School supplies

Did it happen that you went to the Republic of Tatarstan on vacation or for work? Then you are in luck, Tatarstan, this is a wonderful place where you can relax even during a business trip. The incredible landscapes with which this republic is filled cannot but sink into the soul and please the eye. Arriving for work or on vacation, for example, in Kazan, you can visit one of 7 theaters, one or several museums, there are 388 of them throughout the republic, or admire the wonderful rivers Volga and Kama.

Undoubtedly, in big cities, the local population knows Russian well, but what if you need to communicate with the inhabitants of the provinces? In this case, our Russian-Tatar phrasebook will help you, which consists of several useful topics.


Welcome dear guests!Rehim ittegez (hush kildegez), kaderle kunaklar!
Guests have come to usBezge kunaklar kilde
Good morning!Haerle Irte!
Good afternoon!Haerle Kon!
Good evening!Haerle Keach!
Get to knowTanysh bulygyz (tanyshygyz)
My surname is KhairullinSurnames Khairullin
Let me introduce you my friend (companion)Sezne ipteshem (yuldashym) belen tanyshtyryrga rokhset ittegez
Glad to meet you!Seznen belen tanyshuybyzga shatbyz!
Meet this is my family:Tanysh bulygyz, bu minem gailam:
My wife, my husbandKhatyn, irem
Our kidsBalalarybyz
Our grandmother, our grandfatherEbiebez, bababyz
Our mother-in-law, our father-in-lawKaenanabyz, kaenatabiz
How are you doing?Eshlaregez niche?
OK, thank youRahmat, abet
Where can you find a job here?Monda kaida urnashyrga bula?
Where are you staying?Sez kayda tuktaldygyz?
We stayed at the Kazan HotelWithout "Kazan" hotel
How long have you been here?Sez ozakka kildegesme?
Why did you come?Not really kildegesis?
I came on a business tripBusiness trip kildem
How is your health?Salametlegegez niche?
How is your family?Gailgez nor khelde?
Aren't you very tired from the road?Yulda bik arymadygyzmy?

The language barrier

I don't speak Tatar.Min tatarcha soyleshmim.
Do you speak Tatar?Sez tartarcha soyleshesme?
Please speak more slowly.Zinhar, ekrenrek eytegez.
What did he (she) say?Ul nerse eitte?
We need a translator.Bezge terzhemeche kirek.
Do you understand me?Sez mine anlysizm?
I understood you.Min sezne anladim.
Please repeat one more time.Kabatlagyz, zinhar, tagyn Ber tapkyr.
I study the Tatar languageMin Tatars Telen Oirenem
I want to learn to speak (read, write) in TatarMinem tatarcha soylesherge (ukyrga, yazarga) oirenesem kile
Do you understand Tatar?Sez Tatarch anlysyzmy?
I understand a little in TatarMin tatarcha beraz anlyim
I understand a little, but I cannot speakMin beraz anlyim, lekin soyleshe almyim
You speak too fastSez artyk teese soylysez
You are in a hurrySez bik ashygasyz
Tagyn ber tapkyr kabatlagyz ele
Please speak slower!Zinqar, akrynrak soylegez!
What did you say?Sez no didegez?
What is he (a) talking about?Ul nerse turnda soili?
What she said)?Ul no didde?
Please tell meEytegezche (eytegez ele)
What is it called in Tatar?Tatarcha bu nichek deep atala?
Is it okay (right) am I saying?Min eibet (dores) soilymme?
You speak well (right)Sez Abet (Dores) Soilises
I do not know such a wordMin andyi suzne belmim
Do you understand me?Sez mine anladygyzmy?
Can you hear me well?Sez mine yashi ishetesesme?
Please repeat one more timeTagyn ber tapkyr kabatlagyzchy (kabatlagyz ele)
How to pronounce this word?Boo narrowed down to niche eyterge?
You pronounce this word correctlySez boo suzne dores aites
Please write this word in TatarBu suzne tatarcha yazigyz ele
Write on this sheetMene bu bitke yazigiz
How will it be in Tatar?Tatarcha bu nichek bula?
Please speak Tatar to meMinem belen tatarcha soyleshegez ele
Do you have a Russian-Tatar dictionary?Ruscha-Tatarcha suzlegegez barmy?
I want to find a study book Tatar language Tatar telen oirenu ochen ber kitap tabasy id
What textbooks are needed to study the Tatar language?Tatar telen oirenu very nindi dereslekler kirek?
Do you have easy books to read in Tatar?Sezde zhinelrek ukyla torgan tatarcha kitaplar barmy?
Yes, I'll bring you tomorrowBar, irtege alyp killermen


0 Zero22 Jägerme ike
1 Ber23 Jägerme och
2 Ike30 Utyz
3 och40 Kyryk
4 Durt50 Ille
5 Bish60 Altmysh
6 Alty70 zhitmesh
7 Jew80 Sixen
8 Siguez90 Tuksan
9 Tugyz100 Yoz
10 Un101 Yoz de ber
11 Un + ber200 Ike joz
12 Unique500 Bish joz
13 Midnight900 Tugyz yoz
14 Undurt1000 Men
20 Jägerme1000000 Ber a million
21 Jägerme ber1000000000 Ber billion


CleanSaf, clean


Character traits


What time is it now?Segat niché?
Nine o'clock in the morning.Irtenge segat tugyz
Three PM.Condezge segat och.
Six o'clock pm.Kichke segat alts.
A quarter past three.Durtenche unbish minutes.
Half past five.Bishenche Yarty.
It's fifteen to twelve.Unique tularga unbish minutes.
It's twenty to eight.Sigez tularga jaegerme minutes.
Five past eight.Tugyzynchy bish minutes.
Day.Kon, condes.
At what time?Segat nichede?
When will you come?Sez kaychan kileses?
An hour later (half an hour).Ber (yarts) segatten dream.
We'll be back in the evening.Without kitsch belen kaytabyz.
Come to us in the evening.Bezge kich belen kilegez.
What year?Nichanche a dick?
In 2012?2012 night a fuck?
Last (current, next) year.utken (hezerge, kelechek) elda.
In a year.Eldan dream.
Season.I ate beans.
What day is it today?Bugen nindi (kaisa) kon?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayDushembe, sishembe, charshembe, pangeshembe, zhomga, shimbe, yakshembe
I'll be free all day.Min horse bue bush bulam.
January February March…).Gynvar (February, March ...).
A weekAtna.
Last week.utken atnada.
We'll be back late at night.Without tonle belen sleep kaytabyz.
Our train arrives at night.The train is free of charge tonle belen kile.
In the morning.Irte belen.
We will come to you tomorrow morning.Without sezge irtege irte belen kilebez.
What's the date today?Bougain nicese?
Today is the eighteenth of July.Bougain Unsigesenche July.
What date?Kaisa konne?







Thanks, please

Apology, consent, refusal

In hotel

I want to wash myself.Yuanisym kile.
What hotel are you staying at?Sez kaisa kunakhanede tuktaldygyz.
How to get to the hotel?Kunakhanege nichek baryrga?
Can you recommend a hotel to us?Sez bezge kunakhane tekdim ite alasizmy?
Where is the nearest photo studio?In yakyn kayda's photo studio?
When will the photos be ready?Photoresemner kaychan ezer bula?
Send photos to the address ...Photoressemnerne ... adreska zhiberegez.
I left (forgot) my suitcase.Min suitcases are kaldyrganmyn (onytkanmyn).
I wanted to have the suit cleaned.Kastumenne chistartyrga birerge telim.
What floor is your room on?Rooms of gyz nichenche kata?
Is the hotel far from the station?Kunakhane station erakma?
We are expecting guests.Without kunaklar kotebez.
Call me at eight o'clock in the evening.Mina kichke sigezde shaltarygyzchy.
You can wake me up at eight in the morning.Sez mine irtenge sigezde uyatmassiz miken?
Close the door, please.Zinhar, ishekne yabygyz.
I'll go down the stairs.Min Baskychtan Tosherman.
Where is the elevator?Kaida's elevator?
I need a double room.Mine ike keshelek number pick.
This number suits me.Boo min's number is ardent.
Please close the window.Zinhar, terezen yabygyz.
We're leaving today.Without bougain whale-free.
Please take our things down.Beznen eiberlairne aska tosheregezche.

At the hairdresser


In the town

I (we) are the first time in this city.Min (without) bu sheһerde berenche tapkyr.
How did you like the city?Sezge sheһer oshadymy?
What is the coat of arms of your city?Shaһeregeznen coats of arms of nindi?
What does this coat of arms mean?Coat of arms of nersene anlat?
Where is the house number 5.5 nights yort kayda urnashkan?
What is this building?Boo nindi bina?
What's in this building?Bu binada nerse urnashkan?
When was this building built?Bu bina kaychan salyngan?
When was this bridge built?Boo cooper kaychan salyngan?
To whom is this monument erected?Bu uakel kemge kuelgan?
Is there a great view from here?Monnan Mathur Kurenesh?
How to get to the nearest park?In yakyn parka nichek baryp bula?
Let's go down this alley.Boo alley buylap baryik.
What is the name of the central square of the city?Shaһernen uzek maidany nichek atala?
Please walk us to the square.Sez without meidang kader ozata almassizmy?
I don’t know the city as a foreigner.Min chit il keshesse һem sheһerne belmim.
Where is the Turkish Embassy located?Torek embassy of kaida urnashkan?
How to get to the meat (fish, flower, fruit, vegetable, Sunday) market?It (balyk, chechek, zhimek-zhimesh, yashelche, yal horse) bazaars of niche baryp bula?
What is the name of this street?Are we uram and family?
Where is the main street?Bash uram kayda?
How to find Decembrists street?Dekabristlar uramyn nichek tabip bula?
When was this mosque (church) built?Bu machet (chirkeu) kaychan salyngan?
Where does this highway lead to?Bu highway kayda alyp bar?


We wanted to book a hotel room through your agency.Seznen agentlygygyz asha without hotelde (kunakhanede) number of sorarg telibes.
Where to get an entry (exit) visa?Kaida killer very (keter very) alyp bula visa?
Can a visa be extended?Visana zaytyp bulams?
What is the name of this mountain?Bu tau nichek atala?
How high is the mountain?Taunin Bieklege Kupme?
Do you keep a travel diary?Sez seyahat kondalegen alyp barasyzmy?
Which road will we take?Without kaisa yuldan barachakbyz?
We were on the road for three (four) days.Without yulda och (durt) kon buldyk.
Do you like to swim?Sez yozerge yaratasizma?
Do you like swimming in the morning?Sezge irtenge koen oshimy?
What is the population of this city?Bu sheһerde kupme halyk yashi?
What is the name of this island?Boo in the morning niche atala?
Who needs to show a passport?Passport kemge kureterge?
Here's my passport.Menem mines passports.
How is the weather?What are you doing with niches?
What temperature is it now?Heather's temperature?
What the weather will be tomorrow?Irtege һava toryshi nindi bulyr?
Where can I see the timetable for trains (planes, steamers)?Trainlar (planelar, steamer) yoru tertiben kayan beleshep bula?
Is there a steamer on this river?Bu elgada steamer yorilermé?
Is there a power plant on this river?Buelgada hydroelectric power plant of the barmy?
When are you coming home?Sez ogezge kaychan kaytasyz?
Where are you from?Sez kaidan?
Are tourists from different countries gathered here?Monda torle illairden kilgan touristlar zhyelgan.
Where is the tourist bus?Turislarga kayda bus?
What is the excursion program?Excursion programs with nindi?
We need a guide.Bezge guide kirek.

In transport

Where can I take the bus (trolleybus, tram)?Kaida min bus (trolleybus, tram) utyra alam?
What's the fare?Yul haki kupme?
This place is free?Bu uryn bushma?
Let's get off at this stop!eide bu tuktalishtia toshik!
When should we be at the airport?Without kaychan airport bulyrga tieshbez?
Where is the luggage room?Saklaw cameralari kaida?
Take my luggage, please!Alygyzchy luggage.
How much is a ticket to ...?Ticket ... kader kupme torah?
How much does a child ticket cost?Balalar tickets kupme torah?
Is there a free space in the sleeping car?Yoky wagoninda bush uryn barmy?
Where is the first class?Berenche class wagons of kayda?
Where is your (our) compartment?Seznen (beznen) kaida coupe?
How to get to the dining car?Restaurant car nichek uzarga?
Can I smoke in this compartment?Are you in this compartment temeke tartyrga?
How to get to the train station?Railway station nichek baryrga?
How to get to the ticket office?The ticketlar of the cashier's nichek uterge?
Where is the subway entrance?Metroga Keru Kaida?
When does the train arrive (depart)?The kaichan kile (kite) train?
How long does the fast train take?Express train niché segat bar?
Where is our plane?Is the plane of the kayde free?
Tell me, is the weather flying today?heytegezche, bougain ochular bulachakmy?
Where is the taxi stand?Taxi tuktalish kaida?
Call a taxi!Taxi chakyrtygyz!
Please stop here.Monda tuktatygyzchy.

In a restaurant, cafe

Let's go to the bar.Barga kerik.
Please give me two cocktails.Ike cocktail biregezche.
I would drink a mug of dark (light) beer.Min ber a mug of kara (yakty) echer cheese let's go.
I am thirsty (eat).Minem echesem (ashyisym) kile.
Please give me some cold water.Mina salkyn su biregezche.
What do you want for sweet?Sez tatli rizyklardan nor telisez?
Would you like to have breakfast with us?Sez besnen belen irtenge ash asharga telemisezme?
I don't drink hard liquor.Min katy echemlekler echmim.
When is lunch?Condezge ash kaychan bula?
Thank you, I've already had lunch.Rahmet, min ashadim ind.
What's for lunch today?Condezge Ashka Bugen Nerse?
Bon Appetit!Ashlarygyz temle bulsyn!
I want to take a vegetable salad (with sausage, cold meat).Minem (kazylyk, salkyn it belen) yachelche salads alasim kile.
Please pass me the pepper (mustard, salt, vinegar, horseradish).Biregezche mina borych (mustard, toz, serke, Koren).

Mail, phone

Did I spell your address correctly?The address of the gyzny dores yazdymma?
Give your address.Addressyzyzny biregezche (eitegezche).
Where is the parcel accepted?Parcel post monda kabul itelherme?
Please give me a stamped envelope.Markals envelope biregess.
Show me postcards with views of the city.Shaһer kureneshlare belan postcard birmesezme?
I need to send a letter.Minem khat zhiberesem bar.
We will write to you.Without sezge yazachakbyz.
I am waiting (waiting) for your letters.Seznen khatalarygyzny kotem (kotebez).
Where is the nearest pay phone?Ying yakyn kaida booth?
Hello, who's talking?Hello, who are you?
Call the phone (surname).Telefonga (surname + not) chakyrygyz.
I can't hear you well.Min sezne start ishetem.
One minute! Wait by the phone!Ber minutes, phone number yanynda kotep torygyz.

Meeting, greeting, acquaintance - here you will find suitable words to get to know a person, say hello or make an appointment, all in Tatar.

Language - words that will help you better understand what the other person is saying.

Account - translation and correct sounding of the account in Tatar, from 1 to billion.

Properties - words and phrases that will help you characterize a person by his external and psychological characteristics.

Colors - pronunciation and translation of colors and shades.

Character traits - with the help of the words presented here, you can describe the character traits of any person or your own.

Time is a translation of words that are directly related to time.

Pronunciation - phrases and words that will help you find out from the locals whether you have the correct pronunciation of Tatar, you can also ask to write a particular word on a piece of paper or explain how to pronounce the words of interest to you correctly.

Acquaintance - a list of phrases through which you can start an acquaintance.

Appeal - words that help start a conversation or call someone.

Congratulations are all you need for congratulations in the Tatar language.

Invitation - words that will help you invite a person to visit.

Farewell is a list of parting words and phrases.

Gratitude, request - if you need to thank a person or ask for something, you will find the right words in this section.

Apology, agreement, refusal - words that will help you in different form agree on something with the interlocutor, refuse him or ask for an apology for something.

Hotel - if you have arrived in Tatarstan for a long time, you will probably have to rent a hotel room, with this task and throughout your stay, this section will help you to cope with it.

Barber - words with which you can explain which haircut you prefer.

Sleep - phrases that sometimes have to be used before bedtime.

City - a list of phrases that will help you find everything you need in the city, asking passers-by where to go or where this or that building is.

Travel - If you are traveling in Tatarstan, this list of words will definitely come in handy for you more than once. With the help of them, you will find out where it is better to go, what is the history of this or that building or monument, and so on.

Transport - words related to the rental of transport, travel by buses, trains and other types of transport.

Restaurant - if you are hungry, you will want to have a hearty meal, but if you do not know the Tatar language, you will not even be able to call a waiter and order a dish. For such cases, this topic was created.

Mail, phone - do you need to replenish your phone card, send a parcel, or just find out something at the post office? Then open this section, and you will definitely find the right words.

School hygiene- represents the department of public hygiene, which has the task of protecting the health of students from those harmful influences provided by the school; she teaches how to arrange school premises, how to adapt school supplies ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

school- adj., uptr. cf. often 1. School is what is associated with staying, studying at school. School Olympiad in Mathematics. | School items. | School essay... 2. A school teacher, caretaker, etc. is a person who works in ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

SCHOOL- SCHOOL, school, school. 1.add. k school in 1, 2 and 3 values. "A grandiose school building was unfolded across the country." History of the CPSU (b). School property. School network in cities. School building. School watchman. 2.add., By value ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

CHILDREN'S CORNER- CHILDREN'S CORNER. If it is not possible to provide children with a special children's room, it is necessary to give them a separate children's corner in the common room, where they store their toys, books, play and study. Since daylight is especially important ... Brief encyclopedia household

school- oh, oh. 1.add. k school (in 1 and 2 digits). School watchman. School team. School charter. School stadium. School choir. || Associated with staying, studying at school. School friend. School teaching. School friendship. □ Events in ... ... Small academic dictionary

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Youth Unity- The youth organization, created under the ruling party in April 2000 and existed until November 2005, the Youth organization under the Unity party, then under the party United Russia created under the ruling party (by analogy with the Komsomol) and ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Figner, Vera Nikolaevna- Russian political activist. Genus. in 1852 in a noble family in the Kazan province; graduated from the course of the Kazan Institute for noble maidens; in 1870 she married the investigator Filippov, in 1871 she left with him for ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban- This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (disambiguation). The story description in the article or section is too long or detailed in comparison with the rest of the article. Please ... Wikipedia

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- ICD 10 F90.90. ICD 9 314.00314.00 ... Wikipedia


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