Runic becoming to open the third eye. Clairvoyance and the development of abilities. Olga 77. Runic stakes for clairvoyance

A person engaged in esotericism, over time, develops some special abilities. This applies to those who read Tarot cards, work with runes, do magic or some other spiritual practice. But sometimes we want to acquire skills useful for esoteric work as quickly as possible - then we should pay attention to the runic staves for clairvoyance, opening the third eye, and enhancing natural abilities. They will be the topic of our conversation today.

Who can use third eye opening staves?

It is important to understand that an ordinary person, far from the world of magic and esotericism, to open the so-called "third eye" in most cases is not only unnecessary, but even unsafe. Just imagine what a person who has received magical abilities can do, but who does not know how to use them and does not know the laws thin world! There is a great risk of attracting a lot of troubles, and in some cases it is not far from mental problems. Therefore, let's agree right away: we apply in practice the staves described in the article only for ourselves and only if you are engaged in spiritual development. We do not experiment on friends!

Runic becoming "Third Eye" from Tesy

The runic becoming "Third Eye" is perfect for those who are engaged in fortune telling and extrasensory perception. This combination of runes, made in the form of a glyph, enhances intuition and allows a person to develop those abilities that are given to him by nature: clairvoyants increase clairvoyance, clairaudient ones - clairaudience, clairvoyant ones - clairvoyance, etc. By the way, thanks to the action of the ligature, you you can discover in yourself such abilities, the existence of which you did not even suspect.

  • The basis of the formula is the "Expansion" glyph, which launches the work of the remaining runes, and also expands the horizons of perception
  • Three Perths act as "antennas" that pick up various information coming from outside
  • Three Laguz are information flows directed into the human consciousness
  • Three Eyvaz - help a person "establish contact" with the other world, learn to recognize signs "from the other side", and also protect an open channel

We put the runes on our own photo in the forehead area, not forgetting about the preliminary diagnostics, we stipulate in full, activate runic formula as used to.

Attention! there is by-effect: in the first couple of days after the start of the work, you may feel a loss of energy, constant fatigue, drowsiness - this is in the order of things and will pass by itself.

Becoming the "Third Eye" runologist Cartoon

This runic becoming for clairvoyance and opening the third eye can be applied not only to your photo, but also to the body, and specifically to the hand (for right-handers - on the left, for left-handers - on the right). A combination of direct and mirror Soulu, direct and mirror Perth, Dagaz, Algiz, Kenaz will help you to unleash your intuition and clairvoyance potential, as well as learn to hear the voices of spirits, astral assistants, as well as any other beings of a subtle plane. The elm starts working immediately after application, we make the reservation simple, short, understandable. And the most interesting thing is helpful information from other dimensions can come to you in a dream, so after applying the stave, start keeping a dream diary.

Becoming "Stream - Gift of Clairvoyance" by maxnamara

This wonderful work, composed of the runes Teyvaz, Otala, direct and mirror Uruz, Ansuz, Dagaz, Sol, Eyvaz, can be used on an ongoing basis to enhance the ability to clairvoyance, increase the level of sensitivity and perception, as well as to increase magical, physical, energetic human strength. You can apply it to an amulet made of any natural material, as well as to your own photo. We negotiate according to the action of the formula. A big plus of this stave is that the revealed and enhanced abilities will remain with the person after the end of the runes.

If you do not need constant amplification magical abilities, but only one-time - for example, when it is vitally necessary to find out some information or to resolve a single situation, we use a lightweight version of the ligature presented below. We apply runes, activate them, get the necessary information, and become gratefully destroy them. The action of the stave after deactivation does not continue, the insight comes only once.

Runic formula "Prophet" from Cantas

We will complete our selection of runic staves for clairvoyance and opening the third eye with the work of the runologist Cantas called "The Prophet". This ligature, applied to the amulet, allows a person to foresee future events. It does not require a stiff clause, therefore, it is enough just to redraw the picture on a natural stone, a piece of wood, a piece of glass or cloth, and then carry with you as long as necessary. We stipulate quite simply - the ability to foresee what will happen. As the people who used the formula note, information about future events can come in different ways: in a dream, like waking visions, signs, hints. Most likely, this is due to the personal perception of the person.

People who practice magic sometimes need to develop their abilities. This is helped by becoming on the third eye. It strengthens the existing strength, develops intuition and helps to establish contact with the Higher Power. But it is worth knowing which runes are used, and how to correctly draw up a runic formula.

Runes are called ancient signs that were used in magic rites... Each symbol has its own properties, some enhance the ability to clairvoyance.

Such runes affect the energy of a person and reveal the abilities inherent in nature. Under the influence of symbols, consciousness expands, and the line between the earthly and the higher world becomes thinner.

Before starting the ceremony, you should study the meaning of each symbol. To open clairvoyance, signs are used:

UruzStimulates the onset of changes in consciousness. A person learns to accept the situation and gets used to new circumstances.
MannazSymbolizes the soul of the operator.
InguzOne of the most powerful signs that open the all-seeing eye.
SoveloAllows you to see the events that will happen in the near future.
AnsuzEliminates energy block and helps get rid of psychological problems.
Algiz and EyvazThe link helps to expand the boundaries of consciousness and see other worlds.
BerkanaLaunches the process of personality change.
VunyoRemoves barriers to the subconscious.

To recover from difficult rituals, use the sign of Isa. It promotes relaxation and soothes. Hyera helps to consolidate the result, and stavs with Turisaz remove obstacles on the way to the goal.

Runic stakes on clairvoyance

There is a special position for the development of a dream. It uses the Manaz rune, symbolizing the operator.

The following symbols are also used:

  • Uruz - stimulates the transformation of consciousness;
  • Inguz - changes the frequency of the chakras;
  • Soul is a symbol of the gift of clairvoyance;
  • Ansuz - removes psychological blockage;
  • Hagalaz - removes blocks;
  • Berkana - renews the personality;
  • Yera - changes consciousness;
  • Laguz - helps to discover hidden abilities.

The Vunyo sign helps to harmonize the state of mind and consolidates the result of the ceremony. They also use a combination of Raido + Nautiz. It helps to go beyond consciousness.

There is also becoming the "Third Eye". It can be used by practicing magicians and psychics. The ritual develops pre-existing clairvoyant abilities. The formula consists of:

  • three runes Perth - helps to catch information from the outside world;
  • three Laguz - symbolize the flows of information that come to the subconscious;
  • three Eyvaz - establish communication with the other world and protect the operator.

Symbols are drawn on a photograph of a person in the head area. Having become stipulated and activated in any convenient way. This rite has a side effect. For the first few days, the person feels weak, sleepy, or lost energy. This reaction is normal and will go away on its own.

There is another type of stav. The formula is applied to the photo or body. For right-handers this right hand, for left-handers - left. In combination, Soulou works in a straight and inverted position, straight and mirror Perth, Algiz, Dagaz and Kenaz.

After activation of the stav, a person begins to hear the voices of spirits and assistants from the astral plane. The clause should be simple and straightforward.

You should start writing down your dreams, because useful information can come into them.

There is a simpler version of the formula. Runes work in it:

  • Teyvaz;
  • Otala;
  • Uruz in direct and mirror form;

Anyone interested in esoteric matters knows that there are magical runes for clairvoyance that help you understand your uniqueness. These ancient signs develop special abilities in a person. Among the heritage of our ancestors there are several stavos and formulas that are aimed at strengthening the natural forces inherent in the personality. Every person has a gift from birth - just over time we lose touch with him.

It should be noted that this method is the fastest and most effective. And besides, it is absolutely safe (physically and spiritually). But although the runes do not pose any danger, there is no need to use them in vain. First of all, it is worth determining for yourself: for what purpose you want to get magical abilities.

If it comes from simple interest, then the end result will be zero. The universe abhors a frivolous attitude towards spiritual work.

How runes help you get superpowers

Rune of clairvoyance

To start working with runic signs, you should familiarize yourself with their action in more detail. Consider some runes for opening magical abilities:

  • - gives impetus to the transformation process. The personality gradually learns, adapts, accepts reality.
  • - symbolizes a person, his body and soul.
  • - works with the sixth chakra (runes for opening the third eye are considered very strong in terms of energy).
  • - helps to see upcoming events, makes it possible to intervene in them.
  • - removes energy blocks, struggles with psychological problems.
  • and - this interaction of energy forces expands the boundaries of human consciousness, shows other worlds.
  • - contributes to the process of personality degeneration.
  • - clears the path to the subconscious, which contains many mysteries.
  • - helps to recover and calm down.
  • - destroys obstacles on the way to the intended goal.
  • - consolidates the obtained result, summarizes the results of the work.

Try to choose a symbol for yourself - let your heart tell you.

Becoming for the opening of clairvoyance

The best method to open clairvoyance with the help of runes is to use a magic sta called "Veda". He awakens supernatural abilities and helps to establish as a person.

It is interesting that after applying the formula, a person realizes the infinity of his talents. There is a desire to further develop and improve. Empathy and extrasensory perception are present in each of us - the main thing is not to forget about it.

Rune becoming "Veda" consists of the following pairs of symbols:

  • Mannaz and - the path to complete rebirth, to the improvement of the personality.
  • Mannaz and Ansuz- transition to a new stage of development, a step into a bright future.
  • and Ansuz- connection with ancestors, intuitive foresight, awakening of the sixth sense.
  • Soulou and - charges the formula with magical energy, gives enlightenment and clarity of thoughts (spiritual teachers call this state illumination).

During work with the stave, an acute headache... This suggests that internal energy blocks are interfering with you. Allow yourself to embrace and understand a completely new worldview.

Of course, you will encounter new sensations, feelings and emotions. Agree, internal transformation cannot go unnoticed. It takes time for your body and your mind to feel light and comfortable again.

But, when you come to the final goal, you will understand how much your life has changed. All these changes are for the better.

Alena Golovina- white sorceress, master of Cosmoenergy,site author

Interesting on the topic:


Glyph - is used to gain the gift of intuition and foresight, allows you to see all the controversial moments in various situations, helps to find a way out of the most confusing situations.

Runes: Perto + Teivaz + Gebo + Ansuz - the development of clairvoyance and not only.

- to develop the ability to clairvoyance
- to gain knowledge, to develop abilities, to adopt abilities by kind
- to eliminate obstacles, blocks.
- for clairvoyance, to receive visions or signs, in order to find out the truth

Faroese runes:
- for development, strengthening, intuition and magical abilities
- for clairvoyance, in order to see spirits
- for clairvoyance, for prophetic dreams, to see ghosts or spirits
- for clairvoyance, to see the invisible
- for clairvoyance, in order to see the dead
- in order to see the invisible, for clairvoyance, for enhancing magic
- for the development of clairvoyance, for obtaining magical power

Glyphs are signs:
Promotes the development of the ability for predictions, healing; the disclosure of benevolence, the desire to provide help, craving for white magic
Talisman of opening a spiritual channel. It is used to connect a person with higher beings of Light, to raise the spiritual level; development of intuition and extrasensory perception to obtain information from higher worlds.

The talisman reveals the Divine essence of the feminine and masculine principles. Helps to feel the energies of the Earth and Space to the fullest. Gives awareness of past lives and understanding of the processes of reincarnation as a mechanism for the upbringing of the soul

Mal rune:
- to reveal the ability to clairvoyance
- for clarity, in order to understand signs or visions
- to receive visions and signs

Point letters:
- liters for combining runes in a spell
- letter for enhancing the spell
- a letter for combining several different spells

This runic becoming, with its power, the power of runes and the power of glyphs, removes obstacles that contribute to blocking the development of abilities for magic, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairvoyance, becoming contributes to the development of intuition and extrasensory perception, to receive information from the higher worlds, also contributes to the expansion of consciousness, gives understanding and receiving visions and signs, endows with magical power, adopts abilities by kind. This runic. becoming endows (name) with the ability to see, feel, hear the invisible (spirits, the dead, etc.). DRS helps to feel the energies of the Earth and Space to the fullest. See how the runes work by placing them on the subtle plane.
DRS works without harm, for my physical and mental health and without harm to the health of my loved ones (names). Becoming begins its work immediately after activation and ends when it is burned with gratitude. May it be so, so it is!