Technical conditions for connecting to water supply networks. Technical conditions for connecting to engineering networks

Specifications for water supply are considered in detail, samples of letters on different types Connections to water supply (external and internal). All the necessary documents associated with writing are written.

No compulsory execution of technical documentation for drainage networks, water supply and obtaining technical conditions for water supply during the reconstruction and construction of new facilities.

The MOSVODOKANAL MGUDOVOBANAL is connected to the network of sewage and water supply system in accordance with the Decree No. 83 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2006, which refers to the approval of the rules of submission and determining the conditions for connecting the capital construction object to the network of general engineering and technical support. Thus, in accordance with this resolution, those. The conditions for joining the sewage and water supply network can be issued to the right holder of the land plot (customer) or the authority of self-government.

Connection to outdoor water supply network

Below are the technical conditions for water supply, a sample letter for connecting the population from the outdoor network.

  1. The agreed decision of the Executive Committee, which reports to the allocation of the land plot under the object, the state act (if there is one) on the Earth itself;

  2. The master plan (urban substantiation) is either the documentation for the removal of the land plot agreed with the city vocabular. Documentation should be presented on topographic survey with the specified boundaries of the designated territory and the explication of all structures and buildings in M \u200b\u200b1: 500 format. Documentation should have a certified signature and printing of the project organization in two copies;
  3. (See also: )
  4. For cafes, pavilions and other objects of small architectural forms, it is required to provide a passport from the KP "Management of the General Plan of the City". It is also necessary to provide the protocol of the Technical Council of Heads of UGA with its coordination;

  5. Topographic shooting in M \u200b\u200b1: 5000 format, on which the boundaries of the territory in two copies are indicated;

  6. Survey sheet, technical conditions for water supply and a complete calculation and water supply and water supply, certified by the signature of the design institute and the signature of the Customer;

  7. Act of the selection of the land plot under the projected object;

  8. Technical passport on the structure with an indication of the territory of the territory (if available);

  9. Purchase and sale agreement (lease agreement), if any;

  10. If the connection is carried out from the departmental network, and not from the network of urban water can be required to provide permission in writing from the network owner, which shows the diameters of the pipes and the connection point in M \u200b\u200b1: 5000 format or in the working project documentation;
  11. (See also: )
  12. In the case when the extramage is provided, it is required to provide permission in writing from the GSES on its device;

  13. Enterprises with production and workshops are required to provide the composition of wastewater and their concentration that will be discharged into urban sewers;

Connecting to the internal network of water supply

Additionally, you need to attach the letter:

  1. A copy of M 1: 5000 format, which indicates the placement of an object in two copies;

  2. Shot in M \u200b\u200b1: 5000 format, which indicates the placement of an object in two copies. Shooting need to take in urban architecture;

  3. If planned K. residential house Fucked additional input or an extension, then it is required to provide the master plan, which is developed by the design institution for the arrangement of entry and improvement near the adjacent territory. It must be performed on shooting in M \u200b\u200b1: 5000 format. There should be a signature of the project organization;

  4. If there is a redevelopment or there is a project made after redevelopment, then the BTI requires those. Passport of the room;

  5. Written permission from Jeep (Zheo district) to connect from the domestic sewage and water supply network;

  6. Survey sheet, obtaining technical specifications for water supply, full calculation on water supply and sewage;

  7. The signature of the design organization and the signature of the Customer is required;

  8. Purchase and sale agreement (lease agreement);

  9. Certificate of IP or private entrepreneur on state registration;

  10. Certificate of full payment of a single tax or certificate of payments to VAT.

What should contain a request to the owner of the site

Request the right holder of the site (either the authority of self-government) on the provision of information (or technical conditions) on the payment of the connection of the capital construction object to engineering and technical networks must contain:

  • mailing address, location and name of the person who sent a request;

  • for the right holder of the land plot requires guidelines;

  • copies of the necessary constituent documents, notarized;

  • documents confirming the powers of the person who signed this request;

  • data on the border of the land plot on which the construction of the structure will be carried out, or on which the object is located for reconstruction;

  • data on the use of the use of the land plot;

  • data on the parameters of the permitted reconstruction or permitted construction, which correspond to this section of the Earth;

  • required types of resources that need to be obtained from a network of general engineering and technical support;

  • the planned date of commissioning of the construction facilitation (if the relevant information is available);

  • the planned value of the required plug-in (if the corresponding information is available).

The use of materials is allowed only if there is an indexed reference to the material page.

Any modern suburban cottage for comfortable stay requires equipping engineering communications: water supply, sewage, heating system, etc.

To connect the water supply, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications for water supply.

Connection procedure for water supply and drainage network

To obtain technical specifications for connecting the facility to engineering networks, the following documents are required:

  • copies of constituent documents that are notarized, as well as documents confirming the powers of the one who has signed a statement;
  • documents that confirm the right to land plot (for the owner land plot);
  • information that determines the boundaries of the land plot, where the construction of the object will be built, or where the reconstruction object is located;
  • allowing documents for the use of the land plot (the coupling should be attached, which is made from the city plan);
  • the list of necessary types of resources received from engineering and technical networks;
  • information on the balance sheet of water consumption and drainage, an object that connects to the list of water use species, including when steaming fire.

Obtaining technical specifications for water supply is necessary to issue a city planning plan.

For the preparation of technical conditions goes around fourteen working days. Points for obtaining technical conditions for water supply must be coordinated with water voltage at the location of the object.

Technical conditions contain the following information:

  • maximum load at the points of a possible connection;
  • the time when an object to engineering and technical networks is connected, which depends on the timing of investment programs.
  • the duration of technical conditions, but at least two years from the date when they are issued. After the expiration of the deadline, the technical conditions issued may change.

When designing is not based on the technical conditions.

When specifications are obtained, a request is submitted to obtain the conditions for connecting and entering into an agreement on connecting to networks of water supply and drainage.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  • copies of constituent documents that are notarized, as well as documents confirming the powers of who signed a statement (if they were not previously submitted to the Connection Division to the Water Supply and Water Resolutions Division);
  • documents that confirm the right to land plot (if not previously presented to the technical department);
  • the situational plan, which shows the location of the facility of the caption with reference to the territory of the village;
  • in the topographic map of the land plot, all ground and underground communications and structures are indicated. It must be consistent with organizations that exploit these objects;
  • information on the balance sheet of water consumption and water disposal of the object, which will be connected to the list of water use species, including when extinguishing;
  • information on the composition of wastewater, which will be discharged into the sewer system;
  • copy of technical conditions.

Regulations on the order

connecting (reconstructed) Capital construction facilities to urban water supply and sewage networks

I.. General provisions

1.1. This connection order is valid for all enterprises, organizations, individuals (hereinafter subscribers) Regardless of departmental affiliation and organizational and legal form, including partnerships and associations of the private housing sector, contacting the LLC "Universal" to join the system of municipal water supply and sewerage. The procedure for connecting under construction (reconstructed) of capital construction facilities to urban systems water supply and sewage regulates relationships between subscribers (Subabonents) and the guaranteeing organization - LLC "RSO" UNIVERSAL ".

1.2. Connecting capital construction objects, including plumbing and (or) sewage networks, to centralized cold water supply systems and (or) drainage (hereinafter also - connection) is carried out on the basis of an application in the manner prescribed by the legislation on urban planning activities to connect capital construction facilities to Installations of engineering and technical support, taking into account the features stipulated by the regulatory documents and the rules for the technical operation of systems and facilities of municipal water supply and sewage.

1.3. This procedure is designed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of December 7, 2011 No. 416-FZ "On Water Supply and Water Control";
  • Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation with meas. dated December 31, 2002 No. 206 - FZ, No. 210 - FZ;
  • Land Code of the Russian Federation with change dated December 31, 2005 No. 206-FZ, No. 210-FZ;
  • "Rules for the use of municipal water supply and sewage systems in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.02.99 No. 167;
  • "Rules for the provision of utilities to citizens", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 No. 83 "On approval of the rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting the object of capital construction to networks of engineering and technical support and rules for connecting the object of capital construction to engineering and technical support networks";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/09/2007 No. 360 "On approval of the rules for the conclusion and execution of public contracts for connecting to the system of communal infrastructure";
  • Decree of the Government of MO of 28.08.2001 No. 271/28 "On the participation of investors-developers in the construction and reconstruction of engineering networks ...";
  • SNiP 3.05.04-85. External networks and water supply and sewage facilities.
  • SP 40-102-2000. Set of rules. Design and installation of pipelines of water supply and sewage systems from polymeric materials.
  • SNiP 11-01-95 "Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures".

II.. Preparation of documents

2.1. To join the new subscribers to urban water supply and sewage networks, it is necessary to obtain technical conditions for the connection, for which the following documents are submitted to LLC "RSO" of the Universer ":

  • request for local self-government or copyright holder of the land plot (Customer) on providing technical conditions for connecting an object in accordance with paragraph 8 of "Rules for the Definition and Provision of Technical Conditions" of February 13, 2006 No. 83;
  • guide documents for land;
  • constituent documents, information on the timing of construction (reconstruction) and commissioning of the facility under construction (reconstructed) object;
  • topographic shooting of a plot on a 1: 500 scale with all existing ground and underground communications and structures;
  • the planned magnitude of the plug-in load is the calculation of the balance of water consumption and drainage of the object performed by the project organization (for individuals, the standard is set in the amount of 1.0 m 3 / day).

2.2. The applicant submitted a set of documents is checked in the manufacturing department, registered in the reception area "RSO" Universal "in incoming documents and is transferred to the director.

2.3. If the customer is connected, the developer to plumbing and sewer networks belonging to other organizations, the subscriber is obliged to obtain technical conditions for the highlighting of the capacity in LLC "UNIVERSAL", subject to technical conditions for connecting communications to engineering networks.

III. The procedure for issuing technical conditions and the contract for connecting

3.1. LLC "RSU" UNIVERSAL ", taking into account the documents submitted by the customer, the developer, for 14 working days it prepares preliminary technical conditions(For legal entities, in the case of integrated development of the territories) with a list of technical measures necessary for connecting to networks of engineering and technical support and directs them to be considered.

3.2. Preliminary specifications include:

  • connection points (the connection point is mounted on the border of the land plot on which the object of capital construction is located);
  • the size of the resource consumed by the overhaul object, which is obliged to provide a guaranteeing organization at the connection points;
  • fee for connecting either a list of technical measures necessary to ensure the required load and increase the capacity (bandwidth) centralized system Cold water supply and (or) drainage and modernization of existing objects of a centralized cold water supply system and (or) drainage.

3.3. In the absence of a technical capabilities to connect to a centralized cold water supply system and (or), the drainage system due to the lack of free power required for the implementation of cold water supply and (or) water disposal at the time of the applicant's appeal, but if there is an investment program in accordance with the established manner, The possibility of connecting, LLC "RSO" Universal "concludes a connection agreement, the deadline for connecting such an object is established taking into account the planned time limits of the relevant activities of the investment program.

3.4. In the absence of a technical capabilities of the connection due to the lack of free power required for the implementation of cold water supply and (or) drainage, and in the absence of events in the investment program that ensure the technical ability to connect, LLC "RSO" Universal "within 30 days from the date of receipt of the applicant's appeal informs Its about this (notice) and addresses the administration of Dolinsk with a proposal to include in the investment program of activities that ensure the technical ability to connect the applicant's capital construction object, and on the accounting of the costs associated with the connection in the establishment of tariffs for this organization at the next period of regulation.

In accordance with the decision Russian Federation Of February 13, 2006 No. 83 - the technical conditions for joining the networks of water supply and sewage can be issued only to the customer (right holder of the land plot), or local government. Upon the expiration of the deadline, 1 copy of technical conditions and 1 copy of the decorated connection Treaty The centralized water supply and drainage system, which is registered in outgoing documents. The second copy of the technical specifications with a mark of the presentation remains in the archive of the production department. The second copy of the contract is transferred to the accounting department. In the case of sending by mail, the documents are sent to the customer by registered letter with a notice of award in the time limits established by the legislation.

3.5. Specifications must contain the following data:

  • maximum load at possible points of connection;
  • the term of connecting the object of capital construction to engineering and technical support networks, as determined, among other things, depending on the periods of the implementation of investment programs;
  • the validity period of technical conditions, but not less than 2 years from the date of their issuance. After this period, the parameters of the issued technical conditions may be changed;
  • list of technical measures necessary to ensure the stated load.

3.6. Information about the connection for connecting the capital construction object to engineering and technical support networks must contain:

· Tariff data on the connection approved at the time of issuing technical conditions in the procedure established by the legislation;

· The deadline for the expiration date of the specified tariff (if the period of action of this tariff expires earlier than the expiration of the validity period of technical conditions);

3.7. Contracts on connecting to centralized water supply systems, contracts for connecting to centralized drainage systems are concluded in accordance with a model agreement on connecting to a centralized water supply system, a typical agreement on connecting to a centralized sanitation system, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

IV. Preparation of the construction facility to technological connection

4.1. The fulfillment of technical conditions for the preparation of the water supply and sewage system to connect the reconstructed or new construction object is carried out under the terms of the contract for connecting to a centralized water supply system and drainage the object of capital construction in accordance with water consumption and approved tariffs for connection. Control over the cost of the cost of modernizing the existing object of the centralized cold water supply and drainage system is carried out by the administration of Dolinsk.

4.2. Based on the technical conditions issued, the subscriber must perform a project of water and sewage networks within the boundaries of the land plot on which the object of capital construction is located. The project is carried out by the organization that has a certificate of SRO "Association of Designer Engineers" in the manner prescribed by SNIP 11-01-95 and is agreed with the LLC "Universal" and other interested services.

4.3. Construction of water supply and sewage networks for comprehensive building(Objects included in the promotional development in the General Plan of the city of Dolinsk) must be carried out by the LLC "UNIVERSAL" on approved projects with registration in the city administration or organization of the order for work and challenge to the place of representatives of all interested services in a separate agreement.

4.4. Engineering networks and structures necessary to ensure the integrated development of the resource of water supply and drainage created at the expense of the right holder of the land plot are transferred to municipal property.

4.5. Based on the executive documentation provided by the developer, the Subscriber Department LLC "Universal" issues an act of distinction balance accessory and operational responsibility of the parties.

4.6. At the request of the developer, the Subscriber Department LLC "RSU" UNIVERSAL "carries out the acceptance of water meters to commercial accounting.

4.7. After the implementation of the above events, the subscriber department of LLC "RSU" Universal "on appeal (application) of the Customer issues treaty on vacation drinking water and taking stocks permanently.

V.. Technological connection of the facility

5.1. The direct technological connection of the capital construction facility to urban water and sewage networks is carried out in accordance with clause 4 of Resolution No. 83, which includes the following:

  • submission by the Customer Application Application;
  • conclusion of a connection agreement;
  • execution by the Customer Connection Conditions;
  • checking LLC "RSO" Universal "fulfillment by the Customer Connection Conditions and Registration Act on Accession;
  • accession by the customer of the facility to engineering and technical support networks and the signing of the acts of work performed on accession;
  • performing resource application conditions.

5.2. Connecting to plumbing and sewer networks, flushing system, water analysis is carried out by the relevant services of LLC RSO Universal on the basis of individual contracts.

5.3. Connecting to plumbing and sewage networks that are in the economic management of other organizations carry out a balance holder of networks in the presence of representatives of LLC "RSU" Universal "with the mandatory compilation of an act of accession.

Attention! Any unauthorized accession to the current water supply and sewage systems (including attachment to watershed columns, fire hydrants and house entry and release) is prohibited. Persons who fulfilled unauthorized connection are responsible, in the manner prescribed by Art. 7.20 Administrative Code. Unauthorized devices and facilities are subject to disconnection.

Technical conditions The connection of engineering communications is the technical and economic characteristics of the connecting objects of objects to existing engineering communications issued with the new load from the erected structure.

In most cases, the owner of the networks or the operating organization provides only a connection point to engineering systems, the technical regulation of the connection and the maximum load that the network can provide at this point. Laying engineering communications from this point to the facility under construction is a matter of an investor or developer.

The pre-project stage provides the technical conditions necessary for the preliminary calculation of the cost of connecting the object to engineering communications (conclusion on engineering) for the technical and economic justification of the project.

At the stage "P" or "RD", the technical conditions are issued for design for a period of up to three years.

Obtaining preliminary technical conditions (TU)

In order to obtain preliminary technical conditions for joining engineering communications, it is concluded on the engineering support of the construction facility (power supply, heat supply, water supply, sewage, gas).

Coordination and obtaining technical conditions for connecting an object to urban engineering networks

Coordination and issuance of the technical conditions necessary to connect an object to electrical, heat, gas, water supply systems and drainage, is carried out by the organization for the operation of the engineering and technical support networks.

The ready-made specifications contain data on the maximum load at possible points of connection, the timing of the object connection to the networks of engineering and technical support and the timing of the technical specifications themselves.