabinsk region near the city of Miass. Very picturesque. In addition to their beauties, it is famous for the fact that in the summer there are all-Russian regatta on the Konyukhov Cup. Here is the home-museum of the traveler. As the organizers of the regatta remind, it is on this lake that he is restored after complex expeditions and draws inspiration for its new projects.

But the most meticulous admirers of traveler's exploits who will try to find out the etymology of the name of the boat, I'm afraid you will have to abandon the venture. Mission Impossible. The fact is that the origin of the term Turgoyak is not entirely obvious even for local history. Presumably, the word from the Bashkir language, but there is no convincing interpretation of toponym. Mass transfer options, one absurd of the other: from "foot foot" to "big chicken". There is a romantic version: the lake got its name from the old legend of the love of the young man's tour and Goyak girl.

No matter how it was, but "Turgoyak" has already entered the history of the most incredible travel. "The first in the history of a single journey on a rigger boat from the shores of Chile to Australia was successful," President Putin stated in the congratulatory telegram. "You continued the remarkable traditions of the great Russian researchers and travelers who made a great contribution to the study of the World Ocean."

The conquest of the element, as always, was gone hard. The route through the Pacific Ocean ran in the corridor of 30-35 degrees of southern latitude, and in these latitudes Fedor had to go back the islands of Robinson Cruzo, Easter, Pitkerne and others. Having passed the first half of the way (4000 miles) the boat entered the atoll zone, many of which are still not marked on the map. In this part of the ocean weak shipping and in the case of emergency situation Aid can be waiting for a week or more, unlike the Atlantic Ocean, where according to statistics, the help of yachtsmen comes during the day. "The main difficulty of this kind of test is in his monotony, - admitted grams. - Every day I tried to row for 18 o'clock, I slept for 20-25 minutes, but not more than 2.5 hours a day. I was not thrown into the islands or reefs, I avoided clashes with the courts, did not receive any injuries, and, of course, my approach to the shores of Australia in perfect weather and a safe landing is all this thanks to prayers. "

The motive of record navigation is not so much science and sports interest. In any case, so claims the bangs himself. The record - for the sake of the younger generation, to whom he wants to instill the spirit of romance.

"I travel to people more dreamed of", "says the traveler. Adding that his next goal - Flight around the earth on a balloon.

The quiet ocean stables crossed on a minor boat for 160 days with a 200 days plan. The former better achievement was 273 days. This result was shown by the 52-year-old Englishman Jim Shakecar.

Dossier "RG"

Fyodor Konyukhov was born in 1951 in Ukraine, on the shores of the Azov Sea, in the village of Chkalovo. By profession, the vesphodent (Odessa Naval School and the Leningrad Arctic School), the artist and sculptor (Bobruisk Art School), Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, author of 3 thousand paintings. Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, author 12 books.

Made 4 round-the-world swimming. The world's first person who reached 5 poles: northern geographical (three times), southern geographical, relative unavailability in the Arctic Ocean, Everest (height pole) and poles of Yachtsmen Cape Horn. The first citizen of Russia, which rose to the "7 vertices of the world".

In 2010, ordained to Deacon and accepted the san priest in the St. Nicholas Church of Zaporizhia.

He has a big family: wife, two sons and daughter, four grandson and two granddaughters.