February 4 is World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day: history. What causes cancer

Every year since 2005, the world celebrates World Cancer Day under the auspices of the International Union Against Cancer (UICC). The purpose of this Day is to focus public attention on global problems associated with cancer, to increase public awareness of approaches to prevention, early detection and treatment.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In the countries of the WHO European Region (including Russia), mortality from cancer is in second place after mortality from diseases of the circulatory system.

In 2018, as in the previous year 2017, World Cancer Day is held under motto: "We can. I can", calling for reflection on what everyone can do in the fight against this disease and how to contribute to the campaign against cancer. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the following tasks: choosing a healthy lifestyle, early diagnosis, quality of life, treatment for all.

Minister of Health Russian Federation Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova said that the absolute priority of the department in 2018 would be the fight against cancer.

Malignant neoplasms are one of the most significant social and medical problems. Cancer is a general term for more than 100 diseases that can affect any part of the body. Cancer develops from a single cell. The transformation of a normal cell into a tumor cell occurs in a multi-step process, usually representing the development of a precancerous condition into malignant tumors. These changes occur as a result of the interaction between human genetic factors, adverse factors external environment and behavioral risk factors. One of characteristic features cancer is the rapid formation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their normal boundaries, are able to penetrate into nearby body tissues and spread to other organs.

With age, the incidence of cancer increases, most likely due to the accumulated risks of developing cancer.

It has been established that the risk of cancer by 30-35% is associated with malnutrition, smoking adds the same amount. Various infectious diseases(caused, among other things, by hepatitis B viruses (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and some types of human papillomavirus (HPV), etc.) predetermine about 17% of tumors, alcohol - 4%, and only 2% is due to a polluted external environment and heredity. It has been proven that the risk of developing certain forms of cancer, such as bowel cancer or breast cancer, increases by a third in conditions of low physical activity.

In the Moscow Region, the mortality rate from malignant neoplasms in 2015 was 217.4 per 100 thousand of the population (in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation - 217.7 per 100 thousand; in the Russian Federation - 203 per 100 thousand), in 2016 - 206.6 cases per 100 thousand population. For 11 months of 2017, the mortality rate from malignant neoplasms in the Moscow Region decreased by 21.4% and amounted to 170.9 per 100 thousand of the population (in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation - 206.6 per 100 thousand; in the Russian Federation - 197.6 per 100 thousand). According to this indicator, the Moscow Region currently ranks 2nd in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation and 20th in the Russian Federation.

In the structure of mortality, lung neoplasms, cancer of the stomach, colon, breast, and pancreas are in the lead.

The priority task is to intensify work to increase the motivation of the population to maintain a healthy lifestyle, increase awareness of cancer alertness, risk factors for the development of oncological diseases and their correction, methods for preventing cancer development and the importance of regular screening examinations.

The basis of the body's antitumor defense is the immune system. The most important thing in the prevention of oncological diseases is the improvement of the environment, the improvement of the quality of nutrition and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle that contributes to a long-term increase in antitumor resistance. High level immunity allows a person to remain healthy for quite a long time, even in unfavorable environmental conditions.

The role of smoking in the development of oncological diseases has been known for a long time, but usually they mean only the smoker himself. Now there is an understanding that the people around him also become victims of smoking. In Russia, up to 89% of adolescents aged 13-15 and about 80% of adults are exposed to passive smoking. When smoking, two streams of smoke are formed: main and secondary. The main one is formed in the cone of the cigarette and in hot zones during puffs. This flow passes the entire rod and enters the smoker's airways. Sidestream is formed between puffs and is released from the charred end into the surrounding air. There are both quantitative and qualitative differences between flows. In the side stream, which characterizes passive smoking, some components are contained in a lower concentration, but, compared with the main one, carbon monoxide contains 4-5 times more, nicotine and tar - 50 times more, ammonia - 45 times more. It has been established that the inhalation of tobacco smoke components by non-smokers affects the composition of blood, urine and the state of nervous system passive smoker. It has been proven that during passive smoking a person receives the harm that he would have received by smoking 1 cigarette every 5 hours. If a non-smoker is in a smoky room for 8 hours, he receives harm equivalent to the effects of smoking more than 5 cigarettes. Physicians who have studied passive smoking and its impact on health have proven that it can lead to the development of lung cancer, since the carcinogen dimethylnitrosamine is contained in the sidestream of smoke in a higher concentration than the main one.

The most important step in the prevention of cancer is not only the cessation of tobacco smoking (active, passive), but also the prevention of tobacco use. electronic systems delivery of nicotine, non-smoking tobacco products, the use of products that are used to inhale combustion products, heat or vaporize tobacco, as well as the inhalation of various mixtures (including hookahs).

Alcohol abuse is a risk factor for many types of cancer, including cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon and rectum, and breast. The risk of developing cancer is directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed. The risk of some types of cancer (such as cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus) in people who drink heavily is significantly increased if they are also heavy smokers. The proportions of specific types of cancer associated with alcohol vary between men and women, mainly due to differences in average levels of consumption. For example, the burden of alcohol-related oral and oropharyngeal cancers is 22% in men and 9% in women. The same gender difference exists for cancers of the esophagus and liver.

There is an association between overweight/obesity and many types of cancer such as cancer of the esophagus, colon and rectum, breast, uterus and kidneys. Balanced consumption healthy food, including: reducing consumption of saturated fats and avoiding trans fats; mandatory inclusion in the daily diet of more than 500 g of vegetables and fruits that provide the body with plant fiber, vitamins and substances that have anti-carcinogenic effects (these include: yellow and red vegetables containing carotene (carrots, tomatoes, radishes, etc.), fruits containing a large amount of vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, etc.), cabbage (especially broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts), garlic and onions); regular consumption of products from whole grain cereals, nuts; restriction (refusal) of the consumption of smoked and nitrite-containing foods.

Regular moderate to vigorous physical activity (more than 30 minutes per day) and maintenance of normal body weight along with healthy eating significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Healthy sleep (7-8 hours a day) and stress resistance training is an increase in the body's defenses, which is necessary for the prevention of cancer.

Abstinence from prolonged exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet (UVR) radiation, and in particular solar radiation, is carcinogenic to humans, causing all major types of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The use of sunscreen and protective clothing avoids overexposure to UV radiation and is an effective preventive measure. UV-emitting tanning devices are now also considered a risk factor.

Protection against certain viruses that cause cancer (vaccination against hepatitis B virus, which causes liver cancer; against human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer).

The general task, incl. for medical workers primary health care is to actively explain to the population the importance of regular screening examinations, training in self-examination methods (including the mammary glands).

As part of the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens in the Moscow Region, as well as throughout the Russian Federation, for the sixth year, medical examinations of certain groups of the adult population and preventive medical examinations have been carried out (Orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 26, 2017 No. groups of the adult population” and dated 06.12.2012 No. 1011n “On approval of the procedure for conducting a preventive medical examination”), the main purpose of which is to implement a set of measures (screening examinations) aimed at forming, maintaining and strengthening the health of the population, preventing the development and reducing diseases, prevention of premature mortality in working age, increase in active longevity.

Screening for malignant neoplasms involves the detection of tumors in the population at an asymptomatic stage and is aimed at combating both the oncological diseases themselves and their undesirable consequences those. on the prevention of cancer in general, and mortality from them in particular. An important component of screening that determines its effectiveness is the screening interval, which is understood as the period of time between two successive screening tests.

In 2017, 1,287,422 people underwent medical examinations in the Moscow Region. For the first time, 3023 cases of malignant neoplasms were detected, of which the most common localizations are: breast cancer - 853 cases - at stages 1-2 67%, uterus and ovaries - 427 - at stages 1-2 62%, prostate - 319 - at 1 -2 stages 59%, lungs and trachea - 213 - at stages 1-2 54%, kidneys - 108 - at stages 1-2 54%, all parts of the intestine - 320 - at stages 1-2 43%, esophagus, stomach and pancreas - 350 - at stages 1-2 38%.

It should be noted that 51.2% of malignant neoplasms were detected among people of working age, not older than 60 years.

For the first time, as part of a medical examination since 2018, in order to increase the detection rate (including early stage), such screening examinations as mammography for women aged 50 to 70 years and fecal occult blood tests for citizens aged 49 to 73 years will be carried out once every 2 years.

For women aged 30 to 60 years, a cytological examination of a smear from the cervix is ​​performed once every 3 years.

For men aged 45 and 51, a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is performed in the blood.

Detection of cancer in the early stages enables early treatment, which in turn will bring nice results and increase the chances of recovery.

In order to increase the efficiency of prophylactic examination and detection of oncological diseases in the early stages, it is necessary to organize supervision by oncologists in primary health care, methodological explanations from oncologists on conducting questionnaires within the framework of prophylactic medical examinations, and training of primary care physicians by regional and district oncologists using telemedicine technologies.

The Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (branch for medical prevention of the GAUZMO KTsVMiR) recommends to the heads of health facilities, with active participation oncologists, doctors of medical prevention units (centers, departments, offices) and health centers, in close contact with the Departments for Coordinating the Activities of Medical and pharmaceutical organizations The Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region will organize the following information and educational events dedicated to World Cancer Day within a month:

  1. Open schools of health for the adult population on the prevention of cancer and lectures on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents.
  2. Widely informing the population about the implementation of measures for the prevention of cancer through the media, posting information on the Internet portals of municipalities, healthcare facilities, as well as on social networks.
  3. Sports and health promotions (health exercises in educational institutions, sports and recreation complexes, shopping malls), flash mobs, sports competitions, active games, hiking trails"10,000 steps to health") with the involvement of young people, incl. members of public volunteer organizations whose activities are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Organization of smoking-free zones in cities.
  5. Thematic meetings, conferences, seminars with doctors and nursing staff of medical institutions on prevention and early diagnosis of cancer.
  6. Medical consultation and screening examinations with the involvement of medical workers of health centers, departments (offices) of medical prevention, therapists, general practitioners, oncologists.
  7. Organize exhibitions, arrange stands in health care facilities with visual campaigning on the prevention of cancer.
  8. Distribute in medical and educational institutions memos, booklets, leaflets on the prevention of cancer, on the formation of attitudes to healthy lifestyle life and safe behaviour.

Please submit a report on the activities carried out to the Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Branch for Medical Prevention of the GAUZMO "Clinical Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation") to the email address: [email protected] by March 15, 2018.

Tumors can be caused by external factors (conditions, substances, microorganisms) and internal, due to the peculiarity of the genetic structure. The disease leads to uncontrolled cell division, reduces the quality and duration of life. To counter it, an international holiday was created.

When they celebrate

World Cancer Day is observed every year on February 4th. It is not a national holiday in Russia, but the country supports promotions associated with the date. The event was founded by the International Union Against Cancer.

Who is celebrating

Everyone who is related to the disease takes part in the events. Among them are therapists, oncologists, researchers, activists social movements. Charitable foundations, patients, their relatives, relatives, friends, government and scientific institutions, students, teachers of specialized educational institutions join the campaigns.

History and traditions of the holiday

The first World Cancer Day was celebrated in 2005. The idea was put forward by the International Union against Cancer. The initiative found support and began to gain popularity around the world. It aims to disseminate information about this disease.

The memorable date is accompanied by educational events: conferences, public lectures, seminars, flash mobs (prearranged actions of a group of people) are held. With the support of the state, agitation products are printed and distributed, reflecting current problems, explaining the methods of protection and prevention.

The theme of the event, which is given close attention, is determined in advance. Charitable foundations send leaflets to medical and public institutions, trying to overcome the ignorance of the population about the disease, spreading the culture of regular checkups. Outstanding figures of culture, art, show business stars record videos. They turn society's eyes to topical issues.

An important task was to overcome a careless attitude to lifestyle and one's own health. TV and radio stations broadcast stories about malignant tumors and their diagnosis. It tells about the opposition to the disease that affects millions of people, about its danger, the fight against bad habits.

In many cities there are mass physical exercise talking about a balanced diet. Everyone can take part in the action, regardless of age and training. Sports organizations organize competitions, races for short and long distances. The winners are awarded valuable prizes.

Researchers report the results of experiments developing new drugs. They share information about the successes and challenges in their industry and the latest advances in medicine. World Cancer Day 2020 is accompanied by an appeal from representatives of specialized funds, which mention pressing problems. Governments are encouraged to join forces to reduce risks to health and life.

Russia supports the actions, but statistics indicate that the measures taken are not enough. High rates of morbidity and mortality remain, which are many times higher in comparison with developed countries. Medical institutions do not receive the necessary funding. There is no active fight against carcinogenic factors, including hazardous substances in products and the environment, smoking, strains of a number of viruses.

World Cancer Day, or World Cancer Day, celebrated on February 4, is an annual event organized by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) since 2005.

The purpose of this Day is to draw public attention to this global problem, to remind about how dangerous and widespread cancer is now, and to significantly reduce cancer deaths.

Cancer is the general term for more than 100 diseases that can affect any part of the body. One of the hallmarks of cancer is the rapid formation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their normal boundaries. This process is called metastasis. Metastases are the leading cause of death from cancer.

Cancer is always a tragedy. But experts say that in our time, the causes of cancer are well known, and this makes it possible to prevent about one-third of new cases. If a cancerous tumor is detected in the early stages, successful treatment is possible. In addition, up to 40% of cancer cases can be prevented by avoiding exposure to known carcinogens such as tobacco smoke.

It's no secret that cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and Russia is no exception. According to statistics, 2.3 million people were considered cancer patients in Russia in 2005, which is 1.75 million more than in 1995. In other words, about 400-500 thousand people are diagnosed with cancer every year. And according to medical forecasts, cancer deaths will continue to rise.

Most cancer deaths each year are from lung, stomach, liver, colon, and breast cancers. A third of deaths are caused by five major risk factors that are associated with behavior and nutrition - a high body mass index, insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables, lack of physical activity, tobacco use and alcohol use. Incidentally, smoking is the most significant risk factor for cancer, accounting for 22% of global cancer deaths and 71% of global lung cancer deaths. Cancer-causing infections such as HBV/HCV and HPV are responsible for 20% of cancer deaths in low- and middle-income countries.

According to the World Health Organization, about 70% of cancer patients need radiation therapy. On average, only 30% of needy patients from Russia receive radiation therapy.

Since 2009, the National Cancer Program has been implemented in our country, in which all regions of Russia take part. In addition, medicine does not stand still: the methods of combating cancer are improved every year, and perhaps after some time there will be vaccines against all types of this terrible disease. But while doctors advise not to neglect prevention, not to abuse bad habits and lead a healthy active image life.

Every year since 2008, this Day has been marked with a specific theme. For example, the themes for 2008 and 2009 were, respectively, the words: “Create children and youth environment smoke-free" and "Promote an energy-balanced lifestyle based on proper nutrition and physical activity." The theme for 2010 was: "Get knowledge about vaccines against cancer-causing viruses (eg HBV vaccine)"; The theme for 2011 is "Educate children and adolescents to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun".

Cancer Day 2013 was celebrated under the slogan “Cancer. Did you know?", which reflected the need to debunk myths and unfounded opinions about cancer, as well as to consolidate the correct understanding of the problem and the implementation of preventive measures. The theme for 2014 - "Demystify" - continued this campaign.

In 2016-2018 World Cancer Day is celebrated under the slogan “We can. I can". On this day, it is proposed to take collective or individual action to alleviate the burden of cancer.

As a reminder, October 20 is the All-Ukrainian Day to Combat Breast Cancer.

Date in 2019: .

Most people try not to speak out loud about oncology and its problems. This topic is not forbidden, but for many it causes negative thoughts and even fear. This attitude is connected with the many myths that have appeared around this terrible disease. To tell people the truth, teach them how to prevent and fight cancer, and World Cancer Day, which falls on February 4, is called.

Cancer is the most frightening diagnosis. Patients after its setting often give up or, conversely, radically change their lives. Unfortunately, medicine, despite the introduction modern technologies There is no vaccine for oncology. It is this fact that frightens many people who subconsciously reject information about oncology.

World Cancer Day, which is celebrated around the world on February 4, raises important issues related to oncology and voices the problems that patients and doctors face.

The relevance of the problems of oncology

Today, there are up to 200 types of this insidious disease, and each type has its own characteristics. The disease is diagnosed with pathological uncontrolled cell division. And, unfortunately, the true causes of cancer development have been studied by medicine only at a hypothetical level. The disease does not know racial, sex and age differences. It is diagnosed in both millionaires and people living in abandoned shacks.

There are several undeniable factors that increase the risk of developing cancer. It is about the dangers of these facts that every person should know:

  1. The effect of tobacco smoke on the smoker and the people around him;
  2. Negative consequences of long-term exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation, solar exposure;
  3. Food carcinogens and free radicals can trigger a negative process.
  4. Some viruses become cancer provocateurs.

But the goal world day the fight against cancer is not to intimidate the population, but to tell about ways how this process can be prevented. Highlight the importance early diagnosis when the positive forecast reaches 90%.

Therefore, millions of people around the world wear curved ribbons on February 4th, symbolizing the fight against cancer. They show their willingness to support the sick and promote measures to combat unhealthy lifestyles.

History of Cancer Day

Unfortunately, the statistics related to oncology are depressing. According to the International Medical Organizations, 20 people die from cancer every minute in the world. Every year, 480,000 new patients hear a horrific diagnosis, who have to live with it and fight for life.

And these figures are becoming more and more horrifying every year. After all, cancer has already taken second place in terms of mortality. This prompted the International Union Against Cancer in 2005 to proclaim the day when the whole world can stand up against this horrific problem. Commemorating Cancer Day on February 4th.

On this day, events are held at the state and public level in all countries of the world to promote a healthy lifestyle. After all, thanks to the cessation of smoking, the transition to balanced diet, introduction of sufficient physical activity can reduce the risk of developing a terrible disease. You can prevent oncology by refusing to abuse exposure to the sun, especially under direct rays. Solariums are no less harmful. And according to the Ministry of Health at work, a person encounters 40 carcinogenic substances. In this case, human health directly depends on the protection measures taken in the most hazardous production.

Theme and focus of events on World Cancer Day

Activities are aimed at promoting cancer prevention. Themes annual day the fight against cancer are closely related to this direction.

Thus, in 2008, the issue of creating a tobacco-free environment for children and youth was raised. In 2009 - about balanced way life, including physical activity and proper nutrition. In 2010, issues of vaccination against certain viruses that can cause cancer were addressed. The theme of 2011 was teaching the younger generation about preventive measures, and first of all, avoiding exposure to the aggressive sun. In 2013, the theme sounded like: “Cancer. Did you know?". And in 2014 the myths were debunked. Motto for 2016: "We Can Do It".

According to WHO, between 2005 and 2015, 84 million patients died from cancer. The worst thing is that 40% of these cases could have been prevented. Therefore, the activities carried out on the International Day against Cancer are aimed at promoting an expensive lifestyle. The second direction is to convey to the population the importance of early diagnosis and the timing of medical examinations.

But no less important are the problems of patients. Therefore February 4 public organizations, volunteers hold various fundraising events to help cancer patients.

On this day you can see people with ribbons. This is a kind of symbol of the fight against cancer. Moreover, the color of the symbolic ribbon shows the direction of this struggle. So, gray means confronting brain cancer, blue-green - kidneys, yellow - bone tissue, and pink - the fight against breast cancer. There is also a special ribbon - gold, which symbolizes the fight against childhood oncology.

Support the organizers of anti-cancer events on February 4, take part in any charity event. After all, only by common efforts will mankind be able to overcome this dangerous and insidious disease - cancer.

“We must do more to end the many tragedies that cancer brings with it. In about one-third of cases, cancer is preventable; in other cases, the disease is curable if diagnosed early and treated early. But even in advanced cases, patients with cancer should be provided with palliative care.”

For the first time in my life, I myself learned what "cancer" was at the age of 10, when this terrible diagnosis was made to my mother. Doctors after surgery and radiation gave her a couple of years to live. I remember how I accidentally overheard the conversation of my parents, when my mother gave instructions to my father, where should he put his daughters after her death.

I was assigned by my mother to my grandmother and aunt, to which my father categorically told her that he would never give me up to anyone.
After these daddy's words, I buried my hand on the door and quietly roared ...

But my mother did not give up, despite the doctors’ forecast: she made herself some kind of herbal infusions, and I collected her green walnuts for this. Together with her, we were "treated" with sea buckthorn, lemons and black caviar.
And somehow, unnoticed, my mother returned to work, her disability was removed, and she began to lead a normal life.
Mom lived long life, suffered another oncological disease, but never lost heart. did not give up and raised not only children, but even grandchildren.

When she communicated with cancer patients, she always set herself as an example to them and urged them not to lose heart and fight the disease, as she did herself.

  • Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world - every year about 8 million patients die from cancer in the world.

  • Most cancer deaths are from lung, stomach, liver, colon, and breast cancers.

  • About 30% of cancer deaths are caused by five major behavioral and nutritional risk factors, such as a high body mass index, insufficient fruit and vegetable intake, physical inactivity, tobacco use, and alcohol use.

  • Tobacco use is the most significant risk factor for cancer, accounting for 22% of global cancer deaths and 71% of global lung cancer deaths.

  • Cancer-causing infections such as HBV/HCV and HPV are responsible for 20% of cancer deaths in low- and middle-income countries.

  • In 2008, about 70% of all cancer deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries.

  • Cancer deaths are projected to continue to rise with 13.1 million cancer deaths in 2030.

According to the Minister of Health, our country is one of the leading countries that are engaged in the creation of "point" drugs for the treatment of cancer. They block tumor growth by interfering with specific molecules that are needed for that tumor to grow.
This is a new direction in modern medicine - gene and cell therapy drugs - which are able to cure diseases that were previously untreatable.

Patients can receive a genetically engineered drug for all types and stages of malignant tumors in three to four years.
Preclinical trials are being completed at the State Research Institute of Highly Pure Preparations of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia "Heat Shock Squirrel" a drug that could revolutionize oncology. This is a fundamentally new drug for the treatment of malignant tumors, obtained using biotechnology. Scientists suggest that it will help people with incurable tumors today. Success in creating the drug was achieved with the help of a space experiment.

Scientists encourage humanity and assure that in a few years cancer will be defeated.
But while the almighty drug is being created, you need to take care of yourself.

Products for cancer prevention:

1 Garlic. It contains compounds that protect against cancer, especially cancers of the skin, colon, and lungs.

2 Broccoli, as well as regular, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. They contain strong antioxidants that may reduce the risk of breast tumors and other types of cancer. Probably, for harmful cells, the substance isothiocyanate contained in cabbage is toxic. However, it does not affect normal cells in any way.

3 Whole grains. Contain various anti-cancer compounds, including antioxidants, fiber and phytoestrogens. Eating plenty of grains and whole grains can reduce your risk of colon cancer.

4 Greenery with dark leaves.

5 Grapes (or red wine). Contains resveratrol, which is considered a strong antioxidant that can prevent cell damage.

6 Green tea. It contains flavonoids that can prevent or slow down the development of several types of cancer, including colon, liver, breast and prostate cancer.

7 Tomatoes. A source of a compound called lycopene that helps prevent prostate, breast, lung and stomach cancer.

8 Blueberry.

9 Flax-seed. It contains lignans that can have an antioxidant effect on the body and block or suppress cancerous changes.

10 Mushrooms. Many species are considered sources of beneficial substances that help the body fight cancer and strengthen the immune system.

11 Seaweed. They contain acids that help in the treatment of lung cancer.

12 Citrus.

Plus a cup of coffee.

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing basal cell carcinoma, one of the most common types of skin cancer. This conclusion was made by scientists from the Boston branch of the American Association for Research in Cancer. They also claim that coffee is useful in preventing squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, the rarest and most dangerous form of skin cancer.

Remember: you can run away from cancer, you need to run away from cancer!

Physical activity appears to be good prevention from oncological diseases. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, which in turn reduces the risk of colon, liver, stomach, and pancreatic cancers.

Doctors also believe that exercise can prevent the occurrence of breast and lung cancer, i.e. the most common forms of cancer. It is the lack of physical activity that WHO calls among the main causes of breast cancer (21-25% of cases).