Foggy lake tatarstan area and depth. Small Blue and Flowing lakes. A tourist should go there

Blue Lake in Kazan (Kazan, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Blue Lakes is a general term for lakes of karst origin, common in the Volga region. There are three blue lakes not far from Kazan: Big, Protochnoe and Maloye. The entire area around them is about 19 square meters. km - a monument of nature, which Kazan citizens are rightfully proud of.

The reservoirs got their name due to the blue salt mud lying at the bottom - people with skin diseases often come here to be treated. The water here is completely transparent and clean, while maintaining a temperature of about +4 ° C all year round. The depth of the Small Blue Lake is about 4 m, the Protochny Lake is 3 m.

Another feature of the water in the Blue Lakes is the optical effect of the lens. Because of it, it seems that the lake is very shallow, even in the deepest parts.

Although the Big Blue Lake is noticeably larger than the other two reservoirs, the locals, as a rule, call the Blue Lake Small. Just on its shore, citizens of Kazan often rest. There are gazebos and benches, bridges and changing cabins.

Winter swimming enthusiasts swim in the lakes in any season, the rest prefer a contemplative rest on the shore.


The large blue lake, reaching a depth of 18 m, is loved by divers. For people involved in scuba diving, this is a unique training ground with clear water and diverse flora and fauna.

What can be seen in the depths of the lake? First, various algae. Some float on the surface and, according to divers, resemble islands or clouds, others grow on the walls of the lake. Entire colonies of crustaceans, planarians and water scorpions, listed in the Red Book, live in algae. Secondly, in the abyss of water you can see underwater springs and caves, stones and colorful pebbles.

Divers are especially attracted by night dives, when the bottom of the lake with underwater springs is better viewed, and at the top, the light of the stars, refracting, plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

On the lake, divers train almost every week, hold meetings and celebrate holidays. Yes, in New Year divers set up a Christmas tree underwater.

How to get there

By car: along the Kazan bypass road (M7 highway). Exit to the Big Blue Lake - behind the bridge over the Kazanka River, to Protochnoe and Maloye - in front of the bridge.

By public transport: from the center (station "Tukaya Square") by bus number 35 to the stops "Golubyatnikova", "Solnyshko" or "Ibragimova". From there, take bus number 40 to the village of Shcherbakovo (last stop). Continue walking following the signs.

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  • Where to stay: for sightseeing trips around the republic, it is most convenient to be based in its capital - Kazan, from where you can easily get to other cities in the region. The choice of accommodation options is the widest: there are hostels, and family pensions, and standard "three rubles", and pompous business hotels in the historical center. The second most popular city in the region is Naberezhnye Chelny, where there is also no shortage of hotels. Well, lovers of fine arts can safely book accommodation in Yelabuga, where Shishkin and Tsvetaeva "checked in".
  • What to see: It is best to start your acquaintance with Tatarstan from the numerous sights of Kazan - the majestic Kazan Kremlin with the Syuyumbike tower and the Annunciation Cathedral, the Kul-Sharif and Zakabannaya mosques, the Millennium Bridge, the Epiphany Cathedral and the National Museum. You should definitely visit the ancient settlement of Bolgar and the cathedral mosque of Bolgar, as well as go to Yelabugato appreciate the extensive collection of Shishkin's paintings in his house-museum and visit Tsvetaeva's memory house. The choice of nature lovers is the most beautiful

Blue Lakes (Kazan) is a system of reservoirs on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia. It is also a nature reserve, which is located near Kazan. About these unique places created by nature, their flora, fauna and interesting facts will be discussed in the article.

general description

"Blue Lakes" (Kazan) is a natural reserve, which is located in close proximity to the reservoirs of the same name, has forest and wetlands. The total area of ​​the reserve is 1910 hectares, and the total area of ​​lakes is 0.3 hectares.

Since 1972, the Blue Lakes (Kazan) have received the status of a natural monument of all-Union significance, protected by the state. After 22 years, in order to strengthen control and increase protection and protection, the Blue Lakes became a nature reserve. It is home to a wide variety of fish, amphibians and mammals. Also in these places there are many varieties of shrubs and trees. Currently, the lakes and the reserve itself are the sights of the city of Kazan.

lake system

The lake system consists of three reservoirs that are not interconnected. These are the Big Blue, Flowing and Small Blue Lakes. These reservoirs are oxbow lakes (a section of the former river bed) of the Kazanka River, which flows in close proximity. Near the rivers there are karst funnels, formed more than two hundred years ago.

The Blue Lakes (Kazan) have no land tributaries, so they receive water from underground springs and rivers. In the future, water from the lakes flows down the channels into the Kazanka River. In the hot season, this water noticeably cools the river, preventing the fish from dying, and prevents the Kazanka from flowering. In winter, the water from the lakes warms the river and prevents ice from forming on its surface.

The water in all lakes is almost completely transparent, and because of this, a lens effect is created. This is an optical illusion, in which it seems that the depth in the lake is much less than the real one. The water in the lakes is hard due to sulfite-sulfate and potassium-calcium salts. These salts make the water in the lakes look like sea water. At the bottom of these reservoirs, there are impressive areas of silt-salt mud, which have a blue color. These muds have medicinal properties, and it was they who gave the names to the lakes.

Big Blue Lake

Big Blue Lake (Kazan) used to be called Svetloye. On a larger area, the lake has a depth of one to three meters, but there are two karst funnels in it, which are called the Small and Big Depths. The depth of the Big one is 18 m, and the Small one is six meters. At the bottom of these Depths springs beat, which have a temperature of three to seven degrees, depending on the time of year. It is they who warm the Kazanka River in winter and cool in summer.

In Kazan in winter, the Blue Lake is visited by numerous tourists who practice winter swimming, as well as divers. On New Year's Eve, the bottom of the Great Abyss is decorated with a Christmas tree for entertainment and dives are made to it, while drinking champagne. In Kazan in winter, Blue Lake is also popular with fishing enthusiasts. However, they do not fish in the lakes themselves, but next to them, in the Kazanka River. In places where warm water from lakes enters the river, fish gather, which is what fishermen use. Clean air, absolutely clear water and light frost are conducive to this type of outdoor recreation.

Diving enthusiasts also dive into the lakes at night. It is at this time of day that the water acquires unusual shades under the light of lighting equipment. And when you are under water, the view of the night starry sky, through the transparent lens of the water surface, is especially mesmerizing.

Flowing and Small blue lakes

Small Blue Lake (Kazan) and rest on it will appeal to all tourists, as well as on the Big Lake. Despite the fact that it is significantly inferior in area, it is just as picturesque. There are several small waterfalls on it, and changing cabins and small bridges are equipped on the shore, for the convenience of diving into the reservoir. The Small Lake is connected to the Bolshoy by bicycle and pedestrian paths that pass under the bridge over the Kazanka River.

In the photo of the Blue Lakes (Kazan), you will not see much difference between these reservoirs. They are all equally beautiful and fascinate with their extraordinary beauty.

The flowing lake is the smallest in area and the shallowest of these three reservoirs. Because of this, the temperature in it is slightly higher. Nevertheless, all lakes are popular with tourists all year round. Not far from the lakes there are sanatoriums and recreation centers where you can stay for relatively little money.

Flora and fauna

The flora of the Blue Lakes (Kazan) is very rich and diverse, some of its representatives are listed in the Red Book of Tatarstan. In the territories adjacent to the lakes, trees such as:

  • Aspen.
  • Birch.
  • Pine.

About a hundred species of coastal, aquatic and terrestrial plants grow in close proximity to the lakes, such as:

  • Bluegrass meadow.
  • Sedge.
  • Lake reed.
  • Cattail.
  • Buttercup.

The fauna of these places is as diverse as the flora. In the waters of the lakes there are: water scorpion, planaria, and from amphibians - snakes, frogs and toads. Along the coastline you can meet beaver, muskrat, kotura (water rat). Here you can also see a wide variety of birds: tits, jackdaws, golden bee-eaters and greater spotted eagles.

Blue Lakes (Kazan): how to get there

The Blue Lakes are located on the outskirts of the city, so the trip to them will take some time. If you get public transport from the city center, you will need to use the bus following route number 40. Only on it you can get to the Blue Lakes without transfers. You will need to get off at the final stop - the village of Shcherbakovo.

Getting to the Blue Lakes by private car from the city center, you will need to drive along Mira Street, and then turn onto the M-7 federal highway. Having reached the bridge over the Kazanka River along the highway, you will need to use the paved exit in front of the bridge, which leads to the Small Blue and Protochnaya lakes.

Traveling behind the bridge will help you get to the Big Blue Lake. However, it should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to drive too close to water bodies, and the car will have to be parked in advance.

You will have to walk to the lakes themselves, along a dirt road. Getting to the reservoirs will not be difficult at all, since there are signs along the entire route. If you come to Kazan, then after the sights located in the city center, be sure to come here. Amazing nature, wonderful places and the purest expanse of lake waters will delight your imagination with their beauty.

What does a person want in the summer, when the thermometer crosses the twenty-degree mark and is not going to stop there? Well, of course, to leave the dusty and stuffy city, breathe fresh air, go fishing, swim or walk through the forest in search of berries. And how wonderful that for this you do not need to spend money on long-distance travel, it is enough to plan a trip to the Blue Lakes (Lukhovitsy)! Do not believe that you can have a good rest there? This article will dispel all your doubts.

There are three capitals in Russia - Moscow, Ryazan and Lukhovitsy

This small town in the Kolomensky district of the Moscow region is famous primarily for the best cucumbers in the entire district. Lukhovites even erected a monument to this vegetable. It is called "Cucumber-breadwinner", and you can admire it while driving along the M-5 "Ural" highway. In general, as for a quiet city, there are a lot of unusual sights in Lukhovitsy. Here you can take pictures next to the monument to the postman Pechkin, visit the Cucumber Museum and walk along the Walk of Fame, where the best examples of domestic military equipment are once installed: the L-29 jet training aircraft, the PM-37 mortar, the T-55 tank, the M howitzer -30, BS-3 anti-tank gun, BM-37 mortar and MiG-21 fighter. But the main attraction that makes Lukhovitsy attractive is the Blue Lakes. They live up to their name and are an adornment of the local landscape.

Drop to drop - a lake, without them - a desert

Who said that man-made miracles are entirely architectural monuments and works of art? Not at all, and the inhabitants of Lukhovitsy know this firsthand. When work on the extraction of quartz sand in the quarries of the Soyuzpeski enterprise stopped, underground sources, rains and a natural filter completed what people started. As a result, lakes with the purest blue water were formed at the place of extraction. There are seven large lakes here, but there are also smaller quarries, but no less picturesque. Pine forests and green lawns surrounding these places made the shores of the lakes a favorite vacation spot, first for local residents, and then for tourists from Ryazan and Moscow. However, this is not surprising. After all, it is almost impossible to find a reservoir with clean warm water and sandy beaches near big cities.

One tent, two tent

Clean air, forests full of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries... what else does a person need for complete happiness? That's right - comfort! Blue Lakes (Lukhovitsy) did not remain long with uninhabited shores. Thanks to its wide sandy beach, pond no. 4 has become a favorite vacation spot for families with children. Today there are not only cabanas, many cafes and boat rentals, but also a water slide. Many tourists in conversations call this place none other than the Blue Lakes recreation center. There you can put up a tent and spend on the beach not just one day, but the whole weekend or vacation. For several years in a row, the shores of this lake even became a platform for the bard festival Blue Lakes. Now there every tourist is his own bard. And not only! If you want to be the chef of your tent, it's not a problem: you can make a fire or put on a brazier so that the aromas of your barbecue will be envied even in a cafe on the other side of the lake. Most importantly, do not forget to follow the fire safety rules, otherwise the staff serving this recreation area will immediately call you to order, or even impose a fine. After all, not so long ago these places were already engulfed in forest fire, and no one wants a repetition of those sad events.

Though two ruffs, but the soul is full

Fans of fishing should not despair either: the Blue Lakes recreation center is good not only for families with kids. Carp, crucian carp, ruff and tench are found in local reservoirs. No wonder they say that the main thing that the Blue Lakes (Lukhovitsy) can offer is fishing. In reservoirs No. 2, 5, 7, 8, which the locals also call "distant", an excellent bite. In addition, the shores here are not particularly chosen by admirers of a comfortable stay, and therefore here you can fully enjoy the silence and solitude. The main thing - do not forget to get a permit to catch fish. It will cost about 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Discounts up to 50% are available for holders of hunting and fishing tickets. The staff of the base periodically bypasses the shores of the lakes with inspection and "hares" are expelled without regret from this paradise place.

Not Ibiza, but nice

Blue Lakes (Lukhovitsy) is a truly universal place, everyone here will find entertainment to their liking. dance to starry sky You can not only in European resorts, but also here. In the midst of summer, techno-style dance parties, various open-airs, festivals and conceptual events are held on the shores of Lake No. 4. At this time, the banks of the reservoir turn into real tent kingdoms. Even for the regulars of the capital's clubs, this, you see, is an unusual and interesting experience.

Blue lakes (Lukhovitsy): rest with tents

Love to spend your holidays wild? For recreation with a tent, Blue Lakes is an ideal place. The clean sandy beaches of water body No. 4 (and there are only two of them on this body of water) will appeal to the elderly and kids. The entrance to the water is soft, gentle, and the sand on the beach is clean and fine - if you want to sunbathe, if you want to swim, if you want to surprise your "neighbors" with sand castles. Lakes No. 5,6 and 7 have retained their original beauty. On their banks you can relax from the hustle and bustle, go fishing or just admire the starry sky.

Blue Lakes (Lukhovitsy): how to get there

Getting to this picturesque corner of nature is easy. From Kazansky railway station in Moscow to Lukhovitsy can be easily reached by train. If you do not want to spend a lot of time on the road, then your choice is the Moscow-Ryazan Express, which stops in this town. It will take you to your destination in just 2 hours. If you prefer the bus, then it will be useful to know that route No. 318 (Moscow, Vykhino metro station) starts running at four in the morning, and the last flight to the capital leaves from Lukhovitsy at ten in the evening (on Sundays - at eleven) . Transit routes also do not bypass the town. For example, from the Vykhino metro station, bus number 330 runs to Zaraysk.

If you like to travel by car, and a few hours behind the wheel are mere trifles for you, then you have maps in your hands ... road, of course. Although the GPS-navigator will not let you get lost. Coordinates to help you: 55 ° 0 "26" N 39 ° 1 "2" E, Google coordinates: 54.998088,39.026181

Address of the Blue Lakes: Lukhovitsy, Ozernaya street, 1. Please note that you need to drive a little further deep into the forest along the dirt road.

Whatever type of transport you choose, no matter how much time you spend on the road, you will not regret your decision to visit Lukhovitsy and the Blue Lakes recreation center.

Abkhazia is a popular holiday destination in the summer season. In addition to the warm sea, the country offers tourists to visit its unique natural and historical attractions. An example of them is: Blue Lake, Lake Ritsa and Stalin's dacha. All of them are on the same route, so you can see them on a one day tour.

The area of ​​the Blue Lake in Abkhazia is 180 square meters. meters. The maximum depth reaches 76 meters.

Blue Lake is located in the region of Mountainous Abkhazia on the territory of the Ritsa Relic National Park. The lake is famous and named for its unusually bright color of the water. Scientists explain its rich color with layers of the lapis lazuli mineral located at the bottom and walls of the reservoir. The brightness of the color does not change depending on the season and weather conditions. Due to its relatively small width and great depth, daylight does not penetrate the water column. People looking into it create a feeling of turbidity, although this is not so.

The coast is very steep. Swimming here is not worth it. Interestingly, fish do not breed in it. There are no algae and phytoplankton. Also, it is not bound by ice in the winter season. It doesn't get hot in summer. Tourists who come to admire the lake note its calmness of the water, even despite the turbulent streams from Mount Akhtsykh that feed the reservoir. The nearest large river is the Bzyb. She and the lake are on opposite sides of the road.

Excursions to the Blue Lake in Abkhazia

Due to its proximity to Lake Ritsa, almost all tourist buses pass through Blue Lake. It is not large, so they make a short stop for photo shoots here. Also, on the way to it, groups usually stop by waterfalls, of which there are a lot in Abkhazia. The tour is purchased both in the nearest cities - the resorts of Gagra and Pitsunda, and in Russian Sochi and Adler.

The cost starts from 750 rubles. There is an additional fee to enter the territory. national park- 350 rubles. On the site you can get acquainted with the options for excursions in Abkhazia from Sochi.


The site for viewing the lake is quite small. Due to the large number of tourists, there are traffic jams from people and buses. Entrepreneurial Abkhazians installed a stuffed brown bear, with which you can take pictures. For the same purpose, live peacocks are brought here. On the shore of the lake there are rows of shops with food and souvenirs.


Like many amazing sights of Abkhazia, the lake has many legends and tales. Local residents and guides love to tell them to all visiting tourists. Most often they are associated with its karst origin and try to explain the nature of the color of its water. One of the legends tells about the goddess Dzidzlan, who patronized the waters of these places. She had an extraordinary appearance and loved handsome men. Usually Dzidzlan lured them to her, and then released them with gifts.

One shepherd found out about this, who was lazy and ugly. For his own selfish purposes, he began to seek a meeting with her. To do this, the shepherd descended from the mountains and went to bed in a clearing near the stream. Intrigued, the goddess went to see who was so vainly seeking her. Seeing the ugly face of the man, she got angry and threw him on the ground. At that place, an underground cave collapsed, into which a pure mountain river began to flow. This is how Blue Lake was born.

An even more tragic story is connected with an old man who lived on the site of the current reservoir. It is said that he devoted his whole life to hunting. In his old age, the hunter decided to move away from the villagers and lead a solitary life in a quiet cave. Despite this, many young hunters came to him for advice. In gratitude, they left the skins and meat of dead animals.

On one of the rainy days, the good old man sheltered two robbers who pretended to be ordinary travelers. Seeing his wealth and gifts, they dealt with him. For this, nature terribly got even with the robbers by flooding the cave. Since then, the body of the old man has been resting at the bottom of the lake, and his blue eyes give the waters their famous color.

How to get there

Getting to the Blue Lake is not difficult. It is located on the road leading to Lake Ritsa. You need to stop at about the 13th kilometer. What is good to go far from the road is not required. The reservoir is located almost next to the freeway, left hand. The place is very popular, so you can use the services of travel agencies or get there on your own in a rented car.

From Gagra

If you leave the city center, you can get there without traffic jams in 40 minutes, moving along the Sukhumi highway E-60 and then turning near the village of Bzypta onto SH11. The total distance is about 30 kilometers.

From Pitsunda

The distance from Pitsunda is a little more. You will need to move to the northeast to the E60 highway. The journey will take less than an hour.

From Sochi and Adler

If you travel from Russian southern cities, you will have to cross the border with Abkhazia. The transition may take additional time. For such a trip, it is better to plan the whole day and leave early in the morning.

On the Blue Lake we went as part of our road trip to Kazan. The route was planned in such a way as to see not only the city, but also the suburbs - Blue Lakes and island city of Sviyazhsk. The details of the route and the whole trip will be later, today I want to tell you whether it is worth spending time on a place that is popular for Kazan, but not quite known to people from other cities.

Blue Lake (12 km from Kazan along the M7 highway) is a real oasis of coolness and tranquility after the hustle and bustle.
When traveling to Kazan, plan your time to walk along the forest paths and see the lake. It is even possible to swim if you are not afraid of the water temperature of about 6°C.
Do not expect supernatural beauty, but relax for a few hours and have a great time in a quiet place, for which your lungs and nerves will say "thank you".

The unique cascade of the Blue Lakes, as scientists and biologists call it, is called the Pearl of Tatarstan and is protected by the state.

The depth of the reservoir reaches 15 meters. This is the deepest lake in the system of karst lakes on the Kazanka River. The purest spring water enters the lake from underground, this is the reason for absolute transparency and a constant rather low temperature throughout the year.
Thanks to the crystal clear water, you can see the bottom of the lake and its inhabitants, listed in the Red Book.

In case of depletion of natural groundwater reserves, these lakes will disappear on their own.
But until this happens (and it won’t happen in the next decades), you can safely come and admire the natural landmark of Kazan.


3. Immediately after the bridge, along the highway, passing the village of Shcherbakovo, there is a small parking lot for cars. But we saw several parked cars at the entrance to the lake, in front of the barrier, although the exit from the bridge is prohibited.

4. To the first lake, you need to walk 500 meters along a forest path.

5. Don't be afraid, you don't have to go up the hill, such paths remain on the sidelines.

6. Stop at the first lake. Swimming bridge provided.

7. The adjacent water area to the lakes, and the river itself requires, if not major, then at least cosmetic repairs. Remove all the garbage, clear the water of silt and mud, and a place that is not very attractive for tourists will sparkle with new colors.

8. Someone's caring hands made white swans from old tires and launched them onto the "island".


11. But our goal is not them. It is still 500 meters to the main Blue Lake.


13. And now a soft laugh is heard, "splash": someone dived!

Despite the fact that the water in the lake is not more than 6-7 degrees, there are enough people who want to swim on a hot day. Children are especially seen in this fun activity.
By the way, I didn’t even want to wet my legs at all, but Petya gladly plunged victorious three times with an interval of 5 minutes for heating. And then I once again noticed that we have a winner and an athlete. You look, at such a pace, we’ll start walrus swimming)).

14. Cyclists come here and quite a lot of vacationers in specially equipped "barbecue" places.

15. There are changing cabins and wooden gazebos. True, it was not possible to see what they are for and what they are equipped with.

Conclusion: If you are by car and you have a couple of hours of free time - feel free to go to the lakes, you are unlikely to regret it. And for "walruses" generally ideal conditions.

See you somewhere else!