Psychological impact on a person during a conversation. Reflect other people's behavior. How to influence the human psyche. Basic techniques

Among our environment there is a special category of people for whom the status of influential people is firmly entrenched. You've probably noticed how respect and authority such people enjoy. Their phrases are quoted, and requests are immediately fulfilled. But how to achieve this result? How can we learn to influence people so that they change their decisions in our favor, respect our choices and be inspired by our actions? Let's try to understand this delicate issue.

Factors influencing human behavior

To become an authority among others, it is important to know about the existence of certain factors that affect a person. First of all, this is the perception of the surrounding reality and the way that a person has chosen to interact with it. It can be acceptance of reality, its rejection or departure from it. How much a person disposes to his environment and what he does can be seen in his respect for others, enthusiasm for his work, willingness to help and sacrifice his own interests. The position of the person becomes visible in the behavior, i.e. constant internal attitude towards people and various situations.

Consider some of the factors influencing a person:

  1. Circle of friends. The environment can include various contacts and connections: emotional and service. This includes the circle of close contacts, which a person completely trusts, the circle of periodic communication, which includes official and business contacts, and the circle of episodic communication, which includes personal acquaintances and business partners.
  2. The role of a person in a team. It is also an important factor in shaping his behavior. The role of a person is formed in connection with his psychological characteristics and the place it occupies in the management hierarchy. Depending on the role that a person has chosen for himself, it is possible to predict his behavior and actions.
  3. Behavior type. The choice of how you can influence people also depends on this factor. There are four types of behavior - independent, leadership-oriented, neutral, and dependent. But, even having understood what type of behavior a person has chosen for himself, do not rush to draw conclusions about him, since his choice could well have been imposed by others or chosen in connection with the circumstances. In any case, it is better to get to know the person better.

How to influence other people?

Experts say that it is quite simple to influence the human psyche. For this, it is important to know some rules.

communications, the implementation of which will make your personality invaluable to others.

Anyone can have an impact on a person's life. The main thing is that this should not happen by malicious intent. Train yourself with clear diction and a pleasant, confident voice. Be open to people and be positive. And then soon you will be called an influential person.

It often happens that we need to win over a person to ourselves, to influence his attitude to the situation, the environment, the difficulties that have arisen. How to do it? Today we will talk about 10 fairly simple, but incredibly effective ways to influence a person. They are not new, and someone uses these methods subconsciously, someone taught himself and noticed that a certain behavior allows you to influence people, and for those who are just going to master this technique, our today's article.

All methods have been repeatedly used by me, have been tested in practice by thousands of other people, proven by scientists. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt their effectiveness and efficiency. It is enough just to know how and in what situation to apply this or that psychological trick. If you doubt yourself and think that you will not succeed ... I recommend that you read the article:
The techniques of influence and manipulation that will be discussed today will be useful if you want to win over an investor, lender, establish or strengthen relationships with partners, suppliers or buyers. In general, everyone who wants to conduct business more competently and successfully is simply obliged to understand the intricacies of psychology and be able to influence people.

Ask for a favor

Ask people for a favor, and thus you can win them over. This effect is called the Benjamin Franklin effect. Once the future president of the United States needed to get the favor of one person who did not even want to say hello to him. Then Franklin went for a trick. He very politely, with all the culture and mannerisms, asked him for a favor - to give a very rare book for a few days. Then he also thanked him politely and left. Previously, the person did not even say hello to Franklin, but after this incident, their relationship began to improve, and over time they became friends.

This psychological trick worked a thousand years ago, it was actively used by Franklin, and even now it is relevant. The whole secret is that if a person has already done you a favor once, then he is more willing to do it again, and with each new favor your relationship will only strengthen and trust will grow. The psychology of a person is such that he thinks, if you ask for something, then respond to his request, help in a difficult situation.

Demand more

This technique has received interesting name- forehead on the door. You must ask the person for more than you expect to receive from him. You can ask to do something incomprehensible, ridiculous, a little silly. It is highly likely that such a request will be refused, but this is exactly what you need. After a few days, feel free to ask for exactly what you wanted from the very beginning. The feeling of awkwardness and discomfort that arises because you were refused the first time will make the person accept the request and help.

A very interesting psychological trick, and it works 95% of the time. Of course, there are very stubborn people who are hard to find an approach to, but it is still there, you just need to be more inventive.

Call the person by name

In many of his books, the famous psychologist and writer Dale Carnegie notes that if you want a more loyal attitude towards yourself, then be sure to call the person by name. This psychological technique is incredibly helpful in influencing a person.
For every person, his name is like a kind of spell, a wonderful combination of sounds, and a part of all life. Therefore, when someone pronounces it, then he becomes one step closer, gains disposition, trust and loyalty to himself.

The use of a person's social statuses or titles in speech has a similar effect. If you want to make friends with someone, then call him a friend, speak calmly and measuredly. Over time, this person will also see you as a friend, begin to trust. If you want to work for someone, then call him a boss, thereby showing your acceptance and willingness to follow his instructions. Words have incredible power, and correctly chosen and used words at the right time can change any situation and any attitude towards you.


It would seem that flattery is the most obvious psychological trick that can affect a person. But everything is not so simple here. If you are going to flatter, then do it sincerely, because the falsity will immediately be seen, and such flattery will do more harm than good.
Scientists have proven that flattery works best with those who have high self-esteem and are confident in achieving their goals. If you flatter such people, then only confirm their opinion about yourself, feed the growing ego.

And if you are going to flatter someone who has low self-esteem, then do not wait good result... Sometimes such actions can cause a negative attitude, and vice versa, spoil the opinion of you. Therefore, be careful if you are going to tell someone how good he is.


This method is better known as mimicry. Many of you use it on a subconscious level, without even suspecting that in this way they win the trust of the interlocutor. You copy behavior, gestures, manner of speaking and explaining yourself. But if you use this technique deliberately, then it will be many times more effective.

Like attracts like, and people really like to communicate with those who are like them, share their opinion and vision of the world. Therefore, if you use mimicry, you will very quickly gain the disposition and trust of the interlocutor. Highly interesting fact, even after some time after the conversation, the person whose actions were reflected is more loyal to all other interlocutors who had nothing to do with the conversation.

Take advantage of weaknesses

Under the influence of alcohol or fatigue, our brain's protective barriers weaken. It is in such a situation that a person is most susceptible to influence. If you need to ask for something or get approval for certain actions, then a tired person, in most cases, will give the go-ahead, as long as you do not touch him and do not ask many questions. The answer, most likely, will be from the category: “Yes, tomorrow we will definitely do it. Remind me in the morning. ”But in the morning you will achieve what you want, because yesterday you received preliminary consent.

Offer something that is hard to refuse

This technique is the opposite of the one we discussed in the second point. If there you start with a big request, get a refusal and move on to the main one, then the opposite is true. You need to ask for a small favor, one that will be difficult to refuse. Next, move on to more requests. Over time, the person will begin to trust you, and you will be able to ask for what you wanted to receive initially.
Scientists conducted one experiment. In supermarkets, they asked people to sign a petition to protect forests and protect environment... Pretty simple request, isn't it? Most of them did it without any problems. Then they asked to buy some kind of trinket, and focused on the fact that all the money raised will go specifically to protect the forests. Of course, many have complied with this request.
Recently I myself fell for such a manipulation, but knowing about this method, I was able to resist. On the street, a nice girl stopped me and asked me to answer a few questions:

1. How do you feel about poetry?
2. Do you think the state supports young writers enough?
3. Are you a generous enough person?
4. Buy a book for 200 rubles, and all the proceeds will go to the development of the young and promising club.

See how everything is clearly and beautifully done. Easy questions that can be answered with one word or a short phrase, all are logically connected and correctly aligned. Of course, I refused to buy the book, because I understand that this is manipulation and a way to sell me something that is completely unnecessary. But many, having answered that they are generous people, cannot then refuse and not buy a book that they will not read.

Know how to listen

If you want to win over the interlocutor, then you need to be able not only to speak beautifully and clearly, but also to listen carefully. When in a conversation you hear a thought with which you fundamentally disagree, then you should not immediately express your thought. This will provoke a small conflict, and a particle of doubt will light up inside. If you nevertheless decide to express your opinion, then first try to express agreement with part of what was said, and only then continue.

Repeat after the interlocutor

A very, very subtle and powerful way. It is in my favor with me, and its skillful use promises you success in any negotiations. If your goal is to achieve understanding, trust and disposition of the interlocutor, then show that you understand him, rephrase what was said and agree with the sounded thought.

Psychologists this method called reflective listening. It is thanks to him that the psychologist builds a trusting relationship with the patient, easily learns about his problems and anxieties, can better understand and help the person faster.
With this technique, you can influence anyone, but it is desirable that the person is already good or neutral towards you. By paraphrasing and repeating his thought, you will make it clear that you listened carefully and remembered everything that the interlocutor was talking about. It's nice when you are treated like that, trust instantly grows.


What is the simplest movement to make it clear that you agree with what has been said? That's right, head nod. Listening to a person and nodding your head from time to time, you give the interlocutor's subconscious a certain signal that says that you agree with everything that has been said, listen carefully and analyze.

From time immemorial, people have learned to manipulate others for their own purposes. Mind games require the ability to mislead people without giving themselves away. A range of techniques and acting skills can help you control the thoughts and emotions of those around you.


Learn to convince people

    Don't leave the role. If you are called a deceiver or accused of trying to manipulate consciousness, then do not admit it. You can always turn the situation in your favor and convince people of paranoid thoughts. Pretend the accusations hurt you.

    • If you admit to manipulation, then you will lose confidence.
  1. Develop charisma. We treat people well with whom we feel special and happy. Charismatic individuals often do well because they have certain qualities. Use the following tricks:

    • when meeting and parting, always call the person by name;
    • Maintain eye contact during the conversation.
    • Compliment
    • try to find out the interests of the interlocutor;
    • Show that you care about the person's feelings and emotions.
  2. Be confident. Show the person by example that you need to value yourself. This will convince him to listen to you and be more trusting.

    • Use honest or false phrases with pride. Pretend to believe in your own words to convince others.
  3. Show feigned vulnerability. People will happily believe in your sincerity if you share your feelings and emotions with them. Reassure everyone that you are open and you have nothing to hide from others.

Study those around you

    Study other manipulators. If you meet a person who will use mind games on you, or you meet a successful manipulator, then figure out the reasons for his success. Study manners and words to figure out effective techniques.

    Watch emotional people. Many individuals succumb to emotional gimmicks. For example, people who are inclined to sympathy and empathy need to be convinced that you are suffering a lot. They will want to help you and will do whatever you want.

    Pretend to be a victim. This tactic requires you to win the person's favor. You should act as if someone with an impeccable moral code fell victim to evil forces for no apparent reason. Make the other feel like they have to agree with your every word.

    • Pretend to be holy naivete and say, “I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Why do I always get into trouble? "Pretend that you sincerely do not understand the reasons for what is happening to you.
  1. Notice people with a guilt complex. If you meet someone who is feeling guilty, then use that weakness. Guilt is a heavy burden for many people, so they are ready to do anything to get rid of this feeling. Ask for a favor and try to induce guilt in doing so. If you are refused, then try saying the following:

    Distinguish between people with a logical mindset. If a person is guided by facts and does not believe unsubstantiated words, then emotions alone cannot outwit him. Find a way to back up your words with logical arguments so they sound convincing.

Use ambiguous signals with your partner

  1. Take your time to answer messages and phone calls. It will be difficult for a person who responds to the first call to create an aura of mystery or resort to tricks. Do not rush to answer the phone after the first ring. Let the girl think that you are very busy.

    • If she sent you a playful greeting in the morning, then answer no earlier than an hour later. So the girl will begin to wonder where you are now and with whom.
    • The same tactic applies to calls. If a girl calls you, then don't answer. Call back in a few hours or even the next day. Your busyness will be a mystery.
  2. Flirt with others. When you are alone, be romantic. Show that you have a great understanding and relationship that can work out successfully. Then, in the company of other people, start flirting with girls. Your friend will probably start to puzzle.

    • Chat with other girls and tell jokes to make them smile.
  3. Disappear for a few days. For example, you are having a great time every day and feelings arise between you. Disappear for a few days to confuse the girl.

    • If a girl calls or writes messages with a request to meet or talk, then write back that you are busy. Speak at length and let them know that you will call back in a couple of days when you have the opportunity.
  4. Say it’s okay when it’s not. If your partner disappoints or upsets you, then say that everything is fine and you understand everything, and then act like an upset person. This will surely confuse the girl.

    • If the girl canceled the meeting with you, then say: "Do not worry, I understand everything. We will meet another time." The next time you meet, behave with restraint, laugh and smile less, and also show that you are sad. If the girl asks about the reasons for the sadness, then say, "It's okay."

Hidden psychological impact on a communication partner in order to achieve beneficial behavior from him is called manipulation. In communication with their own kind, without realizing it, people often use manipulative methods, especially when they want to achieve something from another person. Since the concept of "manipulation" is understood differently by everyone, let us consider what manipulation is.

As mentioned above, manipulation is a hidden psychological effect. In conclusion, I will say that the topic of manipulation in communication, of course, is not exhausted by this publication and will be continued. Here is an example to illustrate the concept of manipulation. In this case, this is an example of manipulation of a person's needs to look beautiful in the eyes of the object of sighing. You are sitting in a summer cafe with a girl you are caring for and have small talk with her about life and love. And now a pretty teenage girl (or no less pretty grandmother) comes up to you with a bunch of flowers and invites you to buy them. Do you think this is a common, slightly compulsive purchase offer or manipulation? Answer: manipulation. Why? Because here there is a hidden calculation that it will be embarrassing for you to refuse to buy flowers for this girl (and for whom else !?) in front of the girl herself. After all, she will think that you feel sorry for her flowers, and you will feel like a curmudgeon and a fool for an hour. Therefore, it is often easier for a man to pay off his awkwardness and not ruin the evening. This is the calculation.

Thus, the difference between manipulation and other methods of influence lies in the fact that during manipulation, in addition to an explicit and open motive (trade offer), there is an ulterior motive, calculation, subtext (he will be embarrassed to look stingy).

An example of manipulation in trade. In a store, a customer chooses a product, hesitantly considering either cheaper or more expensive things.
Seller:- This model is better, but it is perhaps a little expensive for you.
Buyer:“I’ll take her here.”

At the external level, the seller stated some truthful facts: the high quality of the item and the low financial capabilities of the buyer. The hidden meaning of this manipulation is the expectation of the buyer’s desire to look respectable at least in front of the seller (and, therefore, to some extent in front of himself). The buyer took the expensive thing, stroking his pride and wiping (as it seems to him) the nose of the seller.

There are not only one-time one-time manipulative actions, but also whole long-term manipulative games. I will give an example of a manipulative game from the practice of police officers and investigators. Now you will have to present yourself as detained at the police station. Here, one of the most effective ways to get a testimony (or money for freedom) from a detainee is to play a "good and bad police officer." First, the "evil" investigator talks to the detainee - speaking in a raised voice, he threatens and paints gloomy pictures of your further stay within the walls of the law enforcement agencies. After you are pretty scared, the “kind” investigator intervenes in the case, who reproaches the “evil” for the lack of restraint, sympathizes with the detainee, offers to solve the case in an amicable, kind manner. Aggressive and benevolent communication styles alternate several times until the detainee is mature. What is the manipulative meaning of such a game? The fact that you are led to the idea that it is better to accept the lesser of evils, i.e. "Kind" policeman and go to an alliance with him.

Such a manipulative game creates the feeling that you can get away with a little blood, agreeing with a good and polite policeman, until the evil and cruel one again becomes active. As a result, the detainee gives evidence or is paid off. What is required of him. By the way, both of these roles can be combined by one policeman - the meaning of the game remains the same.

The benefits of manipulation can be not only material, but also psychological: increased attention significant people, gaining higher authority and respect, etc.

For example, behind sparkling jokes addressed to other people, there is usually just such a hidden meaning, hiding behind an external desire to simply amuse and entertain comrades. A person who makes jokes about others, as a rule, sees no other opportunity to gain credibility in the company and uses such a knurled way for himself. The fact that at the same time he offends others, reduces their authority, he either does not realize or neglects this insignificant fact. Thus, jokes about other people are also manipulative.

This begs the question. How to evaluate the phenomenon of manipulation: with a plus sign or with a minus sign? Is this good or bad? Use it in life or eradicate it? The answer suggests itself. If I am manipulating it is good, if I am being manipulated it is bad. Joke. In fact, manipulation is neither good nor bad. In general, this phenomenon is neutral. At its core, manipulation is a tool that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Depending on which hands he is in. Just like a knife can serve as both a surgical instrument and a murder weapon. If you are faced with manipulation, then to assess a specific situation, I propose to rely on two criteria.

First. What is the motive and desired result of the manipulation author? If this is not only a benefit to yourself, but also a desire for good to you, then this deserves, if not a positive assessment, then at least condescension. For example, parents often manipulate their children, by hook or by crook forcing them to go to bed on time, do exercises, go to school, etc. They do this not only for their own sake, but also for the good in the future of their child, which is not yet able to appreciate this care at its true worth.

Second. It happens that the ulterior motive for manipulation is not particularly hidden. And then the object of the application of this manipulation has a true, not an imposed choice. American writer and psychotherapist E. Berne gives an example of a flirting game: Cowboy: Would you like to see the stable? Girl: Ah, I love stables since childhood! Although it comes both seem to be talking about the stables (and we would talk about the theater) both understand the inner meaning of the game. And the girl, choosing an excursion to the stable, guesses about the content of this excursion. And since she has this understanding, and no one forced her to respond to the flirtation, it means that she consciously entered this game, and, therefore, there is nothing bad about it.

If you look closely, you and I live in a world of manipulations, and you should not be afraid of them, but you should be able to understand them well and use knowledge about them for the benefit of yourself and other people. All this is also one of the halves of the game called "life" and this game can also be entertaining.

How can you neutralize the effect of manipulation if your plans do not include "being" on it?

First. To understand, to see, to realize the hidden motive of communication in your partner. This is possible if you are attentive, have psychological experience and trust your intuition. By micromovements of the eyes, minimal facial expressions, intonations of the voice, gestures and subtle body movements, a psychologically competent person can guess about the presence of falsity in a person's actions and speech. In simple terms, whether he is disingenuous or not. If you guess that maybe not everything is clean, then the next step is to understand what he really wants. To do this, put yourself in his place - what would you do, how would you behave, what ideas would you try to implement? The fact is that we are all very similar (no matter how much you want to believe in your own uniqueness) and what you come up with, most likely, he came up with. "Scroll" possible options and insight can visit you. I will not say that it is so easy to penetrate into the consciousness of another person, but after all, life in general is not an easy thing.

Second. If manipulation assumes the presence of an ulterior motive and this is its main weapon, then illumination, clarification of the ulterior motive in your communication, will neutralize the weapon. Figuratively speaking, "flashlight flashing" deprives manipulation of its hidden meaning. What makes her manipulation. For example, if a person in public directs his humor at you, makes fun of you or your values, and you guessed in whose eyes he wants to rise, you can calmly say to him: "I understand that you really want to seem witty in Marina's eyes - we already appreciated your humor, it's great, thanks. "

When the meaning is revealed - there is already nothing to cover, the game loses its continuation and meaning. However, if you have guessed the content of the manipulative game that is being played with you, it is not necessary to immediately stop it. Indeed, in this case, you have trump cards in your hands: the opponent does not yet know that you have already guessed the hidden meaning. You can use this trump card, as hockey players use the numerical advantage.

Consider a real situation from real life... Surely people have come up to you on the street with a "gift" from the company. Very cheerful, starting with the words “Hello!”, They solemnly announce that in honor of the 500th anniversary of their generous company, you will receive a wonderful set for free in this bag, along with the bag itself. And hand it to you! A few more seconds of optimism and charm, and now you are already beginning to believe in this miracle. But it turns out that in order for you to finally come into possession of all the rich contents of this bag, a mere trifle is needed. Pay just one thing from this wealth. Some kind of miserable (in comparison with the content) several hundred rubles. For those who have not guessed - then, of course, it turns out that the cost of the goods is much lower than this "miserable" amount. But it will be later!

So, one friend of mine, already learned in life, did the following trick. With the words "You get this as a gift," he accepted the bag, but did not stand, as it should be according to the script, breathing excitedly, but with the words "Thank you!" cheerfully walked into the crowd on the way to the subway. After a couple of seconds, which it took the fraudster to come to his senses, it was already too late to catch up with the happy owner of the gift from the company. The most interesting thing is that there is nothing to blame him for - a gift, rich companies have their own quirks and it is inconvenient and even impolite to refuse a gift ... Keyword here - "hidden". When manipulating, the external meaning of words, addresses or actions in relation to another person does not coincide with the internal meaning. The external meaning of words, as a rule, is innocent, not containing any infringement of the needs of another person, but the internal meaning carries content that brings this person to what the author of the manipulation wants from him. It turns out that the person who is being manipulated does what his communication partner needs, as if choosing it himself. In fact, he was gently led to this choice, and this choice is not free and unconscious.

13.07.2011 66011 +86

They often turn to me with requests to influence another person: my husband to stop drinking, my son to take up studies, my daughter, so that she does not go out in dubious companies, and even a guy, so that he falls in love properly. In this article, I want to give a small overview of the methods of influence and their real possibilities. Let's make a reservation right away - we will talk about psychological methods... After all, there are many ways to influence, such as blackmail, threat, bribery, the use of special drugs, etc., but we will not discuss such things here. Instead, let's think about calm and peaceful ways to resolve the issue.

Influence of hypnosis

For many years I have, therefore, from time to time I am asked to influence with hypnosis. Imagine it like this: for example, they bring to me a son who plays all day on the Internet, and who because of this simply has no time to study, and I have to conduct a hypnosis session, after which the idiot will suddenly cool down for games and inflame a passion for mathematics. In practice, everything is somewhat different. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness that has both signs of sleep and wakefulness. Anyone can enter it, following the instructions of the hypnotist. Please note: a person enters the state of hypnosis himself, the hypnotist only helps him in this! Therefore, anyone can refuse to enter a hypnotic trance, in which case nothing can be done. Moreover, in order to refuse, it is absolutely not necessary to state this out loud, it is enough just not to want to be hypnotized.

Let's go further. In practice, hypnosis is used as a means to increase personal efficiency, that is, it allows you to learn how to do something better than before. But never and under no circumstances can hypnosis affect a person's beliefs. With the help of hypnosis, you can learn to play more effectively on the Internet. Or quit playing, but only if you really want to quit. If you do not want to quit, but the suggestion comes to quit, the hypnotized one instantly comes out of the trance. Thus, under hypnosis, it is possible to instill only that in the correctness of which a person is internally confident, and nothing else. Summing up what has been said, let us conclude: you can hypnotize only when a person sincerely wants to be hypnotized, and the suggestion will start working only if it is consonant with the person's convictions.

Influence by persuasion

I often hear this: "talk to your husband so that he stops drinking, he himself knows that this is bad and needs help." But a number of questions immediately arise. First, if he knows himself, then why does he continue to drink? Secondly, if he needs help, why didn't he ask for it himself? There are psychologists who agree to "talk" with such a husband, thereby reassuring his wife and putting money in his pocket. Usually the conversation takes place according to the standard scheme: a submissive and guilty husband comes with his wife to a psychologist, listens to him attentively, agrees with everything, and goes home to continue drinking. What happens, psychology doesn't work? How it works! And he claims that you can only convince someone who wants to be convinced. To influence a person with conviction, he must first of all be disillusioned with his own beliefs. To be disappointed so much that there will be a personal (and not at the insistence of relatives) desire to go to a psychologist. And the desire is so strong that he really will go. Then there really is a chance to convince him of something. By the way, it is not yet a fact that it will succeed. Even convincing someone who wants to be convinced takes a lot of professionalism. Do not consider everyone gullible and stupid. To be believed, you need to offer something truly valuable, changing your life for the better, and offer it in an understandable and pleasant form that does not cause internal rejection.

Influence of manipulation

There are many methods of manipulation, from the most rude and aggressive to soft and almost imperceptible, which can hardly be called manipulation. The former include, for example, methods with escalating the situation, when the victim is literally forced to make a decision for a short time thus preventing her from considering all the options. The latter include praise, which disposes the victim to the manipulator, or a small gift that makes him want to do something in return. An example of gentle but rather cynical manipulation is ... please! Indeed, when a not completely outsider asks to do something, we often find ourselves in an unpleasant situation - and it is inconvenient to refuse, and to ask to compensate for the time spent is also inconvenient.

But all kinds of manipulation have one thing in common common property: the manipulator gets what he wants either completely free of charge, or by paying a price incommensurably less than the real one. And this in most cases means that the victim is a loser. An exception may be cases when the manipulator sincerely cares about the victim, pushing him with the help of manipulation to commit an act beneficial to her. But this is extremely rare. Almost always, the victim is deceived in the end. Therefore, to perform manipulation once turns out to be not so difficult and not so difficult, but you can constantly manipulate only a very stupid person who does not know (or does not want) to calculate how much such exercises cost him. So even if we do not consider the ethical aspect, manipulation still remains a method to which you can resort to one-time, but not on a permanent basis.

The best method of influence

Smart people know for sure: if you need to do something important, you should not ask your acquaintances or force someone to do the job with violence, blackmail or deception. Because the result may not be as expected. The safest thing to do is turn to professionals and pay them. And in the end, this method is often also the cheapest. This truth is completely true in psychology. For some reason, it seems to many that psychology is such an area where you can endlessly achieve your goal unilaterally, through various tricks, hypnosis and manipulations. Of course, this is not the case. If you want to really strongly and reliably influence a person, try to find out what he wants, what his needs are. And then satisfy this need. The result will not be long in coming. Maybe they will want to repay you with the same coin and fulfill your wishes, or maybe they want to receive more and more, and the person will gradually and imperceptibly adapt to you.

People are very inattentive to each other, they are often rude and tactless, not to mention the fact that they do not want to adapt to others and understand them. If your husband is drinking, do not rush to lead him to a hypnotist, but instead think about what is wrong with your family. And if a child is looking for something in courtyard companies, then maybe he simply does not find this at home? Of course, not everything is so simple. Sometimes it is necessary to work with a psychologist to figure it out. But in any case, you need to understand: raping someone with hypnosis or fooling with manipulation are far from the most effective ways of influence. A person should get what he wants, only after that a serious conversation can begin.