Essays are my scientific interests. Essay on the topic “Design and research work of schoolchildren. In my opinion

Essay on the topic "My scientific interests." I have been working in the profession of an educator for the sixth year. I came to this profession at a mature age. Before that, I was far from pedagogy and worked in different fields. I entered kindergarten first as a nanny. I tried myself in this profession, after working for some time, I decided to go further to master the profession of an educator. She entered the teacher training college. While working as a nanny in kindergarten, observing them, I saw that children rarely use the ball in their games. Remembering my childhood, I clearly remember that each of our games was accompanied by ball games. How much joy and fun the ball brought us, unaware of the positive effect the ball has on the physical and intellectual development of children. Therefore, after graduating from college, I chose the theme for my thesis, the project "My cheerful ringing ball". After all, the ball is a unique toy. The famous German teacher F. Frobel, noting the versatile effect of the ball on the psychophysical development of the child, emphasizes its role in the development of coordination of hand movements. He believed that everything that a child needs for diversified development will be given to him by a ball. I decided not to dwell on this and move on to a higher educational institution. Four years of study at the university passed quickly. It was incredibly interesting to study. I didn't have to think long about the topic of my thesis and decided to continue the ball theme in my research work. In choosing a topic, my scientific advisor Yuri Ivanovich Rodin helped me. The topic of my thesis was "Psychomotor development of children 4-5 years old in games and exercise with a ball." The importance of studying the psychomotor development of young preschool children is determined, first of all, by the exceptional importance of psychomotor function in the development of higher nervous activity and mental functions of a child. Retardation in psychomotor development in early ontogenesis can have an adverse effect on the general mental development of the child (I.M.Sechenova, I.P. Pavlova, A.A. Ukhtomsky, V.M.Bekhterev, M.M.Koltsova, etc. ). The problem of psychomotor development in children of early preschool age can hardly be characterized as studied. The influence of games and game exercises with a ball on the development of the psychomotor function has not been sufficiently studied. According to a number of researchers, the motor function by its nature is a mental function. Even the simplest movement contains components of the psyche: cognitive, sensory, emotional. A pedagogical experiment was carried out. A distinctive feature of the experiment was the use by us, as a means of psychomotor development, of exemplary games and playing exercises with a ball, which were classified into certain groups. Ball games were held daily in the classroom. The results of the experiment indicate that the introduction of games and game exercises with a ball into the process of physical education stimulated the development of psychomotor function in children. In the section of physical education, using the example of a simple ball, one can trace the development of a child, both physical and intellectual. Why do I want to study for a master's degree? When working with preschool children, it is important not to miss the moment ... .. The psychomotor development of a child is the basic level of his further mental development - cognitive, emotional, social, which in turn determines successful schooling. Therefore, I would like to continue to develop the topic in this direction. I would like to gain new knowledge, with the help of which one can realize oneself in a particular activity. For me, a person who consciously chose pedagogy, the direction in life is unlikely to ever end the process of education. With this I am embarking on the path of education in the magistracy.

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Savchenko Margarita
Essay "preschooler"

Chinese proverb says: "Tell me - and I will forget, show - and I will remember, let me try - and I will understand." Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is what it is based on!

Little kids are explorers by nature. They want to experience everything for themselves, to be surprised at the unknown. They develop curiosity - desire to know regularities of the surrounding world.

Cognitive child development is one of the important areas in working with children preschool age... Any child is born with a congenital cognitive focus helping him to adapt to the new conditions of his life activity... Gradually cognitive focus develops into cognitive activity - a state of internal readiness for cognitive and research activities, manifested in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions of the world around them.

Research objectives activities and experimentation is specific to each age. In junior preschool age is: the entry of children into a problematic game situation (the leading role of the teacher); activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with a teacher); formation of the initial prerequisites for the search engine activities(practical experiences).

In accordance with FGOS DO, cognitive research is the main type activities in kindergarten, along with play, communication, music, movement, visual.

Observing the children of my group, I found out that the kids have a systemic cognitive activity through all kinds activities... This is especially true at the present stage, since it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind and forms, on their basis, stable cognitive interests through research activity.

For the younger preschooler characterized by an increased interest in everything that is happening around. Every day my pupils learn more and more new items. In order for the experiment games to be successfully carried out in a group, I tried to create an appropriate subject-spatial developmental environment (corner of experimentation)... Filled his: shells, pebbles, chalk, sand, various containers, funnels, plastic jars, sponges, etc. dr.

In the process of playing, children learn that water has no taste, no smell, that heavy objects (pebbles) drowning in water, and the lungs (foam rubber, corks, feathers) not.

With great interest, children observe that water can be "Paint", they happily dyed the water in different colors.

From a fairytale "About a small droplet" the children learned that when it is very cold, the water can turn into ice, and the sun will help it to return back. I try to bring the understanding of children to the fact that plants, birds, fish and humans cannot live without water. To do this, we look at paintings with children, take care of plants.

Research activity, I try to include in different types activities: to the game, to the lesson, walk. In the process of working, playing with children, I try to create problem situations that allow the child to draw some independent conclusions.

In process knowledge all senses are turned on. The kid listens, looks, tastes, catches smells, revealing a variety of signs of objects. Through experimentation, it is easier for a child to understand and establish connections, patterns in the world around him.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the experimental research activity is very important and necessary for children, and we must do our best to promote this and help them learn more interesting things.

The more diverse and intense the search engine activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops. N.N. Poddyakov

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Essay on the topic of

"My scientific interests"

My name is Elena Nikolaevna Kiseleva. For more than 25 years I have been working as an early age educator in a kindergarten in Moscow. All parents want to see their children happy. The foundation of happiness is health. It is necessary to strengthen it daily, starting from early childhood. Only correct physical education will guarantee that the child will grow up to be a healthy and strong person. It is important to form a healthy lifestyle in a person from childhood. Before starting to write an essay, I thought about what the word "health" means to me personally?

For me, health is a state of physical, social and psychological harmony of a person, friendly relations with people, nature and oneself. Working with children of preschool age, I understand how important it is not to miss a moment in the complex process of upbringing and to lay the foundations of not only physical, but moral and spiritual growth of a future personality, a citizen of his country.

In preschool age, along with the formation of the child's mental qualities, the formation of his motor skills takes place, which become the foundation of all subsequent life. Therefore, the topic of my research was "The development of coordination abilities of children 4-5 years old through climbing." Why is this topic interesting to me? According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of RAO, it turns out that -80-90% of preschool children have some kind of deviations in physical health. Therefore, now, as never before, the task of fostering interest in movement, increasing the natural motor activity of children is urgent. The relevance of the topic of our research is due, firstly, the need for purposeful development in children of primary preschool age the ability to optimally regulate and control movements, currently known under the term "coordination abilities", and secondly, the fact that preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of coordination movements. (N.A. Bernshtein, V.I. Lyakh, E.N. Vavilova, T.I. Osokina);

thirdly, by the fact that the issues of the development of coordination of movements in preschool age represent a significant difficulty for educators of preschool educational institutions due to the insufficient methodological elaboration of the problem.Scientists believe that training sessions should include the most diverse movements in order to ensure the best possible development of coordination abilities. However, it should be remembered that this must be a correctly and strictly organized pedagogical process, in which physical exercises would be performed with a certain load and dosage according to the age of the children. We conducted an experiment in which we studied the possibility of developing coordination of movements of the arms and legs of children 4-5 years old. Two groups were created (experimental and control), and the level of coordination development of children was determined according to the developed control tests. After that, for six months, the children of the experimental groups learned exercises specifically aimed at improving coordination development. Physical education classes were held according to the program "Kindergarten 2100", and it took about three to four minutes to complete two or three special exercises in the introductory part of each lesson.As a means of developing the coordination abilities of preschool children, we used exercises in crawling and climbing on the floor, limited surface; climbing on a gymnastic bench, a ribbed inclined board; crawling, crawling under objects (arc, rope, etc.) During outdoor activities, we used aids of different designs and heights.The exercises chosen as tests were not learned during the experiment.

After the end of the experiment, we conducted a control experiment, which consisted of the same tests as the first time. It turned out that the cycle of training with specially directed exercises is very effective. The level of development of coordination of movements in the children of the experimental group increased significantly: the children easily and quickly mastered the control tests, significantly ahead of the children from the control group who did not learn special exercises.On the basis of these data, we came to the conclusion that children who were engaged in special exercises and excelled in the development of coordination abilities of children from the control group, for a long time after the end of special classes remain "coordination" more developed. In the course of the study, exemplary climbing exercises were developed to develop coordination of movements and outdoor games using various climbing methods.

In the process of training, children develop vital motor skills and abilities, form correct posture, acquire special knowledge, and develop moral and volitional qualities. They teach to observe the rules of aesthetic behavior, form concepts of the beauty of the body, bring up taste, musicality. The data on the condition of preschoolers is alarming. 50% of children need psychocorrection, are in a state of serious psychological distress, which is the cause of many diseases. The personality-oriented model of education includes such a criterion of mental health as a sense of the joy of existence. We try to turn every day of a child's stay in kindergarten into a day of joyful living together.And this is a joint work of all kindergarten employees, parents and narrow specialists. The profession of an educator is fraught with a huge storehouse of broad knowledge and skills and, having chosen it, I become responsible for the health of children, their physical, mental, moral and social development. I would like to continue my research in the physical development of children. They say that a teacher learns all his life. Yes, difficulties do not scare me, because I understand perfectly well that in order to do what I love, good knowledge is needed. Even though I am not young anymore, but I am 52 years old, but I am full of strength and energy to continue my studies in the magistracy. A person can improve all his life and, as L, N, Tolstoy said, self-development and self-improvement of a person ends only with his death.

To the question Help !! I need to write an essay "The area of ​​my scientific interests." What area or science should I choose? given by the author Masha the best answer is ... write that you are interested in the moral and ethical aspects of euthanasia ... everyone will instantly crawl away
... Thanatology ...

Answer from Agatakristi[guru]
Yes, write the truth: "I have no scientific interests."

Answer from Vlad ilchuk[newbie]

Answer from Ђanya[active]
Write about psychology, that it is important for politicians, social educators, teachers, entrepreneurs

Answer from Ilya Nikolaev[guru]
The philosophers of the Miletus school stood at the origins of Greek science: astronomy, biology, geography, meteorology, physics and (possibly) mathematics. The ideas of cosmogony, cosmology, theology and physics, which were previously widespread in mythology and tradition in an abstract-symbolic form, were transferred to the plane of scientific interest by the Milesians. They introduced the first scientific terminology, for the first time they began to write their works in prose.
Proceeding from the principle of preservation: “something does not arise from anything”, the Milesians assumed a single eternal, infinite, “divine” origin of the visible variety of things, the source of life and existence of the cosmos. Thus, in the basis of the diversity of phenomena, they saw a kind of single rule of law; for Thales it is water, for Anaximander it is apeiron (indefinite and limitless primordial substance), for Anaximenes it is air. (The "water" of Thales and the "air" of Anaximenes should, of course, be understood conditionally allegorically, as a symbol of the complex of abstract properties of such primordial substance.)
The Milesian school viewed the world as a living whole; did not make a fundamental distinction between the living and the dead, mental and physical; recognized for inanimate objects only a lesser degree of animality (life). Animation itself (“soul”) was viewed as a “subtle” and mobile type of primordial substance.
It is believed that the Milesian philosophers were not materialists in the modern sense of the word. "The distinction between matter and spirit in those days was not yet established, and until this is done, one cannot speak of materialists in the same sense in which we speak of them now." As F. H. Cassidy writes, the first Greek philosophers "knew neither a purely material principle, nor a purely ideal essence."
With the loss of Miletus (beginning of the 5th century BC) of political independence, taken away by the Achaemenid Persians, the flourishing period of Miletus' life ceases and the development of philosophy here stops. However, in other cities of Greece, the teachings of the Milesians not only continued to work, but found followers. Such were Hippon of Samos, who adjoined the teachings of Thales, as well as the famous Diogenes of Apollonia, who followed Anaximenes out of thin air. The Milesian school had a great influence on the development of materialistic thought in Ancient Greece ...

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All my life on a tip, I have not learned anything.

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Fellowship sciences are the most promising area.

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Write what is

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"Life Beyond Earth (Extraterrestrial Life)"

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Interested in ecology and pollution issues. or languages ​​and problems of translation and intercultural communication

Essay on the topic "My scientific interests."
I have been working in the profession of an educator for the sixth year.
I came to this profession at a mature age. Before that, I was far from pedagogy and worked in different fields.
I entered kindergarten first as a nanny. I tried myself in this profession, after working for some time, I decided to go further to master the profession of an educator. I entered the teacher training college.
While working as a nanny in kindergarten, observing them, I saw that children rarely use the ball in their games. Remembering my childhood, I clearly remember that each of our games was accompanied by ball games. How much joy and fun the ball brought us, not knowing what a positive effect the ball has on the physical and intellectual development of children. Therefore, after graduating from college, I chose the theme for my thesis project "My cheerful ringing ball".
After all, the ball is a unique toy.
The famous German teacher F. Frobel, noting the versatile effect of the ball on the psychophysical development of the child, emphasizes its role in the development of coordination of hand movements. He believed that everything that a child needs for diversified development will be given to him by a ball.
I decided not to dwell on this and move on to a higher educational institution. Four years of study at the university passed quickly. It was incredibly interesting to study. I didn't have to think about the topic of my thesis for a long time and decided to continue the ball theme in my research work. In choosing a topic, my scientific advisor Yuri Ivanovich Rodin helped me. The topic of my thesis was "Psychomotor development of children 4-5 years old in games and exercise with a ball."
The importance of studying the psychomotor development of young preschool children is determined, first of all, by the exceptional importance of psychomotor function in the development of higher nervous activity and mental functions of a child. The retardation in psychomotor development in early ontogenesis can have an adverse effect on the general mental development of the child (I.M.Sechenova, I.P. Pavlova, A.A. Ukhtomsky, V.M.Bekhterev, M.M.Koltsova, etc. ). The problem of psychomotor development in children of early preschool age can hardly be characterized as studied. The influence of games and game exercises with a ball on the development of the psychomotor function has not been sufficiently studied. PAccording to a number of researchers, the motor function by its nature is a mental function. Even the simplest movement contains components of the psyche: cognitive, sensory, emotional. A pedagogical experiment was carried out. A distinctive feature of the experiment was the use by us, as funds psychomotor development exemplary gamesand playing exercises with a ball,which were classifiedto certain groups. Ball games were held daily in the classroom. The results of the experiment indicate that the introduction of games and game exercises with a ball into the process of physical education stimulated the development of psychomotor function in children.
In the section of physical education, using the example of a simple ball, one can trace the development of a child, both physical and intellectual.
Why do I want to study in a master's degree?
When working with children of preschool age, it is important not to miss the moment ... .. The psychomotor development of a child is the basic level of his further mental development - cognitive, emotional, social, which in turn determines successful schooling. Therefore, I would like to continue to develop the topic in this direction. I would like to get new knowledge, with the help of which you can realize yourself in a particular activity.
For me, a person who consciously chose pedagogy, the process of education is unlikely to ever end as a direction in my life.
With this, I am embarking on the path of education in the magistracy.