Runes to protect the workplace. How to protect yourself from evil energy with the help of runes. How to correctly stipulate a protective position

Entering into interactions with each other, people exchange information, emotions, their achievements, happiness, share grief and disappointment with each other. Being in close relationships, we open our soul and do not think about the consequences. For some people, happy moments last longer, for others they are short-lived. And on this basis, feelings of envy often arise.

There are people who are annoyed by someone else's happiness, health and well-being. They may have a desire to turn to black magic in order to take away bright moments in someone's life. Envious people can not only cause damage or other magical effects, but also jinx it or act openly, arranging problems in the life of a more successful person.

In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, you can put various protections, including runic ones. To be calm about your health, the health of loved ones, property is one of the aspects happy life. If the house can be protected with reliable locks and alarms, then it is more difficult to protect yourself from the negative energy of enemies. Runic protection is based on attracting energy to a specific sphere of a person. The energy of the runes protects a person from damage, evil eye, evil tongues.

With the help of runes, you can put protection, as it were, preventing negative influences and any undesirable actions on the part of ill-wishers. But you can stop a specific person and not give him the opportunity to harm if you know who your enemy is. And also, without knowing a specific enemy, you can stipulate the runes in such a way that they will act in general, on people who wish you harm.

Get rid of addiction with the help of runes

Getting rid of enemies with runes

Straitjacket ( STRAIT JACKEET by DANTE)

This runic becoming can help in the following situations: neighbors got it - they make noise, drink, run along the landing, knock on walls, listen to loud music; the boss at work constantly yells and threatens with dismissal; relatives without invitation became frequent; an obsessive lover will not calm down in any way ... in general, you can stipulate any situation in which it is necessary to pacify a person so that he does not commit actions that are undesirable for you.

The name of the stave and the runes in it speak for themselves. You can apply both for a long time, updating periodically after a certain period of time, and for a specific situation in order to fetter your enemy from unwanted actions. This position of the author is very concise and not difficult to remember, so that you can use it at a specific unexpected moment.

Working runes of the stav:

Teyvaz lane.,Stungen-Iss, Nautiz, Elforuns M and O, secondary Isa

As you can see, not only Scandinavian runes are used in this stav, but also the Icelandic rune Stungen-Iss,also elforuns.

Elforuna O combined with rune Teyvaz lane. - this is the opening of the gates of the earth to drain the energy of the raging rabbit there, i.e. weakening of the will

3 Nautiz(need) - speak for themselves, this is coercion and constraint in actions

Stungen Iss(pierced ice) - to close roads and stop some business, mork. It is also used to hide their actions.

It is possible to negotiate becoming both porunno and in its entirety. Usually, if the runes are written in the form of a formula, then it is worth specifying each rune separately. If the runes are in a tie, then you can make a single reservation for the entire stav, and the runes themselves will distribute their roles, based on the task.

Glyphs of Arachne. Practical use

Runic becoming "Paralysis"

Here we see a stave, which consists of two runic staves. They were designed to destroy the belief in one's exclusiveness and to immobilize on the physical level, to deprive of strength, "so that life does not seem like sugar." This becoming can be not only protection from the enemy, but also his punishment.

Runes in the stav:

First becoming

Evaz, Hagalaz, Berkana mirror, Teyvaz per.- the destruction of any effort to be healthy physically.

Mannaz lane, Raido lane, Turisaz, pierced by Isa - the destruction of the personality and the search for a path to recovery.

Uruz Lane, Isa, Algiz - weaken, de-energize, immobilize.

two points -combine two influences

Second becoming

Seal of Hel with inscribed Berkanoy mirror. + Hagalaz pierced by Isa, Ansuz lane, Laguz lane . - destroy faith and purpose.

It is possible to stipulate a rune or set a general goal for the stav, given that it consists of two parts.

Road closures

Another interesting position. This becoming can create a chain of events that leads to the impossibility of implementing any plans. You can close the road to a person so that he cannot come. Or block opportunities in intentions that are not exactly planned yet.

Working runes in the stav:

Eyvaz, Nautiz- forced change

2 Isa freeze, stop

Raido mirror, Raido per. - roads leading to nowhere

Uruz per.- lack of power to change

Square– for stable and sustainable results

It can be used both to close roads in the literal sense, and to close roads in order to achieve goals. Speak as required in your particular situation.

Getting rid of existence, settlers with runes

Lock up malice and witchcraft at the source of problems (POLLUX)

This runic becoming allows all the words, deeds, actions, witchcraft, emotions of the ill-wisher to be left in himself and not give them a way back. How much this person wants to throw out his evil on you, how deeply his evil remains in himself and thereby causes harm three times more.

Working runes of the stav:

Square- consists of 4 runes of Isa, contributes to a sustainable result

Mannaz, Perto, Nautiz, Laguz, Laguz per. - the runes are in a square and mean the person who causes harm, his negative thoughts, emotions, witchcraft, etc.

4 Seals of Hel - block all channels leading to you.

This runic status is negotiated something like this:

“Let all thoughts, words, deeds, actions, witchcraft, emotions (name) remain in her, not finding a way back. How much (name) wants to do, think, throw out his evil on me, how deeply this evil remains in (name) herself and harms her in a triple way.

Energy Bindings and Getting Rid of Them

Noose for the enemy

With the help of this runic stave you can get rid of enemies that have ever caused harm. You can instill fear and horror by influencing their fate, material wealth, health. Also, in addition to punishment, this becoming will protect you from enemies in all areas of life by retaliation.

Working runes in the stav:

Dot- the operator

Algiz- rune of protection, protects from negativity

Teyvaz- attacks the enemy, bringing confusion to his ranks

Eyvaz, Turisaz- cut off all attack attempts, connect to the operator and destroy enemy resistance

Hagalaz- a weapon of revenge and attack, will destroy everything that you stipulate

Jotun haze- hassle

An approximate stipulation of the stav: let the DRS destroy all my enemies with the power of runes, fall upon them with natural disasters, crushing and destroying their destinies, their position in society, their prosperity. Let this becoming go through the fate of all the people who have ever harmed me. Let DRS always and everywhere protect my health, interests in career, financial growth from their negative impact. More classic...

Apply staves after making a preliminary diagnosis to see how the runes will manifest themselves in your case. If you are not sure that your actions are fair in relation to another person, do not use the magic of revenge and justice. Otherwise, it will turn against you.


Since in this article we are faced with such a concept as Elforuns, I will briefly dwell on them.

In the mythology of the Germanic and Scandinavian peoples, elves are spirits, ideas about which go back to lower natural forces. In German folk beliefs, elves were the spirits of nature, inhabiting the air, earth, forests, dwellings. And they are usually friendly to people. Sometimes they are divided into light and dark.

Light elves in medieval demonology are good spirits of the air, atmosphere, beautiful little men in hats made of flowers, inhabitants of trees, which in such cases cannot be cut down. They liked to dance in the moonlight. The world of the light elves was Apvheim.

Dark elves are tsvergs and gnomes, underground blacksmiths who keep treasures in the bowels of the mountains. In medieval demonology, elves were sometimes called the lower spirits of natural elements: salamanders (spirits of fire), sylphs (spirits of air), undines (spirits of water), gnomes (spirits of the earth). The world of the dark elves was Svartalfheim.

There are several varieties of elves (spirits):

ljós-álfar - elves of the day
svart-álfar - underground elves, they are also often attributed to the elves of rocks, mountains, etc.
dökk-álfar - dark elves, and these creatures are already closer to evil spirits, but on the other hand, ordinary night elves were often called that way.
bjart-álfar - elves of light, this is not the same as ljós-álfar, if the name ljós-álfar characterizes the habits of creatures that like to appear during the day, then bjart-álfar speaks of elves that bring light to people, that is, benevolent spirits.
draum-álfar - sleep elves or creatures that come in a dream, sometimes controlling dreams, influencing dreams, etc. (they have separate runes, but there are several related to them in this row)
loft - álfar - air elves
vatn-álfar - elves of the waters

The mechanism of the runes is standard, that is, a certain sign is the key to the forces for which it is responsible. Unlike the runes of the elder futhark, the elforuns (more precisely, the spirits behind them) require offerings - payment for their work.
Otherwise, when using the energy of the elves, they will take the energy-payment due to them directly with the energy of the operator himself, which is not convenient for all practitioners. In contrast to the gifts to Odin (when working with the elder futhark), where there is enough honey and beer with red apples, when using elforun, something more substantial is required, as, for example, when working with demons. By "essential" is meant such components familiar from ritual magic as alcohol, vodka, fresh blood, fresh fresh meat, sometimes coins, jewelry, gold, silver, and so on.
In most cases, live fish with vodka and candy will suffice, but don't neglect your intuition.

a - a rune for invoking the spirits of underground mountains and rocks, was used mainly as part of staves or formulas, rarely when the rune was used separately from any additional runes or symbols, the main meaning of the rune is to get anything, here it should be borne in mind that "receiving" can be either positive or negative.
Good to use for enchanting wealth.

b-rune of the elves of the day, used to call these spirits, this is the “call” rune, with the help of it they don’t get anything, they only call it or indicate belonging, for example, you draw becoming in which all the runes are positive, but the stave does not have enough rune power or just in terms of energy, then this rune fits in in order to consolidate the result, to strengthen the action and attract certain forces.
Good to use to cast spells on personal success.

c - the rune of the underground elves, again does not carry any specific meaning, but is simply a rune for calling.
It is good to use for casting spells to increase the material condition.

ð (d) - the rune of light elves is used to call, to call spirits to help in emergency situations, often fits into becoming to open passages and gates, it is also used to ensure that the action reaches the goal, that is, you have, for example, becoming for treatment , but he does not act well or his action is too general, for example You are treating a tooth, and becoming affects the whole body and the reservation does not work as it should, so that this does not happen, a rune is used, plus of course it comes as a call for help, you can say a sos signal.
Sometimes used for casting spells to confuse.

e - the rune of both the elves of the day and the elves of sleep, is used for various purposes, both for opening certain doors and for calling, depending on what task you set for the stave, you can write it in the stav for sleep and discover the worlds for yourself, or you can write it in a stav for benefits and get enhanced financial support.
Can be used to cast spells for good luck and success.

f - the rune of the elves of the day of the day, the rune is intended for summoning, to enhance the effect of the stav, and if you need, for example, to create a stav that only works during daylight hours.
Can be used to enchant personal power to listen to your words.

g - the rune of the elves of rocks, earth. It is used both to summon these creatures and to open the road to them, it can be used in staves whose action is aimed at finding something or someone, the rune is also used in love spells and charms, but provided that the practitioner himself or the object for which the love spell is made did not harm the earth. (Meaning, for example, excavation of mounds, looting and other unpleasant things).
Good to use for spells of trouble.

h- the rune of the dark elves, they are the elves of the night, it is used as a rune for summoning creatures, as a characteristic of the action of the stave, if it is designed for night time, for example. in different ways), but let's take a general example, a person wants to sleep and travel to other worlds every night, but he doesn’t need to daydream for nothing, it is for this purpose that a rune can be included in becoming. In addition, the action of the rune can be used in the most a variety of staves for damage where a haze is required, both in itself and a haze on the desire for something or in great need of something.

i - rune rune of the elves of the day - a rune for calling, for opening gates, channels and other roads. In addition, the rune is often used to close channels, gates, etc., besides, it makes any journey beyond the edge safe, the rune is used and in treatment, as a rune of help, calling the elves of the day.
When trouble is used as a charm.

k - the rune of light elves, the rune is most often used in treatment, in protection, in order to create a safe space for a person, for example, let's take such a case. becoming himself, while the closer, roughly speaking, to the center, the stronger the protection, something like an umbrella, if you enter this rune into becoming, then the action, energy will have a solid outlined border and the action of the stav will no longer go beyond a certain area , it's the same as if you put an object in a closed box, but there is a minus, the energy will not get inside, so it is not always used. When trouble is used as a cloud on the mind.

l - the rune of the dark elves, here it’s just for the action and the call, and the opening of the gate, it is used in a wide variety of staves, it can be found both in the stav for protection and in the stav for damage, since the elves themselves are not good and not evil creatures, they have their own moral and ethical standards that are incomparable with human ones, so the rune can both protect by closing the channel and open it for damage, for example. When casting a spell, it acts like a cloud of thought. that is, the intensified introduction of alien thoughts into the mental plane of a person.

m - the rune of sleep elves - as a rule, it is also quite widespread in the staves, it is used for completely different purposes, it can be used to close the gate, for protection, and can be used as a challenge for damage, so that everything is mixed up in the life of the enemy. The rune is well suited to confuse a person in desires, or to impose on him, for example, love desires.

n - the rune of light elves - as a rule, it is used only in benevolent stavs - for protection, for gaining success or patronage, you can often see it in love spells, the action of the rune is laid by the creator of the stav. For example, there is a spell for a love spell in which this rune is included, it would seem why in a love spell a rune that is very reminiscent of Algiz, but in fact everything just fits in so that the object of the love spell is not harmed, any love spell can go wrong, act too much on a person, to break his will in order to avoid the negative consequences of a love spell, such as illness, misfortune and “zombies” use this rune. put a "seal", roughly speaking a lock on a spell. This rune increases personal strength and defense well.

o - the rune of the dark elves and the rune of the elves of the rocks - the rune is used to open the gates of the earth, to know the dark secrets, to gain power and authority, you can see such a rune in the staves for damage, curses and in the staves for success.
Opening the gates of the earth means opening a channel for absorbing dark or low-frequency (raw) energy. which means it works well in stavs on diverting troubles into the ground or simply draining negativity into the ground.

p - the rune of the elves of the waters - reveals the secrets hidden by the water, you can read on the water with the help of this rune, you can call certain creatures, the same rune puts the seals of the waters and closes the staves, the rune is also often used in the staves for purification and to remove negativity, but never almost alone, you can’t use this rune alone while at sea (for example, if you are in the sea or on a river, you never know how it is forbidden to use a single rune, they will be dragged away.), near rivers, lakes and other things when combined with other runes used freely.
It is used in staves to induce strong troubles, and can also enhance personal strength.

q - water elves - the rune is often used for treatment, for protection, again, it is usually not used alone, only in pairs or in a stave. The rune naturally also serves to call elves. Can be used in success staves.

r- rune of the elves of light - the rune is used for protection, for calling the forces of light, for the reliability of the spell, plus the call rune.
Well suited for increasing female charm and attractiveness, as well as for casting spells on beauty.

s - rune of the air elves - the rune is used in staves for protection, for the fulfillment of a plan it can be used in treatment, it can be used in a stav as a symbol of calling spirits, it can both open and close the gates with the upper worlds, by themselves such gates will not be closed by an action of a general stav, for example, and with this rune, the spirits of the air will be used to close the gates.
Can be used in staves to increase strength and attract success.

t - rune of the elves of the day - the rune is used in staves for well-being, success, good luck, to achieve what was planned. The rune attracts the elves of the day to fulfill desires, which greatly enhances the effect of the stav. The rune is also used to summon creatures. It can close unnecessary channels and cut off bindings, therefore, this rune can often be seen in staves for protection, and in love spells, for example, this rune is often used to seal the union of two people by force, therefore it can be found there.
It can also be used to increase success and good luck.

u - the rune of the dark elves - is most often used in working with dead spirits, a similar rune can also be found in a stav for protection - it will be inscribed in it so that the dark elves act as intermediaries and helpers, thereby protecting the operator, the rune can also be used in a stav to call or raise the dead, then it will intensify the action and, figuratively speaking, instead of pulling forces from the operator or the area, the elves will “raise” and “call”.

x rune - another rune of the dark elves - is also most often used for summoning, protection, depending on what the operator wants to put into action runes or stav, can be used as a characteristic of summoning forces.
Can be used to divert unpleasant situations.

y - the rune of the elves of light - is used to call these creatures, the goal can be completely different, most often used in staves for success, prosperity, well-being, etc., but can also be used in love spells and in rare cases in damage. Rune as well as most elven runes can open certain gates.

z - the rune of the elves of sleep - is used to call these creatures to sleep, can be used to bring confusion, obsession, is found both in staves for good purposes and in bad ones, depending on what the author wants to lay in becoming and for what targets summons elves.
Can be used to bring confusion to the mind.

þ - a rune for summoning dark elves, a rune of closing and protection. It is also used as a call to these creatures. It can be found in absolutely any staves, both in staves for good purposes, and in staves for damage. as a "protective" and "frightening off misfortune, misfortune, etc."
Good for amplifying spells and spell power.

æ - the rune of the elves of the day - is used to call these creatures, often acts in the stav as a link in the spirit of action, is used in staves for damage, for charm, for love spells, etc. It is used in staves as a hassle.

ö - the rune is a common rune of elves of any kind - is used to summon any creatures, it occurs quite often in various staves, to more accurately say about the nature of the summoned creatures, neighboring runes are considered.
Good for covert protection.

We put protection (Tanechka) quick ritual

Tanya! For you.

You have an enemy at work. You know that this is a vile person and he will not leave you behind. He will "sling mud", and "you can't throw a scarf on someone else's mouth."
We will protect you. Those. you will do the protection yourself, and I will now tell you how this process can be done very quickly.

You are new to rune magic. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything.

Here is some information about the runes of the Northern tradition. Today I am writing only about them, because. We will only use them for now.
A set of runes of the Elder Futhark (the so-called Scandinavian runes or runes of the Northern tradition) consists of twenty-four runes (24 runes).
The Elder Futhark is divided into 3 Attas with 8 runes in each Atta. It's for general development. Then I will tell you in more detail. How the runes look and what they are called, see the picture.

a small piece of paper (cardboard)
lighter (candle or box of matches)
cigarette "shoot" from her husband, some water in a cup
and a little earth from a pot with a flower.

And now you take a sheet of white paper, or even better, a small piece of clean cardboard (for example, inner pantyhose packaging) and you will write runes on it from left to right with a marker or felt-tip pen.

When you start writing runes, read this spell: (do not ask yourself and me questions, but why? Need it!)

"I know the third, -
It will protect
In battle with enemies
I dull their blades,
Their swords and clubs
Useless in combat."

For general education I inform you:
The third spell is designed to fetter enemies, and therefore can be called "the shackles of war", or, in terms of modern psychology, a means of limiting actions. According to tradition, the runes Turisaz, Isa and Nautiz have such an effect. Isa opens access to the energy of Jotunheim - the world of ice, the home of the Frost Giants. Runa Nautiz serves as her support, providing a binding effect. The rune Thurisaz in this case is used in its passive form - with the tip turned to the left.

Did you write runes?

Now trace the runic formula (these three runes written in a row are called the "runic formula") with lines above and below, and on the back write your name.
When drawing the top line, one must say: "In the name of Odin!", And when drawing the bottom line: "So be it!"

Now take a candle, a lighter or a match, and passing the leaf over the fire three times, say: "I sanctify you with the power of fire!"

Now run the leaf three times with a finger moistened with water or (in extreme cases) with saliva, saying: "I consecrate you with the power of Water!"

And at the end, run the fingers that have been in a pot of flowers (that is, touched the ground), three times according to the runic formula with the words: "I sanctify you with the power of the Earth!"

Then say the following disclaimer:
By the power of the runes Turisaz, Isa, Nautiz, I receive protection from all ill-wishers and enemies, visible and invisible. This protective shield will repel all attacks and render my enemies and detractors powerless. May it be so! In the name of Odin!
After that, you need to exhale, using the breathing technique with your stomach, for as long as possible on the amulet, charging it with the power of your spirit. (This will revive the amulet).

After all this, fold the sheet in such a way that the name on its reverse side and the top of the runescript coincide in the top-top and bottom-bottom positions. Put the amulet in your pocket with the words: "So be it! In the name of the great Odin!"

Original entry and comments on

The formula protects and preserves. LAUKAZ - the formula translates as "wild onion", which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical power, mainly of a protective and protective nature.

Rune combination:

URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.

House Protection Spell

Formula for home protection. A strong protective spell, protects from someone else's envy, which undermines the energy of the home. Prevents the penetration of negative energy into the house. Protects from accidents. It is used to strengthen the house and economy, strengthen its status and well-being. A charm with this spell should be placed at the entrance, on the gate, on the porch, above front door outside.

Rune combination:

ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.

ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.
TEYVAZ - Rune of a warrior. The will to win, strength and success in the struggle.

Spell for Protection from Witchcraft and Corruption

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient protective spell to protect the family from witchcraft and corruption. A magical word that means "horse" and is a call to the good power of the sacred horse.

Rune combination:

OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

The spell on the Protective Barrier, Shield from damage and the evil eye

The formula protects against spoilage and the evil eye. This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier, neutralizes targeted energy strikes and the negative energy of others.

Rune combination:

TEYVAZ - Rune of a warrior. The will to win, strength and success in the struggle.
TURISAZ - Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.

Protection spell and reflection (mirror)

The palindrome formula is for reflection and protection. A protective spell, acting on the principle of a mirror - any impact is completely reflected - is sent back without changes.

Rune combination:
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, shackling.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of incarnation and disclosure, rune of Inspiration.
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, a rune of rupture, including the rupture of a vicious circle.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of incarnation and disclosure, rune of Inspiration.
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, shackling.

Witchcraft Protection Spell

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. The ancient formula of mirror runic protection from magical influence and astral attack. Any malicious message is reflected and sent back to its sender. Helps in magic duels, protects the magician from an opponent's attack.

Rune combination:
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, a rune of rupture, including the rupture of a vicious circle.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, the rune of what leads, the rune of flow and pure flow, the rune of the inner circle of magic.
EVAZ - The rune of change and movement, the rune of internal transformation and progress - a shift from the dead center.

Spell for Protection from accidents and disasters - a talisman on the road

The formula protects against spoilage and the evil eye. A powerful travel talisman. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of imminent danger. It will help you avoid trouble along the way. Good for motorists.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.

ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.

A spell for a good road - a talisman on the road

Travel formula. A strong talisman for pleasant, fun and safe travel.

Rune combination:

RAIDO - Rune of the Path (in every sense), the rune of the road and travel.
VUNJO - Rune of joy and happiness.

Enemies Protection Spell

Formula for protection against hostile forces. This protective spell is designed to destroy the energy and psychic blows and destroy the hostile forces that threaten the owner of the amulet.

Rune combination:
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, a rune of rupture, including the rupture of a vicious circle.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
GEBO - Rune of the Gift and the Gift of return, the rune of partnership and cooperation, the rune of the unity of opposites.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, the rune of what leads, the rune of flow and pure flow, the rune of the inner circle of magic.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

The ancestors had deep magical knowledge and with their help they neutralized enemies, defended themselves from danger, and used runes from damage and the evil eye for this. And today, strong rituals will save you from energy strikes.

In the article:

What energy do runes store

Most often runic futhark, which consists of 24 characters with strong energy, is used for. But the ability to predict the development of events in the future is not the only advantage of the ancient Scandinavian signs.

Runic futhark

The material energy that attracts wealth is contained Fehu, Hyères, otal, Dagaz. Strong is considered

Fehu - the sign attracts luxury, stimulates accumulation, growth, awakens the energy of life. Hyères rewards for perseverance in work, effort, diligence. otal attracts wealthy people, those who assist in the implementation of plans. Dagaz provides unlimited prospects in a career, business.

The energy of love between a man and a woman lies in Evaz - symbol of the family, it nourishes the couple with tenderness, creates harmony in relationships. Opening your heart to a quivering feeling or craving will help Kenaz - kindles love, gives attractiveness, charm. To see a soul mate in a partner will make Nautiz , she arranges a fateful meeting.

There are destructive ones. Hagalaz able to remove any protection from a person, and inverted Laguz turns the tide of luck back. Nagalaz combined with Mannaz and hagalaz, destroys physical, psychological health, self-confidence, leads to obsessive thoughts about suicide. The use of negative runes to harm others is punishable by the universe. In order not to spoil your own life, consider whether to use it in divination.

Runic corruption

For a negative impact on different areas human life use combinations of symbols: one contains powerful primitive energy, cannot harm without a certain message. For they make up special rune formulas - staves, which contain from 2 to 6 characters.

Two runes provoke a single clear, targeted blow to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person. Three symbols start the destructive mechanism from the beginning to the end. Four signs block the whole area - health, work, family relationships. Five is a suitable combination for damage on a physical, material level. Six - the impact on the personal energy of a person, the external surrounding background. The seven signs are used for destruction leading to death.

Runic damage is insidious in that it does not require direct contact with the victim. A photograph or visualization of an image is enough to apply the formula,. A well-thought-out sequence of signs is applied to photographs at certain points or per volt, which personifies the object of influence. After the energy field of the victim is gradually destroyed.

The feeling of jealousy makes women resort to runic damage to the impotence of a partner in sexual relations with a rival. Used becoming - Evaz, Odal, Hagal, Isa, Teyvaz. This powerful effect on a man breaks a love relationship on a physical level. When used in a formula instead of Odal Fehu the man will lose the ability to have sex at all. The lack of energy realization has a destructive effect on many aspects of life, the result is loss, disappointment, despair.

The desire to harm another person is caused by strong emotions: resentment, anger, aggression. But many do not think about the fact that revenge is destructive to their own energy. It is impossible to hide neither actions nor thoughts from the Universe - evil is punishable, and good is rewarded.

Runes from corruption and evil eye

To restore energy or health that is damaged magical effect, runes from the evil eye and damage are effective. But this is a complex, painstaking process. Cleaning is carried out according to a photograph or visually, but it is more efficient to do the ceremony mediocrely on a person.

There are certain restorative combinations of runes - glyphs, staves or binds. One of the strong cleansing formulas - Soulou which is between two Nautiz. When wearing such a combination in the form of an amulet or a drawing on the body, which was done with an ordinary red marker or pen, the state of mind and body normalizes for nine days. But becoming overestimates self-esteem: at the end of the cleaning period, you need to wear Algiz or to strengthen with it the original formula above and below above Soulou.

When there is a possibility that it was done to death, it is recommended not to lightly cleanse, but rather a strong impact, like " Runic Cross» . On the right side of the body (for men) or on the left (for women), a certain runic pattern in the form of a cross is applied. In the center - Eyvaz, placed on both sides Berkany, up and down - two Turisaz.

Wear the formula for a week. The subtlest energy field, spiritual emptiness, physical weakness - normal, the consequences are observed for another 5-6 days. At the end of the cleaning put protection.

Security symbols

From the rune futhark, four are used for personal protection from negative impact from enemies, otherworldly forces, negative energy: Algiz, Isa, Teyvaz and Turisaz. Symbols protect the house, workplace, relatives, yourself. They draw on walls, objects or on the body. Use a regular marker or ballpoint pen for this.

The drawn symbol is gradually erased, faded or washed off during bathing, cleaning. It is more practical to make a special amulet with the image of the necessary rune. The sign is carved on wood or stone. The base is made from natural materials.

Algiz sharpens the intuition of a person, makes the wearer sensitive to energy fluctuations, allows you to feel the danger before coming into contact with the problem. The sign is equally good for protecting the house, people.

What to save financial condition, money, real estate and business is suitable Teyvaz - a reflective symbol that beats off the negative, sends problems to the creator of damage. Teyvaz able to awaken in the human soul courage and courage, the ability to resist circumstances.

Isa- a neutralizer of any negative from the outside. Envy, anger, jealousy will not break through such protection. The sign changes the energy of a person, frees from addictions.

Runes from corruption heads Turisaz- an activator of the inner strength of the spirit. The symbol saves from gossip, intrigue, gives energy to deal with circumstances, serves as a talisman for the home.

Runes bring good luck. Algiz gives happiness to those born from 24.10 to 7.11, Isa attracts well-being to those who were born from 08.24 to 09.08. Teyvaz and Turisaz will become advisers for those born from 23.11 to 7.12 and from 22.04 to 6.05.

The versatility of the ancient alphabet

magical properties Scandinavian Futhark has been known for centuries. The signs that Odin, the supreme god of the Northern pantheon, gave to mankind are so strong that they require careful study. Ignorance of all the possibilities of the symbol will lead when applied to tragic consequences.

To understand and comprehend the properties, they study special literature. Authoritative researchers are Freya Aswin, Kenneth Meadows, Anton Platonov. The features of the combinations described by the authors will help make the futhark a personal protector.

Runic magic is very ancient and powerful, it was used by the ancient Scandinavians, but it was able to maintain its popularity to this day. Runes are magical signs, each of which has its own effect and helps in solving certain problems. Many people are interested in the protective properties of runes, if you are also interested in protecting yourself from negative impact from the outside, you will be interested in this article, because in it we will consider the main runes of protection and their effect.

Let's start with the description of each subcategory.

  1. Runes of active protection- this group is represented by runes that are associated with the symbolism of the weapons of Ases (deities among the ancient Scandinavians).

- Responsible for motherhood and healing. For protective purposes, it will create an invisible zone that will direct all negative energy into the earth to absorb and destroy it. Together with the Algiz rune, it is used to protect the child, as well as to eliminate problems caused by damage. For his help, he will require to pay attention to other people and provide them with all possible assistance (a manifestation of the parental principle).

The following video shows how to use runes correctly and how to protect your financial well-being:

  1. Radiation Protection Runes- runic signs that contribute to the rejection of evil.

- it forms the strongest radiation of solar energy, burning any evil to ashes. Its application will help protect the position in society, self-confidence, as well as good mood. You will need to show generosity for this and not be nervous.

- the rune creates radiation of huge potential, in it the negative energy ceases to act. Suitable for protecting objects of your property (for example, your house, land plot) or social space (workplace, position). You should feel like a master in the protected area.

- forms a strong energy of fertility, which transforms any energy flow for its own benefit. Suitable for people who take an active life position.

  1. Runes of protection of magic- runic signs from this category have the most powerful magical power, they call on higher powers to fight evil.

– turns to the spirits of nature for help, which create an area of ​​Chaos near the protective object, tearing to shreds any damage, evil eye, curses and other negative actions. At the same time, the protected person can perform actions unusual for him, acts spontaneously. And if he resists, the spirits who come to the rescue will make sure that his life becomes very “fun”, various surprises and surprises will regularly appear (for example, you may encounter a poltergeist).

In return for his help, he will require to ensure readiness for an unpredictable turn of events in life.

- will call for help the power of the Nors (they are the Maidens of Fate) and help you get on the right path in life, on which evil forces cannot interfere with you. A person under the influence of the rune is aware of his position in life, easily exposes a lie. In return, you need to believe in yourself and go your own way.

- here the power of the divine world and the world of the dead comes to the rescue, which takes with it everything that is not related to human nature. Often the person who tried to do evil to others dies. puts forward rather complex requirements: a person is faced with life lessons that at first glance resemble trouble. And only by coping with them, you can develop new qualities in yourself and increase your personal strength.

Using the protective runes correctly, you can protect yourself from any negative external influences, which will make you invulnerable to your enemies and people who consciously or unconsciously wish you harm.