Runic becoming protection. Mirror protection. In what cases is mirror protection with runes appropriate?

Since ancient times, people have been using runic formulas and staves to protect against various negative programs. They help fight evil and protect from negative influences.

Thanks to the runes, you can get rid of many problems, bring love and prosperity to life, open the way to happiness and get strong protection. A runic formula is a set of specific runes that are applied to talismans and amulets. You need to wear them without taking them off. To protect the house, formulas and stavas are drawn on walls, planks or a plain sheet of paper. Site site experts suggest that you familiarize yourself with strong rates that protect against negativity. With their help, everyone can protect themselves, their home and loved ones.

Runic becoming "Mirror"

For this stav, a runic formula is used: Kenaz, Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Isa. Runes help to repel any negative impact. They protect a person and his house from the evil eye and damage, as well as from love spells. Such a becoming is also used in order to return evil to the one who conceived evil. After applying the runes, they read a conspiracy that enhances protection:

“Whoever comes to me with evil will take it back.”

Runic becoming "Protective"

Runes Nautiz, Turiaz, Uruz, Soulu help protect against evil spirits. The runic formula cleanses from negative programs, and also becomes a powerful talisman for those who are seriously afraid of the presence of entities. The runes speak as follows:

“I build a strong wall, I become inaccessible to every evil.”

Runic formula "Guardian"

To protect against any negative actions, becoming using the runes Soulou, Otala, Yera helps. His strength lies in total protection from any evil. This becoming can be carried with you as an amulet to prevent the outflow of forces. The runes speak in the following words:

“No one will invade my life, will not take away my strength, will not overshadow happiness.”

Becoming "Protection against the suggestion of thoughts"

This becoming protects from manipulators and reflects their attempts to cause harm. Becoming allows you to quickly identify and stop extraneous programs that can cause psychological impact per person. The runic formula, activated by a conspiracy, allows you to improve your mood, get rid of obsessive thoughts and get out of a state of depression. Conspiracy:

“I defend myself from any impact, I mobilize internal forces, I do not succumb to influence.”

Stav decoding:

  • Mannaz - a person from whom a negative influence comes;
  • Anzus - control over emotions and thoughts;
  • Hagalaz - identification and neutralization of delivered negative programs, disclosure of blocked protective channels;
  • Teyvaz - a block to the penetration of foreign influence;
  • Nautiz - clear thinking and blocking suggestions from an outsider;
  • Otala - awareness of suggestion and resistance to someone else's will;
  • Laguz - resistance to the influence of the manipulator;
  • Isa - stopping influence from outside;
  • Raido - control over ongoing events, a way out of a state of depression;
  • Vunyo - achievement inner harmony, cleansing thoughts from negativity;
  • Turisaz - the resumption of mental activity without outside influence;
  • Inguz - restoration of vitality, removal internal stress;
  • Hyera - nourishes runic becoming and charges it for protection.

Becoming to protect the family from scandals and quarrels

Runes help families avoid negative external influences that provoke conflicts. Thanks to such protection, family well-being, happiness and mutual understanding return. Runes Gebo, Algiz, Otal speak as follows:

"The fortress of the family is indestructible, no one can break through the defense, cause evil."

Runic protection from energy vampires

Becoming helps to get rid of the influence of strangers who feed on emotions and can cause harm. The following runes are used:

  • Mannaz is a person;
  • Perth - the search for ways in which there is an outflow of vitality and their closure;
  • Kano - protection of the person who is affected;
  • Turisaz - destruction of negative programs, restoration of vitality;
  • Teyvaz in an inverted position - the weakening of energy vampires.

“I lock the vital energy in myself, I create a talisman, I defend myself from evil.”

Becoming protected from accidents and travel problems

To protect against any problems during a long journey, the runes Raido, Evaz, Laguz are used. Thanks to these runes, a person is protected from external factors that can provoke trouble, and also gets rid of internal stress. Conspiracy:

"The road is smooth, and troubles are bypassed along the way."

The second version of the runic formula: Vunyo, Raido, Vunyo. This becoming ensures the achievement of goals and the elimination of obstacles on the way.

Runic formulas will serve as an excellent protection for those who seek to protect themselves, family and home from any evil. In addition to runes, you can use time-tested rituals aimed at cleansing negativity. We wish you good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

It doesn't matter which life situation you are - the Rune of Protection will always come in handy. At the same time, the impact on a person may differ - for example, from damage and the evil eye, as well as getting rid of envious people, from enemies, saving property from thieves, and so on. It doesn’t matter what awaits a person in the future - it’s better to play it safe in advance and avert trouble from yourself with the help of Runes, which are a sign of strong and constant protection.

What is runic protection

So what is runic protection? This is the help given to different levels human life, allowing to protect him from harm. The most popular mirror rune shield - it cuts off all the evil that a person has in mind, and works like a "boomerang". If a person with bad intentions appears in a close environment, he can be quickly identified by illness and failure in personal affairs.

Principle of operation

To deactivate an enemy shield, use staves consisting of runic symbols Scandinavian origin. Protective runes can be applied to things belonging to a person, or even documents - the main role is played by the purpose of application.

The function of protective runic staves is to deactivate negative energy, return the negative to the offender and reduce the loss of the person to whom the negative was directed.

The simplest example protective position as follows: Kenaz, then Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Isa. This alignment is a mirror protection with runes. A negative message, if present, will not affect a person. The notorious boomerang principle works here: everything that you wished will go to the one who sent this magical message.

Types of runic protection

Rune protection is done like this:

  • Execution of amulets with protective runes.
  • Drawing from magical staves and runic formulas with subsequent activation.

Both methods work in the same way. The difference is how they will be executed. Amulets are created in order to wear them all the time, and after the runes are no longer needed for protection, they are removed from themselves - after that they cease to function. As for the formula, it is drawn on a photo, body or object made of leather, wood, or other similar materials. Its action will end only when the formula is erased or burned.

Basic protection rules

The main thing here is on what occasion a runic standing for protection is applied. If you make runes of protection for yourself and want to protect yourself from enemies, then in this case the signs are written of different types - as a runescript and a runic becoming (in this case, the signs are drawn without any specific sequence). It is important to draw signs logically, taking into account the meaning of each symbol and setting them according to the formula: desired - ways to achieve the goal - the result you want to get. You can never add symbols of your own free will - you will only make yourself and others worse.

There are also runes to protect the house. Such signs for home protection can be applied everywhere - only the material matters. As matter, paper, a wooden amulet or leather are used. Also, to protect the home and family, symbols are also applied to the photo. The material at the same time depends on what result you want to get, and on your personal desires. Beginners should avoid making independent layouts, but it is better to contact a specialist - this will help to protect at all levels and avoid a fatal mistake.

To activate the symbols, you need to read the slander, although in some cases the runologist can do without it. As a clause, a spell is used, which is negotiated in free form. To make the effect stronger, you can pre-write the spell on paper.

To activate the runes of protection from negativity, it is possible to use the visualization of energy. Rub the signs with your hands until the heat appears, and then hold your hands over the runes. Feel how your energy charges the signs. As a rule, the runes are superimposed for one year, but it all depends on how strong the runologist is.

Runes of protection and counterstrike can be applied in several ways. To protect against negativity, the runic wording is applied to the photo. Paints, felt-tip pens and pens are suitable for drawing signs.

If you want to apply a protective rune on yourself, then draw the sign as follows: the top of the sign should be located closer to chest, and the bottom is closer to the legs. If the sign is applied to paper, then it should be worn constantly - even in the shower (a patch can be used for this purpose).

If an animal needs protection from trouble, signs can be applied to the collar, bowl of the animal or its photo. The main thing here is not to tell anyone about this.

If you need to protect property, then the symbols must be applied to the door jamb.

What runes are used

Signs can be used to strengthen the rune shield:

  • Algiz- a symbol for protection. The main strength of the rune is manifested in the fact that it always begins to act on time. The sign helps prevent impending problems and reconciles enemies.
  • Nautiz- a protective sign associated with fire. It works only if a person is under control of his emotions. Otherwise, the sign will devastate with the power of fire.
  • Isa- pacifies, relieves internal aggression.

If damage hangs over your family, make a talisman using runes: Algiz, otal and Eyvaz. If you are sure that you are negatively affected, use a combination Eyvaz With Soulou. The effect of the mirror will shield you from any spell, returning to the sorcerer. Sometimes they add to the layout Teyvaz, Turisaz and Hagalaz.

Simple protective formulas

To protect yourself at work or at home, or to put protection with runes after cleaning, use protective formulas. There are a lot of them, but they include approximately the same formulas. Suitable for those who have relatively recently worked with runes. If you need home protection, then use the rune Odal, located in the center, and two runes Algiz to the left or right of it.

If you are constantly traveling, then use a bunch Algiz and Raido for your protection. If you need to protect yourself from envy and theft, then use the formula FehuAlgiz.

For a woman and a child, the formula will serve as a protective ligament BerkanaAlgiz, and if you need to make a protective talisman, then a bunch will do EvazAlgizIsa.

If you are worried about your personal life and want to protect it from other people's influence, then you can write a combination on your photo with your soulmate GeboAlgizotal. If you need to protect only one person, then use the three characters TurisazTeyvazTurisaz. Protective runes for dwellings consist of symbols such as otal, Teyvaz and Algiz. Moreover, the last two characters are used twice.

In black magic, the Hammer of Thor is used. It consists of Inguz, Hagalaz and Teyvaz. It protects only from strangers - it does not attack its own. It helps both from hidden and from obvious threats.

Runic protection at all levels

If you want to protect your family from enemy negativity and get a 100% result, use formulas.

If you want to protect yourself as reliably as possible from the effects of enemies and get a specific result, you can use rune formulas. For example, the rune specialist Cantas compiled the formula "Holy Land". Thanks to this formula, an impenetrable shell appears around the one on whom the conspiracy is carried out.

Also, the Sinais runologist created the formula "Spirit Helper". It allows you to call the Guardian, which allows you to remove damage and protect a person in the future throughout life.

Popular defensive stakes

Let's look at some options for protective layouts.

solar vortex

Becoming a "Solar Whirlwind".

This one is one of the most popular. It cleanses from the inside, restoring and protecting from negativity. Suitable as a talisman.

guardian guardian

Becoming a Guardian Guardian.

Another popular becoming is the "Guardian", which both protects and fills with positive energy. The negative that was sent to the person is sent to the source, confusing the plans and thoughts of the sorcerer.

Protection against thought suggestion

Becoming "Protection from the suggestion of thoughts."

So that someone else could not impose their thoughts and desires on you, this becoming is used. It allows you to cut off any psychological manipulation that people carry out with you.

Terms of reservation

In order for the slander to take effect, you need to saturate it with energy. Therefore, the clause should consist of several parts:

  • This part indicates exactly how runic magic will be used. For example, you can ask that protection be carried out under the action of this form, or the formula will help protect you from enemies.
  • Next comes the main part. Here they indicate what is expected from the runes.
  • This is followed by a formal part with the condition of activation of the runes.
  • The last point is needed to protect yourself from negative consequences.

Runic protection with a tap

Is it possible to remove the damage and send it back to the offender? There are a sufficient number of such practiced ties - at the moment of pronunciation, they remove negative emotions, “mirroring” them back to the person. These include the staves "Kapets to the enemy", "Absolute protection" and "Black Star".

You can fight negativity using protective runes. They will help to avert trouble if someone has conceived something bad, and also just play it safe, which is especially important when one or another significant event is planned. After all, everyone life path envious people and ill-wishers come across, and this or that situation can turn into unpredictable consequences.

What is runic protection

Since ancient times, people have used magical symbols as amulets. One of the most popular and well-known esoteric signs is runes. These letters are able to awaken the energy of the Universe and direct it in the right direction.

If powerful protection is required at all levels, then the use of runes is the best option. Magic symbols deactivate negative energy, protect a person from all sorts of troubles. The negative is returned to the offender.

Types of runic protection

There are several ways to place a magic shield using symbols:

  1. Wearing special amulets. You can buy them or make your own. The second option is considered more preferable, since the energy of the owner is invested in the talisman.
  2. Drawing magical runes on various things. Here leading role plays what kind of protection is needed. For example, to protect yourself from theft of money, symbols are applied to the wallet.
  3. Drawing marks on the skin. If protective runes for a person are applied to the body, they enter into resonance with its energy. This allows the symbols to effectively perform security functions.

In all cases, the action of the runes is the same. The difference is that the amulets are worn constantly. As soon as they are removed, the protection stops working.

Magic runes painted on objects or the body are permanent. To deactivate, you need to erase the picture or burn the thing.

What runes are used

In esoteric practices, ancient Scandinavian writings are most widely used. Algiz (Agis, Anis) is considered the main defender. This sign is associated with a magical animal - an elk, a very cautious animal. Even visually, the symbol resembles schematic horns. In the countries of Scandinavia, the rune of protection Algiz has been drawn on amulets, weapons, and houses since ancient times.

Anise is the main, but far from the only security sign. Many other symbols help to build shields:

  1. Isa, which means "ice" in translation. The rune freezes the negative, stops the negative energy, due to which the damage is deactivated. The symbol is also responsible for controlling emotions, helps to overcome bad habits, and recover from mental anguish. The Isa rune can only be used to protect against negativity and enemies - it does not protect the material (home, money, jewelry).
  2. Teyvaz is a magical symbol of strength and fearlessness. Scandinavian warriors applied it to their weapons to become indestructible. The sign is closely associated with the spear of the god Thor. The protective barrier exposed by this rune cannot be overcome by any enemy. Teyvaz can be used to protect a home, etc.
  3. Turisaz is a sign not only of defense, but also of attack. This rune repels enemy attacks, and also helps in revenge. Such a sign is suitable when you need to protect yourself from witchcraft, damage, negativity (especially if the ill-wisher is a strong magician).
  4. Nautiz is a powerful fiery symbol. Such a rune will become a reliable defender, but on condition that a person controls the situation, controls emotions. Otherwise, the power of the sign can be directed at yourself.

There are also many auxiliary runes. For example, Feu and Otal protect material values, Kano - family traditions, Berkana - children and home, Gebo - partnerships, Raido and Soulu - travelers.

Runic formulas and runescripts for protection

As guards, not only individual characters are used, but also their combinations. In esotericism, they are called runescripts and are special magic formulas that are written in one line. The choice of one or another combination depends on the goal.

Protection from witchcraft and corruption

If there is a suspicion that the ill-wisher sent the evil eye, several runescripts will help restore energy. One of the strongest formulas is Nautiz-Soulu-Nautiz. Runes are best drawn on the body or worn as an amulet for nine days.

Another powerful astral bundle is Evaz-Algiz-Isa. This formula protects against magical effects.

Protective barrier, shield from damage and evil eye

If the spell is cast strong sorcerer, you will need to make a magical barrier. A rune cross will help with this. For men it is applied on the right, for women on the left. The center of the formula is Eyvaz. Barkans are located on both sides of this rune. Top and bottom are protected by two Turisaz.

A magical runescript is worn on the body for a week. At this time, there may be some physical weakness.

Formula for protection and prosperity

The protection of material wealth is also a task for magical runes. Othal is responsible for wealth. The symbol protects the house and is considered money. It should be used in combination. For example, the runescript Fehu-Soul-Otal-Vunyo proves the effectiveness. This formula creates a field of joy - success and prosperity await a person.

For protection and protection

One of the most versatile runescripts is Algiz-Inguz. It is suitable for permanent use. For a more powerful magical effect in case of a specific danger, you can use the so-called "wild onion" formula - Laguz-Ansuz-Uruz-Kano-Ansuz-Algiz.

For protection and reflection (mirror)

The runescript can direct negative energy to the ill-wisher himself. Everything is like in the famous saying: "What you sow, you will reap." The best mirror formula is Isa-Kano-Halagaz-Kano-Isa.

Such a combination is fraught with hearths of life and the uncontrollable power of the elements. The protective shield "Mirror" will take influence from the outside, but will not let it through further. Then the runescript will send the negative in the opposite direction.

Protection from enemies

A powerful barrier that neutralizes the negative energy of people helps to build the Turisaz-Teivaz-Turizas runescript. The symbol in the middle is responsible for law and order. It contributes to the growth of authority and the strengthening of the spirit. The gates of the formula are two runes of Turisaz, which become a barrier to someone else's evil will.

Home protection

The energy of the home can be undermined by the envy of the ill-wisher. The runescript Teyvaz-Algiz-Odal-Algiz-Teyvaz helps to protect against this. He calls on higher powers - the guardians of the hearth.

The formula is drawn at the entrance to the apartment, for example, above the door or in the yard on the gate. Such symbols are suitable for the protection of both permanent and temporary housing.

From witchcraft

The Evaz-Algiz-Isa runescript will provide protection from dark spells. These extremely powerful symbols will work extremely effectively if we are talking about prevention. When it is necessary to protect oneself from the negative impact that the sorcerer is already having, the Perth-Hagalaz-Perth formula will do. The rune of rebirth, filled with the power of Mars, blocks dark energy.

Amulet on the road from accidents and disasters

Anything happens on the way, and the magic formula Algiz-Raido-Algiz will become the best defender. The central rune is responsible for moving in space and harmonizing movement. The two Algiz surrounding this symbol are the call of higher powers.

The combination is best for amulets. Travelers wear them around the neck or wrist, and motorists hang them in the car.

On a good road

Those who are often on the road can protect themselves with the help of a simple paired runescript - Raido-Algiz. This formula is a universal amulet that can save you from an unpleasant situation, whether it is a road theft, a punctured tire, or missing a train.

Amulet for personal relationships

Success on the love front can also depend on whether a person has powerful protectors. If someone is jealous of a strong, harmonious relationship in a couple, the Gebo-Algiz-Otala runescript will help.

This formula blocks extraneous influence. It is best used as a talisman against evil people.

Personal protection

For yourself, it is worth picking up an amulet with the runescript Turisaz-Taivez-Turisaz as guards. This magical amulet will help activate internal resources, which will allow you to resist the negative impact from the outside.

The amulet is put on the hand or neck. It can also be sewn on clothes or painted on the skin.

To protect the family

The runic formula Teivaz-Algiz-Otal-Algiz-Teivaz becomes the guardian of the house and all its inhabitants. This combination is applied to any surface or photograph. The script protects both people and pets.

Children are the most vulnerable family members. The evil eye easily clings to them. A special paired Algiz-Berkan runescript, symbolizing the close connection between mother and child, will help protect them.

Important! When creating a formula, you need to know the meaning of each rune, arrange them in a strictly established order, not swap them at your own discretion. The first symbol of the tie represents desire, while the last is responsible for the result.

Application of runic formulas

Before using ancient symbols, it is recommended to get an idea of ​​​​the principles of operation of magic combinations. The main thing is the rules for applying runes. To protect yourself from enemies or loved one, the sign should be drawn on the photo or directly on the skin. Security formulas for the home are depicted on fences, gates, walls or doors.

When it comes to property, protection is provided different ways. For example, amulets are suitable for cars. As a rule, ordinary runescripts, printed on paper and stored in a secluded place, do an excellent job of protecting things.

Runes to protect against ill-wishers require activation. First, the formula should be specified, for which a list of actions is prescribed in advance. The text is then read aloud.

Advice! When specifying a runescript, it is worth visually presenting the result. This will give an impetus to launch the desired astral program.

Then comes the actual activation. It is carried out in any familiar and convenient way. Beginners can use a simple universal method: turn off the light, light candles and incense, holding the runescript in their hands and closing their eyes, imagine how the symbols rise, envelop and fill the body with warmth. The main thing is to feel the connection with the amulet.

Popular defensive stakes

There are a lot of options for using magical ancient symbols. So, esoteric practices use not only runic protective formulas written in a line, but also staves. They represent a picture that is drawn in free form. As a rule, more than three runes are used.

Becoming "Protection from suggestion"

Detractors, especially dark sorcerers, are able to manipulate thoughts. A special scheme, which consists of the following runes, allows you to protect yourself from this:

  • Mannaz is the personification of a person who is negatively affected;
  • Ansuz - in a classic and mirror arrangement, the sign means control;
  • Hagalaz - responsible for the detection and neutralization of an extraneous psychological program;
  • Teyvaz - protects from bad thoughts;
  • Nautiz - helps to think clearly;
  • Otal - allows you to realize, feel the suggestion from the outside;
  • Laguz - softens the effect;
  • Isa - stops the impact;
  • Raido - frees the will;
  • Vunyo - harmonization of the inner world;
  • Turisaz - putting thoughts in order;
  • Inguz - restores the balance of power;
  • Hyera - nourishes the entire formula.

The task of the stav is to identify and stop extraneous psychological impact. Its use allows you to get rid of obsessive thoughts, depression, to gain peace of mind.

Important! Side effect applications - headache. It is felt for a short time.

Becoming a "Solar Whirlwind"

The rune pattern, reminiscent of the Slavic Kolovrat, cleanses the inner world of a person, prevents negative interference. This becoming provides maximum protection, as it carries extremely powerful energy.

The drawing consists of the following runes (each of them is repeated 4 times):

  • Nautiz;
  • Turisaz;
  • Uruz;
  • Soul.

The scheme is recommended to be used for application to the amulet. Wearing such a talisman will eliminate the risk of astral beings living in. The peculiarity of the stav is the duration of the action. If you activate the runes according to the rules, the protection will not need to be updated. You can enhance the effect by applying symbols to "solar" stones, for example, tourmaline or amber.

Becoming a "Guardian"

The task of the scheme is to ward off the negative impact at all levels (physical, mental, energy). The drawing begins with a dot representing the operator. The following magic runes are used next:

  • Soulu is the main source of strength;
  • Otal - protection and support of the family;
  • Jera - the personification of a positive result;
  • Lögr is the Icelandic symbol for the water of life;
  • Ak - strengthening the defense;
  • Gar - the elimination of an outsider;
  • Inguz - filling with energy.

The use of the stave helps to restore strength. The negative sent by the ill-wisher is returned to him, and the person is freed from bad thoughts.

Becoming "Shut Up"

This formula protects against envy and gossip. The drawing consists of the following runes:

  • Laguz - is responsible for making the operator invisible at the mental level;
  • Kaun is the Icelandic symbol of retribution;
  • Elm Hagal-Nautiz-Turisaz- creates problem situations for the enemy;
  • Esinger - sends negative energy back.

Becoming guards people about whom there is a rumor, who are envied. The magic scheme is rude: the ill-wisher is faced with such difficulties that require immediate resolution, and there is simply no time left for interest in someone else's life.

Becoming a "Battle Ax"

It becomes a real punishment for enemies and a faithful protector from troubles. Visually, the scheme really resembles an ax. The central active rune is Thurisaz. On both sides is Teyvaz. At the bottom, Nautiz and Inguz are drawn.

This is a strong becoming, cutting off the communication channel to the spiteful critic. The rune formula can be applied to the photo. If you need to use the amulet urgently, it is enough just to imagine it, communicating with an unpleasant person.

It is better for a reasonable person to play it safe and try to avert a possible disaster. Protection runes will help out in all situations, whether it be damage, the risk of theft, or the appearance of an envious person. Ancient magical symbols will not give offense, they will help the forces of good to prevail over evil.

Do you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative magical influences? Then this article was created especially for you. Find out what the runes of protection are and kickback, and also check out another, no less useful information. Enjoy reading!

What is runic protection with a reverse blow

Runes of protection in all situations will help remove negativity from any sphere of human life. The mirror method of work is the most common - any negative message from the outside will be automatically cut off from the operator, working according to the "boomerang" method. This approach will allow you to quickly identify the ill-wisher from your inner circle - constant illnesses, failures in business will be a frequent companion of this person.

In what cases is mirror protection with runes appropriate?

Mirror protection with runes will reflect any purposeful magical effect on a person (damage, evil eye, love spell, curse, etc.). It acts like a "reflective surface" - all negative is automatically cut off from the operator, redirecting to the person who pointed it.

The combination of Scandinavian symbols (Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Kenaz, Isa) allows you to remove any magical effect. Can be used during "forced stop" periods. Allows you to reassess your values, set the right life priorities, etc. When drawing up a reservation, be sure to indicate the areas of life that should be cleared of negativity. Before installing the above formula, be sure to conduct a preliminary diagnosis.

Runes used in mirror defense

To establish protection "mirror" with a reservation, the runes line up in strict sequence. The following are popular Scandinavian symbols that are used when creating mirrored protection.

  • Isa: Symbolizes ice in every sense of the word. It has a wide spectrum of action, allows you to "cover with ice" negative magical effects. Allows you to stop the course of diseases, repel attacks from the outside, and also minimize the manifestations of anger, rage
  • Kenaz: Allows you to increase the susceptibility of the operator, sharpen intuition. The main task is to cut off negative bindings due to self-confidence. Helps maintain excellent physical health
  • Hagalaz: The literal translation of this Scandinavian symbol is hail. It carries a powerful destructive force aimed at the destruction of any negative directed from the outside. The rune has an ambiguous effect, therefore it is recommended to use it only in extreme cases.

Runic staves for protection with a return

We bring to your attention the popular runostavs of protection with a return.

Runic becoming "Lotus"

The essence of the formula is the protection of the operator with a hassle, a reverse blow aimed at an ill-wisher. Diagnosed, provides strong, reliable protection. The stave includes the following runes: Algiz, Turisaz, Evaz, Inguz, Nautiz, Soulu.

To enhance the effect, the formula contains runes of elves, Irish letters, runes of trouble. In the central part of the stave is the northern sun, whose task is success, prosperity in any sphere of life. Suitable for weak people. Activation of the formula does not require blood, it is enough to say the desired result, backing it up with the phrase "So be it."

Note! The formula is fully negotiated - rune activation is not required. Perfectly misses the magic of the operator

Runic protection "Cobra"

The combination allows you to break the incoming negativity, give a reverse blow, which will bring many problems to the ill-wisher. Works great over long distances.

Consider a detailed transcript of the stav:

  • Protection from negativity, reverse strike - 8 Teyvaz, 8 Algiz
  • Creating an impenetrable, hiding the operator from prying eyes - a branch from Stunginn Iss (Icelandic rune)
  • A strong reverse blow on the ill-wisher, the punishment of the offender - Hagalaz + Ur
  • Creating a concentrated stream, repelling an attack that works like a "blast wave" - ​​the task of Laguz
  • Cutting off possible attack attempts, eliminating vampire suckers - Eyvaz + Turisaz ("Axes of death")

Rates for protection against damage and the evil eye with a return

Consider the main runes for protection against damage and the evil eye, their most common combinations.

Runic becoming "Surprise"

Protects the operator from all kinds of magical attacks of targeted influence (damage, curses, evil eye, slander, etc.).

The basis of the stav is the "swastika" from Soulu + Teyvaz. The operator is symbolized by a central dot surrounded by Soulou. 8 Laguz allow to hide the work of the above formula, to wash away the negativity that has made its way back to the ill-wisher.

The task of the rays of "Surprise" is to block, hold the negative. For this, 5 runes of Isa are used. The combination Hyeres + Dagaz is engaged in the return of the magical effect back.

The following runes will help break any defense of the attacker into pieces, laying him on a hospital bed - Hyera, Teyvaz, Dagaz, Stungin, Kaun, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Uruz. The punishment for the evil done is carried out by 2 Turs (Icelandic runes).

Runic formula "Dragon"

The formula provides protection, cleaning the operator, his immediate environment from third-party programs, negative magical influences, etc. Negotiated in any form. It is better to activate the runic formula with breath or fire.

The detailed scheme of the stave is as follows:

  • 4 Algiz - help of the Gods, other higher powers
  • 2 Kano - detection of negativity in any sphere of the operator's life
  • 2 Turisaz - clipping malware / bindings
  • 2 Hagalaz - the destruction of the negative
  • 3 Soulou - the power of the Sacred Fire allows you to burn all the filth, dispersing the shadows
  • Nautiz - guarantees the "success of the operation", making sure that the negative does not come back

The operator is protected in the following way:

  • Jera - switches cleaning to protection mode
  • Ansuz - indicates the completion of the cleansing stage
  • Central point - "I am" the operator
  • 3 Nautiz - triple protection
  • 2 Hagalaz + 2 Turisaz - destruction of magical attacks
  • 2 Uruz + 2 Teyvaz - stamina, strength of protection

How to put protection with a return after cleaning with runes

Check out an example of protection after cleaning with runes from negativity. The technique is simple, effective, so it is suitable even for novice runologists.

Buy a white wax candle, light it. Set the photo in a frame in front of you, put a candle on the right side of it. Look at the candle flame, mentally imagining that the power of fire cleanses you, your loved ones from possible negativity, cuts off possible bindings, preventing them from approaching the family. You can make a preliminary preparation of thoughts by writing them out on a piece of paper, reading them with expression during the ritual.

The candle must burn out completely. The photograph should be taken out of the frame and placed in a white envelope. Alternatively, use a paper box with walls white color. The image should be kept for three years. After the expiration of the above period, the envelope / box together with the photograph must be burned, scattering the ashes in the wind.

Interesting! To remove negativity from your life and also help yourself to reveal unrealized creative potential, I recommend trying cleaning the chakras with runes - this will help heal your inner world and restore spiritual harmony

Let this information help you get rid of any negative magical manifestations, deservedly taking revenge on the offender. Follow the site for updates. All the best!

In life, the most unforeseen situations happen at times, and special attributes (protection rune, amulet, blessings, and so on) will help to protect yourself from them.

It is impossible to predict with accuracy what trials await loved ones and ourselves on the path of life. You must always be on the alert and, if possible, protect yourself from negative magical influences.

Protective runes protect from negativity in all areas human life helping you move towards your goals. are used for specific purposes: development, material achievements, career growth. But some can protect against negative impacts.

The main and strongest defenders are the runes Algiz and Eyvaz.

Algiz is a universal shield, protecting the owner from any impact. Eyvaz will protect from the evil eye and damage.

For protection can also be used:

FeuHelps to save material wealth.
TurisazPreservation of the hearth from extraneous influence.
KanoPreservation of family values.
GeboHarmony in partnerships.
HagalazProtects from negative energy.
NautizNo negative magical influence.
IsaBlocking from negative influences.
Raido, SoulouTravel safety.
BarkanaProtector for women, children, pregnant women. Maintains the family hearth.
LaguzWater safety.
otalProtects property.

The mirror method of protection is most often used, the essence of which is the return of the harm done to the customer. Thus, you can quickly find out which of your friends or relatives wants bad things.

Protection at all levels will protect against any bad changes in the life of a person and loved ones.

Popular defensive stakes

Becoming protection is created using a combination of different Old Norse runic symbols.

It is not necessary to put a shield to protect against negativity or to protect dear people, but also at moments when you need to stop, rethink the changes taking place inside yourself and reassess life priorities.

When drawing up a reservation, it is imperative to specify which areas of life the protection concerns or in which direction the negative energy interferes with development.

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways to cope with a negative impact is to become a runic lotus.

Consists of runes: Algiz, Turisaz, Evaz, Inguz, Nautiz, Soulu. The bottom line is simple - with negative thoughts or wishes in a particular area, protection drives away everything bad from the protected, creating a reverse blow aimed at the ill-wisher.

The formula includes powerful support for weakened and confused people. The central part of the stav is occupied by the northern sun, which is responsible for success in all endeavors. To activate, you do not need to fix everything with blood, it is enough to put up a verbal defense and say - So be it.

Becoming Snow Leopard works as a cutter. As soon as a negative impact is applied to the owner of protection, becoming instantly destroys the negative, while adding strength and power to himself. Unlike other options, the Snow Leopard works very quietly, without causing attention.

The formula includes: Perto, Hagalaz, Tours and Laguz.

In this case, each of the runes performs a specific action:

  1. Perto - works as a kind of trap.
  2. Turisaz - cuts off all negativity like scissors.
  3. Hagalaz - destroys everything cut off.
  4. Laguz - envelops the protected with a special energy that does not allow finding a target, as if hiding a person.

When a slander is used to protect the home, the abundance of Laguz hides home comfort and warmth under an invisible shawl. In the event of a negative impact, the runes will be withdrawn, the bad will not find its target.

Any magical influence should not go unpunished. Each person has the right to independently decide what life should be, so the return is fully justified, everything in the world should be in balance.

Becoming a Black Star protects against magical and even physical influences. When a negative impact occurs on a protected person, becoming acts in the following sequence:

  1. First, the rune Algiz enters the fight, trying to drive away bad energy.
  2. If the protection is broken, 3 additionally protecting runes come into effect. Using the principle of a trap, they attract negativity.
  3. The attacker at this moment loses self-control, control over his actions, thoughts of suicide arise.
  4. The counter rune increases the level of energy, concentrating everything in one place. Then all the negativity turns into a terrible damage.
  5. Pouring into the stream of runes Turisaz and Teyvaz, the energy reaches the ill-wisher, inflicting terrible wounds on the energy field of the offender.
  6. Next, the enemy manifests terrible hidden diseases, a complete breakdown and defenselessness appears. At best, damage will remain on the culprit, at worst, it will become the karma of the family.

Such magic is attributed to black, because one who wishes to fall from a high fence will break from a kilometer-long cliff.

In magical practice, only witches and witchers produce such protections, because it is not worth combining light and hard protection. To strengthen the effectiveness, be sure to fix the ritual with your own blood. But the result will not keep you waiting, in 15 minutes the defense will be in full combat readiness.

Still, it is better to use such weapons from enemies on an individual basis, and not to protect home and family.

Protective becoming from the suggestion of thoughts

Runes from the evil eye and manipulation of consciousness are a common concept in the magical world. There is no person in the world who wants to be made decisions for him, decide who or what to think about, what to desire and what to hate.

Runic amulets quickly reveal such influence and prevent the impact. In addition to protection, becoming improves mood, enhances the emotional background, relieves a person from depression.

The mirror effect contributes to the appearance of significant problems for the ill-wisher, but this will not concern relatives or clan, everything remains on the enemy.

To unravel the action of the stav, you need to disassemble the components:

MannazImplies the person they want to influence.
AnsuzHelps to gain complete control over their emotions.
HagalazA kind of cleansing field: all psychological programs collapse, a person completely disconnects from all channels of negativity.
TeyvazDelays negative impact.
NautizPromotes a clear vision of what is happening, completely removes all rose-colored glasses.
OtalaThe symbol indicates all the programs of human influence, while helping to personally realize all this.
LaguzStrengthens the protective field.
IsaSuspends the execution of the program, if it still managed to break through the protection.
RaidoThe energy of the Higher forces helps to take the situation under personal control.
VunyoPromotes the internal balance of a person, removes from a stressful or depressive state.
TurisazOrganizes thoughts.
InguzIt controls the counterattack, relieves stress, removes the remnants of damage from damage, restores strength.
HyèresThe battery of the whole flock.

You need to be prepared, imposing such protection on yourself, you may feel worse, but it will go away pretty quickly.

The runic becoming of protection produces internal diagnostics, revealing any impact on human consciousness and health. Evil people have a constant influence, without even thinking about it, they send negativity, for which you must always be ready. It is often used as an amulet, because it significantly weakens the likelihood of astral and dark beings inhabiting it and helps to restore the aura.

The composition of the stav includes the runes Soulu, Uruz, Nautiz, Turisaz.

The symbolism works like this:

  • when trying to influence the protected, the attacker's forces are blocked;
  • then the enemy's defense is completely destroyed and the attacker tries to defend himself from his own deed;
  • the attacker becomes an additional shield for the victim, thereby turning into a victim.

Becoming a Little Boomerang or Maya has a similar meaning. main feature lies in the fact that when attacked, becoming not only protects against attack, but also takes away all magical abilities attacker.

Becoming called Guardian Guardian

This rune protects from negativity, removes any influence on the energy, mental and physical levels. Blocks all curses and corruption.

The runic formula protects against unwanted settlers not from this world, helps the personality develop in the chosen direction. Suppressing the negative, becoming sends a negative blow to the sender.

With a more detailed interpretation of the stav, you can find out additional meanings:

  • family support;
  • elimination of bindings, negative channels;
  • fills with energy and vitality.

Also, the experience of the Guardian is used as a talisman in the house. This is a positive sign that carries only positive energy and justice.

How to correctly stipulate a protective position

In order for becoming the protection of the house or person to act as efficiently as possible, it should be charged by becoming a strong energy. You can use this way:

  1. The first part should indicate the use runic magic and mirror protection. For example - Impact on ..., Becoming will help me ... and so on.
  2. Control the protective whirlwind created by the runes, anticipating possible situations and giving an answer to them. The energy of protection will act more clearly, without contradicting the views and principles of a person.
  3. Talk about how you can activate the multi-level protective runic becoming and how to deactivate.
  4. By setting energy to the protective field, get rid of everything bad - negative thoughts, envy, feelings, and so on.

You need to understand that a person is in complete control of his level. With good actions, it only strengthens the magical background, and with negative ones, accordingly, it weakens it.

How protective runic staves work

The interaction and defensive reaction between the attacking and the protected side, first of all, is determined by which object (the runic protection of the house was made) or the person will be under the influence. The protection process itself depends on this.

Old Norse and Slavic warriors applied protective images to their armor. Now those who know either use amulets with the right symbols, or put a tattoo in a suitable place.

The main goal of the defensive stav is to completely neutralize directed negative energy, achieve minimal losses and, in some cases, mirror the consequences on the attacker.

Key Rules for Protection from Magical Influence

The protective runic becoming directly depends on the object of the intended protection. Let's take a closer look at some types:

  1. - for activation, runoscripts are used (prescribed runes in one line) and (image in free form). Often, Algiz is used for protection - the 12th rune, the main meaning of which is protection and safety.
  2. Protection of the home and family - the amulet for the home is depicted on any surface: wood, paper, metal, body, photograph, it all depends on preferences. You can charge such a talisman by visualizing energy.
  3. Protection for relatives and dear people - it is enough to put a protective image on a photo of a person with a marker, pen or oil paints.
  4. Protection material wealth- for this method of protection, you only need to put symbols on the door frame of the house and then no one will dare to look at the property. If you practice a little and learn how to modify the staves, add a combination of Perth-Hagalaz to them - then there will always be financial gains and good luck in the house.

There are no clearly defined rules on how to defend yourself. Each person personally chooses a means of protection, thereby limiting himself from interference in his personal life. The main thing is to act with good goals, then the Universe will additionally avert trouble.


Everyone needs rune armor. Without even suspecting it, a person finds himself in more than a dozen situations in a day. negative impact surrounding.

Some accidentally send negative thoughts, others deliberately do damage, because they want to ruin people's lives. You don’t need to be led by circumstances, it’s much wiser to worry about your own safety and protecting your home in advance.