Conspiracy of a strong sorcerer: how to heal from witch negativity. Conspiracies from witches and sorcerers All my enemies are witches

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the destruction of a witch for the spiritual life of a believer.

Who is a witch? Since ancient times, a witch has been considered a woman who had magical knowledge and used this knowledge for various purposes, including in order to harm people. In pre-Christian Russia, the witch was more of a positive character than a negative one. After all, the very word "witch" among the ancient Slavs meant "a knowing mother." Witches in those distant times treated people from various diseases and wounds, protected magic spells crops from the invasion of insects, could take the enemies away from their village.

But witches could also do evil, put spoilage, haze, diseases on animals and people, take milk from cows, bring discord into the family, and much more. Even then, protection from witches was an important matter for people, and they attached great importance to this.

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, witches become completely negative characters, it was believed that their strength and magical knowledge come from demons, and they are helpers of demons in all their intrigues against people.

To successfully defend against a witch, it is important to know who exactly is a witch. After all, knowing a person who practices witchcraft and tries to harm you with his help, you can resist this.

Also, for example, a witch is very well recognized by animals, cats, dogs, especially cats. These animals are very sensitive to dark energy. The dog in the presence of the witch bursts into loud barking, the cat's fur rises on end and it hisses at the witch. In a word, in the presence of a witch, animals behave, as a rule, inadequately.

V modern world with the development of civilization, our instincts have become much dulled, but have not disappeared. With their help, if desired, you can recognize the witch. Listen to your inner voice. If a witch is near you, you may experience a completely incomprehensible excitement associated with the energy emanating from the witch. As a rule, witches have a different energy than ordinary people. It is denser, more powerful and brighter and causes a feeling of foreign penetration (look) chasing you. This is true, and after looking around carefully, you can determine the person who constantly accompanies you with his gaze. As for the various descriptions of the external signs of a witch that the Internet is full of, this is complete nonsense, both a glamorous beauty and an urban madwoman can fit under them. Anyone can be a witch, a respectable lady, a shy-looking girl, a successful businesswoman, an old lady "God's dandelion", etc.

How to protect yourself from witches

Protection from the witch should begin already at the threshold of your house, which is our "fortress". At front door you need to hang a bunch of wormwood or a bunch of juniper twigs. They have a kind of energy that causes the witch to burn her skin and she is unlikely to cross the threshold of your home if these plants are present there.

There are also many prayers, conspiracies and church rites to protect against the witch. Even if you memorize two or three conspiracies or prayers, this will already be an effective protection against witches if you understand or it seems to you that there is a threat from them. The dark energy of the witch accumulates garbage and dirt in your house and starts cleaning your home.

You can protect yourself from negative energy with the following conspiracy:

Our enemy is Satan, and all his army is an unclean power

Pick up from the threshold of our house

What dashing people brought to our scrap

Night demons, and midday

Dirt, water, sand, all sorts of dark slander

Take our unclean enemy from our stitches-paths

Then collect the garbage in a clockwise direction, and at midnight take it to the crossroads.

This conspiracy is a very effective protection against witches and sorcerers:

Bless the Lord for the servant (slave) of God to pass. I don’t walk, I don’t fly, and Mother of God the Most Holy, lead to the mountains of Sinai, gather all sinners with sorcerers and wells, lock their teeth and lips with a lock of gold, throw the lock to the bottom of the sea, and the key to the castle in high heaven. Whoever finds this key, he will defeat the servant (slave) of God.

This conspiracy is from a witch, sorcerer, corruption and other black witchcraft:

In the morning I will get up, wash myself with spring water and dry myself with a white sheet. Our Lord will pray to you. The Lord will go with you from gate to gate, from under the bridge to the bridges. A stone lies to the side, the cathedral stands on the stone. Behind the white cathedral is our Lord Christ. Behind Christ is the Holy Mother of God, swaddling her son Jesus. Mother of God, I came (came) to you, neither in silver nor in gold. I came (came) to pray to you. Ask for the mercy of the Lord, remove from the slave (name) all sorrows and illnesses, from the heart and from fear. On a sorcerer-sorceress, on a whisperer whisperer. For a simple-haired woman. For a blonde-haired girl. Seven Hundred by seven hundred, Seven Hundred by seven hundred, Seven Hundred by seven hundred. Save me, Lord, from all witches and sorcerers. Amen!

An effective way to protect against the machinations of a witch is to draw a cross on the doors on St. George's Day and scatter poppy seeds in front of the threshold.

There is a belief that witches are very fond of poppy, but they can only collect it by seed, and while they collect scattered poppy, the sun rises and they can no longer use their magic to harm people.

Also, to protect yourself from witches, you can use various herbs, nettle, plakun-grass, Chernobyl and many others. Herbs must be collected by the morning dew, then dried, and then ground into powder. Then all the rooms in the house should be fumigated with such a powder, in addition, traces of a woman suspected of witchcraft should be sprinkled with such a powder.

But of course the most effective protection against witches is your own energy and the ability to use it. With the help of concentration of your own energy, you can put a mirror wall between yourself and the witch, which will reflect the negative energy directed at you. And not only reflect, but even more strengthen it and hit the witch herself. This action is best performed if you are in crowded places, and it is also an excellent protection against a witch at work. After all, it is at work, in the work team, that damage is often induced.

You can surround yourself with a protective cocoon through which no dark energy directed at you by a witch can break through. You can also cover the witch with your energy cap, thus neutralizing her biofield.

And lastly, you can work ahead of the curve and attack the witch yourself by means of directed impulses of your energy, representing them in the form of arrows that you send at her. Of course, not every person is able to apply such methods of protection from the witch at the energy level.

In order to successfully resist the witch with the help of energy protection, you need strong natural energy, constant training in energy concentration, and most importantly, pure thoughts.

With us you can get qualified advice, undergo diagnostics, get protection from damage and remove damage, including with the help of magic keys.

With hope and faith in the best,


Question answer

My mother-in-law is a witch. Tell me, how does she control my present? Always standing on the road.

And I also have a feeling that it feeds on my energy. How can I cut it all down .. Thank you.

Hello, I’m Jeanne, my neighbor Victoria is harassing my family, she cursed us for nothing, she stole our family’s health for nothing, her conscience still allows her relatives to go to us, help her ward off this dirty mess, and God also milks the children God hides behind, isn’t she ashamed?

Gotta deal with the situation before I hear more negativity from you. So curses are not removed .. Write me an email ..

You can’t go to any other witches for protection! Although such thoughts may visit you (they are all servants of the devil, there are no good grandmothers, so that they do not speak there). Only to God. Communion, confess, try to keep the commandments, if you sin, repent. Read at least 1 chapter of the Gospel every day. Pray. Drink holy water several times a day. Tell everything to the priest. The devil is fighting against you - don't give up!

I have a witch friend

And by the way, this is all crap that is written, because I know a lot about it and I can give lessons, but I will never want to

Duck, this is all crap and it’s not true, my girlfriend is a black witch and animals lead themselves to her in a completely different way, this is all complete garbage

If these are her animals, they will certainly behave calmly.

it's all nonsense. none of the methods work. At least you know what you're talking about, dumbass. all church-orthodox garbage is beaten off by witches in 5 minutes. The only way to get rid of a witch is to physically destroy her.

You must be so strong, and most importantly very smart? To come to someone else's clean house and spit, you need a lot of mind, right?

Hello. We have been living with my wife for 17 years, 12-excellent soul to soul. 5-th recent years scandals, debts, etc. And this year in general. I caught our pensioner’s neighbor red-handed in the barn, poured it into the feeder through the open clay window, and it began: The cow has no fat content in milk, the cow is constantly afraid of something in the yard, the chickens are not right there’s no reason why they scatter where, they don’t lay eggs, the dogs are afraid to get out of the booth day and night. Almost all animals and birds are thin. My wife and I can’t fall asleep for 4 or so days, we don’t want to eat, and in general do something, I began to dry before my eyes, my head is dregs, I remember all the dead who were at the funeral, fell arterial pressure they didn’t raise them with pills, but we were 35 years old. The wife went to another neighbor, she advised her to wash herself with holy water with the Our Father. I never believed in it all, but it helped instantly. for health, they bought Holy crosses, they thought, well, everything, it turned out, nifiga. There was some kind of whisper, fear, a feeling that someone was constantly behind. WHAT TO DO.

Excuse me please here

there is a witch on the street, her dog is scary, shy, but the owner says to him and he looks at us like that. I and my girlfriend are afraid to hide, please

Medium services

I had a strange dream, I wonder what I had a dream about when I had a problem,

which one way or another needs to be solved, but hints were needed. received hints and

understood the dream. Thank you.

Unraveling dreams

Elena, you have an interesting interpretation of the details of sleep - a cut off little finger - loss

heads ... unexpectedly, but I liked it, and most importantly, it helped to understand the situation))

How to punish a witch for her antics

Do you doubt that you will be able to punish the witch for her antics? I will announce 2 effective ways according to which she will forget how to shit. No ransom and mob!

In order not to harm anyone by making a mistake in the object, I reveal to you the secret of a white magical conspiracy.

Read it from a distance.

Do not light church candles.

The phase of the moon and the day of the week do not matter.

The witch who does evil will be punished.

As a nail gets stuck in a piece of wood, so the witch will lose her power. He won’t let in a trick, he won’t send starvation, let him improve his health in the Church. Bad pranks will return to her back, they will break into her heart as a mean punishment. When she again begins to create malice, this conspiracy will take revenge on her and harm her. May it be done! Done three times! Closed with bolts! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Do not be afraid of anything, because all the negative energy released by the witch will return back to the sender.

You can punish a witch for tricks with the help of the Church.

Go into it in the morning, put 1 candle to the icon of the Lord God.

Read a prayer from a piece of paper.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Punish the witch with almighty power, order her to pray every day. May your will be done. Amen.

A burning candle can smoke, forming a characteristic soot.

You will definitely notice how it cleanses you of a third-party negative program.

The Lord will punish the witch at his discretion.

Her tricks are no longer scary to you.

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Protection from witches: prayers, protective amulets and amulets

Evil awaits a simple person at any turn. And no one guarantees that the source of negative energy is not constantly hanging around you, trying to draw you into a sad story, which will undoubtedly come out sideways. Protection from witches is relevant today, even more than in ancient times. Evil has become more cunning, its methods more sophisticated. Let's talk about how to protect yourself from a witch, how to recognize her and where to find the strength to confront this terrible threat.

Are there sorcerers and other evil entities?

You can talk for as long as you like about sorcerers, goblin, sorcerers, there is little sense in this if a person denies them as a phenomenon. And it is up to everyone to decide what is true and what is a lie, on their own, sometimes on their own painful experience. Evil forces do not take into account the opinion of the victim, disbelief plays into their hands. They infiltrate the consciousness and push to strange, destructive, destructive actions, enjoying the torment of the human soul, feeding on its pure energy. The peoples of the world have known this for a long time. Therefore, people tried to figure out how to protect themselves from the witch.

Religion has given a lot in this regard. It unites people, which means it makes them stronger. After all, everyone relies on a common power resource, and this increases protection by a multiple. For example, many have heard that praying to Cyprian from witchcraft works wonders. With its help, people get rid of terrible ailments, correct their fate, become happier, feel freer. Prayer is a way to call for help from those who share the same faith. Their souls create a special essence, so to speak. Esotericists call such formation an egregore. This is the union of thoughts, feelings, hopes, that is, the energy invested in a certain idea. Believers in the past and present, through prayers, unite their forces in precisely such an energy formation. And everyone uses its potential as needed. It turns out a powerful shield from witchcraft, protection from witches, a source of strength for the soul and body. And in such groups in the energy-informational world all adherents of this or that idea or thought unite. Witches and sorcerers create their own egregors, while the enlightened ones work on the generation of opposing entities. We, one way or another, join one side or another when we make any decision in ordinary life. He uttered a bad (obscene) word - an egregor of evil reached out to you; felt sorry for the crying child - a bright essence was nearby. How does this relate to the theme of "protection against witchcraft"? Now let's explain.

Protection mechanism

Of course, you can simply talk about what magical manipulations should be performed in order to avoid the networks that dark forces scatter around the world. But this is not enough. As it is now fashionable to express, the psyche must have a rationale for everything that happens. Otherwise, it slows down the order of consciousness, ceases to operate. Much is said by esotericists about belief in miracles, in other world, in bioenergy and the like. But we live in a very realistic, pragmatic space. It is better to understand once what is happening and how, in order to use it constantly, for yourself and your loved ones, and to the detriment of witches and sorcerers.

And the mechanism is simple. Imagine two waves: black and light. Each has an autonomous power source. They try to build it up and take as much space as possible in the world, squeezing out the enemy. This confrontation is eternal, like the Universe. And every single person takes part in it. It is alternately connected to the energy source of one side or the other. Only saints constantly interact with good forces. Ordinary people give their energy to both participants in the confrontation. But sorcerers with witches shy away from the light side, they cannot deal with it under any circumstances. They are trying to win over to the side of the dark forces as many people as possible. After all, the opposing sides on our planet have no other sources of life-giving energy - only human souls. Witch defense is about connecting to the bright side of this eternal struggle. She will cover the sufferer with her umbrella of goodness, drive away the negative being along with its owner.

Practical methods of protection

Having mastered the theoretical basis, you can move on to the specifics. Witchcraft protection consists of several stages. You can’t miss a single one, otherwise the meaning of the event will be lost. And you need to do the following:

  1. Reveal the witch.
  2. Choose the best way to neutralize it.
  3. Apply it.
  4. Rate the result.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

You know, the first point of the above plan is often omitted. There is a risk of error here. We all tend to evaluate other people's behavior based on our own worldview. Sometimes we take for evil spells the results of our mistakes, wrong intentions, and the like. Then we appoint a “witch” of a person who is not involved in the situation, who does not have evil thoughts. And some protection rituals directly harm such a person. For example, a prayer from a witch covers the person who turned to her, fencing off the alleged offender with a dome. This wall is not visible in the physical world, but it is quite real and tangible in the energy one. It cuts off connections between people, stops the exchange of fields. And if you suspected your "offender" in vain, then aggression will fall on your head. And that person gets hurt. Suspicion, not to mention certainty, is the same negative program. You attack an innocent person with it no worse than a witch.

Ways to counter evil

Did you pay attention to the second point of our action plan? There it is proposed to choose the optimal method of protection. This means that you need to have an idea of ​​what exactly they are, how they work, what are the advantages of one or another. There is nothing particularly new here either. Protection from witches has long been carried out in the following ways:

What exactly is right for you? Look into your value system. It is necessary to take on the tool that is beyond doubt. It is better for believers to pray, for atheists to speak, for realists to engage in auto-training, and the like. By the way, all psychological practices are special rituals in our system. Dark forces work at all levels subtle world. They penetrate thoughts, try to fill the astral plane with negativity, reduce the vibrations of feelings and emotions. They have many ways to influence people. And our business is not to succumb, to be able to distinguish their pernicious influence. If you use the scheme described above - stay close to the light, reject the intrigues of the negative side of the confrontation. And then not a single witch will be terrible, the sorcerer will not be able to sneak up and harm. What is the bright side? You subconsciously feel it. Contact with it gives rise to sincere joy in the soul, not connected with anything, like a child.

How to identify a witch

Evil forces are rich in fiction. The appearance of a witch for certain and accurately cannot be described. It is only in fairy tales that an ugly old woman with a club exists. In our real life the witch takes the form of a beautiful girl or a gorgeous lady, depending on the object of the attack. She can pretend to be a friend or benefactor, a passer-by or a colleague (boss). "Horror everywhere!" the optimist will exclaim with doubt, and the pessimist with fear. Not everything is so scary. Logic and intuition will help to identify the witch. This person is bad for everyone. You must have met such a person. She complains, tries to please or help, but all inappropriately. The more active he behaves, the more confused the situation. The purpose of the witch is to get as much negativity out of the people around her as possible. Intuitively, each of her victims feels this. You just need to connect logical conclusions with inner insight. And identify the terrible danger. But, by the way, there are not many real witches on the planet. Those who foolishly want to become black witches do not count. From them, more troubles are not for others, but for themselves.

Protective amulets and amulets

This way of resisting evil spells is thousands of years old, if not more. In ancient times, people endowed objects with magical powers, not yet realizing that they themselves fill them with light. And now amulets are in great demand. They work independently, you activate once and you feel protected. Best amulets - donated loving person. They are directly connected to the light forces through feelings.

What kind of thing is suitable for making a charm out of it? Every nation has its own traditions. For example, in the East they believe in a blue eye. This is a special glass talisman. It is believed that he collects dark energy in himself. Many nations understood and now welcome magical properties precious metals and minerals. Any decoration is a natural amulet. It distracts, scatters the witch's attention. It's no secret that evil beings are greedy. They are greedy for everything shiny, especially expensive trinkets. For the amulet to work, it must be activated. To do this, hold the little thing in the sun, warm it, nourish it with life-giving energy. If it is a stone or jewelry, rinse with running water beforehand. In conclusion, hold in your palms, feel its surface, remember. And also ask the amulet to protect against dark forces.

Believers lean on the Lord in their own opposition to witchcraft. They are more suited to talking with the Almighty. You can conduct it constantly, at any time when you feel threatened. For example, a prayer to Cyprian from witchcraft is read so that the Lord saves from evil spells and his own sinfulness. That is, it protects from outer and inner darkness. It is necessary to visit the temple, buy candles and an icon. Before her and pray at home to get rid of the threatening situation. Words must come from the soul.

There is a special text in the prayer book. You can, of course, use them. But in prayer it is important to open your heart to the Lord. That is why Jesus commanded to talk with the Father behind closed doors, with a pure soul freed from pride. And this is interpreted as the use of one's own words. But let's bring short text prayers to St. Cyprian for those who are not yet able to fully open their souls. Here it is: “Lord Jesus! Hear the prayer of your servant (your name) and Cyprian! Forgive my sins, committed by the temptation of the devil and human weakness. Lord, without Your will the birds do not fly in heaven, the vine is not born, the tree does not bear fruit. Everything happens on earth according to Your will! I pray, Lord, forbid by Your power all witchcraft and sorcery that seduces a person, protect from the spell of the devil, strengthen the strength of Your servant (name). Autumn by Your mercy, do not let perish from the spell of the villainous, support on the earthly path, leading to Your holy abode. Amen!".

How to read conspiracies from witches

It should be noted that prayers work only for those who feel a connection with the Lord. In other cases, it is recommended to choose another tool, a conspiracy from a witch, for example. Formulas were created by different magical schools. But all of them are effective, as they are connected to the egregor of protection. One has only to start reading special words, as this powerful force will rush to the aid of the needy. It has been created for as many centuries as there is a religion. Rather, they came out of the same root, and then dispersed. The conspiracy "protection from the witch" awakens in the depths of the subconscious the most ancient instincts of kinship with the planet. All nature helps the psyche to cope with the threat, to resist the eternal evil personified by the sorceress. You need to read the words automatically, like the believers "Our Father". But the magic formula is not just a set of sounds, but an interaction with nature.

The following conspiracy was recommended to be pronounced while holding onto a tree or other plant. The words are as follows: “I speak from the living, from an evil enemy, from a sharp fang, from snake venom, from black divination, from bad friendship, from the evil eye, from leprosy, from thinness and any misfortune. A star will not fall from the sky, but a witch will pass by! Amen!". The plot should be memorized so that the words do not fly out of your head under the influence of stress. It is read at the moment when they felt the evil directed in your direction. And the faster you react, the less chance the sorceress has to take possession of a piece of your energy.

What to do if the witch harmed

Sorcery produces a change in a person's aura. In the people, this phenomenon is usually called damage. To remove it, to correct the damage, it is necessary to conduct a special ceremony. Spoilage is cast with wax, rolled out with an egg, removed with salt. Any ritual will do. At home, for example, you can use ordinary salt. You need to take a frying pan. Pour salt on it with a wooden spoon and warm it up, reading prayers. Magicians advise the following texts: "Our Father", the 90th psalm, "Let God rise again!". Stir the salt and say the words of the prayers. The whole ceremony lasts from fifteen minutes to an hour, or even two. Its effectiveness is judged by the behavior of the salt. Smokes - damage comes out, smokes - strong witchcraft, does not emit gases - suspicions are groundless. After the ritual, it is necessary to put protection from the witch. And for this you need to buy a charm and activate it (see above).

It should be noted that not always independent work helps to completely get rid of witchcraft. The result of the confrontation depends on the balance of forces. If you feel that you cannot overcome it, then urgently seek help. And she can be very close. For example, it is customary for Muslims to make a dua. Old women gather in the house of a man afflicted with witchcraft and read surahs from the Koran over the poor fellow. So, all in a herd and cope with grief, expelling the messenger of dark forces.

Personal war

You know, a person cannot live to old age and never encounter evil. Confronting witches, sorcerers, and other entities is part of our earthly experience. You shouldn't be afraid of it. It is important to understand that in this world a person is free, that is, he decides which side of the eternal confrontation to support at any given moment. And, only having made a mistake, he needs advice on how to get rid of the witch. Her presence in your destiny suggests that there is something in the soul that attracts, a dark side. Just like that, these forces do not send their messengers to a person. They are waiting for a signal that the victim is ready to cooperate. Analyze your reaction to the events of the last days before you realized that you were a victim of a witch. Emotions such as envy, jealousy, resentment, discontent, anger and others show the dark side that you are ready to join the ranks of its adherents. Only absolutely happy people do not attract this force. This is the most insurmountable defense for a witch! Be happy all the time, strive for creativity, love and get the same feelings in return. No sorcerer comes close. And you also need to have courage in your soul. It strengthens the protection with light. Good luck!

For many centuries, conspiracies against enemies have been very popular among the human race.

Even in the old days, our ancestors respected such rituals very much, and they passed on the secrets of conspiracies from generation to generation, keeping them in strict secret from strangers. The importance of such conspiracies was that they could save not only the health of a person, but also his life.

Everyone probably remembers fairy tales, where the cap of invisibility appeared more than once. She helped to hide the main character, making him inaccessible to enemies trying to send damage, illness or death on him. The appearance of such tales is closely related to the fact that in the old days conspiracy magic was used on garments. Often hats and scarves acted as such items. The charmed clothing was called a veil, hiding the wearer from the enemy.

People in the old days often had to leave their home for a long time, and the reasons for this were different - a fair, work in other cities. When a person needed to go on a long journey, he always took a charmed thing with him, because the roads at that time were far from the safest and could threaten death.

Possessing a charmed object, a person fell into the hands of robbers much less often and received reliable protection.

All this awakened in people faith in the power of such magical rites. And when someone has ill-wishers, he resorts to a ritual of conspiracy against enemies in order to take revenge and protect himself from illness.

Why is it necessary to conduct a conspiracy

Such rituals of black magic help to significantly reduce Negative influence on the part of the ill-wisher, even protect from death. Each person has different enemies, although the only goal that unites all conspiracies is harm. Such rituals can prevent the execution of evil intentions, punish the ill-wisher, therefore conspiracies from enemies are a rite that is relevant for everyone modern man who wants to protect himself from the intrigues of his enemy.

The rite will not change the attitude of the enemy towards you, but thanks to a well-conducted session, you will receive reliable protection against the negative that affects your destiny.

Your enemies will not be able to interfere with your life with impunity, harm you and create an unpleasant situation by sending you a disease.

A conspiracy from enemies has a different effect. With the help of some, you can get protection from negativity, with the help of others, you can create a situation where the enemy forgets about evil intentions towards you. There are also conspiracies that are universal in nature. With the help of them, you can calculate an evil person, punish and take revenge.

Conspiracies against enemies

If your ill-wisher is determined to move from words to action, you can punish evil and take revenge on him, using a strong conspiracy and a photo of an opponent. Such a ritual of black magic will help you create a protective aura around you, and every poisonous arrow thrown in your direction will be reflected. You can only use such a conspiracy from enemies when you know your enemy for sure, and you are sure that this person is opposed to you and wishes you trouble and even death.

On the first day of the full moon, write the name of the enemy on the bulb with indelible paint, put crosses in the upper and lower parts of the name, drip a little wax from the lit church candle. Then put this onion in a bowl of holy water, leave for a day. Light a candle the day after sunset. A plot from enemies must be read forty times. In this case, the wax from the candle should drip into the water. After pronouncing the plot, extinguish the candle and leave the bulb for another day. In the morning, go to church and light a candle for the health of your ill-wisher.

Conspiracy "From Enemies"

“My word is directed to the fact that the dark work of my enemy (the name of the enemy) has reached a dead end. I wind the black thread, I spin the enemy’s case (name of the enemy) like a web. Let my enemy (the name of the enemy) get confused, stray, and forget about his unkind deed. May it be so!"

Remember that you should light it for health, in no case should you wish death to the enemy, he should only be punished.

Another strong conspiracy against enemies, you can say against a competitor or an envious person at work. To do this, you need to use your enemy's business card or photo. When conducting a ritual of black magic, imagine the image of this person. You need to bend the photo by putting it in a glass bottle and fill it with vodka. Add a few drops of vinegar essence, three peppercorns and three pinches of salt to the liquid. While closing the bottle, say: "Dissolve!". So you can take revenge and forget about this person.

You can always get an advantage over a competitor in your work with a knife or an ax.

After writing the name of the ill-wisher on the black earth, throw the tool so that the blade sticks into the inscription. Walk clockwise around the abandoned weapon three times, then pull out the knife or ax and hide it in a secluded place.

A simple note will help to repel damage, the evil eye, the slander of death and punish the ill-wisher. To do this, for a whole month every day, write a conspiracy on a piece of white paper that reflects the attacks of evil people.

Conspiracy "From magical influence»

“All my enemies, witches, sorcerers, sorceresses, all your miracles, damage, evil eye, slander, illness, envy, anger - into your bodies.”

The written words must first be read, after which light a church candle and pray without taking your eyes off it, while asking God for help. Then, on a white saucer, set fire to a note with a candle, put it on the saucer and let it burn out. Flush the rest of the ashes down the toilet.

Video: Conspiracy from Enemies

Believe it or not, magic exists. Just like there is negative and positive energy. Now many people do not take the magical principle seriously. Like, yes, yes, somewhere there, but not with me. But in vain! After all, each of us can succumb to a negative charge, become a victim of a witch's curse, etc. Therefore, it is very important to put in time some protection from damage and the evil eye, as well as from magical interference from sorcerers and witches.

Magic attacks of mages are always very careful, almost silent, but they always hit right on target. It is difficult to disarm the witch's message, but it is quite real.

So, there are many ways how, with the support of prayers, church rituals, rituals, conspiracies, to be saved from the witch's curse.

Here are a few of them:

1. “Let us pray to our Lord and bow down to the holy day,

2. We read this plot and at the same time hold on to the door frame:

“Let us pray to our Lord and bow down to the holy day,
You are our clear month and you are beautiful dawns,
Helpers of the Lord come to my aid,
At the house of the saint, at the throne of the saint, the Mother of God stood,
And blessed her son Christ, my blessed son,
Get tired early, wash your face white, take the golden hammer,
Steel sledgehammers, smash and scatter all evil spirits,
from the Servant (Slave) of God (name) the Most Holy Theotokos,
cover my body and soul from enemies and slaves,
from flying snakes and creeping reptiles, from the strength of the Urals, and evil reptiles.
I close golden locks with golden keys,
I close, I enclose my enemies with all my lips and teeth,
Legs, arms and shoulders and filthy evil speeches,
And you good people, tell me everything good about the Slave (Slave) of God.

3. “At dawn, she collected dew and clothed herself with dew, let her keep from the eyes of the thin, and the spell of evil from the black sorcerer. My words are true. So be it! Amen".

At the same time, you need to sprinkle yourself with dew at dawn (preferably from a thistle).

It is very important, when saying a prayer or a conspiracy, to direct your energy flow straight into the very essence of the sorcerer, into his very food. Don't be scared. You protect your spirit, so the truth is on your side. Concentrate, imagine how your golden energy drives out all dullness and darkness.

The next prayer from witches and sorcerers is this. It will help from any slander or evil eye, will help out from any damage:
“I will get up in the morning, wash myself, wipe myself off, I, Lord, will pray to you. I will go with you from gate to gate. From under the footbridge to the footbridges The side lies a stone, On the stone is a cathedral, Behind the cathedral is Christ, Behind Christ is the Mother of God Swaddling her son Jesus Christ. Mother of God, I came to you Neither for gold nor for silver. I came to pray to you, To ask for the mercy of the Lord, To remove from the slave Claudia all sorrow, all illness From fright and from the heart To sorcerers - a sorceress, To whisperers - a whisperer To a fair-haired girl, To a simple-haired woman, To a peasant - a fish. Seven hundred by seven hundred Seven hundred by seven hundred Seven hundred. Save me, Lord, from all sorcerers.

If you have tried all the ways, but you feel like a witch's curse hangs like a stone, do not hesitate! Rather, contact our psychics. You will find good mages and clairvoyants in our database of proven and reliable healers and witches.

Here are collected many diverse and effective and time-tested methods and conspiracies of protection from offenders and enemies. Try to use any of the conspiracies.

First: For 7 black candles

Buy 7 black candles. At midnight, close yourself in the room and light the candles so that vicious circle. Look closely inside the circle and imagine yourself encased in a stone suit, thus creating an invisible protection. Read 7 times in a row from the sheet of the word:

I put protection from enemy arrows,

I drive away the shadow of envious deeds.

I direct the energy of evil into darkness,

And if there is an enemy, everything will return to him.

As the candles cry, the fire goes out.

In the night I will bury the burnt tar.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Wait until the candles are completely extinguished. Wrap the remnants of candles in a sheet with a conspiracy and bury them in a deserted place. This method allows you to return someone else's evil energy back to the sender.

Second: Simple

Say three times:

“I cross the threshold, I crawl out like a viper,

I shut up all my enemies.

I do not go, but I go like a black ox,

so that all my enemies' tongues become a stake.


After that, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder.

Third: Leading the enemy away from home

Say three times:

If you know that an enemy should come to your house, then before he arrives, you need to speak a conspiracy by crossing your little fingers on both hands:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

indestructible church, invincible faith.

Arise, army of angels, on the threshold.

Lord, bless the fortieth amulet.

God bless the windows!

God bless the doors!

God bless the grooves and crevices!

Bless my threshold.

Bless the fortieth amulet!

My word, my body, Lord, your work.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

The most important thing is not to be distracted by anything while reading.

Fourth: If the enemy is unknown

Light a candle and read the plot once, looking at the candle flame. Leave the candle to burn out

"Lord, Almighty God,

protect my roof and threshold,

my mortal body

my work and my business

from enemies visible and invisible,

everyone I know, whose names I list,

and those whom I don't know by name,

but from whom I suffer innocently.

Protect me, Lord.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Fifth: On jelly

If someone is plotting evil against you, if a person you know conjures and sends damage to you, if you need to put up a strong barrier against the actions of the enemy and fence yourself off from those who are planning something evil and weaving intrigues, you must use conspiracies from enemies. They will help in cases of rivalry at work, and if the husband is taken away by a rival who conjures and brings misfortune to your house.

To implement the first conspiracy, you will need black berries. Of these, it is necessary to cook jelly. As soon as the syrup with berries boils, pour starch into it and say these words:

“I will commemorate your business with jelly, quickly, quickly and boldly.

Yegory fought, won,

I will also crush my enemy (name of the enemy),

and I will destroy his works.

Kissel, kisel, you cook all day.

Get up, boil, fix my case firmly.

I am first and the enemy is behind me.

The Lord is everywhere, everywhere he is with me.

Key, tongue, lock. Amen".

This jelly can be drunk or eaten as a regular drink. You don't need to cook it all day either. But beforehand, thinking about the work for at least one day, it is necessary to read the pre-conspiracy prayers and think about what will be done.

Sixth: Note

It is necessary for 30 days in a row at any time of the day, but it is better in the evening to write a note on a piece of white (unlined) paper with the following content:

"All my enemies, witches, sorcerers,

witches, all your miracles,

damage, evil eye, slander, disease,

envy, anger - into your own bodies."

Then light a church or white candle and, looking at it, pray in any form and ask God for help. Take a white saucer, set fire to a note from a candle, put it on a saucer and let it burn out on its own (preferably without touching it with your hands). Carefully carry the ashes remaining on the saucer and flush them down the toilet, making sure that the ashes in no case fly off the saucer (If this happens, then the witchcraft of your ill-wishers will reach the goal, and will not come back to them).

Seventh: Protection from Enemies On Wax

They pronounce a conspiracy on wax, mold wax on a cross, saying:

“Be famous, servant of God (name),

the life-giving cross at the right hand and alone,

front, back.

The cross is on me, a servant of God (name),

cross in front of me, cross behind me.

May the whole army of enemies flee from my cross.

Lightning will flash the power of the Cross,

scorch and blind enemies.

Christ is near me and all the power of heaven:

Michael, Gabriel, Urinya and Raphael, archangels and angels.

Lord's forces, seraphim, saints guardian angels,

devoted to me for the preservation of my soul and body

from holy baptism.

Angels of God pray for me the Savior,

to save me from enemies,

to bless this amulet.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Eighth: To the photo

For him, you will need a photograph of the enemy, where he will be depicted alone (a conspiracy can bring trouble to those people who will be with him in the photo). So, you need to take a photograph, and winding a black woolen thread around it, repeat the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“My word is directed to that,

so that the dark work of my enemy (the name of the enemy) is at an impasse.

I wind the black thread, the enemy's business (name of the enemy)

How do I weave a web.

Let my enemy (name of the enemy) get confused,

strays, and forgets about his unkind deed.

May it be so!"

After you read the plot seven times, take the two ends of the thread, tie them into three knots and say the final words of the plot:

"As I want, so be it!"

After that, a photograph of your enemy, tied with black thread, must be burned on an open fire. This conspiracy is very strong, you need to use it very carefully. And in no case should you use this conspiracy to harm innocent people.

Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 22 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Words that make an evil sorcerer suffer

From a letter: “... For nine years our family has been shedding tears. It started small, or so I think.

One day my husband suggested changing my place of residence. He believed that if we moved to live in a village, then we definitely would not be lost there. We will have our own land, we will have livestock, we will grow our own vegetables and fruits.

In the city we had neither a dacha nor a plot, and we did not know how to earn money.

In general, we sold our apartment, moved to the village and began to live. The house was strong and big. The soil in the garden is black and greasy, and there were many fruit trees.

We bought a cow and began to sell milk, but not in the village, but near the station. The cow gave good, fatty milk, and a lot.

But here's the problem: we will bring dairy products to sell, and we bring almost everything back. An old woman was standing next to me, and everything was immediately sold out from her. Apparently, she felt sorry for me, and Katerina, that was the name of that grandmother, said to me:

- I will help you, I know such a word, everything will be sorted out quickly from you, like mine.

And indeed, as soon as I get up with my products, buyers will swoop in and buy everything. I began to raise prices, they still snap everything up.

Once, as always, I was standing at the railway station market. In addition to milk, sour cream and cream, I have already begun to carry mushrooms, salsa and tomatoes with cucumbers. Baba Katya was standing with me. She asked to look after her goods and sell them if a buyer came, while she herself went away.

People came up and took either mine or Baba Katya's goods. Although, to be honest, my product was much more beautiful and appetizing.

I don’t know why I did it then, but, apparently, the demon beguiled me. I began to find fault with the goods of the woman Katya, I said:

- Do not take it, she waters her vegetables with human shit, and her cow is sick, there is blood in her milk.

In general, Baba Katya came; My product is sold out, but hers is intact.

I said goodbye to her and went home, and in the evening Baba Katya came into my yard. I was not surprised, because we lived with her on the same street. Only I wanted to offer her a cup of tea, as she tells me:

“I took pity on you, I whispered secret words so that you would have an abyss of milk and everything would be bought from you, and you, shamelessly, slander me. I am 78 years old, and in my life I have never watered my garden with muck. I get up before dawn, go around every blade of grass, water all the cucumbers, tomatoes with love. I think with joy how people will buy it all from me and then they will eat at the table. Yes, how did your filthy tongue turn for the sake of money to pour mud on a human soul!

At that moment, I would have to obey her, and I, stupid, acted according to the saying “ best defense- attack. I attacked Baba Katya, swore at her and kicked her out of the hut. When I pushed her, she fell, but I did not lift her and the door slammed shut.

At the place where she fell, I then found a chain with a cross. It can be seen that when she fell, a chain flew off her. The chain turned out to be gold, and I tidied it up.

An hour later, Baba Katya came and said:

- Give back what I lost from you, give me my cross, my mother wore it on me.

But I, Natalya Ivanovna, felt sorry for giving away the gold. I honestly write everything to you, as in spirit, as in confession. I did not give her the cross, explaining that I did not see anything, saying:

“Look where you put it, but I don’t have it.”

Last time kindly ask, return mother's cross, and for this I will forgive all your stupid words.

But I again began to swear and drive Baba Katya out of the yard.

She said nothing more, turned and left, and since then everything has gone topsy-turvy for me. The cow stopped milking. We have changed more than one, but only the udder is large, and there are two drops of milk. I already did this: we buy a cow, we make a control milk yield, there is a lot of milk, and as soon as we bring the cow home, that's it, the milk is gone.

I don’t go to the market for a long time, anyway we can’t sell anything: neither from the yard, nor from the garden.

And Baba Katya, although she is almost 90 years old, runs to the market, gives money for the temple to those who are starving.

She never gave me money, although I live worse than those she helps.

Dear Natalya Ivanovna, You know all sorts of vengeance, teach me such a prayer that the sorceress Katya howled, and the sky seemed like a sheepskin to her!

I really know such words, I also know Ekaterina Filippovna, but I won’t let anyone offend mine.

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