The average age of life in Spain. Life expectancy in the world: factors, leaders, outsiders. Is the average life expectancy in Russia from the region to the region? And why

Statistics Life expectancy after stroke:

  • with ischemic form, mortality reaches 25%;
  • with hemorrhagic - up to 45%;
  • with a relapse, the probability of the patient's death is 70%.

At the same time, an increase in the life expectancy of patients survivors after a circulation of the cerebral circulation increases with each month.


Naturally, the burden of the state increases because of this. For example, life expectancy in Europe reaches 80 years. More than 13% is allocated for the provision of medical care and insurance of older people:

  • in the US, this figure comes to 10%, but it will be varied on the states;
  • in England to 8.4%.

The role of social inequality

The average life expectancy in the UK is 80.7 years. Although this figure is higher than the average in Europe, but it is heterogeneous in the country. The highest life expectancy in England is observed in the suburbs of London due to the high material security of residents and a healthy lifestyle.

The same gap between different social groups is also observed in other countries. Despite the fact that life expectancy in the world increases, German scientists predict the limit of its growth in the existing social inequality. The factor of good and material wealth is increasingly important. Even life expectancy in Germany among the poor layers is much lower than that of a privileged group of people. The average equal to 80.9 years. Every year more than 11% of GDP stands out.

The life expectancy in France for 2016 is 81.2 years. Despite the significant difference in income of different groups of the population, in terms of welfare, it is ahead of most countries.


Statistics life expectancy notes Scandinavia as one of the cleanest and healthy regions. Countries located on the territory of the Peninsula are successful in economically:

  • due to the high income of citizens, life expectancy in Sweden is 81.93 years;
  • high-quality medical care and meals, in which seafood and berries prevail, provide high lifespan in Norway - 80.2 years.


Low fertility and healthy Mediterranean climate make Italians an aging nation. More than 20% of the population are citizens older than 65 years. Life expectancy in Italy reaches 82.84 years. The Spaniards stand out with "healthy age", that is, the number of years of those who lived without severe, deadly. Life expectancy in Spain reaches 82.27 years.

Greece occupies a convenient geographical position with climatic features that promote human health. Life expectancy in Greece is 80.9 years, despite the economic crisis that covered the country.

Other European countries

Evidence of significant investments in the field of health and education, as well as large state investments in social support for the population, is a high life expectancy in Switzerland - 82.66 years. However, despite the small lag of the Israelis from European countries on income and well-being, they have higher health characteristics.

Life expectancy in Israel is 82.07 years. In 2016, the country took 8th place according to WHO.

An indicator of 90 years

Life expectancy statistics forecasts by 2030 an increase in the indicator of SPS in some developed countries up to 90 years. The first to this mark is approaching South Korea. Thanks to the unique health insurance system today, life expectancy in Korea is one of the highest in the world and is 81.9 years. National medicine organically combines the latest technology and ancient healing knowledge, and the population is committed to a healthy lifestyle.

Leading countries in ranking

The average life expectancy in Japan for the 70-year period increased by 30 years and reached 83.5 years. Such a jerk was made possible by creating high-quality and affordable medicine.

The average life expectancy in Canada is 81.78 years. It does not fall, despite the annual influx big number immigrants. However, the indicator is non-uniform by regions. In the north, where Eskimos live below. In the southern provinces of America, life expectancy is somewhat larger. In the US, the main factor of its growth is almost free medicine and the popularity of a healthy lifestyle.

There is a life expectancy in Australia. In the UN Rating for 2015, she ranked 8th with an indicator of 82.4 years. Excellent natural conditions and a rich selection of cheap agricultural products creates favorable conditions for existence.


Causes surprise and controversy among scientists High life expectancy in Cuba - 79.4 years. And this is with the extreme poverty of the population. More than 2,000 long-livers live on the island, exceeding 100 years. Life expectancy statistics notes the influence of factors such as:

  • effective free medical care system (according to WHO, the best in the world);
  • low child mortality;
  • healthy natural food.

Asian countries

Life expectancy in China was 75.8 years. For 40 years, an indicator has increased from the middle of the last century, providing an advanced position among developing states. At the same time, regulatory policy

Life expectancy in India is growing rapidly - it reached 68 years in 2015. At such a pace, after a half dozen years, the country will be part of China in terms of numbers.

Egypt and Brazil

If you pay attention to Africa, then the average life expectancy in Egypt in 2016 is 71.6. Over the past 15 years, it has been growing in other African countries thanks to the combating-infection and. The average life expectancy in Brazil is 74.5 years.


Stably grows the life expectancy in Belarus. Statistics predicts its increase by 2020 to 74.6. The state invests considerable funds in health care to ensure high lifespan in Belarus. At the same time, a large gap in demographic indicators remains between the rural and urban population, between. According to the UN, life expectancy in Belarus amounted to 70.2 years:

  • 64.3 - for men;
  • 76.1 - for women.

The causes of early male mortality, experts consider the influence of harmful habits (for example,).

Effect of nutrition

If you analyze the life expectancy by country, then we can note the essential moments. Where there is high-quality and affordable medicine, and the state stimulates citizens to care for his health, there is a biggest life expectancy.

Gerontologists, many years engaged in the study of the mechanisms of aging of the human body, argue that life expectancy statistics reflect a distinct connection with nutrition. It has been proven that kilogram excess weight Progressing life by 2%.

Exploring how food and life expectancy are connected, scientists recommend:

  • the content of useful elements the food must be full;
  • according to calories, it should yield to the usual diet.


Experiments on the restriction of nutrition also allowed to find out whether the lifespan depends on the metabolism. It turned out that a decrease in the diet leads to the principal restructuring of everything hormonal background and a decrease in the speed of metabolism. As a result, slowing down age-related changes. Science has not yet proven the supernatural life expectancy of yogis, but statistics confirms some suggestions of the teachings in terms of deceleration of aging.

Physical activity

Closely interrelated work and life expectancy. Work in the specialty gives a positive charge and a powerful incentive for life. It is important:

  • create comfortable working conditions and life;
  • alternation of activities;
  • full holiday.

Scientists believe that men's weekly sex is of great importance for longevity - life expectancy increases, on average, by 50%. It has long been noticed that married men Live longer idle.

Advantage of vegetarianism

The issue of extension of life is one of the most serious tasks of humanity. Over her decision worked and operate whole teams of scientists who are sponsored by both the state and private companies and persons. Recently, Rosstat published important newsThat the life expectancy of Russians has reached a historic maximum, exceeding 72 years, and we decided to dig statistics in Russia and the world to disassemble this curious topic "on the bones".

Some shifts in this direction are already noticeable, but even the stable mass overcoming of one hundred central age is still very early. BelowReconomica. consider basic information related to topical issues of extension of life and conservation of health in old age.

How the average life expectancy in Russia changed: from the Tatstika Rosstat by year

So, we deal with the secrets of active longevity. To begin with, general information.Table average life expectancy in the Russian Federationby year (starting with the nineties To this day) looks like this:

Year General For men For women
1990 69.1 63.7 74.3
1995 64.5 58.1 71.5
2000 65.5 59 72.2
2002 64.9 58.6 71.9
2005 65.3 58.9 72.4
2007 67.6 61.4 74
2008 67.9 61.9 74.2
2009 68.7 62.8 74.7
2010 68.9 63 74.8
2011 69.8 64 75.6
2012 70.2 64.5 75.8
2013 70.8 65.1 76.3
2014 70.9 65.3 76.5
2015 71.4 65.9 76.7
2016 71.9 66.5 77

Gladly looking at the table, you can do 2 important outputs:

  1. The average life expectancy of men in Russia, although it grows in 1995, still remains very low. In fact, almost all the growth of the general indicator has been reached with a decrease in male mortality with catastrophically high to just high. Women still live for 11 years longer. Many do not understand what the term "life expectancy" means. Simple wordsThis means that every average girl born in 2017 is supposed to live last 11 years of his life, already buried the spouse.
  2. As we see, heavy for the country the nineties from high degree mortality by economic reasons, as well as from alcoholism and other dependencies, reflected on statistics. When technical progress pushed up the standard of living in developed countries, Russia rolled to the bottom due to the economic disaster.

So, remember, current numbers today, to further analyze them:

  • The average life expectancy of men in Russia in 2017 is 66.5 years
  • Women - 77 years
  • On average, Russia, according to Rosstat, for mid-2017, reached a level of 72.4 years on the life expectancy.

August 14, Vice Prime Minister Olga Golodetts reported that the average life expectancy in Russia for the first time exceeded 72 years. , following the results of the first half of 2017, according to the preliminary assessment of Rosstat, 72.4 years.

How many years have people lived in the USSR?

Evaluating some parameters of modern life, people often love to remember how everything was before the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, we give data on the duration of life in the Soviet Union in the most quiet years:

Of the year Average duration, years
1958-1959 68.5
1960-1961 69.5
1962-1963 69.5
1964-1965 70.5
1966-1967 70
1968-1969 69.5
1970-1971 69.5
1972-1973 69.5
1974-1975 68.5
1976-1977 68
1978-1979 68
1980-1981 67.5
1982-1983 68

However, the statistics on the USSR are considered overestimated. The main reason is inaccurate for mortality in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova.

How are you at our neighbors? Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries for continuing with life today

Table by CIS countries / former USSR (Actual data for full 2016):

State average life expectancy
Azerbaijan 66.3
Armenia 72.4
Belorussia 70.2
Kazakhstan 67.35
Kyrgyzstan 68.9
Moldova 70.3
Tajikistan 64.7
Turkmenistan 68.35
Uzbekistan 65.1
Georgia (entered the CIS early) 76.55
Ukraine (entered the CIS Early) 68.1

As we see, today from our nearby neighbors ahead of the Russian Federation for the expected lifespan, only Georgia, Armenia is at the same level, taking into account the measurement error.

List of countries in the world life expectancy (for 2017 year)

We will give long-life statistics on the countries of the world, separately, and separately - for men and women.

Since for 2017 the statistics are not yet - the rating is compiled according to the data for the full 2016:

List of countries for medium life expectancy, 1 part

List of countries for medium life expectancy, part 2

List of countries for medium life expectancy, part 3

List of countries in the middle life expectancy, part 4

As you can see, officially data in Russia, global statistics have not yet recognized. Collection of statistics around the world is a difficult and unprecedented matter, since national results are tested for accuracy before publishing in peer-reviewed scientific publications, from where we took the data.

But the data on the fact that the Russian Federation almost submitted the mark in 72 years, they proceed from Rosstat, which means that now we are between 90m and 100m place in the world for the life expectancy. It is also worth saying that this is the national escort record!

Why do women live longer around the world?

There is clear gender inequality for life expectancy: women in all countries on average live longer than representatives of strong sex.

Briefly in numbers: The number of women who lived up to 85 years, on average 2 times more than men. And from 49 the oldest people in the world - only 2 men. Why?


  1. Relationship to your own health. Men pay much less attention to the state of health, often "tightening" to the last, while symptoms of the disease will not interfere with living. Women are much more closely applied to health, who is more accurate to visit doctors and more precisely following their instructions.
  2. Relationship to your own security. Have you ever seen women who unusual video Get to the roof along the wall of the house? Or women who are glad to jump into the water from a height of several floors? Of course, these are, however, the reckless and dangerous deeds make precisely men.
  3. Level of psychological loads. Most often, the work of a man is constant stress. Add eternal rush to this in the desire to earn more. And the moral fatigue that accumulates years - will definitely lead to the emergence of problems of physical.
  4. Lack of time. A man who strives to earn more to ensure a family, in addition to psychological health, also loses a full-fledged vacation, and often insensitive.
  5. Working conditions. The vast majority of all the "dangerous" professions are men. And severe working conditions for a long time often lead either to the emergence of serious diseases, or to a general deterioration of health.
  6. Difference in the work of the hormonal system. Testosterone (male sex hormone) partially "prevents" the work of immunity, while estradiol ( female hormone) On the contrary, it helps.
  7. Difference in nutrition. Men do not have such a need to look slim and consider every kilogram. Men lack time for cooking healthy food. Men need much more calories than women. All this leads to the fact that representatives of the strong floor are more likely feeding incorrectly.

Role of race: to wow on the nature written for a long time to live?

If we talk about racial predisposition to long-life, then to allocate some other race that lives longer than others - it is impossible.

Switzerland leads in the long-livers ranking, with minimal lag - Japan. However, this does not mean that Asians and Europeans live longer: in other European and Asian countries, the average life expectancy is not so high. Low life expectancy in the countries of the African continent is easy to explain poverty, hunger, sanitary problems and a disadvantage of clean fresh water. Place the European or Japanese in such conditions - how long will he live?

The reason is that the main factor affecting longevity is not nationality or race, but the living conditions.

Climate influence

An important in matters of longevity is the climate in which a person lives. No wonder after all the trips to the sea or in nature are considered healthy?

Indirectly from climatic conditions depends:

  1. Diet. For example, in the coastal cities in the menu in the population more seafood, which are considered more useful than animal meat.
  2. Industry spheres. If the region is not suitable for the construction of large industrial facilities - ecology in such a zone will be better and cleaner.

In the North Caucasus - most long-livers in Russia.

Directly on the human body, the climate affects this way:

  1. Northern. Low temperatures require a greater calorie body from the body for heating. Also due to lack of sunlight and due to frosty air, problems with the respiratory system are enhanced. The shortage of light considers long-term depression and high mortality from suicide.
  2. Deserted. Dry air high temperatures, dust - these conditions are constantly supported respiratory system In voltage, because of what it is more susceptible to diseases.
  3. Mountain. In the mountains, the air is not only cleaner: it contains less oxygen. It stimulates nervous system, improving performance. Immunity during life in the mountains is usually stronger, health itself is better.
  4. Seaside. In the coastal zone, the air is usually cleaner, however, more wet. Such conditions may not be suitable for people who have heart or pulmonary diseases.

Development and availability of medicine in developed countries

One of the main factors affecting longevity in residents of developed countries is the level of medical services. Moreover, this nuance can be divided into several:

  1. Treatment in case of illness.
  2. Prevention measures for each citizen separately (vaccinations, diagnostics).
  3. Prevention measures for the population as a whole (state control ambient, quality drinking water, food).

Largely on longevity influences the quality of medical services. Where would you prefer to lie?

In developed countries, all these factors are controlled and carried out at a high level, using modern methods and equipment.

In less developed states - on the contrary: the medical sphere is often launched. This affects the treatment of existing diseases among citizens, and on preventive measures (which leads to an increase in morbidity).

Russians began to live longer: what about this merit?

IN last years The life expectancy of citizens of the Russian Federation stably increases, which reliably demonstrates the table at the beginning of the article. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The number of smokers and alcohol consumption decreases. Control over the turnover of alcohol and tobacco in recent years is noticeably tightened, and the prices for this products are growing. In addition, bad habits come out of "Fashion": now people pay more attention to a healthy lifestyle and career.
  2. The amount of drug intake is reduced. If we remember the nineties and the beginning of zero, when drugs could be purchased almost without problems and without risk - now in this regard, everything seriously tightened and complicated. Of course, narcotic drugs are still illegally distributed, and their choice has become more, but now consumers are tracked, and distributors are prosecuted much more efficiently.
  3. Increased the standard of living of the population. The average salary in Russia in 2004 amounted to about 7 thousand rubles. . Of course, prices have increased, however, the situation in the labor market has improved, and the population has the opportunity to spend more and for full nutrition, and for treatment, at least in the last 2-3 years and there was some due to the crisis.
  4. The quality of health care has increased. We are talking both about state clinics, and about private medical institutions, which has become much more than 15-20 years ago.
  5. Improved economic situation in the country. This led to a decrease in crime levels.

What factors affect the expected lifetime of a person?

The following factors directly or indirectly affect life expectancy:

  1. Genetics, hereditary diseases and predisposition to them.
  2. Food.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Regular physical exercise (We are not talking about daily two-hour training in the gym, but about moderate activity - charging, hiking, active sports).
  5. Climate.
  6. Psychological health (lack of stress, experiences).
  7. Attention to health in children and youthful age (From the side of the parents - the diseases were treated in a timely time, vaccinated was given, whether the diet was right, the right way of life was the right to conceive and during pregnancy).
  8. Work (Is it connected with severe physical labor, whether regular stress leads whether a sufficient amount of time remains for sleep and rest).
  9. Quality of medical care (both hospitals, which treat existing diseases and structures that are engaged in the prevention of their development).
  10. Ecology in the region.

What has changed in economics, ecology and medicine over the past 20 years?

Since longevity statistics directly depends on these areas of human activity - we give brief description The most significant news (for the Russian Federation).

    In ecology.

In the plan of ecology of positive changes did not happen. On the contrary, the situation in this area continues to deteriorate (not only in the Russian Federation - in the world as a whole). Specifically in the Russian Federation harmful factor is a large number of large industrial facilities that emissions worsen air quality.

Plant "Tatelectromash" (Naberezhnye Chelny), emergency and salvo release at commissioning works, April 14, 2016

Moreover, due to crises, enterprises have to save (including on modernization and cleaning), which is why the situation is further aggravated. In addition: an uneven cutting of the forest is produced, wastewater discharge in reservoirs is weak, minerals are often mined without compliance with secure technology.

    In economics.

If you compare the situation in the "nineties" and the state of the economy today, only positive changes are noticeable. The average salary of the population increased, the unemployment rate has decreased, the number of diverse enterprises has increased. Foreign investors are actively working on the Russian market.

We give a brief table of specific numbers, comparing 2000 and 2014 (the last pre-crisis year, when the maximum positive dynamics was traced):


GDP, per capita, thousands of rubles

Products of agriculture are produced, in billion rubles

Entered the construction of housing, million m²

Population, millions

The number of unemployed, in% to the working population

Average salary in the Russian Federation, thousands of rubles

    In medicine.

Specific figures immediately: in 2000, 10.7 thousand hospitals operated in the Russian Federation and 21.3 thousand clinics. In 2015, this figure declined roughly: hospitals - 4400, clinic - 13800. True, according to the authorities, this is done in order to optimize costs. However, in fact, the population is experiencing a lack of medical staff, first of all - pediatricians and general practitioners.

The quality of service and the possibility of medicine - increased. Qualitative breakthroughs are also observed in dentistry, and in cardiology, and in prosthetics, and in diagnosis, and in gynecology, and in the treatment of oncological diseases, and in pediatrics - that is, in all the most basic and mass directions. In addition, the salary has increased by medical personnel, which can also indirectly affect the quality of service and the popularity of medical professional. Now. Modern Russian hospitals are equipped better than 15-20 years ago. True, it is relevant not for all therapeutic institutions - in many medical institutions in the regions, equipment remains obsolete.

Differences in the regions of the Russian Federation: D de People live longer?

Since Russia is a large country, and conditions in the regions differ among themselves, the life expectancy in them will also be different.

Indicators (for the full 2015) are as follows:

As we can see, people in Russia live long or in the conditions of a clean ecology of the North Caucasus, or in the face of the developed infrastructure of large cities, where the ambulance will arrive and take an ambulance hospital, which has "live" equipment and the necessary medicines.

We reveal the key factor of longevity from the figures of statistics

If it is rational to analyze all the information about longevity (countries in which long-livers live, the standard of living of the population in these countries, the quality of medical care, and so on), then key factors include a high standard of living of the population and economic stability in the country.

If a citizen has a high income - it can afford highly qualified medical care, a full-fledged rest (and moral, and physical), proper nutrition, accommodation in comfortable conditions. If the country has a high standard of living of the population means everything is in order with the economy. This means that the state has the opportunity to allocate funds to maintain the normal state of ecology, on the prevention of morbidity, for the construction of modern medical institutions, water treatment facilities, the production of quality food, and so on.

Long-livers - who are they?

According to Wikipedia, the long-liver is a person who has lived to 90 years. This age is relatively large for all countries. However, in some states such people more (if you take the ratio of long-livers to the total number of people), in others - less. Let's try to figure out why.

In which countries do people live to a hundred years?

Here the list of countries in which most people lived to 100 years of age:

  1. Japan. Moreover, women's long-livers are approximately 87.3% (if you take the last 30 years).
  2. Sweden. The "concentration" of long-livers in relation to the population is quite high here: at 9.4 million citizens - about 1600 long-livers (that is, up to 100 years survives about 1 of 5888 people).
  3. Great Britain. Here for every 6777 citizens account for 1 long-lived.
  4. Cuba. In total, about 1,500 people who fastened the 100th anniversary live in Cuba. By the ratio to the total number - 1 long-lived at 7222 people.

As we see, the chances of the average person to overcome the centenary frontier today are really insignificant! It is easier to win in a latter a large amount.

About record holders' long-livers (video)

Recordsmen Guinness Records

We give a list of the "most-most" long-livers.

From now living:

  1. V. Brown (Jamaica). Born on March 10, 1900 (117 years old).
  2. Nabi Tajima (Japan). August 4, 1900 (116 years old).
  3. Tie Miyako (Japan) on May 2, 1901 (116 years old).
  4. Marie-Josephin Godett (Italy). March 25, 1902 (115 years old).
  5. Juseppin Pretto Frau (Italy). May 30, 1902 (115 years).
  6. Cana Tanaka (Japan). January 2, 1903 (114 years).
  7. Maria-Giuseppa Robuchchi-Nardizo (Italy). March 20, 1903 (114 years old).
  8. Iso Nakamura (Japan). April 23, 1903 (114 years).
  9. Tae Ito (Japan). July 11, 1903 (114 years).

In 2017, two long-livers have died from this list:

  1. Ana led Rubio (Spain). October 29, 1901 (died in 116 years).
  2. Emma Morano (Italy) on November 29 in 1899 (died in 117 years).

Of the dead, confirmed:

  1. Jeanne Kalman (France). Lived 122 years and 164 days.
  2. Sarah Knauss (USA). Lived 119 years and 97 days.
  3. Lucy Hannah (USA). Lived 117 years and 248 days.
  4. Maria Louise Meyer (Canada). Lived 117 years and 230 days.
  5. Emma Morano (Italy). Lived 117 years and 137 days.
  6. Misao Okava (Japan). Lived 117 years and 27 days.
  7. Maria Ester de Capovilius (Ecuador). Lived 116 years and 347 days.
  8. Suzanna Mushatt Jones (USA). Lived 116 years and 311 days.
  9. Gertrude Weaver (USA). Lived 116 years and 276 days.
  10. Tae Ikai (Japan). Lived 116 years and 175 days.

An interesting nuance: the first man from this list is found only at the 16th position, and the whole men in the list of 99 points is 6 people.

Unconfirmed long-livers (age is known only from the words of the person himself):

  1. Lee Zingun (China). Allegedly lived 256 years.
  2. Anna Feinset (USA). Allegedly lived in 195 years.
  3. Mom Efisho (Nigeria). Alleged 193 allegedly lived.
  4. Elizabeth Mahoni (USA). Allegedly lived 191 years.
  5. Mahashta Murashi (India). Allegedly lived in 182 years.
  6. Tensa Abayev (South Ossetia). Allegedly lived 180 years.
  7. Eselzil Siren (Uganda). Allegedly lived 180 years.
  8. James Olofintui (Nigeria). Presumably lived 172 years.
  9. Pa Aki Onforrene (Nigeria). Presumably lived 170 years.
  10. Hanger Nina (Turkey). Allegedly lived 169 years.

About a person who lived (?) 256 years: True or fiction? (video)

Where long-livers live: r Ol power and ecology

We highlight several places in which people are statistically more likely to live up to 90 years. The data was collected den Buttner (American researcher, traveler, writer who explored the secrets of longevity).

  1. Japan - Okinawa Island. Meet on this island (the population of which is about 1 million inhabitants) of a person aged 80-90 years old - easy. And it will look for 10-30 years than the number in the passport. Okinawa residents eat often, but small portions. In the diet - fresh vegetables and fruits, soy and tofu. On the island, the occupation of eastern martial arts is common, various respiratory techniques are practiced, and in general the population leads active image Life.
  2. ITALY - Sardinia Island, Ovvoda. One of the most beautiful paradise seats of Mediterranean. Some special diet inhabitants of the island do not adhere to feeding through what is common in their region (seafood and traditional dishes for Italy). However, den Buttner leads interesting fact: Previously, the inhabitants of the Ovvod lived separately, and often joined marriages inside their community. Genetically developed so that people born here are predisposed to longevity.
  3. Costa Rica - Niko Peninsula. There are no ultramodern medical centers or some very useful products Food, which are produced nearby. Clean nature and a quieter period of life - perhaps, this is what positively affects the longevity of local residents. According to statistics, they are about 4 times most likely to live up to 90 years than the average US citizen (which spends much more money on medicine).
  4. Greece - Ikara Island. Approximately 6 out of 10 locals live up to 90 years. Of the pattern of lifestyle - diet with the predominance of seafood and fresh vegetables, the size and tranquility, clean air and a warm and favorable climate. Also, the local wine is highly valued, which is preparing immediately, without preservatives and chemical additives. This type of food is also known as the "Mediterranean Diet". Numerous studies have proven a positive impact of such a diet on health.

As we see the main factors of long-life is warm (but not abnormally hot) climate, fresh and clean air, measured life and food without abundance of harmful products.

Proven: Daily work keeps health and reason until the very end

Many of those who lived for longer than 90 years, as their secretion of longevity allocate constant activity.

And also to longevity!

It is possible to give a simple analogy: any technique idle without a case - flies (rust, some details dry out, dust is stuffed into the mechanisms, and so on). Inaction is badly affected by the human body, both on moral and physical.

That is why it is extremely important to constantly develop and show activity in different directions (work and physically, and mentally). It is not about the exhausting work for 14-20 hours a day - you need to work in moderation, but regularly.

This also applies to those who have already retired (or for some reason can afford not to work). Various studies have similar conclusion: early care of retirement leads to premature extinction: the meaning of life is lost, depression arises from the lack of communication, the engineering activity is reduced, the desire to live further disappears. And after that, nature is simply getting rid of the "torn material".

What the long-livers themselves say about their secret of longevity: 5 quotes

Emma Morano, the Italian long-life, 117 years old (the oldest person who lived in the 3rd centuries: Born in 1899 and died in 2017).

According to Emma, \u200b\u200bstarting from 20 years of age, she eaten every day 3 eggs (raw or boiled), on the advice of the doctor. Otherwise, in terms of diet, she did not adhere to some tough restrictions: ate meat, chocolate, sometimes he saw alcohol. Fruit and vegetables in the diet, according to her doctor, there was not a lot.

One of the secrets of longevity considers a small number of years in marriage, thanks to which she did not spend their strength on the relationship. It was married twice, after 1938 and until the end of his life - she lived without her husband.

Leila Denmark, USA, 114 years.

I believed that the secret of longevity lies in a happy marriage (she herself lived with her husband over 60) and his beloved work. Leila continued to work until 103 years.

Israel, 110 years old.

As a talented musician (pianist), it believed that the secret of longevity was to take a favorite thing that makes her happy. He said that the worst thing that could be in life is boredom.

It is also possible to allocate optimism: Alice believed that for pessimism and hatred should not be time, and that they eat the soul.

Misao Okava, Japan, 117 years old.

He said that the key to long life lies in sufficient recreation (at least 8 hours a day, and if possible - and day sleep), relax in the ability to relax proper nutrition. Misao's favorite dish was sushi, which she could have three times a day. Also daily drank coffee.

According to doctors, the secret of the longevity of the woman was a good health (throughout her life she did not slander anything serious) and a strong psyche.

Giselle Kazadsu, France, 102 years old.

I believed that the pledge of longevity is love: to her husband, to children, to the family. Also said that it is always necessary to learn, as the workout of the mind slows down his old age.

The lifestyle was relatively correct: followed nutrition (sometimes allowing wine), engaged in regular physical loads. Also does not forget about genetics: in terms of health, there were no special problems.

  1. Refuse bad habits. Smoking, alcohol - all this is unacceptable even in minimal doses.
  2. Put your diet. About the rules of healthy diet will have to learn a lot: nutrition is a whole science, to apply it individually for each person.
  3. Put your mode. It is desirable to sleep for 7-8 hours, and ideally - at night.
  4. Support physical activity. Being a professional athlete is not necessarily, but regular (ideally - daily) charging for 15-20 minutes will definitely be useful. We walk more, make yourself some kind of active hobby (swimming, cycling, table tennis, and so on - optional).
  5. Watch out for health. Prevent it easier to treat - so attend doctors every 1-2 years (at least). It is possible to make a major list of specialists: a cardiologist, urologist (gynecologist), therapist, gastroenterologist, neurologist. If there is no time or desire - it can be limited to the therapist. It is also desirable to surrender annually.
  6. Do not postpone the treatment. The main problem that prevents our people live for a long time is the triggering of disease. Many of us go to the doctor only when the symptoms become explicit and intolerable.
  7. Avoid stress. Less conflict, quarrel, try to avoid communicating with people you are unpleasant. Take a bigger time with your loved ones, do something together.
  8. Choose the right job. If the goal is precisely the long-life - then definitely should not work for heavy places. Loaders, miners, workers "heavy" industry - among such specialties long-livers are hardly found very often.
  9. If possible, change the place of residenceIf you have a problem with ecology in your city.
  10. Be more sociable. Socially active and sociable people are usually more optimistic and positive.

If we disappeared someone with dry numbers and facts, breaking the plan to live more than 100 years - do not worry in vain. Stusty as a whole reflects the past, we already live in another world. For instance, The average life expectancy in Russia in the 19th century was only 32 years (And in Europe - the slightly more than this figure, longer than 40 years in the European countries did not live at that time). Could someone suggest that in 70-80 years old can be active person? And only a little over 100 years passed.

We do not know the future. So far, technical progress has only increased life expectancy. On the Japanese, which today is 80-90 years old, with their lives, 2 nuclear bombs were discharged! Stay positive how to health, it will need for many years!

To manage social and economic processes in society and conducting effective and reasonable policies at the state and regional level, it is necessary to have accurate data on the number, structure and displacement of the population.

Demographic statistics: goals and objectives

In reality, the development of the economy, the creation of new production facilities and an increase in the standard of living is impossible without a high population. A country in which the mortality rate is constantly exceeded by the birth rate, literally doomed to gradual degradation and extinction. That is why the main purpose of the demographic policy of any state is to maintain a high level of permanent population.

The main tasks of demographers are: monitoring the number of population according to the census, RVD and registered regulations; study of the composition of the population on its floor and age; Calculation of indicators natural Movement population.

Based on the received statistical data, analysis is carried out, the main demographic indicators are calculated and the areas of activity on the level of population are determined.

Life expectancy indicators

Two hundred years ago, the average length of human life did not exceed 35-40 years. In Pushkin Russia, a woman, just coping his thirty years, was already a real old woman, and a man in fifty was considered a deep old man. Over the past years, the situation has managed to seriously change, but the main purpose of the Company is still the achievement of maximum duration.

The life expectancy of one particular person is the time interval between his birth and death, i.e. age at the time of his death. To determine the length of the life of the entire population as a whole in demographic science, the indicator "Average life expectancy" was adopted. This is such a number of years that can average one person from the analyzed generation, provided that, throughout the existence of this individual, mortality in a separate age group will remain unchanged.

This indicator is made to calculate both for all newborns (in this case, it is called the "average life expectancy at birth") and for the subjects that have achieved certain age parameters.

In any case, when calculating the coefficients, it is necessary to apply the statistical data presented in the mortality tables.

Calculation of medium life expectancy

In demographic science there are several life expectancy options:

  • individual;
  • species;
  • average.

The individual length of life is calculated for the entire human type as a whole, and its maximum value is 113-116 years, since it is precisely the age of older from long-livers.

The species expectancy of life is such a number of years that any person can live under favorable conditions. IN modern world This digit is 95 years old. It is so much that any individual who does not have chronic diseases and a leading healthy lifestyle can live. This indicator is considered to be the limit for the next parameter.

It is the calculation of the average length of life that is the most correct method for assessing the state of population. The higher this indicator, the better the social and environmental situation in the area under study.

The average life expectancy is calculated as average age According to the sample under study. This value is directly related to another important parameter - the expected length of life.

Factors affecting the middle length of life

The average life expectancy depends on the many different factors, among them social and economic indicators play a special role, as well as ecology. In general, length human life It is directly proportional to the standard of living in the country and the magnitude of its incomes of its population. Thus, the absolute records of longevity were born in states where the average salary is about 36 thousand dollars a year. Other important parameters are a stable furnishings in the country and the availability of fresh vegetables and fruits.

A good ecological situation in the country is also a significant factor in determining the expected length of life of its population, but in reality the significance of this indicator, compared with the social aspect, is somewhat overvalued. For example, the latest studies of the life expectancy of individuals employed in working with radioactive substances (NPP workers, employees of institutes employed in nuclear physics) showed that it is somewhat higher than that of the other categories of the population. This is due precisely with additional social preferences allocated for these persons.

The value of the indicator for developed countries

All over the world with the gradual development of civilization there is a common tendency to a constant increase in the magnitude of the average length of life. So, in most developed states, this indicator reaches a mark of 75 and more years.

Residents of modern Japan, Andorra and France, where the expected length of time from birth and to death reaches values \u200b\u200bat eighty-three years have the most chances of the very old age. Naturally, this value is directly dependent on the quality of life. Therefore, the constant development of modern medicine and the growth of income of the population leads to the fact that scientists have started talking about the possibility of increasing the average life expectancy in developed countries to 120 years. Such forecasts put before demographers, the task of rethinking the very essence of the concept of "elderly age".

In general, the change in the age composition of the population of developed countries in favor of the older group is the main trend of the last decade. So, in 1998, the number of people over sixty-five years old exceeded the number of children born.

The process of gradual aging of population is characteristic of both the world community as a whole. Despite the decline in mortality rate and a constant increase in fertility, scientists predict that by 2045 the average age of a person will shift from 30-35 years old and will switch to a value of 40-47 years. In connection with such statistical reports, indicating a gradual decline in the number of working-age population, it can be assumed that the average retirement age will be changed in a majority.

Values \u200b\u200bof the indicator for developing countries

Unlike developed, in just still developing states, the average life expectancy in countries is relatively small. So, for most of them, this indicator is at 67 full years. In the least developed regions, it can be equal to 58 years.

Despite this, it should be noted that in general, over the past sixty years, there has been a sharp jump in the length of life throughout the planet as a whole. So, even in 1950, it was only thirty-six years old.

The highest length of life among developing countries has new industrial states Latin America and Asia, as well as rich African oil exporters and petroleum products. Ostressive settlements of the Caribbean, where the standard of living and the magnitude of the income per individual are comparable with the indicators of some developed countries.

But the outsiders on the life expectancy are the countries of the southern region of Africa. Here the mortality rate is many times higher than the average world indicators, which is explained to the extreme low common level Life, frequent military and political conflict and low quality medical care.

With regard to the age structure of the population of developing countries, here, in contrast to developed, progressive type prevails. For most of these states, a structure with an extended type of population reproduction is characterized, that is, the number of children and adolescents in them is significantly higher than the number of people of retirement age. This feature is associated with high levels Child mortality, which is still characteristic of many underdeveloped states. The most high probability of infant death and death of children aged from a year to three years.

At the same time, not all developing countries are able to cope with such a rapid increase in the population, which leads to the emergence of the policy of "demographic containment", when the state legislatively introduces a restriction on the number of children in one family. So, by the end of 2011, the limit on one child acted in China, and in India, local residents asked to dwell on two children.

Average life expectancy in Russia

Throughout the historical period, the average length of life in Russia had a tendency to a jump-shaking change. So, until the end of the nineteenth century, this parameter was equal to thirty years of life for men and thirty two for women. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, despite the permanent cataclysms, epidemics and war, the number and average life expectancy of men and women of Russia constantly grew. Soviet medicine played a special role in this issue. Due to its scale and planning of civilian audits, in the Soviet Union, it was possible to significantly increase the lifespan and achieve values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of developed European countries. The subsequent anti-alcohol company only ended the started, and by 1960-1965 the lifespan soviet people Reached sixty-five years for men and seventy five for women.

The subsequent years of restructuring and "shock therapy" were seriously struck by these indicators. Fertility fell, seriously increased population mortality, and there was a sharp leap of child mortality. Thus, by the beginning of the two thousand years, the average life expectancy for men was fifty-eight years, and women were seventy-one.

At the present stage, the situation gradually begins to strain. So, in 2010, a natural loss of the population was stopped for the first time, i.e. the number of born exceeded the number of dead. The latest government reforms, the allocation of additional subsidies to young and large families and the improvement of living conditions led to the fact that the average life expectancy in Russia holds at sixty-six-six years for men and seventy-six years for women.

Distribution of the indicator by region

While we talked about such a thing as the average life expectancy in Russia. As for the value of the indicator in different regions of the country, then the situation is ambiguous. The lowest is fixed in Chukchi autonomous District, The Republic of Tyva and the Jewish Autonomous Region. Here the length of life of ordinary Russian does not exceed the sixty-three years.

The average life expectancy in Moscow is quite expected in the top three of the highest indicators. Metropolitan residents live for ten years more than the main outsiders. For St. Petersburg, which is among the top ten most prosperous regions, the expected length of life also amounts to about seventy one year.

However, the most interesting is the fact that the greatest average life expectancy of a person is a characteristic feature of the inhabitants of the Republics of Ingushetia and Dagestan. It was here that most of the population lives to seventy eight years, which is even more than the average length of life in the United States.

In general, the statistics of life expectancy in Russia is disappointing. Only a few of the most prosperous regions are knocked out of the overall picture. For most, the average length of life for men does not exceed sixty, but for women - seventy three years.

The average length of life in the CIS countries

According to the latest UN reports on global indicators of demographic statistics, the life expectancy of the population of the earthly ball is growing steadily. So, in just the last 59 years, this figure has increased by 15 years and has reached for men 64 years and 68 - for women. However, with regard to the post-Soviet space, then the situation is completely disappointing.

Residents of Armenia live more than all of the former Soviet republics. Here, the life expectancy of the male population reaches 68.5 years, and the female 75. In second place is Georgia, in which the population lives only 1.5 years less.

The average life expectancy in Ukraine is approximately equal to Russian indicators and is 60.5 and 72.5 years. The worst things in Kazakhstan and Armenia are worst. But the average life expectancy in Belarus is 63 years old for men and 74.4 years for women.

Thus, none of the countries previously included in the composition Soviet UnionIt was not possible to achieve an average life expectancy characteristic of modern developed states.

The average length of life in men and women

The genital population is called the ratio of men and women in a separate state, which depends on a number of biological, social and historical reasons. For example, in the first postwar years in the territory of all countries involved in conflict, there was a significant advantage of the number of women over the number of men. It is not by chance that the famous song was sang about the fact that "ten girls on statistics for nine guys." In reality, this figure was even more disappointing. So, throughout the USSR, one half-legged man accounted for two women.

To date, the situation has changed significantly. For example, as a whole, the world prevails precisely the men's half of the population, especially many representatives of strong sex live in Turkey, India and China. Like the situation is associated with the historically unfavorable position of women in these countries. Features of mentality, early marriages and frequent birth of children led to low length of life and high mortality among women.

However, in most states, the situation is still reverse. In Russia and Europe, the average expected length of life in a man about 5-6 years less than a woman. Such a tendency is associated with genetic and social predisposition. Women are less susceptible infectious diseases, less often suffer from alcoholism, are not inclined to risk and not so aggressive.

    World Map according to IRCP, 2011 ... Wikipedia

    Upm Men (UNDP, data for 2007) ... Wikipedia

    Maximum life expectancy according to classical definition, Maximum possible lifespan of representatives of a certain group of organisms. Due to the complexity of determining, in practice, this is the maximum ... ... Wikipedia

    Or extending the life of the general name of methods and measures of measures, the purpose of which is to increase the maximum or average life expectancy of people, by slowing down or change the aging processes. Continue ... Wikipedia

    World IRCH card for 2011 (2009 data) ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see aging. The aging of man as aging of other organisms is the biological process of gradual degradation of parts and human body systems and the consequences of this process. Whereas ... ... Wikipedia

    Government program - (Government Program) State program is a tool of state regulation of the economy, which ensures the achievement of promising goals, the concept of state program, the types of public federal and municipal programs, ... ... Encyclopedia Investor

    Pensioner - (Pensioner) Person who receives a pension The life of pensioners in Russia and abroad content content Section 1. and health status. Section 2. The working capacity of pensioners. Section 3. Pensioners abroad: global trends. Section 4. Aphorisms about ... ... Encyclopedia Investor

    China - (China) information about the economy, foreign Policy, Chinese culture and development information on development, politics, economics, culture and education of China Contents Chinese People's Republic (Kit. Simplified. Pinyin Zhōnghu ... ... Encyclopedia Investor

    The request "PRC" is redirected here; See also other values. This term also has other meanings, see China (values). Chinese People's Republic of Kit. Trad. 中華 人民 共和國, UPR. 中华 人民 共和国, Pinyin: Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó Tib. ... ... Wikipedia

Hi, dear readers! Yesterday, at dinner, my friend told me the story of one woman (whose homeland is China), but at the same time in his fifty with something years, it does not look at his age. Like time stopped when she was 27-30 years old. It is amazing, especially for a woman, but I wonder what the average life expectancy in the world. In which countries is the most long-livers and what is the secret of their eternal youth? All of this you will learn today ...

Despite the fact that in the centuries, our planet changed strongly, people, from a physiological point of view, remained such as before. The same people lived and centuries ago, but today we have several times more tools and information, if we compare with our ancestors, which lived on the planet half a century. It is thanks to the changed laws of life and a large information flow, the average age Indicators significantly increased. Few of you probably remember that it used to be several times less.

Life expectancy of a person in the USA

For some reason, we all treat America, as something is supernatural and inaccessible, but recently I read the article that the standard of living has decreased for the first time in 20 years.

What is the reason, remains incomprehensible, people die mainly from diseases, but, the only one pleases that the number of deaths from cancer remains unchanged.

The highest life expectancy by the countries of the world.

Portugal: Growth Dynamics

If you pay special attention to the health system, Portugal will become the best example of this area. According to WHO statistics, the country's health care, combines such aspects as special insurance for representatives of a certain profession, voluntary medical insurance, entered the ranking of the best world systems.

Thanks to the coordinated tax system, the government is ready to provide its citizens with free medical insurance. In addition, according to statistics, people began to live longer. Men and women live for 10 years longer (80 years old) If you compare this indicator with other countries of the world. In Portugal, life expectancy is 9 years more than in other countries.


In this country, very stringent standards in the field of health care, it is due to this Luxembourg consider the most advanced country. Each person pays a health tax, they also go from the company's income, thereby covered in insurance for all residents of the country, regardless of age and social status. As a result, 98% of the population can visit the doctor for free. For those who can afford, there are additional insurance, mainly buying non-commercial organizations. Accordingly, the private sector practically does not exist. Just a few years ago, women lived until 82 years old, and men were 77 years old. If you pay attention to the indicators, we can conclude that the system works fine.

South Korea (84 years)

The advanced health care system of this country is considered one of the tops among all developed countries of the world.

Here is a system of one payer, in other words, all medical services pays exclusively one organization - the state that significantly reduces the administrative costs, if you compare them with European and North American. As a result, residents will pay several times less for the fact that in the future they will be able to provide the most difficult medical service, with which it is done in the shortest possible time.

With such a health care system, it becomes clear why in the country the highest life expectancy. But medical insurance does not include the collection of additional analyzes and procedures, which is extremely important in the event of a chronic or complex disease, such as oncology. Despite such positivism, many of my friends who were in Korea, argued that the majority of the population complain that due to high speedThe quality of medical service suffers significantly, as doctors want to raise the salary due to the fact that they serve many patients.

Australia (84 years)

In this country, women live 85 years old, and men are 81 years old. If we take into account that the country spends less than 10% of his profits on the health care system, in comparison with America, which spends about 18%, then the impression may be created that this is some kind of draw. Budget finances health care since 1984

In parallel, a special private system works. It is the income taxation that provides all residents of medical service, which includes consultation of the therapist and a specialist, passing all the necessary analyzes and surgical operations. Regarding the care of the elderly, according to the research of the Australian Economist, the country received the highest score for the availability of such a service, their quality and public awareness.

France (84 years)

This country is able to spend several times more money on medicine than other European countries, and it is capable of providing a beneficial effect on the elderly population. Previously, WHO assessed the French health system as the most advanced in the world. And today, the key point here considers culture more to pay and more to receive in the health care system.

Thirteen years ago, France established an absolute record, which made 84 years in women and 77 years in men, which is considered the highest in the EU, reports comparative table Agence France Presse. The National Demographic Institute, which conducted research, binds it with progression in the development of medicine. In addition, mee likes the fact that the country spends a lot of money for the treatment of cancer and heart disease.


Why Italy is included in the rating of countries with the maximum duration causes a matter of many, because the government spends only 9% of income for health care. Surely, popular around the world national cuisine and joyful, optimistic atmosphere positive influence on the quality of life of the indigenous population. The National Italian Health System, which was once the best in the world after the French capital, provides affordable medical service to all European inhabitants.

Today the Italians live long: men are 80 years old, and women 85.

Singapore (85 years old)

Men and women of Singapore occupied the 5th and 4th places, respectively, in people who live long, and this is despite the fact that the government of the country spends only 3% of public incomes. It is necessary to look at a unique social state policy. Initially, the government can be purchased insurance policies, prices for which are established at the legislative level. They also provide subsidies for poor citizens, special retirement programs, as well as programs for compulsory savings, thereby, social savings become available.

Switzerland (85 years)

For three months after the birth or receipt of Swiss citizenship, people are granted medical insurance. The system successfully combines state, private and fully private healthcare companies, which work under the law on state medical insurance. All insurers are provided with basic medical services regardless of age and health.

Spain (85 years old)

If we talk about the life expectancy of the Spaniards, many, as well as in the case of Italy, can not understand why people live as long as the socio-economic factors of these two countries are similar. In this case, it is also necessary to mention the Mediterranean diet. The food is considered part of the culture of this country, where, for sure, not particularly worry about food standards. For example, in the West people consume more calories. Here in the first place is a national kitchen and surprisingly, there is no obesity epidemic. Naturally, the universal health system plays one of the oldest roles, but also the Spanish culture itself has a positive effect on the fact that people began to live longer.

Japan (87 years),

men and women live equally long.

A resident of Japan lost her husband in 83 years. Today, at the age of 116, she is the oldest woman in the world according to the Guinness Book. What is her mystery? Eat, relax and relax.

In addition, the man also lives in Japan, who was born on February 5, 03 years of the last century - the oldest representative of a strong gender. And this is not surprising: the largest percentage of long-livers, which has been more than 110 years old, have Japanese citizenship.

It is only possible to guess on the coffee grounds, what is the same in the culture of Japan, which gives them the opportunity to be such long-livers. On the one hand, the health system is less individualized than in the West. There are no family doctors, there is no accent on medical ethics and skills to speak with patients.

On the other hand, they have a universal system in which world-class technology is used. But the main difference, despite everything, is in culture. According to statistics, adhering to diet, the Japanese are less likely to fall into hospitals with heart attacks.

A little story: how many people live in the 19th century and in the 20th century

You can imagine that at the beginning of the 19th century, the average life expectancy of many countries did not exceed 35 years. (Statistics: London 33 years old, for the Belgian capital - 32 years old, for the Dutch - 34 years, France is 40 years old, and in Russia in general, 32).

Why did people die so quickly? Most of them were infected with infectious diseases, diarrhea, pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza. If in those years, the inhabitants of the planet did not die from these and some other similar diseases, the average life expectancy of representatives of the strong half would be 70 years, and not 40.5. It was at the moment that drugs from acute diseases were found, a lifespan of life increased several times. By the middle of the 20th century, she grew up to 65 years, which could not but rejoice.

Indeed, just think about how it is terrible to realize that by 32 years old your life can break. Today, much has changed, the pace of development, the speed has become completely different. People like to live, they constantly go into development, and many residents of American countries are just beginning to raise children closer to 40 years. It seems to me that the secret of longevity does not exist, the only one, you need to love and be loved, enjoy life.

At the expense not to drink, do not smoke, I do not even know, among the long-livers there are people who smoked all their conscious life, so this is the choice of everyone. It is also not important: vegans you or eat steaks, eat only fruits or abandoned dairy products. Statistics show that even those people who have completely unknown healthy nutrition lived as long as possible. To preserve the beautiful body and beautiful spirit in it is important to appreciate yourself, carefully applies to yourself and others, living in comfortable conditions and not nervous. And what secrets do you know longer?

I recently learned about what I wrote a separate article.

Text - agent Q.

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