What is the beauty of the soul. Beauty and harmony. What is the inner beauty of a person

We very often hear about human beauty. Someone believes that it is only external, but many know that it can be expressed in the inner world of a person. What is "beauty" really? Can you give it any definition? Not everyone can answer what true beauty is. Many schoolchildren write an essay on this topic, the adult generation talks about it, poets write poems about it, and artists convey it in their paintings. Therefore, it is worth finding out what beauty is.

What is beauty

We all see how beautiful nature is. A fiery sunset, which is replaced by a gloomy sky, makes everyone who looks at the phenomenon admire. The sun, which knocks on the window in the morning, will not leave any connoisseur of real beauty indifferent. But can we say that it can be seen not only in nature, but also in man? Many will answer that it is possible, and this answer will be correct.

Essay on the topic "Human beauty". What is it

You can often hear: "How beautiful she is!" When a person says this phrase, first of all, he thinks about external beauty. It can be expressed in correct and beautiful in beautiful clothes, etc. In this case, we mean the outer shell of a person. But what is the true beauty of man? First of all, it is the world and appearance. If a person is handsome and well-groomed, but poorly educated and tactless, he can hardly be called beautiful. Appearance is just a shell under which a person with an "ugly soul" can hide.

The inner beauty of a person

What is inner beauty? An essay on this topic can be written by every person who knows that it is not only in appearance. Inner beauty lies in the all-round development of a person, in his soulfulness, sensitivity and kindness. If he is worried seeing homeless animals, children who grew up without parents, sympathizes with people with disabilities, can sincerely be happy for someone, make friends and love, we can safely say that this person has inner beauty.

It is pleasant to communicate with a person who is well brought up, knows how to respect other people, knows how to behave, and knows how to support any conversation. This is inner beauty. This concept includes spiritual content, harmony with the outside world, as well as with oneself.

A person who is angry with everyone around him, cruel, greedy and hypocritical cannot be called beautiful. Even if he is very handsome on the outside, he is not like that on the inside. You should never judge a person by his outer shell, which is very often deceptive, since even an ugly person can have a rich inner world, a sensitive soul and a kind heart.

What is beauty? An essay on this topic can help many people realize the truth, which for many is closed and unknown. Beauty is something that presupposes harmony between the external and internal world.

How the beauty of people is expressed

What is the beauty of a person? Anyone can write an essay on this topic, but everyone puts their own meaning in this concept. Someone believes that beauty is expressed only in appearance, others assume that the ability to think and speak correctly is the most beautiful in a person. No concept can be called wrong. For every person, beauty can be different. However, the truth lies in harmony with oneself.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?" Harmony of external and internal beauty

Everyone will answer in their own way to the question of what beauty is. An essay on this topic can begin with the words of the author that this concept is individual. The main thing is that beauty is admired. It attracts to itself, carries energy in itself, beckons like a magnet. It can be external and internal, but the true beauty of a person lies in the harmony of these two components.

A handsome man is neatly dressed and thinks purely. He has self-confidence and dignity. A handsome man smiles sincerely and is never hypocritical. He is in harmony with his inner world and outer beauty.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?" can help a person understand how a beautiful person should look and think. Do not forget that he must be smart. If a person is smart, then he can be beautiful both inside and outside.

A person's culture also expresses his beauty. It can be expressed in the manner of conversation, in behavior, etc. If a person is untidy dressed, behaves incorrectly and uses obscene language, this indicates that he is not in harmony with himself and the world around him, which does not make him beautiful.

Undoubtedly, a person becomes beautiful throughout his life. He learns something new, learns to control his emotions, behave in society, speak, think and just live. If a person has a desire to learn something new and positive, he will definitely become better both outside and inside.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?" can serve as a start for a new life for a person, in which he can achieve harmony with himself.

Oddly enough, but the beauty in oneself must be developed and nurtured. A person must get to know himself and the world around him in order to make himself and others better. If he is spiritually beautiful, he will definitely be able to bring beauty to his home and society.

Beauty will save the world

Beauty can be different, everyone sees it differently. Someone can see it even in the starry sky, while other people do not pay attention to it, because they see it every day, and they do not find beauty in it. Essay-reasoning "What is beauty?", Written by different people, will contain different points. But this concept itself remains unchanged. Beauty is something beautiful that carries a range of emotions and positive energy. She makes people admire and strive for her.

And this, Harmony with the inner and outside world is beautiful! Therefore, each person should strive to be beautiful both externally and internally.

What is beauty? There have been endless disputes about what is hidden under this concept since the beginning of the creation of the world. Oscar Wilde said that beauty has as many meanings as there are moods in a person. But this is about the visible, about the top of the beautiful iceberg. And what is hidden under the dark water column is the beauty of the human soul. There is even more debate about it. We will talk about this.

The essence of the world

There is an opinion that in our time they talk less and less about spirituality, about what the true beauty of the soul is, and more and more pay attention to the external, to what can be seen, touched, bought or sold. Is it so? It may be true. But on the other hand, the essence of the world does not change. There have always been and will be rich and poor, truth and lies, sincerity and hypocrisy, love and hate, black and white. Everything is. The essence does not change, only new means are born. This means that the conversation about what the beauty of the soul is does not lose its relevance. And it's time to remember the words of brilliant writers, poets, great philosophers, religious figures and many others.

Where does the soul live?

Every person has a soul. It is difficult to disagree with this statement. Nobody is trying. The only thing that is still argued about is where she lives, in what part of the body and whether she continues to live after bodily death.

On the one hand, from a scientific point of view, these are very interesting questions. On the other hand, is it really important, where? It can be in the solar plexus, in the heart, and in the head. The main thing is that it is true, unique and inimitable, like a drawing on the tip of your finger. Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho claims that each of us is not a body endowed with a soul, but a soul, a part of which is visible and is called a body.

The outstanding Lebanese prose writer and philosopher Gibran Khalil Gibran also argued that spirit is primary. He wrote that the beauty of the soul is like an invisible root that goes deep into the earth, but nourishes a flower, giving it color and aroma.

Ancient Greek philosophers

Since Aristotle, many philosophers have argued that beauty is a twofold concept. There is beauty in the body and beauty in the soul. The first is understood as the proportionality of parts, attractiveness, grace. All the same Aristotle said that such beauty is understood and appreciated by the common people, who are accustomed to perceive and feel the world with only five basic senses. Anyone who admires such beauty “differs only a little from animals,” relying only on their instincts.

The situation is different with the inner world of a person. Other laws operate there, which means that everything that happens among its immense latitudes is captured by different feelings. Plato argued that the beauty of the soul is palpable only by virtuous people, because the beautiful and the bad cannot coexist, one excludes the other.

Our contemporary, Paulo Coelho, echoes him, who says that if a person is able to notice beauty, it is only because he wears it inside. The world is a mirror reflecting our true.

The beauty of writers and poets

Not only ancient Greek philosophers said that beauty and soul are identical concepts. The classics of world literature wrote about this and our contemporaries continue to discuss this. Here are some examples. German poet and playwright of the 18th century Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was convinced that even the most ordinary-looking body is transformed due to spiritual beauty. Conversely, the poverty of the spirit puts on the "most splendid constitution" some kind of special imprint that defies description and causes an incomprehensible disgust.

A century later, the Russian poet and prose writer V. Ya. Bryusov said the same thing, but in other words: “After death, the human soul continues to live its own invisible and eluding life. But if one of us was a poet, artist or architect, then after the death of the body, the beauty of his soul lives both in heaven and on earth, imprinted in the form of a word, color or stone. "

And the Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin tried to comprehend another secret - what is the beauty of the Russian soul. He compared it with a Russian song, in which, in an inexplicable way, "human suffering, and the deepest prayer, and sweet love, and great consolation" merge together.

Poems about the beauty of the soul

Poets also write about the fact that beauty has two reverse sides. One of the most remarkable poems on this topic is the work of Eduard Asadov "Two beauties". The author, seriously and jokingly at the same time, notes that two beauties rarely find themselves in one place. As a rule, one interferes with the other. But people often do not notice this and for a long time remain "short-sighted" to the beauty of the soul. And only when its antipode “decently and strongly annoys”, “embarrassed” begin to think about the truth.

At the end of the poem, the poet comes to one conclusion - by the end of his life, two beauties always change. One is aging, decrepit, succumbing to the merciless influence of time. And the other - the beauty of the soul - remains the same. She does not know what wrinkles are, age and cannot count years. All that remains for her is to burn brightly and smile.

Other poets about the eternal

The beautiful Russian poet Vasily Kapnist regrets the transience of beauty on earth. He sadly notes that everything on earth is given one time - a moment. It disappears, and with it the beautiful Aurora, the meteor, and the beauty will sink into the abyss. But what can conquer death? Only spirit. Neither time nor grave can “devour” it. And only in it is the color of beauty eternal.

The talented Russian symbolist poet Konstantin Balmont also sings about the eternal beauty of love, suffering and renunciation. In his poem "There is one beauty in the world," he writes that the gods of Hellas, and the blue sea, and waterfalls, and "heavy masses of mountains", no matter how beautiful they are, cannot be compared with the beauty of the soul of Jesus Christ, who agreed to voluntary torment for the sake of humanity.


So, if over the centuries great minds have been talking about the same thing - about the eternity of the spirit and the frailty of the body, then why do we continue this senseless race for brilliance, splendor and picturesqueness? Israeli Kabbalist Michael Laitman claims that the soul is born again and again only to experience different states, as if trying on different clothes. And only after measuring everything and realizing that the pursuit of fame, wealth, external beauty and eternal youth brings nothing but emptiness and disappointment, the soul turns its gaze to the truth, looks inside itself and seeks answers to all questions only from God.

In other words, the scientist says that the cultivation of the beauty of the body is nothing more than a necessary stage of development. After all, it is impossible at school to immediately jump from the first grade to the tenth grade and understand what trigonometry is, if you are still practicing writing beautifully numbers and letters in the copy. And, as the Arab philosopher D.H. Gibran said, a moment comes when you perceive the world not as an image that you would like to see, and not as a song that you would like to hear, but as an image and song that a person sees and hears. even if he closes his eyes and ears.

What is more important - spiritual beauty or external beauty? Can a person possess one and at the same time do without the other?

Main concepts

What is beauty? In the broadest sense of the word, this is a general category in aesthetics. It usually indicates the finished perfection of an object or object. Harmony in all aspects. Beauty evokes delight in its appearance.
The antonym of this word is ugliness or ugliness. In the philosophical aspect, human beauty is divided into internal and external. Each of them can coexist with the other, complement or, at times, replace each other in the eyes of the rest.

What is moral beauty?

Such eminent writers as Chekhov, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Hugo, Dickens, and many others, constantly emphasized the magnificence of the inner world of man. They emphasized the indispensability of the soul, while the external aesthetic appearance suffers and changes over the years.
What is inner beauty? This is a set of certain qualities of a person that can be determined only by communicating with him. Outwardly, they may not be noticeable at all.
The main characteristics that determine what moral beauty is:
responsiveness; willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of others; kindness towards any person, animal; sincerity; high intellectual level; openness; justice; noble deeds; interest in the interlocutor.
Each person has their own requirements for the owner of a beautiful inner world. Everyone in their own way defines what beauty is. Only the most common ones have been listed here. Such beauty is impossible to see, it is only felt.
There are often cases when an attractive person inside begins to be perceived as such from the outside. And the outer cover fades as soon as the interlocutor notices selfish character traits.

What is inner beauty in literature?

A striking example of the perception of a person through his soul is an episode from the epic of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". During the ball, when the main characters meet, attractive Andrei Balkonsky meets two girls. With Helen and Natasha. The appearance of the first is more beautiful than the second girl. But it is Natasha who attracts the hero.
What is the beauty of a woman for Andrey?
The prince was fascinated by Natasha's charming, sincere smile, an expression of genuine joy and interest. And even the not quite attractive, not yet formed figure of the girl overshadowed all the beauty of her friend. Why did it happen? Balkonsky fell in love with sincerity and simplicity.
The second example, which is familiar to everyone from childhood, can be the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". The main character Nastenka falls in love with a terrible monster, seeing all his inner beauty.
This fictional story teaches Russian people from a young age that one cannot judge by the cover. After talking with the enchanted prince, the girl sees that she was unfair to him, frightened by a terrible appearance.
Victor Hugo in his novel Notre Dame de Paris provides another example of inner beauty and ugliness on the outside. A hunchback named Quasimodo, a wonderful, sympathetic, kind person, is forced to spend all the time within the walls of the temple so that people are not afraid of him. The beautiful gypsy Esmeralda suffers from external beauty, constantly pursued by men. Each of them suffers in its own way. Both one and the other wonder what beauty really is? As a result, the soul turns out to be salutary.

Spiritual beauty in the modern world

In an age when external beauty is becoming more popular than internal beauty, it is very difficult to remain open to people with visible flaws.
In order to teach children the value of the soul from an early age, ethics and aesthetics are specially introduced into the school curriculum as compulsory subjects. During such lessons, children are told about people who are not like the others, who have received some kind of injury or were born with them. Schoolchildren are taught not to be afraid of them, not to harm them, but to get to know these people better. They begin to understand what the beauty of nature is, to appreciate it. The external beauty of a woman Lovely maiden images are a favorite subject of description for writers, painters, sculptors, and poets. For each of them, the beauty of the girl is purely individual. Some people like a small nose, others like its upturned tip, and still others prefer an aquiline profile. Someone loves skinny women, someone likes puffy women. There are also general aesthetic norms: a symmetrical face, regular features, and the like. A person cannot pass by what he associates with beauty. Therefore, art galleries are so popular, where you can admire what causes aesthetic pleasure.

Image aesthetics

Many scientists claim that the need for beauty lies at a subconscious level. People who, for one reason or another, associate others with beauty will be more popular. They will immediately fall into the circle of trust in a person, without even speaking a word. But if the standard has a terrible temper, lack of intelligence or problems with self-control, the image of the beautiful will immediately evaporate, and they will look at it in a completely different way. One badly spoken word can destroy the image. Subconscious craving for a beautiful person is replaced by disappointment.

Negative qualities that can cross out the first impression of appearance:
coarseness; selfishness; envy; greed; exaggeration of their capabilities; intolerance of others.
Gradually, looking at a handsome man with such flaws, his interlocutor ceases to notice the aesthetic component of his appearance, finds flaws.

Soul against Nature

Beauty on the outside is bestowed by nature, good parenting genes, increased work on the exterior, cosmetics or plastic surgeons. It changes depending on the fashion. what is the beauty of a woman and what is the beauty of the soul? You have to work on the internal component for a very long time, bringing up and developing certain positive qualities in yourself. Appearance will help to establish an acquaintance. The soul is responsible for its duration. Over time, people realize that the outer shell is not that important. Those who bring joy, optimism, generosity, as a rule, linger for a long time in the lives of others. With their positive example, they awaken in the rest of the abilities, which they did not know about before. In response, a person also wants to do good. A positive attitude is transmitted.


The ideal combination is not a contrast between appearance and soul, but a union. The writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov not in vain emphasized that a wonderful person should be the same both inside and outside. You need to learn to combine an attractive appearance and a pleasant character. If you wish, you can always achieve this. The main thing is to try.

One ancient legend says that once a student came to a wise sensei. He asked his teacher questions about what first of all needs to be developed, what the beauty of a person is.

The sage asked the young man: what if he bought a house for himself, and there was only enough money to decorate it outside or inside, what would he choose. The student thought and said that it would be better to make the room inside beautiful. The teacher praised him for his choice, noting that only vain people, hungry for universal approval, are able to experience inconvenience, looking at bare walls, just to arouse the approval of others. The old man recalled that it is better to harmonize both aspects, developing them equally. This is the answer to the question of what true beauty is.
Everyone should understand what is more important in life for him, and follow this path. You cannot limit yourself to one thing, forgetting about another.
Cases when a person is beautiful externally and internally are very rare. Such people attract attention to themselves and no longer let it go. This beauty consists in complete harmony with all human qualities.

We always admire natural beauties and in communication we reach out to beautiful and charming people. However, the concept of beauty is multifaceted, and often it includes not only the external attractiveness of a person, but also internal beauty. There are many ways to preserve and improve your external qualities, but in order to achieve harmony with yourself and the outside world, you need to work a lot on your internal content.

What is the inner beauty of a person

External qualities suitable for beauty standards change over the years. What seemed beautiful decades ago is today regarded as unattractive or even ugly. The concept of inner beauty is stable, and, flowing from one era to another,
almost does not change its content.

The inner beauty of a person is a complex of spiritual qualities that encourages people to perform worthy deeds. At the same time, we are talking not only about heroic deeds, since sometimes at first glance, imperceptible behavior, expressed in the fulfillment of one's duty or patience and acceptance of the people around and life circumstances, reflects the inner beauty of a person. Positive qualities, as well as negative ones, are especially pronounced in extreme situations - hard times contribute to the disclosure of the most vivid spiritual qualities of a person - all negative qualities and the inner beauty of a person are manifested. The ability to preserve and develop positive mental qualities in difficult situations is not given to everyone.

Nevertheless, in everyday life, everyone also has the opportunity to show inner beauty. The one who succeeds, leaves a mark on the soul and consciousness of others. Over the years, we remember people with whom we worked, studied or met for a short time, and such meetings stimulate us to develop through setting the right guidelines and priorities.

However, often the inner beauty of a person does not find a response among others and is either taken for granted, or causes ridicule. This behavior of the environment leads to the fact that the desire to perform worthy deeds and demonstrate inner beauty disappears. Therefore, it is so important not to be afraid to speak kind words to people if they deserve it.

What does the concept of inner beauty of a person include?

There is beauty, external and internal, and these concepts are subjective to one degree or another. The factors that determine how attractive a person is are different for everyone. However, if the criteria for external beauty are fleeting, then spiritual qualities worthy of admiration and respect do not change for centuries. They are the ones who are able to change the opinion of outwardly unattractive people.

The qualities from which inner beauty is formed:

  • Kindness is a familiar characteristic that many admire in childhood, but which is inexorably losing popularity with age.
  • Compassion is one of the main components of the inner beauty of people. This is the ability to experience the emotions of the surrounding emotions and sincerely sympathize, seeking to support and alleviate the condition of people.
  • Compliance with the laws of morality and ethics. For some, in the first place are the norms of law, prescribed in the laws, for others - the commandments. However, long before the appearance of the sacred books of various confessions and criminal laws, there were rules of conduct dictated by the inner morality of a person. And it is this inner limiter that regulates behavior that must be present in a person who strives for inner beauty.
  • Honesty is a highly controversial quality. On the one hand, it is undoubtedly an important characteristic of a highly moral person. On the other hand, "lying to save" is sometimes a more humane measure, capable of preserving not only good relations and peace of mind of the people around them, but also life. Everyone should answer the question whether the internally beautiful should not be crystal-honest.
  • Respectful behavior towards people. Naturally, we cannot respect all the people around us. But behaving with dignity and not stopping to the level of poorly educated or immoral individuals is an important quality for a mentally attractive person.
  • A respectful attitude to nature is a quality that is poorly developed in many modern people, but without which one cannot speak of inner beauty.
  • Intellectual development is not the main, but still an important quality for an internally beautiful person. Often, intellectual growth provokes people to develop other qualities in themselves that are responsible for spiritual attractiveness.

The combination of such qualities in different proportions leads to the fact that a person seems to us charming and pretty due to his inner beauty. At the same time, an important condition is that the owner of such qualities is in inner harmony with himself and the world around him. Unlike external beauty, internal beauty requires absolute naturalness - good deeds done of good will, and not for the sake of the rules of morality and not out of a sense of duty, cause true respect and response in the hearts of others. People who feel the world more subtly can say that harmony and beauty are closely related, and one does not exist without the other.

Is it important to be mentally beautiful?

The need for beauty is an innate quality that appeared in ancient times. People were engaged in various types of arts and physical development. They understood that aesthetic development is a component that means a lot for a high quality of life.

An important role for humanity has always been played not only by the external manifestation of beauty, but also by internal beauty, which goes hand in hand with the harmonious development of the individual. It often happens that when we meet people who are unattractive in appearance, after a while we notice that they cause sympathy due to their spiritual qualities and the degree of internal development.

The opposite situations also happen, when people who have created a vivid image for themselves, take care of themselves and pay great attention to external aesthetics, turn out to be uninteresting and empty inside. Sometimes their actions speak of their poor inner world or of an ugly - morally - content. It is not worth blaming such people, they are often victims of improper upbringing or have mental trauma that does not allow them to develop inner beauty. However, such individuals make a repulsive impression on others.

Thus, inner beauty takes up a lot of place in people's lives. It is more significant than external data, since it is the spiritual fulfillment that stimulates the performance of worthy deeds and is engraved in the memory of the people around. Inner beauty determines the attitude towards a person, especially when it comes to long-term communication.

Is it possible to develop inner beauty in a person?

Of course, inner beauty is not a muscle that can be pumped up in the gym, but everyone needs to develop positive mental qualities. Self-improvement and the development of spiritual beauty can and should be done at any age. It is difficult for adults to start working on their inner world and spiritual beauty, and it is especially difficult for those who have negative life experience - it is more difficult for them to realize the very need to work on themselves in this direction. However, everyone can change their inner world and become a more attractive person from a moral point of view.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to start forming positive qualities from the very birth of a person. The child's psyche absorbs everything like a sponge, and if a child grows up in a healthy atmosphere, surrounded by the necessary books and toys useful for development, it is not difficult to develop inner beauty in him. Moreover, the main factor influencing such development is one's own example. If people are wondering what inner beauty is and how to develop it, this is the beginning of the path to change oneself and the world around.

Ways to develop inner beauty

The improvement of one's spiritual qualities and the development of inner beauty is a long painstaking work, which implies a set of measures of a different nature. Adults need to spend a lot of time to walk this path, because the purpose of this path is to change the worldview, their lives and the fate of loved ones. This is a worthy choice that each person must make one day.

The most important and difficult step is to reconsider your attitude towards others. It is important to understand that the people with whom fate has brought you together should not be taught life and reeducated. They must either be accepted as they are, or, if possible, abstract from them. If a person interferes with the development of positive mental qualities, causes irritation or anger, try to minimize his presence in your life, unless we are talking about close family members.

Various works of literature and art have a lot of useful things for the formation of correct landmarks. In order to develop positive spiritual qualities, it is useful to recall Russian writers belonging to the classics of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the novels of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev and other literary figures, there are many researches and correct conclusions on what includes the concept of "inner beauty" and how to achieve this quality.

Foreign writers have also left a great legacy that is used by people around the world not only to while away a day or evening unsuitable for a walk, but also to cultivate spirituality. The stories of Hemingway, Vonnegut and Bradburry are in a different manner, but they also suggest the correct reasoning for conclusions regarding the inner beauty of people. This way of developing positive qualities not only improves their characteristics, but also increases literacy and fills in the gaps left by school years.

As you pursue spiritual development, eliminate from your life TV programs and press publications that clog your mind and set the wrong landmarks. You won't be able to do without TV and newspapers, but treat the content carefully and captious. "Chewing gum for the brain" does not contribute to the emergence of any positive mental qualities.

Remember that by developing internal positive qualities and their external manifestation, you become an example for those around you who are looking for answers to the same questions that you asked.

Our world is great, and the behavior of people in it is even greater and more varied. It so happened for millennia that we are born beautiful and ugly - both in body and soul.

Let's say it's clear what it means to be a beautiful person on the outside. This means, for example, that he has the correct facial features, it is devoid of any physical imperfections and, in general, is pleasant to contemplate.

But what is inner beauty or, as it is customary to call it, spiritual?

Spiritual beauty lies in the soul of a person, in the peculiarities of his behavior, in the way of thinking. We are talking about the spiritual beauty of such a person who can be smart, will never allow himself illegal or unworthy behavior. He is responsible for the younger and takes care of the elders. Honors traditions and performs noble deeds for the sake of the well-being of the surrounding reality and the comfort of the people around. Such a person is also disinterested, the desire for personal gain at the expense of others is alien to him. And he is always open to dialogue.

Of course, the spiritual beauty of a person is a deep philosophical concept and is difficult to explain, but everyone, understanding it in their own way, nevertheless notes that this is the highest substance of the development of a person's inner state, which, most likely, is not passed on from generation to generation. , but is acquired by a person in the process of his formation and acquaintance with life.

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