New law on gasification of a private house. How to independently conduct gas to a private house - procedure and tips

Connecting a gas main to a private house is a difficult but necessary process. The high cost of performing all procedures is subsequently offset by low current energy costs. But the process of paperwork and its approval is very complicated. In order to make a minimum of mistakes and save time, I will try to paint a detailed plan of action.

It should be said right away that starting from March 1, 2014, new work schemes were adopted for conducting gas to private residential buildings. Now these activities are carried out by state gas services. According to federal law"On gas supply" the main groups of consumers were identified. Owners of private houses in most cases fall into the 1st group of consumers, for which restrictions on gas consumption are determined - no more than 5 m³ per hour. This is enough to provide heating in a house up to 250 m².


The first step is to decide whether all Required documents apply on your own or you would prefer to resort to the help of specialized companies. The cost of their services depends on the complexity of the project. The average market price of the full package starts from 300 thousand rubles.

Obtaining the technical specifications of the technical specifications (project) for gasification from the gas service (gorgaz, oblgaz)

This is a state structure responsible for the construction and maintenance of the gas pipeline, as well as selling gas to the population and enterprises. The list of required documents includes:

  1. Application for the opportunity to receive specifications.
  2. Copy of the passport.
  3. Documents confirming ownership.

3.1 If the building has already been built, then it is necessary to provide any supporting document - a technical passport of the house (without a statute of limitations), an act of acceptance into operation, a contract of sale, etc.

3.2 For houses not yet built in gas services, a land purchase agreement, a certificate of registration of ownership, etc. is required.

  1. Plan of the location of the house on the ground.

It should be noted that gas connection is possible only if the area is included in the general plan and the current volume of the energy carrier allows adding a new flow point to the system. Documentation can take up to a month to complete. At the same time, there are a number of strict conditions - the distance from the gas pipeline to the site should not exceed 200 m, and consumption should not exceed 5 m³ per hour.

The cost of compiling project documentation is usually 1.5-3 thousand rubles.

Technical connection

According to the new rules, the gas service, after providing it with all the necessary documentation (see above) and drawing up the project, is obliged to carry out the technical connection. This means that their reps let you down gas pipe from the common highway to the site. The cost of these works can range from 23 to 50 thousand rubles. depending on the length of the pipe and the complexity of its behavior.

However, after this process is completed, a direct connection of the gas to the household distributor is not yet possible.

Drawing up a gasification project for a house

At this stage, the most expensive part of the whole event begins. To draw up a gasification project, you can use the services of Gorgaz, or private companies that have permits for this type of activity. In practice, many choose the latter option, since state structures delay the implementation of the project, in some cases up to 7-8 months.

Project documentation should include the following items:

  1. List of connected gas consumption devices, their technical characteristics.
  2. The location of appliances in the house, taking into account the current rules for the compliance of the premises - the organization of flue gas removal () and security measures.

Implementation of the gasification project

After the creation of the project, the installation stage begins. construction works. Often these two types of activities are carried out by the same company. Therefore, when choosing a contractor, it is advisable to focus on such universal firms. Many of them with a complex order can provide a significant discount.

Upon completion of all construction work, you can begin to connect the gas to the house.

Hardware check and connection

In order for the house to be gasified, all work performed is checked by representatives of Gorgaz. This may take 15 to 20 business days. If all the conditions have been met and comply with current standards, a technical supervision certificate is issued.

The contractor company performs the actual connection of the supplied gas pipe to the distribution system of the house. At the same time, there is a shut-off valve at the entrance, which is prohibited to be opened without representatives of the gas service. After that, a safety briefing is made and a control start of the system is made - gas is supplied.

As an additional measure, it is suggested to check the pipes and equipment in the house for possible leaks. This service is paid, but it is advisable to order it in order to avoid trouble.

The total cost of connecting a house to a gas main can be from 350 to 700 thousand rubles. These figures include all the above procedures, except for the cost gas equipment– boilers, kitchen surfaces, etc. Lead time ranges from 6 to 9 months.

At first glance, this is a rather time-consuming bureaucratic event. But after the implementation of such a project, the cost of heating a house will be significantly lower than when using a solid fuel boiler or electric heating. Therefore, the cost of conducting gas is usually paid off within 4-5 years.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 “On approval of the rules for connection (technological connection) of capital construction facilities to gas distribution networks”, which entered into force on March 1, 2014, the country began to operate new rules for connecting capital construction facilities to gas networks. These rules are designed to simplify the actions of consumers to connect capital construction facilities to the gas distribution network.

In accordance with the said resolution, in 2016-2017:

The applicant submits an application for connection to the gas distribution organization, and the GDO is obliged to carry out the entire range of organizational and technical measures to bring the gas distribution network to the border of the applicant's land plot.

See also:

How much does it cost to connect gas in 2016-2017

All gas consumers are conditionally divided into four groups depending on the volume of consumption and gas pressure, which is necessary to ensure the capital construction object.

First group are equipment owners who consume no more than 5 cubic meters of gas per hour with a pressure of no more than 0.3 megapascals (1 MPa is almost 10 atmospheres). We emphasize we are talking about consumers who do not use blue fuel for entrepreneurial (commercial) activities. This group includes owners of houses and cottages.

Second group- these are small and medium-sized companies that take gas specifically for their business activities - with maximum consumption no more than 15 cubic meters per hour and pressure not more than 0.3 MPa. This amount, as a rule, is enough for premises of 1000 sq.m - small shops, cafes, workshops.

Third group- those whose needs are up to 500 cubic meters per hour, and the working pressure in the connected gas pipeline is less than 0.6 MPa.

Fourth group- large energy facilities, including heat and power generation, production and industry, the equipment of which consumes over 500 cu. m per hour, and the pressure is more than 0.6 MPa.

In accordance with the order of the Energy Commission for 2016, the amount of payment for consumers of the first and second groups was established, namely: in the construction of only gas pipelines-inlets) is 57,297.26 (VAT included). - for consumers using gas for profit, with a flow rate of up to 15 cubic meters per hour, the amount of payment is set at 57,297.26 (VAT included). For the third group, the amount is determined on the basis of established standardized tariff rates. For the fourth - on the basis of an individual project for technological connection.

Terms of technological connection for each of the groups vary depending on the consumed volume of gas and pressure. From one year - for the smallest applicants, up to two years - for large ones. In some cases, you may have to wait up to four years. Long terms for the implementation of gasification measures are due to the need for land management procedures. The specified terms can be significantly reduced if: - the master plan and the gasification scheme are approved in the settlement; - lands for the construction of engineering communications are put on cadastral registration with the appropriate purpose.

See also:

How to start connecting to gas supply networks

You need to start the gasification process as early as possible - at the stage of building gas distribution networks on your street. The very first step is to obtain technical conditions for connection (technological connection) of the capital construction object to the gas distribution network and conclude a connection agreement. These documents establish the technical requirements that the planned gas pipeline must comply with. To obtain technical conditions, it is necessary to submit an application to the gas distribution organization and submit the following documents: a copy of the title documents for land plot, situational plan for the location of the land plot with reference to the territory of the settlement.

If the request for the provision of specifications is submitted by the applicant's representative, a power of attorney confirming the authority of the applicant's representative must be provided. On the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, gas distribution organizations are regional divisions of Gazprom Gas Distribution. Specifications are developed free of charge, usually within 14 calendar days. The second stage is the implementation of the project of in-house gas equipment (VDGO). To do this, you can contact Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC in your region or a design organization that must have access to the relevant design work. Here you will be required to have a technical passport (actual plan) of your house and a list of gas equipment that you plan to install. The design engineer will make all the necessary measurements, agree with you on the location of gas appliances, and help in choosing equipment models.

You can buy gas equipment - a boiler, a stove, a meter - in specialized stores, after receiving a preliminary consultation from a specialist. Having received the project, it is possible to conclude a contract for the performance of construction and installation works. Construction and installation work is also entitled to be performed only by a specialized organization that has access to such work. The best option is to contact a specialized organization that performs the full range of gasification services and works and has all the necessary permits, for example, Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC in your city.

The timing of the project and construction and installation works vary depending on the number of applicants who want to gasify their home.

Contract for connection to gas supply networks

Upon completion of construction and commissioning of gas distribution networks in your locality, you need to conclude an agreement with a gas distribution organization for connection (technological connection) and an agreement for Maintenance and repair of domestic gas equipment.

Without these agreements, gas will not be launched. On the territory of the regions of the Russian Federation, one of the organizations that has the right to carry out maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment is Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC. According to the law, gas consumers themselves are responsible for the safe operation of VDGO, but it is our specialists who will continue to carry out maintenance and repair of your gas equipment.

When taking measures to launch gas, specialists from Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC will conduct a mandatory briefing on the rules for using gas in everyday life, which must be strictly observed, because your safety depends on it. To conclude a contract for the maintenance of the VDGO, a copy of the passport, documents on the ownership of the premises, technical documentation for the equipment (if any) should be provided.

It is also necessary to conclude a contract for the supply of gas. For example, in the Vologda Oblast the gas supplier is OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vologda, in Smolensk OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Smolensk, etc. The condition for launching gas is a package of previously agreed documents plus a contract for gas supply. The application for connection (technological connection) sent to the contractor by the applicant who previously received the technical conditions shall contain the following information: - Details of the applicant - Name and location of the connected object - Nature of gas consumption - Terms of design, construction and commissioning of the connected object.

If the applicant has not previously received technical conditions, the following information is additionally indicated in the application for connection: - legal grounds for owning a land plot; - maximum hourly gas consumption. The following documents are attached to the application for connection: - situational plan for the location of the land plot with reference to the territory of the settlement; - topographic map site, agreed by organizations operating network engineering in scale 1:500 (not included if the customer - individual carrying out the creation (reconstruction) of an object of individual housing construction); - a copy of the document confirming the ownership of the capital construction facility and (or) the land plot on which the applicant's capital construction facilities are (will be located); - calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption (not attached if the planned maximum hourly gas consumption is not more than 5 cubic meters).

To simplify the procedure for passing through all stages of gasification and reduce the time for performing work, you can contact the consumer relations department, where you will be provided with a range of services on the principle of "One stop shop". "Single Window" accepts the applicant's package of documents for execution, eliminating the need for applicants to go through the relevant services on their own. Here you can quickly receive the necessary consultations and information about the degree of readiness of your documents.

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Connecting gas to a private house, until recently, was a very expensive and painstaking task. Due to the fact that there were no clear prices, and this area was monopolized, the cost of services was set by the local government, and sometimes it reached 0.5 million rubles. After changing the laws on gasification, the installation time began to be about 1-1.5 years, and the price for individuals is 20-50 thousand rubles.

Benefits of connecting to gas

Gasification of private houses can be of several types: centralized, when gas comes from the central highway, and autonomous, in this case, gas is supplied from gas tanks. Central gasification can be of above-ground, underground and combined types. Undoubtedly, one of the most important advantages of gasification is financial savings, because heating in this way is almost 10 times cheaper than coal.

It is also possible to connect to the highway geyser and a stove, there are no unnecessary products of combustion. To bring gas into the house, you need to go through a number of stages. At first glance, it may seem that this process will take a lot of time and effort, but in reality everything is much simpler than it seems.

Gasification process

  1. First you have to choose the type of gas supply. To do this, you need to decide how many cubic meters of gas per hour you plan to spend. Basically, all private houses fall into the first group. The amount of product consumed in this case should not exceed 5 m³ per hour. This amount is enough to heat a house up to 200-250 m² and provide for a family of four.
  2. Next, you need to draw up a draft specification or technical specifications in the gas service of your city or village. To obtain TU, a certain list of documents is required, namely: an application for TU, a copy of the passport and documents on the right of ownership. And if the house is only in the project - then the right to land, a certificate of registration of the right to own property and a plan for the location of the house. At the same time, the house will be connected only if it is located no more than 200 meters from the main gas main. Your application must be considered within 1 month.
  3. After submitting all the necessary documentation to the gas service and drawing up the project, the technical connection is carried out. Gas service workers must lay a gas pipe from the main line to your site. The cost of this work ranges from 25-50 thousand. It all depends on the length of the pipe and the complexity of its implementation.
  4. The most expensive procedure is drawing up a gasification project for a house. There are two ways: either contact Gorgaz, then you will save money, but lose 6-8 months of your time and effort, or contact a private company, which, of course, will be much more expensive, but faster. To draw up a project, you need a list of appliances that consume gas and the rules for their operation, as well as the location of the appliances in the house in accordance with your room and the chimney.
  5. When all the paperwork has been completed, installation and construction work begins. As a contractor, it is advisable to take a person from the company that drew up the contract.
  6. The final stage is the connection of gas to the house. Gorgaz employees should come to you and check that all conditions are met. This will take 2-3 weeks. After that, a technical supervision receipt is issued, after which, together with all the documents, it is submitted again to Gorgaz. Management employees within 21 days must seal the gas meter, conclude a contract for its supply and conduct safety briefings. After all the procedures, you are connected to the gas.

If the central gas main is located more than 200 m from you, the connection will be difficult. If you want to carry your gas alone, then this is pointless, since the cost this project maybe several million. The only way out is to cooperate with other residents of your locality and write a statement. If the number of signatories is sufficient, then gas will be delivered to your city or village for free, and you will only have to follow the steps described above.

Average cost for 2017

The cost of connecting gas to your home will vary, depending on the location, but on average:

  1. Collection of primary documents (application costs from 8,000 to 50,000 rubles).
  2. Design work is estimated from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  3. The construction of a pipe from the central highway to your house and the distribution of pipes along it will cost from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles per meter.
  4. To embed your pipe into the main one, you will have to pay from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  5. The work of the inspection to check the readiness for operation will be from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

Please note that prices do not include incentive payments to Gorgaz.

Dependence of the price on the region

  1. In the Moscow region, the price range is large, it depends on the distance from Moscow and ranges from 400,000 to 700,000 rubles.
  2. IN Leningrad region it is easy to see that the situation is a little simpler, and it is quite possible to meet 300,000 rubles.
  3. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the cost of this service ranges from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  4. In the European part of Russia, the price drops sharply to 70,000 - 120,000 rubles.
  5. In the Asian part of the Russian Federation, the situation is worse, due to the remoteness from industrial centers and gas pipelines, equipment has to be transported from Asia-Pacific and Western countries (for example, to Novosibirsk region prices rise to 200,000 rubles).
  6. The situation is much worse in the Far East, since this is due to low security main gas pipelines, and at the same time low price for equipment. Even if you live near a gas pipeline, you will have to pay more than 200,000 rubles for the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of civilization. At the same time, the temperature regime in Siberia and the Far East is so diverse that the tariffs proposed for the central part of Russia are clearly not suitable.
  7. After analyzing prices in Russia, we can conclude that the provision of gas supply to a private house, on average, comes out from 70,000 to 400,000 rubles.


At the same time, there are many citizens in our country who are supported by the state, and they are provided with a large number of benefits, but they do not apply to gas pipelines. There are concessions only to pay for gas. The federal government left the right to choose local authorities to provide benefits to various categories of citizens.

In Rostov-on-Don, a subsidy is provided in the amount of less than 50%, not exceeding 20,000 rubles of the cost of gasification costs. It is available to the following categories of citizens:

  • large families;
  • rear workers;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War and widows of those killed in the Great Patriotic War;
  • disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups;
  • minor prisoners of fascism;
  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • citizens who were in besieged Leningrad

In turn, the Leningrad region provides for a regional benefit for gasification. 70,000 rubles are allocated from the city budget for the ordinary population, and 110,000 rubles for the groups of beneficiaries described above.

In each region, local authorities are given the right to decide for themselves on the provision of subsidies to different groups of citizens. To clarify this information, you should call the administration.