Glass pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. Pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle: hypotheses are breeding. Mysterious energy system

The Bermuda Triangle is not geographical name, but conditional, or, rather, even newspaper and book. Since it was first named so in the newspaper AP (USA) and in the book of Charles Berlitz.

Where did the "triangle" come from?

Interestingly, scientists are talking about anomalies in an area that resembles another geometric figure - a rhombus. So later, experts outlined more accurately the border of the air-sea hazard in the Atlantic. On the map, this is near Bermuda, as well as Puerto Rico and the south of the Florida Peninsula (USA).

The "Triangle", replicated by journalists, fiction writers, was entrenched not only on newsprint, in books, films. He entered the minds of millions of inhabitants of the planet as something unpredictable that scientists need to investigate in more detail. At the airports of several countries of the Old World, passengers flying to both parts of America often fearfully ask the stewards: “ Over the Bermuda Triangle(and in English - Bermuda triangle) are we going to fly? "

Moreover, Bermuda itself is a real tourist Mecca for the United States and Canada, and for Europe and Asia. The nouveau riches live here in luxury hotels, while other tourists are comfortable settling in the coastal bungalows.

Airplanes arrive and depart there, ports accept ocean liners.

And none of their captains is afraid that the aircraft will go off course due to the failure of navigation devices, and the ships will tighten the giant seaweed of the sea in the middle of the Atlantic - Sargasso.

Its strength lies in the fact that it is surrounded by four high-speed currents, often weak ships sail slower here. And so they can be deployed and pulled onto the algae. From Space, it looks colorful and attractive: like a large lake on a land area with green islands - not isolated from each other, you can swim to the neighboring ones by boat.

Pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle: truth or fiction?

Oceanologist Meyer, using a locating instrument at a depth of 2,000 feet (600 meters), examined something reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids. But the underwater structure was three times larger than the tallest structure in Ancient Egypt - the pyramid of Cheops. According to his calculations, the material is smooth, rather thick glass. Even he was struck by the age of 1991 - half a century. That is, this is our civilization! And she's not alone there.

There was a sensation in the scientific world, because these are not speculations or fantasies.

All data is supported by accurate location data, graphics, photographs and data from echo sounders and computer equipment on the scientific ship. After sensational reports, any facts about the find instantly ceased to appear in the media. Scientists have suggested: someone leads away from the solution. It is no secret that the US intelligence services are carefully studying UFO flights in this area. And they are unprofitable for all kinds of research in this area of ​​the Atlantic.

In the United States, data occasionally appear that this area generates enormous energy, and anomalies of the water area originate from it. Glass pyramids are also included in this process. It seems that the underwater giants are migrating, since the building that Meyer found, he has not been able to find again for two decades. Now she seems to be already close Puerto Rico.

It is possible that 40 years ago, fishermen here with their instruments also showed an elevation in the form of a pyramid. Ufologist Charles Berlitz organized a study of the site, which confirmed the finding at the bottom of an equilateral pyramid with a height of one and a half hundred meters.

Similar underwater finds are not uncommon. A 20-meter stepped structure was found in the Land of the Rising Sun in a lake. There were also several smaller pyramids. They survived more than others in the Celestial Empire. Scientists believe that this is an underwater city of an ancient civilization, but how it got there, they find it difficult to answer.

Mysterious and ships are not the only mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. In 1991, oceanographer Dr. W. Meyer, using sonars at a depth of approximately 2,000 feet, discovered strange pyramid-like structures. These structures were simply gigantic in size. In height, they were 3 times higher than the Cheops pyramid, which is the largest pyramid on land. The scientist conducted research, as a result of which he was able to establish that underwater pyramids made of a very smooth material, possibly thick glass. In addition, Meyer believes that the age of the pyramids is about half a century, therefore, they could not have been built by past civilizations.

These mysterious pyramids are located in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle. According to the scientist, if the secrets associated with the strange pyramids are revealed, then it will be possible to get closer to unraveling the secrets of the Bermuda triangle itself.

The news made a splash. Meyer held a press conference in the Bahamas, where he acquainted journalists with the exact coordinates of the pyramids, graphs of their images, photographs and echograms, as well as a report on their research. Thanks to sonars and computerized analyzers located on the ship, it was possible to obtain images of the pyramids, according to which they are perfectly smooth, there are no algae on their surface and the presence of other forms of ocean flora or fauna. On the material from which the mysterious pyramids were created, there were no seams, cracks or slots, as if they were created from a single monolithic piece. Meyer pointed out that the technology used to build the underwater pyramids, modern science unknown. According to the scientist, an underwater study of the pyramids is necessary in order to obtain more accurate data.

However, after the Bahamian press conference in the media, messages about mysterious underwater structures practically ceased to appear. As if someone is deliberately hiding information from the general public. Most likely this is due to the fact that they often fly out of the water or quickly go to the ocean floor. It is known that such flights are often observed, and the special services are tracking them. Scientific experts and US intelligence officials believe that the underwater complex produces a colossal amount of energy, which explains the anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle area. It is possible that glass pyramids are only part of a huge energy complex.

Despite the evidence provided by Meyer for the existence of a pyramid at the bottom of the ocean, it is difficult to find. For the second decade, Meyer's supporters have been trying to find the mysterious pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to serious calculations, it was possible to establish that the pyramid may be located near Puerto Rico. Researchers working on this issue believe that there is some kind of mysterious connection between all the pyramids that exist on Earth. Such pyramids are found not only in Egypt or Mexico, similar structures have been found in many places on our planet: Brazil, China, Russia, Japan, Australia, Ukraine. And that's not all the countries in which the pyramids are found.

Most of the pyramids are on land. But there are some that have been found under water. In addition to the pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle, not so long ago, a step pyramid with a height of about 20 m was found in China. It consists of stone slabs and is located at the bottom of a lake in the Chinese province of Yunnan. This is the largest and best-preserved pyramid, but in addition to it, nine more structures of the same size were discovered at the bottom of the lake, and about two dozen other objects scattered throughout the bottom. According to scientists, these structures were built ancient civilization and represent a sunken city. The pyramids at the bottom of a lake in China do not cause a lot of controversy and questions, but pyramids in the bermuda triangle still remain shrouded in mystery.

It should be pointed out that V. Meyer was not the first to point out the existence of underwater pyramids in the Atlantic. The Russian scientist S. Proskuryakov in 1977 in one of his works mentioned that the echo sounders of a fishing vessel sailing near Bermuda recorded a strange hill resembling a pyramid. This mention was the reason for the organization of an expedition to the Bermuda region by the famous American ufologist and atlantologist Charles Berlitz. According to the members of the expedition, they actually managed to find a strange mountain located at a depth of 400 m, which strongly resembled a pyramid. The height of the pyramid was approximately 150 m, the sides were of equal length

Two scientists, Pavel Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitski, working with an underwater robot off the coast of Cuba, have confirmed the presence of a huge ancient city with pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

The buildings of the city include several sphinxes. The outlines of four pyramids similar to the Egyptian ones are clearly visible. Along with other buildings, they are located within the boundaries of the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

Artifacts of the Cuban pyramid complex indicate that a city existed on this site. The flooding of the land occurred due to the rise in the level of the earth. These data indicate the similarity of the area with that described in the legend of Atlantis.

The catastrophe could have occurred at the end of the ice age. The Arctic ice sheet was melting, causing a sharp rise in sea levels around the world and especially in the northern hemisphere. The coastlines have changed shape: many lands have been buried under the water column. Islands, even of continental origin, disappeared without a trace.

By the end of the Ice Age, sea levels were about 300 meters higher than today. Modern technology could possibly save Atlantis. These circumstances indicate that at the bottom of the Caribbean there were buildings of an ancient civilization.

Scientists note that part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was freed from water, including Bioniz and the Azores around it. The water level rose rapidly and was distributed evenly in the East and West. The mountain range between Cuba and Yucatan is the natural border between the two cardinal points. Passing the Persian Gulf and the Caribbean, the water settled.

Hydrostatic changes took place about 12,900 years ago. The slow rise and filling of the Hudson Basin brought about the end of the Ice Age.

Bermuda Triangle: Atlantis at the bottom of the ocean

According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez, the underwater city was discovered several decades ago. However, access for research teams was stopped until the Cuban missile crisis was resolved.

“The US government discovered the alleged death site of Atlantis in the sixties - during the missile crisis in Cuba. Nuclear submarines at depth have identified the location of pyramidal structures. The area was declared secret, the authorities took control of the historical site, closing it, first of all, from the Soviet Union. "

The scientific team, formed of ocean experts, archaeologists and historians, concluded that at the bottom of the ocean, about 300 meters below sea level, there are the ruins of an ancient city. They unanimously decided that this was the sunken Atlantis.

The pyramids and sphinxes in the Caribbean Sea are much more massive than the Egyptian ones. That the island of Cuba is a relic of the once mighty ancient culture confirmed by Zalitski's discoveries. Ancient symbols and pictograms identical to Egyptian hieroglyphs were found on the ruins of some buildings. They are also visible on underwater structures.

Taking measurements under water, they found structures similar to those in Egypt, but much larger in size. According to scientists, the pyramids of Atlantis were built of stones weighing hundreds of tons.

IN the oldest city the magnificent statues of the sphinxes are installed. Some stones are arranged in sequence like Stonehenge. The written language is engraved on the stone.

Perhaps this is the most important discovery that will change the course of the history of all mankind.

Fernandez writes:

“I confirm that the stones have been cut and polished to fit tightly together to form large structures. They have strange inscriptions similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs. There are also symbols and pictures, the meaning of which is unknown. "

Exploration at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle of Atlantis continues as part of the Exploramar project.

Fernandez interviewed scientists about the likelihood that the ruins really belong to the civilization of Atlantis. To which the answer was given:

“Aborigines, the Olmecs, who are distinguished by their original culture, still live in Yucatan today. They believe that their ancestors lived on an island that sank during a natural disaster. This island was called Atlanticú (Atlantic). Locals pass on from fathers to sons the legend of the sudden flood of the wonderful Atlantis. "

During Fernandez's interview with Pavel Zalitski about who built the city, the scholar replied:

“We have already published news about this find. Veracruz State University was interested in research and took samples of stone structures at seabed... The artifacts were donated to the University of Anthropology. They analyzed the origin of the ruins and the modern genotype of the Olmecs. When they saw the underwater photos, they drew a parallel with the ruins found during excavations on the island.

The Olmecs and other indigenous peoples have their own ideas about the origin of the continent of Cuba. They claim that the island came into being as a result of strong earthquake and flooding of part of the land.

As a result of the analysis of the data on the origin, it turned out that the peoples descended from three families who were miraculously saved. They sailed to the coast of Veracruz, where the Olmecs live today. Another group came to Central America and settled on the Pacific coast. They created a civilization in the North and South America and spread their knowledge there.

When anthropologists saw the images of the underwater city, they were extremely surprised to see symbols and inscriptions with Olmec motives in them.

The philosopher Plato mentioned in his writings about the Olmec peoples - the descendants of Atlantis destroyed at the end of the Ice Age due to the re-watering of Atlantis.

The architecture of Cuba's underwater city is reminiscent of the art of old Tikal in Guatemala. This fact also testifies to the discovery of the place of death of the Atlantis civilization.

Exploration of the pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

Oceanographer Polina Zielitski also spoke about her findings:

“The sunken city was probably built at the beginning of the classical period and was inhabited by an advanced civilization like Teotihuacan in the Yucatan. At a depth of 700-800 meters, they explored a huge plateau with structures representing the layout of the city. Pyramidal structures, roads and buildings are clearly distinguishable. " -

This sensational discovery has already spread all over the world. It seems that the mythical sunken continent described by Plato has finally been found, and it is in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the coast of Cuba, in the very center of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle! Thanks to two enthusiastic scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitski, the world community received sensational images of an underwater mega-city, which clearly show giant pyramids, megalithic structures, numerous structures with unknown inscriptions and even sphinxes.

The research was carried out using deep-sea robotic submarines. Thanks to them, at least four pyramids and several sphinxes were discovered - exactly the same as in Egypt, but much larger in size than the pyramids at Giza. All structures are located 600 feet below sea level. Numerous structures were also found under the layer of silt - buildings, columns and sculptures, the purpose of which is not yet clear.

It turns out that the underwater giant city was discovered back in the 60s of the 20th century by submarines from the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Access to it was immediately blocked so that this find would not end up in the hands of the USSR. Fifty years later, scientists began exploring the underwater shores of Cuba in the hope of confirming the existence of the flooded city, and their efforts were crowned with success.

Researchers believe the city was flooded by a massive flood at the end of the last Ice age... Needless to say, this discovery completely coincides with the stories of Plato about Atlantis, which have long been considered a legend. At the time, the water level was 400 feet lower. Rapidly melting glaciers have dramatically raised sea levels, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. Apparently, no Atlantean technology could save the city from this global catastrophe, as they could not save us now. modern technologies... The landform has changed - islands and even entire island continents have been flooded. This happened supposedly 12,900 years ago. All that remains of Atlantis is Cuba.

Proof that Cuba is a remnant of a once powerful Atlantic civilization are the letters and symbols discovered by Paulina Zalitski in Cuba, which are identical to the letters found on underwater structures. Scientists note that this ancient language we do not know, but some of the symbols found are similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The blocks from which the underwater pyramids are built have a weight of several hundred tons. As in the Egyptian pyramids, they are perfectly matched to each other and have a smooth, sanded surface. In addition, some of the buildings are similar to the famous Stonehenge, and the sphinxes are exactly the same as the famous Egyptian Sphinx, only larger in size.

Is the city found really the famous Atlantis? Experts note that the aboriginal cultures that still exist on the Yucatan Peninsula and in northern Central America, as well as the Olmec culture that preceded them, according to legends among these peoples, originate from an island that sank as a result of a cataclysm. They still call this island Atlanticu.

Paulina Zalitski also said that when they first published pictures of the finds, they became interested in the Institute of Anthropology, which conducted archaeological research on the ruins of the Olmec civilization. According to archaeologists, they found many parallels and similar elements between these photographs and the buildings of the Olmecs that they investigated, right down to similar symbols and patterns. Anthropologists were very surprised by this fact.

The Olmecs and other indigenous peoples have a morphology of language that clearly indicates their origin from the continent of Atlantis. They came from the direction of Cuba, and their continent sank in a giant earthquake. The morphology of the Aboriginal peoples indicates that they descended from three families who were saved after the flood. The first family landed on the shores of Veracruz and, presumably, formed the Olmec civilization. The rest moved to Central America, made it to the shores The Pacific and shaped the American Indian civilization as we know it today.

Independent diving teams from the United States and France have also confirmed the existence of another giant crystal-like pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. It was first discovered in 1960 and, probably, also has a larger size than the Cheops pyramid.

Exploration of the underwater metropolis will continue as part of a project called Exploramar. Needless to say, these discoveries are capable of changing the entire human history?

While scientists are analyzing the discoveries made, we invite you to get acquainted with the books of Anastasia Novykh to learn more about the times when the mysterious Atlantis existed. The book "Birds and a Stone" will tell you about many riddles human civilization and will help to take a fresh look at the history of the Earth. In the Sensei series of books, you will find not only information about Atlantis, but also sensational knowledge that scientists have yet to discover. All books can be downloaded from our site for free!

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

And where did the Lotus Temple come from in those days?

This temple was here long before, and it is now.

And "long before that" is when? - tried to clarify Max.

In times previous civilization Alt-Landy.

Atlantis ?!

Yes, - Sensei nodded. - Back then, Rigden Djappo's “residence” was located practically in the middle of the Black Sea. There was no sea in those days. There was only a small lake with beautiful, picturesque shores ... So, it was at that time in these places that the underground Lotus Temple was laid with a fragment of Chintomania as a source of power and a place for the future spiritual rebirth of mankind. Hence, such an attractiveness to this day to this place for spiritual people.

Anastasia Novykh Birds and a stone

In the 90s of the 20th century, a scientist studying the oceans W. Mayer, explored the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, highly sensitive equipment recorded pyramidal structures at a depth of about 400 meters. These mysterious pyramids were almost 500 meters high! This is much more than, for example, the height of the Cheops pyramid. These pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle are made of glass or a material very similar to it.

But what is very strange, after the public announcement of scientists about the discovery of the Bermuda pyramids, the US naval forces immediately classified all research.

Why such secrecy? What did they find there?

Ocean scientist W. Mayer claims that the age of these mysterious Bermuda pyramids is only about 500 years. This is very strange, because half a millennium is not so long by historical standards. There should have been some information about the construction of these mysterious pyramids.

But why would anyone build glass structures, especially under water? Most likely, this is not the creation of human hands. It has long been known that in other Egyptian pyramids, physical laws stop working. The water left in such a pyramid acquires the healing properties of "living" water; the aging process of the body ceases to function; food does not spoil; a few hours of being in such a pyramidal structure gives vigor and strength for several days in advance, etc.

Many craftsmen, knowing about these properties, keeping the proportions of the Egyptian pyramids, build their exact reduced copies in their backyards. Could it be that the still unexplored anomalous properties of the pyramids give rise to mysterious incidents and phenomena? There are several versions about what is at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

A theory has been put forward that the mysterious Bermuda pyramids at the bottom are an alien base. Indeed, many eyewitnesses often observe UFOs, luminous balls and cigar-shaped objects in this region. Perhaps ships and airplanes fail due to the actions of frequencies unknown to us, at which extraterrestrial vehicles operate. Or the aliens are simply "removing" witnesses who come too close to their base. The mysterious properties of the pyramids can open "doors" to other dimensions.

And sometimes visitors to the Egyptian pyramids see visions of some unknown places and events of distant eras. There is also a version that the Bermuda pyramids at the bottom of the ocean are the habitat of the surviving Atlanteans, whose native continent died as a result of a man-made disaster.

Another hypothesis taking place is the opinion that the underwater pyramids at the bottom are a small part of a huge planetary network. These structures are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. If you draw lines on the globe to all the mysterious and colossal buildings (Stonehenge, Aztec pyramids, etc.), then, as it were, a rhombic web is formed, enveloping the entire planet. It is unknown what function this planetary network performs and by whom it was built.