Specifications for the connection of electricity. How to connect electricity to a private house - procedure

Finally, after the expiration of the specified period, you nevertheless received the contract and Technical conditions for the technological connection. But it's still too early to rejoice. Before signing such an agreement, you need to carefully study everything, and what if there is some kind of catch.
The first thing to consider is whether the Specification requires something redundant from the applicant. In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 681 dated December 27, 2004, the applicant and the grid organization have an obligation to carry out measures related to technological connection within the limits of their obligations. For example, if your site is located from the nearest connection point at a distance exceeding 500 m in a rural local area (or 300 m in an urban area), then outside your site all connection activities must be carried out by the network organization, and within no more than six months. The requirement to prepare a project for electricity supply for connection is also considered redundant. individuals up to 15 kW.

According to the Rules for the technological connection of electricity consumers (which was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 of December 27, 2004), clause 18, technological connection measures include:

Development by the applicant of project documents relating only to his land plot, in accordance with the obligations that are provided for in the TS (excluding those cases where, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning, such documents are not required).

According to Art. 48, p. 3, Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation:
- it is not necessary to develop project documentation if construction, reconstruction is carried out, overhaul separate residential buildings (no more than three floors high and in which one family lives). Preparation of project documentation can be prepared only at the initiative of the developer.
If the project is absent in cases not specified above, then this fact may entail the impossibility not only of technological connection to the power grid, but also of obtaining permits for construction.
So you still received a signed contract and technical conditions for technological connection. What to do now?
It is necessary to follow all the points of the technical conditions, i.e. fulfill both the requirements for the applicant and, if any, the general requirements.
Technical measures: an accounting node is installed at the border of ownership (on a pole of a 0.4 kV overhead line or on an external wall of the house), wires are mounted from the accounting node to the site limits (plus a margin, so that later you can connect to an existing power line, or to the one what will be built). If there is a built house on the site, then you need to install internal networks (not all of them, but only to the metering machine, so that you can seal it, and then freely conduct electricity throughout the house).

How difficult is it to connect private house to the mains? To perform this procedure correctly, you need to know the order of the steps to be taken. In most cases, a standard scheme is applicable, the features of which can be found on the websites of companies responsible for supplying electricity to the population.


Below will be general order actions, which may vary slightly depending on specific conditions - the location of the power grid relative to the house, the required rated power, etc.

First you need to get the Technical Conditions from the Management Company. They will prescribe specific actions for the arrangement of in-house electrical networks. This is the first step in the electrification of a private house. You can learn more about the conditions and rules on the website of the Federal Grid Company (FGC), by selecting the address of the nearest branch of the structure.

To obtain technical specifications in accordance with Decree No. 861 of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide the following package of documents:

  • Statement. It must be in a specific format. It can be obtained directly from the FGC branch or downloaded from the company's website.
  • Confirming package of documents stating that the applicant is the owner of the house. An alternative option is to provide a power of attorney to a third party who will be involved in the subsequent execution.
  • Documents from the BTI with an exact plan of the site and the house.
  • Preliminary layout of power consumption points (including). It is important to indicate not only intra-house, but also external. The scheme must be drawn up in accordance with the regulations.

After that, the collected package of documents is provided to the Criminal Code. If the arrangement of the house and the site has not yet been completed, the deadlines for the completion of all work must be indicated. The processing time for an application can be up to a month. If this event is done independently, there is a high probability of making mistakes in the documents. Therefore, it is recommended to be prepared for a longer time to receive the Technical Specifications.

Design part


It is best to first familiarize yourself with the examples of the completed application and the technical specifications for getting to the power grid at home with similar parameters. This information can be obtained from the representative office of the Criminal Code.

When drawing up an estimate for the performance of work, it must be borne in mind that all activities on the site must be carried out by the owner of the house. Everything that is outside this territory is the responsibility of the Criminal Code. The exception is those cases when the nearest power line with the required parameters is located at a distance of more than 0.5 km from the boundaries of the site.

The cost of work on the part of the UK is:

  • Distance less than 0.5 km - 550 rubles. All activities for the supply of the network should be taken over by the management company. Any additional invoices for payment are illegal.
  • More than 0.5 km - tariffs are determined locally. In this case, the cost of summing up is affected by the characteristics of the terrain and the complexity of the work.

However, this tariff scale can be applied if the estimated total power of electrical appliances does not exceed 15 kW at a voltage of 220 V. If the conditions of the technical specifications do not have special points, all measures to ensure them can be performed independently.

The exception is the supply of the 380 V line. For it, you need to make an individual ground loop and provide the technical specifications with the results of its verification. If this cannot be done on your own, it is recommended to contact specialized companies.


After completing all the points of the technical specifications, you can notify the representatives of the management company about the readiness of the object (site and house) for connection. In practice, the snag may be on the part of the Criminal Code - the time for the implementation of all activities on its part is limited to 6 months. Not always the work will be done within this period. In this case, the owner can sue for violation of the terms of the contract.

If the conditions have been met on both sides, you can plan to connect the house to the mains. To do this, representatives of the Criminal Code must check the implementation of the technical specifications and draw up an appropriate act. This document is submitted by the owner of the site to the department technical connection(OTP) UK. Then a contract is drawn up for servicing this point and the connection is made.

The land owner must have the following documents:

  • Permission to connect the site to the power line;
  • Full package of project documentation;
  • Certificate of admission;
  • Separation of liability of the parties;
  • Contract for the supply of electricity;
  • Subscriber book.

Direct connection is possible only if all the above documents are available.

What should be taken into account when carrying out these activities? The owner of the site depends on the fulfillment of the conditions of technical specifications and the provision of truthful information about the rated power of electricity consumption. If the last indicator differs from the actual one, you will have to perform the whole procedure from the beginning.

Sometimes building a house (or a house) is much easier than understanding an obscure abbreviation (the so-called several capital letters denoting something serious). Different AR, GP, OV, EN and TU will certainly not add to the mood. But to be honest, everything is not so bad, especially when we are only interested in TR - specifications. Because this is the name of the document in which the necessary requirements are written out (for energy supply at home, for example). Well, let's get TU?

Where can I get technical specifications for electricity?

So, if you are going to build a house, and not an office, a hotel or something else, commercially grandiose, you can be sure - you need to take the Specifications. Do you want to connect electricity to the house? Or are they going to live by candlelight, warm themselves by the fire, and cook a meal on a fire? If these medieval jokes (sorry, living conditions) are not the limit of your dreams, you will have to go for TU.

Where? Do you know where the main office of a supplier of last resort (SP) is located in your area. It is he, this SE, (well, for example, LLC Mosenergosbyt or Tatarenergosbyt) who will take and make the very specifications that you need, like light in your own home.

But if you don’t know where to look for the main energy supply office, go to the local government and, if the officials of this charitable institution do not tell you in words where you are supposed to go, write a statement demanding that you provide a mysterious address and the full name of the energy company.

The law gives exactly 2 days to respond. Even the worst chit-maker for 3 days is obliged to provide you with the name, legal and actual address of the institution you need. But in practice, they usually sit in local councils normal people who (even without chocolate) will send ... where to go.

What documents are needed to obtain technical specifications for electricity?

So, now that the meeting place with the next official cannot be changed in any way, take with you the documents that you attach to the request for technical specifications. Do you want to receive electricity? Well, then get ready:

  • a copy of the passport indicating the full name and address;
  • documents certified by a notary for the right to own a house under construction, an electrified house, namely a registration certificate;
  • a building permit issued by the local authorities;
  • a document defining the boundaries of the site (a situational plan issued by the architectural department of the executive committee or a topographic survey of the courtyard area);
  • the amount of required load (the legislator decided that in our energy-absorbing age, only 15 kW is enough for you). Want more - write how much. Read how to calculate the electrical power of a house.

Well, actually, this is what this document looks like:

How long to wait for my specifications for electricity?

By law, the power supply organization must, within 14 working days from the date of submission of the request, give you technical specifications from hand to hand. Electricity at least on the same day start connecting. By the way, if you indicate in the request that you are sleeping and see that craftsmen from the energy supply organization bring the light into your house, within the same 14 days you should calculate how much such a pleasure will cost.

No matter how much you would like to save on connection, but if you are far from the electrical work, how back paw polar bear, do not do it yourself - an electrician is like a miner: he is mistaken, alas, once. Why tempt fate?!

Question price?

And then hurry up to rejoice. Yes, an unexpected joy awaits you in this place: you built, built, invested, invested, and now, finally, the moment has come when at least something will be for free. Yes, do not raise eyebrows with a house: the legislator so ordered that from now on all respectable Russians are exempt from paying for the issuance of technical specifications. As, however, and data on the cost of connecting the object to the power grid. Well, straight, “back to the USSR”, where they didn’t take money for certificates and documents.

Problems in obtaining technical conditions for electricity.

So, in order not to get into a mess, having received the technical specifications (or technical specifications for electricity, as people say), look at the maximum load specified at the connection points. Install more - get a fine. Less - exhausted with the energy supply at home. Therefore, look at once, because TU is made up of people, and “ human factor has the right to be wrong.

Let's say construction is still in full swing, and you decide to get a technical condition. After all, electricity will still have to be brought into the house. Such foresight is commendable, no doubt. But if financial difficulties, family problems or global economic crises "stop" the construction of a dream house, after 2 years from the date of issuance of the technical specifications, be prepared for "your song is good, start over." You see, the pragmatically received document is valid for exactly 2 years. So hurry up slowly, as Kozma Prutkov used to say.

Well, and the last...

Sometimes electric offices refuse to develop and issue technical specifications under various pretexts. What to do? And immediately apply for confirmation (or rejection) of such a decision to the Federal Energy Supervision Authority. And if they refused you in vain, then they will punish the reinsurer, and they will tell him to do it and give you technical conditions. You definitely need electricity, right? So look for the truth-womb right in the most important controlling federal organization.

The reliability of all the above words confirms.