Vasily shukshin maternal heart is short. Summary - Mother's Heart - Story. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Shukshin Vasily

Maternal heart

Vasily Shukshin

Maternal heart

Vitka Borzenkov went to the market in a regional town, sold lard for one hundred and fifty rubles (he was going to get married, he desperately needed money), went to a wine stall to "grease" a glass or two of red, Then he went out, lit a cigarette ...

A young girl came up and asked:

Let me light a cigarette

Vitka gave her a light from his cigarette, and he himself looked with interest at the girl's face - young, swollen, fingers shaking.

With a hangover? - Vitka asked bluntly,

Well, - the girl also answered simply and bluntly, taking a long drag on the "belomorina" with pleasure.

Do you have?

(For no reason, Vitka would never have thought that the girl had been watching him on purpose when he was selling bacon, and that she had simply watched over him at the stall.)

Let's go, get better. '' Vitka liked the girl - pretty, slender ... And her swelling and especially the frankness with which she confessed her insolvency, even somehow worried.

They went into the stall ... Vitka took a bottle of red, two glasses ... He drank one and a half glasses, and generously poured the rest for the girl. They went out onto the porch again, lit a cigarette, Vitka felt good, the girl too, Both felt good.

Do you live here?

Here, not far away, - the girl nodded, - Thank you, it became easier.

Maybe you want more?

You can actually ... Not here,

You can go to me, I have no one at home ...

In Vitka's chest something so sweet-slippery wagged its tail. It was still early, and it was an hour and a half by bus to go to Vitka's village by bus - you could have time to do everything.

I still have a girlfriend there, - the girl prompted, when Vitka was figuring out how much to take, that's why he took: one white and two red ones.

We will overcome with a snack, - he decided. - Have something to eat?

We left the bazaar like old friends.

What did you come for?

I sold the fat ... I need money, I'll marry.

I'm getting married. Enough seething. '' Strange, Vitka did not even think that he was doing wrong in relation to the bride - he goes somewhere with an unfamiliar girl, and he feels good with her, better than with the bride - more interesting.

Good girl?

How can I tell you? .. Domestic. The hostess will be good.

What about love?

How can I say? So ... You gotta get married sometime.

Don't miss. Then you will ... Unattached, but you will scream.

In general, we talked in this spirit, came to the girl's house. (Her name was Rita.) Vitka did not even notice how they got there and how they walked - by what lanes. The house is like a house - an old, dark one, but it will still stand for seventy years, it will not groan.

The room (there are three) is neat, curtains, tablecloths on the tables are cozy. Vitka perked up at all.

"Chic-shine-tru-la-la" - he always thought when life promised quick joy.

Where is the girlfriend?

I'm going to get her now. Will you sit?

I'll sit. Just hurry up, okay?

Turn on the radio, so as not to get bored. I quickly.

Why is it so easy, good for Vitka with this girl? Five minutes are familiar, and ... Well, life! The girl has sad, pensive, intelligent eyes, Vitka suddenly feels sorry for the girl, then he wants to squeeze her in his arms.

Rita left. Vitka began to pace the room - he did not start the radio tape recorder: without the radio tape recorder, his heart was beating in joyful anticipation.

Then Vitka remembers: Rita's girlfriend came - worse, older, shabby and pretentious. She blabbed right off, began to tell that she had once been in the circus, "she worked with rubber." Then they drank ... Vitka kissed Rita right there at the table, his girlfriend laughed approvingly, and Rita weakly hit Vitka on the shoulder, seemed to push him away, and she clung to her, hugging her neck.

"Here it is - life! - tossing and turning in Vitka's hot head, - Here it is a seething infection. Well done!"

Then Vitka remembers nothing - how he cut it off. I woke up late in the evening under some kind of fence ... I wondered for a long time where he was, what had happened. My head was buzzing, my temples were falling out in pain. Everything in my mouth was dry, caked. Somehow I remembered the girl Rita ... And I realized: they drank something, intoxicated and, of course, took the money. The thought of money shook me violently. He got up with difficulty, searched all his pockets: yes, there was no money, Vitka leaned against the fence, looked around ... No, there was nothing close to Rita's house. Everything is different, completely different houses.

Okay, okay, - he muttered, - I'll arrange for you ...

What he was going to do, he did not know, he only knew that all this would not end well. Near the bus station a stall worked until late, there were always crowds of people.

Vitka took a bottle of red wine, drank it all to the bottom right from the neck, threw the bottle into the park ... There were some drunken men next to him, three. One told him:

People can also sit there.

Vitka unbuckled his naval belt, wound the end around his hand, leaving a heavy badge free like a brush. These three came in handy.

Well?! - Vitka was surprised. - Really people? Are there people in this crummy town?

The three looked at each other.

Who do you think is here?

Bitches! Rubber works, right?

Three went to him, Vitka went for three ... One immediately fell from the blow to the head with a plate, two tried to reach Vitka with their feet or hands, took care of their heads. Then they yelled:

Ours are beaten!

Another five people flew in ... Vitka was also hit: someone from behind hit him on the head with a bottle, but in passing - Vitka resisted. His insulted soul rejoiced and found stable peace,

The attackers swore, stupidly huddled together, interfered with each other, advised - Vitka used this and beat.

The police came running ... They all drove Vitka into a corner - between the stall and the fence. Vitka waved it off. The militiamen were let in ahead, and Vitka foolishly hit one on the head with a badge. The Vitkin's badge is also terrible because from the inside, in its curvature, lead was poured. The policeman fell ... Everyone gasped and were dumbfounded. Vitka realized that the irreparable had happened, threw the belt ... Vitka was taken to the bullpen.

Maternal heart

Vitka Borzenkov went to the market in the district town, sold lard for one hundred and fifty rubles (he was going to get married, he desperately needed money) and went to a wine stall to "grease" a glass or two of red. A young girl came up and asked: "Let me light a cigarette." "With a hangover?" - Vitka asked bluntly. "Well," the girl also answered simply. "And there is nothing to hangover, huh?" - "Do you have?" Vitka bought more. We drank. Both felt good. "Maybe some more?" - asked Vitka. "Not here. You can go to me." In Vitka's chest something like that - sweet-slippery - wagged its tail. The girl's house turned out to be clean - curtains, tablecloths on the tables. The girlfriend appeared. The wine was poured. Vitka was kissing the girl right at the table, and she seemed to push her away, but she clung to her, hugging her neck. What happened next, Vitka does not remember - how it cut off. I woke up late in the evening under some kind of fence. My head was buzzing, my mouth was dry. I searched my pockets - there was no money. And while he reached the bus station, he accumulated so much anger on the city rogues, he hated them so much that even the pain in his head subsided. At the bus station Vitka bought another bottle, drank it all right from the neck and threw it into the park. “People can sit there,” he was told. Vitka took out his naval belt, wound it around his hand, leaving a heavy badge free. "Are there people in this crummy town?" And a fight began. The police came running, Vitka foolishly hit one on the head with a plate. The policeman fell ... And he was taken to the bullpen.

Vitkin's mother learned about the misfortune the next day from the district police officer. Vitka was her fifth son, she went out of his last strength, having received a funeral for her husband from the war, and he grew up strong, okay, kind. One trouble: as he drinks - the fool becomes a fool. "What is he now for this?" - "Prison. Five years can give." Mother rushed to the area. Having crossed the threshold of the police, my mother fell to her knees and cried out: "You are my dear angels, but your reasonable little heads! .. Forgive him, accursed one!" "You get up, get up, this is not a church," they said to her. - "And to whom should I go now?" - "Go to the prosecutor." The prosecutor began a conversation with her affectionately: "How many of you children grew up in your father's family?" "Sixteen, father." - "Here! And they obeyed my father. Why? I didn’t let anyone down, and everyone saw that it’s impossible to play naughty. So it is in society - we let one get away with it, others will start." The mother only understood that this one also disliked her son. "Father, is there anyone above you?" - "There are. And a lot. Just contacting them is useless. Nobody will cancel the trial." - "Allow at least a date with your son." - "It's possible".

With the paper written out by the prosecutor, the mother went to the police again. In her eyes, everything was foggy and floated, she silently cried, wiping her tears with the ends of a handkerchief, but she walked as usual quickly. "Well, what about the prosecutor?" the police asked her. "He told me to go to the regional organizations," my mother was cheating. "But - on a date." She handed the paper. The head of the police was a little surprised, and the mother, noticing this, thought: "A-ah". She felt better. During the night Vitka has grown thin and overgrown - it hurts to watch. And the mother suddenly ceased to understand that there is a police force, a court, a prosecutor, a prison ... Nearby sat her child, guilty, helpless. With her wise heart, she understood what despair oppresses the soul of her son. "All to dust! All life has gone somersault!" - "You seem to have already been condemned!" Said the mother reproachfully. - "Where have you been?" - "At the prosecutor's office ... Let him, he says, while he doesn’t worry, let him get all sorts of thoughts out of his head ... We, they say, cannot do anything here ourselves, because we have no right. And you, they say, do not waste time, but sit down and go to the regional organizations ... Wait, I, then, will get home, I will take a testimonial on you. And you take it and pray in your mind. Nothing, you are baptized. We will come in from all sides. You, most importantly, do not hesitate that everything is now somersault. "

The mother got up from the bunk, crossed her son finely and whispered with only her lips: "Save you, Christ", She walked along the corridor and again saw nothing from tears. It was getting scary. But the mother acted. With her thoughts she was already in the village, pondering what she needed to do before leaving, what papers to take. She knew that stopping, falling into despair was death. Late in the evening, she got on the train and drove off. "Never mind, kind people will help." She believed that they would help.

To earn money for the wedding, Vitka went to sell fat on the city market. After being sold out and waiting for the bus to leave, he went to the stall for a drink. There a girl came up to Vitka, asked for a light, and after talking and having drunk with Vitka, she invited him to her home to sit for a little more with a bottle of wine. Vitka saw nothing wrong with her proposal and agreed.

Vitka woke up late in the evening under some kind of fence, he had a very bad headache, and he realized that he had been drunk, and, discovering the loss of money, he became angry with all the townspeople. Arriving again at the bus station, he drank more alcohol right from his throat, and threw the bottle right into the park. Someone present made a remark to Vitka, and a fight ensued. Vitka, who served in the army, had an army belt with a large and heavy badge; it was with this badge that he laid several people, including one policeman. The fighter was taken to the police.

The next day, Vitkina's mother found out about what had happened and came to the city to ask for her son. She came to the police station and talked about her son as a decent person who was not capable of harming anyone, she asked to release Vitka from the bullpen. The militiamen listened to her, but could not help in any way, because the one who violated the law must be punished. The only thing that the police could advise was to turn to the prosecutor, but even there the mother did not find understanding and did not achieve freedom for her son, but the prosecutor allowed her to see her son for a while. After talking with Vitka, the mother found out the reason for his act, she did not see guilt in the actions of her son, because he is her son, which means that he cannot be guilty of anything. Mary will continue to fight for her child and will go to higher authorities.

Picture or drawing Mother's heart

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Vitka Borzenkov went to the market in the district town, sold lard for one hundred and fifty rubles (he was going to get married, he desperately needed money) and went to a wine stall to "grease" a glass or two of red. A young girl came up and asked: "Let me light a cigarette." "With a hangover?" - Vitka asked bluntly. “Well,” the girl also answered simply. "And there is nothing to hangover, huh?" - "Do you have?" Vitka bought more. We drank. Both felt good. "Maybe some more?" Vitka asked. “Not here. You can come to me. " In Vitka's chest something like that - sweet-slippery - wagged its tail. The girl's house turned out to be clean - curtains, tablecloths on the tables. The girlfriend appeared. The wine was poured. Vitka was kissing the girl right at the table, and she seemed to push her away, but she clung to her, hugging her neck. What happened next, Vitka does not remember - how it cut off. I woke up late in the evening under some kind of fence. My head was buzzing, my mouth was dry. I searched my pockets - there was no money. And while he reached the bus station, he accumulated so much anger on the city rogues, he hated them so much that even the pain in his head subsided. At the bus station Vitka bought another bottle, drank it all right from the neck and threw it into the park. “People can sit there,” he was told. Vitka took out his naval belt, wound it around his hand, leaving a heavy badge free. "Are there people in this crummy town?" And a fight began. The police came running, Vitka foolishly hit one on the head with a plate. The policeman fell ... And he was taken to the bullpen.

Vitkin's mother learned about the misfortune the next day from the district police officer. Vitka was her fifth son, she went out of his last strength, having received a funeral for her husband from the war, and he grew up strong, okay, kind. One trouble: as he drinks - the fool becomes a fool. "What is he for this now?" - "Jail. Five years can give. " Mother rushed to the area. Having crossed the threshold of the police, my mother fell to her knees and cried out: "You are my dear angels, but your reasonable little heads! .. Forgive him, accursed one!" “You get up, get up, this is not a church,” she was told. “Look at your son’s belt — you can kill like that.” Your son sent three people to the hospital. We have no right to let such people go. " - "And to whom should I go now?" - "Go to the prosecutor." The prosecutor began a conversation with her affectionately: "Did many of you children grow up in your father's family?" "Sixteen, father." - "Here! And they obeyed their father. And why? He didn’t let anyone down, and everyone saw that they shouldn’t be mischievous. So it is in society - let one get away with it, others will start. " The mother only understood that this one also disliked her son. "Father, is there anyone above you?" - "There is. And more. Only it is useless to contact them. Nobody will cancel the court ”. - "Allow at least a date with your son." - "It's possible".

With the paper written out by the prosecutor, the mother went to the police again. In her eyes everything was foggy and floated, she silently cried, wiping her tears with the ends of a handkerchief, but she walked as usual quickly. "Well, what about the prosecutor?" the police asked her. “I told them to go to the regional organizations,” my mother cheated. - And here - on a date. She handed the paper. The head of the police was a little surprised, and the mother, noticing this, thought: "A-ah." She felt better. During the night Vitka has grown thin and overgrown - it hurts to watch. And the mother suddenly ceased to understand that there is a police force, a court, a prosecutor, a prison ... Nearby sat her child, guilty, helpless. With her wise heart, she understood what despair oppresses the soul of her son. “All to dust! The whole life has gone somersault! " - “You seem to have already been condemned! - said the mother reproachfully. - Immediately - life somersault. You are some kind of weak ... You would at least first ask: where have I been, what have I achieved? " - "Where have you been?" - “At the prosecutor’s office ... Let him, he says, while he’s not worried, let all thoughts get out of his head ... We, they say, can do nothing here ourselves, because we have no right. And you, they say, do not waste time, but sit down and go to the regional organizations ... Wait, I, then, will get home, I will take a testimonial on you. Take it and pray in your mind. Nothing, you're baptized. We will enter from all sides. You, most importantly, do not think that everything is now somersault. "

The mother got up from the bunk, crossed her son finely and whispered with only her lips: "Save you, Christ", She walked along the corridor and again saw nothing from tears. It was getting scary. But the mother acted. With her thoughts she was already in the village, pondering what she needed to do before leaving, what papers to take. She knew that stopping, falling into despair was death. Late in the evening, she got on the train and drove off. "Never mind, kind people will help." She believed that they would help.



V. M. Shukshin, "Mother's Heart": Analysis. "Mother's Heart" (Shukshin V. M.): the plot and heroes of the story

8 March 2016

What could be stronger than love? Only maternal love. The Soviet writer, screenwriter and director dedicated a small work to this feeling, the depth of which can be revealed by artistic analysis. Shukshin created "Mother's Heart" with extraordinary skill as an artist, able to hear even the most delicate strings of the human soul.

What is Shukshin's story about?

Where can you start your analysis? Shukshin began his "Mother's Heart" with a sad story from the life of a simple village boy. His name was Vitka Borzenkov. It is worth starting to characterize the image of this hero, presenting a summary and artistic analysis. Shukshin called the mother's heart wise, not failing to note that it does not recognize any logic. You can understand what the author meant by reading the story.

Simple country boy

Vitka was going to get married, and therefore he urgently needed money. Then, in order to get funds for the wedding, he went to the city to sell lard. In the story, this hero does not play the main role. The image of Vitka's mother is significant. However, the character of this woman is revealed precisely thanks to the story that happened to her son.

Vitya Borzenkov is a typical villager. He is good-natured, not particularly purposeful, likes to drink. In a state of intoxication, he sometimes loses control over himself, which can lead to sad consequences. Something similar happened to him during the trip. This is the characteristic of the main character of the story, without which it is impossible to make a general artistic analysis. Shukshin, however, devoted his "mother's heart" not to the misadventures of Borzenkov, but to the boundless love that his mother felt for him.

In the town

He sold the bacon, but out of his own naivety he became a victim of fraudsters who made him drunk and then robbed him to the bone. It is worth saying that when an unfamiliar girl approached him at the bazaar, he very willingly got into a conversation with her. Then, no less willingly, Vitka accepted the offer to while away the time with a bottle of fortified wine. These actions characterize the hero as an extremely frivolous person. After all, he did not even remember that a bride was waiting for him at home, for whose sake this trip to the city was carried out.

Unpleasant awakening

When the next day Vitka woke up somewhere far from Rita's house (that was the name of his new acquaintance), his head was buzzing terribly. There was no money. But in a secret pocket, he nevertheless found a gold piece. What happened next served to reveal a simple female character, to which Shukshin dedicated "Mother's Heart". The analysis of the work should be continued with the characteristics of Vitka's mother.

After Borzenkov realized what had happened, he became angry at everyone: at Rita, at the city and at the whole world. Therefore, he spent the last gold piece on a drink, after which he started a fight, in which several people were injured. There was even a police officer among them. Vitka was sent to the bullpen, and his mother arrived in the city as soon as she found out about the trouble her beloved son was in. The following is a description of the main character and an analysis of Shukshin's story.

Maternal heart

Vitkina's mother became a widow early, gave birth to five children, but only three survived. In the work, Shukshin portrayed a typical image of a Russian village woman. "A mother's heart", the analysis of which is, first of all, a characterization of the heroine, tells about the mother's desire to rescue her son from prison no matter what. She is not interested in Vitka's obvious guilt. She doesn't think about the people who ended up in the hospital through his fault. She is guided only by what her love tells her. And this is the main idea that Shukshin introduced into the story. "A mother's heart", the analysis of which should be done based on the specific communication of a woman with law enforcement officers, is a story about extraordinary activity, strength, perseverance.

In the police

When she arrived at the department, they were discussing the recent incident. How did Shukshin portray the mother's heart? An analysis of the work allows us to conclude that, although this concept is abstract, it is applicable to the extraordinary power that only a woman can possess. Besides, only the one whose child is in trouble. It does not matter how old this child is, whether he is a criminal or a decent person. When analyzing Shukshin's story "Mother's Heart", one should pay attention to the scene in the police. Vitka's mother entered, immediately fell to her knees and cried out loudly.

At the prosecutor's office

Policemen are people who are not inclined to pity. But even they were pitying and advised the woman to visit the prosecutor. What idea was Vasily Shukshin dedicated to "Mother's Heart"? Analysis of the story suggests that this work is about a difficult female fate, which can only be helped to survive by boundless love for children and blind hope for human participation and understanding.

The prosecutor showed firmness and was not imbued with a touching story about the kindness of Vitka, who "is tough and will not offend a fly." But the mother did not give up this time, and only concluded that this man was "offended for his own." Having obtained permission to visit her son, she went back to the police station.

Conversation with son

On the way, Vitka's mother thought about how she would go to the regional organizations. All her life she hoped for help and understanding of people. She had nothing to believe anymore. She wiped away her tears and cried in silence, but did not slow down. Vitka Borzenkov's mother all her life did nothing but try to cope with her hero. In her soul, there was an ineradicable faith in kind people who would help.

She never once thought that her son had committed a crime, that there was a law to which one could not turn a blind eye. And when I saw him thinner, haggard, the police and the ruthless prosecutor suddenly ceased to exist in the world. The mother realized how terrible a misfortune befell her son, and now she knew for sure that only she could save him.

To the regional organs

Seeing his helplessness, she began to describe everything in rainbow colors. Both the police and the prosecutor allegedly advised her to go to the regional authorities. Mother told me and she herself believed that they were not at all opposed to letting Vitka out, but only had no rights. But there, in the regional center, there are people on whom everything depends. They will not leave Vitya in trouble. At parting, the mother advised her son to pray, saying: "We will come from all sides." And then she left the cell and walked, again not seeing anything in front of her because of her tears. She had to hurry, and now she knew for sure that if necessary, she would go through all the instances, but would free her son. She will go to the regional organizations even on foot, if necessary, but Vitya will be released.

This is the summary of the story created by V.M.Shukshin. "Mother's heart", the analysis of which was presented in this article, is devoted to all-consuming motherly love.